The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 14, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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"'fr..'- wf-rT
g " " trr
Iflio Emlnont Ohlcngo Orntor Charmed
n Large Audience nt the Lyceum
Last Night Sketch of the Char
acteristics Which Makes the Names
of George Washington and Wendell
rhllllps Stand Out Preeminent.
The Typical American's Whole
Idea Is That a Better Day Is Ahead
Itev. Or. Km nk Oiinwiulin,
president of Hip Armour institute of
Technology, pastor of one of tlio larprst
1'iotcHttiut ohutchcH In Chicago, novel
let .ind CHMiylit, publicist and orator,
moved mid swnyod a torso audience
nl the Lyceum theater lust night by
the power of liln m.i toilless eloquence
and inaRnetlc personality as easily us
the wind moves and svns a Held of
waving grain.
Dr. (luiisaulus spoUe under the ini's
pluei of the International Conespond
rneo Scliuol Rciiellulul noelntlon and
nus greeted by an audience which was
thoiotighly repiesentatlvc of the city's
fultute and Intelllgencf. He ai lu
tioduceil by J, ). .Tone', piesldellt of
the noelatloii and spoke upon "The
Typical Ameilvan."
lie N an exceptionally tall man,
ne.nly fi feet I Inches, of lomniandlng
pres-ence. so tall In fact that the table
from behind which lie spoke had tu be
built up so that he might lest hli aini"
upon It. He spoke consecutively for
neatly two limns without the use of a
single note and neer once was theie
ti pause, other than for effect
nor a moment hesitation for a woid.
lie spoke freel;. using none of the tricks
of the piofcssloiial oi.itor and he held
the closest attention of Urn big au
dience until the very last woid of his
pi oration.
Ur. JJiliis.iiilui began b sketching In
n general way some of the characteris
tics of the typical Ann i lean of today.
"The," s.iid he. "ha always
been and Is today .1 man who Is al
.is looking We.uwanl: a man whose
whole Idea Is that theie l a better
day ahead: a man who g.Ulieis this
conviction Into his personality so that
It becomes .1 mem..! gait, a soit of
spiritual assumption. "
Ho then ti.iced In a most delightful
manner the Inllnciues fiom across the
sta which hae had a putt In the mak
ing of the Ameiliaii of today. He took
each nation In turn and In means of
n 1 lever tui. Inlmitublv told, he
showed the pu1tlt-11l.11 (h.u.ictev ele
iiiems fiom .til lands which have gone
Into the making of the AiiipiIi .111 tjpe
the ICngllshman's lons-ei atlm. stolid
ity and earnestness of pin pose: the's billltoncj and e u.'lesMio"
of consprnenee; the Scotchman's
adapt. tliilll.. alal u'sillency: the C!"i
lr an's, noble ser-M'spict and d-siie
to get the most out of the least and
the Ficnihman's llgluiies.
"I welcome to our shoies," said lie,
"all brave, honest, tin" men and
women. The oppoi utilities In this
loimtry ale o vast, tlio needs aie so
v.iilouf, the possibilities aie so multi
tudinous that none but men who unite
In themselves all hlstoiies and all iaec
can measine up to the lenuiienient.s
of our civilization "
Dr. C.uns.iulus then took up the Nes
of his two t.vplcal Amei leans. (.iCtiiRe
Washington and Wendell Phillips, and
pointed out the characteristics which
make tlirm -land out pie-eminently
nniong the publli men of this nation.
Washington, onsen alive, solid, "just
0 Luge-slued, lommon" was
the very man. he deelauil, to be In
tharge when the nation was eintiglng
10111 chaos Into older and when the
nntoplastle rotors out of which the
.mbryo of this government spuing weie
tiling fused togetltei.
Till: TVKIt'AL A5li:mt'AN
"Washington." said lie. "so united In
himself nil the elements or out eom
iiou humanity that he bit nine the
ivpical of all time not the
yplcal Aim-i lean of jesteidii.v. because
!he typical Auieiic.ili in not of yenor
ii ly."
Heroic discussing Winded Phillip-,
lir. Glinsaullih iilcrlVil to Daniel Web
ster, who, ill Ills 1 s-tlniattini, fell Just
shott of being llie giamlest llguie In
nil Aineiicnu lustoiy, bciau.'e of his
final sun ruder to the ooinpiomise pirtv
n'lei he hail thumleicil In the halls ot
ronsiess agalli'-t any dillv-dall.v ing
villi the slave p.nt.v and had deilaied
"union and Ilbeu.v" to be "one and In
fi parable," Tin1 dollar's word phtuie
of the si one In the senate when Web
Mcr utteied these inimoital woids,
villi li were the watcliworil ol the Civil
vnr, In iv ply to Hubert Halms, ,if, the
most niaMeil.v effort or his whole lec
tin. While W'eb.-iter's tlar Will- waning,
the .voting AVendell I'hllllps was Just
onleilng liuinliooil's estate, the tloctor
said. Ho traced the young 111,1 d'h early
life and declaied that his devotion of
his life to the cause of the lieedom of
the American liegio ami the sacrlllces
he made for that ruuse 111 e among the
Mihllmest things in all history.
lie described the social osiiaclsm and
the bitter antagonism which I'hllllps
met with, rind everything he said had
the added charm of being personal, be
muse ho was a warm personal tilend of
the dead orator. He recounted how he
lode, n baiefoot fanner's boy, to hear
the great orator, and how from that
day his Inllueiiee became a power lor
Ki-rat things In his life.
One of the most Interesting things lie
related was irgarding a number of
autograph letters nf Phillips which ho
lias collected. They an nearly all re
plies to uipiests for terms regarding
lectin is. In every one of them the
orator vvioto that lin would talk on
"Daniel O'Connoll," on "The Aiueilean
Itepubllc," or other subjects, for $100
nnd expenses pnld, but they invariably
vind up Willi tlio announcement: "f
can talk on the American negro and
Ids release from the slave power, I will
lectuie fice nd pay my own expenses,"
This gives a cleuicr view ot Phillips'
character than anything else, the doc
tor said.'
The only refeicnce which he made In
the coutse of his lecture to the big In
dustrial conflict, now waging lit this
Btate, was an Indirect one. He traced
the evolution of the gieat state papers
voicing the cause of human freedom
elnce Alfied'a treaty of Wedmore, and
rhowed how each succeeding1 one was
Jietter than those which preceded- It.
The treaty of Wedmore was succeed
ed by the Magna Charta, signed by
King John at Runnyinede; this was
succeeded by the lluyllower compact;
liv Mayflower compact by the Declar
ation of Independence, and the Declar
ation of Independence by the Emanci
pation Proclamation,
"Just as sure as there Is life In the
Ameilcan spirit," said he, "the Emanci
pation I'loclamntlon will he succeeded
by a state paper stilt mote noble, and
that state paper will pronouueo the
relative duties and lights of capital and
labor In a republic,"
Want File Protection.
Mother t'yill, who Is In clunge nf the
new' Alt HI. Mat)' academy, located nt
thn fnr-cntl or North 'Washington avenue,
waited upon the rlty olllclnls vcsterdiiy,
with a reipiest Unit lire hydrants bo In
stalled at the stieet coiners In the Im
mediate vicinity of tlio aendrniv. to as
to furnish mlcnnntn the piolcctlon. The
tnntter will bo Immediately acted upon b
Dlteelor of Public Safely Woimser.
It Was Rev. Hughes Who Officiated.
Itev, James Hugho, I). D., conducted
the funoial services over the 1 cumins of
the tnte David Morton Instead of HeV. 1.
J, Lansing, as picvlotisly announced.
Wall Street Hevlew.
New Yoik, Oct. 13. Tlio violent nnd al
most uncontested bleak hi pi Ices ot
slocks this morning and a piuctlcallv
complete leeovcry this afternoon Is the
hlstoty of todav s market. The closing
pi Ices showed a sprinkling of net gains
amongst some of the most impni taut
stocks on tlie list leaching a point In
Heading and Ontm'lo and Wi-Mtoiu. At
one pet toil befell o noon there wule lagged
declines Indicated ol all the' vvav I10111 one
to twelve points fiom Saturday's level,
innnv of the. leading speculative stocks
having lost three to four points In the
two bonis of trading. The maiket closed
with tlio rally In lull f.m.- and pi Ices at
the top level. Total sales tor the dav
1 ,0.'-7-'fl" shales, Honels weakened and le
eoveieel In sympathy with stock. Total
sales, liar value, Sl.iit'.lKNi, I'nlted Stales
new and old louts declined U per cent
e-ach on the last e nil.
The following quotations am furnished
The Tribune I) llalglit A: Fieesn (Jo., 311
.11." Building. W. D. Runyon, mali
nger. Open. High. Low.Closo
A mo I t'oppei d-U M'j i'-U '-'Vs
Am C. A; I-' til'e III ."I l
Ameilcan Ite ! i '":: !'5s
Am, ice. Pi :r.'2 :!'. ::vj :iv.
Am. Lai oinollve .... Svr ' J7:8 -'s0
Am. Loco . Pi Ill !ii !! !'.
Am. S. ,L It. t'o 11", II I'! II
Aineiieiin Sugai lls' ljn, HT's L"J4
Anaconda. Copper ... !ii Wt '.1" !'.
Atohisop t," .s"i si's ii
Atihlson. Pr !'.. '!l i'T-'j IV
Halt. & Olilo 10 Pi Ml liU m'i...
13i 00k. It T til' 1 si iiH WJ'i
Cnnaellau P.ieilie ....HO' l:il ( Ki HI i
Ches. A: Ohio Is IS s H' ' IV
Chlcaso ,i Alto II', :il'4 "Pi :ilJe
Chic ,t ti. W :.vt as-- -js -.s
C, M .t St P lS."i IS')'; lSU'i lsi'i
c . it. I. ,t p is.' in.1 i:u vij
Col. Fuel & lion SP'i M M!j M',
Col. a. South :Ti34 ::n v9' ::')
Del. & I hid Hit P.: US li.;
Den At It. 11.. Pr.... 'M !l SS'i .SS1,;:
Dcliolt Soiilhein .... V) I" lx'4 1si,
1:1 le ::7 ::si, ::"'i: :is"s
Kile, Isl Pr 1,1 1,7 iV i'7
El iu, I'd Pr .".0's i" 132 :-
Hocking Valley SS Si'k; 1 y
Illinois i-cnlial Ill 111 HPi 111
Iowa Cent 1.1 1 IiPr tl'j la' IP-
Kan City & South . i:."j IU .!J"fi :!!
Louis ,v xash i.j" irr, i!i'. ii'iiv
Manhiittan 111at 1U-"i 1:.0K. lji
Met St. lly ira l'!7 i:,S l.Hi
Me.leau t'cntial .... :'l-'8 4- LM L'P'.
Mo.. K. & Tex JS'i L'S1-.- -7' Js,"
Mo, K, .V: T.. Pi .. . .".S ."S',a ''78 Wk
Mo. P.ieilie lii-.if. Tira, m.a. in.,1 ,
N. V. 1."..'i, ir.J's Ilia, y,:i ,
Xoifolk ,i West .. .. 711. ;j 03'f. 7I'-
Out. Ai Wst it.", :nu ::ji4 ;:p7
Pacille Mall II II II II
P01111.1. n h liosg ivits r.7', .r.Li58
People's 1IK1 3"1 I'O I11I
Pressul Steel Car .. .".fl nj ,"S'j
Heading iii,i, uSU 1!',',". i,s's
Itendhig. 1st Pr mu xp. sa". si
Heading. Jd Pr 71 71 " V, 7!'i
Hepulille Steel I'n". i'IMj. V- '.'O'
Itepublle Steel. Pi . . 7i 7i.' 7i.'i Tu''.
St. L. A.- San K 7.1 7! " 70 " 70 "
St. louls So. AV :'S'4 ir,3, V'Vj IS",
Southern Pacific ... i!"h ii')i8 i,7U. i.'ii.
Soiilhein It. TI Mr, :vH r,ix ?j,
Sfiulhein TI. It.. Pi.. !i. 'i"i 'iji, rt"&
Tenn Coal & Iron ... i.I i.lii". i,iis blV-
Texas AL P.ul lie IJ I: iiH n'7
Union Paeltie Inj 101 mi iijts
Union Paeitle, Pi.... !H On S'U, W
U. S. Leather 1 .- 1 J. fi I!"
1 . S. LiMthcr. I'r ... .s SS S7"s SS
U. S. Steel ::S7, :',.)!, 'is-., :;'a;
V. S. Steel. Pr S71. Ss' S7' . Ss'i
Wabash ::"J :!l :;n " mr;,
Walhish, I'r Mil . I-,1, r, i,'(.
Wcstrin Union .., . Mi, !hli . fS". pni.
Wheel. t L. 1: ;b y,i -y, l'i.i'.
Wl. Cential 2,1 Si'i '.'j' CU "
Total sales. I.OO'i Hon shaics.
Monev, 10 per cent.
Chicago grainVav phoducu
WHEAT Oimmi. Illah. Low. Close
December 7IU 7l"i tu . 70"
-May 72'i '2 71', 7J
Deccmber Mi isu 17 171.
May i: lii 10, 4.",
Deceinber "1:; ii"M ::i ni'
Mfc ! :!Jri n, "
Ortobep 17.00 1700 pi so ico
.T.imi.irv Ui.7". ir, 7.", 1," i)7 V 07
October J0'!7 10.1". 1ft.',7 "
.I.nm.iiv ,S Oo S 17 R 50 S!17
Oclober 11.."..' 11 .V 11 .V II.V
January SSu S,;ij s:,o ,s.",u
Scrnnton Boaid of Trade Exchange
Quotations AH Quotations Based
on Pnr of 100.
STOCKS UldAslvCii.
Lai kiiwauua Hairy Co.. Pr..., 00 ...
County Sav Hank .V '1 r,it 'o Svj
Klist Nat I'.ink iCuboiualu). .. DO
Tlibd Hank ,vy)
Dlmn Dep. A: Dis Haul; 1100 .,
Uconoinj L II. As I' Co 45
Klist National Hank J.;00
Lack. Triu-1 ic Safe Den Co . ID1
Clink ti Snover Co. Pr i;j
Seianton Savings Hank f.00 ,,.
Tindeis' Hank li.'j ...
Seianton Holt & Nut Co 12"i
People's Bank 13 J .,,
Scianlnn Pat king Co cj
Si 1 anion P.iiengei Hallway,
Hist moi'tguge. duo id.'u 113
Peoples Stinct Hallway, Hist
moitguge, due l'Jlh K5 ...
People's Stieet Hallway, tlen-
eial niorlgagc. iluo IDJ1 113 ...
Seianton Tiac. Co , C pel coat, 115
Economy L, II. tc P. Co 01
N .leisey .; Pocono le-o Co 97
Consolidated Water Supply Co .,, 10J
Seianton Wholesale Market,
(Collected Py II, G. Dale, L'7 Luck.i, Ave)
Klour 4 lo,
Hutlcr Kioisli Lieainciy, 21c j fresh
dairy, I'.'e.
Eggs Ne.nhy, 2JUe ; wrstein, Jle.
Eggs Nortib, i:ie.; w ostein, ,'lc ; can
died, J.'e.j case loiuit, "Jle
Mnnow He.ins Per bushel, S.' ".."a.'.-D.
Jlauovv Henns Per bushel, J.'.sj
Onions. Per bushel, We,
New Potatoes 00c. per bush"!.
New York Grain and Produce Market
Now Voik. uct. M. Flour- Maiket was
lield 10e higher but Willi dniiiiiuil sta
tloiinry at old piii'i'i Wheal Spot slead.i ,
No " led, I7c. elevator; No, J led, 7ii
7tic, f. o b, allnat; No. 1 noitheiu Du.
luth. M'c. 1 o, 1 1. alloat; options wlio un
settled all day and gcueially stioug. .Inn
at the close, however, pikes lanko iigiilu
anil left off only ifce net higher ;.Mny
closed "."1 V.i Decenibur, lb',,!' Coin Spot
easy; No. i. tSi'.; cluvattou and ii9o f o
b. nollat: No. 2 ellow, 70c: No. J white
70e.; option niuila't opened ilmier with
wheal, but was easy most of the da,
closing Ua4o. net lower: May closed 17c ,
December, M&o. Oats-Spot dull; No J,
ll-IUc. : stiindaid white, 'Me.; No 2 white
3uc; No. !i white, XAka tiack white vvest
em. 3C,ia37c; tiack white state. SijiiaJ7c ,
options maiket was unsettled but gener
ally easy with corn; December, SSijivMic. ;
closeel 35!c. Butter Firmer; extra cream,
cry, i!Io.; factory. lfialSc; creamery, coin
mon to choice, 19aaV4e.: Imitation cream
ery. 17ul9We.t state eiulry, 17WnJic.j rcno
vated, UftaZOlic, Chicago Finn; new
state ful cream, small colored fancy, 120;
small white, 12?c: large colored, I'.'u,
large white, 12c. Eggs Steady: average
best. JiaJle.: western candled, 144aJ3c;
tcfrlgetated, ISaJOHc. " '
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, Oct. 13. Wet weather and high.
er tables caused a strong opening in
grains on the bomd of trade today and
nfter a sllnhf decline 'v'i st r'v i-"i
Bargain No. 1 1
$"1 nOMcllot1 Skirtings, 54
1 lUU Inches wick-, comes in
till the desirable and mixed shades.
You want to remember the number
nf this hnranln. Priced for TftfC
this sale, yard
- ' . . . -? m a m
K. M JwAT f m ?W 4 MVr VH . ja.lve.
J&TUU) MffUlJ Z)vH3
Jf Extraordinary .F J
r Dress Goods o"""
Bargains For
Three Days.
Bargain No. 13
C Qc Scotch Plaid, all wool, col
Da ors decidedly attract- Q Qc
Priced for this sale, yd. J V
Bargain No. 14
Q Ac All -Wool SltirtiiiRS, a fab
O Kf rlc for rainy clay skirts, 27
Inches wide. Priced for 3 OCc
Hay sale, yard..,.. iCO
Today, Tomorrow and Thursday
Are clays in this week selected for an extraordinary sale ol Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets.
These prices mentioned are simply for these days only. . It's not often in the beginning of a season you
will find new fabrics priced like this. Your attention is directed this way; take our advice and you
will save money.
Bargain No. 1
c Scotch Plaids. 34 inches wide.
and fancy figured Dress Goods
suitable for Children's Dresies. -fl A 3c
For this sale, yard ,
Bargain No. 2
IQc Flannel Sacking, 33 inches
J wide, colors are desirable, also
black. To make it more than -4 z
interesting, buy them at, a yard 1 U
Bargain No. 3
K Ac All Wool Venetian Suitings, 38
UU inches wide; the latest "'uies.
This quality on sale ia above
the average. For 3 days . . .
Bargain No. 4
IS Ac All Wool Snow Flake Basket
Dy Cloth. Camel's Hair ZebMine,
38 ins. wide. our dress problem fl ffc
is easy solved in this bargain, yd.
Bargain No. 12.
IOC English Co-
iCO verts, shrunk
and sponged, 50 inches
wide, mixed, navy, ca
det, castor, brown,
grey and oxford. For
this sale. Per QQC
yard tO
c Venetian Suit
ings, 50 inches
Bargain No. 10.
and 54 inches wide,
plain colors and mixed
shades, ail wool. Cut
price for this sale,
Bargain No. 9.
Cloth, 45
inches wide, satin fin
ish, all wool, pretty
shades. Priced for this
Bargain No. 8.
c Whmcord. 48
indies wide,
all wool, latest shades.
For 'this sale, for three
Bargain No. T.
7tc Diagonal Flan
1 0 nel, 50 inches
wide; 46-inch all wool
Cheviot, navy, grey,
brown, cadet, royal
blue, garnet and castor
For this sale.. It fc
Bargain No. 6.
7 C c Homespuns,
L O Melton and
Thibet Cloth,
54 inches wide, grey,
oxford, green and navy.
For this sale,
Bargain No. 5.
O Qc Heavy Tweed
if Suitings, 54
inches wide, displayed
in all the new mixed
shades, including black.
For this s I ,
Bargain No. 6.
IQAc Storm Serge, all
Ot wool, 50 inches
wide; also Cheviot and
Venetian. For this f fc
Bargain No. 5
Qc Homespun Suitings
) tJ very heavy weight,
soft and smootn finish, 54
inches wide. For M Qc
this sale TTt
Black Goods.
Bargain No. 4.
g? Ac All-wool Albatross, Mohair, Can
Ovf adensis, Serge, Cheviot and to ?c
Cashmeres. For this sale TT O
Bargain No, 3
O Qc Black novelty Dress
Ol Goods, 38-inch and
42 inches wide, al wool.
Priced lor this O Oc
Bargain No. 2
O Xc Figured and
C-Opkiin black dress
guods, 3S inches wide.
For this sale. O -4 c
a yard
Bargain No. 1
IOlc Double
iw fold Serge.
For tliis sale,
a yard.
Bargain No. 1
All Silk 18-inch Taffeta and a Cotton Back
Satin, newest shades, delicate tints, also cream,
white and black. Cut price for this sale, yard,
Bargain No. 2
H 'Cc Silk Taffeta, 19 inches wide, pure Silk
4 O Satin, in all colors, including black and
while. For this sale, yard
Bargain No. 3
Plain Silk, Tartan effects, also 24-inch Peau
de Soie, which is here in the newest shades.
Priced for this sale at, yard,
Bargain No. 4.
5-1 (( Quality Black Siik, 20 inches wide, 20-inch Peau de Soe. 24-inch
1 iUv Kustle Taffeta, imported, finest quality, also a 3G-inch B'ack Si k
Taffeta, very firmly woven. Choose for this sale any of them and pay CQC
only, yard Otf
Bargain No. 5
AC Velveteen, 25 pieces, in colors and
O" black, a splend'd value. c
Priced tor this sale at, yard " J
Bargain No. 6
A ASilk Velvets. 25 pieces, come
ivUm black and all colors. 7 Ac
Cut pi ice for this sale I J
Jonas Long's Sons
Jonas Long's Sons
MBfWWwyw-wiiwt wjMBiifl.'?f?lTipi u" 'w-iw iww )mm.m "or
IHtll'JIPH WVj.A.'.'.'H'.'' 'A'Wl..'.'AgCTI
wi'.'j-iiaiaiijiw'mi'ff'W wa!T-TnFTi
VilVV PL4LHJ ' i.
You Arc
y wrB
You no doubt have heard about the hand
some Hode! Range that we will give
Free to the lucky person whose number
shall be selected from among those who
visit our special stove exhibition during
October 14, 15 and 16.
Bear in mind, no one is expected to buy. Everyone who
calls is welcome to a Free Ticket.
You may be the lucky one to get a Range free, so come
and bring your friends.
v1 " " ' Sat
Model Home Furnishers. 322 Lackawanna Avenue,
Dd'cmlior up '."'it' llrccinbor corn
I'lnsfii !.e luw r ami u.itx 'jii5i lower
J ui mar j luuvlhiinih eloped iiiKluingid to
:.',. i hiu'er Cibli qiii)lutln wt-Ki an
luilows. Kloui Kliiii; Nn, S spilim
wliout. 7Hi ' No. I!. bSit'i7U'.. No. S.i i'd.
tOvjcuiU'.,!',; No S coin, 5w ; No .' yelUiw,
KV5"''Jli''.i No i outs, '.'7111' ; No. .' wlilti".
; No :l ulilto. aiiilJc; No 'I iji, I'J.iHOi' ,
Komi feeding buili-v, -; tulr to I'liolni
nuiltinu, ; No 1 U- oeil. Jl.iJ; No I
ikii thwt'stei n. $l,Sjj pilmo tlmotliv heid,
; mess poik ier luirel. i! !Uil7; laid,
per 100 poimilb. i hlioit I His, hlle.s. $11. 10a,
1130; bhoulileiH. U.-oa9..riu; bliui t clear
blik'S, tll.Wall.u7U.
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
Kast lluilulo. Oest. U.-Cattlo Iteielpts,
S.tuo: kooiI cattle, steady: otheih. lja'J."e.
If'"'"" pilmi' Htcorfi. S7a7.73; ohlnulnc Uq..
r." .Vi.i0.7j. liutt'liPiH, $aj.73; lioiriuf, f.1ar '.'."i
tows. $.'.;." .'jj, niimoiH. 51. ""I'.', Iiull."
j.'.5u.ii.a: feiHiuiri, $.1 1 50; Btoi'ifi'iii, $i.:'j
al; Htock lii'irei., iJ.Vi.iJI, good to I'luiicii
ticbli tows and siirliiKci!-. U'iiil ; otlieiM,
lifter; rliolcc, .". M.ui; vi'iil.s, iccolptb, 'M,
Htcaily; tops, fi ':'m Ou; coiiiiiioii tu good,
liiiKU llecelpth. 17.tWn; ui'tlw. 5.il0i
lilBlu-r; Iiimvj, i7.a.i7.IO, inKcd, 7 10.i7.'J.",
YoiKeiH. $7.0oa7.l5; llk'lic tlo iO S."a"; plu'h,
$0 ku.iij Do; ioiilia. ji.J0.iU.7u; htiiKs, f")-'iO;
BiUDhCib, ?'J7."a7; dalile.s, ij Wa7.-.
Shei'P and Uimlw Hi'ielnts.. l.Otl; 'JO.i
30c. lower; top lambs, pail ao; culls to
Komi. ItuS'JO; y en i lings, tlal.'J'i: oivph. $li
:i.7' ; shei'i), top mixed, $J 5oaJ u.1; culls to
uood, tl.tiaZ.Vi.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chlcaco. Oct. 13 -Cattlo-Uecclots. ?J.-
Ool); Mcad.x .icllvc i'lo-.ed weak cxrint for
choice, guild to ii line Mri'ii-. $7lnai.J0.
pooi to iikmIIiiih, ?.; 7.',i7 ;'",, toiKeis and
fcedeis. JJ.;." lows. $l.ri,il -u, lielt
I'l.s, $.'..'.").i."i Till, i annuls, $1 .'Ai'.'.VJ; bull.-..
.'.'.'' 1,7.1; calves W7.ini .'1, Texas led
steels, flat, wi'Nteiu steels, $! 7.1.7
Hogs Itecelpts. 17.01(0. lulllul mu , lo.mill;
left over, l.Vw, pialli lilgliei; mixed nnd
liuU'heis, ii; fcJi.iT IU; good to choice lie.i.
tiiti.ia7.50j iinih'li heavy, V HMU W; Utjlit,
W.lnal.:)j hulk of sales. $i, in)a7
iHUecp ltectlpls, i).UNj, sheep, choice
steady; otheis; lanilis. best mi nag.
good to cholcu wellieiH. J.).IUal, lair It
tholeo mixed, $.'.J1.i'l.Hi.
Oil City.
Oil City. Oct. U.-1'icdlt lulamcs, 1:'7;
ceillllciites no bill; bhlpinents. 117JV) bui
lds; uei age, 91,1 t'i bat i els; 1 11113, HViii
batieU; average, l,vS7 bauds.
Manor Woman
Makes careful inquiry
before deciding where
to deposit money ,
Everybody in Scranton knows the
strength, the capital, the surplus and
the unchallenged high standing of the
Where savings accounts, whether large
or small, are given 3 per cent, interest.
Orr.N SATURDAY UVf.NINGS, 7130 to (i.30.
Spencer Trask & Co.
27 & 29 Pine Street, New York
Members New Yorh Stock Exchange.
No 57 llruailnny, New York City.
liis ft
SlniuUiiotiirors ol'
01(1 Stock
2 2 4 $4 2 p ! ! g j.
"2f fr !' b $ 4
N.SS., Scranton, Pa-
Old M'lion?, aa3i.
New 'Phone, 2K35,
! HiPHniirfprcL
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp,
m .'.M'o.'t ruiiii avenue. m