The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 08, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    L: .
til b trf
-??- r '"if'!'' tnf-jiri " " .
f a
Publlihfd Bully Kxccpt Sunday, y Th Trlhun.
rubllthlni Company, .1 Fifty font a Month.
mvy s. nrcitxiiD i:dito.
Entered nt the rostofflco at scranton, m Second
CUM Mall Matter.
' ri-ir
TThen .puce will pernillt The Trllitino t
ninny. Bl'l to print short letter from It
frltndi bearing on current topic., but 111
rule l that tlieiio mnt lie ulRiicd, for iuh
llsntlon, by the writer! rent nnmet nnil
the condition precedent to noeeutntire It
tlint Ml rnntrlbutlom ihnll be atlbject to
eilltnrlnl revision.
The folloulnt; tfthtn shows the prlco per tnrlieach
Insertion, space to tic mod within one year:
"trailing I
feiw' tha n"so Int-iiiT
HO liithea i
S0 "
roil "
loco "
Itnn of
For card of thanks, resolution! of condolence, and
ulinllar contributions In tin) ntituro or advertising,
lite Tribune tnnkes a charcu of 5 tents n lino
Lieutenant Uovolliot-VV Jl. BROWN.
SccictHiv of Internal Affairs ISAAC B.
Congics -WILLIAM CIlXN'l'M
Jutlge-A A. OSIICHU.
CommNslitneii JOHN COt'RinR MOR
Jllno Insure tin s-LLKWULYN jr. 1JV
Sonutni- .10I1N I!. JORDAN.
Tlist Dlstilet-.IOSnPlf OLIVHR.
Second Dlsti If l-IOIIX SCIIIH nil. JR
tlilld Dlstiltt-UDWARD JAMHS.
Fmnth Dlstilct-P A. I'HILHIN.
nictllon d.iv, Nov. 1.
Tlctweo'i what the opeiatois offer anil
"o hat the pi evident inanii'po. .nbltr.i
tlon seems to bi tomlng Uu waul mp
icllj. The President's Promise.
BY TIH.S TI.Mi: It Is unneees
stiv tn ay Unit when Theo
iliiip Kooivtll nukes a
luoiiiNi- hp laeps It. lie
piomlses John Mitchell that if the
millets shall lotutn at onie to woik he
will appoint a tnmmission to inquire
Into conditions In the In
dusty .tliil do all in his powei to put
Into foue the letoinmemlnlinns
It shall lepoi t
That i" a fair piomlse. It is all ho
can do. Ills leeoid piovos that he will
do what he .ijs. It sues without h.i
inRr that any commission which Iip
might tmino would he men of the Hist
tank, keen, looI, cxpei fenced and fall.
He could not aflotd to name any othet
kind and ho would not If he could A
commission named h him would lepie
sent the Ameiican people. It would go
to the bottom of things and lepoit
what it found without feat 01 1aor.
In the meantime, should grievances
niise at the v .11 ions t olllei ie". the oftei
of the opetatoi.s to aetept the aw aids
of the common pleas com Is supplies a
method for the immediate settlement
of them. Thus ever.v thing contended
fi.r by the stilkeis in of niblti.i
tlon is gained eiept foiinal lecognition
of the union I that 'of sulllilent I111
poitance to stand between the Aineil
i".in people and a fiitl fanili:- which
would plunge the whole count! y into
Hishop r.illo,s Is now tellln-r what
l'icijiont MniRau thinks The bishop
liad bettet let Plot pout do his own talk
ing. It will c.ui mote weight.
Why Not a Park Museum?
Wll IIOPI: to see the 1 evolu
tion uhlth Mi. Chitten
den ltitiodULCd Into se
lect council on Tluusday
night last, piovldlliK foi a geological
museum In Nay Aug pink passed unan
imously, and that It wilt iciehe the
rhdoisoment of the common louiu II and
the apyiiowil of the teioidei. The ap
pmpilatiou need not be ety huge foi
a suitable but modest stiuituie, lor this
among other siientillc puiposes. Mt.
Chittenden, it imiv be pointed out, does
not nhlc for 11 spiH-lal ttueture. All ho
suggests is that in the next building to
be elected in the paik a mom shall be
set apuit for the museum. Vp think
boweer, that the city meds a .small
building, say of two stotles, in which
wo could not only liae 11 geological
museum, but 100m for housing 01 dis
playing such anthiultle.s and sclentlllc
objects and uulosliles as may be col
lected In M-kiiunnim county m ob
tained by gift 01 pin chase limit thoso
who pos.-ess them now or may heie
nfter ucqulie tliein. W'u me sine, that
It the accommodation was pioWdcd,
iheie ate iimny petsons In Koaiitun
nnil Its nelglibothnod who would In a
shott titup plate at the disposal of the
cm atop
nf such an institution a sul'-
raie and dheislilcd collection
nf not meiely geological specimens, but
objects of nntuial nihility or icllcs of association in bo of gieat In
tetetlttnd pilucniltinal value. After n
nuptiitm suth as we hue In lew is
established, It takes very Utile to inalu
tuiiv It. Cleologlcal specimens need
rtevfi' be teplaced, and onco they ate
ldcntllled, labeled and assotted they
take cam nt theinsiefi, Tills may lie
filler, too, nf most objec ts of mutual his.
tory( and of teller-. Collect
them In a suitable building and they
trmiilu foi geneiatlons to tome a te.sll.
inony to the pnllghtened ptovldente of
tho-jo who hi ought them together,
Cleologlcally consldeied, Kackawannti
county Is not blgnally dlvetslfled, Its
geological fcttatlllcatlon belongs pte
eiiilnontly to thecatboiilfeious peilotl. It
Is at once the eouico of our wealth and
of phjslosiaphlo Interest. The stiatl
fleajlon of the coat nieasuies, although
coiifposed of vegetable matter, aie
pi actually destitute of animal life, and
the folder jocks upon which the coul
beds lie nie wholly so. Nevet theless
the geological foiiuatiou of the Lacka
wanna alley Is of sut passing lnteiest
to tjiose who have even a passing nc.
qualntance with Its sclentlllo foi illa
tion, The coal ineasutes do not ex
haust It. If we look at the matter finm
a utilitarian standpoint, suillclent build
ing stone, of a llrst-elass rjuallt y can
te taken fiom a cleatlui; heie or theie
from the West inounlitltis to have
finished the Tower of tliiuel without
tlelvlng deeper thnn a few feet. With
out expecting too much of u nut'eum
or ntttnt'tliig loo inticli Importance to
Its educational value, yet we think
tlint for it city which depends hugely
for lis Indlisttlal ptopeilty upon Its
mlnei illogical icsoiiktb to he without
a mote or les pietcntlous lollecllott of
lite 01 es and tnlnvtats nhil the rocks
which foi in the basis of the geological
lontotir of Its riivlioiiH Is Inexcusable.
Of coin -e the state geological sttivey
has thot (Highly oxploted the hacltu
wntinii as well as the other vallejs of
Not theastci 11 Pciitisj Ivnnlii, and the re
sult of Its Iint'stlgntlons ate cnslly ac
cessible. Dttt that Is not nil that is
needed In nur itge in which so much
depends on the piacllcal application
of scientific dNcowules In thu piogtes
of lndusti. I'liKt ami foiemost, every
one should know and nioie or less def
initely and iicciiiittely nppti'hend the
(olistlltltlou of the crust oftheeaith
upon which he tin ends and which banks
his fortunes and those of his lemotest
posletlty. It Is not dlmeitlt to do that
with such aid as it smalt museum uf
fottls. Kveiy school hoy nnd gill should
be taught the t udlnients of geology. Not
only Is It one of the most Inlet etlng
of all scientific studies, but it Is the
most easily assimilated, Theie is not
u pebble on the highway which has
not a. hlsloty of tianscendent lnteiest.
The mining englneei.s anil geological
expel ts who nic connected with the
mines would gladly co-opciate, we nte
sine, In making such a museum as Mr.
Chittenden has in view a tenter of
popular and enlightened attiactlon In
The assignment of General Clobln to
command the btlg.ide having he.ttl
quuttcis In this county will be wel
comed coidinlly. lie is a tlioiough
oldler, of llpe expel lence, sound judg
ment and pcisoniil familial Hy with
local conditions Ills tommond Is an
assuiance that the excellent discipline
maintained by th Thliteenth lcslmcnt
under Colonel Wntie.s will pievall
thioughout the btlg.ide and that what
the soldlets aie c omnianded to do wilt
be done as oideted. It Is also a gu. nan
tee that no command will be given
which should not be given. The con
tiol of the milit-iiy pioblem could not
be in bettet hands.
The Issue in a Nutshell.
IX A SPi:r.CII liefoie the conven
tion ot the Republicans ol the
Twontv-thlid Xew Yoik const ess
distilct, placing in .nomination
Hon. Geoi go X. Southwick, of Albany,
one ot the most efficient repiesentatives
that the Ilmplte state has In lecent
j,oais had in the lowei btnnch or con
gtess, AV.tltcr J. Hallatd, of Scheiuc
tady, a .liequent contilbutot to these
tnlumno, stated foulbly and condselj
the pin amount issue now befoie the
voteis-. Ills statement of it Is jut as
applicable to Xoitbeastein Pennsjlv.i
nia as to centtal Xew Yoilc. Ml. I! il
laid said:
'The policies ot the Republican p.nty
.ne like Ingots of pine gold which can
be coined into cuuencv to meet .the
pies.sing needs ot the da. The most
piessing: need of today in the continua
tion 01 oui piesent piospeilly, and it K
oul to the Republican p.nty that the
cnuntiy can look for such polities and
methods ot ndmlnlstiation as v, ill in
suie a continuation of that piospeilty.
"Menatoi Cialllngei souiuled the key
note for this camiiaign when he said on
the floor of the senate. 'Piospeilty is
the issue all othei questions aie sec
ondai.v.' The vital question befoie us
today Is not what oui opponents, may
think of out ai my, oui navy or our
Washington adminlstiatlon, but how
can we keep our factoiles busy, our
weekl.v pav lolls he.ny and oui wives
nnd families contempt! and happy.
Theie Is one way to effect all these
most desluble objttts and that is to
piotett oui pinteetlve tariff. Under
that tnilft has aiisen oui piesent pios
peilty, and with that tailff will that
piospeilty stand or jail. It Is not vital
whether we have too much duty in one
place or too little in another, but the
vital point Is what Is the ie
bitlt ot the Republican piotcctlve taillt
as a whole.' That usult I nsseit to he
the condition ot uffalis today, by which
nn.v man who wants to woik can llnd
woik untl diaw his iay for lull Umc
eveiy Filtluy nlglit with unfailing legti
lailty. "Was that the condition of nffaiis
dining the eais 1S!U to KPC, when wo
weie allllcted with that malignant dis
ease known as Domooiaej, or the con
dition of nllalis on the day when the
DIngley tat Iff was adopted, July ii,
1S07, nnil wo tluew off our habiliments
of 1 annuel dill ami Industilal woe at
the ti limpet call of William McKlnlov ?
Was that tho condition of nii'iilis dur
ing the eius when Giover Cleveland
vas selling goveinmcnt bonds at le
ditced pi Ices to pay the government's
dally bills'.' Xo, gentlemen, no, Then
we weie living ftoni hand to mouth and
did not know 0110 day what would hap
pen the next. Now we know that If tho
lailif Is jueseived and the Republican
putty continues in conliol of our Ur
iahs, national, state and municipal,
each Monthly inoinlng will give us an
nppot tunlty to lesumo woik and each
I'llday night will give us our weekly
"I lonld quote jou miles of statistics.
to ptovo along iudustilal lines that
under Republican policies and coutiol
our country has, n the lust (He jeuis,
done millions upon miliums mote bus.
ness, paid out millions upon millions
moie wages and iniide millions upon
millions mote homes happy ami given
millions 111010 chlldien a better pallia
tion tliun was ever accomplished In tho
aggtegate e.ns dining which our af
fails have been under Uepiocintlc ion
tin), Just let UK.' quote one Item, W ,
that the total piodiuH of our taitoiles
dining the llscal ear that has Just
ilosed was over 13,000 millions of gold
dollais, Xot the Kansas City platlotm
kind of dollais, but leal dollais vvoith
their face the wide woild over,
"Rut they tell m ou ate tobblng the
pcoplo under this ptolectlve ttnitf in
that )ou ate selling goods abroad
chcupei than jou do ut home. Gentle
men, that chin go Is made, We answer
to the chaige and face the July, but
what docs the chaige amount to? it
amounts to piactlcally nothing, because
of the 113.000,000,000 w orth of goods w e
could only ppnlo for sate nbtond $ 100,
000,(100, and sold at lowei prices for
vntlotis good reasons loss than $1,000,
000. We mo guilty, Willi extentintlng
clrctitnslnnre", to tho extent ot less
than otip-thlttloth ot one per rent, of
our total tiiaiitifiicttlie. I have sultl that
our ptosperlty Is contingent upon the
pip.seivntlon of our tat Iff. How shall
wc preset vc that tntlrtV Theie Is line
way to do It nnd only one way and
that Is to m event the Democrats get
ting 1 untl ot ot the house of teptesen
tatlves. TIip only way to pi event that
calamity Is to elect Republican con
gressmen." When Mayor Mnyhtny'.s convention of
ina.vms finds tho key to the strike dead
lock It pliould give a signal.
General Booth.
TUP. ARRIVAL, of aelieial
liontli on 11 tour ot Inspection
which will cover In travel
ing thlity thousand miles
ami Include most of the ptlnclpnl cities
of tlie cnuntiy Is .suillclent testimony
to the magnificent phj steal vitality of
the roundel and chief of the Salvation
Aimy. denei ul Rooth is an old man
with the suppleness of vouth in his
methods and the Juvenility of ot an
apostle In his heal t. It Is a sine sign
of a shallow mind to suppose tlint the
Influence nf this ectinoidlniny man Is
deilved fiom a pontifical absoluteness,
n wot Idly discipline, an uutneiatlc sur
veillance which peimtts no coadjutor
within the sphete of his ppisomil om
nipotent p. CiOiiPinl Month Is not the
founder of a chinch 01 a sect. The
K.ilvntlon Annv Is not 11 theological ng
gipgatlon It has no distinctive theo
logj ; no littuglcal foimulatles; no
speeille canons of oiganlatlon or dis
cipline. It tails Itself an army, but It
Is not that, nor has it In its methods
much nihility to otdlnaiy nillltaiy
The policy of ihe Salvation Anny Is
n splilt of solldinlty In the peifoininnce
of a most beneficial social function
among the lowest and niot depiaved
of mankind, as well as extending the
hand of bi othet hood to those whose
only it 1 eti lovable fault is their casual
or peunanent mlsfoitune. The street
pleaching, the congiegatlonal piaer
and eivice meeting nnd their b.iib.uic
musical accompaniments would not
have developed the Salvation At my to
its piesent dimensions and scatteted its
missionailes all over the globe did It
depend mainly or even hugely upon
these otdlnaiy accrssoiles and funda
mentals of leliglous society. The
sttengtli. the Influent e, the beneficence
of the Salvation Ai my lies In Its 111a helpfulness to the "ulutieiged
classes, to use Genet. il Rooth's own
Will the Salv itlon Anny peimanent
lv sin Vive the gcneial.' it Is haul to
tell Theie Is woik enough In the world
101 it to do on tbt" lines upon which It
has developed. In the division which
has .11 It-en between the aged gcneial
and his f.imllv Ameikan sjmpithy has
lugely gone with the secessionists, but
It does not blind us to the gteut meilt
of the geneial's woik nor to the fair
claim which he may lav to the lespect
and well wishes of humane people
evei.wvheie. Without entering Into a
discussion of the dlfteiences in opinion
and method which In late eais de
tached 1 1 mil the geneial's side those of
his own Kith and Kin who In tho eaily
dajs of the anny movement did so
mui h to Unlit its battles and cany It
Ihiough the d.iugcis of Infancy, we
cannot oveilook that Geueia! Rooth is
a notable, albeit a pathetic fluie on
the stage of the w 01 Id's gieat achieve
ments, whose visit to tills count! y, in
all piobahllltv the last that ho will ever
make, Is woithj of the lnteiest which
It Is e.xcltlng.
If any lollance is to be placed In Mnd
lld dispatches, the nung king of Spain
has succeeded in chiving ills mother
fiom the toint and Is now looking about
him for some new oppoi tunlty to elem
onsliate his unfitness for public lespect.
The official 01 gnu of the Knights of
Labor is nftoi Mi. Paulson's scalp with
a vengeance. It accuses him of having
made b"foie election in 1S00 ptomlses
to oiganled labor which after election
he dellbeiately ignoted.
Mr. Riyan's tatdlness In suggesting
a way out of the coal stilke difficulty
may bo an Indication that he has lost
ambition to shape public opinion,
When Keillor Ileal st gets Into con
gips.s he will piobably advocate tho
government owneishlp of evei) thing
tave tho elIow nevvspnpei.
When Candidate I'attl-nu comes to
Seianton he should be asked to explain
his veto of coinpulsoty education.
Zola's fuiipinl seems to have been a
lather quiet atfalr niter all, Only one
dupl has lesulted.
Ml I. l.iiwieiue.Stellt' and Rev Ur. R
F, y. Pleite weio ainuag Uio vlsltois nt
Cump Wvtkoff yestPidnv. Hoth gentlemen
weiu eoiillally tecelvetl nt headiiu.nteia
bv Colonel Willies, who extended to
them the gieetlags of tho oltlceis and
men, ami jieisonallv eontluctcd thctn
through the camp. In hpeuhlng of his
visit to the ramp. Dr. l'loico lamented
the snil t'oiiilltlous wlilili hud called the
1 amp Into exlstpnce, but expressed him
self as delighted with Its excellent ar
li'ligttne'it The locution U not 1111 Ideal
cue, esperlally for such mill) weathet
as wo have had teeciitly, hut the pilde
of the men and their lojal seivltn hnvo
tliiltKloi nietl Grassy Island into 11 ipoeltl
milltiuj camp.
Tho fonipiiuy stteets inn peifettly
cluiiii tho tents aie uiilfoinily neat and
t'd : tho cooking and mess tents urn
modeh of neatness and clcuiillius--, tha
Hanltaij at inngeineius mo admirable,
the commlssaty Is unexcelled, and tho
itgiment Is lo he congratulate d on hav
ing u well'Oidc'icd nnil legulated camp
Tho eiitlm npiiolntment leflccts gieat
ctedlt on the colonel and his staff, ami
Is a line testimonial to thu distinguished
soldhi attti whom ft I named
'I he soldleil healing of tho men, the
efPilrncj and dignity of tho officers, tho
splendid mdti, the ptonipt seivltc, tho
pciitct milltiuj ellsclpliae, nil unite to
inuke tho Thliteenth an ideal lcKiincnt,
nnd It Is illlllcult to dctctniluo whether
the colonel is most proud of Ids men, 01
the uien most pinud of their colonel.
l)r I'lctco sas If vlsltois m.llio camp
wibh to eomo away with any -nr-iespict
and tho good withes ot tho bos, they
mint not fall to "uncovei" when they
pass Old tiloiy, nnil salute tho dug when
lhe pass headquaiteis. 'I ho old. Umc
"blanket toss" is uot a favorite uasUnm
at Camp Wjckoff, but one tuny awnlt tho
fellow who docs not pay proper respect
to tho most .beautiful ling that was ccr
BV.'lltig to thA breeze,
rifty cnts ago oar poputnllon was 2,),
inl,87il. while now It Is 7il,10l,:i87, exclu
sive of our noii-rnntlgiioUH teilloiy.
Fifty yeais ago our niitloiril wealth wnei
7,iri,7SO,000, wllllil HOW It Is JII.'HJO.ODO.OOO,
exclusive of the thousands of millions
of ilollatH wotth ot pttipeily elcstiojed
In the Civil war.
Fifty ents ago the total value ot our
fin ins nnd faiiii pioiu'tty was $1,9.57,
3ll,5l, whllo now It Is $M5H,iiul.S.)S.
Fifty enls ago oar .vcaily goveiinncat
lcventit! wns Js.l,'.'ill,ri7.i, while now (l'i)
It Is $l,0T,,7.l.!,ir.o. or nenily $ir per tiiplta
of our population.
Fitly iieuis ago our exiioits woio Jill,
nrr,TJtI. while now thev me $1,391, tsi.trtJ.
Fifty yeats iirii oui' hnpotts wno $171,
ro'i,o2i!, inilliily nianufncttueil in tides,
while now thev me MK.IUI.III, of which
fully one-tliltd was tnnteilals for iiiaiin
facttltlng. Fifty yeuis ngo the eas balances of
Uncle was against us lo tho extent ot
$.", I LV8W, whllo now It Is hi oar favor
to the extent of $"i2,'lt.i'W, an Impiove
inent foi one enr onl.v of ?Sl,t7."J.tjs. or
ncuily $S for each mini, woman and
child In the round y.
Fifty eins ago vvp lind onlv l.'l.uSi facto
ries, while now wo have BI3.73t, with b.
710,000 emplojes mid a .vemly oiltjiut ot
over thlitt'oii thous md million doll us.
Flftv Jems ngo vvu had to bo content
with H.OJt iiiIIps of steam lallroatls,
wlille now we mo able to tuivcl on 19 1,
3JI tulles. If w so deslie. besides tho
thousands ot miles of electilc tiollojs.
Fifty eats ago our daddies had qnly IS,
417 postofllces to go to, for their Infie
qilent ninll, while now we ran gel our
lelteis tlally or oftencr nt W.L'tU postof
llces, 01 one post ofllco ftir each 1J" ot
our population, lo say nothing of imal
lice delivei v.
Fifty jeats ago our iiostofllces tccolpts
weie $"1, lis,9v-,, while now they uio $10-',-.T,i,r,7i
Fifty ago 0111 wealth per ciplta
of tin- population was $'07, while now It
is $i,.'B
Flftv jeais ago we weie eleppiielent for
oar know ledge of public eents on only
I'.l-'i, newspaiieis nnd peilodlttils of
small size, liifiettiipnt issue tend nn.igte
contents while now wo cm leael .0,S(W
fiequetit, blight nnd pungent issues.
I'lttv cais ago 0111 1 ottou mills used
.vp.iiIv ,) ooo halts ot our. own law cot
ton, while now thev usu 3 041,000 biles,
while our exnoit of the same product
glow Mom ,OJ0,iib.',.'r0 pounds to .1,100,-f,s3,lt-S
Flftv e!lls ago oui nnnunt dlsbuisomcnt
foi school te.icheis' salailes did not ex
cetd $JO,000 000, while now It is $rii,000,000.
Flftv eais ngo our savings bank de
posits weie $1 1,4)1,1 !0, while now thtj
aie $-,,449,:il7,SS1, a sixty-fold Ineiease.
These ni i gains, immense gains, but we
have one scilous loss to lecoid, In that
llftv eals ngo, tlio tonnage of Amei
Iiau vossels engaged In foiclgn tiade
was l.isi.ill terns, while now we have
onlv i-li,i,9l tons a loss of 71,0I7 tons.
Filtv cns ago the I'nitid Stales count
ed for little 01 nothing ,h 11 woild
powei, while now Fucle Sam's counsel
Is sought bv all the gieat povveis of
the ci 1 th, and his wished defeued to.
The success of leient Aiueilcnu dlplo
macv In China Is one of the most st! Ik
ing evldtncps of tills
Flftv vears ago the Fulled States was a
piactlcally dlsoig.uil7ed nation, on tho
eve of tho gie.itest Intel necine snlfe in
hlstotv, whllo now tho I'nloii Is a union
In lact 11s well as la name. The sons of
the union South, now vie with the sons
of the union X01 tli In doing what is
best foi tho Fnion ns a whole, nnd fot
tho gloiy of fieodom'.s,embleni the wide
woild oei, the and Stilpe.
Wnltei J. Ballaid.
Schencctad.v, X. Y, Oct. 7.
Yv Idle J. l't MoiRiin was diiviug down
Xasstia stieet, Xew Yolk, to his olllee
In a closed cab the othei morning ho w is
lccognled bv a little newsboy ns the c.ib
passed I.lbeitv sliett Jinineellately ho
saw the tln.tntli 1 he daited towaiel tho
tab and shouted .11 the top of his voice:
"III, Mi. Moiriih. Coal stilke extia."
Mi. was pleased at the boj's f.i
inlllnillv Jlo leiehcel foi the paper and
tluew the boy a half dolliu. The little
fellow picked up the money and, without
hesitating, 11111 nltti the cat) ap.ulu and
lumped on behind, llefoio the cab jiulled
up nt Mi. Moigan's olllco the newsboy
wns on the sidewalk. As Mi Moigm
stepped out the bo v. holding the chaiiuo
fiom the llftv -tent piece in his nut
stietihed hand, stld: "Yer chnnge. Mis
ter" "Wliv, inv llttjp man," snltl
Mi. Moigan In some asioalshmeiit. "what
Is this foi?' "Yei give- me fifty cents fer
tile paper er Jlst bought an' this is ct
change, sli," leiilled the bo "O, hovpp
mind that: keep tho money, keep It and
take this; theie's .1 peach coit over
tilt 1 e." Ileie rVTi . dived Into 11
potket mid lished out anotliei lifts -cent
plete. Tioy Times.
And what Is I'.uiioV A tieatuic of men's
That lives but a day. A I unci eioivn
til eon with the giecnness ot eternal jo.ith
And lull of piomlse ot an endless llto.
Pioudly it lies upon tho honined blow
In tho blight morning. In tho cvcntielo
TIs but a heap ot wiinoieei, tiimiuiiag
loll V pu ,
Mingling their dust wheio man and his
biave eleeus
Hnvo fallen down and .vlelded b ick agiihi
niial- untn iltml. llin soil it linclv 10 Clotl.
And Meiu'ry to I'oigetfuiucss. Ah Tame!
Thou it n delusion lesting on tlio uiinii
Of some iiooi tool vv ho, posing on tho
Of public favor, swings his tap cad
Ullnd to tho fact that the next wave that
Will sweep him to oblivion! 1'lly us
Who vaunt nnd cinol of liumoitiil l'ama
Inunoilnl, uo! linmoital-foi 11 day!
IIopo Is tho bails that bears us biavcly
Unehaited seas nnd when tho tempests
1 oar
It Is tho light which fiom tho haibor
but us,
And tnvvaid which tha falnttns enllor
tin us.
IIopo is tlio slnff that helps us on oui
IIopo leads us tipwntd when our foet
would Htiav ;
It flits above and to tho vveaiy calls,
Anil beckons "Coinage!" fiom Ihe Jtupni
Hope Is tho bildge fiom cmtli to lieavoa,
Hope's mansions Use, inunaeulntely fall
Hopo shall cndiue, safe teiupltd in tho
When for dead Tliun tho bells'tunnl toll
When Venus left ifer eatth haunts for
tho sHIes,
And bado a Ions faicwc.ll to human
8ho eliopiied tho web vvhciewith sho veiled
her ees.
And In tlepaitlng left tho veil behind
At omul tho woild tho subllo fabile limits,
A tangling thing, confusing its It goes;
Anil when It settles o'er a poor mill's
e es,
Ho taimot see an tut li beyond his nose,
And he, poor victim, In his helptuliiPis,
A willing slave to sei v Undo icslgned,
Tho fiagllo fabilo ceises not to ble.s,
And pinjs that ho may ho foievor
Lowell O, Itecsc, In San t'luiiUsto Jiul
lei tin.
Make Buying
-ill. ... t(5!&g&
Ml Wtl ml
has been gratified to see the savings accumulate, which shall
make Ihe Fall purchases possible. There has been many wishes
that the sum saved might be greater, of course, but you will be
surprised to find what a quantity of beautiful things it will buy heie.
A new line of 2, 3, 4 and 5 piece parlor suits were
received during the past week and can be seen on the
second floor. They are new designs in mahogany fiames,
plain and carved patterns. The upholstering is of superior
workmanship. The upholstery coverings aie of damask,
tapestiy and Fiench veiona in latest patterns and coveiings.
12 Wyoming Avenue.
Distributors ol Honest Values in Home Furnishings,
Orane Store
Oppoitunities pre
sented for a peep at
Has consented to
approve for
Early ML
Take Elevator at
324 Lackawanna Ave.
Gas Manfles,
Portable Lamps.
1 Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
IHICniFS am WvfSOXS nf all Mnh; nl
Uoiivih ami llulliliui; lots at bargain
llUUShb llll'l'll) ami CiltOOMIl) at
LucKawanna Carriage M'orkj.
Home OfQce, 203 203 Mcirs IluiMlns,
VVo are nuturlng ln!es rath muntli wlileli
(hcvr a net eain tn the Irncstor nf aliotu 1.'
per crnt V lo.m monpi U also Uiiio
I I'M. I'Alll hlOl K ?ltkl00 per .hare, inter
tit pajjhlo tcmi annujll.
AMU III' nIb, Sccrctaiy.
roar 511 I.atkanuma ajenue itunnfacturrr of
Wire Sirofns of all kinds, full pieiuicl fur
thi tprmcr seawn Wo nuLc ill KincU cf
porch icrceai, etc,
Ccncril Ccntraitor, JluilJ-r ati.l Iioalcr in
lltilldltig Mono, tc-ncntlns of tillais a p
clalty. Tcltiihonc 'J5!).'
t)Frir .V17 VVjailiitrtrtn ain ir
. I
Maker of IMvtnj IWck, etc. Jl I! PjIc,
General fcalcj Acnt, Oftlee 329 aililu;ten
aw. WoiU at .Na Auj:, Pa , 1.. K W. V. It It.
I '2.13-327 Tewi Avenue
aed Pric
Here, Ecoeomy
Every home has some plans
for Fall furnishing. Perhnps it
Is only tho purchase of a chair,
a table, a pair or two of lace
curtains, a rug; yet it may be
that it is an entire new home
that is to bo outfitted with fur
niture, carpets, drnpeiies and
the like. The money earner has
been enthusiastic in bunging in
the dollars, and the housekeeper
The New and Absolutely
Flan. Street
Nsw York
The most
central and
most accessi
ble location
in the city,
vvllh ejulct
and refined
TArurr or nA'rns:
Slncle loom fbith) SI "i0 lo $2 00
1 Uouhlo looms (bath), 1 peit-ou ..,..'01
UOIIUIO looms eo.iiiw. - iiruiis..,.?o uu
Oith looms ddloinlug
I.aigi doiiblo looms, with prlv etc
bath looms, l prison ?3 00
T.iif.n (Umlilp i nnnii. with olixnte
ihith looms, 2 pn.som $4 00
Suites nf pnloi. hedtnnm and
llijli for 1 pel son T'ii), sum. ,i'i i oj
fcultes of pailoi.heeh oom nnd bull,
for .' peisons.... $ I 00. " 00, ?. ij. JS 01
Suites of pailoi, " bedionnis nnd
bath 571)1), JSOu S1O00
c jr. HATtr.n .t sox.
30 years connected with Uarlc s Hotel.
Atlantic City.
TI.s temperature at the AOiNEW.
On tlis HeaLh, In Cluliea. Atlaitic Cltj.
Monday vuis ss".
Llvciy uppointincut of a moelcin Hotel.
Kentucky Avenue, I hot lluid fiom llojtli, At
lantic -it), . J.. W On in v lew rooms; ta
patllj 40J, willu lor utis J. 11, Jenk
iih, Prop
On a nui of the Alleghany Mount lin". 1 ehlgli
allcj ijIIiojiIj iimi 'I ow Jiula lluliliu, lU'iins.
tpoiti, ttf, live client tililo It' asotiuMe nitti
! 0.. Ape, I'a. Senil fi Imoklot
C. K. II VltlllS
y i.i)'..rwnT.'ii i' jw-tt ffiarf i ifiiryir-
A few days can bo pleasantly spent
In n tilp to
Norfolk, Va.
Old Point Comfort, Va.
Richmond, Va.
Washington, D. C.
Steanieta sail dally except Sunday
ft oin Pier 20', Not tli Uiver, foot ot
Heath stieet, New Votk.
Tichots, Including meals and state
loom accommodations, 5S.00 ono way,
$1U,C0 round tilp, and upvvuids.
Send stump lor lllustiatcd book.
81 Beach Stieet, Now Yoik, N, Y.
h. h. VAiiKi:n,
Tiulllo Maimgor. J, J. nrtOWN,
Gcneial l'asbenscr A&ent.
Wr ttPR?i!TOrI3oma
SwaStttSs Jffl!Afil25S
ill! LINE
How to
Men and
44 YOUNG MEN and
ate cndeovoilnp to serine celneitlrms
thiotiKh THU TIllBUNtrS IJp'JsJA
TIONAri CONTEST. In which 33
SC'IIOLAnsmPS. valued at ovof
JTiOO, are olfeitd. 'l')a Holiolaiahlps
2 Syracuse Univeisity.
1 Bucknell University.
1 Univei3lty of Rochester.
1 Washington School for Boys.
1 Willinmsport Dickinson Semin
ary. 1 Dickinson Collegiate. Prepara
tory School.
1 Newton Collegiate Institute.
1 Keystone Academy.
1 Blown College Preparatory
1 School of the Lackawanna.
1 Wilkes-Bane Institute.
1 Cotuit Cottages.
4 Seianton Conservatory of MuslcT
4 Hatdonbeigh School of Music
and Ait.
3 Seianton Business College.
D International Correspondence
2 Lackawnnna Business College.
2 Alfied Wooler's Vocal Studio.
Cm n n 1 T llmi-. ortli r1n i aJll lxl llWllll1r
not only tuition, but also board, room.
neat. HKtu nnd mumuy ior tivhuu m
two to lout yoms Amoni? these Ilfty-
nnn i niin nMmt.. film n HI n Hill I V
FIIVJ , 'ii iti 'VVIU 11IVIU w ......
ii.iAA ,.i,.- ., i . .-. ilu. eiiilt Inn- tn is. rrill n
I III Ul- livi Ull' I Villi 1 -iiinuiB "
I edueiitlons. and their names appeal on
nuoiner p.iKe oi rno iiiuun" ci")
inmnlncr. In (tin Inlilp sllOUlllVT tllO
"S urn nir of Contestants. tney
slimilil lit itm niniiireil ill their Coni-
meiielable cndcnvoi.
Hnu yhii rjiN HFIP
If vou me not nliouly a subscriber I
tr. 'Pl.. 'P. IK. uttn.l , unln tn Hnmo s
one of the contestants, lcquestlnf,' a I
call. n
Ot, better still, send our subscnp- a
Hon to The Tiibiino, toBether with the g
minimi t rx n.M fill afimo 1 1 Plim tl t tUtT H
..omit innlrtctiint wlllplt ftll Isll tO 1 G- H
tolvo tliu ci edit
Contestants tiro ci edited wllh onei
point foi eveiy month vou pav in ad.-
v.inte The piico of 'lhu Tilbune in
nelvnnee Is:
One month S W 1
Tlliee months 1 2". S
Sl months 2"0
One .vnr 500 12
PIinSHNT Sl'BSCniBERS can nld
contctiints miiteiiallv hv fiunlshlnp;
them with a list of fi lends who might
he Indue eel to take The Tilbune.
Oi. thev can peiBonallv icqucst these
flii nil- lo sub'Pillie
Oi. thev can send The Tribune to
theli ft lends, pivhiK tho money them
selves Jlanv aie doInK this and the
ionlestints aie veiy Kialcful for this
wbole-heniteel aid
nemombei The Tilbune's nduea
tlouil Contctit closes October L3, nt S
p m
No points not In '''ho Tilbune ofllco
In the flist stioke of s. ns told bv tho
Coint llnuso cloclc, will bo counted.
i:XCI'P I'. Tlm-,0 iceelved by mnll
nnil postmiuKed at or befoio S p. m
tum' nni.i.ATm iv tn tim
tonlpsiiint liiiiiKliiK In tho largest f
nunilii'i ul points neiween ucioocr J
anil H ilmilnv. Oclobrr 11
ri'U DOMiAllS IN HOLD to tho
tout, slant hiliiBliig In thf lamest
iiumiiei oi points eiuiuifr mo ween
e mlliiK H.iliiieiav, tjcionci is.
Do You Want
a Good Education?
Not ' a thort course, nor n cuy counr,
nnr a rhfn,h imirs. hut Ihn l)(!lt cdllCatiOD
j to bo luJ. No other education is worth
S rpendms time and money on. II you do,
J write 6r a catalogue ot
Easton, Pa.
Hh'cli oTors thorough preparation In thi
. i...m. .ml t'li.mi(al Prnfe!t4lona aa well
iipii.iit ... "' .-....--. -.
Ut . ."' -""'. ...-.-,
Regular Htato Noinial t'ouises nnd
Spoil tl Depiiituieats of Mlli-lc, Illocu
.i.i., i li, iwlmr. Steni)LM.inli nnd
U inn,, .1,,, ... ......... '-----" ..' --
ij 'I.VpCVVIIUUK, miuiili ' ili ln-lMl'l'
H loi 0.paitim nl
TIciiidbiR epenses JIM pel week
Pupils ndinltteil at anv time Winter
Term opiiw Hcc -"Hi Wilto for iato
lOglie ,.-w,-,rrk -rr
ji, x., rviiiai , jv. iu.,
T. J. Foster, i'Jtsldent. blraer II. Latrill, Xuu.
It. J. Foster, Stanley p, Aliea,
Vice Treildent. Secretary.
Tho Tilbune will guarantee) to prlntl
j our paper book quicker than any oth-j
cr punllng nouso in the city,