OjSPFft ' -,-,.,. -p , .IPfviMJJ I ' - PRPSWlWiR' a ' ..'4KfS 5rrflS- ii THE SC1UNT0N TlUBUNJMOxJJAr, OCTOBER 13, 1902. 3 Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Used by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century, Cotinfy Savings Bank and TrUst Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of $1 and and pays 3 per cent, terest thereon. m- Ii. A. WATRES, President. O. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Pica. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Win. I- Hnllstcud, 15. P. Klnpsbiuy. O. S. Johnson. Kvcivtt Warren. August Itnbinson, .Tn. O'Hrlen, L. A. IVntivs, Green Trading Stamps riuuin 11 ii 1 With purchase of Wnll Paper, anncles, Picture Frames, iiurnt Wood and Leather Novelties. No better time than now to bring us your unf ramed pictures for framing. We have the best assortment of frames in Scranton. All Kinds of Interior Decora tive Work promptly done. Good workmanship. COUPON Cut this out and present it at our store. Pur chase goods to the amount of $1.00 or more and you will re ceive 30 STAMPS FREE. Jacobs & Fa so Id, 209 Washington Ave. xooooxxxxxooxx "Thoy Draw Wen." Morris' Mapet Cigars I Th best value for 5 cents. Try ono and you will smoko no other. All the loading brands nf ric. cigars at $1.75 per box, or B for 25c. The largest variety o Pipes and Tobaccos In town. E. C. MORRIS, The Cigar Man 325 Washington Avenue. ooooooooooooooooo In and About The City jtjtjt Defeated at Factoryville. The St. Thomas' college team went lo FactoryvJUo Saturday und played a ganiu in the rain with the Kactoi-vvllle team and was defeated by a heme nf I'j-o. , Liederkranz Minstrels. The Scranton Llcderkianz will conduct a minstrel show In the society's hall on Lackawanna avenue on October :jn and .:o. Rehearsals aio being conducted by j," Kelson Teots. i Bridge to Be Closed. The bridge on which South Washington avenue crosses the Itoaring hi oak was damaged by the Hoods or last spiiug and Is to undergo repalis. It is to be closed beginning today until thu lejiain, are com pleted. 1 Donation Day at Home. The annual donation day ui tin. linine for tho Friendless will lie October " On that nlsht a' leading will bo given n't tho bomo by Miss Itoss, who appealed there two yearn ago. A .silver olloilng .will bo taken up at tho door. Y. W. C. A. Gymnasium. Tho aim of the. gymnasium wink of tint Young Women's I'liilstlmi association Is to secure a normal development, lloxlbll ity und control of every i.it L of the body, nls.0 to promote good lellnwidilp, Tho ill rectors will ixamliio pupils at entrance that tho work given may be especially adapted to tho vailous ncod'j of each Tim class work has begun but sonic cit tho classes aro not yut tilled. Those wish ing to Join ought to apply at ouch to tho diicctois and learn all about thu cIum-cs and regulutiou suits. The Mammoth Steel Plant nf the L. J. & S. Company, costing $io . 000,000, In Huffulo, Is rapidly appio.ich. Ing completion, it will employ Kj.OuO hands. Two other gigantic plants are jolifs up adjoining this, which will cm ploy as many inoie. The result will bo n young city at tmt point. Moral: lluy tome lots for investment close by. We have them iiciosh the main street fiom the steel plant. I'rlrea now low and terms easy, l' L. Hitchcock fc Sou, Fire Insurance and Ileal Kstate, Commonwealth Building. Tho Proper Time I'o buy u Piano or Orgun Is Just now :oday at Uucriibey Brothers' sale, 111 Washington avenue. Don't put it off, as stock Is being reduced every day, md tho selections cannot bo as cmui ater; and don't forget that Wednesday, the.lOtb lust., Is tho last duy; ami don't ib; Out ouuortunlty of u, Ufe-tlmc. i tttncaEHSj I CHARGED WITH ABDUCTION. Polish Girl Wanted in Buffalo Av tested Here. Mary Smith, 11 young Polish woman, who Is wanted In Hurfiilo for tiliiluutloii, Avns 111 t-cntPil hi 11 disorderly house In Uiiyiiionil iMiui't on Saturday by Detec tive Hubert Deller. The woman Is rather Rood looking ami ninite no attempt to conceal her Identity. She admits knowing about the ease ngnlnst her, It Is In regard to the burbot Ing of 11 young girl, who una In ought by her housekeeper to a resort she was lniinuglng and who was kept there during her absence slio says. She expects it, be able to clear herself. Magistrate Howe, committed Her to the county Jail to await requisition papers fiviin thu governor of New York. FUNERAL OB DAVID MORTON. Victim of Gasoline Explosion Burled "Yesterday. The funeral of the late David Morton, who was one of the men fatally burned by the explosion of gasoline In the rear of his home last Thursday night, was belli yeseterday afternoon from the family residence, l.'JGS North Wash ington avenue. A tremendous concourse of friends of the ruiully, was In attendance. Ser vices were conducted by Rev. Dr. Isaac GRARD - J. Lansing, pastor of the Gieeti nidge Presbyterian church. Camp S, Sons of Veterans and the drum corps attached to that organization, escorted the re mains to the Forest Hill cemetery. The funeral of Hobert n.inkln. an other victim of the explosion will be held this afternoon from the family homo a few doors from the Morton residence. The body of Louis Dershi mer, the third victim, was taken to Honesdale for Interment. NEITHER SIDE SCORED. Saturday's Game of Foot Ball Be tween the Harry Hillman Acad emy and the High School. The Harry Hillman Academy font ball team of Wilkes-Uarrc journeyed to Scranton and played the Scranton high school warriors at Athletic park Sat uiday afternoon. The gridiron was two Inches under water and the heavy lain not only made it almost impossible for the plnyeis to handle the pigskin, but also made it vary uncomfortable for the few heroic people that ventured out. .Wither side scored. Harry Illllmim won the toss anil kicked off to the High school. Mower caught the ball and advanced it ten yaids before being tackled. After re peatedly trying to batter down Hairy ! tlllman's line, High school was forced to kick-, the ball went out of bounds and Thayer dropped on it. Owing to the slippety condition of the pigskin each side was prone to fumble very otten. High school could do nothing against Harry Hlllman's defense and every time they got the ball they were forced to kick, while on the other hand the Wllke.s-B.iriv boys by their ummla back formation plowed big holes In High school's lines. During this .stage of the game the lo cal team rallied and managed to force the boys from down the valley to kick, Kdwards got the ball but time was called befuie he could advance It. Things were dltTeient in the second half for High school was onuhe aggies slve during nearly all of the time. Pietty line bucking and spectacular end i mining by Stone and ev biought the ball down to within live .aids of Hairy Hlllman's goal ami owing to poor head work on High school's part they were unable to gain the lequlred yard that was needed to win the game. Hillman kicked the ball out of danger and again the home (earn tried to gain the Inside of their opponents' goal and so they hurled one man aftei another Into Hlll man's Hue wlthfuit success, Harry Hillman have a stuidy lot of yoiingsteis playing with them this year and liefme the season is over they will make some of the stionger and heavl"r teams woik haul for what they get and not only that but every man In the team Is a gentleman and plays nice clean foot ball, Tho best playing was pi nimbly done by Kranu, of Harry Hillman, and Kdwards and Levi, of High school, The llue-up lollows; S.II.S. bin! UVIUIH Wi'llaid..., XlUlt'inuu. Smith Kelly II II. A. . left end ... It'll lacliln .. . leu guaid ... .... ctulic ..., light HH.lt d .. TlOM'lt .....Mi Donald I'olbuiu ...Kchiun.ikui' .t'upt. Fuller Ilowu I 'ran 1 1; Davles., Strang Miner light tinkle . dipt. Thayer.... light end . Bower quailer bail; . Hthvaids,.., light half back Allen left half back Stone lull back ... Hi own Itel'fiee Thaer. I'mpllc Harvey. bllii'Miien-Bvaiis, Scranton high school; lty.Nbec, Hui i y 1(111 man Academy. Time keepers Long and Deans. Halves-Twenty minutes each. i. i i w i Capacity of the She Bear. A man wiio was culled on to address a Sunday tcliool hi a Pennsylvania town tool; tho familiar tlicmo of tho children wlio moiketl Klijali on Ills Journey to Bethel how the youngsters taunted tho poor old piophet, and how thoy wero punished when two sho bears came out of thu wood and ate forty-two of them. "And now, children," bald the bpeak cr, wishing to learn If his talk had pro. iluccd any inm.il elfeel, "what docs this stmy show?" "Please, sir," caniu from a little gbl well down In fiont. "it hhows how many children two tdiu beam can ho!d!"-Ncw Yoik Tilbuuo. PREPARING TO START MINES D. L. & W. WILL RESUME AT BELLEVUE TODAY. Green Rldgo Coal Company Hopes to Begin Work at Its Colliery To morrow or Next Day Dlsouler Hereabouts Is Now Almost Totally Wanting Camps of the Regiments Visited Yesterday by Groat Throngs Death of Col. Hoffman Casta a Gloom Over the Eighth. This Is the beginning of n week which It Is generally believed will put to a test the claim of the operators that they will bo enabled to start up their collieries If given protection and the counter claim of the t'nlted Mine Workers' organization, as expressed In Wednesday's resolutions that the strik ers will not return to work without concessions, even though the entire military force the t'nlted States was here to protect them, H01SE AND STOCKADE AT CAMP WYCKOFF. I llfltl. .!.. tl , - .,.(.. ii.n ii iit'iiri iiiiiiuuiMi in prove men claim, the operators have been, for the past week, making a supreme effort to secure men. That they have succeeded to some extent Is evidenced by an nouncements made with some positlve ness that various collieries will resume operations In the course of a few days. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company will make a start, this moinlng, at the Belle vue. The Green nidge Coal com pany will open up its Green Uidge col liery piobably tomoirow or the next day, but, assuiedly, some day this week. Other companies say they are figuring on a resumption at certain col lieries, but decline to give their loca tion. Claim is also made on the opera tors side that the foires at collieiles already working are to be largely In creased during the week. The United Mine Workeis leadtis continue to nsseit that the milltaiy can do nothing towards Inducing men to letu'-p lo work, and that all the men wt could be iuduied lo go luck lo w.irk without concessions aie alieady back, Stiike disorder is now almost wholly wanting. During ilie past two days the soldieis have had nothing to do further than their regular patiol duty, not a single call having come to any of the tbiee legiinents In this county to deal with dlsouler or thicaleiied dis order. Kach of the camps had huge ciouds of visitors, yestenlay. It was the (list fair Sunday since the Thirteenth went into camp and fully three housand took advantage of Colonel Waties order al lowing visitors within the lines fiom noon until t o'clock. The diess parade at 4,oi) was viewed by an Immense throng. It was made especially Inter esting by the participation of the Gov ernors troop. At 2 o'clock theie was a coiuert by the band In fi out of head quarters. The death of Colonel Hoffman cast a gloom over the eighth's camp, and no attempt was made at a "show" for the benefit of the visitors. The diess parade at & o'clock was given but the usual band i oncert was omitted. Nothing lias been learned ns yet as to how the colonelcy will be .tilled but the likelihood Is that Lieutenant Colonel Hutchinson will be piouuned to the vacant post. A small detail fiom the leglnient will accompan the bodv of Colonel Hoffman to I'ottsvllle, ibis morning. It was not known yt'steuluy whether or not the regiment will bo able to attend the ftmeial. The Twelfth leglmcilt kept "open house" lor vlsltois yesterday and enter tained them Willi a diess parade at ii o'clock and band concert at 7 o'clock. On .Saturday the Twelfth iinfuilcd a new Hag from a pole In fiont or head quarters with the customary cere monies. SEA FLOWERS AS PETS, The Queer Little Creatines Known as Anemones. l''ioin Answers The queeiest pus In the woild an, kpt In a beautiful tow of clear, Hash ing, i mind glass tanks on an upper door of a large aquailum, As you apiuoacli tho tanks you behold glowing little groups ot color and artistic blending and mingling of lautasilc weeds ami .shining stones. Then when you peer Into the tanks uu f.ee what nt first seem to you just like particularly haiid biiimt and goigeous (lowers gi owing all over tho little lockeiles. Some of the lloweis look like dainty pink and white ami yellow mid puiple ami filinson dahlias. Others look almost il,u dascn with lace-like petuls. Otheis look like little stur llowers. all pine while and pel feet. These flowers me of all sizes, from tiny ones b.uely largo enough to see to gieat ones almost huge enough to fill a saucer. But If you will watch these "lloweis" for a few minutes you will Jump bud donly, for all ut once you will .see one move Its petuls, Then you will .see an other and another do It, Slowly the petals unfold or contract, with little Jerking movements, .sometimes twining In the water like snakes. Tap 'smartly on the table on which the tanks stand, and (Ike lightning all the petals will huye disappeared. Thcbe ecu lloweis are tcally not llowtra til all. I They nre living creatines, known as sea anemones, For many years 1'iof, Spencer has tended and fed them, and the Utile ani mated llowers actually have come to know him. When he reeds them lie puts a little bit of Itsh on the end of n long pointed stick and puts It carefully down Into the water until It Is near the anemone. It did not take long for the beautiful things to understand It, and whereas at llrst they used to withdraw their petals and shut up tightly when the stick approaehed, now they twine gracefully and stretch their dainty arms out as far as they can go In older to leach It. HIS CONDITION SERIOUS. William R. James, Formerly of West Scianton, Lived to End His Lifo at Washington, D. C. The following telegram was received In this city nn Saturday, telling of the attempted suicide of William It, James, a son of ex-Pollcenian William L. James, of South .Main avenue: Washington, Oct, 12. William It. James, aged I'll, of Scrutiton, l't an employe In the railed States mall bug renilr shop, atlmpti'd suicide this morning by shoot ing himself In the right temple .at hid home. 1011 Seventh slieel, Southeast. He was tal'yii to Prcvldeuo hospital, wluic his condition Is pinnoimreil seilous. No motive for the deed Is known, and wben his family heard from him about a week ago bo seemed to be happy, contented and anticipated a bright fu ture. He was 23 years of age, and had a good position In the United States mail bag repair shop. He attempted to end his life by putting a bullet through his light temple. He was tak en to the Providence hospital. Devils James, who went to Washing ton Immediately upon receiving the telegram telling of the attempted sui cide of ills bi other, W. R. James, noti fied his parents yesterday that his brother was loiV allying and the doctors entertained hopes, of his ulti mate lccovery. He has a father and two brothers, Lewis and Garfield, living In this city, on South Main avenue. Before going to Washington Mr. James worked in Williams' cash store at the corner of South Main avenue and Kynon street, where be was thought much or by his employers. THE AMERICAN GIRL. Kipling- described the Ameikan gl'i In the following words: "As lo the maiden, she Is taught to respett her self, that her fale is in her own hands and that she is more stilngenlly bound by tile vciy mcasuic of liberty so tieely necoided her here. Wheieloie, In her own language, 'she has a lovely time' with about two' or three hundred boys who have slsteis of their own, and a very accurate perception that If they me unworthy of their trust a syndicate of other boys would probably pass them Into a woild where theie Is neither marriage nor giving in mur ilaae. "And so time goes on until the maid en knows, the other side of the house knows that a man is not a deml-god nor a mysteriously vi lied monster, but an average, egotistical, vain, glutton ous, but, on the whole, companionable sort of person, to be soothed, fed and iniinaged knowledge that does not come to her sister In Kugland till alter a few years of matrimony, "And then she makes her i holcc. The golden light touches eyes that are lull of comprehension, but the light Is gold en none the less, lor she makes Just the same sweet, Ii rational choice that an Knglbth girl does. With this a'd- antuge: She knows a little more, has expeileuco In entertaining, Insight into business, employ ami hobbles of men, gathered from countless talks with other girls who llud time at those mysterious conclaves to discuss what Tom, Tul, Sake and Jack have been doing. "Thus It happens that she Is u com panion, in the fullist sense of the woid, of i he mull she weds, zealous tor the Intel est of the llrm, to be consult fd In lime of stress and to be tailed upon for help and sympathy ill time of danger. Pleasant It Is that one heart should beat for you, hut it Is belter that the head above that heart has beep thinking hard In your behalf, and when the lips that arc so pleasant to Kiss, give wise counsel," The Piofessor's Observations, A .Miinig uulM'iuliy pioi'cssor. Ihlng up town, Is a close student and a wiilcr of snme aiilhoilty on the silence of kinder. gin telling and cuild study, lie ueir jits pass an oppot (unity pi maliu obsei vatlous mid studies In actual life, and lor tho pill peso keeps voluminous note-books In which he recoids salient Instances and his ileduclbms fiom iliem. One night ihia week, as Is his custom, ho hud one of tho Miulents In his classes as a guest at din ner In the coiirs'o of the meal tin pin fi'ssor's Utile son. a child of lle, .ih given a hot buttered biscuit to tiny his housei. lie examined it with cijtlcul dissatisfaction, and then lluow ii nctoss the table. It struck tho student fairly uu the chest und slid glucler-llko down his .shirt. Ii out. leaving a trull of waiiii grease. Tho piolcssoi and his wife saw the Incident but paid no heed. The stu dent politely foiboio to take action. The young hi cud-hen vie. provided with another blscull. ugalii sent it hulling ai'ioss the tablo. This llmo It struck tho young man on thu chin. Ilo started to speak, hut the professoi's wife held up her baud In wiiriilug, "bh.)i.i," she said, "(he professor is ocH'rwng iiiiii.'-,ow vnrl i:enliu.' p0.u ADDRESS BY L. F. BOWER DELIVERED AT QUARTERLY CONVENTION OF C. T. A. U. Said That in All Lines of Business There Is Getting to Bo More and More n Demand, Not Merely for Temperate Men, but for Men Who Do Not Drink nt All John W. Grant and Rev. J. J. Grlflln Also Spoke Latter Urged Much Atten tion Be Given Cadet Sociotics. L. F. Bower, general superintendent of the Allls-Chalmcrs company's locnl plant, gave u common sense tnlk yes terday ufternoon on the temperance question, ns viewed from a business standpoint, tit the quarterly convention of the Catholic. Total Abstinence soci eties of the Flist district, held In St, Thomas' College ball. Mr. Bower, who was Introduced by District President J. C. Gallagher, ox pressed his intention of looking at In leinpernnco from n purely business Mlnndpolnt without regard to Its ethical bearing or to the sorrow and suffering which It cutises, He explained Hint the basis of all society Is the Individual and that any government, church or society which does not seek to Improve the condition of the individual will have to ultimate ly confess defeat. He was delighted to bo able to talk to men who nrex earnestly striving to better the Indiv idual. Mr. Bower asserted that In all the lines of Industry there Is getting to be more and moie of a demand not mere ly for tempeinte men, but for men who do not drink at all, and who nre thus able to persistently resist the subtle In fluence of drink. He made some most Interesting references to Prof. Atwat er's researches regarding the food value of alcohol. ALCOHOL AS A FOOD. "We see in the papers," said he, "the advertisements of certain manufactur eis of liquors who quote Prof. Atwuter as saying that alcohol is food, and who thus seek to make capital for them selves out of his researches. Prof. Atwater was one of my teachers at college, and Is today a warm personal friend of mine. I resent the subtle in sinuation that ho approves of the use of alcohol, because 1 Know that he does no such thing. Mr. Bower explained at length the professor's experiments with a man In a cabinet whose food was carefully weighed as well as all things thrown off from the body for the purpose of discovering the relative nutritive value of various foods. He discovered that alcohol taken In small quantities at Intervals far apart was assimilated by the body. It was assimilated, however. in quite another way than ordinary food, in that It was turned into heat. "Heal," said Mr. .Bower, "is not food, and alcohol has no function of food." He said that no man more than the business man is interested in the Indiv iduals forming a community. No man more than the business man Is desir ous that these Individuals shall be strong, healthy, happy and contented, which they cannot be If they persist in the use of intoxicants. MATTE It OF BUSINKSS. "As a man I may be sorry for an employe's wire IT he gets drunk after 'pay day and don't show up at tl.e walks, and I may think of his family, but as a business man entrusted with the care of a large and costly plant, and being responsible for the safo man agement of it, 1 must tell that man that his services aro no longer re quited. It becomes a pmely business proposition, and sentiment and sympa thy have got to be 'put to one side. I believe firmly that the time is coming In this country when Hie only possible employment for the man who drinks will be hi the poorest shops, wheie they do the poorest work and wheie they pay the pom est wages." He discussed at length the great ex tra expense which falls upon the sober man because of the sin of his Intem perate brother the expense of inuln talning almshouses, pilsons, fete. The sober man indirectly supports the drunken man's wife and family, and he hoped the time will soon come when the great Industrial masses of this na tion will rise up and say that suib things shall or shall not be "becausj we pay for them." "I thank God," said he In conclusion, "that we have In our midst an organi zation such as you represent, an or ganization with a purpose ulinost div ine, and I hope to see you continue steadfast hi your efforts to uplift hu manity," Mil. Ii KANT'S ADDIHCSS. John XV. (Irani, of t'arhoudule, madi a In Iff address on the total abstlnenci movement from a tjeneial viewpoint, and then Itev, .1, .1, el: Itlln was called upon. F.itber (Srlllin spoko In lolly, iii'k llif? upon the deleKates present the ne cessity of takliiK a more earnest inter est In the welfare of the cadet socletle. If the cadet societies are not kppt In u llourlsliiiiB condition, he said, theie Is every reason to believe iluu the total abstlnenie cause may suffer meat los.-es. He dedal ed that the total abstinence movement will never bo the success It .should be until somethlni; moie utlruel Ivo than the saloon In offered to the youinr men; until the rooms of the s-ocletics offer uurnetlons that will oif set those of the rnff shop, Other brief addi-oses were made by Kov. .1. V. Moyl.ui, nf 'North Scranton, mid by John McDonald, of Forest I'lty. The latter pleaded for co-operation he tween l'rotestant und Catholic temper ance organisations ana welcomed the presence of Mr, Howcr ns a tepresep. tath e Drolesiant worker for the pro motion of total uhstlneiiio. It was decided by the delegates lo assess each society $10 to meet a de ficiency of nearly $."00 created by tho district hoard In promoting the cause of temperance, KNTKHTAINMKNT Ht'UKA lT. On recommendation of the boaid of governors It was decided to create an eniertiibuuent btiieau for the furnlsh liiK of talent for temperance rallies. The president of each society In the district will usslst In the conduct of this bureau, Kfforta wero made to have tho con stitution s-o amended as to provide for an annual per capita tax of fifteen cents, Instead of lvo cents, and to pro vide for u unlfoim constitution for each separata society, but they wero ucicatvu. CUxxttftteXX. (ho. V. nillnr&C) I This Is the Time , ,' of the year that you delight In occasionally Inviting your friends In to spend an evening; you enjoy entertaining them 111 a royally-good fashion with some sort of amusement and a nicely served lunch. In the servlng-thc-ltinch part vecan bo of service to you, possibly. Beer Steins, for Instance I Beer Steins Tilt! MIJTLACII-Mnde by Jt.oo Die Klriuu Villi I oy & IliHi. ',yu Superior quality and beau to fully oiiumicnled. Very best c, nn WALK IN AND !00!tt$050KKXX20XX) Wise Monday Bargain Buyers Go to McConnell & Co. where they get the new est goods, in goud quali ties only, at IVSnnrfair Bargain Prices M'COIlliell that are not approached by any other house in the city of Scranton. Every Department Is Full of Big Bargains 0. U S Seds and Box Springs Are our specialty. We sell the very best iron and brass beds made. Their quality shines all over them. Of course, we make fine mattresses to go with fine beds. Prices are low. SGRANTON BEDDING CO. F A, KAISER, Manager. Lackawanna and Adams. cj aa a J Ji J ! t$iaitiitiggiagtifliijiiiga If You Want Df A lIO forCashornEasy J The Best K I"V1 1 V Payments. Call on PIANO N. A. HULBERT, Wareroom, Various Makes of Pianos at All Prices. Old In- struments Taken in Exchange. ! ! ! l 4. c . Office Furniture tllM & COlineli, Washington Ave. MANILA FLOODED WITH COUNTERFEIT MONEY. !) Kii'lu.hp Wire fiom 'I lie .UtoiUtnl I'icsv Manila, Oi t. IJ. Counterfeit Ameri can silver doling me beluB made In I'hlnii and cli ciliated here extenslily. The suspicion Is held that some of this money wus shipped from Han Francis co. The dollars ale of sliver and of stan dard weight. They have been detected IhroURll the liiipioper stumping of (he word ''Liberty" on the Ooddess. The low price of silver Insured to tho mak ers of this counterfeit money a prollt of 100 per cent. American silver cir culates as gold In the Philippines. General Ulnckinev's Condition. l,v i:ilii.iu Wiio fi'gm Tlu .Uoiljli'd rievt. Washington, Oct. J.'. Tho condition of tlencrul Hlaekmcr, of M.is.-ucliusetts. who was Injiiicil in the parade of tho (iriind Army of tho Hepiiblle Wednesday, has so far liiipiovi'd that he wus uulu lo leave fur his homo tuduy, 13-4 Wyoming Ave j HKIt.MAN' STIUNS-Hxeel. 25C I'm! quality and workman- .n ship Dcshiiblc pattern mid 4UC In every way satisfactory. gnc Various decorations. v LOOK AROUND. m.0 Co. 400 402 Lackawanna Avenue B Both 'Phones 117 Wyoming Avenue 4 THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY. Everything that is new everything that is desirable. Be sure and sec our line and' get our prices before you buy. BM APPLES IN BOWLS ARE ALWAYS TEMPTING, BUT THEY POSSESS A DOUBLE ATT ACTION WHEN REST ING IN ONE OF THE HAND' SOME APPLE BOWLS FOR SALE IN OUR PY ROQRAPHY STUDIO, Not only Apple Howls but pe.sk and Smoking Sets, Cant Trays, In fact anything mnkeablo ypu will llud for sulo here. Don't mistake the location, 211 Washington Avenue, GRIFFIN ART SHOP, I , -fefcufc, tf '" "4 ?-fe s"-