The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 15, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    . '4? ' l"' "" $ rk4 ifX ''- ' ,
wriw" ""Mfl
ACT OF 1899
When Junk Denlors Weie Airalgned
yesterday for Buying from Minors
Their Attorneys, O'Brien nnd Mar
tin, Asked That the Indictment
Be Quashed, for the Reason That
the Act Is in Restraint of Trade.
Mike Kosh Is Found Not Guilty.
Other Cases Henid.
Whim M. t'osslnger, Louis I'esUovlcli,
Imiiu' Leber ami lui Leber were ni
mlgned bpfoiu Judge New comb In No.
yestoidny, chit i god with buying lion
fiom inlnm, their attorneys O'Htlen
& Mnrtln, asked that the Indictment
he quashed for somewhat novel lea
sons It u asked that the Indictment
be quashed bee.uise,
;. 'I lie Indictment cIcioh not charge unv
rilmlnul offcno known tn the law.
2. The act of f. Muv, 1SH 1. L 1M7,
under which the Indictment Is drawn, Is
unconstitutional and old:
(a) lid'ausi- It Is an act In tcsltnliit of
(ID llecnuw II denies to )cion mil
.1nrls the ilKbt to niiikii contiacts for
the iitiiulsltiun, s.ile and protection of
fell Because It Is In lolntln of the 1)111
of liirhN ol the Ciiuctltutlon of the
1 nlted State- and ol the state ol l'enn
"lanlu ! The Indictment docs not charge anv
violation of the in t of " Mn, lit!), 1. L.
I The Incite tine-lit docs not ibatge any
oilinlnal offense at common law.
.ludfje New comb ki anted a l ale to
diow cau-e why the Indictment -hould
not be quashed' and made It lettunable
ut ntgument com t
The net which it is allowed offends
asalnst the constitution and the bill of
lights was passed to prevent junk
cis fioin oniouuglUK bovi. to steal for
them, as many of them tluoimhout the
Mate have foi rais been tiiRngcd In
dolniT hv buying stolen goods from
them. The act follows:
Section 1. 15c, il enacted, etc That ir
anv pcison or pti-oiis wlinll, after the
li.i'sage ol this nit, liuv r iceelvc fiom
Illinois Knowing them to lie-nich, oi from
pn.sons unknown to siieli pi i sou or pei
s(ins so Inning oi lrcrlxlug, oi fiom ci
snns puisiiilig no tiadc, lnlmr or emplo
ment foi a Ihrllhood, am lank lope,
sd.ip, lion, biass lead, roppei or other
metals, such pei'on or pi nous Ml ill lie
doomed ruIH of a misilcmcaiioi, nnd. on
comiilion tbereor in a coiiit of cpi,ner
session of tlie pinpor count. xb.ill lie
sentenced to p.n a line of not eeeecling
the handled clollais (JMi-j ni to undergo
an impiisonmcnt of not mine than one
c.ii. oi both, at the dlsuellou of the
.Sppiovcd The ".ill d.i cif May. A. 1).
y,) William A. Stone.
The defendants lho at Aubb.ild,
wlieie thev aie engaged in tlie junk
business. Dctecthe Mailin Ctlppcn. of
the Delawaie and Hudson onmpanv, is
the ptosecutor. That company believes
that the defendants have been hilling
l,u go quantities of iion stolen from the
company b hov
A case lonsequent upon tlie tiollev
tiiko Is being beaid by Judge McCUne.
I' M. Messett, an officer ol Ibe Amal
gamated Association of Stteet Kailway
Kmplojes. Division 16s is the piosc
cutor. The defendants .no Jolin l
and Michael Jlethciser, biotliei. who
uotkejd dining the .stilke and continued
to woik after the stilke.
Ac-coidlng to the stoiy of the piosc
cution, the defendants and some olheis
of the non-union men committed a vic
ious and wholly unpiovoked assault on
Messett. '
At Vi SO o'clock on the morning of
June I.', Messett and his inotoiman,
John O'Donnell,' weie housing tbtlr car
at the Piovidence load bam. John
MeUheiser eneounteied Mes&ett and
asked why he -hid called him (Metz
heisoi) a "seal)." Messett leplled that
lie had not done so. Metzheiser tailed
him a llai.
Messett and O'Donnell stalled to
leave lor the eential city on tliPlr way
liome, and, when about seventy-five feet
away liom the hain, wete set upon by
Michael Metzheiser and seven oi eight
oilier non-unionists, O'Donnell was
lellod by a club, and when he was dis
posed of, the ciowd, leinfoiced by John
Metzholsei, pioceeded to "do" Messett.
The latter letiealed towards the barn,
but had gone only fifty feet or so when
he was ovei taken, oveipoweied and
given a sound eltubblng. Michael Metz
beisei, so Messett claims, hit him on
the bead with a club and others of the
ciowd, Including John Metzheiser,
stuick him with their lists and kicked
him, Injuiing him in the libs.
lie was taken to the office of Dr. John
O'Malley for ti eminent, and later to his
home, wlieio be was confined to lied for
four or live days. It was several weeks
betoie he was able to icstinie woik.
l)i. O'Malley was the only witness ex
amined. He testified that the blow dealt
Messett on the head was, uppaiently,
suflleient to fractuie the skull if It had
siiuek on some other pan of the head,
Court adjoin nod alter Dr. O'Malley had
been heard.
Assistant Dlstiiet Attorney Orniuer,
lion. John l Quinnau and f'laienee
llalentine appealed for the piosecution.
The defense was lepiesentetl by O'Bilen
& Miutln.
Mike Kosh was esteiday .acquitted
of lyiylng placed absolution on the
Delaware, Lackawanna and "Western on November 20 of last year,
Tlie commonwealth's case tested entlie
ly on the testimony of Finnic Jones, ns
telnted In yesteidny's issue, nnd to ion
tiadlct this tho men who weie with
Kosh on that day testified that nothing
of tlie kind described by Jones oiuuied
nnd that they did not see Jones at all
on that daV,
Theie was also testimony that Jones
could not have seen Kosh the net day,
as lie testified, for the icason that It
was St. Michael's day, on the calendar
of the Greek chinch, and that Kosh did
not go to work,
Hupeilntendent of theBuieau of Fiies
II. F. Fejber swote that Jones Is an
How's ThisP
Wo offer One Hundred Dollais lteward
for any case of Catauh that cannot be
ciiied by Hall's Catauh Cine.
IV J, UHHNUY A; CO, Toledo, 0.
We, tho nuclei Hlgmil, have known P. J.
Cheney for the lust 15 cars, and licllevu
liim peiletlly hououible in all business
tiansaclions and tbiuniially able to cany
nut anv obligations uiiulo by their firm.
WEST & TIHJAX, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O.
Wholesale Duigglbts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catauh Cine Is taken Internally,
acting dbectly upon tho blood and mil-
ceu sin faces of the system. Testlmonl-
j ids bent fie". Pike fie. per bottle. Sold
by. oil druggists.
IJull'u Pamilv PUla are the best.
Man or Woman
Everybody in Scranton knows the
strength, the capital, the surplus and
the unchallenged high standing of the
Where savings accounts, whether large
or small, are given 3 per cent, interest.
untruthful man and that lie would not
believe blm under oatli. Pi auk Hutch
inson and Charles Stottcr swoie that
Jones' leputritluu for tiuth nnd veiac
Ity was not good.
Thomas Kane was acquitted of at
tempting to btirgiJt ize the home of
Mai tin Pinion, in I'aibond.tle, one even
ing last June. It appealed that the de
fendant, while intoxicated, attempted
to enter the piosecutor's house tliiough
.1 bedroom window. The noise lie made
attracted tlie .attention of the inmates,
who enteied the loom and found the
defendant trying to enter. The defend
ant stated that he Intended to enter
the house of a relative, w ho lived next
door, to sleep, and that he might not
distui I) the occupants used tlie window,
as he had done on pi ev Ions occasions.
On account of his diunkcn condition he
got into the wiong bouse. Attorney
John J. Muiphy was his counsel, and
Assistant District Attorney Thomas
conducted tlie case loi the common
wealth. m:nt to ri:NiTi:xTi.nv.
Joseph Zhn.i and Stanley Nov.ikoskl
weie convicted of aggiavated nso.iult
and battel j upon Pi .ink Hippie, and
sentcnied by Judge Newcomb'to one
.vtar and sl months each In the penl
tentiaiy at bniil labor and scpaiatc and
solitarv confinement.
A veidict ot not guilty, and the pioe
eutor to piiv the costs, was taken in the
case against Lottie Smith. The piose.
cutor failed to appear, and from .state
ments of counsel It appealed that tho
case had been settled out of com t.
Hannah Youngs and Lirihic Young',
mother and daughtei, were tiled before
Judge New comb, on tlie charge of keep
ing a dlsordeilv house in the subuibs
of Caibondalc, during the past summer.
Nfighbois testified as to the bad
nc ter both of the house and of tlie de
fendants. They also stated that the de
fendants' house was. nightly, freiiuc ut
ed by a number of men and that
diunken carousals were carried on ic
peatedly. The defendants denied absolutely that
thev kept anv thing other than a most
ordeiiy and lespcctable bouse.
Judge Newcomb, in chaiging tho
jury, took fiom their ronsldeiatlon the
cliaigo against the daughtei, on the
giound that she was not responsible foi
what oecutied in the house of her
mother, who could subject her to
dm ess L. I1. Wedeman and J. J. Man
ning lepresenteel the defendant.-. As
sistant District Attorney Thomas con
ducted the piosecution.
Peter Oaliovitch was tiled befoie
.hidge Kellv for stealing SSI liom Mis.
M,ny Novachilehaka, with whom he
boarded fit Ta lor. He denied tlie
chaige. The jmy was out at adjourn
Mis. Kate Rutin, an Italian woman,
who lives at Jessup, was tiled on n
chaige of adulter), piefencd by Deputy
Constable Piank O.vdon. The evidence
.showed that Mis, Ruan conducts a very
lnd place, but the juiy evidently be
lieved that Gydon was actuated by
spite and i etui tied a verdict of not
C'loe Bates did not appeal to prose
cutp L'mery Rolls for being tlie father
of her child, and a veidict of not guilty
was taken and the costs placed on the
piosecutilx. A nol pios. on payment
of costs, was enteied In tlie case of M.
P. O'Connor, charged with selling leno
vated butter without a license, liy
Stanlpy J. Stevens, special agent of the
department of agtlcultuie.
Louis Sbiocca, Alfred Reny and Jo
seph fioss did not njmear to answer
charges or selling oleomaigurlne with
out .1 license, nnd their balls weio foi
felted and capiases issued for them.
Benjamin Huivey, a oung man 18
years of age, was convicted of burglar
izing the barn of John Lillibiidge, ut
Blakely, on July S last, and stealing a
single hainess, which he hied to sell
for $1. It was his second conviction,
and Judge Kelly gave him six months
In the county jail.
A verdict of not guilty was tetiirneil
yesterday In the case of Patheilne Pee,
tried Monday for false pretenses. The
costs were placed on tho prosecutor.
John Dolik plead guilty to two
charges of luieeny and receiving, and
was sentenced to six months In tlie
county Jail,
Yesterday's Marr
inge Licenses,
Stevvait Space
Lulu i:. Williams ..
Wilfred S. Mob- ,,,.
I'anny Mittenbonder
William J, Davis .,
Carrie V. Neuffer ,,
Maggie flanks
Dentils I, Kane ,,,
Nulllo Mcainills .,,.
Oeoigu P. Kohl ,.,,
Bridget Kclley , ,
Michael cillroy .,, .
Ivatlo PovveleiJy ,.,.
Samuel Weber ..
Sarah A, DulCj , ,,,
Plank C, Watdell ,
Minnie ft, Sainlen ,
joM'ph N, Tomklns ,
.Mary Howei
llutheifoid Kinbaek
Josephine, Follott ,
. ..C'aiboudulo
.. , .Sciuutoii
,,,,,. .Scianton
. ......Scranton
. ...,, Scianton
..,. .Scranton
.. . Scranton
They Pay the User.
If you wish a half-tone or line cut,
Jet tho Scranton Tribune make It for
you. Our equipment for this work Is
complete and up-to-date, We have
facilities for doing the finest sort 'of
work at lowest pilces and what's more,
we do It. A trial order will convince
i m
'A full line of good, heavy, warm
sweaters. Florey & Brooks, 522 and 524
Spruce street, opposite court house.
L5?.t -
Makes careful inquiry
before deciding where
to deposit money
Wall Street Review.
New Yoik, Oct. II -Tho ovor-nlglit de
velopments in the coal sttike. situation
moused u iheemtl sentiment In Wall
.sticct today and the opinion vvu cjc
piessul that the mattcls ut Nstto weio in
a fall way of aUiustmcnt. The monetaiy
situation wits momentarily lost sight ot
In tho optimistic tecllng that piuvaileel
ut the opening, and stocks weiu eogeilv
bought at advances ot fiom 1 to 1 points
ovu vestel clay's lhuil pi Ices. Recent spec
ulitlve favoiites In which the pool ileiul
datloa had been hcivicst weie most in
demand, especially the C'oileis and turns,
continental stocks. Individual onlei.s for
blocks of fiom 1.000 to I.UOO shucs weie
taken at advancing piiccs and tiacling
was In etiotmous volume tliioughout. Ine
icMclincss with which pi Ices lesponded
to the good news combined with the ap
peai.iliio or London lis n. heavy buvcr eu
iijiii.irfcd the bull hilcicslx to lcncwpcl ef
fmts in chiving the shoit Intel est to
cover. The Incpiliy enibiniid all il.isses
ot stocks bill the laigest advances weie
c enteied in the higln st pi lee d eki-cs Some
comment was aioiiseel over the Inct
the active loaleis did not advance piey
poitlon.itelv moie than other stocks al
though the demand foi them was heavier
than at other point; llailj prices showed
smb. a li inclsome piollt to the traders
who bought c.nlv vctetd.iv In the semi
demoiali.ed niniket that tliev com
menced to unload epilcMy Commis
sion houses weie well tcpiecnteel in
the e.itlv iliniiind but the volume of re
alizing sales soon eh.i listed theh oielcis
and piiccs i elapsed nil mound, liefoie
noon the opening substanti il advances
had been picttv genei.illv tc dure el to a
fiiictlon and even cancelled in some Ini
poiiutit "stocks 'I he dovv nw atd movement
of pilces was .iceebiated bv a U per cent
call moiiev into which lecallod to mind the
fact that the monetary sitiution had to
be icckoned with in an cffoit to eicate a
hull m.nkel Dealings then subsided into
nieielv nominal piopoitions foi a long
time, but then- was a ste.idil Inci easing
iindeieiiiteut of stieiiKlh which culmin
ated in a violent Inning movement again
in the closing bom which muled the en
tile maikpt to the best pikes of the da v.
Piomineul liade is such as St. t'aul. the
Taeitlcs. Heading. 7'ennsvlv.inln, Atebl
scin. Sugar rincl Amiilg muted Copper weie
bought heavilv and theie was a luge ab
solution of v.iiious minor stocks. Tho
lallv in pilces was stiinul ited bv a bicak
in nioiu; intes fiom M per cent, the
highest In the fnienoon. to .'. pei icnt. The
iiition of the coal opeiatois In agieelng
to submit the riucsttons at lsue with the
mincis to a bn.nel ol in hltiatlon to bo
named bv I'lesldcnt Roosevelt was fieely
cllseus-ced dining tlie d.iv, and all news
be.iiing on the suhieet was nbsoihed with
Keenest Inteiest It is expected that the
lpsitmption of mining opei.itions will ne
eessit.itp the foi wauling of consldciablo
money to the antbiaeite legions In the
llnal dealings the stock maiket ram
meneecl to feel tho weight of the tradeis
piolit-taking sales, but tlie demand w.i"
siifnclentlv laige to ptcveut much im
liie'ssicm on nriies and tho closing was
genetalh 111 in Total sale- tocliiy. S21.SIV)
sliaies. The lioiicl inniKel today was
stiengthened with the eotnst of stocks
and was fnlilv ncthe. Total sales, par
Milne. fii()li tnlteu States now is
declined 'j per cent, on the last call.
The following quotations aro furnished
The Tribune by Height . Frcese Co, 314
1V Mears lluilding. W. D Runyon, man
ager. Open High, Low Closes
A inn I Copper id IjVSm GH'i S'
Am. C. & P MM 3IM: 3P4 P.l',i
Amcile.iu Tee ill. III'.. T-. 10".
Am. Locomotive .... 2) 2i W 20's
Am S .t R. Co I,H 1,1 1. 1. Sugar ....UP,. l-8 120Vt l.'J
Anaconda Conner ... 01'f. 101 1)7'4 101
Atchison S7', Sis SciV.. SYs
Atelilsou, l'l mil lliu's V'JH 1(H)
Raltt . Ohio lOVi 10.V4 IIH'k Kd1
Biook R. T (.2 P.2',4 I.IVs 1.2
Canadian Pacific . ..HI Hi 1I2! lH'i
("lies. & Ohio I'MJ llij ls IO14
Cliicagn it Alton .... Kivs rait SVrt 2la
Chic As O W 1 'J'!-1! 21 S'l'fc
P., M. & St. P 1SPS 1Wi',4 1S KV4
C, R. 1. &. P hli 111 111 111
Col Puel & lion SI'S R4Vs S3V M
Del. (V Hud b.l'A ITti 1i;s")h 1"0
Den. & it Ci l'i.... Wi 'id'-i iki'i w-t
Detiolt Southern .... 20 '-'11 l'Mt WH
Kilo 30 S'Ufc SS IVt
Kile, 1st Pr Ii75, US l!7i,4 ii
Hi if. '2d Pr 12 r,2 f.2 WH
Hocking Viillev . ... DO !Ui soy, !)H.
Illinois Centuil 117 II? UV,i llfiid
Iowa Cential 1U I! 12 42
Kan. City & South.. HVi. 'ilii ;,W- .ll'i
Louis. & Nash U7B 1 I7aa 13V. lj:.i
iuanniman ii'fj ui i.' ,i"i
Mett. St. Ry 117 US H7'6 13P
Mcicnn Cential .... "'A' 2cl 2ii 2i
Mo, Kan, Ac Te.... 20H 21Th -0 20
Mo, K. At T . Pr .... fiOU wlVs :fi, 1,014
Mo Pnelllc 1ll7if.. 10Si,s 100 loot's
N. Y, 1,M Pi I Pi.1 P3T4
Noifolk At West .... 7.! 7T1 1:'A 7J'A
Out, & west :ui iVj ,uvi ai's
Peiuia. R. It bil'i 1iiJ.i IMIV3 lti2
People's Has 102'1 102 101 102'J
Piessed Steel Car ,oJ m ro its
Reading t.9'. r)5g bS& 154,
Reading, 1st Pr R.V5 Mi ST. SC
Reading. 2d Pr 7.''ji "c.Vi 73 'M'-
Republle Steel 21 L'lV, 3iv m
St. L. & San P "Pn 71 7P'i 74
Stt. I, .t So. W 3H. ,H5i .iOVs 31
Southern Pacific .. . To1', 71 iw. lO'i
Southern R. R au I?'V 2'iJs 37ii
Southetn R. It , l'i,. m 01 PI DVi
'I'euu, Coal ct lion... til'J i,H4 ii2ai cm
Texas .t Pacllle ,, , 12 41 41 12','j
lTnlnli Tn,lclf 1ill iner.' -ci.T ir.1 1
........ .......... , ,,, , 4"i-h .'.;t, ,",.
Total sales, Moooo nhun
flloncy, r, per tout.
WHKAT- Onen IIIpJi. Low. Cos.
Dereniber . ..,, TcTV; 71'., 70-1, 70)1
Muv 7. 72 72 72
Deceniber ,. 47H IS. 47U 4R'l
Mnv 4Ji', 4.",J 4.Mi 42!j
December ,., .11'i ".If, 30i 31
May ,,.. 811 i J2 .Mj 31T
Octoiiei ww 10 oa in 00 10 :m
Januaiv I.'WJ 13 7i P.M Pid7
Octobei 1072 111 72 10 72 1072
.fanuarv , 9 Hi SP2 bt2 S87
ItlUS- r
October 11..-.0 11 VI 11 ro 11.11
Januaiy Sao 8 32 b.i0 8 32
Open. High. Low. Close
October , sn 8.11 8.41 8.41
December ... . K'W S.;s k, s v,
January 8.71 8 71 Sol Sfi2
May . 851 S51 S II 843
Scranton Bonid of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co.. Pr.... m ...
County Sav. Bank & Trust Co SyO ,.,
Puion p.itiiic. Pi....7j oo'i no oou
tT 8. Leatlmr 1411 IP, 11 n
p. S. Leather, l'r .. t.'nl ri f,t
P S. Steel ;,9. 10 20 10
I S. Steel. Pr SO Kit; sm4 f,w
Wabash IL'Th ,11 2JT .l7f
Wabnsli, Pr 17 I73i ln0J 17a:
Western Plllon , , , op, Ol'i W M'i
AVheul & I. 13 . ...27 S7i 27 27'i
Wis. Cential 2u',ij w Wt WA
Bargain No, 1 1
$1.00 Melton Skirtings, 54 Inches
wide, comes In all the desirable and
mixed shades. You want to remem
ber the number of this ba
gain. Priced for this sale,
yard,..) 75C
For Today and Tomorrow
The Dress Goods Sale Continues
This Store Distributes flore Herchandise, at retail than any other
store in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The splendid prestige acquired by its
fair dealing its distinguished completeness its unquestioned attractiveness
and its thorough reliability have elevated it to such a degree of popularity
that thousands of people do all their trading here.
Bargain No. 1 15c Scotch Plaids, 34 Inches wide, and Fancy
Figured Dress Goods, suitable for children's dresses, For . .3
this sale, yard 1 I4C
Bargain No. 2 19c Flannel Sacking, 33 Inches wide, colors are
deslrable.also black. To make It more than Interesting, buy
them at, a yard 1 OC
Bargain No. 3 50c All-Wool Venetian Suitings, 38 Inches wide,
the latest shades. This quality on sale Is above the average.
For 3 days 39C
Bargain No. 4 59c All-Wool Snow Flake Basket Cloth, Camel's
Hair Zebeline, 38 Inches wide. Your dress problem Is easily .
solved in this bargain. Yard 4-5C
Bargain No, 5 69c Heavy Tweed Suitings, 54 inches
wide, displayed in all the new mixed shades, Includ- .
ing black. For this sale 49C
Bargain No. 1 12'4c Double Fold Serge. For this
sale, a yard 1 UC
Bargain No. 2 25c Figured and plain Black dress gosds,
38 inches wide. For this sale, a yard 2lC
BARGAin No, 3 39c Black Novelty Dress Goods, 38-inch
and 42 inches wide, all wool. Priced for this sale 33C
Bargain No. 1 50c All-Silk 18-inch Taffeta and a Cot
ton Back Satin, newest shades, delicate tints, also cream. . .
white and black. Cut price for this sale, yard 44C
Bargain No 2 75c Silk Taffeta, 19 inches wide, pure
Silk Liberty Satin, in all colors, including black and white. 1
For this sale at, a yard OC
Bargain No. 3 $1.00 Plain Silk, Tartan effects, also
24-inch Peau de Soie, which is here in the newest shades. Q
Priced for this sale at, a yard o5C
rlrat Nat. Bank (Caibonuale). ... 500
Third U.Uional Bank N 530
Dimo Dep. & Dis Hank 000
Economy L , II. & P. Co 46
Flist National Bank 1J00
Lack Trust & Safe Dod Co . 193
Clark & Snover Co , Pr 123
Scianton Savings Bank 500
Tradeis' National Bank 223
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 123
People's Bank 135
Scranton Packing Co
Scianton Passengei Railway,
first mortgage, duo 19.20 llj
People's Street Railway, Hrst
moitgage clue 1918 115
People's Stiect Railway, Gon-
eial mortgage, due 1921 115
Scranton Trac Co , C pei cent, llj
Economy L. H. & P. Co
N. Jerscv & Pocono Ico Co
Consolidated Water Supply Co ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 L.icka Ave )
Floui-JHO , , . ci camel y. 2lc ; fresh
dairy, 22c.
Clieec HHalHa.
Eggs N'cai bv, 2Jc: western, 21c.
;BKs Nimby, 2J1c; western. 21c; can
dled, 22c; c.i'-e? count, 21c
Mariow Beans Per bushel. S2 P.5a2.40.
llanow Per bushel. $2 S3
Onions Per bushel. 90c.
New Potatoes 00c. per bushel.
New York Grain nnd Produce Market
New Yoik, Oct. 14 Flour Mai ket con
tinue d tlrm and geneially held uboxe bu
ith's views; winter ati.iights $J. lOaJ 4 1;
Minnesota patent, $3 S0a4. Wheat-Spot
steady; No. 2 led, 7Ca7b,&c. clnvutoi; No
2 icci, 7,'3a7cio. f. o. b. alloat; No. .
noithein Duliitb. Slc. f. o. h ailoat; op
tions opened eabler but icccneiecf, holding
ery linn nil clay. Just ut the close It
chopped shaiply under i calling and left
off unchanged; Mnv closed 7uc ; Decem
ber, 7bVu. Com Spot tlim; N6, 2, fiS.i
i'c. olcMitor and 09ic f. o. b.; No
2 jelow, 70Hc. : No, 2 white, 70'jc; options
weaker but tinned stiong with wheat.
Pilcib shot up oer a cent per bushel,
only to leact paitially neur tno close,
Last pilces wero 4i!4c net higher. Jnn closed Mftc; May, 47'ic: October,
f,Gc; November, C2).iC.; December, .'iV,e
Oats-Spot film: No. '.'. 3.;yic; htnnilaicl
white, Sue; No. 2 white, 3iic; No. .1 white,
3'.Hc; tiuck white. 3iJa41c; options, un
settled but geneially Ibmei; December,
:riu3i;c; closed .inc. Butter Steady; o.s-
... n.ann.u.1. 0rt .1,1 flintni'V. IClnlSP.!
,1,1- v..:...!,.-.,. -.., ..". ...w. ,.,.-.. ...
ireameiy, common to choke, lOaU&c.; .
urination creiimcry, jiuivii:.. bwi euwu,
17ia23c.; renovated, 17'ia20se. cheeso
riim; new state full cream, small col
oiccl fancy. 13c: smnll white, 12sc;
laige colored, 12c; lingo white, 12c Eggs
Iregular; average best, 22a:'lc: western
candled, 2l',u23c ; refiegeintcd, lSa'.OVsc
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, Oct, 14, Inteiest on tho bouiil
of Undo onto more centen'd In tho com
pit today and nftor u weak opening the
close was stiong, December mi so ; Do
teinber wheat closed 'su'iC lowei; Do
cenihev oats weio n sluda lower whilo
Jauuniy piovlslons closed unchanged to
2J4c lwer. Cash eiultallons was ns fol
lows: Flour .Steady; No 2 spi Ing wheat,
71u7Je ; No, 3. iiSaiU ; No, 2 icd, i.9a70c;
No. 2 corn, Mije ; No. 2 yellow. bO'sci No.
2 oath, 27ac.; No, 2 white, J No. J while,
31H.I.HC, No. 2 rjo. 4syc; good lecdim,
bailo, ; lab to choice malting, Miitcio ;
No. 1 llax seed, l.?lj No. 1 noithwetilnin,
l,25; pi lino tbnntliv seeil, ; pmk,
per bnuel, $lii!i3al,; lard, per 100 poiiiuU,
; l-oit libs, sides, $11.10.U1.30: hliouldeis,
9.23.iU,30; short c leal slcliw, JU IWallATli
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago Oct. II Cattle Receipts !,
OOo, InUudlug HW Tixans and 1.0ml weal-
einsj Mttmly: goon to pnino sieeif. uuiu
Inal, $7,40aS'10, pocu to nuulnm. J.7'm.
llcis Ileei'intH tnelnv. 13 000! toillOllOW
lG.oOci; left over, 2.r); opened 10c higher,
ilosed ailMinio lost; mixed and butclieis,
0!0ii7,10; good to choice heavy, $c9Vi7.0.1;
loughs, hulw, tb1!.u-90i light, ? 1"il
bulk of sales. W Mi7 0"!.
Sheep Receipts. 30,0tW; sheep and lambs,
fnt bonis, steady; good to choice welh
us, J.l.40af; fair to choice nil.ed, T2 23.1
3 40; nutlo lambs, $3 50.i5b0.
Oil City.
Oil City, Oct. 14-Ciedlt balances. U'7;
ccitlflcates, no bid; shlpmentb. U3.5IS bat
rels; nveiugo, 59,014 ban els: runs, 20,707
battels; murage, 70.01)1 bauelE.
stocKotH anil leecieifc j.jjaiu.i; tuvrn, tuu
Hl.7'i; helfeiH. $.'2"i3 V); canneis, ll.&XU J)j
bulls, J.',23al"'.; lalves, ?J73a7.00: Texas
fed steels, i!al; wehleill steels, J.75.Hi.40,
y Dress Goods L Bargains
"You Are
Bear in mind, no one is expected to
calls is welcome to a Free Ticket.
You may be the lucky one to get a
and bring your friends.
Model Home Furnishers. 322 Lackawanna Avenue.
- -' i
Rooms 1 and S
Commonwealth Blclg.
Hide it Moosic and Hiulidale Works.
kaflin & Rtind Powder Co.'a
tlectrlc Batteries, Klectrio l'.ploJerj, V.t-
plojlnj DlJtta, bafety Kusc.
Bargain No. 6 75c Homespuns, Melton and Thibet Cloth,
54 In, wide, grey, oxford green and navy. For this sale 5vC
Bargain No. 7 75c Diagonal Flannel, 50 Inches wide,
46-Inch all wool cheviot, navy, grey, brown, cadet, royal blue, .
garnet and castor. For this sale 49C
Bargain 8 98c Whipcord, 48 inches wide, all wool, lat-
est shades. For this sale, for three days 75C
Bargain No, 9 S1.25 Prunella Cloth, 45 Inches wide. Q
satin finish, all wool, pretty shades. Priced for this sale OVC
Bargain No. 10 89c Venetian Suitings, 50 Inches and
54 Inches wide, plain colors and mixed shades, all wool. Cut
price for this sale OVC
Bargain No. 12 SI. 25 English Coverts, shrunk and
sponged. 56 inches wide, mixed, navy, cadet, castor, brown,
grey and oxford. For this sale, per yard VoC
Bargain No. 4 50c All-Wool Albatross, Mohair, Cana
densis, Serge, Cheviot and Cashmere, For this sale
Bargain No. 5- 69c Homespun Suitings, very heavy
weight, soft -and smooth finish, 54 inches wide, For this sale.
Bargain No. 6 89c Storm Serge, all wool, 50 inches
wide; also Cheviot and Venetian. For this sale ( .
Bargain No. 4 $1.00 Quality Black Silk. 20 inches
wide, 20-inch Peau de Soie, 24-Inch Rustle Taffeta, import
ed, finest qualiy, also a 36-inch Black Silk Taffeta, very
firmly woven. Choose for this salo any of them and pay only,
Bargain No, 5 50c Velveteen, 25 pieces, in colors and
black, a splendid value. Priced for this sale at, a yard
Bargain No. 6 $1.00 Silk Velvets. 25 pieces, come in
black and all colors Cut price for this sale
and Tomorrow
You no doubt have heard about the hand
some ilodel Range that we will give
Free to the lucky person whose number
shall be selected from among those who
visit our special stove exhibition during
October 1 5 and 1 6
Office Furniture
Hill & Cornell,
Bargain No, Id
59c Scotch Plaid, all wool, colors
decidedly attractive. Priced ,.
for this sale, yard , oVC
BArgaln No. 14 39c All-Wool
Sklrtlngs.a fabric for rainy day skirts,
.27 Inches wide. Priced for ,
3-day sale, yard 25C
buy. Everyone who
Range free, so come
Eveiy thing that is
neweverything that
is desirable. Be sure
and see our line and
get our prices befoie
you buy.
Washington Ave.