The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 17, 1902, Image 1

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    I.ii 'i kl . -1 iw-1 ' " ' iU i.-j.!rtt.'lirj., V, m- S. JW.L.IKI . W V .-i.ssj., TTiBl,irW-,Ti
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District Executive Boards Unanl-
moiislu Recommend flcceptanGe
o! tlie President's Plans.
Many Points in the Arbitration Ar
rangement Are Yet to Be Ex
plained, but the General reeling
Throughout the Coal Fields Is One
of Intense Relief That the Tension
Is at Last Relaxed President
. Mitchell Issues a Statement Ask
ing the Public to Be Patient While
the Preliminaries to Resumption
Are Being Arranged All Appoin
tees to the Strike Commission Like
ly to Accept.
Py Kxclu-lvc- W'iro fro:n 'die s-oi lalwl Prc..
Vllkes-Burn-, I'd.. Oct. 10. The ex
ecutive boards of tho three anthracite
districts of tin- I'nited Mine Workers
of Ainerlcii, In Joint session today,
unimlnnmsly deelileil to recommend to
a delegate convention of striking miners
the acceptance of the urhltratlon propo
sition submitted by the president of the
Tinted .States, and It is reasonably cer
tain thi't the advice will be fallowed
and the pi-cat struggle brought to a
close. The convention will be convened
in .this city next Monday morning, and
it is the hone and the bellol of tho offi
cers of the union that tho mining of
coiil will he resumed before the close of
next week, after a suspension of mom
than Ave months.
While the gieat "third party" is sat
isfied with the promise of an earlv coal
supply, It cannot be truly said there is
great rejoicing: among the striking
mine workers, at this time, over the re
sult. They admit the near ending of
the long1 idleness Is extremely satisfac
tory to them and that they have won
n great victory in gaining arbitration,
but they feet that the real rcvnrd in
putting up such a stubborn struggle Is i
still to come in the award of ths- arbi
tration commission: The citizens of the
entire region, however, are much elated
that the strife Is almost over, because
business In the coal llelds has been
practically paralyzed since the strike
Mitchell Issues a Bulletin.
From tlitf time the news was received
late last night until about 10 o'clock
this morning there was some doubt us
to how the nilneis would receive the
modified plan. President Mitchell was
asked to make some expression on the
proposition, but he steadfastly refused,
lie was pressed by the correspondents
for a statement and finally at 10 o'clock
be cleared up the situation by issuing
the following bulletin:
Wllkes-liairc. I'.i.. Oct. Iti, line?
Appreciating the iiusiely and impatience
01 mi' piimie and the iniiio workers for
some authoritative statement from this
office-. I Issue this bulletin to sny (hut 1
w,is i.iiultorably oppi.scd to the accept
ance of hi- iiciiiilesceiiee In tin- form of
settlement proposed by the coal operators
because It resulcted the president of the,
fulled .States in making selection of the
ini'li who were to del. rmliie Hie .nic-s-tlons
involved in tin. , sliiUc
These restlii-lliiiiM having been leniove.l
and representation In en given in organ
ized labor as well as to organized cap
ital, I am now prepared to give niv per
sonal a-ipruval to a settli-inenl of the is
sues Involved in this slilke by the i i.
mission M-k-i-ti'il by the piesldent, and
shall recommend to Ihe executive nl'lUels
of districts I, T iiml !', in their mc-tlng m'.
day. that an ininieiliute call be Issued for
n convention, whose authorization Is nec
essary to declaie dp. strike ,ll til- end.
In the meantime I trust the peo
ple of our country will be us patient as
possible, us we tire moving us rapidly as
the interests of our people will pel mil.
John Mitchell,
Picsldnnt I'nited .Mine Workers of Amor-
AVIu-n this was read to the arriving
dlsiili-( leaders and groups of miners
who came to headquarters to learn the
news, general satisfaction was ex
pressed that .Mr. Mllehell was willing
to accept the muddled plan, and from
that time on there was no doubt that
the strike would be brought to a spcedv
District Boards Convene,
It was not until 1' o'clock that the
thirty-seven members of the threx dis
trict boards were called Into session,
which lasted two hour and fifteen min
utes, There was some opposition imiii
ifested In the meeting against certain
. features of the plan, but after a full
n.-i.iisaiuii oi inu oDjcciionniJic parts a
EiniiiiiiiiiiiiH vine was tiiKi'n to recoin.
uend lo the convention the uccepduice
oi ine proposition. As tho conieri-uco
rwas lied behind closed doors :m.i ,,
bond of secrecy was placed on every
titan present, the specific objections
vere not olllclully aimouneeil. These
are the. snnin executive hoards which
rm May S last ordered the strike to b...
kin, which action was approved in the
luce or .-ur, .Mltclioll'H opposition by (ho
itazjeton convent on aWnw iiuvs loier
ft Is expected that some objections will
oe raised on the floor of the convention.
Iiut the nllicers of the union aro con.-
I blent tho opposition will disappear
vhen President Mitchell explains all
lo features of the modified ncnoBition
lo the delegates.
Questions Raised,
A question was raised today as n
liether Commissioner of i.niw.,.
right, who will be the recorder of the
Amission, shall have the right lo votu
k-aso the six other members of the
at are equally divided on nby qucs-
iii connection with a sett enient.
Mr. Mitchell when asked did not ap
pear' to he sure that he had not, and
ntlujr olllcliils of the union were also
uncertain of Mr. Wright's status. The
matter of the term of years that the
agreement shall be In force was also a
source of much Imiulry. The union
was strongly opposed to the operators
fixing the term of years. One district
president said this feature had been
left to the discretion of tho commis
sion, ns suggested In Mr, Mitchell's
proposition, while other ofllelals did not
'know anything about It. President
Mitchell for some reason did -not care
to discuss any feature of the arbitra
tion agreement while the matter was
still in tho hands of the miners.
To Resume In a Week.
If the plans of the strike leaders lire
not disarranged, it general resumption
of mining will take place about next
Thursday. It is expected the conven
tion will last two days and that there
will be an Interval of one day from the
time the convention adjourns until tho
time set for the men to go back to the
mines. If the convention should be In
session on Wednesday it Is probable re
sumption would not take place until
Friday. There will not be enough work
at first for all the strikers, us It Is the
intention of the companies not to dis
miss the non-union men who have stood
by them during the strike. The organ
isation will take care of such other men
as are unable to Immediately find work.
It Is estimated that all the strikers will
not find work until two or three months
have elapsed. This Is duo to the con
dltlonsof the mines. Some of them are
wholly or partially flooded and others
need repairs.
Mitchell Congratulated.
It was a lively day around strike
headquarters from early in the morn
ing until after the announcement was
made that a convention would be called,
and a crowd was congregated at the
place. Mr. Mitchell spent an extremely
busy day. In the morning he had many
callers who came tocnngrntulute him,
and in the afternoon he was engaged
with the three district boards. Tele
grams of congratulation from all parts
of the country came to the leader of the
miners during the day.
The coal companies, anticipating the
ending of the strike next week, are
busily engaged In preparing for re
sumption. Tens of thousands of coal
cars are in the region ready for load
ing and extra elforts will be made in
moving them to the large distributing
centres once mining is resumed. It is
estimated that more than ii)0 of the
collieries will be in operation by the end
of next week, and will produce enough
coal to relieve the situation. An au
thority in coal mining said today the
coal eoinpunle., as a result of the strike,
are thirty millions of tons behind.
There is considerable talk heard that
the withdrawal of the (roups will begin
in a day or two, but tills cannot be con
firmed. The soldiers are spending their
time quietly in the camps. Major Gen
eral Miller, in command of the entire
force in the field, inspected the camp of
the Ninth regiment here today and also
those of the Eighth, which is divided
between Nantieoke and 'Plymouth,
Hy i:i-lii-lc- Win-pom Tin- As-ui latcil Pit .
Wilkes-Hone, Oct, Hi. The following
is uie oiiiciiii can ior too delegate eon-
veiuion of the anthracU
(he United Mine Worker;
to be held here next Monday:
Wilkes-tin ire, I'.i
(Jd. M, lyii-j,
To the Ultieers and .Mrniliers of All Local
I'nloii in DlMiicls 1, 7 and fi:
lieiilleinen: Al a meeting of the cnccu
live boards of districts 1, 7 and !i. it was
ilimnlmoiisly agreed to issue a call lor a
delegate convention and recommend lo
liiai convention inat all mine woii-.r.-
now on strike return to their fornu po- I
sltlons ami working places and submit to
the commission appointed by (he presi
dent of the I'nited Slates all qiiestlims at
issue between (lie opera tori, and mine
workeis of tin- niithriu-iie coal li.-lds,
III pursuance whereof you are lieu-bv
llotllieil Unit a convention will be held iu
(he city of Wllke,s.larro. ',i beginning
nl Id a. m Monday, October :M,
The of the convention will be
to act on the proposition submitted by
the president of tlie I'nited SJtnles,
l.ucal iinluns will hold meetings not
later than Prldny night and elect dele
gates lo attend mid convention.
The basis of lepivseiiliidon will be one
vole for eiich one hundred members or
less and an additional vote fin each uildl-
th'iml i hi'iidred or niiijoilly fraction
(heieof. The president and secretary of
each local union will llll out one creden
tial mid one duplicate credential for each
delegate elected, The duplicate creden.
tla should be given lo (he delegate elected
and the original should be placed in Ilia
hands of the district board membeiH not
later tlutu Saturday night. The ills,
triet board members are Instructed to
have all eieileulliils hi tlie hands 0f the
credenllal lommlKce Sunday nfieruoon.
II Is reconiineiiileil thut delegates be
given full power and aulhoilty lo act in
behalf or their local unions.
The name of the hall hi which the con
vention will be held will bo announced
later. Hotel accomtnnilniloiis are being
arranged ami will bo announced to dele
gates upon (heir in rival.
Itespectfully submllted on behalf of the
executive boards of disiilcis i, 7 and y,
John Mitchell.
President I'. M. W'.ol'A.
W. 11. AVIIsnn,
BeciPtary ', M. W. of X
fleorgo llarllein,
SeeieUiry of SR-etlllg.
President Mitchell has notified I'resl
dent Hoosevelt of the tictlon of the
three executive boards, lie will
give out the text of the message.
Ity IVliishr Win- from Vlie .Wdatnl I'iom.
Washington, Oct. IB. fleneral John
M. AVIIsoii, V. S. A., retired, who was
named by the president last night as
one of the members of the strlko com
mission, called upon Secretary of War
Hoot today and announced his nncept
nm:c of the flppolnttiient,
New Jlnven, Oct. 10. Ed ward W.
Parker, statleliin of the I'nited States
geological survey, who has been ap
pointed n member of the coal strlko
arbitration commission by President
HnuseVoll, Is hero attending the meet
ing of the American Institute of Min
ing Engineers, Mr. Parker declined to
talk about his appointment on the ar
bitration commlsslson. saying that ho
has received no formal notice of It as
yet. It Is understood by his friends
here, however, that he will accept the
place. Mr. Parker read a paper today
before the convention of mining engi
neers. Washington, Oct. lii, rSeiieral John
M. Wilson, United States army, retired,
who was named by the president last
tilght as one of the members of the
strike commission, called upon Seeic
tary of War Poot tonight and an
nounced his acceptance of the appointment.
By Gxclusli Wire from The Assoriatci! I'rfM.
New York, Oct. IB. Few of the rep
resentatives of the coal Interests would
discuss tin- present status of the coal
situation today, beyond expressing
their belief that the commission named
last night has a tremendous task lie
fore It:
"It has a serious problem to solve,"
said President Olyphant, of the Dela
ware and Hudson railroad. "The ques
tion of wages the men are to receive:
how the men are to be paid in different
mines and in different veins in the
same miner, are some of the questions.
These are problems that men have
grown grey-liai red trying to solve."
Discussing tlu- possibility of getting
coal into the market promptly after
the mines resume, Mr. Olyphant said:
"If the miners go to work at once,
we will be able to get coal hero right
away. I don't know anything about
their going lo work, but when they do
go, everything that can carry coal will
be pressed Into service."
12. H. Thomas said:
"T consider the adjustment of differ
ences will be a loiig-drawn-otit and
dlrticult undertaking."
During the afternoon. President
Triiesdnle, Fowler and Underwood and
Chairman Thomas called at Mr. .Mor
gan's ofllce. President Underwood was
asked what he thought of the com
mission: "It is a god commission," he said.
"Nobody could have appointed a bet
ter one."
Asked if that was the general opin
ion of tlie opera tois, Mr. Underwood
"I don't know. I haven't seen any
of the operators since the appoint
ment was made."
The president of a coal road was
asked how soon the coal stringency
would be relieved by tlie developments.
ot the last couple of days.
"The stringency is ended now," he
replied. "You must remember that
everybody has been holding up In ease
of an emergency until certain of a sup
ply from tlie mines. All this stored
coal will now be released and will be
brought to New York."
Asked how soon New York might re
ceive this supply, the speaker said:
"In about two weeks, I should say."
Hubert C. Oder, secretary of the Pe
oria (III.) board of trade, was .seen (his
af(ernoon In Wall slree(. He was
asked regarding (lie appointment of
liishop Sp.iuldlng as one of (lie com
mission to arbitrate the coal dlfliculties.
"Protestants and Catholics alike," he
said, "in the vicinity or Peoria will
commend (he appointment of "Itlsliop
Spauldlng. No better ecclesiastical se
lection could have be-li made. H- Is
a mail of great charity and of wide iu-
dlstrlets of ( tluence (hroiiehoui the soft coal dls
of America, i triei of which Peoila is a center. I
jsnw liishop Sp.iulillng les-(haii a week
ago and he expressed at this time great
ympatliy with the coal miner
Tin- whulfMile market for both an
thracite and soft coal was considerably
easier today than it has been for sev
eral weeks. Ilitimiinous coal sold as
low as $-1.7.", while anthracite (piv-
pared sizes) was freely quoted at from
$l.i to flli, and it was said one sale was
made at $Il'. There has been no change
In retail prices of niitluuelte coal, but
today there was a reduction In the
price of soft coal to $S. Anthracite
coal prices, retail, now range from $20
to $JI.
lly F..c1iiIip Wire from 'flic .iatad Vint,
lluirlshiirg, Oct. l(i.-fliivvrniir Stone,
probably will withdraw the. troops iu (he
mining regions as soon as die siiiko is
declared oil" ofllelally by President Mlleh
ell and the miners linlltato (heir willing
lies to go lo work. The vsoveiuur left
llarrlsbiirg early today, and will not re
turn here before night. Adjutant (ion
eral Stewart Is dm only oftlcei- of the X.i
llonal (iiiiiid on duty at headquarters, anil
he declines to ihscius (ho strike uu
llou or the probable dine or manlier iu
which (be troops will be withdrawn,
(loveinor Stone and Attolne) (l-nei,i
Klkln letiirueil tonight from Walker's
Woods. Neither would discuss tho sntlli
uieiit of the strike nor the time and milli
ner In which the iroops will be with
Two Scrnntonians Houoied In tlie
Election of State Officers.
Oy i:eluslo Win- from The Associate,! I'rm.
Franklin, P.i., Oct. hi. At (he conven
tion of the State Sabbath School asso
ciation today Interesting addresses were
niiidii by Hugh Cork, superintendent of
organization; Rev. tleorgo II. Stlbltz. of
New York; Hev. I,. W. Malum', of Nor
i'lstown, and Ilev. K. Howard, of Phil
adelphia. Tho following officers for tho ensuing
year were elected:
President, John Wunaiiiaker, Phlludel.
phla; first lce pichldeut, Captain V. p.
1 lei licit, Pittsburg: second vice, presi
dent, Hev. (ieoigo H, HllbllK. York; Ihhil
Vice piesldenl, Hev. Dr. It. P. Y, Pierce,
Scranlou; secretary, Hev. William Me
Nalley, llarrlsbiirg; treasurer. Samuel
Shaw, Philadelphia, executive committee,
Hev. Alexander Henry, 1), 1)., Pldladel
phla; Hev. (.. H. Hlaekall, I). I)., Philadel
phia; A. P. Hlrchlleld, Pittsburg; XV. A.
Muy, Svruntoii. '
Stirs the British House oi Gotn-
mons with a Brilliant Dlsplau
of Irish Wit.
Premier Balfour's Refusal to Recog
nize nn Irish Nationalist Causes
Mr. Healy to Rise and Address
the House as a Native of Uganda,
Whose Claims to Parliamentary
Attention He Contrasts with Those
of Ireland John O'Donnell Sus
pended for Disrespect to the
lly KxitiMtr Wiro from Tlie .tawtatol I'reiu.
London, Oct. l(i. Parliament was re
opened today without any of the usual
formalities. Owing to die highly con
troversial character of the educational
bill and the unbending determination
of both sides, the session promises to
bo rhe occasion of the most serious
party struggle witnessed In the house
of commons since Ihe last Liberal gov
ernment retired from ofllce. Seven
hundred and fifty amendments to tlie
education bill await consideration, of
which limber ."SS have been proposed
uy the Liberals.
The sitting opened with a turbulent
debate. Premier linlfour moved that
the remainder of the session be entire
ly devoted to government business,
which, he explained, would consist
mainly of the discussioih'Uf the educa
tion and Loudon water bills, while tho
Indian budget, the I'ganda railroad,
sugar bounties and the supply vote
would enable (lie procedure lo he car
ried out. Tlie Transvaal, he added,
would also require uUonlion.
The Fun Begins.
James Hr.'ce. leading the Liberals In
tlie absence of Sir ilenry Campbell
Bannerman, made a mild protest, and
(ben came a storm. Patrick O'Hrlen,
sitting In die place usually occupied
by John Iledmond, the Irish leader in
the house, asked that at least a day
between now and Christmas be de
voted to the discussion of the serious
state of affairs in Ireland.
Mr. Balfour replied that If the request
for such an opportunity came from the
Liberal leaders the government would
grant it, but they could not notice It
from the Irish party.
AVIUiam O'Brien' thereupon made an
impassionate speech, warning the house
that Ireland was on the verge of a re
volt. The constitution, lie said, was
practically suspended, and now the
meniliers were gagged In the only par
liament they had.
Throughout Mr. O'Brien's remarks
die Irish members kept up a perfect
storm of applause. When Mr. Wynd
linni, the chief secretary for Ireland,
entered the house the Irish members
hissed him loudly, and the speaker,
who was frequently on his feet asking
for "Order!" sternly repressed the dem
onstration. Mr. Lloyd-Oeorge. backed up by Irish
members, and T. P, O'Connor brought
tlif excitement toa fever heat, bitterly
upbraiding Mr. Balfour for declaring
that Jrisli matters must only be dis
cussed by favor of the Knglish Liber
als. During the afternoon the speaker's
ruling raised renewed cliunor from the
Irish .benches.
.Members of the house of lords, us
spectators, crowded Into the house of
commons, in expectation of n scene, for
(he threats from (he Irish benches be
came more and more audible.
Healy's Ready Wit.
Tin- climax entile unexpectedly, Mr.
Ilenly, anild Intense excitement. Mild In
icy tones:
"I rise lo speak as a native of I'gan
dii." The house was convulsed with laugh
ter. In a speech, which on all sides was
characterized as one of the finest sat
ires ever heard iu the house of com
nions, Mr, llealy.always as a raiindnn,
thanked the premier for his considera
tion, which enabled the Imperial parlia
ment to devote time to the discussion
of nadve affairs. He complimented
Mr. Balfour on being able to sulllcleut-
ly deiach himself so as in be oblivious
of (he vital disturbances prevailing In
"that distant and distressful country,
Ireland," In this vein, which Irresisti
bly held the attention of the bouse, and
which caused .Mr. Balfour himself fre
quent amusement, Mr. Uealy completed
what a Puloiilst member defined as one
of the "lluest satirical Indictments
the government lias undergone."
Other Nationalist members continued
the debate fiercely, declaring that Irish
affairs; were at present more Important
to Knglnnd than any of the matter
mentioned In Mr, Balfour's programme.
I'ltinmlely Mr. Hnlfour moved the
closure and (he uproar broke out
again with renewed vigor. ' John
O'Donnell then stood up and refused to
give way to ihe speaker.
Mr. O'Donnell was suspended by
vote of . 'ill to .11.
Got Decision Over Bernstein Because
Latter Broke a Bone,
fly Ex'cliitlte Wire (ioin 'flu' Avoii.iteil I'rm.
Baltimore, Mil.. Oct. IU. "Voting Cor
bet!," the champion featherweight pu
gilist of tjie world, was awarded tint
decision oyer .loe Bernstein, of .Vow
York,' tho "Ghetto champion," before
the Kureka Athletic club tonight. .Tho
men were to have boxed ten rounds to
n decision at catehwelght. llernstcln
was (n the pink of condition and
weighed in this uftenioon at Vityj
pounds. The cluimplun looked as
though lie had not trained ah hour for
the battle, and was beefy, lie declined
to give his weight. '
With the call of (line (lie men went
at It hammer and tongs. Bernstein
was the favorite with the .l.oOO specta
tors. Bernstein In the third round
landed a right swing which opened the
Denver boy's left eye. After five rounds
of sparring tho champion went after
Bernstein anil a succession ot rushes
followed. He found that the New
Yorker gave ns good as he received,
and showed no Inclination to shirk. At
the end of the seventh round Bernstein
called Beferee Pollock to his corner
and showed him that a small bone In
his left hnnd was broken, and Bcrn
s(eln's seconds (hen threw up the
Cabinet Has Not Yet Considered the
Outline of the Treaty with the
United States.
By nxi'lustve Wlrn from The Associated Prtsn. .
Havana, Oct, 16. An olllcor of (he
Cuban government Is authority Tor the
statement that as yet the Cuban cabi
net lias had no opportunity seriously to
consider the outline of the treaty with
the United States formally presented by
Minister Squlers on October S. He said
that there had been only two cabinet
meetings since that date, and that they
both had been taken up with consider
ation of the annual budget, which must
be approved before anything else Is
It is generally understood that Presi
dent Palnia Is being strongly urged to
resist the establishment ot an Ameri
can naval station at Havana, as is
called for In the treaty presented by
.Mr. Squlers, and that mutual friends ot
the United States and Cuba will ask
the United States to withdraw this re
quest. President Palma has repeatedly
expressed himself as opposed to this
proposition. It Is probable that the
United States will be offered a naval
station at Bahlu Honda, on the north
coast of Plnnr del Bio province, and
about fifty miles from Havana, where
there is an excellent harbor.
With regard to the commercial treaty,
the officer said it was natural for Cuba
to try to obtain the best possible ar
rangement with the United States, and
that she would ask. In all probability,
for more than was offered her. Ho said
that Cuba had no Intention of grunting
"favored nation" treatment to any
European power, the United States be
ing the only country with which reci
procity could be effected advantiiK.''
ously. In spite of these assurances, the dip
lomatic representatives here of Euro
pean countries take keen Interest In the
proposed commercial treaty with die
United States, not so much with the
hope of themselves making reciprocity
arrangements with Cuba as with the
view of protecting any benefit, from a
commercial standpoint, which they at
present receive.
Candidate Finishes a Four Day's
Stumping Tour There.
By i:.xi-luhe Wit? from 'die Aasoclatrd I'rtsi.
Philadelphia', Oct. 1C The Demo
cratic candidates. Puttlson, Guthrie
and Nolan, tonight finished 'their four
dayf stumping lour of this city by
addressing two large meetings. Tho
three candidates departed tonight to
address meetings iu Westmoreland
county tomorrow. In his address, Mr.
Pnttlson spoke of the rapidity witli
which the Philadelphia street railway
franchises paused the legislature, anil
referred to the enactment of the Hip
per bill.,
He appealed to the honest voters of
the city to be as brave as "those of
twenty-five years ago who drove re-
P'-aters out ot the city," and to keep
In nilnd that (hey can correct any
wrong m governement, and even put
an end to (he ballot box stiiillng by
simply voting themselves and seeing
that all their neighbors voted. He de-
rmrcii (tie causes ol strikes, among
other troubles from luisgovernnient.
could lie remedied.
lly HxiltiMw Who fiont The Aocijti-il I'iis-h,
Philadelphia, Oct. lis.Tlu annual report
of the Lehigh A'alley Il.illrnail company
for the ilseal year ending .linn- ;:o, lfiic,
which was approved by the hoard of dl
lectors at a meeting yesterday was today
made public. The date of the close of the
Ilseal year having been changed from No.
vember ::o to June ::o, the report covins a
period of seven mouths,
The earnings from operations weic $U,
i:iil,(."i."i; espenses and tuxes, $U,3iiS,7ll; n"t
earnings, $l,i:il,"ll; earnings from wal-r
lilies, JWit,:'in; expenses, jSOl.tyi'l; in which
Is added Income from other sources, .M"i.-i
7'il, making earnings $l,."SI,iS7J, less j.'.'l..".!!
Interest payable mid surplus earuhms due
controlled companies, making tlie total
Income $l,:i"kS,nsi; proportion of the llxed
charges, SMTK.TW; deilclt for seven
mouths, $;',10,itt. The lesulu of the op
erations of the l.ehltih Coal company for
(he town months show.
Ilariilugs and Income, all souices, Sin,
8117,(1)1; expenses and luxes, $U,ii"l,7il;
Snow Shoe, and Delano boinlJ Interest,
jr.',Si:,; deilclt, $ll),."Ci. f
Tho toial yroductlon of anlliraclte
for the twelve months ending June :;n,
was .i.ii'.'O.Si;', as against ."i,; i tons for
(he year ending ,lune i, ll).i.
Challenge Accepted.
Uy i:.(lu-li In- from 'die Aoi ialril i'
New Yolk, Oct. PI. Tho Now York
Yacht chili tonight sent a cablegram to
Sir Thomas I.lpton accepting his chal
lenge for the America's cup on (lie same
tondlltous for which It was iiiced for the
Inst time. The first race will be sailed
Thursday, August 'S IWj.1. Itales will
then follow every other day (Sundays ex
cepted), until one vncht has won three,
Soufrieie Again Active.
Hy i:ehi--lii- Win- fiom Tin- Associated lrr4.
Kingston, Island of St. Vincent; 'q'ct. 10.
There was a slight eruption of. the. Sou
frieie volcano between S and (. o'clock
Inst night ami it increased to a full erup
tion at 1 o'clock this moinlng, lusting nn.
til l.::o a. iu. It was uccnmpan'tcil hy a
fall of coast sand. Kingston was not
United States Produced 33.90 Per
Cent, of Total Output in 1001.
By Kxchulrt Wire from 'flic Aoelitnl Presi.
Washington, Oct. 10. The United
States Geological survey estimates the
world's production of coal In 1901 at
Kii6.16S.S40 short tons. The three great
coal producing countries of the world
arc the l!nlted States, Great Britain
and Germany. Austria-Hungary conies
fourth, France Is fifth, Belgium sixth
and Uussla seventh, The last country.
notwithstanding Its vast area, produce's
only about 6 percent. as much coal as
the United States. Prior to 18!U, Great
Britain led among the world's coal pro
ducers, but during 1S09, 1!00 and IDOL
the United States has made such re
markable Increases in coal production,
due principally to the unprecedented
activity in the Iron and steel and In
other metal trades, that It now stands
far In the lead of all competitors, with
a production In 1901 exceeding that of
Great Britain by 47.9(S,!)oS short tons,
or 19 per cent. Up to the close of 1900
the coal production of Great Britain
and her colonies, If taken together, still
exceeded that of the United States, die
excess in 1900 being 3,y8uS23 short tons.
but the enormous output of the coal
mines of this country last year exceed
ed by about L'6,000.000 short tons the en
tire output of Great Britain and her
dependencies, including India and the
Transvaal. t
Of the output of coal in 1901 the Unit
ed States produced :i3.9C per cent.:
Great Britain and her dependencies,
80.86 per cent., and Germany, 19.-I1! per
cent., or combined, S4.M per cent, of the
total production.
Fierce Battle at La Victoria Believed
to Be the Decisive Struggle of
Venezuelan Insurrection.
By i:.ulmite Wire from Tlie Asodatcit I re.s.
Wlllemstad, Curacao, Oct. 1C The
battle near I,a Victoria, Venezuela, be
tween the army commanded by Presi
dent Castro and die revolutionary
forces, which began Monday morning,
lasted until the afternoon of that day,
and was resumed on Tuesday morning.
President c.istro withdrew to La
Victoria on Tuesday afternoon, where
the battle was resumed again llercely
iu ." o'clock (his morning. At (hat time
the president had received reinforce
ments and hud over 0,000 men engaged
against the 7,000 men placed Iu line by
die revolutionists. Tlie artillery played
a part never before seen in Venezuela.
Shortly before ,1 o'clock this after
noon die revolutionists appeared to
have gained a slight advantage. The
president's artillery, which numbered
llfteen guns, had been reduced to four
La Victoria was crowded with
wounded and there were no provisions
in tlie town.
The British cruiser Indefatigable has
left La Gunyrii for tlie purpose of car
rying provisions to Tuencus, twenty
live miles from Puerto Cabello, for the
foreign residents theie. Some of the
foreigners are said to be dying of
hunger as a result of tlie concentration
measures adopted by the Venezuelan
authorities. The Indefatigable, In or
der to accomplish her mission, will nave
to run the blockade of Tucaciis.
The German cruiser Vinalii also has
left La Citiayr.i, and it Is regarded as
(unliable that she Is bound for Tucaciis.
The French cruiser Suchet arrived at
Carupano yesterday and entered a pro
test against die arbitrary arrest of a
Krench clllzeii. who was released sub
sequently with an apology.
Fighting took place on Monday and
Tuesday between the government forces
and revolutionists at Carupano.
The German cruiser Panther lias
forced the entrance of the Orinoco river
and lias reached Ciudud Bolivar, lo pro-
noil I !iiti o (i ti In t iifiicl u t tin 'ii
United States .Minister Howeu has an- i
noiinced that lie will not ask for a
guard of bluejackets to protect tho
('lilted States legation at far-icas, and
all his colleagl
en's exauiDle,
lies will follow Mr. How
Washington, Oct. in, A cable mes
sage received at the statu department
tills morning from I'nited States Min
ister Howeii, at Caracas, dated last
night, reads' "llattle Victoria con
tinuing," It Is believed here that Cas
tro is iniikinir his Insl stand mi llilw
iiulut, mid that die outcome of the revo-
lutlon will be determined by
this en-
Republican Candidate Gets a Tumult
uous Reception in Westmoreland,
11 Kuluslu- Win- fimii'fliv Aoil4ti'i l'rr-s.
Scotldille, Pa Oct. 10. The Itepuhll-
can mass meeting here tills afternoon
was s.ild by mit nf Judge Pennypiufk-
er's party to he the largest and most
enthusiastic daylight meetings of their
A reception lusting mure than an
hour was held at Republican head
iiuurters at the Hill house, after which
Mr. Pennypacker and Ills party wero
escorted to Oyres' Opera house, where
the speaking took place.
Steamship Arrivals.
II KwliMW Wire Iioiii Tlie ,Vaoiiitril I'u-m,
New York, Oct. lu'.-Clciueil: Soulh
wurk. Alitwup, via Southampton. Sailed:
La Lorraine, llavro; Fuerst Itlsnikrck,
Hamburg. Soiilhamplou Arrived: Fries
land, New York, Cherbourg Arrived;
Illuchcr, Now York via Plymouth for
Hamburg (and proceeded). Quccnslowu
Bulled: Majestic, New York, Plymouth
Arrived: Augusto Victoria, New York
la Cherbourg and Hamburg- and pro
ceeded. Rotterdam Sailed: Itotterdam,
New York. Lizard Passed: La Chum-l-agne,
Now York for Havre.
The Dauphin Gountu tourt Rules
That Theij Can Masquerade as
flnti-MaGhine Men.
Rival Wings 6f the Sadly Demoral
ized Union Party of Philadelphia
Both Lopped Off in an Interesting
Opinion by Judge Slmonton, Who
Intimates That the Union Party
Lacks Sufficient Vertebrae for a
Successful Caveer In the Strenuous
Life of Pennsylvania Politics.
Other Ballot Decisions.
Hy r.L'hnie Wire fiom The A.smh i.itr.1 1'rfs.
Harrisburg, Oct. IB. The Dauphin
county court today declared valid the
following nominations of the Antl
niacliine party In Lackawanna, county:
George Howell, congress, Tenth dis
trict: Michael If. Sando, orphans' court
judge; P. F. Calpln, senator. Twentieth
senatorial, district: Timothy D, Hayes,
representative, First legislative dis
trict; Frederick Phillips, legislature,
Second legislative district; William
litts, representative. Third legislative
The certificates of tlie state nominees
of the Pnttlson and Pennypacker fac
tions of the Union party were declared
invalid by the Dauphin county court, in
an opinion filed by Judge Slmonton to
day. Judge Slmonton devotes nine pages
of the opinion to 'tlie facts in the case,
and declares that "one objection to the
validity of the action of each conven
tion, which in opinion Is fatal to both
the rival certificates, Is that two-thirds
or more of the seats In both conven
tions were contested, 'making it prac
tlally Impossible that a legal conven
tion could be organized."
Continuing, be says:
If only llioi-e whoso seals were not con
tested were to take part in the prelim
inary organization their number would
be so small ihat they could not express
the will of the party. Tim recent, and
hence imperfect organization of the Union
party made it possible for this gieat num
ber of contests to exist as well as prac
tically Impossible for the conventions lo
determine their merits, even If contests ,
had been there considered or for tills
court to do so, if It wen- now to attempt
Shy on Organization.
Discussing the organization of the
Union party. Judge Slmonton says:
it may well be doubted whether on the
basis of Its platform found ill die rules
formulated by (he slate committee ns
well as hi those formulated by the Phil
adelphia city committee, it ever could
have lu-eii crystallised into a well organ
ized party. This platform declares that
the I'nloii party does not aim to sever
citizen fiom their aftillatloir with tho
gieat parties that are divided upon ques
tions of national politics. Its members
seem to have attempted to form an or
ganization which should he' entitled to
right of a party to make nominations by
nomination certlllcates and yet be. made
up of those who might still be affiliated
with either the lJumucrmlc or Republican
It is, perhaps, not surprising that, thin
attempt failed, and that the centrifugal
force of attachment to one or other of
die great parties overcame the centripetal
attraction of tin- principles declared hi
their platform, and (hat hi consequence)
the body was broken lulo divergent fac
tious, neither of which ecu bo recognized
us the representative of tho Union party.
The Pattison faction took out noini
nntlon papers for Its state nominees,
but these were rejected by Secretary ot
die Commonwealth driest- on the
ground that they did not contain the
requisite number of signatures. This
leaves both parties without a column
r'"' " stlUu tickets on tho official bal
A formal order was made by Judge
Weiss today overruling the objection?
to the certificates of the Democratic
Citizens nominees In tho First, Second,
Sixth and Eighth Legislative districts
of Allegheny county and the Forty
second and Forty-fourth .Senatorial ills
trlcts, The court also overruled the ob
jections in tho nomination papers filed
by the Aiitl-Machlno and Ballot Re
form parties In behalf of the regulat
Dcinncratlo state candidates,
Court declared valid the nominations
of 1011 Hlelielberger and Edmund s;
Only, candidates of the Union party for
representatives In Bedford county.
The nominations of Thomas J. Itell
und Harry Somervllle, for. the legisla
ture from Cumbria county, by the Bal
lot Reform party were also declared
The Mollneux Trial,
lly Curlmite Win- from The .ficlntn! I'rcaj,
New York, Oct. 10. Four more Jurors
wen- secured today for the second trlu I
of Itoliind I), Mollneux on tho cliurgo at
murdering Mis. Kndiciiuo J. Adams,
making tea jurors thus far secured, Th
court then adjourned till tomorrow, -
Local ilnla fur October 10. 1W;
Highest temperature KO degrees
Lowest temperature li degrees
Kclutivo luimldlly:
S a, m.. el per cent.
S p. m Ol per cent.
Precipitation, -Ji hours ended ! p, in.,
-- - . .
M'a.shlusto)), Oct. p;, Forecast M
-f for Friday and Saturday: Knstern --'
-f Peiiusylvunl.i: Fair Friday aha 4.
-f Saturday; Unlit variable winds. -i
4 4 -r . ft -H