The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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fury Stood Ten for Conviction nnd
Two for Acquittal Forcmnn Told
the Comt Thtit nn Agieement Was
Impossible, nnd the Juiois Weie
Dlschniged Police Officer McAn
drew Acquitted of the Chat go of
Assault nnd Battery Other Or.scn
Thnt Wcie Tiled Yesteidny.
The Jurv In the case of Michael Mctz
helspr nnd John Meti-helser, charged
with assault nnd battery und felonious
wounding, respectively, by I. M. Mes
sllt, was yesteitlay afternoon ellseliurged
ft mil further consideration of the case,
sclng unable to ngtee.
l,ate tlif Jury retired nnd
leinniued out nil night. Twice yester
day mornlnR the Jury uslccd Judge Me
ritire to discharge them, but lie le
fusecl, telling the Jiiuiih thnt It wun
their duty to harmonize their differ
ences and agree upon a veitllet U It
uasi nt nil possible.
At I o'clock yesterday afternoon the
Jury again sent u leeiuest to the Judge
to dlsehitige them. He suggested to the
nUnineys tlial they accept n majority
verdict, but the district uttoiney ic
fused to, and he oideird the Juiy to be
bi ought Into com t.
The foi email, ('. P. Judwln. told the
Judge he iiiiisldeied a verdict Im
possible, and the ud'o theioupon dls
ohnigcd them. The iitiy stood ten lor
acquittal and tvSo lor conviction.
TIip Ilrst case taken up in tout l loom
No. 2, yesterday, was one In which
Tomey Dutmnan was defendant. Charles
Ankicv, U7, the prosecutor. alleged that
on the evening of September 2, Inst, he
and the defendant veie pni Inking "f
beer nt :i hotel on the South Side. On
tlut oic.ision the defendant was nt
llied In a pair nt tt ousel a In which lie
took pildc. Without cause or
wainiiiR the attacked him,
shaking him seveiely, after which It
was discovered that the ti ousel s weie
s.idly toin: Uhrp. RiiplllR lents appeal -Iiir
In the western portion theieof,
theieby occasioning the Infcicnee that
the attack was fiom the leai. The de
fendant denied making anv nialielous
oiislauRlit, eilliei upon the defendant
en his Mouses, and slated that he
flmplv laid his hand upon the piose-
mtoi's sleeve, in an effoit to pei
Miade him to leniain and pnitake of
more beei. The eidlct was not Riiilty,
and the costs weie divided.
falsi: prtrrnxci: phaik:i:d.
.lolin F. Aimbrust. who lccently con
ducted a meat maikct on Penn avenue,
was on uijil befoie Judge New comb,
. haigcd with obtalnliiR merchandise
fiom the Ctidahy Packing company
under false pietenes. D fl. Sabin.
Cudfih.v's local m.m.iRrr, lestllied that
nn Julv IP, moi, he tailed at the defend
ant's place of business and that the de
fendant eleltveied to him a statement
of his financial condition lor the pui
poe of obtalnlns ciedit. The statement
vas offeied in evidence and .set forth
ill it the defendant, whose signature
was, attadud, was worth $4,000 and bad
io debts of any kind, and, further, that
ii was mode loi the pin pose of obtain
ing goods tmni tne Cuduhj Packing
The commonwealth then called ail
ous witnesses., including lepieseiuatives
f he arious local packing houses, who
testified that cm July 1.", 1901, the de
lendaiu was indebted to them in a sum
usgiegaling about U.ilCrt. A i-rtitUd
copv oi the lecoid ol Pnlted Stales Dis
nlct com l disclosed that about Janu
ur.v. liii).'. the defendant Hied a petition
in bankiupuy, in which he scheduled
vuiious debts owed bv him ,nul which
c!lelos, j that he was Indebted lo ail
ous cone ems on Julv IS, 1101, the dale
of i he dellvei.v nt the t,t lenient to the
It.'O-ei nun.
The dPlendam admittec! siKning and
giving the statement to the piosccutoi,
mil st,,tc.(i that he simply (Hied it out
is dilutee! I) Ml. S ihin, who told him
fiat It was sini)l ,t matter ol toim;
that he had no intention to ilefuuid the
emnpan.v and thought that his trade
and outstanding account would moie
than balance his Iiidebttdues . Altoi
ipy C, II, Sopnr lepiescnted the de
le nclant, and Attoinev Donnellj, the
nosetlltoi. A eidlct ot guilty, with
l ''commendation of etieme meuy, was
leluined late In the afttinnor..
Wllllim II, Junes was innvlited of
d'lr.iudliiR his boiidliiR mMies-,, Fan
nl Pulzei The delendant as not
prescni dm lug the tilnl, but was lep
itteutcd by Attorney M, I, Tayloi,
Muitlr I,,neh wan acquitted, vc-tei-rtuy.
ol the lummy m $10.SO nom Pat
ilck Mannlou, loi which he was tued
hf'lote Judge Xewcomb, Wednesday, A
vtidlet of acquittal was al-o lendcied
In ihe ease ag -Inst John (iolls, chaigcd
with nuilleious mlvehler by bi caking
ill" window nnd .shutter of Deluunie.
J.acKavwiiina und Western passengei
couch. The costs weie' placed upon the
James Wllll'ims, a ouiig nnin who
lives at Olyphant, vves comic ted of
being tho father of the child boin to
lei tie Wood In June, 11)0, Miss Wood
Is now only 17 ,e.u.s of age. Williams
was .sentenced to tlueo mouths In the
minty Jail. Ills mother tainted as sen
tence was Imposed and had lo be
ilni from tho eouit loom,
Pntiolmaii William McAndiew, of
r'.U'boiidiilc, was acquitted nt the chaise
of eomniltllnp, an assault and battery
nn James Kelly, while placing him
undei an est, and the piosecutor w,H
dliectcd lo nav the costs.
At adjourning hour, CToncioso Splotta
was on tlial, charged with tolug to
criminally nssault Mis. Matin Zlc.udl,
nt hei home In punmene, on December
21, hiht. Tho defendant, it is alleged,
llueateneel to shoot Mis. Zlcaidi unless
she submitted to him
A nol pios, was enteied, on i.'yment
of cosib, In the case of Thomas Nolan,
uharged with being the lather ot tho
child of Ilildget Oakley, Michael Hon
iiutt, of Caibondale, wna acquitted of
,Jie charge or malicious mischief, pre
fened by Mrs. Jane Heap, of thnt city.
A Priceless Book Sent Free for the
"Thoio he books and books!" some
edifying, others entertaining, and Htllt
nlheiB Instructive. The nveniRe man Ii
so busily eiigaged In the labor ot money
limiting that he has little time nnd less
Inclination for hooka which Instinct;
hence when he feels out of sol t', either
he gives no heed lo N'atuic's warning,
or ho consiiHil a physician, at an ex
pense which n little knowledge would
have enabled him lo avoid. There In
probably no complaint upon which tho
public Is po little hummed, on hemoi
rholds, or piles; this little book tells nil
about their natiue, cause and euro; It
treats of the different forms ot blind,
bleeding, Itching nnd protruding plies,
dcerlbos their symptoms, and points
the way to a cure so simple nnd Inex
pensive, that anyone can understand
and apply. The Importance ol piompt
ness mid thoroughness Is vital, for the
disease will not cine Itself, and Natutc.
alone, unaided, will not accomplish a
cure, while the consequences uie too
p.'dnful for detailed description. You
nro told how piles originate, the leason
for their appeal mice usually being that
some of the rules of corieet living have
been violated, nnd (what Is mote to the
point), how you may i It yourself of
this banc of human existence. All af
fections nt tho rectum ate treated In
simple, plain language, so that nil mayi
undei stand, and learn how the cause'
may be lemoved. Manv people suffer
fiom plies, because after tiylng the nu
merous lotions, ointments and salves
that are on the maikct, without lollef,
they come to the conclusion that a sui
glcal opeiallnn Is the only thing left to
try, and rather than submit to the
shock and risk to life of an opeiatlcm,
piefer to suffer on. This little book
tells how this may be avoided, and a
cute be eflected without pain, Incon
venience or detention fiom business.
AVrlte your name and addiess plainly
on a postal coid, mall to the Pyramid
Dtug Co, Mat shall, Mich., and you
will leech e the book by letuin mall.
JsL. , SI
Friday's Leading Feature Will Be a
Bamboo Corner Chair
Exactly Like Picture.
It was designed bv mi intll, that In pertain
rmiMtiuclcd of selected bamboo stock, teat ccueiecl wllh
line matting, It otfets a lefiOHliliig titnimo I tutu tlin eoinen-
lloiul cornel iienl! usually so stilf In both shape and pike
Tills chair actlt.illv lemesentu ' 0) woith
Is the Pilelay Pilce
Crejdit You?
Certainly !
Wyoming Ave.
When court adjourned, n juty was
out deliberating on the case of A, D.
Hobeits, who was charged by Mis.
Saiah fioss with having attempted to
assault her at her home in Thioop.
Mis. Cioss' husband was at the time
employed by Koberts. The defense was
an alibi und an allegation that it was a
suite action
At adjourning hour in No. 1, l,eonmd
Curtis, a police officer of PeckIIle,
on tilal charged with committing an
assault and battery on Benjamin Claik.
The latter has been working dining tho
stiike, and it is alleged that on the
night of August 24 he was assaulted
and placed under airest without cause.
John Thomas was on trial in No. 2 at
adjournment, chaiged with committing
in assault and battel y on his slstei,
Mis. Maltha Reese.
Hills of partieulflts weie filed csteidu.v
in the ensps charging Bomlnlc r IM
dington and Joseph Spitzet with selling
Ilquoi on Sunday
To llll a vacancy caused l,v the death
of William B Dols, Thomas Jones was
enterday appointed judge of election of
the Third district of the Sixth waul, of
this city.
William A. Schlftri is the plaintiff in a
ticspass suit begun Nestenlay against the
fScianton Steel company and Wllkes-
Hane and Scianton Iiallw.iv romptnv to
leeoter damages loi injuiy to his piop
eity caused by the llooels.
C B. Gaiduer. master in the ea.seiof the
John Church company, against M. W.
Ciuciiisey and 11. I. Guernsey, esterday
filed his repoit. It shows a balance in
lavor ot the Gueinsejs ol $9.S"i7.1t with In
teiest Ii om J.lliuii .0, 1 D(C
The petition of IMwaid T.oughlln foi
the appointment of a guaidian foi Dald
Guukher was jesteielay dismissecl li
Judge Xewcomb, it haln been found
that I.oughlln. under the law, hud no
standing as such a petitionei.
How's ThlsP
Wo oflci Ono Hunched Oolluis Iteward
for any case of cnt.iirh tliut cannot bo
em eel by Hull's Catimli c.'iuej.
P J, CllUNRV v CO.. Toledo, O
We, tho iindeislgiu'd. havei known P. J,
Cheney for the lasi 15 ymrs, and belieu
him peileclly honoiable In all hubine-bs
transactions nnd tin incially able to cairy
out any obligations nude by their firm.
tVKST & TIU'AX, Wholesale Urugglsts,
Toledo. O.
holcsalo Diugglhts. ToleHlo. O.
Ilairw Calm Hi Cine is taken internally,
nctlm: dlrccll unon tho blood mul mn.
ccju biuMreti of the system. Testlmonl. man. C. S. Beamans: GcotKe W llene
r'duhu""7 lKrh0MQ- m J'ct, Jr., John U, Wabmcreund Tk
Jia,'ih family i'liis uie the best, ucnuau,
B., L. and W. Boaid for Today.
Following is the make-up of the
Delawaie. Lackawanna and Western
boaid tor toda :
llMias JJast 7 p in, J. Ginle. : S n m..
MiCaity; n p in.. I.atkin; ID p m., Mos
Ici ; 1J p. m,, Goldeti
Summits 0 p, m Pinunfelker.
Pushcis 7 ,. ni., J. U, Jones, s p. n:
W. MeCartN- 1 j m , u. li. Hauls; lu i.
m , Kith; 1J i ni., Muiiaj.
PltlDAy, OCT. 17.
KMias Cast 1 ii, m,, Dcniue: J a. in.,
Wullacti' J ,i, m , KIimIIcIj; i a, m.,
Tluitnpsein, l, a, m,, Illsblng; S a, in. (iil
llgan; lu a, in . Bui Man t: i: u. m , Dunn,
2 p in., .Steuns; h p ni.. Wall; c p. m,
Summits u a m c.iiiigg, . p. ni., N'ieh
olls. I'usheis Jin a, in,, Mathewson; 7 a. m ,
Wielpi'i; 7 a, in, I'hmeit; s n, m.,
llouset; S a, m,. Lamping; in a m , C,
Baitholomew; ll.-f.l a. m Moian; U a, m.,
Hoai; 7.IO p. m., Muipliy; U p. m W. 11.
Ilolpeis 1..10 a. m., Cesinr; 7 n, m , (iaft
ne ; In a. m Seeoi ; I! n p. in , Stanton.
J. J Unify will take his inn Oc tober 17.
Seeor will lake his um Ottobei n,.
Chaile.s Lasher and W. I.ansau will
luko tliPli i mi on 2nd Si Pilcluy, Oct, 17,
This nnd That.
A mammoth new dill! pi ess has been
Installed In the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western company's blacksmith
shop. It wns built by the Niles Tool
company, at llninlltnn, Ohio,
The Scrauton Car Potumen's associa
tion will hold their annual meeting in
the boaid of trade looms tomonow
eonlng, when tint unnunl lection ot of
ficers will be coiiducilecl, A laigu num
ber of out of town membeis will be
Wall Street Bevlew.
New Yoik, Oct. bj The fen nial nn
nouiieemeiit that the coil millets' lepio
Hontu lives had agiced to submit their dif
ficulties with the coal upeiatuin to the
boaid of aibltiation appolntcel by 1'iesl
dent Ilooseelt lemoved any linycilng
doubts that existed In' Wall stieet as to
if possible hllch In tho effoits to bilng
about a sallsfaetoiy solution ot the mat
ter. With the lemovat ot this long do
tal lent factor as a maikct Inllacncc, spec
ulators began lo llguie on tho beneficial
effects on geneial business that would fol
low the icsmuption of netlu mining op
ciatloiis. News fiom the anthracite, le
gion indicating that the mlneis weie in
Jubilant spit Us oer the piospcct ot speed
ily letuinhig to woik was gieeted with
gieat satisfaction as was the statement
that the mine onoiatois weie malting
piep nations to lesumc wot k on a laigu
scale Advices fiom abioad that tho .sit
uation was x lowed theie with gieat chcci
fulucss liitenslliud tlie optimistic feeling
and eatisi el he.ny lnijln of the geneial
ni,u kit. London followed its satistaction
oer the outcome by ci eating a slicing
and ncthe maikct lor Ameiican seciul
ties thoio and supplemented It with some
laige biding oideis lieio. I'liecs opened
with a lush upw'aiil and huge blocks of
stocks wciu bought at llslng prices. Tho
opening in the Coalcts was wide and
there was (UKM shaies of PennsiHanla
pin chased on n fi actional sprtad. Initial
gains weie well o-ei a point thiotighoiit
tbu acthe list and aftei a tcmpoiaiy set
b.ick the lise was leneweel with lgol and
advances ot two and een tlueo points
became numeious. The buMng nioement
embiaced all of the usu il laxoillcs and
at times was heavily centeieel in various
gioups, partleulnily lu the Pemisjlvania
gionp. 'Ihe pionouneed sticngth of tho
maikct bi ought out the usual ciup of ui
moi t, ding special stocks, partieu
l.n ly Noilolk and Western which ad
vanced over sis. points lo SO on lepoits of
an inu eased dividend. Jlueli of the heavy
buvlug tlnoughoiit the list was credited
to a heavy opeiatoi who has lecentlv io-
tuinecl to the stieet after an absence
abioad. After the Hist burst of enthusi
asm ovei the favorable aspect of the coil
stiike situation the stieet began to ic
gatd thai Incident as a secondary factor
in the maikut and commenced to dis
count the expected easing up of the mon
etaiv situation thiough the nimoied bond
pm chases by Secietaiy Shaw. Nothing
definite regaidlng this developed dining
the clay, but theie were veiy many cir
cumstantial accounts touching the tians
actlon. It was leported that the amount
Involved would be about Jij.OOO.OOO, which
would be tendeied by a syndicate on sat
Istaetoi.v teiins. Piolessional tiadera
weie Inclined to legaid the heavy buying
as foi e shadowing sin eailv announce
ment ot the tiunsaction. Room shoits
showed much concern ovei the heavy ab
soipllon of stocks and covoied pietty ex
tensively lu many ot the leaders. The
maiket at times showed some hesitation
while utilizing was in piogioss, but wheio
this pioces was going on the effect wns
laigely e ountei balanced by heavy bujing
at othei points Monelaiy conditions to
dav weio mole lav oi able to bonoweis
and there weie moie llbeial offciings of
time monev below piesent latcs. 1'ioml
nent featuies in the dav'.s movements
weio the Pacifies, Louisville and Nash
ville, Sngai, Illinois Centtal, the high
pi iced coal stocks and St. Paul. 'I lie
lattei was masked up above WO on a re
vival of lepoits of closei lelations with
Cnioti Pacific which stock was also con-spicuouslv-
stiong. Tiading was in im
mense volume in the closing hour and
theie weie many blocks ot a thousand
shales and upivnids taken, one block ot
.",,0)0 sh.ues ot Noitolk &. Western chang
ing bands at So. Pi ices all aiounil weie
iiulto geneially lilted to the best and tho
closing was vciy active and stiong. To
tal sales today, l,Gli,3uu haies. The bond
maikut showed pionouneed streivth In
i-vnipithy with stocks. Total sales, par
value, M !15,tiH). I'nlteil States new 4s
coupon ailvance-el U pel ce-nt. on the last
The following quotations aie furnished
The Tribune bj ll.ilght & Picese Co. H
Jlu Jleais Building, W. D. Ilunyon, man-
Manor Woman
Makes careful inquirij
before deciding where
to deposit money
Everybody in Scranton knows the
strength, the capital, the surplu and
the unchallenged high standing of the
Third National Bank
Vthere savings accounts, whether large
or small, are given 3 per cent, interest.
"i u
1 '.'
17 Ji
9 IJ
17 2",
Jl J
IJ 00
,S il
17 J1?
r 93
12 Oil
Dee ember
May yj'i
October 17 2.",
Janurerv 15 32
October 11.10
January fi 23
October 12.00 12 00
Jaminiy S.I0 s 12
Open. High Low Close
October fc 40 KM 8 20 SH2
December 8 49 SS Sll 8 15
Januaiy S 17 S r,7 S.IS SIS
May 810 S'. S .9 S2!
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Eld.Asked.
T.nekawanna Dairy Co.. Pr.... 60
Countv Sav. Bank it Trust Co 300
First Nat. Bank (Carbonuale). ... 500
Third Urttlonal Bank 330
Dltno Dep & DIs. Bank 300
Economy I., II. & P. Co 46
TiMret National Bank
Lack. Tiust & Safe Den. Co
? i H H r. p s ?, t t
Clark & Snoer Co, Pr 123
Open, High. Low Closa
.l.ll1! lilies l3',.. Ji",J8
.'31 1 33 u."i b 3ij
, mi; m-, jm, iin4
. .17',, .ffi- :.7' oTU
, .10 :;o ,11 ,;u
. 91 'II 91 HI
. 4li 47'4 4 J llp'i
.LMIJ JJVg 1"! UVa
. 9S 91 )! i0
. S! S'ii4 SS S'Ji,
.101 J0H, lilai. 101U
.10",l4 10i,i K1315 JOiji,
. i!'k iVPj liJ'j IMi
.l.i) IJl'K IlIVj
."o',j r.Pii niijii
, .''i's .17 M
. J0m -Jl )
.issij run, is77 i9oiK
...ri iiiupni yj'ti
. M'h hi'i; N!
. in. ,u.
d Pl, 47 IM.
17P 172
Amu! Copper
Am. C. .v.- P ...,
American leu ....
Am. Ice, Pi
Am. Lncumotho ,
Am. Loco.. Pi ..
Am. S .v, R Co .,
Arnold 1111 Sugiu ,
'Anaconda Copper
Atchison, j'r
Halt. .V. Ohl
Ill 00k. II. T
Canadliin l'acllie ,
Plies. .V: Ohio .. ..
Chicago & Alton ,
Chic. (V: (J. V
C M. A. St. P ...
C It I, J .. ..
Col, Puel ,v lion,,
col. c Houtliein
t'ol. .v.- South
Del tc Hud
Den. k R. 1, ,.. . I4'4 43
Den. A. It. O.. Pr,. , i 9Ji
Detiolt Honthein ... 201.
Ihlei iu;
lhle, 1st l'r ii7'
Inle. 2d Pr 3.1
Hocking Vullov 91
Illinois Cential ,. , its'i
Iowa Cential .... ., 1'
Kan. Citv .v. South.. 3.3
Louis A; Nash 13734 1 I'd,, i,i,u uiss
Manhattan 1.S3U in'.j 111',; ir,id
Met. St Ry 141 n.'h no?,, H2
MpnIiiiu Cential ., . 2ii'4 SdiJ 'Jcj 2d
.Mo K. & Te .. , .'.Oi. 31 ,!il ,11
Mn K. .V T, Pi..,, iit t,J bl i.ta.
IWi 14S
r. 13
r, 33
3.1 "A
Anniversary of Washington's Initia
tion to Be Observed at Dixie,
AirnugcmeiUH nro being made) lor a
blur celehiatlon in this tliv nn 1 1, ,. ' 1 tc-cull ntr
night of November 6, to commemorate ' ju."!i!!:; JTii-".
n,a Dconui-ninuiiiiiiii 111 inn iiiiii.iiion j Hepuiillc Hie el
or ueorge wasiiingtou Into the JIusoulo
The celehiatlon will be held In the
Dixie theater and admission will bu
limited to Musons, Theie wm )j0
lltuallstlo eserclses and two nddiesses.
President Judgo II. St. Ikiwaids will
speak on "Washington us n Citizen,"
and John Lamberton, esq., of Harils
burg, will speak on "Washington as a
Mason." There will also bo a musical
programme, the feature of which will
be solos by Pi of. John T. Watklna and
PJilli II. Warren.
The committee of airatiBements
which haa the affair In charge com
prises tho following Musons: Chair
.mi. i-ieciiie iuij ini'j uniij iiiiu.
N. V, Ceniliil ,,.,.,,133 IV! J3i, J.m'h
Not folk At West ,,, 74?, M 7p7 791.
Out. Ar We-st 3i. -IK .)ij :in'
PenUHlV,inla It. n.,Hi!'I li.i H'l'I IhlV-
J'eople's Oiih , JU! ar4 Jai JK1W.
Piesseil Stcel Car nil. i,i', eiu. u.
Scianton Savings Bank
Traders' rs'ationai oanK
Scianton Bolt & Nut Co
People's Bank
Scianton Packing Co
Scranton Pnssengei Railway,
fiist mortKace, due 19J0
Peoole's Stieet Railwav, fiist
moitgage, due 1918 115
People's Stieet Railway. Gen
eral moitgage, due 1921 113
Scranton Tiac Co, l pel cent. 113
Kcononiy L. H. is P. Co
N. Jeisev A: Pocono Ice Co
Consolidated Water Supply Co ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Collected by II. G. Dale, 27 Laeka. Ave)
Ploui J4 40
Uutlei Piesh cieameiy, 21c ; fiesh
daily, 22c.
Cheese lUlalSe.
Pggs Neaibj, 22' -o.: weslcin, 21c.
PKgs Ncaiby, 22,c; westcin, 21c; can
dled. 22c: case count, 21c.
Mniovv Beans Pel bushel, $!
Onions Pel bushel, 90c
New Potatoes iwc. pel bushel.
llcipublle Steel Pi
SI I, ,V San P
Kt Ii, So V
Seiutlieiii Pacllli'
Soiithein Ii R .
Southern I R Pi
Tenn Cenl A lion
Texas A Pacific .
I'nlnn Pacific
Union Pacific, Pi .
U S. Leather
V s Leather, Pr
P S Steel .
V S Slccl. Pr .
Wnb.mli, Pi ....
Wi'stoin Pnlon
Wheel A: L U .
Wis. Cential .. .
Total sales. l.OSf! 200 shaics
Money, 1,4 jicr cent,
III" HI'., U)-. IjllU
, 70'i 71) i IJUt I95
1 N716 Kv S7'i S7'i
775i 7R'n 7T' """'l
21' 2J 21- Hit
''.: 7S; 7S,J 7i!',5
73 7i,". 73 7i.'i
3IS, 32 3lt niij
7I' MiH 7l!i 7J's
37 38 S7; 3V
9i;?4 Hie,, i,li ; fi,,ii
fi! WiVi iO U3'i
"T HH IP! II".
IO.1V1 lOc.U. 10114 10-jiJ
9n& !10,; 90'?, 90t.
13 13'; 11 Iff,
M JJiH 90 1H 90i
IV 1 4iPJ nH 41)',
W)'J OOii ,S) 14 ooij,
!l IM 31 3I'(-
11 4'V 4S 49
Jii 9J 1 U 92
27U, 2S' 27Vj 2S'4
27J 275 z-M r,l
WHKAT- Open. Hlglu Low. Clow.
December .. 7H5 7J 71'J 7lt
T31i W T2!i Wi
New York Grain and Produce Market
New Yoik, Oct. It. Jliuket 111010 acllvo
and Ihm with bujeis palng the old ad
vance. Wheat Spot tiiui; No. 2 led, 7Hja
73' fe, elevutoi; No. 2 led, 73V74"8e. ' "
b. ntlnat; No. iioithcin Duliith. 79''e. t.
o. b alloal; Intliieiiced b.v the com
stiength options sold up a little today lu
lace of heavy icalUIng, big leeelpis and
small cleaianccb. The ciowd wns still
bullish but wanted piofits and this hold
the maikct down, but In tho last hour a
big jump in coin and lair espoit tiado
caused fuither stiength, tho maikct clos
ing 'h.i'hc'. net lilghei ; Mnv closed 7744c;
Decembui, 77,2C. Coin Spot film: No, J,
tiSe, elevator and 7ue. f. o. b. afloat; No. J
ynllow, 71c,; No. 2 while, 71e ; options ac
tive and VPiy stiong nil day, Pi Ices eaily
ndvancecl a cent and Inst piice.s weie Via
"ho, net higher. .Miiv closed ISe.; Octo
bei, be.i November, ill'le ; December,
r..'c. Oats-Spot Ihm: No, 2 oats, 31c,
standaid white, ufii.e.; No. 2 white, Bii'Jc ;
No. 3 while, JGc ; white, .italic; op
tion maiket was generally active and
stiong all elnv on good commission house
biijlng at Chicago and the stiength hi
corn; December closed iiii'.c llutter
Steicdv; extra cieameiy, 2lL.e,; do tile
loiy, lwilSc ; cieameiy. common to choice,
J9a24e ; Imitation f icamery, !7alQ',je,; state
daily, lSa'J3i,ie ! leuovaud, 171,.a2o',.e,
Cheete CJulet, but III in; Now slate full
cieiun, small coloitU fancy, IS'kC.! small
white, L'He., laige loloieel, I2c ; luge
wlilte, J Jr. llggs-Quint; aveiiige best, 22
nL"!!,; weslein canilltd, 21u2Je ; itfilger
atcd, JS'Sa'Jutne.
Philadelphia Gialn nnd Provision,
Plllliidolphln, Oct, lu Wheat-Piini. s4c
hlgliei; contiaet grade, October, 7IVijl73e,
Corn Quiet, but steady; No J jellow on
Hack, nt i.'ic Oals-Steads, lair demand,
No J white clipped, 37',e nutttu Dim,
good demand; flesh ueuiby, 2Ie , loss
olf; do, westmn, 2la2.1',fjc ; do, do ; do
southwestern, jjuJJ',c , do, do , do. soiith
ein, 21u22c ; do, do. Cheese1 I'll in. lair
demand; New Voik full ciiams, pilmo
niniill, IJ'jc, , do. do, lair to good small,
lHjUlJVii- , do do do pilme lingo l.'i ,
do. do lair to good laige, ll'iill?ie Re
fined Sugais Qiilol, but stead). Cotton
I'lve points low ei'; middling uplands, b.70o.
Tallow--t)ulet, clt pilmo in tleues, C'tt
liUe ; count!) do do, battels, fftsittic ; do
daik in ban els, riWiDs,c' , cakes, CiiuHic
Live Poultiy Quiet and a shade weakci;
fowls, lO'fall'-o ; old loosteis, saS',f;c.;
spilng chlekens, lo.ille , clucks, UalJc ;
Unlaws, lOallc , geese. lOille Die'ssed
Poullr) Steady and In fair demand;
fowls, choice weslein, lie; do southern
nud southwestern, rnlle, do fair to
good, JJaJJ'ic ; toasting chickens, neaib),
large, 16c ; do small and medium, tin 13c ;
western do, huge, 11c; do. stmll and
medium, I0)&allc. Receipts Ploui I iX)
baiicls and !,lil,00cj pounds I n sacks;
wlWt, SLOW bushels; coin, 31,011 bushels;
oats. 13,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat,
71.000 bushels; coin, D,C bushels; oals, 1.',-bushcls.
Always reliable.
i Mill & Grain Co S
K .X
H" Scranton and Olyphant. jf
a x
M ' "" "4 4 'A "A 'A A AAAAA'AA'A
Ceneral Agent tor the Wyoming D.cirict (ot
Dupont's Powder
Mining, Blasting, Sportlnj, Smoi.eiesa anl the
Rcpauno Clienucal Company's
Safety Teisc, Caps and rxplodcis. Koom 401 Cod
nell Buildins , Sera iton.
I'l) mouth
U'llLn Djiici
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago. Oct. lu Activity in both giant
and piovisions was) inanilestecl today and
higher pi ices pi e ailed, Decemboi wheat
closing Jfee. lilghei: Dceeinlier com, H.u
1'iiC higher, whllo .luniiiii) pinvlsloiis
closed fiom 7'-nl0c to 'jic. Iiighci. Cash
cpiotatlous weie us lollows- l'lutii I'll
settled; No. 2 spilng whatt, i No, ", tiSa
7Je,; No, J led, 7iU71c,: No, 2 com, u',e, ,
No 2 jellow. iiJUc; No. J oils, L'se.j No
2 white, ; No, 3 white, "Inule,; No 2 l)e,
I'atOVCc ; good leedlug b.nlev. , lull lo
choice! mailing, IJiiVio.; No. I lla seeil,
$I,1S; No. 1 noithwestein, $1 21; piimn tim
nthy seed, : mess poiU, per ban el, $17..V
al7.2.'i; mild, pel KM pounds, ; shoit libs,
sides, til,7,ViU; shouldei.s, J.l,7.'al0; shoit
clem sides. Jll.7o.ill s7't '
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, tJct. Id Cattle Receipts, lu.Vjn,
including fiw TuMins and 2,","0 western,
slow, flood to ptiine steeis, $7,J'iaS In,
pom to medium, W 7,"iii.l!o; stuckeih and
leedi'is, JJ.'iUu; cows, Jl M)al.7J; belleis,
?J.2.'a.'rii); ciniieis. $l.i0.ur.o; bulls, Jj Jin
1.71; calves, $lu'.i; Tens fed sue is, J.!a
1" 10; weslein slecis, f,l7"a7.
Hogs Receipts, 1ii,(ju0; tlioiuorrow, U.icW.
left over, J,ooo, aveuige SalOo higher,
mixed and liuti lu'is, Ji. S0a7 II; good 10
choice heavy ?; 'i".u ri"1;. lough hciv) 1
JiliUllitVi; llglll, ii 0.i.Ji; bulk cil sales,
Ji! f.0a7 o'i.
Sheep Receipts, ..U.lnKi, sheep and lambs,
int. lilghei: good to elioieu vvetheis, $l"u
alio; tali to choice mlNed, tJ.'itia) 'ji; 11a
llvo lambs, .! rtiij 11
Buffalo Live Stcck Maiket.
I last liulfalo, Oct li, Cuttle Itcidplg.
7.', head; stead), pilniei sleois ciiiotable, 7
a7.7"i, shipping steeis, $lMu7,i, buteheis,
Jl.iri.7;, heilcis, $.!.i",J',, cows, JJ J'nl.'ii),
canneis, Jl ,"0aj, bulls Jj;.nal leideis,
Jl.","al W: slocheis, $Ju; slock lulleis, J.'.lo
a"; veuls, J" Wab M)
Hogs-Itecclpis, .1200 head, licavv. $71:
n7."; inlscel, 7 Ka" 11, Viukiis. 7 20a7J0,
light, do.. 7a'a7l'i, pigs. 7. loughs. $1, 10.1
USD, stags, fi'MUi; giasseis, ii ".ViT Jc)
dallies, $7a7SO
'East Liberty Live Stock.
i:.IM Llbeiil) Oil hi Caltle-Sleadv ,
iholee, Ji, WaT 10, jillinn Jo .'lau 7."), good,
lings-lilghei , inline heavv hogs,, $7 VU
7W); mediums, J710a7.riO heavy Voikeis,
J73H.I7IO; light do. J7 10.17 2.. pigs, i?7V.7.
loughs, J'iWia7 J5,
Shecii- Ste,iil) , best wetheis,,
culls and common Jl "rtu, e lioleo limbs,
JJV).i3 7V, veal calves, S7.CU.iS U
The Current of Trade Shows Quick Appreciation of
m. Ail
SALE WO.'l Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock. ;
In the Basement
AT 1c. Tea Spoon.s Silver finished
on steel. Utty any quantity you want.
-iso japanned Loat and ilat Hooks
and a Tea Strainer. Your
Hj23 vT '"fl choice lor tins hour 1 C
ffl Al -'c. lablc bpoons Silver iinislicti
W A X? on h ' worlu double this hour's
"xcjA'i TA y price; Jniitation Cut Glass- Individual
Sgiggs Dishes; Ceiling Hooks, double prongs,
for closei use, or a Xulmeg Grater. Anv article for
sixty minutes at " 2C
AT Sc 50-foot Clothes' Line; Japanned Cuspldores In colors; re
tliuied vvlie .Sponge Iiaskot.s; Al Lireuil Toniler, polished wood handle;
fi-pound Hutter Clock without cover. For one hour choose any o
item at OC
AT 10c 10-pmind nutter Clock; best quality Dust HjumU; Stove or
Seiub lriih. alvvuyi a needy article to have. For nlxty minutes i
I'lidav buy vvlial you want nt IUC
AT inc. Uood quality Hlngle kIiic Wash Hoard; one laige i oil of Tol-
"t Ripei, and copper finished Toilet Holder; blue unci white enamel steel
Up Saucepm. On today's bargain table for sixty minutes tt-
foi , I5C
AT 2fle. Mest pallor Blooms; made from selected coin: exlio. quality,
icgtilai value 30c; l.nwn Rakes, you need a ruko to gather the Full
leaves on tho lawn; Twentieth Century Lunch How huge sl.e; 10
also a large size blue and white enamel lip Saucepan. Choice at.. -Vt.
AT 4!)c Laige si.e tin Wash Holler, without cover, value .He.; first
quality blue and whiter steel enamel Ueilln Kettle with enamel cover;
size 5 quints The Holler is displayed in window. These two Items jq
uie of exceptional value. Priced for this sale at tVK,
Grocery Store in Basement.
AT 47c 10 pounds of fine Gianul.ited Sugar at less than ac- Anr
tual cost. For this hour ts"
AT 10c (Wee: e-ry line blend; always letailed by us at 15c. per
pound. For sixty minutes today, no nunc than 10 pounds to a P
customer, at, pel pound luc
AT 30c Xutmegs. At today's pi ice you will be wise In availing your
self ol this oppoitunlty to purchase u cat's supply. I'er in.
pound uvc
2 FOR 2."ic Pickles You may choose a 21c bottle ol On kins oi Chow
chow, and take the two for the piice ol one at tmhiv's hour ijb
sale. Don't fail to ask to see them. 2 bottles ten ot'
AT 27c Sviup; a line quality of light coloied Table Syrup. This is
an exltu special, and at today's pike is a saving lor vou. Per 'y-j
gallon -4-
AT 16c Buiiiam's Clam chovvdei; nev goods, at less than tf.r
wholesale price. Laige .'i-pound cans. Huy at this hour, per can MJl
2 PACKAGES FOR, 2.1c Piepaied Buckwheat Flour: fiesh goods.
These cold mornings buckwheat cakes are palatable, easily prepaied.
For sixty minutes toduy, 3-pound packages sold two packages rim
for oc
SALE NO. 2 Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock.
AT :25e. Men's Fleece Lined Ribbed
Underwear Frendh neck ; pearl but
tons; drawers reinforced; all sizes; col
or, pretty shade of blue. Friday hour,
near Wyoming avenue en- I
trance, each .' -Z5C r
AT lie Children's Fine Hose; C
guaranteed two thread ; double heel, toe
and knee ; extra finish. hose that re- J
tails over our counters for loc. For this hour buy
them here at
AT G'ic Sale of Flannelettes The seii'-ation ol this seasol) in Flan
nelette letalllng. 10c value: heavy lleeee; stilpes and odd designs; de
shable coloilngs suitable for house vviappeis. ehildien's diesses, and
diessing saceiues. Fnhsually low pi lee foi this quality. One r n
hour u21'
AT 2!ic Hoys'-Knee Panls: sliietlv aM wool; claik stiipe, all seams
taped and best duck bands, sUe ,', to 1.1 yeais, hip pockets and suspender
buttons on all laige We've had sales and -ales cm Boys' Knee
Pants, but it's doubtful il theie has been anything thai will compare
with this .11 tide on sale today. We can only allow 3 pahs to a OQr ,
cuitomer. A .Hie, value foi
S3l. .il P.inK .ill Sim nn(l 1,'lctl)!.
At SKe 3i. -inch Talletn Ribbon, all silk, has a beautiful metallic 'j
finish. Colois aie tuiquolse, pink, blue, -culet, caidinal, green and oiu
lose. With this lot we will place a lunej Couleel Tullein. same width;
12'ic a v.ud Is the pilce legulaily asked lor this value. Foi this o ,
hour 2c
AT i.iic ehildien's Diesse-; value Horn (III to M.21, for bile. Made
Horn plaid and novelty goods; joke of plain cashmeie to match diess;
tiimined with soutache lu.ild, sUes 2 to 12 hm old. On Si'cond qc
Floor for ,
AT -We. Novelty Swiss Cm talus, 2'j yaids long; Iiiim a-1-ilicll illflle;
zigzag and plain stiipe. The last lot we had ot these cm tains did not
neat go mound. You'll find pleniy heie today on the Thlid aQq
Floor, per pair
AT 7c-'l'ouel A good Cotton Uuck Towel; si.e 2ci(i Inches: liim
lv woven: led boideis; selvedge edge; will not flay out: hemmed ends;
unusuallv low pi lied In the beginning, but foi Fiiday extiaoulin- yc
my little will be the pilce lor slxtv minutes, each '
AT H,c .Mllsllli Uiawei s Mini on iiic neeenui r icioi ; k""ii wh-i. u-ci.
hem; cluslerol tucks; a 2.1c value, you'll wtmeler at tins imigam
when you see- llieni today loi inl
SALE NO. 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock.
AT !llc Hoy' eal Calf Shoes; a
shoe iimde of solid leather and a satis
factory weight for school ; lace, sic
II to '2; also women's kid lace shoe,
patent tip, military heel, heavy sole ; all
sizes, from 21 to if both a $l.iih
alue. ;or"this hour, a pair. . y 1 C
T lie. YARD Torchon Lace and
Insertion to match; comes 1 to 4 inches
wide; usual price ."c. to 10c, yard, I '"or one hour bm
all vou want for ' OC
AT lUe, Hlaiiket, lull sUe. 11-4, evtia heavy; tnn and white, with ted
or blue boidei, weighs about four pounds. Weiu you heie last FilclayV
Il .vou weie ,vou could lonelily see a good naiuiecl ciowd waiting for the
blanket sale, They did not wait In vain. They weie moie than pleaseel
with their pin chase This blanket Is inudi lu-avler and a specially good
Item. You won't icgiet a puuhuse today, ror one hour, a Qa,.
pair Vdc
AT 17c Wumen's Fleece Ribbed Vests and Pants; iieifeet ill weave;
no .shoddy vain about them; finished nltel.v tliinughoui. Over iW dozen
in choose irniu. For this hour jmi may hu them at, nn
each . ,,,, , , i
AT ic I'TniVliiiitr,'lViaYci''tii'li,.")-iaid Vilec (Villain and picnt edge;
value Si. This stylo lliaicl is used for tiiiniuiug ehllilien's chesses und
undei skirts. This Is of special Inteiest unci should not be ovei-
looked bv niudcnt shoiineis. For this liour. nei niece. "
AT 2.1c Wuiiieu'h Oolt filoves; over nn dozen tor this sale, Theie
will be a lively tlnm uboui the (.love i-nunter this f t may nour. A ujc.
(loll (lliivct going so eaily In the season for tilts' Pilce is tare liuleed;
iry and be heie Ymijuivt choice ut led, gte, white oi blink, ocl
siiilomliill v u (ic mi L.tslle hriner tluili i.,fr,il),e in 1, e. This hour. ... .J
AT M.M Parlor Ito'el.ei, on the Feiuith VUm: Ynu'll find this up-to
date di'iaitnient offeiing for one hmn tmluy ihls Imndsoine Mucker ofi
the latest qeslgn and win Kiuaiishlp, Dim aligns iinisneci nun cmisiiucteii
a chime ol suddlei or cobbler seats, in oak in inaiiogain linisn c ant
no tioublo to sell them fen S'.RO. Ifoe Fiidav lillN them fur. P10
AT 7Ue.-!luliig Roii.n Pictuie. subjects game or fish; sUo lOx.'fi, ova
opening; dm It stained wood sale on Thlid Flooi , It cm love fn beautify
vour walls wun naniisomo iiletmes, we advise you in iiuiko u se- -yn
looilnn fiinii this lot on B.ilr loilnv l.lmlt. two to a customer . ' "
AT 3c Cold and Pi Inge for Cushion Tups and Mantel Dinpcry till
Is a hiciUcu lot and a little shopman, its pii.oat Hut was 12' ji, to ISc
a jaiel. 'llieie is suit meiceiueii, gin coins, aisei a limgc vtuious -
i dims. Thev will be xolel foe Ibis hour Frlda loi ... ',
At b'tcChllclicn's Snatched Felt I hits. In khj, ucl. hi own and blue
tilmmed with a lelt scatf, having a hinged edge, the suitable hat fc
this lime ot llio yeai, ami one that will give the weaiei long ser- ori
vice. SI 50 value. Fiidav buv them on the second Moor feu . . O"1
Oil City.
Oil Citv, Oct li;-Ciidlt liuhiaces. 110,
reitlllcalcs, no bid; shipments, li37t bnr
lels; nveinge. tS,t'07 bnicls; ums, ,'.'H
bun els; average, TU, 117 bauds.