i. ""f"' "u"Vv" ' ".-TV. ' "" ,fV "'VSWT'1'' '"T ?yWi'Fllvf.9ri''",'$ if&'v -v;"" itw - v , ,- 1 v '5f !" THE SCH ANTON TRIBLTNE-THUISJ)AV OCTOBER 10, 1902, tt f a ity)h . . Js ' i rcxxxxxxxxxxx; X HIE MODERN HARDWARE STORE. The Open Fire Place Is a Brent aodi-ce of com fort, however It often onuses tmenslncas the sparks fly nbottt the room and there Is danger unless you have n WIRE SPARK GUARD then you are nbsolutely snfe. Wc enn supply you with nil kinds of SPARK GUARDS. Foote & Shear Co. Kta yt t.:i A,r Vy ' WMUIIIJIU" '" Xxxxxxxxxxxxx The flardenbergh School of MQsic and flrf Offers the exceptional ndvnn tnge of Pinno and Oifrnn stuajr with Mr. Sumner Salter, nn artist teacher of recognized standing in the musical world. Register now. 604 Linden st. A Word to the Wise Who Have Ready Cash Till"! Is the time tn liny sumo of our licj-t lociil dividend piyhiB storks mid IrainK Pome people who have these secinitlos mo obliged in have ousl to meet obliga tions fnilhiK duo; inn! mo willing lo in cept offers on some of the best of lh"so sine illvlili'liil payers, for less pi lee, tliiiii you are likely to pet them for iiriiIii. Wu hie the transfer loprosoiitntlvos. having ahcmlv n niinilier of thu-e soouiilles on linnil to offer, nml will tlnil any utheis J on iiiii V want without ilelny. If von me looking fni n good sate In vestment, either Jtnnils, Sank or Indus trial Stocks mid want it lit the bottom price call Immediately it L I. F. riEGARGEL & CO. Stocks, Bonds and Sccuiities, Connell Building. Get "The Lackawanna Finish" On Your Linen. 308-310 Penn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN. qi(SSgBEq REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. October LO At I.yioum, spoiikois. Sol idary of the Xuy Moody mid other. Oet, l!l At l.yeeiun, spoakei.s Judge Puuuypiickcr, nepiibllc.iu candidate, lor goveinoi , mid othcis. PERSONALS. Mr nml Ml!.. W .1 i'hIIk.iii, of Wash ington iienue, ii te Im New Vol k ill. Mr nml Mi. w. w. Uiiuk-r have gone to Oi.tngo. N. V., whole tlle will nmk.. their futuie home .lames J. I'nleiiiiin. who l.s loented nt New Voik In the Intel ests of Hie Intel na tional I'onepipiide.ue schools, is vHUIiik Scrunton friends. Attorney .IniiioH II. 'I'm lev. iif this ellv, Jelivered un nildie-s I.i-t iilnht on iho coal .strike ut the niiuiinl banquet nf the Moot mid Shoe club of .New 1;iikIiiiiI held n lioston, It Is the cuMum of this or ganization tn discuss yeaily mime me.it piobloni of the lioui and the unl stiiUu was selected nn the nll-niomenlous ipie.s tlon for discussion tills e,u The m.iril.tgu of Miss llmiu.ili II p de, eldest daughter of t'oloiiel mid .Mi.s. i:. II Hippie, in William .Mcl'iilloeli. wili tnko place tonight nt the home of ihu lit frlo'H parents on Vino streei. A lei op tion will follow. .Miss Jessie (tipple, i-ls-tor of tlie In die, will be miild of houur. Tim bildesmalds will b,i her cousins, Miss May lliicketl and Miss Josephine DoMei. Julian Alois will ho best man. Opening, children's winter uinis. New nml ex elusive stylos. U.iljy ltanunr. US Washington avenue, Typewriteis. Smoot, "the typewriter man," ,s tin Of machines which iu will f,v lfW ?20 each, ti Dolisiuuio, Itemluglon ami Smith Premier. The iht conies gets the pick of either machine, Hueru.soy llulldlng, city. .. City and School Taxes 1002. Tho above tax ilupllcates are now In my hands for collection. F. S. HAKKlJIt. City Treasurer. Dr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 215 Connell building. Hours; n a. m. to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8.0 p. m. You Can Always Save 'I ho mlddlciiiiin'H pro lit by puielmslnir your uiublellus or p.uasoh Hi oet tioui tlio iniinii. lactumr. Special In 1ik eliientH just now In older to clear out our slock ptopiiiutory lo making up our .. , . - hi,iiiiu line. o aro tho only exclusive umbiollii niniiii. fnctiiirrs In tho city, SCR ANTON "UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING COMPANY. 3 SPKU'CK STttUUT. fmtjP 8 DEFENSE OF , METZHEISERS SAY THEY WERE ATTACKED BY MESSITT. In Defense, Michael Mctzholser Hit Messltt with n Club Peter Gaho vltch Was Found Guilty of the Lai cony of $81 and Wns Sentenced to Eight Months In County Jail, Cases That Were Continued Other Cases in Which Balls Wero For feited Monaghan Acquitted. The trial of John and Michael Mef. helper, who me ehnruod with felonious ly woimdliiK I'. 51. Messltt, was ie Httmed before JiiiIkc McClure yestenhiy. The ilefence was that Alessltt, hacked hy John (VlJoimcll ami P.Mrlck Dol piiln, nttackeil Jnlm Alctithclser with his dinner pall. .Mike saw ihu three men nt his hiothor and wont lo his as sistance. Ales-dtl then struck him with his cut) ami lie replied hy HlrlklliK Mos.slit with n club. That wns the only Injury Inlllcted on Messltt, ho far as he knew. The I'lnshtK ndilresses to the Juiy woie made by Attorney Joseph O'llrleu for the ilefouse. nml Hun. John P. (.jiilnuan, for the cimuiimwcnlti. The case wns Riven lo the Jury at ,", p. in., lint It had not imrooil upon u verdict up to a Into hour lust nlht. In the main court loom yestetday nunnlni; Peter (liihovlteh was found KUllty of steulliiK $S1 fumi .Mis. Mary Xov.ichltchiikn. of Taylor, and w'us sen trnceil by Judge Kelly to pay a line of $M, costs, restore the money stolen and si"iul elRht months in the county jail, the sentence to begin on the date wliPii (iuhnvitch wes committed to jiill. James DotiKher pleaded Ktlllty to ol) talnliiK strawbeirlcs from W. II. Pleice .Hid ('ia)iiller & Short, wholesale mer chants of lower I.uckaw nmia avenue, by ii'ptesentlnK thai he wns In the employ of P. Itoos, the Pine street f?ro cer. lie was sentonced tn six mouths In the county Jail. The term to hefilii .is of June 11). thp date on which he was committed to Jail. PltOSKCI'TOlIK DIDN'T APPKAH. The iiioseciitors did not appear in tho foltowliiK: cases and verdicts of not Utility were taken; George Triomlck, iibstruclins IpkiiI jiloeess. James Me (ilnty, puisecutor: Ki'Mik Williams and Alary Williams, obstructing; legal pro cess. James McCllnty, prosecutor; Paul ('ludnlskl, Iniceny by bailee, fl. AI. llcilhiijcr, prosecutor. Alaiy l.utty, aggravated as'-ault and battery, James Toss, piosectitor. Kriink ICdwards was tiled befoie Judge Kelly, charged with having had unlawful relations with Airs. Cordelia niduoll. The hitter's husband was the prosecutor. The parties live at Nay Aug and Kdwards and llldwell are rail road men. P.idwell Is awny fiom home much at night and it Is alleged that Kdwards was very attentive to her. Tlieie was not sulticient evidence to establish the charge lodged against him, and a verdict of not guilty was taken by diiectlon of Judge Kelly. Tlieie was a case against Airs. Hid well too. and as tlio evidence in that would bo the same as against ICdwards, a verdict or not guilty was' taken in that also. Tin so cases weie niuiked off the list, the defendants having disappeared: Joseph Kucewliz, assault and battery, Alary Kucewloz, piosecutor: Dominlck Itlley, felonious wounding, Frank Hob ling, piosecutoi; Constant Suvack, dis charging Ureal ins, Alartiu Aliglin, pios ecutor. Halls were forfeited as follows: .lob li J. T.oftus, larceny and receiving, .lames MeGlnty, piosecutor; John .1, l.oftus, assault and battery. James Ale (ilnty, prosecutor: Ignatz Italoinus, at tempt at rape, Agnes Keslletski, prose cutor: James Sullivan, inbbery, Harry Hattola, piosHcutor, Wll.r: 15K W1TNRSSKS. The case against Joseph Filer, Itu dnlpli Kos.-er and Fred Itingham. boys charged with stealing iron from the Delaware and Hudson company, was continued mull the next term. ' They are wanted ins witnesses against the Junk dealers whir ycsteiday asked to have the Indictment against tliein quashed on the ground that the law forbidding the pun base of lion fnun Illinois is In restraint of liade. A continuance was allowed in the cii.-e of Thomas a. Ilondrlck, of Jer inyn, cliaiged with libel by lion. P. K. Timlin. The case Is an outgrowth of the tvooiri light of llendilek and Timlin for the Democratic nomination lor leg islature In the Fourth district. The iiiutluuailce was asked for by the at torneys for the defense, who said lliey hud not hud time to pivpmc the case. Other cases continued were: liisnge It. Stiilllnii, embezzlement by tn. culleetor; Peter Stellislioru, piu-eeil-tor. For settlement. Small I'imie, selling Ihiuor without li cense; 'l', s. Unfiling, pioM-cutor. A capias has been b-uod for her, but she cannot lie Ion in I. .liuiH'S Niirlou, false pretenses; John II. ('oiciiiiiu, pruseelltor, Jolm Aloiiiigliau, assault and battel y; llmiiinli Francis, piuseeiitiir. .MUhiiel Size. I.uceny and leceivlng; F, Holding, Jr., pioM-entor. Ian Koiuauoskl, ullempt at rape; Jus "Ph WiilllllHkl, pioseulltur. Illness nf Hie lUieeeutor. Tliiuiuis .loliii. selling on Sunday; ltnh ei t Wilson, prosoeiiior. Wllllmu llubiiii, assault and batieiy; flweiuiln .Mnigmi, piusecuiur. For settle incut. Thomas Itllddv, rubbery, three itises; ileoige Witnli.li. .Michael Alnlmlelilk and llairv lloltol. piosecutur.s. Hiidily Is In Pltlsbillg uud w.is not nolllied by his couii.el that Ids case was to bo tried tills w eek. Jusiph Kncewii'i!, illsidiiuglng llio arnn and cniiylug (oneeali'd weapons; Alary Klieewlez. inosei ulrlx. J, II. Ackirson. false pielensesj '. V. Sliiythe, pioseeiltoi, Is III. .Michael Sullivan, Imiglar; John J. .Mollis, piosecutor. IN COl'IlT ItOO.M NO. U. Ilefoin Judge Now comb in couit loom No. i, a verdict of not guilty was le turmd ycslerday In the case against Hannah Youngs but the costs were placed upon the defendant. John Monaghan was auiultted of as sail U and battel' on Hannah Francis, oil Apiil ."i last, and tho Jury directed that the prosecutrix pay the costs. The trouble was alleged to havn occurred at the homo of the prosecutrix on Keyset' avenue. The piosecutilx and her hus band tehtlllfd that on the evening of the day in ituesllon the defendant on teied their home and stated that he had u win rant for ihu husband's airest. Tim noise niude, utti acted the atten tion Of the wife who, upon entering the loom, was atlucked by the de fendant, who struck Iter with n club on thu arm. The defendant denied beliiR upon the promises of (lie ninseculrlv nt Unit Hum and further denied ever liming struck Boy, y . J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. G04 LINDEN STREET. her. It appeared that on the evening of the trouble Ihu prosecutrix had been drinking to some extent and this, the defendant, claimed accounted for her Inability to apiiieclatc that It was some one other than him who struck her If she was struck at all. Henry Harding, esq., loprospiitoi! the de fendant and Air, Thomas, the common wealth. John (lolls was tried for throwing stones at u Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western passenger conch on the even ing of Aug. 0 lust. The couch was In charge of special olllcers of the rail road company and was being conveyed to the Sloan wusliery for the purpose of bringing back the workmen employ ed there. The prosecution offered evidence to the effect that (lolls and thlee others stood near the inllro.id und as soon us the car approached, threw four stones till of which struck the cur and one entered, breaking a window and a shutter. TilKY C.AVF, CI I ASK. The ofllceis Immediately alighted and gave chase, but only succeeded hi cap turing the defendant, whom they placed under arrest. He denied having any thing to do with the trouble and testi fied that he was simply watching the train, his attention being attracted to It by reason of Its having stopped. At torney John J. Murphy was his counsel and Hon. C. P. O'Alalley and Attorney Daniel it. Iteese. lopresented the prose cution. The jury had not leported a' erdlct at adjourning hour. .Martin Kvueli was tried for the lar ceny of .$10..")0 from Patrick Almmlon. The pintles live In Ciubnudule and on Labor day last the piosecutor stated that as he was walking along Arehbuld slice! he mot the defendant whom he oll'eied, upon request, a nlckle with which to purchase a glass of beer. While taking the nickel fiom his pocketbook the defendant grabbed the pocketbook from him together with the money It contained. The prose cutor Is an old man and on account of ills dearuess it was dillloult to get his story from him. The defendant denied the stealing and stated that he had several drinks with the old niitn but did not ask or receive any money from him. He was repre sented by Attorneys Jolm J. Murphy and Louis Ornmbs. A verdict bus not yet been reported. Two Divorce Cases. Airs. Alyfanwy Ricliaids, through Attorney P. K. Doyle, sued, yesterday, to secure u divorce from Jolm AI. Itlchnrds, to whom she was married 'Sept. -, 1SS1. She alleges that her hus band offered such indignities to her as lo compel her to leave his home on April 1.-., 1H02. Jacob ttoth sues Lena lloth for divorce on tho giound of desertion. They were married in this city Dec. 1.1, 18SS, by Hew Air. Wundoilioh and lived together until Dec. '1, 1S01, when Hotli says his wife left him. Itolh lhes at US Alder street, this city and his wife resides at Hnbokeii, N. J. Roth's at torney Is .1. F. Almphy. i ST. PAUL'S PIONEER CORPS ANNIVERSARY Sixteenth Annual Banquet nnd Dance in the Knights of Col umbus Club House. St. Paul's Pioneer coips celebiiited their sixteenth anniversary last night with a banquet and dance at the Knights of Columbus club house. Cov ers weie laid for u bundled guests, and neiii ly that number were in attendance. The hemmed guests were: How I'. J. AloAliiuus, piesldont of the Scranton Dioce.-an union, and How J. V. Aloylnn, chaplain of the First leglnient of Lan cers. Daniel Lenlhiin, president of St, Paul's, was toastniaslor. Aluslc was furnished by the Tnion orchestra, and the menu was served by Airs. AI. J. Kelly and a corps of competent assist ants. President AlcAlunus and Chaplain Aloylnn each dellveicd felicitous ud di esses, and the viulous toasts weie re sponded to as follows: "St. Paul's of tho Past," Frank AIcLulu; "St, Paul's of Hie Putin e," T, J, AlcNamara; "Life at Camp Hobun," Walter JlcNIcholls; "The Hachelors," T, W. Kuily; "Thu Ladies," Frank Walsh; "The Order In tho Meetings," J, F. laingau; "The Press," William Shuip. Dancing was afterwards enjoyed, Tho following weie In attendance; Mr, ami Alts, Jolm Connor, Ml. and Alls. AI. J, Coleman, Mr. mid Ads. II .1. (line, Mr. and Alls. Waller Alc.N'Icliolls, The .Misses Alaigmel Aloylnn, simllr, Dolieity, Anna Mcl.cmi, .lullii .amh, Alary Heap, Almule WiiWIi, Alaiy Tigho, Aluggle Sli.iiiKlinessy, Abuy Ihiulsou, Alice Dcveis, llessle l'i.Mili, Kutlll'MI llalpin. Fiances .McLean, Alamo Panic, Mary Vurney, Siidln itudily, Aliugaiet Huddy, Nellie. Alcliale, .Margin et Hlglln, Anna Logan, Molly .Ionian, Nolllo Alt Tieinan, Alaig.net Hloaiie. I.uoy Cuirun, Hannah H. Ciravoy, llessle lllues, Nellie Cuslek and Annie Alellugh. Alossis. Win. F. (tlloy. John V. AlcNa. main, T. J. Ciiiiau, T. "W. Hail. Patilck Liilfeity. I). I). Lenlhun, P.itiii Is rial higher. AI. J. Ilogau, Almiln .Ionian, T .Ionian, Flunk AI. Walsh, AI. F Holly, Frank AlcClulr. i:. A. .May, Finnic ciah.i gtili. James .Malum, . Joint Deveis. John A. Hint, Jolm F. I.iiiigau, .1. O. Dm lie. Kdwmd J. Walsh IMwuul C. Aloylnn, Flank Caulwcll, iiiumns .Ionian, James A. AlcAndiows, AI. F. Ciilkln, .Matiliew J. Feiguson, Thomas Culkln mid John J debtor. HAVEMEYERS & ELDERS Standnul Fine" Granulated 20 " for $ 1 .00 THE BEST ON EARTH. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. Ill I.iukawuiuin nvenue, 321 North AIolu avenue. 'Phono i')-'. Piotnpt dcllvei y, New 'Phono VSl. FirstClass Advantages Are offered by (he Conservatory for Piano forte Instruction to Students of all grades, from beginners to prospective professionals. Students can begin now. ,, PRES. ALT F. CLARK IS ARRESTED His Coricspondcnce School Alleged to Be Using Mnils for Fraudu lent Purposes. Poslolllce Insiiector Hugh J. (lorinan lias i tin down what lie believes to bo a wholesale effort to defraud people throughout the country through the Fnlted States malls and ho ycsteiday caused tho arrest of the lour piimipul olllcers of the Alt. F. Clink company, which conducts what Is known as I bo Concspondeneo Institute of America with odlces hi the Ateurs' building. The four men inested by Deputy I'lil ted States Marshal J. W. Snyder on a warrant Issued by K. 11. "V, Seaiie, cleik of the fnlted States district court and Fnlted States commissioner, wore. Alt. P. Clarke, president or the company; Conrad Lotz, vice president and treasurer; Louis Conrad, secre tary, and Win. AI. Hingham, general manager. The warrant upon which they were arrested charges them with using the Fnlted States malls foi the purpose of dcfiiiudlng and the accompanying ln foi mallon sworn lo by Inspector Her man spoolllos al some Minth the spe cific foots upon which this charge Is based. It Is set foith that the company has for some mouths been advertising In' various peiiodlcals and papers to fur nish free tuition In the various brandies of study In which it gives Instruction, the understanding being that the stu dent need not pay until lie or she was secured a position pa lag at least $13 a week. The Information declines that T. F. Itcddiiiglon, of 100:; Alulborry street,ir spomlcd to tills adveitlsement anil le celvod notice that heroic ho could take up a course of study he would be le qulied to send on $lii for tools and sup plies. Tho money was sent, accoiding to luspeoto'r (ioimnu, and the supplies received have on intrinsic value "of no more than one doll.ax." For this reason it is charged that the defendants have used the malls to defraud. All four of the defendants wero high ly indignant at their arrest and hi ought Attorneys Van "Wormer and Scragg with them to tho federal building to plead their cause. They wero each held under $1,000 hall for their appearance at a hearing to be held on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Their bond's were furnished by the Fidelity and De posit ompany of America. The Clark company occupies pnit of three doors in the Alears' building und employs about thirty peisous. It was organized some two years ago after the success of the International Cories pondence schools had become so gioat. The latter Institution has absolutely no connection with tlio Clarke tom' p.my. The "Correspondence Institute . - America" gives Instructions in "oaii catiue. newspaper, magazine and com mercial illustrating, advertisement writing, pioofreudlng, bookkeeping und stenojyuphy." TO MEET HERE IN 1903. State Sunday School Convention Will Be Held in This City. Hev. Hobert F. Y. Pierce, pastor of the Penn Vvenue liaptist chinch, re ceived .i telegram last nlglu from Franklin, announcing that at the eon enllon of tlio Stute Sabbath School as sociation, it had been decided to bring Hie next i ouventiou to Serunton, In October, HiOIJ. Tills will menu the piesence here next fall of sonic ;I00 delegates from all parts of tho slate, Including a unm ix r of clergymen of all denominations. The convention generally lasts lor tluee days. Dr. Pierce has been largely Instru mental In bringing the convention here, having been m commiinlcallou 'with Jnlm Waiianmker, or Philadelphia, state presldeiil, and II, ,T, Heinz, of Pittsburg, the chairman of the execu tive committee, for several mouths, re garding the matter. Many Beverages me so vastly Improved by the added richness Imparted by the use of Hord en's Knglo llriind Condensed .Milk. The Kngle llriind is piepurod from the milk of heids of well led. housed, groomed cows of native luoeds. Kvery can Is lested and Is therefore lellable, See the Cut Man. Kffeotlvo und attractive, half-tones and line cuts lor caul, advertising or any other purpose, can be secured at The Tribune olllce. Wo do work thut Is unexcelled, do It promptly and at Iowcst rates, A tiiul onler will con vince you, Boned Turkey and Chicken, 45c Deviled Ham aud Tongue (large size) !0c, Huugariau Goulash, 25c. i Beef a la Mode, 25c, Delicious Soups, 10c to 30c. Delicious Peas (new) 15c. Good brauds, 12c, Sugar Com, York State,' 10c. E, G. Coursen, TWO CHANGES IN POSITION MISS MATHEWSON AND MR. MACKIE ADVANCE. Tho Fnctoryvillo Young Lady Pnssed Mr. Klulor nnd the Provi dences Young Mnn Skipped Two Others Guessing Contest Close3 on Oct. 2'1 Nine More Dnys. Standing of Contestants A. J. Kollermnn, Scrnnton.045 Chnrles Burns, Vnndllng.010 Wlllinm T. S. Rodriguez, Scranton .G54 Win. Sherwood, Harford . . 545 Fred K. Gunster, Green Hidgo 522 Oscnr H. Kipp, Elmhurst.517 Herbert Thompson, Cnr- hondnle .502 Albert Fieedmnn, Belle- vuo 386 J. A. Hnvenstrlte, Mos cow 357 Mnxwell Shcphecd, Car- boudnle 323 Chas.W. Dorsey, Scranton. 321 L. E. Stanton, Scranton. .215 Harry Madden, Scranton. . 170 Hendrlck Adams, Chin chilla 108 Lewis Bates, Scranton . . .127 Homer Kresge, Hyde Pnrk.105 Miss Beatrice Hnrpur, Thompson 100 Frank B. McCrenry, Hall stead 100 Miss Jane Mnthewsou, Factoryville 02 Fred Kibler, South Scran ton 87 Don C, Cnpwell, Scranton. . 81 William Cooper, Prlceburg 76 Louis Gere, Brooklyn.... 71 John Mackie, Providence. 67 Henry E. Collins, Klzers. . 66 A. L. Clark, Green Grove. CO Hugh Johnston, Forest City 60 Miss Edna Coleman, Scranton 46 Walter Hallstead, Scran ton : 44 Grant M. Decker, Hall stead 42 Lee Culver, Springville. . 41 Elmer Williams, Elmhurst 30 Mis Mary Yenger, Green rRidge 34 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. 18. 10. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. A dozen leadcis, from third place down to twenty-seventh', scored points yesterday in The Tribune's Education al Contest. They were: Lewis Hates John Alaekie , Hugh Johnston Hendtick Adams Allss June Alathewson Vt'lllliini T. S. Hodiiguez ... Frank H. AlcCteary Homer Kresge Fred K. C mister Charles W. Dorsey Herbert Thompson Alnxw ell Shepherd ..16 ..13 ..10 .. !) .. 6 :; 1 Tli"ie weie two changes in position. Allss'Jane Aliithowsoii passed Fled Kib ler and holds nineteenth place by live WILLIAAI COOPKIt. (iiilnts. John Alaekie passed A. L. Clink and Henry H, Collins, uud has twenty-fourth iilaee hy one point. John Alaekie and Lewis Hales aie lied lor the leadership of the special contest for five dollars in gold, lo be given the contestant who scores the largest number of points this week, Tlie leadeis so far can be easily over taken and any one In the contest Is at liberty to try and win the half eagle, The guessing contest on the number of points the leading contestant will have at the close will close at ." o'clock on .Friday afternoon, Oct, 21, No esti mates received after that time will be accepted In uwuidlug the piiv.es. Theie aie nine moie days of the contest. William Cooper, of Prlceburg, whose pot trail appears tills morning, was the seventeenth to enroll In the Education al Contest, having entered on April 7. He scored Ills first points on .May il, the day the ibutest opened, and did well the Hist week or so, The big strike lias hiimpeitMl him very much, how ever, as the district where he Is best aciiuulliteil Is eutliely dependent on the mining Industry. Air Cooper Is not as well placed us ho hoped to be, but be Is making the best of an uiifortu unto chain of eliiAiuistnnces and keeps on hopefully. ' -'"'; 5' V '' "'- -1 ' l Vr;i .. y-;',x&a r- v go?;i , ; LEADERS FOR THE SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE I'lVlj DOI.I.AUS IN HOLD to the coalestant scoring Ihn largest number ol points for week end. lug siaiiiida. Ocrnbor is. 1. John .Mackie li, i. Lewis Hales 37 :s. Homy K. Collins :':, 4. Hugh Johnston :'2 .'. lloudiick Adams is li. Maxwell Shepherd i) 7 Herbert Thompson 8 S. Km nk H. AlcCieary S !i. Louis (leie 7 10. Allss J. mo .Mnthewsou G Last Week of Senile ver's Fiee Gold Necklace Distribution, Every patent doslilng their child to possess one of those valuable gold chain necklaces being piesented by Selniever to the little ones, should see to It that tlio sitting is made before October 20th, when the distribution closes; AMATEUR PERFORMANCE. ' To Be Given at Parish .House To morrow and Fildny Night. The amateur peiforniaiu'e nt . St, Luke's Pailsh house, on Tiiesitay anil Fildny evenings of this week, for the benellt of charity, 'promises til be a great success. The east Is i ('presented by Soi union's best local ialent, assist ed by Tom lilppel, Floic brothers, miindollnlsls; Waters' orchestra, and Atlss Alurthu Cordon Hroudbeiit. The following couuuent appeared tn one of the metiopolltiin dallies about the comedy, und Its utttbor, Allss Fiirnlss: "Her nature runs tn the dramatic, From her early years she was active In amateur tliealiicals. Finally she de lermluud to write an umatour piny con taining a luil't adapted to her own his trionic style. She did so, und the merry 'A Mux of .Monkeys,' now known throughout the hind among ahpitenr theatrical devotees, was the teslllt. It wns In two acts, and, like most of Allss Flit nlss' work, full of humor. After II had been played and had miide a lilt, Allss Furnlss taking tlie pari site had written for herself, her mother per suaded the budding playwright lo send It as a contribution to Harper's Huzur. It was Immediately accepted and pub lished, although the Hnznr did not of ten print plays. Next came Its success hi unuiteiir circles far and wide." FOOD FOR THE ANTIS. Some Examination Papers from Philippines Showing Results Be ing Accomplished There. Chillies S. Seainans. seeiotary of tlie board of trade, bus received from a cousin of his, wiio Is a school teacher In the Philippine Islands a most in teresting exhibit of what the Ameri can occupation of the Islands has ac complished. This exhibit comprises the two ex amination paiiers in American history written by Leo Nuvo nnd Conditio Al cazar, two young Filipino boyn who are pupils of this young woman In the public schools ut Hollo on the Island of P.inuy. These two boys aie only In their second year at the public school and before their entrance, had absolute ly no knowledge of the Faigllsh language nor any education whatever. That there Is nothing backwaul about the Filipino race when once It gets a chance Is proven by the splendid liand wiittlng of the two 'boys and by the intelligent comprehension which they seem to luivoVif the subJecUiinder con sideration. The writing of one of tlie boys Is almost a's perfect as if It was at the head of a page in a copy-book. They appear to have grasped the mean ing of all the worjls they use though their use of thein is amusing nt times. Some of the answeis of Candido Alcazar, second year, tirsl grade, the examination being on Ronediet'Arnold's treachery, are as follows: Cornwiillls went to Ytiihtown fiom South . Carolina. ' He found Arnold wailing to help him This man held Hie position of eommaiuler or the American army under Washington. Arnold seeielly gave up the fort to tlio Itiitlsh, and the Ainei loans named him a tialtor. Tiidlor means a deceiver or tlie man who was treated kindly by ids friends and then did a bad treatment lor his kind fiienCs. The other boy had a most Interest ing observation to make on the mean ing of the word traitor. He writes: Traitor moans n man who Is l.iscally for his countiy. He had good answers to tho other iiuestlons, however, as witness tlie fol lowing: Cornwiillls thought th.il Arnold was not a good man so lie despised him. Air. Scanians' cousin says thai Ihe chlldieu are so anxious to leain that it is leally u pleasure to teach them and Intimates that some of the antl's could learn something to their advan tage If they'd take a tilp across the Pacific and see lor themselves what t'ncle Sam Is doing for these brown skinned people who Iiavo suffeied from Spanish mlsiule nnd oppression tor centuries. A Safeguard The man who lives in a steam heated house sits in his office all day rides to and from his business, is the man who should wear Dr. Deimels' Linen riesh Underwear It protects against sudden change in temperature, insures freedom fiom colds and gives an amount of comforti hitherto unknown in undeiwear. Come in and let us tell you about it. HAJYriE wsr tuisrirK. ' .rtnr...ir.i WASHlNGTON rAEU SPRUCE ST I2,,,.i2.ij,.2tit.j.t. j. Masury's Paints. J, Are the best in the world. In VARNISHES we carry J 1'aiTotts, Blasury's, Valentines and Lawsons ! l i! i Also a full line of Brushes Bittenbender & E ? . 126-128 Franklin Ave, Ten Dollars for Guesses Who run name tlio winner In The Tilliiuio's Kriilctittonnl Contest nnd tell tho number of points ho or she will ImveV First Prize ?5.00 In Gold. Next Three 81.00 encli. Next Two 00 cents each, Next Four 25 conts each TOTAL Ten Prizes, Ten Dollars. Cut. out the coupon below, fill It In, nnd pend to "Soianton Tribune, Scrnn ton, Pa., (Iiiesslng Contest," before Fildny, Oct. 21. l : Thiusday, Oet. 10. I think the winner ot Tlio Trib une's Educational Contest will bo No. of points.,. Name Adihess , (Cut out this lower toupon only.) Good Cut This Out On every sale of $1.00 and over at Nettleton's Shoe Store Good Oct. 17, 18 and 20. SIIUKS at !ISc, SI. 2a, .SI. 75, $2, $2.50, $3 Mid $3.50. All Styles. 134 N. WASHINGTON AVE. Opposite Connell Building. I The Title Guaranty and Trust Co., Will be pleased to rerclvo deposits o, money In any amount and pay llbeial uite of Intel est theieon. While our - .manors CAIMTAL ANI wast, SURPLUS SOlllOHllllt AVLi mo """ ly ablf to MILLION date our DOLLARS lnvieiishi'4 f Open nu account with us. temporary nt I : t r. axe. r small, v nbiuidiiiit. accommo- steadlly pationnef U A. watp.i:s P. 1.. PI 1 1 LI. I PS. ..Piesldont Third Vice-President nnd Ticisuier i:Xi:Cl"liVK COAIAHTTHK. Allium Xesbilt. Thomas 1-:. Jones. William F. Tlnllslcnil. O. S. Johnson. Thoni.in II. Watkias. 1 A. Wat res. The Standard of Excellence means a great tloal, but It expresses the position of Whitin Papers In the stationery world. Theyare the best and they are the standard of polite society. Whiting's French Organdies In the new Fall tints. Cafe and Chrysanthemum, will be the papers In use for select correspondence this Fail. Very elegant effects can' be produced by stamping or lllums Inatlng. We have the complete selection. REYNOLDS OTHERS Hotel Jermyn Building, gs li'VUmtjtJ