The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 16, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    '-WS.- -
tT-fc1 - "rfTV"
i I
Tr-na soiuoton trtbune-thuksday", cxtojjeii 10, imi?.
vttvmtir'm-!tttffiij Vt 'SPtv'iaf?"-'-" "' "- "' '""'V -"" '
Cotinly Savings Bahk
and Trust Company,
506 Spruce Street.
in Sums of
and pays ) per cent,
terest thereon.
ti. A. WATRES, President.
O. S. JOHNSON, Vlce-Pres.
A. H. CHRISTY, CnBhter.
Wm, F. tlntlntend, Kvriett Wiuroti,
K. P. KliiRKlilliy. Atigiwt ltnlillt!(ill,
O. S. Joliti.oii, i.Io". OTlilen,
I.. A Wutles.
rice tm
With purchase of Wnll, Paper,
Shndes, Picture Pinnies, Burnt
Wood nnd Leather Novelties.
No better time thnn now
to bring us your unframed
pictures for framing. We
have the best assortment f
of frames in Scranton. f
All Kinds of Interior pecora
tlve Work promptly done. Good
COUPON Cut this out and
present it at our store. Pur
chase goods to the amount of
$1.00 or more and you will re
ceive 30 STAMPS FREE.
Jacobs & Fa so Id,
209 Washington Ave.
9 s "They Draw Well."
0 Moms'iviapeiugars $
Til" best ''nine for T. rents. V
Tr one arid ou will Miiolso no A
other. Y
All tli lomllnu' lirnniN of . V
clears nt $1 7" iit bo-, or ti for 2;e. A
The largest nrlety ot l'ipvs and Y
Tobacco'? In town. v
The Cigar Man
325 Washington Avenue.
In and About
The City
Admitted to Piactice.
Attorney V C Ilatiyett, of this city,
was yesterday admitted to piiii-llio In the
Vnltcil Suites tllotild 1 uiii I.
Entertainment Tonight.
An eiiteitiiliiiiiout will bo siveu In
vnry Herotmed chinch, .Momioc iiwaue
nml Gibson Mieet, this evening entitled
"My Mother's Allium."
Potatoes and Apples Needed.
The management of the Home lot Hi..
FliendlehS would be to lee.'he up
pics and potatoes iioin tut moif u 1 other
clmtltnbly inelineil ppr.-ons
Rev. Samuel Jessup to Pi each.
Itev. Samuel ,louip, the 1'ie-dij leilati
missionary to S.viiu, who has mi maii.v
fiiendn in thl.s elty, will pr iu h a m r
moti nt tlu I'le.-liyli-iUiu limit li
next Sunday iiioiiiIuk-
Tonight's Concert.
In St. Thomas' i-olleno hull tonlultt 'it
conceit, will be fdveu for the beitcllt of
tho Hlilklnii miiieis. An ii-iiein pio
Kluinme has bten i c-) t ' t ami will bo
remitted under the dlioitlou of l'tol'e.-s-or
SellllllllK and Alls. 1. U, Thomas. TlrU
ets are for sale at I'.iuoll ,v fo, 111 Lin
den stieet.
New Republican Club.
A lllimbei of Republican volei. llvlliis
on the lower Hats have oiKitnled Is
known as the llebtew .Mi-Klnle) cjiib.
Tim tcmpoiury ofllceis me as follows;
Chairman, Joseph liieeiibtiiHf'i ; tieasuier,
JfU'.lel Ouslandet ; M'i'lel.ll.v, John deed-
man. A ineetlnn to efi'ei I 11 immanent
OIKIinlzullon will be held ill tielinail U1I1I
Follows' hall 011 Suudii allt'inoou nct.
Month's Mind Mass,
1 A month's mind muss for the icpose of
file soul of thi' lulu Alls. It. A. Ilohuu,
mother of iu ltv. iiishnp ,i. .1. iiohuti,
iMts celebatetl iii St IVtor's iiithedial
jestPiday nioriiltiK. Tu ofllceis of tie;
mass weie as follows: tviebiani, itei,
J. A. O'iielllv; 1H11011, Itev. It. U'lijme;
silli-deufou. Rev. I.olur .McLuiikIiIiii; mas
ter of ceremonies, n,.v. j j, tti Iflln. Hi.
Itov. Hlshop I lull, 111 chanted the absolu
tion after tho mass.
A New Wnrehouse.
;At n lireitl mrt'lhlK of the .stoeKholdeis
of tlio .Scrautuu fold ritoiatie mid Waic
Iioiihu company held tot Hie pinpo-u of
(CttsldeiliiB tlio.adMsubillty or eiilui'Khil!
their place of business, the present ouai
trr.s Itiivlim Kluwii too s'limll to uccoiu
module tltein. The vote was uuaiiluiou-.
ln favor 0 bulhlliin; 1111 entlie new. up-to-date
plant with a rapacity of :'"ji mis.
WoiU qi tho new stl 111 till e will be hcKUII
In H near luttuu.
. .
Petition for Bildges.
' Itecoider V. I., ('olllli'll Was t'Sled.iv
pieHPiitPd with a petition sinned by up'
winds of Tea iP-ldqiils nf the Tenth waul
leijui'SlliiB thai IiiIiIkcs bi constructed
over tho Hoaiintf biooK at the cud of Ash
and Alyitlu sticets. The luldKes which
formi'ily spanned tho niie.un a this point
wfio swept away by tho bl flood last
pniliiK. I'rovlsloii foi tho election of pew
brldKcs Is made In thu oulliiaiit now
pending J 11 fuunclls piodhiK fur Hie Is.
File of IJ,0eo worth or bonds for vmiIoiis
impinvements, but tho petltloiieis tcunest
relief hefom wlntei. The iccoiilvr will
tain- tho nutter undur coiisideiiiiiou.'
They Wet? Re-lnforced by Dletrlck,
the New York Crack.
Some Fplettilld bowlliiBwas dour lust
nlBlit by the Huckttfl tcntn which tolled
lltriL' iiooiiionpd Kitnics Willi the Hutnpe
liowlpfs nml won two uiifdly. DeltrlcK;
leeoKiilzi'il n iiiic.iif tin elevetes! liJwI-
etK ioIIIiik- In ntul 'nrolttiil Now York
I'lly mill 11 foniier niuiiiliei' of tho eele-
IJiuleU Itospvlllu AUili-tli- clltlt iPiiln
played Willi the llacktlH teiiiii nml lutil
111! tlVi'l'llKL' (if t r5. The wcili'!
I'ecltlllltll ..
l)i It 1 Ick ...
Hopkins .,,
.... 1:.T
.... !!l:l
1... IIS
;... I!i7
,... nil
117- I7J
l:li- lis
12-V- HI
llH- Sitl
7iT "."lij
111 I
. .sot
... II!
... I.'l!
... Ill
.... hi
.... i.ii)
AlcAloou ...
Wlm Hon ...
1.17- 4.V)
171- I7U
121- :!!
171- l,ii
1W- I!'!
'7S 717 Juil-'JJJO
lllKll miiiic VoRelsiuiR, 21:1.
HlKli mmm-iiki', Deltllck, ii.
Some or the members or the iiuiupe
toiilii lalseil 11 ilecldtMl kick nt the lin
portu Hon of Dletrli'k after the Rallies,
nml a speelul meeting or the executive
enmmltlee of Hie league lias hoen ciillpil
for next Sunday nfternoon 111 the Ar
lington hotel, to decide whether or nut
luofe.sfiloiial. bowlers from ntit-dde the
I'lty cuti lrtiwl 011 any ur the tentiw.
City Has No Right of Way' Through
Land iu Twelfth Waul.
Director of Public Winks Hoehc Iiiih
learned from the I..iiknwuniui lion ntul
Steel company's lepiesentuthes thai 11
GENERAL plot of laud iu the Twelfth W.tld
near the end of the Kast Mountain
load h to be plotted oil Into tell itiie
lots and placed on the niitlket.
What Rives Ha illrei tor i oneerii Is
jllsl how It will be possible without
the expeildlttite of a I.urp stun of
money to set tin-a light of way lliiouyh
this l,in, n affiitil an inlet lo the 1 Hy
fiom the ;,i,st .Moiiiitalii road. The
land in question was lornieilj owned
by tilt; l..ickawani.n lion and Coal
eonipany, and lt maps showed streets
liiitniiiH In both dlitctions. 'j'bese
were ueer opened or aciepted by the
city ami do not appear in Hie reiouied
deed of the Lackawanna lion and Steel
(omp.tny. the pnsent owners.
A lo.ulw.iy OM'i a cinder pile IjIiir
on this laud bus Ioiir been llsetl for
travel and an .tppiopriutlon of si tii'O
lias liei'ii made by (ounclls for the 1 e
palr of Stalfotd ai nue IkiiIIiir to It.
If is sold the city will hae
no light or w.-ij thioiiRh the I11111I pitiless
tlu id now used, with h is abotil Iiplr
a mile him;. Is uiiu liasi il. liln-ii.,e
Uoelie hits tlicliled not to epelld the
money appioprlated for Hie up.iir o
Stall'oid neliue. anil will eiiiior to
sectiie an option mi a t IrIu of way,
should he be 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 lI . as he neatly Is
ahead, filial Hie 1 Ity lu.s 110 IpruI
claim tri a thoi HiioiikIi the
land Iu iiiisllou.
Jews Throughout City Began Its
Observance Last Evening.
All Jews tliiotiRhout Hie city, both
lelurined and ortlicnlo; began lust
evening- at sundown the c-ehi:iiluti ,,f
Hie least ol Soolii-e, p'ipiilaily lei tiled
.Sticcoih. The least loniluucs both to
day and tuiiioiiow. i
This fe.isMias ppihaps ,the most un
cliMlt oiIkIii of any of the Jewish 1H
tlvltles havliiR bum Instituted In ac
cotduiice with the comma ml .of Moses.
Special thuiilisghliiR services 'wore 1011
ducteil last night in the .Madison ave
nue temple by li.ihhl An-pieher ami
in the other synagogues throughout
the ill. Hoi vices will lie (Otiductrd
this morning at satirise ami today will
be spent In feasting and inJo.Miicnt of
the fl lilts of tilt hai vest.
The iVsllwil Is s'l ap.ut as a speelul
time foi the oiiVrlng- of thanksgiving
to Cod for Ills abinulaiii Kindness In
ln-siow lug ii bountiful hai vest.
Officials of the Lackawanna Raihoad
in the City.
A miuibtt' ol' l.ucUnWiihiiu
olllclul.s held a conference on limispoi
tatloii mullets Iu this city Tuesday
alleriioon In Hi'- ollh-e of (ieiuiul Supei
Inteiideul T. I!. Clarke.
Pin lug the moinlug a trip was made
over the Ke.vser 'ale liraiich, and a
stop made on the site for the piopopfil
new car shops at the loot of tho West
mouutiiln. All wele luvoralily' Im
pressed with the selection.
In the party were T. U. Claike, kcii
enil siiiY'ilulendeuf.j C. J. Phillips,
HUputluteiiileiit llulfalo dhlslon; i:. j.
Ililie, siipeilnlendeut Scruillou illson;
Itlley Villlatus, stipt tlutendi'llt lliiugor
and Portland illvlslou; C. II. Keicliam,
supeilnleiiiliiil lloboken division; I.. T
Cmilleld, master car builder: J', J. Lap.
Kan. superintendent ali-biake system;
T. S. l.loyd. supeilnteildeut of iiiotlvrt
power: .1. .1. .McCann, tiainmaster: D.
J. Casey, load foivuiau of euglut'B.
They Pay the User,
If you with n half-totip or line cut,
let the h'vrunton Tribune niuko It for
jou. Our piiulpment lor this work la
complete and tip-to-dute. 'o have
facilities for dolliB tho Hnest hort of
woik at lowest prices and what's mote,
we do It. A ti'lul order uii convince
Strong Hopes, Nevertheless,
That, Eventually, It Will
Be Accepted.
Meeting of District Boards In
Wllkes-Barre Is Expected to Re
sult in Something That Will Give
Assurance That tho End of the
Strike Is at Hand Belief Preva
lent That President Roosevelt Suc
ceeded iu Inducing Mr. Mitchell to
Trust Him to See That the Opera
tors' Limitations Will Not Hurt
tho Mineis' Interests Local Stiike
Situation Remains Unchanged.
The feeliuir that the urliltrtilloii
luoposlllon of the operulois was not
such ns the strikers should accept utew
to cott"hleiiihle ptoportlolis hi these
pails, .yesterday. The slleine of Pre-d-(l'lit
'.Mltiliell. the ileclar.ition or Presi
dent Conipcrs or the American Feder
ation of Labor that the. proportion was
an Insult to the puslilent of tin I'nlted
.States -i lit 1 the fact that, hereer a
i-epiesenl.ithe of the I'nlted .Mine
Workers made loinment on the pi o
posltton, liis eiltiiixin was arlvei-s.-,
tended to tin 11 the opinion of the 1,111k
and nle against the pinposltiuii.
Tlieie Is no denying that a quiet feel
ing exists among- a good piopoi'tion of
the stilkof l.tvotable to accept, inie of
the ptoposititm even though it Is not
nil that the Culled Aline Woikeis would
lme it to be. As one miner put it yes
teiday: 'We've been asking for ar
bitration. Xow we've got It. Theie
may be some lew ll.iws to the piopoxl
tioll but We't exiled to gel every
tlfiug we wain."
Seen tary John T. Oriupsey of the
l'itst dlstikt exeeuthe boaid s,,,; ''
do not consider the pioposltlon a fall
one, but 1 won't .-ay it is not going
In he incepted. Il seems to nie the
mineis, should have some s.ty its to
who shall act as arbltratots Jn-t as
wi 11 as Hie operatoi s,"
o olle .tl.OIII lieie makes any colll
plulni of the piopL'sItlon on any score
other than that the opet.ttors seek to
dictate 111 a ine.tsute, who shall com
prise tin- comnil-sloii. The details such
as the length of time for the enu
liuuaiue of the ti I Ills piesi-llhed by the
c( iilssion nnd the date on which Hie
l' mis shall gn lino t u'ei 1 ate not dN
UlSSeil In any extent.
In :li! hell's pi'oposlclou it was pre
set Ibeil thus, the terms should continue
lor a pel lo i ot 1 1 out one to live e,u.s
ami go Into ei'itii Hie day the men
1 ct 111 II to wol'k. The opetiitors pioposl
tlon 1 oitleniplats a tlllee ears p-rloil
of exlslemo lot the teinis (lxitl by
the loiiuulsslou and lt;aes' 10 (he eoiu
inlssion tip. porter oi iixing ihe day
on which they shall go into effect.
These me matter.- which, li can be
surely said, the stilkers will not quib
ble about. If the opelatots ptopusiljou
was ftee or the tjinlli objection Hie
limiting of the president's dlstieiloit In
choosing the mbitl.itois, It would be
accepted at once. The chalices nie the
nun would ho lu v to work by m-.t
Til" ( oumiiliiliy 111 large seemed s-
leiday to be hopeful thai President
Hoosevell Would he ahe to Induce .Mr.
.Mlti hell to "iiiaiie a concession to
humanity" and lhal the .strikers' leader
would come out Iu a statement s,ilug
he deemed It ploper to submit the
pioposltlon to a convention, trusting
that President Hoosevell, despite the
lllilalr limitations put upon him by the
opetiitors, would see to It that a lair,
wise mid feniJiss ulbupnl would he
When wont came, Iu the emly even
lug. lluit Pie.-Ideiil Mitchell had wiietl
from Washington 11 call for a ineeilug
of the ollleeis of the three dlstlicts,
In Wilkes-Ha ric, this mot plug, this
hope Hiew iniieh brlgliter. Tlmio si'ein
ed to be a geueial expectancy that to
da will see s-oiuetliliiB funn the hli'lk
eis' side that would elvu tissiuauce of
an end ot the strike.
"About the same as yestet day,"' sums
up the unsweis to Inquiries rcRunllug
the situation made at the (oal mm
piinlen' olllces. As was to Im expected
the posslhlllt of speedy settlement de
ten ed men 1 1 (im letiitulhg to work, if
any weio so Inclined, ami also had a
siippies-lng elfet't oil lawlessness.
Nuthlug' along these lines worthy of
note was leporttd fiom uuy (iturter,
At the Ik'l.iuuie, i.aikawanna and
Western iimiiany's olllco It was Riven
out that the production for Tuesday
was U.'JCO tons and the Krlo clalnietl
an output of i;,r(ii) tons. This is mi
lui'iease of about 1,000 toils, In each
case, over what the output was ae
ct edited to bo at the beginning of the
The list of places In operation had
otic itew nddlllon, ypstetdity, work lie
liiff teaillned nt the Clieen ItldRo 10I
lloty of tlio Urei'ti Uldne doitl I'om
pmi.V, on North WanhliiRton itveinie.
Home new nililltlons wore nlfi) iiuule to
the foieps lit tho wuflhorles of the On
ttirlo mid Western eoiiti:ill.V. A (TiHiR
of eighteen men reortilted tit Townmlii
were inken In the Pitticimst onriy yes
teidity inotttliiK unit itttiltiK the day
(tlMtrlhlllrd 111110111; tho coiuiianles'
washerles. Holdleirt fium the Thlr
leetith leRlmeiit escorleil the men to
tht' Pnileonsl mid iilso when they we to
lielnjr dlnti'llnited.
Thein was some rear or double nl
the l-MKcrtuii wnsheiy or the Temple
Iron eompmiy nt .Mftylleld, yesterday.
owlliK to the eoiiKieKiitloli of unusually'Ke ciowiIm In the iielRhboihood of the
colliery mid 11 squail froin the Thlt'j
leenlh will dexpatehed thither. They,
ImwdVer, found no (llsoriler to deal
with, (teneiiil llobln Is coiiIiIpiIiik Hip
iidvlsllilllty of HtatlolilliR a Imllnlloii or
lour Miiupiiiik'H periiimiptitly nt .lermyii
ur Maylleld lo take I'are of those two
towns mid ('atboiidali' and Foiest City.
When the assault on Schooley was re
ported he said another outbreak would
lesult In the sPiiilliiK of the b.ittallon
Colonel Wall es, of the Thirteenth:
Colonel Clements, of the Twelfth, and
the Held nlul stalf nml a Hue olllcer
fiom each company or the MkIUH wpi"
to Pollsvllle, yesteitluy to attend the
fniieiMil nf Colonel llorrinau. Kindt
icKlment's ollleers sent Moral tributes.
The enlisted men or the KlRhth have
started a movement to erect mi tippio-
pilate luoiiuineiit over the 1,'iuve,
(niiiiiin Vull. of Company l . the
senior company conimaiider, was In
eliurup '!' Hip KIrIiIIi H'tnieni. yes
teldny. All til 111 and other exetelsps
ullli the eNcepIlon or the necessary
guard mount weie suspended out or
respei t to the dead colonel.
The work or boaiding up Hie tents,
putting- in heat and the like, iu an
ticipation of a stay during .1 part, at
least, of Hie nppto.iohluK winter goes
steadily on despite the settlement
rtiinoi .
The Thirteenth, yosteiduy, rejoiced in
Hie possession of a big wagon load or
apples seat by T. II. Walkius from ills
Clenbutn funn.
Forty Italians and Ttussian Jpws nre
stranded in Pitt-ton, and for the pies
eul are being laken cni of by the olll
eials of the I'nlted Mine Workets.
The men ai rived bete Tuesday morn
ing at 1 o'i lock, on ;i special train on
the Krlo and W, tuning Valley ralltoad,
and wete unlo.idtd inside the stockade
at 'o. II colliery. They were In
fo! Hied the next morning that tluy
were expected to work Iu the mines,
and !e!'ued, claiming Uiey been
b:i oil lit New York city to w 01 k 011 .1
They weie allowed to depart from
the .colliery ami were taken Iu charge
ol by the mine w inkers, and have since
1 been given slulter al lieudiU. triers at
I'lllford's hall. Wartants have been Is
sued tot- the nu-ii within the stockade
at Hie colliery, on tit,, charge of as
sault ami baCer and making- Hit eats,
A w. 11 rant was also stued by Alder
man lianvti, In a suit of ns'stimp-di
ag.ilusl the fouttuiny, to- bringing the
tllllll llllltli Itlfl 11 llH Illll ItllJllttll I'll I It'll
HO II ll'll 1 Mill! tl II III HUM tt-.I'M IWt llll
I Seldliliiu for fa He pielene. Seldniiili
H siiitl to be the agent Hull brought
j Pit in heie.
! Peter l.owltx, ol' Provlirellie load,
was held ttuili r Sli'tt hall yesleitlay
iiioiulug by Alderman Kassott on a
charge ol' laiceny pteferred by Cetugi
Audi 1 son, o the Delaware and Hudson
coinp.ui. He is (liitrged with picking
en- I it urn one of the 1 onipauy's dumps.
John T. O'Niel, Whose Bill Was Held
Up by Controller, Brought Suit.
John T. o'N'ie, who furnlslitil the
ilty with bonchis for ,'a Aug p.itlt, on
an order from nireetoi of Ptiblh Works
liot'ho, and whose hill lias been held up
by Conn oiler Cosieiio, has brought suit
against 'the ilty for the amount or his
claim ami has socurid Judgment befon
Alderiiiaii Ituddy iu the sum id' $lt!0.
The resoluiloii directing that tin ap
peal bo taken iu all sin li cases, foi Hie
pill pose of te.Ulng the soundness of Hie
1 01111 oiler's objections to the approMti
of certain bills. Is Iu the hands of the
Una nee committee of common couie II.
Should It lie passed It will ptob.ibly be
vetoed by ItocordiT Counell, who holds
with city ftiiiciior WutMiii that tlio
hills weie legally coutiaeteii and should
be paid.
If the resolution should he passed
over the recta del 's veto, which Is not
pi (limbic, It would place Ihe city solle
Itor In the peculiar position of takliiR
an appeal In a case which he had previ
ously divided for the unier side. Such
a contliigem y will pinbahly not tuisp,
It was said yestetduy that the whole
matter will be In ought to the attention
of lourt by Kptllks Htos., who propose
to apply for a mandamus requiring the
controller to appiove their lumber bills,
which he is at pteseut holding In his
Sciantou Business College.
Tho school has begun Its ninth year.
Same Instructions. Ktitdentu cuter at
any time. Demand for bookkeepers and
Monographers greater than supply. The
night school pte-eiuluenlly the school
for those who would earn while they
learn. '
-. .-. 4
Whole Day Consumed by Delegates
nnd Pastors' In the Discussion of
Topics Which Will Lead to n Qlor
loito Revival in the Methodist
Church Timely Addresses by Dr.
Tabor, of Btnghamton, and Dr.
Uphani, of Drew Theological Soiu
lnary Repoits That Were Read.
If the eiithunliism nml earnestness of
the Wyoming .Methodist conference Kp
wotlli Leaguers Is any criterion of
what they expei t to ueconipllsh along
religious lines, the fumre will witness
a wonderful ipnIviiI ol' luteicst. Their
convention hi West f-ernnlon yester
day was Idled with the spirit that wins
mid the participants, or which there
were hundreds, loft the church lust
night, feeling the Importunce or their
The papers presented, the suggestions
advanced and the nddi esses ulveu. iiur-
tlcttlttrly those by Kpv. I.uiiiun San
ford, I lev. .lames Tabor and Itev. Sam
uel I'phiiiu, were worthy of a high
place In Jlothodlsm. The evening ad
dress on "Our Debt to the Methodist
Falheis," by Ur. Cpham, of Drew
seminary, was a masterly tribute to
the cause, mid elicited much comment
and discussion among Hie clergymen In
attendance. At last night's service, the
church was crowded to the tloois, nnd
all expressed the opinion thai the ad
dress ol' the evening was a great in
spiration to the rollowets ol" Metho
The day's work was bcRim at S.P.O
o'clock, with devotional services, led by
Itev. Plank W. Young, of Dallas. At
!i o'clock the business session was
opened with three minute leports fiom
the district ollleers nnd vice presidents,
all of which showed Increased Interest
in Hie work. ev. ('. M. Olmstead, of
(iullford. X. Y.: C. W. Young, of Dal
las, and J. AY. Johnson,' of West Nich
olson, weie appointed a committee on
A free parliament on departmental
woik follow etl. with discussions and
papers, on various subjects. "Sphllual
Work" was taken up by Itev. (leoige A.
One. of North Scranton, and ".Mercy
.iihI Help" was discussed by Jlrs. O.
li. Kettle, or Oueonta. An Interesting
paper, ptepaied by Miss Wlnirred
Krn 11, was lead by Miss I.ennon, of
Oueonta. -Tills was follow ed by a lit
erary conference, led hy It. I. Vail,
ptesldent of the Court Street Hpworth
League. The social features of Hip
League's work weie advocated by Miss
Belle Krown, of tlio Norwich League,
and this was followed by a general dis
cussion before Hie noon hour arrived.
Two hundred or 11101 e delegates weie
in attendance when the afternoon ses
sion opened at 'i. o'clock. The devo
tions were led by Uev. James Heiiiilng
er. of the Kmbury .Methodist Kplscopnl
church. The first speaker of the after
noon was Itev. Leonard C. .Miudock,
of Kingston. Ills subject was 'T Go .1
Fishing." He said there is quite an
analogy iu (Ishing lor fish and in lend
ing men to Christ. The church woik
eis of today tire rather slow In Iheli
peisoual work lorClulst. but AlethodHt
people should woik for Chilst and the
Methodist Kplseopal chinch.
"You must go out In new terrltoiy
and win souls for t'hiist who do not
belong to any chinch. Personal woik
is necessary In winning souls, just its it
Is in catching lis-li. Hut you must havt
11 love for the work, and hove nothing
in your life that will irpel men limn
you. Let Christ lie the attractive pow
er, ami aim to t ittcli the .voting llsh 11?
well ;ts the older ones. You need guldis
to help you. and you 111111 bow at Hit
altar and get the Holy Spirit to
Kev. ,. V, Chaffee, of Cat botiilalo
math- an appeal for assistance. Ill
church Wiis deslitiyed by llle about a
year ago. Quite a number tespondei
to the appeal. Miss Lillian Moore, ol
Central Ohm eh league. Wilkes-1 iarre.
led the confet ettce on junior work, ic
lutlng to the wa and methods of
teaching and training chlldieu lot
Christ. She Invited liOait to hi art
talks 110111 the win Iters III the 00111
11111! quite u number lrspoiulcil. Many"
impoiiiitii it nt 1 practical suggtstinm
weie offeied, including the colllses ol
study to follow, and the pi rsotial wot I
to be assigned to the chlldten.
Ke. Lumaii K. Sanl'ord, of Nli In,!
sou, prisPnteil the subject of "My St w
arilslilp," (icllnlng a ChrHilan su-w.tii
as a pf-rson employed in Hod's family
to look after Ills luteicst", anil slated
Il was Hie Kpworth League's work ti
Increase Christian stewards-hip enioll
input, and work along the lines lair"
down by the Master. A lequest wnj
made to have the paper ipiiiI by Hev
Stinfoul pilhHshnl in the Noitben
Christian Advocate. Mis. K, (1. Al
lei man. of Castle Cieek, N. V., lead r
papoi on "liiiij for Missions," In wlilib
she mated with the III gt lit Ueeil ol
missionary work and mlssloiiniy wink
ers In v ai Ions Ileitis. The work Is ac
tually suffeilug for need of laboiers,
she said.
"There Is call for thousands of wo
men Iu the woik, and theie tire pleut.i
of woiktrs icaily to go, but the woik If
lllildeieil b.v luck of funds. 'I'll 1 1 1' I
gicilt iienl of a clear conception of tint
along this line, mill a sweeping tevlval
In this countiy Is needed to carry out
missionary work." A paper mi "Tin
True delation of l.eagtleis to Othd
Clltircli Services." prepaied by ll.iri'
c. Pci kins, of Hlughunuou. was ii,n
by Miss Oi Idley, and the subject vvu?
tieated in a thoioughly iii-lo.(lat(
manner. The uddiess of the
afternoon on "Tho Kevlval the Ihiworth
League Needs," was given by Itev
James A. Tabor, Jr., D. D.. pastor of
the Centenary church, of Hliighnuitou
N. Y. He Is a new member of the
Wyoming conference, but by his nd
diess demonstrated that lie Is a pouci
for good and a speaker of gieat fotie
111 lellgloiiH wtiik. ' In Ills Inspiring ad
dress, he said:
"The, subject ludiwites we me not
living Just wlieie we oiiRht to In the
sight of Hod. Tlio faults are out own
but wo du not like to have our faullf
pointed out. The sin of the Kpworth
League Is not so much .1 sin of trans.
groHslon, but because the memlieis
have not done what they might have
done, with the marvelous opliortunltlos
at hand. The world Iu the church will
bo damned because we have failed to
do what (lotl hud commissioned us lo
do. Thu Kpuoith Lcaguo Is not lilac-
Continued on I'.tgo lu.J
'lJie &
of the oven or the pan. so riojt, sweet, and delicate lu ilaror, a
gingcrbrdad, ciiit'srsuaps, etc., made with
Kv'ct'y eonk who uses Duff's Refilled, at once learns it9i superior
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U nvcc'Jis, in plain top or scicw cap cans, liookictof j-hoiferpcirctrco
I There's a Dress Goods Stock Here
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A Great Bargain Week in
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Wbi nl Suitings id tate tiieiit.
All lolois. ijitaianteed value S.V
the llld The ll.llg.lln week A()
ptiee ut
And Vein tlau Cloths lu all the
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lo icijiihc- coiiiineut. en,,
gain week pike " -"
Hvei.v Ihiead wotil, all eolia,
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weather sKuls or suits, liluek
mil. -11 Indus wide A itV Cllr
doth lor '. ... ...... 7tM-
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Beds end Box S
Are our specialty. We sell the very best iron and brass beds
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F, A, KAISER, Manager,
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J If You Want
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Ware room,
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Various Makes of Pianos at All Prices. Old In- t
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I." Inches wide, very fine French
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All -wool, best goods and known
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pecially fiir walking skirts and ate
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