The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 11, 1902, Image 1

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Heated Interview in the Olllce ol
Senator Piatt on Meeting of Gov
ernor Odell and Mr. Baer.
JSv. Baer Announces Thnt the Opera
tors Will Not Allow Political In
terference with This Affair Gov
ernor Odell Resents the Insinua
tions Made and Sharp Words Pol
low The Proposition of Governor
Odell That the Operators Grant the
Miners an Increase of 5 Cents a
Ton and Recognize the Miners'
Union Is Rejected.
II.v n.M.lii'ic Wilt- fium Tin' A."ui ijtoil l're..
New York, Oct. 10. After two days
of conference between the anthracite
coal mine operators (Hi out' side it ltd
the governor and senior senator of New
York and the two senators fnim Penn
sylvania on the other, the strike of the
fulled Mine Workers of America Is ap
parently as far front a settlement as
Hie due It was declared. (.iovernor
Odell laid lief ore .the operators today
the proposition that If they would con
cede to the miners an advance of live
cents a ton In the price paid for nilii
injr he would promise that the
miners would resume work. Hcing told
further that the concession would car
ry with It recognition of the miners'
union the operators promptly refused
to entertain the proposition and took
their leave. Later In the day they and
the I'ennsylvuuhi senators left the city,
the latter going to Hurrisbttrg.
John Mitchell, president of the Uni
ted Mine Workers of America, an
nounced his Intention of leaving .the
city early tomorrow, his destination
being Wllkes-Rarre. Mr. Mitchell took
no part in any of the conferences yes
terday and today, he being in New
York, it Is understood, In order that he
might he within reach should the nego
tiations reach a stage where his deci
sion for the miners would lie required.
tiovernor Odell feels that he hits' done
all that it is possible for hint to do,
under existing laws, toward bringing
about n termination of the strike. lie
would not say tonight whether. It was
his Intention to call the state legisla
ture In extraordinary session to con
sider the enactment of n law under
which the contention between the coal
operators and the miners might be
brought to an end. That, the governor
said, was something he would not dis
cuss at this time.
The governor said tonight that he
would go to Newburgh tomorrow, to
register, and return here on Monday
morning. Then, he said, he would
again take up the matter actively If no
decision was arrived at by the miners
and operators. He positively declined
to talk further for publication.
New York. Oct. 10.--"What do you
mean by politicians? I want you and
nil the other operators to umlerstand
that t om the governor of New York,
Hid eltOMUi representative of seven mil
lion people, and that I am here In this
matter solely In that capacity and to re
lieve, If possible, an intolerable situa
tion. And what Is more, 1 Intend to
use every power at my command to do
Governor Odell made this statement
today to President Hnor, of the. Head
ing road, hi tho presence of I'nlted
States Senators Plntt. of New York,
and Quay and Penrose, of Pennsylva
nia. It was tho culmination of n
rather heated Interview In the ofllce of
Senator Piatt, and tho result of tho
llrst meeting between governor Odell
and President liner.
Mr, Unci" was not in the best of hu
mor, when, accompanied by K. U,
Thomas, chairman of the hoard of di
rectors of Ihe Kiie railroad, he entered
Senator Piatt's ndleo. The conference
was begun by a statement made by
Senator Penrose that the situation was
becoming so serious (hut some solu
tion must bu found at once. He sug
gested that the operators should in.
clino to some concessions towurd a set
tlement. "If you mean by that," said President
Haer, "that we wo to reeognlzo the ex
istence of a labor union, I tell you right
now that the operators will consider no
such proposition."
Governor Odell was on his feet in an
Holding n half-burnt cigar in his
hand and white with excitement, lie
"Are we to understand that no kind
of a conciliatory proposition will re
ceive consideration at the hands of tho
"I did not say that," answered Mr,
Haer, "but I do say, and I reiterate it,
that we will not-accent political advice
In' allow the interference of politicians
iu mis, our affair,"
Then It was that Clove' S. Odell made
tho statement uttrlbiitcn ..i hint lit the
beginning of this article.
President llaer, evidently appreciat
ing that he had gone ton far, bowed to
Governor Odell and said:
"(lovernor, I beg your pardon, No
personal affront was Intended, and we
will listen to any suggestion you may
Inive to make; hut again I repeat that
we must refuse to recognize the union
as represented by Mr. Mitchell."
"I believe." said the governor, "that
your position, from a public view, Is
absolutely untenable. If coal opera
tors, railroad men and other business
men can combine for mutual prollt and
protection, there Is no reason why
laboring men should not."
"Willi t Is the proposition," said Mr.
Haer coldly.
Governor Odell's Plan.
"Just this," said (.Iovernor Odell. "I
am sure that the labor organization of
which .Mr. Mitchell Is head desires him
to be fair with the general public. If
the operators will consent to give the
men live cents a ton Increase I will per
sonally present It to the miners, and T
believe they will accept It' It Is a
fair proposition."
"Does this mean, (iovernor Odell, that
we are to recognize tile miners' union?"
Mr. Haer asked.
"It certainly does." answered (iover
nor Odell quickly, "and there is no rea
son why you should not."
Mr. Knur and Ml. Thomas rose to go,
Mr. Thomas remarking that the matter
would be presented to (lie other opera
tors and that an early answer would
be forthcoming. Mr. Haer said, "wo.
are to meet a committee of the manu
facturers' association on Tuesday, and
we may have an answer then."
The conference broke up, Mr. Haer
and Mr. Thomas withdrawing. Sen
ators Piatt, Penrose and Quay talked
over the matter for a short time, and
then they ton separated, the two Peun
sylvnniiins announcing that they would
go back to Hurrlsburg and discuss the
situation with (iovernor Stone.
Governor Odell was not In a talking
mood when he left the conference. He
went directly to the Fifth Avenue hotel,
and during most of the afternoon re
ceived callers. Mayor Low, Anson fi.
MeCook, 1-M ward Lnuterbueh.Congress
nioii Lessler and Liltaiier and Senator
Plutt were among his callers. To one
of these the governor said:
"The coal operators may postpone
this matter until Tuesday, but I don't
propose to postpone It. They are not
acting fairly towards the people. 1
believe I shall llnd some remedy."
About ." o'clock John Mitchell,
accompanied by L. N. Hummer
ling, of Wllkes-Hurre, called and
bad a long conference. While this
was going on a despatch announc
ing tltp operators' refusal to consider
the terms offered by the governor was
When the conference was over. Gov
ernor Odell refused to say what had
occurred, and Mr. Mitchell was equally
reticent. It Is believed, however, that
Governor Odell presented his proposi
tion for settlement to the leaders of
the miners' union, and that Mr. Mitch
ell said he would present it to the dis
trict presidents hi the hope it would he
Governor Odell said: "Mr. Mitchell
was eminently fair and showed every
disposition to adjust the serious situa
tion." Statements of Operators.
New York, Oct. 10. Today's confer
ence between men In olllelal positions
and President Haer and Chairman
Thomas was absolutely barren of re
sults. According to the statements
made by the operators, the prospects of
a settlement are no more promising
than they were yesterday. There Is
nothing to Justify the assertion that
negotiations will be resumed next
Tuesday. As one of the coal presidents
put It, "the Incident Is closed."
"The publicists," said this gentleman,
"made a number of suggestions, all of
which we turned down. These Included
a ten per cent. Increase In pay, a de
crease of working hours and recogni
tion of the union, as well as a number
of other propositions which we regard
as equally uudolmtublc. In fact, wo
llnd it impossible to negotiate with
them, and said so,
"What their next step will be, 1 can
not say, but they understand that wo
cannot he moved. I repeat, wo will
not meet thein again. It Is frivolous
and Is hound to result In further Ill
feeling." Another operator said:
"It Is not for ns to consider mere
matters of political expediency. Had
so-called staesmen kept their hands off,
the strike would have been settled long
ago, We have taken u stand for prin
ciple, and no amount of argument will
budge us."
J, P. Morgan, who conferred with sev
eral of the operators during the day,
will not discuss the latest develop
ments, hut It Is known that he has not
swe'rved from his purpose not to be
come a party to the controversy."
Por the First Time Since His 111
ness Mr. Roosevelt Walks Unas
sisted, Ily Kxduflre Wire from 'Hie Aoiiteil I'resi.
Washington, Oct. lO.Prosldcnt ninl
Mrs, Itooscvelt went out for a dilvo in
an open landau at J1.:H o'clock this morn,
lug. Por tho llrst time since his Illness
tho president reached his carriage iinas.
sisted, Instead ot being can led down
stair In an Invalid chair, lie came down
upon crutches. He descended the steps
In front of the bouse without ubsUlaneo
nnd crossed to tho carriage, He held
up bis injured limb so that the foot did
not touch tho ground.
A largo crowd in front of tho house up
pluudcd as ho took his scat in tho car
riage, Ho acknowledged the greeting by
raiting his soft felt hat and bowlmr right
and left.
History Proves Him to Have Been
the Advance Agent of Commercial
lie Kxciiutte Wlr.' from 'Hip AS'oclatcil I'rrn.
West Chester, Pa., Oct. 10. Samuel
W. Peunypiicker, Itepnbllrun guberna
torial candidate, addressed the resi
dents of his native county tonight, and
met with a cordial reception. Hefore
the meeting was called to order the
candidate shook bauds with htiudteds
or his admirers, During his speech at
the Auditorium, Mr. Peiutypncker lelt
eruted Ills assertion that as William
MeKlnley wits "the advance agent of
prosperity," so might ex-Governor Put
tlon Justly be called the advance agent
of commercial depression, deferring to
the Democratic natiouiil successes
which followed Mr. Paulson's two elec
tions to the governorship nnd the finan
cial depression following the election ot
Grover Cleveland, the speaker said that
Mr. Paulson might well be termed "a
prelude to a financial tragedy, a preface
to a book of which the contents are
fires put out, mills shut down and In
dustry paralyzed."
Attorney General Klkln spoke briefly.
The Admitiistratiun Can Take
No Further Steps to Set
tle the Strike.
ll.v I!cltt.itc Wire livini The AccijleJ Pre?..
Washington, Oct. 10. Close advisers
of the president, who have conferred
with li I til over the coal situation, said
tonight that In their opinion there was
no further action the administration
could take on Its own Initiative to bring
the strike to an end. They say the ad
ministration is ready to do whatever is
possible, but that it has taken all the
action that is practicable. They scout
the Idea of a resort to the untl-trust
law and say that no such step Is con
templated, as action cannot be had
under that measure against the inter
ests Involved in the strike.
Tn ofllcial circles here, it Is suggested
that the postponement of the confer
ences that have been in progress in
New York today may mean that .Mr.
Mitchell and the district labor presi
dents who were with him are going
back to Pennsylvania to sound the
miners on some proposition made dur
ing today's meetings. This, it Is pointed
out, is a natural Inference, though made
without an inside knowledge of today's
The executive council of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, which is in
annual session here, is giving some
time to a discussion of Hie coal situ
ation, though most of ihe sessions are
devoted to regular federation matters.
Jt was expected that the council today
would adopt an address appealing to
the public for assistance lor the strik
ing miners, but no action was taken.
President (iouipers announced tonight
that the council tuny Issue its appeal
tomorrow, lie Is lit occasional com
munication with Mr. .Mitchell, hut de
clines to discuss the situation.
For a long time this afternoon and
again tonight, the president discussed
the coal strike situation with members
of his cabinet. After office hours this
evening. Secretary Root. Attorney Gen
eral Knox and Postmaster General
Payne came over to the white house
and remained with the president until
nearly t! o'clock. Tonight Secretary
Hoot and Mr. Payne were with hint for
some time. Further than to admit that
the coal strike was the subject which
brought them together, the members of
tile cabinet will not talk, except to say
that nothing has been done. Hon. Car
roll D. Wright, the commissioner of
labor, also was at the white house this
afternoon, His object wits to bring
with him n copy of the arbitration law
of isas. which already has been found
to be Ineffective as applicable to exist
ing conditions.
Secretary Hoot left Washington to
night for New York, after tltt nfer-
ence with the president, He announced
that his object In going was to register
so as to be able to vote at the coming
election, but he Is fully acquainted with
every step that has been taken by the
administration In the coal strike and
knows many of the most Influential
financiers in New York,
Shenandoah Officials Not Allowed to
Arrest a Member of the Eighteenth
Ily V.v lu-lf Wire from ilie Af-eclati-il J'iim.
Sheimnilo.ih, P.I., Oct. in. -A win rant
was sworn out today for the mrest of
Pilvate Wuilswoiih tor the killing ot Wll
Hani Durham .xestcrday hut Colonel I ltd
lugs, of the Kighleeiith regiment refused
to allow the constable to serve It. Dep
uty Coroner Leo was' ulso refused per
mission' to serve subpneuaes on the sol
diers who were wanted to testify at lliu
inquest. The coroner has refeiied tho
matter to the district attorney.
Colonel Hillings said Wadsworth wits
Justllled In shooting whi-u Oiirlmm re
fused to halt when challenged for the sec
ond time and that he acted under orders
from slate hcialqiiarturs.
Colonel Hillings Into today icvcrsetl his
witnesses wauled by the coroner to tea
witnesses wanted by I the coroner to tes
tify In the Durham Inquest. e untitled
th coroner this afternoon that the wit
nesses would not be permitted to go out
side of tlin camp, but that their testimony
might be taken In tho camp.
The inquest will be resumed In c.lliip
tomoriow morning and the testimony of
the soldleis will he taken.
Ily i:.ihi'.hi' Wile from The Aoiijtei V.
Sliiimoklr. I'.t.. Oct. U.-Uetnlls of the
Tenth regiment were placed at various
points about town this evening to save
non-unionists from being held up by
strikers. .S'mi-imionlst.s from tho Ieury
Clay shaft were taken homo In a regl.
mental ambulance tills afternoon owing
to any angry iiiuh hovering near the
The lucul collieries will bo guarded
by troops all night to prevent sti titers
from uttticking the non-unionists uud to
guard against incendiarism.
Decision of Dauphin Gountu Jndyes
Goiicernlna the Lackawanna
Their Stories Were So Much Alike
That Judge Weiss When Called
from the Bench Told the Lawyers
to Go Ahead Without Him That He
Know What the Witnesses Would
Testify to Upwards of 100 Wit
nesses Were Examined and of That
Number Eighty-seven Were Dele
gates. Special to the Hcrantoit Tribune.
Ilarrlsburg, Oct. 10. It developed to
day In the hearing' of the objections
to the nominations of the rival Demo
cratic county conventions In Lacka
wanna, that the Faheyltes do not ex
pect to prove that their Music hall con
vention was regular by any means, hut
that Its proceedings must stand be
cause the Irregularities were mired by
All the Fnliey witnesses had to say
was that the pirating of the convention
machinery, the perfecting of perman
ent organization bel'oie there was n,
roll cull and other gross violations of
the state law anil party rules, were
not objected to, but on the other hand
unanimously acquiesced iu. No at
tempt was made In the examination of
any Fahey witnesses to put up a de
fense of the monstrous proposition
that some "executive committee,"
which not only had no authoilty for
being, but in actuality never had been,
could, on the night hefore the conven
tion elect otllcers for the convention, a
prerogative which no lawyer or party
rule, anywhere or at any lime, ever
sought to take away from the dele
gates. The testimony of the Fahey witnesses
was provocative of some amusement.
Mr. Fahey llrst went on the stand and
told the story of convention day as his
side would have its events conveyed to
the cotlit. Then tho other witnesses,
one after another, afllrnted the same
story with answers of "I did," "He
did." "They did," "I was," "He was,"
"They were" to a series of set ques
tions propounded by Attorney Strunu
lian. It became so monotonous after a
time that Judge Weiss was moved to
remark: "Isn't it possible for ns to
agree that a whole lot of your wit
nesses are going to say the same
thing'.'" Later he left the bench to
answer n telephone call, and as he was
departing, said: "Go right ahead, I
think I know what the witnesses will
testify to."
Must Finish Tonight.
Upwards of 100 witnesses were exam
ined today. Of this number S7 were
delegates, who were put on the stand
In rebuttal to show there was not a
majority of elected delegates present
at Music hall when Howell and Sundo
were nominated. More of these are to
be examined tomorrow. All witnesses
have been directed by the Fahey side
to remain until the case Is concluded.
Court stated at the adjournment of to
night's session that the case must bo
concluded by tomorrow night.
A strong Intimation of how the judges
view the "regularity" of the Music hall
convention was given by a colloquy at
the opening of the morning session.
Judge Weiss asked If either side at
tached any Importance to the rules re
quiring that the tally list of the pri
mary election'' shall be made part of
the delegates' return to the convention
and that the vlgltunts shall subscribe
to an oath that the credentials are
.Mr. Olmsted replied that his side cer
tainly would attach Importance to both.
Mr, Snodgrass declared that his side
would contend that the rule relative to
tally lists' being returned was dlctatory
and not mandatory, as to the others
he held that acquiescence of the con
vention which received the ciedentlals
cured any and all defects. .Mr. Snod
grass said, further, It was not custom
ary to make a return of the tally list,
that the evidence shows only three were
Judge Weiss asked Mr. Olmsted If ho
admitted that these alleged deficiencies
affected the Melvln hall convention.
Mr. Olmsted answered that, If It was
shown that the credentials were correct
his side would show that a majority of
those presenting them attended the
Melvln hull convention, Major Warren
added that, leaving out of tho case the
contested delegates, the Music hall con
vention. Would be Shown to have hrell
without a quorum when Howell and
Ha lido weio nominated, 111 other words,
the Faheyltes did not iiitike enough
substitutions to overcome the Flynn
lies' majority, although they made
twenty-live of thein,
Matter of Credentials.
Judge Weiss asked Mr. Snodgrass (
ho claimed the credentials were good
when not sworn to by the vigilnuts.
Mr, Snodgrass said: "We propose to
prove they are good."
"That Is not an answer to Judge
Weiss' question," remarked Judge Slip,
onion, somewhat testily, "Wo are ask
ing for a frank answer to a frank quest.
"The credentials are In evidence,"
said -Major Warren. "They speak for
themselves. Only three of them are ac
companied by tally lists and half of
them urn not sworn to by the vigi
lante," "We thought," said Judge Weiss,
"we might hoar the views of the attor
neys on tho question of the necessity
of compliance with these rules, In the
(Continued on Page 3.
Paul Woodwaul Confesses Compile
ity In the Cilme.
Il.i Kii'liidte Wire limn 'IV Aiinl.ileil l'm.
Camden, N. J., Oct. 10. The police
atlthiiiitles stated today that Paul
Woodward, the youth who Is charged
with the murder of Walter Price Jen
nings and John Coflln, has confessed
to' complicity In the crime. The two
boys were found dead last week In the
woods near Hudilniillcld. N. J., about
six miles from here. Mrs. Woodward,
mother of the licensed young man, and
William and Charles -May, boarders at
her house, were arrested today and are
being held as witnesses,
Woodward denies participation In
the murder of the boys, according to
the police, but admits having been a
party to a conspiracy to rob Jennings.
He mentioned two men, supposedly
residents of New York, who had con
spired with him to rob Jennings of $S0i),
which Hie boy was to have stolen from
his father. Woodward says he left
both boys with these men near the
scene of the alleged murder und re
turned tn Camden.
The police scout Woodward's story
and claim to have sttfllclent evidence
to convict him of the murder.
The Most Important Facts
Set Out in the Answer
of the Company.
fly Exclusive Wire front Tlie AsfoeUtcd I'resi.
Philadelphia. Oct. 10. Counsel for the
Philadelphia and Heading Coal and
Iron company have prepared an an
swer to the application of AV. It.
Hearst to the attorney general of New
York for the Institution of an action
against the company und others under
the anti-trust laws of the state. The
answer will be filed in New i'ork:
The most Important facts set out In
the answer are:
A fundamental denial that the com
pany is in any manner identified with
any combination.
As to the rights of railroads to own
mining stocks.
As to circulars fixing the prices of
The answer avers that the respond
ent is a cortioration of Pennsylvania,
created " primarily to purchase, sell,
transport and mine coal, and incident
ally to acquire such hinds as It may
deem expedient, and to purchase the
stocks of any railroad or other corpora
tion. It Is denied that the corporation
has authorized or sanctioned any com
bination with another corporation con
trary to the laws of New York state.
It Is fttrtl'ier averred that all railroad
and canal companies, created by or or
ganized under the laws of Pennsyl
vania, are expressly authorized by the
statute law of the said state to pur
chase and hold the capital stock of cor
porations authorized by law to develop
the coal, iron, lumber, or other ma
terial interests of the said common
wealth and especially is any railroad
or mining company of Pennsylvania
authorized by positive statute to pur
chase and hold the capital stock of the
Philadelphia and Heading Coal and
Iron company.
The answer further denies that the
prices for the coal sold and shipped by
the respondent were ever determined
by agreement, contract, 'combination or
arrangement with the other corpora
tions mentioned In the application, or
with any person whomsoever. It Is ad
mitted that olllccrs of the company
have occasional meetings with others
In a like business, with the view of
exchanging and considering statistical
information and data as to the state of
available supply and the probable de
mands of future markets, in order that
measures may be taken to supply the
requirement). The respondent also de
nies that the prices fixed by It in
March, liioi, or at any other time, were
determined at an alleged meeting of the
hoard of directors of the Temple Iron
company, or that a uniform price for
coal was agreed upon with other com
panies. If other parties In the trade an
nounced the same prices, It was be
cause they could not reasonably ex
pect to obtain or demand greater prices
from their customers than the respond
ent anonuncod Its willingness' to sell
for, and. Ill the absence of special facts
and circumstances, were doubtless un
willing to accept less. Moreover, tho
circulars have never been regarded as
binding upon anybody, not even upon
the parties who may have Issued them.
Having shown, the answer concludes,
that It has not done or participated Iu
any act contrary to the provisions of
the New Vork'laws, It submits that no
further Inquiry should ho made Into the
allegations cited iu Uio application,
Tho Heading company and tho Tem
ple Iron company will make answers
denying any connection or eonipllcl,ty
with any organization or combination
as set forth In the allegations of the
Hearst hill.
Steamship Arrivals,
Ily i:iltnhe Wire (unit 'IV A"m'latol l're,
Now York, Del. 10. An I veil: 1'uerst
Hlstuurck, Hamburg, Southampton and
I'herbouig', La l.orialne. Ilavie. Cleared:
Ciinipanlu, Liverpool; Vudeiiand. Ant
werp; Siuteiidum, ltotlcid.ini via lion
logue; Tinve, ileium and Naples. Piawle
I'olnl Passed: Kensington. New York
for Southampton and Antwerp. Lizard -Passed:
I'ulrldu, New York lor Ply
mouth. Cheihourg ami Hamburg, llrow
Head Passed: Celtic, New York for
Queeitstown and Liverpool, lloidoguu Kill'
.Me l S.tlled: Hyiulum Ifrom ltoltcril.ini),
New York. Cheibotirg Kaikil: Columbia
ifrom Hamburg anil Kotithamptnai, New
Shoe Manufacturers Meet.
Hall lulling, Pa.. Oct. lU.-Tho exeeiitUu
committee of Ihe Pennsylvania Slum Man
tifactuieiH' UH.soilutlon. at a meeting to
day In this city. Instructed tho secretary
to petition congress Iu behalf of the us
socialloii to enact legislation looking to
ward (lie restoration of the Ameiiran
merchant muilitv. Mid also to commend
congress for its efforts In the reorganl
utlun of the United (States consular ser
vice. '
Disturbers of the Pence at Wilkes
Barre Will Be Punished Addi
tional Collieries to Start.
Ity K.U'htme Wile from 'Hie Ai"orlated I r.
Wllkes-ltniTC, Oct. 10, Disappoint
ment followed the news received from
New York this evening that the con
ference held in that city for the pur
pose of settling the miners' strike had
failed to reach an agreement. It Is
feared iu business circles that the
struggle will continue for some weeks
yet. The strike loaders will make
every effort to hold their men In Hue,
trusting to cold weather to bring the
operators to terms. The local operators
say nothing but failure was to be ex
pected from the New York conference,
as it was more of a political gather
lug than anything else.
The olllccrs of the Third brigade, with
headquarters iu this city, made the an
nouncement that the order of Governor
Stone to place all persons arrested for
rioting under a military guard will be
strictly enforced. A stockade Is being
erected at West Side Park, where the
Ninth regiment Is In camp, and prison
ers will be confined there. The mili
tary authorities complain that the civil
authorities have been too lenient with
some people who have been taken Into
custody since the military arrived in
litis region, and that sterner measures
arc necessary. The troops camped at
West Side Park suffered from the cold
for the first time lust night, when a
heavy frost prevailed. Oil stoves were
in great demand today, and 'the dealers
in this city and surrounding towns had
no trouble in disposing of their stock
at advanced prices.
The operators will make another de
termined effort to start up additional
collieries next Monday, and In case the
military cannot furnish the necessary
protection for the men who want to go
to work, and their families, a number
of the. local operators will petition the
governor as to the advisability of call
ing on l lie president for federal troops.
National Hoard Member John Fallon,
who l In charge of strike headquar
ters during the absence of President
Mitchell, says the talk about calling
for federal troops Is all moonshine, as
the state military now cover nearly the
entire strike region and they have
nothing to do.
Notwithstanding' Labor Troubles B.
G. Dun & Co. Continue to
Take a Rosy View.
By Kxclu-he Wire from The AxueUteil 1'reii.
New York.Oct. 10. H. d. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade, tomorrow,
will say:
Favorable symptoms still predominate
and the business outlook encourag
ing, despite the adverse factors ot labor
controversies, fuel shortage ami light
money. These drawbacks have mil se
riously checked industrial progress test!
lies to the strong position attained dm lag
tecent months of uninterrupted activity
and growing coiillilence. .Manufacturing
plants dependent upon i.tcam for motive
power are finding profits curtailed by the
high juices for fuel, and, unless normal
conditions are soon restored, it will he
liecessiuy to secure better quotations for
liroiliicts, Til-1 problem of adequate trnns
liortallou is also disturbing, as tlteie Is
already congestion hi the coki region.
When anthracite cjial mining is fully re
sumed anil grain shliments attain 'X
jieeled dimensions', the railroads will llnd
great dlflletilty In meeting all require
ments, desjiite vlgi.ious efforts to lucivasu
facilities. It 1 certain that all records of
pig lion n eduction would be far sur
liassed If cu!:e could be obi, lined, even
at the exceptionally high prices now pre
vailing. Hence, reinirls of active fur
naces measure Hie available supply of
' coke rather than the demand for pig Iron.
Imports on a liberal scale, although new
rulings as to tatlff tales checked arilvals
of steel billets, are reooried. liitilway
I equipment Is about Hie most active fea
ture ol the market, car sunns seeumg ma
terial, while aiders arc jil.tced for far
distant delivery because early MilpmciUH
are iiniiosilhle. High premiums are of
fered for locomotives, but the works
have (heir books filled well Into nest year.
i Last week's reduction In pi Ices of sheets
land wire have not been followed by any
weakness In oilier branches of Hie lllide,
i while an Impinwd demand Is rejiorled In
! the Hues making concessions.
Cotton mills hi New Hngl.tud are lire
lulling to shut down on account of fuel
sliortuye and the market for goods Is
tiling because sujiilles are already Unt
iled. Jobbing sales are fully up to the
average I'ol tile sciimiii. ami collections
are satisfactory, but uoceitiilnty u to
the f'uiuro lends to restrict undei takings.
failures for Hut week nunibcrnl si.l !u
the Culled .Stales against ill last year,
and il hi Canada again :il l.isl year.
II) i:mIiiU Wirv (. .i
Hlooinsliiirg. I'.t
Wir.' (. ,m Tl:e Au. latt'tl I'm".
Oct. H. -Nearly H-
ihmj people wllnessul the last day's lining
at Columbia county fair today. Sum
ma lies: ,
I'.jr, juicing; piue. JlW-James S. won,
lliirhain second. Jay It. thhd. H.illle Der
by fourth. Hi'i-t time, I'.l.V
:'.17 trotting: purse. $i. Piliuv (ireen
landcr won. Hick second, Loul Mlddletoa
third, Ht'd itlrd lotiith. Pest time. L'.iHi.
i'.;'."! jiacins; purse, ! Hold Joo
Wilkes won. Shadulaiid second, Major
Wellington third; Annlo Ilry.tnt font Hi.
liest time, 2,31 Ji.
" m
Pension Granted,
D Kxtfuslvc Wire from 'lbc Aaoclatl I'cmi.
Washington, August JO. Phllando Kim
ble, of HiTunton, has been granted a pea
alou of tie a month.
Tile Next Place ol Meetlna ol thf
Grand flnim ol the Republic
Is Designated.
After Casting a Few Votes for Sara,
toga, the New York Delegation
Decides to Support the City of tho
Golden Gate The List of National
Officers Is Completed The Commit
tee On Legislation Presents Its
Report and Finds That the Presi
dent Is In Hearty Sympathy with
the Effort to Secure a Broader
Recognition of the Claims of the
Uy Kicliiihf Wire from The Aoe!tfd Picn.
Washington. Oct. 10. The Grand
Army of the Keituhlic today decided, by
a large vote, to hold Its encampment In
ItiOli at San Francisco, Cul. Practically
the only competitor was Atlantic City,
but it few votes were cast for Saratoga.
The chances of the last mentioned place
were destroyed by the decision of tho
New York delegation to support Sun
Francisco, ami when the solid vote of
that 'delegation was cast today for the
Pacific coast city, it was recognized
that Atlantic City's prospects also were
very slim, fieneral Shatter made the
speech nominating San Francisco, while
Iu the afternoon Commander Ilunn, of
New Jersey, named Atlantic City. Tho
vote was:
San Francisco, 57.1: Atlantic City, ITS.
Tho selection ot San Francisco was
then made unanimous.
Hefore the place of meeting was
chosen 'the list of national ofllcers was
completed. A. W. AJchlson, of Texas,
was chosen surgeon-general, and Itev.
D. It. Shuey, of Kansas, chaplain-Inch
During the day the committee on leg
islation presented Its report. The re
jtort was devoted especially to the com
mittee's efforts to secure a modification
of the civil service laws in the Interest
of veterans, which It was stated con
gress had failed to concede. The com
mittee find that the president Is In
hearty sympathy with the effort to se
cure a. broader recognition of the claims
of the soldiers, and "In marked contrast
to the attitude of congress."
Row at the Sessions.
The I'liion Veterans' Cnlon had a de
cidedly lively day. and the final result
was a sjillt In the. organization. The
first row was over a question ot eligi
bility to membership. A resolution was
adapted that let down the bars too
much to suit some of the state delega
tions with a large membership In the
order. This caused Ill-feeling. Later
the friction In the union developed rap
idly In consequence of a committee of
the order, which had been Investigating
the conduct of Commander-in-Cliltf
Dyrenforth, adopting a resolution rec
ommending the suspension of the commander-in-chief.
The connnander-lii-chief
was presiding when the commit
tee endeavored to report. He refused
to recognize it, or to surrender his
olllce to the next ranking ofllcer of ho
ortler, Turbulent scenes followed until
finally many withdrew, those remaining-
re-electing (ieneral Dyrenforth, and
the seceders taking steps to form a new
The weather today was fine, thin
giving the veterans glorious Octobef
days throughout their encnmpiueiit.
Five Persons Seriously Injured by
Explosions of Natural Gas.
ily IImIiiihc Wlte from Tho AssorlJiiil l'ie.
Pittsburg. Pa., Oct. 10. Fira today at
Homestead, Pa., caused by an cNploslon
til' nutiirul gas, badly damaged the S. ,
euth Avenue hotel, postofllco and oliieo
buildings of tho Homestead Iniiiroveiueiit
company and seriously Injured live per
sons. Their namea: Mrs, Sophia stlt
fel, John Kllch, John Klatle, Joseph -Me-Cime,
W. S. Uullock.
The liijmles of tho first three are se.
The explosion eccenrred In the ceiia:
of a confectionery story on the iln;
floor of the Homestead Lund lai
pruvcinent coutjiany building at iill An
The loss Is nbout J30.000.
Payne's & Co.'s Bond Approvec
By lluiiislve Wire from i'lio AsoeUted l're.
Huriisbui'g, Oct. 10. Oovernor Stole, nl
authorized by the statu cupitol bulldhur
commission, has approved the bond ot
Payno &. Co., of Philadelphia, the con
tiuclors, for the erection ot the new cap?
Ilnl. The band Is In the sum of $l,"2.f.
and tint surety Is the American iiandtn
cimpan.v, of rSaltlniuie, wilh another Bal
timore Suruty company aiijuoxeii us a co
surety. Coutiactur Payne was here tu
day arranging to begin work uu the con'
sanction of the capital.
' p
Local data for October 10, 1W2:
Highest teinju'iatuiu 03 dsr
Lowest temjieratuie 31 decreet
Itelatlvo humidity;
S a. m ST par cent,
.s ji. m ,.,,, 47 par ceut;
Precipitation, 1 liuura ended 5 . u,t
none. xt-U
-r . .
Washington, Oct. lO.-Forecast
for Saturday and Sunday; Eastern
Pennsylvania Cloudy Saturday
Willi rams in souin portion; aunt
day rain; fresh to brisk east winds.