'$&itviwf"" 'wrijjiau yiyv "nm-y(i vimmIMfW,9," "i$mffyjW,,M " '' ' "V wiw hihw.w""11"'"'"' TT?W" lgr3Hwr'ijiqw-(w.' ..- . vww THE SCKANTON' TlUBUftE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1902. 5 rcxxxxxxxxxxx; THE MODERN HARDWARE STORE. The Hunting Season Opens Oct. 15th. If you lire In need of AMMUNITION of nny kind Loaded or Empty Shells, Powder, Shot, Primers, Itlf le and Revelver Cartridges, etc., the Modern Store can supply you. 8 Foote & Shear Co. J 19 Washington Ave. SOOOQOCKXXXXXX The flardenbergh School of Mtisic and Art Offers the exceptional advan tage of Piano and Organ stua with Mr. Sumner Salter, an artist teacher of recognized standing in the musical world. Register now. 604 Linden st. In the line of Cam eras, Kodaks and Photographic Sup plies of every des cription for Amateur Photographers, you will find this store perfectly equipped. a Amateur finishing, if done here, is done right. Hornbaker, 209 Washington Ave. A Word to the Wise Who Have Ready Cash This is the time to buy pomo of our beet local dividend ikiylMK stocks and bonds. Some people who liiive these sectultles aro obllKcd to luivo caM; to inept obliga tions fHlliiiB dm-, and are willing to ac cept offers on wmiu of tlio host of them! sine ilivifli'iid payors, for loss price, tliun von nro likely to get them for attain. Wu are tho transfer representatives, bavins already a number of these seeiirltles on hand to offer, and will Mini any others you may want without delay. If you are looking for a booiI s:ife In vestment, either lionds, Dank or Indus trial Stocks and want It at the bottom jirlco call immediately at I. F. nEGARGEL & CO. Stocks, Bonds and Securities, Connell Building. Buy you drafts, Cash your checks, Auiiuaiiyoui lunas. m THE PEOPLE'S BUNK. mm PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs, V. A. Slnircll. of Adams avenue, nro homo from a week's vltlt to Now York city. Mrs. t I), Smith, who a fiv days nuo underwent a serious operation at the Smintou I'rlvalo hospital, is gottiiiK alous nicely. Miss Anna I'lillllps, of 7.'l AVest Kim Mrcct, has returned after four weeks' slay ut Pittsburg wilh her father, H. S, I'lillllps. Dr. D, H. Hand, F. 1., Peck, Dr. O. K, Hill and James It. Meats nro home, from an extended business trip tluough south ern Missouri, Announcement Is mndo of tho niarrlneu cm March IS laM. of Heyton H, Harding, of this city, and Miss Clara Wuhl, of Tonawanda. Jf. y. Tho ceremony was performed In Hurfalo by now C. W. Win cheater, pastor of iho Sentinel Methodlbl Episcopal church, Miss" Anna J, FJamiBlinn, of tho Newark JA'cnlng News, who has been tho cuest of Mr. nnd Mrs, 1. J. Toohey, of ('boa. lino street, has ictitrned home. Miss Klun aghan Is ono of the. cleverest women Journalists In New Jersey where her trenchant pen and charming stylo liavo made her exceedingly popular. Hho Is u slater of "Walter j. FlaniiBhan, the dru matlc and musical editor of tho sumo pa. per. They Pay the User. If you wish a half-tone or lino cut. Jet the Scranton Tribune 'make It for you. Our equipment for this 'work Is complete and up-to-date. Wo have facilities for doing the finest sort of work at lowest prices und what's more, we do It. A trial order will convince yon. H v8Enis2 BEST WAY TO FILLMURCHES DE. OIITIN'S VIEWS AT RALLY DAY SERVICE. He Believes In Individual Activity and Says Its tho Only Thing That Will Bring Heal Results Doesn't Believe In Churches with Restau rants to Encourage Attendance. Too Many Contented Christians Who Do Not Embrace the Oppor tunities God Offers to Them. The annual rally day pervlces were crmtluctud yesterday In the Klin I'ark Methodist Kplscoiml church. All espe cial effort Is made on this day to pot all the reRiiliir church members nnd probationers to nllend, but because nf tho threatening aspect of the weather only fairly largo congregations were present In the morning and evening. The names of those members ill tend ing were taken nt both services and will be entered on the church records. The pastor, Ilev. Dr. . SI. ("llllln, preached two sermons especially appro priate to tin occasion, His topic at night was "How to del tho People to Church," and lie chose for his text Miillhow, 22:!): "Go ye, therefore. Into tho highways, and as many as ye shall Ihul, bid to the marriage." In beginning his remarks, Dr. Cllilln inferred to the decrease In church at tendance In proportion to the popula tion and said that It could bo directly attributed to tin great flood of Immi gration which has poured Into this country In the last quarter century. These foreigners transmit to their chil dren either nit Indifference to all re ligion or a strong prejudice against Kvangellcal, Protestantism, and tho Protestant church hits a speclllu duty towards them "tho presenting of a sweeter nnd a truer form of religious belief than they have ever known." WILL NOT PAItTAKK. "It Is a remarkable thing," said Dr. (iillln, "that when u man Is physically hungry he will not refuse to cat food If it is offered to him, and yet there are men all around us who are so spiritual ly hungry that their very eys are bulg ing from their sockets and they will not partake of the bread of life. "It is not enough to build a church nnd engage a minister. There must be souls brought to know Christ. The in dividual members must seek after the stray sheep and urge the sweet tall upon them. They must ho Impressed with the truth of the gospel of God and with the urgent necessity of Its accept ance. It Is surprising how many con tented people there are In the Christian church people who are content to lie languidly down when God opens to them the door of a great opportunity nnd bids them enter. "The great Idea to be borne In mind, if wc would increase our church mem bership, is the necessity of impressing upon those outside the fold that the gospel of Christ is for downtown and uptown, for the palace and the hovel alike, and that the stretch of God's grace extends from the highest to the lowest. "When you meet a man who needs God's grace, it is your place to invite him, not to investigate. Jt is your place to let 111 m know that everyone Is asked who wants to come nnd that only those are expelled who expel themselves. It Is well to let them see a little of the feast before they come nnd to arouse their imaginations regarding the beauty of it all. Ql'ESTIONA ISLF. METHODS. "There are methods and methods for bringing the people to church. Some of them are sensible and many of them are questionable. In one church in IJrooklyn they have a large attendance at an early morning service because a breakfast accompanies It. After one of the most largely attended weekly prayer meetings In thls,.country they serve refreshments, and the large at tendance is partly accounted for in tills way. They say to the man outside: 'You come in, and if you can stand a half or three-quarters of- an hour of preaching you can go down in the res taurant in tho basement and have a bam sandwich,' "I am Inclined to think that this is elevating the materialistic side too high. Then there Is street preaching. DEATH FROM PNEUMONIA OF COL. THEODORE F. HOFFMAN Colonel Theodore F. Hoffman, com mander of the Eighth regiment, Nn tlonul Guard of Pennsylvania, died at the Moses Taylor hospital, at 10.o5 o'clock Saturday night, after a week's Illness. The physicians state that heart trouble induced by capillary bronchitis was tho Immediate cause of death. His illness was contracted from two and a half months' exposure In camp at Shen andoah nnd Lackawanna. A week ago yesterday ho was so III that he could not attend to his military duties, and on Tuesday last was removed to tho hospital. He continued to grow worse, and since Friday his death was ex pected, Ills family was at his bedside when the end came. Brigadier General Gobln, Assistant Adjutant General Mil lar and others of the brigade staff, who had served In the guard with Colonel Hoffman for many years, called during tho night and bade their old comrade farewell. Tho remains will ho taken to the family home In Pottsvlllo on tho (1.15 Delaware and Hudson train this morn ing. A detachment of hvelv members of thu Eighth regiment will accompany the remains as an escort. It was not known yesterday whether or not thu whole regiment will attend the funeral. Tho Interment will take placo In Head ing. Colonel Hoffman was born In Phila delphia, May SO, 1S18, lie was only 13 years of ago when the Civil war broke out, but be was bent on going with tho soldiers, and did su In 1802, despite tho fact that his parents had sent him to live with relatives In an Isolated part of Minnesota, to prevent him from en listing. Itecruitiug was going on In tho Northwest and young Hoffmuu pre sented himself for enlistment. He was big for his age and was accepted. Ho went out with the First Minnesota and fought with it during the whole war. This regiment received the, brunt of Pickett's charge at the "Bloody Angle" In tho battle of Gettysburg and lost 87 Per cent, of Us men. Colonel Hoff k J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. 604 LINDEN STREET, I nm an ardent believer In street preaching, but not simply preaching at 4 or 8 o'clock on Sundays. I believe In street preaching every day In the week on the streets where you and I pass by. Sensational methods may have some good In them as long as they arc not Used to decoy people. "How to got the people to church. Individual responsibility and Individual activity. That's the how and the only way. This Is mi age of ma chinery and we, are letting the mechan ical Idea creep Into the church. AVe are doing things by proxy. We are quitting the hand-to-hand picking of souls and arc beginning to think that a sort of soul-reaper run by steam will do better. J5ut It won't, nnd wo all know that down in our hearts, livery church needs an Invitation committee as lurgo as Its membership," SENTBNCrDAYlN COURT. Petro Pierre Was Sentenced to Three Years In the Penitentiary by Judge Edwards. Three years In tho penitentiary was Hie sentence received by Petro Pierre, who shot his sweetheart, Hosa Gumond, while trying to kill a rival at Bull's Head, sonic two months ago. Tho sen tencing was done by Judge Edwards on Saturday. Pierre was convicted before lit in on Friday. John Francis, n striker, who was con victed of shooting Fred Reynolds, a non-union man, was sentenced by Judge Ferris to pay a line of $25 and spend three months In the county jail. William 'Brogan, convicted of assault ing Mrs. Helen I.apehlnck, was sen tenced to pay it fine of $10 and to spend sixty days in the county jail. Matthew Arbutls, Peter Swldlsh and Paul Yerdman, convicted of assault and battery upon John Mitcus, were sen tenced to sixty days each In the county jail. Daniel Stark, who assaulted Will iam Hall, jr., a rival In the milk busi ness, was lined $30. A fine of $13 and costs was Imposed upon John Btibncco, who was convicted of stealing lumber from K. K. Seaman, was sentenced to pay $15 and costs. John Slephwltch and Stanley Bolvine, convicted of participation in the same offense, did not appear for sentence and capiases were issued for them. In surety court, Satuuday, County Controller E. A. Jones was1 represented by Attorney J. AV. Carpenter, and where two or more cases grew out of the same transaction the court was asked to merge them Into one, thus saving the costs which the county would have to pay through a duplica tion of cases. The second week of common ideas court opens this morning, the list being headed by Wlndlslaw Knostunowlcz, tho man recently arrested in Detroit for a murder committed in North Scranton a year and a half ago. DR. GTJNSAULUS' LECTURE. He Will Speak Tonight in the Lyceum Theatre. The Lyceum theatre this evening will be Idled to its entire seating capacity witli enthusiastic admirers of Dr. Gun saulus. There are only u few available seats left besides the gallery seats. A large portion of the gallery will be re served for ladles, so that all may be accommodated. This will truly be a treat for the Scranton people. Dr. Gunsanlus has that greatest gift of oratory, the fac ulty of carrying his audience with him from beginning to end. It Is, when he has finished, as though the auditois had looked upon a vast picture, trim and vivid and to the life. A synopsis of such mi achievement is out of place, for It is tho orator, fully as much as the subject, that creates the Impres sion. man was one of the small number who escaped without Injury. At the close of tho war he organized a military company at Girardvlllo, Schuylkill county, and when the Na tional Guard was formed his company was admitted. Thirteen years ago ho was made a major In the Eighth regi ment, and at tho outbreak of t ho Spanish-American war was commissioned ns colonel, to take the place of Colonel McKce, who was disqualified by the regular army physical examinations. When tho Eighth, Twelfth and Thir teenth were, formed Into a brigade at Camp Alger, Colonel Hoffman, by rea son of seniority, was mailo acting brig adier until General Gobln was appoint ed. Ho served during the Homestead riots and the Liittlmer trouble, and was out In the present strike since July 31, when tho first call for troops was made. Colonel Hoffman was a thorough soldier and a truo gentleman, Ho was always solicitous of tho welfare of his men, and It Is safe to say no regiment was more endeared to Its commander than was tho Eighth. In civil life Colonel Hoffman was en gaged in tho Insurance and real estate business and was also connected with several mining concerns as a timber contractor, lie was put forward by his friends as a candidate for tho Re publican nomination for the legislature ut tho convention held Aug. I, nnd It was conceded he would have been nom inated had he not been called to the field by the strlko disorders. As It was he was defeated by a very narrow margin. Colonel Hon'mau Is survived by u wife, two sous and four daughters. One of the sous, Harry, Is captain and ad jutant or the Eighth regiment. It Is likely that Lieutenant Colonel Hutchinson, the acting commander of the Eighth, will succeed to tho colonel cy. Ho Is chief of police of Harrlsburg. .Major Holmes will likely be selected lieutenant colonel, und Captain Owens, of Company H, made u major. First-Class Advantages Aro offered by the Conservatory for Piano forte Instruction to Students of all grades, from beginners to prospective professionals. Students can begin now. THE FOURTH DEGREE WAS CONFERRED Important Event in Knights of Col umbus Circles Last Night A Banquet Followed. Tim fourth degree, the highest degree exemplified by the Knights of Colum bus, was last night conferred upon seventy candidates from this part of the state in the Knights of Columbus club house on North Washington ave nue, In the presence of several hundred members of thu order who have already attained to Hie highest rank In the or der. The degree can only bo conferred upon members who have been identi fied with tho order for at least three years, and then only on special holi days. Yesterday wns what Is known as 'Discoverer's Day," being the four hundred and tenth anniversary of the discovery of this country by Christo pher Columbus. Tho degree was conferred by a special degree corps, headed by State Presi dent James A. Flaherty, of Philadel phia. Tho other members of the corps were as follows: Robert J. Powers, of Btnghnmton, N. Y., state president; W. F. Sheuu, of Scranton; William J. lie Loughlln, of Philadelphia; Patrick H. Lynch, of Philadelphia; Joseph Mugec, of Bethlehem; Rev. J. V. Moylnn, of Scranton, and John L. Myers, of Phila delphia. Among those who witnessed tho de gree work was u big delegation of fourth degree knights from Philadel phia, who arrived here yesterday af ternoon, and who will remain until to morrow. They will assist tonight In conferring the third degree on sixty seven candidates forty from this oily and twenty-seven from Wilkes-Barrc. After the ritualistic ceremonies last night the fourth degree knights sat down to a banquet served by Caterer F. G. AValdner. At its conclusion a number of brief addresses were made, State President Flaherty acting as toastmuster. Among those who re sponded were Rev. F. P. McNally, of Dunmore; It. J. Powers, of Blngham ton; Prof. P. J. Mauley, of Pittston, and AV. F. Shean, of this city. John J. Owens, of C'hicngo, who came from that city especially to witness the degree work, nlso spoke, as did First Lieutenant Richard J. Bourke, of the Thirteenth regiment. Rev. J. V. Moy lan furnished two musical numbers. The committee which "had last night's affair In charge consisted of the fol lowing members: Hon. M. F. Sando, M. F. Brown, W. F. Shean, R. M. O'Brien and J. E. Walsh. Each visitor was presented with a tasteful badge bearing a lump of an thracite coal, which nearly nil said they would lake away as a precious souvenir. ON TWO EVENINGS. Musical and Dramatic Entertainment in Parish House. The following Is the programme of tho dramatic and musical entertain ment to be given Thursday and Fri day evenings, next at St. Luke's Parish house, under the auspices of the St. Margaret guild: "Which Is Which." A Comedietta in One Act by S, T. Smith. Robert Caliper Charles Swisher Mr. Garglu Charles G. Grifllu Paddles Ilffrold Battln Annie ' Miss Beatrice Kuld Morris Bertha Miss Bessie .Mayo Sloat Mrs. Miles Miss Victoria I. UroailhciU Songs by Ralph Williams. Recitation by .Miss Martha Gordon TSroadhcnt. "A Box of Monkeys" A Farce in Two Acts by Miss Martha Gordon Broadlieut Edward Ralston Jas. A. Wynkoop Mrs. Oiiilpgo-Jboncs...Mlss Maude Fisher Mrs. Omlego Jhones..Mlss Miiudn Fisher Sierra Bengallno....M. Klolso lllldchnind Lady Genevieve Ilentrlcu Kuld Morris Selections by Fioro brothers, mundplln Ists; Waters' orchestra, I'nder direction of Mrs. H. F. Dixie. TRACK-WALKER KILLED. Charles Fedoka Met His Death on the Lackawanna. Charles Fedoka, a Lackawanna track walker, living at Greenville, was run over by a train near the No. 7 reser voir at Nay Aug, some time on Sat urday night and killed. His frightfully mangled body was found lying on tho track about 11.20 o'clock by some train men, The railroad olllclals are at a loss to explain how Fedoka could have met Ills death, as ho had the reputation of being a very careful man. The re mains were taken to Cuslck's under taking establishment, where they wore viewed by Coroner Sultry, who will probably conduct an Inquest, Courseu's Special Java aud Mocha, 25c; 5 Pounds, 11.09. Compare it with 35c coffee elsewhere. E, 0, Goursen, 429 Lackawanna Avenue. Coffee! GUNSTER WINS FIVE DOLLARS BROUGHT IN LARGEST NUMBER OF POINTS. Wllllnm H. Sherwood Wns Second nnd L. E, Stanton Third Sherwood Goes to Fourth Place, Gunster to Fifth nnd Klpp Drops Bnck to Sixth nnd Thompson to Seventh. Decker and Collins Also Advance. Another Spccinl Contest Begins To day The Last of the Series. Standing: of Contestants 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. O. lb. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. A. J. Kellorman, Scranton.945 Charles Burns, Vandllng. .011 William T. S. Rodriguez, Scranton 549 Wm. Sherwood, Harford. .543 Fred K. Gunster, Greon Ridge 523 Oscar H. Klpp, Elmliurst . 515 Herbert Thompson, Car- bondale 494 Albert Freedmnn, Belle- vue 386 J. A. Havenstrite, Mos cow .357 Chas. W. Dorsoy, Scrnnton.316 Maxwell Shepherd, Car- bondalo 307 L. E. Stanton, Scranton. .215 Harry Madden, Scranton. . 170 Hendrlck Adams, Chin chilla 140 Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 102 Miss Beatrice Harpur, Thompson 100 Frank B. McCreary, Hall stead 92 Lewis Bates, Scranton ... 90 Miss Jane Mathewson, Factoryville 86 Fred Kibler, South Scran ton 86 Don C. Capwell, Scranton. . 81 William Cooper, Priceburg 76 Louis Gere, Brooklyn 64 A, L. Clark, Green Grove. 60 Miss Edna Coleman, Scranton 46 Walter Hallstead, Scran ton 44 Grant M. Decker, Hall stead j . 42 Lee Culver, Springvillo. . . 41 Henry E. Collins, Kizers . . 41 Elmer Williams, Elmliurst. 39 Hugh Johnston, Forest City 38 Miss Mnry Yeager, Green Ridge 34 Arthur J. Thayer, South Scranton 32 Fred K. Gunster, of Green Ridge, won tho special prize offered by The Tribune to tho contestant scoring the largest number of points between Oct. 1 nnd Oct; 11 In its Educational Con test. Mr. Gunster scored 66 points on Saturday, making a total of 301 for the time specified. William II. Sherwood, of Harford, was Mr. Gunstcr's most formidable antagonist, he scoring 15 points on Saturday, or tc total of 101 since Oct. 1. The complete score for Saturday was: Fred IC. Gunster , CG William II. Sherwood -15 Hendrlck Adams 15 Herbert Thompson C Grant M. Decker I I.cRol E. Stunton 4 Charles AV. Dorsoy 3 Henry 13. Collins '1 The upper portion of the list of lead ers was materially perturbed. Tho first three leaders did not score, but the next four names underwent con siderable shifting about. William Sherwood passed Oscar II. Klpp and took fourth place. Fred K. Gunster went by Herbert Thompson and Oscar Klpp find settled in llfth position. Oscar Klpp went back from fourth to sixth place, and Herbert Thompson from sixth to seventh. In tho lower part of the tallle there were two changes. Grant M. Decker, of Hallstead, passed Henry E. Collins, Elmer Williams and Lee Culver, and went from thirtieth to twenty-seventh, nnd Henry Collins passed Elmer Wil liams and Is tied with Lee Culver for twenty-eighth place, Elmer Williams dropping to thirtieth. Another special contest for $5 in gold begins this morning. This amount of money will be given to the contestant who scores tho largest number of points between this morning at S o'clock and Saturday evening, Oct. 1S, at ft o'clock. This will bo the last spe cial contest, and therefore the last op portunity for any contestant to win anything extra besides the scholarships offered to the first thirty-three loaders. These aro the ten contestants who scored the largest number of points between Oct. 1 and 11: LEADERS FOR THE SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE PIVU DOLLARS IN GOLD to the contestant scoring tho largest number of points before D p. m., Saturday, October It. 1. Fred K, Gunster 101 L'. William Sherwood 101 J. Leltol E. .Stanton CO I. Herbert Thompson .13 ft. Charles W. Dorsey -17 G. A, .1. Kcllormuu 42 7. Charles Burns 2S 8. Oscar II. Klpp 25 0. Henry E. Collins i 10. Harry T. Madden -'0 NINTH YEAR. Scranton Business Colloge, The school has begun Its ninth year. Same Instructions. Students enter at any time. Demand for bookkeepers and stenographers greater than supply. The night school pre-eminently the school for those who would earn while (buy learn, Don't Forget The great Piano aud Organ sale at Guernsey Brothers', 114 Washington avenue; and don't forget that It Is on now, and "will all bu oyer soon"; and don't forgot that you will never again buy so much Pluno for so little money; and don't forget that you cannot do this after next Wednesday, the 15th Inst. Dr. Ltndabury, Surgeon, diseases ot women a specialty, 215 Connell building. Hours: 11 a. in. to 4 p. in.; 7 to S.30 prin. FOR THE STRIKING MINERS. Concert to Be Given in St. Thomas College, Thmsdny Evening. A concert for the bcnellt of 'the striking miners will ho given lit St, Thomas' Coltego hall, Thursday even ing, under the direction of Prof. 1'. Schilling aud Mrs. D, B, Thomas. Fol lowing Is tho programme that will bo rendered: Male Chorus ..Elnkehr fulled German Hinging Societies. Sopinno Solo Mrs, Leonard Tenor Solo. Female Chorus, "Annie Lnlitle," Mis. Thomas' Ladles' Chorus Bass Solo Mr. Warren Duct Mrs. Meckel ami Miss Jones Male Chorus, "Grneso itiPdle llolmath," t'nlted German Singing Societies Alto Solo Mrs.. Miller Baritone Solo William A. Kelly Female Chorus. "Spanish Gypsy," Mis. Thomas' Female Chorus Grand Chorus All the Singers Alllm Korn ,,, ccompaulst The Last Days. These aro really the last days of Guernsey Brothers' Piano and Organ Sale, as everything must be closed out nnd the store vacated by Wednesday, the 1.1th Inst. It will pay any one In need of a musical Instrument to call and get prices ut 111 Washington ave nue, nnd It docs not matter about thp cash. Just as good prices can be pro cured on easy monthly payments. Guernsey Brothers will sell far cheaper on time than other dealers can afford to for cash. Don't fall to call aud get a bargain, If you are In need of a Piano or Organ. See the Cut Man. Effective and attractive half-tones and lino cuts for card, advertising or any other purpose, can bo secured at Tho Tribune ofllcc. Wo do work that Is unexcelled, do it promptly and at lowest rates. A trial order will con vince you. City and School Taxes 1902. Tho above tax duplicates are now In my hands' for collection. F. S. BARKER, City Treasurer. Extra SpecSal I ins wcBkunui. Cheviots, Worsteds and Fancy Cassimeres, sty lishly made and trim med in an excellent manner. Fine values at S8.00 per suit. Sale price, your choice, .i;';i;,'JifiiigjfKaKaa53afflizaB!agEEs J '1' $ J $ 'I ! ! ! $ ! 'I ! S v f surv s v 00990009 : i Are tho best In ithe world. In VARNISHES we carry Parrotts, Masury's, J Valentines and J Lawsons Also a full lino of Brushes Bittenbender & j 126-128 Franklin Ave. 2 S4 ! ! ! 5 4 ! I Z $ f ! l 2 100 R1 All Cars Transfer to JLlill8.iL OiiUUi DOCTORS ! I want to tell you about a rubber article indisp&nsible to you, it's a ubber Coat That can be worn over an overcoat to protect it from rain and mud and guar antee waterproof, it does not weigh more than a linen duster andean be carried in the pocket or instrument case, the price is $4.00, Come in and look at it Conrad's, Ten Dollars for Guesses .Who ran name the- winner In Tho THlnuio's Educational Contest nnd toll tho number ot points lie or she will bavo? First Prize $5,00 in Gold. Next Three 81.00 each. Next Two 50 cents each. Next Four 2,5 cents each TOTAL Ten Prizes, Ten Dollars. Cut out tho coupon below, 'fill it In, ntlrl amwt t.t "U,,,l.,t, 'Prlhlltln. Hrrntl- I ton, Pa., Guessing Contest." Monday, Oot. 13. I think the winner ot Tho Trib une's Educational Contest will ba No. of points ,. Nitmo Address , ;.,. Cut out this lower coupon only. The Title Guaranty and Trust Co., Will bo plcase'd to rccclvo money In any amount and into ot Interest thereon. deposits ol pay liberal While our temporary nt ia,- nve. nro small, wa patronage quart ors WttHll. somewhat nro ly ablo to date, our Incrcaslm; CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ONE MILLION DOLLARS Open an uccount with us. L. A. WATRF.S .President F. L. PHILLIPS. Third Vice-President nnd Treasure! K4 KXECUT1VI3 COMMITTEE. Abram Nesbllt. Thomas E. Jones William F. Hallslead. O. S. Johnson. Thomas H. Wntktns L. A. AVntres. Do You Know The huy best place in town to is at 41S Spruce Street. 309 Lackawanna Avenue. We have a complete assortment o! the 50c kind, the 81.00 kind and all standard makes, in all grades. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's. SCRANTGiYS BUSINESS HOUSES. 7HESE ENTE1PRISINQ DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY CHBRaCTER PROMPTLY AND SATIS FACTORILY. FOR SALE nifflCinS and WAGONS of all kinds; also Il.w-Ks nnd Dulldini: I.oU at barcalna. HORSIIS tXIPl'UD anil CltOOMf.D at M. T. KELLER Laclawanna Carriage Works. SECURITY BUILDINQ ASAVINQSUNION IIom? Office, 203-203 Jlcara Building, Wo aio iiiiMirlnsr sliaica carli month which thovr a in i nn to tho Investor of about 12 per com V. ,' loan money. We also i3sue J'l.'I.I, I'Vil) STOCK $100.00 per eliare, inter est payable scud-annually. AUinr.T B At.fi, Secretary. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear Sit Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer of Wire Screens of all liimkj fully prcpjreil (or the spring season. Wo malic ull ldmU of porch tcreens, etc. PETER STIPP. Ueneril Contractor, Bulblcr ami Dealer In UullcliiiK Stone, Ornentme of cellans a spe cialty. Telephone SV)J. Of He o, S27 Washlimton avenue. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICk ANDTLCMANUFAOTURINaGOMPANY Maker of t'avlns Brick, etc. Jl. II. Pts, Cirncr.il ft.iles Agent, Office i)29 Wjshlujton. aic. Wciks Jt Nay .s, !'.. K. fc W. V, ll.IL 305 Lackawanna Ave, lens lo Coi f fla