I , H fl , r, I Mt if?f jmj Tlv i V 1 M f ? s' 1 4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 3902. w rr WEST SCRANTON Trunk and Scattered Contents Found in Cambria Cemetery Odd Fellows' In stall Officers Other News Notes- A ootl "leil tiiuilt, wltli Hb Hide nrnl lop (iiihccl In was rouiiil In (lie Cutn hrln toiiiolpi.v .vettr-uln.' iiioiiiIhb: S' Hctnit neoiBi- I.owiy. Tlie titink Is n. cliciip nrfiilt" of nofl wood, ooveiod with jiipci- to ippioMMii Icntlicr. nnrl l4 prob ably the tiiupottvi of pomp forelffiicr. Soav llio tt link was foiiml nn empty pui ki'tlmulc, "pvcuiI colluii, Hi"1! anil n bmlRu, on oiip hIiIp or which was l lie Inii ilptlon, "I'lnxlilPlo Otttm Dinw qlilp. St. Juo.'opo." l)n the other ililo wn n cio-sn, mid till1- lnt ilptlon, "SJml Luiiki icro, 1891. Ki'iiintuii, T'a." In the Hunk was a i pi nipt for llfleen lonblp", xpiit to Kiis-mI.i, It was mIki-ciI liv M. T. Klcsol, anil was niutlo pnvtibln to i-Mmm Kurnnskii". Tito Went Side polli p wen- notlUc-il, nntl they KittlmiPtl up thf untteiotl contents ii ml look them to tin- police Mntlnii. As vet. the mvMiiv of the trunk Is not iiilveil. In Police Comt. .liiintw Monili, of 1'ilD .fiul.Min stleot, .a.is niirstcd list Tui'siln.v iiIkIiI foi living to kli k In the dooi of ('.union's hotel, on .Iiu lon ti(et,. when Pntiol niaii Tliijiiiti ni lived mid loiind Mourn with ii bin oiiinc, whli h he was uoiliB to tliiow t!ii oitf,li the window. In de limit ol a S"i line, he was i oniuiitteil to Jull loi luentv ilii In tin -e ( oluimiM exteulny was noted I lie n.p"t ol .limits 1,'c, ot i '.imp! on iivtlillt' on lilt iluiinO nl ttcallllf; .1 bottle of In intlN fiom the hotel of I J. nio.iii, mi .1 ii k-uii stiret He w.ii I leaded nn bill, lull Tuestl.iv iilBht, .Hid iiltimsi iniim di.ili h Mini ted back foi (ilpun'-- lintf I. wheie lie pi ot veiled to Kick in the finnt ilnoi. Cilenn telt phoned In tin polli e slatlnn .ind P.i tiolincn Pcteis anil 'I lioni is .mil Con stable Tltnntliv .loins 1 1 spnnded. .mil, aflei n sti ukkIi'. pi uctl him mulct ui ii st. lie ,,i lined ',, wlitih be paid Installation of Offlceis. slot mil lotlse. No !i"ti. Independent Oidd ot Odd I'ellow- met in Masonic lull last nU'l.i and Instilled the fol lowing otllLti--, with appiopilate tert nioiiv: Davltl (illilis nnbli Kiand. Au di cw Vlikl mil, lie iiiaiid. Thniiias .1. "Williams, sfueta, Chailes Johnston, assistant soiiet.il ; Thomas J. Wil liam1?, i ei indium sotutniv, .mil Oleoise Hn I, tipnsuiei. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Miss Mat .lone- dauqhlei nf Mu cliant S It Junes, ol Nouli Main af- I FRF.F.I Five stamps given away with each bottle of Dufoui's Fiench Tar G. W. JENKINS. I The Annual 1 1 Blanket Sale.., I Slaiti tod.iy. As .1 b.ngain event at the Globe Ware house it has no equal in .ill the money saving olferings of the year. Hundreds of people wait for it, because thev have learned by experience that it just saves them so much money oil every pair of Blankets bought. s Pure White Wool Blankets 2-j Highest Grade Ciliformas, j.icquatd bor ders, S to oo kind, at 1 1-. Hiohcat Grade Cahfornias, aciuaul boi deis, Ji.oo kind, at 11-4 l'",e Cahfuiniiib, with fancyllor.il borders, .I17.50 kind, at ii-.j Fine Califoruias, with fancy stripe boulers jf 7.00 kind, at tjSo inch Oalifornia Blankets, foi '-f beds, $1.25 kind, at n-4 Mi icily i'urc Wool Blankets our lamous $-, 00 kind, at oj.S(i inch Pine Wool Blankets lor single beds, $4 7? kind, at 64VS0 inch I'uie Wool Blankets for beiib, t..2i kind, at T5 1 1-4 vparts. Wool Blankets, JS O , V! $3 Si kind, at 11-4 Cotton Wat p Blankets, all wool rilling, $2. 75 kind, at 1 1-4 Cotton Warp Blankets, all wool filling, $2 30 kind, at 10-4 Cotton Warp Blnnketb, all wool filling, $2.25 kind, at Grey Wool Blankets 11-4 hllvu liiej l'uie Aiistialinu Wool IllanketH .....SiIUi) ll-l Sllvir I! icy lmo Aiisti.ilian Wool lllanketH $," 21 11-1 All-Wool (luv Hlankets. Fnuey HouleiH $ r.O 10-1 All-Wool (iiey Hl.inl.ois, Puppy Hoideis $1,7.1 11-4 liiej Wool Hlankets, gooil weight , $100 10-1 (iioj Wool IJInnkets, ,'ood weight f.! 2r. 11-1 Wool Filling fiiej Hlankets, Boot wilght 1,65 10-1 Wool Filling flic) lllauUts, gootl weight Jl.JS Fancy Wool blankets U-4 All-Wool lilankuts in u vaiitty of Knncj I'lalds.SI.-M Cotton Blankets - 10-1 Ciiey oi White Hlankets, P.iuey Hoidei.s ,.,,. ll-l lliey oi Wliltu Hlankets, Paney Itoiduib ll-l fliey oi White Hlanketh, Hmi.i Heavy ,, 1--4 C'.ie oi White Hlankets, HMi.i Heavy Pretty Fancy Robes a a 3 Size6ox8o, in lloial and scroll designs, suitable . s& for the bath, A wonderful value during this sale at, . . 69C & Our Entire Comfort Stock bhnres in the above reductions, IS exactly the same. 3 1 This Sale Begins 4 a a flrVrs lirrV)nr uiuuc warcuuuji a a mmmm9wmtmmwmmmmb tine, met lth a pnlnftil accident on Tuesday while engaged In IiouhcIioIiI duties, Slip cut n deep gash between the thumb and Mist finger, nntl It le riutrrd the aid of Dr. TJ. Kvnns to close the wound and stop the profuse bleeding. Mr. 13. II. Schiller, of Ninth stiect, Is entertaining Mis. M. It. MuihIi, of Wllkes-Haiip. The following amounts hap been tle po.slted In the West Side bank liv No. 19 school for lli( pnsl week, Piof D V. 1'hllllpp, 10e.: Miss Mmiio, $ir,0; Allhs Nleholls, $2 21"; MWs Beamish. "V. Miss Motgan, $1; Miss Davis, toe. Miss Coon. SI.21: Miss KpIIow. $1.11: Mli-s Klvnn. (ill-.: Miss Wadp. inc.: Mollis. 'ISc: Miss Hlltton, 2Z., MIhr MlhS IViber, SSe. Total, $10 81 J. D Davis, of South Biomley ae nue, Is visiting at Wltnineis Mis. Krank Ililtchlnson and (.hlldien, or Ninth Hebtcea aenlie, hae l etui li ed home fiinii Plttston. Vlilor ltiitrbuig, of Noith Muin ne IllIP, l (lllte III Miss l,7le Hedtloe, of Noith Main aenue, Is visiting fi lends In Philadel phia. .Mis. Jamb Sehottle. of Tain lew ite litte, Is entei tabling her Mstor. Miss I.oilNu .Stengel, of Niwaik, N. J. Dr. and Mis T. W Jenkins, nf Al hanj. X. V., aie lsltlng the lattei's intents, Mi. and Mis II. J. Davis, of South Main avenue Miss Until .Mathews f Siistluelianua. Is visiting West Siiaiiton filentls. Miss Maine Cilininlugs, of Xoi th Kp hemi avenue, and Miss May Uurnett, ol Swetland stieet. have retuined home aflei a J)Il.i.iii visit with Plttston tiiemls. Hopkin Weatheiliog. of Deikei s coin t. Is home fiom Huffalo Miss Untile Heed, ot Steiling. Is the guest ot !iei binthei, Alfieil lleid, of Dv.ins i mil t. Mis j. AV. Caslnei, of Ninth TJnioln avenue, Is entei tabling Miss .Inttlna Smith and Miss Kathin Smith, ot l.ake Wlnola. DTNMORE. Missis lalelle Calloway anil (Jiaoe Whitnev, ol Ilonesdale, aie guests ot the Misses Hone, on Ulakelv stieet The Dunnioie High school foot ball U nn will pln the team fiom No 3J s(hoof, at 1 p in Situulav. Tiikets for the Seinbi ich tonitit aie on sale bv Di Oeoi ge C Hi own Theie was an iM'Ulent .iiidtuuce it the rrvlval scivicts tonilmted at I lie Tiipp Avenue Christian iluuili bv i:angcllst Williamson, last nlglu His tuple was "The (Sospel ol Chiisl Is fiod's Powil ' Theie weie two moie ( onvei slons. in iking twentv-one in all The topii foi tonight Is ' The Deuis. Ing of Faith " The tollowing I- the piogiainint to be lentlcied at the High school on I'll tla.v at 'i "i0 p ni. The eloiutionaiy $8.00 $7.50 $6.50 $6.00 $4.50 $3.95 $3.85 $3.50 $3.25 $2.25 $1.95 $1.85 heavy and warm. c Si . ST. SS". i kind loi $1 7,1 Mud loi t! j', kind lot $2,7u kind lor $2.7.1 kind tor $j,2.i kind lor n.Sl kind roi $1.2.1 kind tm $1.00 kind tor i 2.1 ! i...,. Lit., kind tru 15c Sou klntl for GUo ,..$1.10 kind for S'Jo .$1.50 kind foi $1,23 as s i IS as usual. 'I he Dronortfon Tuesday Morning k etniclscfl aie furnished by pupils of the eighth guide, but the musical numbers ntn furnished by the students of the High school: Song, "Over Hill, Over Dale," school; ipcltallon, "Sniah lOni 11111." Maiv Doiidlcnnj iccltiitlon, "When the Minister Comes to Tea," It, tJplUngs; song, "The Holy City," HpIIp Kellov: tccllntlon, "The llaggedy Ainu." M. Swat tz solo, Nellie nllllgan: lecltatlon, "The Hlvnl Uoail," Lottie Kiessler: whistling solo, Oscar talil wig: song, "Uliie ilells of Siotland," class: iccltiitlon, "The Uaehcloi's Sale," M. Hoian: lecltnllon, "The hlghtlioiise," M, Sansenbatigh; song, "Dreaming or Waking," class. Thr- AV. C. T. U. t Diinimuo will inert at the home of Mrs. H. V, Allcnioiisp on 'ilday Instead of Thurs day. Uvery iiieinher Is rciiuested to be luesent. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Seeor, puteitaln ed a niniiber of their filentls, Satuutay evening, at their home on Chony street, The evening vmih pleasantly spent In games nntl niiMe antl latpr lefiesli inents weie seived. Those piescnt weie as follows: Mr. and Mis, Oeorgo S'eeor, Mr nntl Mrs. William Itogait, Mr. and Mis. Paeknnl, Ml. and Mis. (leoige MiUeaghan, .Mi. nntl Mis. riank Secoi, Mt, nntl Mis. Chibilcl Swaitz, Mi, and Mis. Geoige Haipcr, Mi. and Mis. John Wlnkeis, Mi. mid Mis. Lenniki Yeager, Mr. nntl Mis, Walter Oinvcs. Mr. nntl Mis. Thomas Kly, Mr. and Ml". Oeoige liush, Mi. and Mis Flovtl Sthoonovei. Mr. nntl Mrs. Allan Sitoi, Misses Jennie and M.ny Secoi, and Mamie Haipor. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Big Ciowd Attended Last Night's Meeting of the Soutli Side Re publican Association. Xciuly two litindietl tltieus atteiideil Inst night's Keiiuhlluin inlly In Ath letic hall, when a primnnent tug.inb.i tion, to he known as the South Side llntililillf.nl lL.w.li, 1 1.,, .. no ...oil.-.. with the lollowlng ollkeis Piesldent, i.uiii noun; viie-inesinent, lion, jonn Seheuet, ji., s'tcietniv. Jar oh ltuppeii tlial; tiensinei, Cluules Xelils; stew. ml, Clntile Kose. Tlie inimiples of the meeting and the v.ilue of the oig.itilu tlon weie fully set fuith. .mil the ar ililis woiklncr loininlttef s eie n.imeil h the ohnlrinan as follows. Resolutions William P. Vallghan, (lull man; Fi.ink Illci.i, H P Mooie, C J. Plel, Oeoige Witth, ji Pin.ince Chailes Neuls, John Seheuei. ii . (leoige W Xnpe. W J. Smith, (leoige Ileusnei, Adam Biler, rieihaid .1 Hii.sser, James P. Touhlll, Chi 1st Pit kus, Ose.u Stiaut h. 11 -laws Cieoige Wilth. Petei Neuls, llohitt Allen, William Dielihti, J. Mhtz It was agieed to intet eveiy week dining the piesent o.unp ilgn and the next tegular session will take place on Tliuisday. Oit. 21 The (Qimnltuc on liv-luvvs lepoitetl The lepnil was adopted bv ,i unanimous vote, aftei whkh eveiv menibei vas invited to hi lug in as in inj names as possible The lolls showed at tlie (lose of the meeting 1U memheis in good standing antl this U epeited to he .uiguniented to J10 b the net meeting An invita tion was extended lust hefoie adjourn ment, that all members attend tomiir iow night's inllv to meet the llepubll ciin t.inditlati s, who will he pie-ent in Athletk hall. Plensant Suipiise. A vei ideas mt suipiise put v.is tendtied IMw.ud Sweenev in lionoi of his ljhilidav, at his home on South living avenue, Tues, 1 1) evening Sing ing and games with tlie usual paitv ilheislons weie indulged In until a seasonable houi when letieslnnt nts weie seived by Miss Sweenev James l.avelle, a popul.u vni il soloist ot South Suanton. eniei tallied tlie !,uesi vvllh a nunibei ol line "t.lt t tUni Mi SwuiKv vi. is the utlplent of m mv piescnt-.. The guests depaited at mlil night aftti wisliiug .Mi hwtenty in in happv liiithiliijs Among those ptestnt veie. MisHs JIuj Iluddv, Katheiine llaiilngton, Ttitsn Siilllvan, Katheiine C'.ilmlln, .Mamie liedilington, Katheiine Hag ,eily, Loiettii riifioul Hoe IteilU. Kill llovle, Maif-aiit Clulen.i, nwinge lllii MeC'aun, Klttj anil Odcll Swttne.v, am1 .Mes-r- Janus l.avelle, Pitiltk Allllphv, John Heiilt.v, Unbelt C'lljtoid, I'til .siwuuiv. IMvvaitl Swkul.v. Pi li r I.nvclli- Pan lik l.avelle, William .Miupliv .liihn II u ilnMon, Joan Swtene , I.m II 1! Ciewei and IMw.ud Sullivan and James Pilteison, ot Pllis ton, ' Ltld at Rest. The iiuieial ot MK-, Otlla K Cione, took pint i ai 'i o'i loi k j.estcnlity morn ing tioni the lainllv u-idenri', t .0 itiiitl stmt, .mil the obsetiihs vvtie vii.v liiigd) numiled Theioitegt. pin (tided to M, lolin's eliuich on Pig i-tittu, v licit" a mass oi Hfuleni was i et Inatetl hi llcv. Putin i Holand. In teimeiu was atteiw.uds made In the .Mlunokii ttmiteiv Tile p.UI-heaieis wne .Mlill.iel Uelllv, ThouniM llol.iud, .lohii riiiiiin, John Co.vne Mu tin t'ovui, mil .Maluehl C'ov lie. NUBS OF NEWS. Miss .NMIIe .MiiiulnuHs, who will have dun go ot the ttiihie j-oclal In St John's hull tlllH eel)hlh, will U('!-eiU lllf W lu lling ladv unit geutU man with valuable piieb, whlili will he win t)i Miiviug to win, A -nihil will rollow the gume The Swublun Wi In, will conduit a haivest lent!v,il ami mmIuI, at Woiking men's hill next .Monday nlglit A baby boj has hi lived nt the home ot .Mi and Mi" i leoige Keihlei, oil ljiieh htieet The Jungei Muyniieu lior and the .Seianton Saeugeiunde, look puit In the Pnlted Oeiiniiu ilioli ieliPiiis.il In St, Tlinina.s' lollegu hall last evmilug. MhH Nellie .MiGulunl. a popular joillig ladj , icsldlng on Hluh .stieet, wan joined In nun i luge to Dennis Kuiie (if the Noith Ihltl 111 St. Petei'sl Cutlie dral, .vesteidiiy nfteinoon. Bi, Sdiley'H l.ung Healing H.ilsaui la guuiniileoil to (tue nil coughs. "No cine, no pa) " Foi sale by all dealeis, An entertainment wil he given in the Oeinuin l.uiheian fhuii'h on ivdar avenue, Thuusilay evening, at 710 p. m Uveiliod) Is wek nine. A lovely tilllt will ho gheii to some lucky one, Ite fieshinfiits will lut .served by the ladles society of the tdiui eh Tho tholr of AIT 0MB AlfD WEtL-TRTED REMEDT, MrtS WINSLOW'S SOOTHINQ BYUU for children teething, la the prescription o cno o( tho best fenuily phiali-luiis am tmrses In tho United States, and haa heed used sixty years with never-fallhtK suoJ tesa by millions of molheis foi tlielr chili Oren. During the process of tcethtni; iti Juluo is Incalculable It relieves the chili fiom .pain. cure3 diarrhoea, b-rlplnB In tha liowels, nnd vvlnil-collc. By giving healttj to the child It icsts tho mother. Price, twenty-live ctnU a haulm GIFT TO OUR REAOERS, Hemnrknble Gift fiom One of Amer ica's Largest Medical Houses to Our Rendeis. It Is rrmnl liable to whnl lengths some people will go to do good In this wot Id. The pioprletoia or Wat net's Safe Our as soon ns they heard thul the Oovrrn niont statistics showed thnio hip ovrr E.000,000 people Hiiffcilng fiom kidney ttoithle In one form or another, Im mediately made nn arrangement by which nny render nf The Scranton Tri bune Willi wants to can have it frre trlnl bottle ot Wnrnet's Safe Cute by Rlmply usklng the toinpany for It In a leltei. i This Is the lemedy Hint the papeis wiotc so much about In nniiectlou with llio euro of tlenoial William Piost Niit tttll, of the Hiltlsh tinny, whose kldnevs liecaine su clogged with Uric Acid while utmpnlgnliig In South A fi lea that he neuily died of Uilght's disease, but he was cntliel cured bv Win net's Safe Cute. Onlv icceiitly the extluslvo society of Washington was studied by the cine of one of Its lending members, Mir. Finncls W. Oieshnui, secielary and tiinsurer of the lllghct I.pague of l.'ilucitlou, who wus cured with the snino lemedy, and the papci.s of WIs tonsln weie full of the remnikuhlc teeoveiy of Miss Ilosalle T. Teller, Fee ictiuy of the Floinl t'ltili of llllwnukep, who doctored for many .veins for female tumble when she leally had kidney disease, and this lemedy piomptly lestored her to her family and friends. Otluis of oui ii.idcis will icniembei the tasp of Mis. Xcbcci it Smith, of We.stllclil, N. J., who was i tiled at the age of !-', and Miss Vliglnl.i Townseiid, V, P., of the Young People's Temper niuo t'nloii, who Intel ptetty nearlv bankiupled heiself bu)lng medicine when luckly she he.ud of Wainoi's Safe Cine. It is one of tlie oldest lemedles In Amerlu, and has by actual tount tilled ne.uly a quartei nf a mil lion jieople. You sitiely want u sample of suih n lcmaikahle lemedy. Theh niguinent Is that most all sick ness comes fiom the kldnes getting clogged with Uiic Aild, a poison that thins the blood and weakens ever oigan of the bodv. and It Is the kind of an nigumoit that should appell to all sensible people. Therefoie, anj one vho Is ailing ought to have the fiee tilnl bottle. It will quickly cute pains in the back and loins, llieumntlsin In anv loi in, gout, weak back, diabetes, swelling of the feet and ankles, Uilghl's disease, di opsy, eczema. Inflammation of the hladdei, stone in the blndilei, tor pid liver, scalding pain when ou mi nute, and, If u woman, fiiutlng spell-, painful peiiods or so-called female weakness. A sine test Is to put some moi ning in hie In a glass bottle and let It stand -U houis. If It gets cloud and contains a i eddish bilck dust sedi ment, oi if p.uticleb llo.it about in it. oiu kldnejs aie suiely diseased. This acts with magic-like effect on the kidne.vs, neives and muscles, strengthens the kldnes and blndder, gets in the blood and diives out tie Pile, At Id poison fiom the -jstem. It will lid ou of till pains and aches, make jou eat bettei and sleep bettei, make )oui skin ios and oui mind active, and in that way banish eveiy ti.ico of kldne tiouble in a shoit time. St Petei's and of Clnist (hiiuh will lendei seveial sCioctlons NOKTir SCRANTOX. Muthcw Vorltih, ol Aiclihald, had William Stameikk, ot the Mai vine patch, iiiialgiH.il beloie Aldeinian M eis last night, charged with assault and battel nnd lobbeiy. Voiltch wus vlbitlntr .sevci.il of his ii lends in M.u vlne pittli. and In fltiitington's hotel met two ot his (otinti v nun Aftei (hatting loi smif time lie lUVlded to go home, and stuitid in the diiectiou of Noith Main avenue Ills two ( oun liine;i ul ihiough the ilelds, beaded him oft and th mantled that he should it tin n to the hott 1 nnd Heat. This be i el list d to do, sulng he wanted to go home to his Jamil. At this one of the men Iciiot ked 111 til down. Tlie two "-it upon and beat him into iiiseiisibtlllv. lilted his pot ki ts and tliiow him ovei an embankment nun the M.iiviue mini dump It was J o'doik in the mm n ing u lit ti he u gained ioiistl()iisius lie wiiit bad; to his iclulve's home in the Mai vine pa till, and l.itct In the day had a w.in.mt mvoiii out foi the an est of Stniutihk. AldPimiu M.veis held til ill nude! V.Uii bail, but the i.i-e wus lln.illy t-ettled bv Stunieiiik puIng the costs John MtUeimott and D inlel Kons tosk, two oungstiis icsldlng on Wist .M.llket Mutt, weie Ik fine Aldeiinuil M.veis yestpidit, on the thaige ol Inn -gl.uy. piiteiied hv Mis. John Ittup. .Mis. Ileip conducts a : mull gioiei.v stoic on West Muihet stieet. The two luds It Is alleged, cult led one of the i ellui windows and winked theh way Into the .stole, with the intention of looting It, Mis. iteip was In the htni-p nt the time, but the bo.vs did not know this. Tlit.v thought that she hud gone to Hlugliuiiitou AVhcn suipilbcd by Mis. Heap they made theh escape tluotigli the window She had ,i vwu iiint swum out fot their in icst, and tiny weie commltteil to jnll In tlet.iult ol $00 bill. Mi. and Mis llwin bimnis, of Noith Main avenue, gave a bhthdny pinly In honor ot theh h-veai-old daughter, Mabel f-luinis, yestiulny nfteinoon. The time wus taken up with buiiics and other puny dlveislons, Uetieshmenti weie mi veil the lompaii tit li o'clock Those piesent Wile. Misses I idle Thomns. Sudii) Jones, Mniguiet Staf loid, i:ilu Lewis, Miugiuit and Mubel Slmms.iintl Musteis Hobeit Itectl, Wai ilell Ulrtlty, Wllliiid and Pllswoith Oavls. l.leittenailt Thomas Mills, Seigeaut Althur Mills nnd I'mpmals llcibeit Wulkei nnd t'huiles Cutlet, of Company II. Thlittenth leglmeiu, weie vlsltois heie jesieidu Mis C, P. t'lossniiin.of Tluoop stieet, and Mis D. S. Hulls, ot Putnam stieet, spent jeMeuluy with Mi.s. Ili'iijuiilllt Wheeler, nf Claik's tJieen. Mis, Alexander Hi den, of Itluicu, N Y Is visiting Mr. and Mis. Dowse, of Tluoop Mitel, GREEN RIPCE, Mis. Huriy Watts, of Cupousp ave nue, left yesteidny for a tluee week's visit at the home of hor patents in Philadelphia, Mr, and Mis, C. S, Seamaus, of Wyo ming avenue, utteuded the wedding of theh niece, Miss Ihnlly 1. itueder and Mr, A. nillniaii Huey at Wllkes-Hiuio Tuesday evening. Henry Hitchcock, of Mousey avenue, has i etui netl fiom a Southern tiip. Yesterday morning about 10 30 o'cloik William Oglesby, of Sanderson avenue, w ho is employed as a blacksmith at the Allls-Chalmers woiks. met with a painful utvldeiu. While diuwlng btccl fiom under the hummer, , Die tongs slipped, cutting the cords ot the left linnd and badly crushing the little lin ger. Mr. Oglesby vvns icinoved to the Lackawanna hospital, wheie Ills In Jinles wcic dtessetl. OBITUARY. MItS MAIKIAIUJT COMIMAN. wife ot lldvvaitl PolPtniin, of Aiclihald, illeil at tlie family home In that boioiigh on Tiieiluv night utter it long Illness. She Is silivlvrd by her husband and the following chll. dlpti! Thomas, of flushing; Mis John Maloiip, l.trtc, Maggl IMwiiul and Hose, of Airlilmlit, l'lu funeial will be held fioln St. Thomas' tliiueh. Aichbaltt, this tnoinlng nnd Intpinieilt will be luiulo In Hip Catholic lemetpry theie. FUNERALS. The runt ml scivlto of Mis. Cluules Law will ho coiiihictetl nt the himie ot her son, William Law, roJ llairisou ave nue, at 11 n in Pilil.iy, afti t whit It1 tins letniihis will ho taken to Aichhild foi Inn lilt, touching Hie (etnetciv time about - p. in. Mis Law was liom In Scotlund Upcpinhei .S 1SIH. With hei husband and fninllv she oiiiiip to this tonntiy hi 1S9 nnd luis llvptl In this vnllev 11 vuns Slie was ii iilet, Cliilstlan woman bilovid bv all who knew Iipi. Slip Is sin vivid bv two sons nnd out ilaughtoi. Tlinnuih l.nw, of Aiclihald; Mis. J. M Itobt itson, of Mooslc, and William l.uvv, of Suanton IN THE REFERENCE ROOM. Fi oin the I'hliugo Intel -Ocean In the ipference loom of the t'hlingo Public llbiaiy a sttidenl ol physlog iiomv has a good oppottunlty to study (haiacter. Heie eveij day "aie ns. semhled pet sons In all walks of life. The broken-down business mun, the wiltet, the Invpiitoi, Hie theological student, the college pioTessoi nnd the lnevltnhlo "liobo" loim the laigest uiimhei of leadens who liequent the place. "Do .von stt. that giav-halied lellow over theie'.'" said a llbiai attendant, pointing to an old man who was writ ing l.ihoiluiisly nt one of the tables. "Well, he l willing a hlstoiy or the till wat. He has been winking on It for over a eui, and has onlv got to the battle of Full- Oaks. l?j the time he gets to the siege of Vlcksbutg. I fear, his maiiiiscilpt will have giown a lieu id. "Tint man at the next table Is an Inventoi, .it least he sus he Is 1 am told that he hits haunted tlie letcience loom legulailv eveiy (lav foi twentv eais. He nevei tails to get heie enily evety mouilug, and Is one of the list to leave .it nlglit. We nevei see him go out at noon oi at supper time. If he cuts we never taught him ut it You know one ol the pieiequisites ol n llist-iluss inventoi Is that he must lot ego eating mid sleeping a la I"Mi--on. "That spi joung man over theie Is a wiitei such as Washington living dtsciibes ,n his 'Sketch Hook' on bioom-inaking He Is employed bv some publishing tlim to make selei -tions fiom the woiks ol gieut wiiteis These aie aftei wind published in book fm m undei sudi titles as 'Gleanings "ioni Hest Known Authois,' etc. business, that "Hut the geiieulorfit al llend' Have pitv upon him He might be a good fellow. The less siid about 'the seauh ei ot taniil leiotds the bettei. "The othti duv a woman called to hunt up hei family ciest. She tountl It, but didn't like t,he design On tlie opposite page was a beautiful one, be longing to anothei liinilly. Shu looked long and lov inglv at it. " 'I like this one best,' she said to hei li lend. "'Hut it isn't the ue-t of join lainl lj," piotested the fiiend ''That doesn't make anv diffeiente.' was the aiiswei "Phis one Is the piet tkst.' 'What doe- she do but whip out -tune tiuclng pipei nntl copj It This she ulteiw.nil hud euginved on hei slutloueiv. We (eltuilllj s, t. some tiieei tilings up lieu 111 the lettienie loom " SIAM'S PECULIAR FLAG. Pi oin Hie l'ittslmig 'limes tlie tlig ot Slam is .1 unions one-a white t lenh nil on a nil lit Id ami otlil it must look win n it is mtt-siiv to hoist it upside down u a signal ol dlstitss, hut a most elUetivt imi il, as tiu tlilu-. niiuu In Ipli ss in dlstii s-.iuf. Until this t Inmsj iiu nil iin d tun li.utilv In Im.miuid Hi I nl i utcu, tin loiiutli i ol tlie iiallnii, was lioni, his nuitlit i tluuiiiiil tli.it sin luought Itiith u white ilii'hunt, nnd tin Jliuhmlns ufliini Hint Xiu . t, ului u metciiiphvchusis m son hi dinm-s, ton thnliil hi- vailed ipiiiiiicis as litis while (lipliim, and tin in i" wus mthid lino th. toiiipiiiv ol the Ciltstiul dt llli s, I It tlie lilt vtlHliltiuli ol tile Siamese loi the "I'liing Piiuiik" oi tin mud whilo tlcphanl. Win u sui li dlgiili.iiv miikis Ills llii(.il.tutt in the lulisl, th li I.-1 Mi u itjokliii, and no eftoit is -ipiud to t tp liue lil in 'I hi king Is conslilind mint loitiimili vviio pu (--is one in mole in. thise suiied unlmils ') lin pn-iul kins; ptlssesM s si.in, hi ui e tile pi i "-cut plus pilous iiniilitioil ol the inlinll. 'the so-iallul while eh pll lilt loi lilt loim Is uallv a Ilitlibikk oi Npupolltiiu vtlliiw is iisuilh loiiinl In Hi" uoithuii pioviiire, nnd tin i,n.i nun oi the piov line sees that In is t omtoi lublv tscoitnl, h the tutting ot n wide pith lluniikli tht Juilgles to the llv'i 'I hue a gieut lloil llig pallid" ot wiiml, oinunit nttit with a goigeous loot and hung with t Winnm tlUlllllls, UW.lllS llilll Tile I no I' Is lltlMlll H thatched Willi lloweis and tin lluoi iiiMlul witli gilt matting The king, with hi- entile limit, In Hi h tleg.ilit b.ngts, mullitiidi s ui inii sis both lluildhist unit Hiiihiuhi. with hau nt is living and with uiiisli, m up Hid liv (I, a two dajs' Joiuuev to meet llilll When lie illliVts In the iltv lie Is we- (omtil with Imposing (cuiuun b) Ihe I iiiemlius ut the nival lainllv V testival ot u w i e!i Is piin'lahiii il and n lliiiuUsgivIng Is olfoied up 'I In lonlh In ast is kiilghnil b piiiuing wutei on his ion In ml Horn a tiiuili shell ami u tltltt and name uie given him allet whlih ho H (ouduitiil wlih giuit pump an, I I leieinonv lo his own suniptiiniis apait- ' incut, Wlllllll the pieilmls ol llio Kill, ri palaie, wlu it his own i nun oiliteis mid sUvts nvvall to lobe ami I'tcoi.uc him Pli st ho Is plated on a hamlsoiunl built pulestni about a foot fiom the tlom unit Is lasteiipil hv one hind and oun folu loot to glldttl posts with lotus toviiid with iiimsnu velvet The. point Jewelet llligs his tieuieiiiloiis tusk with massive gold, uowiih him with a dladeiu of beuttu gold inul jtl lies he.ivv gold i Indus niouuil his nick He is tin n lohttl In a suneib puiplo eloul; ol velvet filmft'd with sun lit and gold When he bullus, an ollliei of high lank slielteis his mihle lit .nl with a gnat iimhlcllu ot cilmsoii and gold, while othei.s wave goltUu tans la I'm e htm His tood (oiiblsts ot the llntst licibs, Hie (emit i est giassis. the sweel i st sugauaiie aptl the iniilowest hummus and iitlu I dainties, whiih uie liaiultd lo him on gold and stu s.ilus h his at tendants on Hull knees Ills iliiuk la pui fumed with fiagiant lloweis When ill. he is uttt uihd b the most sklllttl ol Ihe comt plijskiuns nntl the t hit 1 piliMu pi a j daily foi his lccoveij It hu die-, theio is imlveisul uioiiinhig, the king tliiulili's on his tliiouo and Hid hlghiM funeiul hontiis uie p lid to liU (tnpse, One day a stiange piousslon passed down tho liv ci hi llangkok Theie weio eight laiue bulges. sl ol tliiui iiirtuineil with cilmsou und gold cloth, cudi iiuiiiicd I A wonderpulVmedicine FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind and Pains in Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver and Female Ailments. """ Tho Salo now exceeds SiX MILLION Boxes pen Annum, Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS nTCCIIAM, St. Helens, Enjiland. Sold Everywhere, in Boxes, lOc. and 25c. U. 6, A. Depot, 36S Cnnnl Street, New York. THESE ARE FACTS. When your boy or girt needs a pair of School Shoes you should buy them here because: You don't have to take any chances.. We Know the superior quality in every p.tir and will ingly guarantee them. We can do this because: All our School Shoes are (although at extra cost to us) given special attention from the lime the leather is .selected until the last stitch is sewed. At the same pi ice you get better value here. MlHdt'R ,. . Child a lloia" ... . loutliV Little Oents L ! Fiii RUDDY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Next Door to new First National Bank Building. AMUSEMENTS. NEWARMORY,SCRANTON,Pa SOiNG KnCITAI. BY E. SEMBRICH Leading Soprano TUESDAY EVENING, OCX Ss.1, 1902, AT" 6.30 PRICES. 75c to $2.50. Diagram now open at Powell's Music Store, Scranton : Marx Long' Store, Wllkcs-Barrc ; H. F. Clark's Drug Store, Carbondale. Orders tor seats received by mall or 'phone. '."V.V.V.Y.V.Y.V ,".- What Did It I The pcueotion of quality in is what .struck the lasts ap Dieowtlon and approbation of the An erican people. It li no",' everywhere the fjist sought and the first bought. fcoltl al nil HikI !! iitltn nn I li Mini VM I.VMIIVN.V htlN Hlllllllulr Mil -:::: .: ! ! i Wlien in Need Of anything In the Hue o( optical Goods, we can supply it. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Piopetly fitted by au expeit optician, From $1.00 Up Also nil Ulnds of piescrlp tiou woik nnd repalting. Alercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue, liv tlilitv lioiilnieii tlii'hsui in ,., turns iih JjiUotx mil nips Thc.v taint il a lmihH luinil wliu.li pliicil iiioiiinful miislii i nntl Hit lli.sl linpitstiiiiii uas ili.it miiiiu i niiiicnt ptifion vmis In Iiik Inii in to u-ht, lint It waa uiil thu lionoit. nn the boil) of a IlKlit-iolnicil ilcpliant 'llio thin) )'( it hml not uuv i iiiI.iIih, hilt hml tho Ih "-.stm .v illlltiullaH, ilesp; nnilnt; hluh nnl llt'tvvten tliwo two lio.lth, mi it bit'i. loveittl with u iiiliop) ot whilo. Ihe tm lK was fiiHtctiril inul thus llontoil tlowii to Hut .rule ot SI ii'i Onli Ills builiis mill lu m I me crciiiiitt'it The hull!, of thv tall mo niiseiMtl 114 Miiietl iflk.s Such 11 lull Is looUiil upon u thu most ihihIiiiih piosent liv whieli tho kliiK can show IiIh cstiini foi un one. Thoy am net In bundles of koIiI ami pioilons stoiic, ami one wan .stvtl by the lato King to Queen Vk'tuila uf Knuland. All .... $1 Wi, JI J",, ;t:o ;-.. i cu . ... l mi ill & AMUSEMENTS. Metropolitan 0p:ra Co., Lyceum Theatre, ill. Jtcis, T.csipo iind Jl.iinser A J Diif!, Uusiiiiiss Manager. Tvvii Xiulits, W fit ih til iv, Thin srt.iv, Oi t. 1",, li VlutliiLC Tlmisilnv Heniy W. Savnge Presents The Phenomenal ComhiIv Opoi.i lilt. KING DODO, bv PIXl.nV .V LfDIHtS. 'JO ('tllllPilllllls --U 10 C'll til 11 In llllv s Ni v inl '1 he nl i Pitiiliutlon S -pr ) PUli'llS Kl!,lil M "" JI li "e lc Jie. Mntini '1 1' "e , iV , -'it Peats on -.ih Academy of Music M Ilels. l.rs-i'e ami Mimisci. A J Duffv. Iluslriosi Mnnagar. 'Ihlic Mrflits Sim tlliir 'I luiisduv. Oct II,. Mnlintis 1'ililiv nun mi tm lii v. -I'm: nn; ii:i.oih:.i.tii' si ccss. AFJGHT FOR PATHOS AND HUMOR. MILLIONS A l'liiv nf the I't tiple loi tin- l't ople I'ltll I'h M.illm I i mill .'" it ills Mullt, J"i .'. .".. 'i0 mits. Si fits on sale XpM .ltiutlnn All Nt M WVt K, THE BENNETT-MOULTON CO. Jltiliilav Mt;IU "U.tllii st Itns-slu." Dixie's Theatre, lih'Nitv VARNswoitrir uixm, l.c?sii) anil .MiiiMccr. vi:i;k or octoni:it n Kathryn Osternian and Co, The SiiiLMlley Sketcii Cluto Drnwcc, the J uglier. Two pn foi inuiKos ilillv, '.'JO jpil 3 11 1'ilies 1 1, .'i ,, nntl ,'jii Spti inl iiiiitlneti piicoM cinlUi v stath in ci-ntH STAR THEATRE AL.I'. C! UlJUltlNC.TON, .M.iiiagoi. TIiiiimIiiv, Pi Id iv mill Sntiiuliiv, lK"l()lli:it 11, IT ami VANITY FAIR BURLESQUERS jivriviii; nvnitv v.w DAV1ES MURPHY z HI'ISCiyilMfl'i 1 1 1 lMH&nMKyL 1 m t I lBBlPs?.iil 1 wmmnrmrwm "Tv.'J!jjv. nVfi Wi M l'drci ro VLij5M)"MCMB t t i4