3R35ra8R sropi? THE SCRANTOX TRIBUiEFRTDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1902, US '0 3 '-St a 2 X WEST JjCRANTON " Reception to Rev. David Jones by His Con gregation in Honor of His Returu from Wales Other News Notes. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. T.nit evening the members nf Iho Fltst Welsh Congumitlonnl church tendcipd their pastor, Hex, Diwlil .Tours, a tperptlon upon his rctttt u limit mi pxtrnded visit tlnotiRli Wales. Daniel .1. 1'vuns wad chairman of tltp pvpnlng, find uftcr ii xxplt-rondoied iintliPin by tllo choir, lie inndp n few i email's xety iippinprlnte tn tlu- happy exent. Miss Until Thomas ipinlrteil u very pleasing solo, rirti'f x tilth Jntnes T. 15u ls mid David M. Thoiniis (nude vrry intpipsting iiddi pk-p.i. This xvas Inl IowpiI by ii pleasing lodtatlon by Miss Annlp D.tvls. Tliuuiiis I'llns lendpred u solo In a pleasing milliner, uftcr xxhlcli Hiss May Jones, on behuir nf the Mis sionary society, In her lls-tinl jitonliiK manner nnidu an Inti resting uddiess, welcoming Uox Jones IhkIc Ki his home .Ultl phiiU'b, mid c.'-p;-es-sliig suttsfactliin lit Hip lencxxui (i tlu pleasant pas iiiuil leliitlons Daniel D.ivlfi also gave nil nddless hi ueloome, xxhlch xxas follow c-d bv a vi'iy sweet solo bv MM Usrle Jenkins, lump Daxlr mldn -eil llio undid ce on b"h,lll or lilt' Vnimg People's society, till1; b-lng loUuxvid li. a poem of xxrl- cnine xwllten bv .Mis, deiugo Pmxell .i. It. Jones'. In will clio-p.i win is, nn1 li-linll ni the (.'lunch, ih.hIp mi nddufs, ' In which he i:ci!!ImI ,i inn-t (oidlnll xxchntnp to t lit Ii l.iltlilnl p-"-toi, Dank! Paxis mil" a solo, which am lolliiwcd by Kihv.'tid 1.ivl- and .lolin ! X. Huh, who .-poke bilt-llj nn the inipm occasion. The i hiiliiii.in li.tKiduicd Judge ii, A I. d'.iii', who In his tlcxct manner v.ide uppinpilate i,ini,a Till'- v as fnllilXXdl bv the p.islnl', I!e. I), ll Joins, who icimoii 1 1 1 j u axels In "Wale ami M!i of many hPe-istlng .nul pleasing . x i is (o-ncitMi with up ino-t pleasant t.-lp The nn . lion w,i nought Id a dove by til' rnllgt Pgul ion singing -.M'iupi- Uni.ifi." alter whlth genet, u hand-linking wax In older. Used Eioom en Him. , John o. nr.l o, South pser avr mif, ippc.ited bnfoic Alderman John I j ("-km day .nul "woie out the ai net nf i:en c,et.: (if assault and battel, side In the slni,. house dencc xxu li.sutrioleni (llFchiuseil hrr. Daxis then suoip out nto aii-c-t of Annie and u i no same home, on fpr s;,in0 chaise. -t me iHiiuii- nisi ex onlng lli( .ildei.l again decided ij;,,t ;;,,, 0..i,i. , ,. It. I . -. 1 iKiiin, .-inn s(, dlchaised ntlicr evening lip went to bed nbotit S o'clock, and was awakened a chart time later by n terrible racket the tin co ilefeiulimtH wete mnkliiK. lie got tip nnd went to Inquire the cause, when thry tied n lit until on him, Will Join City. The lending pioperty lioldptH ot I.ln roln IlelRhtH nnd the Hntmd Woods plot held n meeting In Hip assembly lnoin of the Kinbiiry ehureh lait even ing and dlset!.'ned the udvlsnblllty of annexation to the city. The meeting was addiPS'Pil by welt-known residents nf that section, all of whom tavoied the plan, A vote iiii then taken and It found those present uiiniilinnus In their wish to become a pint of the city, A com mittee of live properly holdeis was ap pointed In confer with the piesldenls of the cnunclls on Tbuiday (.-veiling next. Beat His Wife. j John Pi a ley, 'of 1H Ciimeum avenue, I Was arre'Ued by fnnstnble Jiiiicm at the 1 Iri'itance of his wlte, who claimed (bat I her loving spouse committed an assault I and battery on her and iiNn olunteeied 1 to end her unhappy life for her. I At the healing befoic Aldeiman Da vis yesteiday, the defendant was placed under $.iCi bail, which was fill nlsbed by Michael Itlley, of Pi ice s.tieol. of this ( online field to team wMiiant for ( . oi the ( li.nqe Tbe both ip- '. As the p tbe aldeinain a w.'iiant for Hie Fi aiucs. man was both Dai is insti claims I In both (.ives Hi. it Mm BW. REE! FIEEIli Five stamps sivrn nvray with each bottle of Dufour's Frcnph Tar G. W. JENKINS. Ready for business. The ('if-ccnt foot ball teani side has le-niganlzed tor the foot hall scu-on. and Is In the inept anv good spennd ela.-. Sonic of the best second-ehi's playn", aic to be lutincl In the line-up, wiilih ir as Inllow -: 1 rlee, (enter: (Jaiighati. ll-ht Rttaid. Citincll. kfl giiai d. .Shea, len tackle; Keiinlek. light did: Xeails leii end; Qulnnai:. (iiai tei back; lrllllth. full bad;- I Jill gpi hull, left half: Moss. ilglit half. Embury Church Notes. The T. V. 11. circle of the lhubtiry SlPtliodLst Kpiscopil oliuich met In the church pailois Wednesday evenlng.and elected the following otliccis foi Hie ensuing jcat: Prrsidpnt. Miss Abble Hancock; vice pipsldent, Miss Daisy Nash; "ectctniy. Miss i:du,i M. Hon iipi; tieasincr. Miss Kllzubu-tli Wll linirs. At th" close 0f die election a Mielai time was enjo' ed. llic JntPi-mrtliate league of the i lunch will hold an nifi tiilniucnt In the tliiirel parlors nn Thursday even ing, Ofi, L'J Some of the i cry h st talent in the city h,.s heen spimcd, and tlu audlenip v ill li.n e the pleasuic or heaiinv Mis MkzIc Hughes Hiun dage, of the Pcnn Aieinie P.aplist chin ch: Philip Wan en. of the I'liu Park cbiiicb. ,i,u! Mi,.s Maud Lewis, of Muflalii. a noted cloi utlonlst. A rail pioginiiinip will in- issued Liter and a most enjoyable time, is assmed. Pnlnleis Juno been busily engaged In painting (he Washburn Street Piesbyte Man church, nnd It now piesents n very neat npppniance, Itntulolph Jones, tP Jackson slie't tnllor, la seiloualy III wllh ncivous plos. tratlon, MISS llpltlltl rtntlnla. nf Vnrlll tlrmi,. !y. ,lvemP' w-ns npeinted on for appen dicitis by Dih. l. a. Hall. J. J. Ilion nan and li. J I, Hnyinnnd on Wednesitny. rile operation was cnthely sticecsslul and the patient suffcier Is now nn the nnd to teeoveiy. The Pennsylvania Telephone company iijif (i large mice oi men ill wotk on North Main avrniie. nntiliKr ilm eon- dulls In for the tindei ground wiles. Mis. Myia I.ntlniiii, of Urn Mawr stirct, Is honip fiom Phlliidtllilila. Jlajor C. 1". Alaik. of I'i yu Mawr street, left yesieidiiy inoinlng foi Washington, 1). C wheie lie will attend tho clliltid Aimy of the Itepubllc letinlon, Mis. II K. Jlutton, of Wasiihiun sheet, Is (lltllo III. Mis. J. 12. Kent, of AVashbuiii stieet, Is lecoveilng from a seven' Illness, ' Hew if, l McDeiinotl, of the Simpson Methodist I'plscopal cliiiich Is liuinu fiom i'lttston, Mr. and Mis, 12 Dns, of Houth HI. mote aveinie, aie In Washington attend ing the nwind Aimy ot the Itepubllc eu ctiinpniput, Mis, William Mnddon. sons llnv mul Call, of South lliomley avenue, also Mis. William II. Iteese, nf Thltteenlh stieet, have lelnined from a month's visit lo Chicago and Dotiolt. Miss ICdna nviins, nf Soutli Main ave nue, Is home from C'ailiondaie. James Williams, of Toted i, O., Is the guest of West Scililiton fi lends Wilson James, of Coibett nveinie, bus goii" to IMUsbuig Hex. Hugh Daxlis and wife, nf Smith Lincoln axenue, lelt est(.idnv morning for an oMondni st in the west. MI'S Lucy Mmiii. ot Cai lioniiale. Is (be fc'llest of Miss .gnes Conwav. of i'elloxx'H "treel. IJ.uld Tliomas Ins irliuneil to Ills home In Caibondale arier a pleasant xislt with West Sei.mtnn lilends. I he Junior class of the Sciauton High school at a lecent uipcilng, elicted llio following xxell-known West Hide voiing people as their nlllcd s; Prcsldeni, C,i theilne Panic; seeielat, Vloieiicp Wlilt m.in: (le-isiner, Aitliur Sxveeter. All meinhei.s tlf I'ltther Matliexv Total Abstinence and lienevolent society are nn- iiiiimi lo meet hi Ht. I eo s lonim at S o'clock tills moiiilng, (() go to St. l'at rl( k's ( lunch in a bod.x Tile members of the l'mburv MetboiINt tJpiseop.il eliuich xxll! hold their liiii-cst home and rally day serx i( cs in the chinch nest riundav. An plnbointe pio gr.inuup has been prep.ued and the fiiin ilav school is voi king with n will to make the event ,i most thorough siccess. At tiie legular meeting of the West PIde Hi publican dub, held last evening, John .1. D.ixK John Wllltins, David M. Jones and K, W. Luc weic elected to memboi.slil;i. ONLY $ 1 0 FOR A COMPLETE CURE TM 1a ... m.., . .vvmwoivj luvimii-u, nn NORTH SCRAjSTON. Wi ii) $ ma m $$ It ackets J5S Wo Ill we hardly j Tli ere is so much to talk about Cloah Dspirtment these days that kuow where to bao-in at c Suppose we take Smart Jackets for the crisp wettherthat comes with these bracing days. We'll content ourselves with five ex amples, but theie are fifty other styles to look at here, and we have them iu all sizas, our Jt; A ITonte Carlo Jacket, in verted pleat back, double breast front, double capes and satin cdpe. Highly tillered, nnd most desir able for ladies who like to he in touch with prevailing styles, without being- conspicuous. Two A stylish Jacket in Velour, blouse front with cord loop fastening, high lolling collar with deep le veise, the new Du Barry cuffs, jet and braid trim mings, tho new stylish rip ples, of course. Lining and tailoring- nnd in perfect ac cord with the get up of this truly handsome Fall Jncket. 1 No. Three No. FotUi A Monte Carlo Jacket in lich velour, excellently tailored and trimmed. Box effect front, with high rol ling collar nnd new sleeves; handsomely jetted, nnd withal so perfectly gotten up that it would be hard to impjovo on its nppeainnco or ndd to the quality. JU- A jaunty garment, In Castor Kersey, cut on grace ful lines that mould well to the figure nnd proclnim its merit nt n glnnco. A Monte Carlo model, with double invejted pleats back, shoulder stmps, elaborate ly stitched box fiont, Elberouyelvet tailoied col lnr, the new cuffs, etc. There Is n swing to this Jncket that proclaims its excellence even to tho in experienced eye. No. Five Castor Jersey Jackets, with Elheron velvet collar, triple shoulder enpes, fly fiont buttoning, box pleat back, handsome trimmings, satin or inlaid kersey, bell sleeve, otc. A most elab orate nnd handsome Jacket for lovers of perfect style or exquisite good foun, Your Inspection Is Invited, v.. sw . 1 Globe WareboOs?.! Tlie muili inlked ot military social of Company C. Piist Regiment of Lancets, Alihh is tomposed of membeis of tho PatliPi- Whitty soeletj. take place hi St. Mar.x's Inll this ex piling. Por lliu past few diis a foiee ol men have been aiiang'ng the decoiatlons which will ex eel any vet seen in tins h dl Company A, the p,lde ot the leerlmenl. which iraxe siidi n biilliant cslilliltloii tli III .U tho Ninth leglnunt annul, AVilUes-Uane, last snlng, will Ixc an ovhlbltion dull, l lie ineinlipih ot the snilety aie icuiiosted lo mecl at 7 oVKk k this moining to at tend mass liefoie going on p.-uado. A plea-ant suipis( p.uty was tendeied How. ml ,k Ilariy Uiiscoll at tiioir homes on niininnd ax-enue by a number of tiioir lildiiP Wediii"day excnlng. lianas or xaiions kinds and othei social (lixeislons xxdo Indulged iu until a sea sonable hour when, lefn shments -xxoio seixid bv Mis. Dilspoll. a-slsied bv the Misses Loin Ciamer and Lucctt.i Miller. This oecaslon aNo maiUed the thlitielli anilheisary of Air. and Mis Diiscoll's iii.iiiiiige. Among those pistut weic: Mi'isps .Maine Maev, J'.ulli Crainer, Ali'o Coon., Hell Osboinc. Jottie Diisioll, Net tle Cinnu'i'. Con Ciamer, tirace and Mao Ciamei, Plniciiio Ciamer, Lama llili- coll, Snail Uiiscoll. Uutli Ciamei. Kiimi.L ,xnd Libel iCiik. Blella M.u k -Hid Mrssn. Daniel Diismll, peier .Alulr. Il.iiiison Ciamer and Mr. nnd Mis. 'liner Ciamer. The Sunday -r liorl ot the Pioxldpuro .xlelaoolst I.pi(op,il chin di Jim poses ill aiiBinating a i.illx day serx ice on Sun day, Oetobei 1.', nt t p, m. In the ihuieli audience mom A xeiy inleiesting j,rn in, inline has been piopaied and so far as possible all foi rm r menibeis iillic (huieli have bien f.nomd with ,i p,, ,niinl Inxl t.itlon lcgaidlcss ol piesent afliliatiom (111 .ippoimt of a delaieney in the iccoids soino m,i hue been ovei loo'-ed, to those and all intonated in the school a (ci dial inx nation to be piesent is ox tended KiPll.nd Ileal n, a lesideut of Coiut slieet, met xxhli a pilnful aeddent Tuet,. da exciting. lI'Min Is cninloM d iu tho engine loom of the Kci anion Line factory anil ai uie paineiii.ir nioment the acci dent on iu led xxas cleaning out tho Hues of one ol the boilcis, when his aim xvas sciioiiMly si .tided by escaping steam. Ilo xvas icmoxcd to Ills home whoio me'dleal attendance was called. Host hall cut ill the clt, He. Mellalo, the barber, .Mis. Thomas Wat kins, nf Olyplmnt, xxas the guest of her brother. Iiidaxx-, W, W. Wntkiiis, or Noilli Main ux unite, AVed-nesday. .Miss Mullen lias i etui neil homo nfler spending some time xxlth lelativcs on tho Hudson llxei. Mil. and .Alls. II. a. AVhrelei-. Ii. nf OIplmnl lo.id. have iPtmm-d to their homes nftci a xMt witli n lends In Claikji Summit Mis John Men ild, of Noith Main avenue, Is iiipldly lecoveilng l rum a two xxenlts' Illness. It. C, Itoeso, nf Peckxllle, was a guest nmong Iriends liero on' Wednesday, Mis M. .AI. Collins, of Noith Main nve iiIip. and Mis, m. J. Collins. r ci.irk. slieot, xxeic In Jessup Wedncday attond- iok ine uuierai oi iieinauj lieehan, The Noah Khil Oleo society attended a mass meeting in Jessup joAtoulay, Tlie Noitli Sciauton lioxxllnir niicvn win lie le.seived for Indies this iittcuioon from L' lo (! o'clock No gentlemen xvlll bo ad mitted dining thesp lioius, SOUTH SCR ANTON. The Young Women Cliiisllun nssoda linn Lilly and l.iM opening will bo held this cxenlng at the moms, lO.'l Cedni avo. line Tho itdihess of tim evening will be made by Rov, Mr Nordt, of tho Hickory Street aeiinan Piesliyteilan chuicli, There will be talks by Miss RaiiUln and Miss Liic-on. and also u hiuhIciI pin gramme A Her tli luogianuno lofiesli, meats will be serxed nnd Htmlonu, cm U'glster for ilaus Tim lolloivlng classes Will be tmisllt I libs year: Uducullonal, uiiuiiiiciic, siciiihi;, Kiuinmar ami lit i,(uiic. iiiuiniii g.vuiniisluni, and """, "no i noi wiiik. junior xx oik, sew. hit; and lllble All women mid K,s aio rordliillj In vH d to iitlcnd Thu Juiilni I'lble iliss Piiday nfteinoon at ;;.Pi, ah paients tilled to send tlmi) chlldieu. St John's hall wan tho spoiiu of an. oilier merry sidul gathciiug last oxciilii',', xx lien luindiedii of mmius indies utlcnded the ciicIiic paity xvlilcii was given under JliK auspices of MsS Cecelia O'Uovla. I ully txx-o huudied p.utlclpated "tho Tt has always been tho enidlnul ptlncl l'le of the Oleat Quuker Physlelnn's life to do the greatest amount or mind to ilm Ri-eatest number of people, lb: has leal- mmiv,,in.i1'll.l"f-, '" l"u,t l(,'v months ?'? People In Hcr.tnton have been suf thJ 1,' ",'," Intinelal depiesslon owing lo iiiM,i.0,.t"1,f. ,',",1' pp'idltlons. linn n. ?,, 1,0('1'Ip linx'c asked in be treated unxia" "ln.rl"1 t-OtMUllon was such Unit It oidlnaiy fee elinige.l ,y pliy.slelnns. ii.mk. 'ni ,J'ei- ofllees me ctowded lo J iiV!.i"i0''1., '-M"u'lt'- '" luaetlce In niiv .a,.', i'i "'V "'Ki"" ever accoideil to ilm, Vi iIc'in,n ,,n l,1 history ol medicine. io rili1 "r hopelessly sick have been "J" 'i V'TfcPt health nnd his nniiip is I ii House hold word thlollglioiit the stale 1 ,i ,L , . '"" " 'vo,ll1 p manliestly ii ,.i ! "J l"'".1 " r"w "' (educed rate I,. ."!so "tlieis a higher ptlee m m- ei to glx'e all an oppoi (unity m be cured L,,i n"n,,,nnl I"l,,'' "l' "'" "P"1 ,l11 1'Pi' f1"'rH " "! J'.'"B "l 'I' "fnees on tie follow. dig (oiidlilons: All peisous npplylng ir iieatmenl at ?.' i.'v "" "lattPi- what the Double may be. .....ii '"'"'Pd f"'- the noniliial sum ol ln until ciiied. meillelnes Included This i ""s m,i mean miiijii a month, lint $10 m lei a complete nnd indlcnl etiie. ii,..'. "'tbciniorc agiees that If Hie pa. hii1'' '.'!" P"'Uilctolv pined in a sped- nl'i ,',11!',11' "f lllm'' ,0 'P'"" 'be tlinnev paid without any ciuIIiIiIIiik or exasion; In other wonls U ot cost tlu pallelU " "kicks a cine is eiiccieu Doctor Byets wishes to emphasize the fact that this offer may be wlth diaAvn at any time, nnd in order to get the benefit of it, it is important to call nt once. His piactice is so large that it will be impossible for him to continue this offerlndcnnitelv. If you call now you will receive the ' most caieful and scientific X-Hay ex- I amination known to science, fiee of , chnrgo, and you will be treated until ' curea at the nominal sum of $10.00, medicines included. If you are not cured your money will be cheerfully returned to vou. Call at once, ns tin offer may be withdrawn nt any time. BI-CMIC TREATMENT. Hie different lissucs of the bodv aio made up ot minute- colls, and when those cells become (lism i.int,ed. diseaso is tlie lesii t. Hi- supplying th,, pmpoi until incut te) Hie cells, ptifect health can be obtained. All diseases, no matter hoxv cliioiiie. can be euied bv bringing tlm cells back to their lirumal condition. 'I lie i ueaiment used bv Doctor M.xeis Is not allopathic or homeopathic. It is a ti em inent based upon an' exiu t science and cuies with the teitiilnty nf a lixrd laxx-. HE WAS PARALYZED Mr. John Jcftikins, Dunmoro, n., Il.XS: "Seven X'enr.s oirn I fnll ilnvcn mi elexutor shaft and Inluicd my spine, and nn h icsiiic my legs iiecaniii completely l-ntnl.V7.ed. No one can ittinieelatn tlie tei. l Idle condition I xxas In except tliuso who have gone thioiigh the same in deal I'i mn u stiong, vigmnus man 1 hud been ttaiisfoiined lulu a helpless cilpple I could only walk liv the aid of ciulelics, and only then with llic gicatest dllllciiltv llnvlng lend about Hie almost tnliaeitloiis cm es that w-eie being peilnimcd dull I. J)r, I eis I concluded, as a last iciut lo tl.v Ills Iteatmcnl 1 begin to hnpiove lib most Imtueillalc'lv mid tills Impiuxcmelit has been so inpiil and inx piesent eon. (Illlon so iMllsraetoix Hint I (eel It a dulx In mankind to make a puhlle slaleineiit of xxlial the gieal Ijuiikei Phx-sli Inn has done fur me. Hlir-ly a dodor thai Is able to do such xx mulcts inn.l be posses ed of nunc than hitman power I shill nex-ei ce.ise sounding . Dodo, ltjeis' pialse win level 1 ma Ii" LUNG TROUBLE Mr. John Welsh, Cnrbondnle, Fa., i-ajs! "My tumble stalled some Hum ago I had a sex etc cough, which uunnved me gieally. I lost Hcsli rapidly and became KI catty emaciated .My appetite was poor, and food did not so-mi to noiulsh inc. in lact, I had all llmno s.xniptnms Hint aie ('liai.iclcililc of a eonuunptlve I Hied doctor after doctor without icllef. I xx-a-i loi loin and hopeless, ninl ooiioluiled I xxas destined lo lilt a i onstUuptlxe'M gtaxo Having bund so much nboiit Ihe xxon del Till cuies being pel'l'iuniod bv Doctor H.vei-s 1 wont to tils olllcc anil staitid tiealinent Today, stiange as It muv seem, my cough has len inc. I lnn'e Maltiiil it, sh, mid the pallor of mv cheeks has In en leplnced b tllo losy Hut ol health. I am a enied man, and I give all the pialse In the gloat t-iiaker Plixsh an, vxhosc supeib -kill has linnsfotini d nm Into a liexv being. Ills power oxer ilK-nsn Is an lliboiu iiualltx xxhlcli rp-.x no'scss ' HE SUFFERS NO MORE. Irvln Gcnrhart, 2000 Smith Fined, coiner Jadwln stieet, a well-known cat pouter mid citizen, says: "I dou'l knoxxi liuxx- I cnii e.Miress In x-nids siirilclonl nriilso ror Duetnr Rycis' treatment, i had boon lioubled n year with pilins tlutl often kept mo Horn wotk. Last August I was laid up lluee xveeks nnd iienily nit of Jifniinry and the xvltole of Pebriiiuy. 'Ihe pubis seemed to come thioiigh tint sniull of niv back down Into the lefi Klciln. At tltiies they worn so scxcie C loiild ndlher He or n(t doxvn. r xvas nbo tioubled gicatl wllh my bend Di. Ilyeis Heatineiil bus itupd me of all thpse dlsticsslng coinllllniis " FREE X-R AY EXAMINATION Dr. Ryeis never accepts a case unless he knows lo a ceit.ilnty tllo cause of the trouble, and this can only bo determined hy 'l scientific X-ltny examination. His N-H.iy outilt is tho most elaborate and complete Iu this country. Bv his special J luoioscople attachment ho" is able to examine )1 mils nt the body nnd Und nut In an absolute certainty tlie cause of the patient's nilllctioii. Come and bo ex amined: it is absolutely rieo Ho will not cluiigo xou one cent. Come and Und nut what our tinuble is and he will adxiso xou In lefcienie to a chip. It is all Hee. He ask.s no compensation. f '. 'it Ta-'-lViJ'r.I-VJii'ir,ifl3T:Ti-J, fV-S. P tf n-TT'. xwrV ' ' -" - HII I III KIDNEY DISEASE CURED. Mr. Fred Kentsohler, 3D1 Elm St.l "Tor a number of ycnis 1 had been ailing with what the doctois called klduov lion blc. Them xxeic pains aeioss tliu" 'smil' of mv back xxhlcli would ut times extend ii i (ii I lid Iu I'i out doxxu loxxaid the gioin. My iippellle was poor. 1 grexv xx-enk, neix-- i ous nun couid not sleep the night: I Huoilgli I Heated with doctors licit'. Ill New Voik and clsexxheie, but thev did not cine me, It was In tho eaiiy pint ni; May Hint 1 begun wltii Doctor lix-eis- lieiiiment: l Impiox'ed light along untlt 1 was eomnletelv ctued I never felt bol ter Iu ni Hie Hum l do now." RHEUMATISM. Mi-. Conrad Heilig. 115 A3h St., Sciauton. s.is; "I hud been tioubled with Ithenuiatlsm loi over sK xeais. Pi lact, ni (onilltiou xxas so bad that I win lui'iblo to mine minimi xvithout nssst nnee. AVhcii I sit doxxn Ii xxas Impossi ble for me to get up alone. The pain xxnsi something ton llic; no one will ox or bo able to appiceintc Hie toilure that I en dliied I Hied vaiious doetoi s onlv to g( t ipiiipniiiix icllef. Plimlly after healing so much alioiit the xxondeiful cuies bplivr pel foi iiicd bv Dr. Ilxois' tipatmont C ((included lo get lo his nlflco and nluco mxseli inu'er his (ale. Today I am a, lixlng example of this mini's siipeib skill. I can walk aioiind like other people, and, In in. l, I am a new man In exeiv nil-, llciilar. find bless the gicnl Quaker Doc tor lor xx hat ho bus done lor me." DOCTOR BYEHS REG030 Doctor Byeis was born of Quaker parentage and receivea his early edu cation under the influence of that re ligious denomination. He graduated Avith honor from tho Jefferson Medical College of Philadel phia, 1872. Matriculate of the Philadelphia Col lege of Phnimacy. Full course attendance Pennsyl vania Hospital for Acute and Sur gical Diseases. Full course attendance Blockley Hospital for Skin and Cluonic Dis eases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's Hospital, Philadelphia. Late of Prof. J. Solis Cohen's Clin ics Diseases of the Throat. Late Examining Physicinn Knights Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid Association of Cincinnati, 0. Late Examining Phy3icinn Mutual "Reserve Fund Life Association of Now York. BRONCHIAL TROUBLE. Mr. William Snowden, FareAvell, Wax no Co, Pa., says: "T had been tioubled foi ox-er thiee yens xxlth a e xeio i ougli, 1 lost oxer thh l.x-lixn pounds In weight: I had no appetite, and xxas unable to sloop In lact. mv condi tion became so al, liming Hint I had el most glxen up hopes ol' a chip. Doetoi i xxeic unable to do mo an good. I con cluded to tiy Dr. uxois tieatmont. and I commenced to gain In stiengtli and weight almost Inimediatelv, Noxx- I sleep well; mv cough docs not dlstuib me as In the past, and ovei y one lomarks about the xxondeiful impiovement Hint 1 liuxo made. I shall never cease sounding tho Ore.it Quake) 's piaiscs for what ho lw? done for me." DOCTOR CHURCHMAN BYERS, Chief Consulting Physician of the lip Cliemlc Tieatmont. PI'Tt.AIAN'LNT OKPICIIS, (Entile Second Floor.) 412 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa. Oflkc Hoiiis, O.i ni. to 1.', -2 p. m. to 4. r.x-enlngs. 7 to S Dally .Suml.iv. In a. in. to 1.' m. in. ilch xxhlcli teiminated about 11 o'clock. The winning gentleman xxas piescnled Willi a costly h.u biush. and the winning I idy reeeixod a piotty fan. Th .mail v,,is a sne'l.il and lluanolal success. Miss U'Roylo xxas assisted bv the Misses Liz7lo Mcllulo, Kate O'Hoxle, Nellie May, J!. HelTioii and Lizzie May. Inducements aie being made to ninny old steel mill employes on this side to ac cept positions with the L.iekaxxann.i lion and Steel company iu I'ufnilo ami cpilto a number have agiood to tho lei ins. Tlie coal stilkc, il is bellcx-ed, has a good deal to do xxllli so many loaxing llio city, ns much of the outdoor xxoik, xxhlcli kept tunny of the owneis of homes, in emnlox-- mont dining the summer has boon sought and obtained bv sti iking mlr.cis. A baicb of twenty xxoikmen, mostly losidenls of the Twcntlitli wild, left on tho niidnlgnt tialn over Hie Dolawaic, Lnckaxvaiina and AVcstein AVcdnesduy, and nnotlui Inige batch left nt 1'J.M n, m. this morn ing. lAitliur Il.iney, n 11-yenr-old liov tosid Ing on Sciauton stieet, xx-ns badly bitten bv a dog neat I'eeeh stieel .xcsteid.i.x. Ilaney was dlslt ibuiliiR f i eo samples of oast. and on entcting a hotiso (cor ner of llfecli slioet apd Slncinn stieol th" watch dog spiang upon him and sank Its leoth In ills leg. Two bad wounds resulted fiom the attack, and the surfoici was given tieatmont bv n loeil ph.xslcinn wlio onutenzed the bites, Lnter Huney wns taken to his home in West Scrauto'i. tup south side Rank pas interest on K'lvings deposits. An account can bo stalled with ten cents. Open Satuulny ex Pilings from 7.S0 to SM. " An IntPi-estlng moellng of tlie St. Aloy slus Total Abstlnenco society wns held In Phaimacy hall on Pittstoa axenue lust evening and xvas well attended. After the legular older of business hnd boon dis posed of a soeinl session xvas bold dining which a splilted debate took place nmong nic tnemueis, mo Minjept being, "Was aeneral Oinnt a Oieatcr .Alan Than Leo." Tlie Sciauton Athletic club has ksmod Invitations for nn at home to tnko placo iu Atlilotlc hall on "Wednesday evening, October 2.1, .Aluslc for dniieiiig will bo 'fuinlshed by a Ilrst-class oichestra, nnd lefiotlimouts xvlll bo serxed. Tho Scinntnn Sapnspirundo lias ne ppptPd an Inx-ltntlnn from Pmfp.ssor Sclillllng to tnko pntt In a miners' benoilt cnneeit (o tnko plnro In tho nenr futuro. They, In conlunotlon with Hie Lledor- DUN3F01U Dnnnioio coiindl. No ItUJ. Junior Older rnltcil Ameilian Mechanics, will lilting ly relebi.ilo its seventh aimixpis.ii -, iu Its lodge looms, Odd Fellows' building, Sa tin day ox-enlug. An inleiesting pio giamnie of cntci l.ilnnieut has boon ai langPd iiftor Willi Ii lefieslinients xxill bo served. Imitations liaxo been oMondcd to iHNWW tr.ruirr.i jrvjcisi.rc-. .- mjw'-- r7fjMui vn'fi'-i.ji. mmmsmm. WosmsSm fe.WICT.iT.JXilXUXZ.iX. KSSS.7W; v5'-,KVI ..Wiin NATIONAL HLPRKSL'NTATIVi: Tl'TIIILL. M. kiatiK and .lunger Maeiinedohor, xvlll sing "Oriisso Aus d!o Helmut " ur, Schioys Lung Healing D.iNnin Is giinranterd to euro all coughs, "No emu, no pny." Tor sale by nil denlcr3 By n typographleal crior It was mado to uppenr In ypstenlny's South Side cot limn, that Joseph Coniad, who was mar ilod nineteen ycnis ngo last AVeducsdav, was thlrty.twn .xeni.s nld Up was Imrn in lsu", and xvth thhl,-sovPn on October s, Oeoigo lliibor, or Prospecl aveuup, lias piunlled as a student at tho I'lilvei.sltv nf Pennsylvania, wheio ho itileiuls to study medicine. GKEEX RTDGE. W T. Pel kins, nf Plj month, call d on fiieou llldgo n lends jesteidny. Cafliatlne lioilten, of Olieti Itldgn slioet, had Mis Maltha Stoxens aucMLd und taken beioio Aldeininii Hallcv ci tciday aftcllionu I'lmiKlnu her xxllli him classes In cooking and ""' Mis. htevons xalxvd a healing und ilicssmiiklng; Hlhlo " llelli "nll', ,!l" lm" f" UPPxMl.inio ,, l win I C II. Slioemilker, of Cipiiusii avillUe, will spend the Salilmlh in New Voik ell. Mis J S, Miller, of Pcnn incline. Is iiblu to bo about again nftui an Illness nf two weeks' duration. Thomas Seott, nf Wavpily has ictuinoil homo alter a Icxv days,1 visit among (itc"ii Ithh-e lilends, OBITUARY, MILS THO.AIAS Ml'LLHN died at bet home, Ji7 Siimner avenue, at an oaily hour this nioinlug alter a moniir.s Illness of pneumonia. Slto was a devoted iiipiii. Iter of St Patilek's chinch and is pui lved by her husband and the lolloxxlng clilldien: James. Mabel. Allee. 'rimm.iu and Joseph, hei mother Mrs. T. Qiun nan. tluee sisters and ono biother. llcr limeral will take plapo fiom S(. Put lick's church on Sutuulay morning at 9 o clock. i AIT OLD AKD WELl-TRIED REMEDf, r?,o,.N.?W.?9PJHlNOSTRUP in"AV" ;- i. ' ." V.' '1 ,'" '.'es:c"Pn o hurseV 1 ,h. UnltrfS-tatcM iffiJ h' seu sixty years with novel .fnlllng lllci ee-SS by mil Ions nf ninth-. rl .i.",; .V.1 oren Xaluo !. i iu iiif ir i'iiiia Dining the pioeess of teethlns it !s Incalcu able, n nn,.. II.' ?..!H n. cures !.. rhn'.;"X:f.?."",.,,.,' V" 1 hlilIIliT 111 III from mil: .- '' --.-... r th'.-. iw.u !& ?i twentV-ilvi-wU i bilii: ""'""' '" nil membeis of nelghiioiing coimclls' In attend. Diuunoto coiindl is Hie biniior council nf L.iekawauua e'ouuty, h.ixlng a mc'inbeishlp ol over Huec luiudicd. Al though a oung coiindl It has been 10 luaikalily sineessful, Imth iu niunheis and tlmiiKPS. National lleniesentutlvo M. T. Tutliill will bo dull man ot Ihe evening. ThoiPVlval meeting I'oiiiliu led by llvuij. gellst Williamson at tlie Tilpp Axeituo Cliiistluu chinch xxas well ulteiidcd last night. The evangelist et no doubt Iu tho minds nf his heaieis as to the Ulhlo doctrine nf a futiiio punishment lor mi loiglxeu sins, 'llio topic loi tnulglit Is n "lliidgo Ad-nss the lllvcr nf Sin " Theio has been nine cnnvei sinus so far in lliu niPPtiiiBs, Mis Ilniiv L.tlltr, of Sniull Hlakely stieet, has leturnid fiom a txxo weeks' li-lt xl(h Mr und Mis. Pud lckh.iin, of I'tlca, N. V. James Plynu. a Punier h sklent heie. but uiixv of Ncxv Vml;. (iilbd on old f l lends In town yesteiday Mr. and Mis. i; w. lilslmp. of lirook slieot, haxc eMeuded luxil.itlons to u l.HK" number ol lllepils to be piesent at their homo. on the txenl-ltth anulxer saiy of lel.li marilago xxlildi oieius on Tliursday owning, October lii St. Mai.x'.t Cadet ilium eoips xxlll meet ibis evening at " o'ciotk. P. J, Tccvcll, (It lililll.el stieet, Is spend ing ii foxv ilas at the iioiiou iloii-o iu lluiiislaug. DONATIONS FOE HOME. They Aie AcltnoAvledged with Thanks. The Iloniu lor the Pilciulle'-s ac. knoxvlodgis with giatitudc gills fiom the follow lug donois: Mr. Itot'.eis, a beiiutiiiil (lock thai goes, Mis P. W Mumiii. Hull; Mis L It HU'llo, lomaloes, .Mis w. AV Walsoa tomalues, clams, iloiu, lucnd. Tiadeih' I'oal company, two bauds apples; leai Ott, three bushels tipples, CJ.i Pipe ilub, wagon load xcgi tables, iiiin, plums. Mis. C. P Malthcxxs, xcgetablfS. I'litlt; .Alii,. Jolm (lenlii, jell. .Alls 11 T Luccy, clothing, hats; I'lilveisalist (lunch, beau llful quilt; Mu. N. V. Lcet, hot xvatcr bottles; Mis It. U. ill coles, siipiilies; Mis. L. A. Wntres. clothing, to a. games, books; W W. Serantou, three buiels ap Pies; Mis. Oeoigo Harvoy. dun--clt(iw: Mis. L. . Foster, iioxxi)rs, . s. McMll- ( 1 Iwi IE-vXi. v!gtlil JPSSi International r. a i Mother & Child are both benefitted by the use of ANHEUSER-BUSCH'3 v &wml "M&lfies TftAOB MAHK. The use of this food product brings robust health to all. MaltMutrine contains 14.60 genuine nutritive extract and less than 2 of alcohol. Absolutely nonintoxicating and positively strengthening and invig orating. Doctors recommend it. All druggists sell it. Prepared only by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. TireVors of the famous Budwelser, Mtchelob, Black 6 T.in, Pale-Lager. Faust, Anhousor Standard, Export Palo and Exquisite. L-. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. Correspondence Schools Association Lecture Course, MONDAY EVENING, OCT. 13, 1902. AT THE LYCEUM THEATRE. FRANK W. GUMSAULUS. D. D., PrtESIOENT ARMOUR INSTITUTC TECHNOLOGY. SUBJECT: THE TYPICAL AMERICAN." LECTURE COMMENCES AT EIQHT O'CLOCK SHARP. ttzwm Ml Dixie's Theatre, HUNItV PATtNRWOiri'II uixin, Lessee and Manager. WHITE AND "STUART CO., PHROSO ni:nt wi'!k, KntlipriiittOsluriiinii k (!o. Txxo pel foi nianecs dallv. .'.EO and S Ii Pi lies i",, si, a; and vie Spednl matinee pi Ices CTTiilction ci in slop at the dnui Lyceum Theatre, M. Jtels, Li sseo and Mnnngcr A J Dufiy, Iiusliiess Managor STAR THEATRE ALP. U Ul-nniNClTON, .Alnuager, TIiui.mI.i.x Piiilaj in d S.iluida.x. OCTUWJIC U, In AND 11 DAINTY PARKE Bnrlesquers .MATINLi: 1J LltV uv I in. lepaiilng spcel.idcs: t iliecn Itidgo Wlicdmcii. illusliuPd papci.i. Him. a Wanes, sldi'hnaid mid ( lotliing. II 1, Kelull, iiie.it, Mis Cli.iiles tklilagei. lig; Tilnlt Lutlii'iaii ihuieli. xx.igon load line fiult ami xcgetnbks, dcxvlii, sioliol, Ca pouse iltapel, beaiitiliil (pilll; S. T Mooie. of Ol pliant mad. J7 duxes of lucid, sis (.ikes; M. C Ansloy, Ptliu K lloxx.ulh, kiudliug xxood Quaiterly Convention. The iimrteily convention of the Catho Ilo Total Absllnenec union xxlll be he'd hi St. Tliomas college hull on Suniluy. Oct. 1'.', ul 2.$) p. m. Saturday M$ Oct. 11. AMELIA BINGHAM Piesents her special cniupanx. Including JOHN H KHLLHItl). In Clyde Pitch's masti ipi 'ie, tifUr 'M Ulgllts in New Vmk, The Climbers "High xx itei di.iina " N V. mini. Times of tho Aineilcaii DP I pC p Aiatlnre, 3.s and .sue. rniUULj Mtht, ijS, S", 7SC unU! l.oo, Scats on sale Academy of Musi J M llels, Lesseo and Mnuagcr A J Duffy, Uuslness MnnagBr, 3 Nights -rm;X- Oct. 9 Malinee.s i'lidii and Satnidai W, E. Nankevllle's Al.ihiiilUiui Piodiictioii ol tin Consistent! .xicioiiiama. HUIcIAN HEARTS. An Id He plctuic oi homol llio In the Hills of Al Kansas A splendid Compin.x .Magni icvnt Sici . , '.x' '"Ullally Staged Pikew-Matlneo. l.'c. .( Night J"io .'c , .in' oOe". Seats on sale. . ...V1JXT AT'I'HACTION 'llnee Nights. Stuillng .Monday Oct, 13. .luiuiiees inexiay ami Wednesday, 'THE WHITE SLAVE"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers