The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 09, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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- iw ., , ,VVI ftV!'- WH f1S'Wfs
$1nt 'nwfWm:mPft h&v
15 . r
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t 3
; Rev. J,.S. Wrightnour, D. D., of Oil City,
Has Been Been Called to the First
Baptist Church.
The iupiiiIicm of t lits I'll it H.inllst
chtitch hrltl u special hiisltipss tneetliiK
last evening ii ml ilcildcil to cull ttrv. J.
S. Wilghtnour, D. D., ot Oil t'lt.v, to
become the pastor of the c lum h.
Itcv. WilBlitnour N thought u meat
ileal of In Oil City, wlicio ho has won a
most enviable teputntlon, both its a
ptoadior ami na u vvoilter. lit mm
pled the ptllplt of the Kllflt Hnptlit
chinch the past two Sundays .tint j?ue
the! people the greatest satisfaction.
Bobbowltz In Tiouble.
John Lllllto, of CIO Scrunton stieet,
nppearctl befoie Alderman Nooiip yes
terday nml pwoip out a wan ant for the
nil est of lncy Bobbowltz, of 711 Si I an
ion atiect, on the cliutge of assault and
battel y.
At the healing yesterday iifteninon
the prosecutor claimed that Mobbowltz
jnct him on the stieet and In no un
let tain tone of olce called him a
"scab," This ho followed up by a vio
lent assault. Up claimed that while the
epithet hurt his dignity, the assault
butt him a tilllc nioio, and so lie wants
ledress. The healing was postponed on
account of the abscm.e of an lmpoit
ant witness.
H. I. and S. Club Organize.
Mrs. A. Frnunfeltei, of 3J0 South
Hyde Patk avenue, entei tallied a huge
patty of fi lends at a 7 o'clock dinner
last evening. Mrs. Fiaunfelter was as-f-iitccl
In serving by her claughteis,
Misses Myitle and Hesle Fiaunfeller,
and alpo Miss Oertuule LooniK
At the conclusion of the repast the
ladles discussed and finally decided to
oiganbe the H. I. and H. Social club
The meaning of II. I. and R. Is held .1
piofouud seciet, but that lends dim in
and Inteiest to the affair. The out-of-tonn
guests weie: Mis. Thomas Htet
ner, of Pottsllle; Mrs. Ilauiet O.
Bailey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and .Miss
Georgia Thomas, of Moscow.
Pleasant Biithday Party.
Miss Geitiude Loomis, of IS'01 lb
Lincoln aonuo, was tendered .1 most
pleasant birthday pm tv on Wednesday
evening, bv .1 few or bcr mimeious
ft lends. Tin- houis weie delightfully
passed with music and other ple.isuies,
and at a late I10111 Mis Loomis and
Mi. Bailey served dainty lefresb
ments. Those In attendance weie Aliases
UNIe Hauls, Louise Fellows, Alniy
lames, Jennie "Watklns, ILittie Kynoii.
Uva. Killlp, niiod.i WatKins, Aiabella
Thomas, .tssic J'aff, Stella i:van,
Five stnmps given away with
each bottle of Dufour's French Tar
I Smart
I Jackets
I For Women
There is so much to talk about
Cloak Department these days that we
know where to begin at.
Suppose we take Smart Jackets for the
crisp weather that comes with these bracing
days. We'll content ourselves with five ex
amples, but there are fifty other styles to look
at here, and we hare tHem in all sizes.
I No. One
A Monte Ciulo Jacket, in
veited pleat back, double
breast fiont, double capes
and satin edge. Highly
tailoied, and most desii
able for ladies who like to
be in touch with pievniling
styles, without being con
spicuous. I No. Two
A stylish Jacket in
Velour, blouse fiont with
coul loop fastening, high
lolling collar with deep je
verse, the new Du Bnixy
cuffs, Jet and biaid trim
mings, the new stylish lip
ples, of couise. Lining and
tailoring nnd in petfect ac
coid with the get up of
this tiuly handsome Fall
I No. Three
sj A jaunty garment, in
uasiov ivejsey, cut on giace
ful lines that mould well to
the figure and proclaim its
merit at a glance, A Monte
Carlo model, with double
inverted pleats back,
shoulder straps, elaborate
ly stitched box front,
Elberon velvet tailored col
lar, the new cuffs, etc.
There is a swing to this
Jacket that proclaims its
excellence even to the in
experienced eye.
Globe Warehouse,!
HiisIp Mmkwlik, Hannah Itelswlek,
Oilssle Fill, lieitiude l.iionils; Alussis.
Wendell i:uns. Mo.vd .laiobv. Ai tlmr
I'nsnei, Harry Vnik, Meinlv U.iv'K
Dan liviins, Kiank Watklns, t Dolph
111 lining, l-'mnk Mlllei, John Thmiitis
and Iteese Jenkins
Republlcnn Club Meeting.
The Hist meeting of the nely-ie-oigaiilpd
West HUti- Itepublluiii dub
will be held this evening In the looms,
loinei of .Main avenue ami Jmktn
stieet. Seveiiil ntntteis pet mining to
(he dub will be taken up Tul 1 nnslil
eintlon, anil eVeiv inenilifl Is lined In
be In attendant e.
It Is expeeled that -iveli'l uiilliu
lions for niembet ship will bended 011,
and If nnv volnis who deslie to lulu,
and have not abeady been solicit mI;
will send in llieh nuiiies, thev will be
piopeilv icielved and pieseuteil. 'I he
Initiation fee Is but Till ieul fi the
balame of the nu. The dues nie -."
cents eadi month.
The West Side rViituil lti-piiblluin 1 bib
will hold lis 1eg11l.11 biisluisM tntdiiu, tills
evening In (lie rooms H will In llu Mist
meeting under tin new nihs
No I." i linul foot ball tiain wmilil llkn
tu plav the 011 at.ll .llllilnis &1I1111I11V
liioinlng, Oil IS. at 'I'n 11 1 link mi "in
ginilliils A suilsr.Klcirv mi'wci will le
11'he tine iinllie If piibllshi il In Tin '1 1 Mi
nn.' i; Hi van, apt llu.
Washington iiui N11 l" I'.tlihilli i
del Suns of Auieilia, will met I in Wash
ington b ill Ibis ei nlng
The Cpuuith li mile ul Ihe Simpson
Methodist ihuiill will hulil Its itf,illitl
iniiulhlv buslni ss imetlim (his 1 veiling
.Mis .Miisps Ai e of IJlown inuil. ililei
lalneil ,1 few filenils al a " 11 1 1111 1 Ii 1 mi
AVednpsdiv .Kiel liciiin Those ptespitt
n Mis (illiiinn Mm I I Ate .Mis
Itlilgw.iv, Miss Aim An Mi MIc I
Mis IMn 1 An. .Mis ImiIp Ai 1 anil Mils
tei Alt hie An
All inenilii'is of the r.ilhil M.ithew Tu
tnl Ahstleioiie unit Mi nnvuliMit socict lie
lienbv ieillestil to meet ill hi I.ins
looms. Not th .Main iveiiui, 1'ililiv (i
tohei 10 at S ,1 in to picxe'il In a hmh
to St t'.Ui l( K'.s 1 hull h
All lesldenls of I.lniolu llelglits nml the
Huunil Woods plots Intiiestiil In .ninev
itlnn to the dt ale niiestnl to 1111 I
In Ihe nasi ment of tin Ihiihui Vliihoil,t
ihuiill, on South Slain iivenui, tills inn
ing al s 11 1 lock, Oi t 1
SI, I'atilik's ihiiuh iholi will meet
this evening.
A small gill with a huge i.iLiilly
lot investigating the vvhvs and vvluio
foies of things shoved liei foot Into the
opening of an lion pipe 011 Jackson
stit'i t. The pipe was luilmUlcd In lh
c ,11 th and was the pipe Into whlih the
kej Is iiut to t ill n on the iltv watei
Aftei getting hei fool In she 1011I1I not
get It out anil amid howls of liiqlit 1
plunibei cut tlie pipe open and leliaseil
the unwilling prisoiiei.
.Miss Mai la Kioiuei. of Si biillv Ille Is
the guest or Mis M G. Ki unlet, ol .Vol III
Hiomlev avenue
The Opin Window dull held a liitetlng
in Young Miris Instilutp hall Inst nveu
Ing and decided to hold thelt litst .1111111 il
ia our
No. Four I
A Monte Carlo Jacket in 5!
rich veloui, excellently JT
tailored and trimmed. Box Ji
effect front, with high rol- S'.
ling collar and new sleeves; )S!
handsomely jetted, and J5!
withftl so perfectly gotten Ji!
up that it would be hard to h
improve on its appearance Si
or add to the quality. 2".
No. Five
Castor Jeisey Jackets,
with Elberon velvet collar,
triple shoulder capes, fly
front buttoning, box pleat
back, handsome trimmings,
satin 01 inlaid kersey, bell
sleeve, etc. A most elab
orate and handsome Jacket
for lovers of perfect style
or exquisite good form.
Your Inspection
Is Invited.
Sill 1 1 Im??. 'JZ )T(u
Jtiickncho Is a forerunner nnd
on; of the most, common Hyinp
( mis of kidney trouble anil
vvomli di.siiltHeuient.
" Some tlmo iiffo J wart iu a ory
weak (ondilloti, my work made me
n 'I'wuiMntul my bni'U nehed frlvhtfullv
till tin' tlnu1, aiul I had trrlbTu hcaii-
"Alv inutlicr pot a bottle of Lydia
V. PIiiIcIiuiu'h VoKc(all! Com
I illltd for mc, and it scfiiit'd to
i.tivngthcu inv back and help mc at
o.rce, uud I did licit get no tired ns
before. I continued to take it, and it
brought health and strength to me,
nnd t want to thank you for thn
good it has done me." Mihb KAik
IIoi.lmav, U.'nd St. it Wales Ave.,
h'pff Voile l'ty.f5000forfrlt If original nf
iriiotc tetter proving genuineness cannot bis produced.
3dia K. lMnkliani'sVogftalilo
C'onipotind euros lieoausu it is
llu prr. -.fc Known remedy for
kidney and womb troubles.
Kvery wamnn ho. is puzlcil
about lieri'oinlitionshotild Hrite
to Mrs. IMiiklium at Ijjnn, 3Iass.,
and tell ber all.
smlnl .mil dance In Me.ti' hall on Oi to
hei .1
Ml-x Mill l!i lie rieeinill will lie united
In mill ii i;;e tu .lolin IMuIn Moiitiin al the
Inline of the lulile nil Wediu d,i oui
Inif Oitnliei l"i
All nml JI11 i: I! Iliufei. of Smith
llMle I'llU UMlllle, Ii HltlllK 111
S 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K
Mi ll.lttle "V.11le, ill 11J7 W'llslihlll II
Mliet. Is KluveilllK flotll.l .(xpie IIIIIIV
Mis lieoiKe OUell. ot BiiiT.ilo X V,
Ii is In en the siKst-iif Jli. .mil JI11 I'r.inl.
blete nf Xmth l.liuiui avenue
Messis Hoiliee .MI110 .mil Slieltuu .110
attendini; Ihe Oiand Ainn of the Ite
pulilli Kiinlnii at W'.isliliiutiin.
Hiv 1)1. fih.iiu, D 13 . 1. I. H. 1110
lessdi of tllPiilof; ill the
Diew 'I In uIokIi.iI seniliniv. who is tu
hi tine nt the lIpHinlli ie.iRiie imnoiitluii
In the Slinpsrii tliuich net wnlnesilij
1 ciiliin. ill he the suet of TU .mil Mis
J. lines Menninxei at the Knihin pn
snn'me ilinliiff his stiiv In the ill
A ei. pleas ml affair oitiniul at the
ii'slileiue uf Jli. and .Mis. Usiai liiamliu,
ul ij.s llinu'k stieit, list eMMiuiK w In 11 1
niimlflh ul filenils atlieli il in p 11 III Ip !'
In a II ish lUhl pills 11111I suilal A -I11.1L
leieptliiil piemleil Hie testi Ith ", whlih
he 111 at 'l 11 1 loek mid a jull. time wis
siient In il mi ins ind othei .itniist tin ills
until II o 1 lei !. when suppei was sen id
PI imIiIIhIU photoKiaphs weie liken h
Jli (Jutiiihi) and the athei Iiik hioki up
al iiiIiIiiIkIiI Those ptesenl wen. Jli
ami .Ml- 1'ianU Gi.imho, All. mill Jtis
Ost.n (iinmho, Ati. and Jits Aminos,;
Jlcii", Jli. and Jlis Pttet Gaul, Jli. .mil
.Mix Pi.tiiU DeiUeil. Jli. ami JIis Al
luit lleihstei. All mid JIis Geoi(?e .M II
lu, Jli and Alls Uduaid Kt II, Jli. and
JIis J.1111N 1! nisi limatiti, Jli. and JIis
.Matthias AIL'S All ami Jits Iti iiihold
SieKols,, Ah. ami JIis I'ml Noll, Jli
and JIis I'm Wei net The .Misses Y.
liiamho, .losephliie Ci.imbu. Alautll.i
and Louise (Jiamliu, Alessis Jusiph,
l-'iank uud (Inline, (laid, Clnlst SiimIii.
John Hi umbo
The Stint 11 Side Uank pns Ititiiest up
s'ixIiiks deposits All aiiount (.lit lie
stnitid with ten tititM Open Saluuhn
fenliiK:s fiom 7 In to k .'0
Cattle Johnson, () ur, KaMiiinid tuiiit,
ujipi lied helute Alilitniau l.enles xpstii
dn mid piefiited ihaiKes of 11 seiluus
iiitfcii- awiinst K.itu Buchanan, .1 inai
1 lei? XMiinati, and 'I lionias Williams, 'llnj
M-ie held in hill fin 1 tun t
Josi ph CoiuiiiI, ol 1, Alilet stieel, vns
iiuiiiliil ultielteii eats un ;, istcida it
was also Ills ihii U-stcond !Iilhda. and
he, with H'M' lih nils i'elbinleil the
dii in mi nppinpihite in 1 unci
St Alusius Total Alistlnem I- mid Hi p
1 Milent sniietj will meet at J'lMiinmy
hall Oils iM.nitik.
1)1 .Sihlej's l.iuiK HialiiiK llnlsam Is
nu.ii.mteul to 11110 all loiikIis "X11 out u,
nopi.N Toi sile h all dealeis '
(eiieiiil (it. tut (ommaudet.v, KpIkIiIs ol
.Malta, will meet in iokuIhi' kossIoii at
I lai tmiiii s hull tiiiniiiiow nlKlit
'I lie usual weel,l euihie .sixlnl at Si,
,luliu'.s hall will lake plme lonlglit utiilui
the uusplii.s ot .Miss l)'llule.
Cll.llles (ieill, uf (.'Ulinilsu meillle, has
iiliilllid Until a wtek'.s ntn. In I'hllnilel
phla Mis i:i, it t) .Villi ut Cteeli JtlilK,'
stuet M'stitilaj 1 nis(d (i,. an, st ul In 1
lliisliiud Thiim is I) Xelll, fin maklliK
Ihteals mid luenkiim Ihe liiinltiite in
Hull' Iiiiiim Altet hi ai lilt; hollt xldis of
tlie stciM Mdeiiiuin II llle 1 oliiillitti il
0 Nflll In ileluiilt ur 5.ii hail
HtU'll .Mi I 'a 1 land of Wnndl.iwn nxeuiie
enieiiiilin d a numhei ut his Itiends ut his
In 1 iiw l' -t t m iiIiik limn',-' anil miisii
Wile IiiiIiiIkiiI ill Aiii'oiu thusi pii'.sint
.iie Alls., s Ciu.i CiiwliN. I.'iiiIIii Ctos
ll lllllel I'hllllps .Mallei IJeMlolds. Jim
Billet C0I1I1 Susie Itussell. Ilsthet Hope,
well lllmiilti Millet MII1I111I (iaiilin'i
Jlessts II, mild Win eh I Oian I'eik,
1'ied Him 11111. Spun ei Cnlili, l'a Sim
ens Mniitui Wllilliex Clilieme Phillip",
Usiai Biuuks Will Wiitkllis, Claud (laid
ind William Uilliiims
.Mis C Sinn mitliet. ul CiiioiiKrt ,ik
tuie l lit Xi w m K tnkiiu a ionise uf
lessuiM In III 11.) pilntlnu.
The KKul.ti inmithU meeiliiu of the
niuijf Jlrn's 1 lull of Ihe tlnod .Slipplient
1 lum h will In held Saliiidav pmniIiik a!
s n 1 lot l In the dull mums. All mein
heiH an mm d tu attend
Ml mid Mil- C I.' Honil hue teliiincil
fiiiin 11 liw ila,s tstuj. with filenils at.
ill 1.1I ItenU
llilli.N lllldieoi l(, of .Mune awinie Is
hpeudlnK 11 .ii.iliiii In Wnsliiiiuioii and
Old I'lilnt Coiufuit
1)1 (I l.i lit ul S.llideisoit meiitie
was In IMilliulelphli istvid.j on busi
ness Jnines I't.miis 01 KluKMDU who has
hteti ihe kiicki of flieen Rhlse lilenils for
the past week leluiiipit home
for children teething, Is the mescrlptlon ol
cne of the best tenuis plnskj 1M3 and
hurses In tha I'nlteU States, and lias bee3
used sixty yfar with never-falllm; cue.
reas by millions of-mothers for their chili
jlren. During the proefss of teethlnsr Ita
Jalue !s Incalculable It relieve the dill?
rnm pain, curei diarrhoea, rfrlplns In thj
bowels, and I wlnd-cnllc. By Kllnj health
lo tha child It 4csts thn jnochor. Price
twenLy-flva cents a botUa.
It Was Held Last Night in the
Rooms of the North Scranton Re
publican Club Number of Ad
dresses Were Made nnd Resolu
tions Adopted Pledging Support to
All of the Republican Candidates,
Farewell Reception Tendered Mr.
nnd Mrs. Frank B. -Lamberton.
The couiiultteciiit'li ot the Kllst, Sec
ond nnd Thlid v ardn nnd their (Vllnw
naikpiii of the ttepubllcau p.uty held a
incotliiB In the Not th Kiiantoli Ulcc
chili's 1001111 In the Dlckucon IhiIIiIIiir:,
on Xoi'lh .Main iivpiiiip, lait evenhiB.
Attiituc II. S. Aluoith was el'Lled
incsldpiit, mid It, J. ttlchnidi, feiir
imy, The iiipIIiik vns op"iied wllli a
speech hy Judge A. A. Voslmrjr, denl
Iiir with the iipepsslty of pery Itciiub
lltiin tui tiling out uud ;;Uliu; (he entlte
tlrket his utmost stippott.
II I.. Taylot, 1 hall man of ttie lounty
committee, dellveied a forceful addiei-s
on metliodn of BottlliB out the soles.
He nuide 1111 piiinesl plea foi the s.ip
poit of each (iiiidldate, and hoped
n laiRp nuijoilty will lie kIvcii each of
them. Mi. Ollvei, 1 iiiullilate fot vri
latin e; J. J. .Ionian, HCll.itniliil (Mlidl
dutt : J. r. Jloiiis tiud John Pennian,
for toiunilsslnnpis and hlewell.Mi M.
Taiius and Dm Id Wllllains, eaudidatcs
fot initio Inspecloi, ilellci"d short nd
dtcsseo. with It were Ihtpned to with
Bleat Intel ct.
Chuli man Taylor spoke hlRhly of the
i.mdldaey of tlip Hon. William Conm-ll,
ns lie will snppiiit the movements
ul 1'nsldent Tliiodotp JIoospvpU if
It was decided at evenlns's tnprt
liif,' to make the 01 tMiilmtlon penna
lu'iil. The lepott.s of the loinnilttpeinen
of the tin eo wards were teiehod and
weie pucouiaglnfir. The meptlnpr .id
iom ned, aftei a little futther business,
to meet .1 week from Inst penlnpr. The
follow Iiik lesolutlon was adopted:
"Be it lesolxed, That we eai h pledge
otusehes to acthply suppoi t the whole
llepiiullcin ticket, and will do all In
out power for the success of the whole
state and county ticket on elettlon
Farewell Reception.
A latewpll tpcpption was tendeied Air.
uud Mis. Frank B I.nmbeiton. Turs
da peniiiK, ut their lionip on Diamond
iieinie, in honor of thelt dep.iiluie lor
W.ueih. wlieie they will in.ikp theli
luttitp lionip. A bp.iiitllul linen t.ilili
set was piesented to tlieni 1 theli
niaiiv Itiends as a token of theli ps
leem Alls. (1. C. linan made the
piesent.itlun speech, after whlih a
buuiitllul lepnst was .sened.
Those pi event wtie: llev. and Jllfl.
(1 C. Lj man, Jli. and Mis r. T Allllei,
Air. and Mis. T. H TeiwIlllRei. Ml. and
Alts (' Tei w IlllBer, Mi. and Mis.
Vim K. Mi. and Mrs. AuliPi, All. and
.Mis AlrCuskei, Jit. and Mis .T.unp.s
Tiutle. Alt and JIis. u i:. Uedell. Mr.
and Mis Jenkins All. and Alts FipiI
HilIk. All. and Alls. Thomas. Ml. and
JIis. Jl-ttthews, Mr. .mil Mis "Wten,
Alt. and Alls 13 n. Steens, Hi. and
Mis. Thomas, Air. and Alts llohblus,
All. and Mis Mltzell, Mr. and JIis
Geoiue AVllllaius, Mis. V. A. Steins,
Alts S. England, JIis. Johnson, Mis
lluttv, fleorse Jlitzell, Dot Steens,
Cluitiniey Allllei, ICi net Uedell Miss
Lulu I.ambeitou and Grant I.iiiibpitnn.
JIIss lleltli.l CI.Uk Will lOlldlllt .1
1 liiss in unit spondenie mid 1 uiimmsiIIuii
in Ihe Youiirt Women's Chilstian .ihsiuIu
lloii pailois, Mb Nolth Main .ninue,
'lliius(l.i eenltiB at 7 !U o 1 lock All
ouiii women ate cotdlallv iinlled tu Join
the class
A number of people witnessed tlie pi. li
the ill ill of C'umpnnv A. ol the Putin 1
Wlilttv battalion at thelt hall Tuesd ty
eiilnff, when thev weie piepiilnt; un
dei iniiiin.iiid of the newly elected ap
laln. fleni(,' J. I.oftus, to kIm- mi 1 -lilliltloii
cl III at the soelnl of Cunipaiiy C,
Clint lte(4lment of l.atueis tu be In hi in
St Alat s hall Tridny penlnw, Oi t til
The l.'-eai-old son of All. and Alls
Almtln T. AlcDonald, of Almy stieet, till
uud luoke hei aim while walkins iiIoiib
the Onl.ulo nnd Wptetn tinrks on Ainu
di Dt J. J. Sullivan. Ji . was called
and diesved ihe injuied membei.
Air. nnd AIik. John rteese, .Mi. and JIis
JIoiKin Watklns nnd Alls. Oilaudn .lotus,
ot Wane aenue, ate atlendliiij thu
(linnd Aimv of the Republic encampment
now lieliiR held In "Washington, D C.
I'tiiNiiltuie lamp. Xo ill". Modem
Woodmen of AniPlici, will meet In ipku.
la 1 scssinn this eenhiK.
Mis i:dw.ud Hoiletlik nt Noith Alula
ineniie, Is l.ipidlv impiovinK fiom a iu
1 eat illness
llmi TwInliiK. of Ninth Alain iimmuip.
Is able to bo about aftei ,1 lew dnjs'
.Miss Allldted (laimhan. of PltMon. who
bus be, n spenditiK a few ilavs at the
home of .Miss Anna Walsh, of West Mai
ket stieet, has letiniied home
I". J Jordan, Jumps A Joiilan and AI.
.1, Who ll.le heeu llslilm; at l.nko
lillewllde, luio iPliitned
It MliPiInn, ot Xmth Alain inciuie,
Is lit Washington attendliu; the rjimiil
Aiim of the Itepublle eiitmnimieut
William Junes, of William stieet, hud
two of Ills IliiKets spiIous cut while nt
wink about the PaUBU colllety istet.
Dt II II Cotuell. of Noith Alain an
line Is silfTetltiK fin inn biukeii ,11m.
Miss .Man .Mullen of Kexser ineuue,
bus letiniied honie ul tei a hit with Alns
( ow filenils
Mis Anna O llv.tns, of SpiniK stipot,
Is setloithl) III
The Paity Is Joined by Hon. W. U,
Hi I'mIiiiIip Wire fniiii Hie iirliml I'rrs..
Wllllninspott, IM , Oct S I'otinei
(Unci 1101 I'uttlsoii .1 ltd his lolle.iKiies
nil the llenioc tatle state llikct wotiuil
iii a busy ilav Willi a IiIk iiieftiiiK Iipip
tonlfjlit, whlih was piesldeil nei by c
l.alluo .Miiiison
Tim 1 diiillilutes i-iiukc at Tiioiio In
tlie toienooii, l.ciiK ll.nen at noon and
Jiusey Shine In 1 lie- attPimmii
lion, V. I'. Hensel joined ihe p.uty
lieie ami ilPlUeli'il his Hist spceili of
Die (iiiupalsn .Messis I'attlsou, Uiitli
lic anil XoIhii spoKe, hut notliliiB new
was touclieii upon, they slinplj follow
lug the lines of pio iuiis speei lies An
met Mow nii'PtliiK was Ik id In the As.
soclatiou hall, tidiliesseit liy Ciudliialo
nuilule and local siie.iKeis.
Killed by a Saw.
Uj I uliiMtr Wire from 1 he itoclaleil Prtm
l.aiuastei, I'll, Oct S Atllitii AUi'iiu
liell, .1 jiiinit-' man uf IIiiiic.nIiiiiiiK, met a
I1011II1I0 dentil In that place list cenlii(,'
lie was etip.iced In sawlnc woud at a 111
c ul u- .tw, when the fiamewiiik of llm
iiiiicliinc ii.ii led anil the saw Hew gut. It
ctiuiU Mil'iiuiKll almost siiiaic in the
fine, iiittlns otT one sldo of Ids and
the sliouldci. It killed him Instantly.
"The Perfect
Millions Are Eating MAjLTA VITA The Perfect
MCjrf tfCSCl
Malta-Vita is so prepared as
yrictwigta ui is "iu ai juur gruccrs.
MaltaVita F
Battle CreeK, Michigan
-mmJmshm J !
Always delights and never
It never lowers its high standard
of quality.
It never varies its perfect purity
itid mellow flavor.
It is the charm of hospitality
and the tonic of health.
It is always b:
by every test.
gold at nil flmt-Kxii rnfe kii I 1t ohbers.
Wll I.ASAI1AN ,S(IS,lUltllUole, Mil .
Cuiicliiilul fiom l'lo I J
the line of mat ch of the p.iiade, was
an ovation toi him, ami a soutip of
Kteat iileiisitie to the thousands of
lllilli IlillK' etetaiis and the lillllilieils
uf thiiiis.inds of people packed In the
stieets and stands.
The Jotline down the tixeiitie was
made to the ilriht of the iin-i omliiff
loltiinu ol etoi.ins, the demotistiatlou
iwplllliff ill Milunif as It pi (Heeded.
Hpeitatois ami Mtoiaus alike theeieil
the apiieaiaiK i' of tlie i lilef eeeulle,
Tile I etui n Jolline.v fiiiin Hie Pi.ico
iminilliient was made on the othei side
ot the u venue, ami at a mine i.ipld
p.ue When the (aniline iltew up In
fiont of the Jackson I'laee lesldenee,
the liulses weie uiM'leil with I'll nil.
The thiee taiullilales fur the honiii
ol eiiteil.iliilns the fli.uul Aini of the
Uf public ut the nct annual em amp
nitnt of i ho Cit anil Aim.v ut the Ucpuh
IP 111 o Saialof,!!. Atlaullc Clt ami
Han Fi.iml'-co
The If kIIiib tiiudlilntps fin I'liiiiinan
der in ( lilel ate (!eneial Slewail, of
leiinslailla (letiei.ll John '. Ulai k,
ot Illinois, ('(1101101 Aldllioy, ol Wash
Instoil, nnd ( Uuiliil .Sh klcs of
.Vow Voi It. Htewatt Is Ihouslit
lo the lead at pi ('sent.
i:iUAHI H I'ATTIlltSO.V a fuituer
well known business of I'lttsKui,
but uf I file a lesldeiit nt lliuoklju,
, V, (Hi tl mi Tiipsila at lite lluliiiu
in. urn allot lunliiK iiudemunu a
uuiKiial iipeiatlim lie was Iho ivpio
hcnt(llc uf Iho Intetii itlonal l'uiiisiiu
ilemo scliools in the Tits uf Cliiililicy '
lulcimeiit will bo made iu .Vewatk al
le N V
aiiis oi:ouui; iT waiiuii.v sitet
of Iho late William T rimltli, died at liei
liome in WiKidsldi k. VI. on Tuesd t
luoiiiliji; Deceused was well known hi
this ell)
They Pay the User.
If you wish i hair-tono or line cut,
let the Scianton Tribune make It for
jou. Our eifulpnivnt tor this wotk Is
Food" for Brain
Removes the Cause of
Dyspepsia and Insomnia
Malta-Vita is the vital, the life-giving food; the
inwRorator oi hrain and body.
Alalta-Vita is rich in phosphates, or brain food
Alctlta-Vlta is the original and only perfectly
cooked, thoroughly malted, flaked and toasted
whole wheat food.
Malta-Vita contains all of the gluten of the
whole wheat, and is the peer of all prepared food?
as a bone and muscle builder.
Perfect Health is Sustained
by a Perfect Food
Malta-Vita, "the perfect food," eaten or
breakfast and supper, insures perfect diges
tion, and removes all causes of insomnia and
dyspepsia. go of the ills of life are due to
poor digestion. Perfect health, sound icstful
sleep, clear complexion, bright eye?, clean, white
teeth, sweet breath, arc the blessings that follo.v
a regular diet of Malta-Vita.
Beware of Imitations. Insist on getting Maltn
1 Vita, "the perfect food." Requires no cook
ing, always ready to cat.
to be easily digested and assimilated by
Leading Soprano
PRICFK. 75c in S2..i(l. Dlatftam now
Store, Wllkes-Barre ; H. F. Clark's Drue Store, Carbondale. Orders for seats received by mail or 'phonel
International Correspondence Schools Association Lecture Course.
President armour Institute Technology.
i nc i r
Lyceum Theatre,
AI, Rels, Lessee and Alitunfiei.
A. J Duff, litisliicss JlantiRor.
Saturday n$&9 Oct. 11.
I'lescnls h"i siiiiiiil iiiniiiu. iiicludiiiK
ioiin r: Kin. 1.1:1:11
111 ( Ij 1I1 null's m.islci piece, altci J'lO
nlhhls iu Xcw 'Wuk,
The Climbers
"IIIbIi witu 11111k of the
ill.uua " N. Tint'
DDIi-CC Aliitliiec, 35 uud jnc.
rfllLlLO NU'ht, as. so, 75c and' '0,,
Suits r.u sale Thiiisd.iv al 'I a in
Academy of Music
M Hels, Lessee and ManiiRcr.
A J Duff J. Business Atanneer.
3 Nights tiKJllSv Oct. 9
AluliiKis l'ililu .mil .Siluidiiy
W. E. Nnnkeville'b
AI.IKIlllliiIll I'liidui 11(111 ul the Consistent
Meluili una
An ld IU iilituieul liiimel III" Iu the
Mills uf AtkaiiKis
A filPllili(l ('1111111111 AliiKI'lllieilt Hiett-
1 1 Caitull
I'llies .Matinee ,"(, J'n Nlfilll 11c,
.'n .: ii 0(
i ills oil s lie
Till i' Mollis Stalling Mnmluv () I IJ
Allium is 'I'"1 i-i 1 1 and 'dii sda
Dixie's Theatre,
iu.NitY rAit.Nswnivni dixie.
Lossc-a and Alan Igor
m:.t wi.i.K.
Iiiitliorino Ostoriiinu & Co.
Two pel fm malices d.iil. .'30 and SIS.
I'llies-li 'JI i"i and D'lt
Kpciial m.uliivo lilies
CTTi action slop at tliu (loot
'I'lllll Sll.l V l''lilll llllll Sllllllll),
DAINTY PAREE Burlesquers
aiatinuj i:vi:uv UA
conuileto iiiuJ up'to-d.ile, We have
facilities tor doing the llncst ton of
wotk at lowest tulcos ami what's more,
o do It. A trial older will convince
and Muscle
old and young, sick or well. Large 1 1
e Food Co,
Toronto, Canada
Metropolitan Opera Co.,
OCT". 1, 190S, AT 0.3
onen at Powell's Music Stor. Scranton : Marx Lonfl
"t-i-icr -rsc3irAi a ni cr air a ii "i
i iri itr(t.niwsiv,
Many people are
particular they de
sire handsome-out
of the ordinary
frames not job lots
turned out from some
factory and sold for
a Song.
If You
Are one of the par
ticular people we can
please you for the
same amount of
money as you would
pay for the factory
Speaking of original
frames, bring your
idea to our Pyro
graphy Studio and
we will have it skill
fully worked out. The
rich color tones up
any picture and the
design may oe oeau
tifully artisti c
suggestively fratern
alor i n ft n i t e I y
Come in and
talk it over.
Art Shop,
311 Washington Ave.