The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 14, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    " p 4
fSt e
Cook is
Sure of Her
J When she uses
It never varies always the purest,
sv.cetc-il, ricliesl inolnssei that
can be bought. In plain top or
screw cap cans, at grocers. t of icilpc, fi"C, on request.
P. DUFF & SONS, Pittsburg.
Coiinty Sayings Bank
and Triisi Company,
506 Spruce Street.
in Sums of
and pays per cent,
terest thereon.
D., L. & W. Started Three
and the 0. & W. Two
He Was Pmsuctl by a Crowd of
Strikers Is Now in the Emcigcncy
Hospital nt Caibondalo Was a
Temple lion Company Foreman in
Charge of n Ciowd of Reciults
Bound for Edgei ton Body of Col
onel Hoffman Taken to Pottsvlllc.
Statements Given Out at Strike
Hcadqumteis About the Amount of
Coal Mined.
L. A. WATKES, President.
O. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pies.
A. H. CHBISTY, Cashier.
K. I'.
o. s
r TlnlMcid,
Invnotl W.mon.
UKiist Knliliibon,
Jos O'Uilcn,
I. -. Wat 10s
Stanipj W
With put chase of Wall Paper,
Shades, Pietuie Fiames, Burnt
Wood and Leather Novelties.
No better time than now
to biing lis your unfiamed
pictures for fiaming. We
have the best assortment
of frames in Scranton.
All Kinds of Intel ior Decoia
tive Work promptly donp. Good
COUPON Cut this out and
present it at our stoie. Pur
chase goods to the amount of
$1.00 or more and you will ic
ceive 30 STAMPS FREE.
Jacobs & Fasold,
209 Washington Ave.
npnintiuns wpip resumed nt llo col
IleilcM In ihh tlhtilrt, yostctdm.
muoiilliii; to the flalins of the oppiu
liii". The colllnioi aip Hip HpIIcmic.
llydo IMrk and AiipIiIiicIos of Hit
UpIuwiiio, l-.u'lciuuninii and Wcitriu
oiiinpanv ii ml tlip .Inliiisini No, 1 ami
No. l! of the Ontailo and WcsIpih cntti
luny. The HpIIpwip mill lldo I'aik
aip located In this city! Hip Aucliinelo-q
at I'lynuiuth, and the Johnson No. 1
and 1! at I'llci'biu k. Xo dlsoulcr at
tended the lciuirpticm at any ot thpsp
pi ices.
Company A, of Hip Thlitconth oy
iiionl and a detachment of the Gover
nors tioop was nt Piicphuiir ilurlnc
the eailv iudiuIiir hut found pvui.vtliliiR
quiet. 'J'liey vveie sent HiPio iir.iIii In
Hip evpnliifir, when thp men weie io
tuinlns fioin vvoik .ind bkuIu had noth
ing to do.
At the emiipanlcs' offices with one ex
ception. It was stated that then- was a
small inete.i'-p jesteiday In the vvoik
Iiik foire at the collleiles tint hail been
oppiiitlng. The Dolawaic, Liekavvanna
and Western cnmp.ui. tepot toil that
twenty-two men had icpniteil foi vvoik
uiiepettedly at the vailous rollleiles
In this dlstilet. The Dtl.iw.uc and
Hudson company was the one company
to tnal.e no claim or an appiedable
Inctea'-e. The fact that the men aie
looking foiwaid tu a prohibit' -etlle-lnent,
a Delawaie .mil Hudson
aid. keep-, them liom trnKIng a break
Horn the union.
X "Thoy Diaw Well." X
Morris' Magnet Cigars
X Tli best value Tor 5 cents.
V Try ono and you will binoke no
Q ether.
a All tho leailliiB biands or c.
y clears at Jfl.75 per box. or G ror 2:c.
0 Tho largest Miilcty o FJpia and
A Tobaccos In town.
The Cigar Man 6
A 325 Washington Avenue. v
In and About
The City
Gieen Ridge Wheelmen.
A ifjfiilnr njupiliier or the (in-on j,iKl.
V hcelnieu will bo held this pwiiIiii? at tlm
club, Jul", WwiiiiIiik iivenue.
Ai rested for Fighting.
Walter (Si nmli and wint W,
wuu iiiieatul op IMiii avciuie lot 'iIkIm.
III!?, Willi IMtll Illicit fu ill liii,y ,.umi
jcatculay nioiiiliis.
Meetings of Choiis,
Tho incmbiis ol tho Cutludinl ibolr um
rrniicxiril m mi 1 1 this oh'IiIhk ii usual
'llio tin io nuiiian MnKliitf soi'li'ilis t,
leiiupstul to im ft at I'oIIpbo hull on Wid
nibiluy evenlns at 7 ufl for igIiuumiI
Aiiestecl for Horse Stealing,
Ftcd Vim Ousel was iniestid l.iht nlKht
on ii waiiunt foi .stiulliiB a Ihhm. ami
MUKK.V limn M7 Uiccl MI'-i'l, lK.liillKlllB to
?l .Moiolo, ot lis I'lanMlii avomic. Jle
spent tho night in tho Mittlou Iiou.m..
Aie Notmalized Citizens Now,
Jos-epb 'iVirmil, of llolllstcr inemii-, lluieiwaii, of l.7ij (iuhipy ayenue.
pud David Davis, nf Ailliur uuiut. all
imllves of KiiKland, who ii.llui.ilUi-d in
ll? I'nltwl HtiiUwfuiut 5e.sleid.iy.
Citipenter Iiijuietl.
John Slaiawin, o i,.'S Shu wood avenue,
ihiumui", a caipuiter ciiKas:e.l hi icpalr
0lk oa No, :;. oluot biillillna', was In
juud by u lulling Umber, while at woiK
cstuduy. lie vuii tuiuik on the fine
head and sustained mi uj; Ki,bi,. Mlb
liijurv wus dutMil at thu l.mMiwuniui
, Jioapitul. ,
The stoi B.ipi is llktlj. to
make t-ome i oiu e.sslons, tod. 15. as a
lesult of Oovei 1101 Odell'-i activit.v.
and the lafi sloi.v that John PIci -pout
Moigan has taken a hand in
ilie settlement ot the 'ti ike ate alleged
to be the Immediate teasons foi the
laiiuie 01 ine companies to nukp a
bettei showing- esteidnv, than they
did. One man lepoited to ilie Dela
waie, Lackawanna and Western tom
panj. on .Satin da. said that he was
one ot sty-iivo foimti emplo.ves ot
one collieiy who would 1 etui 11 to vvoik
esteula. When esteidav came not
a single 0110 of tho sIm.v-Hvp showed
up Incpihy developed the fact that
they vveio waiting until Vedne.sda In
the hope that today would see a settle
ment of the strike. In the afternoon,
the spokesman of the sity-flve appeal
ed at the cumpan.v's oflke and said
they would leUun to vvoik tomonow
ir nothing is accomplished today to
vvaids effecting settlement.
At Tailed Mine Woikets' hend
quaitei.s the statement was given out
that the Bellev ue was opened up with
seven men seemed fioin othei Dela
waie. I.acKawann.i ami Westei n 1 ol
lieiies and Hi it oul.v one car or coal
was hoisted It was fuilhei claimed
that thp engi'ieei, file bos and abs
tain (lie bo-s ,u tills mine quit vvoik
when the non-union men appealed
The claim was nlo made thai siiu e
Fildav 101 1 men had b"en Induced to
quit wink in the Hi 1 anion dislilit
most nl them emplo.ves of X01 th
Si 1 anton tollleiles and the Plv
mouth Xo. .', wa-heiy of Hie DelawaiP
and Hudson lompanv had to shut
down, jesteiday, because of desei tlons.
At the Delawaie and Hudson com
pany's olliie it was stated that this
vvnsherv Is only winked when the
breaker Is pot being opeiated, and that
yesteulaj, was one or the dajs the
bieakoi woilted,
Assistant Suppilntedent Tobey of the
Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western
lompany gave It out jesteiday that
the output of the conipanjV mines and
vvashoiles for Saturday and Sunday
was 17,000 tons and that the aveiage
dally output, now, is 10,000 tons; or
about one thlul ol the avewige output
befoto the stiike,
Oilando Schooley Is In the Hiuei -gency
hospital, at Caibondalc, as the
lesull of an assault by it mob of Jer
myn and Mayrifld stiikeiH. He went
up fioin Scranton on the i.ll p. m, Dela
waie and Hudson tiuln with about a
doen men, whom he was taking to the
Hdgeiton collieiy of the Temple lion
compnnj, and with his men got off the
tialn at Maylleld, A ciowd of stilkcm
followed him, as he pioceedcd down tho
mad tow aids .leimyn. The ciowd glow
in numb'MH until it leiiclud about 100,
and then becoming emboldened begun
to hoot and yell at the ncmcomeiH and
ait In a thicateuliig manner.
When the ciowd began to close u on
Schooley and his men, Schooley diow
a lovolvi'r. At this the ciowd pltilicd
onto him anil took the icvnher away
1 1 oui him, Schooliy 11111, and Hie ciowil
fiillowcd. Ilo bought lelugp In tlic Jei
inyu station, ami lalkiil to tho Ptullun
agent about sending a ine&sngc to Xi w
aliNlco and getting an answer in two
While he was In llir station, the mob
tinned its attention to the men who
had accompanied lilm The nt'Wioniois
told their questioueis that they wcio
It inn Xosen, Wyninlng county i that
they had been lllied by Schooney lo
wink as llionicn at i 11 day; Unit theie
was no stilko of the Hi emeu nnd they
could join the union just as soon us
they .11 lived, and that no 0110 would
molest thciu. They inhibited a leilcr
heailug the puipoitcil sIbiiiiUiio nf J.
U, flaw foul hPttlug foith these teuns.
When appilsed of how they had been
deceived, all except one of the ciowd
bought tickets for Suanton and left on
the in xL tialu, The one man had no
inou'.v. The United Jlluu Woiker.s took
him In tow ami later in Hie day lui
lib lied liini with a tliket for Wilkcs-
Whin Schooley emerged fioin the
depot the ciowd Batheicd about him
ugalu unci, as its utiltudc was threaten
ing, ho biuke ami tan, The elowd foU
lowed, polling him with sttmcn uiitl
L'lub. Uno of Hie niln11uM uliuck I1I111
In Hie middle of tho buck nnd he fell lo
the wound helples'S. Dr. David, Mini
was lUiininotipd to iillrliit him, Was uf
(ho belief llntt tho blow bud tiiitu'd
pat Hal pauilj ration, 11ml advised thai
lip be taken In Hip hosiltal. which win
done, l.ato night Hip htiiltul i-p-polled
that the Injuilni wcip mil tnU
Word of the assault wiir telrpliunpil
the ThlltiPlllh IPKlliiPlll hriidfUiillriR
and a di laeliini'iit of solillns lunilrd to
thp hpiip In the Hpeilnl 1 1 imp ttnlii,
Heroic they nt lived Hie uowd had dli
Iieised. Ilalph Clieiiiutk, of the Hrlsbln
Patch, wus held up 11 par his houtdlng
place at s.SO o'clock last iiIrIiI by
Hioigp ICaplnsky ami John Miillck,
both or whom weic aimed. Kilvndi of
t'henniik went to his rescue, and Hip
assailants vvue illsaiined and placed
umliM' in 1 est.
Asldp fioin thp i all to .Irimjn, the
Tlilitpciith had an unevi nlful il.y. The
snldlpis ipjolied In 11 mimiil day ot
sunsliliii1. but conllmie'il their woik of
(King up their canvas honiis to with
stand a pos.dblc srgc of cold wcalhei.
Tluoiigh the couitcsy of bupcilntcnd
piit Alanvllle, or the Delaware and
Hudsuti romp.iiiy, Hip bandmeu's lntn
have born each supplied with imp of
Hip small stoves umi1 to brat a iaboop,
nnd pel mission has been wanted thp
musicians to help tlipmsplvis to coal at
the Glassy Island vvnsherv. Pipes aip
being laid fioin the waslioiy holler loom
to convey sleam to the camp to heat
the headiiuaitPis tents and the hos
A cl 1 111 and tiiess pai.ide In the art"i
110011 was the eMnit of tin acthltles of
Hie Twelrth ipglment at Xoilli Sci. 111
ton. Colonel riem-nt Is nun h gratllled
over the r.n t that the irglmrnt was
tendeicd a coiiirit, Sundi-y night, by
tho Xoith Hud (llee club, compo'-ed, as
It Is, almost exclusively of stilkeis.
The leinalns of Colonel Theodoip V.
ItolTmau wcie taken to his late lioinc
m 1'ottsville on the (i :!" Delawaie and
Hudson tialu yosierday 11101 nlng. An
esioit or twelve men riom the Hlghtli
regiment In command or Color Sergeant
Stone accompanied tin icmains. The
funeral v . ill take place tomonow aflet
nooti, Tlic runeial train will leave
Pottsvillc at J..".", tin Tleadlng, wlieip In
tel inent will be made.
Tiie field anil -laff nnd one Hup o!I1
cei of each company or the Hlglilh
leglment will aliend the ftmcial. A
battalion ol th Second leglment. fiom
St. Claii. will act as a milltaiy ecoit
at the funeul.
rrn was not accepted,
IJut tho CoutiolleiB May Pmchaso
Oxfoid Coal if So Inclined Offer
Inolutlos 000 Tom at $2.70 and
$3,50 Per Ton Sovoinl Appoint
ments Made Pointanont
Cabinet Have Not Yot Been 0t
doictl No. 2 School Building Will
Bo Inspected This Afteinoon.
Each Agnin Took Thiee Stiaight
Games Last Night Independents
Made a Sony Showing.
The Aillngton and Fiauklln teams
kept up theii winning stieak last night
and aie now tied with the Backus
bow lei s I01 th st place In the Suanton
Howling league lace The Backus pia.v
eis did not 1 oil the Hiimpe team last
night, because a iiumbei or the mein
beis or each team wpip out or town.
The Aillnglons 1 oiled up another
splendid scoie. making; a total of .',480.
The Mae-nneichoi team will have to be
veiy millet lallj, stiengtlicneil befoie it
will bo able to cut much ot a tiguie.
Tiie --eoie:
J. Kicfei 171 1!7 ui i;-j
Jones 17,1 p,-; Ii.", .'0!
-' Kiilei I!il 17". IS! M
Hoi I IS') -,i, l!7 -is.1
Mclstei r,i i-i, jji ;,y
Sis 7;9" f7!--'l'0
llepeit IM n,' ,, 412
iichu its jir, r,j ir,
Minphv Ill, 17! 1."1 107
ZcIsiipi I p I 'p !.') 0J
WestpfalU f.'t 1 !1 JJ7 117
lllgli si on- liblei.
High ai 1,040 'lilsic week the Caiubilans won thiee
stiaight g.unes 11 0111 tiie West Side
team. Tiie Wet Sitleis got even last
night b.v paving the Xoitli Hud playeis
back In theli own loin, Coous madp 11
line showing ami the bowline; of the
We-t Side plajcis was good all aiound.
The si cue:
WI'Sl' hIDi;,
D.ivls r,7
Jones Ill,
lli'jlioii 17s
HowHnds ii
t'omis 1i,
(lillesple 11!
.Max I!J
Davis HjO
llenty , lis
Jehu , 1 .,:,
1"- I"!
17!- IS7
111- I7n
!.'7- "'J
s .'l-.'ll U
lln- I.13
1 in Iu7
li.x 170
US- lit
Im- 1711
High iohi Coous, ijfi
lllgli iivi'iiigp Coous, IS.I !-:,
Another tin co-comedy In tin co ails
was enacted on tho Hlk alloys, where
the weak Independent team luado the
ridiculous or 1!US. This team will
be slaiiglitciPd weekly unless some veiy
i.ullcal clianges aie made, The Frank
lins weie not in pioper I01111, Tiie
Phillips in, i,j us- r,7
Ilotheliuel i,7 117 IV)- lit!
Walkci Il'i ill :n,i a
Ithlel lis III -..; ih
Ululiei , I!.'. 171 in- III
711 7"'l 7!''l .'.'l!(
llaau Ul l.'l I, 'i - 1'i,
Illdgw.iv U.' Ill -I-,'S7
Johnson 1 1,' 1 1.11 ii'i l!"
Hull 1:7 ii'! 1.:;- lb,
Kellci ii UJ He.- !l!
nil ull 1,70-1 MS
1 light sioic-W'alkii, ZW,
IIIkIi avciiige' Itollieimel, 131 !;.
The slundlug of tho teams Is now as
Won. r.ost. P.c
Alllligluiis ,, , i, 11 1 imj
ri.tnhllns ,,,,,,, ,, 1! u J 11.10
llackiis , ,,,, ,1 a i.imij
West Sldo :i ,1 vhj
('lilllhliilllM , .! ,i Vj)
Mauneiclior ,...,.., 0 '. iJ
lllilependeuls ,.,,.,.,.,... I) i, urn)
llainpo u .! uno
Tin quosllon or Hip coal supply ror
Hie public si hiiols was dpllnllely de
i IiIpiI at the niectlug of the boanl of
lontiol hiHl nlhl, bi'foie the inoiuliprs,
all of whom wpip pipsent, had launched
Into the consldeiiitlnii of lotitlnp busi
ness. Othei subjects which wpip taken
up nnd iicIpiI on, Included the uppnlul
niPlil of several te-ichpiH, pud the ip
lonimemliitlon of thp supply committee
to purcliase a do.on Tiffany Induslilal
Mr. .lajup biought up Hip coal ques
tion, and made a motion to Hip effect
that each conti oiler look nrter thp
upciIs of their icspectlve wauls and
wlipipver 1ij.1l Is needed to puuhitsp It
w hci ever available at a pi lee not lo ex
iced $1.50 per toll.
Mi. Hand then lead a loiiniiunlca
tlon finm James (!, ShepliPid, secie
taiv ol the People's Coal company, in
wliii h lliev iii;inp( (o riunish, at any
time wltliln tin ec monlliM fi 0111 daip
(nitober !)j If (I tons of pea coal at
SJ.7,"i per net ton. dellvcied to any of
tiie school buildings within onu-h ilf
mile of tlic Ireaker, ' cents additional
for all coal dellvcied ft oiu one-half
mile to one mile I10111 bie.ikei. and 50
cents additional for all coal dellvcied
fiom one mile 10 Hie city limits In any
Or 1"0 net tons ot egg. stove or nut
toal at SSi'O pel ton. delivered aeeoid
Ing to the above schedule of distances.
The ofrei was accompanied by 11 certi
fied 1 hei k tor $."00 as u guiiantee of
good faith, the boanl to have the privi
lege, at any time within thiee months,
to cancel ,inj 01 all of stld conti act.
Mr. Hand ofteied tills pioposltlon as
an amendment to Mi. Jnyne's motion,
and advocated Its acceptance as a lea
sonable offer. H. J. O'Mallej, was for
lefusing the offei, and Ml. Eangan
moved to have the matter tefeiied to
the supply committee with powei to
Mi. Murphy ofl'eied to secme "good
toal," as lie put it, foi $.' "0 per ton
deliveied, and Mi. f-eonuul objected to
the pioposltlon because no bids foi
toal had been adveitlsed foi. Seveial
othei s made remarks on the question,
and flnallv the 10II was called on the
amendment, which lesulted In its de
feat by a vote of 17-4, Messis Welsh,
Hand, Sclneifer and Baikei -loting for
the amendment.
The oiiginal motion offeied bj Mr.
Jayne was then put and adopted un
animously. This does not 1 eject the
People's Coal company ofter but gives
each conti oiler the piivilege of pui chas
ing co.I anywhere they can get it at
a pi ice not to exceed $4 ."0 per ton.
Mr. Jennings explained that theic
was sufflcleiu coal at Xo. 10 to last
for some time to come, and Mi. Gib
bons stated that Xo 7 school had onlv
been without coal for an hom, but If
iihy of Ihn schools needed coal theto
Is 11 mine III uppiatluu In ttauih Koran
ton to supply It,
Pi of, V. P, (kbltllng askrd pet mis
sion In give an etttei'tiilmnent In Hip
high school nmllloilum for the beiipru
nf Hip Milking mlun ir.ii I their
fiitnlllrM. Thp luattr Was trfeitPil to
Hip high and tittlnlng' committee with
lmwei lo act.
The high unit ttalnlitg cummlUee
ictoiuinrnilril the pn nninent appoint
ment of lOilRphp it, I'Vllows, as Instllic
tor nl the high school, gmnlpd Mlw
Sadie Coslelt pprnilcslnu lo take a post
Kiaduitlo cotiifie In Hip high cchool,
lecoiinueiidoil that the old Home for
the FilpnillcFH building be nilvcitlspil
for sale and removal, and nwiuiled
Clarke Hinlheis the iiuitiiict for fin
nlfhlng window shailrs for the high
school. The lPconunendatlnnH wpip
adopted, logelllrr with Hip following
ppriiuiiient apiiolntnipiils, nunp'il b.v the
tcacheis roiunilttpp:
Xo, 8 Uaushim and Joseph Job
Icr. Xo, 'JO -Alice lllildnl nnd TJthrl Kill.
Xo. :'.' Agnes Gibbons.
Xo. JS Anna Jenkins mid Hcithn Jen
kins. Xo. "S Aiiiipv T.npy Inipsoii,
Xo. .71 May Giccly ami Jennie Jenkins.
Anne Jones was wanted leave of ab
sence for thu balance of the school ypar.
She will take a special ionise In some
Philadelphia si hook
Thp matter of appointments at Xo. 13
school, which Is In dispute between the
tontiolleis fiom thp Sixth and Fif
teenth waids, wns lpfpnpd to the
teacheis' committee. Thp annex to No.
"!i school. In tin old synagogue build
ing on IJnclen sticct, was untcd at $30
pei mouth,
Aichltect Fcenev, In a communica
tion, announced that the new Xo. 22
hiillding In the Thiid waul Is leady tor
acceptance, and Hie bo.ud dpi Ided to
visit the building today and Inspect It:
They will assemble al city hall at 2
o'clock, whelc eaiilagcs will be In wait
On motion or Mi. Jayne, the sum ot
$4,000 was ti.nisfp led fiom Hip uiipx
ppnded balante fund foi the building
committee to meet outstanding; bills.
The spli it of economj' was shown
when the proposition and lecominenda
tion of the supply committee to piu
chasc a do.en Tiffany fnc1ti-tt Kil cabi
nets foi use in the schools cairp up.
Tiie motion to lay the matter ovei was
lost by a Ho vote, and the motion to
puichasp was also lost b.v the same
vole. The pioposltlon was then 1 c
teied to the superintendent and pilnci
pals of glummer giadcs to asceitain If
the cabinets aie leally wanted.
Mr. F.vans complained Unit someone
Is furnishing miseiable fliewood to ev -eial
schools, and the supply committee
was instiucted to make an Investigation.
Is Ibere anyone under your roof who Jefl a taslc
for mince pie nt tlic old home with Ibc baby shoes;
thinking never again tn all this world would it
come back asit thrived in chlldlicod'a happy hours?
Pic oufht to taste as it did when it was wiadc at
home-the otd iiomc. It will If NONE SUCH
MINCE MEAT fcc used in filling the crwt
NONE SUCH is made In mother's way, hence
"Like Mother Used to Make"
iVIIXTr-ir illl? AMI
t?-. iTiunu.,ii riiiij. a;
v5JSir " . !l
its fame as the mince nieat "like mother used to V;
this claim,) The users of 12,000,000 packages last rt
year are the r.poniors of NONE SUCH.
No otlitr nilnrn nifat. contlrmril or d, li a iub
BtlluteforNONlliJUOII. Order NONE MUCH mid Mick
to it. Knch 10-ccnt patience coutntiin enough for tiro
pics, n fruit cake, n pudiltniror n bitrb of eooklr.
All grocers. Mcrrcll-Soulo Co., Sjracusc, N. Y.
Valuabtf pitmliim Itsl cj
"11 17 J!i!er llr."
sllicnoaie tiiclotcJ. .
i There's a Dress Goods Stock Here i
That Well Merits Your Attention... i
It is unequalled by nn other stoie in Scranton, nnd has the .
chaim of newness in every yard we have to' offer. The assort- J
ment is practically without limit, while the qunlitles aie depend-
able in every instance, legaidless of the price. As to the i
styles, they embrace all the good novelties of the season, as well as '
every staple weave known to the trade. In order that the public &
may better appieciate the importance of this greatest of all our J
department, we have decided to make this t
A Great Bargain Week in
Fashionable Dress Goods
A full line of good, ht.iv-. waini
sueateis Floiej & Biooks, ."J and "2l
Spiuce stieet, opposite eouit house. "
The Proper Time
To buy a Piano 01- Oigan Is lust now
todaj- at Guernsey Biotheis' sale. 114
Washington avenue. Don't put It orf,
as stock Is being 1 educed cveiy day,
and the selections cannot be as good
later: and don't forget that Wednesday,
the 13th lust., is tiie last day: and don't
miss the opportunity of a life-time. ""
Suiting, '(. Inches wide, ail the de
sii.iblt sli ides. In a well Kflf
known inc. ipiiilltj JJ,
Anothei line of Meliose and
AMiIpeoitl Suitings ol laic meiit.
All eolois guaianteed value i"c.
the vaitl The Hugaln week AQp
piice , Vlfc,
Ami Venetian Cloths In all the
shades These aie too well known
to iiciuhi comment. Hut- EQr
gain week pi ice oj
Kveiv- tin cad wool, all tolois,
splendid llnisli, the licst value evci
oriel ed In Scianton. Foi QOs
this week only jw
IJscpHpiiI weight and llnlsh, made
e'p-elalh Tor wintci oT lough
we.itlui skins 01 suits, black
onlv, I", Inches wide A dli. C(lr
ilotb Toi '"'-
I" Inches wide. ei- lino Firaich
weave. In all eolois, a good A fit
5Sc. ilotb foi tUfc
All wool, best goods and known
all 001 the tt.uU as u matchless
Sic, value, line selection. AOr
I3aigaln week pilco "''
."I inches wide, fine finish, the
best goods ever pioduced to sell
at Ol) tb" vanl. Din lug this flQc
week onlv oy
In blues and grey mlxtines, 56
Inches wide, these nie made es
pecially ror walking skirts and are
sold eveiywheie at tl.00 tho 7Qr
aul B.ugaln week pi lee...
In higher and lower pi iced goods,
quite as atti active as those quoted
i ricConnell & Co. if
A full line of good, heavy, waimi
sweateis. Floiey & Biooks, 52.: and 24
Spiuce stieet, opposite coui t house. "' j
The Satisfactory Store.
400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
S i id vl v i iA i il -
usy Stori
A Bountiful Supply of Newness.
Yards and Yards of
All Seamen
know the romfoils of buying on baud
a supply of ISouleu'h laifrle Hiaud Cini
dcii&cd Milk. It can he used mi usi ce
il lily for eookliiff, In eolfec, tea n ml
iliocnlatc, I,ay in a supply for all
kinds of expeditious. Avoid unknown
A full lino of booiI, heavy, vvaim
Mventci.s. Fluiiy it Hiooks, 5J- and lj.'4
Spruce sUccl, opposite couit houte.
Dress Goods
and Silks
Our Haskell Black Silks wear longer, look 5:
better aud are cheaper than the so-callei guaranteed
' silks,
j Haskell Taffatas, 75c, 89c, 95c, 36 in. $1.50. j
-Si Haskell Peati de b ue , permanent lustre, $1.00,
5 $1.25, $1.38, $1.50. ;
3 Cheney Brothers' Silks are made on honor. Sf.
3 Our natural fiuish T.iffatas in 29 different shades, Sri
$ are soft aud beautiful, full cashmere finish, 75c. St.
"$ Cheney's Granite Crepe S Iks aud Figured ?
3 Princess S.Iks, $1.00. ir.
: We are cutting up more Dress Goods thati !
f-5 our store has ever known before. We are proud of jT
i our values; compare them. J
Whip Cords Granites, Venetians, colors and ETI
' black, 50c. S
s Poplins, Armures, Prunellas, solid colors and si
g black, 75c. :
& Pebble Cloths, Lizard Cloths, Broadcloths, etc.. &
$1.00 to $2.00. :
j$ Zebelines, Camel's Hair, Bourettes, in fancy Si
$ mixtures, $1.00 to $2.00. g
.- If you haven't purchased your Skirting? or 8?i
S Tailor Suitings, look up our values. ' sr
J35 Have you ever use 1 the McCall Patterns? jjj
f They are certaiuly up to date, 10c and 15c. "
When your boy or girl needs a pair of School Shoes you
should buy them here because: You don't have to take any
chances. We know the superior quality in every pair and will
ingly guarantee them. We can do this because: All our School
Shoes aie (although at extra coi,t to us) given special attention
fiom the time the leather is selected until the last stitch is sewed.
At the same pi ice you get better value here.
MiSPR ... ..
Little Ocius'
,1 00. $1.25, Jl.30
. ."'. I.Chj
.. 1 mi
,. .90
, . .75
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
Next Door to new First National Bank Building.
1 Mears & Hagen, 1
5 a"!
415417 Lackawanna Ave.
5 -;
The Velvety Whiskey
That's Green Valley. This
smooth, mellow quality is the re
sult of ample maturity. We are. .
in touch with every process intf:
the production of Green Valley, -
trom the weighing of the grain to
the Lxtttling, hence our guarantee
of its pu ity.
The prlrp Is Jl J'i for n full quart hottl.
Ynui money tuck If It Is not (is good as
f n n
Old 'Phone
r Sales DEMRTtiEnr-fl
New 'Phone
J i i $ ? i J 'J $ !' ? J I i !? i i !$ l J i J !
t If YOU Want Ol A lJf"l for Cash or on Easy
Hie Best i lXVl I V Payments, Call on
Wareroom, . . , ,117 Wyoming Avenue
Vaiious Makes of Pianos at
struments Taken in Exchange.
All Prices. Old n-
. nitniitei! -
iflljfc -Lt!. . kn-