9flF 3JflVJ'" ifHf"'BMf?ff ww,? THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, mnft x.. ",1W 3.' V? NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT has 1 1 wad down tha old prejudice against storo food. NONE SUCH la home made In all asoentlala as clean, as rloh, as whole somebecause It simply represents tha application of scientific preparation to the simple process of the) ! old kitchen at home. It Is prepared for mil lions of bakings Instead of one, but the pies mode of It are "like mother usod to make." So are the puddings, fruit-cakes and hermit cookies It makes them all. Neclpes In every package. All grocers. Morrall-Soula Co., Syracuse, N. V. m NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA IIALLSTEAD. Ftwlnl tp the Scrnnton Tribune. llallstead, Oct. ". Klght wagon loads t'l' gypsies passed through town Mon day cni'outc for Scranton. Colonel Warner nf "Wllkes-Burre, was u caller In town Saturday. Among the visitors In town Monday were, tin; following: Attorney Charles Alno.v and W. A. Harrington, of Mont rose: Rev. I.. W. Church and son Jrvln, of rpsonvlllu: George Sawyer, of De posit; 13. W. Roylo and Giles Carpenter, Uf New Mllford. Miss Virginia Alden, of Conklln. Upeiit Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Alden. Mrs. G. Y. Preston and Miss Maud Harrison were rtinghamton callers on b'nturday. Mr. II. II. Crozlor is 111 at the home Df his son, James Perry, on Chase ave liue. Miss Cirace Harding spent Sunday with her parents at Harford. Mabel Virsburg, of Conklln. was a Visitor in town Saturday, the guest of jMisa Evu Van Wormer. -Misses Edna Ward and Tillie Fox, nf Buffalo, who are visiting friends in llallstead, left for Susquehanna, Mon day, where they will spend a few days nfter" which they will return here and Btay for a short time. Mrs. Henry Millard has returned from tin extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Alorgnn, at Youngstown. Ohio, she also made a short visit with friends at Corn ing. Charles Kgerton, of Flskd.ile. Mass., Is being entertained at the home of Mr. nail Mrs. Leslie Klghmy. The following were Binglinmlon col li, rs Friday last: Mrs. Leslie ISighnmy, Iilisses Josephine and Huth Millard, Mrs. W. Mel.eod, Mr. and Mrs. James t-lmrell and Mr. James Snover. Mrs. John A'nn Loan and daughter, I. aura, have returned from a visit with relatives ami friends at Ulnghamton. TIARJfoRD. Epeclnl to the Scrnnton Trlbuno. Ilariord, Oct. 8. Tlio'sunduy school Institute lor the Fourth district of Sus quehanna county will be held In tin. Ilaptist church at west Lenox, October 37. A very Interesting programme has lieen arranged. Let our Sunday schools of this place be well represented. Miss Fllpn Mmi'ei'. wlm has bei n vis iting her sister In New York state, re turned home Saturday. George Payne Is tit tending the na 1 Hona! encampment at Washington, D. l' tills week. V.. M. Wat. -on and Rev. C. W. Haw l.ins are I'-kgntcM to the Christian Kn tkavor co'ncntlon at Forest Lake, Oc i tcbor KM I. ' (5, A Tiri'aiiy and John Lewis have j jinichaseil tile meat market of Mr. Mor I g.in. Mr. and Mrs. W. I!. Hammond have returned from Atlantic city. Miss Clara Tiffany Is spending the Wick with her In other, In Nw Alilford. John Rrlggs, of Owego, Is visiting his niotlier, Mrs (i. It. Rcssegulo. Mr n ml Mrs. O. It. Uell. of Taylor, is visiting lui sister, Mrs. F. L. Hlne. A surprise was given Miss Ethel A'nn- ' Uusklrk, in honor of Iior slxteentli birthday, at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Miller, October ti, A good time was enjoyed by all, Mrs Mary Payne will sell at public pale, October 15, the hotel. BROOKLYN. Fpeclnl to the Scrnnton Tribune. Brooklyn, Oct, S. Or. and .Mrs. A. J. 'Alney are vhiltlng their (laughter in Philadelphia. The Ladies' Aid society of the Pal- , versullst church will meet with Mrs. M, W. Palmer, Thursday, for dinner. A social will hit held next Friday ovenlug at the homo of Hon, J. V. Adams Mis. (J. II. Terry ami Misses Gertrude ,. ' Waldlo and Nttu Sage attendeil the ' ' Young People's christian union con vention at Hopbottoiu. Saturday. Charles WainiuH Is under the doctor's rare, .Mr. and Mm. Hrlsbin, of Sernnton, . tire the guests of her father, n. u. J'crrv. k The marriage of William Terry, of this place, and MIsh Ada Chamberlain, A Tito worst cases of Asthma in tho world succumb romllly to thoonourwitcuro that never fall-?. l)r, Kudolph HcliltTmann's Asthum (Jiiro almost performs miracles. Mr, II, M. Spencer, 2380 Vermont avenue, Toledo, O., says: "Asthma has been Browing 0 ,,, for 3 y()ari?( ,...t ast Bummer tho attacks bocamu so sovcro that many nights I spent half tho tlmo gasp ing for breath. Doctors scorned to glvo no relief whatever, una I felt thero was no hopoformo, whim a drug cleric recom mended your Asthma Cure. Its effect Is truly magical and gives corapleto rollcf la from3to5mluutcs." Sold by all druggists at fiO and $l.no. 6.mlic ila.Vilt,fi 1)r' ? ohlffmanii, Jiox 503, M, Paul, Minn., for a freo Baraple Vatiitthlt jirfintun thief "1S47 Rtigfrt lint." Mllifrwarf inclose J. of Heart lake, occurred at Montrose re cently, Hev. K. K. Thomas officiating. Miss I tattle McMillan has returned from a three weeks' visit with relatives in Fast Hrldgcwatcr. Charles Kittle visited Ills sister, In Kprlngvllle, last Sunday. It. M. Archibald called on friends here Sunday. Rev. Sage closed his pastorate with the Brooklyn church September 2S. Tho people of Urooklyn regret very much to lose hint from their midst. Thero will bo services In the tTnlvor sallst church next Sunday at the usual hour. Mr. and Mrs. it. W. Mead, while driving from the postofllce, Saturday evening, collided with another team and broke their wagon quite badly. Fortunately, no one was hurt. The two young men, who were driving rather carelessly for a dark night, will settle the damages. Mrs. Minnie Rosoiicrnntz Is visiting her parents in Klnghnintou. Miss Grace MeKeover spent Sunday wltli her mother here. Hmerson Sterling and family expect to move to Lestershiro, November 1. U. It. Burgess will move to the farm vacated by Mr. Sterling. A. S. Waldie has sold the V. Kent farm to a .Mr. Catterson, who will take possession December 1. CLARK'S Sl-MMIT. A very pleasant surprise party was given Miss Pearl Mikel at her home, on Friday evening, by a number of her young friends. Those present were: Miss Alary Malburg, ot Scrnnton: Misses Emily Leach, Ella Godshall, Alary Ouyor, of Clark's Green; Annie Symons. Maggie Waters, Lena Pedrlck, Alary Custard, Alary Wallers, Hazel Sharp, Belle Stark, Pearl Mikel, Edna Ferris, Susie Arnold, Loretta Bowlby; Alaslers John Alnyer, Harry F. Smith, Jay Justin, John Williams, Kay Tall man, Harry 11. Smith, Oscar Dymond. A number of games were Indulged in. Itefreshments were served. Air. and Airs. Harvey Fritz and son spent Sunday with the former's mother at Tobyhanna. Air. and Airs. AV. D. Smith, of Scran ton, visited the former's parents here last week. Misses Clara Westgate and Cora Ar nold spent Sunday In Scranton. Harry II, Smith was surprised by a number of his young friends on Tues day evening at a party given at his home. Games were Indulged In, after which refreshments were served, A pleasant time was spent. Cards are out for the marriage of Bliss Alay Alycrs to Charles Snook, of Clark's Green, on the l,",tlt. .Mr. McNeil und family, of Scranton, have moved Into tho Hiifforil property, on Hedford street, recentl;.- vacated by J. Wagner, of Scnuiton. .Miss Ktha Coon, daitfihtor of Air. and Alts. George t'uon, was badly injured a few days ago by falling from a horse. While she was riding, the girth became loosened, allowing the saddle to slip around, throwing Allss Conn off the horse, hut holding her foot la the stir rup until she was dragged several rods. When found, she was unconscious, and remained in a critical condition for sev eral boats. 11 is announced that the injuries me, healing in a satisfactory manner. George Itynier lias retired from the meat mm lad he conducted In the Pod rick building with such general satis faction to curtniners, and "Henry Car penter has succeeded to the business. William States is assisting hlin. 1'Ilmer Turning is employed la the meat business in Sernnton. Airs, Saxe, of Keraulnu, was the guest of her sister. Airs. S. T, Walker, recently. The cantata, "Out Flag with the-Sturs ami Stripes." which win given hero on two evening with such excellent re sults, will bo produced at Chinchilla Aletbodlst Episcopal church on Saturday evening of this week. Miss Kiidlo lleemer Is attending tho Laekawalma Business Collego in Kci'au tun. LOG OF A SEAGOING TREE. Odd Detollct Has Crossed the Ocean Once nnd Is on Its Wny Back. From the Ualllnioio American, A tree nilrlft In tho middle of the Atlantic ocean Is the rate sight report ed by Captain Freeman of the British steamer Hlclrn, which urrlved in port yesterday with a cargo of pig Iron from Bonlsaf, in thu Mediterranean, It was on July 2'J, when In a5.1! degrees north and as.L'2 degrees west, that an unusual looking object was seen floating ahead of the Btemucr. Those on tho ship's bridge made out the trunk and limbs of a tree about twenty feet long, canted lo one side and the roots sticking out of the water, Tho body of the tree had been bleach ed white by the sun, and It was covered with barnacles. Jt evidently reached the sea by being washed down from soiun Atlantic count fiver In a freshet. .Many months ugo a tree green with foliage, standing upright, was seen off Capo Henry, The tree seen from the Sldiu Is in the game position ns a bell bony, seen two mouths ago by tha British steamer Thlrlby, which arrived here. For his treo to reach Its present position It must have been drifting about tho ocean for nearly two years, When thla odd derelict went adrift It must have been picked tip by the gulf ulreuni and car ried Up the const past Newfoundland, Then It was swept .1,000 miles across tho Atlantic to the vicinity of the En glish channel, Next the gillf stream curried It south past tho coast of Fraiici' and Spain timl the northwest coast uf Africa, a Journey ot i",000 tulles, Here It drifted out of the gulf stream and went Into the very center of the so-called Sargnsso sen, In tho middle Atlantic ocean, tho scene, ot legends of the sea, where derelicts are supposed to finally come to rest In a fabled sea of grass. The Thlrlby passed the bouy spoken of April HG, In latitude 8l.nl unit longitude 38.42. The navy department keeps a record uf all objects scon adrift and only twice In live years has a voyngo of the kind been recorded that compares with that of the tree seen from the Sldra. Ope was tho Cape Canso bouy. As that bouy was one year drifting across tho Atlantic, the bouy reported by thu Thlrlby must have been two years wandering tho sens, as It traveled twice as far as the Cape Canso bouy. Tho latter bouy broke adrift from Its sta tion off Xovn Scotia and drifted nearly Into the English channel. The bouy was a little over a year In making tho trip. Tho skipper of vessels were often puzzled to hoar tho bell far out at sea. The bouy was sighted thirteen times, and was last seen 600 miles off F.uglnnd, II averaged a drift of ton miles a day, Tho tree seen by the ofllcers ot the Sldra will doubtless be picked up by the gulf stream again and be carried across tho southern edge of the north Atlantic ocean, through the West Indies, and up the Atlantic coast again. It Is follow ing tho track of the famous derelict Fannie 10. Wolston, which was adrift nearly four years and wandered !,1lf miles. She was 1,100 days crossing and reerosslng her tracks, and traveling around In circles. She was sighted forty-four times, and crossed her own track twelve times. , That this was tho tree green with foliage and standing upright reported adrift at sea not far from tho mouth of the Chesapeake bay about a year ago there can be little doubt. PECKYILLE. The planking in the bridge at the Ontario and Western depot Is in a de plorable condition and at the present time It Is dangerous to drive over. Win ton borough council should attend to this matter, as the broken planks arc on the east side of tho bridge. Air. nnd Airs. W. J. Broad and son, Winlleld, leave today for Wells Bridge, N. Y. P. W. Curtlss, of Walnut, Kans., Js visiting his sister, Airs. Jennie Swingle, of Main street. THEATRICAL. "The Cowboy nnd the Lady." At tile Lyceum last night was presented "Thu Cowboy and the Lady," one of Clyde Fitch's plays, by a company headed by S. .Miller Kent. The story ot the play is well told and dramatic and Is studded with the unusual kind of In cidents with which Air. Fitch loves to Jolt his audience every now and then. Air. Kent gave a very graceful Interpre tation of the role of Teddy North, the Harvard man who went to Colorado where bo met lovo and adventure la abundance. Supporting him was n very capable company that assisted him In giving an excellent presentation of Air. Fitch's play. "Human Hearts" Tonight. So strong an impression did "Human Hearts" make upon a prominent clergy man of Now York that he wrote to the gentleman Imper-onating Tom Logan, vigorously endorsing the play nud In forming him of his Intention of trotting nil the orphans of n local asylum out to see It nt his own expense. And lie did it. "You cannot conceive," said Manager Nnnkevllle, "of the appreciation of those youngsters nt the change of sermon thus afforded them, unless you had listened to that gallery the day they attended. With the 'gods' pre-ent," he continued, "as oftPii as 1 have myself enjoyed sitting through It, It was as enjoyable as a box of monkey sprinkled over with tears. "Human Hearts" comes to the Academy of monkeys sprinkled over with teais. tonight. Alatlnces Friday and Saturday. Wonderful Trio. There certainly has never been an acro batic net in tills city to create as much talk m the most wonderful performance of Johnson, Davenport nnd Lorello, at the Dixie theater. They bold the stage half an hour, and keep the nudlence In screams ot laughter all tho time. The Dixie Is surely a winner. America's Actress-Manager. Xow that Amelia Hhighum bus become America's most celebrated actress-manager, and the head and front ot thu bes-t stock company seen In recent years, It Is Interenllag to compare her methods with these of other actrcs-es who are "stars." Before the production of Clyde. Fitch's piny, "The Climbers," which will Jje seen at tho Lyceum theater Saturdayvafler noon and evening, .Miss Bingham made tho statement that "sho would bo willing to aacrldcu much In her own part for tho sake of making a thoroughly artistic and well-balanced presentation." Sub sequent events have shown her sincerity and as "Tho CllmbeiV stands today, Allss Gordon's rolo Is of equal interest to others, Allss I. Ilia Vane, who plays Allss Godes by, has one of the best situations In the play qulto to herself: CharliM Bertram, ns Edward Warden, has another, while John K. Kellnrd, ns Hlchard Sterling, Is one of the most predominant characters In the play. Thero Is also a wealth nf clever lines, which aro equally distributed among tho leading characters, Instead ot being given to tho star alone. In this ar rangement, Allss Htuchiiin bus liown magnanimity almost beyond compure. Seats on sale this morning, "King- Dodo," The music of "King Dodo," which will make Its appearance at tho Lyceum next week, has all that subtle eliium and fas dilation which Gustav Ludeis lustlllid Into the texture of bis previous siieee-s, "The Burgomaster." 'j'ho meludinus at mosphero of tlm entiro performance Is frngrant and heavy with luirmuulous ex lilllrntlon. It has undisputed power and popularity, and many of tho numbeiH aro of that class which will be whlsTicd, as were those of Its prcdccesir, Among the most uotablo songs aro "The Tale of u Bumble Bee," "Look la the Book und See," "A Jolly Old Potentate." "Two Hearts Made One, I'lui Eminent Doctor Fizz,' "Tho Cats' Quartette," CATARRH TAINT More Lives Are Blighted by Catarrh than by All Other Diseases. Itlhcre Is a Mint ot Cuturrh Tulnt Apply Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Powder without delay. It will sao you suffering, Ileal you quickly whether you have, been a slave nno month or llfly years. It lellovcH cold in the head and catarrhal headache ill ten minutes. The lion. David Mills, .Minister of Justice for tho Domin ion of Canada, Indorses It. Ten Cents buys Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills -th best. 25 Sold by Wm. G. Clurk uud 11. C. Ban-ilcrso.i. BRIEFLY li. There Is No Use Leaving Scran ton Believe (he State ments of Scranton Residents, Kndorsement by residents of .Scran ton, I'roor positive from Hcranlon people. Cannot be evaded or doubted. Bend this statement; Air, William Alorrls, of r,Z0 Lackawan na nveniie, it member of tho firm ot Alorrls Bros., one or the largest retail boot and shoo stores In tho city, says: "I used Doan's Kidney Bills, and you can put mo down ns saying that In my estimation they aro n llrst-elass rem edy. They cured mo completely of a dull, aching pain across my back and shoulders, which had been giving mo much trouble for u year. I am not much of a hand at taking patent medi cines, but In Justice to tho merit C Doan's Kidney Bills I feel It my duty to give them my endorsement, and I take pleasure In recommending them lo anyone that 1 hear complaining of backache." For sale by all dealers: price r.O cents. Foster-Alilburn Co., Buffalo, X. V solo agents for the United States. Iteineniber tho name, Bonn's, and take no substitute. "I'll Do or Die." "Old Father Time," "The Lad Who Leads." nnd "I Adote Thee." An augmented orchestra Is In cluded In tho organization, and the rea dying of the orchestration will lie a muslcnl I rent. '"Dainty Pnree Burlesquers." Today, for tho first time this season, J. If. Barnes' "Dainty Puree Uurleqilers" will appear at the Star theater, In a potpourri of burlesque and vaudeville novelties, said to be among the best that the burlesque Hold affords. Both of tho burlesques are. timely satires, tho open ing one In which tlm entiro strength of the company, numbering thlrty-llvo peo ple, Is employed. Is entitled, "A Night nt the Hotel AValilrough," and shows tho fads anil fancies of people in New. York with ludicrous situations and plenty of melodious music. The closing affair is called "Paris I'psldo Down," and the three ncls Into which It is divided aro cdiock full of aproarous fun, pretty girls and brilliant stage effects. Though these are prominent features of the pro gramme, tho vaudeville portion Is per haps the most Inviting, Inasmuch as It Introduces so many famous vaudeville entertainers. There will be tho usual matinees. Madame Sembrich. An enthusiastic listener to the groat prima donna, but one who-e enthusiasm, Instead of running riot, is so voiced as to show that he knew what he was writing about, said, in the columns of a groat New York morning dally, after a song.reclial given by Aladamo Sembrich, during her former visit lo America: "It was an exquisite treat which Scni brleli gave lo all hearers who love the pare and the relined In the art of song. To every song she gave Us individual character, by suggestion more than by emphasis. To every phrase she gave Us significance by minute shadings, by ac centuations ot the word and of the note, none the less effective because wisely controlled. Then there was the exposi tion of how to sing, tho volco produc tion, the breathing, the attack, the sus taining of tone an object lesson for every singer; a sermon upon good and true art, with an Illustrated moral." It Is such a treat as this which tho lovers of music in this city aro to have al the armory on tho evening of Octo ber 21. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS i Lackawanna Railroad Niagara Falls Excursion, Sept. 25, and Oct. 25. Special excursion tickets will be sold for all trains going on tho above dates, good for return within live (i) days from and Including date of sale. Faro for the round trip, $5.00 for adults and $2.30 for children between tho ages of five (5) and twelve (12) years. $4.35 New York $4.35. October II, the New Jersey Central will sell excursion tickets to New York from all stations, .Scranton to Laurel Bun, Inclusive, at a rate of four dollars and thlrty-llvo cents, Tickets good to go on all trains October 14 and good to return until October IS, Inclusive, In quire of ticket ngents, New Jersey Cen tral, or J, S. Swisher, district passenger agent, Scranton, Pa. ' $4.05 Philadelphia S4.95, On account of tho National Carriage Dealers' Protective association, to be held In 'Philadelphia, October 13 to IS, the New Jersey Central railroad will PICTURE FOR THE LITTLR PNRS.-Ciit out tho pictures appearing on this page each y, draw a pencil mark around tho hidden object, savo ilium until baiuriiiij. day. then beau tnom or tiutu them to tho Tri initio oriicu in an i-iivumi'u i'l'"".,"" :zlo Department." Rucloso lu tho envelope your name, ago and uddross. Tho and girls who correctly mark tho six pictures appearing during the "'' "Puzzlo 1 inj ti n i' jtj a in in ftltm llliu lull I'W KJ llll i IIIU i. and whoso unaware nvo first received, will Tnuuno aionuay morning. l'"!ud two other Swiss maidens In this mountain scene. THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" DIRECTORY 1HIS, 1 RENTS. FOB M I jJRSVim HISS OPPiUIIEt BcRESfin Cflly Half a Cent a Word. TlMIl 10 (JjBlllS, niy natf a Cent a fforliL lor Sale. 'Oil HAI.R-KIno uunrlereil oak Ulnar table, polished top, At. J., Trlbiin officii. KOIt (taLK-Out! hot air furnace, tlno mantels, gns rhaiulellnrs. Charles D Sanderson,. 1M Wyoming avenue, Seian ton, Pa. FOB SAM-: Town Topics Unlit Mlnlnj Co. stork Inc. shall'! will be ail vanceil to Mc, Bliare on Oct. Intb, Churlo D. Sanderson, Jtlii Wyoming avenue Scranton, l'a, KOIt SALR-Abollt 20 fool of desk conn ter, surmounted with glass front mu two openings, lowor portion nicely pan oiled, with drawers nnd nhelvos und-M--nwith. AIny bo Boon nt tho otllcc ot Ihu T;ibuno. Heal E3tnto. i ,afta FF-AV o rO DESIRABLE ACHEftQE LOTS CASH OR EASY TERMS NCAn THC MAMMOTH LHIHi STEEL HI AND TWO BCAU1IFUL PARKS. V GEO, T, ROBINSON, &A 17 Frh Hn. Rink Qidr.. jT : v n..ai u V VvN "" """ ',. ft- A ES VOU SALR, AT SACItll-'ICK-New 11 rooin house; modern Improvements; steam heal, gas and electricity; elegantly llnlsbed Interior; ton minutes' walk from City Hall; terms to suit purchaser; would also sell household goods. Address bos OS, Tribune office. I-'OR SALK-Ouo huge block ot buildings, corner Chestnut and Drinker streets, containing stoics and dwellings; also ouo tlno hotel. Apply to Geo. W. Frost, I0t Dast Drinker street. For Bent. ?: WILL 11KNT line ll-room brick liguse; 117 tjiiiuey avenue. Jl. II. llolgate, Commonwealth Building. I'OR HKNT-llalt new double house: !K Prescott avenue; all Improvements, Apply liij Prescott avenue. $IS For Rent Ten-room house; excellent neighborhood; all modem Improve ments, on avenue. Apply "to II. P. Ham ilton, 4X Spruce street. VOJl HUNT-Now house, corner Linden and Colfax; all conveniences. Inquire SO.". .Marlon street. For Sale or Rent. Port SALK OH RUNT New house on Columbia avenue; eight rooms and bath, gas, furnace, modern plumbing. Terms reasonable. Ralph K. Weeks, lit) N, Washington avenue. FOR SALK Oil HHNT-The 3-story brick building, with boiler house attached, nnd long row of sheds for horses, wag ons, etc.; also railroad switch suitable for manufacturing purposes; lately occupied by the Clock Tobacco Co. It. 51. Wlnton, Room No. 50.",, Mears Hullding. Furnished Booms for Kent. FOR HUNT Three newly furnished front looms, heat, gas and bath. S00 block, Washington avenue. Address X.. Tiibuno office. FCRNISHKD room for rent; moals If de sired. VX.U Jlulberry street. ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE, providing for the cut ting of foot-walks down to grade and tho setting of curb stones along the same bv the owners of property abutting on 5Iaia street, commencing at or near a point, In tho village of Greenwood, tho borough of Jlooslc, l'a. Section 1 Re it ordained by the town council of the borough of Jloosic, and it Is nrilalned by authority of tho same, as follows to wit: That all cWners of property abutting on JIaiii street, beginning at and Including the David Hollenback property, in the bo rough of .Mooslc, and running north to tho most northerly boundary In tho bo rough of Jloosic (Greenwood hill) bo di rected and reiiulred to cut all foot-walks down to grade, nnd to set curbstones in front of their respective properties, hi ac cordance with the plans, and speclll:ca tloiiH prepared by the borough engineer, now on tllo with tho borough clerk. Section 2 That sixty days' notice shall lio clven lo each nf the said owners of property abutting on said main street at the points heretofore named, to lower their said foot-walks to grade, and ti. snt curbstones ns provided in the first sec tion of this ordinance. And in caso said persons shall fall or refuse to comply with the rorpdremonts of this ordinance within the time herein specified, the bo rough of Mnoslt! shall cut down said foot walks to grade and set out said curb stones, at Its own proper expense, and the said borough shall lllu a lien for tlm cost of tlm same with a penalty added as provided bv law. Passed by the said council the (,lh day of October. A. D. 1M. . H', L. ANTIIONV. President. Attest: THOMAS Sl'TCLll-'l-'K. Uoioiigh Clerk. THOMAS CRJIMKI.L. Rillgesi. sell tickets al one fare for the round trip, on card orders. Rate from Scran ton, $4,!),', Tickets good to go October ii to IS, und good to return until Octo ber '11, 1U02, Inclusive, PUZZLE. I'H Hit'-" M ' "- rj ", ii i V I. rnt, Juivo their names published in tno i Ww, e;:: Branch WANT Offleai, Wnnt Advertisements Will Bo Received at Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 T. M. Central Cltv j ALIIMRT SCIMJLTZ, corner Mul berry street nnd Webster live. Ut'HTAV I'ICHML, W Adams avenue, West Side Ol-X). W. .1KNKINS, lot South Main avenue, South Scrnnton ' l-'UIOl) L. Ti-ItU'I'E, 7:3 Cedar avenue, North Scranton OHO. W. DAVIS, coiner North Alain avenue and Market street. Groen Ridge CIlAItLKS P. .lONKS, 1".7 Dick son avenue. 1'. .1. JOHNS, fOl Clrcen Itldgo street. C. I.OIIKNV5. corner Washington nvqnuo and Marlon street. Petersburg W. II. KNKI'R-IL, lot; Irving nvonuc. Dunmorc J. G. HONK & SON. Help Wanted. H II L I W A NTS nAwdfi bluTolikeep and stenographer; good salary to com petent person. Addiess Al. C. II., Trlb uno office. A AN I LD Agents to sell tea and cor Ico to consumers. Positions perma nent. Giand I'nlon Tea Co., 311 Lacka wanna avenue. Help Wanted Male. ANY li-:HSON who wAI "dl'sTrMni b"?-h'c7T-.., urv r'"' ' ''ally should address Standard." t Wells, Chicago. Steady po sition. No canvassing. WANTED A few machinists; stendv work Apply to tho National Klovator and Machine Co.. Honesdale, l'a. Help Wanted Female. iwinn-.u-iomiB may lor general olllce work. Must bo good penman and ipilck at llgurcs. Apply In own hand writing. C. S. Woolwortli. WANTKD Experienced lady shoo clerk. Stale salary expected. Address, Clerk, Trlbuno ofllce. Agents Wanted. LARGE COIU'ORATION wants energetic uenorai Agent lor tills county. No books, Insurance, or cinvntssluy. Ac quaintance with merchants and manu facturers necessary. Permanent. IJond. State age, experience, references first let ter. Address. Suite 57L', No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Situations Wanted. SlTCATION WANTED-rty a. woman to go out'wnrklng or cleaning: can fur nish the best of references. Address Airs. Gleason, all South Irving avenue. LADY WANTS situation in dressmaking department or saleslady In stole; per fectly competent of filling either of tho above positions. Address Gabriel Swans, -":! Cherry street, Dunmore, l'a. SlTCATION WANTED as scrub or kitch en girl. Address l:ii", Von Storch ave. SlTCATION WANTED-At light house work In small family Addrcf.s A. At., l"uli Von Storch avenue. Room for Rent. FIIONT ROOM for rent; desirable, 421 Adams nvonuc. Wanted. WANTED Six or eight horse power en gine. State price and length of time been used. W. AI Hox .7), Starucca, Pa. Lost. LOST White bull terrier; two brown spots over tall. Liberal toward. Dr. Waluwrlght, U:'7 Linden street. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. 13DWAUD C. SPAtri.DINli, C. P. A.. S! Trailers' Hank Hullding Old "phono ltd. Architects, FUEDERICK L. I'.ROWN, ARCH !!., Real Estate E;ohango illilu.. 1--1 Wash. Ingtou avcuuo. Civil and Mining- Engineers. H. L. HARDING. Kir. CONNKI.L JiLDli. STEVENSON & KNlfiilT, ?X UO.V.' noil building. Dentists. DR. C. I-J. HILENUERUEli. PAULl building, Spruce street, Scranton. DRcTc. LA1THACII, lir. WVOMINTiTvo Piro Insurance, SCIII.AUHR & CO., 101 Conm-ll llulldl.m. Patent Attorneys. PA T E N TS !.,KI,,.oaffA08 Tin- only licensed and equipped patent' solicitor in tin. city. No chaigi- lor In foi million on p.'itunMhllity; over tea years' iixperleiioi. Keplorlc & Co., Mears HI tig-. Hotels and Restaurants. ti u: klTTca i-'i-j. ii3iriTTTi;7--7!ANK lilt avenue. Rates rcasuiiublo. P. .IKGLUIt, Proprietor. SCltANTON lIOfSE. NEAR D.. L. . W. Passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropenn plan. Victor Koch. Proprietor. Scavenger, a. n. mucins cleans privy vaults and cess pools; no odor; only Impiovi-d pumps used. A. IS. HrlggH. propiiutur. I ....... ...-.,.,.- llim K'.n tli l.ili. .,......,,.. Ullllll. or Elcke's drug stoic, i-iirmr Adam .Mulberry. Roth telephones. ins ami Who Screens. JOSEPH Kl'ETTEL. REAR 511 LACK A. ave., Scranton, infrs. ul Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. MKGAROKK HOS., PUINTEltS' Sl'P. jillos. envelopes, papor bags, twluo. Warehouse, YM Washington avcuuo. TTilw" WILKl-isiTJCilitll ItlK'ORDCAN ha bad lu Scrniitoii at the news stand of lb-lsmaii llros., 100 Spruce and .',')! l.ludon; M. N'orton. JX' Lackawanna ave; 1. S. Svhutzcr, '.'11 Spruce street. ci-iint.- Awn iiMti. in, I... -..... ..... Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OV MONEY TO 1,OAN- Quick, sti night loans or nulldlng and Loan. At Horn 4 to 0 por cont. Call on N, V, Wnlkor. 3H-:iir, Connoll btilldlnff. Miscellaneous. " '' --.( -yVj TUB MODEL LAUNDRY. Dunmore. launders shirts at Sc. ench and collars nnd cuffs at lc. ench. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delnwnre, Lnckawonnn and Western, , In KITcct Juno I, ltvi. , Trains leave Sciantoii for Now York At Lit). U.-.U. U.05, 7..V) and lll.tll a. m,l l-.'.D. ...10, .:!j p m. For Now York and Phila delphia,. Mi. lo.lo a. m., and kl.lu and 3.33 p. ni. I. or Goilldsliolo-AL,0.10 p. ill. Knr Hfralo-l.lj. ti.ll! and !.() a. m.; l.SS. B.5C nud 11.10 p. n. Km Itlnghitmton, Eimlra and way station:!- 10. Si a. m.. 1.05 p. in. I; or Oswego. Syracuse and t'llcul.'r, ni'd -, '.'.-.. '" "' P- m. Oswego. SyinctMo nnd I lle.i train al li.l'L' a. m dally, except Sunday. ,,. Mnniroso-.i.oi) n. m.; 1.0? a"'! ' P. in. Nicholson nccummudallor. l.ro and o.ir, p. m. I'.loomsbiirg Dlvlftlon-For Nortliumber. land, at i!.;'.-, and M.in a. in.: 1..V, nnc fill ' ",'. J'ov I'lymouth, at S.10 a. m.; .1.10 and ji o; p :u. ,. A"",,i")' Tl'.l'.ns-l-'or New York, 1.5", 3.M. ,';. .'10 !1- m.i 3.10 and :t.:i.. n. m. I'or uutTnio 1.1.-, uud is.?;.' a. in.; l."i, ii..vi and ll.ln p. m. .;,. nplra and way stations--..., a. n j.'c,.. ijliighamtnn and way st.i (Ions, n.oo a in. fllonmsburg Plvlslon Lonve Scrnnton, lo.lo a. m. and O.lo p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. la Mffcct .lime l.'i, hid-.'. . . Till I us Leave Scrnnton 1-or Phlladel)hl.i and Nef York via D 1 11. It. R.. at at 7.11. through Parlor Cai and Day Coieli Caibonilnle to Now York and )., n. m w-lth L. V. Conch C.irbun diile to Philadelphia, and 'J.1. 4Xi (Uluck Dlnniond JOxpiecs), and 11.10 p. jn. Suu dnys, D. ,t n. R. R 1.;,s. !M7 p. m. lor Whlto lliiveu. Uiir.liUou nnd prlucl pnl points in the coal regions, via D. & if. It. Ii.. 7.11. lms and I.:!.", p. m. For Pottsvllle. 7.41 a. nt. For Bethlehem, Hasten, Rending, liar rlsburg and principal Intermedlato sta tions, via D. K 11. R. It.. 7.11. !).t7 a. m.i IMS, 13.-, (Black Diamond Express). 11.40 p. m. Sundays, D. & II. R. It., 0.SS a. m.; l.r-S. 0.17 p. m. For Tunkhannock, Towumln, Elmlrn, Ithaca, Geneva r.nd principal Intermediate stations via D., L. ,t W. R. Il C.SD a. m. and 1..V, p. m. For Gonova, Rochester. Biiftalo, Nlas nra Falls, Chicago and all points west via r. & 11. R. R.. h!.o;! p, m.: WIS (Black Diamond F.xpress). 10.41. 11.10 p. m. Sun days. D. ft If. Ti. u 12.0!. 0.17 p. m. Pullman pnrlor and sleeping or LeblgJ: Valley Parlor cars on all trains betweer Wilkes-Barro nnd New York. Philadel phia. Ruffnlo and Siisponslon Iliidge. ROLLIN If. AVILIICR. Ocn. Silpt, : Cortland street, New York. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen, Pass. Agt H C!ortland street, New York. A. W. NONEMACHETt. Dlv. Pnss. Agt.. South Rulhlehcm. Pa. For tickets anil Pullman reservations apply to city ticket office, 00 Public Square, Wilkcs-llarre, Pa. Uav.,v , .Tu iiiinni i uijiunn Willi out delay. Write for our special mar ket letter. Free on application. 8. M. lllbbatd .i Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Rxcbniigo. 41 nnd 44 Ilrondway, Now York. Kstnbllshcd 1881 Long Dlstnncn 'Phnne 2m Tlrond. READING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Coriectcd to September lti, 1W1. Stations In New York, foot Lloc-rty street and South Ferry, N. R. Trains leave Scranton for New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Ilelhlehem, Alton town, Aliiucb Chunk, Whlto Haven, Ash ley, Wllkes-Ilarro and PIttston at 7.30 n. m.. 1 p. in. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Scranton 7."o n. m., through solid vestibule train with Pullman Ruffct Tarlor Car for Phila delphia with o.ily one change of cars for Riiltlmoro nnd Washington, D. C nnd all principal pants south and west. For Avocn. PIttston and Wilkcs-Bnrre, 1 p. ni. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 'J. in p m. For Long Hranch, Ocean Grove, etc., -. 7.30 a. m. and I p. m. ' For Reading, Lebanon and Tlarrlsbnr;; via Allen town at 7.30 a. m., 1 p. in. and 4 p. m. Sunday, L'.IO p. m. For Taninqua and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. in.: 1 ). m. and I p. in. For rates nnd tickets apply to ngent at station. W. G. r.ESSt.F.R. Gen. Manager. C. M. lU'RT. .Gen. Puss. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In Kl'l'cct Juno 10, 1012. Tinlus leave Scraulon-(i.S a. m., wool! da vs. through -slIbulo train from Wilkes-Hnrre. Pullman buffet p:irln' civ and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vllle; Btops at principal intermediate mil lions. Also connect!! for Sunbuiy. Ilnr rlMburg. Plilliiilelphln, Ualliniore, Wah- tllgton ana lor i'iiisimiik .iii ii"' nr.-i. 0.17 a. m.. wool: days, for Snubnry. liar ilsburg, Philadelphia, P.iUtlnioi-o. Was1! Iiigtun and Pittsburg and tin- West 1 ) p. in., w -ek da vs. (Sundays. I..V p m.), for Sunbiiry, llarrlbnrg. Phllnlt. phla. Haltlnioie. Washinslon and Pitts, burg and the West. !i "S ii m., wee!; days, thiounh vetlbP traTn from Wllkos-rtarro Piillni:in bulTet parlor car and i-nnehes to I'lilliidoliililii vl-i Pottsvllle Stops al principal Inlcrmcdl ale stations. ..... ! I!.', l). in., week d iyn. for tbizlelon. Sun-lnii-y, ll.nrlsbiim, Philadelphia and Pitts- hm'B' ,T. P. llt'TCIHNPON. Gen Algr .1. 1!. WOOD. Gjii Pass. Agt. Delaware nnd Hudson. In Effect June bi, 1:1.1.'. Trains I'or Corbutidulo leave Si-rmitnii nt . . 7 ;;.; s.:;ii. Ui.i:i a. m.; Vim, 1. 12, 2 11, I.!:".; r..:o! u '-'". -'--i- " l""1 !' '"' 1:'-!S- "i-'o'r lloucsdale-il.ll. 10.13 n. in.: 2.11 and r''Fur Vlll;c!i-l!ario-i!..'.:. 7.11. S II. !. 17. 10K! a. m.: l'.MJi. H-'. 21''. "-'. I.:i". ' !". 7-;s 1D.II, II.1'-' P- m. For L. V- " II- Polnls-V.il. 0.17 n. 111 " t! 4.3.1 and II. P ii- m. For Pennsylvania It. R. Pohits-iiS? '1 17 a 111.; 1.42. 0.2S and 4.;',"i p. in. "For Albany and all points north 7.31 a. in and 3.."'1 " nl in. ami fl,,SIUV TRAINS. ?- I.'or Cirbondnli s.:.o. 11.:y in. m.T 2.11, R.vi, :.:--' and 11.17 p. m. - , ,"r , . Fur Wllkcs-isaru--o.3S a. m.j l.'.o;. i.-,s. 3"s 0 32 and 0.17 11 ni. I'm- Mbuuy and points nnr.'i--3...i,.,n, in. I.'or lloiierdali SM a. m.; 1133 ail 3 ''wl'l.. PRYOlt. D P A.. B.-i-anlojj, P.i. Eiie Rnilro.id Wyoming Division, In Ell'i'it Si'Pteinbcr !.". 10'-2..' T111I1 I'-ave Sciaiiliia .for New Voik, Newbingb and Intermedial' points. aln ini- ili'Wh'V and local stations at 7.20 a. . ,"i--"i-,, llmi-H.Val'J' ami Whlto Mills t't l.Jl '''Trlilas airlvo at Scranton at I0.3STI. m. nnd MS p m. . New York, Ontario nud Western. Tlmo table In cftoot Sunday, Sept. 2J, 1002. NORTH IKll'ND TRAINS. ' l.piu-u Leave- Arrlva Trains. Nn. I .. No. 7 Scranton Cnrbondnlo. Cadosla. ...ii.3i)a.m. II. inn. in. I.ogp. 111. ... li.10 p. m.Ar.Caiboudalc lilo p.m SOI Til TIQCND. Leave l.eavo ArrlV4 l.'adosia. Carbimdale. Scranton. ll..")0u. 111. 7.2.1(1. Ill, Trains No. ii Ni , 2.l."i p. 111. 11X1 p. III. 4.45-P. Ill i "vn.lVS UNLY. NORTH I!OlND. ' Leave Leave A'x'rlvo Trains. Scranton. Cnrbondnlo. Cndoslii. No 0 s;Mn- '" -,0a- " '0.13a. m. v 5 7.W p. ni.Ar.Caibnudalo 7.45 P.m ,M. a hoV'CU HOPND. : Leave Leave Arrive Trains. Cadosla. Caiboudale. Serniilon, Vu 1; U.5D a, 111. 7.2.1a. in, No. 111 4.30 p. 111. ii (Hi p. m. U.4.p. m, Trains Nos, 1 oil week days, and 0,011 Sundays eu nnect for Now York city. Mid dletowu, Walton. Norwich, Oneida, Os wego and all polntu west. Train No. 6, wltli "Ouakcr City Ex. press" at Scranton. via C. R. it, ofN. J., lor Philadelphia. Atlantic City, Ualtlmoro. Washington and Ponnsylvunla "st.-iki Seo tlme-tabto and consult ticket agents for connections with other lines. ,1. J. C. ANDERSON. !. P. A.. New York. J. K. WJ31.SU, T. P. 'A., Scranton.-Ta. ft