' n?1 frwrwj'rn'frVTff' "" " -wi vr? tvqs ' " - 'tyif-'iw" :wrf w": ' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1902a; Ik p?j-' t ! I w V It v J'ubllihed Dully Except Riindny, by Th Tr lhttn Publishing Company, nt Fifty Cent n Month. MVY S. JUUItAltD ' Knirnn, O. P. BYXtlEK lIuilKMi XlAMAtiitn. Entered tt the lVuloffle nt SpmiiIoii, m Second CUbs Mull Mailer. When apnre ttIII permit, The) Tribune U nttrnjn Kind to print, short loiter from It friend bearing on current topic, liut III ruin It Mint tlirso mint ho pluncil. for uh. Mention, by the irrlter'n renl immol ntnl llio condition preenlent to nrrpjitnnro It tlint nil rontrlhutloin thnll bo nnhject to editorial rovlslon. THE FLAT KATK FOIl ADVKUTISINO. Thp following Itblp (limvn tha price per Inch each Innerllon, opneo to he uvM w Ithln one yenri i rtidlnc Yii1l " llPn.'l'lng rn,lllnn ..n .wi .11 ,i ,:u ..til .:r .so ' .ll ..51 n.i i ' .m HISPIiAV i.rwthii soTTu'TiW . M) Inchen .... inn "..... 0 " foil " 1W0 " Hull nf I'tper .Ml .til SIP ,lll For cnli of thank, rrolul lor. of condolence, nnd Imllur riintrlliiitlnni In the imturoofmlverllMng, The Tribune mnkesi n charm, of .1 cents ft line. .SCl'.ANTOX. OCTUtlKU II. 1IU12. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Govortinr-N. W. PKNNYPACKKIt. Lieutenant C.nccmor --W. M. IIIIOWX. Keen tury of internal Affairs ISAAC u, iiruwn. County. Congress-Wl 1,1,1 AM CONXI3I.T.. .Intlqr-A. A. VOKItrilll. OoninilmlntiiTs .lOIIN COL'JUKIt MOP.- It IS. .KltlN PK.VMAN. Jllne Inspectors- l.I.KWKM'N M. UV- ANS, DAVm T. WIM.IAMS. Legislative. Senator-JOHN li. JORDAN. Itepresentatlves rirsi Dixtiict-josKi'ti oMvnrt. S"cond Illsttlcl-.'Oll.V St'MHI Kit. JR. Third llhttlet-MDWAItl) .1AM HS. I'ntuth lH-tilcl-l'. A. PIIII.filN. Election ilny. Nov. A. Tl proms that the New Orleans street car men hail mi tllltli'iilty In settling their strike when a secret liallnt was taken. The World's Coal Fields. AT""'' hypothetical exhaustion nf I the wiii-lil's .coal supply is a JL favorite anil hy no moans an unenteitiilnlug thesis with nmateiir anil professional eeonomlsts. Fifty years ago .levons wrote a brll llant monograph In which he estimated the depletion of the coal measures of Aleut Ilrltaln In a century. Ho point ed out entile legitimately that with this enormous Increase In manufacturing netlvlty then in full blast, the supply of domestic coal for Its purpose would he used up lu Knghind and Scotland in the time ho had specified, and that CI rent Britain, If she were to hold the lead in Industrial supremacy, would have to rely for fuel upon the I'nltctl Slates. Jcvons' logical faculty of deduction and prescience In generalization almost Amounted to genius. He was not an economical theorist like John Stewart -Mill nor an Incomprehensible expound er of what Carlyie calls "the dlsmasal science." Political economy is a sci ence, and a very fascinating one If stu dents of it law'i could find their appli cation worked out objectively any where. It is essentially a science of text boolcs and the lecture room. No man of his generation knew that better that Jevon, and what makes his writ ings so interesting to the man In the stre?t is tho fact that he sought to find practical application for Ills theories in the meaning of the industrial life in which lie lived and moved. Jcvons' es timate of the coal supply of flroat Itri taln is perhaps on the whole not far astray. At the present rate of con sumption, fifty years will witness prob ably its practical exhaustion.' Hut oili er tilings being euuul, tills fact, stu pendous as its consummation must be, will not menu the industrial paralysis of England. As long as tho transmu tation of coal remains the basis of en ergy, force, or power, so long, of course, will It retain its importance. Hut the waste of the energy of eo.il has been and is enormous. J I is Infinitely more Important to mankind Mint this waste should stop than that fresh coal fields should be discovered. Whether an Knglisliimul, American or genius of any other nationality Is likely to find a rival to coal in the atmosphere, In the sea or some other element, until that discovery Is made as it will .be noniu liny, the enlightened policy of all na tions should aim not merely at the conservation of coal in its mineral bull; but in its potential energy. It lu morally certain Unit the un known coal fields or the world are im measurably greater than those that Jinvci been discovered or are known to exist without being explored. , AVe, leave out of this computation "that which lies under the sea, which, for all practical purposes, might as well oc cupy strata of tho moon. We know, lor instance, Mint tho coal beds of Chirm can and may supply the world with fuel, ltitssla, Asiatic and Nuro ran, Is immensely rich in coal which tljo Improvident and lazy Muscovite al lnjws to remain untouched while he Inirns down his foresls. India also eon tnjlns Immense coal lipids, not of an ex cellent 'fluidity, hut serviceable. Then comes South Africa. The coal meas ures of the Transvaal are practically InexhaiHtlhle, and prohably this Is so In Ithodesla. KiiiatorIal Africa is rich in, all kinds of minerals ami If outcrop plugs are-any criterion of Us resources, especially so In coal. Coal has been found on tho surface within the Arctic circle at places hundreds of miles dis tant, hut within an area of continuous geological strata, In fact, coal at uiio Mfuo ciwreil Iho earth like the glacial mjirftjIe.VThe Ice melied away ami tho coal would have been denuded away, as it was, for Instance, In Ireland, but for tunately geological evolution or rather convulsion made for U a casket In which if lay until man In his Imiulsltlvo way iloiuestlcatoil It, so to speak. Wo hijve' heard lutely a great deal about tlrp difficulty and danger of coal min ing, We have no deMre to minimize ii(htr, Hut It Is certain that If nature had not thrown Uitge dlflleultlcH In our wiv; w'e should lmvo po coal to burn. The puhlluhed list of various bever ages Kt before ills rioyal Hlshius Chowla .Mfdiii Vajlravudli of Smni at hfe Mutt banquets Indicates that Hie youthful visitor will be fortunate It lifi escapes without expot'lchrtiiK tlto ills coutfoiis of the mental meniiReiie lie fore returning to the laud tit his birth, The ainscng Hubble. OWIXO tu the surprising de luiind for n department pub lication entitled "American rlluseng," Secrelnry of Agri culture Wilson Is endeavoring to for feit the erroneous Impression that has been created In reference to profits In the cultivation of ginseng by Ameri can fnrmet s, ThN note consists of a warning to the public against the "boom" In ginseng culture, which Is lining promoted by the extravagant statements of sensational Journals and also by the fraudulent rcp tcenlntloiiM of Interested persons. In ltn. I'rofeSMir Frederick V. Colville, mtdcr whose direction the "ginseng bul letins" were piepaied, sulrt: "The de mand for ginseng lu China is steady, and It Is believed Unit our exports may be largely Increased without overstock ing the markets," but In iWi the sumo authority says: "It must not be for gotten that the value of our export has In no year reached $1,000,000, having been fSilS.TIO in lnOO, and If oven a min ority or those who have gone Into gln sing culture are successful Iho enor mous Increase In production will almost Inevitably result. In a serious reduction of the market price of Mm dried root. It is estimated that 178,000 pounds, the approximate average of the last five years' exportation, may be grown on fioni firty to seventy-live acres of land. It Is clear, therefore, that the present niarjfet and present prices for dried roofs do not warrant the establishment of very many large ginseng farms." The timely action of the secretary of agriculture lu heading off the scheme.", of growers of ginseng roots who hao been flooding the magazine:- with allur ing advertisements concerning the profits that may lie Insured from the cultivation of the plants. Is commend able. It will undoubtedly save many from becoming victims of the roof growers ind again impress upon the mind of the reader of sensational r.d vertlslng pamphlets that the man who knows how to make millions docs not generally advertise the scheme for the benefit of others, but. grasps the oppor tunity for his own profit In silence. Hacked by the report from the bureau of agriculture, Mm ginseng bubble was one of the most alluring that Iiim been blown before the American farmer in many years. It Is fort-unato that light lias been shed upon the scheme early In the game. Huston will piobably be the only city that will be able to triumph lu the wrestle with the pronouncinllon of the name of the Crown Prince of Slam. The Nation's Coffee Cup. fr -K FACT that the American people are the largest coffee consumers of any of the great nations, says the Phll iidrlphla Hulletin, is again brought out by the proceedings of the International Coffee Commission, which is now hold ing Its sessions at Xew York. The ob ject of Mils body, whose assemblage was provided for by the Pan-American congress held In the City of Mexico last year. Is to deal with the Muesllou of prollts from the standpoint of tho cof fee grower. At present this industry, which has attained ils greatest promi nence In ilrnsdl and Mexico, is suffering from overproduction. More coffee is apparently produced than the world de mands, and as a result prices have fall en materially in the last few years a condition which Is not likely to be re garded unfavorably by the great mass of consumers, huwevcr much It may be deplored by the owners of the planta tions. Just wli.it the commission, in which most of Mm countries of hnttn America are represented, expects to accomplish by its deliberations is not very plain. Tills country is now Importing about 8OO.OOiVwo pounds of coffee annually, for which, It pays over $ri0,000,00(. (Jer many conies next, with a consumption less than one-half of our own, and Trance Is third In the list, while Eng land, despite the vogim which the Lon don coffee houses secured in fashion able circles a couple of centuries or so ago, uses less than one-twentieth as much as the United States, according to tlie latest available statistics, If the coffee commissioners expect to enlarge the market for the brown bev erage they .should turn their attention to Europe, rather than to this republic. A nation whose citizens consume a per capita average of ten pounds or this staple each year Is doing about all that could reasonably bo expected of It In this direction, Hope springs eternal in tho breast of the peanut politician. General Brag?;. Gl!l-:XKlAh HltACSii will pot offend the susceptibilities of tho Chinese by telling his wife that it would he as dif flcnlt for I'uole Sam to bring them to his way of thinking upon all things as to try to make whistles out of their pis tails, fioneral Hrugg'a offense has been magnanimously condoned by the piesl dont, but his many consular indis cretions have not been forgotten by tho state department. Ills transference from Havana to Hong ICoug when ho retires will most likely end his diplo matic activity. It is Mimethliig of a punishment, though perhaps an ade Mimte one, for a gallant old soldier who has to depend lu the winter of his life upon his personal activities. It will' be remembered that ilentral Hragg In a letter to his wife safd "Uncle Sam might as well try to nuiko whistle out of a pig's tail as o malm Himcthlug out of tho l.atln race." Pos sibly ho might, but he Is not called upon to try. The Cubans are not Latins. Hut even If they wore I'uclo Sam has not yet set up for a universal preceptor to the human race. The Humans were l.atlns, and Mm Humans were a great people. The Latins are not a dying race by any means. if their generic traits are not asslmable with the more robust and practical national characteristics of Undo Sam tlml Is not, their fault even ir It Is their mhfortune, General urast,- will allow. LECTURE ROOM TO COME DOWN LAST PRAYER MEETING IN IT TOMORROW NIGHT. Part of tho First Presbyterian Church to Be Pulled Down nt Once to Make rlnce for the New Build ing Tlmt Is to Arise on the Site of the Church Building: After the Plnnl Prnycr Meeting Tomorrow Night There Will Be a Social Ses sion History of the Building. On tomorrow night Mm last prayer meeting will be conducted In Mm old lecture room of the First Presbyterian church on Xorth Washington avenue. The whole church property was re cently purchnsrd by the Williams Brothers who Insls. upon a vacation of file lecture loom this week preparatory to tearing it down to begin the work or laying the foundation of the build ing which the.v. propose to erect upon the church site, After the prayer meeting tomorrow night a social session will be enjoyed by the members of Urn congregation and the memories which cluster about the old building will lie reviewed, Tim lecture room of the chinch was built during Mm winter of 1SUG-U7 or flflein years after the erection of Mm church proper which was dedicated on September jy, 1S.VJ. The church was later enlarged lu the winter of 18,10-00 and was rc-dedlcnted on April fi, JSOO. The architect of the present church ami lecture room was Joel Ainsden and W. V. Munness had charge of the work of construction. The congregation lias until January 1 only to occupy the church building nnd arrangements are at present being made to secure tho use of some hall in tlie central part of the city to use temporarily pending the erection of Mm new church. It is quite likely that the hall in the new Y. M. C. A. building will be secured for this purpose. Xo architect has as yet been engaged to prepare the plans for Mm new church nor has any decision as to 'whether an open contest should be conducted been arrived at ns yet. Tills Is partly due to Mm fact that Mm building com mittee Is not yet sure how much money will be available. The sum of $7r.,000 has been secured for Mm old church property but this will be very material ly Increased by private subscriptions whlcliire not all In yet. Tim committee hopes to be able, how ever, to award Mm contract before Mm first of the new year so that the new building may be ready for occupancy by next fall. The plans prepared some years ago by Architect Hohlen will not be used because they provide for a structure that would bo too expulsive under present conditions. NEW PATROLMAN NAMED. D. W. Davis Removed from Force nnd S. Savitts Appointed. Director of Public Safety F. U Wormser yesterday afternoon removed Patrolman Daniel W, Davis from the police force for cause, and appointed Sylvami3 Savitts, or the Fifth ward, to the vacancy thus created. The new patrolman is a splendid specimen or physical manhood, being over six feet tall and built in proportion. He has been acting as a reserve patrolman for several weeke. Davis vi, s asked for his resignation last Friday by Superintendent Day, "for Mm good of Mm service," as It was yes terday explained, and lie refused to give it, hence his formal removal from the force. Davis was one of Mm ten men appointed to the force last spring. ---&-------- a ---- --- -e-4 t t The Best Stimulant When worn out or run down is found in Baltimore The Finest Type of the Purest Whiskey. It is particularly recommended to women because of Its age and ex ci''?iice. fioM nt nil HTM !! i'afl nllil lv jolil.r-,. Wll. I.AN.WIAN A SM)N, lUIUliiulf. Mil. Opportunities pre sented for a peep at what Mistress Fashion Has consented to approve for Early Pall. Take Elevator at 324 Lackawanna Ave. t I n J h:'imiM The Crane Store WHY GROW OLD? When You Can Be Strong and Vigorous at 100 Years of Aqo. Thounaiitls nf A leu and Women Who Have IJvcil Heyomltlic Allotted "Threescore and Ten" l!rom Twenty to I'nrty Years Say DnTfy's Pure iMalt Whiskey Is lite fountain or Youth and a Godsend to Old People. 120 YEARS OLD. Ahumi H. Jilnier. of t'tlcn, N Y said: "I used Duffy's I'ure .Mutt Whiskey its my only medicine for thirty .vcars and t know It prolonged my life and kept my system lieu from illscise. It Is Mm great est medicine In the win Id." HEALTHY ANIJ STRONG AT 80 air. Thomas S. Hull!, eighty years old, of Long Hrancli, N'. J., wrote us mi .Inn. IMi. IMJ: "Notwithstanding I am eighty years old, 1 do not look rlNly. 1 allrihiile my vigor and youth to tlie coiuilunl iim of Duffy's I'ure Malt Whiskey, my only ined. Iclnc. I take It three times a d:iy nnd will continue to do so as Inns' as I live. I know It Is the gieatcst stimulant and tonic for old men when they need snum Milng to aid nature." DOING HER OWN WORK AT X0 Mrs. Mary A. Itullt's experience was similar to thai of her husband: "I was sintering from dyspepsia and heart disease and would he unconscious sometimes for a whole day. While in ono of these attaeku my husband gave mo Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and J caiiiu out of It almost at once, and the strango part of It Is I have never had an attack of II since. Whenever 1 feel any symp toms J take a tiililespoonl'ul ol Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and It drives the wind from around my heart, and us soon as this Is done the pain Is all gone and I feel perfectly strong. My dyspepsia Is entire ly cured. I can eat anything and after eating too heartily J take it drink of Duffy's I'ure .Malt Whiskey ami the dis tressed, heavy 'feeling appears. I am la my seventieth year and do nil my own work with six lu my family. X heartily recommend Duffy's Tare Malt Whiskey to every woman who suffers, especially to old people. If Is my only medicine and thanks to It I am strong and can enjoy good health." MARRIED 65 YEARS. Mr. Adam I.lvlngond, of Klvcrson, ra., who Is ninety-one, and whose wife Is elghty-rour, wrote us March .',. I'.im: "1 take great nleasiiro In wrltlna- lo von telllns the henclll I am deriving from the Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskev IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. It contains no fusel oil, the most dangerous ingredient In whiskey. It contains medicinal properties that will euro consumption, grip, asthma, bronchitis and dys pepsia. It Is preset I lied by over 7,W0 Doctors and used exclusively hi ll.iwo hos pitals. Your Doctors will tell you that more deaths are caused by drugs than by disease. Then why III! your system with drugs? If you aio weak and run down, if you are troubled with sleeplessness or It you catch cold easily, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, a tablcspoonfiil In hull' a. glass of water or milk three limes a day. It Is guaranteed to cuie you and keep you In perfect health. It Is Iho only whiskey rceognixed by the tJovermneut as n medi cine. Thl". Is n guarantee, Deware of im Jtatloiis and so-called substitute malt whiskeys. The dealer who says that something else Is Just as good as Duf fy's I'ure Malt Whiskey thinks of his prollt only, and not of your health. In sist upon Duffy's I'ure Malt Whiskey mid see that the trade-mark, "The Chemist'. Head." Is on the label and the niiine "Duffy .Mall Whiskey Company" Is blown In the bottle. The genuine Duffy's Pino Malt Whiskey is sold by all drug gists nnd grocers, or direct nt M.Oil a bottle. Write for free medical booklet containing symptoms and treatment of each disease, and convincing testimonials, to the Duffy Malt AVhiskey Company, llo-cliesler. DOCTORS ! I want to tell you about a rubber article indispensible to you, it's a Rubber Coat That can be worn over an overcoat to protect it from rain and mud and guar antee waterproof, it does not weigh more than a linen duster andean be carried in the pocket or instrument case, the price is $4.00. Come in and look at it Conrad, Office Furniture Hill & Connell, !' "I4 "fr ! ! H There Are Many Imitations, but Only One Ehret's Slag Roofing APPLIED BY W ARREN-EH RET COMPANY, 321 WASHINGTON AVE. ' 4 4 I4 use of Duffy's I'ure Mult Whiskey. 1 have been taking It lu small Humilities every morning and evening fur a numnor nf years. I inn lllnely-oiie yearn old nntl lu excellent health, good nppelite ami am doing nil my own farm work. I know your Whiskey Is giving me renewed streimth and prolonging my III" I f-"'l as well today its fen years ago and I re"l as lr t will yet pas. the century mat It. I would earnestly recommend II In oil old people. It wan recommended to mo. and Mas ploveli a blesxlng. .My wife Is eighty four years old. and never falls to take a ilofo of this Whiskey on retiring. She I.. Is also In perfect health. ADAM I.IVINtlOOU. MARRIED AT 104. Mr. Townscwl Miller, or Jmniu en, L. I., who Inn just celebrat ed his 10 1th hlrlliilny and married Ills third wife, writes lie is ns vigorous nml slronj? ns when twcniyflvo years of age, thanks to Unity's Pure Malt Whiskey. "Though I am now past one hundred and four years of nge, 1 am today as strong anil healthy as f was llfty years ago, and still able to do a good day s work. I attribute my health, vigor and great ago to ihc constant use of a Utile Duffy's I'ure Alnli Whiskey daily for many years. It's the greatest medicine In the world, a god-send to old people, and i will never bo without It." VIGOROUS AT 104. Air. italph ISnlllck, of IJiooklyn. X. Y who Is In his one hundred and llflh year, says: "The benellt I derive from Duffy's I'ure Malt Whiskey Is marvellous. I owe my great age, vigorous constitution and re markable freedom fiom disease to ils daily use for many years. Though one hundred and four years of age, I fool as young and hearty as forty years ago. My appetite is good, and I still do all the chores. I cannot say too much lu favor of Duffy's Pure AVhiskey, which Is a blessing to old people." 305 Lackawanna Ave. THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY, Everything that is new everything that is desirable. Be sure and see our line and gel our prices before you buy. 121 Washington Ave. 4 .fr $ $ l $ 4 fr i"i' J ! "i 'h ! i 'J' !' ? 3 5 J J J l f i NEW YORK HOTELS. The New and Absolutely Fire-Proof Hotel Earlington, NEW YORK CITV. European Plan. 27'h Street II jar Broadway, N.w York City. Tin most central and most accessi ble location In the city, combined with qulst and refined surround- Incs. TAIUKl.' Of ItATKS! KliiRto room (bath).. ...$i.:fl to $:.oo Double roomw (bath), I peiron .'.no .0) 0) Double rooms (bath I, ' pei'uon...,J!j I in i n rooniH iiil.loUUUB. I.nrfje double rooms, with private hath rnomn, I pnrnon M.iio l.incn iloubln rnnniM. Willi private ha Mi room, 2 pernmiR fl.O1) KiiIIcm op parlor, bedroom' and bath for I poison $.i.no. JI.im. .", rn, T.oi SnlicH of parlor.beilroom and bath. for 2 perilous $l.no, ,".(io. J'i.Mj, JS.OO Suites of parlor, 2 bedrooms and bath J7.fii), S.nii, $in.00 K. 51. KAKl.K fc SON. 30 years connected with Enrle's Hotel. LDIISJE HOTEL 1T1I A V.,IIK I WUHS Ultni AND SSurllS'JM. NEW YORK. EUROPEAN PLAN. NEW. IT ni'IlOOP Convenient to Theatres nntl Shopplnz Districts. Take 23rd st. cross covn cars and transfer at -Stli avc. dlrsct to hotel, Iioonis with Until ) (.Stills with Until G'-MI" I ( $!!.((). W. H. PARKE, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixtrcntli St. and Ir Vis Place, NSW YOEK. American Man, p..o0 Per Day ami lipwardi. l.'uropcnn Plan, $1.00 Per Day and Upwards. Special IUtca to Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. f ff-f-f ." - -M--MHf for Business Men t In Ihc heart of the wholesale dis trict. For diionper: t t t f f f " minutes' walk to Wannirmkera; L' minutes to Slcgel Cooper's HU: Store. Krisy of access to tho great Dry Goods Stores. For Sightseer:? One block from B'way Cars, slv inpr easy transportation to all points of Interest. NEW YOUK. Cor 11th ST. VNlVKltSlTr Ir.. Only one Ulock from ISroadway. flUUim, -PI Up. prcc3 (cavimblj -M-4- f -t- -f 4--M- -f4-f---f -f UJMMERJIEQORTS Atlantic City. The temperature at the AGINEW. On the ticacli, in Cliclaca, Atlcitic City, Saturday wan soJ. Every appointment of a modern Hotel. HOTEL RICHMOND. Kentucky Aicnue. I'iist lloicl fioin llcach, At lantic City, X. J, j GO Ocean iev roums; ca pacity iW; iviilu lor special rates. J. I!, Jenk ins, Prop PENNSYLVANIA. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a spur of llic Alleghany Motml.iliii. Mil!i Valley rallio.ul; near Tmv.imh. Iljlliinc;, IWliInz, fporta, etc. i:.vi client table. Rpn.unaMe i.ucs. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL P. 0., Ape, Pa. Send (or liooUct. C. K. IIAII1US. . V. K , : V. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft WQfflM! Best Tlie Celebrated Always reliable. Dickson MH8& Grain Co Sctnnton nnd Olyphnnt. U 'A U iS l V "? 'A ol it ;! "A tl it "rt 'A t j .J. ! j j ii j , j, ;, ;. ; .j. ,j. .j. j ; Wlisn in Hee Of anything in tho line of optical goods we can supply it. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Properly fitted by an expert optician, From $1.00 Up Also nil kinds of prescript tlon work and repairing, JYlcrcereau & Connell, 133 Wyoming Avenue. 'Jw- c How to Help Yotmg Men and Women Secte Educations r & 44 YOUNG MEN and 7 YOUNG WOMEN are cmlcn vnrltiR to serine educations thrniiBh Till.: TlttMt.WirS KptlOA TIO.VAI, CONTEST, in. which 03 KCllOI.AIlHIlll'f!, valued ut over ?n,rw, me offered. Tho BCiioiarBiups arc: 2 Syracuse University. 1 Bucknell University. 1 University of Rocheslor. 1 Washington School for Boya. 1 Willininspoi't Dickinson Somin niy. 1 Dickinson Collegiate Prepara tory School. N 1 Nowton Collegiate Institute. 1 Keystone Academy. 1 Brown College Preparatory School. t School of the Lackawanna, 1 Wilkes-Bnrre Institute. 1 Cotttlt Cottages. '1 Scranton Conservatory of Music. 1 Hardcnbergh School of Music nnd Art. 3 Scranton Business College. 5 International Correspondence Schools. 2 Lnckawanna Business College. 2 Alfred Wooler'3 Vocal Studio. Several ot these scholarships Include not only tuition, but also board, room, heat. IIrIU anil laundiy for periods of two to tour years. Anions tnese niiy one voiincr pontile Micro arc thirty- three who are really atrlvlnpr to secure educations, and their names appear on another paso of Tho Tribune every morulas:. In tho table showlus the "SlnndliiR of Contestant." They should bo encouraged In their com mendable endeavor. HOW YOU CAN HELP If vou nre not already 11 subscriber to The Tribune, send 11 noto to some one of tho contestants, leciucstiiig a call. , Or. bnltnr xlltl. send vour silbserln- Mini to The Tribune, together with tho money to pay for same, designating (nine cotiinstnut wiilcli you wish 10 re ceive tlie credit. Contestants nre credited with 0110 point for every month you pay in ad vance. Tho price of Tho Tribune in advance Is: Points. One month $ .nO 1 Throe mouths 1.2."! 11 Kl- mouths I..V) fi Ono year 3.00 1- PIJKSKNT Sl'KSCRIltKRS can aid contestants materially by furnishing them with a list of friends who might be Induced to tnlco The Tribune. Or. they can personally rciiuest tliess friends to subscribe. Or. they can send The Tribune to their friends, paying the money them selves. Many arc il lug this and the contestants are very grateful for this whofe-hearted aid. ONLY Ni;V SCUSCRIBKHS ARK COl'NTKD. TO CONTESTANTS Ileinenijier: The Tribune's Kduca tloiuil Contest closes October t'."i, at S p, m. No points not In Tho Tribune olTlee by the llrst stroke of s. ns told by the Court House clock, will bo counted. MXi'l-iI'T: Th 080 lcccivcd by mall and postmarked at or before S p. m. SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE FOR OCTOBER FIVE DOLLARS IN GOLD to the contestant bringing in tho largest number of points during tho week ending Saturday, OotO' ir bor 18. iwll EDUCATIONAL. Do You Want a Good Education? Not a thort course, nor in easy coursf, nor a cherp course, but th belt education to be had. No other education 1 worth f pending time nnd money ore II you do, write for catalogue ol College Gaston, Pa. whlrh otters tlioroush preparation In th Knglnetrlng and Chemical Profusion! U well n th regular College courses. state iomrl scioofl EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. il Regular State .Not mill Courses and Special Deparliucnts f MuMe. i:iocu. tlon. Ail, I ira Ins. Hteiiography and BTpewiiiins; ihiuhb v-wucyu iicpaiat lory l)i piulinent TREE TUTION. Hourdlii'j expenses $:..V) per week Pupil .ulniltieil at any tiino Winter Term opens Pec. v'tuh. Write for caw lOgllO. T-T.1LTT. j, U, A1.IU1, J. ri., lJ 1'rlnelpa Row. ECRANT0N C0RRESP0NDEN CE SOHOOt, SCR ANION, PA, T J. Foiter, I'letideat. timer II. Lawtll, lieu. U. J. Koiter, , Stiniejr P, Allen, Vice President. 8ccretar;. Lawyers! The Tribune will guarantee to print! your paper book quicker than any oth-j ayette JLd cr prlnMns house In the city