The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 10, 1902, Image 1

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filrtfrTivi SsSSstsmESSSSM iir
yp.stcrdau'8 Rumors Upon the Sub
ject Appear to Have Had No
Foundation ot Fact.
The Presidents of the Coal Roads and
Representatives of the Individual
Operators in Consultation at the
Office of Senator Piatt President
Mitchell Has. an Interview with
Officials of the Tennessee Coal,
Iron and Rnilway Company The
Anthracite Strike Not Talked
About None of the Participants
of the Conference Have Anything
to Offer That Will Throw Any
Light on the Situation No De
velopments in tho Valley.
fly 1xi'luit Wlrr tr-mi The .Wnrijli'il I'rcM.
Now York. Oct. !l. ltt-plcti' :it its
opuiing with promise of si solution of
the long-drawn-out struggle between
tho t'nitcil Mine Workers of America
iiml the operators of the anthnielte
properties in Pennsylvania, tills day
bus closed without iippiirenl appreci
able progress toward an agreement
upon the issues In controversy. Most
noteworthy of the day's events was a
eourereiiee at the oliiee of Senator
Thomas C. Piatt, at which there were,
present, among' othe"s. the two sen
ators from Pennsylvania and the gov
crnor of New York, and nearly all the
heads of the big corporations controll
ing the anthracite flleds. In all seem
ing, this conferenee had a contrary ef
fect to that which had been hoped from
it, and the operators departed declar
ing adherence to the policy they have
followed from tho first of resisting the
demands of the miners' union to tho
hitter end. There wore otlipr confer
ences during the day. In which Presl-
dent Mitt-hell and people of Tore or.1
less consequence In tho Industrial world'
participated, but these, so far as infor
inntlon obtainable goes, were as barren
of results as the principal meeting.
In brief, there has been no change in
the situation today, so far as it might
have been affected by the gathering in
New York of labor leaders, mine oper
ators and public men.
After what may be described as an
inside and authoritative source, it may
bo announced that the conference at
the ofilce of Senator Plat was abso
lutely without result, the operators re
fusing to consider the political aspect
of the, situation, and maintaining their
position that the question was one be
tween employer and employe as to tin;
management of the properties con
cerned. According to the authority above in
dicated, Senator Quay and Governor
Odell expressed the opinion that should
the strike continue fur another fort
night or longer, the effect would lie to
so possess the public niliul with the one
subject of shortage of fuel that politi
cal duties would be neglectful and the
voters remain away from the polls on
clot Hon day, with the natural result
that the majority parly In Pennsylva
nia and New York would be the
greater sufferer. Senator Penrose ex
pressed his concurrence in the repre
sentation!) of the others, and Senator
Pint I and Mr. Lnuteiliaeh spoke In a
similar strain, These latter advised
something In Hie nature of an armis
tice, under an implied promise to the
miners, that their union would be recog
nized by the operators.
Operators Still Finn.
On their part tlio operators declared
'that the question at Issue was entirely
apart from party politic?, nnd they re
fused to lie influenced by representa
tions let to the effect the struggle might
have upon the fortunes of one party
or t'-e other.
One of the political conferees next
suggested that to protract the strug
gle with the miners would be to open
the ways for the advocates of anti
eorporatlon legislation at narrlsburg
nnd Albany to move for the introduc
tion of ineusun-s calculated to impair
the value of railroad and coal proper
ties, and that It was even possible that
In the stress or public opinion, laws
might lie enacted that would Impair rot
years tho value of the properties the
operators represented. It was said by
another sneaker that t. bill of this an
tagonistic character hail already been
framed and was ready for submission
to the Pennsylvania legislature. The
possibility or hnrrussliig the litigation
both In Pennsylvania and New York
was also dwelt upon, and Hie fear ex.
pressed that In some instances the state
of public mind might Influence the de
termination or such suits.
These representations failed to move,
the operators, who, according to tho
gentleman already quoted, declared
that party politics should not bo In
jected Into the situation. The operators
further expressed their confidence In
the Integrity of the courts and suld
they hud no fear of the success of any
attack that might be made through tho
state legislatures upon the property In
terests concerned,
This brought the conference to a close
and the gentlemen separated. Shortly
afterwards General Manager Thomas,
of the Kile, hnd u long talk with J. P,
Morgan, the nature of the conversation
nut being disclosed by either of the
gentlemen. It Is asserted, on what ap
pears to be good authority, that Mr.
Morgan wus in communication during
the day with some of the politicians
who conferred with the operators, but
that he declines t
tltude of a party
placed In the tit
le controversy.
The Day's ferences.
The story of the
really centers
about the mooting
In the after
noon at Kemitiir rial w. Present
at the meeting were Governor Odell,
Senators Quay and Penrose, of Penn
sylvania; tfenntor Piatt, President Oly
phant, of the Delaware and Hudson:
President Fowler, of the Ontario and
Western; President Truesdnlc, of the
Lackawanna; Chairman Thnmns, of
the Krie; John Markle, representing
the Independent operators; David Wil
cox, vice president and general counsel
of the Delaware and Hudson; David
Lamar and Kdward Laulerbacli. At
the conclusion -of the meeting none
present would say what had taken
place, or whether any solution to the
strike trouble had been reached.
The conference followed one held In
the forenoon In Senator Piatt's odlee
at which were present Senators Quay
and Penrose, Governor Odell, Kdward
Lautorbach and Senator I'latt. The
conferees were very reticent as to the
subjects under discussion there, Gov-
ernor Odell afterward had luncheon
at the Lawyers' club with Senators
Quay and Penrose.
Following luncheon the three, with
Senator Penrose's secretary, returned
to Senator Piatt's olllce. They entered
by means of the cellar and the Church
street entrance, threading their way
through a mass of boxes and bales of
merchandise. At I! o'clock they were
joined by the operators of the coal
mines, and tho most important confer
enee of the day was held. Mr. Lauter
bach went hack and forth from tho
oflioe and made a trip to J. P. Mor
gan's office. He did not see Mr. Mor
gan. Appearances Hopeful.
He then went back to the conference
room. Mr. Lnutorbaeh replied to ques
tions by saying that appearances looked
very hopeful for a speedy settlement of
the strike. Ho said lie had seen Presi
dent John Mitchell Wednesday night
and that ho seemed disposed to act
with a spirit of fairness. Tho confer
ence ended about 4.110 o'clock. Presi
dent Fowler was the first to leave, the
other operators following him. The coal
road presidents referred all Inquirers
to the senators and Governor Odell.
"I've nothing to say; there is nothing
wlii, niflP-U' i 'Men s un
swer to irapestion. .-Senator Quay like-
wise had nothing to say. Senator Piatt
was the last j,olenve his ofilce.
"I don't think I can say anything,"
lie said. "I am too tired. There will lie
further meetings tomorrow. That is all
I can say at present."
Vice-President Wilcox, of the Dela
ware and Hudson, like others, refused
to talk, A visit to the operators after
the conference brought no information.
Although President Mitchell had ap
parently no part in the conference be
tween the senators and tho operators,
'his actions were anxiously awaited.
Kurly In tho day lie was joined at tlio
Ashland house by ex-Stnte Senator
Moses W. Solomon, of Chicago. Tin
Chlougoan has so far refused to dis
close Ills mission, saying he was merely
n "messenger." During the morning
Mr. Mitchell had a long conference with
his three district presidents. Afterward
Distiict President Nicholls had this to
"Unless the demands of the strikers
are granted In full, I do not set how
President Mitchell can settle the strike
without calling a convention. If only a
part of the demands are granted, that
would render It necessary to call a con
vention and that would take two weeks
at least,"
Conference at Ashland House.
Late In th afternoon President
Mitchell and the district presidents laid
another conference tit the Ashland
house. Mr. Nichols said that his asso
ciates had not considered any formal
or Informal proposition from the oper
ators. He said that the strike might
possibly bo settled by .Monday, but in
timated that It was Improbable.
Oscar S. Strauss, a member of Hip
conciliation committee of the National
Civic Federation, called on President
Mitchell late in tho afternoon, on
leaving Mr. Strauss said:
"President Mitchell wanted to see me,
hut the object of my visit I cannot
make public."
General H. F. Tracy, A, li. Hoard
man and D. II. Raton, president of tho Coal. Iron and Itnllroiid
company, called on President Mitchell
III the evening,
"We came to sen President Mitchell,"
said General Tracy, "on the bituminous
situation in Alabama, Wo spoke of the
strike or the employes or the Tennessee
Coal, Iron and Itailroad company. .Mr,
Mitchell received- us well and heard
our statement or tlio facts. We made a
favorable Impression, I think, and have
hopes that the result or our Interview
will be favorable to us."
Things Are Progressing,
Late tonight there was a conference
In tho rooms of tho Itepiihlicaii statu
committee between Governor Odell,
Chairman Geoige W. Dunn, of the
state committee and Kdward W, Lau
tirbach. Concerning this conference,
Governor Odell would only Indicate
that the talk was along general lines,
lie said, however, that the approval of
President Mitchell hud not been ob
tained to any suggestions or proposi
tions for settling tho strike. Ho added
that If theie wus a renewal of the con
ference at Senator Piatt's olllce, he
wouM, In all likelihood, take part In It.
Senator Peuroso was tibout the hotel
up to U o'clock tonight. Ho declined
to be Interviewed.
About this time, Kdward Lauterbach
and David Lamar drove up to the
Ashland house, and wept In to see
President Mitchell. They were taken
up stairs to Mr, Mitchell's rooms,
where they remained In conference
about twenty minutes. Upon leaving,
Mr. Lauterbach said:
"Tilings arc progressing. That's nil
1 can say at this time."
He and Mr, Lamar then drove away.
President Mitchell would not be seen
by reporters.
Situation in the Valley.
Wilkes-Barre, Oct, I), There wore no
developments In the mlno workers'
strike In this valley today. The entire
community remains quiet, and the
troops had nothing more to do than go
through their dally routine. The re
maining commands of the Third brig
ado arrived In the Lackawanna and
Wyoming valleys and were stationed at
various points by lirlgndler Gcuetal
Gobln, After this had been accom
plished the general and two members
of his stuff left for llnrrlsburg, ami will
return tomorrow. Hrlgade headquar
ters have been established hero.
Intense Interest was manifested to
day in President .Mitchell's visit to New
York, There were many rumors ulloot,
and one to the fffeet that u definite
plan of settlement hud been reached
caused -no little excitement for a short
period. Frequent Inquiries for news
were inado at headquurters by inter
ested persons, but no communication of
any kind bearing on the strike was re
ceived there. Tonight tlio local news
papers are posting bulletins us rapidly
as news is received from the metropo
lis. The superintendents of the coal
companies look with Indifference on the
settlement reports.
It was announced by the superin
tendent of the Mount Lookout colllpry
of tho Temple Coal and Iron company
at Wyoming that operations were re
sinned at that colliery today. To
what extent could not be learned. There
was no great Increase today in the com
paratively small quantity of coal that
Is being produced. Coal company ofll
cials as a rule had nothing to say be
yond the statement that they are hold
ing their own. No strong effort has
boon made since the troops arrived to
Induce strikers to return to the mines,
and it is not believed any attempt will
be made until tlio soldiers get settled
In their camps.
It was reported here lonlght that
there Is a movement on foot among the
operators to ask Governor Stone for
more assistance on tlio ground that tho
state troops now In the field are not
sufficient to completely patrol tho en
tire anthracite territory. If such a re
quest Is sent and tho governor should
grant it lie would lie compelled to call
on tho federal government for the
George Graham Brooks, as the per
sonal representative of President
Hoosovelt came here today to look up
certain matters pertaining to the coal
strike. He interviewed a number of
miners this evening. Tomorrow he will
have a talk with the local coal opera
tors. He will make a report to the
president early next week.
Reading: President's Reply
to Letter of Rev.
Father Nagel.
By Exclusive Wire fiom The Associated Tress.
Wilkes-Rarre, Oct. !). Hev. Father P.
C Nagle, rector of St. Nicholas German
Catholic church, of this city, wiote to
Piesident George. l liner, of the Phila
delphia and Heading company, on Tues
day, asking that he l.Mr. liner) do
something for his (Father Nagle's) peo
plesomething that would end the
strike. This morning Father Nuglo ic
ctived tlio following reply:
The Philadelphia anil Heading l.' and
Iron Comp.ip.vs' President's Oftlcc,
Heading Ttiminul Philadelphia, Nth Oc
tober. 1902.
The Very Hev. P. C. Nngle, 22U Smith
Washington street, W'llkes-IJ.ine, Pa.:
My Dear Sir: I am perfectly willing to
pronilso Hie men full time and steady
work, except when work is prevented by
unavoidable accidents. I am quite Miro
tin conditions are Mich thai 1 can keup
this promise,
Will you kindly tell me how I can givo
this assurance to the men to make it most
effective? Yours truly,
George F, Ilaer, PioMilunt.
Philadelphia, Oct. !). The letter writ
ten by President Haer, of the Philadel
phia and Heading Itailroad company, to
tlio Very I lev. P. C. Nngle. of Wilkes
Harre, Pa., in reply to one from the
clergyman, having been published, .Mr.
Haer was requested to permit the pub
lication of Father Nagle's communica
tion, to which the president of tho
Heading railroad's letter was a reply.
He accordingly furnished the letter to
the Associated Press, Jt Is as follows:
Wilkes. Harre, Pa., Kept, V. 1!M2.
Mr. (leorgtt F. liner, Pre.-ldeut.
Dear Hlr: Add to your lair propositions
to tlio strikers the granting of full time,
Steady work, eocpt by unavoidable uc
cldents, and this promlso will Imvo a
greater influence on the miners returning
to work than all the soldiers, or anything
el.e, .My miners do not complain about
wages?, but about liudng too many days.
If you can make this offer to them,
the strike Will be settled without delay.
Most lespeetfully,
P. (.'. Nugel.
N. H. 1 am forty-four years priest lure
hi Wllkes-ltarii..
An Order for 10,000 Rounds Re
ceived General Miller's Tour at
Uy Kxtluthe Wire (rum 'flu AMudJteJ Pren.
Harrlnlnirg, Pa., Oct, '., .Major General
Miller returned to Hurrlsburg from Wash
liigtou tonight and In again on duty at
division headquarters. General Miller ex
poets lu meet Governor Stono tomorrow
for thu purpose of discussing matter pel
tabling to thu strika situation. Tho gen
eral expects to mako a tour of t roups in
tlio strika territory, starting next .Mon
day, witli members of his staff.
An order for 10,00.) rounds of ammuni
tion for tho Thirteenth regiment was re
ceived today at the stale arsenal,
t The President Improving,
By Exclusive Wire from 'the AuoilaUil I'rtti.
Washington, Oct. 9. President noose
volt felt fo npich hotter as a result of tho
drive iio took yesterday' that ho went out
aguln for an hour about noon today. Ho
was accompanied by Mrs. Hoosovelt and
they drove through Hook Creek park.
Some Astounding Testimony at tlie
Hearing o" the Lacka
wanna Objections.
Men Who Had No Opposition at the
Primaries Found Themselves Con
tested in the Convention Without
Having Been Previously Notified.
Other Legally Elected Delegates
Were Not Even Able to Get in the
Convention Hall Hearing Will
Probably Last Until Late Satur
day. i
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Hnrrlsburg, Oct. !. Twenty-three of
die four hundred witnesses In the Dem
ocratic nomination contest from Luck
awaima were heard today in a session
lasting from !),30 a. m. until !).:i( p. m,,
with two hours of recess for meals. No
agreeiuonf. could bo reached by the at
torneys which would reduce the list
of witnesses and as far as is now
known they will all have to remain
over tomorrow and some of them over
The Flynn side, is still engaged in
showing the Irregularity of tho Fancy
convention. One witness after another
told of being forcibly denied admittance
to Music hall until tho Faheyites hnd
the convention machinery In working
order: of (lie usurpation of the con
vention oflieers by n bold bit of buc
caneering; of the alleged methods pur
sued in excluding the delegates from
participating In tho proceedings: of
the surreptitious meeting of the cre
dentials committee and the ousting of
unanimously elected delegates by fake
contests; of tho refusal of the chair
man to recognize any delegate other
than those of the machine, who had
been previously selected to make the
cut and dried motions, and, finally, of
a majority of the delegates leaving the
mob-ruled hall, and assembling in an
other place to conduct an orderly con
vention. During the afternoon an attempt was
'made to smash the Flynn objections on
a technicality, and for a time there was
a painful suspense among the Flynn
Ites. Tho Flynn attorneys proved to
the satisfaction of tho court that their
opponents' contention was not well
grounded and tho court dismissed it.
Judges Interested.
At tho evening session, when the
story of the "fake" contests was being
unfolded by the Flynn wltnesses,.Tudges
Plinonton and Weiss, hardened as they
are by experience to the hearing of des
perate political methods, listened with
very apparent interest. Hotel Schadt,
strenuousness In this regard, was some
thing new to them.
The morning session opened with the
cross-examination of air. Hoban by At
torney Hergner. The witness admitted
that no public notice was given that ho
would enroll delegates at Ills olllce, and
that the usual custom was to enroll,
them at the St. Charles hotel. He,
however, gave personal notice to nearly
all the delegates that the enrollment
would take place at his ofilce. Ho
further admitted that lie called upon
Secretary Million to take charge ot tlio
preiimlnaiy work, such as enrollment
of delegates and receiving notice of con
tests, and that he beard that Secre
tary Malum caused to be published hi
Monday morning's papers a notice that
enrollment, etc., would lie conducted at
Hotel Schadt. On Monday morning ho
concluded, from some things lie heard
in the Interim, that it would he best for
him tu personally look after the pre
liminaries, and, with this end In view,
hnd Mr, Malion come to his ofilce In the
Canned! building.
Attorney Hergner at this juncture
entered upon a minute comparison of
the enrollment list made up by Chair
man Hobtin and that which the Fahey
ites used at tlio convention, Judge
Weiss, with some show of Impatience,
asked why the attorneys had not done
tills work outside of court. Mr. Herg
ner replied that he had asked for the
loan of the Hoban list lust night, for
tills very purpose, but tho other side
would not trust him with It, Judge.
Weiss expressed surprise that any one
should mistrust "a member of this
bar," whereupon Attorney Olmsted ex
plained that his clients forbade the
loaning of their list because of the fear
that It would full Into the hands of
parties who hud been so anxious to get
their hands on It, that they did not
hesitate to forge the name of one of
the counsel In an effort to have It de
livered to them, There was a painful
silence for awhile, and the Incident
Mahon Rebuked.
Secretary John P. Million was called
by the Flynnltes and subjected to a
lengthy examination as to the part ho
played in making up llio enrollment,
He and .Major "Wurmen were In a con
tinuous tilt at thu outset by reason of
tie witness making unresponsive re
piles to the examiner's, questions, Final
ly Judge- "Weiss wits moved to remarks
"The witnesses talk too much some,
times. Tills one Is especially given to
too much talk."
u the examination of Mr. Mahon,
Major Warren went over In detail the
enrollment list made up ut Hotel Schadt
after the inorulng session of the con
vention, showing up tho substitutions,
fake contests and exclusion of unfavor
able delegates by leaving a blank space
where their mimes ought (o be. The
roll ns made up by Hoban and Mahon
on Monday and the roll used at the
Music hall convention differed1 to the
extent of tliirty-two names,
,Mr. Mahon told that thu paper lie
read at the openlng'of the 'convention,
was a substitution of ox-Sherlff Fahey
for himself as secretary, so that Mr.
Fahuy would call the convention to
order. Ho hud been Importuned, ho
said, to allow Mr. Hoban to name a
secretary lu his place, so that someone
friendly to the Flynilltcs might open
the convention, If Mr. Hoban had
power to substitute a secretary he, as
Mr. Holmn's successor, also had thu
power, he thought.
Typewritten minutes of the conven
tion, made up the day after he was
subpoenaed, were presented by Secre
tary Cnddeu on demand of the Flynn
ltes. Ho also produced some original
notes In pencil on scraps qf paper.
No Written Notices.
Attorney Jt. J. .Murray, who assisted
In enrolling delegates at Italian's olllce,
testified there was not a single written
notice of contest tiled there up to the
time tho olllce was closed. He also
testified that lie and Attorney John M.
t'orhett, by agreement between them
selves and thu vigilance committee of
their district, were to have half a vote
each; that he refused to vote for Fahey
for chairman, und was unseated by tho
Fahey credentials committee. Ho re
ceived no notice whatever that his scat
was contested.
Mr. Cadden was recalled and exam
ined by Major Warren, on his type
written minutes. In the course of his
testimony, ho asserted positively that
a motion to adjourn tho morning ses
sion was regularly put and carried;
that tlio names of delegates and con
testants were announced at tlio morn
ing session; that It was not true that
a motion was regularly made to sub
stitute Flynn for Fahey at the opening
of tlio afternoon session; that there
wore no objections to Fahey as chair
man, and that everything was quiet
and orderly, and every man given full
opportunity to be heard.
-Mr. Cadden further asserted that 1R0
delegates voted on tho orphans' court
judge contest and that ho saw only
four delegates leave tho hall when the
Flynnltes bolted. Ho admitted no sec
retary was elected and no tellers ap
pointed as the rules requires.
John J. O'Hoyle, of Vine street, and
John F. McDonald, of Carbondale.wcre
called out of order at tho opening of
tlio afternoon session to permit them
to go home. Mr. O' Boyle's testimony
was simply to tlio effect that the polls
were not opened In his district, and
that tho delegate was agreed upon tho
day before. Mr. O'Boylo was lirst ot
the big array of vigilance committee
men to lie examined.
McDonald Positive.
, Mr. McDonald, who was chairman of
the Fahey committee on credentials,
was the first Kaheylte witness to bo
called. He asserted positively that
Chairman Fahey announced that all
committees would meet at Hotel Schadt
at noon; that ills committee mot and
honnl all contests, and that its report
was adopted by the convention.
When examined by Attorney Olm
stead, Mr. McDonald admitted the rule
requiring that written reasons for con
testing be filed with the committee had
been disregarded. He couldn't tell
liow'many contests had been heard.
Testifying as to the convention pro
ceedings, generally, lie averred that the
convention "was the same as nil other
conventions of its kind a bit noisy,"
but that under the circumstances the
order was fair. "I've seen worse," add
ed Mr. McDonald.
The remainder of the afternoon, un
til nearly 0 o'clock, was taken up with
descriptions of the Music hall conven
tion by Flynn witnesses and narrations
of how delegates who were elected
without the semblance of opposition
found other men sometimes from other
districts substituted for them by the
Fahey crowd, without their even know
ing that they were being contested,
James Heilly, of the Fifth district ot
the .Second ward, gave a graphic ac
count of the larceny of the control of
the Music hall convention. When lie
got to the hall, he went on to say, the
sidewalk and part of the street lu front
of the entrance was (Hied, Sheriff
Scliadt and a gang of his deputies were
at the door. John Coyne and .Schadt
stood lu the doorway, blocking all but
two feet of the six-foot-wldo doorway,
Coyne and another man grabbed hold
of him and tried to prevent lilm from
going In because lie held no "blue
ticket." Coyne tried to throttle him.
Heilly protested he was a delegate, and
after u llcreo struggle, succeeded In
forcing ills way past the Schadt guards.
He Got Inside.
Another crowd of deputies were In
tho hall way, just insldo the door, hold
ing up any one without a "blue ticket,"
who happened to succeed In slipping
past the deputies at the door. Fighting
ills way past this second guard, Heilly
got inside and found the stuge occu
pied by Fahey and the other manipu
lators of the Inside work of Hie ma
chine. Secretary Malum read a paper
appointing Fahey chairman. Fahey
walked to tho front of tlio stage and
declared himself eliulimau, and culled
It'outinui'd on Pago -1,1
Miss Fisher Is Killed hy William
Dougherty, Who Commits Suicide,
lt.i i:elu.lw Wile fimn Iho As-oiIuimI I'ji'm.
Washington, Oct. it. .Miss Alice Fisher,
a young woman employed In the gov
ernment printing olllce, was shot and
instantly killed at noon today by Will
iam Dougherty, mi employe of the sumo
ofilce. Dougherty then shot and In
stantly Killed himself. Jealousy was the
The affair ocouned at the home of a
friend of the young woman. Miss
Fisher had gone to tlie friend's house
at the request of Dougherty, who
wanted her to resuino past friendly re
lations and cease accepting tho atten
tions of another young man.
Pennsylvania Tunnel Franchise,
fly llxi-liithc Wire from The Associate! I'ivsk.
New Yolk, Oct. 9. Tlio rapid transit
coinnils.loii today unanimously voted to
grant Hie franchise, to the Pennsylvania
liullrojU company to build 'the tunnel
which tbo road asked for, und granted It
to the company on Its own terms,
Anthrncito Coal Re-Bought,
tij- Kxilutht'Wiir iim'fii A-c(ljttI ri.
llcrlln. Oct. 9, Amoilcau anthracite coal
imported at Hamburg last winter is being
re-bought for tho United States.
An Attempt to Assassinate a Guards
man at Shamokln.
Ily Cti'liiolu' U'he front Tin- AvimIjIciI I'ic.-.
Sliumokln, I'ii.. Oct. f. Theodore Vlouz,
llrst sergeant of Company I!, Tenth reg
iment, was standing lu the kitchen mess
tint today when a bullet from a revolver
pierced the tent and lodged In his right
shoulder. Comrades of Hie wounded sol
dier rushed from the tent and saw four
men, one holding :i revolver, rush from
the top of it culm bank close by and dls-npeni-
In the mountain. A number of sol
diers gave chase. Inn the men escaped,
Vloiiz wound Is not of a fatal nature.
Fifteen hundred strikers paraded 1 ho
streets tonight before attending n. so
cialistic meeting which was addressed liy
John Collins, of Chicago, Four men
dressed In National Ciuurdniou uniform,
walked abreast carrying the American
ling. They were cheered by strikers along
thu sidewalks. Of liners of the Tenth reg
iment, which Is camped hero, deny that
the marching soldiers belong to tho regi
Cattle Train Wrecked on the
Lehigh Valley Cut Off
many Animals Killed.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Pitlstou, October 9. Dynamite was
placed on tho Lehigh Valley cut-off
tracks, about- a mile and a half south
of Jenkins Junction, last night, and
tlio result was an explosion that had
disastrous, but not fatal results. Seven
cattle cars, load d with live stock,
were demolished, tlio engine damaged,
about one hundred cattle killed or
maimed, and over one hundred es
caped to tho woods. Fireman William
Shiner, ot Plttston, was thrown over
an embankment with the tender of tlio
engine, but was unhurt. Charles
Malilcr, of West Plttston, a brakeman,
was thrown from tho train und slight
ly injured. This is the second dyna
mite outrage that lias taken place on
the A'alley's tracks lu that vicinity
within a week.
An extra cattle train, made up of
thirty-nine loaded cattle cars and four
freight cars, left Coxtou Yard last
night about eight o'clock. It was
drawn by Kngino 1,211, one of the larg
est on tlio road, In charge of Kngineer
Aaron Hosier, of Maticli Chun!:, and
Conductor Kdward Conroy, of Wilkes
Rarre. A big pusher engine assisted lu
taking the heavy train up the moun
tain. They readied a big curve south of
Jenkins Junction, which Is about two
miles back of Yatesvllle, about II
o'clock, and were travelling at tlie rate
of thirty miles an hour, when a ter
riilo explosion occurred, The tank of
the engine was thrown over a sixty
foot embankment and the tlrenum went
with it. lolling out as the tank slid
i1fitn tliu liniil. Tlwi lli.L-t lVtiii ,.1-it.u. up ,
tlie train, which were 'loaded with a
line stock of cattle, went over the em- j Other Day.
bankment, but remained coupled to- Special to tho Scranton Tillmnr.
gather. The end of the llrst car was Jlonesdule, Oct. , Yesterday was by
blown off, and as tho cars went down i far more Interesting at the Honesdulo
tlie bank tho animals slid out tlie open fair than the day previous, the first ot
end, twelve of them were killed and tlie two racing days,
two Injured. The second car was Tlie Interest yesterday was In the
completely overturned and Its eon- free-for-all. which was captured liy
tents of live stock thrown into a heap Levi Patterson's Wilkes .Medium. An
In one end, and most all were killed, other farbnndnio horse, Henry II.
Roth the third nnd fourth cars were Pleice's Ahuokln, gave Patterson's
tipped over and the nnininls thrown i horse a run for his money, and some of
out through the doors or piled In a j the interested ones were of Hie opinion
mass in the car. j that If Davey James, who drove Alino-
The sudden release of the air and ' kin In tin- last two beats, handled tho
the heavy work of the pusher engine ! lpi'is In the first two runs, the result
telescoped the center of tho train about would have been different. The third
one hundred yards from the engine, and lR',lt wa tl,1;t'" b-v Ahuokln, with
three cars were wrecked at this point, ' llllt's '" "'" sfllt- a,ul thl '"" 1,eilt
two of them being smashed to kindling w wm '.v "'Hkes Med him by .i nose,
wood. Ten steers were killed at the.11 as an exciting lliilsh and put thu
second point, and the other escaped to 'W(l ' '" lni;01r tllat 'w' felt
the woods close bv. i lu wns n,n' '?I)atu-
Trufllo im the enst-bouud track was ' '""? "" "" three, entries In th
blocked all day. and the wrecking m'---ll: oki", ' t'leive,
crews from Packerton and Coxtou , "'' " "U ., "f l" ""'' J'VL'
were on the scene The loxs will foot ' ilt,t''on' I'arbondale; hthbelle. Sihts
win on lit stun, in loss win loot M(.jlUlH nml Fnlnk juiblmrd, Car
.,,. several thousand dollars. A lore,, ; , o wafl 2.M. 2.37i, 2.MV.,
of men woiy employed today, scouring .,.,,, T,l(, 1)Urse Wm
too .mum . im- ...ill.- i.mi rr ..,..-..,
and by noon a herd ot them had been !
rounded up. The concussion was easily ',
ion in mis vny aim vaiimy, miny i
snaking some nouses. l.eteet o ,,, .. raM somewhat ot a
O'Hrleu and asslsta ns wero on I disappointment. There was great an
grouud all day endeavoring to gain i ( . , Ule ,,., f)ff T, f
Intormatloit as to the perpetrators of , ,m. UlL, jldgea caUe(, w hori!eH biu.,.(
the deed. ... I and it seemed as if thorn would never
The seem, ot tlio wreck was a gnu- ' ,J(J ,L HWrtf T,,u t..lU!(l,( tl)(J ,ngt ,(eat
some one. with the dead animals tf lu, ,m!itI,olmi umn n,H morula g, on
strewn along the tracks or piled III Ui.Cl)Unt 0t darkness,
heaps, many of them maimed and j Tlto entries were; Hilly M., S. n.
bellowing plteously. About 10 o'clock , Cark, Honesdulo; Gold Rain. W. a.
litis morning, a Plttstnii butcher was v0rton. Aldenvllle: l.adv .McNeill, w.
called to the scene and put an end to
their sufferings.
Pattison's Party Divides,
liy i:ihiiiii' Wire flu'ii Tin' AuiiJU'd m-M.
llloomsliiiig. P.i.. Oct. !'. Former Gov
ernor Pntllsou, the Democratic guberna
torliil candidate and ids party of cam
paigners divided lh'-iv time luil.iy in !.
coming, Xiirlhiimbi-rltiiid. Columbia and
.Montour counties, (loth .Mi. P.ittimm and
Ills colleague, ((cargo W. iluthrle. undo
addresses at lliiHhe.llle. Mnnc.v, .Milton,
Danville, and llloomsliurg.
Steamship Arrivals.
New York. Oct. 0. Sailed: Atiguste Vic
torlu, Hamburg; Frledericli dor lirosso,
llremen via Southampton; I.n Champagne,
Havre; Phoenicia, Naples and Uunoa.
Havre Arrived; I.a Savole, Now York.
Queenstown-Salled; Oceanic, New York,
Liverpool Arrived: Majestic, Now York,
Hrow Head Passed; Georglc, New York
via lloulogno Sur Met-. Pruwlo Point
Passed; Rotterdam, Now York for Am-tjlurdam,
Election of Another Head tor the
Gomlno Year flmona the-
Events of the Dau.
The Honor Palls Upon the Distin
guished Pennsylvanian, Who Was
a Lending1 Candidate a Year Ago.
The Committee Severely Scores the
Medical Department Operations of
the Women's Hellef Corps.
Dj i:Mliiittr Wire fiom Thu .Ucxi.iit'l i'ron.
Washington, Oct. ! The Grand
Army got down to business today and
tho encampment of tho order, besides
hearing an address from Commander
In Chief Torrance and reports from a
number of ollicers and committees,
elected a new head for Hie ensuing
year. T.he now commander In chief of.
the Crand Army of the Republic, Is
General T. J. Stewart, of Pennsylvania,
who was a leading candidate for the
honor a year ago. Ills competitors to
day were Ceneral John C. Black, ot
Illinois, a former commissioner of pen
sions, and Colonel John McKlroy, of
this city. Tiie name of General Daniel
Sickles, of New York city, was pro
sentod to the convention, but he with
drew from tho race. William At. Olin,
of Massachusetts, was elected vice com
mander in chief and James M. Averill,
of Georgia, junior vice (.innmandcr In
chief. Aside from the election ot these
oflieers, tlie most Interesting feature ot
tho encampment was the report of the
pension committee of the Grand Army
of the Jtepublic. This committee se
verely scored the medical division ot
the pension bureau, declaring that It
was a dead Hue, where were executed
the claims of veterans seeking pen
sions, it accused the personnel of this
division of approaching the represen
tations of tlie examining surgeons
throughout the country with suspicion
and distrust, and as made In bad faith.
It denounced tlie reports that extensive
frauds were practised in pension
claims as absolutely baseless.
The Women's Hellef Corps, the
Daughters of Veterans and the Ladies
of the Grand Army of tlie Republic
also met In nnnual convention today.
Thousands of veterans and their wives,
not delegates to either of these organ
izations, attended army corps re
unions in tho big tents on tlie white
lot, or spent the beautiful October day
ill sight-seeing. A feature of the late
afternoon was tlie dedication of tlie
corner stone of the proposed memorial
bridge to connect Washington with the
national cemetery at Arlington. Sec
retary Root was the orator of the occa
Fni' More Interesting-
Than Any
T))0 mmm.y ot tho fm,.for.
','.?' m"' mx
all was;
2 2 12
:i u a o
.j, Kmce, Clark's Green; Jim Doyle. 11.
, C. Williams, Carbondale; French, aeo,
! Collins, Centre Village,
j French, who ran away with the Held
Wednesday was surprisingly back
ward, but It would not bo surprising
If lie showed up in tlio bume form to
day as on tlie llrst day,
l.llllo M , 3 5 4 5 4
Gidd Italu ..,,, 2 :i 5 3 i
Lady McNeill 3 2 2 11
Jim Doylo 1 4 a 2 a
French t I I 4 3
Tlmo-2.20',i, 2.32, 2.:lH-. 2.33, 2.33.
The other hcut will be, finished
- - -- -
Washington, Oct. 9. Forecast for
4- Friday and Saturday: Kastern
-f Pennsylvania Fair ond cool Frl-
f day; fresh northeast winds; Sat
urday lair,
t f-r,. t.t..