The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 13, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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!8$S)lwllP'!Wfit wv
rubMfad Dully Except BtiniUy, by Tha Tribune
iMblltlitng Company, at Finy Cents a, Month.
LIVY 8. niCltAUD
Entered l tlin Poitofllc nt Scranton, n Mriomt
Class Malt Matter,
When ipncs will permit, Tho tribune h
Always Rlmt tb" print short Idlers from It
friends neuritis; an current tuple, hut Hi
rule Is that tlieio must ho nlgnml, for pub
Mention, hy tlm wrltcr'i rent mime) mid
tho condition nrcentlriit to nreeptunco If
thnt nil enntrlbittloiia slinll ho eutiji-ot to
etlltorlnt rovlsluu.
Tlie following tabic ulions the price per Inch each
Insertion, spaco to be uvnl within one n
linn of
on I
ili "
.SO -
lent than no lilt lies
M) lnclips . . . ,
IliO "
250 "
W) "
For cardiof thanV. rnotiillom of condolence, anil
similar rnntribntlons In Him naturoormlvt-rteiliir,
The Tribune ninkps a charge of 5 tents a line.
Sl.MlA.NTOX, PA., Of'TOlim: 11, 1'I02.
RmnllinlK U' PMN'N'VPACk'EH
I.lciitcniiit (laLinoi V .M ISHOWN
Sccutiiiv of Intel mil Affuiis ISAAC
Jlldsi A. A vosiinio.
Commissions s-.IOItN COriUER 1IOR
Mine lnspoetni-U,EVr,t,YX M. EV
Peintot-TOTIN 11. JORDAN.
Itepit sontutlvts
I'll it Distiipt-josnnii oi.tvnn
Second Dlstilct-JOIIN SC'MEl Hit,
Thlul Dlslilit-EHWARD IWr.S.
J'mnlli Dlstilct-P A. PIIIEUIN
Election dny, Nov. 4
E-(Jovei hoi Jillltm Is having u
tllfliculL lime In 1 1 -v liif-r to make the
people foi net the fact tint his list
election was followed bv n tlistiesslng
period depiesslon.
The Qasoline Explosion.
X Tlin uoinge of chances (lie
eploson hv which tin oo men
lost their lhes In n house on
Washington iiMiuie on Tluits
duv, would bj moi p lemaikabie had it
not occui ted under the ilieumstancos
which attended tills dieudful fat.illt .
The nnfoi tun.ile m, in Robeit ItanKIn
was ,in iniiitem entcitnlnei, who used
n vlnetosiope In lil pet tot inane es Tliis
lntiunient was dihen li gasoline.
Gasoline Is ,i poweiful and en.itlc ex
plosive Even those who have a selen
tlfle knowledge of Its i heniieul inita
bllltv haidl depend upon Its noi
mal action ecept In small and com
paiatlvelv haimle-ss quantities liankln
had a tank of it in the outhouse in
which he had set up his inetoscope.
Culling upon two fi lends to witness or
assist li I in In his ieheais.ii Uiov weie
caieful to lock the dooi, and as It seems
had pioduced two oi tlnee plctnies sat
isfactory wlien by some means the
gasoline exploded and they weie caught
like a i .it in a tup. In the shock of
the explosion and the Ignition of tlioli
clothing; they weie oeuome by tli
mines, oi at anv ute unable to open
the dooi, and whatever chance they
had of escaping with tlieii lives was in
this way unfoitunately cut off.
Certainly theie should be a law, and
itwoulel bo a useful and humane one,
to compel whoever is engaged in hand
ling explosives In cpinnlltles .sufflelent
to endanger life or ptopeity to hold a
state or municipal ceitllieate of com
petency in its manipulation A lectin p
in these iluja is altogether Insipid that
Is not set off by plumes thiown by a
xlnptoseopp, a Iclnetoscope oi some
other liistiument ot the kind with Its
fjaseous motor powop. what 'i catas
tiophe theie would lime been in a
crowded hall had Rankin's tank ex
ploded during a chinch eiit"itiinii,eiit.
No matter what the Colombian gen
et als say, Admlial Case's men will
probably continue to inn the Panama
IT "WAS a deploinble mlsfoi lune
that the Cuban lccipiocity bill
was defeated by a gioup of sen
atom whose political Intel est In
beet sugar was mote Inoidinately con
seivutive than the flnaiulal inteiestsof
their constituents. The btate.s In which
the piodtiLtlon of beet .sugar Is an
Industry weie natutally ei anxious
that it should not be endangeied by
competition fiom without. Hut ns the
majotlty of these seintois hue now
dlscoveied the cltl.ens of these Mates,
which they weie so solicitous to cone III
ato by lefusing a modeiate letlpuual
concession to Cuba for hpr chief and
nlmost sole indiistty, could place their
piinclples befoie their pockets anil
concede to national expediency the
piospect of Individual gain. Ptesldent
Itoobewlt could do no inoie at the time
t jut n lin did. In his Htienuous advocacy
of Cuban lccipiocity ho had tho loun-tjyttnet-the
pi ess with him In an uuan
idilty which Is seldom witnessed on n
(ifiestlon which hud, so far as the Amen
lean peopln could appieclato Its m
pWthntc, only a sentiment of Justiie
ifricf humanity to icconmiend it. The
1)111, however, was defeated and wo can
hardly blame the Cubans If they do
not accept tho effei vescence of our
good intentions in speeches and news
paper nt tides us a matei lal obligation.
.Since the defeat of the tecipioelty
bill the Cubans have been Blowing
mote and inoie hostile to us, not have
they htihen In any way tn conceal It.
The Cuban government has ptepaud it
taiiff of its own which would puctlcal
ly annlllilato out nude with the laluncl,
such Is. It Is endeavoilns to lloat
a loan with foielgu Aliunde! o which
might lead tho cciuntiy Into devious
paths fipm whit h she might not be
able to extilcate heihelf without our
Inteifeience; while tlm best etfoits of
thp udminlstiatlon have fulled to se
nile the adhesion of the Cuban govern,
inent to tho tieuly by which the teims
pf the Piatt uiuoudmeiu must be en
teicd Into between tho two govern
ments. The Cubans have Home jeason
to show for their leseutment. Hut Cu
ban statesmen aie not so unenllght
sned us not to understand the dirtl
:ultles and the limitations under which
the administration laliorn. AVe hove
made Vast sactlflcds for Cuba. Wc do
not wish to recall them cnciy time
we lmo tn lemnnntintc with her. Hut
she should lememher, hor inesldeiit and
pxertitlve shoulil not need bp told, that
we hnve no designs upon her llboityj
Unit wo hne no deslie tu dictate or
finini' her iiatlotml policy, All we itl
of her Is that she will lme u little
pitlpiiie. Hhp einlliieil for tlnee htin
ilied .vents ii despot lm fiom which
we tnaniiinlitiMl hoi : and now she
cannot bear with Iipi filptnl and bene
tnetor a matter of a few months In
whli h to fuillll the one obligation that
we conceive wo ute bound mm ally mid
polltlrallv to ostnblMi.
The tiee-si'i aping crnfp whlh sei'ins
to have taken possession of the city
mnv be tegaided with snnip tnlsglv lugs.
To the nvetnge man It looks us though
It would have boon better to have pei
fotintd the oppiatlon llo or six months
iigo. We do not shear sheep In the
fall: nint do not lcsuve summer gui
ineiilH fin winter weal. Hoi tlctiltutlsts
us a tide letoinnieiid the piotcitlon of
plants and sluubs by coveilng them to
waul off the i hill lilnsls of wlntei.
Whv It should be depmed necessniy to
leiuove the balk fiom shade tlc'es at
this peilod In view of theie facts, we
aie at it loss to undeistund.
Lesson of a Tragedy.
CIIIXTtriC investlgntois can
no doubt llud much to lutetest
them In the ucent tiagody at
llouipstead wheie seveial
membeis of a family became the lc
tims of a delkate boj whose mind had
been uubalaiued by mental wnik of a
chaiactoi that should have been lett
to oldei heads. The boy had foi some
time been engigtd upon Inventions and
had succeeded In pioducing seveial
which In time might have been -valuable.
Hut befoie the goal hud been
leached, his mind gave and six of
his lelatlves weie s.icillhcd to his
fi eny.
While the lesults of ovel study aie
not as tenlble evervwheie as In the
Homestead case, it Is a question
w bethel chlldien of the piesent age aie
not encouiaged ot dijven bevond their
poweis of enduianee hv ambitious odu
i.itois who seem to exeiclsp but little
judgment In tialning pupils undei theli
cue. All about ns may be
seen at-
tendants ot the "high school.
ought to be pla.vlng maibles or diesslng
dolls foi seveial tais et, wiestllng
with piolilems of magnitude sulllclent
to puzzle the In a In of a model n scien
tist, and pupils aie gjaduated at an age
when the.v should be In the liidlments
of the blanches that they have mastei
td It ought not to need the opinion
of a specialist to point out to the mod
el n eduiatoi that this oit of piessme,
exiept in cases of extiaoullnaij bodllj
vigoi, will exhaust the neive fnice of
c 111 Id I c li and make them old men and
women befoie their time. Life is
scaicelv w oi th the living if it is to bo
made a test of enduianee fiom child
hood to the giave. Theie should be
inoie In the existence of the aveiage
boy and glil than a tliesonie stiuggle
to inastei knottv pioblems that lequhe
constant application in m hool and out.
It is not necessity ten any bov oi glil
to win fame befoie anhlng at majoi
itj. In tact, sad as it ina appeal to
the piogiesslve cducatoi, hlstoiy sel
dom points out a case wheie an Infant
pindigy cvei amounted tn anv thing in
altei life. '1 lie gieatest men and
women havp been the ones whose
bialns weie allowed to glow and le
elop witli their bodies dining the'
ejon dajs of jouth.
The new fall hat makes the head of
the aveiage weaiei look cheap
Boer denerals and the Emperor,
TIIH Ri:Fl'SAL of the Uoei
neneials to be piescntcd
thiough the Kiitlsli embassy
to the nmpeioi William has
moused all the Indignant vehemence of
the Got man pi ess. The Geunans ton
sldei It nn act of lngiatltude, if nothing
vioi'i', When the geueiuls Intlmited
theli intention ot visiting Geimany and
of pTjing their lespects to the kaiser,
they weip Infoyni d that this could onlv
be done thiough the Intel medial y of
the Ilngllsh anibassudoi. Tiny loadily
acquiesied In this aiiangemetit, hut lor
some ip.imiii this appointment was
shoitly altei cancelled and the Ileitis
suggested that If they weie to pay their
lespects to the empeim the invitation
should come 1 1 om him. If he weie evei
so willing to accommodate them the
cmpcior could not, without outiaging
nil diplomatic usage, coufoim to such a
teriupst. Tim Poor guneinls me Hiltlsh
subjects, they have swoin nlleglaiue to
the Htltlsh oiovvn; they solemnly piom
ised to the colonial seeietaty that they
would lefinln fiom nil acts which would
actually oi seemingly subveit the tetnis
of the tieaty of peace, The Hiltlsh gov
ernment has acted towiud their late
enemy mote thuu guneiousl.; they have
ronfoimed justly to what they believed
the exigency of the situation demanded
for tho best Intel ests, tho mateilal
piospects and the immediate wclfaie or
the vanquished huigheis. It Is not, ot
course, possible thiough spontaneous or
stipulated geneioslty to lecouclle tho
conquered, after a war, to theli alteicd
foituucs. The Uopis me not the most
enlightened people in the vvoild, uoi mo
the Hiltlsh with the highest and most
dlslnteiested motives aluajs huppj in
dispensing their political favois, Hut
in this Instance they seem to huvu dis
annul the Hoei agltutois and dema
gogues of any excuse for leopenlng an
Issue which has been washed out in the
biavest and host blood of each nation,
iieimauy cannot uffoid to otioud Kug
Innd giatiiltously, Por the enipcior to
have lecelved the peilputet,lc Hoei
geneials as If they weie still the iepre
Fentallves of ti Etivpinnieiu whltli has
a potential status would be u moiial
Insult The einpeior undeistiinds that
well Whatever inuj be his ndiuliatlun
of the Uoer geneials as soldleis and us
patriots, his attitude tow aid them as a
soveitlgn statesman must netessailly
be platonlc. It is said that the Hoer
genejiuls weie induced to appear at Bei
llu to be something moio than what
they ically ate, at the Instigation ot
Dr. l.eyds, the e II genius of the Ooers,
as he has been called and emphatically
Is. It this is to, and it is likely to be
ho, this peitluaclous Intel meddler has
dellbeiutely frusliated the success of
tho mission of the Hocr generals, as
philanthropic entlRsailes gnthctlng the
matctlal .sympathy of the world In be
half ot their tllRtiesoed cottnltytnen.
InstlnctKely they vvpio diawn to Her
many as the most pi action! bnoe for
their lour mound the vvoild. Thete was
opi.v pietiatittlon nimlc tlieio to to-c-elve
them with pnthuslnsm. Although
this reeling l not likely to bo'itlliiNeil
gicullv In the lAitlipiland by the ogiegl
tills bluiidpi or I.ejds or somebody else,
the envoj will meet with no Indhoct
Impel I it tecognltlou theie mid, woist of
nil, mny be p.tssKuty Ignoied by the
nfllclal and spinl-ofllclal hleiarohy.
Wo me nil a little tit oil of the lloer
win. Of Hoer bntveiy unit itiltlsh
bliimleilng wo have had a sin felt. Sir
William Xupler In his "Hlstoiy of
Peninsular Wm," sa.vs: "In the begin
ning of path wur Ihiglaud has to seek
In blood the know ledge necessmy to In
snie success, ullil like the fiend's pin
giess tow mil lalen her conqtieilng
com e Is thtoiigh chaos followed bv
death." Theie Ins been smicely any
nppaient dlmtmitloii In the pi Ice ot the
blood knowledge she has luqtilied In nil
the wins she bus waged since 181 L
Ileie the Hoei gene) ills will bo he.ut-
lly weloonied ns lectin eis and expotind
pts of that fiitai struggle which ended
In the oveitlnow of the Independence of
theli countiy. The.v will, hovvcvti, do
well to ailheio to this pi ogi amine. We
aie not gieatly InlPiestcd In tho cause
of the win, Its justice or Injustice.
These mo subjects roi the philosophic
cotildeiutlon ot posteilty and not foi
us. The ptescilpthe light which fol
lows upon conquest Is the only Justifi
cation which the vvoild has ever de
manded or Is over likely to demund for
tpiiltoilal aggiandlsetncnt.
Some of the Xoithoastein Pennsyl
vania faimeis who have been hacking
and burning fallows foi the past few
oais now doubtless wish that they had
leseived the Umber on the bii.ti lots
for coid wood.
Wliatevei other calamities may be In
stole, It Is a pleasuio to note that at
least theie Is no Immediate piospeet of
a ui until.
Attending to Dun & Co, piospeiity
is beating up well under the stiain of
Industiial distill bailees.
IMItui of The Tiiuunc
Sit . In lsli, when Gmit Piltnin ulopl
ed fiee tiaili, she had a favoi.ible bal
ance of,- ol $ jU.IkiU ikhI t .it K . whllii
now (l'Kll) she has .m luhcisu balance
of SIUiXi,(K) eulv. It would lake om
Inealh aw.. to lium iqi and icallc the
thous tud j upon tlioiisaniN of millions
whli li she lias lost In the agitgalc of
the vo.nlv Inlands ngilnst hti, cliuint;
the llft-llvu vi. ns fiom is. it; to 1'iiU. till
Oiillfoul I. Molisvsoith, the eminent
Ihigllsh piuniinilst. stuns this in his
' Om Ihnplie t'mlfi Piotec and Tieo
Tiailt,' last published He points out
that In is.", an eia of piosppiitv set In
all ovci the vvoild of which Ihiglnnd so
cuiocl tho lion's s j! ii,. fttx eleven m.iis
1 quote I'ho nngllsh people, geueiallv.
satlsiied with this lush of piosppiitv and
wealth, actepted without eiiqiiiiv, the
ppilsttut elilm of the ad' orates ot firo
Hade loi this it suit, and this Iilou his
been so thoiouhlv Ingiiilntd Into the
Ihigllsh liiluil, that those who vendue lo
question it, have liien thought to be nn u
lievoml the leach nt aigument In Tut,
John Uilght, the gieat nnglisli stall s
man, ileclliiril a cIiiIIciikc to ilelnte the
fpieslioii. with the leniaiU tlul 'no laols
oi aigiinienls could lie plated befoie such
a pi i son 'villi advantage"
John mights dogmatic attitude is tvpi
inl ol the stand taken todiv In m m
Aineili.ui opponents ot piotcitlou As
the old s iw sivs, "None so blind ns those
who vv.ll not see," which must In vvlmt
Is the m.ttlei with (hose who ale (lamm
ing foi a geiieinl taillf levislou oi loi
levolutlouaiv udpiocltv. In ceitiiln
nisi s and undei ceilaln loiidltlons, llin
Itid 1 1 c lpi ooltj in equal lnmlcets mav be
advisable and neusaiv, but not suih n
niiasine oi liKiisiues o Injuiliiious n
diiocitv, as shtill ainoimt, nai tlialh, to
lieo tiade Nor the adoption ol involu
tional v udpiocltv siniplj as it means oL
sec liilng ofllee
At the time. ISP!, Kngland adopted fice
tiade. the Inillng binkeis ami nni
thants oi tho Cltv ot London, assuiid
pal lluineut bv if solution:
'"Hint the (onuuiidal ami inaiiufiK
tuiing Intel ests hid boon foi some time
In a state ot gieat nttlvlti and piospei
Iti." Tint Is just such n ipsolntlon as tile
bankeis and liieidinnts of the Cltv of
Now Yoil: would he Justilled In passing
Right lioio l i chief diusoi of oiu
piesint piuspiiltv. We hivo lo giinid
aualnst iissiuing niusrhm tint this pios
ppiitv Is wo gnat, mid llkelv to be so pei
inani'iit, as to inuko It safo loi us to
(xiHilimnt on ihaii';es In those .suetess
ful tionoinle policies vvlildi wo innugii
iiitoil on Jul ' I, is'17, in lathei, on Unit
Kind ilav in Novfiiibei. Isld, whin wo
tluovv ofl' om habiliments of Imliistilil
and Ihmnclal woe, nt the tiumntt tall
til William McKinlev. How shall wo pi o
vent sinv and all indluil pxpeilmenllng
with the Dluglev piotottlvc inilir, which
Is the basis ol oiu ptosont puispoiltv .'
Hv oiio wav. and one wav onlv, that Is.
to olcit n siifllflent woiklng majoilt.v of
Itepulilliau congiossiuen in Novemlun'
Theie Is no need to call In doctnis it
auothii lulth and luadlce Tho last' tlmo
we did that (left.' Iho patient died
-Walter J. Uallaid
Sdienoptndy, X Y, Oi t. It
Pi tun tho Illnlisvillo Couiloi.
To Itrpubllraus who mo wavetlug as
how lo vote next inuiith wo would s.i,
ho can-fill, do not make up out nilncla
hnstili and do not fuiget that It was
Demouatle policy that caused tho clos
ing of mills, tho blowing out of luinaces,
the stagnation of i.iiliouls and all tho
otlic-is h ami ov1h that tho industiial
vvoild suffeiid fiom in tho das, not
so im bohlnd us, when shoveling snow ut
a dollm a ilav was a Job eagoili sought
h skllb d mtldtiiiH and when fito soup
horses had to bo opened to Iced tho still v
lug thousands And on the other baud
on must loinembci that tho piospeiit)
of todu, tho ease with which men liinl
lemimcinttvp einplosnient, tho roiisiautl)
liicieaslng lonimeiiti nud tho ilslug tide
of piospolt mo tho elltits of a policy
nilgliinlid, imiiiguinted and fosteietl hy
the p.uu of which Judge IVnnj packer is
just now llio stmiilaid beain in l'onn.
Piom Leslie's Weekly
The expiesslon "vvateied stock," which
descilbes so well llio oxpiusloii of thu
slock of a conipiuy beoml tho vnluo of
the pioiieitv, oiiglnatcd. it Is suld. In ion.
nietloii with Daniel Diovv, who was onio
llio wealthiest and must unique manipu
lator la Wall stioet Dievv lind been u
diovoi In his jounw diiis. mid It wns
said of him thai be fen o selling his tattle
in the miukot ho would give, them huge
quantities of salt to muko them thlisty
and then provide) them with ull the watei
they tould chink. In this way theli
vvtlgbt wus gioutly luci eased mid the pui.
thaser was buing "vvateied stock."
Omiine SNidi?s
of Hainan Nafiire
Giant Dined in the Kitchen.
"When neiicinl Oinnl slopped at llio
Pitlinoi House In Chic ago on his lo
till n f l mil his tout of the w oi Id,' said n
limn who was theie at the lime, "the
slcvvnid wns all but stupcilod one noon
nt sielng the cx-pielilptit slide In at tho
kitchen door ns though psp.iplng fiom
sotiio one
" 't mil hoiiv to tumble jou,' ho unlit,
as though asking a gient favor, 'but may
I have a llltle tointtl bepf and tiibbnge?'
"'Why, coilnlnly,' the slevvitnl leplled:
'hut sluin't t semi It out to oii In the
(lining iooni7'
"'No. lie nnsvveied: 'I'll out it light
hole If .vou'll let me sit down '
"So a place on the lough bn.iid table,
wheie tho took hail been Using the meat,
Was denied, and Giant drew up a stool
mid sot to, and llio w.v bo got away
with that touied beer and tilbbigo wns a
caution, When he had llnlshcd, he laid
down his knlfp and folk with a funny
sigh of sitlsfacllou, put one hand on tho
steward's shoulder and said'
"'Young man, i don't suppose jou tmo
lor Hint at nil, but If ;,oit lmd had lo cut
what I have foi the past few months It
would taste llko a. dinner for tho god".
It tastes homey!1
"The cx-piesldenl had dined with rv
pi v body fiom tho queen down, but that
(ithhagc and coined beef doubtless to
mlnilecl him of the tlmo when ho was not
so well known, but piolmblv fai hipploi -when
people In St. Louis culled him 'cap
tain' y hen they spoke to him nml bought
the wood ho tinted to town to sell "
Chlcigo Tilbune
Would Her Halo FltP
She wns ioung, piettv and vivacious
and ho was an oldish, Hied looking man
In ehiiige of the tilnkct counter in a shop
devoted to feminine npci Initios, "i want
to see tho vciv Intest tiling In luncy pins
and but kits," she announced ns she
peeied thiough the glnBs cae. "it must
be the latest wi Initio and the oddest
tiling vou have." The salismun patient
lv Hotted out boxes and tuis, hut the
c.ipildous customer wus lioul lo suit;
nothing wns now enough Mis Hi own
had a pin like Hint, m Miss Rlntk a
buckle like tint, and she wnnted to got
something dlffeient fiom anv of lici
fi lends. Aflei lnlf nn hour's seaich sho
smiled svvtellv nt the Hied man behind
the countei ami lemai'trd Hint "she
guessed shod rome mound again in a
week or two Nothing theuo was quite
new enough "
The man catefiillv and quletlv put
awnv the uiiav of tilnkels (eveivbodv
does things quletlv In Hint shop) 1111(1 then
sild foi the benefit of nobodv In pit lieu
Hi but In the hem lug oi halt a dozen
"1 wondoi if tint glil evei gets lo
I envon If slip will want to Inspect nil the
halos and then tit i Itlp to come to caith
foi nwlille in tnsp the stvles hip not new
enough to suit " Hiooklvn i: lgle
He Knew a Suie Thing'.
In the afteimith of the loavontlon
stoiies lomes one ot a well known poli
tician whose futility foi making icsolu
tlons and hi caking them Is well known.
Aftei t uh lapse Into tho di Inking habit
his lemoise is deep and earnest, lie fell
fiom giuie on the last dav of the toi
ventlou. but mnnuged lo ictaln lib facul
ties to tho extent of finding his wnv to
the dipot In Sai.itoga. boaidlng the Now
Yolk ti (tin anil, ci.iwllng into his sleep
ing cai bet Hi but without the foimalltv
of taking off his ilotuts
Just befoie leaching Xi w Yoik he
slowlv nwoke nml suiveved the 'Itu.itioti
thiough u doud ol lemoise. Slowlv the
depth ot his latest lapse biust upon him,
and ho did so his hoi lot found vent in
"Guilt Piotf' he vvhlspiictl hniiseiv,
"I'll bet a dollm I wns diunk last night."
'Sav, olil follow, oamo the answei
fiom an uppei bnth, 'put ten on tint
foi nit will ou.' It's a cinch Xcw
oik Mall and HxpitssV
His Ceitificnte of Chaiacter.
An I'nst Side Teutonic saloonUtepei
hiving "avid mole inonev than he cued
to allow In his till ovei nlhl. decided to
deposit It In a buik Stiolllns down
Hioatlwav lu mquliid foi a gout bank"
and wus diluted to the Chemical Xntlo'i-
al lie asked the bank ushei .
"Is Mi Piesldeiit at home"' 'I he ushei
liplieil that tin pi'sitieut vvfis In his of
fice "'oiv well, vou .voost tolo him tint
Mi. You up brhtnltt wants to put it huu
ilioil dnllais evnv night In Ills bank and
take it omit in the nioinlii,?"
Aftei a long wait the iiltindant letiun
pd nml liitoimed Mi Jmob Smith tint
the pitsident tould not take his monov,
as he was not in tod b Dun or Hiad
stud. The oselteil Geimii' leplied.
"Dun oi Hiailstiott' Vv, I was been
i.ildtd twice bv P.n khmst "-Xevv Yoik
'1 lines
In a Tight Place.
Colonel Leo is icmemboied bv hiuulietls
of AmnUans tin his blight manuei and
li ippv, iqit tommies, s.ivs a eoutilbutnr
to .in Hugllsli peiiodltal, In uloipueo to
the foimei Hiltlsh milltaii attache who
follow id oiu aimj to Cub i. When tho
piojeet ot (letting an cqucstilitii statue
to Geneial Washington In Now Yoik wi.s
pioposcd Colonel Leo was lull listed with
ono of the subspilptlon pipeis foi clicil
lution. Shoitl.v aftei i oc oivlng It ho ap
pioidud a well known citizen nml asked
loi a sulHtilptloii Hut the citizen de
clined lo siilisciilie, stating lu a lathei
pompous miniapi, "I do not comidoi, sh,
that theie Is 11115 necessity for a monu
ment to Jli. Washington. Ills fame is
und lug. sli; ho Is enslulned lu cho
honits of his couiiti.vnicn." "Is ho 011
shiiliPd in )our lip.iit'.'' softly biquliid
tho colonel "Ho Is, sh " "Well, all t
bavo lo say," letoited Colonel Lee, 'Is
that he is In a tight plate."
In the Wrong- Pew.
At an assembligo of ehailt wolkcis,
at a settlement house on the Last Bide,
piopuilng lor the lull campaign, ill. Cal
vin Iliovvslu minuted 11 stoiy of a men
dicant wio voiy much needed a pah of
tiouseis nemombeiliig that phslclans
weie eompplleil to weai hlgh-giado cloth
ing, he wandeied up above the Pliuu oil
rilth avenue and, obseiviug tlie name el
a phisldun on n laigo silvei pluto on tho
door ot a lino looking lesldence, ho as
cended tho steps and tang tho doitois
bell, An eldeily, swiot-fuccil Indv 1,111111
tn tho door, mid tho InipoveilHhcd eiillei
".Madam, I mn veiv haul up mid havo
called ta sco If I could obtain a pair of
tho dodoi's cast-olf tiouseis"
Tho lady smiled at him and lopllcd;
"I am tho doetoi!" New Yottt Ulnics,
Twenty llttlo inllilnmilics
Pldilug In tho sun,
aillllonaiics 111 uiothci'lQve,
aiillloualies In fun,
aiilllnnulies in leisuiu horn a,
aiillloualies in Jojs,
aiillloualies In hopes and plans,
A10 these gills unci bojs.
aiillloiinlies In health aie they,
And in ilanilug blood,
aillllnmilios In shells und stones,
Sticks and muss ami mud;
aillllanaiiis lu castles
lu the all, unit vvoith
Quito a million times ns much
As custlca 011 tho euith,
Twent little mlllloualics,
Pluilng in tho sun;
Oh. how happy they must bo,
Hveiy single ono!
Iluidlv nny eats havo they,
llaully any utice;
Hut in cvety lovely thing
Youth's Comuunlon.
The Newest
In Carpets and Rsi;
Scraiiton's most superb .showing in floor coverings In fouiicl
here. Tlie markets t)T lluropc nud America have been searched
and the choicest weaves brought here for you to select from.
Wiltons, Axminsters,
Body Brussels and Tapestry Brussels
in newest patterns, presenting' most beautiful color effects, are
here, and can be seen for the asking;.
Rugs Rugs . Rugs
That Is Just lt--so many, many rues that a description or
them Is impossible. Any stee you want in Wilton. Tapestry.
Oriental, Body Brussels, Axmiitster. Smyrna or Navajo Indian
Furniture, Draperies and Wall Paper
12 Wyoming Avenue, -
Crane Store
Opportunities pie
sented for a peep at
Mistress Fashion
Has consented to
approve for
arly Fal
Take Elevator at
324 Lackavvarrna Av3.
Rooms 1 and 2
Commonwealth Bldg.
Made at Mooslc anil H.Huhle orj.
Laflin & Rnnd Powder Co.'s
hlcctrlc naltcilcs, Klettrlo rvploilers,
ploulns Hints, Sifoly 1 iie.
f"!' 1f ! $ b 4 'h & $ 4"
When in Need
Of anything in the lino of
optical goods wo can supply it.
and Eye Glasses?
Propetly fitted by nn espeit
From $1.00 Up
Also all kinds of ptescrip
tion vU and lepahlntj,
iYlercereau & Connell,
133 "Wyominrjr Avonue,
4 !
General Agent lor tha Wyoming District for
Dupont's Powder
Ulnlnj, Dlutln;, Sportln;, Fmokeleu nj the
Itepaunn Chemical Company'
Eafety Fuse, Caps and Kxploderi Itoom 101 Con
sell Bulldlo; ,Scu itcu.
is w UHlliniN ,
.WUUj Uatre
and Best
The New and Absolutely
otel Earlington,
Flan. Street
N w York
The most
central and
most accessi
ble location
in the city,
with quiet
J surround
ings. TAnirr or raths-
Single 100111 (lnth) $1 TO to S: Ot
Double looms (bath), t pelson $.' f
Double looms (bull), J poisons. . ,fJUO
Hith looms utlloinlng
I.iige double 100ms, with ptlv.ltc
1 ith 100ms 1 poison $.100
Luge- double looms with pilvate
lnth looms, 2 poisons $10)
Suites of piiloi, bedioo'ii and
bithfoi 1 iieison $ I Oil )il Jim 7 03
Suites of p 11 lot .bedroom and bith
for .' poisons ... J l no, f,m ji, w S 0)
Suites of pillor, 2 liPtlionms und
bath S7f"l. $sfO 100D
E at. HARLH .c. SON'.
30 j ears connected with Eailo'b Hotel.
Atlantic City.
The temperature at the ACilNEW.
(Intbe llcacli, 111 Cli.'ls.-a, Atljitic Cits,
siiturdiij was 5Q0.
Hveu appointment of a modem Hotel.
Kentucky Avcni.c. lust llocl lioin Ucacli, At
lantic Lit), .N. J., uU Oiciu view roonu; ta
pacity JOU, utile foi tpulal utii J. U. Jenk
ins, I'np
On a spur of tho Allcdiany Mountains. I ohi-'i
jllij tallioail. ni' ii luMiimla Ilitliln;, iW'ilnj,
tports, (tc. Kticlluit tililc Ilc.iroinlilo rites.
P. 0 . Ape, l'. Bcnil for Inol.lct,
C. K. Hltltl9
A few dais can be pleasantly spent
In a trip to
Norfolk, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Richmond, Va.
Washington, D. C
Steamers sail dally except Sunday
fiom Piei 28, Noith 1 liver, foot of
15each sheet, New Yoik.
Tickets, Including meals and stale
100111 aiconmiodutloiis, $S 00 one way,
5IJ.C0 iQiiutl dip, and upvvaids.
Send stamp for illustrated book.
81 Beach Stieet, New York, N. Y.
Tiaflle Manager. J. J. BUOWN,
Geneial Passenger Agent.
How to
Men and
44 YOUNG MEN and
niri enden voting to sccuio cdticitlnns
tlllnllo-h TIIP. TitintiNirs HDtlCA-
TIONAh CONTEST. . Ill which 31
BfMOrvnSMIPS. valued nt over
."OO, are oftciecl. Tho scholarships
Syiacuso Unlveislly.
BucUnell TJniveislty.
University of Rochester.
Washington School for Boys.
Wlllinmspoit Dickinson Semin
al y.
Dickinson Collegiate Prepara
toiy School.
Newton Collegiate Institute.
Keystone Acndemy.
Biown College Preparatory
School of tho Lackawanna.
Wilkes-Bano Institute.
Cotuit Cottages.
Scinnton Conservatory of Music.
Hardenbergh School of Music
and Ait.
Scianton Business Colldge.
International Correspondence
Lackawanna Business College.
Alfied Woolel's Vocal Studio.
Seveial of these scholni ships Include
not onlv tuition, but also boiiul, room,
heat, light and luundiy for peilods ot
two to four eurs Among these llfty:
one voting people theie are thltty
tluoe who 1110 ic.illv stiivlng to sectiio
educations, nml theli names appear on
nnotliet page of The Tilbuno every
mninliig. in tho table phovvlng tho
' Standing nf Contestants." They
should bo em ouraged In their com
mendable ende.iv 01.
If ou nie not nltendy a subscriber
to The Tilbune, send ji noto to some
one of tho contestants, requesting a
Oi, better still, send your subscilp
tlon to The Tilbune, together with tho
nionev to pay foi same, designating
pome lontestnnt which jou wish to re
ceive the ciedlt
Contestants aie ciedlted with ono
point foi eveiv month vnu piy in ad
vance The pi ice of Tho Tribune In
advance Is:
One month $ Tfi 1
Tlnee mouths 1 '' 3
SW months 2u0 fi
Ono jrai 500 12
contestants matei tally by furnishing
thorn with n list of ft lends who might
be Induced to tike Tho Tilbune.
Oi, thev can peisonally tequest theso
fi lends to subseilbe
Oi, the can send Tho Tilbuno to
theli filends, pivlng the money them
selves Jinny nio doing this and tho
contestants .tie voiy grateful for this
vv hole-heai ted nid
nomomlier' Tho TilhuneW Kduca-
ttm. .t Pinf,i.t- 1 lic-nc! rr,-i.n D- nf C I
ln . . I
No points not In mo Trmuno ollico
bv the Ih st stioUo of S ns told by tho
Com t House eloek, will be counted
EXCEPT. Those leeolved by mail
and postmuiked at or befoie S p m.
the contestant bringing in the
Inmost number of noints duiinsr
I tho week ending Satuiday, Octo-
ber 18.
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Kot a thott course, nor an eaiy course,
cor a chenp course, but tho best education
to be bad. do other cduiation is wottlr
pending time and money on. II you do,
nrito for catalogue ot
Easton, Pa.
Rhleh offers thorough preparation In th
Lnilncerlns and Clcniical I'rofcsslonj aj well
as the regular Collese courses.
Regular Stato Nnimul C'ouises and
Special DipailiiioiilH of Music, Elocu
tion, Ait. Diavvlug. Htenogittphy and
Tvnevvilt lig. stiong Collegu I'lepaiu-
I toiy Dcpaitmilit
Routiltug oNpiiihCh J-iSO per week
Pupils admitted at any time Winter
Teim opins Die -3th Wiltu for cuta
loijiie ,,.,, .
jj, u. aviina.-, tx. m.,,
Pilnclpal I
1. J. Foster, 'resident, timer II, Lawsll, Inn,
B. J. Foster, Btsnley P. Allen,
Vice President. Secretary.
The Tilbuno will guaiautee to print
our paper book cjuieker than any oth
er pi Inline house in the city.