The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 15, 1902, Image 1

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Attitude of Locals Makes President
Mitchell Hesitate About flcrei)t-
Ino Operators' Proposition.
Mr. Mitchell Announces, After
Silence of a Day, That the Posi
tion of the Mine Workers Will Be
Defined in a Statement Which Will
Be Issued Just ns Soon ns They
Are In Possession of the Pull
Meaning of the Proposition of the
Operators From Canvass of the
Situation the Sentiment Among
the Strike Lenders Appears to Be
Against Arbitration.
P.v rAC-hnhi" Wire from The A'-miiti'd I'rr.M.
Withes-Harro. Ph.. Oct. II. From ft
thorough canvass or the situation as It
exists tonight, there Is every inillnitlim
for believing IhuL the now nrliilt-at Ion
plan proposed liy the presidents of the
coal carrying tnllrouds lor ending the
miners' strike will not lie Wccpted in
its present form. There Is til division of
opinion among the strikers, hut there is
mi doubt that a majority feel that the
offer tcihavi the president of the United
States seleet tho arbltratlott commis
sion along "lie lines suggested by t ho
operators Is it fair and Hint it unduly
limits the president In making up the
board. The miners, it is safe to say,
will abide by the advice of their na
tional president, in whose judgment
they have the utmost confidence, lie
df films to say how ho personally looks
uponvthe proposition, but tonight nave
to tin press tlie following statement:
"1 fully appreciate with what anxiety
the people! of our country are awaiting
the end of the coal strike. The coal
operators have not addressed I ho
miners' union or Its officers in making
their public statement. It is, therefore,
impossible for me to state tbo attitude
of the miners at this time. I am now,
as 1 have always been, deeply solicit
ous for the interests of the public and
the welfare of the mine workers who
have been on strike for the past live.
months. A formal statement defining
our position and intentions will be
issued just as soon as we are In pos
session of the full meaning of the
proposition nl the operators,"
Tills .statement was made by him at
S o'clock, after a silence lasting all day.
lie had no Intention of making it until
the correspondents representing news
papers all over the country called on
him In a body and informed him that
the general public desired to have an
answer to tho proposition of the oper
ators. After giving it, he was asked
ninny questions regarding the attitude
of the men and the probability of the
acceptance or rejection of the new
offer, but to all of them bo had no reply
to make, lie denied that he had any
knowledge of what tho new offer of the
operators was until it became public
property, and also denied that he was
in telephonic communication with
President Koosevelt. Ills attention was
called to the fact that most of the in
formation from Washington indicated
that the proposition would be accepted
and that the strike was near an end,
hut he stoutly maintained that neither
his ofllcers nor the rank and llle of the
men had done anything to cause such
an Impression to go out.
Fahy Hints nt Gold Bricks.
This district presidents also maintain
silence as to their personal opinion on
the proposition, excepting President
Kiiby. who after ho arrived from Bos
ton today, gave un Inkling as to how he
viewed the new turn of affahs. In re
ply to a question, he said:
"The strike cannot bo settled with
out the consent of the men. We an;
not dealing in gold bricks of any kind;
nntl you cmi make any deduction from
that yon want."
There will bo a conference tomorrow
between Mr. Mitchell, the three district
presidents and Secretary-Treasurer
"Wilson, who -will arrive hero tomor
row. It Is fully expected that the sen
timent of nil the strikers will bo known
tomorrow nnd that action will be taken
There Is talk of a convention being
called, but there Is nothing deilnlte on
which to base It. Wlu'n Mr. Mitchell
was asked If he and the district olllcers
had power to end the strike, he said
that It Is ti ittle of the organization
that no settlement can he made by the
ofllcers of the union without, the con
sent of a delegate convention. It is
practically certain that Mr. Mitchell's
rdvlcu will be followed in the confer
ence. While ho has not said a word as
to whut he will do, it Is freely predicted
by those who understand tl' : situation
that he will 'advise a refusal of the
The rani; and llle of the miners view
the new proposal hi different lights,
nnd make strum; arguments, according
to their views. Those who are opposed
to accepting the new offer, look upon
the operators' latest move as a coun
ter proposition to Mr. Mitchell's offer
to arbitrate, made In the temporary
white house at Washington, They
compare the two offers and pick what
they allege to be many iIiiwh. Their
greatest objection to It Is that the
operators dictate to the president from
whut class of men he shall select 'the
arbitrators, :jn,i charge tho operators
with hick of faith In the president,
when they will not gtvo him a free
hand to pick the men he wants. An
other objection to It Is that the presi
dent la limited to four men In selecting
the jurist mi the commission. Neither
are they sure, they say, that labor will
be rprosented, because the proposal
does not speelllcally say so, and add
that they hae no assurance that "a
man of prominence, eminent as a so
ciologist," would cover this.
Fnith in the President.
A Brent many of the strikers think
the proposition should be accepted, and
that the miners should trust President
Koosevelt to do the best he can Under
the conditions laid down by the coal
road piesldenis. An aigtinient was made
by one miner nt the Hart Hotel today
that Mr. Mitchell could not well afford
to turn the offer down after already pro
posing to permit the president to select
the members of tho commission. He
thnimht the president would appreciate
the trust put In him. and see that the
miners had fair play. Others In the
same class thought that not much harm
could be done by accepting the propo
sition, but that In the end much good
would result.
There Is still a third view held by
miners, and that Is to refuse to accept
the plan offered and make a counter
proposition embodying some of the sug
gestions contained in the operators'
offer. One proposition suggested was
that the operators, miners and presi
dent re select a dumber of men to
act as board. This was mentioned to
President Mitchell, but be would make
I hi comment on It.
Strike headquarters presented an ani
mated scene all day and evening. The
news of the operators' proposal to arbi
trate spread through the region quickly
and a crowd, which lingered around Hie
hotel all day. soon gathered. Messen
ger boys visited headquarters frequent
ly, and President Mitchell had many
visitors who called to get the n"ws. lie.
however, treated all callers alike, and
gave out no Information. In the early
hours the situation appeared mixed, but
towards noon reports came in from
outlying districts to (be effect that
many men looked unfavorably on the
operators' proposition, which gave an
Indication of what might be expected.
This was a damper on the enthusiasm
of the citizens generally, who thought
they saw a ray of hope for the ending
of the strike. As an indication of how
some of the men felt, a local leader,
who was among the strikers in the out
skirts of the city, came into hradqunr
ters and quoted tbo men as saying that
they would rather go down to straight
defeat than surrender to the employers
on the conditions they propose.
The situation around the collieries
was partially lost sight of because of
last night's developments, but there
was no material change from that of
yesterday. The arbitration talk has
acted as a check on the movement of
men returning to work, and it is prob
able there will be no great movement
in tills direction until some deilnlte con
clusion is reached In the arbitration
scheme. The prospect for a coal sup
ply to meet the rapidly approaching
cold 'weather is by no means blight, ft
the miners should accept the arbitra
tion plan of the presidents, it would
take at least two weeks before the de
tails of sending them back could be
worked out. As Hie outlook for arbi
tration Is rather dark, it can lie safely
said there will be little more coal on
the market for some time to come than
there Is at present.
Impossible to Learn if President Has
Communicated with Mitchell.
By Kxclusht Wire from The Afsoehited l'rc.
Washington, Oct. 24. All efforts to
ascertain at. the white house tonight
whether President Koosevelt has com
municated with President John Mitch
ell the proposition of the mine opera
tors wjth a view to the resumption of
work were unavailing. The olllcials
there decline absolutely to say any-'
thing on the subject at this time for
publication. Tho Impression is quite
general, however. In Washington to
night that Mr, Itoosevelt In continua
tion of his determination to bring about
If possible tho resumption of work has
addressed some sort of communication
to Mr. Mitchell in connection with the
operators' proposition, and that a reply
from him may come nt any time.
Indeed, It would not be surprising If
Mr. Mitchell has been or soon will be
Invited to come to Washington to talk
over tile situation with the president,
but whether he lias or not the otileials
will not say,
Two Non-Unionists Ave Assaulted
by Crowd of 500,
Hy Inclusive Wire from The Associated I'reM.
.Shaniokln, Oet. II, While John Ship,
man and Uavid Hewitt, uon-unlonlsts,
were lemming home from tho Henry
(May shaft this evening they were held
up by a mob of live hundred men, wo
men and children, and pelted with to
matoes, clubs and stones, Shlpinun
and his companion were knocked down
n number of times before they escaped.
On the approach of the soldiers tho
crowd dispersed.
Opinion grows more prominent hero
among the strikers against returning
to work before they know what con
cessions will be granted them, and In
the opinion of muip- the strike Is pot
yet in Its last stages.
Lender Sweeney Says Proposition of
Mine Operators Is Not Fair,
11 KwliuiM. IV lie float Tho Assoi lateil Pre.
Shenandoah, Oct. H. The opinion of
tile htrike leaders here Is that Mr.
Mitchell will not uecept the proposition
submitted to President Itoosevelt by
the mine operators, P. J, Sweeney, a
prominent leuder, said:
"The proposition Is not' fair, and 1
don't think Mitchell will accept It, and
If he did the mine workers would not.
It Is u ruse of the operators to try to
divert public sympathy from tho
miners, but It will fall of Its purpose
because otir cause Is Just."
His Efforts toSettle Strike Have
Proved Fruitless.
By Ku'ttKhc Wire from Tho Ajsochleil I'rrsv
Wllkes-ltarre. Oet. II. It developed
here tonlRlu that Nathan Strauss, of
Xew York, with the assistance of J.
Plerpont .Morgan, has been endeavoring
for the past few days to end the strike.
Mr. Strauss was n presented here by
A. L. Klnkead, Sylvester Hums and
W. I Wllmer, of New York. Mr.
Strauss had received the assurance
from Mr. Morgan thai If the men
would return to woik that he, (Mr.
Morgan) would see that Justice was
done the miners, but he did not care
to have anything to do with the union.
The proposition was laid before Mr.
Mitchell, and he refused It on the
ground that he would not advise the
men to return to work on the hope that
Mr. Morgan would do something for
them. The representatives of Mr.
Stratir-s received the Html answer to
day, and they gave out the Informa
tion tonight. The three district presi
dents were with Mr. Mitchell late to
night dlsoussntg the situation. They
will take up the coal presidents' arbi
tration plan tomorrow.
Federation President Thinks the
Operators' Proposition Was an
Insult to Koosevelt.
It" l!.M'lli-tP Wile flolil Tlio .. oii.llnl Pii.
Washington, Oct. 14. President f!oni
pers, of the American Federation of
Labor, with whom Mr. Mitchell has
been In constant communication and in
'consultation dally, denied all requests
for an expression or opinion on the
proposition, but tonight stated his
views to the Associated I'ress. Mr.
fiompers said:
You can readily understand that I want
In leave this whole mutter In the Iannis
if .Mr. Mllchell anil his i-nilciigitcs. I am
particularly anxious tint to say anything
that might be construed otherwise. I
will say that, In my opinion, the proposi
tion made by the operators, at least so
far as their designation of who should
be Invited to go on Hie commission of
arbitration is loiieerueil, is an insult to
the president of the 1'nlted States. I de
sire that the president should use bis dis
cretion In the selection of the personnel
of the commission, ily Indirection. It
would seem, from the operators,' position,
that tin- president has evil designs on tho
mine operator. No one believes this.
The operators indicate what class of men
should be selecfd for the personnel of
the commission. ',ir Instance, they say
that mi expert mining engineer, exper
ienced In the mining of coal and other
minerals and not in any way connected
with coal mining properties shall be one
of the members. In other words, this
rmo must be an expert miner out of a
Job. This member mil-l either have been
employed In the mines as an expert or
must expect or hope to he employed In
tbo future as an expert. Another must
be an eminent sociologist. Must lie he a
speculative sociologist, a theorist, or
what-.' Another member is to be somo
man actively partleipiitlns in the mining
ami selling of coal and familiar Willi tho
commercial ?is well as the physical part
of the business. This certainly must ho
one of the operators or ono of their rep
resentatives. No other man familiar with
the commercial f entities of the business
in those ileitis tits that description.
In the classes of persons from whom
the mine owners prescribe the commission
shall be selected there Is not to be a
single representative of the man who
digs coal the man who works In and
about tho mine.
Now. as a matte" of fact, the entire
matter of selection of a commission
should he left to the president of tho
United States. Mr. Mitchell has said that
he will be perfectly satlslled with who
ever the president selects.
If the mine owners are to be permitted
to suggest who shall constitute the nihl
tratlou commission, why, In all fairness,
should It not follow that Mr. Mitchell
should likewise be permitted to malts
suggestions as to the personnel of tho
commission. I hope that the president
will decline to act on tho proposition of
tho mine owners, unless be is given a
free hand.
Massacres Are Talcing Place in the
City of Changsha.
Hy Inclusive Wire from 'flip Associated Pre.M,
Wllllamsport, Oct, 14. At today's ses
sion of tlio general conference of the
Evangelical church. Bishop Dubs read
n letter from his son, Hev. "', N, Dubs,
missionary In Iliman, China, The letter,
In part, is as follows:
"Massacres are taking place in tho
city of Changsha, province of Hunan,
The d.tngcr Is great and Imminent, Wo
attribute our preservation up to this
hour to tho interposition of Clod. The
Chinese officials are doing all they enn
ior us. Soldiers occupy rented houses
surrounding our residence. The oppo
sition is bitter: only Hod can overcome
It. The massacre in churches in lltinnn
shows what may come to others at any
Tho committee on church extension
made their report. The conference voted
to organize a board of church exten
sion for the purposo of collecting funds
and assist In the erection of churches.
Steamship Anivals,
by i:.Mlisvi' Will' ll'oin'llie tksui-laii'il r,'.n.
New York, Oet. II. Arrived: Sleamers
Kronprlnz Wllhebn, llreuieu; Urusser
Kurfursl, llremeu and Southampton.
Cle.ned: .Steamers Teutonic, Liverpool;
St. Paul, Southampton. Sailed: Steamer
Knluerlu Maria Thereshi. Hremen. Hit
menArrived: Steamer Kaiser Wllhelm
tier (lro-se, New York, via Plymouth and
Cherbourg. Hot terilum.M't (veil: Steamer
Noordum, New York v la Iloiiloguu Sur
Mer. Movllle-Ari'ivcd,: Steamer Ethiopia,
New York for .lllasKOw (and prooeeededl.
I, izuid Passed: Steamer Philadelphia,
New York for Southampton.
Seven Killed in a Mine,
By K.uhiihe Wiru Iioiit Tbo .Woclsited l're
Madrid, Oct. II. Tho collapse of the
roof of a nitno at I.obo, near 1, blared, bus
resulted In the death of several persons.
Senator Dillingham Re-elected.
By Exclutlvt Witc from The Associated I'jcm.
Moiitpelter, Vermont, Oct. H. The
legislature today re-elected W. P, Dll.
Iliighani United States senator,
Will Gonslder Plans Offered bu the
National Association of
He Avers That nt the Meeting nt
Buffalo Inst Week, Mr. Mitchell
Agreed to Forego the Recognition
of the Union in His Demands Upon
the Operators if There Was a Gen
eral Advance in Wages of Ten Per
fly l'.cliisho Wiie frrmi The Associated Pioss.
New York, Oct. 11. The regular
weekly meeting of the coal operators
today was preceded by a conference
with ti committee of tho National As
sociation of .Manufacturers, and at tho
conference tlio salient points of a plan
to settle the anthracite coal strike were
submitted hy the. manufacturers. The
operators will consider the plan while
the miners are teaching a conclusion
regarding, the proposal of arbitration
submitted to President Itoosevelt, tit
Washington, yesterday. A member of
the manufacturers' committee said that
he knew the association's plan would
bo acceptable to Mr. Mitchell. The
same member of the committee said
that the manufacturers plan would bo
considered by the operators if the mine
workers reject the plan submitted to
tbo president yesterday.
The operators began their meeting
immediately after the conference with
the manufacturers and at tho close of
the meeting President Haer. of the
Heading, said that no statement would
be given out regarding it.
The members of Hie manufacturers'
committee at the conference were:
Uavid N. tPntry. president of tlio asso
ciation; Frank U-nko, of Philadelphia;
Itiehiirtl Young, of this city.
Mr. Leake said that the proposition
of the manufacturers' association had
not been formally presented to the
operators. Hut that its salient points
hud been discussed. He saitl that at
present the bituminous miners are or
ganized, and that if tlio anthracite
miners became organized on similar
lines it was his belief that the price of
coal would be permanently advanced,
with the result that manufacturers
would have to advance the prices of all
articles manufactured. Ho said Ills as
sociation was desirous of having prices
remain as they now are.
Agreement at Buffalo.
According to President Parry's secre
tary, nt the meeting between Mr.
Mitchell and the representatives of tlio
manufacturers' association at Huffalo
last week, and the secretary says they
have stenographic notes of tho proceed
ings, 3J)f. Mitchell agreed to forego tho
recognition of tho union in Ills demands
upon the operators if there was a gen
eral advance in wages of 10 pSr cunt.
Mr. Parry and Mr. Leake announced
that they would leave the city tonight,
but their destination could not be
All of the leading operntois were
present nt the meeting except Presi
dent Olyphant and Vice-President 'Wil
cox, of the Delaware and Hudson.
While the coal operators' meeting
was in progress, J. P. Morgan and his
partner, Hubert Tincon, arrived in the
city from Washington nnd went direct
ly to Mr. Morgan's ofllce. Mr. Morgan
was asked:
"Have you heard anything from Mr.
Mitchell in regard to the terms of the
operators?" '
"No, I have not heard anything since
I left," replied the tlunucler.
"Have you anything to say about
your conference with the president?"
"No, 1 haven't a word to say. The
newspapers have everything that oc
curred over there."
Mr. Haer was asked if the presidents
had had any Intimation that the propo
sition made to President Koosevelt last
night was acceptable to the minors.
"You will have to see Mr, .Mitchell,"
was the reply. "We certainly did not
consult Mr, .Mitchell,"
A copy of resolutions adoptetl at a
meeting of the employes of the Hillside
Coal mid Iron company ut Forest City,
Pa., was given out hero today. The
resolutions demand protection for non
union workmen and cnll upon the oper
ators not to accept any settlement with
the strikers on the basis of a compro
mise that would jeopardise the Inter
ests of tho workmen who have remained
faithful to their employers.
Hy I'vlushp ire from Tlie A.oilatfi Prwi,
llanlsbiirg. Oct. H. Owlus to no evi
dence being submitted mm no objections
tiled, the Uauphlu county court today de.
dared willd the eertltlcatiM of nomination
of the following Municipal League parly
cntidldiitcs. of Philadelphia: Howard II,
Uerr, for legislature- from Twenty-first
ieitvseiitallve dlstilet; Kobcrt !'. Powell
and Lewis K. Marr. for legislature, from
Twenty-fourth representative district;
Louis H. Hunk, for senator from Sixth
renaioilul distrnl; Clinton Hogers Wood
ruff and William II. Heleher. for leglsla.
turo from thu Fifteenth representative
dlHlrict; James S. Loollttle and Hlchaid
II. Thomas. Jr., for legislature from thu
Tenth representative district: Uoland S,
Morris, for legislature, Irani Klghth rep
resjntallVi district,
Coal Trains in Readiness.
Ily ''M'lmlw' Wire from The .Wi-i.iteil I'rm.,
New York. Oct. 14. In tho yaids of tho
Delaware. Lackawanna ami 'Western ralL
roud at lloboken, preparations weio be
ing made to bavo all tlio freight engines
and coal trains In readiness to bring coal
from the mines.. All the machinists, mid
engine cleaners that could bo found lmve
been put to work overhauling freight en
gines for service at a moment's notice.
Business Portion of the Town of
Klnmnthon Is Wiped Out,
fly Kji'lmlvo Wire from 'I he AMoelalnl l'rM.
Ashland, Ore., Oct, II. The most de
structive lire In the history of norlliern
California visited the town of Ivlama
thon. tit the crossing of the Klanuilhon
river, Hlslsyou county, today and wiped
out the entire business portion of the
place. A new sawmill, a sash, door ami
box factory, more than live million feet
of sawed lumber, the Northern 1'acllle
Hallway company's station, freight
house anil rolling stpek were also de
stroyed, Tho loss Is estimated at ?srn,
0W. Most or the dwelling houses of the
town were saved, as well as one hotel
on a back street.
The conflagration started in the large
sawmill of John It. Cool: & Son.
Hague Arbitration Court Condemns
Mexico to Pay This Country
Uy i:cbislvr Wire liont Tlio Associated Prei.
The Hague, Oct. II. The arbitration
court In the Pious fund case has con
demned .Mexico to pay the t.'nlted
States $l,tl!0,BS In Mexican currency.
The decision of the court was unani
mous. The tribunal finds: the claim of tlio t'nlted
States in behalf of thu archbishop of San
Francisco Is governed by thu principle of
res judicata in virtue of the arbitration
'decision pronounced by Sir ICdwnrd
Thornton November 11. Ii7.". and amended
by Sir Kihvnrd Thornton. October i, tsTi!.
Second That in conformity with this
decision the government of thu t'nlted
States of Mexico should pay the govern
ment of the Fnited States il.l' III
money nf the legal currency of Mc,xion,
within the perl.Ad llxeil by article 111 of .tie:
protocol of Washington. This sum' will
'cover the total payment of annuities due
from and unpaid by the government of
the Mexican republic, namely, the annual
payment of $.t,(k',n.!W in Mexican currency
from February L'. lw;9. to February - IP":.'.
Third-"-The government of tin: t'nlted
States of Mexico will pay to the govern
ment of the t'niteil States February ".
IKK, and every following year for the
sumo date forever an annual payment of
?IS,(CiO,fifi of money of the legal eturency
of .Mexico.
Dr. Matzen. president of the court, who
declared that a revision of the sentence
was only possible In the eent of new
faels coming to light, thankrd the repre
sentatives of the I 'tilted States nnd of
.Mexico for their assistance in enlighten
ing the arbitrators. He added that while
no single judge was infallible, the unan
imity of the arbitrators who had so
closely examined the wholn ipiesthm at
Issue was a guarantee that no mistake,
had been made.
Thousands Attend, tin Open-Air
Meeting and Listen to Judge
n.v Inclusive Wlie from The Auncijtcil lrr.
Connellsville, Pa., Oct. 11. Despite
the most threatening and cold weather,
several thousand enthusiastic Republi
cans were in attendance at the open
air meeting, at which Candidate for
Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker,
William M. Hrown. candidate for lieu
tenant governor; Attorney W. I. Shaf
fer, of Delaware county; Colonel N, A.
Flood, of Meadville: H. S. Murphy, of
Johnstown, and Congressman Leeds, of
Virginia, made addresses in tills city
The party were met upon their ar
rival here by a large delegation of tho
Oratul Army or the Republic and tho
Union Veterans' legion, and the recep
tion committee, who took them for a
drive about the city and the nearby
coke works. Along the entire route tho
party was accorded cheers.
Sinm's Future Ruler Is Still View
ing Sights of National Capital.
By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Ptm.
AVnshington, Oct, 11. The crown
prince of Slam was taken for a drive
this morning to Fort Myer, where the
troops gave him nn exhibition of their
skill In cavalry tactics, Later in tlio
day, accompanied by Assistant Secre
tary of State Pierce and his entire suite,
lie hoarded the Sylph nnd visited -Mount
Tonight he will be given a dinner by
Prof, .1, ii. Core, of Colombian univer
By risclui Wire from The Associated I'resi.
Indianapolis, Ind., Oet, H.-W. H. Wll
son, secretary and treasurer of the Mino
Workers, left here this arternoou to meet
President Mitchell, at AVIIkes-Harre. lie
admitted there was to bo a conference
regarding the strike, but lefused to dis
cuss the proposition of the operator.. Ho
hud a talk with .Mr. Mitchell over tho
long distance telephone today, but r -lused
to dlhoiiss what passed between
them. It Is presumed, however, that he
was summoned to Wllkes-Harre. Ho
would not say whether a call for a con
vention would bu is-lled.
Fruit Growers Want Coal.
Dy i:luIe Wlrr (torn The Associated I'rMt.
Rochester, JC. V., Oct. ll-.MIcliiiel
Doyle, ropieseiitlnu the Fruit 1 1 rowers'
association of Now York, Imb telegraphed
to Coventor od,, saying thai unless an
Immediately supply of anthracite coal can
bo obtained, fruit growers In western New
York will lose at least three million dol
lars. Hundreds of thousands of bushels
of apples are now rotting in orchards and
tlio evaporating Industry Is al a stand
still. Requisition for Evans.
Ily Echihc Wlie from The Associated i'resj.
Ilarilshurg, Oct. 11. A requisition was
Issued by. Ooveiiior Stone today for the
extradition of John M. Hvaus, who Is
wanted nt PlttsbuVg on a charge of do
rraii'diiig'a Pittsburg Mining' company out
of IHt.OOO. F.vans is under a nest at
Yountjstown, O.
1 -----
Now Seems to Be Assuming n More
Threatening Form.
Ily KwltKlip Wile fioiii l'lic Ajuoil.ilt'd l'is.
Saratoga. N. V.. Oct. 14. The niotor
mun's strike on the Hudson Valley rail
way Is assuming ti more threatening
form, Dynamite was used in Saratoga
Springs tonight and a riot Is feared at
A' trolley car passing near tho trolley
station on South Rioitdway was partly
wrecked by dynamite that had been
placed on the track. The car windows
were broken, the truck torn up and the
windows of a nearby saloon shutleied,
but no one was Injured.
Major Andrews, of tho Third battal
ion. Second regiment, on strike duty
at Meclianlcsvllle. In the southern part
of Saratoga county, was today ntllclally
untitled by Village President Flnnegan,
of .Meclianlcsvllle, that he iiad sworn
In a largo force of deputies and pro
posed to arrest anil lock up tonight
every national guardsman discovered
doing patrol duty In Meclianlcsvllle. As
the Second regiment is doing strike
duty by orders from Governor Odcll
any attempt on the part of Mr. Flnne
gan to carry out his threat may lead
to serious consequences.
As to What the Judges Will Do
with the Anti-Mnchino Party
Special to tho Scrauton Tribune.
Harrisbnrg, Oct. 1 1. Kx-Sheriff .lolm
.1. Fahey was the only witness exam
ined today in tlio bearing of the objec
tions to the nominations of (Jcorge
Howell for congress and M. F. San'do
for judge, on the Anti-Machine ticket.
Mr. Fahey was questioned solely on
the politics of tho men signing tlio
Anti-Macliino party nomination papers.
He admitted that more than one hun
dred signers to whom his attention
were called were members of the Demo
cratic party.
The question as to whether or not
the Antl-Machlae nominations will
stand, it is believed, depends almost
entirely on the legality or tho clause
Inserted In tho petition giving C. C
Donovan discretionary power of attor
ney to change the designation or title
of the party to whose petition the
signers subscribed.
Mr. Olmstend argued that such power
of attorney could not legally be given.
Mr. Hergner argued that it could.
Dr. II. N. Dunnell, or Scrauton, who
is here in the Interests of the I'nlon
party nominations, declared today he
would Institute prosecutions for per
jury against a number of the witnesses
In the Union party hearing who swore
they .were members of the party and
haii had no notice of the convention
which nominated Mr. Howell for con
gress. Dr. Dunnell states that an ex
amination of the returns in the ofllce
of Prothonotary Copeland, or Lacka
wanna county, shows Hint the Union
party never received a single vote in
the "districts in which the alleged of
fending witnesses lived.
Ex-SherilT John J. Fahey and Attor
ney ("'. ('. Donovan who represented
the Ilowell-Sando faction of the Demo
crats at the several hearings, returned
home today.
The Daughters of the Revolution.
Dy Inclusive Wire from The Associated Truss.
Pittsburg, Oet. II. The annual con
vention of the state council Daughters nf
Liberty, convened hero today, Mrs. Lizzie
M. Smith, of Mlddletown. presiding.
There were two hundred delegates In at
tendance. Ofllcers were nominated tor
the ensuing year but their election will
not take place until tomorrow. The so
ciety has L'l.uiO members nnd lin coun
cils, Thu receipts for the year amounted
M",il."7.77, and Hie expenditures, $7l',ni:i.:!:'.
Pattison nt Philadelphia.
Ily i:ehisio Wlie fiom Tbe Asu iatrd l'rcs-.
Philadelphia, Oct. II. Two Domoeratlu
mass meetings were held hero tonight, ll.o
principal speakers being foimer Oliver
nor Pattison and fleorgo W. (lutlirie.
Hoth Mr, Pattison and Mr. Ciutlirlu made
a strong appeal for Denmeralie activity
and vigilance. The ox-govurnor asserted
that It was the Intention of the Repub
lican managers In Philadelphia, to miiku
use of bogus poll tax receipts.
Anthracite nt $20 a Ton.
in, i:i-Iiiatvtt lie horn flie .Vssuri.iti'd Pkx.
New York. Oet. II. At a meeting of the
rates committee of the Itctall I'oal Deal
ers' association, of New York, today, it
was decided to keep the price of anthra
cite at -'i a ten. and to reduce the pi ice
of bituminous from to $.
Chun Dismissed.
Ily Inclusive Wlra from The .MooiUted Prrs.
Peltln, Oct. II It is reported that Kwel
Chun, the former viceroy of Sue Oliuen
province, bus ben dismissed from the
Impel lot service for ids failure to ex.
tlngiilsh tho rebellion In Hint p.nt of the
Burled Alive Picking Coal.
Ily I'.M'liubi' Wlie luniiTT.i' .UsMUlcd I'rof.
Miilmnoy City. Pa- ct. Il.-Mis. John
Whilo was buried alive today la a mine
breach while picking Her body was
not recovered tor nearly an hour.
Hy i:iluiIvo Wire (torn The Aswclali'd I'imi.
Camden, N. J., Oct. U.-A. O. Dayton,
superintendent of tho West Jersey and
Seashore Railroad company, which sys
tem embraces the Pennsylvania railroad
lines In southern Now Jersey, died today
ns a result of a stroko of paralysis. Ho
was W years of ago and had been In the
employ of the company since 1S5J.
Washinoton Is Seriouslu Disturbed
bu Reports o? Sentiment
on the Island.
Stealthy Insinuations That It Is to
tho New Republic's Interest to
Affiliate with Foreign Countries!
May Cause Us Trouble Fear That
Intervention to Enforce Piatt
Amendment May Be Necessary.
Ily llvi'luslto Wire fliim The AssiK'l.itrcI Press.
Washington, Oct. II, State depart
ment ofllcers are uneasy over tlio ad
vices received from Cuba in the lust
few weeks. All reports from our rep
resentatives there go to indicate that
the government of the Island is rapid
ly drifting from us and that the feel
ing of gratitude toward tho United
States Is dying .away. The diplomatic
representatives of European govern
ments have been systematically at
work trying to convince the Cubans
that they need no special tariff ar
rangement with the United States, anil
that even a reciprocity treaty would
not be to their advantage because it
would shut them out from benellcial
trade arrangements with the govern
ments of Kurope. Some of them have
gone so far as to intimate to the Cu
bans that their government will de
ni'tnd Iho same arrangements and com
mercial concessions from Cuba that
aie possessed by the most favored na
tions. Work by Stealth.
Tills work has not been done openly,
hut In a diplomatic way by stealth. It
has all been with the purpose of undo
ing tlio good work of President Koose
velt, taking advantage of the delay by
congress to prevent any closer commer
cial relations between Cuba and tho
United States than now exist and per
manently blocking the way for any re
ciprocal arrangements either by legis
lation or by treaty.
It has been Intimated to the Cubans
that they are In no wise bound by the
Platt amendment nnd that the govern
ments of Europe will be ready to pro
tect Cuba in her "full independence"
and resist Intervention by the United
States. i
The commercial reports from Cuba
also Indicate that England, Franco and
Oermany are increasing their trade
with Cuba, especially their export tradi;
in the articles which naturally would
be supplied by the ''tilled States. Eng
land already sells more cotton goods In
Cuba than does the United States.
France has practically taken the trade
in shoes and leather goods.
The policy of the European diplomats
has been to convince the Cubans that
they can secure more advantageous
commercial arrangements with Europo
than with the United States. They
have pointed to the South American
governments ns illustrations of what
can be done.
The situation Is so serious that olll
cers at the state department are fear
ful that unless something is done with
in the next few mouths the situation
In Cuba will be so serious as to compel
the intervention of this government to
secure a ratification of the Platt
amendment in a permanent treaty and
that intervention may involve us in a
serious disagreement with European
President of the Commercial Trav
elers' Home Association.
Dy Exclusive Wire from The Auaclatcil Preii.
Hlnghuinton, N. T., Oct. 14. Tho an
nual meeting of the Commercial Trav
elers' Home Association of America
was held in this city today. The report
of the president stated that interest in
the association was awakening. The re
port of tho treasurer showed $2,S33 on
(ieorgo V. Swlgnrr, of rrarboudale,
P,t., was re-elected president, and W.
A. Itnlly, of Albany, re-elected secre
tary and treasurer. John C, Iloxle, of
I 'Ilea, was elected a member of the
hoard of managers.
Sheriffs Elude a Mob.
fly Kii'huhe Wire from The Associated Prei.
Dallas, Texas., Oet. H. Jim Buchanan,
the negro murderer or Duncan Hicks'
wife and daughter, at Nacogdoclte,
Texas, was landed In the Shreveport
parish Jail today by the strategy of throi
Texas sheriffs, who eluded a mob of 5,0 (
n reclusive Wire from The Associated rres.
At Washington, Pa.-Wnslilnston and
Jefferson, U; Lafayette, I.',
Local data for October H. 1002.
HiKliest tcniparuturo 07 degree!
Lowest temperature H degree
Itelallvo humidity:
s a. ui. , "1 per cent,
N p. ui "2 per cent.
Precipitation, 21 bouts ended b p, in.,
.OS Inch.
f Washington, Oct. II. Forecast -f-
-f for Wednej-day and Thursday: -
-f Eastern Pennsylvania Fair Wed- -f
-f nesday unit Thursday; fresh west -f
f winds. -f
,t -f t i t f . M