rv THE SCRANTON TMBUNE-WEDXI5SDAY, OCTOBER .15, 1902. "-fc. The News of j-n-1 'BON-TON S : SOCIAL CLUB ."tin turns iiml lli.'li fikiii'i me roidlnllv -- vvchnini- On In "till mtmle ST EXREiMSE, T&C DAUGHTERS OF RBBEKAH -,Tmpoitiuit Meeting of Lodges of Noithenstetn "Pennsylvania Elcc- '" tlon of Offlceis Wilkes-Dane Is Chosen foi Next Meeting. Tliu tli It (1 loiiveiitlou in tli" uf-nil- tlted hidgts "I tin Imtlglltels "I l- bekiih. in Ntiitluiiteiii Pennslvnulu, i aviis uillcil In oiilu In Ciiinbiiuii lull ' ' ietpidit nfliiiumn In Piisldetit Da- ' Ip. of Wuhliet I lodge. N -' Thiuv . llClOmitiH Willi' tll'-Hlt. ll'llM'tltllH5 " "dghli'fmi lodges A nuinbei nf liiiiiiiitiint duinges to bv-lnvv win- mini upon iiml m-vuiiI suggestions embodied In ii u-poi I In lie submitted to tin- "tnli- toiiVMitlnii, villi li will In- li lil In ! button t The fin tlon nt oIIIum lor tin- ensii - lug vuir it(-iillnl u- follow. I'n-shleiit. iT " Alii o lleth, of lloliiillii Indgt, No s"! vlu-pi.-ldlllt Ml" S .M Snvilti. of I mh Washington lmlRi' No " "hk- t ii iiml tii.iiiui. I. (ioihIiiiiiii, of 1 riinll.i lodge. No I HI ', Tin- in-l 'i -""Ion will be In 111 nt AVIIki-v-r.iiin-, dining tin- stunul wnk of .rmiii n v, 1'iui An ililliiili nnii'lit whs tiiKin -it " " n'llrak, wlun tin- delegntts "nil ililtm" wen- i -i otli-tl li I lie pin lot of the 'oii giigntinniil c Inn t Ii. win it n t' inptlng --iipi( l v- i- m'uhI, limit i tin- illtiitlnii of I. in ii-ilii lodge. No in i Tllt IM'lllllrC siw( (IIIIVIUmI .It 7 o'i loi K. wlun tin- ntwh ilntttil olllttii win- tut ninth InM.illitl An i ntci t.ililint nt In tin- mum, of l.miPtlii lotlM- wns .in inlnvubh- put of till' ll llltlg M ssnll The ddtgutrs pn--i-iit .it tin- siivsliui wf-ii- K I' Htllhiian -, II llubbill. Wlllu"--I!iine Itiiuli- W Illinois .1 Alt niiilti, W'ilUfI! mi. I.ouNi (liilil. Pin i I'.Miop A11I1I11I1I. l-cin Wlillo, 1. wllii (in. m. in. mi niton l.ile Ittt telt, I'lllth i: .i n-- olvph.nu; Kntr Tieveitnii I.IU Wlllliini , Uieeu Hldge l"iinki- Dunn. It unit- Pu -in II I-nirxt lit Nellie llendei-hot, S M Smitpi, Lntine laun u Madden, rini.i nici, wiikt'hmi i:.i ui. Ai.it Hushes C iilionil ill Lizle Itoiuhl I.illie I'inppei Nltliol-ou K.i It- No uk, Alo-inw, Mill V.utne, Mom -i'.iIi . Alin Pedc Alibi) lid nnle Dt'iuil-on M,n i: Vlliiu. 1. fiiMidm in, I'ltf-ton, L.mia I!aot, Iloiii"-tl lit- lil.iiiilit- i-.itup-in, TiinKli.iiinot U i'ninui Xttlu'tton t'ln.i Nli liolcon, .It'i m n The entPi t.ilnine nt pi o'i amine untlt i (Hid Unit 111 l-.lllt Mlllftl, Ii .is fol lows Aililit-s- Mis IMw.iiti Uivk-. of Hti.intou illstiltt pput Ki.inil ni.istiM .iikI past pii-lilint ot Ihl- ill- ti lit IJp lpknli j.ui iatlnii snln .Mi- ,lti-ipli Xiiholson to lUItirT Mi Ili'liu Wat Kln!. adtliess (, (iomlin in nt Pitt-uui male qu utt'ttt', .Mtsi i:nns, dhtr, I.00llllul, L'lllU llllilic , (ln)IKt' V llm;lip.s snln, W 1) i:.uis ,nlilit-t JtltlRO A A Vo-buiK clllet. .Ms-(! Pp.H 1 11.11 K .mil ICilt Xitholsini ail iliess. h'dwnnl Mall tpi.ti iPtte, Miis w n i:an-, cituiit- oimi, n r CI. Ilk, 1, I. l.llMl.UIll Hon A A Vosliuif.' ailtltes- at tin c-MiiiiiK spsim V ,v mil ol InttMtst Up dwelt tin tin. inlliii-int- ol the' Diuh tPis ot Itilii'kih ,is .hi iuilii, and as an In f I tit. nt t to in ike the in il. im m bei inoic ti.itpi u il COHRIGAN UNDER BAIL. Constable Neaiy' Assailant Sevetely Anaigneil by Aldennnn Jones James Cm i ik in, tin- Ktcpit hi iiie "r.umi-is- Uist,- on tin- KallWii.ok id ul. who f,.ip Const. tide Xen mh h .1 diMKintt- ipsist.iinf .MomliiN nllit, "ii" li-t nl,;lit lielil mutt i M,V)l b Al- lti tu in .linn , im tout th.iifjis nhiitilt and lint tun ami poinlliif, a pistol, pu-. lell"d li liN wilt, aim! tilt- -t I lull- , 'll 11,40 ol IPlolllolls .lltl'llipl till tilt- lilt of Const iiit I'dwaitl Nt-ais nl-o n-hl-lln ii n uflli 1 1. CoiiU.in. who piidisspil K't'it -iit-iiiw lot til-, mlsdiiil iiml litRi,id loi l-'lllflll-V 1)11 till- sl,lKth , , n-il!,. to tpiit ililnkiusr, tlii i.iii-p ot his H- Pl'llt Willi t.lllll, was S.(Lh .11- laisiiid li; Alilfiiiimi .lotus 'I'lte nl ileiiiiiin rim- him n i.istimitloii loi lils nithik on Con-itiilili' Xp.ii.v CdiiIkuiis coiiilmt at i:iin-iS.Hv ItoMiii.il, win-it- COFFKK VISK. HotJs last Until Von (let a knutk-.tinwi "1 Iiml itspil toilt't' uiotlt mtely up to t .MM Is 1IRO," Willis a l.tth lioin J'liuy Ciet'k. .K1 "wlit-ii 1 was Ht'letl villi mi atlaiU of ntuous pto-tiatlon, mill was foihlddpn miTiP Ii iii ji1i. Mtlin. I was ioiisiantl iimlci tu'u't niPlil ttu iii-iii ly tin fe ye.us, Alloi my letoM'ij, I 1 1 nil look a i up of iniiVe, iiml II made nit- ni .sltk 1 did mil want iny mott'. "Aftt'i tin- neivotis mostiatloii, my itom.iLlt was ei- wiak. mi that 1 had m he cm-Hi I with my appeiitc. As Uonii lis I would ml (t-ii.iln i1iiir, t JAoVini'miM-'an altatk ol tUimiadi tiott tlild yoineiliiips lastlntv M-M-ial wetkN mi jvlii'ii I was iittailu-tl h eicpi'las two Seats ami, my sioinai It was linim-dim... iv nut of (inlet. j 'lJ51t'C Si'ttlUh' .wo)s, until liulliliifi v miltjntjj,- qn.itn-, stutmicli, ttot hm-ii llie itaitt;) luvinllkj .ifnL I ftJs so weak I liptltp-lip" Ml with a s,oi,n. i im(j (, Sd-.txlriff tor .soint'tlilitfi- HKo tofttp, hut that wan IniposslhU. 0 fattit-r went to Itowu tiiUnt smut Posiuni rood col ee. and wlieu he anked the dm loi If I iinlslit iiiut! It, he tjiilihl iiiseifi, Vs.' MnthiM Hindi- II eat lb as ill. Iiecteil, and hioimlit nit p.m i n rnr, find It was ilelldoiis -atxi-d tw-ij fftrtttfjr-anit'bc-Bt nf all, hinyed on pny Ptomaili wltliout (llsltess, RhltiR- nmi. foit ItiHlead, For sevetal da.s (hui on I'ostuui, KiaUually inciotisliij,' ihe " nmoiint I tool; until 1 could dilnk n i-upful. Then I begun to uku milhi food with It, and bo got veil and stioug BBaln, Iiiow ut-e It toust.intly, and I urn entUply free ft on mi) sionutli trouble. "Father and mothe- both Ube It, Cof fee inai'le'Mamniu nenous and ills, ngieed with her stoniuch so that she would tOHte it for houia after dilnkln-j. Father had stoniat-li tiouble for llvo or nix yeats, ami iipU to be dejulved of vaiunit1, unities or rooa oiuau-ttunk-of It.fiNti'n-'lie cm eat'aii5Jtt5ln.rri.iY.PP:i, riMir pays that it is better than Mocha or Jaa." Nunte BlM.-n"ly "Postum' Co., JJattie ptPK, Jkh. oVfee and uses Posttim."v'n"iiPr' Catbondale, he wiii taken to line- lilt wiutiids dit'sstdi nmi wliete It was itptpssiit v to if" luiln him Ui tneittis ot 111" xttntKlit! ii ket, won tli'lltilllit pit as In-. ItiK- 'ill imeriil, huh i rut and Inhuman. "Vou toiilit not een t'liiliu tin iiloui to (It-iniM, tint hit; otii rout- liouis then-," -alii the nldci liiiiu to Ciiiilfiati with xpltlt. CoiiIriiU ploUtled tht' sodtlllV ttlld was allowed lo ko home on lils solemn pioinlte lo (ins,. dilnltlliK. DONATION DAY. An Oppoitunity Tonionow for Car bondallans to Aid Woik of Emei gency Hospital. C.n boudallaiis will line- nliothet op piillllllilN touioiiow to sliow sithstan tlal s, inpatli) ill the splendid woik t In 1 1 Is iieiiiB iloiie bv the ilt.'s iirlni'l pal tliailtv. It will be donation thi loi I'melf-i lie-. Ii(isiinl a tin, thai should be IImmI In the minds of our tllleiis as mi ot(iison to to-opeiiilo villi the uianaRi iia.'nt of the hospital In elietthth ipIii'Iiik tin- dlsiK-ss and Mtlit-i Iiir- ol the lomiiitiiilty. Tin- (Hills liloil. on I'm U plati-. 1ms betii di'siR-iiatcd as the leithlni; plat i A lominlltee will be piespiu all das -o that ,-iiiv in ik ps pan be left at nnv time, with iwsuiaiKi- ol behiR- Lined foi. If won! be sent to hendiitl.il lets, a im-s-i'iiRt-i will lip .(.ul to Hie homes ol mult Illinois to iltlher the dona tions It Is eaimttlv wished thai thetu be a Ki'iieinl ami a Rem i oils lespoiise on this donation du. Tin- mt -elite ol the stiikf has soiph- niaiilli'sted Itspp In the (Intuitions to Hip hospital sluto -piliiR-. This j iiK (ii st appeal simp spline, whkh should opeiate to tin sukhsu ol lonionow. 'Iiie Rood that Is an omplislii'd liv the hospital iitnuot b toltl in win its. but tlu-ii' me iilinmliint tldeutes hi mam a Riatelul hiiine In Cat bond. lie To pt I pptuale tills voile should lit the plea-me of oui tltl.tus, hi Hit, tin- spleiulld oppoi tunlU of this donation tl i HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL. The Bon Ton Social Club Will En teitnin on That Teast To Be Elab oiate The Biokeis' Dance This Evening. The foil Ton mh ill t kib whkh has established a liaillL foi sinl.il enteitlill 1 1 it ill. will (ontiibute to the rfajel of Millowi'.-i! b t ntt itainhiR at a dimie In tli- Ituike liuiltllii on the nlsht of Hi- k.ist I hui-il.iv, Ot i. ,'U The t lull I- almiiiR to make this ut f lil tin lil -l lealh ambitious entu pi l-e limit l Its pattella,,!' Thoie will bt- a lii-h tll-pla of dn oiatlons and lb( musk, ton will he out ol the 0111111.111 loi tile oiiliesii.i will li'iidei dime stkitlons whkh will be hentl on ibis ott.tsinu mi tin Hist tinip In Cai bouilak- ltnnliiM. palms and It 1 11- 111 111 ike up the dei oiatlons thai will tt instnitu the hall Thn- vill likewise hi- pit is liilj tlfnth" flettikal llliinilnallon 11101iR the-e will bt led anil white In 1 tliile-tfiil f,low-, the udois ot tile dill) Though the suiioiuidiiihs of the tlaiu tis be eei -0 atti.it lip anil pltashiR, it I- the inu-it aftei all that ippeals to ibfin Till- bus been sehitcd 1 Dandni, M.i-Ki Willi 1111 Collin- The nnisli Im the new dame-, whkh ihe Inlei 11 itloual A--o(lalion of Mam iiiR Instiui ttu-. ol whkh he 1- a ineinbei. Noted as tbeh 1 bolt e at tills tin s ineeiiriK In Xe Voik dt, will be In tiodttitd. Tip .Moall (Hi Ik -III will lendei the Intisk. .111 ii-siiiauit thai it will h.le Its best t Met t. Ill keeping wllh the sph it ot Hal low (.'to. It is Initialed to loudutt .111 eiitei tainiiient pi loi to the dame This will toimiKniP at s (i'iIihI,, and will have a n-lieshliiR: ail ol new up-- Then will be I. nit v danilllR l nieiubeis of the lion Ton ilass, who have been spp dalh tutoied l) liistiuitoi Collins. Sonio Hallowe'en p.uth-s will also bp pi o ided Biokeis' Dance Tonight. 'Ihe olt-aiitlt Ipatetl dime nl the "I'.iokt-ls- ill uik,. phut, tonight in the Mill ke builtlllM. This will bt ihe Hist eliboialt. tint ol the sodal sia-ou in Caihimdak- lollnwillrf the siiuuuei. The i)c-tta-tious ate that It will be a billlliut at tall. Tht hall Is being tkioiaKd lodnv ami h tonlRlil It will be a most al um the pl lie lot tin- 1 11 ge gatheiing ol tiling lolk who .up tagei to join In the m-iiIur's pleasuies. The aliginentpil .Mo111 1 onhcstia, twelve plpus, win ptoIde iniish. Si-M-ial hiiudied lul tatltiiis )iai bteii miu out ot the tin, ami n Ian,- nunibei ot Ruests ntf (. pedtd tiimi .--'(laiitou, I'ltt-ton ami Wllki-s-llane. Bitike Didn't Appeal. iJnmlnli k liutke, bt-itii known as "Tops" Hiuke, who was aiicslid hist huiumti as nlltged piiutlpal hi the sen Mitlunal 1 1 linlual a.--auli laseon I'IrIiIIi aM-liue, did not appt 11 when tailed loi 1 1 lid In (ilmlnal t'ouit at Stiaiunii on Motldu Ills bail was foilelted. Huike's boiidsiiinu was hs Inothet, who gae 1.',."iUii ellllity lor pninlu lek's iiipeaiaut(. 'Pile ball was nut sp lint d until the unused Kpeut .-etial wtel.s lit Jail, Ills whenniboiits now ate uukuovil. The m-iiisti of Hiuke Is a ,oiiiig nlil ftoin .lt-iin-.it uanit'il Jcf 1 1 p.n . No Eile Pay Cai. 'I'he lhle paj tin will no longtt be a 1 .1tull1.it and wt Inline bight along this sstpiu. The lonipaity has dPdtlid 10 almll.-h tliH imthod, to letlltit to tin pilMlit-Ilt bj diet k, Willi h was in oguo alioiil tin eath ago 'I'Iicm- dintis oi theiks will be aalii at Hlatloux ol the iiimp.iny, when titmls ait- avail able. The dinnge vill lieiiiini- sfltilho with tlie XoM-tnbet pay. P001 Dhectois at Convention. I'ooi Dlieilois John .Mil'abe, Janus lliukf, ltolii-u Mi M Ulan, John l,iuh, Moitian Thomas ato atltuillng l ho Uate loiiMiilloil ol pool bonds, now in tlu c-e dajs' fusion In f'onu-iM't. This Is till) 111. sk nil) of this ihaiailei that lite ptefet-nt dlieilois Iuim- tukiii. due to the low tunilH of the hn.inl Xow, however, the dlsttkl tieauiy Is able lo Htniul the epiisi. Illness of Fathet Coffey's Motliei, A telegiatu itu-tu'd lasl nlslu ul the putochlal tehldenee fiom Vety Itev. T. r, Coffey, pue the Intelllsenie that his mutlier was living when he leaihed her bedldo Motidnv, but Unit the end was tienr, Aldi fionl the niitlsfnetlon of seeing- his riuent nilU', rather Cof fey had the ioiioliitlon after his lottu and iinsloiis iotnncy of Hpcntllng otne lioinn with her while she wits 1011 Ki'lotts. Mi s. Collev's lunne Is ileal To pekn, ICnnsits, whllhei Vpiv IteV. I-'iiIIipi- t'offi'.v went on Stindiiv. "My Eilentt Hognn." A gnoil itiallty ami a gnat iittiiutlty of tun Is piotulspil at the (tiaiul Upoiii house on Hittimln.x i'eiilng, Oct. 1, l).v the appeal nine of Mlllk-ti - Ottnti'n uiinpiim. pipscnthiK the couudy "Mv 11 lend Hognu. The plot Is founded upon the lik-it of iiilHtnken tdentlt..wlth tin Pitil of amusing cuinplluiilioiis. .1. K Mitlkii as 'ilinmliy Hogitn, the model husband, eicutes no end of laughter by his noxel method", and will Intioditie 11 gicut maul ftiuin -a.dng!". Among lhoc who llgttte In the pi'tfoitniinu with smipfls me: Mullen and Ditittt; Cialg and Aidell, ninth ul lometliaus; I'dell and I'lot 1 1. singing lomcdlans: Ten III and Simons, John role., Unity Hmlth, MIhms Allie I.esllp, Million Caiighipan, Muv Hell Ciiiiieinn, I'lltt U'hi'i-lei . Mnv Wilson, A'enc Hopkins, Tallin Me llitliudln and olhcis. Will Play the Big riddle. At the cm in si Holkltullon of Dln-etor Wllllum hvnolt, of llio Motatt oiches tta. l.eon HIv, of this dt. who Is 11 student in tin- school ol music at Svta (tlse uitlM'isltv. has tKieplctl the len dci of pl.t Iiib- the bnss loi In the 01 ihestia liPie. Mi. HIv bus ghen ample eddeuco of his iiiunlcal talent, mid will be an at teptuble at (iiilfltltin to Cat -bomlak-'s leaillng iiiuslcal otganls'.itlon. His coining- will awaken culliiiHlasm among his tiunuious ndnililiig fi lends in Cai bond. lie A Team fiom Notth Sctanton. A good loot ball game Is piomlsi-d tot lt kin v aftiinoon, bt ginning at ".to o'lloik. The tais, ot Not lb Sii.inton, me t (lining lilthet and thev will line up agaln-t the Cm limes on Dull's Held. In the foot hall population Iipi en bouts, tin Culottes mi legin ded as viihc of ' Chin k" Connin's "shuiks,, and me pig-skin buffets who tin mine than hold theli own An intetpsllng lontest iii.in lie epit ted. Money foi the Fhemen. City Tip.isuiei Coiinot has uiehtd an 01 tin 011 the state tieiistn lot !"".! I, the tlt's sii.up ol the ta(s inlleitpil fi 0111 loielgn In-iii.imu (.0111 p ink's doing business lu Pt nns haiila. 1! .111 ait ol tlu k-glshituie this inone ot-s to the tieasiiix ol the Fhemen's Iteliel iis-ot iation, l'o be paid out In benpllts in i a-e of skkne-s or dlsabll it ainong- tin iitembt-ii ot elthei the Mlk lull 01 Columbia Ho-i- companies Politicians in Town. Counu Ctmunl--ioiipi- John J. Uut klu and Jallkeepet Vk loi HuiscIipII, both Mtmoiiatk i.tniliilitis foi lountv 1 oininlsskiiipis, weio at the H.iulon hotisf ve-tpiikn. Thev weie heie in the inteipst ot theli t andltlai les Jill Wm dt 11 Miles McAniliew and Mine ln--pet toi Hdw.iul Itodeikk vpie also In the d'. Patiick Linneri nt Rest. The latt Pattkk 1, linn 1. was 1 1 Ul at 1 -- t ill .-"I. Ito-e tetiiPteiN psteul.i foienoon A long pioiesslnn oi neigh bois nmi fi lends fiom this ,ldiiitv lol lowed the deiea-ed to St Hose (.him h, wheie a high mass ol lequtein was sung bj lte Ceoige DKoii, who also delh eit the eulog. Will Enteitnin at an "At Home." Mis Ki.uik Oidi.ntl vill she .111 'At Home ' at In 1 leshlenie on Ithei stteet. on Thin -d iv aiteinoon beginning at 4 o'lloik. 'Ihe in It.itions, piintul on ciidho.nd ping pong nu (piets, indkate the lealllli ol the alltllinous entei talnmeut A Child's Death. Mi. ami Mis John Wilk, 01 Simpson, an- inomnliin' tht dealh of theli llltl" diughtti, AIIk, whltli took ikuo 3lon o.i night. She was one xeai and ten mouths ol agi. Tin- luiieial was ht Id Msteid.n iftcinoon. Iiml it was In Si. I'osp i ouetei . Set vice? Satin day. Not Thuisdny. It was eiioiieou-h statttl esteitki thai Thin -da, being St. Luke's a.i thcie would be sptiiul (oiiiiiicinoiathe -eiii(s at Tilnltv thuidi. S.ituida Is the least ili., when the iniiimiinlmi -ilNites will lie held at 'I n. Ill , THE PASSING THRONG. John P Milady has u-tiuiuil ttoin a hi let isli in Xew Yoik dtv. Mi. Ilobeit White, ot Sunnton, was a C.iiboiidale lMtor hist esenlllK John 1 riiiiiuu -., dl ddk ot Pitts ton, was ul the Haiilson .MsteidaM .Miss Kalliailne lillhu, the m.issuf.p, Is speiidhig a wnk with lilemls lu Men ton Thomas iliadv, of the Sitaiiton lllldei wtllets' ollke, lunik a business tilp to this 1 u .pHieid.iy M.ist.-t Mtdiauk- M.t Id Itiown, ot the l.aik.iwaima shops at Sunnton, -pent jestiMdn) lu Cm bondale llt. It. A. Sawti, tut tor ot Ttlnlt) diiuih, I- in Pittsion, ultendltiB the Siiuutoii auhikaioiny sekm. He has been absent sline MoiuIii.n, .lEBMVX-MAYFriSLP. lit lte ltisuii Talbot will (1111II1111 a little 1 la-s oi (aiiillilatis and pit. 11 h In St .11111101 llplMtipal c linn Ii at 7 W o'clot k this 1 veiling Mi- John Mumloiil. of Main ftnet, Is louliuid to hei home b an iillatk of 1I11 umatlMii The bond ol tlliectnnt ol the CeniPterj iisMii lailaii held tilt Ii tiiaittih lmPtlni, .Moiii1ii i u ulug 'I lie aulltoi'H lepmt Sl-VKN TO ONI: Sometimes the weight uoes up that way when taking Scott's KmulMon. Seven pounds of new, healthy fle.sh fiom a one pound bottle of Scott's Kmul bicm is on lecord. Scott'.-) Umulsion brings everything to its aid ; good ap petite, strong digestion, rich blood, new body strength, and above all the power to get all the good out ot" oidinary food. For those who are in need of more flesh there is nothing better. Thin folks try it I We'll .oil ytu a little la try, If joti lilte. tCOrf . EOWNl., oa full una. Im WV. Miss Gannon, Sec'y Detroit1 Amateur Art Association, tells young women what to do to avoid pain and suffering caused by female troubles. " I can conscientiously recommend I.jtlla K. Plnklinin'M Vi-fjotaljlo Coitipound to those of my sinters suffering- with fcmnle wpaktu-ns and tin- tiouhlcs which so often befall women. I miftrred for months villi general weakness nnd fct so weary that 1 had hat d work to keep up. 1 had shooting piins and was utterly miserable. In my distress I was ad vised to use Tf.,yHa I. inkhnm'H Vegetable Compound, and it was a led letter day to me when I took the first doso. for at that time my restora tion bop-an. In six weeks I was a elianped woman, perfectly well in every respect. I felt so elated and happy that I want all women who suffer to get well as I did." Mips Ouii.a OANNON, 350 Jones St, Detroit. Corresponding Sec'y Mich. Amateur Art Association. $5000forfclt If original ot above letter proving genuineness cannot be produced, Tt ii olonrly shown in this youncr lady'H letter that Lydia 12. PinkhamN Vegetable Compound will surely cure the .suffcrinps of women; and when one considers that Bliss Gannon's letter is only one of hundreds which we have, the preat virtue of Mrs Pinkham's medi cine must be admitted by all. to w is iidtiptid as was also .1 loieinniputl 1 tlon In plant 1 minihi'i of addition il tn.s .ilium Hie i oiilsklc In limit of the cemu teiv Mis Willi 1111 Culiv. ol Wisi M,i Ik-Id, until 1 went a siuii il epilation jestiidiy at the lunTs nf I)i S D Dts I'hlllp ll.iku inutilities lo Blow woakci and Is low. Miss li'inili' (tiiciisluk- and Miss M.ny iink- l'pinnsn it pipsuitpd Mlpih IoiIkp, DatiKlitits ot Ilt-bi kali at a lonventlou held nt Ciubondale vistpidn Sttve D1111111 1, 11 Sliv. lishlin, on the I.' 1st Sitli , (IIpiI at ioLlotk7tloiit1.lv 1110111 ItiK Dittased hid btpii MuiklnK in (he (oiinliv until 1 lew divs .iro L'liindp s-.toi kt 1 Is altimlinu Uastniiin KlllPRP. Xpv Voik 'Ihe T.ullt s' Aid sodptv ol St Jlinies tliuiLli will unit tonioiii'W at J i ocliitk at the home of Mis John inl.iitli, of 'llllltl slippt Mis Junis Ilnltlsoti of P.ihnpi ton Is the miPst of Tillssps I l.i tlk- and Helen Stutt, of Tom th stitet PKCKVILLE. Clinks D Kpllei ilh d at bis hump on Ninth Main stHPt, I'likvllle, Tuisdiij nimnliiK aim a lii-,iilnfr illness Dt. ipisiiI was bom m Xot III implon tountv StptimlKi "1, s"hi ,111 v bin a bo c .11110 with his piients to t!o iow I'm He il tiiveil his iilnt.ilion at tin Kullown State X01111.il -1 hool and allilwauls took 11 toui-e lu Lowells Collide ol lin-inc's it niiiiiliamton -V V lie was the llisl (inplovp ol the Deli v nc, 1. iikitvv.iun 1 mil WisU-in It.illioul lomp.inv, ut Dun nhif,s now nimluiist In 1ST! IravhiK tin i l It VV Vl IIS l.ltl'i tt) .ItLPpt a simll.ii po slilon with tin s imp lompnuv nt Pittsion fiuifllon, wheie be 1 em lined until lb-.., wlun ho 1. 11110 to IVekville to an opt 1 position with Simpson A. Watkhis lit it m ilnitl heie until lss'i, wlun he iv i naiisipiii'd 10 the Xoitbwest mllkiv at c.u bond ik, whole he was imploveil until Apt 11 1. ol tin pip-int ve.11. whaji hi w 11 tompellttl to 11-lKii on .iLiounlW tailing hialth Oeit.isnl w is a 111. in of most p 11 Unit halts ul ih.n.it ipr and wTs lion 01 td and lpspntptl liv nil who know him lie wis a mill who was upiisjht .mil hnuest-ln all dr ilins with his lollow mi 11 Up man led MIiiuli i: MiKiif,ol, of Dun iihws, on .lime 1. 1ST' who now sinvhes him Up is al-n snivlviil liv time sons, Cliijlnr h, with the Mt. lessnp Coil torn panv ; I'IdviI II. Willi Ihe IVi k lamibPi Mnniiltu tut hit,- loiupiuv anil (1 Utile a sunk nl at ItloniiislnuK Stale Xoimil si hool ami nno sjtu. Mis I ' C'01 1 lihbt, of Knstnn IM 'I lie funii.il spi itts will be held nt the homo nl tlie il 1 1 .imiI on 'I hin-il.tv at J p in lnlcinieiit at 1'io-ppil iiniPiriv, IVtkvllle To Cine a Cold in One Day Take l.aMUlve Ml oino-Qulnlne Tablets This simmtilit- 011 i-vtiv ho, i"c. - . TAYLOK. 'I Iip Hmii'iv loot ball It am ol lids town have oiniialtil loi ihe ioinhi" hi.isiiii and PMint to win iiiott- limit- on the Kiitllion DuiiiiK the ptixi veins tht lioweiv s have In ill t all-Ilk It tl out ol the stioimosi i.i vens in tin ainaltiii lauki lit it .iIioiiih -M hay has b 1 11 ippiiinti d (iiitiiiii .mil (pull I i1nw iiif Is tin makt -up, Cintil, I (ii'iikle, kit llllltl, 'I' (ilvmi; iIkIii kii.iiiI, .loul in. It it tackle, M (ilvuii. ilKlit latklo llowdh: lell 1 ml A. Mm Kin ilKht end, Coniiollv: (111.11 tti hatk, D llvaiis; k-tt halt hat k, Day, tlt,lil hull link, sn-.inlon. lull b.uk .1 V. mis 'Ihe phvshal culniie t-l iss nl tho Youtitr .Mui.s t'lni.sllan a.-nm liitltm will 1111 1 1 Ibis evenlin; toi i-M-liiM .lii'tiph White had tin- ( l.tt-H Insii in itn, will be iitseiu tlts .Maiv Lewis nnd .Mi William llei bPit. well known usIdiiiiH ol Old l'in-,1-, weie united In tuailliKo on .M0111I i.v Mih John Samlets ot Old l'o1t;e who bun bt en iiiehlnu hiatnieul ul the l.atlt awiiuua hospital was leimivul lioin that Institution to lit t homo vosp,av mm h lininovcd .Ml.s T J Ik (so ami Mis .Inlin Mm. fian ol I misfiitil, i etui lied lo this town vesienhtv allei i-peiidinu tin immI iw dlivs with tolilllvps la I'hinoiitli Ui Itnheit .M.Kkenk or IMIIhIiiiik. (iillul on his moiht'i .Mis llll, im .Mm Kenle ot I'liltm NliPPt. vt'st.idiv Mis William Itnblnpon of Xoith Si ian ton was tin put si ot u-latlves hi town P-ll lllll Miss (leitiiidti Deikil. of South T.i lot. bus itlmni'il home allei llii' tho Kin si of Ml-s r.lUubeth Wells at CI nk, s Sum mit 3IOOSJC1, Mtis Hut-It! Walklns Is hpenilliiK a few ilavs vvitli lileills In J'.iimmii Mi.s Ahifd Snuth .-pent .Mnndaj hi Pat stum Mks Xellki Neuy was u tiillu In St 1. ni ton Moml.ij Miss .ban Dkk wns 11 mllei In I'lttxtou veHteidiiv A uiiml)' 1 of .Mains moil, of lliecawood, who left In .1 til.v tin Atlantic Cit, wliem thti sLimtd woik, have ii-tuitied to tlielt hoinec Messi.s t'bmlos Mt Mill ill of I'iltstou: John McCt Indie, of Sv-i.nilou; William Stuvoubon ato snendlii a few di.s at .Maple lake hunting. Mis 'Ihnmis Sutdllto iiml tlilldun me siivinlliiK a few tla.vH la Sciaiiton 5XKX50ra30OSX5JttMaoaG 1 Connolly & Wallace & 5crantoiVs Shopping: Center About 1,500 books left out of the 1 5,000 we opened two weeks ago. Of course the assortment of titles is badly broken but there are many good books left and you are apt to find something you want. Every-Day Handkerchiefs If you could see handkerchiefs from all the different stores side by side as we them occasionally, there wouldn't be a doubt in your mind where to go. flPrfS9 I 0o ladies' Lawn Handkerchiefs, embroidered and hemstitched 4Z7Jw4wItC(Ll t.ley were tile display boxes of a large manufacturers' line and are slighily soiled from handling, we got a big discount by taking the lot of fjoo dozen and here they are at 9c each or $1 a dozen. Values trora i24 to 20c. Baby Bonnets and Coats Little silk Caps in baby colors white, pink and blue daintily trimmed with clusters of tucks aud lace, 50c to $1.00. Size n to 16 iuches. Baby Coats, 2, 3 and 4 year sizes, $2.00 to $10.00. Cunning imitations of grown up box coats; red, blue or tan. Long Coats for babies, $1.75 to $17.50. And every thing else for very small people, v Wruii-Mn'c: falirr&GL 0ur tw0 beqt GloVes for women are the VVOmeil b -UlOVeb "American GvV and the "Jouvin" both made in France, the laud from which most fine things for women come. American 0 ? Connolly & Wallace I 123-1 25-12M29 Washington Ave. SOKiXS!SJ!UJUJSSa5!K!K!!JSXS!J!!!JO!UKKJ!Jf3XX ti&.,i.'n. ,lL."JlIK.3, ii-iiniT-uivi ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS $13.00 to Cleveland, Ohio, nnd Ke tutn, via the Lehigh Valley Itnil toad, October 20 and 21. On ni-ioiml ol goiu-iul inisslumnv 1 tm-t-lltloil, .Methodist r.plsiop.tl diiuih, at flevilrtlld, Ohio Oetobei- Jl-SI. the Le high Vnlk 1.1II10111I will hdl sptdul touiul tlip lliketh ul $l.Ilii), sooil to li tum lu ii ml liuludltiit Oi tobet -'7th. i?ood on all ti.ilus i-Ntept lilt- IthiiK Plamoml i-iii'" See tkUet agents lot ruithei liiloiiiiiiilnu "" Piospeiity in the West. This bus Kiinluly liet-ii 11 most pins lieious ar im tho wi-stttii liilliiet, ami hi older In gli- people living lu Ihe east ,111 iipiMiiiunli, to witness loi theniM.lM the pu stilt lUlwmtiiBi's of Wi-Sltlli fill 111 llle, the Nldvel 1'l.lte lull 10. ul has aii.iligetl 11 pptdal loinuNtilp Uoitii'-iiKtis- eMiin-iuu, leaving: lluf fillo, OitoliL-i- L'l, tot l)m hist Ini tiling siTtlotts nil tbtoimh lite west, ami Mi It. II I'.ijiii. geneial ugeiit, No "."il Main htiuu. Ultltiilo. N. Y, will bo pIciiH-tl lo aiihwei nil iiiiUhIe.s n guid ing xaiiie, It jou me nimble to mi-mi u thlx It 0111 i)lll 1'ital iKii'lil. New Yoil:. 'I'lie Xtvv Yoilv, Onlnilo and WiMi 111 KiillltKitl lompaiD'h iimiuul lull eMtir .slim to Xett Voik ill) Will be lllll tilt .Minula.v, Ot tobet -". the n-tuili late tiimi nil htutloilh, .St 1. 111(011 to l "ai bon dale, liullli-he, being $l.i"i Tkkt-le, good tot- liv i ilnM. Al this time- ot llle Mitt, 'ihe Ontmlo iiiiiti" tnuii this euon stnpiiHsfi. all iithfit, owing to Its pk tllicsqili stelK'l), the litle Iuim t'liiit vvull to New Voik, along the Hudson, being an tspei hilly ilellghitul one. For nnlher paitkul.u.s. apply lo iigeiitM. of J. L. Woklt, T, ', A , .Si 1. ni ton. I'uT B tissue Ssal. to F ilu I m ffltj-s. lrffiStK-SWyU. d S3S3iKf l& "" , 1 tmsmmiKmwmt&msimiWfg "",Tsr'.,""-'''"-r',"'"CT ' it"T"'--- This store serves both the rich and the poor. It serves each better because it serves them both. Comfortables 300 fine silkoliue, white cotton filled Comforts, size 72x72; 95c each. You couldn't get them auy where else for less than $1.25. They ought to go in a j'ffy. The all wool French Flannels at 35c are selliiig fast, Never before were fine printed French Flannels sold so cheap. The styles are choice, the colorings good the value altogether 65c a yard. Price 35c. Our Dress Goods Department was never so busy. Girl, $1; Jouvin, $1.50 and $2. ssmzs8SisismMsmmmzm33ffiwmBmzmxms&& .i:' rk j-i-i;-iTi.T.i-'TM,tijitm in nr ri i i utiti n tii i 'iititt n-T" XW2te t-MP -0C "M OF SlflM IsTovaulinrldlliti Aftti I intlliiir lie i in ritlo for ilns across rich ijiiis!iiul.illt isdi it .iii-iliPitiMiuv of the ivorkl mil vvuereonls Kiovvii tliu liijli unule vv lieu fiom vvlilib the icltbititnl is prepnreil the most delicious and wholesome ready-cooked he.ilth-focd in the world 1 rv abita rood contains all the gluten, alhumenoids anil carbo-hjdr.ilt-b of the whole-grain, s.o absolutely essential to the juopcr uonrtshim-nt of the liumin organism Iking i-tremelv palatable, ind tempting, nnd also full of bone, nimclo and blood creating propt rtiesitisstrotigh recommended hv tin- best p'lvsiii.in-. as a superior diet not only for grow tug iildien and women but ai-o footl that mal.es a lnppv homo by in lUing ever) body pleased and agree ible. It is fullv impregnated with pepsin and celery ( vv huh aids digtstion and --oolhes the nines) and not be ing malted it nev or turns mould) or sour on the grocers sheh cs. All grocers bell it. fc.e hovvtvet that they do not substitute nn inferior article with a counterfeit n.imt-. Loo!; out for the Union Label on e ery pauiago. Ask also for TRYA'BJTA HULLED CORN. Send us v our grocers name and I cents in stamps and wo will send vou FRI:E a startling noveltv a doll receipt booU iiml a s implo pad ae of 1 rvab n l'ood. TRYABITA FOOD CO., Ltd., Dattlo Greek, Mich. I5SSR8S HENRY BE UN, JR., Ccncul Agent tor the Ujomlrg DIolrict tor Du pool's Powder Uliilng, nia.tlns. Epprlln., smol olesj nn) tlu Jtqumio Lliimlul Company' HIGH EXPLOSIVES. bakl) I'uc, Caps awl I'xplodcM Itooni 101 Con mil llulldlu- ,bira itcn. AGI.NC1I3 JOHN II SMI 111 .V, SON E . MUUIllV.V ... .1') month Willis Il-rre Reduced Rates to the West. Ciinuni-udUK Mpniiibet lut ami dally Ihett.lftei until Ot liillt I .!sl, 11I0J, the Wl-ionsiii Ctlituil tullio.iil will -oil Pt'tlleis tkhetit ttoin Chkagii to points In Mtmtumt, lihilio, on-gim, WnbhliiR tou ami liiltl.sh I'olumbla, at gmitl.v lnlUtiil l.lteb Pill tll'lalleil luioimatloii Inqillli- ot lieuiot tldvtt agilil. nt ml dtess w 11. Allen. I P A, B.'l Path billhlhig. PlllnbiUKi Pa. 01 .lanits t. 1'iniii Kiueial pa-tiigti agmit, Mll-wtnikii-. Wis " WAVKHLV. lttv M !i lieiltthtll anil vvllt ulleiul. 1 11 mliilstfilal iiitt-tlug it 1I1I list weel. vvlit it- In dt livi it tl a In tun Wlllnm Hall. Pmliss.11 Aulihaltl and I'llpllllll llinlgi Win II 1 ul this pl.lll' 1 -liiimil Inline 1 1 out liilllrtliULr. Wilt 11 Ihev vvtie hibit)fiiaid lo give li"-lliiiuii in tin Litis ins S limit I .Mi-AIilue and vvltu nf UniMIn, vio an vl.sltlng fik iiiIh hen lit was 11 loimti it-tiltul ot tills- plnii- iiml ospt-tl- In leiiinhi 1111 .some time I nikilakiis Mvisbon and I'nle nl muled tin- luuiial ot Mt Ik-nJ imlu 01 1) illtni liht b.iliutl.i Ml.s 1,011 riuih, who Ii ih bo 'it alisi'iu foi sevuitl niiiiilhs loi llu- h-iullt nl hit health n tin mil homo I itt 'I'm-jda) voiy iuin.li liupiovitl A bllboi )-hii his hetti htinlod III llio tU'w hulldliig uientl) nni tid h ikoio v Y aflV . -i Ht liKUWH ptiinuc lor strong iiii.ii. in laci 11 ib iic V,r-iViVWlpA''i'vThi3 I -40 fil I SHORT SEA TRIPS A few- days can he pleasantly spent In a ttlp to Norfolk, Ya. Old Point Comfort, Va. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. VIA Till" SttMtntis sail dally except Sunday fiom ik.. jii, Ninth ryver, foot of Ueaih stteet .New Yoik. Tiduts, liu hiding ineaW and state loom aiiummndutlous, $S 00 one wny, JC-.OO touiul tilp, and upvvatds. .SMid btamp fot lllusttated book. OUI) UO.MINION STfiAHSHIP CO, 81 Beach Stteet, New Yoik, N. Y. U it. WALKLU, Tl.lttli .Munusei. J J UrtOW.V, Ouieial I'asienget Agent. Mts iiljtiinuv the 1,1 It K tnie oil lh tiiiiKi nt Main Html i-v .Mi llaik ot tin liipllst ihnuli llllttl tin plilie ol l'lt)le.-,M)i Aulitxld In the -ihmil din ini, ihu hiltci s ahft-in m llnillsbuit-' I'niiik Jeiniju is gindlng the giomnli iitljoliiiug his nivv lesldeiKO on ttcpii t-tioet When iiiliiiili'tid II will inilUu o .. ot tht- llnt)t lawny in ihl vklull) I'd' WmKr j t -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers