tfrvftv?,,? tyiti ' t3 uwa 5 SjT v,fi !'fj'ffjill aj4W"f'"i"",K'""'tfVs3 t''W "n i' v 0 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MOKDAY, OCTOBER 13, 190fc. ' ?M "P WEST SCRANT0N Rev. T. A. Humphreys Enters Upon His Duties as Pastor of the Plymouth Congregational Church. TIpv. T. A. lluiuplupy.i, foi mot ly of Slim on. t'.t.. the newly elected pastor ot the J'lymoutli Viiiri orii tlotml ohurcli, enteied utiiin lit pnrloilul duties wstotdtiy mid pleached liotli morning iind evening to doweled house. Kov. llumplueys Is it clear, foi rcful speultei unci Itnpi esses his au dience with Hie lltli, edifying thought of his dlsiollise. "Paul's client -Message" was the sub ject ot Ills morning senium, while the "Divine and iriiniiin Hide" was the. thought f loin which he deliveied n muslctly hot moil at the evening hour of worship. Thu dumb ha.s been without n pastor for some time, and llev. 111. Humphreys cnteis upon his duties with the hem tlcst welcome fioni the chinch lnembeis. Haivest Home and Enlly. The Haivest lloim' and lull. son Ices at the Ihnbuiv Methodist episcopal i lunch jesteiday all dnv weie exceed ingly well attended and er much ap preciated. The chinch audltoiluni was heailtlfullv decoiated with (towel s pilnis and the lichness of the lh Ids. At the liioi nlng spiv ice the choir icn ileied veiy anPiitable speilil anthems, and the pastor. I!i. .l.imcs nonnlnser, pie.ichcd ii veiv fine senium fioni the tot, "Samuel's t'.ill and What It Im plies " At the aftci nociii sen Ice a bilef study of thp lesson and a mll-c.ill weie (list In ordei. Misses Jessie Saunis, IMIth Robeuts and Dessie Dlehl lcclted in a most pleasing inannei. A duet bv Misses lienp and Maiv Parsons was also eiy acceptably lcndeied. Miss Jane "Williams s mg a solo in her usual pleasing mannei, aftei which .1 bilef addicts by J. J. Seeley was enjo.vcd. The evening set ice was mainly com posed of special inusiL by the choir, which was lendeied in a manner tluit showed caieful tiuining The p isfor made an addiess, telling of the Lu men's convention and things said and done. Simpson Rally Day. The Sunday .school of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal chuirh enjojed Its rallv day eeielses jesteidnj- at thp usual buiuluj si hool hour. The sei ie es weie opened In the singing of a livmn, followed by piacr bv the assistant supeiintendent, Chai les "VY. laill. The Simpson m. lie ti.u lotto then s.uir n 'election, as onlv that quai lotto c in This was followed b a bilef addiess by the supeiintendent, Gcoigp L. Peck. The pi iniai y dep.n liucnt also took a E! I FBPF! i Fivo stamps given away with each bottle of Dufoui's Fiench Tar G. W. JENKINS. IThe Annual 1 Blanket Sale Starts today. As a bargain event at the Globe Ware- house it has no equal in all the money saving olferings of ; the year. Hundreds of people wait for it, because thev have learned by experience that it just saves them so ?. much money off every pair of Blankets bought. & 9 Pure White Wool Blankets 12-4 Highest Grade Californus, jacquarcl bor- .,0 r. ders, Sio.oo kind, at ipO.UU 11-4 Highest Grade Californias, jacquard bor- & ders, S9.00 kind, at $7.50 11-4 Fine Calitornias, with fancy floral borders, , . -. $7.50 kind, at $6.50 11-4 Fine Californias, with fancy stripe borders nr $7.00 kind, at $0.00 64x80 inch California Blankets, for H beds, A -. $5.25 Icind, at -$4.50 1 1-4 strictly Pure Wool Blankets our famous ,j S?'Oo kind, at p3.95 62x80 inch Pure Wool Blankets for single beds, 0 $4.75 kind, at $3.o5 64x80 inch Puie Wool Blankets for U beds, & - y-w $4.25 kind, at $3.50 11-4 3-parts Wool Blankets, heavy and warm, -j, , $3.85 kind, at $3.25 11-4 Cotton Warp Blankets, all wool filling, ,,, $2,75 kind, at $2.25 11-4 Cotton Warp Blankets, all wool filling, k $2.5okind,at $1.95 10-4 Cotton Warp Blankets., all wool filling. . $2.25 kind, at $l.o5 3 us Grey Wool ll-l hlhoi C!ie Pine Austiallau Wool Blankets $i, 00 Kind foi ll-l SIIvpi Cliej Pmo Austiallau Wool BlanketB ;'.'i kind foi ll-l All-Wool tliey niankeln, Pancy Uoidei.s $150 kind tor 10-1 All-Wool Oie Blankets, rancy Boideis $3 75 kind loi Il-t (liey Wool HlanketP, good weight , ,$100 kind toi 1(M fiiey Wool Blankets, good weight $.' .'."i kind for ll-l "Wool Killing tiiey BlanketB, good weight $l,eri kind for 10-1 Wool rilling Chey Blankets', good weight J1.S3 kind loi Fancy Wool Blankets 11-4 All-Wool Blankets in a ailtt ot Fancy Plaids.?! .'I kind tui $Jir, ; 2 Cotton Blankets J . 10-1 iliey oi White Blankets, Pnmy llotdiis 53 kind loi 4S0 f 11-4 Oiey ot White Blankets, Kancj Boidcis,., (1c kind toi Wk 11-1 Oiey oi While Blankets, Ustiu Heavj ,,..$1.10 kind foi Mo JJ-1 Oiey oi White Uliiukets, BMin Jlcavv $1,50 kind toi $l.L'3 Pretty Fancy Rob;s S'ue 6o,8o, in floral and scroll designs, suitable for the bath. A wonderful value during thU sale at, , , 69C Our Entire Comfort Stock '-at Shares in the above reductions, exactly the same, 1 This Sale Begins 1 Globe Warebo(js?J MtMtMf.M?MfMtMfM(fMf$(t!i(fMO(tMfVtutUfUtff)i(fH tmit, which was gieatly onjojod. MIhb I.ouIbi Sntnijsou lcclted, and Miss Sylvia Jones nuns a solo, which vvoio gieatly cnlojoil. Another selection by the (itmttolte was then given, llev. Hugh C. McDoiniott made u few ic mmks suitable to the hnppy oeeaslon, and then the seciotaiy, h. It. Jones, announced the honor list. After a se lection by the audience, the sCi vices weie bi ought to a close, they being the most successful ever held. No Rooms to Let. The West Side police station was filled up jestcidny and theio weie no vacant cells when the police maglstiate nir!ed. The Hist inuti called foi sen tence was Oeoigo Hiowslde, of Gieen wood, who was anestod late Saturday night by P.Uiohnan Petets for being diunk and w nuclei Ing. Ho was fined $1 which he paid. A. K. Mojei, ot flJO i:non stieet, a oaipentei, ai lived homo lu'e Satin -day night In a most decidedly Intoxicat ed condition and beat his wife In a most shameful mannei. The nolghbois notified the police who nicsted him and locked hint up. He was sent to the pounty jail for fifteen ilajs. Patiolmaii James Thomas placed D. Ilnbeits, of the cential city under an est for being di utile and holding down dooi. steps, lie was fined ?5 by Maglstiate Davics. Jcnkin Davis, of 111 Deckel's couit, a mlnei , was anested by Patiolinan William Moigun, jesteiday moinlng foi dlsoidpily conduit. He was lined $10 01 twent dns In jail. At this wilting he was looking foi the necessaiy $10 The last two pilsoneis anested have exactly the s tine names, both being known as Patsey Destaflno, one lives at 1J1 Ninth stieet and the other it lit Ninth stieet. They weie both ni tested for dlsoulcily conduct and both weie fined S! which they paid to sccuie theii freedom. Social News Notes. A veiv novel autumn patty was held at the honip of Miss Stella Saul, of 721 Noith H.vde Paik avenue, on Pilduj evening. The cosv looms weie piettlly decoiated with nit lloweis, palms and beautiful autumn leaves. Dnicing, music, and the usual games pleasantly passed the hours aw ax Miss Stella Saul and Flunk Dolphin pleasingly sing solos, while Miss Josephine L, m gan and Hdw.iid Saul lendeied instiu mental music. At a late liom l oft bail ments weie solved. A pallor paity was given at the home of Mr and Mis u S Woidcn, ot HJS Hiomlev avenup, on Satuiday pvenlng. in honor of W. J. Si hall and G. l Munio, of West Pittston The hous- was neatly decoiated with palms and the national colois, and games, dancing and mush were the pleasuies enjoved until midnight, when Mis. Wot den seived a dcliiious suppei Mr. and Mis. David AV. Reese, of ? ," S ! tap a? Blankets $l". $l Jr $ 1.7.1 $J.7a $-'.-'- tl.SI S1.S5 $1.00 as usual, The proportion is cri s. Tuesday Morning S Hviiiis rourl, weio tendered a surprise party on Tilday cvcnhiK. A very line musical pi ori ammo wna enjoyed, theio bcliiR solos by Misses Htolln UUnn and Louisa Hchadt, nlso Prof, Hosar Da Vies, At ti seasonable hour Mis. Joseph Ine rjeclier nnd Miss Oenevievc ll(cc served lunch. Jacob Ilitrowlta took several HushllBhts. Knights of Mystic Clmln. Tliiee montlis iiro rjectrlc Cltv Cas tle No. :!S, oi gauged it "DeRiee team," which by this time have become (lllto prollclont in their vvoik. At the rcRU lar incctttif' to be held at Co-opcintlvp hull, Tuesday ovenlnK. the castle will confer the 1'sqtilie degiec on sevetal new applicants. This boliu? the tpiun's iulllal vvoik, the inonibeis ale leuuestcd lo turn out In full foi cc. Hi eat Interest Is mani fested In dc'Bico team work by vailous castles thioiiKliout the city, and It has stimulated Klectile City castle to en deavor to have n dcRiee team without n poor. Fuitliei, the castle on next Tuesday evening Intends to oiriiiiIj'p n' "filiform i nnk," seveial inemheis hav Iiir aliendy pledRcd themselves to en i oil For the put pose of making the meeting n Riand success the leeeption commlttoo Issued invitations to flrecn UldRo, PeteisbutR and Set tint on mil foi mod tanks to attend the nieetliiR, said i anks hnve act opted, and will be ptesent In full dress. Not a member of Blectilc City castre should bo absent when the loll Is called. Funeral of Mis. Mullen. Satuiday moinltiR the funeral ot the late Mis. Alice Mullen, of 337 Not til Sumiiei avenue, who pussrri away af tei a short Illness on Tltuiday morn ing, took plare. At 0 o'clock sei vices weie held at St. Panicle's chinch, vv hoio Rev. .T. J. Dunn olllciatcd at a holenin mass of ip(tilem. Jllss Johnson played the funeial music. Among the many handsome casket bouquets, set pieces, etc, was a beau tiful set piece fioni Mis. rulunian. At the close of the sad sei vices the funcinl coiteRO moved to the Catliediul ecme teiv, wheio Intel incut was made. The pallbe.neis weie: AVilliani l.aikln, Thomas Cav. innURli, John Mullen, John Piestei, Patiiek Glboy and John Mc Doiniott. With the Chinches. The pleasant weather of Sunday called the c huich-Koeis fioni tlteli home! in luge nuinbeis and neatly all West Side chinches wete well lilled, some being ciowded. At the evening sei vice of the Simp son Metliodlbl Hplscopal chinch, the pastor, Iiev. Hugh C MeDei mutt, D. D, piMchcd a very lutoiesting bcimon fiom the theme, "A Good Man's Piapi." Di. McDeimott handled his subject well and iIipvv tlieiefiom many thoughts and lompaiisons woithy ot moie than passing Intel est. 'Talth's Symbols," was the suliject of the morning thought at the Jaekton Stieet Baptist chinch The oidinanee of the Lotd's Suppei was adniinlstPicd inuupdiately aftet the moinlng f-tiviee The biiglit and Intel esting song sei vice was followed bv a shoi t talk at the evening s.elNt0 i)5 the pastor, Kev. Thomas do Giuchv, D D, on the sub ject, "What Shall We Do to Be Saved?" Sevcial candidates foi membership weie baptized at the moinlng sciviee of the Flist Welsh Baptist i lunch The Loid's Suppei was also commemoiatcd. The Ulebiatlon ot the Holj l.ucli.ii -isl took place at St Davids I!piseoi)al cliuich on Suiula. Hev Joluj P Moff.itt, D D, oecu pled the pulpit of the Waslibuin Stieet Piesbv tci mn cliuich ,ib usual, jcstei da He deliveied two veij inteiest ing sei mons to attentive congicgatiorrt A V Bouci occupied the pulpit of the riist Biptist cliuich at both sei vlces jcsteidav Until Wednesday Night. Stock in the Xoithein Secuiitv Oil and Tiauspoi t.itlon compan.v, ol Texas, lepie-cnted b.v B G Moirjii ii Son, will be sold until Wednesd i night net at ten cents a shale, with a eel tlflcate foi a b u I el of oil ticc vvllh eac h sh up Mr William H Picc-man, who is in Teab looking into the alfaii.s of the In the intyiests ot some stoc k holdeis In this cit.v, lepoits as lollows. "Beaumont, Tesas, Oct. 11, l')02 "B G. & s,0n, 101 Not th Main avenue, Si i. niton, l'a. "Have caiefulh examined the piop ei tj of the compan.v and find all O. K." Send loi piospeettis and get paiticu l,u s, GENERAL NEWS NOTES. William Davis, j.0ii of JIi. and Mis. Daniel Davis, of McNichols point, was admitted to the West hide hospital, S.ctuida.v. Theie will be a meeting o Hip Weit Sciantou Itepublican coininltteemen mid woikeis In Co-opeiatlve hall, on Noith Main avenue, this (.veiling at X o'clock. Mnlor Iveiett Win I en and Thomas II. Dale will be present and addicts the mepting Miss Kvclvn Apgai, ol the Postal Telegiaph lompany, is liomp fiom a visit wltli Wilkes-Hane fiiends. ileese It, James", ot Fouite'enth htuet, Is sei lously 111. Miss liuth I" Ikddoe, of South .Main avenue, and .Miss rioience A. Fowler, ot Jackson stieet, mo home, aftir a slioit vlt-it with fi lends in Tin bouclalc. .Miss Ida I.oney. ot South Seventh sUieet. Is convalescing, attei an attack ot typhoid level .Miss Clliiiboili Mai Ulsblug, ot f'lipstnut htiect, is home riom .Mount Poc ono, .Ml.s Helen Phillips, of North Lincoln avenue Is finite ill, Alileinuni II Davis i etui lied home Satuicla fiom tin liloonislnug fall Wellington, hon of .Mi. and .Mis p, W. Tngup, of Jackson stieet, Is on tho hick list Ml unci .Mis, N, C, Mao, of Swet land stieet, me enieitaiiiiug Jli.s, Jo seph mtei, ot Sjiaita, .N. J David Jones, of Noith Pilmoie nve uue, has gone to Plttsbuig, Miss Alta Sluttei, ot Noith Jtebecca avenue Is enteitaliilng Miss Anna Muua, of Tob hamia Tlic nunilage or .Miss Maiy Helle Pic email to I'dwln Houtoii will take place at the home ol the bilde's pai ents, noi South Main iivenue, on Wtd nesclaj evening Hev I'plunn, D. 1), I.I, D , piofessor of piiictleul thtologj n the Diew Then, logical semltiui will addiess tho I'p vvoith league lonventloii in the Simp, hou Methodist llplstopal thuuh on Wednesiliij evening. The Woman's Hemic Mlsslonaii AH OLD AND WEIL-TRIED REMEDY. MRS WINSi.OW'S SOOTHING SYRUP for children teething, Is tho prescription of imo of the best femalo phjaUi.nis and Burses In the t'nlted States, nnd has beoq used sixty veais with novcr.fnilliig suci cess by millions of mothers for their clilU dren. During the process ot teething Hi value !s Incalculable. It relieves the clill? from pain, cures dlairhoea, gilplng hi th bowels, and wlnd-rollc By giving hnltti lo tho child It rests tho mother. Price, iwczty-llvtj ccata a liaitla. ' 1 I . Why Scranton People Should Follow This Valuable Advice, IJpcause the pi oof Is In Scranton. Your can thus Investigate the claims. When Investigated, they will prove satisfactory. It denionstifttcs that theoiy gives way before facts. Mis. C. J. Thomas, ot 23R Chestnut Httcct, says: "The pain In the small of my buck wont up lrnto my head and caused feaitul headaches. I was near ly always Initio and stiff in the moin lng when I got up, and it was with dlllleulti that I could get mound. It hurl me oveiy time any muscles of my back were put in motion, like stooping oi standing a long time. I saw Doan's Kidney Pills udvcitlsed nnd got thorn at Mutthews Bios.' diug stoic and gave them u lalthful tilul. I gieatly Im pioved and can lccommend Doan's Kidney Pills to others." Tor .sale by all dealeis; pi lee, 50 cents. Fostei-Mllbuin Co, Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents foi tho U. S. Ileinembei the name Doan'b and take no substitutes. socletv ot the Simpson M. II. cliuich will meet at the home of Miss Helen Peck on Chestnut stieet, foot of Lafuy ette stieot, this evening. Election of ofllceis and other impoitant business. Ml. and Mis John I!. Peck and daughtei Ilachol, of Pi lee stieet, aie home fi am Allentown. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Mass Meeting of "Republican Voteis. Keystone Diamatic Club's New Offlccis Other Notes. The Piovldeneo Itepublican club con ducted an enthusiastic mass meeting in Haggeity's hall on Noith Main avenue, Frld.o evening. The meeting was opened with an introductoiy speech by Select Councilman John Von Peigen, piesldent of the club. Sevcial addi ess es weie deliveied by Candidates J. C. Mollis and John Penman for county commlssioneis, and Sentttoilal Candi date Joidan M. II. Patterson deliveied an impies sive addiess. He uiged oveiy faithful to stand by his paity and to vote the entiic tiiket fioni top lo bottom. He advised the Itepublican woikeis of the clt to hold such meet ings legulaily cath week until election day. Itepoits fiom the committees on aiiangements and fiom the vaiious waid committeemen weie heaid. Officers Elected. The Ke stone Literal y .nnd Diamatic club, ono of the stiongest amateur diamatic societies in this pait ot the state, has elected the following oHlceis foi the ensuing teim: Piesldent, Mich ael Geiiltv; vice piesldent, John Shei man. lecoiding societal v.Petei Regan, tic tisui oi, Joseph I.oftus, mrniagei, Thomas Dvans, ti ustees, Thomas llvans and Thomas Clink After the election a social session was held. The otlkeis will bo Installed tonight, and the Installation will be followed by a sniokei and luncheon. BITS Or NEWS IN NOTES. Miss McGulie, of Coui t stieet, was pleasantly sui raised b.. a number of hei fiiends at bet home, on Filday evening. Those piesent weie. Misses T. Doude, J. Doude, B. McUulie, C. Aichei, N. Williams, M. Gaffney, H. King, A. McGuiie, L. McGulie, and Mepsis. T. I'laik, II. Pi ease, F. Buike, J. Conneis, 1Z clink, A. Dean and J. Mai Ion. Tin Noith Sei anion Glee society ser enaded the Twelfth legiment, at 0 ,"0 o'clock last evening. Miss faille Pen, of, Ninth Main avenue, Is able to be about again, af tei a week's illness The Lincoln lodge. No 412, Independ ent Oielei of Odd Fellows, will Install theh leicnt elected olllceis In their looms in Ostei limit's hall, tonight. John Cllffoid, of I'aibondnle, has ic tuined home, after a visit with his daughtei, Mis. T. B. Collins, Shoit ave nue, Dennis Buddy, of West Maiket stieet, Is spending few his 'll Schenectady, N. Y. Peter Pllffnid, of Nebuiska, Is the guest of his slsiei, Mis. P. 11. Kearney, of Yind stieet. Miss Anna Iloche. of West Maiket .stieet, has gone to New Yolk. John J. Saltiy, of "West Maiket stieet, spent the past tew duv.s In Ilaiilsbtug, Hnglebeit Schwab, of Shenandoah, has been the guest of his sister, Mis. O, Gallughei, of Rockwell stieet, for tho past few dajs, Mossis. Uvun Thomas and Ttliluiiel Hughes, of Putnam Mieot. weie Plym outh vlsitois on .vesteidav. James Henley, of P.nkei stiPPt. Is visiting fi lends In Altoona, SOUTHSCRANTON. The new St, John's Catholic ihuiih, on Pittston avenue, is ne.ning comple tion, and as tlio linlshlng touches me put on lieio and theie, the edifice be louips moto beautiful day by day. The handsome, nitlstlc stained glass win dows, which weie donated by vailous wealth inemheis of the longiegatlon, mo now In place, and the altni, .in other gift, will soon bo (omploted. The painting and decoiatlve woik Is now llniHlied, nnd about all that leinaiiib except a few mliioi details, is the pint lug of the pews mid ultar I all. Unless the unexpected happens the spacious sacied edifice will be ready for dedica tion the latter puit of next mouth, piolmbly about Thanksgiving Day, The Hickory Stieet Piesbytciian chiiph, which has been In the hands of the iMipenteis and decoratois duilug the past siunniei, is neailng comple tion, mid the icnovation has made vvoudc-iful eliunges and inipiovements in this house of woishlp. The Hist set vices' will piobably take place on the III st Sunday ot next month. Miss Anna Mclster. who has i lunge of one- of the Sunday school classes I at the Illckoiy Stieet Gcnnnn Pied' by toi Ian chtitch hold a iccopllon and social for the young folks nt her l evi dence, 715 0011111' avenue, a few nights ago. Tho affair wur charmingly con ducted, nnd lifter rev oral houis social convoise, light icficshinents weie served. Those piesent wcip: Misses Ciurlo Sehotier, Hsthcr Hvans, Anna Melslcr, Mnmlc Kelper, Iaiuia Sehvvul baeh, Minnie Hchnnk, Floipiuc Hum mpu, Ueithn Mm tin, Chtlstlnp llitit liltiti nnd Master Willie MoIsipi. Dr. Sehlpy's Lung llpittlug Balsam Is guaranteed to cuic nil coughs. "No cute, no pay." For sale by all dealeis. An ontcitaliimout and social will take place tit St. Maiy's hall this even ing, under the nusplci's of St, Maiy's Glee and Dramatic association. Ml8 Fannie Itelg, ot Wllkes-Bniie, Is the guest of Mis. una Couley, of Slocum stiret. Cnmp 4"0, Pa ti lot ic Older Sons of Amotion, will meet In lcgular session this evening. Theio was a veiv laige attendaiico at the meeting In the Young Women's Christian association looms on Cedar avenue osteiday. Miss Meicdlth led the exercises. The new Methodist Kplscopnl cliuich and pntsonage, being built on Pittston avenue, Is no.nly completed, nnd dedl catoty oxoiclscs will take place In tho near futuio. DUNMORE DOINGS. Kally Day Exercises of the M. E. Sunday School Contiactor Gib bons Ai rested. The annual rally of the Sunday school of the M. I', ihuiih was held ycsteidii. The following pi ogi amino was lendei ed. Song, No Iik) Scho)l Lesson tlvmu, No dl'i luvcatlon 'Mms llciivvnoil, Asst Stipt Roll Call lMw.uil Angvvin, rftcictai Addiess Dan Powell. Supei liilciidcnt Singing Pilmiiv Class Responsive Ucullng Jcishuii ill '1-17 Song No lis School Ten Minutes' I,esou Uxeutse Addiess Rev C II Newltirf Pastor Duet, "As Pants the lip.iil," BNIp Powell Ttnbv Yost Addipss It C llublet Recitation Bthel Mclitin m Itedtiitinn Alnjiinid 'I'ipslai Rpcltatlou Snah 'licsl.u Duet, "Roe k of Ages," Bessie Powell, Btbe I IJilitmnn Soeietaiv s Repoit Belw del Angwln Aiiiinumemonls . .... Snpei IntPiidcut Distiibutlon of Suiida) School Pupris, I .Iln ti tans Song, No l.fl Schoi'l Benediction Pastor SHORT PAKAGBAPHS. Sewei Contiactoi M J Gibbons was aiialgncd befoie Squlie Cooney on Sat urdaj evening, charged by Patiiek r.vons of Pine stiopt with assault add battel and thieatening to kill. The trouble was caused b a dispute be tween the men ovct the ownership of a shovel. Lvon's claims ho was engaged In gathering coal fioni a dump, near which the new sewei lino Is being laid. His shovel was neai bv, but soon Con tiactor Gibbon's appencel anil claimed tho shovel as his piopeity and as the argument waxed vv.nni Mi. Gibbons, who is a big poweiful man assaulted I.j ons, who hastened te pioeuie a w.n icint feu his in i est. Aftei healing the evidence, 'Seiuiie Coonej held Mi Gib bons nuclei $500 bail to appeal at com t 'Ihe membois of Dunmoie Council, No IC!., Jr. O 1 A. M eclebiated the seventli anniveisaiy of the local lodge on Satin dav night Manj guests were piesent fiom all the suiiounding lodges and a veij enjovable time was spent National Bepiesentative Mai via Tuthill was chaliman of the evening and in a few well chosen woids told of the standing nnd growth ot the oidei dining the past jeat. The lot il coun cil is thelaigest in L.ukawanni (ountv having a membeiship ol ne.nlv 100 An inlet esting mush ul piogtamme was lendeied and iefiehments weie served The levlval meetings weie verv well attended jesteiduj. Hnough tinned awaj to have half lilleel the house '1 he evangelist laboied to s10 that the gopel of Chi 1st alone would make Chilstlans Theie weie six conveisions and six candidates weie linpti.sed b emeislon The Inteiest Is inci easing and will continue dining the week, not withstanding the lepou to the con n.n j. The fair which was to have been held duilug the (list week In Novem ber unclei the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society of the Piesbteilan chinch lias been Ineleflnitelv postponed Mi. and Mis Fuink Picketing have leturned tioni theh wedding tout and aie at home on Chciiy stieet. Miss Mable l.vmis lias tetiiineil to liei home In Pittston aftei a visit with fiiends In town. CJREEX RIDGE. Geoige Gibson, of Buffalo, spent the Sabbath with his fmnllj on .Mmisij tvenue. Mi. and Mis. Geoige A. Cleaiwatei have letuined liom a tliiee weiks' visit at Lake Muliegan on the lludsem, Miss Susan Dickinson, of Uast .Mai ket stieet, has it'tuiued tiom an ex tended btaj with Honesdale fiiends. W. J. Watts, of Philadelphia, spent the Sabbath with his fumllj", who have come down tiom their summci home at Gleiibuin ami will occupy theh t'u pousti avenue lesldence dm Ing ihe w In tel montlis, .Mis. Aneiitw Nlcol and ilaiightei, of Sandei.son avenue, expect to leave this week uu all extended western till'. Thej will be uhtuni about llueo months, Joseph Gollnskl, of Mc.vleit avenue, had AntholiJ M.nikel, of Giene stieet, aiested Satuidaj evening beeiiuso he hud conllseated about half a ton of which Gollnskl had pic keel and lett on a pile. The case was taken befoie AI dei mini Hujlcj, wlieie Mnukel gave ball foi $200. Mis. Tied Pin ell, ot Gieen Uidge stieet, eiltei tallied u paity of little folks Satuiday ufteiuooii In honor of her son, Fiaj's, ninth blilhday About twenty guests weie ptesent Mis. Cnv ell was assisted In entei mining b Miss Jessie C.nell, Mis, C, H. Tobej mid sou, Clnieiue, of Hleetile nenue, have i etui lied fiom a few dajs' stuj with fiiends in Sus ouoluinuu. N. II. l.uelack, roimulj of Ciieen Uldge, now of Noithiiiubeilmul, spent the Sabbath with ti lends lieie. Mis, Griffin and daughtei, Alice, have letuined fiom a tliiee months' western till. , oihtPary. MlhS Di:i,IA COYNi:. a well known unci esteenud icsldeiit of South Si iimtcin, ilicd lii)t evening at U o'doek lu the lain lly icslelciice, IJO Genet btuct. The do teased joung Iudy was '.'7 .seals of age, mid Is suivhcd bv one biulliul mid two AMUSEMENTS. r International Correspondence Schools Association Lecture Courstv MONDAY EVENING. OCT, 13, 1902. AT THE LYCEUM THEATRE. FRANK W. QUNSAULUS, D. D PRCSIDENT AHMOUn INSTITUTE TECHNdLOQy. SUBJECT: "THE TYPICAL AMERICAN." LECTURE COMMENCES AT Hhteis us' follows: 'llionuiH II. Covne, Anna. I., and Bils'tibeth G Cnvne, with who she lcsldcd She was a niece of Se lect Couutllnuin Muliielil Cojne, and was hlghl.v login ded lu the community No aiiaiigements 1ml c as et ben iniiilo for the fuueitil, MISS DBI.1A C'OYN'B, cf IB Genet stieet, died last evening at il !u utter a long Illness, WHAT WE OWE TO THE WIND. It Is Nntuie's Great Vltallzer 'and Energy Builder. From the Philadelphia Pi ess Tho i oln lion of fiesh air to vitality Is denionstiated In a' sulking niainui b.v the investigation of Professor Edwin Grant DeMer, of the Unlvoislty of Illi nois. He has made a painstaking study of calms In the city ot New Yolk, oi lather tho effect of calms on the lccoids of the public schools, the police couits and tho penltentlnry. Tho whole niitn bei of data eonsldeicd and tabulated by him Is 497.2CJ, all to show the effect of calm, that Is, the absence of unv wind movement exceeding foui miles an hour on the human oiganlsm. Ho notes the unexpected fact that the absence fiom schools dining calm woathei was moie than tlnoo times tho uvciiige foi nil otliei kinds of weathci, which of com so Includes tho veiy cold, the veiy wet and the voiy windy weath er, as well as tho It Is In the calm weathei that chlldien aio not feel ing well, and It Is then that tho dls ease pecullai to childhood aie most pi one to visit them. The ci Imlnal lec oids show less assaults, dlsoidei and x!oI.iee dui Ing calms than at other times Tlieio aio nunc policemen laid off, moie enois made bj cleiks in banks anil a Ingot nuinbei of deaths when tho ah Is stationaij, oi ncaily so, than w hen it is in motion. The conclusion of Piofcssor Dextci is that dining ealms those life phenome na which are due to depleted vitality aie excessive, while the phenomena due to excessive xltallty aie deficient. Tills is in harmony with oidinnij' and inex act observation. The source of oui un ci gj' is oxjgon if that Is deficient we aie devitalised, less callable of both good and ovll A stagnant oi slowly moving air in a huge iltj' is lobbed of Its oxygen and vitiated by the exhala tions of thousands of men and animals When tho wind pi ev ails a flush supply of unexhausted ail Is constantly mov ing in to take tho place of the old. This is the condition most favoiable to human attainment, as cxpeiicnce de monsti ates, and Piofossoi Dexlei's In vestigations do stiikinglj- veilty While this nuiuiij does not estab lish anj thing leally new, it gives us a deniei appieciation of the value of wind as the oaith's puilfler and vital izer. The heautj of calm, still nights had been sung bv poets fiom time 1m memoildl, but it is not accidental that sueh poilods aie also associated witli death. Then let the vv inds blow w hilo we give thanks. Old Boiens and his vaiious lelatlves have not loceivod the ciedit that should be theiis, foi though at times thev biing with them cold and stoim and destruction, they puige and ptiiifv the e.ulh and give life and hope and eneijv to Its people. ATE THE HAILS. Hungiy Wolves Stopped Tiafflc on nn Eaily Noithwestein Raihoad. Fiom toe Ruffalo i;xt)iess About 1S7J one of the Hist i.illioails of the northwest was built In the teui- toiv ot Washington fiom Walla AVnlla to W.illulu, along the banks of tho Walla Wull.i livei, and following tho geneial line of what is now the Oiegon Itailway and Navigation companj's load between those points The toad was a piluiitive aftali, and was built, owned and opeinted bv Di, H.ikei, of Walla AVnllti. It had no Pullman mis, chali e,us oi bullet i.ns, and the dav coaches weie mostly platfoini oi Hat ens. Instead of having a light of way the toad had pel mission to go thiough the fields of the funnels Couseiiuenilj the toad was not a i.ipld tiansit one, as the tialn hands had to get oft and lav down the l .ill fences and put them up again aftei the ti .tin had passed thiough, The loidbed was i (instituted by lay ing ciossties six oi eight feet up n t. nnd on those hcjing wooden stilngeis tor Kills The heavy tt.iflli ovei the load caused the mils to weai In spots so that tialu wieeks and smasliiuis veie ot dully oi'iiiiieuue These weie not seilous, lot when tile tialn ciew saw a wieek nulling theh way they would hop ofl and let it w uu k. The anuojance, howevei, soon became to the Inteiest of shlppeis, so the owneis hacl to devise some means of met coining the illllleulty. Rails of stiiudaid lailioael lion weie out of the question, us they iind to be shipped "the I loi u mound," and freighted b wagon Ulilte a distance htiap lion could not be had, The dm tor, with Yankee sluewdness, llnullj hit upon the liuppv Idea ot substituting law hide loi snap iron, Cattle wpic nlentltul and iaw hlde ilieap, so the doc toi soon had his ti ut k lajeis at woik putting tin niw hldo on the wooden stilngeis The i.iw hid soon became diy and ns hmd as lion, and misweied the puipose iidmli nbly duilug the eliy weathei. The winter succeeding the lajlng of tlie lawhlde tucU was a seveui one tor that p.nt of the couutij Tho snow lay on the gioiind toi seveial weeks. The wolves weip dilven fiom th" moun tains by Hie deep snow and sklimished for a living as best lhe could lu the vullejs. Wliejn the snow befauu to melt it softened the i.iwlildo wills and the liungij wolves soon found tin ti ticks, When spilng a mo and the snow had melted the wolves had eaten un the lailioael twuk fioiu Wullu U'ullu to Wallula MAKING TACKS. Theie Aie Many Kinds for a Gieat Vnilety of Uses. I'lom tlic Hosloii lltiald, A Heialel man came up fiom Itioek ton the other d.i and slimed u seat with a man whose business Is the mau tifuituiu of tiults for shoes unci other ptnposes. Natuiallj they, to talk "shop," and among other things the Uletuld man learned that the best tucks AMUSEMENTS. ElQHT O'CLOCK SHARP Lyceum Theatre, M. Rels, J.osseo and Mnnnger. A. J. DalTy, Business "Managor. Two Nights, Wednesday, Thiuselay, Oct. 1", IC Matinee Tliuisdiiy, Henry W. Savage Presents The Phenomenal Comedy Opuin lilt. KING DODO, bj I'lXI.l.Y "s LUDDRS. 20 Come ellans "0 iO ChotiiR in HO Oichcstia LO Dalv's New York The ater Piodiictlon. Plltcns-Nlnht. $1 r,0. $100, "m., COe . 2 ie. Matinee. $100. "ic, wc , L'ic. Seats on sale Monday nt U a. m. Academy of Music M. Rols, Lessee and Manager. A. J. Duffy, Business Manager. Tin op Nights Stilting Moiulaj. Uct 1J. .Mntlliees Tupsd.iv and Wcclncselny. Spcctaeulii Pmdiu tlon of Baitley Camp bell s iminoitnl Di.ima, THE WHITE A Story of the Sunny South. 25-PEOPLE-25. SLAVE New Sceneiy, Novel Dlcetilcnl Dffccts. PRICl'8 Miitluce li anil :i Night, 13, :", 'fi and ."Mc. Seats on sale NDXT ATTRACTION. Tlnec Nights, Stinting Thinselav. Oct III. Matlnep Pilclav and Siitiudiiv "A EIGHT FOB MILLIONS." Dixie's Theatre, HDNRY TARNSWORTIT DIXIE, Lessee and Managor. WDDK OP OC rOIUJR 13. Kathrya Osterman and Co. The Smedley Sketch Clufe Drtiwee, the Juggler. Two pcifoimancos d-illy, JSO and 8 13 Pilics 1j, L'i .Ti and SOc. Special matlneo pi Ices tC"Ti action cus stop nt tho door. aie made of linpoitod Swedish iron. Hip next giade of Ainoiican soft steel and the cheapest giade of common Ameri can it on. Tacks .no aNo made of cop pei. fcoine tacks aio tinned, and for ship use, tacks aie galvanized Tacks ate made of sizes winging fiom hulf-ounee-to 21-ounce. The tack commonly used as a caipet tack (the ones jou get In joui baie foot- xvhile walt7lng w ith the baby at 2 a. m ) is an S-ounco tack A IM-ounce tack is about Va Inches' In length. Theie me a gieat many kinds of tacks, made for a gieat variety ot uses, and they aie put up In many dif foient foims. Theie an- gimp tacks, looking-gliss tacks, upholsteiei s' talks, titiuk tucks, lice tacks, basket tacks, biush lacks, eollin tacks, shank tack'-, lasting tacks, mlneis' tacks, cheesebox tacks, c.n pet tacks and tacks for a sooie ot othei uses Within the past dozen je.ns, the sale of double-pointed lacks in all sires lias inci eased a bun dled fold, owing to the gieatlj In ci eased use of electiic wiies Double pointed tacks .no also used for tacking down sliavv nutting and for othei put poses Tacks that aie sold in papeis aie put up on lull weight halves and eiuuteis, the weight Indicating the sl7e ot the package. Almost all kinds of tacks aie also sold In bulk In 25 and 50 pound boxes and 100-pound kegs A one-ounce tack machine will in u day make about 100,000 tacks. The iron is fed Into the machine In a long snip a little vvlelei than the length of the llnlshed tack, so as to allow of muteila! to be upset foi the head. An S-ounco machine will make about 250,000 tacks in a dnj or about 200 pounds Tacks that aie put up in papeis aie weighed out and the papeis lilleel by hand. Coiu paiatlvelv tew tacks me put out now in tied-up papeis; thev aie mostly put nil in little pistobo.nd boxes. Thesti boxes ate packed In kiifcer boxes, and, in tin ii, lu cases for shipment. A com niun tack package Is a eise weighing about 10D pounds. The annual tack pinduction of the louutij Is estimated at about JO.000 tons THE TARIFF AND THE TRUSTS. Compiled bj Wullu J. Hall ml While th" Culled fetutes Steel unpoia tltui, tluocigh combining Mint; hileicsis unci liuliiHtiies, mikes and sells the bull, of eeilnlu pioiliuts ot linn and steel It tuiliH out onlv "A I PCI cent ot the total of all willed pieielucts And as lolled pioU. mis aio veij Impnitant ailleles In thu lion and steel husiiii ss, this Is pioot tint a gwat niunj mucin lis outside of the stoi'l ti ust aw making ami belling tliuii Meanwhile new c oneoins mo planned and main plants me piilU built, and bi'toii) long th" piopnitlon of goods iniiilo b mills not alllllateil with the ttu-t will be vastlj hu lease el 'fills Is a big louutij, nnd no Ineliistilil eomhlnaliou mn pe'imauenth mnliol Its muiuluc-liues.-Tiov. N Y. 'linns IVilmps some I'steeiueel Domoeiatlo 1 1 lend will till us the name of one-Just one-nust that In all th" hlstoij of thu w oi Id was killed dj lieu twule Don't ah speak at ouci ' Th" Denioiiatls do not want tiiwis at tacked except li destiojlllj! pi oil i tlon, 'I hem Is nn th'Jil N this beiause) tho Hem ueiaiv Is the same old jiiutcctluii tailff uicniv as hemic Then' Is net H'p s jiuost doiiht that thu tiusis vvoulil If' clestioed lij ipincn. Ing piotietlciu ti oui oui iiielustiks; bul liiisiiiiss ot all kinds would go to smash l.i'giflitlvu tlukeilug with business and polltlial agitation oi piuily Imslncsi issues au ivMpnusllile loi iiieuo loss uu iii)auee aid suffciinu than all the vvau of the win Id 'I wide makes ll own liws, ovei J w ben a. id alwiijs hi the tin! and cxpeiicnce has shown them to lie thu wset nnd mo3l eimltable ot all laws The aw ami huvu ii1uh.h Ikoii th outgiowth ot business ueics'di.v and the inlieieut iiunest) ami faliuess of lutein. genl llllhllc Miitlllli'llt 'file: seioaci tills l.ut is wiognled In this louutij and in tut upon, as It Is In L'ngl mil foi ex ample, the bottii will It be for ovei) ilass In the conununltj-." Dallj rinanclui News vi?i