The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 11, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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jl Week's Social News
IT 19 luiiiniliiK titilto evident, fiom
u look ut thi' ilium tun for t1ir Scm
lirloli loncert ut the in mot y, to lie
Riven Uetnher 21, tlmt Hip people
ol this I'lty hip RnliiR to show
themselves fully nppreekitlve of Hip
oppoitutilty to hear the queen of Hip
Kimilllttt OpCllltlC HtlIRP the nnlv ki cut
vfiiKt i" to Ijp named In tlio same ( lu-s
nml milk with I'attl since Clitlstlne
NIIphoii wllhdiow', In Hip IipIkIiI of her
finite, f i oin her public ciiicpi.
Tills second season of Inlllliinl musi
cal eutei tiilimtenm seemed foi Soi. ni
ton by ItH cnou;ptle Impiessnilo, Mr.
I lit ml. Is iittrnetlns Intel csted attention
to our t'lly fiom musical tildes imil
i en ties fur antl wide.
Affulu l It wotth while iiillhiff notlie
to the fact Hint this join's aiialiKement
of sents In tlii' m linn y. toKPther with
the pliue of the plntfoiin on the side,
makes, nil parts of the auditorium
imrtsfiictory for heailiifr and eehifir the
hinder, and the scale of pi Ices Is a
pupular one, muk'liiR- it possible lor all
to attend and heal this meat, singer.
The follow lilt; Is a pntlnl list of the
patrons for this leiltul:
Mix. 1, A AViitles, Mis. AV. lt(.
rtead, Mis. Tlloinns DUkson, Mis. Jl, M
Moles Mix T. It. Wntkliis, Mix C .11
Slmpxon. Mis. i: X. AVIIImd, Mt j: I,,
rullei, Ml". II. II. Kindv, Mix It. A.
KltiKxIiiuv, Mis Allud llnnil, Mis Jiinus
Aidilnlil, Mix J. A. Linen, Mix. AV. AV.
Scimitnn. Ml" It. AV. Auliluld, Mis, J.
llenj DlmmlUc. Mis. l, l! louetl, Mi.
AV. D. Hovel, .Mis. Wllllnm If. TnMoi.
Mis Kwietl Wan en, Mix w J. Jiund,
Mis. V I,. T'ook, Mix. A II lilnli, .Mis.
C. S. AVislon, Mix . .1. Aluitliews, Mix.
CirotRe r. Rinokx, Mis T, II Jones, Mix.
James J Wllllnm. Mis. i: n, suiikiv.
Mis. i; J, Heiinell, the Mlsirs Richmond,
Mix. Mnithi I'.iull, Mix. jj. j. i'0s..,
Mrs AV. I. Conned, Mis. J, K. .AlcAllllllJ,
Alls. C. 7t Council. Mix Jj i; T.nloi,
Mis C. S AVnulwoilli Mix P : l'lutt,
Mix T. i: CI like, Mis X. V. I, el, Mix
C J. Powell, Mis. v. M Dickson. Mix
John T. r'oili'i. Mix c. u Penman,
Mis. n. dull Dlininlik, Allss Ann- Ciu
i eke. Mis n ft books, Mix T. II. Dale,
-Mix J. Ci. Sli'Milieid, Mis J. 1, Ciuw
loid, Mis Hi mi v Ilellii. Mis c. U
"Welles. Mis J Toilet. Mix J.nues
Mfl.eoil Alls Udell. AIix II ( '. Slliffil".
Slis ( U P(,.AIix T S (iodfKV, .Alls
AV II. !'(!, .Mix C. I' fte nolds. Mix.
John 'I' llleluids. Mix c ) Joins, Jii,
JJ i: Tiloi. Alls 'riifo Woll. Mis Jlin
Simpson. Mix II c S.mdiison, ills n.
G Coiusen, -Mis II. n luistv, .Alls.
(ieolKP Silulclfiill. Ml-, p H, HtniKPS,
Mis W. 1). XclltldPI, Mix. (ieoitje II Jcl
imn. Mis P, I.. Phillips, Mis itniufl ,r.
l'oxler, Mi- M K l.mlttn. Alls V I'
llullslead Mis ,Miii, Phelps, Mim Joseph
Ollilrlt. Mia W U Voxlnim. Mis It M
IMwiiiiIk, Mik. i: II lllpiile, Alls. A J,
Council. Mis A H. Han. Mis. i: 1'
KIiikmIiuu, Miss Cotdclla Picetnilll, Mis.
1) It Maud, Mio I' M Spencer. Mis.
(leoiRC I! rimUli, Jtis N. Ct. Knlicltson,
Mi- V H llukei. .Mi- p S Oakfoid,
Mcxxix cil ml I'elloi J 11. Ittixxcll, i:?ui
coiuipii, i: i: H'oiiiiwoith p. j, i'iihi'v,
rianklln Howell, Ci-uiIph .Schlnuei, J. A,
1.illilliK, MiHipi Kcllel II. II AVaic,
riedeilck J 5'lntt, (Iioikc It Hand,
9 Dlohl III 1' I) Iticwxl.i. P M Viiml.
HliK, J. It AtllPiton, C. It. Hliss, J. P
Semite, TlKodoie A. Wlillc. It. C. Adams,
II. Oslluns, In 'I'lico Hllieth, Coiuild
Schio-d. i. J AV PiwIet.C !'. 15ec kwllll,
C Du Pout ltie"k, II, II It.nnotds, II C,
AVallme, A V Howii, I'eoisc C S'oeitin,
John It .lone-, Hon. John I' lv. V.
AV. l'lillllps. Hon If A Kuapp. Him C,
I'. (V.Malln, lion M i: McDonald, f
l'eii Went, lion J. A. Sci anion, Thom
as I. SpiiiKU", W. h. Ilinwood, A, I'.
l..iv, S H Thoinc. W (! Paikc
Madjino will
dheet ii iccllal at St. Mike's I'.itMi
house, Oct. 1!7. foi the benellt of the
Kloienco MIshIoii. The patioue-ses ,ue:
Mis Uliksou, Mix, V. II. AVat
l.lnx. Mi-, c. l Miin.iv, Mis J, I. Cniw
find. Mis. AV, T. IliukHtt Mix i:, II. nip
pie, Alls. Illili.nd Mutthewx Mis CJeol,"
Kanddson, .Alls C. D Slinpsou, Mix. M.
It. ICns, AIix John T. Poilel, Mix.
Chllles SlhllKH, AIix i; X. Wlllaid.
Ml- J, i. Dickson. Alis J. T. IlUhiHd
Mis J imcs An hli.ild Mix i:etett AVi'i
I en. .Alls. A n O Hlaiklnton. .Mis Al
lied lliind, Mix It W ICiiKshui .', Mm.
J. It Dlinmlik. Alls c it., Jliss
Anna I. Saiidu-oii. Mis J. Ilowaith.
Mis John Viltr, Mix C D loins, mi
G. IMsni Ilp.m. Ml-s ,lf utile ItiMioldx,
Mix A. D. Slelle
The pi OKI .inline will be pie-inted bv
Madanie Tlmbei Ituuilolph's pupils,
liicliidlng Mis. H. II. Hi.ulv, Ii., Miss
Spencer, MKs He.Miolds, Mlxs
Spi.igue, and otheis, who nie faun lies
in Siianton. Tliey will be assisted bv
Mi, J. M. Cliame and his iholi.
Tennis lepiesentliiK the Hlusii Hilton.
Klmli.i and Siianton Counttv clubs,
played a Rolf match at AVIlkt s-Hai ic
last. Satmdav. fur a h indsome slhn
dip, which was ofleied bv the Wllkes
Uime club. The Scranton team de
feated IJItiRlmmton In Hip inornliiK by
twentv-lho holes, and Wilkes-Hnrie In
Hie utti noon bv five holrs, Iheieby
wlnnliiB tho tup, which bfcomes the
propeity of the Seiniiton team. Mr.
.1, It. Hlooks plaved the best ruiup for
Scuilitim, and won the pilze ofl'ited for
the lowest lliednl s(0p.
The f-'eiiintoii mid Wllkc-Haue
tennis plny"d iih follows: Seianlon .1,
II. thanks, l; t'-uller, OS Hhnfoi, 3,
lilnli, 1: Peek, ni T. It. Hiookf, n,
Total, ii. Wllkes-Haiie HuntliiRlcm, o;
Tinner. 0; Johnson, n, Kuinhnm, 0;
Woodinrf, nt HMiee, . Total, 0.
The cup I- an evieptlonally beautiful
one and nttiaetn the nltelitlon of nil
l-ltois to Hie rountiy dub. wheie It
Is now neen, posed on Its ebony stand
nid. The pleasnnt weathci of the past 'few
duvs lias eiuouiiiKed the enthiixlaxin of
C'ounti, dub tncmlieis. The fad of the
moment Ih for . bowlliiR. and bowl
hip p.iltles am a nlRhtly featuro. An
other InnoMitlou which Is In high favor
Is the enilv Hlipper paity, the mcinheiM
of which afteiwaid Rii to the play.
Tllletil, the new Fiendi stewnul, has
made a rich I Hllccess of these little stip
peis and the tiiti ami ehaim of Hie
.uitumnal deioiatlou- In tho new looms
add much to the populailtv of the oce.i
hIoiis. The table d'hote dlnneis on Sat
in da v nlRht ale a plea-ant week-end
ineetlilR of fikndx.
An ciilo.Mible daueliiR put tv was Riv
en at the home of Mi. and Mis. Jo
seph A. Ciosx, of Til. Madl-oii ave
nue. Thin -(lav oVenlnR. Those ptex
ent weie: Mi. and Mi. Wllllnm Mm
i av, Mi. and Ml- Joseph A. Cio"s
Mr. and Ml-. K. Tlnnpe. Mis. Caw ley.
Ml-. the Mles Mniv Dun
iiliiRli.un, Annie DunnliiKliam, M.n v
and Katie Moian, Winn!" and MiirrIb
Xooii, MiirrIc Sloan, Xoia Mlnlhaii,
Cieialdlnc O'Connor, Maty Dunk.nev,
MniRaiet Conw.n, Johanna I.our, Kite
.Muii.n and floldie Cuipentei : Me-six.
John Kellv. P.itikk Cut oil, Con. en
roll, Will Dil-eoll. Aithur AimstioiiR,
Michael Dm Mn' Owen McIIurIi, I'.it
l ic K Miiltnv, wflll llatdifoid, Thoiims
Mlnlhaii, John Madden, John McAulirfe,
'i nomas Tieruev, i'llilik Heap. M Mi
nd Mi HiirIi. Andiew Dunlenev, John
Muiiav. I.itu.v Hinns, I.eo Alan i and
Albeit Cl oxs
The filends of Ilownid Stieetei osi ,
ai e still most anlous about lilx im
dilion. whkli has been alauniiiR since of In.iln P'ei wlilch pins
tinted him .some time .iro
A numlwr of theatei patties have
bum .iitanscd foi this evuiiiiR, the
ineiiibeis ot which will dine at the
Counti.v dub bifote ro!ur to the pi ly.
t 30--STAM PS--30 I
Great Autumn
Sale of
Friday, Saturday, Monday, Oct. 10, 11 and 13 ,
HGCut out the Coupon attached to the bottom of this advartisemant
New Neck Ruches
Silk, Chilian and Xc t M nil up to $1J 00
Xew Ihiibi olden d Point Coll ns Itio
llauliltil l.acc Coll.ns ;0( k, y, no
New Ve'iii e Inset tlons and J.aces l'ic to 'J.1 00
Hi lIu Clin Plaid licit Hlbbons "... . 21e
Tallcta Uibhoiis ill choice shades
No- "i T " I.' p. .'' 40 1.0 100
PlkcS .... "ii Tc. Sc 10l 1jic 1.1c lsc 'llc '".c
Our Little Beauty Corset
I.lRht Hlue, Pink and White a womlii Tac
P. N. Corset
Value and stvle Muile lioiu sieilini, oi coiitil
cloths, J'linch roipcI, nit ilium oi low bust,
sti.iiRht hunt, lim oi shoi i ovci hips,
Si on, 4. io, ?j on, . io, $ i io, v, 00
New Gloves
Our ,A1. .v. II. Kid dlovts ilia
P K, ovcilippiil -cams, win ni and soil SI en
Cnslinitie uicl .silk rim, 'i Tipped (Hum's, ,,ic to Mno
Who' Knitted doll (ilovcs jli io ,1iie
Silk Knltud Coll ill. IMS lie null, s si On
Another Lot of Yarns
(1 im tiitnwii Van's, ijon niaitcl Co
Khi'tl ind I'lo-s, l.uili Hiaiid Sc
Clshinec Piiuunut 'ltd Cillle uta Ko l Jnu
Dress Goutls Oep irtment
Klmi'lltlne Taflc lax, all sill;, JO shades ,"!e
chenev'x i',iiiini( Ttliotas, .m new colois 7-c
Xew Clan IMuid llks 71,., to ii.oo
Ciepc (liauilc Mlks, ChfUCN $1 uO "omfx Ttic
Soft l.tisiie Pi'.in de Sole, i'liclie's .ua spedul . 7'iu
Hludt Tallela Silks (liaunni, .viud-wlde $1,00
ll.ihhi'll'.i lilnli Miadc Hlitck Taflelns, Riiaian-
Hieil 7!'c, S.V., H1i ? J.1
yaiu-wldc Silks jlitr,0
Hnlu-pioof liliuk Tim eta', Jl-liuh ?1,.'1
liiilll-pioof lllaek Talletuc ..ik1-w Idc T1'0
New- I'anue A'clvcU, lull Mlitot llnish $1 S3
ClianlUB, Plumettes and Sallu Pinli .MIMuu's;
:!"( value ,,,. j,.
7rc Oic-'s (iooils V.iluwh In CliLVlols, Whlpcoidx,
Ilcllilelias, iTianltcs and It is, t We.iM's;
"pcehil COa
Homespun .SuliiiiRs, ;,o inc-h, 7,1c value ,-,nu
A'eiiollaus, all colois, tiullor wclRht ,10o
ntuiuliini'd lkiskei Camel's Uulr .Mituiis r,0c
.10 huh Hniki t SuitiiiRs, navy and hl.uK 7.1c
A'eiietl.ius, hlue mid Riey mlNtuicx, ,1o liiclits... ... 7,'c
Poplins, inmies, i;tt, $i,o(i auo ;,-,,,
Melton SklltlURs, KH'y inlMliies !11c uilue 7:,0
Kiondi Hioaileloih. MuunKoii llnish, S1.10 value. ,.$t,ia
fjhniksltlus, Mdiose, Pumelle.s, 13tc, value. ,,S1,00
Heavy ShiimUeii Tiitku Sultliujs. with diihh of
tnloi j-q
?00 Ilenvy Pudpstilmi HKIi tings, $.',00 value . . ... !!$l!ro
Pluck Hiocacle Satin, 40 liuli 2jc
HlaiK Melmu HUlrtliiRs. value $100 7,1c
Hlaeit ri-ineii cheviot, ulim cic noo
Bluok .lo-iiich Cheviot, value 710
Placi; Shiunken Tailor cheviot $100
Pludv Thibet Cheviot, soft and heavy, $110 value, .ji.Vi
Hlnek lkiskei, Pehbles and Ainunes .Wo
Pluck Heavy Haul Finish Whipioul, ,10 Inches,.,. jr,n
Plaik Kaiu.v SI.IiHurh, Mohair llRtiie, Si.W) vulue l.00
Plmk Pninelle and Peau do HoIp, il.r.O value ?i ;
Hindi Shumken WneHan, $1,73 value m ;o
Ill-it K Hcuv llelRlm, Twill, .V-M Miluo n'75 Moliali Uinkct Canvus Weave $ -,
Pbuk Puiine Finish Huiailtlotliti "$1 W
Hlue k lleiUoul Well Silk uiul Wool ' d
Underwear and Hosiery
Povs' and Gent's Past llo-e
Hovs pud Oeul's Cat Hose...
1. idles'
L Kilts'
Kino Kihbeel Hc.s,.
Fast Hlack Hose
Fine llliidv Hose . .'
Maeo Hose
Fuii' Ilise, u Rieat v.iilellcs.
Jlc , ..Ic, 10c,
Cllildini's Pine Piece ed fncleiweai
I. idles- ileavv rieccd I'ndeiweai
LtIIcs- riue Fleeced l'iuleiwi.11
Ladles' Tine Jcisev P.lblied Pnclciweai
L lilies- C,"V Pnckiweai
Lidlrs- While Wool 01 X.itu al I'ndeiweai....
L idles" i:tia rille t'nckiweai
Spec ials
'.e, Sic, fl. 00
..11 to I'Oc
. . .1 a
. . ."Cc.
, . 7.1c
vl 00
.$1 10
L.ulks' rn'nn Stilts ,10c up to $100
M-n'sPusl lllaek Hose pah f() jlt
Men's vVhilo Knot lio-c lie
Men-- i:11a rino Hose, bl u k or lam y '1c
M"U's Duk 1'lticjd I'mli 1 weal :i!'e
Men's I.IrIii Pleecil I'mli 1 w.,i se
Mni's K.mcv Pkeicd I'ndei w .11 .10c-
Mi it's Pleoicd ludeiweai r.Oe
Men's Jmse Hlbbcd L'ndciweai HUc-
M n'x Hei. ii'd rit'kiweiu $1.00
Meu' l.iRht Fine Wool t'lidet we 11 $1,00
AI"U's llcaj Doublc-llieasti d t'ndtiwea $1.7."
Comforts and Blankets
10-1 Wl.llo Blankets (0l.
11-1 White oi (licv sic
J.'-l Wllilej 01 (!le $1 til
11-1 Veiv IU.1V.V White $.'..",
10. ) tlev. (Jiov $110
1"-1 Fancy Wliitt O'e
rint- Hum- 4.1,00, $i,.;i, jmi, $.'.10, $10)
Bargains in Domestics
OulliiRs, veiy piettv pattens
rino Se Heavy Flentd Outings
I'.tiii y i0c Pino Kleeied oiitliiRs
Ilext Dnilblo Fleeced Outluts
Best HiinblidKi' Apioil CiillKll.tins,,.
. . 11C
.. lOo
Best IuiIIro Blue Plinth ,1e
Best 0c Old-F,i,shoiud Wide Calko So
Pest Stiaw TicKliii; s,e
Pest Hlue Slllpo Feathei TleklliR U'o
Table Linens
Speelil attention Invited 10 om Old Bleach Linens
hupeilor In worn-mid 1I11M1 to all otliet.s,
::ue Cieani Table Hamusk , L'lo
0f Cienm Table IJainiisI; uic Cieani Table Damusk ,,,, , rau-
I'll' c'u'.im Tablo Utni.ihk ..,, (,Sp
M 00 Cieani Table Uaninf-k S9e
M.!3 I'lPiun Table DniiMflc , ,,,$1,00
i!le Snow- White Linens, ,,,.,.,, r,iu
!i0c Know AVhite. Linens ,, 7,-,,,
?J.2' Snow AVIiito Linens ,.., , $1.00
Heed's SJ.B0 Snow White Linens $i,",
Heed's $.',00 Know AVhlte Linens $1,10
Heed's, $..5H Snow Wllltt' Linens , j.'.oo
Vine Linen Xapkins ,,..,, , , 7,10
Pino Linen Xapkliift, I.iirc clo $1,00
Puiei Linen Nupklm, J-l HUf ,..,,,,,, ,$i,'.M
Pine Linen Napkins, Iiu-ro Mai,, ,,.,,,, $i,no
Double Damahk X'apklu.s , , .,$:. 00
Double Painupk Napkins, I.hru heavj ,, ,,$too
Silver Hlenehed N.ipklus ,...,.$l,;'."i
Sllvei Pleathvil NapUlus, l.tigu heavy
Cut Out This Coupon
Present nt our oHIce,
purchase Si. 00 worth of
Koods or more and you
will receive 30 stamps.
October 10, u, 13.
Mears & Hagen
4IS and 417 Lackawanna Aye
A eonipaiiy of twelve iiltonded the
lJlvlp Thuinday iiIrIH, nftcr supper at
the club.
Mls Peunell has lsited Invltntlons
to a ditiice for iiet Fildny night.
Tin riiwiih III "The CIIiiiImii." nt the
tjjivtitu this artetnoou nliit evetiliiK'. uic
(ttutlKh to sell the house, without
fuilhet utiiiicllous, Piobably they me
Hie most lavishly epenlve ever Kiith
ried lit one play. Miss iimid Tinner
(loidon weals u Mllct-L!iey nutln din
ner Rimii In Hie "econd act tint L Is sttm
nliiK vvlth Its piliueBS cut mid enibiold
eiy of dioiillle and bluck peailw. Miss
Vulic'.s white Inoadikitli over old gold
panne vdvel, with loses embioldeied In
wlille silk, tin ended In jjold, Is stun
iiIiik. It Is Invily In lit and the niat'ii
llnltv piesenl Is sine to wonder how on
em tli she ever pets Into It. Mls lleip,
as "c'luia Hunter," wenis blue hIII;
Kienadlne over niisiiu tlutii led, out
lined In blue and Kohl coid. Mlts Mt.
John's ,putiKlcd dirss Is the most
sumptuous of the outllt. Theie aie
neaily a. half million silver spangles
over pale blue silk, with appllitied uii
(loweis In natuinl coIom, kIIUoi Imk
with the paillettes.
It will he lemeniheied thai one of the
"stai" iienes In "The Cllmbeis" Is the
nccnfilou wheie the beienvcd ladles
auction olt their Pails flnety to their
n lends, These niiiKiillkenl kowhs me
bi ought In, one by one, nml theie have
been matinees when womenln the audi
ence have (i far foi gotten the time and
place as to elainbei upon the seats for
u hetter view. Theie me main hints
to be j? lined fiom this unl(ue dt,'s
puinde lu the play.
The lullis will bcfiln theb lejiular
Jlondav sewing meeting ut the Iluhiip
nialiii hospital Monday, Oitobei 1,1
Uveijone inleiested Is ln itcd to attend.
Tlteie will be a social nftei pi.iv er
meeting Wednesday night at the Fht
Pif shviei Ian dun eh, when all c ounce t
id bv filencMiip or alllllutlons with Hi
old diuidi aie Invited to lie piescnt. It
will be an exceptionally pleasant allali.
The Plnoso in.vste, nt the, HKie ins
been the oiiMe of uiRiidlng disc us
skm this week People ulnhist
come to blows In the w, ninth oi tin Ii
atgitment as to whethti it Is 01 Isn't,
e.idi one assntlng that he posltielv
knows. One Miung l.idv wngeied th it
she would in ile a test c ae bv me ins
of a hatpin, when he oi It came down
the aisle tile net nlt,ht. but at the last
minute liei c 0111 ige lulled "It would
hint him so. ii it was alhe," she e
pl lined in iklense ol her weikness,
"and it he wasn't alive It might spoil
sonic ot Its internal inipunemints'-'
At .tin lite, one would almost as
willing!;, huvi a skeleton In one's closet
as the mWerlous Plnoso. lie oi Il
ls not heantitul, not giaeelul and not
p.utic nlulx fascinating as a (omei-
satlonalls-t He oi it looks as it theie
had been a 1 1 sui iei Hon some tlnee
weeks aftei huiiul, and M-t wi all like
In watch the maivelous pet 101 manies
ot this m steiicnis object
Net week's hill at the DKIe Is the
best vet and Includes the fanious Kitli
ivn Osteon to and conipim, besides a
lot ol di'Mi little childien The ntw
pianist is adding much to the iiiim
ot Hie house.
The niaiiiage ol William Ieicm
Divis, of the West H,c. ,i jss fai
lle P Xmliei. of (lie lential dtv, will
take place Wedncsdaj, Oct. 15
On Tbilisi i cveuiint al S o'doek,
David Tuinbiill Shtpbeid. of (luni
Hldge, was man kd lo .Allss Kale Small
.1(11 lev, the nnlv d Hlglitei of .All, mil
Mis John .Icllie.v, at the iisldini" of
the In Ide's p u e nts ii ing ,n emu , Dun
moie, bv the He Di .lames Hughes
The hiidesinald was JlsS Bess( w.
Shcphi'id, sistci cm the giooiu. .lohn D
Shepheid, ol Siotlind, cousin of the
guioin, acted as bist in in Miss Alaiv
Jefllev, nine ol the hi hie. w is (lower
gill, nml Miss Violence Jl. .Shepheid
pl.ijecl lite wedding maich. 'I he In hie
woie white muslin and laee, nml caimd
wlille diijsantlieiiiiini' The la lib s
in. ild was attitcd In whin- ihiiton, with
pink li linminj,s and cm led pink e In v s.
antlic muni". The llowei gills lioek
was w like Pi uic it 1 iwn
Tilt- wedding piismts weu- muiiti
ous and co-ti. . spppei muhI,
at Hie dose ot the eciemon.v. at
tile home ot tlie hi ide 's biotlut. The
gin-sis (onslsiid almost enthi lv oi the
tdillvcs cif the oiniH- mauled iiiupk.
The l:e. Di. Hllghes piopusiil the
health 1 happiness n tin. hihle and
bilde'ioom in ical old coiinlij sie,
Among those piescnt weie. Mi, and
-viis, .loiin .Icllie.v, Mi Tiiiubull, .li.
and Mis Pheplieid, Mi, and .Alls Beat
tie and fuiullv, .AH. and .Mis w, 'I'.
Love dale and inmlly, Mi. and Jli,
Wllllnm Held, Mi. and Alls. Samuel
Smith. .All and Mis James .letliev, .Mr.
and Mis Thomas .leuie.v and lainilv,
Mi and Mis ,le. .kuien und luntllv,
Mi, and Mi.s, Thomas Jetfiev, ot UmIo Mi. and .Mis, Hugh .kliiej unit
lainilv, Mi, and Mi.s. John .MiMiilmi
and family, Mi and Mis Piank Hi note
and iiiinllj, Mi, ami Mis. chailes Sh I
hi und lumlly. .Mi. and Mi.s i:imei
n.iMii, Mi ami Mis, Tuiubull and lum
ll.v, Mi. and Mi.s, Xoble and Mks Noble,
Mi and Mi. Llnekav McMillan ami
lamll.v. Mis- Mclut.vie and son, Mr.
and Mi.s A Sduiifei ami sn, .Mr. mil
Mis. AVllllam lluive.v, .Mi, und Mis,
Alev Campbell, Mr, und Min James
Hkcodi, si , and lamllj, Mi, und Mi,
Jiiines Skeodi, Jl , and famlh, .Mr. and
Mis. Junies Hi own nml lainllj, or
AVIIkes-llniie: Thomas Hcndeisou, Mss
Jlaigaiet Hcndeisou
Hj Oysterettes r
l The Walk-Over Shoe for Men I
5 This Is the Sign of the "Walk-Over" S
It stands for best quality stock; brainy work
manship and latest fashions in footwear. "Walk
Overs" stand in the front lanks of successful shoes.
j They have won a place in the hejrts of men solely
r on their met its, because they are the nearest approach
; to a perfect shoe for men now on the muket.
if The "Duke Shape"
5c Is one of the most popular of "Walk-Over"
K styles, nobby and thoroughly up-to-date. This shoe
5 marks the gentleman.
g The "Pensy Shape"
j Is the choice of many well dressed men. It
j has a certain chic and smaitness impossible to dupli-
It The "Prince Shape"
H Has all the maik of royalty and real gentility.
J It is a quiet, unassuming, but very fetching shape.
,l?& C"f ik
The "Freak Shape"
It is a real boon to men who aie afflicted with
sore and aching feet. May be worn day or evening
with periect taste.
The "Manhattan Shape"
Always has first call fiom men who like a
sttaight lasfof simple design-. It is the "light thing"
in fashionable footwear for men.
We ate the only Shoe Store in Scranton who
can furnish the "Walk-Over" Shoes,
$3.50 and $4.00 a Pair.
Moral Ti eat your feet to "Walk-Over" Shoes
and be comfoi table.
iMahon's Shoe Store I
328 Lackawanna Ave h
H Nutliie mm ei lis hei.seir with the
doiiiKs of us mm tals, and tilis to hiu
del ui" hk,s us mioidiiiH to i,Pl. ,m
( uuiies, It sincly .sult.d liei to lie in u
limit auilahlc mood Tuesday ot tids
week, for j.hc not mi p.uted hu diln
lilliB dl.ipeilts mm allow ed the sun to
Hhlnn out Horn the eleaitht ot cvtoliei'
slvles foi one whole du, hut nhe decked
the hills mill alle).s of old .Uiliwtoij in
In i most Kinseiuis tubes of nimson und
boiii ami Kieen, mid ovei them all limijt
the bluest of her uutiiiun blue us u
luldal veil loi tlie wed(lu(f ,u t one
of AhlltKton'H lull iluilKliteiN Miss
Maud MHiei, who was united n niar
llafie to Jir Ki.vuds Holland, of Alii
lliiiKoiilu, New Meio
The home of the bilde'tt liulier, Mr
J V Mlllei, ueai AVuveiJ)- the old
.Miller homesiead, whlih has been the.
hieim of so many texthe K.ilheiliiKs
sline the dnH when )u, Kiaiidniothi is
weie. blushing maidens in ver lookid
luettler Hutu upon tills occasion The
(lecoiatous had taken up tbu Idea pie.
v.illlUB nut of (loots, und hoiiowlns
fimn Nutuie'h inlur m heme, had most
tasteiulb emplojed the billllum led
and jellow pluinen nf the sumaihs, and
the deep green of tho wood feins, to
add to the. beauty of the. looms. Hopes
of eieepliiB pine and sunlit bsules
fiHtooned the illniiiK loom and .stulr
vvuj, und cut How eis in huge hum lies
weie placed about tho puilois.
At 12 o'clock, while Mr. Thomas Hall
plujeu" the wedding inun-h, the biidal
pait.v, with the tiny llowei Kills, Mm
Kiuet titevetisim and Pi .lines I'.uktr,
diissed lu white with pink sishe,, und
(iiiijIiik pink i. ii nation.'), enuiid the
inn tit puliu, white, imilei a laiKip.v ol
lei lis and billliant lolkme, tlie Impiess
ive mmiliiKi sftvUe uas lead h the
Hev. .All, 1'laik, of the Wavoily Hap
li"t (liuuli. rollowliiri the icumonj
and the collKiatulatlons uinie tlie wed
111111,' bitiiKfast,
Many filends eame to attend the mui
li.iHf and to wish the .voillli; lottple
liapplness and piospeilty in theli new
liume In the t.u southwest, nml many
uiul beautiful weie the inateiiul tokens
uf love and est( em which tlu luoUHlit
with them.
The bilde Is pojuilar anions a huge
iliele of uc(Ualntiilliis who loe her
fot her svviet dlspusltlun and mis-elllslt-ness,
und who, vpi iclui luiiil.v, sie her
have their midst.
The bllde Woie a iliilut. kowu of
whltu silk tissue over pink nlll, with
Iilsli point tilmmliiK.s, und a eies
lent of peails, wliieli w.m u Kilt
fiuui tin KIOOUl. filll i ai i hd a sliow
fl bouquet of while iues, uiul was
attended hy -Allss Jiene lle.vuoldh, of
t-'eiantou, its maid of lionoi, who whip
white oigundle oer tatletu nml laiilul
pink loses. The mations ot lionoi, .Alis
I'huiles II, fH'iitt. ot Pcntoii, Mich, u
Hlstit of the gioom, and .Alls. A
Stevenson, of HatllesblllK', .Miss, Wile
also e(iilsltelj eimniil
The truestH piecent weie
.Ails Pli.uKs I! Kiolt of lYiiton, MIi li .
Mis W'llllain A Hliviiisiiu and il.iiih'h
lets Al.Uh.inl and Mill. mi. of llulllis
billi,'. -MW , Ml. aiwl Mis Jeioiuu .Mlllu,
of WIILim.IJiiii. Mi, and Mis I' I' Hun.
ui, Mi und Mis. J Hull JuiIkc and
.Mis Wluatoii Cilpentei. Mi and Mis,
Oi'iugi c'nipt'iitri, .Mis, P (' Hiuaid.
Mis M i: .IUmiuIiIh, .Misses Mabel I'til
leudei, C'.iiilo I.lovil lieue It( Mialils, ot
Siianlon. James IMjue, of Xew j'oiK,
.Mis. I.uuiso 1'. sjinlib Mis. V K l'alinei,
Mis. Walle, Mis siteenson. Mi ami Mis,
H. II. Stone. Jli mid Mis S, O Hall. Ml,
and Mis. l J Watson. Mi and Mm. N.
X. XIUioIs, Mi. mul Mia Clvoijo l.eleli-
ten. I!i V and Mis I'lllk, .All mid Mis
llwuii (.'owlis, Mi and Mis ('limits
'llnkliain, Di and Mis X l", .Muiki,
.Vli und Mm II J Hull, .Ml. ami .All".
'Ilionms II Walls .Vli anil Mis- (Jimii.j
I'liainpllu, Mi mul .Mis .At I'aikei, Mi.
mid viis Dioikv Mi luds, Mi mul Mis.
ilioiM' SU'Vi'iiscu, Alt and .Mis Wllllmu
Siwiilluw Di imil Alls, liuv, ns Mi and
.Viis iJiiiih" htoiu Ut and .Alls H, (',
l.Miili, All mid Mis X K Uivls, Mi
and -Mis Waul I'm Lei .Misses lun Hiii
Jailllll, Itosii Jiiliis(il, I'l.lltl I'ellu, tilelll
H.lllej Willie lilioillllill, l.t)iu Mel
slum, Mm.v Hi van, Hlialnlh I'l.ue, Sam
Not tin up, Hiillliu und l.miisc l-'tehlev,
('llll'lllie I'aikil. Hiu Tlllkh.iin, lleleu
Kti vensuii, Hi .lines Mepnuu. I'lanus
I'.likti, .Altssn J on Wall.-. Will Hall. H
A. ('iiipimtci, 'lluusliiu I'.likti, Hd Hall,
Joe Sl.eiiMn, 'loin Hall. It H Hall, Hob
l'.ilkel, all uf Waviiiv mul vlilull)
Tlie pleasant home ot Mi and Mis,
lliudiill I'hase, ut F'K toij Ille, wus the
Hi'iit ot an ccepiloinll ptetty wed
illitK Wediiesdii, when theil iliumlitoi,
Miss .Million U. i'hase, was nulled lu
IlliU I I.IK" lo Hubc'i t 13, Xuemeyei, olio
ol Hethlehem'H pimnliieiit oum; men,
At lilah noon the wedding aity en
leud the piettlb deimated pallia, to
the stiiilus ot l.oheumlii, pl.oed by
Miss Hatleiuan The In Ide was united
ill ii kowii of uepo de i hlne, with peail
tlimmlims. Kile i ,u i hd u biiiuiuet of
Initial loses. The maid of lionoi, Miss
fliuee Chase sister ol the bllde, wus
Kiiwued in Pieiuli mulle. She i an led u
bomiuet of while asteis Tint kiooiii,
wtniiui; lonventiou il bliiik, was at
tended by Samuel T. I'ailemun The
usheis weie r. Chase and 1. AV Heinle
The pally met under an anil oi palms
.111(1 leins, deioiatetl v.itll white illl.vs.
The) it'iemony wus soleiunUed b the
Hev. James N., of r.Ktoiyvllle
.Vlethiullst ihuuli The milium wa,
f.iseliiatlllB a typical luldal pletuie.
After const atulutioim fiom the Imme
diate filends assembled. A
was sei veil.
.Mr. and Mrs. Nlemejvr weie the te-
tliileuts ot many beuutlttil and valu
able pl(s(tS.
AinoiiK H)'' Riiests 1 1 om out of town
weie. .Ali.U. W. Iteisle, Mi. R. H. II,
roieitiiK, .Mi. Huiltmaii, Mis, Hmle
ni in and diumhteis, Helen mid Mmy,
of Hetlileliem: .Allss Clj'ialdlne Connm,
ot Oiamsi'Vllle; Ml. mid Mis. Tutlilll,
Sei.intoii; .Alls. Thomas Hnteison,
The In hie and mooni It It on tho He.
await, L.tikawunnu und Western mil
mad on theli honeymoiin, e.iiiyiilK with
them tin liest wishes of theli nunieVtiilK
li lends' also a (iiantlty of ilce.'ani
vvltli tlielr ImKhMKc (Inly labeled, Tliey
Will leslde at Hi llllt lli'lll.
Movements of People.
I. S. Ithhaid
are Ju
Alt mid Ms.
cit'Vi'imiii. i)
Mss Kdllh Xoitmi will liavti tor New
Yolk llONt U ek.
li vim; Mil' He.iu edlirii ot St Iiiiu'b and
lliilusln, Is in L'hliiiiiii mi bilslui'ss,
Ml. mid .Alls I' . l'lillllps w letuiu
tliuii their tomiii) plate at Clmks (iiccn
IK st nt k.
Mis Joliu Jeini.Mi has mail!." ieem
ind litiui the lent, libit ss, wiiltb li.s
i malum i illllhu must ot Hie siiuilllil.
Mis Uuiiv l.a Km, of li.inii'nii'f.. Has
teliuuttl f i om a two weeks' slt with
All ipid Alls ln i I'ti Ult.liii, uf .Ulii a,
Too Late. '
A Ninth Skk' li.i.v, Ihe of m;e,
vvliii hut letemH tif(onie the liiolhoi it
nnothei llltlti lj(, suit to Uiii kio
tei tlieotmi d.i.v lo wet sumo loif
H inistaUi the htiuer ,..ivii him Kiauii
luted and Hie hu. was suit to i ive
It ( limmid
"Him do jiiii III e join nev luothei?"
asked Hie fiiiKi, as be wus welKhlnu
out Hie Unlit kind ol MiKiil
Oh. I iluii't like hiiu veiy much." the
little lellow answiiitl "lie tiles all lliu
'Wli.v ilon't mi cliausu him, then, ifs
1 011 do the site; 11 '.' ' 1
"Wo t.iu't ihuiiijo 111 nt now, 'cmiso
we've used blm time days." Chliufe'o
t .5a,3t
fc Ki-I