The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 11, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Bpeclnl to the Scinnluu Trlbuno. .
'I'.inltlintiluick. Oct. In. Mrs. (Jtfc)IK"
, M. Kltiner, of Mehnupimy, Is curing for
her shier, Ml Hessic vuugnn, who is
erlotisly ill lit nor nonie mi j-iinnurj
Adolph Seinoii. of .Aleslioppen, is siui-
tdiiB In town for n fe tin vh.
kSult was blcillgllt II snort tune hkii .
county tic-usurer ngnlnst the wui
. Bushnell .t rSleshei' company, a
lorporntlon which Ih engaged In the
fnaiiiifacUii'c utul utile of farm iiiiichln
?ry, lutvliiR their factory and iirlneliml
aince In Ohio. They iiininuiiu n wim-
house and onli-o heie In charge oi u,
V. Stark-mid trnusnet n huge iiniount
of business, nnil the niercnntlle ap
praiser assessed a tnv ngulnst them
amountinK to v unwinds of !0. as ip
tallers of inerchundlsc. This the.v re
fused to pay. claiming they did not
come within the dollnitlou of totiillcrs
so ns to be subject to u mercantile tux.
Justice Charles M. thought differ
ently, however, and enteied judgment
In favor of the commonwealth for the
amount claimed. The company has
taken an appeal to the court of com
mon pleas fiom the Justice's judgment,
and the court will be asked to decide
ns to their liability under the law.
The Installation of olllcers of the .lu
klilor Older of Aineilcau Mechlncs took
place on Thursday evening, and was
followed by an oyster supper, which
vas much enjoyed by the nieinbeis of
ihe order.
Tlobert Graham and family have
Riiovcd Into the Henninger house, on
Second street, funnel ly occupied by
Quewls II. Comstock.
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwln J. .linden left on
irain No. 7 Thursday afternoon lor Ihe
hvest, where they go lor the henellt of
Mrs. Jordcn's health, which bus been
very poor for the past year. Their des
tination Is Las Oruees. New Mexico.
F. II. Shook Is having a new loot
nut on his photograph studio on Wur-
ren street.
Special to the Scrantou Tribune.
Hawlcy, Oct. 10. It. i. Klpp, of Wll-
sonville, returned fiom Pent .lei vis.
Mr. and Mis. A. II. Aeiy, of Brook
lyn, X. v., have been llie guests ol
nV. C. Kn.ipp and family, this week.
The Blonds of Mis. Fied White aie
pleased to see her out after another
seiious illness.
JIlw Leila Claik, uf Puupnek, was in
low n, Tuesday.
Mis. M. Smith and daughter, Alice,
lif White Mills, wheeled to town,
Mi.s. K. Ilapeiuan Is entertaining her
(laughter, Mis. U. .1. OouNon, of Den
ier. Col.
Mis. Helen Adams, wife of Thomas
vLill.i, after a long pel toil of sniffling,
lllecl Tuesday moinlng. She Is sui'-
ilxud by her husband, a daughter,
ll.i!cel: two slsteis, Jessie and Ida, and
Ilo lnotheis, .iatoli and AA'llllani. The sei vices were held Thursday
lurii nlng at St. Phlloniena's chinch.
In the death of Thomas Valentine
Il'.ifi. lluvvley mourns one of her oldest
md most hlghlv esteemed citizens. An
ai nest w inker in the Methodist
i-huich. a devoted father, the kindest
lif husbands he closed peacefully a
aieer of elglity-thrte years. He is
survived lv tlnee daughteis. Mis. V.
Pleison, Atis. K. L. Tutlle and Mis.
Kll.i Thompson, and his aged wife.
Miss lOuimsi Poeppel Is visiting in
Mis. w. i,. Biowh, of Giuvlty, was
recent visitor in town.
ppetial to tho Sciautoii Tribune.
Pniundiile, Oct. 10. Mr, and Mis. Je
rome Curtis attended the (itand Atmy
Biicampineiit in Wushlngioii, D. C
Friends in Hudson, X. Y aie euter-
lalnlng .Mrs. .Robert 1C. Teiiuaiit and
little daughter. Alberta.
Zenos Kounds has letuined fiom a.
solourn among relatives in lllughum-
ton, M. Y.
Arthur Foiter lias become a member
lif our local band.
Mr. and .Mis, Stephen Itronson aie In
liijuscsslon of a Hue plete of ait. It Is
li portrait of their late and gienlly be
loved daughtei, Ailetla, U speaks vol-
lines of credit lor the artist.
IMis. J. rtandall and Mis. j.' . v,M.
Iitiihcc, both mlllliicis ol l.aUc Como.
Iter several da.vs' slay, have left in
interest of busni"-s.
I.Mr, and Mis, Frank lln.vdcu aie cu
rtaining their niece, .Mrs. KIlZRcialtl.
Pen Aigl.
Mr. and .Mis, Frank lla.vilou visited
friends at llcrritk Center this week.
pwlnl lotlK Seiiintnil Tilblinc
Nicholson, Uit. IU. Itay Poller Is on
llie sick list
C, A SIsU, ol I'actoiyvllle, was a
luller in low u Fililny,
Mrs. Clara lb own is visiting fi lends
li town,
Itev l4, 1 la wis was a calkr in
low n Thursdnv
The vvoik on the new Method'!
Ilplseopal chinch Is piogiesslng rapid-
I K, I Sloat Is having steam heat-and
locll'lclt.v put into his house on Stale
Mrs. V C Decker and Mis, C ,
llmConnell weiu cullers In Sei anion
b Iday
fl'lieie will be a meeting of tin Worn-
fts I'liilHihiu TemiieLancc union hi the
lilinlllve Metbodisl t luirtsll Ulls even-
(ig nt i ,!i) o'llock All inelilbeis aie ,.
aested to b. pieent
Al UJo.y WlA Mil,
A, ,
ik -
llTUTfU.i.Fi VJL 1
WWt. ?!
see wfarihb s7i&mXs
IftUir"'""'?"". olurl.b lkiKonulniMii.luulr
iH"".H,,,n"su uiuitvi riMiiai nmoiu
..Ao .fi.I,!',,if """"'. irilK 1 1 IT f.rrr
BO llurulti Uttlr tin- run, r ...... . t
. hM,wr ro,Votti'V.M'i':':L
liifSXsS.''1 "''t.i'utoa mm to in.
prwno, nutuuun . CO,, CHICAGO,
The body or I'Mvviitd Appleiuip, who
was killed In a mine explosion at Sc
uttle, Washington, on October I, ur
ilveil heie over Ihe Ludtuwnlinu t it 11 -load
.vosteiiluy anil was taken In clunge
by Funeral Diirctor Oals ,vi Son, who
iiinveyed the remains to the lionie of
Mis. Applcnap. at Old Purge, ftom
wlilcli place the ruueial will be held
this afternoon, Interment will he In
the Forest Home oenieloi.v The body
vwis neconipaliled heie h Mis. Clink,
a delegate fiom the ladles' lodge of
Knights of Pythias, licensed was n
member or the Seattle lodge, Knights
of I'ytblas, and haves a wife and out
child, and was a veltiuu of the Spali-ish-Ainerlc.iu
win, being a nuiuhci of
the I'nlted Stales voliiuteeis, and eiu
aclle senile dm lug Ills elillslnii ill.
lie will be hulled with iiilllliiry Illinois.
A delegation of the local Knlghls of
I'ytblas wlfl attend the oti-eiiulc.
Itev, Dr. I Inn Is, pastor of the Cal
vary Baptist chinch, will occupy his
pulpit at tile usual hauls tumoiiow.
Sabbath s( liool at l' p in. All are cor
dially welcome.
The Taylor Sin lal club will i ondiict
Its tegulni weekly social till" evening
In Weber's illik. Pi of. T It. Davis will
furnish the dance music.
Mie Manic, llaunali and Men Day,
.Mai j, Miugaict and Sadie Connolly,
Agnes Si anion, Hannah, Tessle and
Agnes Shea. Anna Sleppy, Kvu am)
Ida Fillillgur, .Maggie Unuu'haoh. Car
lie larger, and Mesv, j. ,. .Muiray
Anthony mid Iteinaid Seanlon. M, .1,
Day, It, Conuoliv. A lev. Slepp.i, .lohn
.Stump, David Iteesc, Charles Coombs,
Kdwaul Kov, chailes Uiogan and Will
McDonald, of Ibis town, attended tin
surpiisp p.nij .Mlsx l.oiettn
Hint, at Old r'oigo, on Thursday even
ing. The ailkle In esenlay's Taylor nd
uiiiii, eonceinlng the it oig.inb.atlon of
last j ear's loot hall tenni, has alie.idy
made a sth among the members or last
year's eleven. Tlieie Is plenl.v ol good
maieiial in town Mom which a sluing
team can be Composed.
Sabbath services toinoiiovv at the
Methodist i:pl.sLOpal chinch will be held
at the usual hoius Hev. L, K. Salitce,
liastor, will occupy the pulpit at both
services. All me welcome.
-Mis. V. W. Wtitklns, o fiuive stuel.
sient the iiast few das its the gust
ol her son, Itev. M. .). WalUiiis, ami
family, at
W. II. Davenport, ol South .Main
slicct, called on liieuds in F.u toij v llie
on Thiusd.iy.
Services will be held in the Daptist
church Sunday at 2 p. m.
Miss Uose Tjyncli has re tin tied homo
fiom n long visit with her sister at
Hem I lake.
I III .im Ash, who bioke his leg List
June, is now able to leturn to vvoik
Miss .NVllie Alger gave a tin shiiwei
las-t nlglii In honor of .Miss May Myeis,
who is to lie man led next Wednesday,
at which all the piospectlve wadding
guests were invited.
Piesbyteiian chuKh. Itev. S. U,
D. D., i,iin. Sei vices Suildaj
a. in. and 7 p m. All welcome.
it lu.::o
Bushmen Deiive the Deadly Matter
Fiom the Black Adder.
I'ioim tin- Sim 1'i.iik.Im-o Call,
To desc i llie Hie methods in the manu
facture of 'inovvs. and of obtaining the
poison vvilli ulihh the stein is .iiioint
tn. ue must (online oui ntleulluu to
ihe i list,,,,! pieviiiling in uietr
land eallnl .V.iiiiiiiiiialniiil. The Hush
iiinii .imivv lonsKtsol ,, vei j s,,, t,i
inigiilai non head li(,I in a short pin
Ol leeil. to Uhltll it j, tied lightly t,
lllill le.lthel lelllls. Inn sU, , ,, 11X
Unit llie linn hi.iil eo-ll.v leaves the
Shall ol the ill tow like the ioinis o a
IKhliig ioiI. Soaieliiins ilin is a sec
ond joint Jilted lietWfdi Hie slmlt and
Hie lle.ldplice.
The mmsiiii of these joints K leaililv
seen, Suppose, an animal has iecelve.1
Hie allow in his Hank, In would natiii
allv turn nioiilid his hoinl cii.l ny in
tear the allow out. This nc.ild b limn
lied ill uni pull ii- tin, ii,.,i, ,m, shall
I'1 solidly Joined logllltel. but when, h to pull out ,M . shall, ami then
lllo llltlo bits ol reeiK Hun .ii,, I,, I,,,,. i
into one auoihei, Hi.. ioisou will have
lociny in mile to gel lulo Ihe blond, and
.oi- iiiiiMiiu is ooouieit,
'I'lieie Is no 1 1 Mini ,il l!uin(.i oli-
li.lnliig Hie hou lor Hi an. nv lends
fiom Hi, me: piobably ihcy obtained It
fi'ini lb- a-seg.ils dloiped bj llt,ei a
lives Kuan ihe sui.i'l fy.t ( the
ll'iids, it Is ov Ideal liy vveic oIiIIkmI
I" llgldiy eioi,iiinie iheh little stole or
'I'll' shall of Hi, ai row Is made o'lt of
it Iolutcd icnl. i,i id,,,! ,,(,(
loin in t high and liimvi.ig In s.vauu.y
plmcs Is goncially used, but as thco
i.nelv glow straight, lluv inti.-t b
tnated lieiiuv lliev i.iu be used. The
iiinii". nr miMiI Joint i, ii,. stem, mo
111 si hinlicu through. ,(, thai one cm
smi 1 1 1 1 1 ilovvn the iniddje, The ie,., s
lh"ii mi,'(m1 In witier "seviral limns.
.vi-:uivMiie ,i stone l-i picpaivil, iMvlug
n grnove it. Us- Ha i .Miiriic ibcp cnougli
io hold Hi,., , ,! (,. lltl., tl, !
embus o a ih,. uiull It Is unite Inn. '
ine MMM'il iced Is then put t;,,,
gi onve ami iiiveied with vva m sand,
when, by means of ihe molstuie u-ui
heal, It bei nines solt and llevlblc, mid
can be tin nod iii ,, dliectloiiH. liv
looking tluotigh the hollow shaft the
Hnshiuen can see n t. ,e,., s slialght
oi not, without unloving It. fumi llm
stone, nnd he bends It about until it Is
slialght When he has Hiialghtencii t
Iii Ills sntisfaellon the stone vvllh Us
ontents Is allowed to mol. mid upon
Lilting the iced out It peuVclly stiff
Hid rigid. The shoi l of rtcd cou
luiulng Hie head is then lite,l to one
(lid ciul it single hawk's feather lied to
lli' nlhfi and the uriow Jsioiuplete.
.Manj ineiliods of piepurlug thu poi
son have been descilbed and, aci'orillng
In one iiuthuilty. Hip poison Is .ii to
be eMrucled fiom the loot ol the plant
lulled Huphuuc loxlciiia, or 'glttbol."
but It seems Hie extract is only used as
a icslii. Dm Hi... lollowing- account wo
believe to be a true one, at least foi
Naiuuquulimd, Tho Uushmrii obtains
some lesln, piobably fiom some of the
C'lctus-llke plants abounding in Hint
pl.ue, and places the sticky stllll on
a slone. Then ho goes to llucl ihe
"linghuke," or black night adderno
tile ptltT adder, which Is sometimes
tailed the "rlnghnko."
Having iouiid the snake, by nldever
llniist ur Hie slick the animal Is im
pilsoued Jusl behliul the head by the
two piongs or the stick. The piepared
stone Is then placed In the mouth and
the tipper uw lorced light buck Hy
this i ought treatment Ihe poison glands
me conipiessed nnd two deadly drops
ur" I'liuglil on the stone. The poison Is
I hen well inked with the teslnolis lunl
ler and Is leady for use,
Wc Aie Not Without the Courtesies,
Though Wc May Appear So.
I'ioui the New Vol k Cnninieicliil-.ViKoi
Ainei leans aie Ineveieiil, but they
are Intentionally Hide only to those
wlitwe seir esteem' Is tutu h loo obvious.
If you me pompous mid aliugunl and
nsierlKe, they villi tejolce to "tulle you
ilovui," Inn otherwise they will show
the essence or title politeness, which Is
it legnid lor the rights or otheis. In a
ciowd 1 1 icy will not try to Jostle you
out ol join place; they will even good
litiiiioii'dly im olivciileiKP themselves Io
make a plai e for ,ou
Anieilf.m Inevu'diie and Ameikan
linpr i tluenie me, Indiicl, never sludled
or outiageoiis, but senil-hiunoious and
often based on n kind of luudameiital
filpiitlllhi'ss, Thus, when Pi luce Henry
was tiding up Hiontlwny last spring In
an open can lage. seveial young fellows
called out cheerily. 'Hullo, Hen"' Of
ionise, n foreigner would Intel pi ct tills
as a dellbeiatc Insult, a gioss offtnslve
iips illiected against a loyal pel soilage
by gicnsy hoodlums delighting to otil
lage piopi lety Hut piobably It was
nolhlng or the soil. It was not coitit
ly. Hint gieetlng, but what It doubtless
meant was: "Vnti'ic a good follow
uc'ie glad to have you with llI"
The bad iiiuinieis of Ihe Ameilian, In
fact, oftcnest aiKe fiom e.scesslve
1'ilendlliiess. too gieiu rrndliiess to
clap .voti on the back and as.sme .von
of his coiniadeshlp If. as ICIiiling says,
the Ameilcnu would "match with Des
tiny lor beers," It Is not because lie de
spKo.s Deslin.v. but because be wishes
to Dcstln.v as he would himself
ie. to be Heated, Io give Destiny, as
It w'cie, a lull show In the game.
When It comes to I'uniltinientnlly
sei Ions matteis. y then the Ainciii.'in
shows the luhci licit gravlly and even
the taclluinltv of 'the Amilo-S.iNoii.
wlili the kindliness of the transplanted
i.ue still evident. Captain Philip at
Santiago, when he c becked the cliceilng
of his ietoi lotis ciew, was most tjplc
all.v nallonal. and. indeed, all Ameri
cans tespect and feel the iniijesiy of
Nothing could have shown this moie
linpn ssely than the hush which fell
upon 7U,(l0i).fiiiil ol people at the hour of
Pn-sldeiil McKlnley's funeral. Nowhere
111 tile whole countiy was there observ
able such a scene as that which London
wltue-sed whui Hie hooligans came out
and yelled In iliunken levelry on the
night ol the postponed coioiiation and
while the king lay very near to death.
Visit the mausoleum at Cliailnttcn
luiig near liorlin, wlieie Piusslan kings
and nueeiis aw bulled, and watch a
t.vplcul I'eimaii uowd go pushing,
scpieeying and giilfnwlng past the tombs
and then compaie them with the silent
Huong ol "liicveiciit" Americans who
dally slaiul iinioveied beside the but lal
place of Oiaut or bcloie the sepuli her
ol iishlnglon.
i ne coiuiasi mis us ,eson; and we
need not value It the less because it
luslilles our sense ol national seir and helps to nullify the foieign
gibe alintil oui ualUinal bad manneis.
"Human Heaits" Today.
"Iliiuiai, lb. in-' will have Its dual pio
situations ai the Ac.uleniv this orteinoou
nnil evening. 11 has been chawing largo
and cnlhiisli.siie at eveiy pur
lin nniiii'i'-
Last Appeaiance of '"Phioso."
"I'llio-o" the in.ii vellous mechanical
man will In seii no the last i,m. nl thu
DKIe thi'.ilei this evening. The White
ami Sin. u I Coineclv also ap
peal hi a new plnv whiih Is eccedlnglj
liiiiuv. K'.illiivn Osteinuin and i iiinp.tu.v
will lie aiming the le.ulels net week.
The Climbers."
The sale ol seals for "The C'llinlicis"
llils nltciiinoii and evening at Hie Lyceum
has liecii vei.v huge lor both pet form
alin's, i hough ilc'ie .no still ii iiiunbei of
good seals left
"The CliinhPis' deals with the strug;
gl-s ol a New Vm k mildly to gala a place
In a woi Id once im hidden toil. The story
Hint Hi" coniidy loutalns violates thu
ciuivi'iiiliiiis ol Hie singe by beginning
vvllh n s,ene passes hi a loom wlieie
ii Hun lal has Just taken place,
"King Dodo."
At Ihe L.ucuni iiet Wednesday and
'i Inn -dm nights .unl Thuisdiiy matinee
Will ocelli the Him iippiut.tnie of lliot.'as
tle Siiiiue Opeiii conipaiiy Iii J'lxley &
l.iidois siiuessrul lonieily opein, "Ivlng
liodo "
No coinid.v opein has moie plciislinj
iiiiinbi'is Hint can be sang or whistled on
Laving llie thealei and "The Talc of a
Humble Ho" sung by King Dodo and
Annette Is mi lulu in be on the lips of all
roil TFIK I.rrn.IJ ONIIS-Cut out the plcuues appcailns on this pago each
cmy, cliavv a pencil ui.iik aioimd the bidden object, t.avo llioui until Satiitday.
! ," s'-iid llieiu oi tako them to Tho Tliliiiuo olllco In an envelope ailclicaed to
l ciy.xle iJeiiiutnienl " Km lose In the envelope your ininie, ago and addiess Tho
iM.iH and glils who coiieetly mail, the lit pictuies appealing during tho woek,
aiii whose ansvveis mo first ictclved, will have their names published in The
i i iiiuiio .Monday morning
Tills iiiouiitalii maid bus two nioic
id. ii n iinii'i
(Ally Half a Cent a Word.
Itcnl Estate.
The Lackawanna Iron & Steel Company Is erecting a
$40,000,000 steel plant In the suburbs of Buffalo. It will cm
ploy 15,000 men, These will need homes. We otlcr cllglblo
lots across the main street from this mammoth plant at low
prlccr and easy terms. They are sure to double and triple
In value In the near future. A good place to Invest a little
Fire Insurance and Real Estate, Commonwealth Building.
For Bent.
i, vvvwvvv v
w s s s v
KOIl HUNT Furnished house: leu looms;
sieiitn healed, cenltallv located, ;s.ll
.Mndlxon avenue.
PJ WINI, ttKNT line iMtmni bilett bouse:
117 mdncy iiveniio. .M. II. HolgiUe,
(.'omiiionvM.nlth IJiitldlug,
h'Ott HUNT Half new dotibk house: t)0
Pieseott avenue: nil lmpiovuincitts,
Apply ij.'.. Pieseott nvenue.
fls Kof Itent Ten-iooin house; cvcllcnt
in Ighboi hood; nil nioclcin lmpove
inelits. on avenue. Apply lo It. P. Ham
ilton, l.'i," Sprue n sticet.
l-'Olt RHNT-New house, coiner l.ilidcu
and Colfusi all conveniences, lllcialie
0", Aim Ion stieet.
For Sale.
IIURSj:, WACION and liaincss for salo
cheap lor want of use. lllo Capousu
1'OJt .SAr.i: I'hyslelnn's hair, oignn
and boiisi'hold goods. Acldiess 101
Qulney avenue,
KOK KAr.K One hot nil' furnace, tlliee
mantels. Charles U Sandeisou, J JG
vVMiimng avenue, scranton
JCST AH1MVI1D with a unloud of
hoi-es, weight 1,10c) to l.JHO; good woi K
eis and cliiveis; also sevial closely
matched Uaips. Can be seen at :!!! Itay
mond coin t. J', 5f. Cobb.
KOH SAU:-One hot air furnace, tlnee
liiaiitels, gas cluiidelleis. Chailes D.
S.indi'i.'-oti, IM Wjoming dvenuo, feinn
Kio. t'.i.
Port SAl,i:-Tovvn Topics fiold Mining
Co stock; Me. Hh.iio; will be ad
vanced to .".tic shine on Oct. J.'th. fhiulci
IJ. Haudei son, l.lii AVvonilng inen'ie,
Sei. niton, I'a.
KOP. SAUC About 20 feet of desk coun
ter, sin mounted with glass I i out anil
two openings, lower poitlon likely pan
elled, with chaweis and shelves liml'''!
nentli. Hay be seen at the ofllee of Tho
Furnished Boons for Bent.
'nj. wvvivwwwvv m -ssss
J'M'rtXlSllKTJ JtOO.r, veiy dcsiiahle, welt
lighted, good ventilation, choke loca
tion: steam heat, bath, gas. Cl!i Spiuce.
lionl looms, heat,
:!ni) block. Washington
-., Tiibune oiHte.
newly liirnished
gas nnd bath.
avenue. Addiess
who me foitunate enough tn heai it,
"King Dodo" will have his coronation
lieio net Wecluesdrty and Thiusday and
a waim welcome is assiucil for the meu
monaich nnd his tuneful i ethnic Seats
go on sale .Monday intoning' at 9 o'clock.
"The White Slave" Next Week.
Although the ch.umiug almosphcic of
Ihe long, long ago has been lelalned,
theic aie many things in "Tho White
Slave" which will give II a new Inleiesl.
The same old stoiy which has made mil
lions laugh nnd civ Is told again In the
same old way. The stage dhector has,
however, devised Severn! new stage ple
tiues which pindueo a fine effect.
The seeiury used In "The White-Slave"
hns been specially built for this season's
tour, which will extend fiom the At
lantic to the Paelllc const. "The AVhltc
Slave" will 'appear nt the Academy of
Slavic for tlnee da.vs commenting .Monday
night. .Matinees Tuesday and "Wednesday.
The following Is the make-up of the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
fiuday, ocTonnn 10.
Ktias Hast 8 p, m,. O. Kearney,
Piisliis-J0 p. m Latimer.
l-Jxtrns f.'nst t a. ni., Mi Cat thy: I a.
m., ltlnglicb; n n. m., Ilnggerty; 11 a. in.,
I"iizialiick; 1.15 p. m., Hiirkbiiit.
Sutinnlts 8 a. m Nichols; 2 p. ni
Pusheis I a, m Ilonr: 7 a m , AVid
nei : S a. m. Iloiincr, 11 a, in,, .Muua.v;
II. I," a in,, Moiiui; p. in., Mmpli.v;!!
p. in,, AA'. II. Itartholoninw.
Ilelpeis 1.::0 a. in., Coslai: 7 n, in,,
C!;i 1 t'nt' ; in a, in., Secoi ; 3,15 p. in., Stan
ton. NOTICE.
Ilnllell and ciew will itui No. ,".i, l-'r-ilitv,
Oct 10.
HaMcr and ciew will nut No. ."I Kil
day. Oct. W.
Thompson and crew will run No. wi,
Satuichiv, Oct. II,
admliers, Can you see Hjem?
No Order
Accepted for lcss
Than It) Cents.
Heal Estntc.
loom bouse), model ii liupinvciiieitt;
steiim heal, gas and ehclilcl'iy, elcgiuitlv
llnlihed hileilor, ten minutes' walk fiom
City Hull: items to suit piiicliusci : would
also sell household goods Addiess box 91,
Tilliune ofllee.
XJjW OltANlii: loL ovvneis mid ollicrs
me i untested to wilte the I'ltl.ens Im-
piov'uinem I'oiniultlee for liilorniatlou to
their iidvantuge. Uoc Jinj, New Uiinuu,
rs9 rss
near'the mammoth
t . GEO. T.R0BINS0N,,,
VrA72 tre Co- Bank u'j
kv ButTalo, N. Y.
' ES'
Help Wnnted.
vv.n ri.u i oling man or young wo
man to do ollko weak and make them
selves genciallv u-cfiil A knowledge nt
Ihe Insmance is desii.ihlc and ii possible
applicant should live at home. Addiess
Willi I). H. ., Tiibune ofllee.
bciaiiton. Pa.
lli:r.P WANTIin-Asslstanl bookkeeper
and steuogiaplier: good v.tiai.x to lohi
lietent poison Adoiess .M. c. j Tiib
une oillee.
AVANTIID Agents to sell lea and coT
lee to consunieis. Positions pcima
nent. rir.ind Culon Tc.i Co . ;!11 Lncka
wnnna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Young man lor ollko woik;
state age, e.peiience. Colllei, caie of
AVANTI'U Young man to act as polici
al -l.'l I.aekuwaimii avenue.
U'AV'I'l.Tl V i...- ... ., 1.I..I. ,. . .,A....
-- ... .v .... lit... (iiin-in, . n.i..
vvoik. Applv lo Ihe National lllevator
anil Jlaehlnc Co, Honesdale, I'a
Help Wanted Female.
WANTi:D-A lolinod and iutelllrfiiit Prot
estant ghl to act us mother's helper.
(Two little ghls In lnnill.v). One with
some knowledge oi klntleigarten meth
ods picleiied. Addiess I5o 1S
AVANTIOD In eaih countv lo niaa
age business. Old house. Salaiv $1S
weekl.v. .Money advanced lor c pehses
lliulcse selt-addiessed blamped enve
lope. .Manager, :!JJ Ca.ton building, Chi
cago. WANTi;i) IXpei lenc cd lady shoe eleiU.
State Mildly expected. Adchcs-, Cleik,
Tiibune of lice.
Agents Wanted.
l.ARGi; COTtl'OP.ATION wants eneisctlc
Ccncial Agent for this county. No
books, Insiuanie, or canvassing. Ac
ciualntuncn wltli meichauts nnd ni.iuii
fartuieis nccess.iiy Peimancnt Rond.
Stale nge, eienence. loleienees lllst loi
ter, Addiess. Suite 57.', No. 1001 Chestnut
St Philadelphia
Situations Wanted.
SITUATION AVANTim-ll.v a woman to
go can vvoiklng or claming: urn lur
nlsh the best ol lelciciii'cs. Addiess) .Mrs
lilcuson, I'Ol South living avenue
SITCATION WNTi:n-.T llghMiouse
woik in small litmily Addiess A. M.,
Iii'. Von Sloich avenue.
For Sale or Rent,
rort nw,i: on isuni1 n.-w' house 07i
Columbia avuiiie, ciglil looms and
b.ilh, gas, limine c, modem plumbing
Teims icusoniible, Itulpli J Weeks, 1IU
X AVaslilagtou avenue
vow saw: oh HUNT-The ::-stcuy lulck
building, with bollei Ihiii-o utlaihed,
and long low ol .sheds lor Imii.v.s. vvag
ons, etc ; also lallload svvitili sultubln loi
niilliuiac tilling put poses; lalelv oceiiplnl
bv the Clock- 'IVih.ii'i ,i i',, it r W'liitnii
ltnoui No W1, .Meals Uliilding
Money to Loan.
Qulcl;, stialght loaim or ISulldlug and
Loan, At tiom I to U tier eonl. Call on
N, X. AA'nlker. 31 1-31S Connoll building.
HAUA'TONi: vviuils phuilsi lor one hour
two oi thee nights u week, lo pluv
nl pianist's lesldence oi sluillo aiconi
paniimuts loi songs, vocalics, etc- Ad
chess, stating terms and what nights
available. Ilcliiy Clay Film;, 717 Pies
tolt avenuo.
THR MODi:i, LAUNDnY,' Duiunnro',
lauiulers sbhls at ic, each and collura
and cuffs at I'.ic, each,
j w- -
SIIAWIl) imOI'OSAl.S will be opeuul in
I no Olllco or tne I'll) Iteccniici bv the
Illiectof of tho Uepartineiil of Public;
Wmks, ut ;; o'dnck p in , on Mnnclii.
Dciober M, 100.', im tho construction of a
lateral sewer In .Miildian stlivt, Horn
the Thlld dlslilct main sewei lo the ullev
leading aci os.s Hie Delaware, Lackawanna
ami AVestem valho.ul hi thu lltth wind,
All ill ncciildailio with the plans and
spcLlllcatlous on llie hi tho lluicau ol l;;i.
glneeilng i;.ich blddei hhnli enclose with
his pioposal, i.ish or cci tilled check In the
sum ol mu bundled (fioo.tmi dollnis as a
giiniuiitco to eeeiito a loiiuucl If awnid
cd the same In case the blddei lo whom
ibe coatiael bhnll bni been iiw.iiiled i'
Inses nt onills lo cm into it coutiiict loi
thu woik lu niordniico with plans and
speclllcallons iheiofore within leu 1 10)
das 1 1 oui the dale ol the iiwaid the eu
closuiu aicoinpanviiig his pioposal shall
be lorfelled to Iho use ol tho Cltv of
Uiddets will be furnished vvllh pioposal
blanks at Iho Ruieaii of l.'uglueeiliig and
no othus will bo accepted.
All piopobitls shall bo tiled with the Cilv
Conliolkr at bis unite in the Cilv Hall.
Suunton Pa. nut later limit :;.;' o'tiook
p. m on .Mond.i, Octobet .'0, urn.',
The (lu le&etvcs tho tlshl to lejcct any
oi all bids.
JOHN I.'. ItOCIIi:. Iiiieeloi,
Pcpatlment ol Public Woiks.
Scraiiloii, Pa., October 10, 1W.
Only Half a C;nta Work
NO I tCH Is heieby given Hint iiii itppll
callon will be made to the iloveruor
of the State of l'emisv Ivanlit on Tuesday,
Ihe '.'Mb day of (Model I'M-' bv W. N .
Klaer, IJber Win thlngtnn, V. A 1'eclt,
linlbys r. I'lel.iM and A I' Ulster, tnnler
Hie Ail ol Aicsenibl.v llppioved Ilio 'jnth
iln.v of Apill. 1ST I. entlllecl "An Act to pin
vide for the Inooiporullnn mid regulation
of cci lain cot potations," and the several
supplements thereto, lor llm charter of
an Inlenclcil loipoiatlim to d called
"Klstet .Mill unci lllevatoi Conipaiiy," the
eliaiactel and piupose of which Is the
iimuiifnctiuhig ol Hour. feed, meal and
olhei piodticls iioni grain, and selling the
same, and foi that piupose lo hove and
enjoy all the lights, denellis mid pilv
lieges of the said Act of Assemblv and Its
supplements t L. l-"ICKi;s,
IN 111:: IMnle ol Ann Phillips, into of
the (. Il of Sciaulo omily or l.nck-
iivviiiiua, dec eased
I.oltns of adntlulsiiiitlon upon llie
above mimed estute having been gianiul
lo llie Miudei signed, nil i'isnns having
claims oi deniiuiils against Ihe same will
jiicsenl ihcin fur pajiticnl, and nil (hove
Indcliled Ihoieto will make liiimcdlulc
PH.Mllenl lu
.Municipal Paddling.
Seianloii, Pa.
Attoine.v lor Hstal".
t un piioposnn 'nj tiii: citizens
ur this com.aicnwi;alth I'Olt
Tiii:ni appiioval on m:.ii:cTioN
in tiii-: (h;ni:hal or
tiii: cum jionwi:ltii ov pi:nn-
OF tiii: SIXMlKTAllY ov tiii: CUM
Aimcw; nviii ut-' tiii-: constitc-
Pioposlug an amciidnient to seclloii ten
of uttlelc! one of the Constitution, so
that a dlschnige ol u Jutj for lalline
to agiee or other neecssaiy caciso shall
not work an nciiulttiil.
Section 1 IJo It icsohcd by the Senate,
and House ol Itcpiesentatlves of tho
Commonwealth ol" Penns.v lviiuln In Oon
eial Assembly met, Thill llm following
bo ptcipuscd us an amendment to tho Con
stitution: that Is to sav. that section ten
ol tn tU It- one, which leads us tollovvs:
"No peison shill, lor -niv ludletable
be pioeeeded against ciimlnally
by lillorin.itlon. cm mil In eases .-iilsbnr In
the land or naval, or hi the nillllla.
vvlien In actual seiviee. In time of war
or public; danger, or by leave ol the mint
foi oppiesslon or misdemeanor in olllco
-No person shall, lor the sinie intense, be
twice put in Iponaiflv of life ni- limb! nor
shall pilvate piopeity be taken or applied
to public use. without nulboiily ol low
and vvllhoiit Just compensation being lli.-H
made or siciucd," be amended so as to
lead as follows:
No pel son shall, foi nnj Indk lable of
lenso. be pioc ceded ngaiust iilmluall by
Inloi niatlon. ecept in entcs nilslng in tho
land oi naval I'oices, or in the nillllla.
wiieu in actual sei vice In lime of war ol i
public danger, or bv leave of be ciniili
lor oppiesslon oi misdeineiiiioi In olllco
No poison shall, for the siimr olfense be
iwke put In .Icopard.v ol life or limb, but
a dlofh.ngc of the Iniv for falluie to
agiee, or other nriessni.x cause, shall
not woik an acriulttal Nor shall pilvate
pioperty be taken oi applied to public
use. without aullioilty of law and with
out Just compensation being Hist made oi
seem od.
A tine copy of the .lolul ItcMdution.
w. w. umnsT.
Sccielni.v of the Commonwealth
TION PIIOPOSIOD to tiii: citixi:ns
or this com.aionwi:altii run
by Tin: c.KNniiAL ssi:.Ait;i.Y of
tiii: cu.M.MONWKAi.Tn or pi:nn-
of tiii: stccitnTAnA' op Tin: cu.m-
k ,
F'loposlng an .iincnclnienl to the I'oiictltu-
tlou of tho Comnionvvenlth.
Seetiou 1 lie it ie-olvtd bv the Senate
and House or llenresputativcs of the
Cointiioiivve.ilth of Pennsylvania in Ui n
eral Assemblv met. Thai the lollowing
is pioposed ns an amendment to the Con
stitution of Hie Commonwealth ot Pcnn
svlv.inia. hi nieonlanie with tho piovi-
slons or the elgnti-onlli in title thfieof:
Ann iiilinenl
Add at Hie end of section seven, ailicle
three, the lollowing wolds, "I'uli-s be
foie it shall be intiodueed in llie (Jcneial
Assenibh, such pioposcd Hpeclnl or local
law shall have been llrst submitted to a
popular vote, at a goneiul or special elec
tion in Hie loialll.v or localities to be af
lectocl 1 Its opeiation, uiidei in order
or the couit of common pleas or the ie
spcetlve county alter liening and appli
cation giaiitcd. and simp lmvc been ap
pioved b it maioiil.v id' Hie oters iu
such election: Piovlded, That no such
election shall be In Id until the ilecico of
court aiithoi the same shall have
been adveillsed for al least thlrtv (W
ilavs hi the loealll.v or l ,i lit h's allecled,
lu sue li manner as the couit may cllieet.
A tine c npy of the Joint Ilcolutlon.
AV. W CIlinST.
Secielar.v of the Coniinonwciilth
Ceitified Public Accountant.
Tiadeis' Hank Building, Olo 'phone ISiil.
Frtnnnnicic i. imuwN, aiicii b.
Ileal K'.lalu Ueliaiigci Llldg., L0 Wash
liirilon avenue.
Civil nnd Mining- Engineers,
ii.' l. HAituiNci. sir. cuNNui.L iTldTT
sti:i:nson &. knioht, -.'i; con-
UCll blllldlll'.
iiit'c n. i:iLi:Niii:itni:it, "T'auli
building, Spriico slieel, Scianlon
lilt. C. C.' LAl'IIACII. 115 WVUMlNCi avo
Hie Insm nnce.
bCIILAUlJIt .V: CO. HI Council Uliilding!
Patent Attorneys.
Tho cilili licensed and equipped patent
solielloi in the cll No iliaige lor lu
loi'iiiallou op p'llciiliiblllty, over 'ten
j ems' e.pei'knee
Kuplnjclc & Co., AAcars Hlcljur.
Hotels and Restntuants.
Tl J lT CAFi:, 1.'3 AND IrFltANIv"
lltl avcuuo. Hales icasonable
P. .inaLKIt. Pioiulotor.
Passenger depot Conducted on llm l.u
loieau plan Victor Knell, J'iopilooi.
and res pools; po odoi ; only impioviil
pinups used A 11 Dllgg'i piopilc lor.
Leave oideis llm) Nmlb .Main aveuiiu,
or nicl.e's ihiigsloic cuiio'i Adams and
.Aliilhcii.v Hold telephones.
Wiie Screens,
josnpji ki'i:tti:l. iu:ai: .111 lacka.
live, Seianton, mils, ot Who Sueciis
jii:aAmu;i: bbos.. pni.vniiis' snp-
piles, envelopes, paper bags, twine
Waiehouie, 1J0 Was,hlnstoi avenue.
TiII:"AViLKi:s-nAitm: ituconn can
bo hud lu Seianton at tho news, stand
of Hcisliiau Bios, liiii Spiuce and 5ij
Linden; Mi Nuiton. :.'.' Laekavviniliu
avo.; 1. S. Scliutiier, '.'11 Sinnco stieuti
Business Opportunity."
StoOJv AmTwTiRAVmSrryiWiiFWH
- . k 4-j,
ml. .1,.!.,.
ngi icnor.
lllblmnl , Co tnMtitbms N. . CdhWH.
dhled nnd Mloek M:xeinnrn, and -tf
liroiidvvay. Now Yoik. lChYtlTHlicil 'lSfll.
Long I)taneo 'Phone r,S Uroad.
Uu "
IIII! nimiliil inccllng of the sloeklioldois
,, f the Huntingdon tilcf Stlpnly
omiMiiy will do held nt thiuUlfo nt the
Coiiipiinj. No 'll'iConnrll liulldlug. Hcinii
loll, Pa . ut ,1 o'doek p. in. on .Moinln.v,
Oetoliel I.I. 1W, for thu pill pose or elect.
ng till octiu s ror the ensuing yeiir and tho
iiaiisiiiiiiui ot such olhei Inwiiiess ns may
como bi'lino the mei Hug
l'ltANIC It, STUCKKIl, Secrelilfy.
IS lit:; lOslnte of Anna II, lllehmond,
late of ihe City of Seianton, I'cnn
svlviuiln. deceu"cd.
Letlein of iiilmliilstrallon upon the
above islnle having been giauled to the ,
iindei. signed, all peisons having claims or '
ilemiuiils against tho t-alcl .eslalo ntn
heicb.v uotlileil to picseuMlbem for pay. ,
incut, and those Indebted to said cslatfl
Will tiuil.c pavinelll tn
10IL' .Meats Utilldiug.
Delaware, lackawnnnn. and Western.
, , In nileet Juno 1, Ho.'.
I nuns leave Sctauton lor Now York
.. K1'.'"'.'-'1'. 0 03, 7.S0 nnd 10.10 a, in.; iZAO,
...10, ,l.j p ni For Now Y m It unci Pliiln...
(lelphla-, no. J0.I0 a. ni., and IL'.IO mid r,J!iM
IV !i''. lf)l cjouldshoio-At 0.10 p. In. For
lliirriilo-1 13. .ij and inn u. m.: 1 r,3. U50 '
line 11. lu p. p.. For rihigluimton, Ultnlrn
','."" ,V"J N'ciions H1.2., a, m l.Ki p. m. i
I'm- Oswego. Sviacuso utul ITtlcn 1,15 and i
'. "..,'" ''"5 P- ni Oswego, Sviacuso .
nnd I tlco, (i ilti at fi ".'J a. tn. dally, except
Sunday. Km- Monti ose-fl 00 n, in.: LO',
Olid om p. m. Nicholson nccominodatlo'i
-00 and c.lj p. m.
nioouisbuig IJlvlHlnn-For Northumbor- ,
and, ui i, a-, ami ion) n. m,: LIB nnd 610
p' J11;. J01' I'lymouth, ut s.10 a. m.; 3.10
and y ex, p ni,
! ,5"n,d".v ''''''i'-iis-Fot' New A'oik, 1,30, SCO,
.. Vv1,"10."' '"'S :,'l "d 3 33 p. m. For
ijiitcalo l.i,-, and ti.L'J n. m.; 1.53, 0.B0 nnd '
II io p. p., For nimlra and way slatlons
!. -' " " v"r BliiBliamtcin and way sta
tions, ft oo a. m. Iiloomsbing Dlvlslon-Lc-ave
Seianton. 10.10 n. m. nnd 0.10 p. in.
Lehigh Valley Balhoad. j '
In J:ifect June 15. 190-'.
Trains Leave Scrantou
lor Philadelphia and Now York via D.
& II. It. IJ , at at 7 II, through Parlor Car
and Day Coich C.nhondalo lo New Yoik
aiul 3 l, a. m., with I.. V. Coach C.irbon
ilnle Io Philadelphia, mid CIS, 4 33 (Black
Diamond ipio-sl. nnd 11,10 p. m. Sim.
dav.s. I). .H- li. n. II., I.K.. 9 17 p. m.
l'or AVhlto Haven, Ilazletou and pilncl points in llie coal legions, via D. &
!J'..I!'..T" "" --Is and 4 33 p. in. For
Pnllsvllle, 7.11 u. m. i
For Ucthleheni, Kastou. Heading. Har
l sbmg and pilnelpal inteimcdlnto Bta
tlons. via 1. .V; ii. I', n.. 7.41. 9.(7 n. m :
2.1S, IU", (Hlack Dlainorid n.piess), 11.49 p.
in biindays, D. & II. R, It., 9 3S a. m.;
1.5S, 9.17 p. m.
For Tunkhiumoek, Tnwnnrla, Klmlra,
Ithaca, Oeneva principal Inlet medtato
stations via D, 1,. & AA'. P.. P.., 033 n. m.
and 1.3", p. m,
Foi fionov.i, Ttoehcsler. Buffalo. Nlng
ata Falls, Chicago and all polnls west iln,
n. st ii. n H. im: p. m.: ;;.:$ (Hlack
Diamond K-uess. 10 ll. 11. n p. in. Sun
da vs. D, ,Vi 11 Tl. 11., 12 0,1. 9.17 p. m.
Pullman pat lor and sleeping or Ichlgh
Yalle.v Pallor cars cm all trains between
Wllkes-Ilarie and New York. Philadel
phia, Huffalo and Suspension Biiclgo.
P.OLLIN II AVI LHLTP.. Gen. Sunt., 2t
Coitland slieel. Now A'oik.
CHMll i:S S LEfi. Gen. Pass. Agt., M
Coilland stieel, Now Yoik.
A. W. NONFJIACIIKH, Dlv. Pass. Agt..
South Bethlehem. Pa.
For tickets unci Pullman reservation
apply lo cilv ticket office. r,9 Public
Scpiaie, Wllkcs-Baiie. Pa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Collected to September lo, 1U0-.
Stations hi New Yoik. loot, LaDert
stieet and South Ferry, N. R.
Trains leave Sctauton foi Now York,
Philadelphia. Faston, TSelhlehem. Allen
low n. Mniioh Ulmilk. AVhlto Ilavon; Ash
lev, AYIIkes-li.nio and I'lttston at 7.50 a.
m". 1 p m. and I p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. ni
Quaker City i:pross leaves Scranton
7.30 a. m., tlnough solid vestibule train
with Pullman Buftet P.ulor C.w for Phila
delphia with o.ily one ohntigo ot enss for
H.iltliuore and AVashlngton. D. C, and all
piinclpal pemts south and west.
l-'or Avoca, Pitlstnn nnd AA'llkcs-Barto.
1 p ni and I p. in. Siindav, 2 10 p m.
For Long Hinnch, Ocean Giovo. olo.,
7."0 a. in. and 1 p. in.
For Heading, I.ohinon and Tlaiilsburg
via Allentown al 7.30 a. m 1 p. m. and 4
p in. Sund.i. 2.10 p m.
For Tnniuciua and Poltsvillc, 7.30 a. m.;
1 p in and I p. ni.
d'or tales and tickets apply to ag"3nt at
W. O, BFSSLRP., Gen. Manager.
C r TIl'UT, Clen Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schedule Iii ntfect Juno lb, 1902.
Ttalus leave Seianton 01B a. in., week
da vs. thiougli vestibule train from
AVilkcs-Buuo. Pullman buffot parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts
lllo; stops at piinclpal InlMinedlato sta
tions Also coiineets for Sunbuiy. Ilar
rlsbuig, Philadelphia, Baltlmoie, Wash
hiKton and for Plashing nnd tho AArest
, HI, HVVI, .,,,..-, nil .,,. IH.I-
buig anil mo vt cm , , ,
,: "S ii. in., week days, through vestibule
tiafu from Wllkcs-llarre. Pullinan Imffet
p.nlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via
Poltsvillc Stops at Intormcdl-
nio sinuous ,-,,. c
1 ',5 p III., weei; navs. lor riuteiou, nun
m, llauisbiug, Philadelphia and Pitts-
.1. P.. IinTrilTNSON. Gen. Jrgr.
.1 B AA'OOD. Con r.iss. Agt.
DelnAvare and Hudson.
in nrftct Juno a, vm
Tialns lor Caibonilnlo leave Seianton a
fill 7. W .s".. I"1-''! '"! 1'-'ir'. 1'-. 2.H.
'.i'-'ii,' Binl 0-3. '-'l. !""' W" I'- "O-: i-'l".
'For llnnesdalo CAl, 10.IJ a. m.i 211 anc
D For'' AVIlkes-Haiie-CIIs. 7 11. 8.11. 0 17
10 53 II. m-: l-'-O-I. 1-12. '-'.I". S2S, 4 35, 0.10
7 IS 10 11. H.49 p. 111.
For I.. V. r:. n. 3.17 a. m
is 135 and ll.l'i p. in.
" Km Pennsylvania R. B, Points 0 31
0 17 a m : W-. -S ami I 35 p, ni.
For Alliany nnd all points limtli 7.3ti a.
in and ,1 50 I' m-
iu. unci ..o srNpAV TrtAlNS.
l-'or C.n lunula lo-S.:.n, I1.J.I a. m.; 2.1T;
!.',.;, 5 5.' and H t7 P, m.
Foi Wllkes-Hauci-jOW; a. in; 12 tn, 1.3K
S.'s. Hi:: and f 17 J''nj; ,.r -iT
For lbauy and points iwi:tlK-3wG p. m.
For llone.sdnle-fcM a. ni ; 113.1 nnd S
11 111. ' s
1 AV 1. PBVOH, p. P. A- Sqruuloij. pe.
Etle Railroad Wyoming Division
in l iTcci sipif miicr y,, vm: .
I'l.ilns have SCUtlKon loi New Vnri,
Nowbiiigb and lali'l mediate, points, alft
for I low lev and Hoc nl stations at- 7 20 m
in and I 35 P lt - s
For Ilmiedal9 and AVhllo, JI(ll3 at l.JJ
'''Tialns nrrlvo at Sctauton at loss a. tj;
and 15 p in .
New Yoik, Ontario" nnd Western. i
Time l.iblc lu clKel Sunday. Sept ii, VJt&.
Lcavu Leuve An i-.4t
Trains, Siinutou. Cat liondalo. C.uloslj
Xu i In .',) n iu 1110a m loop m-
No 7 I'.lnp m..V,i',Catboud.ili. G W p fll
Leavo Leave AniS
Tialim Cadosla Carbondalc fc'ci-nnlod?
No, li 'Lri0 a in- 7,25 a n
No 2 2 1M ", loop, inj I; if ii nt"
L. ave Leave Alllvft
Tialns Seianton. C'ltrboiplalu CadosU.
No. a sou. m fj.tga, m. ii),.ia nTT
No 5 7J'I m Ai Caiboiidalo'f jpm
SOl'Tll HOl'NI). l . ST
Leavo Leavo Atil
Trains. Cudosla. Qili'boudnle. ScrantniC
No il .-- Coil n. in 7 21u. pti
No M I 'J P in (; to' P- m i) L p n
Trains Nos. 1 on week days, and : oi
Suudajs cuiiuect foi Now A'ork cltv, JIId
lietowu, vvaiioii, nuiuira, uueuia, us
pobits. t .- .- t . $'
; it
llSlllllg, I'lllllOIC'ipOlil. LoLllllllUlu, .LMII-
Itigtou and Plttsbuig am' tho "West.
1 1" p m , week clavs, (Sundays, I ,iS p.
ni.), foi Simhiuy, llanlsbiug, Phllnd'Jl
phln, naltlmoie, Washington and Pltts
weao ami all point j west ,
Train N"' '' vltli , "Quaker City E-C?
Pi eS'' at Serniitbix yln C it. R nt N, JJ
AA'atnlnfiton and! vPeniiiylvanla stal''
Bee nmc-iuiuo unci consult nonet agents
for connections with other linos.
j . o. an n tuispA-i iY3vi iX Sf rifl w, ym it.
i, E.'WELSIf. T? P? A.. Sciautou. Pu.
I i