$JkV1BfWi ' V P5 ' d " 'V? mag- W Amv t f. w'-xtvjtssj V ,rf.. f rtx THE SCHANTON TIUBUNE-THUllSDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1905, ;xxxxxxxxxxx; tfiE MODERN .HARDWARE STORE. -TIIE- Pullman Trouser Hanger The space economizer holds four pairs of trousers, oc cupies the space usually taken up by one pair. One hook holds them all, .Price, 25c. Hangers to hold one pair of trousers, 10c. Foote & Shear Co. U9 Washington Ave. boooooooooocx kranton Investor Jo. !). Council UlillilliiB. A'ol. !. UNITED STATKS M'MBHU CO. slock for suilc. !" shines at the luiuurktibly low pi let- "f $228 per Mlliiru. J.CRitiur llvitlcnd jtist Pl '"' expecieu innn. is Mhiiivs of Title tin. trainee Hid Trust Co. stock for sale below mit'Upt mice. Three bonds of tile Meat nid Power Co. at par with lift per rent. itoek bonus. tUCHARD KRN'KST COM HOYS & CO.. 70ft Coimell P.ulldltiK. 'Phone lU'J. . 'The Hardenbergh 1 School of Miisic and flrf i Offers the exceptional advan tage of Piano and Organ stuctj, with Mr. ' Sumner Salter, an artist teacher of recognized standing in the musical world. Register now. bui unaen si. Word to the Wise Who Have Ready Cash 'I'litc l tin. timp tn hue tajine of our h.'st local dividend paslng storks and bonds. pome people wlio nave ine.se 'hccuiiiicx in- obliged to have cash to meet obllK.i IniiH fnlllnir due. .ind aie wllliim to ill'- ept (liters on s-ome of the best of lb"so luru dividend payers, for less pr' than tow are liKely lo Ret lliem lor .ik.hu. c Ire the tian.-ler lopteM'titalhes. havitiK llir-mlv n nunibei' of these seeoilties on land to oner, and will find any othns you biiv waul iwtlioui uei.iy llf you are lookinpr foi a Rood safe in stment. either Roods, Bank or Indus lla I Stocks and want It at the bottom A'lce call Immediately at I, F. riEGARQEL & CO. , Bonds and Securities, Connell Building. let "The Lackawanna Finish On Your Linen. 3087310 Penn Avenue. A. B. WABMAN. PERSONALS. ohn Tj. Kerr, Rener.il maunder of the is clictiit of thcaleis, was in the city torday, Ir. and Mr. ,r, r. Ration, of Miilborry eet, li.ivo leturned fiom a six weeks' it at Oiieonta, N. Y. If. J. O'Neill, pitcher of the St, f.ouls ho ball club, returned to the city yes- I day, his season having oIommI, Irs. William T. Smith, Mr. and Mis. pmas bpniRiio left yesteiday for Wood ck. Vt to attend the funeral of the o Mrs. Genige H. Warren, which will le plneo this afternoon, ANNOUNCEMENTS. JillBht. In the leeliuu loom of the Kim Ik chinch, the I'tiwoith I.eaulie will Ie their annual church supper. Supper vert at (i o'clock, Every one Is In- (i. ie T.Iederkranii Mlustinl company will iwo perioi-mances in I.lcdeilwiuv'. hall Tctober 2fl and 3D. The lebeaisals ale tre'sslnc most satlsfactoilly and the itrel promises to bo a rumi event. With Artistic Children's Photographs, n Gold Necklace Tree, at Schrievei's. Inly 275 of the dainty. chlldien'n c,ii,i Ik ornaments now teinaln (or dlstrl- lon; bo the ueces.slty for an early ling may be nppictlateU, ' In Perfect Older. Mason .t- llaiullli iiiriiii for sir.. Iv't miss It, It you want a kooiI cheap" .(, ui miwikcy tiios., ui U'ushlns- ivcnue. Jr. Llndabury, Surgeon, diseases of Jncn a specialty, 215 Connell liulldlnir. lurs; 11 a. in. . to i p. m.j 7 to S.30 MAERIED. hjjEU'it.i.A rtpi: in sernnii.ii IH. 7. I9v.', by Jtcv. (i, c. i.y,,,.,,,, at fi residence of Daniel i.u itn in lilpp Pink, Ralph . Wheeler, of .lei- vii. i aim ,mi,s .Minniu .. I.u Hue, w nuiuid DIED, fJAMUN At his home In D.ilton. 4, I.cwls JleuJauihi. need si nn. tiillll Hututduy in 2 pv I,,., ' ,le ton .Methodlat Upltvupul chutclt. mBTO' FINNEGAN PELL TO HIS DEATH FATAlfACCIDNT IN HICKORY STREET CHURCH. Edwaul Finnegnn and Morris Van Horn, Painters, Fell from a Scaf fold, on Which They Weie Work ing, and Finncgan Died Soon Af terwards At a Late Hour Last Night, It Was Stated at the Hospital That Van Horn Is in n Very Critical Condition. Kdunid l-'liincRrtii, of HIS J.)lx court, was killed und Morris Van Horn, or 52.", Olive street, Imd his skull frno. tuti'd yeslcnluy altenioou by n fall front u scaffold In the Hickory Street i'rcsbytei Ian chinch. The two men weie painters, und weie eiiq-iiKil In palntliiK: the cuIIIiik' of tht; cliinch. Tliey weiu stiiiiillliK, lit the lime of the nccldciit. on it portable rcufTold, which I hey had placed on top of the rcKillnr scaffolding. A weak plunk save way, nlid the two men fell crushliiK lo the floor, a distance of about llfly reel. Moth struck on their heads iiiul sus tained fractilies at the base of their .skulls. Van Horn was rendeied un conscious, bill Flniieann retained his senses and the last sacrament was ad ministered to li In by Itev. Peler I'lirNt lieloie the Lackawanna hospital ambulance arrUed. Kluni'Kiin died shoilly after his ar rlvid nt the liosjillnl. Ills body was viewed by Coroner Saltiy, uliu will probably conduct an iimuest. Vuu Horn wns Mill alive at tnldulKlit. but his condition was reported to be most serious. While the church was belli erected, one of Hie workmen, I'M ward Stoln bach fell to his death from a scatfold ingr. striking vilthln a few feet of where yestei day's accident occurred. ABOUT L. B.STILLWELL. Harper's Weekly Labels Him as an American of Tomorrow. This week's number of Hurpei's Weekly contains a rull-page picture of Lewis R. Stillwell, a former leslilent of this city, it belli;? one ol a series of por traits entitled "Americans of Tomor row." Mr. Stillwell is a son of Captain 1 1 it-li.i id Stillwell, or Jefferson avenue, and a hi other of Lieutenant Colonel F. W. Stillwell, of the Thirteenth legliuent. He is i-cojiiilzed as one of the greatest electrical expfcits in the countiy. The notice .'iCLOinpanyine; the picture Is as follows: "Only two electiiclans have been hon oied as the recipients of the Xlngaia medal Iotd Kelvin and Lewis ItucUley Stillwell. The fame of the fonner is world-wide': the latter Is the young American whose portrait appears in our series this week. He began bis serious study at Miildletown. In the in-Kenuity-breedliiff state of Connecticut, and continued in the WestliiKhouse shops till he became chief electiliul en gineer and assistant manager. "He made the plans and sup-rvlsed the construction and, for n time, the opeiatlon of the gieat plant at Niag ara; and now has charge of the elec trical wok of both the Hlevated and Subway companies in this city. He pil fers application to invention, and on that lino bids fair to play a ery Im portant part in the electrical develop ment whMi is so sti iking a feature of recent Industrial pi ogress. He Is a Pennsylvania!!, und is 3i years old." TWO RAIDS FINES $110. Police Deteimined to Put Charles Thiel Out of Business. Fines amounting to $110 were collect ed In police court yesterday morning from nine inmates of two disoideily houses, raided by the police Tuesday night. Mrs. Fred Hodge, of Penn avenue, was held for a further hearing, on ac count of the .serious condition of her mother. William Williams and James Harry, inmates, weie fined Vi each, and Miss Alice Stark. $10 . Charles Thlel, or Vine stu-et and Oakford court, was lined $2.1 for selling liquor without a license, and held in $.'00 ball lo answer In couit to keeping a bawdy house. Dr. William llaggerty qualllled as his bondsman. Mrs. Chillies Thlel was lined $2." for being an inmate, ami Madge NIcols, Florence Hrowu, Cmrie Wilson and Liesslo llanley were each lined $10, All the lines weie paid. DRIVER BOY INJURED. Had His Thigh Fractured in the Cayuga Mine. Kugeiio l.loyd, of William street, North Scriinton, employed as a driver In the C.ivug.i nilno, hnd Ills thigh irnetuied while he was at work yes terday. He was driving down one of the toads In the mine when the mule slipped and fell, and crushed hint airulutt the car. He was taken to the Moses Taylor hospital for treatment. A DEMENTED PRISONER. Caused Some Excitement in the County Jail. Ciulseppl Cerrii, a pilsouer In the i utility J.ill, became demented yester day morning and kept several of the keepers busy for a while. During his rage, he bit William Kline's hand. lie was finally subdued when the keepers turned the hose on htm, Later in the day he iccnvered mid seemed to bo all right last night. FOR SALE by W. T. HACKETT. lu-HHim house arranged for two fam ilies. Lot Is 73xlM. Fine Minde allli f l ult tiees. This property, which Is situated at f'rovldeiice, In S'ciautnli, and woilli easily $J,0UO, can be bad for $2,000, Terms, $500 cuhIi; balance, on time. U-iooui house III central cltj, near Madison avenue, This house Is equipped witn all -modern conveniences, and should llud a ready sale til the in Ice for which It Is oilered, viz., Jl.tiOO. S-rouiu house at lireen Itldge. It .i located well out, but near to Washing, ton avenue, it is a modern tesldeiu-c and clieap at the pi lee, $U,:00. $7,500 will buy the finest double, sUjii-heated, house ever offered at this Kipavtleiilars icgardlng these apd hundteds of other properties, imI upon W, T. Hackett, real cst.ije and general broker, Itoom 10, l(cul ICatale KxclmniiO building, - First-Class j?tS$& Q Advantages J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. 604 LINDEN STREET, THE OCTOBER 10 PARADE. Societies That Will Be in Line and the Route Over Which the Pro cession Will Pass. (iiaiid Miirsluit It, II. 1 lever, of the October 10 parade, hut. arranged to have It stmt at 11 n. in. and puss over the following route; West on Mulbeiry to Wyoming, south on Wyoming to Su up'.: west on Spruce to Franklin; south on Franklin to T.ackiiwumin: cast 011 Lackawanna to Adams; north on Adams to Spruce; west on Spruce lo Wyoming: noiih on Wyoming to (tlliMin; west on (ilbsuu to Cupoue; north on Capouse to Phelps: east on Phelps to Washlnglon: north on Wash ington to Mnilon; west on Marlon to Sanderson'!' park, wheie "The Presi dent's Own" will conduct a picnic. The parade will be divided into two divis ions, which will be made up as follows: 3'lrsl Division The Father Wbltly's, of I'nnldenee, with I'!oldeiice band, will lead lit'. I iltvMou and will form on Mul berry street, light lesllng on Washing ton avenue. The St. Aloyshls, South Side. Willi ill urn coips. will foini hi rem of Father Whltty's, on Mulberry stieet. The St. Joseph's, Mluookii, with drum corps, will I'm in on Adams avenue, light resting on Mulberiy street. The St. I'etei's, of Iteljewie, with drum coips, will lot in In rear of St. Joseph', on Adams incline. Second Division The St. Joint's of Pine, lliook, wit 'i Lawietices Hand, will lead the second dlvl.slitn, and will form on Adiims avenue, north of Alulbeiry stieet. Tim St. Paul's, lljde Pink, with dram (Otp, will foini In rear oT St. John's, on Adams avenue. The St. Paul's. Green Itldge, Willi diiun coips, will foim In icstr or St. Paul's, Hyde Pink, and "The President's Own," with khaki iniiroini". Hill take up the tear and will form In the i ear of St. Pant's, on Adams avenue. The parade will be under the aus pes of the St Paul's society, of Oreen Itldge. HARVEST HOME FESTIVAL. Will Be Held Tonight in Grace Re formed Church. The Sunday school of Grace Iteform ed ICpiscopal church will celebrate their Harvest Home festival this evening at 7.4T, o'clock. A fine piogranitne has been prep.it ed. The members of the school will bring fi tilts, vegetables and other things from nn lure's store-house, to be afterwaids given to the Florence mission. All fi lends of the school aie Invited to be present. On Friday, the day following, the dlffeient classes with their teachers, will hold a class picnic from 4 o'clock to 7 o'clock, providing the d.iy Is pleasant, at Nay Aug park, and on Sunday evening next, the i-ally day exercises will take place at the church at 7.:',0 o'clock. The special Invitation which every member of the school will receive ihioiigh the mall for this ntlly will be accompanied by a lelter from Presi dent Roosevelt on "Rally Day," to gether with his portrait. A general in vitation Is hereby extended to the pub lic to attend this "Roosevelt Rally." THREE BURGLARS ARRESTED. Crooks 'with Reputations Captured by Lackawanna Officers. Special Olllcers John Peel and Wil liam Dinan, of the Luckitwnnn.i lail load, yesterday arrested three burg lars for breaking into a freight car at Alford. The men were arrested at .the last named place and were taken befoie Justice of the Peace Courtrlght, who committed them to jail In default of $1,000 bail each. The men's names are "Hud" Cronln, John Fitzgerald and Kd. Cronln. The freight car was biokcn Into several days ago and goods to the value of $400 were taken. It is believed that the trio were also Implicated In the recent burglary of a haidwaro store In Ringhaniton, N. Y. BANKRUPTCY PETITION. Creditors of Mrs. A. M. Traugott Petition United States Court. The ci editors of Mrs, A. M. Tiaugott. who conducts the (leison millinery store on Lackawanna avenue, have llled a petition in the Called States district i nut t asking that she be de clined a bankrupt. The liabilities ate about $7,000 and the assets are believed to be about Sl.uOO. The btts'lncss was formerly managed by Julius Traugott and when he failed some time ago for several thousand dollars, it was bought up by his wife, who has since conducted It. S 1,000 REWARD Will be paid by The Hillside Coal and Iron Company to any peison so curing the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who murdered John J, Mullen, an employe of this company, at Smlthville, Luzerne county, Pennsylvania, on the even ing of October 1st, 1002. Detailed Information concerning the murder will be furnished to reliable parties, upon wiitten application to W. A. MAY, General Manager, Call and See Our great bat gains In pianos and or gans, cither for cash or on easy month ly payments. lOverythlng must go by tht ITith Insl. Your pi Ice Is ours, tluernsey llios., Ill Washington ave nue, There's No Coffu Just Like Our Mocha and Java In fail. Iheie Is not n doubt about It being l he llest .'.V. Mocha and Jnwi In town, and Hie "Clro cer" admits ll when bu otl'ciH .sou something Just as good. Try It and be conviuied. If ou am not sal islled we'll cheeifully icfiiud our tuoiie. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., Ill La eka wan 1 1 u, avenue, U21 Noitb Main avenue. 'Phono TJ-2. Piouipt dellveiy. New 'phono Hi. sAre offered by the Conservatory for Piano forte Instruction to Students of all grades, from beginners to prospective professionals. Students can begin now. C0NPERENCE ON VIADUCT Revised Plaits Were Considered Yes terday by Director of Public Works Roche. Dhector of Public Works Roche, Chief lOltgllieer Phillips, of the bureau or en gineering, and Kngliieer Davis, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company, had a lengthy consultation yesterday on the viaduct question. The original plans for the structure have been revised In the last tew weeks by the .Lackawanna engineers and were ptesented for the apptoval of Director Roche yesterday In their altered form. The plans have been so modified as to pi'ovide for tin elevation of only seven teen feet over the railroad track In stead of twenty-two feet, as originally provided. This changes the grade very materially, allowing an almost perfectly level pottiou over 150 feet long at the blight h street end of the structure. No piovlslon was Included In the plans for manholes opening from Hie viaduct Into the sewers. They will Ire changed so us to piovlde for such man holes, and will be submitted for Dliee tor Roche's further approval within the next ten dnys. It Is not generally known that the foundation for the viaduct on the east erly end, up to within a short distance of where It Is to cross the tracks, will be constructed entirely of concrete, and unless manholes ure run through this it will be Impossible to get tit the sewers to make repairs and clean them out.' Director Roche expects to be able to award the contract for the construction of the viaduct within the next month, so that work may begin early In the spilng. ARLINGTONS GOOD SCORE. . Made Total of 2462 in Game with West Slders. The Arlingtous played all around the Wesl Side Mosquitoes on their own alleys last night, winning three straight games. The West Slders played miserably, one player being barely able to make 300. The score: ARLINGTONS J. Klefer Jones .... C. Klefer Roll Melster .. lt.li 112 14s it-:. 1V2 1.V1 IT'I 1.17 1MJ IN J- .'hi! 182 4.0 1 ::.-,- 4'!2 l.V, ."V!j J lit SI 2 S.I.-. ),2( Mii-2I MOSQCITOICS. WL'ST SIDIC Beach Landau 14. !S l.iJ lijfi 111! ;si i-:s. Iu .tfl S7 SiVi 111 419 ill I.1U 324- 4JI liSI-19!!.' Williams Kniuler . Davis ... High score Roll. 22,1. High average Roll, 17 Captain Hopkins, of the Backus team, staled last night that his team will roll any five in the Scrauton Bowling league, Aldingtons preferred, three games for $.'i0. WORK WAS RESUMED. Contractor Dale's Men Again Start On Providence Pave. Work on the Providence Road pave was resumed yesterday by Contractor Dale's men without molestation from the Seranton Railway company, though care was taken to pi event any Inter ference with the running of the com pany's cars. It .was said yesterday that the men were stopped from working on Tues day because the running of the Provi dence line was held up for over ten minutes. City Solicitor Watson will deliver an opinion today on the ques tions at Issue. ANNUAL FIELD DAY. The High School Pupils Will Com pete in November. The annual field day exercises of the Seranton High school will bo conducted during the first week in November, at Athletic park. All. students wishing to enter should make application to Scc letary S. A. McDonough, The pro gramme of events Is as fallows: Jumping Hi oad jump, running; stand, lug. High Jump, running; .standing, Pole vaulting, huidles, throwing the hummer, putting the shot, whcelbauow race, bag race, three-legged lace, ob stacle, nice, potato race, An Adapted Food for lulants Is a scientifically prepared unv's mill; Just the right percentage of fats and piotelds. For forty-live years Horden's ICagle Brand Condensed Milk has been the leading Infant food of tho vfoild. 1'so It In tea and coffee. Sugar Just at this time -we want to say a word nbout Sugar. We would like you to try one order of Courson's high grade fine granulated Sugar at Qc per pound test the sweetening qualities with 5c Sugar and see the results. E. G, Goursen, Wholesale and Retail. FIVE CHANGES YESTERDAY HALF OF THOSE SCORING IM PROVED POSITIONS. Klpp Gets Fourth Place Back Again. Klbler, Miss Coleman, and Mncklc Each Go Up One Position, While Henry E. Collins Climbs Up Seven. Those Below Thirty-third Place Getting Strenuous What Dorsey Has Doue. Standing of Contestants i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. A. J. Kellerman, Seranton. 933 Charles Burns, Vandling. .608 William T. S. Rodriguez, , Seranton 548 Oscar H. Klpp, Elmhurst. .515 Wm, Sherwood, Harford.. 498 Herbert Thompson, Car- bondale 472 Fred K. Gunster, Green Ridge 437 Albert Freedmnn, Belle- vue 386 J. A. Havenstrite, Mos cow 357 Chas. W. Dorsey, Scranton.312 Maxwell Shepherd, Car- bondale 304 L. E. Stanton, Seranton. . 197 Harry Madden, Seranton. 164 Hendrick Adams, Chln- -chilla 125 Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 101 Miss Beatrice . Hnrpur, Thompson 100 Frank B. McCreary, Hall stead 92 Lewis Bates, Seranton ... 88 Miss Jane Mathewson, Factoryville 86 Fred Klbler, South Seran ton 86 Don C. Capwell, Seranton. 81 William Cooper, Prlceburg 72 A. L. Clark, Green Grove. 60 Louts Gere, Brooklyn 49 Miss Edna Coleman, Seranton 46 Walter Hallstead, Seran ton 44 Lee Culver, Springville. . . 41 Elmer Williams, Elmhurst. 39 Henry E. Collins, Kizers. . 39 Grant M. Decker, Hall stead 38 Miss Mary Yeager, Green Ridge 34 Arthur J. Thayer, South Seranton 32 Hugh Johnston, Forest City 31 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Ten contestants scored points yester day In The Ttlbune's Kducatlonal Con test. They weie: Oscar 11. Klpp -' Henry K. Collins 1 Hetbert Thompson 12 Fied Klbler H A. J. Kellei man I! Charles W. Dorsey 4 J. A. Havenstrite ... .", Miss P.dua Coleman .'I John Mackle 1 Maxwell Shepherd I A number of changes resulted. Oscar Klpp won back fourth place frotn Will iam H, Sherwood, which the latter took CHARLKS W. DORSEY. from Mr. Klpp on Tuesday, the Klin hurst young man now being but 23 points away from third place. Fied Klbler passed Don C. Capwell ami Is now tied with Miss Mathewson for nineteenth place. Miss Fdna Coleman passed Walter Hallstead and In In twenty-fifth place. llnni'v K. (Yilllns nassoil Louis Me- ,C'uskor, Hurry Danvcis, Arthur J. Thayer, isilulc- .Morris, liugn .lonusion, Miss Mary Yeager, Hrant M, Decker, John Mackle and Is now tied with Fl mer Williams for twenty-eighth pliue, John Mackle passed Kddle Morris and for a brief time yesterday was consid ered to be in the main table, but Henry Collins' large return kept him down to thirty-fourth place, one point below Hugh Johnston, who is now at the bottom of the list. There are a number whose names are not hi the list of tho thlrty-threo lend ers who lack but a few points of get ting thcie. It Is altogether probable that tho lower portion of the table will be materially alteied befoie the begin ning of next week, Charles W, Dorsey, whose pit line ap pears today, cm oiled In tho Contest on April 2S, being tho thirty-seventh lo do so. Ho brought In his Hi fit lettirn on May fi. At Ihst Mr, Dorsey loiiud It very slow work, It being neatly two months before lie could secure mote, than ouo point a day; but he stuck at his task with praiseworthy pel sever ance and has scored points op more different days than almost any other contestant Although he Is now tenth, two-thirds of his points have hem made in the last two months and he may (iulbh belter than his present position, LEADERS FOR THE SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE I'lVR DOLLARS II ti(ll.l) to the contestant scot lug the lutgeat number of points hcl'oio ,i p. in , Katutdaj, October 11 1, Fted K, Hunster ,75 2. William Sherwoud ....,.,..,;. .Sti :i, Chuties V. Dorsey J I. I.cllol U. Sliiuton ,..,,...42 5. A. J. Kellcrnian 6 6. llerbeit Thompson :si 7. I'liailcH Hums 23 S. Oscar 11, Klpp,., ,..,23 9. A. 1.. Clark , 19 10. Henry K. Collins 19 FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY. Important Event In the History of St. Luke's Parish, '.'lie fiftieth nnnlvcrsnry or SI. Luke's UplFcapal uhurelt will lie celebrated on October 18, Ifl, 20 itnd 21. The twentieth anniversary of the rector's nuirtiitgn and the tenth anniversary of his charge over the parish will also be celebrated. The programme that will bo observed follows: ST. LI'KK'S UAV. Holy ConiinUnlim 7 a, in. The rector, the Rev, Rogers Israel, D.i IJ , celebrant. Holy Communion io.;n) n, in. The Rt. Rev. Jlthelboit Talbot, D. IV, lit.. D., celebrant. The Rev. Henry 1.. Jones, S. T. 1)., Preacher. PARISH HOt'SK, Reeepttoli for tho Children, ...3 lo !i p. m. Annlveisnry Meeting 7.M p. in. Historical Paper Mr. Samuel I lines. Senior Win den Addresses Histori cal ami Congratulatory. TWHNTV.FIHST SUNDAY AKTF.R TRINITY. Holy Communion 7.IM n. tn. The Rev. J. Philip IJ. Pendleton, 11. V., celebrant. Morning I'raver and Sermon. ...lO.SO a. m. The Rt. Rev. Kthelbert Talbot, D, 1).. LL. D,, preacher. Holy Communion 12 m. The nishop, celebrant, Sunday School Service .3 p. m. Addresses the 11 Ishop, Rev. Dr. Lloyd and Others. livening Prayer and Sermon 7."0 p. in. The Hu. J. Philip It. Pendleton, 1). D., prcneher, MONDAY. Holy Communion 7 a. m. The Rector, celebiant, PARISH HOl'SK. Clergy Meeting 10 n. in. KKCTORY. Reception 4 to 0 p. in. To Commemorate the Twentieth Annlversaiy of the'Rrctor's Mar riage. PARISH IIOUSK. Reception S to It p. 111. For the Hlshop. Rector and Cler gy, to jComnicmoriito the Tenth Anniversary of the Present Rec to rate. NIGHT SCHOOL. St. Thomas College. The evening classes will be resumed at St. Thomas college on Monday, Oc tober 13th. Ten painstaking Instruc tors are on hand. Classes In reading, spelling, arithmetic, grammar, corres pondence, bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting. Particular attention given to back ward students. Special class prepara tory to Civil Service examinations. For particulars call on. or address " Brother IS. Andrew, President. Guernsey Brothers Have leased their store at 114 Wash ington avenue and agreed to give pos session of same the 15th Inst. In the meantime they have some great bar gains In pianos and organs, all of which must be disposed of by that time. The wise buyer will call early, ns stock will be more complete and the very low prices which prevail, together with the high giade of goods, will Insiite a speedy sale. City and School Taxes 1902. The above tax duplicates are now In my hands for collection. F. S, BARKER, City Treasurer. Good With every sale of $1.00 and over at Nettleton's Shoe Store Good Oct. 10, 11, and 13. FALL STYLES in Ladies' and Gents' Shoes at9Sc, $1.25 $1.75,$!?, $2.50 83. $3.50. 134 N, WASHINGTON AVE. Opposite Connell Building. All cars puss the door.. Tunis fer from Providence. Cut This Out You Can Always Save Tho middleman's pio. lit by purchasing your nmbiellas or parasols dliecl trom tho manu facturer, Special In ducements just now In order to clear out our stock preparatory to making up our tiiilstnias line. Wo inn tho only exclusive umbrella maim facturcts tn tho city. SCRANTON" " UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING COMPANY. SIS SPIU'Ci: STRIJRT. Z"i"i"I"i"r'i"i"S,'i'i"S''i"i"S"i""i,'I' f Masury's 1 UllllDacMeaat Aie the best In the world. In VARNISHES we cany L'arrotts, Masury's, Valentines and Lawsous Also a full line of Brushes ? Bittenbender & 126-128 Franklin Ave. LU LU I Kf iSA 4 r fi Ten Dollar forvGiiess.cs Who n(m lining, tjui' winner In The TilbtinoVkdiiehllonni ContcBt and tell the number, of jiululs ho or uho will iiuvo? First Pil.o S5.00 in Gold. V' , J Next Threo 91.00 each. y" Next Two 50 cents each. Next Four lib cents each -1 TOTAL Ten Prizes, Ten Dollars. Cut out the cuitpoti below, 1111 It In, and send lo "Seranton Tilhnne.'Seraii toiii Ph., Uttesslng Contest," Thursday, Oct. . . I think the winner of Tho Ttlb une's Educational ConUat will bo 1 No, of points Naino .,.,....., ,...,.... Address Out out this lower coupon only, The Title; Guaranty and Trust Co., Will bo pleased to rccclvo money In any amount und into of lntet est thereon. deposits ot pay liboial i temporary, Whllo our quart ers Wash. somewhat are ly able to dato our CAPITAL AND Sat 135 np. nri SURPLUS ONE MILLION DOLLARS Hlimll, Wl abundant, nccomiuu steadily patronage increasing Open an account with us. L. A. WATRRS PrcsllenA F. L. PHILLIPS. Third Vice-President and Treafeuies UXKCIJT1V13 COMMITTEE. Abram Ncsbllt. Thomas li. Hones, William F. Hallstead. O. S. Johnson. Thomas 11. Watklnsv L. A. Watrcs. The Standard of Excel fence, i MI ' means a great deal, but it expresses the position of Whiting's''" lers In the stationery world. They are the best and they are the standard, of poljte society. Whiting's French Organdies In the new Fall Unt, Gate andi Chrysanthemum, will be tha pape'r,:' In use for select correspondence this Fall. Very elegant effects cfyv be produced by stamping or illum inating. We have the complete selection. REYNOLDS BROTHERS p'otc'CjJivniyu. Bjut'lcjliig. ,. ,11 , N WfU I Imperial Guarantee 19 I Louis Ei Isaacs S I 412 Spruce Street. W I 309 Lackawanna Ave. ' B B Sole Agency I I Dr. Jaeger's Underwear. 1 Paw 'j. -i'H' l H .j. ymmi-j&mt- i MtmJH:- J