7 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, OCTOBER It, 1902, Kir iUiiiiiii i i To the Voters of Lackawanna County: IBIM w ILLIAIU FRANZ comes before you this time as a tried and trusted servant of the people, not as an experiment or the ex ponent of a theory. With pride he can point to his past record. From every side comes loud praise of the part he has played in the work of abolish ing offensive abuses and the work of beautifying and improving the prop erty under the control of the county commissioners. The Scranton Tribune, In a review of the work of the commis sioners, said: "It 1st not every county which run present such a showing In tho management of its finances as wm Lackawanna tills year: lint tlmn It is not every comity which win boast of eonnulsloiii-r:i who not only venture to cut the rate of itc-nllim Miuurely In hull'. Imt who tifttinlly follow that up l. showing h clean reduction of out standing Indebtedness lroni $.315,000 to jnai.Oiiii, or well nigh M per rem. The only possllile inference from such mi exhibit Is llmt Commissioners Franz, Pliniagluin mill llitlslentl. Instead of Indulg ing In loml talk, lmvo been ipilctly sawing wood. Ami liom wlnit I lmvo seen of their methods, this is precisely th" mills In llio eoeoanut. They nre Imulm-ps men first and iiolltleinns iil'l-iwiird. And the outcome of their labors would seem to ellurh the citnfn tlon that this is tho order which taxpayers most need." The Elmira Telegram said "When Sir. Franz look up the reins as county commissioner, instead of nil Increase in rate of taxation there was a pronnmucd decrease, until Lackawanna county made the lowest levy In the state for :i county ol its size. Marked Improvements were made; the finest court house In the state was finished: the best fall in the Mate was erected: new and elegant bridges were litillt: ind toll piles nhollshed. The list of Improvements is loo Ion;; for enu meration, hut the fact remains that lit the luce i.f all then- im provements the cost of the department was cut nearly In half liy tho jealous stewardship of Wililam Fran;: and his associates." Are Yoii fop Hones! Government? fire Yoii for Practical Improvement ? If so, cast your vote for William Franz The Honest Candidate of ths People Adv THEATRICAL. "The White Slave." Hartley Campbell's beautiful Southern play, "The White Slave," opened a three days' engagement at tho Academy last evening. This is the. llrst production tho play lias had hero in seven years and tho first time It has been played here at pop. ular prices. The audlenco last night was largo and received the play enthusiastic ally. The company is a very large one, num bering twenty-five people and very well balanced, even tho small parts being in good hands Miss Helen Collins who by the way is a sister or AVilliu Collins, the well known actor, In the role of Liza, the. -white slave, gave a very finished ren dering of a difllcult role. John R Cure as Clay Brittou was also well received. Thomas Garmile as tho villain was grcet- ed by hisses galore which speaks well 1 for Ills work. The character of Mi. Dllicu, a lawyer, was ucccpiuiiiy assuuicu by Frank X. Drew, a famous old actor and a nephew of John Drew. "Tho White Slave" quartette was en thusiastically encored. Tho stago effects (ire very realistic, embracing rain stonns, a firo fly effect in a swamp, a very Due realistic plantation scene, historically cor rect as was all tho costuming and stag ing of the play in tiiat picturesque period just preceding tho Civil war. "Tho White Slave" will bo repeated this afternoon nnd evening. Good Bill at the Dixie. Tho bill that is being pieseuted at tho TJixio this week contains as large a per centage of good things as any that has been presented since tho lionso opened. Kathryn Osterman and Kdward Barring present a Ilttlo sketch, "Tho Hdltor," which is a great mirth provoker and theio is a ouu nut drama, "Tho l.lltlo Mother." that is exceedingly well done. Kills ami Kdwln Smedlcy. two children, giving tho balcony seeno from "Romeo and Juliet," with graco and elocutionary nhlllty, "Tho Dancing Mlssloners" of Walt Terry and Xcllle Elmer is funny and .Mr, Terry demonstrated that ho is one of tho best dnnceis seen In this city in many a day. Collins and Hart, acrobats; Pun Ilno Morau and tho I'lcknnlnles; dor man nnd West, with songs and dunes; Drawee, tho juggler, and Ksler Wallace rounded out a most satisfactory bill. George Yeoman, who calls himself "tho Gorman Jester." perpetrated somo Jests nt tho afternoon perfornuineo that Mr. Dixie did not consider Jests and ho was not allowed to go on again. As a special feature for tho Saturday matinee, tho inauagenieiit Is to lmvo a flashlight photograph taken of the audi eneo from tho stage, livery mui holding reserved sent ticket may retain llio joupon which will entitle them to u copy of tho photograph taken at the Batiuday matinee. "King Dodo." On Wednesday and Thursday nlglus and Thursdny afternoon at the i.vceuin "King Dodo" will bo crowned KIiik of Bpoopju land ituil ho is a monarch worthy to reign over his chosen people. Ills mlnh Is unctions, his songs and dunces a love. Jntlon to his admirers and when the changes from old ago to youth, and jnutli -to old age, thero Is always tho same hap py strain In Ids humor which oiiuiarier- Do Good It Pays. A Chicago man lias observed that, 'Goood deeds are better than real es tate deeds some of the latter wo Worthless. Aft kllldh- and irnnllv show sympathy mid lend a helping hand. You cannot possibly lose by It." Most men appreciate a kind word and neouragement mine than substantial help. Thero arc persons In this ((im munity who might truthfully say; "My good friend, cheer up. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Jtcmedy will rid you of your cold, and there is no dun jcr whatever from pneumonia when rou use that medicine. It always :urea. I know Jt for It has helped mo ut mn- a. time." Sold by all drus-jrUts. As' Citizens' Candidate FOR County Commissioner, 1 fl 2 STANDS FOR Honest Government, Progress and Improvement, com bined with a watchful and exacting guardianship of the county's funds. Izes ills whole being. "King Dodo" Is a monarch to be envied, as lie is surrounded by a throng of pretty subjects that would do Justice to the Goddess of lieautyland. "King Dodo" is from tho pen of Frank Plxley and Gustav Luilers and consists of throe acts and two scenes. "A Fight for Millions." Malcolm Douglas' big scenic pioductlon, "A Fight lor Millions," will soon be the next attraction at the Academy of Music tor three nights beginning Thursday. Matinees Friday and Saturday. The play with its stilling scenes and strong situ ations, its vivid and Intensely human pic tures of everyday life, and Its present ment of novel climaxes heretofore un known la years. The great siibmaiino scene. In which the bottom of the Hud son ilver is shown, with the marvelous submarine boat lieu rim; the hero to sufoy Is one of the great scenes Another scene equalling this in Its intonsln Is that in which the wlieles-t telephone Is Intro duced, The Ktnrtllnv; mews-' which es tablishes the innocence ,,( Tom Manly from a thousand miles awn.v Is distinctly beard by every poison In th" audience. Scats on sale this moinlns. Madame Sembrich. Madame Scmbiich, the splendid nitht, who Is to be hen id on October 21 at th" armory, Is not nlgunidl.i In her choice of selections of noble music for an audi ence. The published programme for the evening above named includes twenty two arias and lleder. representing some of tho loveliest work of seventcn great composers from Hack and f!"ellioven and Handel, (Thick and Porgnlosi. and their successors, on to TschalUowsky and Grieg, Strauss and Van de Slacker, of the pn-sent day. Madame Sembileh Is looking forward to her appearance in tills city, to her intro duction to its people, with exceeding in terest. .In concert and opera, specially "com manded," she has sung befoic almost ev ery crowned head In Kurope, Including three successive czars of Russia, tier ninny's kaiser, iiugland's lain lamented (lueou, and Spain's beloved ipieen regent. Hcfore these, and before crowded houses in all the leading American and Kurope in cities, she has won the laurels she wears so ntleiiy without ostentation. Her gen tleness ami grace will make her doubly welcome' here. Those who have listened to Paul, and thoi who have not had that delight, will alike rojob-e In tho op. portunlly now presented them to hear this wonderful e.Nponcnl nf the gloiloua "old Italian school" nf singing, the purest school of melodious expression that tile world has ever known. The International t'orrtsp-iiid -in- Sel o i association have become Interested with Mr. Hand in the recital and It will be the llrst of a series to be alvnn Mini.,., in,. winter hi securing mi great an arli.it fori i in- mm i-vi-iii in the season, both tilt management mil the mm-lu loving ponpls of this region are to be congratulated and the saine success attained Inst season Is iif-siired for tK Sembrlcli recital, HALLSmU). Special to the Scranton Tribune, llallsiead, Get. n. -The following at tended tho csicrii lirancli Fnlon i on Volition held at Forest uuKo, Friday and Satiiiduy; Misses l.u Kggieston. llerlha Usher, Alice Sciilleu. Hiaci. Mauling, l.rncu Itead, .Messrs, Frank Alyiner and itiibeii liarncs. Misses lldna Ward and Tllllo Fax. of liui'i'ulo, gave a very pleasant parly at the hnnie Mis. .Michael Fitzgerald, n t liuifli street, Saturday exi-nlim. The house was very tastefully decorated with ferns, autumn leave and bunting. The gicmcr part or the evening was taken up with the usual party diversions. They wero also entertained by phonograph selections, A number from out of town attended, The Jiulles or the Methodist church were entertained at the homo of .Mrs. A. K. Alden, on Thursday afternoon. Tho C. , society of tho Presbyterian church will give their Jt lends a raie treat hi tho way of an "Old fashioned npplo cut and husking bee" at tho home or Mrs. George Matlleld, on Pino Mreet, Thursday evening of thW week. A light lunch consisting In part of good old fash. loned ghiBcr brou', apu'e and pumpkin I pies. Kvcry one Is invited to como and lmvo a Rood time. 1). P. Mamllii and family lmvo removed from tho Dil Hols farm to tholr residence In Great Ucnd, .Inmlo Slmroll has ncecplrd a potlllnti ns newsboy on trains No. 2 and fi on tho Delawitlc, Lackawanna nnd Western rall lond. . On Wednesday evening of this week the members of I.neknwamm lodge, No. SS.'i, 11. of ti. R, of this place, will t utile a Standard Olllclal Webb Hall wati'li. The watch Is n beauty nnd Is now on ex hibition In thn window of 1). K. llanni han' store on Main street, where tickets can be purchased at ten cents each. Itruce Hops' house on Church street. Is undergoing repairs. John Diivnl is In the Moses Tnylor hna pltal. receiving medical treatment for bronchial trouble. ThomiM Orogaii Is moving ttilo P. Morris' hnii-e on Church street, recently vacated by John Codtllliglon, jioyisDALR Special to the Scranton Tribune. IJuncsdnlc, Oct. tn.-Ilov. J. .1. Iltmlon occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Huntlay. Mrs. Ileydt and Utile tlnughtcr, nf New York city, are visitors at tho home of .Mrs. I.ucy Hentley. coal Is being brought lo Ilonestlale from the vicinity of Carbondale by tennis, which m'c a day nnd a part of tho night for the trip. The ladles of the Methodist church will serve a .chicken supper In the lec ture room 'of the church, Thursday evening, October 10. Ui v. and Mrs. James P. Wure guvo a delightful reception at the Kpiseopn! rectory on Monday evening, the oocn fIoii being their fifteenth marriage an niversary. The AVayne county fair management was fortunate In having pleasant weather for their postponed date. The large attendance Will partially make up the loss suffered on account of the postponement. Twju coming events of note are inter esting Honcrdale society at present. The first will take place at the resi dence of Mrs. George F. Hentley, on Third street, when her only daughter. Miss Kllwibcth Waller, will be married to l.orlng It. Gnle, of Now York city, at high noon Wednesday, October 1", by I lev. William II. Swift. The second event will be the marriage or Miss Hrrtha Frankel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.. Fucrth, to Dr. Ernest T. Brown, 'of Ilonesdale, which will take place on October 22. The weddings will bo quiet affairs. The contracting par tics are among the popular society peo ple of Ilonesdale. Miss Ethel May Niemlller and Harry . Penwarden, both of Ilonesdale, were married at Columbus, O.. October 6. These estimable young people have many friends in Ilonesdale, who will wish I hem many years of happiness. The groom holds a responsible position with the Durland, Thompson Shoe company. i WYALISING. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Wynluslng, Oct. 1.1. Miss Sabia Por ter, of Snyre, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Amelia Porter. The Stevensvillc and Moronton ball teams didn't play ball Saturday, on ac count of the rain, but will play at the Wynliising park, Wednesday, Ot tuber H. Hurt Gaylord, who has been spending a couple of weeks In town, returned to Central Islip, Monday. No school this week, on account of the teachers' institute at Towanda. Miss Martha Gaylord is spending tho week in Lellaysville, tho guest of Miss Mabel Morris. John Decker, of Corning, N. Y is spending a couple of days in town. Mrs. Ernest Morrow, of Quick's Bend, visited her sister, Mrs. Stephen Jlcilly, lecently. Miss Mollie Bonan has returned to Washington, D. (.'., after spending the summer at her home in this place. Miss Clara Stowell is visiting friends at West Auburn. Mrs. Fred .Mitten and children are spending the week with her parents at Camptown. HAMLIXTOX. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Ilamllr.ton, Oct. J:!. Miss Maud I.vons, of Wcstlicld, X. V., Is visiting heiueousln, .Mm. ii. F. Hamlin. Miss Alice Manilla, accompanied by her classmate, Miss Anna Schermerhorn, of Wyoming seminary, spent Sunday with her patents. Henry Cook met witli an accident Wed nesday afternoon last which resulted In death a few moments later. Deceased was standing upon a ladder gathering ap ples, which lu some unknown manner fell over, throwing Mr. Cook to tho giound and striking upon a sharp stick which penetrated his neck severing an ar tery from which he bled to death. Mo is survived by a wife, four sons and two daughteis, Mr, Cook was a member ot llio Presbyteilnu church and was hold In high esteem by tho entire community. The fupneral services were held Satur day, and were conducted by P.ev, J. P. Crane, of llawley. H"v. J. !;. Itroadhead. of Jormyn, Pa., Pleached Sunday evening In St. John's Episcopal church. Among those who took advantaeo of the excursion via tho Krin railroad to Now orlc city last week wero Mrs, Charles l.orlutr, .Mrs. I.udlow Hawthorne, Geo.rgo llainlln, C. I Simons and H. F. Nichol son, HOl'BOTTOM. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Ilopbolioni, Oct. 111. Itev. and Jlra. rini. lou are making an extended vislL with their daughter. Mrs. !;. M. Tiffany, Mr. G. O. linlloy, left for l.u Grange. III., last ThniMlay, where ho cxneeis (n rpeud Hie winter. Miss Maine Lord has resigned her i.osl. linn in tho postotilcn and will begin woik in i ue cvaporaior mis weeK. Miss Myra Jackson spent Sunday in (lien wood. Mr. and Mrs. tisear Hell are spending Millie lime as guests of N. M. Tlngley, The Junior V. I'. c. I), held a rally on Hatuiday laM and twenty-oue of Its ineiu lit'is wcic piesejil. A luncheon was serv ed by .Mrs. E. M. Tiffany ami a very en joyable afternoon was spent by the Ilttlo ones. The .liinlur union is preparing for a fair and supper to bo held Wednesday, Oct. 2.', afternoon and evening, in tho vacant rooms oer Frank Junaushek'n furniture store. All aro cordially invited to attend and help the Juniors, Tho young people of llio I'nlversallst church lmvo organized a Y. P. C lT, with The Sufferers from Colds am numbered by Millions, not Including those, whoso aiinoyaneo bv association amounts almost to suffering, And yet It Is a fuel, as capable of dem onstration as any problem In Geometry, that Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Mas, Does. Will Cure Catarrh and Colds, What iiio tho Catarrhal Millions going to do about It? Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure relieves heart disease In 30 minutes. 1 Sold by Win. G. Claik and H. C. San dei'voii. ' FRBB TO EVERYONE. A Priceless Book Sent Free for tho Asking. "There bo hooks ami books;" some edifying, others entertaining, anil still others Instructive. The average man Is so busily engaged In the labor of money making that he has little time and less inclination for booli's which Instructs hence when lie feds out of sorts, either he gives no heed to Nature's warning, or he consults a physician, at an ex pense which a Ilttlo knowledge would have enabled him to avoid. There Is probably no omnplulnt upon which the public Is so little Informed, as hemor rhiilils, or piles; this Ilttlo hook tells all about their nature, cnusu nnd cure: it treats of the dlffcrcht Tortus of blind, bleeding, Itching and pttitrutllng piles, describes their symptoms, nnd points the way to a cute so simple and Inex pensive, that anyone can understand and apply. The Importance of prompt ness and lliorotighiiefH Is vital, for th" disease will not cure Itself, and Nature, alone, unaided, will not ucciiinpllsli a cure, while the consenuenccs arc too painful for detailed dororlpthm. You are told how piles originate, the reason for their appearance mumlly being that some of the rules of correct living have been violated, and (what Is more to the point), bow you may rid yourself of this banc of human existence. All af fections of the rectum are treated In simple, plain language, so that all may understand, and learn how the cause may lie removed. Many people suffer from piles, because after trying the nu merous lotions, ointments and salves Hint nre on tho market, without idler, they come to the conclusion that a sur gical operation In the only thing left to try. and rather than submit to the shock and risk to life of an operation, prefer to surfer on. This little book tells how this may be avoided, and a cure bo effected without pain, Incon venience or detention from business. Write your name and address plainly on a postal card, mail to tho Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich., and you will receive the book by return mail. the following ofllcers: Frank Junausliek, president; Oleim Huberts, --ecretaiv: John Phillips, treasurer; Mrs. K. M. Tiffany, social committee; .Mrs. Frank Janaiisliek, prayer meeting committee. Meetings will bo held every Thursday evening nt S o'clock. Mrs. VS. M. Tiffany, leader for tills week. MONTROSE. Special to tho Scranton Tribune. Montrose, Oct. 12. Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Ttullard, who have been sick several weeks, are very much improved. Mr. and Mr. A. W. Lyons have been In New York city the past week. Dr. J. F. Kuttrrflehl, while returning from the Harford fair with his herd of fine Ayrshire cows, was unfortunate in having one of tho cows choke while swallowing an apple, and It was iiecossarv to kill the animal upon arriving at ill's home. K. X. Harney, of Penu Y.-m, N. Y., is visiting in town. Mrs. Frederick Mead (nee Miss Florence Corwln). of Syracuse, is vl-iting relatives and friends In tills place. There aro ten prixoucrs in the countv Jail. Attorney W. D. B. Ainey is still confined to his homo on Cherry stieot by Illness. F. P. Munger received from Closhen. X. Y last week, a fine, thoroughbred Dutch Helled bull calf, ho having arranged for its purchase prior to its arrival here. The entire herd belonging to Mr. Munger are of Dutch Helled stock, and tho ad dition to tho already excellent herd will doubtless ercatly Increase its value. Joseph White, Charles Wood,' Arthur Thomas and Frank Corey went to Scran ton last week to work in the washerles. Apples arc selling at one dollar per bar rel nt the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western station; potatoes are being sold at sixty cents per bushel. J. M. Kelly's handsome residence, on South Main .-.treet, is being tastily re painted by X. A. Warner and assistants. A social will be given In the transept of the Methodist Hplscopal church Tues day evening by the Kpworth League, to which all nre most cordially Invited. Ad mlshlon, irj cents. M. II. Van Scoteu, Kso... Is lu Hcd Creek, N. Y where lie was summoned by the death of his brother-in-law, John il. Smith, lie L expected homo Tuesdav. Mi's Martha Wood Is visiting Tilng-li-.unton friends. Mr. and Mrs, It. W. Cole and son, ot Watklns (Ilea. X, Y., aro guests of Mr. and Mrs W. 0, Jordan. Mrs. Mary C, Sayre and companion. Miss Janet Oraliaiu, are guests at Mr. and Mrs. D. T. HrewptorV. Misses Hessio Jlcyuolils and Janet Mc Causland wero lu Scranton last week, where they wero guests of .Mrs. Norman Stewart. Captain AV. II. Dennis, Jr., was here on a short leave of absence from Olyphaut last week, arriving in town Thur-day af ternoon and returning Friday evening. Captain II. F. lieardsley and Mrs. J. H. Henrdsley and daughter are attend ing tho (irnnd Aimy of the Hepnbllo en campment at Washington, Hlehnid O'Connor, who has been con ducting an Insurance agency In this plain for several months, returned on Wednes day to his home in Susquehanna. "Dick" Is very popular hero and will be greatly missed, S. AV. Haxter Is quite ill with stomach trouble nt hl home on Depot street, J, AV. Adams, assistant Inspii-tnr, will inspect Four rirolhers' post, Uraud Army of the Hepublie, next Friday evening. Mrs, S. W. Slowart gavo a delightful house party at her home on South -Main street Friday evening ' PICTURE PUZZLE. FOR Tlin LITTLE ONKS.-Out out tho pictuies appearing on this paso each day, draw a pencil mark around tho hid don object, sure thorn until Saturday, then send them or toko them to Tho Tribune office in au tuu-lopo addressed to "Puzzlo Department." Jlncloso lu llio cnelopo your name, ago and address. Tim boys ami girls who correctly mark tho six pictuies uppcarlm; during tho week, it whosD answers are llrst received, will AU Baba sees the forty thieves co tuu,tu ..lu.iimj iiiuiiiiiik, m x 'V, Wmr ill m wltr& s-Si-'Satv V lit - 'Ml 1 Jmm)Mw-J him ss! - ? rail bIBKitX. Mimym " " .1 mmtmrnmrnmi ii iu.mit. inc.. THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" Cnly Halt a Cent a Word, Tor Kent. FOIt Ill-INT Five i coins on one Hoof. 14.1 H. Uiiilille.v avenue. llorsi! FOIt lll-JNT, mi!' Monro-, n rooms, $151. Cotnegyn. . FOIt ItlhVT Furnished house! lea rooms-, steam healed; t-elitlillly located, iUJ Mndlsoa avenue. $IU For ttent Ten-room liniasc; excellent llelKhliothooil; nil model u Improve ments, on avenue. Apply to It. P. Ham ilton, I2il Spruce i-trret, FOIt HI-INT-Now linns", co'-ur Linden and Coirax; all conveniences, imiulrc so" Minion street. For Sale. CI'L.M IMLt-1 for sale; large and of good iltiaiity, at nartim breaker, caroou dale, Pa, Inquire of W. (i. Scurry, Cur boudale. Pa. FOI1 SALK Flue diamond rintr 'A curat. Mm; one carat ling. vi; H carat ring. 0i), 1 I '.a carat ring. $!i.,; Ivj, carat ling. ?lu0; - iiiial ring, Hi.Mj. Address X., 1'. u, I tux 01. Poll SALK One liot air famine, three mantels. Charles I). S.indcison, Di - yomina avenue., Scianton. JVST Alt MVn t v tTh" airio7ul of hor.-es, weight l.li'ii to l.rX); good work- 1 ers and drivers! alio seviral chisclN matched teams, (tin be seen at ",il Ilay mnnd court. F. M. Cobb. FOIl SALM-One hot air fm-nacc. thio mantels, gas elcmdelleis. Charles II. i S.ind"i"--')ii, l.ti Wyoming avenue, Scran- ion, l-u. FOrt SALII-Town Topics Hold Mining Co. stock; Me. sliaie; will be ad vanced to .vie. share on Oct. I.'th., Charles D. Sanderson, Mil AVvomlng avenue, Scranton, Pa, FOrt SALK Admit 20 fct nf desk coun ter, sin mounted with glns'i front and two openings, lower poillna nicely pan elled, with drawers and sh'-lvce und-'r-ii'-ath. Alay be t-cen at the cfllec of Tho Tilbunu. For Sale or Kent. FOH SALTl OH'TJKNT-Ncw bous- on Columbia uvmitej eight rooms ami bath. gas. fiunacc. mod'-in phimbiii';. Terms reasonable. Italph H. Weeks, 111) N. Washington avenue. FOIl SALIC OH HUNT -Tho ;!-toiy brick building, with boiler botiso attached, and long row of sheds for horses, wag ons, etc.; also railroad switch suitable for manufacturing purposes: lately uecuuird by the Clock Tobacco Co It. M. Wllilon, Hooni No. .M.I". Meat's Puilillii':. Furnished Rooms for Hcnt. TWO FRONT rooms, choice location, line view; well lighted and ventilated: steam heat: bath. gas. i!l!i Soruce street. FOIl HUNT Three newly furnished front rooms, heiil. gas and bath. ""0 block, Washington avenue. Address X., Tribune office. Money to Lean. ANY A.MOINT OF JlONKV TO LOAN Quick, stialght loans or Duildliig and Loan. At tiom 4 lo 0 per cent. Call on N. V, Walker. ,1H-r.l." Connell building. Lost. LOST A ladles' gold watch, open face, ilk. Initials on outside urease, A. L. (1. Waltham movement. Kinder will be suit ably rewarded by returning same to M. J. tiorrlty, 1730 Wayne avenue. LOST On AVaslilngtnu avenue, between the Johnson switch and the Adams lu tei section of tho street car line, a pair of skeleton ii'ise glasses, with chain. Th" finder will be suitably rewarded by re turning them to 70", Council building. LOST A purse containing sum of money between West Kim street and Acad emy street Sunday evening. Please re turn to J. J, Davies' drug stoic, South Main avenue. Found. FOCNO-Ladies' coat. Call upal.ilrs. !!17 I .a cka wn una a venue. Miscellaneous. TIIK' MODEL-' LAUNDRY, JJanmore' launders shirts at Sc. each nnd collars and cuffs at l'.c. each. SEALED PROPOSALS. S1IALKI' PROPOSALS will b" opened in the ofllee of the City lleeorthr by the Director of the Department of Public Works, at :i o'clock p. m., i.n .Monday, October I'd. 9iC. for the construction of a lateral sewer hi Mciidinn stre -t, fioni the Thhd distllct main sewer to the all-v leading across the Delaware. Lucknwamit and Western railroad In the Fifth ward, All in accorilan -e with the plan. and specifications on llio In the liitreuii of l-.'.i-glneerlng. Ilaeh bidder shall uiclose with his proposal, cash or certltlecl check In the sum of one hundred ((Vfumi doPars as a guarantre to execute a contract If award ed l ho same. In uisc the bidder to whom the contract shall have been awarded re fuses or omits lo exieiite a contract for the work In acordanre with plans and specifications tlicrefoip within ten dui days from the date of the award, the on clnsuie aicompa'.ylug his proiioi;al shall be forfeited to tho use oC the City of Scranton. Hlddcrs will be furnished with pioiM.nil blanks at the llureau of (engineering mui no others will be neeppted. All proposals shall be tiled with the City Controller at his ot'llce In th" city Flail, Scranton, Pa., not later than -'.::n o'clock p. in., on Mnnda.v, October 2u. VJiti. The city reservcH the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN I!. IIOCIIII, Dil-'ctor. Department of Public Winks. Scriiiilnu. Pa., October in, 1!'. have their names published In Tho mlnar. Can you sec two of them'.' No Order Accented for Less Than 11) Cents. WANT Want Advertisements Will Bo Iteeclvcd nt Any of tho Follow inrr Drug Storoo Until 10 F. M. Ccntinl City ALHIIltT HCItt'LTX.. corner Mul berry street and Web-der live. tlt'HTAV PICT I ML, wt Adanid avenue. West S,de HMO. W. .IIIN'KINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scrnnton FHMD L. TMIU'PM, 7-D Cedar avenue, North Scranton OKO. W. II WIS, corner North .Main uvonuy and Markot street. Qrccn Ridgo CIIAULMS P. JON'MS, 1557 Dick son avenue, F. J. JOHNS. Ml tlt-een Tlldno C. LOHiiX'.. corner Washington j avenue and .Marion sircci. Pctci'slnirs A". II. KNMPFML, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. O. HONII ,i SON. Help Wanted. WANTKD Yniuig man ' or young wo man lo do ofllee work and make them relies generally useful. A knowledge or Hie liiKUiaacc Is desirable and II possible applkant should live ill houie. Address v.-lth n-feicm c", 1!. P.. II., Tribune otllco, Scranton, l'a. WAXTKD-AitPnts to sell ten and cof fee to consumers. Positions perma nent, fir.ind Fnlon Tea Co.. Ult Lacka wanna avenue. Hfclp Wanted Male. AVANTKD Metal roofers and outside cor nice men. First class men will receive .11 cents an hour and board. rite to Meade Homing and Cornice Co., care of John Colgnc. Herwlck, Pa. TWO TINNF.HS wanted. Apply AVolf t Wcnr.el. -10 Adams avenue. AVANTKD Young man for ofllee work; state age, expeilencc. Collier, caru of Trihane. WANTKD-Young man lo act as porter at iL'l Lackawanna avenue. Help Wanted Female. AVANTKD Dressmaker for a Cow days to work at house on girls dresses. Call ill!) Madison avenue, any lime iil'tei' ." p. m. AVANTKD-Kxperlenced lady shoe clerk. State salary expected. Address, Clerk, Tribune ofllee. Agents Vanted. AHGK CORPORATION wants oticrsetli; General Agent for lids county. rso books. Insurance, or canvabain:;. Ac iiuainlanco with morehantn and manu facturers necessary. Perman-nf Bond. Stato age, experience, references first Set ter. Addre-s. Suitu 57:', No. 1001 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Uenl Estate. FOR SALK. AT SACill FICIJ-M'W n looni house; modern improvements; steam heat, gas and el-i-tilcit.v: elegantly lliflshi-0 Intel lor: ieu minul"s walk from Cilv Dull; terms to suit purchase i : would a If o sell household goods. Address box !' Tribune ol'lii u. -a; o r - jv.. f'' & nrQieiniP J ACREAGE LOTS CASH OR EASY TERMS NEAR THE MAMMOTH AND TWO BEAUTIFUL PARKS. P.Cn T ROR W5HN . H ti 72 Eri Co. Bank Bidg., f. A V UJ.I.H'Jt HI t t 'VJ PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. 1IDWAHD C. SPAfLDlNt.', C. P. A., 'ii Tinders' Hank liulldlng. Old 'phoao IS'il. Architects. FUCDIIP.K'K L. I SHOWN. AitCII H., Hc.il Mi laic K-ichaiige ISldg,, C.'ii Wash ington aveiiuo. Civil and Mining Engineers. JL.ir.UtDI NO, Sir, CONXMLL IJLDO. lTviNSON ,t KNiUIIT. t"7 CON uell building. Dentists. Ull, C. M. IIILKNISMItdl-Ii:, PAL'Lt bullilliig, Spriico street, Scranlon, DP.. (.'. C. LAFHACH, I l.A WVO.MINU avo Firo Insurance. "rCIL.l.SMIt , CO.. Ml Connell llul"n Tntent Attorneys. PATENTSWX'&V The only licensed and ciiuippcd p.itoiu solli'ltor in tin rlt. No eliaig- for In formatlon on P'lteulalilllty, over ton yean,' experience Itcptctiric & cn .Wears Hldr. Hotels and Restaurants. Tlil:J Mlilv 'L'T"liNlJ" i::f "I'H.ixii. till aveiiuo. Halet. icasouable P. .IHULMIt. Propiletor. SCHANTON HOl'SM. NIIAH I).. L. & W. Passenger depot. Conducted on the (In. lopcau plan. A'lelor Koch, Piopilctor. - - -. - Scavenger, aTb. HHHiaS CLKA.NS PltlVV VAl'LTS and cess pools; no odor; only impiovid pumps, used. A. H. Iliigg.. proprleior. Leavo ordors lloa Noilh .Main aveiiuo. or Illcke's ding store, lorncr Adaius uiul ilullierry. Until telephones. Wire Screens, JOSl-Il'H Kl'MTTML, HHAIt 5lt LACICA. avc. Scranton, mfrs. ot Who S' n-ons. Miscellaneous. MMGAItGKII IHJOS., PHlNTliltS' SI.'P- idles, envelopes, paper b.ti;s. twlno. Waichouoe, 1M AVasliingtun aveiiuo. ruii'viT.lTisiTnlCnrTi'r'iii-iconnTAN bo had In Seraiiton at tho news stand of Itclsauaii Bros.. IW Spruce and j Lindens 31. Norton. 322 L-ickuwamid avc; I. S. Scliulzcr, 211 Spruce tticct. T DIRECTORY. Ui Mlllllil RlfSfflt Only Half a CJnt a Wiri. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND Wit MAT THADMItH with, out delay. Wilto for our special mar ket letter. Froo on application, B. At lllblMid . Co., memliers N. V. Consolb dated mui Slock t-Ixchange. -it and -it Hroatlway, Now Vork, llslnbllshod 1S6I. Long Dlsitanco 'Phone ms Hroad. Situations Wanted. WANTI-ID-Ollleo work by young man LT years old, sober, Imltistilous; good ref erence, Address it., Tribune ofllee. AVANTKD Washing, Ironing and house. , cleaning. Address IIS Willow street, city. SITfATION WANTMD-At light hotiso work In small family Address A. St., ISfiil on Stored avenue. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Dolawnre, Lnckawnnnn nnd Western. In MfTcct Juno 1, KIW. 'Mains leave Scianton lor New York At l.jti. m.l'o, ti.ra, 7,r,u mid 10.10 a. nt.: lu. W, i.IO. .:;s p. m. I-'or New York and Phila delphia 7.30. 10.10 a. m., and li.to and :i.85 p. in, For Oouldshoro At ti.li) p. m. For liiiffalo-l.U, t!.:'-J and f.00 a. m.s 1.53, (..A0 and 11.10 p. m. For Hlnghamton. Klmlra and way statlons-lO.K a. m., 1.05 p. m. J; or Oswego. Syracuso and Utlca 1.53 and "-". '.'.' .'"! '-.." p. in. Oswogo, Syracuii and Ptlc.t train at (S.'J2 a. in. dally, except humbly. Fm. Montrose 9.00 m.j 1.0 ii ml i;.o p. m, Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and t!.I3 p. ni. Hloomsburg Division For Noi'tlmmlior land, al is S3 and 10.10 a. m.: 1.33 nnd fi.10 p. in. 1-or Plymouth, nt S.10 a. m.s 3.10 and ! 05 p m. , Sjinday Trains For New York, 1.30, ".'-'0,. fi.ru, 10.10 ii. m.: S.10 and 3.35 p. m. Koi l.iitfalo 1.1." and i:i2 a. m.i 1.53. W.50 and 11.10 p. n-. For TOInilra and way stations I0.-.I a. m. For Rhighamton and way sta tions, POO a. ni. niootnsburg Dlvlsion Leavo Scranton, 10.10 a. m. and 0.10 p. tn. Iiehlgli Valley Railroad. In Mlfecl .iuiio 15, lDUJ. T.'iilns Leavo Scranton lor I'hlladolphia and Now Vork via D. & II. It. li at al 7.11, through Parlor Car and Day Coach Carbondale to Now York and 0.17 a. m.. with L. A". Coach Carbon dale to J'hlladelplda, and .1S, -1.35 (Black Diamond Kxpiessl. and 11.1!) p. m. Sun days, D. & II. H. H.. 1.58. P.17 p. m. For AVhit-3 Haven, Hazlotou and princi pal points in tho coal regions, via D. & II. H. rt 7.11, IMS and -1.33 p. m. For PoltsVille. 7.11 a. tn. For Uclhlohem, Maston, Heading, liar ilsbiug and principal Intermcdlato sta tions, via D. ,t H. It. It.. 7.11, 0.17 a. m.s .1S, 135 (Hlack Diamond Kxprcss), 11.18 p. m. Sundays. D. & II. H. R., 0.3S a, m.; 1 .",?. p.17 p. in. For Tunkhntmork, Towanda, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and prlnclnal Intermcdlat-J stations via D., L. & YV. R. H., 6.33 a. m. and 1.35 p. m. For Ooiiova. Hoehester. Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via D. & II. H. H 12.03 p. m.: 3.28 (Black Diamond Kxprcss). 10.11. 11.10 p. ni. Sun-, days. I.). & Tf. H. It.. 12.0'!. 0.17 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lchiglv Vnlloy Parlor cars on all trains between AVIlkcs-narro and New York. Philadel phia, MulTnlo and Suspension Bridge, HOLLIN II. AV1LHFH. Oen. Supt., M Cortland street. Now York. CI LU! 1.ICS S. LKK. Gen. Pass. Ast., 21 Coi-lhinil street. New York. A W. NONKJIACIIRH. Div. Tass. Ast.. Sontli P.ethlehem. Pa. J-Vir llekels and Pullmnn reservations apply to city ticket omce, 69 Fublio Square, AVIIkcs-Harre, Pa. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Coriected to September 1U, 1!M2. Stations in New 1'otk, foot LItitrty street, and South Ferry, N, H. Trains leave Scranton for Now York, Philadelphia. Huston, Hotlilehom. Allen town. Maucli Chunk, Whlto Haven. Ash lev, AVIIkes-Barro and Plttston nt 7.30 a. tn". 1 p. m and 1 i. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Kxprcss leaves Scranton 7.30 ii. in., through solid vestibule train with Pullman Huffol Parlor Car for Phila delphia wllh o.ily one change of cars for HaHhiioiu and Washington, D. C, and all principal pr-ints south and wost. For Avoea. Plttston and AVilkcs-Barrc, 1 p. in. and 1 p. in. Sunday. 2 10 p m. For 1-oug lirancli, Ocean Grove, etc., 7.30 a. m. nnd 1 p. in. For Heading, Lebanon nnd Harrlshurg via Allenlown nt 7.30 a. in., 1 p. in. and 4 p. m. Sundav. 2.M p. in. For T.'unr.iiua and Pottsvlllc, 7.30 a. m.; 1 p. ni. nnd 1 p. in. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. AA'. G. BI3SSLRR. Gen. Manager. C. M. ni'HT. Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In Ktl'eel Juno 10, 1002. Tialus leave Scranton-U.3S a. in., week da vs. through vestibule train from AVilkei'-llarrc. Pullman buffet parlor cai and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vill". stops at principal Intermediate sta tlons. AI.-0 connects for Sunbury. liar lisbui'g. PlillartPlphla, Haltlniorc. AVash Ingtou and for Pittsburg and tho AA'cst. 0 17 a. ni.. week days, for Sunbury. llar lisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. AVash Ington and Pittsburg and the West. 1 12 p. m., week days, (Sundays. I.. P. ni.), for Sunbury, llarrlsburg, Phllnil-ol-phln, Dalthnoie. AVashlagton and Pitts burg and tho AVcsl. S!S p. m.. week days, through vostlbula traTn from AVIlkcs-narro Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches tn Philadelphia via Pottsvlllc. Stops at pilnclpal Intermcdl- " H15 p. mlVweek divs, for Hnzlclon. Sun. bury, Iliirrlsbui'g, Philadelphia and Pitta- ,ll"'B' .1. H. JIPTCUrNSON, Gen. Mgr. J. H. AVOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delawaro and Hudson. lu Hfl'ci't .lime liS, 11102. Trains for Carboudalo leavo Scranton nt IS II 7.i'l. Wl'i. 10.13 a. 111.; 12 05, 1,12, 2.11. Si;.-.!!. :.). IS25, b.21, P.15, 10.01 i, 111,; 12.18, '"iVr'iioiicsdalo-is.tl. 11.13 a. m.s 2.11 and '""'"For' AVIlkeF-H.ure-fi.3S. 7. II. S.II. P. 17. 10 Kl a. m.s I-l. !-. '-'-1R' 3--s- -"3. 6-l". 7 ii; m ii. u.io ii. m. I-'or i'. V. It. H. Polnls-Y.il, 0.17 n. nt, " is 135 ami 11.1ft P- m. "For Pennsylvania R. H. Po!nts-ii.31 n it a. m.i II'-'. ;i'-'s ll"l I-8'"' !' "' , For Albany nnd all points north7.35 a. in and 3.50 n- "i. 111. aim H,.NnAy TRAINS. T I-'or C.ii'boiidnli S.".n. 11. :si a. in.; .XH, f.MS. 5.52 ami 11.17 p. in. r. I-'or AVUkes-H-iri'o-iv.s a. m.s 12 03, T.31, ;:.2i. n.;2 and fl 17 n. in. l-'ni- Vlb.iav and point'" norlli-3..,l, (i.'-jn. I-'or llouesdnle-S.'iii a. m-i I1.3S and'5J ''wl'l. PHA-OH. D. P. A.. Scranton. jgn. "Erie RnllvoadWyominfr DivisiolC In Kliicl Scpti'iubcr 15, l!i.'.. 'J- Trains leave Scraiilun for New York, Newburgh ami Inierincillato point, also lor lliiwlev and local slatloii', at 72'."a. in and 1 "" P- in- For Ilonesdale and AVhlto .Mills at ni T'rnhn- anlvo at Scranton at 10.:;s a.,m. ami 0.15 P- n'; Ncv York, Ontnrio nntl Western. Tlmo table iji illect SuntUi.i, Sept. 23, fT NORTH HOIND TRAINS. X Leavo Leave AlflTI Trains No. 1 , No. 7 . Scranton. Carlioudalo. CadosTa, lo.3oa. in. 11 ma. m. I.imi i;3Ti. U.IO i. m.Ai'.Carlioudaiu O.t'j u.tii SOl'TIl HOl'ND. f Leavo Leavo Arrlvo Cadosla. Cai'lioadalc. SeraiitQil. 0 .50 u. 111. 7 -Via. 'tu. "triii. in. i.oiin. ui. U5 iim. Trains No. ii N' Sl'NDAVS ON'I.Y. NOHTH IIOt:Nlv Leavo Leavo Airlvn Trains No. 0 , No. u . Scranton. Carlioudalo. fiuoMi. .. s.30a. in. P.ioa.m: I0.i3a;'.tn. , . 7.i)0 1 1. in. Ar Ciiilioiulalu 7.13 p.m SOl'TIl HOl'ND. ' ' Leave I .cava All'lvo Cadosla. Cariiond.ilo. Scianlon. 0.30 a. in. 7.25 a in. . 1 30 p. ni. ti.w p. m. i. ii p. m, Nnrt. 1 on week days, and 0 on TraliH. No. il . N". 1" Till in. Sundays caaueci (or ,uw ions city. ami. dietuwn, Walton. Norwich, Oneida. Os. wegy and ull point. west. Train No- B, with "Quaker City Kx. press." at Scranton. via c it. n. of N J., for Phlladflpliia. Atlantic City, Haltlmore, AVaslihiBlon and Pennsylvania btata points. Sea tlmc-tablo and consult ticket agents for connections with other llnej. J. O. ANDKItSON. G. P A.. New York. J. h AV13LSII, T. P. A., Scranton, Va. ' , ..I