The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 14, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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    'W ' t ) Vrts ( T? ' f St'"fV
" fX-WTXlrtf -5W
Meeting of Republicans in Co-Operative Hail.
Addresses by Major Warren and Thomas
H. DaleOther News Notes.
Co-operative hull vvnt crowded last
rvPiiliiR Ittt the Went Side Itepuulleiin
vcilrr?, who weir ailrinwcd mi inalteis
pertaliihiK to the work of tlir pnriy.
Sitrcet eJoiuitilmlnncr Tlioiiins was
I'hiilriinm of tlu evening, and llitm
iliifcd Jlnjor livnetl Win rem nlitl
Tlioiniis H. Pale, who pave elenr and
Inii'pful inldi onsen, which ucip greatly
apprccliitcd b.v those present.
Owing to the incrthiB at the lAecMini
net Monday evening, which will be iid
die.ssed by Seeietnry oC the Navy
Moody, the next meeting of the com
mitteemen and workers will be held In
Co-operative hall two weeks fioin last
Recent Social Pleasures.
Mr. and Mis. Thomas A. Illekerl, of
l.vcrctt avenue, held the fifteenth an-tilvurs-nry
of their niarilagp at their
rosy home on Saturday evening. The
kind host and hostess weic the recipi
ents or many beautiful tokens of le
gard and filendshlp fioin their iinmor
mw fi lends. At the close of the even
ing, pleasantly passed with games and
nuslc. a bountiful supper was served
by airs, Itlckert. In attendance weie:
air. and Mrs. Jacob Ollendyke, Mr. and
.Mis. Cicorgc I lower, Mr. and airs.
Jacob llnwer, Mr. and aiis. John Itlclc
01 1. ailsses Hesslf Wagstaff, Anna May,
alary How or, aiabel and Lizzie Itlckert.
i:dna Ollendyke, George Itlckert, Krcd
and Floyd Hower.
Miss l.ea IIiighe, of Noitb Hiomley
nvemip, was lendeied a surpi Isc p.u ty
tecently, on the occasion of her llftoentli
birthday. The lolly young people pies
ent enjoyed themselves until a late
hour with the usual Innocent games,
and after an evening of unalloyed
pleasure light reficshmenls were served
to the happy guests.
Mis. William II. Fieeinan, of S'outh
aialn avenue, gave a farewell tea m
Filday, In honor of her niece, aiiss
alary Helle Freeman, who will be mar
ried to John 1'elvvln IJoutou, of New
Yoik city, Wednesday. Tlioo pie-ent
weie: ailsses aiaiy Uelle Fieeman,
Jane Fellows, (Jet trade Lindsay, of
AVIIkes-Kane: Chiistina Fellows), aiis,
aiattock. of Philadelphia, and William
Storrs Freeman.
All Entered Ball.
As a lesult of the numeious actions
and counter-actions befom Aldeiman
Davles on Fi iday evening, lie succeeded
In getting the tangle straightened out
and placed the aiious defendants
under ball. .
William WuNli, of C.iiueinu avenue,
who was ancbted at the Instance of
Five stamps given away with
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
IThe Annual
I Blanket Sale.., f
:g Starts today. As a bargain event at the Globe Ware- g
house it has no equal in all the money saving olferings of 2t."
j the year. Hundreds of people wait for it, because thev
' have learned by experience that it just saves them so
j mucn money oil every pair
5 Pure White Wool Blankets
$ 12-4 Highest Grade Californias, jacquard bor-
: ders, $ i o.oo kind, at
$ 1 1-4 Highest Grade, jacquard bor-
i ders, $9.00 kind, at
: 1 1-4 Fine Californias, with fancy floral borders,
i $7.50 kind, at
la IJ-4 Fine Californias, with fancy stripe bordeis
IS i7'00 kind, at
64x80 inch California Blankets, for ? beds,
'X $5-5 Iind. at
5 u-4 strictly Pure Wool Blankets our famous
5 5-oo kind, at
; 62x80 inch Pure Wool Blankets tor single beds,
9 $4.75 kind, at
35 64x80 inch Pure Wool Blankets for
rs $4.25 kind, at
S 1 1-4 .vparts Wool Blankets,
$jj.85 kind, at
1 1-4 Cotton Warp Blankets,
$2,75 kind, at
11-4 Cotton Warp Blankets,
S $2. 50 kind, at
10-4 Cotton Warp Blankets, all wool li
$2.25 kind, at
Grey Wool Blankets
H-l Silver (licy Pino Australian Wool m.inknth....
11-1 Silver Giey Pme Aiihtralian Wool Hlunketh....
H-l All-Wool tlicy Hlankots, Fancy IJordeis
10-1 All-Wool Grey Hlankutb, Fancy Uoideis
H-l Grey Wool Hlankcts, ijood wulglft ,,
10-1 Cirey Wool l!lnnkel.s, KOod weight.. ......
11-1 Wool KIIIIhb Giey Hlankcts, sooc vvelBllt
10-1 Wool Kllllnar Giey Hlankcts, good welRhl
Fancy Wool Blankets s-l
H-l All-Wool Hlankets In .1 vaiicty of Fancy Plaids... 5 1.23 kind for ?J,23 S
Cotton Blankets
10-1 Hie 01 White Hlankets, Fancy Hoi del b ,"e. kind nM3e 5
11-1 Giey or AVIiito Hhinkets, Kancy Holders hZv kind for c&o Sf!
H-4 Giey 01 Whlto Hlankets, Hxtra Heavy 91.10 kind ror Mn &
,12-i Guy ur Wliito Hlankets, lis mi Heavy 91. do kind tor 91.25 '.
Pretty Fancy Rnbss
Size 6o,So, in and scroll designs, suitable , ::
for the bath. A wonderful value during this sale at, . . 69C S
Our Entire Comfort Stock j
shares in the above reductions,
exactly the same.
This Sale Begins
a i i ,
1 Globe Warebo(js?. I J
Joe aillehrll for assault nnd bnllcry,
was plaeed under $500 ball, which was
furnished by V. J. Olaney, of Mir.cine
street. Joe atltchell, who wns artcsted
at the Inslaneo of William Walsh, for
iigRiavatrd assault and battery, wan
placed under $300 ball, which wmh fur
nished by John Wilkes, of I.loyd street,
Ferdinand tlaulner, or 1.10 Hickory
street, was anested by Constable I'niiii.
van and taken before Alderman Millet,
of the Sixth ward, on a wairaut swain
out by his niece on a very serious
charge. She claims that on Saturday,
while sweeping, lip cnteied her home
and tiled lo assault her. He was placed
under ?I00 ball, which was furnished by
Ills mother.
Epworth League Convention.
Following will be found the pio
grnmme for the annual convention of
the llpworth leagues of the Wyoming
conference, which commences In the
Simpson Methodist church
this evening:
ti'ksp.w i:vi:nmn.
"...0 Devotional meet lug.
SOO-Addiess. "Ilojnl l.llng," ltev. IM
gar II. llrown, l. U pastor or l'li'Ht
Methodist chinch, Allj.inj,
X. Y.
S SO Devotional service. John H. Cook.
fiOO Hiishuss .spushm, Tin co-minute le
poits trom illstilcts, appointment of com
mittee, icpoit of tie.iMuicr, etc. "I'leu
I'.ullnment." on ilepintnient work. Spir
itual, (ieoigo A. Cine, aieicy and help,
airs, C!i U. Dottle, aiiss Whittled Hi own,
of Olieonta I'.pvvortli le.igur. Mlciui ),
Couit stieel (Sci.iiitou) Kpuortli league,
R. I. Vail, pieslclent. Social. Norwich
Hpworth lengne, Ms Helle Uinwn and
.Mis. ailnn H. Bluektaan (One-half hour
to each clepni tmentv.
wi:dxi:sday Arrunxoox.
-,U0 Devotional seivice. James Hen-
nlnger. .lunlor eonfeience. conducted hy
Miss J.llllun .Mooie. of Cential Church
league, Wilkes. liai ic "I f!o a-l''lshlm;,"
l.eonaul C. aim dock. "1WJ for ailsslons,"
airs, i:. (J. Alleunan. "The Tine Rela
tion of l.e.igueis to Other Chinch S"r
ices," I limy P. 1'eiklm. Aihliess, "The
Revival the Kpwoith I.easne NVeds."
Re. James A. T.ihor. jr.. D. U.. pastor
ol (Vnteim.iiy chinch. Rimthamton, X. Y.
T.:o Song seivice and devotions. Ciiaut
K Van Woert. Addiess, "Our Debt to
the aietliodlnt Katheis," Rev. Samuel F.
I'pluini, D. D ot Dicw Theological sem
inal. .
The officers are tin A'. Williams
pi evident: Carl Councilman, tie.isuier;
Clinton B. Ilemy, secretary; S. Guy
Snow den. Jl. II. Turner, G. II. Pren
tice, i:. R. D. Riiggs. Geoige Dp Gen
tmg, Walton A. S.mfoid, vice picsl
dents, A supper win be setved at the chinch
by Simpson chapter, Xo. '2-i'2, Wednes
day evening, to which all delegates are
invited. Following is the piogramme:
Bled in Colorado.
Mrs. Hannah aiorgan, wife of Thorn-
of Blankets bought. ?
$8.00 I
$7.50 I
$6.50 I
$6.00 I
$4.50 I
$3.95 I
$3.85 1
$3.50 1
$2.25 I
$1.85 S
heavy and warm,
all wool tilling,
all wool filling,
....TS.OO kind for JI7."i
....$3.23 kind fur ?l.'.'3
...$l"0 kind for ja.Tn
...$3.T.-. kind tor $.',73
. ..W.oo kind tor ..5
...?j.23 kind for Jt.Sa
...91.65 kind tor 5,1.23
.. .91,23 kind Tor ?i,oo
as usual, Tlu
proport on is ci
sr 1
Tuesday Morning I
, w n
ns Mui'Riilt, died at her Iwmr In AVIII
laiiiHliui'Ki Col., of tytlioltlpncuinoiiliit
a. few iIiiJh iiko, Min. Moiriiii wins ii
unlive of Wtilcft, nntl imiio lo Wrul
Scraiiton llilt'lyK(vcii years nftn, wlirrr.
alio rcsldril ruul liei'inno vri.v wull
known, tintll her removal to Colorutlo,
Site Is survived by bcr husband and
throe tblldlcll. llrr lilitlmml Ih n
In other or Kev. W. ii. Mot. -an, of West
Weddings on Wednesday.
The iimriliiKc or i'lof. J. M. Toinplus,
of Alloona, to Miss .Mary llowcr, of
1'ilco sticct, will take place at the
home of (ho bride's mother, Mis. Kll.u
both 1 lower, ir.15 1'ilce sticct, Wednes
day tit noon.
The niarilnge of Kdwlll ltotiloii to
MIsm Mary Hollo Kieeinan, of Sniilh
Main avenue, will lake plaie at the
home or the brlile'tt pal cuts, 1101 South
Main ii venue, Wednesday evening.
The l.adleV Home and Koielgn Mission
n ry society or the Wa-hhnrn stieel J'ips
hyteilim elinich will meet I'tlilny nfler
noon at the home of Mi.. Jacob Pfelrrcr,
Ovfoul and Touth selects.
The l.tidlts' Aid society at (he Flint
Itapllsl ehliieh will meet for woik today
Instead or Wednesday, the usual meeting
The Phi V'h of the Wushhtnn street
I'lesbytciliin phliieh mo liiaklng ehilior-
ate piepai-illons for a ery tmltiuti eu
tettalnment lo he held next Monday
evening. '
Thursdav ccnlug llio Mpwoith l.eiigup
of the Simpson ai. I:, chiiteh will hae
chatge of the ofvlcei at ttie Allls mission,
ailss Anna Hughes will be the leader.
The piiibatloneis class of the Simpson
M. K. chin i'Ii will meet Kilduy evening.
Tliu Railroad aii.slllaiy. of the Simpson
aiethodlst ehmeh. will seie a
el, iin chowdir supper In the chinch par
lous October 2!. l'loecccls to be applied
lo tilt? moilg.igo fund.
The West Side bo.lld of trade will meet
toinonow evening hi the Hleeltlc City
Wlieehnen's club loom on .lackson sticet.
The Skth lminiuet of SI. I'.uiI'h
I'loiiipr coips will take place In Knights
of Cidunibiis hall on Washington avenue,
Wednesdav evening. D. D. I.enniihan,
president of the coips will be to.istmaster.
GcoiKe U. Da vies, of South aialn ave
nue. Is In Wilkes. B.inp.
The woodwork In the cellar of the homo
of Dr. .1. .1. llrennan, or .lackson sticet,
caught (he jesterd.ty bv the crossing ot
telephone iuid electile light wlies.
D.imiige was slight, the lire being put out
by meinbeih of the famllv.
The Sunday school cliolins of the First
Daptlst chinch nie recpiested to meet tills
evening In the chinch p.ulois lo practice
music Tor bible dav.
aiiss Dora I,pws, of's Gteen. Is
the guest ol Ida I.ewl-, of Xoith Ji.vdo
Park avenue.
nvamlnalions wtre held in the looms
ot ails-es aiunson. Phillips, Wllllaiiis.
Lewis iuid Porter, at Xo. 14 school on
Frlil ty. The aveniges us soon as made
up will be published In these columns.
John P. Moigaii, of Xorth Filmoie ave
nue. U the guest of his cl.uightei, aiis.
J. T. Jlfkins of Caibomliile.
air. nnd Mis. .Min-lmll Daiiing, of
Chestnut street, an- home Irom Washing
Ion, D. C.
air and .VIr-. Joseph Hall and son, Cal
vin, aiessi. Zeno Del-.,.- Hairy C5i pen
wood and .lames Heavers have letuined
tiom Diadfoiil, wheie they attended the
state firemen's convention.
W. II. Woire. of South llde Paik ave
nue, Is home from the G. A. IS. encamp
ment at W.'ihlilnglou.
The maiiiage of William Jeremy Davl-,
of West Sciaaton, to Miss Cairle P.
Xeaffer, of central cit.v, will take piuco
v ednesihiy.
.li. Anson I..1UIIC, of Doiothy sticct. Is
recovering fiom an opeiation.
Stephen Davl-. of Aiclib.ild sticet, Is
.seilouslj 111.
ailss Helen Wheeler, of West Plttston,
Is the gue-l of lier gi.intlmother, ails. K.
B. ICvuns, of Xoilh Hyde Paik avenue.
A full line of Rood, heavy, warm
sweateis. Florey & Brooks, 522 and 524
Spruce sti ect, opposite com t house. "
St. .Mai.v's tike and Dianiatlc assuiia
tlon met In social scshIoii last evening
and tlieie was a Biatifjlii:; iittendanei .
Tlte social was the second of a mcmIch i'.
cently planned by the inembeis to laUe
place onto evci thiee months, i:cclleut
liuislc was liiinlslicd fol the occasion, and
lefreMmients wen- sen id at the cloce
el the enteitalnment The following; pio
Ki.'imine was leiuleicd' UpniuiB sons.
CJIce club members; leniaik.c by chail
Iil.ili. Peter'. ji .addiess, Hev. Petti
Chi 1st; olo, lleii, Rempc. addie.-s,
Toasiin.mtoi l.i-o Albicchl, song, dice
club, addiess, Pieshleut Isldciii. Milk r;
wiiik, "A Little llciy In lilac. ' It. Wetier,
iici onip.inled b.v Piofessor Ackcininu, ad
diess, ltev. J J, ItoblliiB, a foimei mem
ber, addiess, Flank Hehelle, souk, "Creole
He lie," li. Weber; souk, 'on .1 Sunday
Afternoon." Chillies Weliei ; addle jr. Wil
liam .Iiiusen The soiul was well .11
i.iiikciI 111 evei.v lespecl and credit Is duo
to the eonilllltlco 1 ousNtiliB of P .1. Ho
Mil, J I' K 11 tin iMiil IJdwaid Spohjor
Sn cnlhuslnslle satheiniB of South SIdo
Hepilbllcaiis was held last evenlliB and It
was deeiiliil to lnim a peiiuaucut orgau
l.nllon. It Is proposed lo elillsl eveiy
lmit.v vvoiki'i 011 this .side of the Hoar
ins In mil- In the movement. The session
wiih attended by well known and icpic
soutativc clli.eiis rioin evuy election
dlstilet, ,uul altei 11 ueneial disillusion
lempoiaiy otlleei.s weie chosen as lot
ions, Piehldent, Hmll Ileum; vh e piesl
clent. Hon. John Scheiier, Ji ; secietar.v,
Jacob Itiippentlial: tieasuiei, Chailes
.Neuls, Anotlici mecthiK will bo held to
moirow iiIrIU at Atlilelic hell, Ui Alder
street, when peimtincnt 01 jr.i nidation will
bo effec ted.
Athletic hall, the hiinie of iho riciantoii
Athletic club, op Abler sin el. Iins llll
ilrigoue a loinpletc tiansfoi uiatlon and H
pow one ill the piettiest plueis 111 Seiail
t nil 'I'he walls have icielved a coat ot
led paint, the iclllutr is sky blue, wlillo
tin pllleis and tiimmhiK aie pme while,
so that the IiIciiiIIiik of our national colors
has kIwmi 11 most cffiellvo and aitlstlc
llnlMi The. club will hold 1111 openlni? so
1 la I In theli hall 011 Wednesday, Octo
ber '.'.'
Camp IW, Patilmlc onler fions of Ann r
lea, held a well (itlcuded session u llart
iiinn's hall last cvciilirj ami two new
membeis wete lilltlntcd.
A special incetliiK of Comet Indue,
IvlilBlits or P.vthhis. Is called lor tonlsht
In I hit luutii'H hall on Plttston avenue.
Petei Theobald, nl' i,.'s Locust iilieet,
Hiistiiliml a bioken aim Siiad.iv while en
paced In play near his ivildciice.
The runeial of Mls Delia Coviio will
till, u lilac o at ') o'clock tomoii'on moiuliiB
tl oiu the fiitnllv icsldence. UO Ocnet
sticct, and Inleiaieiu will bo inndo in Ml
iiooka Dr Schley's j.imu HiiilhiK Halsitin la
Kiiaianteed to cine all coiiKhs. "No cum,
110 pay " l''oi sale b.v all dealeis
'I he Polish Alliance nc.soilallon held a
special mectln;; Sunday nrtcinooit at their
moms on Plttston avenue, which was
lill'KCly atlc tided Kim it ecu How mem
bers weie iidmilted to th lodi;c The Tol.
IowIub ofilceia weic elected to inannce
ui V.MM1111.U ii'iimiiK, is ino piescuption o;
." u, .,, i, .ir-o, leuiiiiv pmuicians an
purses In tho I'nltod States, and has bee
vnu aiAL.i tniiH wiih nni'nrdtii in chj
cess b millions of inotlicia for their chlU
i " -'""b v'V.'"ULl"H OI eceimng its
UlUO IS IllC.llclllub III. II irllnvea II... ..1,11 J
roni oaln. otupa ilbn rlmitn fiinin.. i., ,t.-
lowcls, nnd v nd-rolle. Hy glvlnsr healtlj
to tha child It icsls tho mother. Price
tvveaty-flve cents a bottlo. '
Hip nffnliH of tlin np'oclntlon for nnollier
trim! A. Hlitij. noMl, president! Ailnin
Vcntllift, vlrti iiicflliliMlll K, Bo-mows'il,
wcrivliiry' John I'IIiuInUI, lit'iimncr. Tlio
next meelliiB will ho hold October 21.
The tncmheiH of K'eystimo t.llcrury unci
Unitnnllo club, cpnuteicd In the Auditor
IlltU lirlll the llisliilbitlriii of their leeelil
elected olllOem In their rooms last even
lluf. Tliu rollowhitr wne the olllreiM!
l'icslcleiil, Jllehael tleirltyi vlce-pieiU
dent, John .1. Slienimiii ilunnclnl eere
tary, Peter Itogau: iciorrlhiK secietary,
Thnliim (llnle.vj innliiittrr, ThoinaR Hvaiiss
treinviiirr, Jiunci Lortus; serBeanl-at-arms,
Paliick .Morau; iruatees, Thoinan
Kwnm nnd TIioiuiih Clink. After the In
stalhitlou cermonv it shoit llteniry and
tntlsleal pi oiji amino wiih conducted In the
lecture loom. Tho follow Ihk1 iu-oki amino
was rendered! OpeiihiB nihil ess, Inci
dent Mlelincl (lenity! vocal solo, .lolin J,
llheilnnii! sand JIb, .Ihiiicn Fox! Oermiin
lematkH, Joseph SliettniiiK lecllallon,
I'atllek Morani solo. James Loflus. Tlin
liroBi iimme concluded with a shoii
tomedy, enlltli'd, "All In Not Hold That
Hlllters," The follnw lim cast pal Urinat
ed: Hllhe, John J. Hnrimuti; Pat lick
Casey, Patrick Aloiiui! Wise Mike, John
Malloy; llapliv IIooIIbiiIi, John Iloleyj
Katty KclW, the mine owner, i'atllek
Wlllliilu K. ltiiike, mil of Oaplaln W. tt.
Hiirke, of Jones stieet, was pleasantly
surprised while on it visit to this city
Sunday cvoiiIiib.A number of Mr. Hiuke'n
friends and associates met at his homo
and pieseiitrd him with a beautiful Bold
watch clmim. benrhiB the hisellptlon,
"Will K. lluike. Oct. 12. 1TO. Piescnted
by llli Friends." CliuileM O'Hoylo made
the presentation Hpeccll.
The recently elected olllceis of the Lin
coln IoiIbc, No. 102, Independent Outer of
Odd Fellows, were Installed at their meet
Iiib held In Ostet hunt's hall, on West
Maiket sticct, last evening. The follow
ing weie Installed: Noble Brand com
mander, lloills Smith; vice noble Brand
commander, John H, Jones: iccoidlllB
secretary. David Jenkins; llnalieliil seeie
tnry. William Johnson; trca-urer, William
H. Jones,
Misses Anna nnd Delta Ttecse. of Clif
ford. Pa., inc vIsltliiB illss Jessie HvaiH,
of Hlalr yveinie.
Mr. and Mrs. e T. Peek, of Susque
hanna c omit v. have returned fiom a
short visit with their son, Dr. W. J. Peck
of North Main avenue.
Carl McifOW'fin U able to be uioiiml
iiBnln after an attack of seal let fever.
The North Hntl Stars, will have tho
Crystals us their opponent!) at the Audi
tin lum this evenliiB.
O. W. Peck, or Mt. Veinon, N. Y., le
tuined home on Wednesday last after a
visit with Ids brothei. Dr. . A. Peck,
ot North Main avenue.
Mrs. Frank Thomas, or J.lod stieel, Is
around ngiilu after a brief illness.
Tho home ot Mr. and Mr-. Hiiny
Thomas, of 321 West Market street. Is
bilBhened bv the arilval of a daiiBhtcr.
Mrs. James MeClllskie, of School street,
has been removed to her home from the
West Side hospital, wheie she has been
stifferhiB with typhoid fever.
Grant Pi derlck, of Jrrmyn, was a visi
tor 111 town last evening.
Jessie Slckler, ot Robcit avenue, spent
Sunday In Jermyn.
Messis. Kvan Thomas and Hlehaid
HiiBhes, of sticet. have letuined
home lioni a short visit with Plymouth
Mr. CJcrrity. of Wane avenue, lost a
valuable watch last Suiidaj.
Mrs. Tioop and son. Homer, of Hia;
town, Adams county, aie suests at the
home of Dr. and Mis. J. L. Itea, ol Saii-
deison avenue.
Dr. and Mis. Peikin. ot Finest cnj.
atu Buests of Mr. and Mis. I. II. btev
ens. of Foiest City.
Hev. A. Gilftln, ot West Plttston, pic
sldhiB elder of the WjomhiB ejiireience,
Is visiting Gieen Hidge filei'ds.
B. K. Dunn, of Delavvaio stieet, bus
letiirned fiom New Yoik, wheie he has
been employed since last spiing.
Aithur Blown. Walter Ciosby. If. Wei
ll ver and L M. Hiuncl.iKe. ot Susipio
hanna county, and ltev. L. Tt. I'ostcr. of
Giandview avenue, and Jacob Dietiick, of
Sandeifcou avenue, left at midnight lor
Jlr. and Mrs. John Biay, of Tavlor. am
guests of Mr. unci Mis. li F. Dunn, of
Delavvaio sticet.
Miss Ktl.i Stone, of Philadelphia, N vls
IthiB Oieeu Ridge li lends.
Geoige Kiaus, of Gaulner avenue, who
Is emplo.ved as dilvei for the Sciantoi:
Flic Uilck compiny, nut with a paint ill
acident while chiving near Tiuoop c
teuluy. The vvlllflletiee of the wagon
lnoke and be was thiovvn to Iho giound
with such loicc lb. U his aim was bioken.
The In tin oil man was icmoved lo his
home and Dr. Ilea was called and eel 111.1
tiactuicd member
A roll line ot good, heavy, w.iun
swcatei.-.. Floiey & Biooks, r,L'J and .'i.M
Spruce stieet, opposite court house. 4"'
The of tliej late James Klamielly
took place ye.steiday moinlng at P. to
o'clock A requiem high muss vvas celc
lu.iteil bv the Hev. M. It. Donlan ill St.
Mai.v's chinch. The Hower be.ueis weic
Jaini'H Teevan, Frank Tujlor nnd 1M
vv.ud Jotdaii, and the pall-bcaieis,
Slepheu Mealy, John Tleii.ey, IMvvaid
O'lloia, Mai tin Mcllale, Thomas lloo
uey, M J. Ili'iip. Inteinient was made In
St Mai.v's cemeteiy
The icvival meeting at the Tilpp Ave
nue Chilstlan chilli h was well attended
last night 'l'ho evangelist discussed the
topic, "Know Whether You Ale In the
Chin eh or flu 1st" Tho tuple tonight
will he "What Names Weio the i:.uiy
Chui dies Known Hy."
The Woman's Missionary society of the
I'lesbyteiliin chinch will meet on Thins
day afternoon at the homo of Mis. J. C,
Mofiatt on Hlalcely stieel.
The Slovak CltUens club has been or
ganised with about slt, membeis, They
will meet In Fieda's hall on Di Inker
stieet every Tuesday evening. The fol
lowing oflleers vyeio elected; I'icshlent,
Joseph .agiapan; vice president, John
Iloblck; secietniy, John Denkl; heenicllng
secretary, John Asloek; tieasuiei', Mi
chael Hill Ice.
Ml', nnd Mrs. P. CI. I'rlU. or lllakely
stieet, leave today for a visit with Phil
adelphia fi lends,
William llellly haves today for hi
home In New Yoik alter a shell stay
with Pino sticet friends.
Mis. T J. Maish. of South Hlnov
stieet, Is visiting lelatlves In Oinn'e.
Dr. A. II. Heinsteln Is in Chicago,
wheio he will spend tho nest few days.
Mis. James Wilson and chlldien, of
I'Vinc, It, C., have retiiimd hem ami will
maKe their futuie homo on Nust Driukei
.Miss Mniy Cnmar, of Ibitler stieel, Is
visiting filends In llnllstend
A full lino of koocI, heavy, warm
Rweateif., Kloiey & liioolts, 3:'J ami ri.M
Hiuuee sticet, opposlto ccurt house. c
MItS. IIVA ANTHONY, wito of Uv.iu
Anthony, of l.V) Hmilli rtliaoio avenue,
aged 1.9 cais, died at her homo ycolciday
moinlng at a 10 o'clock after a ten weeks'
illness, Deceased was boin In Wnlca and
has lived la Scranton thirl -sl )c,iih,
Sho Is sunived by her hu-band, tw
daiighteis, .Mis. Thomas Williams, Mis,
John K. Jones, ami four sous, David,
William. Kilns, of this city, and Thomas,
of I luff alo She was a member ol the
Klmt Welsh Coiigiegntlomii chinch and
Iho fiiucial, which will bo held Thiusda.v
afternoon at .' o'cloch, will bo in cluuge
Crisp and flaky, with
just a touch of salt.
Gives the oyster a new
flavor and adds a relish
to any kind of soup.
Is drawn to Laces. Throngs of women
have admired the exquisite lace collars, embroidered stocks and ties exhibited for
the first time. Every piece individual and every design originally beautiful.
The Crepe de Chene Ties and Bishop Jacobs create a perfect furore of enthu
siasm, and only a tiny touch of this bewitching newness makes q , o o ))
an old gown smart. Prices vary from cLC 10 '"
Yours to inspect or
ol ltev. Dav id Jones
bum Stuel c'cmetci v
lnt"imeut in Wash-
The I uncial sei'lies of Mi
Silsbee will be held today at
the home of Juspph G. Hell,
Sweet, of Bliigliainton. N Y
.. Hllzabctli
1 o'clock at
ltev. .1. I?
. will have
chin gc ot the sen Ice".
The I unci at of Anna, infant ilaughtei ot
Mr. and Ml:-. J. 'I'. Viinstnii. ot ll.'" West
Locust stieet. will be held at -.") this ar
tei noon. It will h stilctly piivato with
Intl'eimint In Cathcdial cemctciy.
Kev. W. Hollhished So Wroug'ht Up
by Expeiiencsa in Connection
with Strike That He Collapsed
The consiegdtlon In the Piesbytei Ian
chinch at Foiet-t City vvas gieatly
startled Sunday at tho morning seivice
hy the sudden collapse of the pastor,
Hev. W. Hollinshsd. He was about to
begin the sermon and feeling taint, in
foimed his hearers that he vvas too ill
to pioceed. Diopplng to a chair his
head fell back- and his limbs stiffened.
Mis. UuIIIiisIk-cI who sat In a pew near
the palpi! hastened to Ills assistance
followed by meiubeis eif the congrega
tion. It was seen that he was unconscious
.mil Dr. 11 ('. Noble was Mnnnioneil
in ii shoi l time the doctor lestoied the
patient to coii'c liiiisuess and he was
leinovid ti, his home wheie he Is now
lasting cointiii tahly, although still
'I'he Midden illness ol' Mr. Ilolliiished
was due to the gieat nei voiis strain
In connection with the mrlkc. On
October :iau mtiele signed "A Pieaeher
of the C.ospel," and dated Finest Clt.v,
appealed in the New Yoik Sun, under
the caption "A Itelgn of Tenor, a Voice
fiom the Coal Felds." It gave the
w litem' vleWH ot' the stilke .sltiiutlou
and cicated considerable t-Ur in the
coniuuinllv .
I'nloii nieu who took oll'ensc ut the
article cleelailng that was a lalsv
leprcsi'iualioll ol' the situation, asked
the elciKyninu to elthei 1 enounce or
it tl ml t the authorship ot the article. Mr.
Ilolliiished announced that he wiote
the in Help but s.iicl that it did not
rcter to local conditions but the sltiiu
tlou In general. From thence on he
was made lo i'cel that lie would there
at tor he a stranger to a large number
ot tho people of Foiest city. ,
Satilida a package was left at the
new manse nddmssed to Ml Ilolliii
shed. It contained a book which the
clergyman hud piescnted to some lad
at a celebration gotten up 1 him for
the bleaker boys last Chilstinas. The
leaves of the hook weie tracked and
a hole had been put thlough the center
while borne pooily spelled but oppio
brlnils. remarks about the cleigyniaii
wero wiitteu on the Inside of the cover.
Tills wrought on the nerves of Mr.
Ilolliiished who hud been In pour health
tor some time and piohnhly helped
In lug about the .sensation, il lulling spill
on Sunday.
Services LniRcly Attended Yester
day Afternoon.
The Adams avenue chapel was totally
Inadequate to accci)iiinoihite the thinug
III iilteiuhiiHc at the of tho l.ito
Uobeil W. ItaiiUlu. yenterdny al'tcr
lioon. Deceased was one ot the ihme
victims of the recent gasoline explosion.
The service til the little chapel waa
In charge of Kev, .linnet, iluglus. who
spoke, syiiip'ithetlcally of tin calamity
which hud occurud In. ihni neighbor
hood a lew days ago, ami which look
away the heads of thice families.
A mule qiiai telle unci the chapel choir
sans helic thins during the bcr
vice, mid the llouil pieces evidenced the il of dec cased. I.aigc delcga
lions were In iiltemlauie fiom the
SoKUltou Calceloiilan club, of which ho
was a lending member, .mil the Sci.iu
ton Stove winks, wheio ho was em
ployed for in, my c,im.
The pall-bc.ilcm weic F. .1. Kmi-is
man, A. 1.. Austin, linage I Scale, John
Knius, Wllllum (iicsuell and It. P.
Jones, fiforgo Fuller acted us llowei
beaier. Iiitcriiieut win, made in tho
Foicbt Ulll cemetery.
The "oyster months'' are here again, and
their coming with infinitely more zest,
Oyster Cracker With a Gaste to it.
Meldrum, Saott & Co,
120 Wyoming Avenue.
wiii Miiwi ih.ipwi iwwww wiBiiMiiumi n mm
A Woman's Ai tent ion
yours to possess.
the "King of Bottled 'Beers." Every bottle is
labeled and every corK is plainly branded
'"Budttieiser," so there can be no substitute.
The product of
St. Louis, U. S. A.
"Brewers also of BlacK 6 Tan, Anheuser-Standard, Pale-Lager,
Faust, Export Palo, Exquisite, Micheleb and tiolt-tfutrlne.
rAQrN ppQp Wholesale Dealers,
Beds end Box Springs
Are our specialty. We sell the very best iron and brass beds
miide. Their quality shines all over them. Of course, we
make fine mattresses to go with fine beds. Prices are low.
F". A, KAISER, Manager.
Lackawanna ami Adams.
Leading Soprano Metropolitan Opera Co.,
TUESDAY EEIJir!Gf OCX fisl, 1902, AT 8.30
!RICI:S. 7Sc in $2. SO. Diagram now open at Powell's Music Store, Scranton : Marx lone
Stcre, Wilkes-Barrc ; II. F. Clark's Drug Store, Carbondale. Orders tor seats received by mail or 'phone.
Dixie's Theatre,
l.c'ttheu unci .Manager.
wi:i:i or oitoiii.u ii
Kathryn Osterman and Co,
The SineUley SUelch Club
Dnnveo, tho Ju
Two liOl fniliMllcos il.illv,
I'liicw li, .'"' .Ii unit lilt
S tI.ll niMtliiri' piii ' 3
Uulli'ij M'atK. 10 ri ulrt.
uO 11 lie) S 11.
Tasslonifat rntlieis Rent Home Near
Roiiucl Woods.
Tliu leiin iiiiMiilicih ut t lie I'.i.stluiiiHt
Clllll'l', Willi ll,ive H-rlll till' Jlllbl hlllll-
uur at llarvey'n l.iKi, li-ivu ivniccl .i
liiiiiic mi Xnrili Alain avenue, near tin
Ivciintil WimclH, niul will lociitc ilii-ic
U'liiiicir.iilly mull tin1 now ncniiliiic
wliicii lliry iiruiPUho liullillnj,' ncu' tlicii',
ih C'l)lll)lll'll'll.
Tim lower Hour nl llio ilvvrlii will
lie) HUc'cl lli ns n I'liaptl unci the tipji, i
linrUmi villi lie lined ,ih HviiiK .ipait
ineiiti li.v Hie lallieih. Jt In e'.vpi'cleil
Unit wciil; on the new InilldlUK wltt lie
tiiKini eaily In the Mil In,.
The Duniiliili! IIIkIi Keliool rent hall
team vvuulil IIKii tu iiikiiikci ii kuiiici with
tliu team Hum ..J bclniol nr Hatnula.v
no.t. Answer thioiib'h Tliu Tilbiine.
you'll welcome L
if you have ?
Sold only
in Tiper-seal
5 cents.
Imported Hops,
Perfect Yeast,
Filtered Water,
This combination maKes
Both 'Phone!
Lyceum Theatre,
JI. ilcls, l.c'Hseo niul Miuingcr
A. J. DiitT, Unslncss Manager.
Two NIkIUh, Wi'iliiccluy, T1uum1.iv, Oct,
1 1. 1U .Miillnro Tlnii'-iliij
Henvy W. Savngo Piesents
Tile I'llelliuni mil I'liineil.v Opi I'.l lilt.
I'INI.llY I, i nuns
;'u Ciiiiiiillaiih .'0
10- C'lllll llh In
'.'il -Oiehedtl.l .0
IMlv'n New oilv Tl
liter I'liiiluetlnil
i .Ml, $1 HI iue M
.Matinee. $1 mi, 7'i . "
Seal.-' on ml'".
Academy of Music
Jl. Ut'13, I.eheo niul Jlan.icor
A. J Duffy, ltcii.tiic.3-' -Mannger,
Tin e -Nulllf ai.uliun -Mliliilav (let
.viatlii. "i iiii'wi.iv una vV'iliiiMla.v
Kpidai ill II l'l.nliie Hun nl ll.ii ili I'.iliip
liell'x Inimiiiliil lliaina
A Siry
.-.r i.
W H I T K, Sunny South,
IU.OIU.I: ..".
.Ni w he. on v NnM'1 i;i. i i
1'llMTS .Malliiti' 1, ami
Ih .ll I, lliel-'
MKllt, I., .'i. U niul ic
Keats on alc
Tlllec NIkIiIh. Sl.nlluv; Tlniiml.i Oct 111.
.M.ilini'i'K l'lila anil Satnuliv