The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 16, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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f 2 -
The News of Catbondale,
Successful EfTotts of Miss Isnbel
Mitchell, Who Dttecteil the Entei
pilae. The i mil el I III Watt's Imll lii-t night,
undei l lit' uusiliis tir tilt' I'll el Pmm
liyteilaii iliuiili, xxas happllx uieis
fi'll It piox'ltled mi expiring til delight
ful enjovineut fin' loxeis ir tiUtU. mill
it gtixe riililltlolliil HiitWrntllnll lu the
lilinieiiHls iiiltnlilug Mends nf Miss lii
liel Milrhell l) I eliciting utdUubl)
mil mil) mi li"i ubllltv us ii "liifiii. Hut
111 sii'iKsllll lltlllllglllg lllltl tilt t I tlltf-
to tin i-uil mi exeiilng's pi ngi amino of
lUIISil It XXUS tlll'V II xllUHi "f high
est MtlMimtlim logiiet Mlus Mill lull
ami oiler eiHiiuiiigemi nt l' lift In I'11
imiltiil tiiitii. wlili Ii IhIbIiHmi ii she
JIIHBU Jsps I'm bondullaii'' Will Wllltll
Willi glowing pi lilc the udxanieiiii'iil nt
Bliss Allti In II mill II inn hi' pieilltml
tllllt till If Will llllXIIXs be II l.spullslXf
pplllt llltHHIK lU'l tnWIIspioplo 111 III I
erfoits lii glxi expn "Inn in tin' lull lit
(llitl (lit "he uninlsliikiiblx pnHfii.
All-" MIIiIipII was hi'iiiil In two niini
l)ii. Mil was imiili'xtlv pi ii fil lm-t
It WIIS I'lllltfllMllll'x ' OlWtillatlOII '
When slit llnlshnl the i'l(l(iin mi iip-
)1llll Itlllll III 111 I swd'tlx llllsllll Mlil(
mill Us iiiUiim wi'i' iniinilestid In
hoiulx nppl hivi tlnit wn (iiiilliiiKtl un
til she sing miotlii i iiiiinhi i This
xxas likewise itielxtd Willi Ihi "Hill'
W.n tilt Ii nl uppii i In t Ion
Thi- piogmmme niiangtil hx Miss
IXIItllloll lllll'U'll lllllllllllllll Mllll'tV
Tin II- win I nniuli pllpllllll pittl'S llll
tllllse III W lllllll vlll ll -I 111 llolls 'III In
giinlti In in
'I hi? piogi mime Willi h w is "ii In mi
ll) enjiix i il w is ms Inllmxs
imui' dm:
I'iiiiin lii'il II TmimiIiiii Itlnlii
Mlss.s .mum K ilil mill Hi. in' II ill
"Will '..! ' I il Mm In IP ii 'III H
S-iii'.; XmiIii ' 1 1 in-,
MKi HIimIwIii Huh
(.'iiinil Siiln "sl, iim Ui. I'nlKii l.oex
lii ii ; At kt'i inn i
(.iitu ti Hi hi i i liiiiniliiiiil Pins
lllll i il li Imltlkl.
Miis i 'I u U Km I limn is1 mil Sin ph. nl
Plum Solo 'I hi Win I ihi s sun,
.'m Iinni in
Miss, Milieu, M , ,
VikiiI Unit, 'Xlin nun lug hi 1 (ilovei
Misses Null! OIm I mil Mi lln Mm ,nii
&n!o Ciinii ; ii K Din i . I in in i
M i si t i Ki urn III miiiiIi
in il .Si In I'l. ill in s,,n. CliilillllI
.Ml" llll I .St. i ns
Pimm I Ml, t Milistli Mtu i It iim nli lii
MI".1iiiii it'll ( Lose 1'inlti.t
A'iKlll Solo ' l.itllll i I I iim X oil Ih
II I Win
Hill" It (.1 I II. I '
Slipi.lllll s,,l,, lllwtlllllllllll nut n till s
ll-s N MM, I,
Miss Annie Kapfei. of the West Suls
and Willinm Holtzinnstei, rouuei
ly of This City, Wedded Yesteidny.
To tin. mini ions niiiil,il sinpiiM.
ixllllll lllM imllllill III ( mil Hill ill
within thi' m ii is uIiIh I aimtliii tin
lltlpti.lls 111 Ii-S- Mll, K ,, ,,t i.
AVi st s,ii mil) Willi mi Hoit'iim-'ti i
fmnieilx m tins ,V tin i eiiiplnxod rm months l( , u ik iii
Till III II I I Ig tO'll, l v -.-!, ,
JiniiiihiK iu lilt mi tiiipulls llu ,,tilN
of iIih 1 1 1 1 n.nkiv li im i i, In i :i n 1 1 1 -nl,
lint it s K ii m ii ih ii tin i.i in
W is silll-lllllii l
'I In- KiiMiir hit Iim In tin sjniW
ninl his sn((, i, i iiii!iim., ni i w
Ytlllv I 1 1 V Ills III , 1 is , , ,, x (.
Ill, tilt Ii llll lililfs limn ih,i
lioint -In w !- m.niliil 'ih will n-s-ltlt
in Ni w ii- U
Ml- llll'l'll .IS, , I- tllH ll.HUlllH ll
Jl' ,ii. il li iulnw K.ipln nl
1 iwu n i in Mil h is i u nli- ii
ii. lilltn'i. mi lit, t,n iiiinti p nili
of Ihi' low 1 i III h I- .ill itti u tl. . i
, illt
ll H'l.tAI' isl, - , i MVHllllUh
i di .i iit iim, im . In i ' u liiuiil il,-, mil
W.s ll tjllll 1 1 J V .ll-II'll ,11111111V till'
j nun,, n ' M nil, i wlmni hr ns-m j u, ,
Ji u i- ,i ii i i.'li, i n i 'nlitmliiii llosi
lnliipiir mil w is Inlliii mini iiiioiu tin
IUI llti n i th -I,. '.il 1I0I11,;
(if lilt lH.lll III' ,l- ,l't I ll-llL Imi-
I'l O! to I ulllh I I lo lll,il Il lloll.-
3 t-in w I-, nip in, I I- , I 1 1, in ii
(' lllil I 'll' "I l'i , l 1 i 11 -ln i im
Sn'iin ,iti ' ii- i j. ill t Ml
in I. Mi's nllioin lliilim i-ttfi nt
nth i'Iiihi li -tii 1 1
1 1 1 .I'tii i mi i ii t ni ni thi iiiip lns
wil Iih im i wiiii hi- ii n ' i-iH'i r,n
(1 'iiik; i oi'p.t 's li,iiini. --
New of Stillfu Settlement Makes
M ut Mulo Get Busy.
Hi oh iiuiihi i i, n Mi Mint Mni, -tin
fcsti! iniili , who s iw ns .luhiinv -o'i-llii'"Mil
in-l, ('l)iiiK'i wliiii thi
llllfNpt'i It il Is to h ipp p
Tlh-llll lllll'l IHIIIII llti Wllllll i lli t
nl .Mnln sti,,., ns nt,, u , iim,,,
liotu, w is In ,ikt n h tin Inst mni
liiuil KMllop nl ,i IiIk hlat U mini inult
Hi' show u his in 1 hict'illiiK Thi'ii'
will- Hi.- his lint's whlili liiul In ,.ii
iIpm lop ti h a ilitt of 'j,oh" .mil mini
piops, ninl thui' wi'ii' tn sIi-hK ninl
lilt sllltt JHll -i ntt'll ll.liS ,lli
iitiTi:Fui rim rooi.
- claived Seven Weokh on Milk.
'Tllll'l l'l1 .l!,ll tlllH IIHIIItll. I MI( ;i
Eli'iil snllUHi with stoin.mli Honhlf,"
. Will VI Jxfift MWlii in l.t'l'li of-'i,iiiP
ii'i,,'f,Li ''W"''!'!!!'!! 10 Kl0 UP IMllUK
jliiem.;jioiiii)( mni swi'i-H, anil m,1
i mi hiwiil ninl it n Dually
too hntl in In kUui up 1 not mi i,.k
1 Liitilil not wink mni I imil. uiiiiiiuK
IlltO 111) stum,!, till st Mil Wit'Ks Init
milk, I liinl ninl Uiii',- dot tins ninl nil
foi tin putpose, tlm List dm im :uh -,,,
t5W:?fP .ill inedhliu I h.ul to uu-
iSbSSXIb-llii nu wt'fiK I wm piosiiato In
"A frieiuT'iViH Itieil nu? to tij (Itapo
Nuts, but I w.ih afiald to wln-u ,i tt-u.
ppoonful of milk bi ought Iwus to m,
eyes.'iny stomach was i-o taw Hut
tiled oiir teabpooutul a il,i ui tht
Orupe-Nuts fot one week, ami llnilliit,
, It asieed with me, iuiiMeil tin (uau
J ttty. -lli two weiks, I (.oiiiu walk out
totne kitchen; lu four weokh I walked
liulf 4blocki nnd today 1 du my own
Jlght liouhckeeplni;.
"X live on (li ape-Nuts and know they
8aelt my lite; my people all thought I
tould not llo .1 month when I iom
"jmenced uslnt- them, and mu eiy nuuh
(fui prised nt the change In me, I am
rveiy'giatei'ul that theie Is nucl u food
Jo be obinliu'il foi tlio.o who Ituye weak
Ujni Tfa,"
nlKlilo or Ifiiltitltv Iiki tin1 tiilke,
'puilliiK Btii'"' liniii lh( lileiiilnwu nf
Uli'i'litli'ltl tiiwnlili mid iiiiiislnniil i -
ittdliiiix lulu thi' tiillii'M'M mil lli'liN
ninl eni'tnhli's piitt'lif
'I hit hint l fat tiiutnl nf n Millie mine
up Main mIi I'd II lif a niiinwuv auto,
iniihlli' Mi didn't i'M'ii ilni to aluii'
tlu Invi'-iiiiikliiK siildli'i mni woiiiaii In
lhi pmk, a iiiiil iiiitiiiui'oii ttan
mt'sslmi Mi Mini' Mllli- li it t a btis
lit m ah iihoiit lihn that umtieil tin1
xliiall lm nwn llltc ('iiiwtahlp Mh liiicl
Mllllttl pill III!' I llll"!' fill Hit' KVpli
wlio uit' now t limpid nt'iii tin An li
li ild ptil-lidlc. '
UN nillMtv wim .title to the new of
llll' t'llll III III!' MllUi!' Ilfllltf 111 MlKht
Tlie iiiwm mini llinfi'il tiji to Hit iniilc
inliiin m tin- hunt ( 'limit r mid piillc
llliiih nttiii lii'il Ihi lad. ' llappv loiol
let tltin ol Hie ths ho "pent niniiUK
till' pllllllt's lli'llt I1lli' lllll lilt It's llOIIII'
ninl the ill t-nil nf lotmiiliiK lo tin. dn s
of liiM'i ninl in tint? Ihe mliii' itit-ilp
loi the iIiImi ho, iniitlt' hill) di'spi't
nti ami out he sum , to Ket hiif'k tn
thi' lull Ki.iiM in WiiMli' iiilllilx .S'olh
IliK imui' III Ins wn until ln was
i'.imii lint; past Kimik Hi ow n't itMlnit-
I im t . "wllihliiK hit In u liNkt 1 1 il tall
nml show inn lilx lioofi to the kauk
it'stiiiiiant n tonpli ol Inisj In il si,
thought in si t thouhi, llir would Iihw,
-oiiit- inn Hut Mult ilno lunl thi inn
I'm ii minute in so It was a u.iliie of
'Ton In Hie Moinlim ' Tin iinliniil
ol iliuk iis mni ilml. li li tt . was .1
li tti'i doilhii tlian W'llllt Wii liiuil
Astiu when tin New VoiK ln-iollt-tois
ait altti him Hi iiimpftl (Ills
w:i mill lit' lumped Iht nllui was anil
did ouit IiIkIi l.itUluK ill u woultl ui ike' Kit Ivliithi'iiioon ol lh N'IkIU
()W I lilll It -tlle llll II t lilt I llll KH'i'll w llll
tll 'I lit II Ills lllllleslllp hill kid llle
teiitii ninl .ilmost mmU a loiuhdowti
II- h lui mil tilt i in Del .it slilli'lll .le
ntit' Tln lust -ten ol the lllii 1 1 -ln lin?
mule wis ills MnIiik: lit el- .is in n
on his Imiinev to Ilnnesii.ile. lis iy.
1.11 to n pli i e ol Itltlliiili' lull! til It
he will next i ki l p isl Win ni.ii t. the
hnine ot mi-1 i lili I. ili Smith. We
will all he tlisiiioiittd if the I'lnkf l ton
ol,!' iim - not .ippiehi ml the
iltseiiei ailt). H linn him lo the lolil .11
tin l.ii-l ('Iinni t.
Social Undei the Pationnge of the
Biokeis a Gieat Success Beautiful
Decoiations and Enhancing Music.
A lllstilllt s( i, tl 1 II 111 I'll W IS si Din
h tin ton ih ol Minn,, men, uiiioiislj
six lui lln Hiuki is, ' in the tl.uu t i oii
dmiiil niiili l tilth pilioniKt. in llle
I'.tnk. h illilinn 1 .si night.
T'le dn'iit i itiuil llie autumn and
wliilii i mi .liming lii'il 'nt. Ill -t t,
mi I it i,i- iisivuil in .iiiiltl .1 l.H b
h.illlnui I n lun ol Hit Klitlt l tli, U
tu minds -in i mi ni in liuiulitnl
ilt i oi iiloii- In llll uit llliimimiiions,
-v i ei, i.iiix i' in.; meloilx ami an .mi
ni in I thiol., nl puttlb -iiunul miuiik
loll. all lilts, wtie piistnt, ni.iKlnj' ,i
ix piili'ie III it stioii!,lx .ippealtil to
th s ii inl s(ili it
'llle il.i'tii hill was ie oi.itf tl 111
,ntii I'.ihn-. kins, ihihis ot sinil i
iml s ln,iii pots ol lit 11 tl.ilis
tuiniiii ill loiin Dm i this, iliuiili il
Ih' 1 lit. i I a mxilnl ot iiKiindi'stt ut
lows ' h, s,,.u was linlslitd in its
II .Hit; x In M llle lll-i se'l, delifilltl til
nu Ifilx it tin unit iToitttl Iinni the
ei In -li, i. In liiuil lli li ink ol Mten
all nit lilt st ., ,ii llie ii, ii til llie hall,
ami -111 li il I In tl im 1 1 s in tin t li,nir,iim
I It till,' ol luhl iml inloi Miimt Inn
x.iiuif, npli wilt pu-iiil i iiiunhei
lit 111, l.lllUlls K'lll sts I Ollllll,' Imui
,s( i. ,niiei iml nihil points ilnwu llu'
'llie iinisii p, iliips tin liesi that
xii- xi' pi ox lili il at i iltuit in tills
i't 'llu lu-li iinunt.itinn ot llie m
t In -li. i lln lo. il t was tin lust eu
,iihli'X,il in '.iilioml.ili '111 tliLstia
XX l- .llimill'lllLlI h s, Xtl.ll pints, ten
in all pi oil ui iiif,' llie nio-t ess ml. 1 1 f, iii
lll' ot llie llhlhl's pit isiuis, , spi c
lallx iiiant:' n 1141 .inntu xxas ioIIhuliI,
mult 1 lln din illnii ot i'nil Willi. im
l.xnoil lu lllit llu if was iiuililnj, iili
ni in 1011111I out .1 itielx uiiox.ihli
exeidiu, xx hit li xxlll ii'iialnlx lit 1 e-
I llleil XX llll 1. 1 (llll I tlOlls
Anion,' 1 Im-, xxlio iitemitii the dame
liom out ol town XMn Mlises l.oitit.i
M tulit an. 1:111111.1 x'ies Mailil and
1, 1111. 1 I'.iiuphi II Kiilluxii l nulns,
Mux lliitlx A 111.1 1 iilloKoix , Mux- i -(
lea. ol s, i.iiitmi Ml-.,,- .X.111111 liilei
iml Mi- l.liiil Hi iillaia, ol Pitk
iiiii. lln nuilx, ol Duiiiiioh; ltssis
.il. Hill. 1. 111, l'i ink limp IM n'lliiiii
('limit- .MtCaiiu Wid, .Mi. 1 1
in 11 tin. ilmix r t'luik ot ni. iiium;
.lohli (I'lloxle William fulfill in.
lln Mooiiex, xii-Jtln l.xntli I0I111 1.x,
null, ol iix,halit I' I' liilliKiin, ol
Hit k-un 1 Im 1 It - I', .lllllll Mm kc
and 'I hoiiias sjn in, ,, t'itistou, ami
Mh I1.1t 1 I'.uike ol Max Held
Donation Day Today,
To lax ix III lie ilnn. illoll dn.x loi llliiei-
in x hospital liu.iiii'1 s hae been
opened 111 Ihe lilllis lilll, li, l'.llk pliite,
xxheie 11 1 oinniiiti e 01 the Woiuau'
Anvlllmx hand will u telle . nun llm
llolls It 1111 tli lie s,.U, iilt'ssfimeis
I If i-nll loi ilunatluiif. It is tu he
Imped that lliuc will lie a KUieinus
1 nun lluilliiii
Home ttom Washington,
Coloiiel .Inhii Mii'diiiIi, i oininiiiultr of 1
WIIII, 1111 II P.txM post, (iianil Aiiuy
nf Ihe Itepublli Is liunie itllei a tell
ilajs x In Washington xxlieiejii' it-
U'lldttl the liiailtl AIIU.X ot Hie Itepilll
Ih ii.illiinnl 1 m .iiiipint nt
lllollt, Ihe lllllKale to the UailKll
tiiHiif lli'bi kali uiiixi iilion, helil ill this
tlt.x 'I in Mia), war1 I Im ix Whlli, of
Si 1 a lit nil He is well know 11 ill I'm boll
dale Hid ilwas letoixis a xxmiil wel
1 onie,
'I lie mail) Hlt'lids ot Min. Pi ,111k
I'oinli nf W'ahliliiKlim i-lltel, will Ik
p iinni in hear o lui Illness. Her
iiimlllloii Ik kiii i thai she has eiihiul
Hi lieelei h pilxale liusplliil.
Hail) .MaltheWH, of (!toe hlieet
who xxas 1 ei etui) taken to his home
ft nit Hi W'heelef.s pilxatt hns-pllal,
ut tt 1 mi opt'iiitinu toi apiu'iulli Ills, is
linpiox Iiik i.ipidl) He Ih now able tu
be about I'm a shut t time mill tins
The lliookl.xn Stuis .mil the Thltd
C'ottliKe ball teams haxe pu.-iimned
their t,ame wlikll wax In lake plaie
on Sind)'H llrld. Wfdnt'Mla) aftiinoon
It will now be phi) I'd on the Hiuoklxn
Kioutids thiii a fun noun at M o'lltuk.
Mt and .Mis. (ieuiije llmlson. of this
ilty, uttejideil the funetal uf (be late
Mis. SllHby, ut I'eckxllle, .Mimda.
A 13-months'-old ihlld of Mr, und
All p. 1!. Hints, of rliccno Htieet. wiih
leportid lo tin; Ixiiiitt 11C liPitltlt 111 Htif
feilnt,' ft out dlplilheila,
W'llllmn tlind.x, of Hemlock inenue,
who has been lt k foi smile lime, Is
able tu it'stinte wot It
W A t'leinjttits, iV niiitthaiuliiii, wns
II Mtoi lu lotsn Aloiiihiv.
t'liailes MiiIIIiimIiiiI, of I'lllliidelpliln,
has been pi'iiilln eeial ilaxs In this
.Ms Ktith' O'Neill, of Nii'ulllull. nt
ti'lidi'd lllu-fllileial of the late .Inines
Klmifmiii. Jsiuidnx
l". N. Ileltstinnli mid A. .1. Hall, Ull
tiitlu mid Western inllwiiv ullleials, of
Now Voik tit), wete 111 town this week.
Mis nilrnl't'th Itlv und Alls. Atmtha
I lure, (if diet nc, N. V, ale miesls of
the loiini'i s siili", IlitiiKe W. nnd H, .1.
The li'KUlur llioiltlllv ineetlllK nl the
st honl dh ei loi s was held on Tiledii)
exenlny:. 'limit ami Aliehmi, of the
TI1I11I xx ild, luliitf llie nnlx' tilisetilf ts
Tin- lolk ub bills wcie tend ami 01
ileled pud I'' O Wlllteis. $i57.r.O;
(Jeoim S I Hinn, $ii7.Mi. Mh had Han
lex, 101I, SKI Ml. Sllxii lilll di'tt V- Co,
$ Hi IS. II I.. AlM'M ,Vr I'ii, $-7fi! II. Al
IVji' 1 S- ii. 'i"iO: Alaxnaiil Men It ix.
Co ?ITli.' I'l) stul Sow el A: Co, $t!TJ:
,i. (1 Axel), ,SSfj, lieit,'llt, $l"i1
Two ol the pal 1 Ills ol absentee pupils
appimtil belme the tioaiil, ami iillci
Ileal IlltT their I'M'ttses the tlilldleli
wtie est. list il, Tnv Collet toi Axel)'
pit seined a list tin' esonciiitlon, whlili
was laxoinblx in. lid iipnn.
About (! o'i loi It Inst exenlni' a 1 axe-In
in 1 111 inl on Alain stitel, In limit of
Hamm's stmt 'i'he hole on the stuiaie
xxas not xei) laifte, but it dli liweil a
lait hollow spine twenlx teet deep
ami Is exldeiitlx oxei a mine t hi tuba
in the iippfi' xeln ol the Delnwato ami
lllldsiia tollltix Stiett rms xxtie 1111
ihle to pass, nnd p.issenmis h ui to lie
Hansleiiiil The tonipinx- luixe a
null,' ol tut n and teams at xxtuU lllllll','
the hole with ashes
Willie Mi Antliew, nl I. s(tf ( t, was m .
iistiil Tue-il.ii- txt-nliiK iv Constable
Nt.iix, and tuki 11 belme Aide) man
loin s tii Caibonilale, lor IhIiik: inipll
tattd hi the ,111 iik on Ollaiido t-ihoolex-on
Tin-da) He xxlll lie held as a wit
ness iiftalust .i iiunilipi nf otheis xxhn
aie lu lie .11 tested im the s,nui affair.
Mi. .mil Alls .Itihn Hoi) in, ol Oun
llinn' sttetl. 1 1 tt licit (1 tin I lllll'l .ll of
Mb I111 I Aluuli'x, ill Auhh.ilil, ustei
d.ix' 'lln olMiipl 1 miliesti.i ixe .inolhii
of tlieii popiiln mh inls lu M.ilion's
hall last exenlm, A Iuiri' Biithfl Inrf
ot xoilllB p ople ell lined llie dam 111!, to
the exitllent music mniished iv the
01 1 liesit.i
UoslMi I'.x.ins .Inhii llti'bi and Hlhel
lieit .louts h,ie joliiptl tin 'I lilt tet nth
iiiniinl. st.itlimed nt tliis pint
T I. llll.inis istLi Ids 1 ither,
lohn V Williams, .it Wilkes-ii me, on
'I'm s(l,u
l. Hanx Htxe.i ol I'hll.iili Iplila,
xlsittd Ids sistei Mis .1 ,. Hull, nf
III iki ix, Xfslt id, l
IMw.uil Polex has .uiepted a piis
ilon as lei lv ill Siliubiuehl s I'Um
stiii e
Mis .lolin Haiiett. Mi- Itnnsnm h"
imms mil Miss IMIth lk.un attl'iitltil
the tonxention of the Uiiijje of l!e
bekiihs at Caibonilale, un Tuesdax.
Mis .1 Si hult mil (liildiin liixe
1 etui mil liom a xlsit ,it New Ytu k
Aliss Kate Keelelici, of llawlex. was
llle Kiust ol Aliss lliiiinah llenen, of
lit law lie stieel, xiMililn
l'i. ink Williams, ol Misfiiehauun
sunt, Ins Kiu1m.1I liom Nt w Yoik
Miss Uilioiali I'uutll, ol Caibonilale,
sp.ut xt-Kid.u with .Mi and Alls
l.ouis i'liu kbeii 1, of . k kaxx lima
sill 1 t.
I'll) s. al Dlieitut .lo-t I'll .1 hlte
tinil, td thecYiiiiUK Men's I'liilstlan lis--01
1. itlon foi nnd a gwtiu isium 1 las
I isi 1 i ninn Tht 1 la-s xx ill nieet txn.x
Wetlllisil.n exeiilii),. .Mi Wllltiloitt
te.u lit s a 1 imihhi itlon nl the i-widish
and 1 In man xiMuii, si in tint; the Inst
liom 1 .11 li
liisinauii Aheiit 1 ,1 i:aus of
'-i 1 itiuin xxas in town 011 Tin.sda, ad
jlisliu,; tin 1 11-111 ,i lit ' oil llie 11 of
.lllllll (1 loins, o T.lXloi' stieit, wllllll
was I, , tntlx ih stioxed b llie
I'he lutli n mh ut I'ollikal 1 lull of
N'oilli Tax lot. In Id nu liupoitaui husi
ness iiiietinj.' it 1 tntlx Tin oianln
llun is In 11 lloill isliiim ( iillilltlun New
ineniliils nu in Ina Ittelxeil al ileal lx
1 xt 1 x nut tlu
M's Thomas Kmiiis ot I'lxinotith,
has leluintd Ilium, allti lit Inn a Must
u lui hiothti, H'liimnln xxellx 11, of
Mm is sin 1 1,
An iikii'! nhlr' suiiulse p.ut) xx is (m
del id Ml iiml Alls l'i 1 del Iik Kelt, nf
Old !UBe, nn Alondii) PSHllPS Alt".
Ken was piesentt-d with a handsome
The dixer dies without air to
""breathe. "The eousutiintixe dies
without liintb to breathe the air,
or of lungs rendered incapable of
breath in; li) dibe.ise. The blood
as it Hows in and out of the hint's
indicates the i'oiisimiitie,h pio
Kress. Ah the lungs grow weaker
less okx gen is inhaled and II16
blood changes 1 rout scarlet to pur
ple. C))geu is the life of the
lilootl as the blood is the life of
the' body.
The effect of Vr Pierce's Gold
en Aledical Disioxeiy upon weak
lungs is lo htrengtlien them, to en
able the full ojtjgenatiou of the
blood, arrest the progiess of dis
ease, and heal the uillnuietl tis
sues. I.liug ilibeases uae Deen
and me being aired by " C.olileu
11 wtscovery," in
where deep'seated
frequent heitior
eiiiaciatiou, weak
iiikI night -sweats
11 pointed to a fatal
imin.ttiou by con
tmptiou, Some xcjii. .ico I
xx j aliiuit a lielp
Irss x let llu of that
nrtail uiM'iikc icui-
Minipuoti ' xmtii
Mr. (tlb I'io,m,
1' M uf Mtku
White Co liul "I
was coufiiiecl tu nu rouiu for M-eral iiioiiIIhj
my Iricuiiiaiul ueigjiiborn liatl itixeu upull hope
ot m recoxcr) nutlt one lijj .1 (ruiiu .nlxUtil
me to taLe Ur 1'ieire 1 '.olden Mctlkal I)i-io.
try, and after I had lakca Ihe loutents of the
t-econd bottle I began teimuioxr Alter tjllu
hl bottles I was, I hotieitly tieliexe ilelixered
from the tjraie anil entirely cured I am noxx a
ttroug aud hearty ram,'1
Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse
the clogged system from accumulated
UJwt .uijiiii
)Svt- eases
W,,? uess,
?3fc nave '
Is prepared in the most
scientific and cleanly
manner by the Ceylon
planters. Their motto is
"a pure, clean tea will
interest the public." It's
ever-growing popularity
shows they are right.
Ceylon nnd Intliu Tea.
.sold only In Lead 1'at.keti.
50c. 60c, and 70c. Per Lb,
nitUt'l a- a token ol koiuI leixlie, bv
tlit iiienibeis of the nexx CoiiKieirallou
al iliuieh. The ommiIiik xxas pleasanlly
sjiint. Keiic -hiuents xxiio sentil.
TIih IIdxm'IV toot ball eloxeii xxlll Jilay
Hit' Old I'iiiki' loot bill team on CUt.
IH, on llie lattpi't Kiountl 'I'he home
tiain li pi. u tit lug ilHlentlx tot the
opening k ime
II .M. Ilaiius, funnel I v Mipei Inti ml
eiit uf the eleitih lisht plant ht'i e. liui
siRtt'tileil .M. fiell, .it iiipeiltltPUil
ent nl i oiistim tinn ol the Anlmin. X.
Y, i:ieitile Unlit inmpinx. Mi Me 11
Kties to I'oiislioliiit ken, I'liil.uli'lphla, a-j supeilnti niletit
M .1 Oshinne, nl Moosli. xxas a i .1 11
'I on 1 1 leiuli in tnxx 11 )t'stt'i(liix
Mis n.tnlii HtiKlies, ol West Siian
tini, xxas Uie KUft of hei daughter.
Mis ! I jil, ol Xoilh Main stieet,
It StHltlllX
Hon O.iulil lUisp, of I-MmiiouUi,
a tallt'i on lelitixei in town Monday.
lli T .1 Itiese his letmneil to her
home In I. insiimi iftti xisitinK her
il.uiKlilei, .Mis 1: 'v. JJ.ix is, ot Stoni
slitt I.
IMxx ml It rink in riili.irfo neunil
II. 1.1M
WiZiA. Yi:- ll-)ou it '
s-1 til the nlii taxaliy seif-euit
lo a ffioup ot Intel ested 11-
tineis "in till oii a sini) I xxent
last nlfilit to s, e the plav xxheie the
Indian iil tills In luxe xxllli a miuuk
ullltti ami In hfi lu niisin saxes the
Kin N011 Yon'Xf seen tin' plax '"
' t's, ' liis beams assented
"Will, tin 11, J'll tell )nu a stiii x some.
tliliiK- like that lu the pl.t) 'it xxas just
a I lei the Ke.unex m,i.s.iiii', is i.
'xhlles 1. ill It a mas-ti u, but il no,
m.iiix Imlians liatl hei 11 killed as theie
xi le s,)(ei s- it xx iiuhl hixe been nolli
lnsr but .1 hKlit, ami I s.ix tills though
1 haxe lit" 11 a i"uulai tin thlitx e.u
'llie xx hole tiiuniix up toxxaul what al
lti xxaul xx. is ihe Cusiei b.ilth Held
lilltil xv llll Sinll. 'I hi 1 e tie old Itetl
'limil. he xxas t oinpaiatlxelx xiiuiifi
I Soil , 'Iniid then, Anieiiinii liotse and
some iiiliuM, all blfr ililets and bad,
xxhn wile on t lie xx.u imth xxitn bands
ol joimi, buiks, .mil tlux-xxeie ijuinlnt;
.iml liltiinr Iim wheiiexei tin v sot a
"I xxas 1 dutx- seieant in the Hie -entli
1 avail x at that tlllle, soixlllK xxlth
I tinnii 1 1 li II Hoop xxe h.ul been
inlloxxliiK the tiail nt a biiiuli ot ieil,
ne.11 tlie Ui ami livei. We tnul. 'em
uni'vpi t ti'dlv and kllltd some eli-lit 01
tin and lost loin men 0111 "elves 'I'he
1 est ol tin band i-entteied ami fful
axxav, liul xxe made a ipteet i.iptuie.
Xo Indian on tlie xx.n path ivei takes
a squaw jiiotitr xx iili I1I111, that is li lies
iff-ulnilx on the vim path, but Unit
hum li had iiIihik xxllli 'em the piettlest
!siou ,','ill anxone txer laid exes on,
J mliii ti Mils ain't piettx ainxxav, but
tills one xxas, mid ion luixe nix word
loi il Sli xx.isii't uiriie than tighten!
.xuiib old. A lot of mu men spoke tlie
Sinus lingo ami xxe got hei stoix. Met
mime xx is Wlntii and she xxas the
tl (lighter of a Jsiou 1 lilef. She hail-
hoiii'iiown liiantl liver xx.i) on a Ult
to a Slou x lllage that xxas pe.uetul
like, Hit I, itlit'i xxas a tough old xxai
1 lot xx lm haled the xVhites and he xxas
now up neai tin lilai U Hills,
"Wlnta said Hlte bail bet nine bunie
si k nml thai tills nixing hand of Slouv
1 inning along and being headed lot her
fnlhet's litaihtuiii tei!f, she had asked
them to take her honi. Uelng a big
ihlei's ilmuliter th" biaxes hint done
as .she ieiiii'sted.
"This xxas along In Oitobet and the
xxt'niher xx-is gelling shaip H and I
liatl 01 dels to go into xx Intel tUiiteis
up niaik Hills ixii). We ItlleXX XVf hail
to get llieie inetty tmon and piepnie
things 1 of a long, hnul time of It Wo
didn't Know what to do with the gill,
We loiiltln'i leave hei, and s-o xxe took
lie! along
'We hail a voting seiond lleuleinint
Willi us lie xx as a good lunklug lelloxx,
but If 1 must Kty ll he liatl uiiisldei
nlilc inneelt 'I'lial's nellhei heie nor
llieie, howevir Wlntii, the Sluu git I,
was an niiiili'Hl a tieatute as any
ln (loxvir that evei giexv. .Site took .1
Milne, liowevtl, lo tlie West Point
)nuiigsei, and ho was nilghtv aiten
ilxc to liii', though all lu a lull ami
limn w i) You tan bit the old ma
Jm iiiiumamllug nut little .siuailinu
vruldu't ii-had ll anv other wa). lot,
vmi nt', a iv oiiuiii undei the pioteetlon
of a Iuiik It nf .snldleis Is safe, be she
it'll, while m vellow. Illake. that was
lie )oungstei's iiaine. used lo lido
ihmgHlde ot AYintu, ami lie sixx lo It
that Rbe rtnt tlie liest bits ot bulfalo
meat thai the iiiliass alfonled. Site
tiM'd to hang hei head 011 nun fide ami
look ut li 1 11 1 Jllr. t the wa) )0ll have
peep many a while glil look. The) '10
all alike, thene women.
'Well wo got up near llie llluilc
Hills some time eail) lu Xoveiubei, ami
It was petting iiildei than )dn. The old
inajoi looked about foi a .suitable plaie
for our u Intoi lamp ami found It un
tler the shelter of onie lilufiH, with
plenty of xxntet iloo at hand. Om
position was iill light etept that we
weie pietiy batlly open on one Hide In
I Connolly & Wallace
About 1,500 books left out of
the 15,000 we opened two weeks
ago. Of course the assortment of
titles is badly broken but there are
many good books left and you are
apt to find something you want.
I E.veryDay Handkerchiefs
0. If you could sec haudkerchiefs from all tht; difFereut stores side by side a3 we
JK theiu occasionally, there wouldn't be a doubt iu your tniud where to go.
V flPill 6000 Ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs, embroidered and hemstitched
jjj aJCV'Id.I they were the display boxes of a lar,je manufacturers' line and
5 are slighily soiled from handling, we got a big dhcomit bv taking the lot of 00
5? dozen and here they are at 9c each or $1 a dozen. Value? troin i2 to 20c.
Baby Bonnets and Coats
Little silk Caps in baby colors
white, piuk and blue daintily trimmed
with clusters of tucks and lace, 50c to
$1.00. Size 11 to 16 inches'.
Baby Coats, 2, 3 and 4 year sizes,
$2.00 to $10.00. Cunning imitations
of grown up box -coats; red, blue or tan.
Long Coats for babies, $1.75 to
$17.50. And every thing else for very
small people.
n ntnatl'c (ltfTCC ur two est Gloves for women are the 5
J; VVUinCU 2 VJIUVCS "American Giri" and the "Jouvin" both g
made iu France, the laud from which most fine thing? for women come. J
fj American Girf, $1; Jouvin,$1.50 and $2. g
i Connolly & Wallace
123 - 125
case of attat-lc, but as a ni.ittei ol fai t
we didn't thlnU nun b of that because
theie weie sKtx odd of us and we
tlioushl xxe weie Miod foi U the Sioux
and noithein rin.xenue that weie llke-h-
to toine. "We- bad tlie Indian shl
Winta with us et, and the inajoi Kaxe
liei a tent bx hoi self. Shf way sxxeetei
tli iu switt still mi the Miungstei
BlaKe; that is', hei exes would tolloxx
liini lounil, and '-he alwavs smiled xx lien
he poke to hei, sometliliiK she woultln't
Ui foi anxone eKe In the outllt, UiourIi
slit xxas alxxaxs nolite and nlte enough,
Sioux fasliion.
' We xx i'if iiiiiniiiK sluiit of meat ami
the in ilor sent out a liuntiiiir li.utv Into
the hllN with a lot ol ihiiK limses. Thex
xx ei e f,one It'll das, ami the) utine
b.u Iv xx'itli enough ki lib to last us all
wlntii. but they bail a bit ol mws that
xxe didn't HKe. Thex- told us mil
moic than llftet'ii miles oif when- two
leeks i ,iini' toffelhei theie was a Ihiko
eniaiiiinnem of Indians, ex lilentlx ski
lled loi the x Intel. They h.ul lounleil
llle tepee poles b' the aid ol a Klass
and IlKllied that theie iiiyst be at least
J 000 Indians in the x UIuki-. whlili
meant a liRlitliiH; stieiiKtli ot about 00
"A suldlei's xxillfn' to (Ishl, but he
c in't llaht loiiff with otitis of foui teen
lo one against him. We didn't iaie
about mollis" to atlatlv the leds, antl xxe
weie mlKliix' xxell tuntuit if thex
xxouldn't tome to attaik u.
"Win u Wllita, tlie Indian Kill, he.tid
iboilt tile xlll.iKe shn sjd that It was
her latliei's, but that he had hanged
his lilate since sn last had seen hlin
Toi lliiie xxieks now Wilila had been
billing and mollis: xxllli xmnir UlitKe.
Kniil tlie) tetlalnlx weie sweet on eai li
tlliei. 'riu lelloxxs xxeie betting exeu,
tlltillgll hlltll things don't happen otteti,
that Illake woultl make hei f,o Inn k to
Ux lllation with liiui and thai then
they would spl!u up. They wtie two
legulai till tie dines,
The dav nib r wt lieaul if the In
dian xlllage Wlntii xxent to the inajoi,
got down on hei knets in limit ot hint
and pi, i.x eil that Mio might lie alloixttl
to go to her latliei'.s illage. Tlie nia
oi' undei htootl Sioux. Ile'd been UP
against the tlex lis ollen enough to In
able to xx tile a dli llonaiy of theli lingo
"'Why, Wlnta,' he Haiti, 'if ou go
batk the) 'II kmixx that .somebody
haxe In ought )ott most of the xxu),
antl the) '11 In' down on us like a w till 1
x Iml '
"I'm pulling llie ghl's talk Into
Mialght English, She said Unit the
leaHon she wanted to go xxas lo keep
hei latliet and his pieti liom attaikiug
us, 'I am his onlx" iblld,' sho said, 'and
he inii'i uliise nie anything I'll tell
llllll ot yolli guodliefs to mu and his
heai t xxlll be i-nl't Some ot the win
lioiH will lluil that )ou aie heie when
the) nixe iu seanli of game, and thin
)ou will lie nliiuked and Killed '
"It was about thin time that )oung
Illake i anie up. Tlio ghl tinned a lam
lull of luxe tow mil hlin Hlake liliisbeil
a little and saltl 6 the niajoi. 'I guens
Wlnta knows xxliat Mile's about, ami I
think she tan keep these fellows unlet
unlll spiiiig, when we'll haxe come kind
of a i bain e at them.'
V liilows all slid to one auolhel,
'The ghl'H golu' b.u It to hei fatln i to
keep lihn l'i om getting ill toi 1IH Just
lot the ake nl llie .xouugstet .Mie
don't i ate a lap fot all our kindness,
but she does Jtts dote ou Hlake '
Well, the upshot ol It wan that lh
major lt the ghl go. It was mil) a
matlei of lifteeu miles, and she liatl the
mm lie pun) tint Mie lode when xxe iap
tuiLil hei. Wlnta and Illake had a
li'RilliI patting 'M) latliei's people
sliall pi'oteet )ou,' she said Then she
lode away Just at levollle on that
blight Xoxemhei iiioinlug.
"Jtst at giay of the day llie tolloxx -
Scranton's Shopping: Center
This store serves both the
rich and the poor.
It serves each better because
it serves them both.
300 fine silkoline, white cotton filled.
Comforts, size 72x72; 95c each. You
couldn't get them any 'where else for
less than $1.25. They ought to go in a
The all wool French Flannels at 35c
are selling fast. Never before were Hne
printed French Flannels sold so cheap.
The styles are choice, the colorings good
the value altogether 65c a yard.
Price 35c.
Our Dress Goods Department was
never so busy.r
- 12M29 Washington Ave. g
lug nimiiiiig the l lilts ot inn txxo out
posts tin out expostd side i.illg out
ag ihi. Tilt u tame tin al. u iu f i inn tlie
goal il, and Inside ol a mimilo ex fix
Hooper In tlie utinp xxas "In tlie little
ii doubt XX llltb we had lonstuuted on
mu exposed side. Out nt tlie half l1.ii k
uis Ihfie lame a tliundei ing hoi tie of
xx ai i loi s. e nut tilt in xxlth x olle)
,unl then xxllli iiiotbii, iiasli, itash,
iiasli 'Ibex xxtnt limiting, but
x.e knew it was only to mine again
We lu id tlii'in ott, anil It lieiiiine
uixllglii. Thex swept down on Us time
aftei time I nexei sum Indians mine
like that betine, ox el the open against
an lull eni bed toe
"Well, the bappi tied.
Tlie lest of tlie r.lexentli bad lit en ol -doted
to join lis In wlntu iiitii ids
Thex i anie just in lime The ieiN went
oil like tile xx iml xxitli our iiiuiiadrs
and us altti tluin We got two oi
time long lauge xollixs betoie thex
got into the hills mid tsiaiietl
"We )li ked up a lot ol xxountltd, and
xx do xou think.' one of tliein was
Willi. i. She liatl hi tuned us, and .,
xxas dx lug. Illake looked at lit I and
"lie looked al hint 'Why did xou do
it ." lie askid.
"Tlie gill looked him 111 tlie exe 'lli
uitise 1 hale x tut and all xx bites," st
" 'Well, seigeailt ' hi oke III olle ol lll
auilltois, 'that ain't llki1 stage stotlts
lu them the Indian gill alxxaxs sms
llei s,dlet luxei '
"'I know It," -aid the seieanl. 'hut
If Miu'll show me a plax with a soldlei
ot mi Indian iu it that's anx thing like
leil lite I 11 show .xou sx while blink
bo nils.' "
Pliorlnl to Hip Pcinnlun Tilliiine
Pat loi yx llle, Uit 1" I'lofe.ssdi ,oin
II. WHIiani-, (lass of 's't nilltd mi
flit nils ai the luailtiu) itientl).
Ah tleoige I'ainiswoi til, ilass ot '0,,
xMtcd his mule, I lex .Mi Wnllcn or
Tu) lor, on Sunilii) last ami also iiie.ii li
ed ill the I'llinitlxe Methodist iliuiili,
ot Hint plaie.
Miss .lessle Ketuix spi nt Slllldax al
hei Inline mat New Mlllonl.
John U Suulu spent Satiiulax ami
sundax with Ills lib ml, A M Hakei.Vt
The atlllelli.s ot Ie) stone aiaileni)
aie again iMng lapltilx and llieie s
no le.isoii why tllix .should not Use
to the plan llux' nine held mining pit.
puatiny sili'ools The aiadeui) has
tlextloped men ill llils line wlio haxe
bti'oine xxoild liunous among tlie moie
leient aie .MallU'vxson Hie piolesshuial
base ball pltiliu. and In Cine. I.ata.xel
to's gteat lull link nl last X(.n
The .xoiing ladles' basllel ball team
aie also winking on tlie same piliuiple
ns the lioxs ol' tlie loot ball team Thex
liaxe Httiitul a ll. tilling table and ixei)
gill s uitliuslastli ami lixlng to sin
pas.s the xoung men lu this paitliulai
featilH' The) ale looking Iniwaid to
.N'oMiubu 1, when ihe) will uui?l; mi
Ihe aiiulem) giouuJs the )ouug ladhs
ol IJ.iM Stiouilsbmg .Vinmal siliool,
with x hmii tin') haxe mianged two
New Yoik,
The Ntxx Voik. Oiitai io anil Western
Itulli n ul iiimpains tall i ni hi .
slon lo New Yoik ill) xxlll be lilll on
.Manila), Oitobei -'. the letllin line
Mom all stations Suaiitou to r.ubou
dale. Iiltlusixe. being $1 3j Tlikets good
till llxe tla)s Al tills time of the )i.n,
the Dntmio louti liuiit tills seitlou
smpisses all otluis, ovxilig to its pie.
UilibqUi sitiiei), tlie ilde liom I'oiii.
wall to Nexx Yoik. along the Hudson,
being an espeilall) iklightlu) one.
I'm nuilier pal th uhiii it, apply to
agents, or J. i:. Wt-Mi, T. I. A.. Sti.ui.
ton, l'a.
The Gieat West
Has Kit.ilnlx in. ulx- lions In Hie
way ol biautiftil lesotts foi those seek
ing health oi pleasme, anil the tunn
ing swttions ol the xx est aie now tnjO)
Ing mipiei i dented piospeilty, xxbliii
sliould be of absoibliig Intel est lo those
i onteniplaiing seeking a new homo lu
a gioixlnj; set. inn ot om gieat mutiny
I'.ill) ilmiiig Oitobet, the Nliklc PI lie
laiiioid xxlll sell speilal low-iate, one
wax tlikets, in points nil ihiough the
xxtst These tlikits ale good on the
I'ei sunnily Couttuitttl Tians-Contlnin-tal
Toms, xx hii h leaxe Huston exeiy
Mondax ami Wciliiesdi) noon, in Iho
ile.;.iut I'ullm in Tomist Met ping ('.lis,
xx hii li iiixe txt i ) thing lm lomfoit and
lonxeiileiiit of p isrcngeis at lates less
than lialf those ihuigul tor Staudaid
I' at iiimmod.uloiis 'l hese Tour
ist Cms pass thiougli .New Voik state
on West Slime tiain No 1, la Itotter
ilam linn tlim, I "tli .i. S)i.uuse anil
Iim hestei, at wliliji points piitles may
Join tliem As tin luixe lieeome moie
xxidelx' known, tlie pationage lias
steadllx beioine ol hlghet i lass and In
iiitised In nuinbiis, until thex1 aie nnxv
tlie must itimlai and lilgli das', tom
ist im exclusions ii om ibis section tn
the wist. Hut tukeis and Inloi inatioii
ste tu .n c si agent, oi xm He It U. P.i)lie,
geneial agent, No J'll .Main stuet, Huf
lalo, N V. "
Specinl Excuision Tiain, Lackawan
na Rnlhoatl, Wilkes-Bnne to
Scianton nnd Itetuni for Mine,
Sembiich Conceit, Oct. 21.
Ult an Ollllt of Ihe Si mill It h toilieit
at tlie Allium, Si i anion, tlie Lacka
wanna iiiilioad xxlll i mi a spuial tin hi
Tiltsila), Oil Jl, leaxlng Wilkes-Hal To
7 Ot) p iu: Kingston, 7 10, W)oming,
7 JO West Iitlstou. T'-Ti, hUsqucliau
ii.i Axenue 7 J" Plttstoil .lunitlou, 7 .11;
Tn) lot, 7 ."0 One line foi tlie lounil
tiip lb mining leaxe Si i anion at ill,"
p m speilal nolle) ems tor use of
iMiiisiuniMs onl), will Hint tiain ami
mu illicit to aimoi) and intuiii after
iiinieit Tiolle) tins xxlll also meet
tiain at Kingston on leiiun tiip to ar
coiuniod He Wllkis-Hatie patious.
$13,00 to Cleveland, Ohio, nnd Re
turn, vin the Lehigh Vnlloy Rnih
lond, October 20 nml 21.
Oil ai i omit ol geneial mlsslouai) eou
xentlon. .Methodist Hplsiopul ehlllill, at
t'lexi'land. Ohio Oi toliei Jl-JI the He
high Valle) laihoad xxlll sell speilal
i iinni nip thi, els ai 51 ! b0. good to le
t ill ii to and lm lutllng Oi tober '.'Ttli,
good on all tialns eMept t ho Hlaik
Diamond evpless See III Ket agouti
for liiitliet Inloi illation
Lncknxvanna Rnilionil Ningnin Talis
Ecutsion, Sept, 25, nnd Oct, 25.
Speilal exuiisloii tlikets xxlll lit sold
lot all ll .tins going on the aboxe dates,
good lm mum within live (3) da)s
ft om nml Irieliullns date or sale Paie
toi tin i omul nip. $."CG fin adults and
$j ;o fm i hllili en latxxeen t ho ages of
llxe ll) ami twelxe (U) eais
Reduced, Rates to the Wist.
I'oiunieuilng sipteiiibu isl, and dally
tluu.iiui uiiivl Oilobet ulst, linj, the
Wisconsin I' iiiilioad will sou
Seltlt-is tlikets f loin t'lilcago to points
lu Montana. Idaho, Oiegoti, Washing
ion and Iblilbh Columbia, at gieatly
ledmed i.itis l'ot detailed lufoimation
Inmiiie ot matest ticket agent, ' iU'"
diess W 1 1 Allen, I) P. A OJI Park
building, Pitisbuig, Pa., ot James Q.
I'iid geneial ia.i'iigcr ngent, Mil"
xxaukee, Wis