THIS SCRANTON TBIBUNE-MOiNDAV, OCTOBER 13, 1902. ,r Coee 16 D' ID YOU think or It, dour?" my wlto asked mo one tnmiilng oer the hionkfust bible. "Fathers blrthilny Is tiny nttr-r toinoiiow. Wlmt ptesent IIP Wt' to glP llllll UlN .VL'111'7 IIllVL' ou Hindu up your niliul?" t was deeply Intprpsted In my paper, feuding tlip lpport or our latest imup 'elebte, a niuiilpr tilal, and not paying Attention to lirr rcmuik, I nnsweied ltb,spiit-inlndedl. : "Ten ypnis Stale's ptlson." "W-h-u-IY" a startled i'piesslon turning Into her eyes. "Dmp tluit non sense," she iptoited, hotly, "and give Me u sensible niiswor ir ynu can." 1 put the p.ippr uwny and IhoKpiI up, noticing for ihe 111 st time that slip wnn In a toinppr, and icnieinbci lug the fool ish iciuaik 1 hud mude, "Paidon me. dulling," 1 lagged, y hioiscfully. "You know w ell enough Hint I couldn't lime meant the words In Kood cat nest, I was uo veiy deeply tuiriosscd In Hit dltilct atloiney's ad dress to the juiy t hat 1 bpcanip some what confused. Oveilook it, and be fi lends! Hut to the point. What nie Me to civo the old gentleman'.' A nhe pockothook."' "Would Unit not be like thtowlng out rtn Ir.dellculc hlutV" she'ieplled, soinc vhnt puellled "ll'in. 1 don't know! Well, then, how alniU a moi nlng cap or led, white end black, with a laigc tassel'."' "Itn has one.' "Or a comfortable house coat.'" "No, uo! I tell you what, a 'rolf hctor machine'" .she c.t lalmed tilumph antly; ".lust the thing." "A what'."'. I quciied, shaking my liead lnuipdulf"dy. "Heaven defend vis! What kind of n thing did ou s-.iy, nnd what in the woild Is he to do with It"" "You know, deal" Anna was all o:. cltement now "how load lalhei is ol pood coffee. How he scolds the cook for not mill lug the boei.igp to his lik ing (what does she know about making coflce, anjwav).' Not long since I saw In Slis.. Fabei's house a uewlv-lnvenled t-ejf-nctiir-exli utioii cofloe and tea ma rl, the. I tell ou llil.i is exactly whit father wants'" ".So that is It. A coffee machine! 1 thought It was a .sewing machine or l-onie stub thing. What did .ou call it'.' A self-.utiii-cti.ictlon-aiid-so-forth-mac bine? What a monstrous name' How dieadful!" "Hut ji'.actiiMl, unspeikably I toll j on. You pour tlie water into tin boiler, 'im! then some coffee Into a lit tle bowl above. Then on light the al cohol beneath. The heated water is by means ol a glass tube led liom the boiler Into the bowl. The bollei's v eight dlminlsl'ps as the wntoi lessons. The lattei tbeiefoie itself a liille. ihus icle,isnsr a p ins attached to the cover ol tlie alcohol lamp, which lalls upon tlie lamp .'iid extinguishes the ll.ime. Do j ou undei 'land'.'" "Not th least bll," was mv eioigetlc l espouse. I5ut mv wife went on as Though it m.itteipd little whethet I un tlei stood or w bethel I did not nuclei -stand. "And ns oon .is the boiler lias tooled rff, the l'oci.ige In the bowl, as the te mlt of the piessuie of the outer ah do you mulct stand, now'."' "No!" I exclaimed mote ciiPigMlcnlly than befoi", but with the spirame ic t nit ; for my bettPi half kept on lust as if I had leplied ".ves" instead ol "no!" "As the tcsult of the picssuic of the c.utci air the now leadv coffee tuns by means ol a sieve and the Ideal leal tube back Into the bollet below. Then ou can empty It into mp at muii con veniotue." she com hided dellbeiatelv. 'T line that a woiideifull. simple pro i editrp." 'Yes, sin pi Singly simple, my dear," J said doubtingly. "Hep hei e, wlfey. T think I .-.hull have to take another ionise tit physiology and technology liefcie I would be equal to i nnipiehend Jnsr the ial"lug ol the tube by air pies suie and the dumping of the lamp cov er as the icMilt of the escape of heated water. Aid ; on ically Intend giving such a wh n-du-vnu-call-lt machine as i pieseni to your father? I am finite sine I do.'lvuc, but I bet your lather ".'ill be tllspli astd. simply because he will not be able to make head or tall of so tiniiplknted u thing.", "You line ulwus fault to find w lib my pioposiilons," she punted scnstiu lv; always. Hut I lake the bet. What Is It to be, tor a kls-r,'" "A kiss' As though ,n eveiy day itffnli like that weie an ob.'ect for ,i wager." Mv wife laid lite index- llngei of her right hand ou to hei little nose, her favorite attitude when in a leileetlve inrod. "The otltei day," she said, "I noticed a splendid binocli In S.'s shop window; Just the thing," "And I a locking chair at F.'s sui h as I always longed to possess," I added. "It is a bat gain, Uoeklng chilli against bionch. If your whut-dei-you-cull-it-mucliliip does Its duty, you will get your hrnoch; If not, ou ate bound to buy me the chair. Shako on It!" "All light. " tny wife atqulesced lit n ti iumphant tone, She really pun based the extraction iv.nchtiip, which, to Judge fioni appear ances, was a pietty neat and bilghtly polished little affair. Tho blitlulay m rlvcd and wo solemnly assembled lit her f.itltPf'.s house and haitded him the piescnt, but lie leaked lather surpil&od. "Well, well!" ho exclaimed, "Just look at this! A lilteiltig nmihliip. Did you ever! I must I like the, idea, for our city water Is not oiy de.ii mm tho supply Is pool. It may come In liniuly " Wlmt hip you talking about, my dear fathei''" my Anim Inteiiiipted ex citedly and In ait almost augiy tone, "you do npt ically mean to say that you think our lou Is bo tillllng ns to Do GoodIt Pays. A Chicago man has obseived that. "Qoood deeds uui better thun ieal es tate deeds -some of the lattei mo wotthlcHs, Act kindly and bpiiU, show sympathy and lend a helping lituid, You cannot possibly lote b It " Most men apptetlate a kind wnid, and Plieouiugenient moip than help. Theie are perrons In this coui nuinlty who might tuithfully hay. "My good filend, cheer up. a few diet's of Chuinberlulirs Cough Remedy will lid lyou of your iold, and theie Is no dau ber whatever ftom pneumonia when you uso that medicine. it nlwuvs i-uies. I know t for It has helped me Jt many a time." Sold by all diug- Machine. buy you a fllteilng apparatus for a birthday piespntv" The old limn looked fioni one to the other of tt, pmhatinHcd. "Ooel foibld," In said feelingly, "Unit 1 should lliluk so 111 of my dear eltll dien, but, pei haps yes, 1 know, that's It, one of the newly Invpitteil patent ilectilc night lamps, eh?" t gt Inned, Anna looked daggeis at me. "It Is a new coffee machine, father, ili'in," mild my wife's sister FiiiiiiIp, whosp head Is always full of mischief. "You tlnow the beans hi on one lde and 'cafe all hilt' alteady made Hows out on the other. Plain as' daylight." 'Tannic, my child," said I, with all the dignity 1 could mustei, "please go and bring some hot water and the necessaiy giound coffee, and give us a i nance to demonstrate to father tlie t'tlllty of this wondeiful inachltie." Kunnle did so. In the meantime the old man walked seveial times aiolliul the table shaking his sllvoiy locks unci casting suspicious glances at the com. plicated thing befoic him. lie looked poslthcly frightened. "fay, Otto," tinning to me with an anxious face. "I hope that thing will not explode? Wc lead every day diead ful stoi les about these new' Tangled patents In the papeis. Please be care lul. childien, 1 beg of you." "Vli, father, the whole pi oc ceding Is so ciy simple," my wife pleaded, de fending her present, "Just? tend what It ovs bete1 J take the wutei" taking tho vessel with tlie hot water fiom Fannie "and pour It into tlie bollet, like this, see. lust so. Aw!" she sud denly ci led out. Khe had sLnldcd her llngei s. It was my ttiin now. "Please step aside," 1 said, going up to tlie table, "let me try. You will liijine youtself worse with your experimenting. Hand me the water, Fannie: Hint's it, thank ou, de.u ! And now I'll light the lamp. Jotinds, tlie i-tuff won't bum!" "It Is picpaied iion-lnllammablc alco hol for mcdlclnnl puipose," said fa ther. "Well, then, send for some will bunt," I ctled, out of patience, after I had wasted a doen or so matches in the vain attempt to Ignite the lamp. "I know what 1 nm going to do. T am going to saiiifice my bottle of e.ut de i 'ologne," Fannie exclaimed mag nanlinouslv, "what is the diffcictu e?" Site tan off and piettv soon i etui ned wltli the odoious fluid, emptying It into the la. iip after 1 had ponied out tlie "medicated" alcohol. The i ologne binned all light, and pietty soon a low, melodious singing could be bcaid, showing that the ma (bine was beginning to do its woik. Mv wife's countenance was all aglow. Now she was happ. onlv fatltei looked still nn.xlous-like and won led. "(')illdtcn, bettei not go near it," he admonished, "only esteulay tlnco lit tle gills weiu tenibly scalded, you Know." Pietty soon tlie stonni seethed inside th'1 ui'iphliip, tlie covet fell upon the lamp and the Mime wns extinguished. I looked tideways at my wife with a Kila. "Anotding to tlie leceipt," I said, maliciously, "tlie coffee ought to be done now , but I fail to smell the usual .noma. l"o jou?" .lust then the watet in tlie boiler be gan sc clliing and bubbling stiongor, end a stream ot water shot out of the latter Into the glass tube and thence j Into the bow 1 on top. I "Mv. linvc litre" r,i l.nlmpil mv Utile S-eai-old biother-in-law Fied, glee fully. "Pur all the world like a watet -tall. ' Mj wile was 'disgusted. She tinned pale fioni subdued excitement and an gei. "What can this mean," she said, "toniPthlns must be wiong?" "I think our self-uctoi -extinction machine is suffeiing fioni internal tumbles. Theie is altogether too much internal business," I ventuied to ro diyl. "I daio say. you aie be ginning to make up your mind whoie th" best locking c hails nie for sale, eh, dear?" M wife looked as If she wpip con sldeilng whether it would be the better policy to fall In a fainting lit Into my aims m to decline herself vanquished and pay the bet, while her dear father continued shaking ills head until the tassel on the top of ills cap swung to cud tie like it pendulum. "Well," he at last iPiiuirked, "this Is the funniest apparatus T ever saw. Where is the coffee '."' when suddenly r.innle, in her usual lmpulsle way, ci led: "What a set of fools we all aie! We foi got all about putting some In." Sure enough. A napkin had been ac cidentally tin own over the ground cof fee bi ought in by Fannie, nnd dining the pi mulling excitement of expect ancy nobody hud given It a thought. .My wife was delighted. Her machine was to bo ledeemed after nil. After tavnilng me with another annihilating look the second act of the diamu began. Not n single woul was spoken, AYc .ei' awaiting developnipnts. Again the seething and bubbling .sound, and een Hip aioma of steaming iiitrco filled tho i ooni. The blown lluld lotild be seen passing thiough the tube, and ochiniutlons of surpilso and gratl Iica Ion escaped the lips of those pies rut, Anna was all smiles and sunshine, ' 1 ti list," she said to me mlschiey. oiibly, "that you have not foigotten the aidless whoie to buy that btooili we weie talking ubout yestetdny." liven father nodded satisfied nnd pleasantly, "This Is a practical machine," be mused coniplncently, 1101111111; out thp (list cup of the blown bevet.igc, "and what an uinmn, hut lather an odd sott of biufll. t-'tiaiige', isn't If, AVhat does It smell like?" The old man lifted the cup to his lips anil tasted tho contents. With 11 jerk lv set it down again upon the tuble, making a wiy face. "I'll be , I ask your paidon, lint tint miy has a positively wicked taste; iiiouruimts, abominable! Fie' What the dickens does It taste like"" He PNpH'loiutPd soveial times nnd pie.-scd his hunds ta his stomach as if uniiH-aWd, ".lust like eau de Pologue, father," I sugieMid, "a veiy dlsagteeable smell, don't )ou think? A tilde odd when taken with coffee, hut mi wjll un doubtedly Ml used to the taste when you oi'ie become familiar with the iiu chlnc." Tor ihume, husband," bud my wife, "huw mean of you! Undoubtedly Fan nie has accidentally spilled a diop of eau dfr Cologne Into tho boiler while lllllug the lamp, Whom Is the hnim? It hi a bit unpleasant, It Is true, but Hint's all theie Is to It, We will have to trv again, for the machine works till lluhl. of that we ought to be con vinced now." "Held!" objected father, lifting his hand With n protesting gestttte townul thp coffee machine, "no iiioip ot IIiIh monkey business, I would'' lather that Anna make us all n cup of colTce now In the old-fashioned way, and later you may continue your expel ImontH ns long as jou like. The niitchlne Is Just splen did e Illicit en," he continued, "and I thank ou hcaitlly for your tlioughtful Itcss In glvliiK It to nie, but theie Is Kometl.ltig strange, ami odd about It to which I must get used fllst, and that lakes time for a man of my age." "Heroic wp go any further with It," 1 milled, "let Us tell the ghl to give It n thouuigli cleaning, Lottie," to thp cook "take this machine Into the kitch en end scold lamp and boiler with hot water and Soda or some oucli stuff, The gill went oft with Iter bill den. Mhortls tiftpr we wpip stnitlt'd by a loud lepirt. followed by frightened set cams from the kitchen mid by a sound of fall lug and breaking pieces. Something told me that again It was that Ill-fated machine. I opened the kitchen door. Sine enough tlie gill In a dink coiner hud stumbled with her bllidcii and the splf-iictor-p.xttactlon-coffee-niid-tea ma chine lay biokon on tlie flour. The poor, frightened ghl sobbed, Fannie . eolded, my wife wiling her hands In despair; I bit my lips mulct ncnth tny busy mustache, nnd father looked pleased and relieved. "Xefi mind, childien," lie said, "It Is best so. I take this for a sign from nboc. Piovldence has Interfeied. I nm entifpivntlvp in my Ideas, and am theitfcre not oveifond of the ptesent cut of machinery. Stop crying, gill" this to Hip cook "and btow a good cup of coffee for my company. And now no mote 1 oout the matter. I do not wish to lmt my birthday spoiled." "How about our bet, Anna?" I asked my w Ife. "You bine lost that," she quickly ic .sponded. 'The machine was In pel feet older, if only" "Yes, f only it hail not been s0 Im pel feet! No, my dcur this time you have lost and not 1. You hud bettor get tt.idy to go foi my locking chair!" "What bet aie ou quunellng about, you two"" asked the old man. I told him all. and called on him to decide who had won. "Moth of you," wns Ills diplomatic opinion, . hleli cteated another contio eisy between Anna and myself. Mean while Lottie appeared with tlie coffee, made In the "old-fashioned" stjle, and the eone:atlon dilfted Into other channels and soon became geneinl. On the fellow ing morning, however, theie appealed a messenger In our dwelling, en hvering n lockin'g chair for me, a .iplrr.dlri piece of fitrnltuie. by the way. and oaetly fie minutes later an otliei messenger came bringing n biooch for my wife, a iciltnble little gem. To each of the two pipsents was frtsleiiPd lather's lsltlng ends with tho Invcilptlou: "This is my ieenge for .leopnidilng my life with out self-ncloi-pxtinetion-coffep-and-tpa ma chine." "Say," T lemarked to my wife, com foitl.v sti etching myself In tlie new locking cbnli, "you seem to li.ue been in t lie light, after all, for your sell-aiid-so-forth machine has pioved itself to be very pinctleal. indeed In Its le sulis." Fioin the Gennan. THEATRICAL. "The Climbers." "The Cllmbeis, ' 0110 of Chile Pitch's best effoits, which was made famous by the splendid company sui louudlng Anicli 1 Bingham when It was piesentcd In New Yotk, was seen at the Ljeeum Satin day ufteinonii and night. John 13. Kelleid was fentmed In thu .east which was allozrcthct the most eu'iily balanced and the 1111M geneinlly meiitoilous seen nt that theatei this sea son The membeis of tho cnnipiuy looked and iliessed tho p.nts and sine to Mi. Fitch's lines the meaning ho intended they should have. "The White Slave." Tlint the dimming itinlltlc3 of Haitle Campbell's time-houoieil nfclodi.unii, "The White Slave" do not diminish with age has lieou demonsti.ited by the im mpiise audlenees which b.ue attended neatly eveiy peifoimaneo given by the new "White Slave" company this season, This is said to bu due paitly to the fact that the pl.ij has had a lonu icst and that the management has put ft boloio tho public in tudy spectacular gin b and PICTURE PUZZLE. rqn THE I.ITTUJ ONnS.-Cut out the plctuies appealing on this page each day, ehnw u pencil mark aiouud tho bidden object, suvo them until batuiday, "if 11 tend them 01 tnko them to Tho Tribune, oftlco In nn envelope, nddiesaed to Puzzle Depaitment." 13neloso In tho envelope jour name, ngu nnd nddiess. Tho uojs and gills who cnnoctly mnik the six plctuies nppeuiing dining tho week, nnd whoso answeis ma flist lecclved, will hao tholr names published in Tho Tilbuno Monday morning. Lnst Week's Puzzle Solveis. 1. Minnie lluestei, SI3 Cedar avenue. Age, 10. J. Muigniot I.oulso 13vans, Tujlor, Pa Ago, r Ii. (ionevlcwi Shea, 1J-! Stono avenue. Ago. II I Muigniot Dale, l."j West Maikct stieet. Age, 1). Im.HZmmrvitSZZt it ni Rdl.w IFjtfn TjtiT-"- " w -mi-Vi Find two more donkeys. Solutions for Last Munr.ii.v, Oi t 0- Ono is under tho lud'a light aim. the ollici between'ii tote legs and fence. Tuesday. Oct 7 Tho shoohoul Is In the lower liglit-huud cciiuor ucui the lous. the dog in hack of the woman. Wednesday, Oct i-Ono Indian is In back of Ills Llllcf. the ntliop iino'M Iwntl 1st abovti th log:. IT MATTERS NOT How Sick You Are or How Many Physicians Have Failed to Help You. f Dr. David Kennedy's Favorita Remedy will Cute You it a Cute is Possible. Doctors iiro not infallible and there ara tunny lustniices when; they have decided a case was hopeless and then the patients astonished everyone by gettlnpr well and thesoleciitiscof theiruiiicwusDr. David Kennedy ' Fnvm Itc Remedy. A case In point Is that of J tunes Lettuce of Cnim jutiarie, N. Y who writes: "Come year ngo I was attacked with palm In my back and sldo that were fearful In tha extreme I cou'd not control my kidneys at all and what eamo from thorn was mucous and blood I was In a tsrrlb'c statii and suffered. Intensely A prominent piyslclan ot Albmy. N. y.. decldtd that an opjratlon was all tliat would save ma I dreaded that nnd com menced to tako Dr. Divid Kennedy's Tavorlto Remedy. I felt bettir almost Instantly When I had taken about two bottles. U19 flow from the b'adder was niu cleaner, the pain stop ped, and I wa3 saved from tho surgeon's kni.'a and am now well." Dr. W. II. Morse, the famom physi cian of Wcstfieltl, N. J has litis to say of this gi cat medicine: "I havo known It to euro chronic Inflam mation of the kidneys, where tho attending physician pronounced tho case Incurable " No form of kidney, liver, bladder or blood disease, or tho distressing sickness es so common to women, cun long with stand the great curative power of this famous specific. Its record of cures has made it famous In medical circles every whci e. It is for sale bv all druggists in tho Now SO Oant'Slxo and the regular $1 .00 sire bottles less than a cent a dose. Sam fit bottle-enough for trial, Ji ec fy mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N.Y. fir. IlaTl'l Kcnnrdj'x Rail Ithmni Cream cure! Old Sores, Sklu and bcrofulous Ulicuscs. tOc. eipilpppil it with a better s cn!c lineHll tuie thun bus epr been soon In any for irci picsrntatiou ot the pla. jt the Academy for ihieo nliiht, enm mi'iidng tonight. Matinees Tuesday and eilnesdio. Ktitiiryn Ostermnn nt Dixie's. Katluju Osteimuii, who will bo the leading iittiat tiou nt Disle's theater this week, will be assisted by a talented com pany in tln londlllem ol a one-act e.omcdy entitled "The I3ilitin." Other nets will bu gien b l'liuline M01.n1 and hor pick aninnies; Teuv and I3lniei. who appear In a laughable sUetih, "The Dancing Jlisxlonniv"; Collins nnd Halt, and olb ei s. Matinee today. "King Dodo." No eomedv opeia In cals has won such unheisal cuininendatluii us "King Dodo" the mew and now lelgnlmr sue cess. It Is tilled with blight nnd tutihv lines, and mulc of the most melodious 01 del. The book is bv Punk l'lsley anil the music bv Gust in Iaiilcisi It Ir a tient to lienr so many plnMng immbPis la nnp eenlng and to listen to lomciH uboe the usual low lomcdy ot todnj. "The Sultan of Siilu,'-' "'I he I'llnce of I'ilsen" and "Peggy fiom Pnils'.' aie umong the suciossos touiing the stut"s nnd if "King Dodo" is given the lei op tion bis uivat majesty doseios llauy Savage will sin el v Include 0111 city In his ipgulu eailv visit. P.itions ot th" fjceum will do well to secuie scats well In ndviiuie us the King will be 11 owned on Wednixdav and 'Ihuisduv nights' and Thuisduv afteinoon. Dlngiam opens this moinlug at 0 o'e lock "A Fight for Millions." 3fnlcolm Douglas' big nielodi.ima, "A right for Millions" will open a tlneo nlglit's ong.igoment nt the Academy Thiusdiiv night. Tho plnv will he one of the heaviest of the season's pioductions, .iiul many novelties In stagoeiaft will bo Intioducod, among which Is a sub-m.ninc boat duslng nt full speed along tho bot tom of the Hudson liver. Mi. Douglas Is co-author with rainier Co of the famous Hiownle spectacle. Matinees Kilduy and Sutuulay. The Sembiich Kecital. Not sallsllcd ivlth offeiing the music loveis of Sei anion nnd viclullv the oppor tunity of hcniing one of tho gio.itest musical intists in the woild, lime, Som bilcli, Mi. Hand has nildul 1111 addition il tioat to tho pations of tho conceit at the ;u 11101 v Oct. -1, Arnold I. ohm. inn, 31 Wllkos-Baiio, the well known violinist, l.ns been engaged to appeal In two mini beis. This will be Ml. l.ohinanu's Hist iippeaiauco In this eountiy iiftci a tlueo .viuts' cnuisp of study under one of tho gnat 13inopean at lists nnd fellow pupil of tho Kubllck, Anton Vltek, tho ill leoloi of tho Plug Cont,c'iMitoiy of Music of Ilcilin nnd Ip ulor of tho famous llei llu Phllhaiinoule oiihosti.i. one of tho gio.itest musical oigiiulzatlous In thu w 01 Id. Mr l.ohniiinu hud the hnnoi of pl.ijlng In this oichostia foi somu time which Is r, Walter I. TIuiils, HS'Mlflllu uventic Ago, fi. ii, Helen A. llunilston, Illinlutist, Pa Age, 7, 7. .liinios J.lghlbodv. .loiinvu, Pa. s. Mumfflid Ciossley, Sluiutca, Pa. Ago. ii. !i .Mudollne Sehindor, ni Columbia nvo nue, Jeisoy CIt, N. J. Ago, . Week's Puzzles. ThuiMluv Oct fl-Ono Is In twien in ill's feet, the other In back of gill's head riitiuv. Oct jo-ono is in iiimi, of tha ciouehlug eats paw, tho othci em her light side Siilmday, Ott. II-O110 man's head is be tvveeu her left shoulder nnd tho basket, the other bstwecu the man and thu guat. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" i Only Half a Cent a Wori. For Hont. rVVWWAVWi 1'Olt ItKNT riiinlsheil Imife. ten looms, Htenm henltd, centiully loonled, .'.Ji Atnillson nvelitte. KOIt HilNT-llalf now double housei 'KW Pieneotl uvcilUo; 11P Impioveineiils Afiply 11.',", Pioseott n venue JlS-l-'or Iteiit Teti-innin house! eNcollent nelghboihoodi nil tuodein Imptove nieiils, on uvemie Apply to 11. P. Ham ilton, IJi! Sptuce street. roll ItlJNT-Xnw house, corner t.ttulon and Colfnv; all conveniences. Imiulie SO", Minion stieet, For "&nlc. I'Oll HAl.K-KIm- dliimond ling '6 aunt. VO, one cm at ling, tMlj 1 cunt ling, $W, 1V& cuint ling, JUij 1 en 1 ut ling, JUMi -civinl ling, 10O. Addless X P. O Uox 01. HORSI'3. WAtlON nnd hniness for siilu cheup fur want of use. 1110 Capouso nvonue. TOR SA 1, 13 One hot air fin nine, tlneo mantels Chin les D Biiiiiloisoa, I'll! W.vnmlng avenue, Scianton. JPHT ARKIVHD with 11 cm load of hoi ses, weight 1,10) to 1,',00; good vvoik ets nnd dilveis! ulso soveiul closely mulched tennis. Can be soon at "II 11 ly mond coillt. P. SI. Cobb. KOIt SAI.13 One hot nlr fm mice, tlneo mantels, gas clnndellois. Clunlcs D. Sandpison, UO Womlng avenue, fcian ton, I'll. TOR SAT,n Town Topics Gold Sllnlng Co stock; lile. shiire: will be ad vanced to Wc. shine on Oct. ISth. Cbailes D. gantlet son, JJil W.vomlng uvenuc, Scinuton, Pn. , TOR SALI3 About 20 feet of desk coun ter, smmounted with gluss front nnd two openings, lower pot tlon nicely pan oiled, with dinweis and aholvcs nud"i nptith. SIny bo seen at the office of Tho Tilbuno. , For Sale or Bent. POIl KAM3 OR HI3NT Now bouse on Columbia avenue; eight looms and bath, gas, fm mice, modem plumbing. Teuns leusouuble. Rnlpli 13. Weeks, lit) N. Washington avenue. POIl SAI.I3 OK UI3NT The il-stoi V Illicit hulldlng. with boiler house attached, and long row of sheds foi Poises, wag ons, etc.; also lalhond switch suitable foi mauufnc tilling pm poses; Intelv oec'iiplcd bv tho Clock Tnbncco Co H. SI. Winton, Room No n03. Steals Hulldlng. Furnished Booms for Rent. COR ItnNiecdTfm nisbed loom, stiicllv ptivate, model n Inipiovoments, steam heat, foi gentleman onlv. Inquho up stabs over Building Association. .Mis. 13. Kiaft, I'd, Adams I'Oll 11I3NT Tlneo nc.vvlv furnished fi out looms, heat, gits and bith ."00 bloik. 'Washington avenue. Adibess X , Tilbuno office. Money to Loan. ANY ASIOCNT OF MONEY TO I.OAN Qulck, stmlght loans or Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to G per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. SI 1-315 Conned building. Miscellaneous. TIID SIODEI, LAUNDRY. Dunmore, laundcis shlits at 8c. each and collars and cuffs at l'c. each. SEALED PROPOSALS. the oftke of the City Ileemdei by tho Dhi'itoi ot the Dopailmonl of Public W01 ks. at .! o'clock p. m, on Monday, Octobei JU, l!Hi.', for the eonsti notion ot a lateinl soever In Sleiidlan stieet, fiom the Thlld disliict main aewei to the alley loading ucioss the Delawuie, Lackawanna and Western in the Fifth waiel. All in uccoi dance with the plans and .speclllcntlons on tile in the Bui can of f3ii glnecilng Daoh bidder shnll enclose with bis pioposal, cash or pet tilled 1 heck In tho sum of ono bundled ($100 On) dolluis lis a gu.nanteo to execute a contiaet If unaid ed the same. In case the bidder lo whom the contiaet shall havo lie en uwaided 10 fuses or omits to execute 11 commit tor tho woik In ucoi dance with plans nnd appcllloations tbeiefoie within ten (10) das fiom tho duto ot the iivvaid, tho 011 closuie accompanving his pioposal shall bo foi felted to the uso of thu City ot Scianton. Bidden s vvlll bo furnished with pioposal blanks at the Bui eau of 13nglneoiing und no otbcis vvlll bo accepted, All pioposuls shall he filed with the City Contiollcr nt his olllee in th City flail, .Scianton, Pa., not later than ; .ii) o'clock li m., ou SIonda. October "0. IHOJ. The city icseivcs the light to lojeet any or all bids John 13 nociin, niieitor, Dopuitnient of Public Woiks. Scianton, Pa . October 10, 1!0. unusual tor so vouug 1111 uitl-t, A l.ugo pail of Mi, Leibinauit's time while abtoad was spent in lleillu though he tiaMb'd consldeiably with Heir Vltek In Holland and (lei many, und nil who heaid him ut such times weiu unstinted In piaiso of his wondeiful woik und piedlcled u gioat fu liuo for lilm. Sir. l.ohmaim s laigo ehclo of fi lends up nnd down ihe valley nie all on tho tip-toe ot expectant' to hear him again und Sir. Iluud Is to be 1 iimmoiided for giving them such 1111 eiulv and excel lent nppoitunitv ot Judging of bis piog icss und advancement. The dlngnim for sale ol seats Is now open at Powell's music stuie. STAGE NOTES. CIdo Pitch's loyultles on "l.ovois' r.nno" aio said to have amouiiled to JbU, 100. Khkc 1, 11 Hliello bus selected St. I. mils us tho city in which to make thu Hist, pindiicttiiu of "Checkeis," at. that Is tho nalivo heath of the auilioi, Henry Hlus soiu. 13. II. Sotliein is lepoited to have biiikeu tho ime-uigill stuuil ice mil lust week, his icccipts biliig In the neighborhood of $1.', 000 Aulney Uouclcaiilt iiiadu Ills (list up peuiuiicu hi siiipoit of I U111 i tta CuibS man last week pulng tho pan of I3d witid llosUn in "The Sword of tho King." The New Yolk Venllet of IJtlii I lluili 1111110 Is thai she Is splendid in tho one-net piece, "Cniiols, ' but only so-so in "Tho Couutiy Mouse " Kluw iv. i3lluiifrei will look utter the futuiei woik of Dan Dal) A iiiiihIl.iI cumcilN Is being picpaied tin him, nnd a pinuiluont comic opeia slui will ho In hi') suppra t Huso opens her heiison In this eountiy ut Boston October -1. Hoi advaiiin salu opuncil Inst .Monday, the III si da) bilng. lug In .',0l Hoveial hoses weiu auc tioned oil und In ought $'" David Kohibio bus di'Lidid to star Ilium ho Hates this season In a Jupuucsu pla called "Thu Dai Hug of tllu Hods." lloboit T ll.ilnus lll bu MM Hates' lending nun Tho pleco will shoiily gu lulu icheiibiil Vice Veisn with Feikins, Dining Ins enieei in Wall stiee-t fieuigo W Peikhis bus piobnhl nmuuge'd moio und laiger s ndlcates Until muni a bank et bus In a llletime He is er fond of bauuiius und geueiall) cuts some lor his noontime luncheon Tha tithei duy ho wus standing in fioul of a f 1 nit peddler's cart sclecllug some laige, iie e.Mini)les of I bo unit, when n 1 1 lend of his i.inio along und balled him "Hollo, Ptik," he said, "Is lliu sjndl catu going into hummus?" "No," icplied Pel kin, ,uihingly, "hut the bananas uie going Into the sndi cdte." Now Voik Times. Sr- No Order Accepted Tor Loss Tiiuii 10 Cents. IMH.Il'WlWMi MM M j Branch WANT Officii Want Atlveitlsements Will Bo Becelvetl nt Any of the Follow ing DiUfj Stores Until 10 P. M. Cential City A1.HI3IIT SCMfl.TH. rotner Still" bony stieet nnd Webitei' live. ai'HTAV P1CIII3I,, iwU Adams IIVPIUIO West Sldo OT30 W. .113NK1NS, 101 South Slain uvemie. South Scmnton PR13D L. TDI1PPL3, 7J0 Cedar avenue. North Scrfinton CSI30, W. DAVIfl, coiner North Slain iivenuo and Slinkct st loot. Gicen Bidge CIIAKM38 P .TON139, 1"7 Dick son avenue. .., , r. J JOHNS, OJO Oteon lliugo stieot. C. I.OUI3NZ. cntnei Wasblnston avenue nnd Sim Ion stiout. Petersburg W. II KN13PFDL, 1017 living avenue. Dunmore J. a. BONI3 A- SON. Help Wanted. VV eiAA WANTI3D-Young man 01 mmg wo man to do olllee woik und make them selves genet ally u-eful. A kuovv ledge or the instil unco Is desiiuble and If possible applicant should live at home Adilics with iPtciPiiCL's. B. II. B, Tilbuno office. Scianton. Pn. WANTI3D -Agents to sell tea und eot- feo to consumois Positions pcima- nent. C.iand t'nlon Tea Co, 311 Lacku- Muiina avenue. Help Wanted Male. WANT13D A poller nnd bov to build kitchen Hies ut the St. Ch nles. "VANT13D Young man foi otllie woik; stnto uge, cxpei ience. Colliei, cue ol Ti Ibune. WAK'IT.D-Young man to net as poller at -IJI Lackawanna avenue. Help Wanted Femnlo. WANTJ3D r.speilcnced lady shoo eleik. Stnto subtly expected. Addiess, Clcik, Tilbuno office. Agents Wanted. LAIlGr3 CORPORATION wants cneigotlc Goncinl Agent for this county. No books, insuinnee, or canvasslu'j. Ac qualntnnco with moi chants nnd miinu lnctuieiR necessaiy. Poim.inent llond. State age. opeiience. lofeiences flist let ter. Addiess. Suite u7-', No 1001 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. SITl'ATION WANTI3D-.t light bouso- woik In smill lumliy Auuie-is i. .u l!u Von Stnich avenue. Eeal Estate. Lost. LOST nttoinoon nt Ihe Thh teeuth leglmeut camp gioiiuds, a liul.',s Imntlug i.iso wulcb allui hod to 11 blink lob riuder will bo lewaidcd bv letuining samo to Itlee. l,ov ,V. Co, ,!)'kuwauna avenue. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountnnt. I3DWARD C SPAl'I.DINU, C P A.. Ji Tiudeis' Hank liulldlng. Ulei phone Mil Aichitects. KH13D13R1CK I. BROWN. ARCH B Heal nstato I3chuugo Bldg , l.'u Wush liigtou uvemie. Civil nnd Mining Engiueeis. II. L. HARDING. SI3 CONM3I.I, HI.DG STI3V13NSON noil building. A. KNIGHT, iii CON- Dentists. dr c. ii i3Ili:nbi;rgi:r, papli building, Spiuco sliool. Si i union DR, C C. LAl'HACH, 113 WYOMING avi Pile Insuinnee. SCHLAGI3R & CfJT nil Coiine7liTiiiTiii7l" Patent Attorneya. PAT E N TS avffi0 Thu only licensed and equipped patent solicltoi hi the Hi No i Imim 1 1 1 (, foi mutton ou putontabllli), ovc, ton uus' tNpoilencu Itcploerlc & Co.. Mcnrs Hlclir. Hotels and Bcstnuinnts. T1113 CAF13. Ui AND 1.7 PKASlv. Ilil uvemie Hales u.immuiIiIu P Xll3HI,nit. Pii)iiictoi SCHANTON IIOl'SH. NI3AR D. L ,V W P.isbcugei ik pot Couiluetid on the Hu lopcan plan Victor Koch, Piopiletor. Scavenger, A It WUGOS OI.HANS PRIVY VAl'LTS and eess pools, no udm , oiil inipiuwil pilllips lltud A It HlUgb. piopiietul I.euvu iiideis Dm) Ninth Sluiii uvemie, or Hlcke s ding stole, count Adams ui.d Slulbeiiv. Both telephones Wlie Scieens, JOSI3PH lvl'HTTHI.. RHAli r-ll UM'U. uvc., Scinuton, mils ol Win Seiiens Miscellaneous. mhgaroT.TiTi lios, pft i NTijits- $iw- lilies, enve-lcpes, pipej bags, twine. NVuiolious.', Uo Wiislilugtou avenue TTiiTmaTi3S4iAiii3 "IiucoIid can bu had In Seiauloi) at tho news siuud ot iteismaii Hips, WO Spiiiio and rl Linden, Si Noltou, J.',' Lackawanna uvc.; 1. S. fckhuuei, HI Spiuco Mtieet, Jy DESIRABLE " ACREAGE LOTS CASH OR CASYTERMSt NEAR THE MAMMOTH ' LIKIH! STEEL PLHI V AND TWO EUAiniFUL PARKS, j V .GE0.T.R0BINS0Nlf V'p.72 Crlo Co. Bnk uJ V. BjTalo, N. Y. eS V DIRECTORY' ' ii It; Only Hall .1 Cnt a WorJ. 1 Buslnoss Opportunity. BTOCIC AND W1II3AT T11ADI3HS with, out di'iny, Wilto for our spcclnl mar ket lottor. Pico on npplleatlon. 8. St. lllbbnul Co, mcmbniH N. Y, Consoll dntrd nnd Uoct 13cehnngp. 41 nnd it Ilrondwny, Now Voile, nstnbllsticd 1S0I. Long Dlstnnen 'Phone 2.',! Uroad. LEGAL. 'I'll 13 anmiiil meeting of the stockholders of the Ilunllngdon Water Supply Company will be held ut the ofllce of tho Cotnpunj, No MIT Council building, Hi 1 un ion, Pa , at 'I o'clock p nt. on Stolidity, pi'ttibei 1 1, inn.', for the pill pose of elect ing elbeelois for thu enrulng war and the tlausiietlon or such ntliei business as may mine hefotp the meeting PRANK It. .STOCIU3R. Societal y. Delnwnio, Lacknwnnna nnd Western. In I3rfect Juno 1, H0- linlns leave Sciaulon lor New Yoik At l.",0. 3 20, OIK, 7 0 und 10.10 11. m.i 1J 10. ,,W, .i:;.i i m. i'or Now Ymlc and Philadelphia-., 10.10 a. 111 , nnd 1J.I0 nnd J1S.1 P. m. Tor (jouldsboio At 0 10 p. in Kor Burenlo-l.r,, OL'. nnd ft 00 n m.i 1 ."". DEO und p ir i-'or Blnghumton, Hlmli.i nnd vv'uy sti'tlons-loi;", 11 in. 10" p. in. I'or Oswego, Sviucuso und Ulleii-1 1.1 nnd L '.': ."' ' "" ! m. Oswego, S.V1UCUSJ nnd I'tlca inln n t 1; :'2 a. 111 dally, except hmidiiy. I'or Monti ose-0 00 n. in; 1 OT and um) p. in, Nicholson accommodation I 00 and C H p in. Bloomshuig Division ror Northumber land, ut OX. and 10 10 a. in.: 1 B3 and B 10 p. m. Kot Pl mouth, nt 8 10 a. m.; 3 10 and oa, ;n. Stiniluv Tia'aiv-I'or Now Ynik. 1,30, !! ". ., i. " "i.: a 10 und nsr. p m. Kor Buffalo l.r, nnd G'J-' a. m.i LIS. 0 50 nnd limp m. Tor Dhniia nnd wny stations !?"' nn' For HIiiKhiimton and wnv sta tions, noo n. m. Uloomsbuig Divlslou Lcavo Bcintiton, 1010 n. m, und G 10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Bnilroad. la Ktfoct Juno 13, 13o. T.iiins Leave Sei anion Pot Philadelphia nnd New Yen It via D. . II. II. n.. at nt 7 11, thiough I'm lor Car and Day Coich Caibondule 10 Now Yoik nnd 9 17 11. in . with L. V. Coach Caibon dule to Philadelphia, nnd 2.1S. 4 .!5 (Bl icle Diamond Utpiess). nnd 1141 p. m. Suu duvs, D. ie If. n. R.. 1 r.S. D 17 p. m. ! or AVhltB Haven, Ilaleton and pilncl pal polntB In the coal legions, via D & H. Jl II., 7.41. L'.ls und l"J3 p. m. Tor I'ottsvllle, 7.11 a. m. Foi Itothlehom, Huston, Reading, llar lisbuig und pilnelpnl Inteimedlato sti llnns. viu D , II. H. R . 7 11. 3 17 u. m : -IS, liij (Blnek- Diamond I3piess), 11.4'J p. in Sunduj-, D. n, R. R ft JS a. m ; I .S, ft 17 p in. Foi Tunkhnnnoek, Tnvv.inila, Dlmln, Ithaca, Cleneva ..nil Intel mediate stations vlu D , L .1 W. R R , 6 33 n. m. und 1 r," p in. Foi Ooiievu. Rochester. Rufinlo, King nm Falls, Chicago nnd nil points west via D & II. n R. UO.'. p in: .f.'3 (Black Diamond 13noss), 10 11. II 41 p ip. Sun elavs. D. ,V- II R. R , U 01, !U7 p m Pullman pallor nnd sleeping ot Iehigh Valley Pal loi eais on all tiiims between Wllkcs-15.ii le und New Yoik. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Blidge. ROLLIN II. -WILIH'R. Gen. Supt., 21 Coitlnnd stieet. New Yoik CHAIll 13S S LI3H Gen Puss. Agt . So' Coitlnnd stieet. New Yolk. A VT NONI3SIACHP.R. Dlv. Pass. Ast.. South RethP'hem. Pa For tickets nnd Pullman leseivatlons apply to ePv tlokot ofPco, GD Tubllo Squuie, AVIIkcs-RTtic. Pn. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Eaihoad of New Jersey. Collected to Septembci lb, l'JOJ. Stations in New Yoik, toot Lloerty stieet and South Petiy, N. R Ti.dns leave Scianton for New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem. Allen town Slant h Chunk, Whlto llnven. Ash ley. ip and Plttstnn at 7 30 a. m , 1 p in '1'iel 4 p in Sunday, 2 10 p. 'n. CJuaKcr Cltv 13piess loaves Scianton 7 In a in, thiough solid vestlbulo tiuln with Pullman Buffet Pallor C.ii for Pliil--delpliia 1. It Ii oilv one ihange of cms for Bnlthnoie ,i id Washington, I). C, nnd all pilnclpil p'inti south and wet Foi Avoci. Pittstou and WIlkes-Bano, 1 p m ni 1 p in Smidiy, -10 p in Toi Long llinmh, Oieun Giove. etc, 7.'!0 n. in. nnd 1 p in. Foi Re Tiling. I.elnnon and Tlaiihbui via Allentov.n nt 7.10 a. m , 1 p ml and 4 p in Sunday. 2 10 p in. l'oi Tnmiciuu and Pottsvllle, 7 30 a. m : 1 p m and 4 p m I'or mios und tickets apply to agent at station V r. RI3SSLI3R. Gen Slatl Igor. C SI nntT. Cion Agt. Pennsylvania F.aihoad. rfellPdlllo in unvit June lb. lftX' Tinlns leave Scianton i,u"l a m, woo': dii, thiough veslllnilii tiuln fiom WllkPt--BiiiP. Pullnuin buffet p.uloi i-ir and toadies to Pliliuilelphla. viu Pnttr- nit; slops at ii I tic. iitl Intel mediate sta tions Also connects toi Bimluuy. Hni ilsbuig. Philiidelnhln H illinium, AVnpll lugtnn and Mi Pitlsluu j und the West B 17 a in . week div lot Siinhmy. Ilni ilsbuig, Plilliidelphl i lliilllmoio, Wash ington and Plttsbuig and the West 1 4 ' Ii m. veek divi, (Sundajs. I ,"s n. mi, for Simbmy. Itiuiisbuig Phllad.'' phii, Billimriip. Washington and Pitts bum and the West ii 'S p. m . wool, dus, thiough vp-tlbtiii tiafu fiom Wilkes-Rni l r Pullman buff"t pm Im i at and eon bos to Phlludelphln I e Pottsvllle Stops at pthulpul inloimoil! ate stations I !'i p in W'PfN dsvs, foi Iseton. Run biiiv, llaiilsbuig. I'hlladelphlii and Pills- 'U"tJ .1 n III'TCIIINROV G-n JIgr J H WOOD Gen Pni-i Agt Doliwair and Hudson. In Utii'i t .iiuui ii, ijn.' Tialns for Cnbonilulo leave mmntnii nt r, II 7.:i, s.''s hi IJ a in : IJi, II.', '.' 11, ;:m, r.'.o, e!-1', v-'l or, 1001 p. m.i l.'H, Pin I if in 5ilaIo-fi II. 10 13 a m ; 2 It an I ."js n in Pui Vllks-n.llii'-C"s 7 It II. 0 17, 10 Ma ip 1 I-'"' 'I-'. -H "-,l. I J". 10, 7 IS III 11, 11 "' P m Foi I. V II II Points-; 11, 8 17 n n, S is I.i.i und 11 i'i p m For Peimsvlvniiln 13 R Polnts-fi J' 0 17 n in ; 1 1-'. '' -" and I ',", p m Foi Albmv and nil points iimth ".30 a. m and .1 "'' i' m Sl'NDAY TRAINS For Caibondnle-s "rt, 11 1 1 u m,; 331, 3:r, 3",J und -H 17 p in -v I'm Wllkes-ftuiie o ;s a. mi 1201, "O, 3,.,, i, ,;j und t 17 p iii Fm- Mbanv und point noitli T .".' PtJjn For lloiiesiluli'-S 30 a mi 11 M nnd'JoJ PW I. PUYOI1 D P A Setantnn. -g' Etio nnllvoad Wyomingr Division, III Hlfcct Ki-plenilM' 1". li TiiiIiih Kuve S-ci anion lor Now Yoik, New Inn Kb nnd Inleiineillau points. .ij--n ioi Huw lev and local Maliun,-, at 7 20 n. mrm"iloiuidai!l'niid AVhlto Slllls at ,U3 Tinlns ni'lvo nt Kiinuion nt 10 3S n,;m. nnd 'i n p m Now YojU, Ontnilo and Western. Tlino table III illscl Siilldaj, Sept. '.'J, 1202. NORTH IIUI'ND TRAINS. Leiuo Leave Airlvo Tinlns Suiiiut'iii Cuiboudiilo Cndosla. Mo l mini m UKiu m liniir'in 'n. 7 il 10 P 111 Ai CaiboudilloG 40 ftni SOl'TH BOl'ND ; l.e.ivo Leave AirbM Tialns Cadoslu C.llboiidalu Siuui9ii No i, Il'n'i m 7.'. u, in Nn ' , 'J 13 I) 111 1 00 p til 4 I'i p pi Sl'.ND.WS ONLY. NDItTII BOPND l.envo 1 ,t'ii o A i IX Tinlns, Sei inioil Cm bojid.lle Cudosln No. u Uii in OlOn m lrjiinn Nn 0 .. . 7')P m Ai P.iihonilnlo7,l3r"m Hul'TIl BOl'ND J.' I.i.i' o Leiivu Airiv.j TuiliH Cadoslu CinbouilulP Seianlon No i, O'iOu m 7 23 n. In. No 10.. 4..WP 111 b'oiip pi e, 13 p. pi Tinlns Nns 1 on wick dajs. nnd ft on Smidujs eunneit leu Now Yoik eltv, slid illoiowu, Wullim Nm with, Oneida, Os wct.0 und till pohin vvesi Tialn No C wllh "Quaker City I3x piesh1' ut Scianton via C 11,11 of N .1. lor Phlladelpblu. Atlantle City, Baltimore; Wnshlnjluu and Pennsv h.inla stato points. - ( Sea tliue-lalilo und consult ticket agents for connections with ulhoi lines J, O. AND11I180N. O P. A . New Yotk. J, B. WPLS1I, T. P. A , Scmutpn, Pa, r