V1'- v-i-fffjrf -Sj " "-js- THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, OCTOBER Id, 1902, 'Sft X rr ',..ti-n t ;xxxxxxxxxxx; UE MODERN JIAnBWARE STORE. CoaB or Wood Tlllk Sterling Base $ Heater Oak nurnn rltlir-r one equally well. Has iirwly invented return nuo system, which' has In crenstd the radiating surface more thiin twofold over tho old-style links. Tim ten kettle Attachment Is another feature. Three sizes. X Foote & Shear Co. Q U9 Washington Ave. XKXKXXXXXXXX The flardenbergh School of Masic and Art Offers the oxccption.il advan tage of Piano nnd Organ stud with Mr. Sumner Salter, an aitist teacher of recognized standing in the musical world. Register now. 604 Linden st. A Word to the Wise Who Have Ready Cash Tills Is the time to buy sonic of nur licet oral dividend piving stocks ami bonds. Some people who huvp thpso securities ire obliged to have casl' to meet obliga tions falling due. and are willing to ac sepl olfprs on come of the best of these uro dividend payers, for loss price, than vou are likely to get thorn for again. Wo aro tho transfer representatives, having already n number of these securities on hand to offer, and will llnd any otheis you may want without delav. If you are looking for n good snfo In vestment, pitlipr Bonds, Bank or Indus trial Stocks and w.uit It at the bottom price call Immediately at F. F. riEGARQEL & CO. Stocks, Bonds and Securities, Council Building. Get "The Lackawanna Finish" On Your Linen. 308-310 Penn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN. PERSONALS. Attorney C. II. Sopor loft for New York last night ou legal business. Mrs. J. D. Jlason, of Sanderson avenue. Is recovering from a bcvero" attack of rheumatism. A. B. AVarman left yesterday for Wash ington, D. C to attend tho National Laundrymen's convention. lion. R. W. Arehbald, of tho United States court, went to Philadelphia yes terday afternoon, where ho will preside, in tho court of appeals today. Deputy Attorney F. W. Fleltz, Collec tor T. F. Penmnu, Senatorial Candidate John B. Jordan and Representative P. A. Phllliln. of Arehbald, left for llarrlsburg yesterday afternoon, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Tho Ttotal Clerks" association, Xo, 211, will hold a mcctlnff tonight hi Carpenters' lutll. The CVutral Woman's Christum Tem ticrnnco union will meet this afternoon at :: o'clock In Guernsey's hall. Reports will lio given from tho state convention, The Last Days. These are really tho last days of Guernsey Brothers' Piano ami Organ Sale, as everything must bo closed out t and tho store vacated by "Wednesday, the luth Inst. It win pay any ono in need of it musical Instrument to call and get prices nt ill Washington ave nue, and it does not mutter about tho cash, Just as good prices can ho pro cured ou easy monthly payments. Guernsey Brothers will sell far cheaper on tlmo than other dealers can afford to for cash, dsoKb v Don't fall to call and get a bargain, if you arc in need of a Piano or Organ. They Bay the User, If you wish n half-tone, or lino cut let the Summon Tribune make It for uur equipment tor mis work Is pleto and up-to-date. We hnv titles for doing tho finest sort nf fork at lowest prices and what's mme rwo do (t. A trial order will convince you. Sweaters. A full lino of good, heavy, warm sweaters, Florey A: Brooks, Mi and Ml Spruce street, opposite court house, MABRIED. EVANS-MORCSAN.-ln Blnglmmtou, X'. i ucinncr iu. vmi. Miss Bcntrro Mor- Ran ot' m Aichlinlil streel, Scrautoii. to Beit llvailt. of W South -Miiln avenue '6eranton. BORN. iLDSLIXlKR.-ln Heranton, Pa., Oct. iw.-, in :ir. aim mi. Uoloslecor. a kin. KRlUSON. Ill Sclauton. l'.t,. Oct. 1.', I-.'.-, jo .'ir. mi .ms. inomns r. llan m. of ill MaUls-fii a'.enue, u sou. MURDER CASE IS CONTINUED COMMONWEALTH'S WITNESSES WERE NOT PRESENT. Wladlslaw Knostnnowicz, Who Is Charged with the Killing of Joseph Bennovlcck, Will Not Be Tried Until the Next Term Verdict of Not Guilty Taken ns to Jacob I. Told, the Junk Dealer, Charged with Receiving Stolen Goods Tho Quinn Murder Recalled. Wlnillslaw KnostunowleH, who Is charged with the niurder ot Joseph tleitiiovlcck at North Scrim ton on July IT.. 1001, will not bo tried this term. The case was at the head of the list for the second week of criminal court which opened yesterday morning hut District Attorney W. II. howls', an nounced to Judge John P. Kelly, who Is ou the bench In the main court room this week, that he was not pro pared to go to trial because of the fact that several of the eoitiinon weulth's witnesses are now In Massa chusetts and ho could not go to trial without them. Tho accused was In court when the continuance was allowed and sat be side his counsel, Attorney H. L. Taylor, lln Is charged with throwing Bcnno lech off a porch at North Serunlon and breaking his neck and then drag ging him Into the street and kicking him. .Tuenl, T T-Vlil C!,3 ni-riitirnerl lipfnm Judge Harold Met Mure who Is In Xo. ;i this week. He Is n junk dealer and wnu ehnrirr.l with recelvlnc Iron stolen from the Delaware. Lackawanna and cHtern company, by Superintendent ni I'onee uny. Attorneys .loscpu O'P.rlen and Ilalph Levy appeared for Fold, -When the Itrst witness was called Attorney OTtrlcn developed the fact that the commonwealth could not prove specifically that the lion found In the possession of Veld had been stolen nnd had been purchased by him from tho thieves knowing that It-had been stolen and a verdict ot not guilty was ordered by the court. Similar action was taken In the case of Feld charged with neglecting to keep tho books In which Junk dealers aro re quired by law to make a record of purchases of junk. PAUKEU NOT Ol'lLTY. A verdict of not guilty was also taken before Judge McCMure In the case of Joseph Parker, charged with receiv ing stolen goods by Lieutenant of Police A. W. Palmer. Parker was found with a lot of Iron in his wagon on North Main avenue one day some months ago and was arrested. It was impossible, however, for the common wealth to make out the offene of re ceiving stolen goods and the court directed a verdict of not guilty. By agreement of tho parties the trial of Anthony Dunlenvy who is charged with perjury by ltobert Wilson of the Municipal league was continued until the next term. Tho case ot Otto Staub, Adam Brown, Joseph Thompson and Thomas Miller charged with felonious wounding by Martin Langan was also continued because of the absence of one of tho defendants. Dominick Burke, of Carbond.tle, did not appear to answer 'a charge of crim inally assaulting Hnttle Jeffrey and his ball was forfeited and a capias issued for him. Lawrence Glllcn pleaded guilty, be fore Judge Kelly, to stealing a number of articles from the ofllee of S. S. Jones, of Carbondale. Ife was sentenced to three months In the county jail. Herbert Brennan, a Carbondale boy, aged 1.1 years, pleaded guilty to the charge of burglarizing the stores of C. W. Scamans and F. A. Bell, of Carbon dale, lie will be sent to a reformatory. Mrs. Elizabeth Blackmore, of Carbon dale, was tried on a charge of stealing a revolver from George "W. Smith. She denied the theft and, at all events, said the weapon belonged to her husband. The verdict was not guilty. BAIL FOUFKITKD. MMn ball of Martin May was forfeited and a capias was Issued for him be cause he did not appear to answer a chargo of forgery, preferred by Will iam Reese. The case against Michael and John Fnrence, who were charged with aggravated assault and battery by Anthony Brown, was stricken from the list, the defendants having left. tho jurisdiction of the court. A verdict of not guilty was taken in the case of B. Jusephson, charged with assault and battery, the prosecutor, Adam Krvan Icky. not appearing. Catherine Peel was tried before Judge Kelly ou a charge of having obtained ?10S worth of furniture from Ucddlug ton by representing that she owned property. Her defense was a denial ot false representation!). The jury was out at adjournment. Thomas White was convicted, before Judge Noweomb, of the larceny of a crate of pineapples from in front of Huberts' commission house, on Lacka wanna avenue, on, the morning of July ":i last. Tho defendant was engaged In the huckstering business and on the morning In question, according to the story of the prosecution, stopped his horse and wagon opposite Hoberts' place of business, walked across tho street, picked up tho crate of pine apples and carried them to his witgnu, Ills actions wore noticed by Roberts, who called an nlllcer and had him take the defendant In chargo. Tim de fendant testlilrd that ho had arranged for tho purchase of tho pineapples be fore taking them, ills testimony, how ever, did not agree with the statement alleged to have been uiiido by him at the time of tho arrest. Attorney It, L. Levy was assigned as defendant's cuun nel, and tho commonwealth's wise was conducted by Mr. M'honias. A line of Ji and ten months In Jail was the sen tence Imposed, ItKMINDKK OF Ql'INN Ml'HDI'JU. The Quinn murder case was recalled by a case tried before Judge Newcomb during tho afternoon, when Joseph tfliuu, Stanley Novakofskl, Stanley Kll Inskl, Frank Klmlvlskl and John Wis ownskl were charged with feloniously wounding Frank Hippie la John Qulnn's saloon, on Keyset- avenue, on the night of April 5. It was only a few weeks later that Qulnn's sister, Mary, was murdered in a most font manner a short distance from her home. The allegation of the prosecutor la that ou the night In question, while trying to remove his brother-in-law from Qulnn's hotel, he was attacked by the defendants with clubs, glasses and chairs. His ribs were broken and he hud wounds about the head and face. There was no direct evidence save against Klma and Novokofskl, and the names of the other three were stricken from tho case. The defendants denied J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. 604 LINDEN STREET. being tho aggressors In the assault. They were defended by Attorneys John F. Heragg and John J, Murphy, and At torney Joseph Jeffreys assisted Mr, Thomas In conducting the prosecution. The defense was being heard when court adjourned. Before Judge McClure, Mike Kosh was on trial at adjournment, charged with placing obstruction on the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western rail road nt noon on November 22, 1001, last, Just before the fast passenger train from tho west was due. Frank Jones, a switchman, swore he saw Kosh place the obstructions on tho track, near the Lackawanna avenue crossing, and posi tively Identified him as tho man. Jones was the chief witness for the common wealth when the case was last tried, Kosh was convicted, but a now trial was subsequently granted. The princi pal reason urged for u new trial was that Jones was a man whose reputation for truth was such that his word was not worthy of credence. Kosh Is defended by Attorneys T. P. Duffy and Joseph Gllroy, and the com monwealth by Assistant District At torney Gramcr, Delia Thcll not appearing to prose cute Margaret Boss for assault anil bat tery, a verdict of not guilty was taken and the costs placed on the prosecutrix. Special Session Held. Hon. A. A. Vosburg held a special session of the Orphans' court yester day, and a partial hearing was had In the estate of John Weber, deceased, hi the matter of the audit of the account of John Weber, jr., one of tho executors of John Weber, si, for tho distribution of the proceeds of the salo of the real estate in partition proceedings. A ttp nn.te account having been nied with respect to the personal property, by agreement of counsel the hearing on this audit was continued until October 30, at 10 a. in., at which time tho excep tions filed to the personal properly ac count will be audited and testimony taken In both matters at the same time. Counsel representing the various Inter ests were C. Comegys. T. F. Wells, O'Brien & Martin, and Wlllard, Warren & Knapp. In the estate of John L. Preston, de ceased, Judge Vosburg handed down an order, as auditing judge, approving the report previously filed. The next session of the Orphans' court will be on Saturday, October IS, 1902. Hearings in Divorce Cases. Judge Newcomb heard testimony in chambers yesterday in two divorce eases. Tho first was Allen Smith against Sarah Smith. They were married in Bingham ton eleven year ago by Rev. W. K. Iliiid. Tho couplo afterwards came lo this elly and resided on Mousey avenue, and later moved to Dunmiirc. On Sept. 1, lSis, Smith claims, ho re turned homo and discovered that his wire had left homo nnd taken nearly all the household pffects with her. Up claims sh" had no Just cause for deserting him. Sirs. Frank II. Rognrt nnd Sirs, J. Kmerich testified that Smith treated his wife kindly and .lie had no cause to de sert him. Mrs. Barbara Krinn wants a divorce f i oiu Jacob Krlon. They were married In liormany Nov. .", 1SS.",. and came hero a nrmber of years ago, settling in Green Ridge, where Ki Ion was engaged as a bu Ichcr. On Feb. 7, 1SW, he was convicted 111 tho tctirts of Lneka wanna county and sen tenced to a term of live years and three months for criminally assaulting a girl named Jennie Schlmer. The divorce Is asked for ou the grounds of his having committed an Infamom crime Krlon was present at the hearing and hl- wife Identified him as lyr husband and the man convicted. Clerk of tho Courts T. P. Daniels showed by the court records that Krlon was convicted nnd sentenced. He has solved the term and was recently released. Attorney C, W. Dawson represented Krlon, who does nut oppose the application, Mrs. Krlon was represented by Beers iK- Clramb. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Frank XankfrcliI yesterday sued tho Scanton Itallway company for damages, through A. A. Chase. He Is a flood vic tim. Anthony Connolly, majority Inspector of the Southwest district of Lackawanna township, having removed from the dis trict, John J. Jennings was yesterday ap pointed his successor, The polling place nf the Second dis trict of tho First ward of this cltv was yeslerda'y changed from Angelunra's storo to a booth of llio county ou the vncant lot of C. K. Cooper In the 1!M0 block on the Boulevard road. county Commissioners' Clerk K. r. Itob.ilhiiu yesterday conducted a sale nf i.eated and unseated lands for taxei In tho prand Jury room ot the court house, Tl.e lands not having all been disposed of, tlio salo was adjourned to Wednesday, October 2.'. Tho sentence of Frank Kofczlnskl, con victed last week of having Impersonated the county detective was yesterday post poned until tho December term on no count of the Illness of his wile. He en toicil ball lo appear al that time, Wal ter Kofi'Kluskl becoming his bondsman. On January 7, iWi, Alfred K. Ileiishaw, a llremun employed on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, was killed while at work on an engine al Hockport, N, J, Mrs. Mary K. Honshu w, guanllaii of Alfred, minor on of do. consul, brought suit against the com pany to n cover damages. The case was sfltlej estcrday by tho company allow ing judgmeiil to bu entered agahiht them In the sum of J2M, Sweaters. A full line of 'good, heavy, u.irm sweaters, Florey .t Brooks, 522 and .'.21 Spruce street, opposite court homo, "' Dr. Lindabury, Surgeon, diseases ot women a specialty, 215 Connell building. Hours: 11 a, m. to 4 p. m.i 7 to S.SO p. ni. Time's No Golf) Just Like Our Mocha and Java Blondsd Ii) fart, there Is not a. doubt about It being tho Best 25c, Moclut and Java In town, and the "Grocer'1 admits It when lie offers you something Just as good. Try It and be convinced. If you are not satisfied we'll cheerfully icfund your money. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. Ill Lackawanna avenue. 821 North Muln avenuo 'Phone 73-2. Piiimpt delivery. New 'Phone 123. First-Class Advantages Arc offered by lite Conservatory for Piano forte Instruction to Studenta of all grades, from beginners to prospective professionals. Students can begin now. STREET SIGNS FOR ALL THOROUGHFARES Contract Will Bo Awarded Today for the Furnishing of Over 1,000 Signs at Cost of $1.70 Each. The dream of a qroat ninny citizens Is ut last to he realized. Scrauton Is to have streci; signs. The contract for their purchase Is to ho awarded today, and they are to be Installed et u re markably cheap pi Ice. Director of Public Works Roche yes terday afternoon opened the only bid iccelvcd in response to the advtrtlte ment. It was from A. 1). Benh.im, of Alllford, Mich., who agrees to furnish and put up all the signs required at n cost of $1.70 each. Tho contract will undoubtedly be awarded Mr. Kenhnni this morning by Recorder Connell and Director Roche. The signs will be similar to a sample now In Director Roche's office. An Iron pip" will extend seven and a half feet from the ground and at the top will bo cast-iron cros pieces bearing tho names of the Intersecting streets and avenues, In black letters on u white background. These cross-pieces will be of No. 16 gauge galvanized Iron and will bo practically Indestructible. They will run parallel to the streets which they will designate. Tho appropriation ordinance for the present fiscal year contains an Item of $2,000 Tor the purchase of street signs, Thls'wlll permit of the purchase of over 1,000. signs, or more than a sutllclent number to place one at every street and avenue intersection In the city. Tho additional signs will bo used to desig nate sonic of the courts and lanes, or else tho additional money will be ap plied to having additional lettering put on the street and avenue signs, so as to designate tho number of the block as well as the name of the thorough fare. CONTRACTOR IS EXONERATED. Accident at South Scrauton Church Blatnable on the Victims. An inquest was held by Coroner Sal try last night, In the case of Kdwnrd Finnegan and Maurice Van Horn, the two men killed by the collapse of a scaffold at the Hickory Street Presby terian church Inst Wednesday. Rev. William A. Noidt, pastor of the church; Henry Spruks, the general con tractor in charge of the repairs, and tho painters who were working with the unfortunate men, wore examined. From their testimony, tlieury found that tho plank of tho scaffold which gave way and precipitated the two men to their death, had been selected and set by themselves, and that they alono were responsible for tho sad accident. A verdict in accordance, with Hkfo findings was rendered by the jury. Con tractor George Barton, the employer of the unfortunate men, was specifically exonerated. . Attorney John F. Murphy appeared at tho hearing: in the interest of Mr. Barton. THIRD DEGREE CONFERRED. Big Event at the Knights of Colum bus Club House. The third degree was last niclit con ferred on sixty-seven Knights or Co lumbus in the club house, on North Washington avenue. Forty of the can didates were from this city, seventeen from WUkes-Barre, five from Pittslon and the bnlance from smaller places between this city and Carbondale. The decree was conferred liv Stat,. President J. A. Flaherty, of Philadel phia, assisted by u degree corps from that city, made up ot n number of prominent members of tho organiza tion. The house committee served re freshments at tho conclusion of the ceremonial. . NINTH YEAR. Scranton Business College. The school has begun Us ninth year. Same Instructions, Students enter at any time. Demand for bookkeepers and stenographers greater than supply, M'ho night school pre-eminently the school for those who would earn while they learn. Don't Forget MMio great Piano and Organ salo at Guernsey Brothers', 114 Washington avenue; nnd don't forgot that It Is on now, and "will all bo over soon"; and don't forget that you will never again buy so much Piano for so llttlo money; nml don't forget that you cannot do this ufter next Wednesday, the l.'th lust. " ii i m - i Sweaters. A full line of good, heavy, warm sweaters, Florey & Brooks, 522 and P.'l Spruce street, opposite court hoiibo. Coursen's Special Java and Mocha, 25c; 5 Pounds, $1.00. Compare it with 35c coffee elsewhere, Roffeel E, G, Goursen, 429 Lackawanna Avenue. NHMHMIMaiaUMHMHMHI MACKIE AND JOHNSTON EACH MADE A LARGE GAIN YESTERDAY, Lewis Bates and JFrcd Kibler Also Climbed Higher In Tho Tribune's Educational Contest A New Set of Leaders In the Special Contest That Began Yesterday Thayer Dropped Below Thirty-third Place. Standing of Contestants i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 10. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. A. J. Kellerntnn, Scranton.045 Charles Burns, Vandllng. .611 William T. S. Rodriguez, Scranton 540 Wm. Sherwood, Harford.. 543 Fred K. Gunstor, Green Ridge 510 Oscar H. Kipp, Elmliurst.515 Herbert Thompson, Car- bondalo 404 Albert Frecdman, Bolle- vtto 386 J. A. Havenstrlte, Mos cow 357 Chas. W. Dorsoy, Sornnton.317 Maxwell Shepherd, Car bondale 7 307 L. E. Stanton, Scranton. .215 Harry Madden, Scranton. .170 Hendrlck Adams, Chln- . chilln 149 Lewis Bates, Scranton. . . . 103 Homer Kresge, Hyde Park.102 Miss Beatrice Harpur, Thompson 100 Frank B. McCrcary, Hall stead 92 Fred Kibler, South Scran ton '. 87 Miss Jane Mathewson, Fnctory vllle . . 86 Don C. Capwell, Scranton. . 81 William Cooper, Friceburg 76 Louis Gere, Brooklyn 64 A. L. Clark, Green Grove. 60 John Mackle G4 Hugh Johnston, Forest City 50 Miss Edna Coleman, Scranton 46 Walter Hallstead, Scran ton r. 44 Grant M. Decker, Hall stead 42 Lee Culver, Springville. . 41 Henry E. Collins, Kir.ers. . 41 Elmer Williams, Elmhurst 39 Miss Mary Yeager, Green Ridge 34 Seven contestants scored points yes terday, as follows: John Mackle 21 Lewis Hates l.'l Hugh Johnston 12 Hendrlck Adams '.) Arthur J. Thayer 1 Fred Kibler 1 Chas. W. Dorsoy 1 This Is quite a different array of names from those usually published. Not one of th llrst iilno leaders are In It. This indicates that those who have MANWKLL SIIKPUKUD. been hovering close to the botioin are starting up at the eleventh hour to get In line for scholarships. A number of changes occurred in consequence In the center and lower portions of the main table. Lewis Bates passed Frank B. McCrcary, Miss Beatrice Harpur and Homer Kresge and holds fifteenth place by one point. Fred Kibler passed .Miss Jane Mathew son nnd holds nineteenth place by the same narrow margin. John Mackle of Providence made his second appearance In the main tirtjle and now holds twenty-llfth poslilou, having passed Arthur J. Thayer, Miss Mary Yeager, Klmer Williams. Henry K. Collins, Lee Culver, Grant M. Decker, Walter Hallstead, Miss Kilns Coleman and Hush Johnson. Hugh Johnson also Improved his chances and went from 'thlrty-ilrst lo twenty-sixth place, having skipped over Klmer Wlllams, Henry K. Collins, Lee Culver, Grant M. Decker, Walter Hall stead and Miss Culver. As a result of John Macule's re-entry Arthur J. M'hayer was compelled to drop out of tho jnaln table, although ho scorn! yesterday. M'wo points will bring him hack itgaln, however, while twelve will make him quite secure, for a few days at least. John Mackle now heads the list for lh special contest that began yester day morning and closes at .1 o'clock on' Saturday night of tills week. Five dollars In gold will bo tho reward of tho contestant who scores the largest num ber of points In the six da. Maxwell Shepherd, of Carbondale, whoso portrait appears this morning, was the twenty-third to enter the Kdu catloual Contest, enrolling on April 0 and scoring his llrst points nit .May ii. Mr. Shepherd has been In tho front rank of the leaders ever since and has never been lower than eleventh In the list, He is a popular young man In tho Pioneer city ami his friends are legion there. Ho is it brother ot ox. Select Councilman Itm-sell Shepherd of Carhoiulale, LEADERS P0R THE SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE i'ivn ooi.i.aus in noi.n to the contestant scorhm the laigest number of points for v. eels end ing Saturday. October IS, 1. John Mackle 24 3. Lwls Hates. lit S.Hugh Johnston 12 4. Hendrlck Adams v.-'-' 5. Arthur J. Thayer 1 6. Fred Kibler 1 7. Charles W. Dorsoy 1 A WORD TO 'FARM TOILERS, PAINFS CELERY COMPOUND The Home Friend of the Farmer and His Family in the Autumn Season. Afler tho labors and tolls of the summer time, nml harvesting nt crops In Hie early autumn, many of our far mers, their wives, daughters, and sons, llnd themselves In a condition of health demanding careful attention If suffer ing Is to ho avoided later on. Muny experience kidney trouble In sonic form; with some the liver Is torpid; there Is biliousness, nausea and vomit ing, with loss of appetite and dcplos slon of spirits. Thousands who have boon exposed lo cold, damp winds and rains while toUIng In the harvest Holds, now fool the twinges of terrible rheu matism; others run down by worry, overwork and Irregular dieting, are tor mented wllh the pangs of dyspepsia. To the thousands of rundown, sickly and half dead men and women In farm "homes we recommend with all honesty and confidence the worker'sfrlond, Palno's Celery Compound, tho only medicine that can quickly and fully restore strength to the weak body and vigor to the muscles. Palno's Celery Compound tones the stomach; It re moves poisonous acb.ls from the blood which cause rheumatism; It feeds tho weak and diseased nerves and banlslies neuralgic tortures; It purifies the blood and gives true vitality and life. The use of Palno's Celery Compound in au tumn menus the establishing of a per fect physical vigor to withstand tho rigors of a severe winter. v "sVts -f Diamond Dyes Save money and afford fresh ness and a pleasing change in what you wear. Direction boo'" and -I." dyed sum- J Hies free. DIAMOND DVKS. Burlington. VI. y.tl D., L. AND W. BOARD FOR TODAY The following Is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western board for today: MONDAY, OCTOr.KB 1H. ! Nt t Sim Kast fi p. m., J. GInley: S p. m., Wull : 10 p. m., Van U'ormer; 12 p. ni., Sinples. f unmiits A p. m., I'rounfelker. Puvl.ers (! p. m.. Latimer; S p. m., Case; Ii p. in . Hoar; 12 p. m .Mathewson. K.Mras West -11 p. m Fish. Tl'KSDAY. OCTOHKIt II. K?:tras Last 1 a. m., Rtiigllcb; 3 a. m., Jios'ler: ! a. m.. Bisblng; i! a. m., Golden; S a. in.. Dunn: ;i;i. in., Nugent; 10 a. m., Murph : II a. in.. Stevens; 1 p. m.. De vine: 2 p. in.. Wallace; 3 p. m., Castncr; .1 P. Ill . K'UKMley, Summits I! a. m., Carrlgg; 10 a. m., Nichols. I'usheis I a. in., l.ampln; ii a. m.. Mc Donnell; 7 a. m.. Wldner; 7 a. m Fin- nerty: S a. in.. I looser; S a. m., Klrby; 9 a. m.. C. Bartholomew; 11.15 a. m., Moran; i30 p. m.. Murphy. i Helpers l.::i' a. iuN., Coslar; 7 a. ni ''.iffney; l'J a. in., Seeor; i.l p. m Stan ton. BMrii" We.-f .", a. in., Stack; 1 p. m,, l.i iiiiard. See the Cut Man. Effective and attractive half-tonca and lino cuts for card, advertising or any other purpose, can bo secured at The Tribune ofllee. We do work that is unexcelled, do It promptly and at lowest rates. A trial order will con vince you. City and School Taxes 1902. The above lax duplicates aro now in my hands for collection. F. S. BAUKKR, ' City Treasurer. Do You Know Tho best place In town to buy f is nt 412 Spruce Street. 309 Lackawanna Avenue. Wo have a complete assortment of tho 50c kind, the S1.00 kind and all standard makes, in nil grades. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's. g. , , .. .g, ;. , 2 i .. .J. .j, . $ aisiis... 00000 Are the best in the world. In VARNISHES we cany l'arrolts, Miism-y's, Valentines and Lnwsoiis t . Also n full line of Blushes J Bittenbender & J 126-128 Franklin Ave. t S $ J" 'J t "J $ "fr Ml ;mUi ury Ten Dollars for Guesses "lio ran nnnio the winner lit Tho Tr Ijiine'H Rdlicnllount Contest nnd tell tho iiuinucr ot points ho or sha will linvo? First Prize S5.00 In Gold. Next Three $1.00 each Next Two 50 cents each. Next Fotir 25 contn each TOTAL-Tcn Prizes, Ten Dollars. Cut out tho coupon below, fill It In, and send lo "Heranton Tribune, Scran ton, l'a Guessing Contest." Tuesday, Oct. 14. T think the winner of Tho Trib une's Kducatlonul Contest will bo No. nt points ,.,...., Name Address , ,,,,,, Cut out this lower coupon only. The Title Guaranty and Trust Co., Will be pleased to receive money In any amount and late of Interest thereon. deposits o! pay liberal While mu ll uur t Cl'H Wash, somewhat aro ly able to dale our Inrrenslng temporary nt urn nve. am small, wn abundant, patronage 0A1MTAL AND SURPLUS 0NB MILLION D0LLAU3 Open an account with us. I,. A. WATRKS President F. L. PHILLIPS. Third yieo-Presldont and Treasurer EXKCIH'IVK COMMITTEK. Abram Nesbllt. Thomas K. Jones. William F. Hallstead. , O. S. Johnson. Thonni3 II. WatRlns. L. A. Watres. You Can Always Save Tho middleman's pro. fit by purchasing your umbrellas or parasols direct from tho manu facturer. Special In ducements just now In order to clear out our stock preparatory to making up our Christmas line. Wo aro tho only exclusive umbrella manu facturers in tho city. SCRANTON-UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING COMPANY. BIS SPUFC13 STRKET. The Standard of Excellence means a great deal, but it expresses the position of . In the stationery world. Theyare the best and they aro the standard of polite society. Whiting's French Organdies in the now Fall tints, Cafe and Chrysanthemum, will be the papers in use for select correspondence this Fall. Very elegant effects can be produced by stamping or lllums inatlng, We have the complete selection. REYNOLDS BROTHERS Hotel Jenuyn Building. -"fcT'Sl?' Whiting s Papers ..u I i'4Mai- ..'