-.-,. li,. fl.l THE SCR ANTON TJRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1902. -,"- DAY'S CASES IN THE COURT WILLIAM BHOOAN IS ON TRIAL BEFORE JUDGE FERRIS. A Serious Ghnrgo Is Made Against Him by Mrs. Helen Lapeinck. Edward Davis Acquitted by Direc tion of the Court Patrick Mc Nulty Tried for Shooting Martin Jordan of Cnrbondale Louis Ze Icnskl Pleaded Outlty to the Chnrgo of Jail Breaking Other Court Matters. Lute yesterday afternoon Vlltlatn Hrogtm of Hollovue was put on trial before Judge Perils In No. 3 charged with utlciniitliiR to criminally assault Airs. Helen Lapeinck, one of Ills father's tenants, In her apartments one night In August, 1901. The defense will contend that the charge was trumped up for spite because the elder ltrogan sued the LupoIncUs for rent and the fact Is given to prove this contention that the warrant was not sworn out until April, 11102. The prosecutrix was under cross examination when court adjourned at the hands of Hon. .1, P. Quitman who appeared for the defend ant. Assistant District Attorney dra iner and Attorney II. L. Taylor appear for the commonwealth. Kdward Davis of Taylor was acquit ted of the charge of adultery before Judge Ferris. It was charged that In Aug. 1901, Davis was Intimate with Kophla Watklns, a young woman also residing in Taylor. Davis had a wife and children In Wales. Miss Watklns died In the West Side hospital last March as a result of her relations with Davis, It is alleged. At the trial yes terday the commonwealth did not fully establish that Davis was guilty of the offense charged and a verdict of not guilty was directed by the Judge. At torneys O'Hrlen & Martin appeared for the plaintiff and Attorney James K. Watklns assisted Mr. Cramer In pre senting the commonwealth's side of the case. SHOT JOftDAX. Patrick McXulty was tried for shoot ing Martin Jordan of Carbondale. He illeged that Jordan broke In the door nf his house and bombarded the build ing with stones. He warned him away and when he refused to so he took down his shot gun and fired a charge of birdshot at his assailants. A con siderable portion of It lodged In Jor dan's ankle. The prosecution had a different story to tell. Jordan said he went to Mc Nulty's to lake home his step-father who was drinking there with McXulty. Hecause of this Jordan says he was thrown out and shot. The jury was out at adjourning hour. Peter limine was returned not guilty .f the charge of larceny and receiving referred by Mrs. Fclinnu Merall at 'essup. It was alleged that be took rom her an envelope containing $W. Louis JCelcnski pleaded guilty to the .barge of breaking prison. Several years ago Kelenskl succeeded in getting out of Jail while doing a nine months term. After his escape he went back to his home at the llidgw and In course of time again broke the law and was sent to the county jail. There lie was recognized as the man who broke jail. Ho was sentenced to pay a tine of $.1 and directed to spend six months In the county jail, the term to begin as of July 7 last. Otto Sehoen, of Luzerne street, was convicted of being the father of the child of Snblna Carroll of Twentieth street, although he set up an alibi as a defense alleging that he was in Clark's Summit on the night In ques tion. Ho was sentenced to pay a line of $30 to the poor district. $2,1 for lying in expenses and $1.2." per week for the support of the child. DID XOT Al'l'KAU. Mrs. Mary .Schimpff did not appear to prosecute her husband, Leopold Schimpff fur assault and battery and a verdict of not guilty was taken. Stanley Belvlno, John Stepvahovicli and John Buslines were tiled, charged with the larceny of J2i worth of lumber at Old Forge on June 10. K. It. .Sea man, the prosecutor. Is. a contractor and builder and It was from his place of business that the lumber was al leged to have been taken. Attorney James 1-3. Watkins appears for the prosecutor and Attorney K. W. Thayer for the defendant, A nol pros was entered upon pay ment of the costs in the case of Michael Devlne charged with felonious wound ing by A. W. Palmer. Frank Gydon did not appear to piosecuto Peter limine for keeping a disorderly bouse and Kate limine of (idultery and verdicts of not guilty were taken 'and the costs placed on Sydon. The case against S. 1-3 Wayland, charged with obstructing justice, llobert Wilson, prosecutor, was yester day continued until the' next term It being shown that Mr. Wayland's at torney, Major Kverett Warren will have to be In Harrlsburg today, Monday the libel case In which Wade M, Finn Js prosecutor and W. W. Scranton, defendant, was continued until next Monday. J, H, Torrey, one of the attorneys In the case, will not lie in the city next Monday and the case was yesterday continued until the next term. CASKS CONTINUUM, Two cases against William F. Clifford charged with Impersonating nn olllcer by Samuel J, Porter, were yesterday continued until the next term. A nol pros was entered upon pay. juent of the costs In these cases, Kd ward Myers, assault and battery, Wll helm I'oinln, prosecutor! Louis Myers, assault und battery, WHlieliu Coniln, prosecutor. Martin McAndrew was to have been tried yesterday on a charge of embez zlement preferred by Patrick Moflltt Only a Very Few Published. It Is not possible for the proprietors to publish marc thun a very few of the numerous letters received In praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diur rhoe Ilemcdy and telliiiB of Its remark able cures. They come from people In every wolk In life, nnd from every elate In the Union. The following from Mr. T, W. drcathouse, of Prattsburg, Ga., speaks for Itself: "I would have been dead now but for the use of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemcdy. It cured mo of chronic diar rhoea, uf ter seven years of suffering. I can never say too much In praise of that remedy," For sale bv U drug but the case was continued Until the next term. Barry Divorce Case. Judge Ncwcomb yesterday heard tes timony In the divorce case of Agnes Haltock Harry against Thomas Barry, Mrs. Harry was represented by Attor ney Waller Brlggp. She testified that she was married In Albany, X. Y on Nov. 20, isiM, by Jnsltcc of the Peace Katise. Her hus band lived with her In Albany until March, 1895, when ho deserted her. Hha continued to live In Albany until isnt), and then moved to Philadelphia, from whence she moved to this city, artcr living there for u year. She has since made her residence here. Ueorgc H. Kaufmann, of Albany, tes tified thill he know the Harrys there, and that Barry bad deserted his Wife: at the tlmo she mentioned. Ho abused her before ho left her, he said, Knuf nmnn's testimony was corroborated by II. B. Nichols, of Albany. Thro Is some question ns to the Juris diction of the court In this case, be cause, of the fact 'that both the mar riage and the desertion were In New York state nnd that personal service was not made on Barry, whose present whereabouts nre unknown. Attorney Brlggs will argue this matter later. Marriage Licenses. Michael Syron Sera nt on Kllzabeth Horseh Scranton Herbert A. Knupp Scran tun Nellie II Horn .Sernnt'in Morgan A. Sweeney Scran'.on Frances R. Jordan Scranton Tliomos Mtcliull .Tesslip Annie Sabol Jessup COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. llobert McMillan was yesterday ap pointed poor director of the First ward of Carbondale to 11 11 the vacancy caused bv tho death of James McMillan. Mrs. Bridget Walsh Is the plaintiff In an action for damages brought yesterday for her by Attorney A. A. Chase, against the Scranton Steel company and the Wllkes-Uarre and Sciniilon Railway com. pany. Exceptions to tho report of the com missioners, who divided the borough of Old Forge into wards, were tiled yester day by Thomas II. Jones. F. II. Coyne and William Itepp. taxpayers of Old Forge. METHODIST CONVENTION. Pastors and Laymen of Wyoming District Meet at Pittston. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Pittston, Oct, .".The pastors' and laymen's convention of tho AVyoming district of the Methodist Kplscopul church was held in the West Pittston church last evening and today. Four sessions were lipid, one last evening and three today. The chief feature last evening was a series of addresses that formed a symposium on Methodism. The speakers were Rev. II. C. McDcr mott, of Scranton, on the subject, "The Mission of Methodism:" Itev. L. .'. Floyd, of Nanticoke, "The Doctrine of Methodism," and Rev. Dr. L. C. Floyd, on "The Methods of Methodism." Presiding Elder Grlflln is chairman of the meetings. The devotions were led this morning by Rev. Mr. Young, of Dallas. At the business session. Dor ranceton was chosen as the next place of meeting. In March, 1903, and Rev. Miirdock, Presiding F.lder Grlflln and Secretary Cornell were chosen a com mittee to prepare a programme. Two Interesting papers were read this morn ing, one by Rev. Dr. GlHln, of Scrull ton, on "Lay Power In Methodism." and the other by Rev. J. II. Blckford, of Wilkes-liarre, on the theme, "Tho Re lation' of the Oflicial Members to the Spiritual Work of the Church." They were followed by discussions, in which the clergy and lay members took part. Dinner was served in the Sunday school room by the ladies of the church. This afternoon addresses were made by Rev. L. C. Murdoch, of Kingston, on "Footprints of the Heroes of Wyoming District," and by Ruv. George P. F.ok inan, of New York city, on "If I "Were a Layman." Mr. Kckman also con ducted a question box. Rev. AY. T. Blulr led the devotions this evening, and the only event of the evening was an address by Itev. Mr. Kckman, on the theme, "Contributions of Methodism to Modern Civilization." About thirty ministers were present and about forty laymen. Between the afternoon and evening sessions a social session was held. GUARD ORDERS ISSUED. All of State Troops Will Be in the Field On Thursday. B-J'.clulvc Wire from The Associated I'reM. Harrlsburg, Pa., Oct. 7. General orders placing tho entire national guard of Pennsylvania on duty In the strike region were issued today from division headquarters, which have been estab lished at the Commonwealth hotel. In charge of Colonel William J. Klliott, assistant adjutant general of the guard who will remain In Harrlsburg until the troops are recalled, The orders designate tho location of the three brigades and all of the state troops will be In the field by Thursday. No effort Is being made to get the troops on duty within any special time limit, It being the desire of the general officers to allow the soldiers to arrange their private matters before going Into the Held, Colonel Richardson is directing the shipment of camp equipage from the state arsenal. General Miller has taken the Held as commander of the division but lie left this morning for Washington to attend tho encampment of tho G, A. R, He will be on the ground when the troops aro mobnllzed nnd will direct their movements from division headquarters, THE GAELS AT WAR. Major McCrystnl the National Vice President Is Dethroned. Hy I3x(lulw Wire ivoinTlie Associated Press, Philadelphia, Oct, 7. As a result of a difference of opinion between Major 1-3. T, McCrystnl, of New York, na tional vico president of the Gaello League of America, and tho delegates to the league convention now In ses sion here, the proceedings of the con vention huve been far from harmonious. Tho first disagreement occurred yes terdny afternoon and arose over the refusal of Major McCrystnl to allow the convention to vote on a resolution seating the California delegation. Major McCrystul declared the con venllon adjourned und left the con vention after which tho league elected Major O'Donovun, of this city, to pre side and continued In session. This morning Major McCrystul was oguln refused tho right to preside and he again left the linll followed by several of his friends. Major O'Donovan pre sided today and considerable business wad transacted. Pennsylvania Pension, By Exclusive Wire from The Associated IVcss. Washington, Oct. 7. A pension of $10 hffs been granted William T. Jones, ot Luzoruet, CATARRH OF THE STOMACH A Plcnsnnt. Simple, hut Safe nnd filTccttiul l!uij for It. Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to Incurable, Tho usual symptoms aro a full or bloat ing sensation after eating, accompanied Roinellmes wllh sour or watery risings, n formation of gases, musing pressure on the heart and lungs nnd cllillrhlt breathing, headaches, llckle appetite, nervousness and a general played out, languid feeling. "There Is often a foul tnslo In Iho mouth, coated tongue nml If the In terior of tho stomach could be seen It would show a slimy, Inilained condition. The cure for this common and ob stinate trouble Is found In n treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before It has time to ferment and Irritate the delicate mucous surface of the stomach. To secure a prompt und healthy dlgpstlon Is the one necessary thing to do nnd when normal digestion Is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap peared. According to Dr. Harlanson the safest nnd best treatment Is to use nfter each meal a tablet, composed of Diastase, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets, and not being a patent medicine can bo used with perfect safety ami assurance that healthy appetite and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. Mr. R. S. Workman, Chicago, Ills., writes: "Catarrh Is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold In the head, whereby the lining, membrane of the nose becomes inflamed and the poisonous discharge therefrom passing backward Into the throat reaches the stomach, this producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities prescribed for mo for three years for catarrh of stomach without cure, but today I nm th.e happiest of men, after using only one box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I can not find appropriate words to ex press my good feeling. I have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest preparation as well as the sim plest and most convenient remedy for any form of Indigestion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heart burn and bloating after meals. THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New Voik, Oct. 7. There were many shades of sentiment reflected In the start; market today, but they all gave way to acute depression in the late dealings, and the day shows substantial losses throughout tho list. Very large pool liquidation was accomplished during the day under cover of the earlier .strength and in the heavy sellinc on the break. The character of the manipulation and the special stocks which were most af fected by that and by the liquidation pointed to the individuality of the best known operator in the street who has espoused the long ldo sinco a recent re turn from ljurupe, and who has been sup posed to be Intrusted with the market Interests of some of the largest financial powers, Including the I'nlted Stales Steel .stocks. Southern Paclllo was very con spicuous In the dealings. A recent de cision publicly announced to Issue $2.1. 000.000 of bonds with u view to provide funds for betterments and allow tho In auguration of dividends out of earnings was the occasion ot large speculative commitments in the stock. The directors liavu caused the announcement 10 be quietly made this week that the time Is not now considered propitious for the Southern Pacific bond Issue. Tills is be lieved to be not In accoid with the view of the large speculative holder of the stock who liquidated his holdings today. Pennsylvania was also heavily sold, presumably by the same large operator. The early advance in prices offoied ex cellent opportunity for this liquidation. The upward rush of prices at tho open ing was supposed to point to the com pletion of the liquidation which the local money situation makes necessary, and there was considerable demand from shoits and from bargain hunters who have been watching for bottom prices. Much was made of the orders by the governor of Pennsylvania to place the entire militia of the state In the field. A strong Influence was exerted by tho iiimouneunieut from Washington that the secretary of the treasury would buy gov ernment bonds If any were offered at sat isfactory prices. When tho market open ed, lenders of funds were demanding- 12 per cent, for call loans, and tho market promptly took a downward course. It was not until after midday, however, that the selling pressure -alued great force. The drop from the top to tho bot tom level covered a. wide range, but tho day's net declines are much diminished by reason of the early advances nnd tho final rally, which miido the closing steady. Total sales today. !)12,lli0 shares. llonds were weak In company with sloclis. Total sales, par value, Jl'.Mo.OuO. 1 'ill toil Stales :ih advanced i; thn new ts, "i, and Iho old Is and ,1s, U per cent, on the last call. The following nuotntlons aio furnlshM Tho Tribune by Knight Prceso Co.. 3H 31.1 Meura liulldlng. W. D. Runyon, man ager, Onen.IIigh.Low.Cloia Amnl. t'opper ,. uus. Am. far Ik K'lliy... "; Anieilcan Ico Ifi Amcr. Ice, Pr :;; Am. Locomotive .... "rt'f, Am. f.oco.. Pr 0l'4 Am. S. .t Re'B. Co.. 11 American Sugar ....U'lnj Anaconda Copper ..101 Atchison S7n; Atchison, Pr lmi Halt. & Ohio lOITi Hi, :v,i, ::; i'4 MIU ll'-i iB',4 l5 :r.'4 in :;.iu I'fl'i nil; Us ns Mi', 10' i :n Itt's ll'.i im 10)14 Sll'i. l:'K Ul'IVi 101 ftl'frt "( ion j ro jii) 10.1T4 Wt-Y, lii.HL llrook. Hap. Trail l.-'i ... itt'i ii.'1'i ill 7 lil'.i ..1:1114 WI3, pii'i i:u' ., .101', ,11) lg .Ifl'i -i!iv, .. am r.u nm :ii'. 1 imamim i-aciuc Hies. & Ohio . 'hlc. & Alton ... I Mile, .t Ut. West. ,. LWs '('.. Mil. St. P....1M I'lile., H. I. Ci P ...AM Chic. n. 1. K- Pac. .1I Col. Fuel & Iron ... SP,(. Col. a Sou 1 hern .... :'0U Col. H South.. -M Pr m& Del. & Hudson 17ll I).. 1,. & W 2W Dep. ft Tllo Or.indo. IHi Don. & It. O., Pr.... !) Dntrolt Southern ,.. $)V, Krl It. it :sn; Kile, 1st. Pr 117 Kile, fd. Pr ,l;i'4 llneklug Vallev ill Illinois Central IIS Iowa Central 11 Ml.', i-Siil - inn 1 !W'l S'l'.S :ifl'-i isn, iv 1!U 1D1 mi l!l SOli HO 111;. M :W4 HV4 iivi 171'.? 171114 170'i L'lili I'lK LMVi : 12'.; !' 1014 K'4 1!".4 37; l'J!4 M fll 1 1.1VS fi )ls :is:'i ii74 r.v.4 111 lis; i.'i ::2U. .121,4 no nn, 12 Kim. Cltv South.. VM :v:i Louis, ft Nllhll. ... Manhattan Hy 13715 ns Tl'T l-'rt ISStt 13.7(4 13111 13ti 132 132L l!li!ll .-Met. m. m-. ., i.wi'i Mexican Central ... S.7U Xlo Kan, ft Tew.. 20U Mo,, K. ft Tex., Pr., Oil i:co,r, r,iy jayj -11 -' LfUi liMi 112V4 ."5 2s' .VI 10:04 1.12H S74 ailssnurl Pacific .,,,lOi iron 1.12 '.4 7214 N, V. Central ir.rji lip; Norfolk ft. Wester 11, 71 1IV2 out. ft western .. Paellle Mall Peiina. R. It People's (las , Pressed Steel Car. Heading Hy Heading, 1st. Pr. . Heading, 2d. Vr. . Republic Steel .... Ileiiulillu Steel. Pr. .. .,i-.h ,jm ;ti',i SI? .. IP.', 1 1 ',4 41 41 .li:i',i lliHi 1.191', 1G0'4 ,.Ui VK ., til 111 '.4 ,. c,n cm 4 .. R'i Mi .. 7i!V4 7l!'i 100 1003J .inn (!74 7.Vi 7UU 20 U. til wn MSI 7ii'I 7?1 73 2SIJ 70'1 MVs '.1 1 KM 1 21 U 771.4 77'i 7P4 !!0n St. I.n. ft San Kruu. "3W I'M tSVS 72'' 13)14 ifl'i !1 C2 St. 1,0. ft so. west Southern Paclllo ... South. H. H 3714 South, It. It.. Pr. ... fll1! Tenn. Coal ft Iron.. HI 37-14 J1154 r.1'4 rcxas ft Paclllo H'.K mi 12 421i Union Paclllo 10.134 Win 10JV4 10J& Dillon Purlllc. Pr... no'J nw, I', 8. Leather Vt'l 137i D. S. Leather, Pr... RS'i M) 17. H. Rubber 174 17'4 V. S. Steel 39V4 8.1H V. S. Steel, Pr KS14 SST4 Wabash 2'4 33ii iVubiMli. Pr , 4SU 4SV4 Western Dillon Tel. nm 9U4 Wheel,, ft U Brio ... Wi 2', Wisconsin Central.. 27 27 rv.dlvldend. ifcl'i mi 17 ill? 4 ;;:i t-7',4 31 46U !W4 2.TU '.' am 4'4 2.Ui Total nalea. 900.900. Monov. 0 nor ennt All-Wool Flan- f 2 nol, Imporlcd f M wi Fabrics, very M tm nobby Dresden ""J M ,- Mtm M stripes, suitable f ySmmMWm M m ml MM m for waists or dress- f MmsT w UM Jm m w . J mu Jm lug sacques, at, mmt'W Us B Ams(Jr 42 'wi per yard, r M ; S. J 59c (f Attractive JL Today is the Last Sale The sensible time to buy your Fall Dress Goods is now, before the cold weather starts. The sensible place is here. You are assured of solendid banrains Iwahqp tu very best of values Silk Specials Rustle Black Taffeta, fine lustre, 75-cent quality for, yard 59C Colored Taffeta Silk 19-lnch, new shades, lustrous, , 75c quality. Three-Day Price 09 C Silk Moire Velour In all shades, best quality 95c Finest Satin Liberty All colors.also black and white. Special, yard 05C Satin Bright and lustrous colors, very at, a yard Colore Children's Plaid Dress Goods Many plaid effects, elsewhere 15c. Our 3-Day Price Sale, yard Novelty Mohair Dress Goods, very serviceable, else where 1 9c. Our price for three days, yard Novelty Fancy Figured Dress Goods A variety of many designs, elsewhere 25c. Our price for three days, yard All-Wool Fancy Skirtings For short skirts this fabric is desirable, elsewhere 35c. Our price for three days, yard 27-Inch Thibet Skirtings A favorite, elsewhere 39c. Our price for 3 days, yard 54-Inch Fall Suitings Very heavy twill, will give good service, elsewhere 59c. Our price for 3 days, yard 54-Inch Wool Homespun Suitings Elsewhere 69c. Our price for 3 days, yard 50-inch wide, all wool, fancy melton effects, elsewhere 75c. Our price for 3 days, yard 54-A11 Wool Tailor-made Suitings Such as English Coverts and Venetians, elsewhere 89c. Our price for 3 days, yard 50-inch wide Rain Proof English Raglan Cloth, shrunk and sponged. Will shed water like a duck's back. Special, yard CHICAGO GRAIN ft PRODUCE. WHKAT Open. HIrIi. Low. Close. December (i'J-H W7 r.!Hi iflJ4 May 70?i 70 ;8 7u";4 70"; CORN- Decembcr IS-i; 4S74 IS',4 -IS- May I2!a 4234 12" 424 OATS December 22'', 3214 32U 32U May s:!34 3"!4 :::ii4 r's PORK. October 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 January 11.85 1.1.90 1.1.70 1.1.70 LARD- Octouer If.2.1 10.27 10.2.1 10.2.) January S.9.1 O.oO S.87 S.87 RII3S- October 11.40 11.10 11.10 11.10 January S.UO S.fiO S.2.1 S.2.1 NliW YORK COTTON. Open. High. Low. Close. October S.1I R.Cit S..H) S.r.l December S.l S.GI S..1S s.(J') January S.ffi S.tli) S.H1 SM May S.SS S..1S S..10 S..11 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on- Par of 100. STOCKS. DId.Askeu. Lackawanna Dairy Co., Pr.... CO County Saw Rank ft Trost Co 300 First Nut. Baals (Curbimuule). ... 500 Third rational Rank 350 Dlmo Dcp. H. DIs. Rank 300 Economy L.. H. & i'. Co 4 First National Rank 1300 Lack. Trust & Bafo Dcp. Co . 195 Clark & Snovor Co., Pr 125 ,,. Scranton Savings Hank BOO Traders' National Bank 225 Scranton Holt & Nut Co 125 People's Rank 135 BONDS. Scranton Packing Co 33 Scranton Passenger Railway, first mortgage, duo 1020 113 People's Street Railway, llrst mortgage, duo 1018 115 .,. People's Street Railway. Gen eral mortgage, due 1021 115 ... Scranton True. Co., U per cent, 115 Kconomy 1... 11. & P. Co 97 N, Jersey & Pocono Ico Co 97 Consolidated Water Supply Co ... 10a Scranton Wholesale Market (Corrected by II. G. Dale, 27 Lucka. Ave.) Flour-fl.lO, , M , Ruttor Kresh creamery, 21c; fresh dairy, 22c. Cheese lUSulSa. . Hugs Nearby, 2.,',;e.; westtin, 21c. Ukrh Nearby, 22'..c.; western, 21c; can dled, 22c.; ease count, 2le. Marrow Reans Per bushel, S2.r.5a2.40. Marrow Reans Per bushel, $2.83. Onions Per bushol, 90c. New Potatoes DOC, per bush?l. Philadelphia Grain and Provision. Philadelphia, Oct, 7. Wheat closed ',4o.N per bushel lower; contract grade, Oct., 72a72Uc, Corn-Quiet: No. 2 yellow, oil track. i.9c. Oats No. 2 white clipped, OT,o, Wool-Unchanged, Uutlar Sternly; extra weslorn creamery, 2le,; loss oft; do, western, 22',4a2:ie,; do, do, do, foillli western, 21a21V4c do, do,; do. southern, 21c. do, do. Cheeso Firm, fair demand; New York full creams, prlmo small, 12'4c; do. do. do. fnlr to good, small, llV&uU'o.; do. do, do, prime large, ll?c; do, do. fair to good, HalH4c. Reilned augurs Quiet and unchanged. Cotton closed spot 8.S.1e.; 5 points lower. Tallow Firm, fair Inquiry. City prime In tierces, (i'uiic; country do. do., barrels. .Italic,; do. dark in barrels, j'alfio. ; cakes, ii',iiu1V&o. Llvo poultry Firm, good demand; fowls. 12a 13c; old roosters, lOalle.; spring chick ens. 12al3e,; spilug ducks. 12c; uirkeys, Italic.; geese, lliil2o.; dressed poultry Firm, good demand; fowls, choice west ern, lie; do, southern and southwest crn, i:ia13',4c,: do. full- to good, 12al2le.; old roosters, Pe.; roasting chickens, near, bv large, lile. ; do, small and medium, II al5c: western do., large, HVjiil3; do, smali and medium, lOViallc. Rccelpls-Flour. I.SS5 barrels, and 2,1i.. fiSO pounds In sacks: wheat, 9S.XS7 bush, els; corn. C.100 bushels; oats. 11,773 bush els. Shlpmciits-Wheat, mill bushels; corn, C.400 bushels; onts, 20,870 bushels. Hew York Grain and Produce Market New York, Oct. 7. Flour .Market was steady but quiet, llyo Hour, steudy; sales, 300 barrels; fair to good. $1.l3a3.l0; cholco to fancy. H.JOa'J.W. Huckwheat flour Firm, 2.50a2.73; spot and to arrive. Wheat-Spot easy; No. 'I red, 714e- cle- of Colored Dress Goods in Dress Goods are on good value. Special 45c 19c 25c 33c 49c 55c 59c 69c $1.10 FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 SURPLUS (Earned.) $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday eveuiuga from 7.30 to S.30. LOWAFAI CASH BALA vutor; No, 2 red, 7la7l?ic f. n. b. 11II0111; No. I Northern Dulalli. Soijo. f. o. h. afloat. Options opened fairly steady and hold llrni until midday, but later weak ened, The close was unsettled at last night's prices, May, 7.1c; Dec, 71' jf. Corn-Spot dull; No. 2. colic elevator, and 70VOC. f. 11. b. alloat; No. 2 yellow. 71c; No, 2 wlille, 7le. Option market opened easier, It rallied but eventually yielded to profit-taking, and closed easy at Ha'jc net decline. January closed Wl'.icj .May, ITlbe.; October. 07c; Nov.. lil'.ic; Dec, .1IV. Oats Spot steady; No, 2. iKl'.ie,; standard white, 7Uu.; No, 2 white. 37'4c; No, :i white, iliic; track wlllto western, ;iTa:i7',i!C ; track white, state. 37u37'.4o. Options unsettled, follow ing corn. December closed :i7',4c. Mutter Firm; extra creamery, 22!4c; factory, ItinlKc; common to cholco, 17',L.a22c; Imi tation creamery. liialOc; state dairy, 1, a21',c; lenovuted, WViulOc ClieeseFIrm; now slate full cream, small colored, (all ey, 12c: small while. 12c: large col ored, ll'jc: largo while, ll-V'. Kkks Firm; average best. 2la2lc. ; western candled, 2la22c; refrigerated, ISa-JO'e. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Oct", T.-Tliero was less activ ity today In both the grain ami provision markets and prices worn again weak. Do. cembor wheat closed '4ne. lowur; Dec, corn. a4c lower, and oats. ',4c. lower. Provisions closed 7'4 to lual.'lfcc lower fur tho January delivery. Cash quolti. tlons were as follows: Flour Quiet and steady: No. 2 spring wheat. 71c; No. 3. M'.4a70e. : No. 2 red, fiTSimlSUo,; No. 2 corn. iiOc; No. 2 yellow, C2'A: No. 2 oats, 27ic; .So. 3 white. 3i"a2.1c.; No. 2 ryo. IM4c.; (air lo choice malting, rfa.ISc; No. 1 lla.-cseed, Jl.'iij No. 1 northwestern, $l.2ii: mess pork, per barrel, JlU.Smiil7.no; s-hort ribs, pldos. 1l.l0a1l.--M; sboulileis, f.2.1a0.30; short clear sides, SUSOaU.W'fe. Chicago Live Stock Market, Chicago, Oct. T.-l'a till Receipts, S.KXI, Including l.fJVJ westerns; steady; good lo prime steers, $7,3.1nl.2.1; poor 10 medium. J3.70a(i.7.1; Blockers and feeders. $2.2.uii; cows, 1.2.1al.rJ)i heifers, J2.A1a3.50i can Hers. Jl.25a2.10; bulls, J.'ul.Ko; calves. J.l.2.1a7.23; Texas fed steers, nominal, $ ul.25; western steers. J3.50a1.75. Uoas-Receipls, today. U.Ooo; lomor row, "ji.000; left over. S.000: close, 10 to 20 cents lower; mixed and butchers. $7.20 U7.S0: good to choice heavy, J7.33a7.S.; rough heavy, M.7.lu7.:S3; light, Jtf.Wa7.U0i bulk of sales, J7.23a7.00. Dre 122c 15c CS Bargains of the ThreeDay sale. Special-Silk Best quallty.very newest shades. Today and tomorrow,.yard, Black Goods 38-inch and 42-Inch wide All Wool Figured Novelty, elsewhere 49c. Our price 54-inch wide Strictly All Wool Homespun, extra heavy ve ight. 75c value. Our price 50-Inch All Wool Fine Serge Cheviot, rough diagonal and heavy storm serge. Elsewhere 89c, Our price ss Goods 54-Inch Water-Prooi English Coverts All new mixed shades, when made up are stylish, and for all 'round service there is nothing better. Special, yard $ .00 56-Inchwide. 16-ounce Cheviot and Diagonal Cloth, A . in navy, black and brown. Special $ ,25 56-Inch Melton Skirtings, priced unusually low for this value fabric. Per yard 75cand $1.00 52inch Broadcloth, In castor, grey, navy, royal, garnet, green, brown, rose. Standard $1.00 value for 90C 56 Inch Extra Heavy Thibet, Melton and Vigoreaux, 500 yards heavy-weight Albatross Walstings beautiful stripes, 69-cent kind, for, a yard 50C 600 yards of jet black 54-inch wide, strictly all wool, Cheviot Suitings. Regular price 75c a yard. For 3 days, a yard 49C A lot of All Wool 38-Inch' Dress Goods, late shades, including best quality Granite Cloth, Whipcord, Serge, Henriettas, Zebelines, elsewhere 59c a yard. Our price . . 45C A lot of 45-Inch All Wool Basket Cloth Crepe, elegant pastel shades that will make up beautiful evening cos tumes, elsewhere $1.00 a yard. Our price for 3 days, yd 75C A lot of 45-inch All Wool Canadensis Weaves in Dress Goods, all desirable aud pretty fall shades, elsewhere $1. Our price for 3 days, yard 85C 4'4"2'4,!,,f,I,I44'44'4l4i"i'4,44' I Wiien in Need Of anything in the line of - optical goods we can supply it. .j. Spectacles I and Eye Glasses! 4 $ Properly fitted by an expert ! optician, 4 fa From $1.00 Up Also nil kinds of prescrip. tion work and repairing. t Mercereau & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. The Moosic Powdet jpl Itooms 1 and 2 fi .Tt-. Commonwealth Bldg. W SCBANTON, PA. v, MINING AND BLASTING POWDER Hade at Mooslc and ltuslulalo Work Laflin & Band Powder Co.'a ORANGE GUN POWDER Uectric llallcrlci', lllcetilo KpI,Mj, !: plodlns lltists. Rifely Fii'O. BErAUNO CHEMICAL C0.'3 HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Sheep-Receipts, ao.unil; s;hei.i and luinbH. boxt, Hteady; sood to choice weth; eis. j:i.23.il; fair to cholco mlM-d, J2-, uM.IO; we.slein sheep, $2..1ea.l.i0; native lambs, J3.r.0;i.l.wi; wonteru limibM, $1.i.jii3.ij. Buffalo Live Stock Market. V.iA nuffulo. X. Y., Oct. 7.-Oattle-Re. celpts, 200; steady to Htront!', I.3i.i pound ilhlo steers, J7.-M. Veals. Micudy ; tops, SS..ViaS.7.1; common to hhoiI, J.i.f.nafi.00. IIoBH-Hocclpl. 1.700; Htroni? ami ac. live; heavy. J7."a7.ii1; mixed, J7.1.ia7..r, vorkers. J7..!fta7.l"'i llwht d"-. 7ui.2.t; plKs, JH.S0.10.&.1: roimhs. jii.."Aui.7.i; huibs, j.i.ro a 11.23 j giiisscrs, Jti.7a7-2oi dallies, J7.20U 7.W. Sheep and lambi(-Recelits.2.i0; steady: ton lambs, $.1.0n.i.1.7l; culls to h'ood. $1.2.1 a.l.W); yearliiiKs, JI11I..H1; owes, j:i.SiAii; sheep, lop mixed, J3.73al; culls to Rood, $2u2.ii.1. East Liberty Live Stock. Kant Liberty. Oct. 7.-(.'aille Slow: iholeo. Jiio.i7.iJ; piimc, jiHiii.Mii Hood, tiTiii.i.rj!. ' Hobs lllclier; Pilnio heavies, S.10; niedlinus, S7.ri1a7.721..;: heavy ; crs. J7.Wa7.iiO; liBht (lo.. J7.2Ja7.W; ! T-...7 rtll. ,.,lll,.ll,l IllilT 111 17.!W.l yoiii- I'ltts, Hheei HlKher; best wethers. J3.7.1.1I.10; culls and common. J1.10u2; choico lambs, Jj.oVu3.7J; veal calves, JjaS.23. "b"il"cityi Oil City, Oct. ".-Credit balances. Jl.2.1; rcrtlllcates, no bid. Shlpaients, 123,111; average, 10.',331. Runs, 20,33 1 i average. 70.2SS. Our 75c lino of French Flan nels Includes tho novelty silk stripes They aro tho prettiest over shown in this city. ASK TO SEE THEM. Velvets Value Is $ 1 ,00 yard. 89c 33c 49c 69c HHHKitigigtttsitteitttigii.ietgitie DICKSON'S W se a? Best s" PATENT FLOUR 1 x The Celebrated & I SNOW WHITE: Always reliable. Dickson Mi!B& Grain Co J Scranton and Olyphant. "A 'A '4 " "4 'A " " "A "A A 'A "A AAA 'A L, 1 Lager Beer.. Qlanuftictiirors of Old Stock ! '? ! I PILSNER H" "M Brew tv, E. Scranton.Pa, 435 l4! N. seventn Old 'I'hone, 333i, New 'I'lione, 2P35. HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent for the Wyorolcg District for Dupont's Powder inning, mutiny, Sporting, fniol-elcsj tai tbtf ltrpauno Chemical C.ipiny'i HIGH EXPLOSIVES. I Safety Fuse, Caps snd Exploders. Kconi 401 C"o nell UuiHInx .Scranton. AGENCIES. joiis n. smith ft son riymout'i 1 E. W. MULLIGAN , YllUsiBiu4 I ni SIS 5 .;