THE SCIIANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1902, ' ' .'. .u-m-jiz--- '"-rr-1 -. ' :.The News of Caibondale. L. " " A DRY SUNDAY. In the Saloons in the Central City nt A fcenst. Yesterday, Theio Wits Noth ing Doing The Reason Theiofoi. YoMtenluy wits an e eedlngly ili Sunday In Cnihonihih', ni ed with ic'ceitl Sabbaths, at leant. t-'oine one suggested It "didn't even rain." Hut aside noui this pal dutiable levltv, It wai a iliy Sabbath us eotn p.tiod with the moist Sundae In the sttoug lpfipshtncnt line that p have had mImop the otltbutst of public "pin ion or Inst wlntet. against Sutidny sell ing of llutmi. On Stittlttluv nlttinooli C'hljt of Polite Mi, Midi cu notltUd saloon ptopilelois Hint well. iirnvbe, It wouldn't lie piudetil to haw nliv thing doing 'louiid their plaiex on the inoi tnw, and visteulny In these same plait" 'twas as quiet as it Suniltiv aftiinoon. The notltliallotl tliiollgh the ihlef of polite wns due to a toliiiiiunliatlon suit to Muvni O'Neill bv ReV. Ul. II. -T. Vhnletl, pnstoi of the Helton Hiptlst i hut til The letter leilted that Di . Whulen, n few Suudnjs iibci. was able to gain eiitiaiite ton Mnla slieet saloon mill that fi inn the Nights and iniNu about these plans It was evident that tie- law was not belli? olic i oil. The i oiniininli itlou suggested thai, If net -esii., i Idem e i ould be pic-enttd ck.iIusi these pliucs ror thill pt ost (ii tlon. If, hnwevei. the s.uiie end tould be att lined without taking this ionise, theie wa no putposp to t.iKe legal step. As tlu p istoi ol a i IuihIi, v lib h us a pan of this romimiulty. Di. "Whnlcii Mated, he took this step In the i nise of a lietti obn Value of the HiblMth The ai lion ol Mavin I) N'elll In itiilf ( itinn to I'bli f cit Pohie MiAlulieW that he nntlf tloonKei pcis, wis not still tlv olllilal, that Is. Ins attilt dots not bi gin b winning Hit aloon k"eptis not to bitak the 1 1 am mine than be would wain them not to i oin mlt Ian pi 01 anv otbti tilnii Mis ollelal ittlon begins nftoi infoi iiiatkm hi' been lodged with him, as with anv niiglstiote that theie hae been vio lations In th's t ise. )iopei, it was btlleed th it his notification would be ppihap1, tni mine effeitlve than .f no warning hid beu ghen .igd .11 lists followed t li bi caking ol the law je1--teidav This piuved to be tine, foi eei pl.up vcstudnv was billed ngahft those who i.une ami wen not fiwaie of Hie new nidti of tilings ELECTION WAS LEGAL Attomsy Butlsi's Opinion in the Case of Tax Collectoi Geoige Collins. In the question uiistd .is to the le gilltv of the elPttlon of .tinge Col lin' i pom tax lollettoi, Attuinev H r Rutlei solliittn foi Hit bond, sub mits an opinion in wlihh lie detlat es tlio election lej, il In tin uplnliui .Mi UlltlCl "-.ins "As 1 line st. 1 ttd be fin i then is no statute pie(iibing how 01 In whit method the pom dlietlois nt the 1 It v of raibondale .h ill appoint .1 t ix eollei toi, thcitfoie, the election of a t i 1 ol leetoi lij a 111 1J01 lt of a quoiuui of the S pooi iliieetois of the t'ai liondale 1 lt poor distill t in legukii imellng i-sem-blrd is "Wete theie m doubt on thi- qui- tlon It should lie fln.illv -et it ipst bv the opinion ot Pie-idtm Judge A11I1 bild In the tase of tlit commonwealth e lei s Stliulinielil irpmud in .: I.itl iwannu Ligal News, im. Tin 1 v I dente pioduted at the time ot this 1 isp shows that 011 .M11.I1 II l'ic tin omit 11 of the bo ough ol nlvphrit ipet foi nig.uil itlou Mnt ol Hie twelves niembcis wtif pit-cut 'I he iniuiites of the meeting show thai upon an eb 1 tlon foi tin olilie of -t tut 11 j sl niem bt'i s voted foi !'( hiibim 111 tlu othei tin pu b"lng pit- nt but not voting It iv is laid liv nidg, Aiihbald that f-iliulimehl was liuiv ppi ,eil, th it tin minutes ot the liitetim illsi loed Hie iiesnie of a quoiuiu ami the elei Hon of the if-ppnilent bv the vote of a 111.1 ,1oiitv of it It will lie ohseived that the ii imiubeis olmj, foi tin- lt-spon-(lnt weie not a li'ijoiltv ol Hie whole lountil, siinplv a miioiltv of the quo rum. lleoige Collins s tin le,j,illv elei ted 1a inlleitoi lot Hit puoi distiiit ot the city 01 c 11 bond. ili ami If he Hies with voui bo.uil a Rood and sullliiiiit bond tu tin m:id of ?l 00. nppioved bv vout iittoiney, hi should lie RlVili the ilupll tali . ' v An XJp-to-Date Innovation. Rmlle Wlrssen, the tsalem avenue ha. bet, has added an nppllaiiie to his t-havliiK piulois that peiUs well tot his ptfott to keep abieast of the Hints He has Installid the loinpiesstd ah t-is-tem which has Ju-t lonie In ncup 111 the l.URP clilt'H ('oiupiessed all Is supplied thioiiRh inblipi hosy to he up pllul 111 eflectlv(l spim,B tlie fan with 1111 attPi--ihalnK lotion, to qulikly YiWLYA) HIM. But in the Pleasant Ways of Pence. tinod HiiiiR soiiie men aie mauled, TIipIi wlvt.s Kei p 11 sensible watih ovei illlBin, and have a wa to htlp ovet jioniu HiPlt tioubk's, j Mt'n r.ewlb, uf Shaiilko, Ote, wuh IliiiJitecl 101 sevtunj jeuis at ailous Iioliuj Jn South Ami'tka, and tell Into illnUKUfto uihtoiii of fiequently ililuk jlliR intfee, He s-ajs, " took to iisIiir It the Hiinit as those peivous, pm Itublu people in .South and ('eutinl Amt'ika, (Tliey niakn uy black often and it ln 'loiiics nun ( 01 lefcxS.ii) IntoxliatlliK bev ,1'ratji!. At the etui of about four mouths, 1 bepnn having hPvue hkk heailailies "lnlni'ioiisneFh, bin t.uppn-p(i It wan fio'lii ilie tioplcal hid At last my wife ,UfifiJ.U&,&!''iH! t" 'i heailatlies and tonmth ttouble. hhe tueii to India o me"to quit ill Inking coffee, hivjiii; my jltioubjo to that, but I toiitluued to sp " ''k'iojk'1 ot I'o'-tuin Pood forte, ninj frderaoino fiom the StatPH, but kept t trseoiet from me. The eiy riisu tlmn bn jncide it, when I came In to my fo(fee.flia toll, 1 notleed that peutlku, pleasant flavor of 1'ontum. mid nsl.eil ,fier what It was. She .said t was a new WWl.( offee ami hhKciI mo how 1 yikeil It. I tried two cups of It with Jjleh ',' whkh Is used tiy eyeiypne a3 mills In Panama, and ghoUglu It excellent. After u coupla of yjlays, my headuches stopped, and In a JJihort while my nervousness dl&ap SJjeared as If by magic. I liayo been ttislng nothing but Postum for the past JJ'car, land have been completely cured, iSmd'my wire lias also been cured of "Constipation by changing to- Postutn, nd we shall ueer go bdek to coffee iiffuln." -" tliv Hit face, Itrtead of bv the slow fniiiiliiH and sltipiilng pioie, mid to irfietlvelv blow fiom thp bend the fine hubs iittei a ball-put, a featttte of hall tilmmlUK Hint Is mmojItiR to bmbcr shop pttions, Mi, Xh'sopii Is the hist In faibotidnle to take udviintnge of th J up-to-date appliance. INCIDENTS OF STRIKE. Cnibondnllnns Toll How Coal Is Re gal eletl Away fiom Home. llvpr "hue anthiaclte 1 oal has be uiiiie such 11 pi et lints nrthle outside the toal ipkIuiis, ('nrbondallans, who ate hunted In other cities, hae wilttpn home lclutliiR some amusing Incidents of how the black diamonds ate Heated as i lit lo, Joe Hosier, Hie stai llelder of the fiesepiits this season, wilting ft out St. Mh Intel's ioIIprp, Tot onto, Canada, whpie hp Is a student, sas: "They fepl the effects of the stilke up heie. 1 was down to the city the othpi day and saw In a jewch v stoic n Hinnll heap of antliiatlte, A laigo loth chain was attached to It. with u gum ding bull dog at the other end. Theie wan a plgn neat It that lead: "Anthracite 10.1I This was onte used as fuel by the people of Tot onto Anv pptson leaving his name tan settne a .speci men." Another student Wilting fiom the South desi Hues a plaeatd In n Jew el ei 's window that iea.d: "We have c inhered the supply of blink diamonds in this section and offer ome Imi R.ilns In stltkplns, em lings or watch chai nis ' Attorney llemv Singer, of New Yotk 1 Itv, who spent Situnkiy and Sunday heie left with his biotbei, Isaac Slng ei , one of the stick pins of antliiatlte coal tint an leadllv being disposed of as a noveltv in the nietinpolls It Is in lealltv not mil, but a sin ill piece of slate as IiIr as an oidlnaiv peanut. Anotliei lleti of lute. est In lonnee tlim with the ineiRie i o il supplv Is that I01 al teamsteis weie busj rihlm mid Satuidav li.iullng toal ovel the mountain to HonedaIp. Ipi haps twentv-fhe loads weie thus dlnposed of. Tlie pike langed fiom $fi to $7 "0 OLD POLK'S SERVICE. Inteiesting Day at Beiean Baptist Chuicli Four Octogenaiians Par ticipate with a FeiventVlnteiest and Zeal. A spii(( that was liiteie-tlng, im pn si e and idifjlng to Hie highest de giee w is the 'Old Folks' ,laj ' at the Hpie.iu Hiptlst 1 lunch esteldav, when the nioinlng's leliglous txeicisps weie dedicated to those who had giown old In ens, hut not In feivoi and zeal, In tlie woik'oi the chinch The seniles weie notable fot the nuuibpi ol im lans who piitui paled Time was the veneiable He. V H Cliow, w ho-e silvttfcd balit. hive been 1 b mgpil bv eight-six jenis, S--1 c uidav wis his binhdm annleis n , and then wtie Deacons P S .loslin, who bis p isnetf his eightj -lltlli biitb div, and Oilln (!iigr. 01 P.nk stmt who I In his eight. -ninth blithda It is inie, indeed, in Hie evpeilence f a 1 Inn ib wheie time men of these .im s aie active In tlie thutch wink In bono) ot the oiiat-Ion tin s deaions .lames H Williams, llecnge H Stone P. S .Iiidln, Xiiholas .Moon, A (' Puipleand Willi 1111 Howell, all ot whom aie in the evening of life weie so.ited In the pulpit beside Htv Di Whalt n and Hev . W I! fiiim Theie wen also a num bei iteent who wen bonleiing on fouis( 01 e jeai The lnteiestinR pi ointnme was ar l.iiiRtd so that the dtuons, the pastcn and Iie Mi (iiow e.ith panic Ipatcd The bltsnqr was asl.ed bj Deaons Willi mis and Stone Kev W H fliow announied the Hist hv 11111, tin pnMo) imiioiinrtil the second: Deacon .loslin offend pia.vpi, and Deaions Puiple, Moon and Howell spoke apiopos of the otiasion with a dtep leliglous feeling Hev .Mi Oiovv, who his had sueh a le tbl fiultful i.mei in the pulpit, gave a lulef talk on "How Life Looks at Hlghtv-slN" Di Wh lien likewise spoke with effei t on ' I'ouipensatlons of Old Age" A paitli ulai l.v pleasing featuie 01 the cntlei of extnlsps was the dint, "Come I'tito Me and Ilest," bv Mis ir. j. Whfilen and Hugh Will lams, r he shiRlng of "P.lest He the Tie That Hinds." toni hided the edify ing nbsei vaiue of the dav. The old lollvs. to whom it was s1Uh a pleasuie to attend, weie couveved to and tiom the chimb in canlages, klndlv loaned bv lion K i: llendiiek and S S. Vail CONVENTION TUESDAY. Daughteis of Rebekah of Thiee Counties to Meet Heie. Tuesday will be .111 I1111101 taut ilnv among the Daughter of Itebekah, the lailles' aullltiy to the Independent Ot- (ll ot Odd Pellows The nccnHlon Is the tiWnunty coiiveiitlun of that 01. dei, I.aeknwanua, kuPtue and Wjoin- Itlg lountle.s to be lepiesented, 'I'lie lonvetitioii will be held In C'ntn btlitn hall, on South f'lnncli htuet, nml will be culled to cudei at J o'clock il) the atti'inoon, The (tatlietlncr will lie linpottant, for It will have to do with the lutuiq government of the ruder, The (liand uhs-eiuhly ineetH boon In Lebanon, at which ilumges will be m.idi) In the constitution. u'li.if ihange.s 01 modllli. itldns the lodges In these tin co louuHes lielleve bliould bo inade will be MigKtittil and lilsc iissp.i at the 1 on pinion, and. after helm? adopted, to be embodied In a lepoit which me iteiegaies win .submit befon thii Lebanon meeting, The 1 (invention will not be public , (he session to be for membei.s iiulv. The menibei.s nf the pieal lodge of Daughti'ih of Itebeknli, who will bo hosts, have HiiangPd to entcitalu the soi.s, and will 1 0111 hide the meeting In thin ilt with a whowlng of the wmm-lipaited hospitality ih.wattpils tli of faibcmdalp. The fot 111 of entci taiinupiU will be u banquet, which will be held ill tlio pailots of tho fon giegatloual ihunli on Tuesda evening, a happy c (inclusion to thu du'b busi ness, After Nearly Foity Yeais. AV. T, Dale, who lift fatbondale the ear the fvll wat euied, mid went out to the Dakobis, vvs in f ,u boiulale Satunlaj, ufter nit absence of nearly tvvo-stoie jeats. Mi. Daln Is now located In Ninth Dakota, He has piosperecl hlnte leav ing this section, and Is now postmaster at a Dakota town named Mollett. He woie tho blue Jn the Civil stilfe, and 11 was the fact that ho Is a member of tho Grand Army of the Republic that bt ought hlni fatbondale way. He cniiic to Washington to attend tho na tlottnl ciicninpineiit of tho Ointid Anny nml took nth milage of the oppot titnlty to lslt the scenes of his eatllor yeais. Hn lenetiiwl f nt tuiititnlit MrttlinlnV even ing, mid after a btlef. pleasant visit" among old ftlendp, he left on thp stage for HnMtl, wheie ho will visit his als tei, Mis. llcniy Hennett. WOOD-WHITELOCK. Pleasant Nuptial Sttrpilse That Has Aroused Happy Felicitations. The news of the nuptials of Miss Maty 1.'. Wood, of Teniae ftippt, and Chin leu p. Whlteluck, of Helmtint stieet, which weie soltmnlyed at, Ilan totk, X. Y on Wednesday, la a topic that Is being plencantly ilK-us'leil among thp wide elide ot admlilng fi lends of thp young folks. The couple wpto unattended. Hev. Mr. Huynes, pastor of the Hancock Haptlst church, nniclatcd. The btldp was gowned In blue btoadiloth. After 11 week ut New Yotk city and anotlipr week at Havie-de-Giate, Mil., they will take up thelt lesldence nt the home of the btlde's plstet, Mrs, l. 11. Mac Mnne, flJ Tetraco sttept. Mrs, Whltelotk 13 the duughtti of Mt. and Mis. (Jcotge Wood, of Montour Palls, X. Y,, but has lived heie for sev eial .vents, She bus atqubed a host of ft lends hIiuo making hei home bete. Mi. Whltelotk Is one of the most piomlnent and hlghlv estpeiued oung men of Caibonihile. Jle Is tlmokeepet with his fathei, who Is loadmasler ot the Outfit lo and Western. He Is con spicuous In fiiiteinal tlielpp, ,tklng clilpf patilaiih of f anton fni bondale, Patrlaii'lih .Militant: seciotatv of Olive lodge, Independent Otdei of Odd Fellows, and sett etui, v of ftvstal camp, Woodmen of the Wot Id. He Is a gtadu ate of the Cat bondale High school, class of 1SU1. OBITUARY. PAT WOK LINNHX, who until 11 tenlly foned to letlre bj Ill-health, was a foieman at Xo 1 collleiy of the Delu- -V.iie and Hudson, passed avvaj at his home, on Hoi don avtnut, at 4 o'clo(k Satuiday motning of diopsj Ht bad been confined to bis home for thiee w eeks The deie.istd was ben 11 In this eltv foitv-sK ago and had spent his puliie caieei heie He was a man of pralsowen thy chaiattei Isths and a de vout meiubei of St Hose t Mil 1 1 li The dectused is smvived by his v Ife and elpvtn chlldieu. Mis r Judge, John, Hdwaid. Pattkk. Fiank, Joseph, Aliie, Mmv, Katie, Josephine and An nie Linnen, all of this clt. He is alo sin v heel bv two brotheis and thiee sisttis. Funeials of Satuiday. The last ikes ovtt the late -.Mks niteln bin dpi, lpliit of the kiti Homy Sin del, wen held Satin day afleinoon. At the home of bet d.iughlei, Oeoige P Aekeinian, Xo 21 Lintoln avenue, sei vices we.e tonducted at 2 o ( lock lo Ke A r f'h iffee, pastoi of the riist Methodist Hplseopal thuich Hev Mi. fhaflee deliveied a touthlng eulogv A quaitette tendeied seeial 'elections dining the seivltts Theie were in in ei pietty tloiul offeilngs Fiom the house the tottege pioeeeded to Maplevvood cemetei, v.hpte Intei inent was made The following acted as pall-beaieis' T O Robinson, P f. Olvei, D W. Humplue, Willi im II. Williams, Koeminelmejei mid Lev 1 Situ um The obsequies of the late Patiick I.unnv weie held Satuidiv morning The (oitege lett tlie house at '),10 and was a long one At St Hose thuith high mass was lelebnted bj Hv. Geoige DK011 Pnthei DIon deliveied an ploqueut eulogv ot the deceased The bodv was botne to ht Hose ceme teiv and theie laid in its final lesting pi ice The following weie pall-bear-(is H r Hdmunds, of Jernnn: John ronneiton, Hivant liuike, Patikk Me tl.niy, Jpieiulah (illin.iitln, Ueinaid O'Htlen, P. J. Kelly and Menial d Mul lady. .Home on a Biief Visit. M J Hot an, who lecently leslBned bis position a salesman in Slngei s PaiU 1 lotbltiff hoii'-e lo become tlie win dow decoiatot fot Satanoff, the battel, In New Y01K city, tame home to spend Satuiday and Sunday at the home of bis patents on the West Side Mi, Ho liin 1 punned to the metiopolls last evening The news that he is vvell sit uated with bilpilu ptiiopccts of ad Minieinetit will be nood news to his wide clule ol well-wishing ft lends In Cat bondale. Chef in Scianton, James Thompson, Ji who closed bis lestnutant in this city a few wceUs ago bii.iue of the lessened appetites clue to the coal sttiKe, Is now well located in Stiniitein. Ho is the day e lief at the t'oinmeiclal, one of the busy lestau lauts of the i:iecttlc city. The pat ions of the Caiuiiiuu'liil ate. asstned of appetising dishes while Jltumie Is the man behind the gas htove. The Buily The Huily liojs theh itppi opt lute the s-econd team Boys Aie It. pioved thelt title to imine by defeating of tho ('111 bondale High Khnol In a pc nippy game on Sau dv's Held, .Satuiday tnoiiiliig. They Hliut out the High sdionl buffeis by the Willi of 7-0 The Hmly lads mo leady for thelt iipt victims at any time that'.s convenient. A Monster Cabbage, This Is not a shakeilnd stoiy a la Whittle,, but a Caibotidalc fact, V, 11, Hvsim", the South Main Htiect meat ilealt'i, puicluibed nil Imineiibe (abb.ige last weelv that he legaids as a lecotd- the ESQUIMO The libCjuimo cats blubber, The lumbermen eat pork Pl i ,i llK'be people are Constantly exposed tO COkl and physical; strain. K.xperience has taught them that fatty foods give warmth and nourishment. For those who have cold and thin bodies, or are threat ened with consumption or any wasting disease, there is no fat in so digestible and palatable a form as Scott's Emulsion, Physicians prescribe it, We'll Jtnil you a little to try, If you hie. SCOTT & BOWNE, Pearl Mitet, New Yotk To Sleep Well get your stomach and liver acting right. The easiest, quickest and safest way to do it is to use Beechams Pills Botil J-'v fty bro. In botes 10v. and 230, bleaker. Tho big-leafed vpgetablp bal anced the scale at 20 pounds and 12 ouiitps. This overgiown and gteatly develoiied tabbage, which Mr. I'vatis ns well us the giow ets pi be, was pur chased fiouj the Hall brothers and was giovvn on the'k farm. VERY FAST FOOT BALL. The Swlftwlnds Defeat the Heavy Cottage Athletic Club. The game of foot ball, between tho Swlftwlnds mid the Oottngp Athletic flub, on Alumni Held, developed in my eiy unusual reunites. The most stu ptislng put of the contest was the ie sult, as no one expected the Swlftwlnds to stoic on their seasoned opponents, little less to defeat them, as they did, so decisively by the scoie of d-0. That tho game was one of the most earnestly contested of the season's spoil, eveiMino was nwmr. The Svvlft w hills, under the guidance of Captain Monoghan, oxhlblted a dash and accur acy was bewildering to the Ath letic boys and kept them constantly on the defensive. Tho game consisted of two halves of fifteen mid twenty minutes, lespettlvc ly. The Oottnge Athletic Club won Hip toss and chose the 1101 Hi goal, with the wind to their back. Monoghnn, ror tho "Swifts," kicked to the lO-.v.inl line, where Xealon and McCann smothered Ilndgins on his catch. The Cottage Athletic Club lost tho ball on clowns bv the 111,11 velous defense of Monaghnn, Xenlon .and MtHale. The "Winds" then hammeied the heavy line of the Cottage and linallv succeeded In send ing Mellale ihiough tho Cottage left guai d roi n touihdown, oHer s! min utes of playing This was the only to-e of the game The battle waged hotlv in tho Athletic Club tenltoiy eon Mantlv and it was onlv by the most sti enuous pffotts that they kept the biilllant quartette, MtHale, Xealon, Monoghan and McGanv, fiom btorlng The line-up was as follows. Swlftwlnds Xealon, lpft end, Mui ph, loft tatkle, Wagnei, left guaid; T O.ispy, contei, Btuke, light gumd, MiCann, light tatkle: McfJaii, light end: MtHale, lpft halfback; Swart7, light halfback: Muirin, quai teiback, Monoghan, fullb ick. Cottage Athletic Olub Kane left end, Duggnn, left tackle, AV Casev, left guaid; Mannlon, tentei , Coiilgan, light guild; TIaite, light tatkle, Donnelly, light end, J Hadgins, left halfback, P H.idglns, light halfback; Oenity, quai teiback; Hope, fullback An Extraoidinary Elk's Head. The local olTlce of the National TX piess company handled in tiansit a few das ago, an elk's head of extiaoi din.uv sle and the animal must have been a noble specimen of- this f.unib Fi oin the top of the luad to the end of the laigei .unlet it nie.isuied 9Vj feet. It w.ih a splendid, product of the taxldei mist's ait It was shipped fiom San Fianclseo. , to Bloomsbuig. this state The total expiess chaiges w ei e ?J8 71. Tiuant Officer 111. Joseph Mannlon, tiuant oflicei of the Cat bondale .sehooKdlstilct, has been seilousl ill foi oev'eial dajs. He has manifested all the symptoms of an at tack of tjpboid finer, his tempeiatuie ascending as high as 104 degiees. Yes terday the .s.vmptoms abated somewhat and theie Is hope that the t.vpbold ele ment has been checked. Ill of Diphtheria. A case of dlphtheil.i, tho (list In some time, has been lepoited to Sectetaiy J. Itifsell Shepbeid, ot the bo.iul of health. The suffeiei Is Leona Roemmel m.ver, elaughtei of Mi. and Mts Anton IloeniiiulmPi, nf Ulikett stieet. Taken with Illness. Ernest Yanington was taken ill while at wotk at the Locomotive shops Sat uiday which necessitated his ictlilng fiom wotk for the day. He will be able to lesuinc vfoik this motning. NEWS IN BBIEr. .Miss Uertha Hathaway entet tallied the meinbeis of the Young Ladles' Cooking dub at her home, on Salem avenue, rililny evening. Piof, A, Wilson (le.ny bns so fur te coveted fiom bis iweiit Illness as to be out again, and be was at the High school again foi a time Filday, John Mourn and wife, of Kingston, have removed to this city and taken up tlifli tesldeiice In the Moon house, on South chin eh stiecn. Thelt sou, Will iam Mot an, the South Main stieet bat her, bns been a te.sldeiit heie seveial eai s. Mis. A. 11, Isgar, of iilver stieet, has been lonfincd to bci home for the two weeks by Illness. It thought that her double would develop Into a case of Uphold fever, but her condition Is lepoi teiL to be somewhat unmoved the paac uuy or ivvo, JEXUYN-MAYJFIELD. Thu fuiietiil ot Ivatle, claugbtei of Mis, Champion, of West Mnjlleld, took place esteida iifteiiiom, SeivUes wile held at the boiiiu by Uev, M, I), Fiillei, D, D, pastor of the Methodist c lull c 11. The um.illih vveii) fullovrd lo thy ceiiieteiy by a huge college, among whom wci(i the meinbeis of tho Suii(la siliool, The girts included a v, icaih, an anchor and seveial msket v, ii'iiin, an aiiciioi' iiiiij sevciai i .bmuiueti. and weie cmlert by tlio. ineiu- pall-beate wen. James Iltuils, jr., joiui Mil.eaii, Willie Mni tin, Wultei and ilcoirfe, and Cltailcfi I'vnns, of Caibondale. A Kuty bouis' devotion opened In Hiii led Ileal t clumh esteiday iniiin Ing. Mi mid Mis. Fianl; llikei of Scnui (oti. woie guetth jestciday of Mi and Mn. John It Jones, of Main stieet, Hi'iitv. Mnxvvell is confined to his home, on Main '.tieet, with u seven at tack of ilieuni.itli-'iii Ml and Mis. .lames Allen, nf Caibun ilulu, spent Sundiy in Jeiuivn. AIU'IHULD. Thoinns P. O'Hoio clietl at htn home, on Salem stieet, Satuiday afleinoon ut 1.30 o'clock, after un Illness of seveiul KK)ij:5ji)ojsnj &, Connolly m v If you see something in our ads to interest you, you may count on being still more inter ested when you come to the store. S 65c Printed All 8 We were on hand when the makers closed them out at about half price and we got the entire stock about 2000 yards iu fifty-seven different designs and colors. There are tinted grounds in dots and stripes, Persian patterns in many colors. Roman stripes aud many other new and pretty effects the quality is strictly all wool aud the offering is oua of tlis bist our dress goo Is department has put out for a loug time. 35c a Yard, 0. A 1J0 dozens, All Linen Crash Towels, fancy borders, hemmed ends. 36 inches, 9c each or $1.00 par doz?n. Positively the, best towel offered in the city. Sheets and Pillow rr you nave three s sheets tor every hed in your house and three extra plied. A good many women wait until January before replenishing these things, but a better way seems to be to buv each month what sheets, pillow-cases and bolster cases you need, then they never all wear out at once. Get standard muslins. The ready-m.ide sheets and pillow-cases cost just about what the muslin by the yard of the same quality costs, and standard muslins wear so much better than cheap, that it more than p.tys. Our special biand ib the best on the niatket and our prices lowest. Pillow Cases 4.Jrt 4x ,1, EOxtii. tl3ij. lie .11c lie .loc 123 - 125 eais He was vvell and f.uoiablv known thioughout the ulle. He Is suivived by his aged mothei and biotheis. John, of PhoenK, Aiiona: Bainey, L.iwienee.ndvvaid and Michael The funeial will take place Tuesdaj moi ning at 10 o'clock Henry Stlin, of Cat bondale, was a collet in town Satuiday. Miss Hattie Mjeis has lecoveied fiom a thiee -weeks' illness. Miss Coia Mlllei, of Caibondale, Is lsitlng lelathes in town. John P. Keaine, was a callei in Maj field, Satuidav. D. J. Jenkins, ot Jeimjn, was n is itot in town Satin Uuy. OLYPHANT. The funeial of the lale John Hvans took place fiom the home of his slstei, Mis. Clini lotto Pettigiew, on Delaware stieet, jesteiday afternoon at '.'.10 o'clock. The seivices weie conducted by Rev. Geoige Hague, pastor of the Susquehanna Stieet Uapllst thuich Dining tlie seivlce seveial beautiful hvmns weie sung. The attendance of ti lends was eiy lame. The lomalus weie taken to Union ceiiieteiy and laid at lest. The p illbeaiois weie: D. J. Coleman, 'l J. Thomas, William Wal klns. iMw.uil Williams, John F. Jones and L'hiules Thomas Foi t Houis' devotion will be com mented In St. Patiltk's chin cb net Sunday inoiiiliig at the S o'clock mass. 'I he inembeis of tho Holy Name society will leeelve coiiiniuiiloii in a body. Tho boiough council will meet this evening. Mi. and Mis. Albeit Kiesllng, of Piovldeiue weie thu guests of Mt. and Mis. F. W. Simpson, of niukely, es teiday. Mr, and Mis, ji. S. fault and Mss Jlav Otownell, ot fatbondale, wen vlsltois in town jesteiday. Mis. H, Y. .Mills spent jesleidaj with Duumoic lelntlves. It, n. Van Het gen and son, Newell Van Heippn, ot Caibondale, weie Is Itois at this pliue yestenluy. John rtttikc, of I'lattsbuig, was a callei bete jesteiday. TAYLOR. A sin pi ise party was tendeied Mus tei Hdvvaid Sullivan, of High stieet, Satuiday evening, by his many joung fi lends, the occasion being his teiilh blithdii. Clunios and other amuse ineius weio hi older, and lefiesliments weteseived. Those pu'seiu weie. The Misses Tllllc Uvans, M.tbel Pie.stwood, Hdllb Swan, Lena Ueiger, .Mjiilam Davis, Jllodvvln Hughes, niodvv in Davis, Saiah i:vans,.Mamle Owens, Ida Hvatis, llessie, i Vila and Mmy Sullivan, Mai. v. Davis, and Mtisieis Wllllo Piestvvoud, Albeit "Welsenlltih, I.C'jshon Hughes, Tliomus Phillips, Jeiiklu and Fiank Davis, John and licit Owens, Men i Is Kvuns and John Sullivan, Ji. Mis. Dnvld Hvans, of Sliumokln, has iptiiini'd home, niter vlslilng fi lends )n town, The liillpuil of the I ito Hdw.ud Al- How's ThisP We nftei Or.n iliiudud Hull us itewiinl foi anv (use ut fatal 111 Una lauuol In ciiinl bv II ill s f itiuih fine r j (mii:nuy a. co. rob do, o We. thu iiiidoisiguid, hm l.iiuvvu F J fhenej loi III'.1 lis! )'i veins nml ixllevi lilm peitectlv houoialilo In all liusiiu& lliinsai llous nml IIii.iik lallv mile lo iiiiij out uuy iilillgiitioiui iiiiule bv thill 111 111 I1BT .v. 'lltl'A.N, Wholes lie lini,tdsls Toll do, O WALDIMS, MNNAV .v MAItM.N Wboltuiile DliiKb'Nls, Toledo O Halls famuli fine h taken lntciiMl.v uitiiig dluitlj upon tlio blood and urn cons Bin lilies ol Hie Hjotein Tcstliuonl als sent fie Pilco 73c. pel bottle bold bv nil di legists Hails l'atullj Pills uiu thu best. Connolly & 5crantoiVs 5hoppins: Center Two tilings regulate a store's prices: What it has to pay for goods; what it costs to sell them. Connolly fi Wallace's saves you money at both ends. Wool French Flannels at 35c a Yard Great Towel Bargain Cases Sweaters for Hen and Boys A few years ago there were so many makers of sweaters that we hardly knew which to buy from everyone seemed to be the best. Then sweaters dropped. One season saw hundreds of mills close down. Among those that weathered the storm was one small maker whose sweaters weie always food, but who now seems to hnve reached the top. His factory runs twelve months in the year; his best cus tomer is Connolly and Wallace. All kinds of good sweaters come from this man all made of the very best worsted. The weight regulates the price. Men's, $2.50 to $4; boys, S1.00 to $1.50; children's, 75c to $1.00. vou are well sup Slice ts ".ni) . tsc 1 l'i'i ... "1 c "J0t) . . mC T-'xl) . . . 5u MVW ... ;nc KKll (,'c 'lllHl) . . . lite S013 .... IjSc With blouse colois. $3S to - 127 - 129 Washington Ave. ft plenap, of Old Toige, took place on Satuiday .ifteinoon Scnices weie held at the house, ilov. J. L Uace olllciat ing Intel inent was made in the For est Home cemeteiv. The Knights of Pjthlas of Mooslc attended the funeial In a bodv. Mi and Mis Willi un Watklns and elaughtei, ot West Sei anton, weie the guests of Mi. and Mis, John Watklns, of Main stieet, vesteidny John KichaielH, of New Yolk city, spent jesteiday with lelatives in town. Misses Jennie Hauls and Kli.abeth Owens visited the Thli teonth leiment camp at Pcckville jesteidaj. Chestei Reese called on soldlei fi lends at Petkvlllc, jcstcid.iv. Adolph Fivveidti has letuineel to Youngstovvn, Ohio Waltei Peek, of Pcckville, called on f i lends In town, j'esteidij. Pi of. John khans, of Caibondale, isited at the home of Mi. aud Mis. W. O. How ells, vesteidaj. AVOCA. William Hovvlej-, wlille plaj lug font ball estoidny Willi tlu Maiket stieet team, was jumped upon by a he.ay plaver and was so baellj Injuied that with medic ul aid it took ovei two houis to ipsustltiite him. A house owned by Patiiek Ljons, of the West Side, was destioved bv liie on Filday evening. The tenants moved out the day befoie. Mis, L. D. Snndeis and dtughlci, May, letiuned lioinc on Situi dav. iittei spending seveial weeks with ft lends In Hinglianitou, Cnionei Heige subinlttnl to an opei ntlnti lor appendleltls on Satuidaj men ning. Tin attending phjhlelaus weie Dis, Fulton, of Sii.intoti; Wat son, of .Mooslc, and Pier, of Avnui. Last evening ho was much iinpientd. Helen, the r.-jeai-old daughtei of Mi, nml .Mis. Michael Scott, of Chinch stieet, died on Thin sihiy attci noon, In tel incut was made on Satin day in St, Miuy's lemcteiy. .Tallies Coilkliu, of Lincoln, Neb,, Is stlng at the home of his nephew, John Klsslugei, of the West Side. Mi. Conkllu Is one ot the many who left heie nianv jcuis ago to bettei his eon. dltlou. Ilo now owns u huge stock taiiii In the Plcitto Itiver vallej. To Cuie ft Cold in One Day Tako LuMitlvo Hiomo-Cjululiio Tablets, This slguatuio ,,r'i. X. on cvaiy bo, 'JJc, & tirsirja Jtissn1 Miss Mann .MiuAsj and inothii, of 'I'lioinhuist, wen i alius In town dining the week, Joseph Lav die, nt South Suantou, waa a i.illei iu town jesteidaj. A Jin l, o uuinbei ol people lioui this plute wllnessed tin South riciunlon loot lull team detent the Aiihbald tc.lll, on the An lib. ilcl kiuuudx, jesteidaj nitei- 110(111. Tin Still Id: fuck local, No. 100-,, rnlicd .Mine Woikiis of Ameilui, will bold Its nguliii nieiilng this evening in St Janus hall All uitiubcis aie le itiesitil to attend AVIMAilCHS. Pperlal to the Sciatitoi) Tilbune Wiuiineis, Del 1-' lliant lletts, son ot the liudloiil ut Wimmeis, ictuined a livv dajs ago io hi luthci's lioine. Hi uilhii'ii in ls'i iu Scianton, foni paiij Ii nittt'iiih legliuent, uiul went to the j - In ml ot fill). i, when he ie nialiu'd lor thbieeii nionths, and went fiom theie to Foil i:ihun Allen 111 Vei- niontvlieit ho stujed sl mouths. He tlidWeut to Tien Tslu, in fliliui, and Wallace Size value i8x ever Women's Sweaters fronts $500. and long sleeves, all Wallace i nftoi a stay of four months, was trans fened to the Philippines, wheie he solved nineteen months Returning to San Francisco, California, he ieceicd an bonoiable discharge on Nov. 24, 1001. John Getts, his fathet, did not recog nize his son until he told him who ho was. Ho has been vvoiking since bia l etui n at Saco, and boards with his lather at Hotel Wimmeis. .Mis. W. J. Hinciy lj visiting friends in Cannun Mis I'aic'Ioy is visiting friends in Moscow and Prov idence. The lecent lalns caused damage to the buckwheat ciop. Many aeies spiottted in tho shock. TUNKHANyOCK. Special lo the Scianton Tilbune. Tunkhaniiocl;, Oct. 12 Shot Iff John W. fJiav held a tuimbei of sheriff sales it tho com t house on Satuiday after noon. j:dw.ud S Hinds, of Faetoiyvllle, Republic ,u candidate for shciiff, was calling on tho oteis heie the last of the week. ; A petition will bo piesonted to court today, asking for the appointment ol Cbailes P, McKovvu ns oveisecr of the poor ol Tunkhannock "ooiougb, to till the vacanej lit the boatd, caused by llio death of his father, the late Nath aniel A. McKown. Lacejvllle village, now a part ol Mialntilin township, deslics to bo In (oi pointed as a bouiugh, and a peti tion for that puipose will be piesented at this tetm of com t. The stone vvoik for the now cieam eiv, down by tho tlver. Is coniplDted and teudy foi the building, which will pt nhabl v bo commenced this week. Oftobei trim ol cam t commences to. day at 1! o'clock p. in. Mis. Fiances Roatdman has removed fi oni West Tioga stieet to the foimcr Pic'sbyieiJin pusoiuige, on Putnam stieet. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Special Exclusion Rates to Poitlnnd, Me., and Return, via the leliigh Vnlley Raihond. On .mount ot the National Woman's t'lulstliUi Tempeiiuue union, special Ian s have been made by the Lehigh Valley lallioud. Tlikets on sale la vailous lollies, Oitobei 1.1, H, 15, 16 mid sJS fliestnul stieet, Plillailelphla. bet 'JI, with ptlvilege of eMenslon by deposit of tickets and an additional pajiuent of JO cents. I'aio fiom Scian ton, $12,(i or $11 10, iu ecu ding to i mite seleitcd. See tliket llgents for paitkll bus, S4.85 New Yoik $4.35, Oetubir II. Hi" N"v Jeisey fenttnl will sell oMiiislon llckets to New Yoik f i om nil stations, Suituton to Luuirl Ituii, Iniltislvc at n niie of fmii dollais and IblitJ-IHe (enls, Tickets good in go on all i mills. Oi tuber U and good to leluiu until Oitobei IS ludushe. In iiulio of ticket aguits, Ne.vv Jeisey fen u al. oi J S Unlabel, dlstilct passenger agent, Si i anton, Pa. $4.05 Philndelphin ? 1.05. On ac i mint ot the Niulunal CuiW.iro Dealeis' l'lotecttvo iliwotlatlon, to he held in Philadelphia, October 10 to U, the New Jeisey (allioad vvll sell tbkels ul one laic for the lound nip, on curt oideis. Rate fioin Scian ton, ?l'J.i Tickets good to go October ti to IS. uiul good to return until Octo. bci ii, IM.', inclualve " '4
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