r f" ' "9t ,fwj ?" -i 1H re" f THE SCRANTON TlUBttNIMTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1902. -.WEDDINGS WARNER-LUTHER. A vny ))i"ltv niiliiiun wedding was witnessed by I lie Immediate lelnllxcs nnd mends nf ChtiilcH Herboit Wui ner. of 721 Delnwnte Htiect, and Miss T.jdln r.llznbith liUthcr, of 407 Noith living avenue, nt llio home of the bilde's patents hint evening. The nuptial Knot was tied lij tlex'. I. uther JIcbi Wailnfr.piiRtorof thetJriiec l.utheiiin chin cli, beneath a tloinl bell of clnyiMiithpniunm and In finnl of a Iiiiro bank nf autumn leave. The In Ide was bcoiuuhiRly gowned In blue fnulitid kFdlk, wllh nlu and lnt tilinniliiKH, and cniiled white iose Hhe also wore u diamond situ, the gift of hei father. The bildesninld, Mls.1 Cuthcilne J.llthor, a Hlstei of the In Ide, whip a row n of tnn silk Kouhitd, with ..itln nnd late tilmmltiKs. Joseph 'I'. Can, attended the groom, and the MeddliiR matches were plaveil b 1'tof. Chillies Hchctich, of South Sctnntim. Follow -lm? the ((ipiiiony n wedding Mippei van set x eel and pnJoed b.x those pies- .Mi. nnd Mi Wiiinci will dispense vxlth u uedtlluir ti Iii and begin houe lceepliiR Immediately In their own house lit S.'l Ilntilon nenue. The Inlde Is u diiUKhlei of Com ad Luther, the vxell knoxxn lewelci, and the Ktoom Is one of the be.id bookkoepets in 'the Height office of the Central Haiti o.id of New Jeipey in this ill v. Mis lloltlcu, or BliiKhnmtoti, was nmoiig the rehtlxes In attendaiiLe. SWEENEY-JORDAN. A veiy picttv chinch wedding took place jesteidav moinliig 'it Ht P.it llck's chin ih, when II Iks Fiances Jot (l.in xxus united In mini Inge to Moig.in Sweeney. At 8 o'clock, as the ttalns ol the wedding maicli fioin Lohcngiln f floated ovci the sailed building, tlio bildal ptitx- entpied the (liuicli nnd pirn ceded up the main aisle to the alt.n. xxheie thev we to met bx I'ex J. B. Wholnn, who s.uu the nuptial miss Miss Mtuy Clink, .1 niece of the biide, xxas maid of liouoi. while John Swce nev, (i InolliPi of the gioom, was best man. The In Ide xxiis henulltulli .ittWd in a gown of white -ilK niulle. tiimmcd with 111)01 tj silk and lace Hoi m ilrl was piettilj attiied In lafleta bilk, and both tallied pmei books At the conclusion of the ceiemoti) the bildal p it t xctc diixeti to Hie home ol the bi Idc's pnents on Twelfth Ptiect, wbeic a icceptlon was held and a wedding biciikfitst served, Air. nnd Attn. Sweeney left via the T.ncknxxannu for Now Yoik, and they will ypend (some time nt Washlngtoii nnd the 'south, Upon their return thoy will io slde In West Hoiiinton. Hoth voting people are well known and popular, and the best wishes of n host of fi lends go wllh them as they enter upon wedded life. WHEELER-LARUE. At the home of Air. nnd Mis. Walter La tine, of 1119 Htivvthoino street, ut high noon on Wednesday, a veiy piptty home wedding look place, when their daiiKhtci, Miss Minnie H. l.titcuo, was united In mini Inge to Itiilph II. Wheeler, of .TeiuiMi, bv Itev. (!. C. Lvmnn, of the Con it Slteet .Methodist ICplstopnl chut eh. Cutler n bower of cut flow em nnd palms, the cemtiuotlng p.utles, unat tended, weie united. The bildo wns elpgimth gowned In pcnil gray cicpe de chene, oer taffeta llk, tlltnmed with lilsh point luce oxer liberty silk, nud tallied a shower bouquet of bildal loses, At the conclusion of the teie tnony a leieptlon us held and it wed ding dlnnei seixed. Mi, and Mis, Whet-let left Immedi ately foi Washington, D C, and other points of Intel est In the south. Upon theli totuin they will leslde In a newly furnished home In Jrimyn. SYRON-HORCH. Ilex. John J. Itoblhuj, peifornipd his Ihl inni i Inge xesteuhiv when he joined in wedlock Michael .1. Sxion and Miss nil.iheth Hoi eh, In Hi. Mini's Catlto llc chuich on Itlxer tieet. The coie mon, which took place .it 9 o'clock a m. was wlttis'sod bx hundieds of tilt nds and iclntle of the conti icting p n tle As the p.nlv maiched up the aisle, the Loheiigiin wedding match xxas ren tleitd b.x Piolessor Acketnian Tlie biide xxas attended bx her -dstei, Miss Annie Hoich, the groomsman being John J. Daw -on The ushers, xxho pie cceded the Initial pai tx to the s mi tiny I all xiete Joseph B)ion and William Duff v. Th" bi Ide xxas i hdtinlnglv attlied In wlilte silk, tilmmed with lihei tj sitln llbbon and Iiisb point late. The bi Ides ma Id x oie a pink chiffon gown, U Im iiipd xx lib chenille Aftei the ccionionx, a ireeptlon fol lowed b a wedding bieakfast, which took place at the home or the bride's parents and wan attended by mniiv relatives. At 12.40 p. m, Air. and Mi. Hyion left on the Lnckavvnnn for an extensive wedding tour, BICH-MAOH. Rev, Hugh O. MoDpimott, pastor of the Simpson Methodist 1'plscopul church, united John Much, of South Scrnnton, nnd Miss Ma M. Rich, of 31.1 Hlckoiy ntiect, In muirlnge, nt the church paisonngo on Alondiiy evening. The bridal party xxeip unnttended, the brldo being dressed In a neat gown of blown llk. At the conclusion of the ceremony they xxeip driven to the home of the biide, xvheie n reception wns held. Mi. and Mrs. Much loft on tin extended xxcddlng trip, and upon their letuin they will leslde In South Soian-ton. LONG-ROSAR. Flunk l,ong,of Pino Uiook, nnd AIIs Miuv Ilosui, of South Scranton, xxoie Joined In man luge nt 8 o'clock yestci dav moinlng, the cpicmony taking place ut St. Maiy's Clctmiin Catholic chtirth, on Itlxer stieet. Tlieic xvus a laige attendance of fi lends when the words that made them man nnd xxlfo were pronounced by Hex, Finnic Stiiiub. A reception followed at the home of the bible's patents xxheie a wedding breakfast xxas fcixpiI. LECTURE MONDAY NIGHT. Scianton to Be Visited by Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus. The xlxld and eloquent Dr. Gunsau lus, piesldcnt of the Aimour Institute of Technology, Chicago, 111., Is to Icc tuie at tho Ljccuni theutio next Alon day evening, October 13, under the aus pices of the Intel mitlonnl Coirespond enee Schools' association. Ills subject w 111 bo "The Typical American " Dr. Guiibaulus Is one of the most popular speakeis In the United States: he Is a tall, angular man, bo has a splendid foiehoad and nn eye that speaks xolutnes. His nrtltulatlon Is ab solutely pel feet, not a sound Is either binned or lost: his gestures me good but not diamatlc; he Is full of flic nnd his eloquence has always hold his audi ence as though pell-bouiul. His xxoid painting is 'with ideas nnd not odyerba and jdjcetlxes. See the Cut Man. T-.ffpnHve nnd atti active hnlf-tones nnd line cuts for card, adxci Using or anv otliei puipose, can uc secuiuu ut The Tribune oftlce. We do xxork that is unexcelled, do It piomptly and at lowest intcs. A tilul older will con vince jou. ! 30--STAMPS--30 ., a. Willi iiuuitn ruiviiu y i wui j J Great Autumn a Sale of t Friday, Saturday, Monday, Oct. 10, 11 and 13 f VjCSrCut out the Coupon attached to the bottorn of this advertissment NEW DRY GOODS ! . New Neck Ruches Silk, Chiffon and Net M 00 up to $1J 00 Now nmbinUleied Point Collins 10c Beautiful I.ace Coll.M-, 10c to r, PO Ntw Venice Ipsci lions and Lates 12'it In $J 00 J'.iit.lU CI in Plaid Belt Ribbons Jit Taffeta Ribbons ill choice sliuiles Nob .1 7 'l U 1G 22 40 60 100 l'llus .... ' 7c t 10c U'.t loc ISc JOc l'5c Our Little Beauty Corset Light 15lue, Pink and White a wondei 50c P. N. Corset Value ami st lc Made fioin steillug or coutll t loth", .Ticiuli goied, medium or low bust, sti .light ft out, long in shot t oxer hips. MM, $1 30, ?- 00, J.30, $J 30, V 00 New Gloves Oiu M. & II. Kid C.loxes ?1 00 I'. K oxeibtppid si.niis, xxniiti anil sou $100 Cashincie and Silk I'ingei Tipped Gloxoh...2.lt to $100 Wool Knitted Holt Cloxcs 21c to 30c Silk Knitted Golt Gloxet btautlcs Jt 00 Another Lot of Yarns neimnntnixn Ynins, Lion Hiand !c fchi3tbnil Floss, hum band t Cashmeie lioutiiiet uul Cutlcuia Soap -0c Dress Goods Department FloienthiP Taffetas, all silk, JO shades 3Gc Cliencv's Cisliuipit 'I'.iffetas, 2" new colois 7.'c New Clan Plaid Silks 75c. to $1.00 Ctope (Jianlte hllk, Cheney $100 goods 79c Soft hustle Peau de Solo, Clieno's $1.00 special.. 7!'o Hind: Taftctii Kllks (Unnnei), yaul-wlde $1.00 Iliiskell'ii high giade lllnck Taffetas, guaian- Recl 79c, S1t93c, $1.21 yaid-widP Slll.s IM naln-pioof P,!utk Talleta.i, 21-111111 $1.21 IJnlii-piotit lllnck Tnlfctiui, jaid-wldo $1.30 New I'niini" Volxets, lull Minor finish $1.23 Ciiimltts, I'lumetted and Satin Plnlsli MKtuies: .i.V xnliie 23o 73o Dies i lionds Values In Che x lots, Whipcoids, HeuilPttns, iJiunltt's and Uaskct 'Weuxe.s: sjiPt'liil 30a Homespun Suitings, DO Inch, 73c x.tlue 50a Venetians, all tolois, tailor xiolght r,0o lllumluuted llasUei Camern Hair MKtuies ROo TO inch Utisket Suitings, niixy nnd bhuk 73o Venetians, blue and giey mlNtuies, DO Inches 75q Poplins, Aimuips, Ktc, $1,00 xnltio , 75u Melton Skh tings, giey inlxtiue.", 95c xaluo 7Dc Kieui'h ftioadi'loth, shiunkeu finish, $1.50 value, ..$1.19 Shnikskliis, .Mehose, Piunellts, i:tc $1.21 xaliio,.,$l,00 Hcnxy Shrunken Tailor Suitings, xxlth dns.li of color , .,., , ,,$1.50 .'00 lle.ixj Pedohtiinu Hklftlngs, $2 00 Milne fl.rjO nintk Hioeade Satin, 10 Inch, 29c Hlack Melton Skh Hugs, value $1.00 75o lilac); 15-lncli Clioxlot, xalue 03c , , 50c Dlatk 5iNnth Cliexlot, xuluo l)3c ,,,, "3o Hlack Slu nil ken 'J'nlloi Cheviot ,,,,,, ,.$1.00 Plnclv Thibet Cheviot, .sort and heavy, $1.50 xaluo.. $1.2 Hlack Hahkot, Pebbles and Ainuiies ,, DUc HI.uU lleaxx Haul Finish AVhlpmid, 50 Inches..., Mo JUnilc F.inc SklUings, Mohnlr ilgme, $1,50 value, $1,00 Hlack Piuuelle and Peau de Sole, $1.50 value $l,2i Black Sluunkeii Vi netlnn, $175 xuluc $1.50 Hlack Heavy Belgian Twill, $2.23 value $1,75 Hlack Mohair Biibket Canvas "Weave ,,.,$1.25 Hlnck Pannti rins( Hioadcloths $1.50 Hlack Hedfowl YPlt Silk and Wool , i 50 Cut Out This Coupon Present at our office, purchase $1.00 worth of goods or more and you will receive 30 stamps, October io, u, 1,3, MEARS & HAQEN. Underwear and Hosiery Hoxs and Gent's Pat Hlack Hosp 12'i.c Hnjs .'lid Cient's Hlack Cat Hoe 2"c Masts' Fine Ribbed Hose 2"t hadie1 Fast Rlatk Hose 23c L. idles' Fine Hlack Hose 21c hulks" Mato Hose 23c hadie" raiicj Hose, In stent v, niellos Specials at J3t, 3.1c, 50c, 7iic, .Silc, $100 Cbildicn's Fine Fleeced Undeiwear Ho to T0c hirlles' Hepxy Flerced Undeixxcai 25c hadlts" Fine Fleeced Fndeiwcni sic hadles' Fine Jeisey Ribbed Cnderwear 50c hatlles" Natural Giev Uncleiwe.u "..... 75o hidles' White "Wool or Natuial Undeiweai $100 hitlles" IXtia Fine Undeiwear $150 hadies' Un'on Suits 50c up lo $100 Men's Tast Hlack Hose J pah for 23c Mens White Foot Hose 15c Men's i:tia Fine Hose, bliek oi fancy 23e Men's Dnlt I'leeced Undeiweai Hie; Men's hlght Fleeced Undeiweai u')e Men's Fancy Fleeced ITmleiwcai ,io Men's Naluial Fleeted Vndei xx ear 30c .Men's Jtisey Ribbed Undeiweai 50c M"ii'.s Heaxy "Wool Untleiwear $100 Men's hlght Flue AVool Undeiwear $1.00 Aleu's Heaxy Uouble-Hieusted Undeiwear $1.75 ' Comforts and Blankets 10-4 White Blankets C0c H-l AVblto oi Giey Sic 12-t AVhlte or Giey $1,05 H-l Voiy Heavy White $2 25 10-1 Heaxy Grey $1,00 in-l Fanty White 91c Fine hiu go .$1.00, $1.85, $J0O, $JD0, $J00 Bargains in Domestics Outings, veiv piotty jmtteni" 5c Flue Sc Heavy Fleeced Outings fii..c Fa in v 10c Finn Fleeced Outing S'sC Host Doulilo Fleecetl Outings iQc Best Diuibildge Apion Clliigliiiins (,c Best Inillgii Bluo Piints ....: 5c Best 10c Old-Fashioned "Wldo Calico sc Best Stiaw Ticking Sc Best Blue Stilpc renther Ticking Uc Table Linens Spechl iittciition Invited to our Old Blench hlnens -supciloi In we.irantl ilulsli to all Mheis. 10c L'loam Tablo Damnsdc , 23c 40e Cieam Tablo Damank ., , 3"o fiV Cieun Tablo Dauuifk D0o 7e Cienni Tuble Painnsk ,,, !8o M00 fiPiiin Table Damnsk ,,..,S9o M 21 Oeaiu Table Uamahk , ,,$1,00 lie Snow White hineus , D3c i0e Snow White hiuens , ,.,,., 75u $1.J1 Snow White hlneiih ,..,., $1.00 Reed's $1.50 Snow White hlnens , $1,J3 Iteeil's $2,00 Snow Whlto hlnens $1,50 ReeiV.s $J 30 Snow White hlnens,, , $J,00 Pine hilieu Napkins ,..,,,., 75o Puip hlneit Napkins, laige HUe,.,,, ,,,,, $100 Pine htneii Na)klns, u-4 sUo,. '.,,,,, , $1.21 l'uiti hlnon N'apKliis, laige wUe , $1,50 Double naiuuHk Napkins ,, ,,,..., $J 00 Double D.uuupk Napkins, latgo heavy,.,.,.,,, Si 00 Sllxei BlPiithed Napkliih ,., $12.1 Sllvei Bleached Napkins, large heavy. ..,..,,,,.,,,$1 50 ti t t MANY CASES WERE HEARD VERY BRISK DAY IN ORIMINAIi COURT. Nelllo WilHnms Wns Acquitted of the Chiuge of Assisting A. H. Adams to Escape fiom tho County Jail Mis. ' Sophia Kloemnn, of Peteisburg, Is on Tilnl Beforo Judge Ferils, on a Cliaigo of Be ing a Common Scold M. D, Botts, of Peckvllle, on Tilal. A laige number of ciibch xveic dis posed of In cilmluiil mint vestoiday be foie the tlnee Judges. The canes xxeio liugely of a minor chnincter. BEFORE JUDGE NEWCOMB. When com t opened the tilal of Nellie Wllliuus on the ehtitge ofasRlstlng A. II. Adams to escape from the county Jail xxas lesumcd. The evidence xxas not concluslxo and a xtidlct of not guilty was leturned the county to pay the costs. Mis. Aim Davis was acquitted be foie Judge New comb of tho charge of keeping a ellBordoily bouse In Sclinell touit. The piosecutllx xxas Mis Mtuy Muloney, of Hennossy couit, xxho testi fied Unit she hnd found her husband in Mis. Davis' place it number of times nnd saxx Ml s. Dax Is sitting on Mn lonoj's lap and kissing him The court decided that It hud not been establish ed that the accused kept a dlsoideily house and directed a veidlct of not guilty. Domlnlco Scnxo, xxho tuns a hotel at Old Forge, xxas aunlgned, chaiged xxlth shooting Mis. Maiy Constun 70, Hei testimony xxas, to the ef fect that xxhlle vxoiklng in her gmden one day xvhen Hhe xxas shot In the leg by some peison she did not see. The lear end of the Scavo and Constnnzo piopertles join and Mrs. Const.mzo's son said that on the day his mother xxas shot Scaxo came out into his jnrd and chawing a rexolvor filed and stiuck the xxltness' mother In the leg Scavo said he xxas told by his on that a dog was looting up the plants in his jard and he picked up his iovoI vor and xxent out and shot at It The clog inn aw ax. He did not see any one In Constans'o's jnid at the time he shot and did not hear any outcry aftei -xx aids. The court took the chat go of felonious wounding fiom the juix and submitted only tho chaige of aggt.ivat ecl assault and battel y. The xeullct xx us not guilty and the costs xxeio placed on the countj N. D and Joseph Itosqiifleltl xxoie ac quitted of the chaige of committing an assault and battel y on Flank Gul llnski at the Delaw.ue and Hudson station at Olj pliant and the piosecutor xx ns dlitctetl to paj the cost. The piosecutor's stoiy xxas to the effect that the Itosenields attacked him with out pioxotatlon and thumped and kick ed him viciously. The defendants sulci that Gulfinskl called them ' stubs" and attacked them anil tint them meiely defended theuiselx es Joseph Iliaduct was on tilal xxhen couit adjoin ned chaiged xxlth discharg ing Hi e.ums at Noith Scianton. The piosecutoi vas Patrolman chailes Beny xxho nude the attest It did not appear that Hiaduct xxas filing at anj peison in pat tit ulur but the oflltei hid a nai low escape fiom being hit. Chniles Sedowskx, xxho xxas xxlth Hiaduct at the time, swoie thai the latter did the shooting. Hiaduct declines that SedowsKv the guilty man, Annie Sxxnit. did not appeal to ansxvet a chaige of assault and bitteiy piefeued bv It.ue Ficedman and n. capias w, is Issued foi hei and her ball foiftlled. The s.mie action xxas taken In the rases ot N. H Kckenode, xxho Is being ptoseouted bx Jits. W. B. Duggan, and John T HcMiolds, prose cuted by Tieda Gietchcn. In the case ot Thomas Jones charged with assault and battel j by James Phillips a nol ptos was enteied upon p.ivment of tho costs j"' jr ) s, . ir Wears & Hagen j 415 and 417 Lackawanna Aye 44444 BEFORE JUDGE EDWARDS. The Old Fotge lumber stealing case xxas inntluded befoie Judge Udwaids In couit loom No. J just before ud journmont josteidaj. Immediately after tho noon hour the jiuy i etui ned a veidlct finding Stanley Belx Ine and John Boobues guiltv nnd nrqultlng John Steiiviihollcli. Tin convicted men xxeio letonmieudetl to the pvtieme mere of tho com t. M. D. Botts, the Pecirxllle hotel man, xx us then tiled for the alleged l.uceny of 1500 clgius fiom the piosecutoi, Wil liam Shafoi. The exidento distlosed that In June, 1901, the defendant leased the building and sold the peisonal piop- ei ly of the hotel to tho piosecutoi. Accoidlng to the lattei's testimony, pilot to the contuiinuintioti ot tho sale the defendant took the inosncutor thiough tho hotel nnd showtel him the goods, itiuong othei things a quantity of clgais stoied in a thittl llooi mom. The puieliiiso xxas t lieu concluded nnd the piosecutoi lett fm his home leaving the tlelendant lo look utter the place for him until his letuin. Soon itftinxMiidH Imxlug octusion to visit the loom xxheie tlie ilguis woio Kept he found tluit u nuniber woie mit, hlng anil upon Investigation he learned that dining his iibseiue the deioiulnnt had taken 1100 uf them nway and sold them. Tho defendunt udmittetl that he took tho clgais but slated that they woio not the clguih sold by him to the piose cutoi ; that the xveie tnken by him tluee dns' befoie Ihe piosecutor took possession und that ho nevei luteuded and novel did sell these clgius when ho sold the hotel IlNtutes, etc. Ills good ihiuactei' and standing in the community vxeie shown as was alio tho fact that bad feeling eMsted Detweeu the puitles owing laigely to the ele fentlant'h icfusal to lenew the piosecu tois lease for the hotel. Defendant's iittomevs laid put titular sties.s upon this nnd tho fuitbei fnttvliat no nil est wns Hindu until Septenibcu, 190J, oxer a eur uftcr tho itlltged Iniceny had oct'liilPil. He vxus lepicsontt'd y 4. toinejs W W Baylor and Joseph 1', Ullboy and Attorney Claieuce Ballen tlne, assisted Mi, ThoiuaB fn behalf of the piosecutlon. Judge IMwaids will dun go the jiuy this morning. BEFORE JUDGE FERRIS. Tho case of William Biogan, chuigetl with attempting to tilmliially ussuilt Mrs. Helen h.ipcluck vxns lesunied be loie Judge Feu Is jesteiday nioiulng, Biogan ilenlod the offense and said that on tlie night of tho alleged offense In August, 1591, he eaxv tlie door of the hapduck house open and went to tell them about It. Tho juiy funnel Biogan guilty of assault und bitteiy. Joseph Momibkl vxas tiled on u clause iJKalvJ xVAXvxxxvvmxvxvWw An Oyster Cracker Iviih a Taste to It. A neb f labor to oysters a nelv relish to soups. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Don't Wait Another Day hi ray Laer is- r mi WA 317 Ltickawannn Avenue. m -ifti H6. 1 'Mm m IQl3 IS i im First Floor J Open Evenings, Easy to Bay Easy to Pay Fall Clothing ought to be bought now and can be bought now, even though your purse be empty. The phenomenal business we have been doing this week proves con clusively that when people know they can buy on credit as cheaply as for cash they, are going to do it. Buy Nowl Pay Later! ai Afivi mm Come today or tomorrow! Your ci ed it is good, your promise to pay is all we ask Clothing, Hats and Shoes For Hen, Women and Children luits an m-M mi Mads H Overcoats i In Your leesfire. I of breaking a vWndow In the saloon of Balis Jacobs ut Old Foiro on the nlqiit of July Hi, bv thtovv Infra htono thiough It, Tho chlcf-of-pollco of Old Koise testlllod that aftoi the1 tut est of Jlonu skl tho l.ittot told the chlct that he biokc tho window -o that ho xxould bo sent tn the county Jail anil mvg his boa id iliiiInK tho stilke. JlonusUI de nied bicnkhiff the window and m iklns the statement testified to by the chief, lie said he vx.is bt.indlnfT e lose to the vx Inflow and tuinliiR- niouutl s,udtlonl bis clbnxv bioko the window. He was tonxlcted and xxas hcnteucetl to pay a fine of ?", costs and eighty iluj s In Jail. When c om t adjoin nud Mis. Sophia Kleenmn of I'eteisbuifr, was on ti HI, ehaifi-ed with be ins a lomnion scold, A hi) ko nuniber nf witnesses testlllcd tlint .Mis. Klipinan Is In the habit of hcoldlnir anil nbuslnir liei iielfjhboi.s in a vx.iy that lias beenmo a public nuisance. Humor City Assefasor Hu dolph Buenall Ih tlio piosecutoi'. Bntilck MoNully who wan tiled Tues day foi nhootliur Sluitln Jot dan at C,u bondiilo was jetoiduy ictuincil not KUiltJ. Tiouble Ovex- n Hoxse, The leplexln i.u-o of II, J. Shayler of Sklnnci'h Hdely nsalust William ander wits tiletl estciday bofoie Attomej John J, Toohey, bale nibltiator. Snjdoi lioiiKht a hoibo fiom I'eter Blink and claims thut lie leiclveel a Kind title for It. .Shajler b.is tlio hoi.se Iii hU piopoit, that he leaked It to Htlwaid McC'loe ot SKIiuum's nddy who mid it to Blink but could not pahs any title foi- the animal, Attornej O HallPiitlue upptaied for tho plaintiff and C, W, Da v mm foi the defense. Yesteidny's Mnnlnge Licenses. IMtiiek Tieiney Set anion Nnui O'Mallo) Scinnton XVIIIluni T AmlrewH Tuxloi lliiuu.ih lltuxoi I'ittston O, llciboil Win net Herunioii l.ydla V. l.utbii' .....Hciuutgii David T. Hbephoid Heiaiiton ICate B. Jul'ltty . . , . Diiumtiio COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. A tide xxus RrnnUtl ycbtoidtiy, to bbtiw ctiiHo xx h u uuxx tilal should not te Kiiintcd In the) cage oi Janus Cook, who was conxlctcd Tuesduy of stcallni; coal. A Special Shoe for a Special Class of Ladies. At this season of the year, when the weather is most un certain and when one must use every precaution against taking cold, tlie school teacher and the younp; lady employed at office or stole often finds when it is time to return home that she must journey through a storm witli thin shoes and no rubbers. If you are in this class U is you that we want to interest in the L. R. D. M. Shoe for Ladies. We have placed our name on this shoe because it is the best ladies' bhoe in Scranton and because it carries our guarantee. nii)s either o( tlio folloxxlnf? 1 speilnls of cloodear x rt n scilhl hctxj leather, ex tin hmxy extension eolo .mil military lied Stjlo A-Vlil Kltl xninp, luaukhl lop, pitent Icitlicr Up, Stlo H lltinmcl x.utip, in it Mil lop ami toe Stvle C Vlil Kid v.imp, top ami toe Either of these stjli'3 Is u perfect protection lo the tret. LEWIS, RUDDY. Dffi I MURPHY. 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Next Door to new First National Bank Building. I'ltink Kofehluskl was iMcrdn ad milled to ball in iho timi ol $l,0io to tip petti lm Hi'iitente Satuidiii John Wtilel and WnlUl KoMifliHkl mo blh Hiuotles 'I ho will ol Dl lint pel 1) l.nckej, htto of tlilu cllj was admitted lo ptob.ite to da and lutteis teotiiiiu'ntai.x Kiauted to the l.aektiwuiiu.i Tutsi and Sale Deposit loiuptim Ciuhniliic I'cll, xxho Is charKid with Itilse piute'liMs, xxns suuendiieil b) hei" boniNinaii esteulii kuter In the day. At tome) It A KlniiiHinuin became, hu ciult) foi hei ACKNOVLEDGMENT MADE, Contiibutlon of Supplies, Labor and Hnteilnl to the Summer Home, The Jlen's Oulltl of St, Luke's chuieli, deshea to aeknow ledfju conti Ibutloim of uupplies, mateiitil and ltiboi for the benellt of the summer home at Ciesco for the s-enson of I'iOi, fiom the follow iuy pet buns; .1. I, Council, H .M. Wood. CieoiKi Hasteile, II CI Dale, A, H. Welstpfahl J B Con man iV Co, Albeit Wl-a Illce, l,ex A Co, Hmseihoft & Co', T J Kelly & Co, A D, Bieis-on, M, 1 lluiltl), Ohwaltl Jones-, V. P. fico flcnter & Xeldlei, The I'leue company I, T I'ottei, Kltkpatiick A: Biofheia Cusset.e & Co., Wllll'iin JackFou, jei bolt Milling Compaii), Babcnck & bi;'. .1 Schl.iBei, .Scianton Tiansfqr lout pail), .Mattliw Biotlieu, Scrantoi htove Winks, Ooiden Suppl) company SViuien I'luet & Co, tlunster A Fois)th, V'oote & Shear coinpaij), Jl A llieleiibeiff, Howluy Biotheis, l, l' and il, T Howlej, Wiudell oc Burietl .Mulonc) Oil eompaii), r.tlnteis union I'luinbi'ts union, of the estimated xalui of $111.50 , Pay you poor tn to avoid costs. II. G. Dale, Collector. j. M ,ue,W-..jj1 j, i . Lii. iiii1'.-,.. - f. !,- s.J 4-t -.