Fw'' tifSPW fWKWfGsm ffWf ' lHfWfWH'wtW'?m' WiWtyWIiilygi,' l-TppiW "v"' svi!Hiw!jSns' ' wrv 4 I THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1902 rfl rcxxxxxxxxxxx; O IKE MODERN IMRDWAHE STORE. The Hunting Season Opens Oct. mo in need 15th. of If you AMMUNITION of nny kind Loaded or Empty Shells, Powder, Shot, Primers, Hifle nnd Revolver Cartiidgcs, otc, the Modem Stoic can supply you. Foote & Shear Co. IJ9 "Washington Ave. xxxxxxxxxxxxx The flardenbergh School of Mtisic and flrf Offers the -exceptional advan tnge of Piano nnd Organ stua with Mr. Sumner Salter, an aitlst teacher of lecognlzed standing in the musical world. Register now. 604 Linden st. In the line of Cam eras, Kodaks and Photogiaphic Sup- a I plies of every des- cription for Amateur Photographers, you will find this store perfectly equipped. Amateur finishing, if done here, is done right. Hornbaker, 209 Washington Ave. A Word to the Wise Who Have Ready Cash This is tho time to lju. some oC om best local dividend prlng stoiks .mil bonds. Some people who h.io theso seciuitlcs aio obliged to hao (.isl. to moot obliga tions falling due, and aio willing to ac cept offeis on some ol tho host of these suto dlUdcnd pajcis, lor tes puce, timn you aio likely to pet them lor again. Wo pnro tho tiausfcr icpieseutnthcs, having aliendy n nnmher of tluse .scciuitics on hand to offer, and will llnd any otheis ou in. iv want without delay. If ou uio looking for .1 good Mile iu cstment, either Houds, Hank 01 lndus tilal Stocks and want It at the bottom pilco call immediately at I. F. riEGARGEL & CO. Stocks, Bonds and Secuiities, Connell Building. Get "The .Lackawanna Finish" On Your Linen. 308-310 Penn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN. AVA MmMW3S hs!0!' RACES THIS AFTERNOON. 3ntiles for Contests to Be Held on the Speedway. Tliuo mres aie selieduled for this Itftoinoon on the Speedway, beginning It -2. o'clock. Tho mm will lie for thu .30 class, tho !-econd a fieo-for-nll, and fho third 11 matin iuco between AVIlllain h'tott's Scott's Beht and John T. h'Nelird John T. Tlie horses enteicd In the L'.so cluss he as follows: i'30 CLASS. "Ah In II' -Mnjoi. ' "lola fib I" SI, Jones. ' Kitty D"-Poter Mucker. Molm T'-Jolm T. O'Neill. "Hci.niton nolo"-Wlllhim Scott. "Post Ilasto"-!, S Goini.in. rituiM'ou-Ar.L "Joci Pntchen"- J AVIillohous. "Walter J"- J. Cuslek. "Dhcctor Cln"-Jiiiiies Million. "Cedolla"-Dr. Knjdei "Joo Welter"-Ui. J, ".Mlnnlo Mills 1J. J. Itolilnton. "Coiiiblno" Thomas Ryan "Sc!iQizoiidtt"-Wllllam Koch. MATCH RAC1J. "Scott's Bet"--Wllllnm Scott. "John T."-Jolm T. OlS'elll '' i. NINTH YEAR. Scranton Business College, The school has begun its ninth year. aame instructions. Students enter at liny time. Demand for booklteopeis and scenograpueis gi eater than sunny. Tho lilght school pie-emlncntly tho school for those who would earn while thev i;xn. BIG PARADE OF ABSTAINERS CELEBRATION IN HONOR FATHER MATHEW. OF The local Catholic Total Abstinence Societies Matched Tluough the City Yesterday Morning to Com lncmoiftto tho Birthday of tHo Gieat Irish Tempeiance Apostle. H, H. Devers Was tho Ginnd Mar shal nnd Rev. P. J. McMnnus, Was In tho Painde. The blrlluluy of father Mathew, 0110 of tho gt cutest temperance apostles the w ui Id Iium over scon, was observed In this city .e.noiihiy morning with a parade of all the local Catholic Total Abstinence societies. It was culgluully Inloitded to have n bis pitiadi In this city of all the total nbstliionco HiolfllcH In the Scruntun Dloeesiiu tin ton. but this lil"ii was aban doned, because It was round Impossible to seeine reduced lutes triini tlie nill load companies. The line of 111.11 eh of jestet day's par ade was oor the ptlnclpal stieols of thV central city, and the nuueheis woiu greeted ut puny point by lingo ciowcls. The p.nade was headed by Mounted Olllccr.s MuiUe and fairy, behind whom lode Grand Marshal II. II. Dover and the following aides: I Mackln, Thom as Klein, John f. Langan and Thomas J. .Million. The lli.st In line weie 11 number of can luges, containing the of li(er.s ol tho diocesan union, clergymen and otheis. The occupants of the cat 1 luges weic as follows: in Tim cauuiagls. fhat ("milage lte. P. J. McMuutis, pastor of St IMul's 1 lunch. Oieeu Ridge, and iiiesldcnt of the Diocesan I'nion of. Total Abstinence societies; ltev. J. J. Cm 1 an. of Wllkes-Hurc. tiensinei 1111- tlonal union: W. It. Glhoy, Atchbald, .sec ond lee piesldent of union: W. S. Lu elle, second lce inefficient of union. Second Cn lingo Kes. F j, Cnnnxati, Mlnookn; G. 1'. flcniliig, P. J. Ooliiud, T. J. Gnwin. Thhd Canlage IMtitLk J. Holmes, Ai-Hint- Kelly. St. Raul's soelet. fom th I'm il.iKu Mis I'b.tiles Laslpr, piesldent St. Cecelia's Calliollc Total Ab stinence and r.eneolent solIoIv; Nellie. McAullffe, Kalheilne WaNh, Katheilne Johnson. fifth Canlage St. Cecelia's Jmeiilles: Sal ab Rolton. Mlnnlo Dlllllea, Maiy M(Giaw. Mabel Doughtitv, Anna Gill. SKth Cairlnge Rev. W. P. O'Doiuiell, of the IIolv Cioss cliuieh, lJelleue, Rev. If. L. Men.imln, Coloiado Spiings; I'd wmd Kinney. Seontli Canlage-Rev. J. X. Mol.in, Holy Ros.uy cliuieh, Xoitb Sctanton; Rev. John Holmes, llolv Ros.tiy cliuieh; P. J. Mulheiln, piesldent father Whitty f-oclcty. The Father Whitty society of North Seinuton, headed by the Noith fnd band, was first in line. The one bun dled memheis of the society woie natty blue iinlfoims and caps to match, tiliumed with white biald. Captain Mai tin McDonough was in command. The St. Alo .sins society, of South Sci anion, was second in line, led by the National Dunn corps. White duck fonts and hats wete woui by the membcis. Tho tear ot tho liist divi sion was biought up h the membcis of St, Joseph's society of Minooka, and St. Petei's society, of Uellevue. The latter organization was bended by the splendid St. Petei's Drum eoips, whose plavlng was one of the foatiues of the pai ado. SfCOND DIVISION. The second division was led by the Law 1 once band of twenty-six pieces, heading St. John's society of Pino liiook, 2J0 stiong. White vests and caps weie woui by the St. John's membi'is, and each cut led a cane with n small Amoilcan flag attached. The best appe.11.1ucc was made by St. Paul's Pioneer coips, of West Scranton. The men were attlied In their handsome giev uniforms and ear lled their big battle axes. They went lluough ;t uuiuber of fancy evolutions along the line of match, and weic loundlv cheeied. TJie last society In line was St. Paul's, of Oiecn Itldge, popul.ulv lefened to as the "Piesldent's Own." The mem beis weie attired in khaki fatigue unl roi ms. Tlie line of inaich led to S.indet son's gicne, wheie a picnic wound up the celebiatiou of the day. MAY BE DISBARRED. P. R. Macaulay, Known to Scinn- ton People, Again in Tiouble. The following dipping fiom the Chi cago Journal, under dale of Oct, T, would Indkato that chailcs P, ft. Ma caulay, who was connected with tho American School of Coiiespoudeiut; of lioston, and with other local people of this city engaged In tiylug to secuio a chuttrr lor tho lutei-uational Ooiie spondence Schools, Is a cry bad c0111 pany to bo connected with: ( v R, Miicniiluy, 1111 attorney at 3w7 Dent hoi n stieet, Is in a lair way to bo distuned fiom luither pinctlco in Couk (Oiinly mints. Judge) Rieiilano has is sued an older citing him to appear Satin diy and show why ho should not bo dls baueil Tho Judgo has also dec lined ho will ask other Judges to taku tho same action Mac.iulny Is dunged with hnlng Used false alllcl.ullh hi Judge Hientano's com t. In a buiglaiy case b piencnted allld.nlts foi a change ot euiie, All tin estimation showed that 0110 man who had signed one as an nccnnunodatloii to .Muiauliiv had liewi hem d ol Judge- Ilienlauo, who lives In liuir.ilo and has no hucie.st in tho case. Judge liioiitmm lebuUid Macaulay today and will pioliably disbar him fiom iiuthei piuitlee in his coin t Satuidiiy Don't Forget" Tho gieat Piano and Oigau salo at Guernsey lirotlieis', m Washington aenuo; and don't ftuget that It is on now, and "will all he over soon", nnd don't forget that you will never again buy so much Piano tor so llttlo money; nnd don't fen got tliut you cannot do this after 110M Wednesday, the 15th Inst. HAVEMEYERS "Standout Fine" & ELDER Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs for $1.00 THE BEST ON EARTH. The Gieat nnd Pacific Atlantic Ten Co., 411 Lackawanna uvenuc. 321 Noilh Main aomic. 'Phono 71 Piouipt dclhciy. Now 'phono 1-1. J 1 J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Direclor. LINDEN STREET. 604 ALL THREE VICTIMS OP EXPLOSION DEAD David Moiton, Robeit Rankin and Louis Deishlmer Have Suc cumbed to Their Injuilcs. Death ycsteiday claimed the tlueo victims of Thuisday night's oploson in the tear ot 1!!3 Not th Washington avenue. Louis Deishliner died nt tho Lackawanna hospital nt C o'clock es toiday morning, David Mm ton suc cumbed nu hour and a half later, and Itobeit Rankin's life went out at 0 o'clock last evening. 11 was tippaipnt at the time ot the accident that the victims had but slight chances of locovetj, and It Is a mliacle that anv of them eer escaped from the burning building alhe. Had not tho cellar door been bioken open when It was, all three men would un doubtedly have been cremated. As It was their clothing was burned fioin their bodies and their faces weie s-eotehocl beyond lecognltlon. William lloltham, one of the young men who helped rescue tho victims fiom the file, also sustained slight bums, and him self and Michael Htadley, who assisted him, mined their clothing dining their efforts to put out tho Haines which enveloped tho men. All three of tho victims weie mauled, and leave wives and chlldien. Their bodies weie removed to their icspcct he homes last evening, nnd all thieo will piob.ibly be bulled togothei tomoi row afternoon. While tho doetois at the hospital were bandaging Deishlmer and Ran kin's Injuiles Thuisdav night, both of them seemed to lealle that the end was near, and offeied up prnjeiful ap peals for lellef fiom thcli sins nnd suffeilngs. MET AND ADJOURNED. School Bonid Did Not Take Any Action with Reference to the Coal Supply. Tho special tneeting ot the boaid o conliol called for last night, to take some action on the coal question, wns productive of no icsults, because an ad journment was tnken immediately after tho meeting had be.en called to older. Piesldent Gibbons in lived at tho meeting at 7.40 o'clock, and ouleicd Seciotary Fellows to cull the roll. Only eight memheis answeied to their names. Mcsgis. Roche, Langnn j'liil AValsh, who weie piesent in Hie build ing, did not put in an appearance in tho bonid 100m. Mi. Gibbons decl.ued the meeting adjoin ned. Mr. Welsh in sisted that if eleven mcmbeis showed up later on, a meeting would bo held, oven if Piesldent Gibbons hud deci.ned an adjournment. Seer.il moie memheis put in an ap peal mice in a few minutes, and Piesl dent Gibbons came back nnd oideied anoth' r roll-cnll. This time fifteen mem heis lesponded to their names. Mr. Roche moved that an adjournment be taken. Mr. Chilstmas asked that Mr. Hand, who circulated the call for tho special meeting, be ghen a healing, but Piesldent Gibbons wouldn't listen to it, and the motion to ndjouin was cairled by the following vote: Yeas IL J. O'Malley, Roche, Dr O'Mal ley, Walsh, Jnyne, Sclu oilier, Lang.ri, mei, i.eciii.nu and Cilhlions 10. N.us Chilstmas, AVelsh, 1 limit, Evans and B.ul'ei j Piesldent Gibbons said after adjourn ment that It was plenty of time to wait until the legulnr meeting on Monday night to discuss the matter of coal sup ply. Ho luither said that the call for last night's meeting was not Issued In time to gle tho memheis legal notice. Contiollpr Hand said that lie felt it Incumbent upon tho boaul to take ac tion at once looking tow.ud the pur chase of coal. He had nssurances, ho said, that a stilllcient quantity could be piocuicd to supply nil the schools fiom one ot the Inige compnnles. m 1 The Milk of the Cow Is 1 liher In piotelds, fats nnd snlts than the human milk, hence It must be adapted to Inlimt feeding. Hoi den's Hagle Hi-anil Condensed Milk is tlie perfection ot a cow's milk for intnnts. foity-flve yeuis' expeilence has made It the lending Infant food of tho woild. Always Busy. Open this evening. Very huge bar gains all clay and eenlng In all dc liaitmontB, Always busy, ulwajs hon est, and always at Nos. 114-110 Wyo ming avenue. Lf.WlS & Uf ILLY. Rcismun Bios, will be dosed today on nccoiuit of holiday. Will bo open for business at 0 30 this evening, Finest Concord Grapes 15c per basket. Jersey Peaches, Today 1 pound Coursen's Special Java and Mocha Coffee 19c. 1 lb Coursen's "Best" Coffee, 25c, E. G, Comseii, 1 FirstClass Advantages Arc offered by the Conservatory for Piano forte Instruction to Students of all grades, from beginners to prospective professionals. Students can begin now. POOR EXHIBITION OP THE NATIONAL GAME Only One Biij Star of tho Diamond Was Scon nt Athletic Park, I locals Won, 7-5. About 1,500 people, who went to Ath letic park ycsteiday afternoon to see seveial stars of tho big leagues play base ball, weie woefully disappointed, both In the playcis and the game plttjcu". Michael O'Neill, of St. Louis, was the only star, and ho made good In cveiythlng he attempted, except In one instance, when ho dropped a com paratively easy lly In centre Held, Out of live tlniiB at bat O'Neill had four singles and one tun. In the out field ho had one unlst and 0110 eiror. In tho box, dining the eighth nnd ninth innings which ho pitched, ho gnvk one base on balls, struck out thiee men, made one assist and allowed no lilts. Had he pitched, the other seven Innings the scoie would undoubtedly have been much dlffeient. Gilflln, for the home team, made three singles nnd a double out ot four times up, had one put out, seven as sists, two eriors and struck out six bat tels. Fox, who has signed with tho Philadelphia Nationals for next season, was batted for fouitecn hits, twelve singles, a double nnd a tilple. The scoie does not Indicate what kind of a game It was, but the euor column shows how loose was the fielding. Gall.ighei and Connors on flist both put up a good game, nnd Cannon also caught n good game, while Weir and Touhlll made some pretty stops at sec ond. The Semi's plnjed tho better game, although they made 111010 en 01s than their opponents. The All-Piofes-slonals' line-up would nppear moie coi rect If It was adveitlsed like this: Weir, Villa Nova; Uuike, PIttston: Walsh, Maylield: Connois, PIttston, O'Neill, Phllbln and Laffy, Minooka; Tleiney, Caibondnlc: Fox, South Seinn ton. It Is possible that Manager Wlith, who did not ni range yestetdnj's giime, inny be uble to get the lenl stuis here for n game bcfoie the season cio'-es. The score: SfMI-rROPLSSIONALS. A.U. R R. O A. 0 I n 1 Mndeusp.ichei, Culkln. It .... Fi finds, ss ... Renis, if Touhlll, l'b ... Gall.ighei, 1b Melliigh, yb . Cannon, u .... Giifllu, p .. . cf 1 I I I 1 L- 0 0 0 JL 0 L' n n 10 1 1 Totals It 7 II -'7 ALL-PR01i:SSIONALS. A li. R R. O. j:. u 1 0 11 1 n 0 0 Web. Jb ... lluige, e ... Welsh. If .. Conoi.s, lb O'Neill, el.. Phllbln, if Tleiney, ss Laffy, .lb .. Fo, p , cf 0 Totals ,ij 5 ft 7 II ."1 Seml-Piofesblonals 1 0 0 1 .1 I) u 0-7 All-Piofosslonals 1 n 1 1000 U-3 famed 1 uus Semis, 1; Alls, Two base hit Gilflln. Thiec-lnse hit Fi.incls. Saciillco bits I'll ncis, Culkln, Touhlll, Phllbln, fen Is, I'liike, Stolon bases Madenspachcr, Culkln, O'Nell, Weir. Left on buses Semis, S; Alls, I, Stiuek out-Ily Gilflln, (I; by foc, .!; by O Nelll. S. Double plas Connois to Tleine; Iluike to Cnuois to Laffy. Fust on ei 101s Semis, 4; Alls, 1. Phsl on balls-Off Gilflln, ::: oft fo-, 1; oft O'Neill, 3, lilt bv pltchei Mcllugh. Passed halls Ruikc, 'J. Umphc Southnid. Time l.l FOOT BALL GAME TODAY. High School and Hnny Hillman Academy Will Play. The Hnny Hillman Academy, of Wllkes-R.uie, will battle with the local High School foot ball team this utter noon at Athletic park. The High School playeis are gieatly pleased oer tho showing they 111. ide against St. Thomns' College, Wcdnesdny last. The High School will line up ns fol lows: Left end, Levi: lett tinkle, Kvans or Smith; left guind, Wclhnd; cenler, Zlelniunn or Lavelle; light guaid, Qulun or A'011 Heigun; light tackle, Kelly or Qulun; light end, Thayer (captain) or Coibett; left halfback, Allen or Dean; fullback, Stone, light halfback, Kdwuids or Dawson; quin tet hack, Hower. Pi of David Owens will act as lefciee. Admission, 1," cents, NIGHT SCHOOL. St. Thomns College. Tho evening classes will bo lesumed at St. Thomas college on Monday, Oc tober 13th, Ten painstaking Insttuc tois aio on hand, Classes In leading, spelling, ailthmetlc, Bi.nntnnr, corics pondeneo, bookkeeping, slwu thand and typewtltlng, Particular attention glcn to buck wind students. Special class piepaia toiy to Civil Seivlco examluatlons. For paiticulnts call on, or addtess Hi other 13. Andiew, Piesldent, The Last Days. Theso mo leally iho Inst days of Guernsey Hi others' Piano and Oigan Sale, as everything must bo closed out and tho stote vacated by Wednesday, the 1MU lust, It will pay any ouo In need of a musical liisttumeut to call and get pikes at Ut Washington ave nue, and it does not matter about tho cash. Just as good pi ices can be pat ented on easy monthly payments Gueiiibey Hiothets will sell fur cheaper on tlino than other dealcts can affoid to for nibli. Don't fall to call and get a b.ngaln, If you aio In need of u Pluuo or Oigan, See the Cut Man, I3ffectlvo and attiactlvo hulf-toncs and lino cuts for caul, adei Using or any other put pose,, can bo cccuied ut Tlie Tilbuno oflUc, We do wotk that Is unexcelled, do it piomptly nnd at lowest lutes. A ttlal outer will con vince ou. fay you poor tax to avoid costs. 11. a. Dale, Collector. JOHNSTON CLIMBS UP FOREST CITY LAD LEAVES BOT TOM Or LI3T. Plve Otheis Scoicd Points in Tho Tribune's Educationnl Contest Yes tei day Special Contest for $5 In Gold Closes at 6 O'clock This Afternoon Two Weeks from To dny the Contest Closes. Standing of Contestants 1. A. J. Kellcrmnn, Sctanton. 045 2. Charles Bums, Vnndlinn;. .011 3Wnilnm T. S. Rodriguez, Scranton 549 4. Oscar H. KIpp, Elmhurst..G15 5. Wm. Sherwood, Hniford. .400 0. Horbei t Thompson, Cnr- bondalc 488 7. Fred K. Gunster, Cheen Ridge 457 8. Albeit Freedmnn, Bolle- vue 386 0. J. A. Hnvenstrite, Mos cow 357 10. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scianton.313 11. Maxwell Shopherd, Car- bondnle 307 12. L. E. Stanton, Scrnuton. .211 13. Hnny Madden, Scranton. . 170 14. Hendrick Adams, Chin chilla 125 15. Homer Kresge, Hydo Pnik 102 16. M i s s Beatrice Hnrpur, Thompson 100 17. Frank B. McCrcary, Hall- stead 02 18. Lewis Bates, Scranton ... 00 10. Miss Jane Mathewson, Factoryville 86 20. Fied Kibler, South Scran ton 86 21. Don C. Cnpwell, Scrnnton. . 81 22. William Cooper, Priceburg 76 23. Louis Geie, Brooklyn 64 24. A. L. Clark, Green Grove . 60 25. Miss Edna Coleman, Scrnnton 46 26. Walter Hnllstead, Scrnn ton 27. Lee Culver, Springville. . . 28. Elmer Williams, Elmhurst. 20. Henry E. Collins. Kizers. . 44 41 30 39 30. Ginnt M. Decker, Hnll stead 38 31. Hugh Johnston, Foiest City 38 32. Miss Mary Yeager, Green Ridge 34 33. Aithur J. Thnyer, South Scranton 32 IIWPHAUltMnillHIWMII . W fff.fi Six of the leadeis In Tho Ti Hume's I3ducatlon.il Contest scoied points es tcrday, ns follows: V. K. Gunster 11 L. 13. Stanton 12 Hugh Johnston 7 H.niy T. Madden fi William Cooper 4 Homer Kiesge 1 Theio wns one chiinge in tlie list. Hugh Johnston, of Foiest City, passed Aithur J. Thaer nnd Miss Muiy Yeagei, and went fiom llih ty-thlid pluco to thlrt-lhst. This dowds Aithur Thnjer down to last place In the main table, with John Maekio and Kddle Mollis clouding closely on his heels foi admission. Today at 5 o'clock p. m. tho special contest for $. in gold w 111 close. This lew aid will be given to the contestant who scenes the I.ngest number of points between Oct. I to .Oct. 11. All points intended for this contest must lie In the hands of tho Contest fdltor by tho time named or they will not bo counted. This llile Is impel athe. So f.u Fied K. Gunster seems to have an Inside Hack for tho half eagle, but thete h.ne been a number of suipilses all tluough this contest, unci thete is no telling what u day may biing foith. The J3duent!on.il Contest will come to a close two weeks fiom today and tho contestants who are- not secuie In their places should not lose any fm ther time to stiengthen their positions. Theie aie sine to be somo who will biing in a eiy Lugo number of points at the eleventh hour. This has been tho ex peilence In the last two contests and there Is no icason to doubt that hlstoiy will icpeat itself In this case. LEADERS FOR THE SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE P.VE DOLLARS IN GOLD to the contestant scoiing tho laigest number of points bofoie . p in , Sat ui day, Octobet 11, Fied K. Gunster 03 AVilllain Sheiwood M) Leltol 13. Stanton ."G I lei licit Thompson 17 Chniles W. Dotsey 14 A. .1. Kolleiinun -12 Chiulcs Huuih' 2K Oscar II. KIpp -j A. L. Cl.uk 1 Hnny T. Madden 20 lt. cW!riTOy!pgiiaiKaeataxOTr?y You get Twenly Trading: Stamps FREE If you present ibis con - pon and piiiciiase your i Fall Hat here 20 I Sflfiv c NEW CASE OF SMALLPOX. Discovered Within Two Blocks of Twelfth Regiment Camp. A tic w case of smallpox was lcpoilcd to the but can of health yestciday by Dr. J. W. Ilouser, lit tho family of Homy Kinney, tin Cayuga sheet, with in two blocks of thc Tw elf Ih icglmcnt Lump In North Sctanton, The victim Is a Kl-yeai-old daughter of the Klnneys, and hits been III Tor some time. The house was Immediate ly quiit itntlncd, and guards placed about It Colonel Clements, of the Twelfth icgl incnt, intliotmced yesleitluy Hint tho inembets ot Ills icglmcnt hud been vac cinated tin ee yenis ago, while they wcio In the south, nnd he does tint up piehend 'uny danger ns tho tcsult of tills cuse so near the camp. $1,000 REWARD Will bo paid by""Tho Hlllsido Coal nnd lion Company to nny peison se eming tho nriest and conviction of the peison or persons who mmdcicd John J. Mullon, nn employe of this compnny, nt Smlthvillo, Lucerne county, Pennsylvnnln, on the even ing of October 1st, 1002. Detailed information concerning the minder will be furnished to lolinblo paitles, upon wiitteu application to W. A. MAY, General Manager. City nnd School Taxes 1902. The aboe tax duplicates aio now my hands for collection. f. S HAIlKllIt. " City Tieitsuicr, in Dr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 213 Connell building. Hours: 11 a. in. to 4 p. m.; 7 to S.SO p. m. The Till Trust Co, Will bo pleased to lecelve money In any amount and rate of Interest theicoti. deposits of pay llbeiul While nm quart ei s M'asli. somewhat me ly n bl o to dnto our liierciislmi Open an tcmpoiitiy CAPITAL AMI SURPLUS ONK .Ttli.iMOV DOLLARS at i:sr. nc mo small, we abundant. aecoiiiino- slciulllv patiouage account with us. A. WATR13S L PHILLIPS. Thhd Vlce-Piesident and .Piesldent Ti casta or DXfCi'TIVL COMM1TTI3I3. Abiam Ncsbilt. Thomas 13. Jones William f. ll.ill.src.nl. O. S Johnson. Tlintn.is 11. AV.ilkins. L A. Watics. You Can s Save The mlddlennn's pio llt bj inn chasing -oiir umbiellas en p nasols din c t fiom the liiaiiu lnetiuci. Special In duceineuts just now In older to t lear out nm stoik piepnatoiy to in iking up nur C n stm. is 1 ne. Wo aie the only oclusu umbiella manu factmeis in tlie city. SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING COMPANY, nil SPKCCI3 STPJ3I3T. J. .. t tt Jfc tft . . t fj. . .J. tfy . i. f asory s s 830flt)90 Aie the best in the world. In VARNISHES wo carry Parrotts, Masury's, Valentines and Linvsons Also a full line of Blushes Bittenbender & t 126-128 Franklin Ave. j. . j "J1 ! ! "J1 ! ! I" ' Guaranty Alway Paint ...FREE... 20 TRADING STAMPS Free with Every ' , TP AIL : , ! Y0U Du ,T yu , bring: this cou pon with you. w "iry A r Z4 i STAHPS FREE haJwEWf: arWASIIINGTONClJilr AE V il'KUCE ST r Ten Dollars for Guesses Who con nnmc tlio winner In The Tilbmiu's educational Contest nnd tell tho number ot points ho or alio will UlHC? First Piizo 35.00 in Gold. Next Thiee Sl.OO each. Next Two DO conts each. Next Four 25 cents each TOTAL Ton Prizes, Win Dollars. Cut out the coupon below, nil It In, nnd Kcnd lo "Seiontnn Tilbuno, Bcian ton, fa,, Guessing Contest." Snttlldity, Oct. 11 I think the winner ot Tho 'i'llb uno's Kducatlonal Contest will bo No. of points Nntno .- Adihess ,,, , cut out tills lower coupon only Good SI "With eveiy sale of Sl.OO and over at Nettfleton's Shoe Store Good Oct. 10, 11, and 13. FALL STYLES in l.ndies nnd Gents' Shoes nt.)Sc. 8125 $1.7.), 81 .S2.rl)S3,.$3.50. 134 N. WASHINGTON AVE, Opposite Connell Building. All cms pass thu door. Tians- fei f i om Piovldence Cut This Out &MiiiHgw:am p,ff flBmfl townx is at 41S Spruce Stieet. 309 Lncknwannn Avenue. We have n complete assortment cf the 50c kind, the Sl.OO kind nnd nl standout makes, in all gindes. Agency for Dr. Jaeger's. The Slamlanl ofTxcclence means a great deal, but it expresses the 'position of 0,0 Q inn Paper In the stationery world. Theyare the best and they are the standard of polite society. French Organdies In the new Fall tints, Chrysanthemum, will bj C 'Q and th j paper in use for select correspondence this Fall. Very elegant effects4 can be produced by stamping or lllums .natlng. Wo have tho complete election. REYNOLDS BROTHERS Hotel Jeimyn Building. lo You Know The best place in buy Men's inn mkmM Wh smw