The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 09, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    PflJP lfii PPigl!Mj
fr'i vtfanff.
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MipW SSlSm
t cwmfon tt6unc
rublUhed Dally Kit cent Sunday, by Th Trlbun
Publishing Companriftt Flfly Cents n llontb.
MVY 8. lUCItAltD KniTOR.
O. F. jlYXMCK McMlEM.MAHAoitn.
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When apnea will permit, The Tribune U
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SC'ltANTON, OCTOHliU fl, 180-'.
Cloveliioi-.S w. I'liNNYiwriciiii.
I.leulonnnt CJovcmihii V M. 111IOWN,
Seeielniv ol IlitLtmil Affalis IriAAC U.
JtttlKC A. A. VOHIIfllG.
CommKslonpit-.10l IN COl'RIIiR MOR
Mile Inspcotnis-LLIiWIlLYN 51. EV
nnpt esenta lives
TliBt DlHtilct-.IOSLTMl OLIVIirt
Hot nnd Dlstilct-.lOIIN SCIIIil lilt. JR.
Thiiel Dislilet-liDWAltD JAMIiS.
Fomth Dlstilct -t A. I'lIILUIN.
Election day, Nov 4!
The let option of the voteinns itt
"Washington this fok Is evidence that
pome one ahont the city lomombeis the
CVl-lltS Of '61.
Nothing to Do but Walt.
MR. MlTCHIiLlS 1 election
of the ptosldent's ptopo
sltlon to have the mineis
1 Mill 11 to v. oik pending
the icsult of a thoioiigh investigation
Of mining conditions Is not unexpected.
It vva fot"f-h irtnwptt In his call to Hie
locals to adopt lesolutlons pltdging
continued loyalty to the union's ele
mniuls. Appuiently hoth parties to the
sttlko have now tinned away fiom the
public deiirind as voiced by the ptel
deiit for .1 pionipt settlenient to aeit
national Mifleiing and disaster.
Tills Ieaes the situation whoic- the
piesident found it. except that more
troops have been placed In the Held and
the tension of feeling on both sidrs has
been Inei eased It is lepoited, though
unoflleially, lint the piesidpnt has in
xlcvv a fm ther effort to secuie a le
sumptlon of coal mining. It is said
that lip is seeking to Induce the opei
atoi.s to giant aibitiatlon by com
panies, ;hls to taKe place before com
missions of liis .selection and to be be
tween emplojcis and loimer employes
illicctlv. While this would 1 cirnii e the
opei.ttois to go only a shoi t st"p 1-e-J
ond their offei to accept ni bitiation
of l-oIIIhv giievaiiee-, bv the loc il
(ouits, It does not appear that it would
offci any tmpt.itlou to Mr. Mitchell
and his boaid of achlseis to lecede liotn
what is evidently the main consider
ation in their mind the full 1 (.cognition
of the national mine woikeis' union,
which would Insuit Its continued con
trol of the labor in the Aineilcan coal
Unless the opeiatois have become
convinced that they can affotd to giant
this leeognitlon a possibility open to
doubt after what they said last Tiiday
lu only view possible to take of the
situation is that the fight will go on,
the public having to adjust i(elf to It
ns best It can. Undoubtedly tli pres
ence In the coal llelds of tioops, suf
ficient to ji'otect not only evety miner
who to woik but also his home
and family -will ievo.iI whether the
number of such iuiiiei.s is huge or
small. This ret. elation cannot he looked
.for immediately; It cannot come until
theie Is p-oof of the effectiveness of
the piomised piotectlou. But at latest
the otisl" of the stilkc Is neat at hand.
A foitnight'.s patience should. It would
seem, disclose which way the battle Is
to go. That being tine, there Is nothing
to do but wait.
The heaw diaft upon our foiests In
the uual dlstilcts again calls attention
to the fact that .systematic tteo plant
ing in this countt y has been neglected
too long.
A Little History.
WIIT.N the Sheiman mul
tilist act was pending, the
Demociatic paity in con-
j giess denounced the bill
ni j"1 volitional v said It would affnid
m icnuily, and clcilaicd the conect
th)tg would be to adjtiHt the tin Iff fo as
loilivito foielgn competition. Just be
fotij the bill came to a wite In the
liciuje. tlie Demon utlu leadei, William
I.. WHsWif, who" was of the committee,
np'pplntiiil' In 1SSS to examine the tt list
, iiucbilQu, and who Hlgned the tepoit
sas'tng In effect that the of deal
Inijwlth tiusts wiih to.o gieat for his
pnlt'y. niul lecoiuinendlug that the e
publcanr paity deal with It, and who
nubjeu.ucnt!y bet-.iims the author of the
Wllson-aonuan bill, uiado u speech do
nojinejjig the pending measiiie. He de
cla(fdthit it would seilously uftfct the
biif.l)if()H ,uid piopeilt or tjie fount iy,
and what was moie, the lights mid lib
ertlcs ol the people. He openly took
tho position that the fedeial goern
nienCUould not deal with ti lists, and
that their icgulatlon was a duty which
wou'lij1 have to be peifoimeil by the
i-aiious states,
Nine eait. later a succeshor of Mr.
Wilson n Deiuocuitle leadeislup, no
'ess a peisonage than Wllliaui Jennings
Bryan, speaking at Ue Moines, took
diametrically the opposite ylew, "I
my," he 'said, "that the Mate cannot
lcil with the tniht, because H cannot
light beyond Its own boulcis. Tne rtt
IoimI governinent it. the only foicethat
:un teach Into all UnTbtutes and pluc-k
tho ovll wherever It may he found it ml
annihilate It."
As a matter of fact, the Homiutlrntt
party sides with Mr. Urynn an against
the late Mr. 'Wilson! but the fnct thnt
tho Deinooiney could neither while In
power nor while having no fuither te
Hpoiislhlllty than to innlte faces at what
their nppouxntH 111 e doing agiep upon
n method or iippioaehlng tuist evils
migguits that the fuitlipr solving of
his pioblein will have to bo left to Re
publican statesmanship.
J. Pleipont Moigan will pve r.0,000
tons of coal to the poor of Now Yoik.
The coutilbutlon of Mr. Moignn's crit
ics has not been announced,
How Socialism Would Work.
Til Illtll are nhimdnnt warnings
fiom experience against the
o.poi Intent of "public owuet
sltlp of public utllltles,"Mlow'
so sttpiiiiouly demanded In this coun
tiy by Socialists, other misguided pei
sons and deinagogiies.
One Is found In a recent tpport of
John K. titrndy, our consul geneinl at
1'iirlS upon the Kieneh rallioads, which
me inn by the government. Fiance
has seven times as many Inhabitants
to the .squat e mile as the United
Htiites lia, so that lallioadlng In
Fiance ought to be easy and cheap,
but It Isn't. Although the Flench loads
Inn car can led two-lhlids as many
passengets as weio can led by the 1 un
loads of the United States, they dung
ed ."6 cents a mile as against i 07.! In
this country. The Fi each Height inte
Is double the Aineilcan. The toads of
Fiance aie making money but they
tne not giving the people of Fiance u
fair inn for their money. Also the
wages they pay me Inciediblj low. The
best engineer gets only $,o a month
and SO per cent, of the lallwav em
plo.ves tecehe less than a dollar a day.
A lesson equally interesting In its
way lomes fiom Vlctoila, In Austialln,
anothei cotintiy wheie government
owneishlp of laiho.uls pteall. The
mlnistiy found It absolutely neeessaiy
lecpntly to cut down expendlttties. and
to that end It 1 educed the pay of per
sons emplcned by the colonial govern
ment. At once the lallway employes
stiuck. The members of the leglslatuie
became alaimed at the opposition of
tlie public emplojes and .otcd against
the mlnistiy. Theie was nothing left
Tor the lulnNtiy but to dlss()ip the
session and appeal to the countiy, and
tlie piemler is now begging the electois
to stand by the government and to pie
vent their own seivants fiom paialyz
ing the adiuinlstiatlon, including a sus
pension of lallway tnifllc. It is lepoit
ed that the mlnistiy Is being well sup
poi ted, and the opposition is said to be
demoialled; but it is also said that tho
campaign is pioeeeding lgoiouhly, and
tlie public senants and the labor paity
nip secietly combining to oppose can
didates wlio faoi lelienchment. They
aie opposed to lunning the load on
business piinciples and want to be pen
sioned bv public taxation.
Just imagine our coal mines being
inn bv the government either of Har
llsbuig or Washington. In addition to
an S-honr day mid two months' leave
wllli pay each yeai, Satuulay half
holldajs and uniforms, if any gioup of
inlneis wanted moie pay a demand and
a still.e would biing It, undei penalty
of the paity in power losing the labor
vote; and theie would be milk and
honey In the coal fields until'
The geneial public got sick of such
unbuslness-like business and came
down haul on it, and then all this non
sense would be done away with. For
while It Is tine that Uncle Ham Is a
generous eiriplo.ver It Is also Hue that
he has a keen eve ami a long mm for
the man who steps on his coins or
crowds him to the wall.
The 1'attison boom appeals to have
collapsed with the closing of tlie agil
cultuial falls.
Quite Well, Thanks.
cSeuetniy Shaw at Boston,)
WS .Mil; making w outlet fill
IndustUal ptogiess, not
withstanding the evils of
whlih we complain, lu
100 pi lor to the election of Wil
liam McKlnley we had sold abioud
mote than we had bought, and
had for our tiulchiuent a balance of
tuide of $100,000,000 to show for thh 200
veal"-. Hut since 1S'17 we have sold
moie alnoatl than we have bought, not at the rate of J100.COO.000
In 100 yeai!-, but mote than $100,000,000
per annum. Not $100,000,000 In 100 jeais
but $J,SOO,00O,O0l) lu five yeais.
In Ml. McKinley's tpeceh of accept
ance of his Hist nomination he declined
that "It was wiser to open the mills for
the unlimited employment of Ameilcmi
labor than to open the mints tor the
unlimited coinage of the w 01 Id's sllvei,"
The mills have been opened and no
Anieituni In this vear of giaco seeks
emplovment lu vain, What Is the le
sillt'.' We inautifactuied moie last jear
than nil the shops mid nil the ftutoiles
of any other two 1 unit tiles on tho fate
of tlie em III, by mote than $.1,000,000,000,
Our people consume moie food, wear
better clothes, live lu moie c omfoitahlo
homes, and enjoy better educational ad
vantages tlin'ii any of whltli the wen Id
hems leioul, Our niatkets me the
envy of all nations, and our pioductivo
capacity the astonishment uf all peo
ples, Our hope must bo the pieseiva
tlon of that which is deshable and our
aim the consummation of vet gimider
We must neither close our eyes to the
evils that coal 1 out us nor loiget the
blessings we enjoy, It Is euily In thu
inclining yet. and we are an Infant na
tion. Thu day Is full of piomlse, and
that which It, and has been, is but the
earnest of that which Is to be.
Senator Ilaniia's statement befoie an
Ohio audience that never ugnlu will ho
Hill fin olllc?, Is piobably coneet; but
we date say he leseives decision In
cast) the olllce should make up lis
mind to 11111 foi him.
One of tho most dlstusslng leatiurs
of the coal stilkc Is the fact that It has
afforded uu uppoi (unity for the Intro
duction of a now hi ami of tliesome
btage jukes.
King Leopold continues tp att like a
comic opciu comedian lu icul life.
Secretary Sbau) on
The Trfosf Problem
Huston, Oct. 3.
BUI'Oltll AN Immense audience to
night Beet Mai y of the Ti enmity
Leslie M. Hhaw (IIhciih0(I tho tuist
pioblein. lie pointed out that tho
method 01 Initially adopted bv which com
peting cottccnis framed a co-opeiatlvo
alliance was tlnotigh the agency of a
liuslee. That Is, competltols In ceitiilii
lines, finding their methods mutually im
Mitlsfueloiy, appointed a tliislee, to whom
was tinned over the pituliirt of their hoV
etal coiieeins. Ily this means the liuslee
was placed In contiol of the enlliu out
put, and could die late both the volume
theieor and the pike tlieiefor. At tha
end or the veur ptollts weiu divided ac
folding lo 11 selledtilu ngieecl Upon at tho
time of tho oigaubatloii. Tills condition
led lo Hie enactment of thu Slieimnn
antl-titist law, which piovldcil Hint
"Uveiy conttact or coniblnatlou In tho
fonn of tuist 01 otheiwlse, or conspiracy,
in lestialnt of Undo or commeito among
the seveint states, or with foielgn ni
tlons. Is heicbv (Related Illegal," etc.
"Kveiy pei pun who shall make any
such conduct, or engage In any mich
t elimination lie consplincy, sliall be
deemed guilt v of 11 mlsclcmeiilliu," etc,
"eiy pel sun who shall monopolize, or
attempt to monopolize, or cuusplic with
any othoi petson or poisons to monopo
lize any putt of tho tiade or commeico
among the seveial states, or with foielgn
nations, shall bo deemed gullly of a mis
demeanor," etc.
"12voiy coutiiict or combination In tho
foim of tntst or otheiwlse. or consplincy,
In lestialnt of tindo 01 commeice," olc,
"is ncieii cletl.ned Illegal '
"IJveiy pel sou vho shall inuko any
such cniitiad, or engage hi tiny such
combination 01 consplincy, Is deemed
guilty ot a mlsdcnipnnoi."
"Anv piopeity owned under any eon
liact or b any eombliiatlon. or pm sunlit
lo anv consplincy Hind being the subject
theieof) mentioned In section one of this
net. and being In the toinse ot tiunspoi
tntlnn fiom one state to nuolliei, or to
n foielgn count l.v, shall be foifelted to
the United States, and mny bo seized,"
etc. '
"Anv pei on who shall bo Injiued In
his business or piopcitv bv any other
pel son or cmpoiatlon by ipiisou of nnv
Ihlng foi bidden or declined lo be unlaw
ful bv this act nuiv sue tlieiefor," etc.
"The woid 'pel son.' or 'pel sons,' vvlierc
ever used lu this net, shall be deemed to
Include coi pointions and associations ex
isting under or nuthmlzed by the lnvvs
of eilhei the United State?, or the laws
of anv of the teultoiles. or the laws of
any state, 01 tho laws of any foielgn
Sherman Law in Operation.
This law. Mr. Shaw B.ild, put tuists of
the oiiglnnl tvpe out of business. It
em od the onllie evil ns It then existed,
with the exception that It left untouched
the disposition, which has existed in tho
human bicust foi some conliuies. to os.
cape competition wlmucver possible.
This disposition bus led to new methods
101 accomplishing Hie snne lesnlts
The Sheiman act had not been on the
statute books veiy long when some one
conceived tho idea that a gieat coi pota
tion could bo otgnulzed which should own
moie than one concern, or plant, or fao
toiv. Under this method competitois sell
to laige coi pointions cicated tor the piti
pose, usually taking stock In the new 01
ganlzalion sullicient to cover Hie pileo
agieed upon foi the plant sold. This
method continues at the pie-uit time.
It will lie leadlly seen that tho picsont
method Is 111010 dilllcult to leach than
the foimei. Men aio peimltted to own
two luims lo opeiate one, and to keep
the othei Idle. They tne pel milted to
own two con! mines lo opciato one or
both as they please. Shall thev not bo
peimltted to own two giist mill-., or two
foimdiies, oi a dozen bilck v tu (Is or
woolen mills, and opeiate one ot all ns
thev please; and If not wheie siuii the
limit be placed?
This Sheiman net was pnssed July 2,
1V)0 On Jlaich I, ISO! the bltheito ml
1101 ltv paitv came into contiol. Theli
platfoim declined specifically against
tuists, and piomised additional laws for
theii leiiadv. Rut It is easier to diaft
1 evolutions for political conventions than
It Is to chaft laws foi .statule books.
Th it Democratic congiess convened In
special session Immedlatelv nttei the in
aiigiuatlon of Mi. Cleveland, icmnliied In
sesblon all sunimei, leconvened, nml went
out of existence by lapse or lime; and It
anv gentleman picsont can point out a
single piovlslon or law. enacted bv that
congiess. for the piotcitlon of the people
against ti lists, combines and monopolies
not nheady contained in the Sheimnn
nuli-tiust itt, T will thank him to name
tho piovliinn. That congiess slniplv 10
enncted in abbievinted foim most or the
impottant piovisions of the Sheiman law,
and In veiv nenlv the Identical language.
I am glad to give them eiedit loi that.
But the r.icl lemnlns that the ablest, the
biondest-minded. the mo--t conscientious
men in the Demociatlc p.nt.v binned mid
night oil berore thut John Sheiman act
and aiose as fiom theli knees with the
etneulatlon: "It cannot be Impioved" I
am not expiesslng the opinion that It
cannot bo Impioved. I onlv state that
that was the conclusion 1 cached by tho
Domoeiatlc paitv.
Sincci tho passage of that act twelve
ons ago, moie than l.JOO. men, about
ecpiallv divided between the two gieat
pa 1 ties, have been elected to congiess
and lo tho United States senate. And
moie than twice that niimbei have been
defeated, either In convention or at tho
polls and eveiy one ot them has been
ambitious and eveiv one has known that
If he could mid paiaginpb. llr.e, sentence,
plunge or woid lo the Sheiman act to
mnko It moie, diastlc 01 to lender It moie
easv of entotcemrnt, his political for
tunes wPin ass'iied And It Is al'o safo
to sav that no one has lulled lo give tlie
(Uiestlon most cmcful coiisldetallon.
Muuv (r them made theli pie-conventlo'i
canvass on that Ii-sup, and piomised (but
In veiv geneial teims. he It lemaikod) to
piomptly solve the tumble, lint not one
of them, of either pnity, lias been able to
define the thing mine speclfUally than
John Sheiinau defined It, unci no one of
all that number Ims been able thus far
tn ptopose a lemedv 111010 effectlvo then
the lomedv contained In tho act ns It
left the pen of that old statesman liven
that gH'tit oiatoi, who hns twice led tho
opposition foues in 11 national campaign,
was himself four ve.ns in congiess; but
what he lias said on the ttust Issue Him a
bis letlienient far exceeds all ho did on
the tuist subject while In congiess.
Theie aie now pending In tho fedeial
emu ts seveial cases bised upon nllige-l
violations of the Hhcimin act (I do not
let nil any biought under nny DenioenUlo
ndininlstintlon), mid I Insist thai If evi
dence can be found In establish the fnets
alleged lu the declarations. Ibeie will bo
no dlfllcultv about the decisions Tho
c lunge against the packets Is that they
have advanced pi lies In nuiaiiiiuce of an
unlawful combination and have testialu
ed Uncle lor thu purpose of making tills
possible That Is exactly whnl tlie Shoi
luan law fm bills. It Is not nil offense to
ask or iccelve excubltant pilces for a
thing Smith and Jones may hi lug theli
milk fiom Connecticut to Hosiou, anil
each ask and sell at the sanio ptlce, nml
thut mice ma) be exoibltant, without
violating tho Sherman atf Hut let
Smith and Jones agiee to sell onlv at a
given pi Ice, and their milk can be conlls
cated, and Smith ami Jones sent "ovei
Hie )oad "
If tho packets hnve romblned or c mi
splieil, and this fact can be proven, then
woo lo tho packets. The contest, us
undei stand It, Is lo be fair and maiilv
and lo 11 finish; but II is evidence that
will deal the death blow, If It Is denlt
In town meetings and political coiiven
tlons, sentiment Is evei.v thing nml evi
dence counts for nmhlng; but In tho cniut
room ev lilenco and not sentiment pro
vails. And In this connection I want (
uilcl that II will be veiv dilllcult to diaft
an antl-titist law that can bo etifoued
without pi oar that It bus Innn violated
A gieat mnny pnplo hnvo diafted poli
tical pliitrouns who seem lo hnvo Inst
sight or this fact
Remedies Consideted.
I now deshe to look at some lenicctles
thut have been suggested, I'lomiueiit is
that of piihllcltv And )it I think no 0110
expects this to be a complete icmedy for
cvei.v phase of the tuist piolilem, It Is
expected to be a piotcitlon uguiust Hell
lions capitalization, and to disclose, lu
nmn.v Insluuecs at least tho lent chuinc
tor and Inside opetations of the concern,
mid to Invite competition, It ought to do
these things at least If 101 notations mo
compelled to make public tho details or
their business, the actual money tost of
their plants, pilies paid Mr mateilal,
opeiatlng expends, Including wages,
plices obtained lor modiict, both gioss
nml net pioflts. It will bo a (oiiHlaut Invi
tation to enteipilso and c.tplt il. of which
we have an abundance, to engage lu
competition This Is tho icmedy so earn
estly lecomnu'iidcd by our wise nnd con
bcieiitlous picsldcnl
The Tiee Tiade Cure.
Of couuci tho opposition p.uty comes
foiwuid with Ita llme-liouoicd panacea
for all Ihinnehtl nnd Industrial Ills. It
hinges till evils to the ptoketlve litrltf,
nnd as n icmedy for all evils It demit litis
tho tenioval or all pioteetlvo tnillTs. Tho
trltBt being an iidmllted ovll, ttimit ncces.
sntlly, fiom n Dcmocratlo Btnndpolllti bu
occiislniieil bv prolectloit, nnd tho tent
d.v must, m com so, be tho lemovnl ot
Tho best way to iloteinilno Iho wisdom
or n lemedy Is to innlte application tlletc
of to specllle Instances. II thole Is a mo
nopoly or nny kind in the United States
It piobably is the Hlandaicl Oil company,
nnd .vet Its sticiess has been In no miite
nor dependent upon the tnillT. Piotec
tlon, tlii'iii Is not the cause or tills mo
nopoly, and lr not the muse of all mo
nopolies then Us lemovnl would not t-ino
nil monopolies.
Nor Is the tin Iff tho cattse of evety re
cent nilvance lu pilces, Cittile pt-tioleiun,
on the fiet- list, went riom Ui cenls per
bin 1 el In-Noveinbei, 1.S97, to $1.30 per
baiiel In November, 11)01, an advance or
100 per cent. The wholesale pi ten or
stiiiiilaid Rio corieo advanced Horn u
renlR In August. 18SS, to over ! tents In
August, 1900, fullv fio per cent.! cholco Ja
pan tea advanced Tioin 1S'& cents In Au
gust. 11X11, to !M tents In August, YMi, nil
adviiiico or 4" per tent.; law silk ad.
vtinred W per cent, between Jiniuaiy,
lsss, and Jantlrtty, 1!HK: law colttm at
New Voile advanced 0" per cent, fiom
October. If'lS, to October. 1W0: sisal hemp,
fiom Mexico, ndvnnceel L-'fl per cent, fiom
Apill, 1SH7, lo Apill, !.'; pig tin uil
viincpil 140 per cent, rrotn Mnith. 1S!7, lo
Match, 1!00. All or these ine on the rioa
list, mid many othcl.s mlglit be addo'l
Neither ato ti lists tonllned to coiniti l.s
that puistio tho protective policy. Only
tblity ilavs ago, at a ttatles tinloti lon
giess In London, lesolutlons weio passed
clepiecittltig tho "giowth or gigantic cap
italistic tuists, with their enormous pow
er or controlling pioeltictlon," In moie
vlgotoiis language! and suggesting moie
diastlc and irvolutlonaiy lemeilles than t
have seen anywheie on this side or tho
The next Industry of Impoitance which
tho people gcneially claim to bo a trust
Is sngnr leaning. And heie ngnln we mo
tuged lo lemove the tailft that wo may
hnvo lnci eased competition.
Tho 1 ate on lellued sugar Is $111" per
linudied piactlcally two cents a pound.
On law sugar It Is piactlcally n cent a
pound. In view of the fact that the Unit
ed States pioduces only ei limited por
tion or Its sugar, the tmlrr lnci oases tho
pilce to tho consumer. It Is theiofote a
levenue mensine as well as encoittage
ment to the boot sugar Incltisttv, whlcli
arfoiels the only competition with which
tho sugar icfineiles aro tonfionteel. Theso
lellneis pay to the government, in loiinil
mimbeis, fifty million dollais pci an
num duty on Imported sugar, lr the liti
iff was lemovcd the lesult would bo pil
mtnilv 11 saving to the sugar lellneis or
that amount per annum; which thev could
keep nnd still give tho people sugar at
piesent pilces, or they could loduce the
pilco or sugar a cent per pound nnd
make the same ptoflt they do now. And
In thnt cent the sites on which beet
liiffiir ractoiles now sinnd would be
vvoith moie ns laini lands than ns sugar
plants, and the lellneis would have no
competition, actual or piospcctlve
doubt the wisdom of following advice
when the blow lecommendcd will be sure
to fall with uiiiioiis effect upon compet
itois of alleged monopolies.
AVe uio fic(iiently tlueatened with over
production, and against this we must nl
wa.vs piotoct bv Incieaslng our mnikels
as far as possible Tint other count! Ics
nlf-o have ovei production, and riom this
soul to our iudustiles me sine to be
ci ashed unless ptotccted. Does anv one
suppose anv It on Inclustiv In tho United
States could have survived an Inundation
Mom limopp occasioned by iccenl busi
ness stagnation in some localities on tho
continent but Tor tho tin iff? The Repaid
llcan putv- watches pilnimllv thnt thu
American lahoier shall have employment.
It Is piobnble that dining tlie lust xeai
or two fiee Uncle in li mi would hnvo
cheapened the pioduct to the Ameilenn
consumer, but a million nnd a halt people,
red and clothed dlrectlv bv wages paid
bv the vnilous iron and steel mnnurnc
toiles, would have betn again begging
In cad. Unicasonable pilces aio nlwavs
objectionable, but writes unieasonablv
low aie moie obieetlonable and riuught
with gieatei hai dshlps, pilmarily to the
wnge-eninei. and. secondly, to all thosa
who supply the wage-enrner's necessities,
than pilces uurensonablv high. Do you
lemember that Picielent Ibniison said
again nnd again (for tlie I--siip lu Issj w-as
high pilces) 'Theie is such a thing, gen
tlemen, as having pikes too low" But
the nubile did not heed the warning and
we had foui veais or low pikes Do
j on want to ttv this p.pcilmpnt again so
soon? We will have pilces low enough
as soon us the supply ennuis the de
mand, and the 111111 kod tin eat or a fhange
or economic nollev nlwavs has had the
effect to cheik demind moie lapldlv thnn
nuvthlng else. Todav tonsumeis uctually
bid against each other.
The Tree Silver Cure.
The Demociatlc paity has another lem
ed.v besides a levlslon of the tailff, and
that Is. "Tho Tiee and unlimited coin
age or sllvei at the lallo of Hi to 1 with
gold without the aid or consent ot any
other nation whatevei." I am of tlio
opinion ihnt this would bo moio effect
ive. It possible, than a lemovnl ot tho
tin Iff. I also think the lomedv would be
moie peimaneat, for it would ceilnlnly
ciush out that lestless Ameilcan entei
lirise which is the leal sscat of the dis
ease. I do not think nnv countiy on a
silver basis was ever tioubled with tuists;
vet I am not piepmed to letomnieud it.
Sometimes Iho remedy is woise than the
Anothei lemedy Is a constitutional
amendment which will give congiess uu
tboiltv to deal with tuists, combinations
and monopolies, wheiever located, 10
gaidless of state lines Indeed, Repub
licans In congiess voted for such a meas
1110 once, hut It failed to pass. And whv'.'
It takes a tvvn-thluls vole in both Ijouses
to pass a mensuio for a constitutional
amendment, and the Republican paity
was not tint stiong. When the 10II was
tailed one lone Demoeiat voted with tho
Natural Remedies.
Now, a suggestion with lefeienco to and evolutional y icmedles I moie obleotiou has been maelo
and 111010 unti-tiust sentiment cieated
bv icason ot tin- United States Steel cm
poiatlon than any other one tnncein. I
confess Us oiganlatlon Htnggeied me. 1
hnppened to bo at the time tlie goveinoi
of a gieat state, and i wondeicd if I
could oiiglnuto soinu law thut would
piotoct two nnd one-half millions of tlio
best men and women in tho vvoilel Hut
I was uiiablo to foi inula to one sallsfuc
toiy even to invscll'. Thoiefoio I ap
pealed to my Demociatlc ri lends tluough
out the state In something like .1 bundled
campaign speeches. I had no difficulty In
finding plenty 01 these bietlueii who
could formulate an antl-tiitst it-solution,
so I asked them to foinmlate an mul
tilist law. I piomised if they would sub
mit ouo to lecomincnd It to the leglsla
tuie of my state. Hut none was pio
Edited, Slme then I havo Investigated .some
what, and 1 havo dlstoveted 11 lew facts
which aio quite a consolation at least to
me. Ono is tho United Stales Steel
tmpnratloit piotliictd only 410 per cent, of
tho lion 010 dug in tills country timing
the veur 1'Kil, It tuoduted '.'! per cent,
of the pig linn. Ml:: per 1 out ot the steel
Ingots nml castings, ,r-o.l per cent of thu
lolled pindiicts, such as .steel i.ills, Htiuc
ttual shapes, nl.ites. rtc , and who, mid
I1S8 per cent of tho who unlls, This pio
pmtlon Is less than it was a e,ir ago
lu this connection 1 might add that this
paitlcular cmpoiatlon on Its own motion
makes public many mid peihaps, all tho
Impoitant details or lis business. Includ
ing gloss and net piollts. Its lecelnls lor
the jear ouelhig Juno JO, I'lo.'. doilved
fiom the h.i In of linn ami r-tcel and tho
gmss earnings of Its ttanspoitatlon com
panies, vvem In 1 omul nuinhem S"i0.(ioi),Wi0,
and the net pioflts of tho uincein wero
something HKo $130,000,000. It tllcuofoie
made a net pioilt of .'(! per cent, not upon
Us capital, but upon Us business riom
tho 010 bed lo tho finished pioduit at the
(loots ot its ractoiles.
Competition in Sight.
I iccngnUo that theio me Home people
who will Insist that steel pioduitb no
fiom 10O to loo pur cent, too high, but ir
theso publluhtd icpoits can Im idled
upon, a leducllon of "i pc-i cent would
exhaust all the piollts of thu tontoiu
Hut oiitedng this Is high, theie Is some
consolation to bo ili.iwn ft 0111 this enoi.
minis amount of business Tho loipoin
tlou owns Its own 010. mid it thu elm u
puvH out for luboi, dliectly ot Indliecll.v ,
eveiy dollar except what It pas In l-i-to.
eat nnd (llvldeuds, It follows then that
this ouo tomoiii paid dining iho oar
endlng June 30, 300.', dliectly or Imllicstlv,
over i 100,000 000 for luboi And vvluit be
came of this money? Most of Its was
spent pihnuillv foi food and lulnient mid
mnteiial to build homes Tills food came
f 1 0111 the wheat llelds of Minnesota and
the Dvkotns. nml fiom the glazing llelds
of tho moimtuln states, and Horn the
funnels' stalls lu the com belt. Tho mn
teiial for inlment came fiom tho cotton
fields ot the south mid fiom the sheep
laiithcs of tho far west, but it all came
tlienco by way of tho luctoiles of New
lingluud and tho Atlantic Mutes. Nor is
this all. The fauueis who iccclvcd this
motley for food piodticts, for cotton nnd
Tot wool, spent It In tttin for labor or tor
building miitetlnl, for cnipeto, or cloth
ing, or but bed rite, or nails, "or other ar
tlclcs of consumption. The mills which
giotind the wheat, the packers who hilled
tho beeves nnd tho hogs, nnd the fnctmy
men who pioeluped tho cloth, paid nt least
Ki per cent, or their gioss lecelpts lor la
bor. And so these millions went on and
ami and mi, nnd me going still. They
have clipeicd mnnv homes. They hnvo
brought rood to those who were starving
six voniB ago, and they have helped, hi a
measiiie, to mnke us ail ilch. Hut what
has tho cmpoiatlon done with Its net
profits? It tins paid II In Inleiest on Us
bonded Indebtedness and In dividends on
Us stock, Thn stock of this 1 oipmatlmt
Is held by moie thnn IS 000 peonle. So this
piolll Is thus divided and Hiili-dlv Ided.
And what do these stockholders do Willi
HV They, too, hnvo been reel nnd clothed.
I speak ot theso things only to show thnt
tho entile prollt has not been lost. Theie
me compensations, even with high prices.
Wp have at least kept the money with us.
It hns not gone hence, and labor bus to
eelved, pel Imps not Its due pinportloli,
but moie thnn If tho money hud gone
Hilt I believe competition Is In sight.
Last your the entire rolled lion nnd steel
pioeluets of the United Stutes wits 12UU0,
UOO tons, of which the United Stntes Steel
corpoiiitlou piodiieed less thnn r,l per
cent. The Lneknwunnii lion and Sleel
company Is building a plant uent Hurrah),
costing $J(! 000,000, nnd IheV propose to
be able to pioduee n million nnd a Minu
ter tons per annum. The Independent
concern with whlcli Mr. Flick Is con
nected Is being Inciensecl to a t.'O.OOO.ODO
plnnt. T have a letter riom James Swank,
seeietaty or the Ameilcan lion and Steoi
association, In which be savi that when
the plants now In ptneess of consti notion
me completed the ctipncltv of this coilli
ti v will be fully ".l.uoo.OOO tons per annum;
you can eliuvv your own 1 niiclustnns. In
mv lodgment we mo to o competition,
and it will bo tho kind the Ameilcan peo
ple have learned to nppieclate. It will
be Ameilcan competition, nnd our own
nitlsnns will not be foi cod upon tho stiect
again to beg while foielgn milkmen stip
nlv the limited needs of a pualved coun
tiy. It nnv one should be disposed to ebniac
toilze what T have said ic a defense of
existing conditions, let me eouect him
once and lor nil. I am not In favor or
ti lists, nor of monopolies, of nnv kind oC
foim, nnd I sec much of evil, us well ns
some measiiie of good. In the tieuel of
Indiistilal affairs. Rut 1 um moie nni
ions thnt mv son shall be taught to face
conditions Mite a man thnn to be told he
Is whlnped nnv how. mid thut the best
thing for him to do is to lie down nnd
cry, And I vvutit to sav to you, mv good
Demociatlc filend. Hint It von nllow the
calamity howler to 10b vom son or his
hope, nnd teach him that whoever un
dertakes gigantic cnteipilses, pspeclallv
If he Is successful. Is n scoundrel, and
whoever finds emplovment for a thousand
men Is a thief, nnd should lie tlnd em
plovment for 10,000 ho Is a lobber. von
will he spaied Hip humiliation of ever
seeing 011r son's name on the stulloneiv
or in the list of dlrectcns of any busi
ness enterpilse.
Will Regulate Themselves.
lixlstlng laws against ti lists me being
vlgoiouslv enrol ced. This polltv must be
continued, and the laws themselves must
be lclnroited wheiever needed. Hut there
aio some things that must be pciinlltpcl
to icgulate themselves. A few yeais ago
lalhoads expetlmcnted with dilfeient
widths of tiuck. Some loads built as
wide ns six reet. Hut that was round too
wide, and rour reet eight and one hair
has become the staiidmtl. Diffeic-nt
weights of lion have been tiled
1 think as heavy ns UVpound 1 ills lu.vo
been laid: but expeilence hns shown Im
pound to be about the maximum piactleal
weight. One bundled and tvvenry-toii lo
comotives have been tiled, but thev have
been found too latge. The st.ulonatv en
gine that wus the wonder at the centen
nial exposition in 1S7R had a capacity of
1,400 hoi so povei. Theie 111 o now mnnj
locomotives In successful use legisteilng
1.10 hotso power, while piactleal si 1
tlonary engines have giov.n tiom 1 WO
to 11.000 hoise power In a qunitcr ot .1
centuiv. The sl7e of stenmshins is now
being inei rased Tlie ships engaged in
foreign commeice that enter New Yoik
haibor coi iv thiee times tho average ton
nage of those engaged in Hip same tiade
tblity onis ago. while ships ten times
s latge as this aveiagc nro In pint ess of
consti uction. Thisp max- prove too huge,
or otheis mav bo built linger still. Theio
must neccssiiiiiv ho a limit somewheie,
nnd expel ience will deteimine the piac
tleal maximum. The amount of capital
to be emploved In u cinpoialloii has been
wonileiliillv Incienseil in late ve.-is. An
excess of a thousand millions has been
This mav move too laigi Time will
tell. Hut I doubt If tlie government can
piofilnbly dictate elthci the width ot the
Hack, or the weight of the lion, or the
slzo of tho ship or tlie capital to be em
ploved in an Indiisti.v It can lequho tlie
laihoad to reuce- its light-ol'-way. and thn
common cntilcr to cxniv goods for all at
a common late. It can demand that th"
big ship shall not 1 tin down the small one.
and tint it shall give silling vessels the
light of wnv. It mav and must enloice
the piesent law. which loiblds combina
tions, tonspliniles and monopolies, nnd it
must sUengthen eveiv weak plnee by ad
tlltlnnnl legislation. It should Invite com
petition among Ameilcan pioclueeis, but
It should nevei tlnow wide out doois to
the piodticts of pootlv paid Utuoneans or
the piesenee ot pooilv paid Asiatics.
At tlio pension bin can it letter was le
ccntly lecelvcd fiom n pPiiMonei In Illi
nois, biij lug:
"I am now getting a pension of SM a
month. Recentl.v the Loid has piospeu-d
me-, and I do not think 1 should gel so
much money,"
Tho letter sluggercd the bmraii. An in
vestigation was oideieel, and tho exam
iner wiotu back:
"I have the honor to liifoun vou Hut
tlio pcison who applied for a udiictlou of
pension Is now hi tho Insane usvliim at
this pline, and lias been lor some time. '
- Aigonnut.
Crane Store
Opportunities pre
sented ror a peep at
Mistress Fashion
Has consented to
approve for
Early Fall,
Take Elevator at
324 Lackawanna Ave.
Atlantic City,
The temperature at the AGNEW,
On the (leach, In Clielici. Atlantic Cltj,
Tuesday win 470,
lively appointment of a modern Hotel.
Kentucky Aveuue. I'lut Hotel from belch, .t
laatio Citj, N. J.; CO Otc.111 view rconuj a
)clty 400; write lor siiecUl wtu. J. U. Jcnk
lu. Prop
DEAUTIFUIj lake wesaukinq
On 4 (pur ol the Alleghany Mountain. I.rtii,-li
Valley nllrojil; nejr Towjnda lUthln?, tluin,"
forU, etc. Kvtellcnt tabic. Itoa.onaliU- ritel
V. O., Inex, t" Send for ImoMet
O. H. 1IA1II1I3
Satisfies the most critical
tastes because it is full
of richness and flavor.
Its ever increasing sale
shows its growing pop
ularity. You save money
by using it because it
goes twice as far as other
Ceylon and Intiiu Ten.
iold only In I. en J Packet.
50c. 60a, and 70c, Per Lb,
The New and Absolutely
27ili Street
N:W York
The most
central and
most accessi
ble location
In the city,
with uuiet
and refined
L-a surround
Slnprle room bithi hi ."0 to $2 00
Double, looms (bath), 1 person $2 (X)
Double looms (bath). 2 pcis.ons....$3 00
Hath loom- ndlolnlnp;
I.nise double looms, with pilvate
hath looms, 1 pcison $.100
I,atse double looms, with pilvate
bath rooms, 2 pel sons $100
Suites of pulot, bedioom and
bath for 1 peison $.1 00. $4 00. SI CO, il 0)
Suites of pai loi, bedroom and bath,
for i poisons St 00, $.'00, WOO, $S 00
Suites of pallor, 2 bedrooms and
bath $7 00, SS00. J1000
D. M. liARLH & SOX,
SO years connected with Carle's Hotel.
Convenient to Theatres and Shopping
Districts. Take 23rd st. cross town
cars and transfer at 41)1 ave. direct
to hotel.
Kooinswlth Hath ) (.Suits with Hath
S'.'.OO I 9:1.00.
W. H. PARKE, Proprietor.
Cor. Sixteenth M and Ir Ins Place, '
American I Ian, f" OT per Day and Upward.
Luropcnn Plan, 1 GO Per Djj and Upvvjrdi
(-pedal Rate lo families
M--M-M-. -M- --f -f4"f-f--t4;
or Hiishicsi .Hun
In the lieait of tho vvhok'siilo dls
tllct. For Slii)))8is
" minutes walk to WanamnUois;
J minutes to Slt-Rtil Coopei'H 111k
Sloie of at-toas to tlio moat
Uiy Uooels Stoics.
Due block fiom R'vvav Cai.s, giv.
biK eahv ti.uispoitatlon to all
peiintH of luteicst
X r., till. S-l- X. 1 VIVPIlrflTV
tonly ouo lilotk ft 0111 Uio.tdvvii),
4- liOOIUS, il UD. Prlcsi liemoniblj -J
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps,
Kern Incandescent
Gas' Lamp.
osier SForsylii
t.3'tl'2 renn Avcuuo.
How to
Men and
44 YOUNG MEN and
me emlonvorlnrr to seeino celiicallons
tinoiish Tin: Titmt'Nii's nnucA-
TIONAfj PONTliST. i" vvllioll 33
RCIIOI.ARSIllI'M. viiluctl at over
49,500, uio offcted. Tho ucliolni ships
2 Syracuse University.
1 Buoknell University.
1 University of Eoehester.
1 Washington School for Boys.
1 WllHnmsport Dickinson Semln
nry, 1 Dickinson ColloBln-te Prepara
tory School.
1 Novvton Collegiate Institute.
1 Keystone Academy.
1 Brown College Preparatory
1 School of the Lackawanna.
1 Wllkes-Barre Institute.
1 Cotuit Cottages.
4 Scrnnton Conservatory of Music.
4 Hardenbergh School of Music
and Ait.
3 Scranton Business College.
5 International Correspondence
3 Lackawnnna Business College.
2 Alfred Woolor'3 Vocal Studio.
Seveial of these Hcbolm ships Includo
not onlv tuition, but also 1)0.1 id. loom.
heat, IIkIU and laimdiy for peilods ot
two to lour .veins. Anions those llfty
oiie .voiint; peoiilo theio aie thlity
tlneo who aie leallv Htilvlne to .scctuo
educations, and their names appear on
another p iko of The Ti Ilium every
11101 nltiff. In the table shawhiK tho,
"Standliif; of Conlestants." They
hhould bo cneoiii lined In tholr com
mondablQ endeavor.
Tf vou aie not nlieidy a subset lber
to The Tilbline. send a noto to somo
one of the contestants, liquet tiliB a
Oi, better still, send your subset In
Hon to Tho Tiibuno, togother xvlth tho
money to pnv lor same. dcslKnatitiK
some contestant which vou wish lo 10-c-eive
tlm ciedlt.
f'ontestants aio eredlted with one
point lor eveiv month vou pnv In ad
vance. The pilce of Tho Tilbune In
advance Is.
One mouth .50 1
Thiei- months 1.2,1 -1
SiN montlis 2T.0 '1
One sear 500 U
eonlestants mnteilallv by, fmnlshinR
them with a list of filenels who might
be induced to taKe Tlie Tiinuno ri
nr, tnev can personally lerpieat inoso
fi lends to subseiibe.
Oi, thev can MnU The Tiibuno to
their filenels, pajhiK tho money thorn--Helves.
Slnnv aro elolntr this and the
contestants aie voiy Biatoful for this 3
vvnolo-lienitecl nut
OL'NTl-iD. "-9
Remember: Tho Tilbuno's Tidtica
tional Contest closes Oclohir 'Si, at fi
I) m
No points not In Tho Tiihune otTlco'
b the lb st .stioke of !. as told by tho
Com t House elotk, will be counted.
IiXCKPT: Those iceelved by mall
and postmuiked at or befoto S p. m.
contestant hiliiRiiiK In the laiRest
number of points between 'October 1
and Situida.v. October 11.
r-ntitestllllt blllicllltr ill the llllCCt
number of points cliiiinrr tho week
Hiding Satin da, October IS.
Do You Want
a Good Education? s
Sot a ihort course, nor an easy course,
nor a cheap course-, but the best education
to be had. No other education is wortb
ependins time and money on. II jrou do.
write for 0 catalogue ot
Easton, Pa.
Hhlch otTerj thoroush preparation In the
Unsmeerlns and Chemical Professions ai well
as the regular College courses.
iMHiia nmvmi
Itegular Sttito Notnial Oouises and
Special DepiutmentH of .Music. Iiloou
Hon, Ail. lliavvlnir, Stenoguiphy and
TMiowiltlug; Hliong Collcgo t'lcpaia
toi Dt-paitmcut
ltniwlhiL- eMionses S.T ."jl iiim- wr-r-U
Punils iidndtted at anv tlnin xx'ini-a H 'i
Tei m opens Dei ."Jtli 'AVilto for caft-
E. L, KEMP, A. M,,
T. J, Foster, J'resltleat. rimer II. Lawall, Irei
It. J, Fcetcr, btanlejr p, aIIcd,
Vice President. Secretary!
The Tiibuno will guarantee to priri
our paper book ciuliUcr any otll
er printing Jtouso in tha citv