The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 16, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    r -. v-MyfrH r .. -"nr-., lyji
s; Pi s j. T,y j
i1i2"rfiJ,'s r i tsi w.j -.Jf A .- .fTT
i '
Ollf Of tilt llllBOt 1111(1 llltltl fllnllll1l1-
nlili' Ihjiiip sskIiIIuhh t tliu Hcni'im
look iilim' nt i! o'clock IiihI mounts ul
the home of .Mi ml Mm. V, II Kin
mail, or IH'I South Mnln incline, when
their (liiiiKlitcr, MM Mary Helli- Km
iniiii, sviik uiiltul In iiuuiIiikp to .lohu
IMsslli Hoillon, of Uoohello I'nik, X. .it
The hi Id, ll Pint?. Conned In the tllnliin
loom, and to tho tUinltH of tin- wimIiIIiik
iiDit i'Ii f i oin l.ohciiRtlti, pln.sul I)
Mlwpi IMItli and Uilu Itmintr 01 Tny
loi, on the violin nml pluim. itmtchi'd
tn tho pniloi, thr iiulni" lending the
IIIOPcmmIoii, Tlici wi'ti' tullnssi il l tlli
Bloom anil hoit mail, tin maid of honor,
and lastly tlu In hit, Ii'iuiIiir on the
mm of hot fathi'i Hi'lon a bank of
li.ilniH, cut lloss'wt and tupimnt'iiH tlu-y
Wcip met hy ltrs .1 l Moffat, 1). IX.
of tin1 WiiHhlniin Hi in i I'li'MliMurlaii
i htn ch, who pel foi Hied the ooieiiuiuy.
Mist rial i t.'t In Piiuiniin, slsti'r of the
.pildc, was maid ul honoi, while Alnii
zo ,Iiickoii, Jr., or Hoi'lii'lle I'.uk. N. .1 .
was best man. V. Stuns Ficemau and
-Alfled I.'. Tltti'iton, ol Hiool.lyn, X. V,
weie the iihiis
The Initio swis beautifully atllied In
a hum n or white niotiHPulliic de sole uer
white llk, and lanled Initial loses
Tln maid or honoi was kussiiuI In
nlle Ki'-en silk, tiluuncd with pink, .mil
i II i led loses or pink,
The home was bcnutlfulh deeoiated
with palms nml eU'iKieens. Ju-'tlip
t oiulusimi of the iiMomnm, the hildal
pnty enteied the dining loom. Dimmed
with los-e.s, mid enjoyed the wedding
supper. Ml, and .Mis. Itouton lei I late
last night in the l.,u kawanna toi -in
extended wedding tilp to Washington,
Itichmund, VImIiiI.i lleai li, mid the lnr
pouth. 1'pon theli it till li the will le
sldt at Itothelle IMik, N. .1.
The out-of-town ma sts piesent sseii"
.Mr. ami Mis. IMwIn Itouton, Mt. and
Mis. Chmles A. Ilmitnu, All and Mis.
Peter J. Smith, .Mi. and Mis. James
MeicGi, Mi. and Ml- John r. M.iker,
Air. nml Mis John li Itunuliie, of Ito
chelle Pailc. X. J
Mi. and Mi-. William 1'. Houton. .Mr.
and Mis. Cliailes P. Houton, Ml-s Lake,
of Biookhn, X Y.
fJeoiKe A. fiieenlev, fieoise Cliiilinei -,
Ciioirc i: Koestir. Oeortfe i:. Millei,
Janus r. Sti-stiis, i., All. and Alts
flooise ('. II.iIkIi. Air. mid Alls Allied
U Titterton, or Xe Yoik clt.
All. and Alls. Iteetl B. rieiinan.riaiik
S Fieeinaii, All. mid All-. Hinij (.
Kieeman, Aliss IMm.i T. Sallslnuj, of
HiiiKliuniton, X. Y.
All. and Alls Fiank von Srln.iilei ,
of Ottiiiuwa. low.i: Air and Mm. Sam
uel .1 l.andlH, I'otiKhkeepsle, X, Y.;
John i' Fieeinnn, United Slates totimil
in Deiimaik; Win. II, Ueinsen, White
house, X. J., Dr. and Alls. 1J. K, Fiee
itiali Huntington, Pa,. Mis. I.iiiInhii
X Alattlaek, Philadelphia; Mm. K.
I'imitilKlit, Stiotidshuin, Ph., All. and
Mm Seth Petty, Plillllisliui, X. .1.
At IiIkIi noon, . cMici (tn ut the home
or All. and .Mm. Fiank Sandi'M, on
Ulnkelv stieel, lluumoie, the mint luge
or tluli diltUTlltei, Minnie It. utiil'Dl.
I''. C Will dell, was snleiillilcil, llev.
W I' (llhholls, or the Pi eshyteriuli
clilltih, ollh latlllK.
Onlv inemheis of tho Imniidlate
fiiinlllts ami a Tew Intimate fiiends
weie piesent The loom- Wile pio
rusflj, deioialeil with irtie palms and
i hi.H,iutlii'imtins. The hi Ide was ul
tlted In a lieatltltul tiavelllntf i?mn of
Kiey ntamliie and eaiiled ehix-inthe-mums.
Aiss Doiothy XiikvI, the little
nine of the In hie made mi Ideal little
llower Khl i m tying pink and white
Dr. ami .Mm. Waltlell wote the leel
pleiils or tunny lunitlsoine and uwtlv
prtst-nt-. The It'll on the ariiiiioon
ti ii tit I'm an eMontled wedding tour
UiioukIiouI the Xew Iliglaiiil talfs.
Mi", Waltlell has long been a pi hue
fawn lie among a lingo tlielo of lilends
tint) hei ehai lulng pi'Monality has made
hei host loved wheie hi-st known. Thi
will ho at home at :!17 Xoitli lllakeh
stieel, ariei Alondav, Dee. I.
Among those In attendance fiom out
of town wen- the lollowlng: Mi. mid
.Mm W. J. Xugel. Ml. and All-. IMwmd
Xagol, Ml-s Hello Foidhalii, .lames
laewlhu. ol Pittston- All. ami .Mm.
Filshlo. of Towuntlti: .Mi. Wanlell. of
llii-Meton; All. and Alls i: OiuKo, of
A eiy piotly wedding took plan
M'stt'id.i inoi nlng when Allss f'anlc
Allllei, an at (oinpllshod .oung lav, ami
Hnill Heihstoi, weio jolnetl toi lirt.
Tin1 loienionv look plait at '1 o'i lot k
in SI. AIai s (Jeimaii Catholic thin ill
on l'lei stieel, and was piotidtd
a nuptial inn, ltev. Petti f'lnlst, ot
lliiating. As ihc ljiidal paitv piiiitttlttl up the
al-le tile l.ohengiln wotltlltig inaith w is
it'litleted bv Piotessoi Atketnian At
tho Hint Ill-ion ol the in.nii.ige shi It c
th- "Ao Alaiio," was. mult'ieil hi a
sweet oiio li the AIIs,ps Tillio Weile
and .Mamie Itosu. The In Ide-mauls
weio Paulina Heih-ter ami Alanili .Mil
ter. MIps Ltiy Miller, acted as nmld
of honoi, and Fieda Alllleu. a sister nf
the In Ide. noted uh Mow el -girl. The
best inaii was roiitlniind lleibster,
while Theodoif Allller, and Ailain line
dolph, noted ns kioiiiiisiiipii
At the innl'liislon of the leieihonv a
toceptlou was held at !(s I'lttslon ave
nitc, the home of the Initio's paients,
At IMS, Who couple left on a Delawnic
Lackawanna and Western tinln rot
Philadelphia and Atlantic City, wheic
Ihey will .spend thuti hono.Miiooii. Tin
thoh l etui n they will leshle at HIS
Pittston avenue
A vei pietty w eildliig was solemnl!'.
ed at the Holy ttoui ohm oil, William
stt Oft, M'sietdnv mm nlng ut !' o'oloel,
whin Mlsi Xoia O'Malle the ohm m
Ing daughter or Mi. and .Mis Hubert
U'MiiIIon or Pawnee siteet, was united
In nun i luge to Patllek Tleine. or
Steel stitPt. ltev J V. Aln.Unn, pei
loiined the toieiiuiin In the presence
or ii'iiny of the t otitlat ting parties'
lilends. The bildul p.ntj enteied the
ohtiieh lo Hie siinlns of the wotltlliiK
niiiioh f i out I.tihoiigi In. oNoelleutly
pln.M'd In All-s Sadie 01 win and pio
leetletl to the altur wheie the ollU lut
ing cliigyinun met them
The Initio was atteiuletl by AlWs
Helen O'Alalley. sister of the In Ide and
William Aim an, aeliil as btjst mail.
The Initio was ihiil mlugl. attlied In
a beautiful gown or lnveuilei Foillaid
silk, ti limned with peiul ami applhiup
tllnillllllgs. The maid of honot was at
thitt tu a gown or Talleta silk All.
anil AIm, Tit i nev lepahetl to the Initio's
Inline while a wedding lueakrast was
sol id. The w'elo letlplenls of many
benutlltll anil i nstlj ptesoiits
The oung t'ouplo hit on an extended
wt tiding loin to Now Yoik anil Wash
ington. I'pon their u'tutn lliev will
make ilieh lesltleiue In a new Is ftu
nhhetl home on Paw lit o stieet.
William Jfieins Disls, or Wist
Sei anion, was man lid sesiudaj ut
high noon lo Aliss Can It P Xeuffoi,
ilauglitoi of Cliailes D. Nollltei, ol WS
Lit kawanna asuiue. 'I'he teieintmy
was peiloimed bv lies'. William A.
Xoitlt, pa-tin or the Hllkoiy stieel
Pit sb.s lei Ian thin ill at the Initio's
home In the pi poem e of a fess Intimato
1 1 lends
Ali-s Anna IMna Mebi i ki I and Mis
P inline Louise Xellltoi ut lid as llowel-ghl-
The Initio was uu iltendetl and
was giseii assav lis hei biolhei, Call
W. P. Xeuliei. Dasltl J. Uasis iu ted
as best man. The new ly-inuti led
couple loft on an utteinooli tialn lot
Xew Yoik and Huston ssheie Ihey
will spend theli lumes moon
fieoigt S fJiahani and Ml-s Vliloiia
II Watkins weie maiiietl
inoiiiliig at 10 o'tloik at the iisldemo
ol Air. and AIM i: H. Smith, ol lJt
Caiiousi' asenue The leiiinuiiy was
peitoiiiied In the pailoM ss"hieh has
bten biautlfied with autumn basis
Friday, Saturday, Monday, Oct. ir, 18 and 20
Our buyers have been in New York the entire week
lecting goods for our
Second Great Autumn Sale of
tylish Dry Goods!
Cut out the coupon attached to the bottom of this adver
tisement. Friday- morning we will open immense stacks of
Silks, Dress Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Notions.
Dress Goods Department
Pine displts of Xew (loocls. Si e Pi idny dally
papti.s lor pai lit ul us,
Underwear and Hosiery' and (ilil'sl'asi lilat I. I lose IJic
Doss' iiiul Hills III, uk Cat Hose :T,c.
AllsscO pim Iliisc -,(,
Latllts 1'iim Hltuk v
Ladles' Pine Itlaik Hose (5,.
Latllis1 Al.iiu Hose ;,L,
Ladles' p.un.s lloso, in gicat s.uleiles, Hpeelals
t -'.'o, :i"o, "Oc, 7.1c, Mo, $l,lii)
I'lilliln n's Pino PU oi od Pmliiwo.ii Ph. to ,10c
L lilies' llinsy Pleneil Pndeiwt.ll J"(.
Ludlts' pin,. Plc-n'il Piult'i weal u,-,i
L.ullts pine Jeiscv Klbliul PiuUtwoat r,0o
Ladles N'ltuinl (iiy I'uilm woiu 730
Ladles' Wbiit Wool in Xiitii'al Pntleiwoai 5,1,0a
Ladles' i:11a Pine Undinseai $j,r,o
L.uli.s' I'nlol. Suits .: .Vie up to J.". 00
M nV P.ihi I' Hose ! pah toi j.-,c
Men's Whit' Foot o,o p,0
Men's IM1.1 PUw lime, black in fmiey ;,K,
JIoii'm l.nk I'loei.d Piidiiwoai :i!u,
Mill's Light l'"leotid Pntlpissear ., :iii0
Mon'h Kuiiiy PI. w oil Piitlorwoai ;,n(i
Mi n 'h XiUilial I luUiutMi r,0i
Men's .loise.s Hlbbetl Pndoiwear , r,o(1
MnV llu.ivj Wo'il Undeiwe.n , $1,00
Alan's Light Pine AVuol Pudeiwear IJ.OD
.Men's Heasy Doublo-Hieusttd Pndoiweai $1,75
Comforts and Blankets
,10-1 White Ulmikets , ,, coo
11-4 U'hilt) or Oioy , sr,o
l-'-l White or (lioy , ,.., fd
U-l Vny Heavy White ,,,., $.vjr,
10-1 Heavy tliey $1,00
l-l Knmy White ... Xa
Pne, Luibu Coii)iottrt..?l,00, $1,33, $.'.011, $.' r.u and ti 00
Cut Out This Coupon
Present at our office,
purchase $1,00 worth of
goods or more and you
will receive 30 stamps,
October 17, 18, 20,
sBf-Mpyj i
Linen Department Y
Holie.stomb ToweN, at li .V A
(iood Hack Towels : .,,, .
Million Towels Itlo v
lit si lieiniuil Lilioi. Illltk Towels lL''je
lli'iiistlu hoil TowoH, all linen Pi k
i:tl.i J'luo lliuk Towels I7i 2f
IM1.1 Hoas.s lliuk Towels IS,
PMia LaiK'1 Honistlii'hiil Towels j,-lt a
- huso also tile (olebiated Ktlli Ul.s Itath Towels, jT
Ihe onl.s 0110 Willi a inline ;ik-
Notions Y
Aiiihan Line Collins ,",ui , I .'.', up to v"'i i
Paney Satin Hells, now buiklos -. V
7,"e Holts, llm buckles r.u A
7,"o Hialdoil Piuses tlMl beads in, a
fl.L"i III ilded I'uim's, .steel lioatl.s , 7,"i JT
7,'o Xeik Heads, touil, Jet in poail vit
7,"o Heads ho, iiitits iiii. K
.-do Paney Heatls '.--i
Li.ilhu Chalolaluo H.ibs, blatk, seal tu lion tlnlsh, ;k V
Leather Chatelaine Ha;s, hint k, mmI in Him lluM)
Speoliil ".li A
."'e .Now Chenille Kptit X'ollhiKt.. blai k 01 white Jle
J3o .Now ()ldo Sihoi Plulsli Hell I'lllH Im $
Xew Totilies. Special ;,ik A
Ladies' and ('lillilioii's Coll (ibises "..lo unit ."0 j'
Our Al. .v.- H. Kid (Sloven ,. $1.(111
li. K tisoi-lap .seams ssaiin ami suit r..$l,no du
Cahluuoie mid Silk Viikt Tip (iloses J,"e to $1 00
Hlk Knlttoil Colt Closes boautleh $l,lin
Caslnncie Homiuet anil Ciiticuta Sua) '0i
Corniaiitowii Yams, Lion iiiaiul ,,.,. Co
Slietlaud PlosH, Lion Hiaud .So
Bargains in Domestics T
Cood .III own .Muslin ,,,,, ,,,.,'. ii,u
Cood Uleachi'ii MiihIIii , r,c J
Kiiicsi Hiowu AIui-llu ,, ii
Hill, Lousilale, Piult of Loom , 7c
Cood Shaker Vliinnel , J
Heasy Shaker Plannel ,,,.. 7c
OiilIiiKt-, eiy piolty patltiiiii Co
Pino .So JIlmv Pleeied OutiiiKt ...........O'-e
Kancy IOh Pine Pleeied 'outliiBh , s'ii X
Uest Double Pleeeeil OutiUh's iii
Bent liiillfjo nine PiliitH , ,'
Host Sllsoi Clity PHntH 6,
Mears & Hagen
mid palulK, llvv. Albeit Hatcher Htnlth,
pastor of the Xorth Alain Aveiuie Hnp
list cluiich, lieliiR the uilliltilltiff clcr
Kl'tnan, The hihlo Was ittthed 111 a kowii of
In own nllk oiepe, tiliiuned with Alpine
luce, and was titiuttentled. After tho
eeieiuonv a svpiIiIIiik bttnikfiinl waa
neivotl by Caloier Waldncr and the
rotiple left latei foi ItuiTnln mitl points
or luteiisi In Caniidn. Ppon their io
tuin they will KHlde at lot MutlNim
The out-of-town miosis pieent at
tho woildlliK Weio: Cliinlt,s (1, (Jin
ham; Mih. Iliiny Homo mid Alius Aluy
ltlchtet, all of Philadelphia,
A sei j ptetty noon wedillii"; took
plaoo .ststoiday at the homo of .Mis.
Hllzaheth Uowor, of 1 , t 1'ileo stieot,
Whole hoi ilatlRlitor, AIIhs Alaly Ilosv
oi, waa united In mmilmjo to 1'iofes
"i .1 X. Tompkins, of Allouna Tlio
moms were piettlly decorated with cut
How ei f, autumn loaves, palins and put
ted plants, and umlei u canopy of tut
How eis llio hupps eoutdo weie imlUil
hv ltev. HiikIi C. AlcDeiniott, of Uio
Simpson .Mothiullst LplHcopnl chiiicli,
The hihlo was heautllull.s alllitd In a
row n of o.u-tni (t)loi' Pails ottpe, user
silk, tiiuinieil with silk iipplliiuo. and
mi i It tl n shower boiiiptet of Initial
loses. Ths ,.),, uiiatteliilud. At the
loiiiluslon or the leleinony a lonption
was held and a wedtlliiR dinner "used
lo the lininiillatf lelatlsts mid fiiends
Pit sent,
At II :u o'i luck I'uif ami Alts Tun p
klns loll slu the l.iukawiinna loi Ntw
Yoik, nml upon thtlr iitiini tins will
itshle In Mitinua, the Inane of the
Kiooin. 'I'he hi Ide Is a will Ittiown mid
popular Wtsi Sciiinton .souiu? lady,
while the mooin Is also well known
In io. hnsliif- IiiukIiI In the St i anion
Hiislnpss toll,.,',, a row seals iiko.
A fashionable t lunch wuldlny; no
un led scsttitl.iv inoiiiliuT at St. Pat
tii k's tliuiih. whin Aijss Kate Pow
thily. tliuiKlitoi of John I'owdeilv. of
::ij South Ninth .stuet, was unltid in
mmtluRe to .Michael P. Cllios, of Jai k
scin stuet, Tho ii'iemons was sslt
nessod by a host of ti lends who uini
pletily llllid tho edillte
To the stiains of All nilelssohn supeili
wetldliiK- mat ch the bililal paity enteied
the sailed building' and pioieedetl up
the main aisle to the altm, wheie they
weio nut lis Uev. P 13. Lusello. who
nllliliitod. Aliss Alai.s LaiiRan was maid
m nouoi. wane .viaiiiew Aluipliv was
host man Hoth the Initio and hoi maid
weio diossed in castor colon d tiasel
inir Kowns and piesented a soiy ihaini
Iiik appealamo.
At the toiHluslon ol the teieinony
the Initial paitv weie diisen lo the
homo of the lji Il1-'- patents, wheie a
let option was held ami wcildlliK bieak
fast seised. All. and Alls Cihov lelt
on an al to noon tialn for n tour ol the
eastern states Both the contiaotiiiR
paities aie well known, the In ide be
ins' a niece of loinier Coininlsslonei of
Immimatlon T. V. I'owdeilj
415 and 417 Lackawanna Aye
Mai iv AL Bjojly and Aliss Anna H
Piiliiinan both of Sunbuis. weio mii
lied .sesteitlis atteinoon at ihe home
ol the Initio's hiothtr, Di. II. I. Puln -man,
or 13 so Xoith Washington asi
nue, bs ltev chmles H. XewinjT, pas
tor ot the Duninoie Alothotllst Ppism.
pal t hint h
Tho couple left aftei the itiemonv loi
Bullimoie. Aid, while lln.s will .spend
stueial sseeks.
Doubt as to Diiector Woi nisei's
Powei in Matter Removed.
Some doubt as to the light ut Dhee
toi of Public Sntets Woi nisei to le
mose nieniljois of the polite foi to with
out a tiiil having In tn epiessed It Is
Intoi istlipr to note the p.ntltulai sec
tion of the s, hetin, u, (a. ",,,H
bill sslilth Kises him this possn. The
.scitlon In tiiiestlon s S. ition .: ul the
schedule, wlikli saj in lfleieiin to
lieatls oi di pat tun nls appointed bs the
letonleis named bv the, kosciiiois
"The ollitials so appointed shall have
powei and mo lietebs authoiled lo le
inost anv and all of the ollheis ,,n,
ciupliist's luihlliiK position ami emplos
illiul 111 tilth lespeitlse ilop.n tmeius
and lo appoint their siiuhs-iiin"
Sic lion 1 of Ai title III of the t-mne
ac.t pins hits thai no policeman 01 Ut e
man shall bo lemosed until limits
pieieiinl .iKiilusi l 1 in shall have ben
he.ii d bs a i nun ioiilpo-(d ol poisons
nl iquiil oi siipeiioi tank to himself,
ami until stuli i om t shall dot Ide
iiK.ilusi him, 'rill' si i nun ot the hill
bet nisi ol ihe mIuiIiiIo does not go
into flli t t until Apill 1 uet, when the
Hist 1 1 1 ut iU 1 eluleil 1 1) the ptople will
tnki ollloe. so that Dileitoi Woiinsii
lottld it inns o the whole polite foi t e If
lie saw 111
Old Lectuie Boom of Tiist Chinch
Scene of Social Gathoilng.
Tilt It i tin, iiioin of the Plist 1'its
b.sleilau i Inn ill was ihe mi no Inst
iiiKht ol a delishuul luroimal so, inl
Kiitht-iliiK: wlili h lollowed tin iokii1.ii
plll.vil ineetllln', it WIIK lll last time
tile oh! let tun loom win he us-ed, as the
weak m trui Im, It down will bo Iiokuii
1 toda.s h) the Williams' luothois, who
base pillihiliced the t lull ll piopeit),
I The piasii nitoliiiK piopei was lie Id
In tin main audltoilum of the i hut eh,
j which had b.i-ii must tahtelull) iltto
j luted 'with Iuiro blanches ot uihiiiiiii
lleasos The nastoi, ;es in, Janus
, .Mi land, pithltlnl and u nuinbti ul tho
ineinlHis of uu. loumefiathiii led in
pui)ei Tin vv lull fin a toii
lluuaiiie of the piiihpuiti) which the
ihlllch ban ImiK enjti)etl urui the old
fliuuli Is ulmndoneil inn ihiuitfjli nil
tho pia.siis ofioietl
Tile soilul cession In the old lioiiuV
loom was paiiltlpattd In by s,neial
lllllitlietl uieinliti.s ot tho ooiiRioKutlon,
and a iiuiuber ot tlio iiieinbei.s ot the
i oiiku Ration of the Seiond I'lesbyloi
Ian iliuuli, Itolioshmeiiis weie .seisul
by a lommitiio m laillis.
Ordinance for Sidewalks On Gibson
Stieet Defective.
The oidluaiico piosldliur foi the la)
hu; ot ihiK-.stuiiii .sidewalk ami tuili.
ItiB- on Cllison stieet hotsseen (Jiilucy
mid Hmilsoii asenuort will piobably be
vetoed by Itecoider Comioll becam-o of
Diiineious ilefectH
Tliu oidlnaiiio piosides lor the l.i).
hiB oi Hldewalks in niiifoinill) with
the tuntniu of tliu HUirace. a niethotl tu
whit h the lot oitltr is unalleiuhl) op.
posed. Chief KiiRiiieei Phillips has at
wu).s held that when both cuiblue: mid
a KUttei cannot be put in, a Kiittei Is
pieft'iuble to a cm It because of the
w.ihIiIhb away of the din in case tlio
lattei Is put in This oidluame pro
vldcs for inert l a tuib and for thli
leufcun the ictoidur objects to It.
Said the Stew. '
the Steward
always serve me with
The oyster cracker Ivith a taste to it.
Just a touch of salt to give it rest.
Adds to the enjoyment of any kind of soup,
sold only in the In-er-seal Packnge45 cents
Nleldvum, Scott & Co,
126 Wyoming Avenue.
A Woman's Attention
Is drawn to Laces. Throngs oft women
have admired the exquisite lace collars, embroidered stocks and ties exhibited for
the first time. Every piece individual and every design originally beautiful.
The Crepe de Chene Ties and Bishop Jabots create a perfect furore of enthu
siasm, and only a tiny touch of this bewitching newness makes qsx . fi nn
an old gown smart. Prices vary from &l)C 10 o.UU
Yours to inspect or yours to possess. f
The Well
Dressed B
oy Knows
r5t" TfKffSHNHR iv
Ask a boy who is particular about his
clothes, where he likes to be fitted out. He
doesn't stop to think, but refers to this store
in a confident way. We've only gained
I such confidence by dressing them as they
and their mothers wish them to be dressed.
The newest styles embodying the best work
manship. The boy knows when his clothes
lnnk wpII on him and the mother is a orettv
rmnA iiiAna rf whiit rAnctitntPo hniipct tflilnr- S
gUUU J"" w' vv,ml ..u.cww
ing. From season to season we place the standard of
this store higher. We've done our best this fall sea
son in the Boys' Department, as in every other de
partment. All we ask is your consideration of our
Boys' Norfolk Suits from $3.00 to $6.50
. Novelty Vestee Suits from $1.75 to $6.00
The Peter Thompson Suit This famous ma
ker had sent us some novel designs in Boys' Suits
for fall wear.
The Little Gent
'his Boys' Shoe is made on
a stylish last and the leather
qualities aie pioving most
duiable. All leatheis.. All
$1.00 to $2.50
Boys'and Youths'
We've just leceived some
Boys and Youths' Shoes, with
solid tan leather soles. A good
shoe we think for school wear
$1.25 and $2.00 Pair
Samter Brothers
Complete Outfitters.
:- - a i r 7 ,Wl I