bsHR I5- ?'V-JV.8fiJ "' B--i 3-yc Tf MV ".f-v'! .,- k.w"-:a- ,"ituv .& vo-ti "'' tW'' THIS SCHAjS'J'OiV TRIBUNE- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1002. 2 Xhe News of j0,4vu. -a. . :. i WASS MEETING OF LOCALS Mine Workers' Pass Resolu tions Protesting Against J Talk of Operators. Sown locals of tlio nulled Mine AVorlters, representing about WOO inln Curbuiidiilo timl vicinity, Joined In tC iniiF.s meeting In the tlrund Opera hnifije yesterday iiftevnnon ti) pu?s reso lutions protesting ugitlnst the Ultor nnccsfcnf the c'unl operators In, the AVnshlnU.ton conference thnt the minora only lioftjtntcri from returning to work beenUMVJjif fenr. mid thnt IP protection, hy nipntp of soldiers, be ofi'ere.d, min ing of o'aul, sufllolelit to meet the enlltl tiy's needs eould be curried on. Prom the mine workers' standpoint, the rjilly wn regarded as highly satis factory. The Opern house was crowd ed, o.ulr.0 ii number of business) men nml other citizens not within the minor's .ranks IirIiik ' ppi ItiUloil through out tlic'jfrnwdeil, The miners seemed ,t'o lespond to llie spirit of the occasion", Iniid-tipplnuso und open enm inent, breaking the speeches. Xatlnshil OrgMnlaor IJeilVy Collins; or this city, wns chairman, The speakers were lion. James J. O'Xell, Mayor of Oarbondiile: Martin Meniolo. of Old Forge, national organizer, and John F. Dempsey, of Scranton, secretary of District No. 1. Hesolullotis conforming to the wishes of Piesident Mitchell were presented and mlopted amid strong applause, ' Mayor O'Xell, In his address, jcon ilemned the arsertloii that Carbondale among other coninnmitles, Was lawless niul In a stale or anarchy. He Lalso declared as wrong the attitude of the operators In the Washington confer ence. Organizer Meniolo spoke both in Italian and Kngllsh and dwelt quietly on the alleged bribery of the coal com pany ofllelals to disrupt the miners' union and to cause a break In their ranks. In doing so he paid his respects to whom he termed "Itaer, the Divine IJ.'ier." Secretary Denipsey's tall: was chiefly a plea to the miners to lie loyal to their leader, president Mitchell, particularly at this time which in his opinion is the crisis of the strike. He asked that they give the lie to President Mner that the millers were slaying out for fear and not" because they were fighting against conditions that were Intolerable to them. At the conclusion of the meeting the resolutions, prepared by a committee composed of one member from each of the seven locals represented, were adopted by a rising vote. The resolu tions renewed obeyance to John Mit chell, piomised to remain out until their demands are conceded, notwithstand ing the presence, of all the soldiers in the United States, and condemned the .c'oal and Iron police, who were designat ed as Vthugs," Mayor O'Xell was applauded with spirit when presented by Chairman 'Collins, After touching on the purpose of the United Mine Workers In re dressing ln,.tlielr own helpful way what the believed to be wrongs, he took up the claim of the operators as to a state of anarchy. The mayor spoke with an earnestness and fotce that showed be neath a feeling of resentment of the operators utterances. "It has been asserted that there Is a state of anarchy here," he said: "violence Is prevalent and the moli, not law and order rules. 1 am here as a citizen and as one in authority to deny these assertions as false. The citizens here are law-abiding; have the highest respect for the law, a.s high as any place In the tuition. For anyone to as sort to the contrary Is false, damnable and libelous. The people here were never more peaceable In my life here; everything is as calm as a Sunday af ternoon., We can all go to sleep like children without the fear of danger befalling us. There has been no cry raised from the pulpit, no one in au thority has asked for troops for us and it cannot be pointed out that there Is any danger, that any man has to re main awake to guard his home." Mayor O'Xell Indicated that lie did not care to go Into the merits of the Issues, but as a mere on-lookcr sis be tween the attitude of the operators and the miners' representatives In the Washington confeience. lie helleved the operators to be in the wrong, it was rquosteil by President Itnosevelt to not go Into the discussion of the Issue, Hut the operators were guilty of a breach of confidence: they did discuss the issues and they made assertions that weie false and neeusations that they did not prior to this. In a case of this sort the place, time and persons should be specified and 'If there he unlawful taking or life in any of them, there are due processes of law to lie followed. The guilty ope may be apprehended and justice allowed. This was the courso; not the unsupport-d statements. The men here are supporting the pchools, they are maintaining the In stitutions, of the niunlclpal government VrWX , 3 TBUK 1r0l " Always CujesjDyBpepsln. ! . t Wrniijjjtfood bilugsnemtlUes, A ladyjju Long TeKIpklu., 'found this out. After sufferItp;Jlr'ypm-s with dys pepsia, t)i says: V'K ,," "Muny"',tinies I could not eitt any thing; sometimes J drank a llttlu hot milk, lUauthcr times the lightest rood dlstressH)ltina.fitt,ilw,t.iJeiiUi.,u.duld.huvo been WrtlS-vliU-.inren 'as"")! "TUllof." " i was Wvenk and listless and unable to wnrk&for want or strength. Twjl years ugo a dear friend canjest ly reJSimniended me to try drupe Xits ns sjB had fuund It a most' vu'lun'hlo food.SI commenced to use it mmet. ntelyCand the benefit I received in an Incrcjgibly short time was' utmost mar veloifffl. ;.l Wdfids cannot expiess WiJ&W' and thanjttulness I felt when I'Vrmnd It was relled of that dreadful distress from InUiBjHtlon that I had been experleno lng itfter each meal. Aft- continued use, heulth and Htrenjjth returned; I begun to enjoy life and go among my friends again bo jnuclfc Improved that remarks were roadejjnbout my good health. I sleep well $w, sit all day with perfect ease and cmnfortMinJ'-sewtnUvbyKras'l like. I wish I eould Induce every suf ferer from dyspepsia to use drape Nuts." Xame given by l'ostum Co., UaUle creek, Mich. Cat bondale. and theyui'c Upholding the law. How then can there be n state of anarchy? ' In conclusion the mayor hoped that the men would keep up und maintain the spit-It of order and dignified man hood which they have held during the strike. If they did this, he counseled them, they would win and luped It would be soon, The throng of miners were keenly at tentive during Mayor O'Xell's talk and they Indicated their satisfaction by vigorous applause1 ut frequent Intervals. Organizer Meniolo In Ills address In Kngllsh said the great question In the strike was not the calling out of the mill tin, but one of bribery. Agents of the operators, he said, arc among the men trying to bribe them to break the ranks, The operators are In the last ditch und are approaching United Mine. Workers, right and left und on every occasion. Ittit these men are true to the organization und when offered money to create discord or aid In any way In breaking the strike, they come to the Puked Mine Workers' ofllces and report the attempts at brlbcVy. Ml'. Meniolo asked If according to "Haw. Divine Itlght Uaer," the men were staying out simply becnuse they wanted protection. Xo. they were not, he said, but were out to remain until the demands are granted. "We want them and we must have them before We go to work. Let them send federal troops or any others; It won't make any difference." lie alleged that there are agents of the coal companies In the big cities recruiting men 'to work In the mines on the strength of representa tions that they were to be employed on railroad work at 5J.rii pr day. Their car fare home was promised In case the work be unsatisfactory. In a case a few days ago, at a mine down the valley the seven men were not allowed transportation when they refused to take work at which they were not familiar. These same men had to be taken care of by the United Mine Workers, These arc men who have jiifjt came to the country, ho said, who do not know what a labor union Is or the meaning of a strike. Finally Mr. Meniolo vouched for the fidelity of the Italian mine workers who he assuerd would not go back until the strike he declared off. Secretary Dempsey covered a good deal "of the ground gone over by Or ganiser Meniolo, and In addition made an earnest plea for loyalty to President Mitchell. "You men need .lohn Mit chell now, and John Mitchell needs you." The resolutions which were prepared by the committee composed of John Barrett, of local St I: Michael MeCann, of local S44; Hon. Thomas Mooney, of local OHO; John Meldon, of local 1,897; William Uureck, of local 1,700: Kells Paone, of local 1,(!06. and Thomas J. Murphy, or local 1,(111 submitted the following resolutions: Whereas. President .Mitchell, of tile United .Mine Workers of America, called on all local unions to meet this day for the purpose of giving expression of their sentiment on the present strike; and. Whereas. The piesldents of the rnll and mining companies, at a recent meeting with tlie president of the United States and the president" of districts Xos. 1, 7 and !i. .said that our organization was, by mmilcr, violence and Intimida tion, slopping the mining of coal, and. further said If proper protection was given thoin they could and would mine coal: tlieiefur be It TJesolved, That we, the members of the above locals, comprising all the mlneis of fhe city of Curlioiidale, do again re new our allegiance to the caip-e we rep resent, and say to our fearless and faith ful leader. President John .Mitchell, that we .land ready ami willing to remain on strike until every demand made hy the mineis be conceded by the operalias. And we further say to the operators that If all the. soldiers at the command of the United States, as well as all the states, were among us, their presence would nit move one of us from the stand we have taken. Hi-solved, Further, that we condemn the uncalled-tor attack made upon us by the pre-ldents of the coal companies, when lliev say we are murderers and us ing unlawful acts of all kinds to further our ends, and we say to the honorable president of these United States, when the coal company presidents made these charges against us, llicy knew that the facts did not warrant anything of the kind, as lawle-sness of every kind Is now, and has been since the stiike, cried down hy belli our ollleers and members of the union. We further wish to condemn without measure the actions of the thugs or so-called deputies, who have been and nrc still, trying to create trouble, so that tho public may be made to believe Unit their overt acts were committed hy striking miners. Hcsolvcd, Further, that we offer our services to the local iiiilliortles at all times for the proper keeping- of the peace in our midst. THE SOCIAL WHIRL. Mirthful Hours Passed Away Among Many Young: Folks The Brokers' Dance, A number of friends of Miss (lertrude Smith were entertained at her home on ltelmout street, Tuesday evening. Tho evening was very pleasantly spent, sev eral Interesting diversions being in dulged In. Several vocal solos, rendered by Miss Kdlth Carey and Willis Wilson, were well received, Itefreshuients were served at a late hour, after which sev eral flashlights were taken by Francis Kirk. Among those present were; Misses Kdlth Carey, May Uulun, Oertrudo Smith, UkbIu Degau, and Messrs. Itlch ard Wilson, Harry Itohlusou ami Fran cis Kirk. The guests at the surprise party In honor of rit. M. J. Oliver at her liome on Summit avenue, Tuesday evening, were; Mcsdames Clark Alvord, Will iam Correll, Charles, Jumes Hast-' sett, Kdwln Keuworthy, Fred Slumun, Owen Jleese, Itundall Stevens, James Smith, Theodore Townsend, Vincent Swingle, John I.lngfelter, William An derson, Oeorgo I'urdnu, Judsou Foster, Fred Howell, K. J. lily, Henry Lewis, Samuel Vail. A. II. Cook, Joseph .Nich olson, Charlotte lllsted, Hoyd (muse, Charles Tucker, Walter Xye, and .Misses Annie Stephens and Kmnia .lung, and Messrs, Frederick Hlumun, 1-J, .1. lily, James Smith, Merton J. Oliver, ilexford Lafayette Xlcholsou and Hoyd Theo dore Oliver, Among the younger society people of the town there Is eager anticipation t the dance to lie given by the very social "Hrokers" In tho Hurko building on the evening of Wednesduy, October 15. Characteristic of the young men in this circle of entertainers, more than ordinary preparations are under way for the night's pleasure. It Is intended to provide a surprise in the decorations ot the dunca room, Decorations, lavish In quantity, but tasteful in design, will transform the ball and make It a pic ture of light and colour. Thrro will be tin ubundunt lloral display, which will bo enhanced by a flood Of light In vari ous electrical Illuminations. l)rlc-a-tirno will also bo generously displayed. The tuitfllo will he In keeping. Perhaps ho better ntttslc eould be provided for n function of this character In Carbon dale ns the augmented Mozart orchestra twelve pieces will spread tho melody of the latest dunce music. It will un doubtedly shine among the soclul events of the season. Invitations have been Issued In largo nuinbers to expected guests In Hcrunton and Wllkcs-IJarre, and other valley towns. ANOTHER PIONEER ENTERS INTO REST Patrick Lunny, One of tho Town's Enrly Citizens, Succumbs, After Lingering- Illness. Another of the pioneers of Carbon dale has entered Into eternal sleep. He Is Patrick A. Lunny, whu miccutnbrd at the residence, lot South Main street, shortly nftor tho noon hour yes terday, lie had been sick for about six years, with a complication of dis eases, the climax to a life of unceasing activity, being the cause of deiith. The death of Mr. Lunny marks tho passing of one of the characters of Carbondalc, He came here In his youth from Xew York city, where he was a newsboy on that city's busy streets. He was a vigorous, active young man, und entered Into the activities of the growing village. In this way, tho events oT those days were strongly Im pressed on his mind. His mirth and humor, characteristic ot his race, lent a' charm to the early-day stories that ho was wont to relate when pressed by friends, There was an historical Importance, aleo, attached to his knowl edge of the pioneer Carbondalc. For years he was engineer on the old Gravity, when water power turned the wheels, For many years, Mr. Lun ny was engaged In the wholesale beer business. About live years ngo, ac quiring a competence, he retired from work and spent his leisure hours about the drug store of his son. Mr. Lunny was a genial soul, whose company was always a pleasure. Ills gentleness and kindness won him many friends, who will mourn the loss of him. The deceased is survived by his wife, who was Miss Kate C.leiinon, and to whom he was wedded about forty-live years ago, anil three sons, Thomas, Patrick and John A. Lunny, the Xorth Main street druggist; one sister, Mrs. Kate Corcoran, of the West, and one brother, Daniel Lunny, of PIttston, for mer chler of police of Carbondalc. The funeral will take place Saturday morning. The procession will leave the residence at 0.30, and at 10 o'clock it high mass of requiem will be sung in St. Itpse church. Burial will be in St. i'ose cemetery. OWEN FINNEY DEAD. A Well-Known Resident of DundafE Passed Awny. Owen Finney, u prominent and re spected resident -of Dundaff, died at his home last evening, during the hour be tween (! and 7 o'clock. Mr. Finney had been 111 about one week with typhoid fever. Death came to him quietly and he passed away surrounded by many sorrowing relatives. Mr. Finney was CO years old and had lived here all bis life, and was quite well known and generally respected throughout this part of the county. He was a man of steady habits, with qual ities that won for him a wide circle of friends. He Is survived by one brother, Howell, and two sisters, Mrs. Itev. S. S. Day and Miss Jennie Finney, of Florida. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made. BELL IN PLACE. New Chiming- Piece in Tower of Methodist Church. The new sweet-sounding chime for the First Methodist church was erected yesterday in the new tower of tho re constructed church. The placing of the new bell in place is .something of more than, passing Im portance, for the interest is wide-spread the cost of It being met by several hundred persons, who contributed each one dollar, by purchasing mlnature bells made from the old bell, which was cracked in the recent, lire. The bell Is larger than the old one and next to the one In St, Itose church, the largest one In the city. Last Night's Piny. Owing to the Illness of Miss Kntherlne lluber, the performance In the Orand last evening was a Southern comedy. Sapho, which was to be played is one of Miss Itober's heaviest roles and could not be entrusted to an under study. The physicians last evening stated for you to enjoy 7 the liapptues:: o'f motherhood," says the doctor. Some times he qualifies the statement, and says: "Impossible without an opera tion." Yet both these "impossibles" have been made possibles by the use ot ur. nerce's favorite urc scriptiou. Many times the Hindrances to mother hood arc to be found womanly diseases or j weaknesses, which are penccuy unit permanent jy i i ,, if.. i-nicii 113- ru vorite I're- senntton," This great medt- vfiaHBKeKflyS&S jBSmBr cute for women cures ir- remtlaritv tnd dries lebilitutiuL' drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. It makes weak vomeu stroiiK and sick women well, "I uili to add inv tcstimonv to lumdrrda of others us to the vulne of Dr. Pierce's iueillctii.) writes Mrs. Ida M, lVI-'ord. of t.jtona, Hubbard Co., M Inn. "Have doctored with a great many physicians some specialists: have twice been in a hospital for treatment. My case hu been regarded as a hopeless oue, and they Uncw not what the trouble was. Heart was lud ; stomach all out of order: tired out . severe pains in all parts of the body ; siuking kpclls, and ucnily every ailment a woman could have. I took many u bottle of patent medicines' without effect. 1 begau taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, ami ten mourlis afterward I gave birtb to a teu-pouml hoy, .-ill pnsici'ans had stattii at a fact that I nextr eould btav a child. Iloth the baby and myself were stroug. and I got aloug splendidly thanks to your medicine.' Tite Common Sense Medical Adviser, jooS large pages, iu naper covers, is seut free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N, Y. in JfWK fiiriy .,jHRLjmCW H A?!!3TOxTftnflB . W PI JffiiS&mBttori Q L,-i?S2ir JKmmmmfizvBEmiiiMm frTjBflEiCi anWnSlr f ft'? WW-litt7 . n " ss Hfc&rTI' F m a ff i r et 1 ?l A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. For Dlllotn nnd Nervous Disorders, such M Wind nnd rain In the Stomach, Sick Ilentl nclie, Oldillncn, Fiiluesi anil Swelling utter meals, SUclneM otul Drowsiness, Cold Chills Flushings of Heat, I.ons of Appetite, Short ntssof lirenth, Costlveness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed sleep, Frightful Dreams, and nil Nervotn and Trembling Sensations, Uvery sufferer Is earnestly Invited to try one Jloxof these l'llls, nnd ttiov will lie nck nou-lcdBcd to bo WITHOUT A RIVAL mSIiCHAni'S P1XLS taken as dlrec ted. will quickly restore Females to complete! health, They promptly remove any obstruct tlon or Irregularity of the system, Hot Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion. Disordered Liver, they net like magic few doses wilt work wonders upon the Vital Organs; Strengthen Ing the muscular System, restoring the long, lost Complexion, bringing back the keen edge of appetite, nnd arousing with the ItoKcliutl of Health the wliplo iihy nlcnl energy of the human frame. These arc "facts" admitted by thousands, In all classes of ooclety, and one ot the best guar antees to the Nervous and Debilitated Is that BEECHAM'S PILLS havo tho Largest Solo of any Patent Mcdlclnoo In tho World. Ilppi'linm's Pills linvo liron lipforo tho public for Iinlf n rrntury, nmt urn tho most popular family nirdlrlne. K11 testimonials nrn published, ni HciM'linm's Pills RECOMMEND THEMSELVES. Tri-iiarcd nnly by Thnnins Itoorlmin. Sf ItelniH, lUiu-t unit 3C5 t'niml !St,. cw York. Sold uvory whero In boxes, 10c. nnd 30c. thiil Hies Itober would be able to up It:tr tonight. WITH THE SICK. Vincent C. Mannon, the popular iiiunnger of tho People's shoe Ktorc. la confined to his room in the Anthracite block with an attack of rhbiunntlmn. Contractor A. K. Tiffany Is slowly recovering from the effects of the In juries received on bis recent visit to Philadelphia. Poor Director Williams was reported much better last evening. Crescents to Play the Browns. The Crescents will bo to Scranton on Oct. i'Jt to play the Browns of West Scranton. This Is the Bunie scheduled for Sept. 28, but postponed on account of ruin. The regular line-up will bo In the game. The Prowns Is the team with which Captain Eddie McTlerney, of the Crescents, played before coming to Carbondalc. Odd Fellow Notes. The Daughters of Rebekab will hold a special meeting tomorrow afternoon to arrange for the district convention which Is to be held in this city, Tues day. Oct. 14. District Deputy Isaac Singer and staff will Install the ollleers of ttush brook lodge, Xo. Sr,0, I, O. O. F of Jermyn, tonight. THE PASSING- THRONG. Mss Cora Kraney, who has bcn ill at her home, ou Pike street, fi r the past week, was a little Improved last evening. Jllss Annie AVeidner, who has been ill at her home, on Gilbert street, during the past two weeks, was a little Im proved last evening. AVIllIs AVllson, who has been laid ups with a sprained shoulder durine; tho past three weeks, has resumed his duties In the bobbin works. JERMYN M A YFIELD. The employes of the local silk mill yesterday became Imbued with the strike sentiment and at noon all but about a dozen went ou strike, the im mediate cause oeinH: tho dischnrKe of oue of the slrls for icfusins to sweep the floor underneath her frame. The boys and Kirls will piobably come to their .onuses today and return to work. The mill, tlioiiRh so short-handed, con tinued in operation throughout the af ternoon. Ciertrude Annie, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (iporjje Pendred jr., of Vintnndulo, Cambria county, died on Tuesday night of convulsions. Mrs, Pendred and her two children have been spending the summer here, with tlie child's grandparents, .Mr. and Mrs. Course Pendred, si, of tho Hunt Hide, where the death occurred. The little one had been sick for about ten days, and on Monday was thought to be con siderably better than it had been fcr several days. Her death, therefore, was iulle unexpected, The funeral will take place this afternoon. May and Charles llaa. of Hoiilh Mnln street, have returned home, af ter spending siiveral days at Olyphanl. Harry llalpliie, of Xew York, Is vlsil ln;r Mr. and Mrs. Morris Croiiflue, of -Main street. A little daughter gladdened the home of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Savage, of Maylleld. Monday. Airs. Wallai-" and daughters, Minnie and lCvelyn, of Parsons, are guests of Mrs, William Veale, of Third street. Ontario and Western Despa teller liadger Is confined to his home with en attack of inllucuzu. ARCHBALP. T. P. Collins left this morning for Hliighumtuu, N, V., where he will work for (i, 15, A'an f! order, Mrs, Mary Decker, of f'arboudale, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. AVIllhuu A'un Duron, .lustus Bishop was a business culler In Jermyn yesterday. Mrs, Prederlck Fish, of Paterson, X, J,, Is visiting relatives In town. There will be u requiem high mass In St. Thomas' church, Frldny morning, October It), ut S.Iia, for tho deceased members of the Knights of Father Muthew. The regular meeting of the school board was held iu the central school, Monday evening, with all members present. Tlie minutes of tlie previous meeting were read und approved. A largo number of bills won read and ordered paid. Those of P. J, O'noyle and W. P, llishop were laid over, On account of the large attendance It was found necessary to engage another teacher. There wore four applicants, Julin P. Morau received the largest number of votes und was declared elected. The boys bavins the oppor tunity of attending day school, the night schools have been dispensed with, The meeting then .adjourned. The borough council held Its regular meeting .Monday evening. A large number of bills were presented and ordered paid. Other minor subjects were discussed, after which the meet ing adjourned. The llrst of n series of mothers' meet ings was held at Daisy Memorial kin dergarten yesterday afternoon, from -.' to 4 o'clock. Quite a, number were pres- p:KKuxKtt$ara$oKK Connolly & Wallace Fine HanirtMs for Half Pure Irish Linen the best bit of Handkerchief news for a long time. By good luck we ware on tha spot juar as a certain maker had to realize ou his stock. Ever oue of his 12,000 Handkerchiefs came to us. Women's Half inch, hemstitched, pure linen, 9c each, $1.00 per doz., worth double. ' ' , Hen's Fine linen, half and inch hem's, 15c each or $1.70 per dozen, worth 25 cents. Heavier Underwear They say the doctors that we Americans keep our houses too warm: they won't say so this year if the coal strike keeps up. Which suggests warmer underwear. Which suggests again Connolly & Wallace's. Not another stock auywhere like we have nearly everything here was made to our order. Why? Because the geucral run of underwear doesn't fit. isn't cut or made right. Will you try the other kind our kind? Men's 50c a Garment to $7.50 Women's 25c a Garment to 6.50 Children's 25c a Garment to 2.00 Washable Kid Q!ovesfor Women The Superba. To was them rub a piece of pure soap on a sponge soajced in tepid water, and rub it gently on the gloves. R use off the soap and hang up to dry. In looks they are like auy other glove, and come iu the same colors tan, mode, white, pearl, black and beaver The black are perspiration proof. ?! xjr 0 W tf 0X g . 123 - 125 ont and enjoyed various games, songs, etc. Miss Abbott gave a very Interest ing talk. In which she explained thi programme that will be carried out at the school this year. Refreshments were served by Misses Abbott, Sweeney and Callaway. OLYPHANT. The Olyphant orchestra hold their weekly social In Mahnn's hall last evening. About thirty couple were present and enjoyed the dancing. Miss Elizabeth Doherty. of t'ppor Dunmoro street, entertained the mem bers of tlie Orph?u: club last' evening. The lime was delightfully spent In card playing and other social diversions and at 11 o'clock a dainty luncheon was served by the hosWsp. Miss Klla Hovers, of Archibald, is tho guest of Miss' Nettle McDonald, of l.ucku wanna street. Mrs. Kli I.ongacre, of Hyde Park, spent yesterday with Mrs. M. K. Harn den, of Blakley. Charles Haltlnger, of Jersey City, who has been visiting friends in town has returned home. John O'Hara and .Martin McXaiuarra have gone to Buffalo where they havo secured employment. I.eo I.nvln, of PIttston, was a visitor la town last evening, Mrs. Martin Crlppen and daughter, Ml?s Kmnin Crlppen left yesterday to visit relatives at Windsor. X. V. John Shields, of tlreenlleld, spout yesterday at this place. Tho Ciladlators foot hall team of this town will play the Juveniles ut Scranton on the llrmvu's grounds. John (ilbbous, captain. Moosrc. Mrs, (Jeurge Jopllng and son, llay moiid, are visiting in Stroudsliurg. John Huberts In ou tin Jury this wudt. Miss Martha Hinds Is visiting her sister in Olyphant. Miss Beatrice Jones was a caller In Scranton yesterday. The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho dist liplscopal church will meet this afternoon at the Inline of .Mrs, John Mott, of Dymouil avenue, A surprise party was tendered Arthur King mi Tuesday evening nt the home of his employer, Prank Sdioouover. A very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Those present were: Misses Mag gie C.ruhain, Uuth Whitehead, Susie AVatklns, Kate McCutcheon, liertrudo Itllllngtou, Sarah ISvnns, -Minnie Itob llng, Genevieve Schoonover; Messrs. James, William and Phiworth Holding, Aaron Blllliigtou, Ueorge Davis, Will Iain Younger, Arthur King, Ilarllo Tlugley, Howls Vuuing, Thomas Davis, Clyde Waterman, Bowers Berlew, Mlts Maude Itobllug Is ou the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Huberts are re joicing over the arrival of a sun at their iininu on .Monday, Mrs, S. J. Hinds is ill at Iter homo ou Main street. Misses Jennie and HIIku Dick spsut Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. C. King, or Wilkes. Barre. Mrs, Junies Dick, sr., left Tuesday to visit friends In Preeland, TAYLOK, North Taylor was the scene of no lit tle excitement yoaterday afternoon, when tho Delaware, l.ackawaauii and Western company detectives to tho num ber of about twenty, piudo a raid on the army of cmil pickers who were picking coal ou tho company property, known as "the A'," on North .Alain street. About llfleon or twenty slilker were arroattd liy tho detectives mid taken to Kcrautoii In a p.itbciigcr coach, where they will ho given a hearing for trespassing und taking coal from the cuinpuulcs properly. Tlie newly-elected ollleers of l'rido of Connolly & W 5cranton,s Shopping Center snwwstsaMni ice, $1.75 Pair. - 12M29 Washington Ave. vv J S0r Old 'Phone 2162. XiLES ;. 't- -i ! ; : I I .t- " . R fi ft ? " : lien w Of anything in tho lino of I optical goods wo can supply it, A ... ' Spectacle v s ! ' ;and tyt Masses i ,j. Properly fitted by an expert ,j, .j. optlcinn, From $1.00 Up i Also all kinds of prescript tlon work nnd repairing. .7. Alercereau &. Connell, . 132 AVyoming Avenuo, v ? 'I 4 ! ' ' Lackawanna lodge. No. IV Ami rliaa I'roiesliint l.ailloh' iit-soelatloii. were In sialli'd ai their regular meeting mi Tues ilav eveiilim by District Deputv MlMie Mrs. .Mary Kinney, of Old Forge. Fol lowing .no lb" ollleers: W'nilhy mistress Mrs. Alary J. Davis; deputy worthy mis tress, .Mrs. Stone; aFi,stai sicret,ir. Mr..- Davis: coiidiietiehs, .Mrs. Hlclmrds. assistant conductress. .Mrs. .AlePeck; chaplain, Mrs. Jones; Inside studhis. .Mrs. I'rlco Jones; outside studlus. Mrs. Owens. A plea-ant farewell reception was tea ilertd .Mrs. William Itldneway, of .Main Mieot, on Tui'Mlay evening, previous lo lier diparturo today for 1'lttbburg, wlicio bho will Join her husband In that illy. The event -was a merry gathering nf neighbors and friends, wiio made tile no. cumIiui u n enjoyable one for their depart. ting fill u,l. The usual parly diversions incident lo such wein uiuuigeii in anil refreshments were served. Mr. John It. Johns and children spent yesterday at thulr culture in .Moscow. Mrs. Daniel J. I.loyd, of Poinl street, is coullneil to Iter home hy IllnohS. Knew Ho Wna Well Up. Hithop Potter. In the courso of a south ern lamhlc. found liliiiticlf iu a city wlieio Ids pei-joiuil nppeaianee Is niui h lea gen erally l-.uown limn It is In his own New A'orli. HeliiK for llm time oft duty, u's it were, he did not think it necessary to 11 V. IclCCs A "Triumph Brand" label upon any kind of wine or liquor Is a positive assurance that the contents of the bottle are pure and of the best quality possible at the price. We stand behind every "Triumph Brand ' sale with a guarantee of "your money back, if you want it." New' Phone 2974. DEPRTMENT-flto 2it Lackawanna AvEhScramtonV H 1 1 ' H ff m n Ml V lul Ik Ikliyi nil u B,w H U H J I II I HM U Wcrsfi'Y -rlSKyf M iWil M nm offep IllWX TRIlluoro,in lorn.. rwriim lhi rrr nulnr unrlonli UHl'tlHtllll .UTlllS'lTIM! tlllllKNT tUl'IIUV lilUMI any rraiK-rof tlilj i.ipi-r. No ao..rl. al..r.i ce.lip.blUioBiiira.lrr.'COSTSMMOSTHpTHINaK'oi'i'Tf vUlimotullutlurtrcct;iiciit3. lim'mulluik.rclo IrletrlU, aiipllmttiolrtucdlMrill. QrU'IClUKrurmor (bio eo UjI; tuj-e tor. Tor all nonoa dltatt wmI.i-.iv. ami uisonltn. For vumplttv .ealcil con fi'tt'iUIn! cutnloitue. t-'.it ititii nU. out nnd mall to ut. SEftRR. ROFHUPK A. OO,, CHICAGO, appear at the hotel breakfast table, in ilj regulation Kpln-opul garb, and the Afro American, accustomed to seeing inunj'ji'l his military-titled patron wearing black f i oi-U coats and tics, mlilifrnvd the new LonuT as "Colonel." "I'm not ,t colonel,' wild the bishop. ,-l jjpj. ,Kl,.,0n uin'ral, 1 " "I'm not a general, either 1 m nothing hut a rTiln bHhop, "Iui'h right, sub. Bishop, taili. I Jon' knowed you was top de io.ip tiiinowliuies. Bishop. Av take tea, cotfeu or milk, sub?" Now A'orl' Timca mm ELE6TR1G n:tt wEnniMU -viiiHv I