yS11 ""' "" XT.' nmwtu mmmf7' I THE SCUANTOX TtilBUNE-THUltSDAV, OCTOBER 10, 1002. 10 7iF?'??'v"iw & THE EPWOTH LEAGUE NEEDS (Concluded fiom I'nRO li.l live, but lin not nceoni))lRlie(t nunr wlitit II sliotliil. It "ccilfi h levlvitl of cnoigy ind loc. "There nro many .voiiiir women In the lenRUP who could give themselves to the work of Jchup ChrlHt, und ko into the homes of the needy find sorrowful, rur rjhiK the sunshine of CJoiI'r love Into these homes. Hod Is grateful for the work nil end y done, hut wo must em phasize the fact that more work Is needed iiIohb this line. Ill the social und llteuity blanches of work more business Is needed, as when a business meeting Is called, many people make It n business of staying away. We want n. icvlval of the splilt that means bust ness In the woik or Mod and Hie Chinch of Chi 1st. niid to m: unvivno. "Wo need to be revived along serious, cai nest and determined lines for the salvation of man. for the church and for God. More power Is needed to cip eiate the ninchlneiy wo have, and we need a revival In the depat tnient of spliliual woik and In Christian testi mony There are many aceessoiles of power In the Christian chinch, and I do not undei estimate the vailous ugi'ii t'les, but the weapon needed to i onquer the woild Is the old penteeostal bless ing the tongue ot fire, that the power of God might fall on voting pnople and equip them lor His woik. "Theie aie glorious possibilities In the Held or Kpwoith League woik. :md (iud has In stoie fm us mightier le toiles than we ewer ilunmed of. and we have i ome to a ulsls In this woik wheie wo aie to show lcsult". Theie aie gie.it possibilities lor find in the Kpwoith League, but lenewed toiees and ic hnis aie needed to hi lug It out. Cln 1st Is (ailing us to seivhe and to viattle, and the time Is at hand when heie Is a mights woik to do lor (Jod. lie l on our Hlilf, .tud vlctoiy is ahead, lei us di'inonsu.ile to the win Id at l.ugo th.it the Kpwoith League li.is tome Into the possesion of the n-i.il It needs." 11VKNIXG RI'.SSIO.W The eloshif, s(.ss(,n of the ((invention w.is called .it 7 1" o'Uoik. and lasted nearly time houi The song seivUo and devotions weie led by J!e. ('. M. Olmste.id, ot tiiillloid, X. Y. The seke tlons b the choir undei the le.ideishlp of Pi of. AV. W. .lones, and the Simpson M.il, (iiiaitette. weie pleasing teatuit.i of the meeting. 'I he tieasuici'. lie . Cm I ('ouiii.ilm.in, i ported icteipts of Ml." IT,: expenses, MS"; b.il.ime on hand, $ht HO. The resolutions ooniinitlee thanked the lias lor and people of Simpson dumb tor I hell hospitality, and the speakeis loi their helpful .nidi eoses and the Mngeis foi good music. Di 1'phani's addiess and ti Unite to the .Methodist F.itlieia, was the fe.it me ot the sei h e Among other things, he said" "It is sonietlmes .s.iid b way of ie pio.iih that AineiiCii has no hlstoiy. and that the Methodist !uiuh has no hlstoiy, but we ran trace our pedtgiee to the days ol the apostles tot the (loetiincs of the Methodist lrI-( np.il f lunch aie as old as the Xew Testa ment. Dining the last one bundled and fifty e'.tis the movement foi Method ism has made eai th bapp and heaven populous, and It has i Islitltilly been i ailed the gmiiet movement In the hlstoiy ol the woild since the dnvs nf pentecot." The speaker icfericd in glowing leims to the lives and woil.s of John Wesley, James Ilenle.v Charles Wesley, whom he called Ihe inline of lvilc jiot'tsj Thomas Polk, Philip l'mhut', Uicb.ud Cllmoor, Cianies Asian j, ,lesv,. i,op, I'lljah Iledding and otheis, .uid pio r I. limed them the heioes of Methodism. He also paid a splendid ti Unite to the mission. n y enteipiisc, whiih, he s.iid, was the gieatest thing of mode in da.vs foi the nipid giouth or Cliilstian t.ill'h, A GltHAT SCHOLAI'.. "We one," he said, "to otu Melhudlst fathers thu lrspit ve ahvavs pay m gieat men. tot Midi they weie John Weslev was one ol the gieatest s-chol-ai s of all tinus, a gieat pi em her, and an Intel pietoi o (Jod's woul to man. Philip I'inliiuy was not an Ignoianl laipenter as some supposed, but a .scholgr and a teaehei and a man of intelligence Kianels Asbiuy w.is the noblest Roman of them all and a gloi lous old hero, whose hlstoiy is et to be wiltten. All weie gloilous men, bale, beaity nnd happ.v, who lived In the ladlant sunshine ot divine tavoi. They inanlfested their beiolsm along many lines, and we aie all Indebted to them, lor well founded and a thoroughly i nought-nut system of dot trine. They pioelnlmcd a gospel which, was simple, warm and loi all. The doe tilnes or Weslev isin aie the doetilnes of iinlvetsiii Piotuslantlsin, with collect views of Clnistian life nud activity. The .Methodist Hpistopal ehuich is the i lunch of the common people, and we must go after any man anywhere who needs salvation, God giant that you may be line to the tuidltloiiH of the chinch." At the elose of Dr. I'pham'.s addiess, Or. Sweet, ot Iiingliainton, classed the speaker as one of the heioes of Method Ism, and he was gieeted with Hie Chan tiiiiqua salute. The quaitette sang "Good Night" as the closing number. BULGARIAN BANDS DEFEATED. Turkey Understands Thnt Macedon ians Will Be Suppiessed. Pi f.xrlir-ite W Ire livni '("lie Uvoilateil 1 mi Constantinople, Oct, 15 It Is de (.hired in government elides that the Hiilgarlan i evolutionary bands have been defeated eery where and that, at ter n shaip engagement In the Kie7.pn dulle, between a force of Turkish troops and insurgents, the Bulgarians weie dislodged and dispersed, riio porto understands that the Iiul mi Inn government has finally decided to suppress the '.Macedonian committee, Yesteidny's Marriage Licenses. "IViwII Moiilovnious . , Arelibald Mary Kosztics Arclilulil John IMwIn Houton,.rtochcllc. Park, X, J, M.ir Hell Freeman ,.,,,,,., Seranton Jalward L Spungenberg' ('arliniulirln Jennie 1,. Hyatt , ,,,,,, ..C'lirlioiululo 20 Years of Vile Catarrh Wonderful Testimony to the Curative Fowern of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, ('lias. o. Drown. Journalist, of Duluth, Minn., writes: "I have been a sufferer fiom Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over 20 -uns, (luring which time my head has bi en stopped up and my condition truly mlicinble. Within 1" minutes after using ))i. Agnew's Cutanhal Powder: I obtained I (lief. Three bottles have ulmost, If not intlicly cured me," . Dr, Agnew's Ointment relieve plies Instantly. 2 Sold by Wro. G. CUrK and 11, C. San- ft- WILL INTEREST EVERYBODY. Or nt Lenst Everyone Who Suffers from Cntfttrh. Cittniih In 111 various foi ins Is a na tional disease, nnd the fact that ncnily cvoiybody suffeis from It more or less lends many to neglect Its proper treat ment. Xiisal rn turrit Is a I'tininion ciiiibo ot hendnclies, destroys sense of smell nnd If neglected tenches the throat, causing Impairment nnd sometimes total loss of voice, Hionclilnl entail h leads easily to consumption. Cuturih of stomach and liver tire very sei lous and obstin ate tumbles, while It Is now generally admitted that catarrh Is the most com mon of all causes of deafiKMs. All of the more set lous forms of en tail li begin with nasal catiirih thu local symptoms, being a piofuse dlsehuige, stoppage of nostllls, In Italian and fie (pient denting of the tin oat, sneelng, coughing nud gagging. The old style- of treatment with douches, Inhalers, spinys, salves, etc., simply give temporary lellef und every one who has trse'd any of them knows how useless they ale und their Incon venience Is such that very few have the time or patience to continue their use. A radical cme of calm ill can only be obtained fioiu a U eminent whldi le moves the catarihnl taint fiom the blood because no one will now dispute that catarrh Is u constitutional or blood dleasc, and local applications can have no crfeet except to teinpoiailly le-lleVo local symptoms. A new lomeily which bus been le maikably successful In curing uttitnh Is a pleasant tasting tablet which Is taken Internally nnd acts upon the blood and miaous membianes. It Is composed of antiseptic leinedles like Ited Gum. Hluod root nnd similar deanslug spcilllts which eliminate the alaiili.il poison f i otn the system. Tlie tablets being pleasant to Ihe taste aie dissolved In the mouth and thus leach the tlnoat, trachea, and (Inally the- stomach and entile alimeut niv canal. They ale sold by diugglsts everywheie under the name of Sluuit's Catarrhal Tablets. If ileslied, when theie- Is much stop page of the nose, the tablets may be dissolved In win in watei and used as a (louche- in addition to internal use, but a douche Is not at all necessary. A lew dissolved in the mouth dally, will be sufficient. Dr. Ainslee s.iy.s: "The legu l.u dally use of Stu.iit's Cltuiih Tab lets taken Intel n.illy will cure the whole at.uih.il ttouble without lesoiting to the- inconv entente of a (louthe or an in halei." They seem to give a healthy tone to the whole mucous membrane ond it Is lenlly lemaik.ible bow soon they will dear the bead nnd throat of the uii n.itui.il and poisonous catarihnl seie tlon. ' Stu. ill's Cat.inh Tablets Is undoubt edly the cutest, most palatable and eei tninly the most efficient and convenient lemecly for any foi in of catarrh. MEETING AT WHITE HOUSE ("VimlmlcU fiom l'ii:c 1 Mi. Mitchell N lot riili In optimism it Is believed generally th.it the differences existing between the mineis and opei alois will be resolved flnallv. It Is said tli.it while It may lake a lew days to biing them together, the belief Is 'universal that the negotiations now pending will terminate the strike It i- pointed outj hv one who 1 a recognized authoiity on stiike eontio vtisies, that. In the eveht of un agiee ment on a coinmlssion of aibltiation, it vill not be hh-olutelv necessary for Pie-sldent Mftiht-ll at this time loimally to decl.ue olf the stiike. lie and his district president may en dor the men back to woik, holding In abeyance the foimal dedai. ition of the end of the stiike until the commission shall have made Its findings, which, it Is expected will be binding on both optr.rtots and miners. x The events of the day leadiiiR up to the piesent situation, were entiiely de void of sensations or ot diamatlo In cidents. Comp.ii.itively few people knew of the coining ol President Mit chell, and as he is not known geueially in Washington, his appeniance cieated no stir. He came by Invitation of the piesldent, telegraphed to him last night. He arrived at 11.-7 o'clock by the Penn sylvania loJlt o,ul. He was not accom panied by the distilit mine pic-sklents, as he was on the trip of October .", his only traveling companion being a news paper coiiespondent, who accompanied him fiom Wllkes-Haire. Mysteiious Death at Hariisburg. n.v HvLlii'lie Wire from Ihe sochtcl l'rcs. Harrlsbuis, Oct, ,15 ,V man who gavo his name as John liooley, who mystcil ouMy fuietiued ills shall In the Pennsji. vanla rnlhoad yaids In this ity died to day nt the haspital. Dooley was deliilous after the aceiilpiit und could not Kive a plausible stoiy icgaidlng Ills injiiv lie at Hist snld Hint his home was In Phll'i delphla, but lnt befom his death rail he lived In Chicago nnd that his names was William Hauls The hospital an thoillies aie at a loss to know what to do wllh the body Employment for 5,000 Men. By Kxclujiio Wire (rem The Amk la ted I'resi. I'lttsbiiig, Oct 1'. Tim factmles of both American and IVik-riil Window Olasi conipaules resumiil npeintioiis today. Tln-v have been closed slnco Mnv Jl last, when tiro usual summer shut down took place The lesiimptlou will rIvu employ ment to live thousand men Must Ceitlfy Mnckey's Nomination. lb Ki lnslip Win-bom Tin-Assnriatnl I'lot. Iliiirlslnug. Oct. 11 Judge Klmoiilon Is sued a iniviilaiiiiiH today compelllug Sju i clary of tlm Conunonvvealih CJilest io ceitlfy the nomination of Hairy A Mai key, the Union p.ilty caiidldato for .senator In the J'ourlli Plillailelidilu ills tiUt. - ii Be-Elected Archdeacon. II) Hx Insix- W ire from 'fhe ,Vsoci UcJ l'rc. llaillslnilR. Oct IS.-Itov, I.eioy Haker, of this place, was re-eljjcled arch, deacon and Rev. William Dot wart, of Newport, secrotaty and tieasiuei of the Iliirrlsbuig aiclideaconaiy of tho Prote-u-ant ;plsc-opal c lunch at the annual meet ing In Haiiisbiug tod ii 5 Pledges to the amount of ;23 weie made for the deaf mute work. Ten-Day Strike Settled, lly Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Birmingham, Oct. IB. The strike at tho cool mines of tho Tennessee Coal, Iron and Rnlhoad company, which has been In full force for the past ten days was set tled at noon today, and 4.000 men will re ourno work at once. Tho teims of settle, meat was not given out. Socialist Xahor Objections Overruled. tj Excluslri Wirt from The Auoclited Preo. Harrlsburg, Oct. 13. Tho Dauphin conn, court today overruled tho objections ot the Socialist La.bor party to the state xuuniziaea at th Soclallstla turtv. THE MARKETS Wall Street llevlew. Now Yoik, Oct. I.I. l-'uithoi piogiess was made towaid a higher level of pi Ices In thu stock intiikel today, although theie was no now actual developments In either the tnotictnty or the conl stiike situation to liidlciite.iinv material change in conditions. Nevertheless tho feel iib was mole pievalcnt that the coal Htllke would rvach an cm ly amicable end and thai inc-vmes aie to be- taken by Hecie tin v Hhnw that will shotlly reliovo the pieHc-nt stringency of thu money market. His action was said to be In the niiluin of fill titer huge government bond liutcbases, Mil Iritis Interests being ri edited with holding huge iimniints which would bo silently (tuned In. The sums named limned riuin JlO.ftim.liOO to $.W,iW,oiii) and the leport was vlgoioitslv circulated throughout the slleet. Whether theie was unv fouiida tloii or not In the minor, the money mar ket le-tleeted gi eater ease than In some time, uill loans opening at l per cent,, the highest, und then shading giadually to n per cent. Consldeiable attention was given to the lepoit that time, would be ceitabi mndlllcn thins In the teims pio piisi il by the coal oiieiatois lor a settle ineiit or Ihe sltlke vvlilcb would Insillo less opposition ti urn the millets in the points (onlesUd Nothing delllllte devi loped lu giinllng this report tliough It was col died to some extent bv the heavy buying of Heading which showed eonsldeiabln strength thioiighont the day 'Ibo deal ings weie smaller than usual lu other stocks of this class and then- was n dis position lu general to await active tie elopinelits helot e pinsulng active opeia tlons hi tills (iiiiutei. Iticent speeulullvu leaders anrong the (linni,'eis, Paclllcs and Southwestern stocks weie benight freed v and the entile market showed de cided stieliKth at one time or utiothet St. Paul, Louisville and- Illinois fVnlinl weie conspicuous In the d.iv's dealings and tiiiich- i-vceptlonal advances of two points. I'llies elsewhere uv tinged u point piettv Kt-iieially with unite an act ive drum ml In a munlicr of spoelnltU s. The (lould stocks as a group leee-iwd the most eiuislstiiit siippott. the heavy buy ing of Missouri Pacllle having a sustain ing effect on the lower priced stock-". Some disappointment was felt "over tho heaviness or the London imiket, and iu' the aililtiage dealers tinned sellcis the (ill 1 miuket showed sonii weakness KenlMng sales, however, bv the local ttudns weie -oon overcomi- bv the up-, p.ieiiuiee of huge older s for the ttans contiiii'iital stocks and the niovoltienl tlnoilglioilt the dnv was inaiulv upwind although tnoiiieiitaillv checKcd lit times bv picilll-tuklng. Ti.idirrg lacked the bteridtli and activltv ol the cullv opera tion or the week but theie was a marked undei tiitii- ot conlldence- In tin geueial siluillon. In Ihe late session -dod: ti.id irrg was vliiuallv slagnant at lltnis. cs pecillllv wbee the liliilkct was undei pressine tioin ie.ili.lng sales Theie weie occasional biustsi or activltv and these ns .1 i tile weie in.i I Iud bv advancing,- pi lee I'lolll-t.iklng sales outweighed the Inn -lug in dels in the Until bum and there weie a number of Impoitiint l tactions which vveu- not (becked by .1 Until up turn 111 St. Paul to (lie best The closing was dull and eas. Total sales loi tin day, diil.TOO shales. The bond nuiikel was dull toil, iv, but displavcd a 111 in tone. Total sib-, par value ?.'. IT." OfM The following ciuotatlons aie furnished The Tlibune bv Ilnlght & 1'reeso Co, 311 iV Meais Uullding. W. D. Itunyun. man ager. Oiieri IIlKh.Locv.Closa Am.il L'oppt i .. W,' In ..i'L' IP, .IPs "!" la's M 10'8 Am. C. .V I' .... Amellcuu In- ... Am. He, Pi ... Am. Locomotive .IPS M ,'i, 'i'4 tltic I'lifc .It's In 3i. :-.a , 1 p.. i"'I. i-'i !i lid '.7, JW lull, & V) "'' H .'fll . I'll IP, Mi, IV. 'Ki'I 1"'j .'.Sr' '.7I4 -,JI', '111" Ml " t: :Pj 1 iv, llsi', J.'s '11 ."."I 107 1V.7H .I'll'. U Pi. Ii, l'-i ion ss lllllVi J0l-i . in .-.or. Iju 1S7! IV, M "1U 4V. J) HI, 1,7', ":. J J H7ij I l'i .SI'S rin, in", 1 lll , -I'1-t'tJ, 1.0m 1 1 Ii'i. r.lu 1 Im , , H ii,:' , ituu Ml"s l'l SI.-4, 77 Jl'i 7s 7IU :uu 71' ,'!7'i Am. Loco , Pi . ''!' K l.'i lIM i 1"P inrK i.n . up ".uv 'rt II 1ST--4 r. xv, ii'i i"ii j m-s -V, .'a. Am S .V. It. Co Amu lean riiig.u .l.'l' Anaconda Cupper ... lo-r Atchison . S" ' .1110 . Ml', .lii'c is Atchison. Pi .... I! rlt .V Ohio .... Iliook. It T. ... ('.in.idi.in Pacllle ('lies Ohio . . Chicago ,Vr Allon Chic V. Cl W .... ('.. M. (i St P .. .I'M It I. Ar P I'M Col Pui-1 .V. lion .... Sl'rt Col. A. Southein .. .M4 Col A. .South . Jd Pr IV-; Den ,v H. C, , Pr "0 Detniit Soiithun . l', i:r le I.", Jhle, 1st Pi (i7'i 'mm Kile .'lid Pr ".-", ".-"j I locking V.illev . 'Hj 'ill, Illinois Central ... .1H, lis Iowa C iill.il I! t'.'4 K.in Citv A. South . iPss "lij Louis A. Nash . ...I.r, 1 ST's 3Ianh.itt.iir lll'i 1U1- Met. Si. lt 1!S'4 111 Mexican C'inliil ... .'ii'h -"', Mo , K, A: Tc 'n u M11, K A. T. Pr ... .V'1, Ifs Mo Pacllie 107' 11a X. V. Central IV.' 1"il", Xoifolk .V. West ... 7J1, 71'i Out. A West ".7S .!l Peirru. It It lul1-, b.'n, People's Oas i01 111! Pressed Steel Cat ... i.l .!' - h.l'b Id.", 111 . -,-, 7'i L'l "It. 71 " '-'", Heading US's, ifl"K Kenning, isl 'l . . s, j v,-4 Itendlug, "d Pi . 7ii 77 llcpublle Stetl . . "1 ;i'. Itepubllc Sti-el Pr 771 7s St. L & S.in r . 71 711', Si L So W ... . !", KH.. Southern Pacific . 7ni'. 71 Southeiii JL It 17 .17'., Soiitheia U 11. Pi. HVi, iij 'leiiu. Coal ,; It 011... !,''' i.l; Tonus A Pacllie . Us, p,i, t'lrlou Pac Ilk . . In.!",, HIV, Tnion Pacini, Pr . . nil 'n 1' S Li'.tthei . . . Ii-i, r.i, P. S. Leather, Pr W'i W, 1. 1 ', : 111!", 'ill 1 11 sot; LP, Ii'i 101'V no ir, in I3B Special Stove ti iou Are Invited. ii Bear in mind, no one is expected to calls is welcome to a Free Ticket. You may be the lucky one to get a and bring your friends "THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU HONEY," Model Home Furnishers. 322 Lackawanna Avenue. wmmmwmmmmmmAwimmmmmmmmmmAammmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmAmkWUBam tT, 8. Ilnlibor ., 17V4 l'.i 1'H ll4 I'. 8. Steel .,., ..,.,. 10 I0U ,19i 40 tT, 8. Hteel, Pr ,,,,, X'l Sl M snu Wabash .,,.,,,,,,.,,, .11 :l';n :'-t :ii$& Wiilmsh, Pi ,.,,., 471, IS4 47M 47 WohIciii ITnlim . HI lit 111'. Ill Wheel. & I, IJ . ,. 2i 27'; '.'i "'i Wis. Ceiltinl Vb -7as ftl ! Total sales, 599,200 shares. Money, fi per cent. . cnicAno aiiAtN av puodijck. WtlHAT- Open, High. Low, Closo, Dpcember 7034 "l1 7n14 71 May 72'i 71 72 l cortx- Decernber 4Si til. Wi 4"1. Mnv 428 UU 1; It'fe OAT8- Oerember ill .in; .11 .11 May :um n."i ai :uVa POllK. October IT.llil 17 0 17(10 17 W Jaliuaiy J",i,7 1, SO 1."V 07 1SS0 LA lib October 1070 JO S" 10(17 10 .lanuaiy SM 001 89" !H)"i IlIHS- Oclober lift) II 1,0 Jl CO It irt Jaliuaiy M j:i: S2." 83J xr.w yohic con on MAmcirr. Open. High. Low. Close October ,S.t. S.1J 3.1(1 S.10 lXieinher S "1 ,N ," s.li! S.40 January Mil SOI sv. s", May S.I", s.r, ST! S'il Seranton Board of Trade exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bld.Ashed. Lackawanna Unity Co . Pr.,.. 60 County Sav. lUnlc t Trost Co COO l-'list Nat. Uiink (Cnibonciule). ... GOO Third Uatlonul Dank .wO JJlmo IJep & DIs. Hank S)0 Kconomy L, II. As P. Co 46 l'li.st Xn,tloiial.nniik II'.OO Inclc, TriiBi ,t Safe Den Co . 19j ci.11 It A Snover Co. Pr L'J Sciuuton Savings Hank 50(1 Ttade,s' Xntloiial Hunk "-J ... Sti. 111(011 Holt A, Nut Co 12j People's Hank 13J ... HONDS. Scianton Packing Co S5 Sciunton Passenger Hailway, ill st moitgage, due 3920 113 People's Stieet Railway, thst rnoitEtnge-, due 19Jt 115 ... "People's St! cot Hallway, (Jen cm! moitgage. due 1921 113 Sei. -til tun Tiuc. Co, U pei cent. 113 nconoinv L, II. & P. Co 97 X. Jc-isey & Pocono lee Co 97 Consolidate,! Water Supply Co ... 103 Seranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lael.u Ave) Ploiu 54 10 Putter Flesh c le-anrciy, dab y, 22c. 21c flesh Clieest 11'i.aiw. t:i?gs Xcntbv, 22':C. Lkks Xearbv. L'J'je. western, 21c, western. 21c; cm- died. 22c.'. case count, 21c. Manovv Heans Per bushel, J2 13.12.40. Marrow Heans Per bushel, $. Onions Pet bushel, 90c. Xew Potatoes t,0e per biish"l. Philadelphia Grain and Provision. Philadelphia. Oct. 11 Wheat Piim. 'ic liighei ; eonti.tet grade. October, 7Pjii71e. Ccuh Quiet but steady: No. 2 yellow on ti.it Ie. t,'J.i70e. Oats Quiet but steadv; Xo. 2 white clipped, .17a;7!.c. Huttei Firm, good demand. e.Ntui westcin cie.iineiy. 2l';c.; do nenibv prints, 21c. Iggs riim. good demand; fresh iie.iibv, 21c-.: loss off: do western. 2J.l2!',.c.: do do.: do. soutbwestein, 22a22'lc . do do, do. southern, 2la22c. do do. Chetse Steady; moderate demand; Xew Yoik full cicanis, piime small. J2'.c-.: do. do. do. fair to good, small! JI9,.iU'1c.: do. do. do do. prime laifre, 12c; do do do. tali to good, large, llullV. Rellned Sugars L'n Lbanged Cotton l'ive points lower; rnld dllng uplands. S 73c Tallow Steadv ; clt Iiiimo in tlcices, i.'i.ulUe.: eouritry prime, in b.iirels. ,"8.iii : do. il.ul. In Panels, v.. nr.ijc : cakes, 1,1 4,i(!'c. Live Poulliv Steadv, fall demand: fowls, ll'f jl2VaC.; old inosteis, Stsi-'c: spilng chickens, 10' allt.; ducks, lOUliHine.; tiiil'evs, lO.ill'e.: geese, in.ilU. JJiessccl Poultrv r.1'1 de mand; towls choice western, 14c; do southern and southwestern. liiH'jC : do. lab to good. 2.tl.'(.: old loosteis, 'k-., roasting diicKens. nearbv l.uge. Kie.; do. small and medium, llilec: western do. 1 11 ge, ll'i. 1 IV : do small and medium, 1'l'6 altc. Receipts Flour, 7,000 bands and 2.22 1.O110 pounds in sacks; wheal, SrtOOtl bushels; com, 1,000 bushels; oils, l",(il0 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 17,fW bush els: ecu 11, looo bushels; oats, If. Orn bushels New York Oiain and Produce Market Xew Yoik, Oct 1". Flout Fltm again and held higher on spiiug patents Wheat Spot llrm; No. 2 led, 77 tsa77"'8c. elevntot; Xo 2 ltd, "l.'iiiTi'aC. f. o. b allo.it: Xo 1 noithein Duluth, 82' Be. f. u. b alio it: hulls made further piogiess In options to dav, tote log it Ices higher In luce of lib el. il icecipts. line weather and poor Llv 1 1 pool cables; closed slicing and 'JiiiV net higher, .May closed 7i."8c: December, 71.MC dun Spot llrm: X'o 2 tiS'ie elev.t loi , (fl'ic alloat; Xo 2 vellovv, 7u'ie ; Xo. 2 white, 70Uc . options strong and active .selling up 11e.11 lv a cent on a scnie ot Dec umber slants, good buing at Chi cago and continued poor grading Mar ket tlosul strong at ViHc. net advance; Jauuiiiv closed ."le : Mav, ISc.: October, (,71 -e.; Xovembei, f.lc ; December, r.d'de Oats Spot Ilrnrer; Xo 2, lie; standaid white "i.'.e.: Xo 2 white, ii.'ic: Xo :: white, ..fie: ti.uk white. 3fti41c. option mallcet opened epdet but developed later strength with coin. December closed M'sC. liuttei rinn: extia cieamerv. 24c: fac totv. lOrl-ic ; cieamerv, common to choice, 10.12 l',ic : Imitation cienmeiv. I7.tl9'lc.; state dairv, 17Vjii21c,: renovated, liaJdV-.e. Cheese Fir in; new state full cream, small colored ninev, 12Ac: small white. 1218e.; laige coloKcl, 12c ; l.ugu white, 12c. i:gg-. You no doubt have heard about the hand some flodel Range that we will give Free to the lucky person whose number shall be selected from among those who visit our special stove Tuesday, Wednesday And Thursday, Oct. 14, 15 and 16 Steady! average best, 22a2lc.i westcin candled, 21',u'23c.S retrlReratcd, ll'a20',ic. Chicago Drain Market. Chicago, Oct. 13 'finding was fullly ac tive on tho board of Made today and high er pi lees vveio the 1 tile, December wheat closing i,a7ic. higher: December coin up I'Wl'ic. and otltH 'iat.c. hlalKf. Jaliu oats, mi-jo.: No. 2 white. : No. 3 white. HO'jtn.le : Xo, 2 lye. I9e.! good feeding bailey, : fair to choice malting, .i2iir."ic'.: No. I tliiN seed, $1 22; No. 1 not tliwestern, J 1. 2,; pi hue ttmothv seed, ; mess poll;, per ball el, $17nl7,n".; laid, per loo pounds. ! shlut ribs, sides, loose, Jll.10all.10: slioulilets, ?!' TSiilu; sboi t clear side-", $11.5) iill.triu. Chicago Live Stock 'Market. Chicago. Oct. l'i Cattle Receipts, 19, 000, including 300 Tcmhis: sternly: good to prime steers, $7.40 is i,",; poor to medium, 1.i.'.a" 2".: stoclters and teedeis t2.2".a4'n: cows, Jl.riOa4.73: helfeis, ?2.'23al.!0; cows, $1.30,14,7.': helfeis, $2.25.i3iil! eannets. 1.5(J al'.il; bulls, $2.25a4.7"i; e.tlvis, $ln7U), Tcmis fed steels, $1i3I3! we-di-in sleets, J 1.73a". Ilcrgs Receipts ttidaj, 21,IK)0; tomoitovv, 230,00; left over, !Ii'.wi; opened slow, closed slicing. MKcd and butcbets V 7.a7 4n, good to choice heavy, $1! 'I0.ii.3ili tough heavy, $i!:i'.ii8j: llgltl, $i ,1111,11; bulk of siiles, $.,soi7. Sheep Receipts, S'.oon; sheep and lambs, fnt, stiotlgei; good to choiio wethers, $ I .'.on I : fair to 1 liolcu ruKed, $."."1.1 1 5U; native lambs, ,fl,ab East Liberty Live Stock. I'nst Llbeity. Oct. 1", -Cattle Steady; ejtcilee, Jl! 'JOaT.IO; pi line. i) 2.iii73: good, $"iu 3.7" Mogs Lower; pi line heavies. $7.tua7."Oj mediums, $".; heave Yoikeis, $7 '10.1 7.40; light Yoikeis, 7.10a7.2.: pigs, $1, Sui7. Sheep Steadv; best wetheis, $.!7.l. culls and common, !.', ).i2. eholee lambs, $". 3a.tri 73; veal calves. 7.3nisin. Oil City. Oil Cllv. Oct. 1, Cicdll b dances, l.'T cei tlfliutcs, no bid, shipments, 72..!n'i bar rels; nvel.ige. S7.S21 bain-Is: inns, pi2,77! ban els; aveiage, 7S,ll'l birrel-. FINANCIAL Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2T & 29 Piue Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. BOODY.McLELLAiN &C0. BANKER'?;, No S7 Brondwn, ew York Cltv. Ml'MDKRS KW YOI1K SIOCK i:CHA.Vnn. STOCKS.BONDS and INVE5TA1ENTS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN Iftl-J F-ADkilCijI PER 1 u ttm rMrmo-pr.AcTRr w. CASH BALANCE ICRfl?riLfIDi'fi5 iMUtMALL ievCiT-tlA PATENT FLOU The Celebrated SNOW WHITE:; 'Always reliable. Dickson & Grain Co Scianton and Olyphrtnt. A "A "A " " "A A 'A 4 A "A A A 'A 'A "A 'A ' I ill IIOIHlUIIH CJItlStll I1IIU1 IIUIjU. IO JVC higher. Cash ciiintatioiis weie its follows: Flour Steadv: No, 2 sptlng wheat, 7bi 72c: No. il. l.Se.1 No. '2 led, (.'Hill 7(1140.: No " nril II .Vlli.ii, Mm ' t.nll.,,.. ,..,., NJr, " . !, 6 K VI VI Va Va t6 V3 V VI V. . PlKKSOifS S .1 Best IB . Showing exhibition during g buy. Everyone who Range free, so come ( 1 A DAY FOR I L NOTIONS 1 3 Day Sale of Notions Beginning this I and one little things without. And yet the cost at this 3-Day Sale is so small that you'll hardly feel the expenditure. Spring Hooks and Eyes, 2 dozen for 2C Home Linen Thread, per spool ic Spool Blac': Silk, 2 spools for 5c Paper of Pins, 400 pins on Paper, for : 2jc Good Corset Clasp, a pair 5c A 24-yard piece Twilled Tape gc 18c quality feather weight Dress Shields, pair 10c Assorted Aluminum Hair Pins, dozen 10c Bachelor Buttons, per package '. 5c Tracing Wheels, each 5c Stocking Darner, each 5c English Hair Pins, 2 packages for 5c Safely Pin Books, assorted sizes in white and black, per box 10c Pin Cubes, each .' 5c, 7c, 10c, and 12c Silk Serge Dress Belting, yard 10c Small Jet Buttons, per dozen . . . 10c Fancy Steel Buttons for trimming, per dozen 10c Silk Rockey for embroidering, ball 5c Hair Pin Cabinets with 1 00 pins 3 and 5c Fancy Frilled Garter Elastic, mercerized, looks like the 25c kind, each for iac Hook-on Hose Supporters, all colors, pair 10c Toilet Pins, Pearl, Turquoise and Green, per dozen 5c 1 Linings. Linings- Alercerized Silk A new fabric for lining comes 36 inches wide, has a very pretty lustre, smooth finish, firm weave, all colors and black. A yard 5C Alercerized Lining at 25c and 35c a Yard, for found ation skirts. This value is the kind most used. It's in a very desirable cole and black and white. Moreen, for Skirts Black only, 27 inches wide, a ' splendid value. A yard 5UC Colored riorcen 25 inches wide. Priced at, yard .... 45c Lining Counter Left of J5UMMER RESORTS Atlantic City. The temperature at the AGNnw. On the lteai.li. In Chelsea. Atluitic Citv, Mouilay was ha". UVL'iy appointment of a moilctn Hotel. HOTEL RICHMOND. Kentucky Acnue. I'nst Hotel (luin Ucaih, At lantic Oil), .V J.i CO Ouun vkw roonu; ia pacltj 400, urile lor tiuclal lates J. U. Jenk ins, Prop f,EVSVLlliVl. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a spur of tlic Alleghany 'Mountain-, (.chilli Valley railroad; neu lunamla lljtliln,-, fls'iiiik". tports, et". Excellent talile. nMonalilc ntes LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL P O.. Anc, Pa. Siml for Imrklet. C. K II AIIII IS L, 1 Lager Beer.. Manufacturers of Did Stock " " h " " "J ! J"J " ' PILSNER I .. .. " .J. , " " " " ! " " 'J "" " " JSE. Seranton, Pa. Old 'Phone, 333i. New 'J'hone, 2935 The . Moosic Powder Co, Booms 1 nnd 2 Commonwealth Bldg. SOBANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER Hade tt Mooslc ami ItushJile WorLn. K Laflin & Band Powder Co.'s OHANGE GUN POWDER i:i.trlo IUtterie. Illcctrlo Exploders, lx- -plodln; Illat, Sifety 1'use. BEPAUNO CHEMICAL CO.'S HIGH EXPLOSIVES. JIIIB S-H morning a thousand - that you can't do Wyoming Avenue Entrance. NEW YORK HOTELS. LD1NE MOTEL riiiAV.,ni:t'i:i:.s .jiini AMinoiiibr-.. NEW VOIJIC. nUROPKAN PLAN. MIW. I'l,r OPRODI' Convenient to Theatres and Sliappln; Districts. Take 23rd St. cross town cars arr.l transfer at -1th av'e. direct to hotel. ICOUIUH Mltll lilllll ) f SllltS Willi IllClU v-'.im 1 I Siii.iiu. V. M. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTM 1 iNSTER HOTEL Cor. SUtocnth St. anil Ir Ins Place, NEW YORK. American Plan, W JO Ter Day anil Upward 1'uropean Plan, $1 00 Per Day anil Uunardj Epciial Hales to Families. T. THOMPSON, Pi op. X tor IMisiiiosx Men t In tlio lieai t at tlio wliolchalo (lis- tt let. - X For ,-)lioiitMN t II rnlniiti's' u.ilK to WnnnniuKPis, " "f J minuter, l SIpbi'I ('oopiM'H 111b J" "J; Ston I'iihv ot tii'iudt, tu tlio Rioal T J Ur (iimil Stoics J l'or hiKlitscurs i Onn lilncU fiom II'wiij Ciis, civ a. X Iiik cms tuiiispoiutloii to -ill 4. ,. piunts ot Intoicsl. . i HOTEL ALBERT i X XEW YOKK. J T I'm Hill sr A. I N'lvnusirv pi, T Only ono Illock fiorrr llio.uliMiy. -fi I Rooms, i Up. p'oi, fmtmammwwtrmiiL'm i i W Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Larnp, GunsterSForsyth "m-ffli Pew Avenue, -J mr jitSA. SJ.jJ'Tfr, t.