The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 15, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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a Mwmwtfian .tj.. !$-'
Coiinly Savings Bank
and Trtosf Company,
So') Spruce Street.
In Sums of
and pays 5 per cent. In
terest thereon.
L. A. WATRES, President.
0. S. JOHNSON, Vlce-Pres.
A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier.
Wm, r llnllMcml, iKvpioU Whitpii.
i;, P. Klimsbury, AitKiit UnMiisoii,
O S. Johnson, Ui). O'Uilun,
Ji. A. WntiPM.
riuuui 1 11 11 1
With purchnse of Wall Paper,
Shndes, Picture Frames, Burnt
Wood and Leather Novelties.
No better time tlinn now
to bring us your unfrnmed
pictures for framing'. We
have the best assortment
of frames in Scranton.
All Kinds of Intel lor Decora
tive Work promptly done. Good
COUPON Cut this out and
present it at our store. Pur
chase goods to the amount of
$1.00 or more and you will re
ceive 30 STAMPS FREE.
Jacobs & Fasold,
209 Washington Ave.
9 "Tliey Draw Well."
Morris Magnet Cigars 8
TIip bebt value for 5 cents.
Try one and you will smoko no
All die liMilliit; brands of r.c.
cler.-irs nt J1.73 per hox, or fi for 23c.
The Inrsest variety ot Pipes and
Tobaccos In town.
The Cigar Man
325 Washington Avenue.
In and About
The City
Civil Service Examination.
About liny ciiniliiliiti s look tin- rnltuii
Suites civil t-crviic p.Mimiiiiitiiiii tnr Hm Km
mill eiunei.s w liicli wns ciiiidueteil yc.s-
teulny Imlli nun nhiK nml iifUM'iiiiiiii lu
lie i mil eli.iniliirn In tin.
liiilldlns hv the lociil Imi.ii il hi examiners.
Patrolman Sworn In.
Sylviuuih S.mtl.s who liu heen poi
llliilltlitl. .ippoiiili-il tn the iit, pollen
li'i-tc, vv.i'i sworn in yeMfi'il.ij Me iv
Uliji't nil Wlishlilllll (Mloi't, in' tlin ntiii
v.nil, iiml been ilnlntf siccl.-il work
wine he vvmx InM .vloctcil us an ailill
tiouul putlKllll.lll
Scientific Knowledge of Cooking.
A Mintllle l.nowleilKC of hioMhk I,
coniiiiK move .mil mule to ln leeonlzeu
iih till' iluty nt every vvf.m.iii, Mnoo it Is
iilPiitleul with the eomloit ,i,s well rn
eeouumy of the home, lull outline of
the Wink eiiM'iitl iiin, he leaimil oil ,ip
jilicvillon ut the YimiiK Wuiui-n's (.'lull,,
thin iihsoci itlon liuiins.
TJie LioderkianK Minstrels.
The tieiMlltoil l.leileiKii.n. inill.-trels will
meet tills uvoiiiMK ill T.l'i sh.up for 10
lieiilNll. All meniliei.s me leinieMcil to bo
mesont. The boys wiy ihls show will bo
tlio evet ulveu lu tills city
l''orty-ilvo piople win t.iiie p,m ,,u
liroiinetloii on Uelnlmr :'!i uiul ::ii nt l.loil
eikuili. hull. Lawieiiee li.imi ami oielus
tin will fiirnMi thu music.
Annual Donation Day.
Tim annual iloniillou nf tin iimni- lot
the I'Vii'iullos will lio ono w.'olc 1 1 mil in.
Jliurrnw. On tho ovenliifi of llmt ilnv ev
orjlimiy who over heard of the Home or
whn wituth to niil It should eomo to a ill
lislitfiil eutritiiiiuneut which will be
Slvcn by Jlls-s Itoss, tin, niouoloKlst, who
nmilo such a hit m n similar oec.iMou
two sears iiro Tin re win also bo muslu
anil u silver olt'eihiK:.
Join the Y. W. C. A. Now.
Parents .should Sp ( it tl(U tH,,. kUU
nn. growing anil developing Mmlglit and
pU'"K- 'V'11" "Xi-rcl-OH in tin. ilKhl dl
lcctllli will do wondeis. Tho Voiiug Wo
men's Clulsllan association olfeis a llnu
opportunity to those wishing gymnasium
work. 'J ho 'liipsilny ami Fiidav evening
classes aio lllled but there Is room I'm ,i
few- more In other classes, ,.,,ss f,.
billies will begin Tuesday moinlng at 10
ho. ;ij buliooj rot ,U t,.um a,.,.,,.,. ,i
rlmlli'iiso of tho Uiinmoro iligh School
lor Saturday morning, Oct, 1S, at m
o clock, on our grounds, Tnko South
ajuln avenue car to Hamilton street, jf
satlsfiicinry, answer through Tribune.
the L'cllpso foot hall team dofialcil
tho High School Fiesliiiian foot bull
team Tuesday uftcinooii by a score of
Ji-. Tho Kcllpsn played a biipoilor game
notn on thu ilefen.lvo and offensive, ami
repeatedly shatteu'd tho Freshmen line.
Tho line-up:
m,1'','."1??' Freshmen.
1. Ilmldy ilKht end Stiuilk
ev"r "Iglit tackle Williams
..right guard Hathnvvuy
'. mniuy center
Aiiamsou left Kimril....
JJevIno left tacklo
Campbell left cud
F'Ublcn quiu (cr-back..,
S'oriis right half-back...
K. Kelly full. back
. Andrews
... Morton
... lienliJii
K. Kelly
IIyv's,", U'ft Unlt back... Mlehaellan
iiiuvniitiwii jiorriv, ruiiiion, HaycB.
Tlmu of liulwo-rTweiity minutes.
i Ennanifl
Beautiful Evening Wedding nt First
Presbyterian Church.
Tho imiirliiKP of Miss Knthryn Dor
inuco l.nverty. tliitiKhtcr of William K.
Ltivrrty, nf Mil flay itvnilic, to Wllllitm
Villi Johnson, of Newark, N, J was nn
event which uttriit'ted it throng of pool
ely people to the Klrst I'ropbytprlun
chinch last night, The piIIMcp wjih prel
tlly decorated, tlov. JiimeH Mel.eoil
liei'foi'inctl tho ceremony.
The inn Id nf honor was tho Inlile's
sister, Miss Fannie Ollilesloeve l.aver
ly. .Misses Helen Humllton Adnitix, of
CnniimlnlKtin, N. y niece of the bride,
mid Mnrffitret Linen Slntfer were Mow
er Rlrls. The best ninn was Dr. Ar
thur Cot'wln, of New York. The ush
er.H were: Clinrles F. I.averty, biolliei'
of tho bride; Frnnk J. hlnoii, Howard
Vail and Itohert Hnyder, of this city;
(Mlntoit Wnllls, of Htiffalo, and Cyrus
Vail, ot Newark, N. .1.
J'harlcs M. Cor win, of the Methodist
chinch, Morrlstown. N. J played the
wedding music.
The bride wore satin-faced orepe de
chine, over white taffeta with oriental
lace. She carried white loses and wore
i( tulle veil. Tho inaltl of honor wore
white silk Rronmllne, embroidered In
pink roi'H and forget-me-nots. Tho
Riirnlttiri' was of chiffon anil pink and
blue sutlii ilbboii. Her llowers were
pink loses, 'I'lie little limlils who enr
rk'il baskets of white llowers Wore
while lace and tucked oigaiidlt' over
pink silk. Willi pink llbeity silk sahes
anil pink shoes.
The bride Is one or a family noted
for Its beauty for genera lions, and be
long to the few who claim early resi
dence in this city.
A leceptlou followed the ceieitiony,
and was held at the home of the Initio's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William K. Lov
erly, mi riuy avenue, It was largely
attended. Among the out-of-town
guests were. Mr. ami Mis. Louis H.
Adams, ()- Cannndaiguii, N". Y.; Mr.
uiul Mis. William P. l.nverty, of niizu
botli. X. Y.: Theodore F. .lohn.-on,
father of the gloom; Miss Elizabeth
Johnson mid Miss Helen Johnson, sls
teis of the groom; Mr. and Airs. Al
fred Johnson, of Orange. N. Y.: Miss
Hessle ('. Dm Is, of Kaston, P.i.; Mis.
Hayes and Miss Zelph Hayes.of Hiook
lyn, N. Y.; Charles I'ier.-on Doir.iuce.
of New Yorlc city; Mrs. Muiruy Uey
nnlds. of Wllkes-Haire. P.i.; Dr. Hur
ry IJejea, of Philadelphia.
Head of Navy Will Address Repub
lican Meeting at Lyceum Other
Meetings Planned.
Herbert L. Taylor, chaliniaii of the
Kepubllcau county committee. Is busily
engaged In milking arinngeuients for a
series of muss meetings to be held in
tills city and tho sun minding towns
dining the two weeks beginning next
The Hi st big meeting will be held In
the Lyceum theatre on Monday night
next, when Keciotury of the Navy
Moody will deliver the principal ad
dress. Mr. Moody has the Jeputiition of
being one of the host political speakcis
in tliis country, and his presence will
no doubt attract a large gatheiing.
Several other speakers of proininenoo
win accompany nun ueie, nut I'liair-
man Taylor bus not as yet been In
lormed as to their names. Itecorder W.
L. Conuell has been asked to preside at
this meeting.
Judge- Pennypacker, tho lleprilillcan
gubernatorial candidate, and Ills party
of campaigners will lie at the Lyceum
on Friday night, October LM. Tin- chair
man of this meeting will bo Hon. Jo
seph A. Scranlon, On Friday night,
October 111, tho last big local meeting
will be held at tho Lyceum. The speak
ers will bo Congressman John Halm II,
of Plttsbuig, whose ability as an orator
is well known, It is believed that
I'nlted States Senator Heverldge, of
Indiana, will speak at this meeting.
Should it bo impossible for him to ut
lend, either Senator Fairbanks, of
Indiana, or Senator Iiurrovvs, nf Michi
gan, will speak.
Arrangements aio being made to
Imvo a glee club lurnlsh vocal music at
Pitch of the Lyceum meetings, and it Is
likely that there will bo band music as
It Is ONpcoU'il that CoiiKressnian Dal
stoll will bo able to address three or
four smaller meetings throughout the
county and In both West Scranton and
North Scranton, Attorney flenerul John
P. Klkln, who, though defeated for tho
nomination, s working hpnrt and soul
for tho success of the ticket, will also
addiess several meetings In this cltv
and the surrounding towns, as well as
several other tpeakeis to bo furnished
by tho state central committee,
These meetings will also bo addiessed
by a number of local political speakers,
whom C'lmlrr.inn Taylor Is nt present
engaged in selecting,
The Pioper Time
To buy a Piano or Organ is just now
today at titteVnsoy Hrothers' sale, HI
Washington avenue. Don't pit it off,
as stock Is being reduced every day,
and tho selections cannot be as good
later; and don't forget that AVednesday,
tho lGth Inst,, Is tho last day; and .don't
miss the opportunity of u llfe-tlmo.
A full lino of good, heavy, warm
sweaters, Florey & Hrooks, 52-' and 621
Spruce street, opposite court house,
Counter Proposition or a Call
for a Convention the
Next Step.
Much May Depend on Whether the
Operators Said tho Commission "Is
to Be" or "Should Be" Constituted
of Such and Such Men Opinion
Prevalent Here Is That tho Opera
tors' Offer Is One That President
Mitchell Must Submit to a Dele
gate Convention Collieries Can Be
Made Beady for Operation In a
Very Pew Days.
In some of tho newspapers yesterday
the proposition of the operators, where
It deals with the make-up of the board
or commission of arbitrators, reads;
"The commission to be constituted as
follows." lu other newspapeis It lends
"The commission should be constituted
as follows." Jn the one, the operatois
would seem to Insist on designating
the character at least of the toinmls
slon. In the other, they simply say
that It Is their wish but not their de
maud that the commission shall he
constituted of such und such men.
Much may depend on which Is the
leal reading of the olfer. If It N "to
be" the Fulled .Mine Workers mu be
moved to make a counter propositi jn.
If It Is "should be." they cm take it
that Piesidenl lloosevelt Is not limited
In an manner in his selection of a
commission, mid accepting this to be
the case, thoie is nothing left for the
Mine Winkers to do but call a conven
tion and agiee to the imposition. If
they do not want to pttl themselves In
the position of lepudi.iting what is
practically their own oiler.
In response to a query from The
Tribune, last night, the Associated
Press stated that the proper wording
of tlie clause In question is "to be,"
Tho opinion piev.ileut bore Is
that the offer of the operatois is one
that Piesldent Mitchell must submit to
a convention and that when a conven
tion of delegates from the different lo
cals conic to pass upon il, the proposi
tion will be accepted.
It Is possible for a convention to be
held immediately. Tin.' Hnsdejou con
vention, which declared the stilke, gave
to President Mitchell and the dlt.ii let
oflieers power to call It oil at any time
tho demands of the Shnmokln conven
tion vveie complied with, or to cull a
convention at an.v time they leceived a
pioposition they deemed worthy of he
Ing submitted to a vote of the locals.
Should Piesldent .Mitchell and the
district ofticois meet today to conMdpi
the new proposition anil decide that it
k $$ Ha"' ', S'l rags , ISv "" 3E
is ono worthy of bring submitted to a
Vote of the locals a convention roiilil
be assembled by Friday and tho miners
oidereil back lo work Monday.
Can Work at Once. supeilntendonts of the coal
companies who weio seen yesterday
said there was no truth in tho state
ments Koing out from lime to time
dining the past month or so that not
more than one-fourth of the mines
uiuld be operated for at bast three
months after tho strike was declared
off, Tiic superintendents say Unit us
fur as this region Is concerned tho ma
jority of the mines could he worked to
their fullest capacity within a week
after the strike was off. With tho ex
ception of a few places men have been
at work right along cleaning up falls,
keeping the Umbering repaired and
otherwise preparing for the day when
work would be resumed. All the minus
with one or iwo exceptions have boon
kept fiee of water and gas, and Inside
of ten days could be In full operation,
One of (ho exceptions Is the Ilallstead
colliery of the Delaware and Hudson
loinpany at Duryen, at which pumping
operations wore abandoned, Tills initio
was nearly "woikod out" and will
piobably never bo re-opened.
Inquiry at the hotels failed to dis
close any groat Inlltix of the commer
cial drummers who have been avoid
ing the city of late, but tomorrow will
likely see them coming In laigo num
bers. The general sentiment Is that
the stilke Is as good as ended and that
the miners will be back at work next
week, lu the central part of tho city
llieio was a very evident feeling that
tho depiesslng struggle was practically
over. Among tio miners tho same sen
tlnient obtained. Fur tho first time
they regarded tho "settlement" as a
real possibility.
No further resumptions were report
ed from any of the companies' offices,
yesterday, Tho Delaware, Lackawan
na and Western company gave out a
statement that Its output for Monday
was 10.9S5 tons, or fifty-llvo per cent,
of Its normal production.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company Is loading trains
with a steam shovel from the old Tripp
slope dump. The culm In this dump,
Superintendent Toboy says, Is ttulto as
good ns the buckwheat that comes
from a washory. It Is sent to New
York and used In factories thai have
been using washory buckwheat.
Beglon Is Quiet.
The soldiers hud anolhor Uneventful
day, and Were at lelshre to felicitate
with one another on tho good news ot
tho probable early ending of the strike.
Their only "drop of bitter" now Is that
they will bo kept In thp Held to deal
with possible trouble arising from the
union men coming In contact with nan
unionists when Ihc former return to
In anticipation of this possibility the
work of putting tho camps In shape for
winter was prosecuted with tho usual
activity yesterday. At the Thlt tccnth
regiment camp, steam pipes from the
llrnssy Island wushery Were laid to
convey heal to the headquarters and
hospital tents, and today small radia
tors will bo Installed and the bent utll
laed. New shoes and blankets were
dealt out by Quartermaster Vnnitllng.
General 'lobln and Captain Drake,
ono of his alde-de-cuinpi, paid a visit
to the camp yesterday. Oenoiul Oobln
commended Colonel Willi es on the suc
cess which has attended the Thir
teenth's efforts to ptoservu order, and
told the colonel he could make no sug
gestion by which Urn campaign meth
ods or tho camp could be linpioved.
A detachment of the Ciuvernor's troop
went to Steirlck Creek, yesterday, to
prevent some threatened disorder oc
casioned by tho collecting of a crowd
In fionl of the house ot u man who
was moving to Scranton to work In
some colliery. The troopers also formed
an escort eaily lu tho morning, and
again In the evening, for u body of
men who came to and went fiom the
Slerrlek Cieek colliery.
Five more coal pickets weie placed
under arrest yesteiduy. They were
Frank Flood, James Meflown. Will
iam Dwyer, Stanley Varskns and James
Sweeney. Their scene of activity was
on the Cayuga dump. Alderman Kuddy
lined thein $2 cueli, when they plead
Soldiers Were Called.
Several Delaware. Lackawanna and
Western e.upenteis, who were being
driven to the Hrisbln mine yesterday
morning vveie stoned by a gang of boys
near the Tripp crossing jetorday
morning. In the afternoon the drlvei
of the wagon passed that way again
and was assailed by a second volley of
He drove on down toward the Dia
mond mine, where ho notilled the depu
ties stationed there of the Incident.
Three of the latter came up to the
crossing and made for the gang of boys
who were playing In u Hold nearby.
The boys mw them coming and began
to stone them. The deputies pulled
their revolvers and fired at the boys,
who dodged behind a bin u and es
caped down the road.
Company c of the Twelfth legimcnt,
in command of Captain Straub, was
sent to the scene at S.tiO, at which time
the men from the KrWbln were expect
ed to pass there again, The latter
took a lound about way home, and the
soldiers' set vices vveie not lequlred.
Orlando Schooley, the Sterrlek Creek
foreman, who was assaulted by a mob
at Jermyu. Monday, was lepnrted to be
"more soared than hurt," by the physi
cians at the Kinorgency hospital, lir
bondalo. He had some bad bruises
about the body, where stones and clubs
struck him, but the first fears that pur-
tlnl pnralyziitlou lind boon caused by a
blow in tho back pioveiiUo be ground-
ICSK. ( f
Constable IMwiird J. Noary, of Cir
bnndnlo, yesterday arrested William
McAndrow, a 17-year-old Jermyn lad,
on tho charge of being ono of Schooloy's
assailants. Ho Is held more pnrtleu
lailyasa witness than defendant. Five
men who ore known to have been In
tho mob Hint assaulted Schooley aio to
be in tested today.
Mrs. Mawson, of Chestnut Street,
Fell in a Fit and Expired.
.Mrs. Ili'S'lo .Mawson, wife of etlorgo
Mawson, who lives on Chestnut street
near West Lackawanna avoniio. died
"cry suddenly yesterday morning at
Peckvlllo. She lea home eai ly to visit
her undo, Thomas Fnrr, at that pluce,
and shortly utter her arrival there she
took a 111 and died In a few minutes,
Tho remains wore brought tn this
city last night and wore taken to tho
homo oi the iiead woman's father,
David Thomas, ot alt! Chestnut
slieet, from whero tho funeral will bo
conducted tomorrow afternoon at i
o'clock. .Mrs, Mawson was TA years old
and Is survived by her husband and
one child.
A full lino of good, heavy, warm
sweatois, Florey & Hrooks, :2i anil 5lM
Spntco street, opposite court house. "
... ) .;. .j.
w- w
If You Want
The Best
, .
Various Makes of Pianos
struments Taken in Exchange,
The Annunl Expenses Are 813,000,
' and nt Present There Is n Debt of
87,000 to Be Mel Hospital Is
Doing a Great and Very Necessary
Work in This Community A Dis
tinctive Feature of tho Work of
the Hospital Is the Visiting Nurse.
All Classes Deceived.
Pcihnps tho charity that makes the
least noise In this town and does the
most pioportlonntely, Is the Hahne
mann hospital; Certainly It does not
occur to tho average citizen that this
hospital exists almost entirely for tho
benefit of the sick poor, und that the
number of patients who pay Is but a
very small percentage of those who re
ceive assistance from that Institution.
There Is n tendency to regard It as a
fad for the amusement of wealthy peo
ple. Tho fact is, that the benellclarlcH
are chiefly those who are forloin and
destitute and for whom there Is no
other relief, as the Hahnemann Is tho
only chaiity hospital In the city, the
others being emergency hospitals or
private enterprises;.
Tho Hahnemann hospital had an Im
portant meeting on Monday to consider
ways and means for the continuance of
Its good work. It will be recalled that
the state appropilation was cut down
dlsastiously, and that the stilke and
other conditions have decreased lis re
ceipts for the present year. The an
nual expenses are $111,000. Tho present
deficit! s $7,000, and this discouraging
outlook for such a needed Institution
was an Incentive for the management
to make an effort to acquaint the pub
lic with the condition of affairs.
It was thought that If u more gen
oral Idea prevailed regatdlng the scope
of the work, more public interest would
be awakened and the subscription list
would advance. The fact Is, that at
present this noble institution Is being
supported by only forty-one persons,
many subscribers having failed to keep
up their former assistance. If n few
generous people would come to its aid,
tho Hahnemann hospital would have
umple provision.
In 1001 there wore 34 patients In the
hospital.' Of that number sixteen were
fully paid patients and only sixty-eight
partially paid for treatment. Thus 2.1S
were entirely gratuitous, and came
fiom tho classes who were utterly un
able to pay for the necessary medical
The 'out-patient" or dispensary de
partment gave treatment to 088 pa
tients, of whom C32 wore unpaid and
fifty-six only partially paid. For the
outdoor patients LlG prescriptions wcte
put up.
Fiom September, Hh1, to September.
100:', -111 patients were cared for in tho
hospital. When it Is lealized that
scarcely $100 is avoiaged from, the paid
patients, tho magnitude of the chaiity
work can bo appreciated.
All classes and conditions are in ccpt
ed. Little children are always found in
the Hahnemann, and the maternity
ward cares for unfortunates who have
no other place to go. Indeed, prefer
ence is given to charity patients and
often when the wards are full thfse
poor people aie' taken into the private
rooms, as being more in need than
those who can aifoid to pay. Then; is
no distinction as to medical schools,
patients being leceived without thought
of prejudice or opinion.
One of tho distinctive depaitnieuts
connected with tho Hahnemann hos
pital is that supplied by the distiiot
visiting niue, Miss Cobb, who takes
many a dolorous pilgrimage to i emote
portions of the city to care for tho skit
who have no money to pay a,
much less a muse.
Miss Cobb Is Just now nursing in a
poor minor's homo, far In the outsklits
of town, wlibse only wage-earner to
day Is u yoiniq girl who has V-.Tv) a
week. There are live children and Hie
oldest Is at death's door with typhoid
fever. Ono can Imagine the value of
dally i are by n gentle, sw cot-faced,
w'hlte-capped young woman in that
w'rotclied hoino where everything is
needed. The hospital has a supply of
linen and necessary utensils which are
sent out tn poor families dining Illness,
and thus the value of the work spreads
far beyond tho confines of the hospital.
Surely It is a pity that such an Insti
tution as this should bo hampered by
lack nf funds, and surely theie are
more than forty-one- people, Irrespective
of class, or medical school, or personal
inclination, who would bo willing to
old a little In tho support of a hospital
which cares for the destitute and the
it is hard enough to be miserably
poor, without being seized with sick
ness, for which there Is no money to
alleviate. It Is a blessing to have such
a place as the Hahnemann hospital,
where competent physicians and sur
geons give their skilled service, where
under tho direction of Miss Smith, tho
ofllclent superintendent, finely iralned
nurses devoto their tenderest euro to
the sick and unfortunate, and where
nourishing food sends them back lo
their homos bettor fitted to onduro
their hard lot.
Don't Forgot
Tho great Pluno and Organ sale at
Cuernsey Ilrothers', IH Washington
avenue; and don't forgot Unit It Is on
now, and "will nil be over soon"; and
don't forgot that you will uovor again
buy so much I'lauo for so little money;
and don't forgot that you cannot do
tills after next Wednesday, tho
,V full line of good, liwivy, wnnn
hw outers. Florey H Hrooks, 52,' and rci
Spruce street, opposite court house.
.j. .$, .j. .. .j, .j, .j, .. .j. ., .J.J,
. -
for Cash or on Easy
rayments. tall on
117 Wyoming Avenue
at All Prices. Old In
? vv-i.ri
would be
translucent and of such good
2J couldn't say otherwise. But we
3j see us. In the assortment are!
5 Chocolate Pots for
J Berry Sets at
3J Tea, Sugar and Cream Sets. . 85c
5 All nre of handsome and satlsfiietoi v iiittlein. Diuunioiitoil with rich
35 llt luce horilcrs and tracing.! with
I CVvuvVfeXV.
Wrtltf In nttfl
I There's a Dress Goods Stock Here
If That Well Merits Your Attention...
JJ It is unequalled by any other store in Scranton, and has the
3 chrum of newness In every yard we have to offer. The assort-
ment is practically without limit, while the qualities nre depend-
eJJ able in every instance, regardless of the price. As to the
styles, they embrace all the good novelties of the season, ns well as
5 every staple weave known to the trade. In order that the public
JJ may better appreciate the importance of this greatest of all our
department, we have decided to make this
A Great Bargain Week in
Fashionable Dress Goods
3 Suiting-, hi inches vvlilo, all the ile
0t sir.ihie shades, in il well Kfr
m Known irc. quality JUk'
m Another Hue of Melrn.c ami
0 Whipcoiil Suitings of lino moiit.
0 All enlois. Kiuiiantoi'd value S.'ic.
m the yanl. The IJaigain week AQr
f price vyc
p Ami Venetian Cloths In all the
J shinies. These arc too well known
5 tn lequiie comment. Har- CO-
FJ pain week jnlco JVC
0. Every thread wool, all colois.
splendid tlnlMi. the best value ever
mn ollereii in Sor.-iuton. For
this week only
jt nxcolleiit weight and finish, ni.ido
fi especially for winter of roiiRh
0 weather skirls or Milts black
0 only. 4') Inches wide. A i!V. Eds
cloth for aH,
The Satisfactory Store.
The Newest and Best
In Carpets and Rugs
Scraiiton's most superb showing- in floor covering Is found
here. The markets of Europe and America have been searched
and the choicest weaves brought here for you to select from.
Wiltons, Axminsters,
Body Brussels and Tapestry Brussels
in newest patterns, presenting' most beautiful color effects, arc
here, and can be seen for the asking.
Rugs Rugs Rugs
That is just it--so many, many rugs that a description of
them is impossible. Any sie you want in Wilton. Tapestry,
Oriental, Uoily Brussels. Axmliistcr, Smyrna or Navajo Indian ''
imams 01
Furniture, Draperies and Wall Paper
129 Wyoming Avenue.
Giis end Box
Are our specialty. We sell tlie very best iron and brass beds
made, Their quality shines all over them, Of course, we
make fine mattresses to go with line beds. Prices ure low.
F A, KAISER, Manager,
Lackawanna and Adams. Both 'Phones
Verv 'much llkclo daCCf a bieco of.
, this exquisite ware in your hand" andthen ask' t
tills question! "Isn't It as fine as anything.,
of the sort you ever saw?" Yotir answer
In the affirmative! It's so daluty,.soi
quality and wotkmanship that you
cannot do this unless you coine and
$1.00 mid $1.25 ' gj
$1.60 J
hero and there somu fluinl design. ' , ,
Geo. V. Millar & Co.
101 vvyominit vohuu
Inntl nrmitiH. 3s
I,", inches wide, very fine French
weave, in all colors, a good An
W,o. cloth for "c
All wool, host Roods and known 5c
nil over the trade as a matchless C3
S.'c. value, line selection. (Qr. 0m.
Itarsaln week pilce wjrw "
SI inches wide, lino finish, the 0
l.l"l H'""' Ul L l MUI(IHUU LU BUU
at $1.0(1 the yaul. Diii'Ihk this Onr
wool: only oyt
lu blues and prey mixtures, K6
inches wide, these are made es
pecially for walking skirts and arc
.sold eveiy where at .$1.00 tho HQc
yard. Hargain week price... "
In higher and lower priced cvootls,
quite as attractive as thoso quoted
400-402 Lackawanna Ave. C5
.t i.
ii t-
At l .-