5it?r v)r- X" V V -rv?iE -f w. THE SCRANTON TMBUNJ&-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1902. 3 vr " --. r 'otinly Savings Bank and Triisf Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of $1 and In- and pays 3 per cent, terest thereon. A. WATBES, Piesident. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vice-Prc3. A. H. CHRISTY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Win 1: V. O S. r TlnllHteml, KlllRMhitiy. Johnson, V.vcielt Wniron, Aiiriimi Hnblii'son, Jn-i O'lhlell, I.. A, Wnlir. Green Trading Stamps ritjuin 1 11 ii 1 With pui chase of Wall Paper, Shades, Pictuio Finmcs, Burnt Wood and Leather Novelties. No better time than now to biing us your unfiamed pictures for framing. We have tho best nssoitmcnt of frames in Scianton. All Kinds of Interior Decora tive 'Work piomptly done. Good workmanship. COUPON Cut this out and present it at our stole. Pur chase goods to the amount of $1.00 or moie and you will re ceive 30 STAMPS FREE. Jacobs & Pasold, 209 Washington Ave. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO X "They Draw Well." 0 o. Morns' Magnet Cigars 8 ..-. .0 -. ..0v. Th best "aluo for ". cent3. Try ono and jou will smolco no other. All the 1" idlns lnnnili nf iic. clKnis tit fl "5 per hot, or fi for 2Tc. Tho Inrpost aiiety ot Pipes and Tobaccos In town. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E. C. MORRIS, The Cigar Man S25 Washington Avenue. X OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO In and About The City MMSS Wednesday Piaise Seivice. A spcrtui pinlsu ami pinjei heivice will he conducted tniiisht at tin- T'enn Avenue Haptlst Hunch, .it 7 '0 nelmlc. D., L. and W. Pay Days. Tho Uelawuie, Lackawanna and Weit- oin shopmen wttu paid veMeulav. The Sernnlon vaidni'ii and tiufmiit.ii win lie paid toda. Fiist Meeting of Cieditors. The fll-.t lllL'PtillB of dcditois In thn bankrupte.v cave ot j: W. Palmer, nt this cltv, wa held vestenlnv in the nlllte nf Ilefcree Van Wounei. Attorney Jl. c. ,11111)161, or this cltv. was Petted uiKtet. Classes Aie Open. Tim dass woilc In the ilmui tmriit nf Vh.vKlcal idniall'in or the vminir Wo men's, Chilsiliui iivwcintloii opened thin ' iii'i-o wimiiiik to inin miBlit lo ap ply nt onee, as the elites suu tilling r.ipldlj. Annexation Meeting. All lesldent.s ot l.lmoln Heights and the Round Woods plot lnteiitnl in an nexation In thn illy are ieimsud to meet In tho baseman ot Hie j:niliiuy JtethodiHt I'liuuli, on South Jlnln avinue, Thuibilny evenlus;, Oct. !), at S o'llock. Boys Found Skeleton. number of boy.s who weti. plnlnjj on Jlondn In Mullen' Held, near tho old Diamond Hlmtt. lineal iliuil a. htini.iu sl.ile tou nml the liagmeuth tit a eolllii. Tho placa was lHtd u u. Kiave.vnnl ve.ua aso. Mail Tiain Discontinued. The train on the Delawaie, l.aiK ivvaann and Western iallio.nl, which left UiNiltj for Now Yoik at i.u p. ni hux been dl luntluued, and tlm ninli now oe,s out en thP Delawaio and Hudson lit ll..!u n. m.. i nml oet the l.elilKh Vullev to New Yoik, False Pietense Charged. William 1'. Joyce, the Vet I.iu K.t- I wanna avonuo HHnliant, uppcaied belmo Ahleimaii Noouo .ventenlav and nwniit out a wauanl fot tho must of n i .Millttt, the Wnnilnt; avenue meat man, on tl o i.hnrsp ot t-ppurlm; Roods bv faNo iu.- Pilbps, Jit Hot was Placed under nueht ny constable caniivnu and waluM a hearlntr, enteiliiK ball In the mini of Jl.OflU. which wiih luinlhhed b J: J, O'llilen, of V& Jlulbui) htreel. Witnesses to Be Paid. Wltues.(.s In tho I.uiiKhtiirf-Kellv con trbtcil election i aso fiom South AbliiRton, Newton and all other dlstilctn uoiili or the mountain will be paid at 11 . Whcclei'H Mtoio. at clink' Summit, on 1 huiMlaj, October '). ami at Smith's hotel, t rieetvlllo, on rililay, October JO. ; John J, Dm kin, John reiimau, J. Courier Mollis, County Commlst-Inucis Attest; W. 0. Daniels, clerk. Foot Ball This Afternoon. Tor tho fcccond lmo within a weik, the expected foot ball kuiiio between tllu IIIbIi schools of Scianton nml Wllkis Iwrio has been postponed. However, tho foot ball piithUblasts of tho city will to. 1 iy enjoy tho privilege, of wltncsslnj,' a contest for Hiiprcniuey between tho teums nf tho two most prominent lorn I uolii.niu At the last moment. tUo coaclieb of tho two eleveni buccccdcd Ju airaiiKiiii, u pime between JlUi Sihool mid St. Thoiniis. whlih will bo plujed thU aflei Muon ut Athlctlu jMtk. 5 MElD CLAIMS ARE NOT ALIKE Operators and Strikers Are Far Apart In Their Reports o? Con ditions at the Collieries. ASSIGNMENT OP TROOPS FOR DUTY Thlid Bilgade Will Be Scatteicd Tlnough the Lackawanna-Luzeino Region, and It Is Very Probable the Thirteenth Will Remain Wheio It Is Colonel T. T. Hoffman, of the Eighth Regiment, Is Seriously 111 and Was Taken to the Moses Taylor Hospital. Wlilclj viiijIiik daiiiiH woie a limit, iiR.iiti, pstuwlay, it'KitiilliiK kiiIiis and losses to the w oi king forces at the iul lleiles. Tho Tomplo Tl on tonipany announced that enough men liiul been pectucil nt the blfir Mt. Lookout collleiy In Wo iiiIiir: to iniikp u stait and that opei iitlons would be lcsuiiicd there In a day oi two. The stilkcis had no knowledge of this and it was not disputed. Tho Delitwiup and Hudson company claimed Hint, jeMeiday, for tho Hint tltuo in ten ilajs, thpic was an appiecl nble addition to its foices .mil that to day would witness the letutn of a good ly number of Its old employes. This wns also undisputed by tho Milkeis. The Delawatp, Lackawanna and Western company made the statement that Its output on Monday was laiger than Unit of any day last month, and thai fiom the icports thou in nt the I'pnti.it olllip jesteida's output would exceed that of Monday. At mine woikeis' heailiiunitpis it was glen out Hint sixteen men tilt at the Woodwaul collleiy, in Kingston, on Monday and werp lecelyed into the Woodwind local jesleidny tnoinlng at a special meeting. Supeilnteinlent Phil lips, of the Dolawaie, Lackawanna and Western company, said this story was absolutely untitle; that tlieie was not only no loss of sixteen men nt the AVoodwatd, but, on the contraiy, a gain of ten. ANOTHER STORY. Sttikci.s' headquarters also gave out a stoij to the effect that thirty-llp Italians woiklng at the Oxfoid had been induced to quit woik and letuin to thelt homes in and about Caibon dale. Piesident Ci aw foul, of the Peo ple's company, positively assoit that this wns a cnn.u d. Tin ee men who went honip to Caibondale on a visit, Sunday, failed lo letuin. he said. This was the full extent of his losses, he declined. To countei balance this loss, in avened, seven new mpn weie put to woik ves teid.iy. The foue at the Oxfoid. Mr. Ci aw foul t-a.s, is gi owing s0 lapidlv that he is about to build another din ing hall and lodging house within the stockade. He let the Job on Monday to a local eontiactoi. Yesterday the con tiactoi tamo to him and told him he lould not do the woik, as the f'arpen teis' union had placed a bojeott on the Oxfoid collleiy. Mi. Ciawfoid expies.pd sin pi Ise that his company should have been bo.vcotted. Despite the bo.veott, Mr. Ciawfoid aveis, he will have the buildings elected. FuUnei Halms by the strikeis wiie to the cftpit that fifty men who weie bi ought heie fiom New Yoik to w.nk at a pi hate wa-hei.v had been India eel to go baik; that 150 Italluiis living at Hull's Head, ,w ho havp bepn woiklng nt diffeient collleiies, quit woik dm lug the pist two davs and will bp Initialed in the union nidav aftein'oon. and that ten Italians, who weie biought heie fiom New Yoik, inidei piomKp of JJ a da, to woik on a lallio.id mid who wpip taken to the Mt. ,TeMip eollleij, lelused to woik and will sue the com pany foi lelusil to pa.v theli lianspoi tation back to New.uk. These ten men. It was stated, weie being eaied roi by the Culled Mine Woikeis. The Uoai'd of Associated Ch.nltles In this city was appealed to bv Otganizei Memolo, of the United Mine "Woikeis, to .semi the men home. EXPECT BIG INCREASE. None of tiio coal companies ippoiteil any new lehiiinptlon-, but at eaih ofllio It was given out without equivocation that with the pioteclion that the whole KUiu d i an affoid then- nie liuiiilieds of men who will tnimedlutelv go back to wink, and that it will not be long bp. foie a geneial lesuinption takes plate. The main question now being asked Is whether or not Piesident Mitchell will call a convention to lonsidei the Itoosevelt (imposition, if he talis smli a convention, It Is thought, the vote will be to tucept the piopostitn. Jf lie lHuses to tall It, theie is n ilangei, It is quite genet ally believed by onlook pis, and emphatically nsseited by tho company lepiesentatlves, that a leitaln element of the stiikeis will sele his ip fus.il as an exiuso to make a bte.ik. The Ihlo company Is about to puct ban ai ks at Its mines for the use of Its men dining the winter. Ofllieis of the rnlted Mine Woikeis, who weio about tho local headquartem .vpsteulay, refused to discuss the poss. hlllty of a convention being called to vote on tho Koo-pvelt pioposition, be muse the national and dMilit olllccis me now coiisldeilng It, and they alone me the ones to pass upon It Fiom tho tieiid of coiiveisutlon among the loial olllceis, how over, It Is a fair Infeieiui) that the do not expect a convention Will be called, Meetings aie being nuanged by tho locals for today. In obedience to Piesl. ileiit Mitchell's suggestion, to pass ipsolutlons ileilailug that the inliiem me not lefialnlug noin going back to wink heuiusrt of ftar ,,r vlolenie, as alleged by tint opeiatots at Fililay's White house lonfeit'Dce, Homo -lo.mm mpies of a newspaper labeled "The lulu national llefoim Labor I.eadei," containing attacks on the mine woikeis' Digitization and olilceis in beveial huiguuges, was shlpiieil heie vesteulay to a local ad ew Using agency foi fice dlstilbutlon. Tlifj bovs who weie engaged at JU a day to tlistiibi'.te them dibroveied the chuiacter of the publication and tluew up their Jobs, The tulvci Using ngpney looked Into the mattei, and decided not to mako any attempt to put tlu papcts out. Tho paper nmiuiinted that speak cis, who would piesent mom nilly the Ideas expressed In Its ai tides, would be on heie soon to addicss tho nilueis. It was with Ritat BiaUllcatluu the ulllccrs anil men of the Thirteenth licuul List evening they wco not to be' dlsluitied. TlietR was u belief picvutJ lent during the day tlinl when till the troops weie afield thodlffcienl bilgudcs would ho iiHpin1)led mid that possibly the Tlih tconth would lie sent douu to tho Schuylkill legion, whoio the Thlul lirlgado hendqiint lets hi e located. When It was tcmiiril, thiougli Hie Associa tion Pi ess dispatch fiom llaulsbiiig, that lue Thlul bilgade Is to ho assem bled in the Laukawnnnii-Wyoinliig legion and that the Tlili tncutli likely would not he dlsluibtil, the soldlrn weie hniuiy. Thoy hip now very toni foitalily situated, the tcnltory thoy aie covering Ih quiet and they me dcslious ot being left uloiic. THE SHERIDAN TROOP. Captain Jones, of the Hliciidan Hoop, p-xpiessed a belief C4(ciday that Ills coininntid would be taken away fiom Olyphnirt. The Sheildan Hoop belongs to lliu Second bi Ignite and will likely bo called lo do duty In some pint of tho "lower legions, whole the Second Is to be assembled. If the SliPildini Hoop Is taken ftom Olyphnnt, Hip Oovernor's troop f i urn Haiilsbuig, which Is ut liuhcd to the Tlilid bilgade, will pi oh- ably bo substituted. Theio was much speculation jester day as to how the five lcglinents of the Thlul bilgade would be dlsti United. This detail will be decided by Hilgadler Oenciul liubln, As yet nothing has been hcaiil fiom him as to how he will place the tioops, His heudqimtteis will like ly he In Wilkes-Banc. The soldlcis at Olyphnnt had little to do jcsteulav, and because of this and the fuel that the aim shone all day, put them In a checiy mood, Yosleidav luouilng a company sta tioned at Stenlck Cieelt artcstPil four hojs who weie picking coal fiom a dump, In violation of an oulor fiom the coal company that the picking must tc.ii-o. When the pihoneis in lived In cinip and Colonel Waties heaul the re pot t of the affair lie immediately or dPied theli leleasp, dhected thai they be taken home on tho special Hoop ti .if n without delay, and nsseited that any ofllccr who permitted ot sucli an ai if st again being made would subject himself to disciplining. "The soldlcis are not heie to do tho woik of town constables," declined Col onel Watres, xestetday, In discussing the Incident with a Tilbune lepoiter. "Wo will see to It, as far as we cm, that disouler is pi evented or sup pi essed, but we won't engage oui selves to guaul mini piles against Uespasseis which offend only against the civil laws." AN ESCORT SENT. A detachment of the Thiitqenth went to Tin oop vesteid.iy morning and acted as an escoit for ten men who came in on the Delawaie and Hudson load to Olyphnnt to woik at the Pancoast col lleiy. Major Holmes, loininander of Hie Second battalion of the Highth legi ment, appealed befoie the Dtu.vea bot ough council last night, accompanied bv Captain Fisher, of Company i), and made a demand for the letuin or tho money collected by Hurgess Hui ling ton fiom the six soldlcis auesteel last Fild.iy night. The buigess sought to justify his ac tion In fining the pi Konei s, but the council unanimously decided In favoi of paing back the monev. The Peiseveianee band, of Lebanon, nunibeiing twentv-fom pieces, under the le.ldeishlp of Geoige Tjiell, ai lived at me itagntn leglnient camp yesteulay afternoon and was loudly cjiecied by tho soldlcis who have been stniving foi music foi a month past. It has been piaetieallv dei ided not to call out the Thlul hi ig.ule band, for which the leglnient has long been walt nud so the Peiseveianee band wns en gaged. The lcadei Is an old L'nited States ainiv musician who was for yeais a membei or the mounted band attached to the Tenth cavaliy. Diess pai.ides will be conducted eviv aliei noon at 4 o'clock beginning todav Colonel T F. Hoffman, who was stricken with a "-eveie attack or bion c hitls jeueulav moinln was lr.nimpil in a special tl .if n kit.- jesteiday altei noon to this clt.v win ip he was met by an ambuliuie fiom the Moses Ta. lor hospital and lonve.ved to that In stitution. Colonel Hoffman desiied at Hist to lein.iln at the camp but when Geuei.il Oobln heaul of the -erloii'-iies ot his condition he oideted him to go to the hospital al ome and not ilsk the danger of lem.ilnlng In a tent. Lieutenant Colonel Hutililn-on will be In i onmiand of the leglnient until Colonel Hoflmau's letutn to duty. A message Horn fleii'ial Oobln was lecehtd .vestnd.i.v afteinoon aniiouuc ing that Hie Thlul battalion ot the Klghth will be stinted fiom Shenandoah today and will milve at lamp this af teinoon. RESOLUTIONS PASSED. At a met'thiK ol Local SIS, l'nited .Mine Woikeis ot Aineilea, held In Jane's hall last evening, the following lesoltitlons vveie adopted: WheUMs, 'I lie toipoiatlon piesldents have Mil hill lo give to the public In gen ual and to the piesident ot tlm I'liltid Slates in pattlPiilin, at last Kilda.v's tou it'teilie, the impiesslon Unit them mo in thn nuthiatlle toal fields thoic-tniils of miiitis anil) and anxious to go to woik at tlm opeiatois' teims and that all that Is necessaiy Is siiflliiuit mllliaij pioiec Iloil, theielnie, be it Hi solved. Tluit l.oial No ill, railed Mine Woikeis ol AlueiUa, plain Itself on lecoid as ileuolini hit, this to bo wilful and iiialliious inlsi. pa -eiitallon of the) tacts, and that this Is done toi the solo pin pine, of pifliulii lug tin' public against the jusiliu oi iiiii i.uiM', nml be It fill lliel Ittsolvid. That we as nu'iuiieis of this liaal aie nunc deleimliud lliau evei Im loi e to icinaln nut iiulll we aie giaulisl what tiveiv Aini'ileaii eltlni lb I'litltlul to, vl, wages that will euabln him to Inllig up his lllilllleil lOllsisleut with Urn stniidiug of Aineliimi t Ivillatlou Hi it fuithei Ittsolvid, That wo nppieilate the i -piessed seutlinillt ol oui i hlef exei utlve, Theodoie Itoosevelt. win II he said that BOTTLE BARIIXS Bottle babies are so likely to tret thin. What can be clone ? More milk, condensed milk, watered milk, household mixtures try them all, Then try a little Scott' KmuWon in the bottle. It does for babies what it does for old folks gives new, firm flesh and strong life. You'll be pleased with the re sult. It takes only a little in milk to make baby fat, WtTttwl paa I tile m iry,lou I ke. UX)IT fi. UOWM- oo Pcul tuet.. New Voti. Toothsome Toast Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit excels bread as a toast becauso it is much drier to begin with. The shreds nie not only laid loosely over each other, but contain thousands o tiny pores that give an enormous surface upon which the heat acts. A pinch of .lightest white flour bread rubbed between tho thumb and finger, results in an indigestible, moist dough-paste. A pinch of SHREDDED 'WHtf BISCUIT similarly treated results in small, dry, porous filaments, unchanged in form. Butter each 1 . of this crisp, delicious DlLC toast or serve with ' maple syrup, pre serves, or a score of other delicacies. Sold by nil crocer. Send for "The Vlt-il Question" Cook Book (Tree). Address THE NATURAL FOOD CO. Niazara Falls, N. Y. we have the same light to be icpre-ented bv John Mitt hell as the numetous stock holder have to be lepiesented by their vailous piesldents. Up It furthei Resolved. That we iceognle the ability and statesmanship, as well as the dlg nlllpd and cotiileous healing of oui piesi dent, John Mitchell, In the presence ot Hie chief executive, and in Ills licatmcnt of our cui.e He it lui titer Ito-olved. That we endoise ev pi v thing he lias done looking to the semrlng ot oui lights and a spetilv lcsiunptlnii ot woik. nml that we hive peifect con fident e In his wisdom 'mil lutcgiiiv to do only that whlih will elevate and ilignifj oui iai!M and th.it he will in the end lend us to vlttoi. He It fiulhei Resolved, That a copy ot thc-e I isola tions be sent to the public pies-., and that all othei lot, ils be Invited to put them selves on ice oui as to theli sentiments on these mattei s Petei ilvdei. William T. Janus, D K. SUargls, Kia II. IJ.iv h s tommitlee. At a special meeting of Hilggs Local, 1360, United Mine Woikeis of Ameilia, held in Jane's hall esteida afteinoon, the following i evolution weie unanl inously adopted: Yv'heieis, The lepiesentatlves of the an (ln.iilte opei.itois, al a confeience ic tiMitlv held In Washington. D C, wltn the piis-ldent ot the 1'nlletl States, to whom then did gui-slj misiepiesi nt tho initliiaeile inineis of Pennsvlvanla In theli lnt'sint snuggle fm fall Ameiiean eouilllions; thciPloie, be it Ri-olvttl. 'I lull we do liiMfhv ie-airum oui stand and most ciupliatliallv declaie that oui piesident, John Milt hell, volt id oui tine si ntlineuts at said contcience. Ite-nl veil. That we detlaie uiusilvis pi ep tied lo stniul til m anil fllit this Ini tio again .t iniquitous wiong and oppies sion, until liistite and fall condition pie vall, and no matiei how the malign in fluence ol the io.ll opeialoM ui.iv piosti tuie the dot to which oui iltlssui soldieis wt ip Intended to peiioun, we heiebv do iltelnio oiiiselvts on the side of law and oitli'i. and bv so lining foil theii uiwaid lv Jiml un-Ainuiiaii attempt to enslave the Ameilt.in woikmin. (Signed) If S. m nolds, Henry Nich olas, Thomas Lavelle. John Gianhan, William Deai on, John Mallekus, Hdwaul Hex hie GREEN "RTDCJE. The Woman's CIiiIsIIhu 'IVnipeianee union of limn Ridge will meet this al tei noon at I o'clock, at Mis, Rex. C. If. Heujiimlu s, prii "Mousey axenue. An lu teitsiing piegiamimi lias In en piepainl b.v the ladlis In i bulge. A mi dial Invi tation Is exit nihil to all Hey. nml Mis. i:. i:. Halle gh, who have been guest i ot I3i. mul Ml. 11 W, Lent, of Saud'isDii avenue, utuiueil to their homo In Siisquihaiina xisteulay !eoige Lewis, a lineman at the Allls Chalnni.s lompanv, has puichased fiom Attoine.v J w. Hiovvniug tho lot adjoining his S mill i son avenue lesldenie and bus liioken giouiid for a beaullftil in w home, whlih will l built atter plans diavvn by Aichlttit Peiclval J Mouls. Om of the wagons by which milk Is hi ought fiom Clink's Summit to one of llio i Itv dull It , became so ditplv lm bteilfd In mud on diet n Itldgp stieet p,. ludav moinlag that in I lie ptfnit toes 1 1 Icn to it an axle was Innl.tn umi n B load of milk iiad to be liansfeiied to ai -olhii wagon, upon wlil.li to (liilali lis Juiiiiiey Ah s, LI'iiNav. who had In en foi sev eial wttks a guesl at lite home of his liiulhi r, Mis It M l.lmlhiix, ot Moiim v ayeiuie, letiiiued lo Hoelustti vesteidnx. Miss 111 an, lm mi i Iy of Hliigliiunton, has takui up hei le-ldencn on Handel son avenue, DUNMORE. Tlm icvlval meetings at the Tilnn Ave nue ''hilstiau i lunch, lonductul bv Hvan gelist V. ', Williamson, in mm De'il, V. Va was ieanouabl,v well nitended, for tho condition of thn weather Thero was one mine eonlei-siuu, making elijht since tlio mi el lug Kunday iuoiuiig The topic feu tuiilglii, "Cine mi Sin" will bo of liitcict,t to all, cstciall those who HsilUo thev mu Hlnnii.s and would bo naveil. Tho I lie ol Hapllsiu will be ad lulnUteied to those iinidldntes who nia leiuly at the clo-e of the bet vices, Hvclj bod) linked to attend and will bu made welcome. In pui.siianco of the call by I'lesldent Mitchell, theie will bo a mans meeting of all mine woikeix In Tenieiauco Hall plot this ut t niooii at i o'cloi I; Catioll Vinighu, a foiuier iinlilent here, who rfi Koveial weeks ago for rittfchurg to work on tliu I'euasjlvaiila inllroad, In mi uicldont theie etcidiv, lout a limb, lie withstood the aiiipiitatloii well, and Ho moie neiloiH lexultH are nutli'l iale il. The Tenuis i lub will hold their month ly meeting on Kiitln evening at the hoimi of Jilts lliaeu limn, on Chestnut Micct, l.'dvvard AiiBwlu Is vlaitlng filendij in lluiicbelulc. WORK ON THE PAVE STOPPED SORANTON RAILWAY COMPANY MAKES OBJECTION. Relives That It Ought to Be Per mitted to Enter Into n Pilvato Contiact for Laying the Pavo On the Portion of the Road It Oc cupies and Objects to Having to Stop Running Its Cars While tho Concictc Is Settling A Clash Yen torday Afternoon. Special ofllccr.s employed by the Scranlon Hallway comtiany vesteulay afternoon forcibly pievented the men employed by Contiaetoi Jl. II. Dale, who is laying the Cotnt stieet, Dlaniond nvenue and Piovldenie road pave, fiom digging between the company's tracks on the last nnnicd thoroughfare. The company objects to the proposed plan for laying the pave on Piox'ldence load for several l caseins which were raised to Dlicclor of Public Woiks Hoche yefterday nioinlng, It was de cided by both sides to deflate a tuice until tomoirow, the questions at Issue to be lcfcucd in tho menntlme to City Solicitor Watson for an opinion. It appeals Unit this mice was violated by Conliactor Dale's men xvho were ac loullngly foiclhly pi evented from In tel feting with the tompan's piopeitv. The oidlnnnce pioviding for the lay ing ot the pave piovldes thai the com pany shall be assessed for the paving done between Its nils, The company ofllclals contend that such an assess, ment Is Illegal and that they should be pennltted to have the paving be- txxeen the tails done by private con tiacts. Tills latter method was the one geneuilly adopted until the South Main avenue paving ordliuuite was passed neatly a ear ago. Another objection raised by the com pany Is to the method which It Is im posed to adopt In laj Ing the eoneiete. The company wants one Hack left open all the time but Chief Engineer Phillips says this would leave a longitudinal ciack In the eoneiete which Is a vei v undesluible thing. He pioposcs that a poitlon of the stieet fiom curb to cuib be done at one time. This would of couise necessitate changing cars and the company ofllclals persist In sajlng that they will not agiee to this. It Is extiemely likely that Cltv Solci citor Watson's opinion will not suit the company and that the matter will have to be threshed out in court. 'BILLY" COUGHLIN JMAKRIED. Popular Ball Player Weds a Wash ington Girl. "Hill.v" CoiiRhlln, who pl.i.vcd thlid base for the Washington b.ie ball team dining the past season, was niairicd In Washington, on Octobei 1, to JINs Klla C. Nelson, of that clt. The eei omouy was peifoimetl by Hey. Fathei C.ney In St Paliiek'H ehuich. After a wedding toui, Mi. Coughlln will bilng hi bilde to this city, wlieie they will teslde dining the coming w In tel. He Is a modest, unassuming gentle man, vei much above the aveiage of the oidinaiy bill plaei, and his wife Is said to bo a most chaiinlng joung woman. f A Grand FALL AND WINTER Will be held in every department throughout the store on J Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, This Week When the very latest novelties from the home and loreign markets will await JJ your inspection. Every Item Offered Is Positively New, and the assortment W isso complete as to lejve nothing to be desired. Our Cloak and Suit Department ; !s not only the largest department of its kind in Scranton, but offers more nov- W elties and exclusive styles to the square loot than similar departments elsewhere 2 can boast of to the yard. Si.es run fiom 14 years to 48-inch bust measure, and 5 n the display in extra sues is quite as inteiesting as in the regulars, lliis is a new feature of the trade in this city and has met with the most llatteiinc sue- 5 ' cess. We tepeat, there is nothing but this season's styles in this popular de- jj p.iitment to show you. consequently there is no other display quite as interest- ing in this city as ours. C2 Children's Cloaks, Suits, Etc. An entirelv sepaiate department, yet as complete in detail and assortment as the department for women, Kveiything that the girls can weai is shown, and it is all new. The Shirt Waist Department Teems with bright, sm.ut ideas not to be seen elsewhere. The materials In clude silks, sill; and wool weaves, flannels, waist cloths and several novelties designed expiessly for waists of the highest class. Pretty Dressing Sacques Aie found near the Shirt Waists in many dainty and attractive styles, and the llttlenrts of the prices cannot fail to surprise you. The Dress Goods and Silks Offer . 1 marvelous exhibition or conect fashion in high class novelties. No slock ever shown in Scianton compared with this one for geneial excellence and exclusive newness. It is blight, it is good, it is novel in many icspects, and i's values are matchless. Intending buyers of dress goods cannot afford to miss this depaitment. TUa I appe anri TiiiYiininc; Piesent a remarkable showing of good 1 ne Laces ana i nmmings t:,steandeeganceiblolI(,luriShtdown to the hour of conect fashions. The variety is liberal, ''et the selection has been made with such good judgment and caie, as to make this opening one of the most notable events in its line. The GlOVe Department i matchless, and there Is niore sound value In 1 lie vaiwvc ic(jciiuhwiiu jlfo(. yQUr money thil, js obtainable ese wheie, See our gloves at $1.00. They arc absolutely guaranteed by us and by the manufacturers, All shades at this price in dressed or washable kid gloves. We say wilhout the slightest fear ol successful contradiction that there Is not a glove stock in Northeastern Pennsylvania that will compare with ours, looked at from any view point you care to name, Our Flonnels, Blankets, Underwear, Hosiery, Hen'a Furnishings, Etc. All the newest and best for winter wear will be shown. If interested come in and get a look, The entire building is at your disposal as a flee promenade on WKUNKSDAV, TIllllhUAl AMI rffc H jiirn jc n JJ iTll'VUIlIlwlI iX wJ Lackawam 5iK)$:Q$asxx:asra:n) Ii Wf Icnnvollial umi vulll Un AnUrthtitA vulHi itinin. f ' ""wiu prC0 rg,t 110-PIECE 5 THEO. HAVILAND DINNER SETS V .J Pillow Tops and Cords A new line has just 'arrived. The pick of the Fall Styles. E.isily the largest and finest line on exhibition in Scranton. Prices lower than ehsewherc. 'Phone us about Renovatlug Carpets and Mattresses. SCRANTON BEDDING CO. R. A, KAISER, Manager. Lackawanna and Adams. Both 'Phones v If YOU Want Of A lIO for ch or on Easy J The Best 1 1.i lV Payments. Call on N. A. HULBERT, Wareroom, . . , Vaiious Makes of Pianos at All Prices. Old In- struments Taken in Exchange. 'i,4,4,4, 4, Office Furniture Hill & Connell, General Opening of JJ Mtllf.U lit THIS WI,1,I. .. ....wn ..,c,v jji rf.ii ww -.wt. 6...s.s. ...... ,.w,,., iliat you will want a set and that If Wc make the! youMI buy. So they're -rn vzy.vu Made of Fine French China and sold In sots only. In two very pleasing shapes The Louis XVI, and The Chelsea both handsome and popular, and ten different styles of decoration. Geo.V. Millar & Co. QxuiawHaW. 134 Wyoming AvcilUC. Walk In and look around. 117 Wyoming Avenue 'J, 4"l, 'HiiIi THE LARGEST AND HOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY. Everything that is new everything that is desirable. Be sure and see our line and get our prices before you buy. 121 Washington Ave. GOODS 400-402 naAve V - iU