The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 07, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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ws-r -,-! jjrvjfg '. Wmatf; ",
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Savings Deposits of the Pupils of the Various
Rooms of No. 19 School Funeral
of Miss Durkin.
teachers of No. in school Intvc
taken tip the system of saving
the scholars' spiii-t wish, unci yester
day tlte following sums from the vari
ous rooms were deposited with the
Vest Side hank:
XX V Phillips, principal, M;
Murray, $1.0."; .Miss Hurrull, luc.j
Morgan, 10c; Miss llttllon, 10c!
Davis, 33c; Miss Kvutis, 3.1c.:
Knllow, J1.40J Miss Flynn, 13e.i
"Wade, 3l)c; Miss Morris, 0c;
Fcrber, 3e. Total, $r,.r,Ji.
Will Improve Rooms.
.St. Paul's Pioneer corps has leased
the third lloor of St. David's hall for
three years and Is making itrrnnge
nients to completely renovate the whole
Interior and Install a gymnasium,
baths, meeting and dance hall. St.
Paul's Is a drill organization and one
of the iddest In the city with a mem
bership 'f ovr one hundred and fifty.
The corps will celebrate Its sixteenth
anniversary at Knights of Columbus
hall on Washington avenue, on Wed
nesday evening, Oct. If,. The society is
nlllcered as follows: President. D. D.
J.enlhan: Hist vice-president, William
Sharp: second vice-president. H. J. Orr:
recording secretary, W. F. Ulley: treas
urer, James Mahon: board of directors,
T. W. F.nrley. William Sharp. Patrick
"Wright, Patrick Healey. It. .1. Orr.
church work Will be rend by Miss Mary
K. Jones nntl Isitnc Davles. Miss Eliza
beth Jenkins and Mrs. Oeorge V.
Powell will sing solos. The choir will
also render special music.
Epworth. League Convention.
The annual Kpworth league conven
tion of the Wyoming conference will
be held in tile Simpson Methodist Kpls
copal church on Tuesday and Wednes
day, Oct. 11-15.
Among the well known speakers of
the occasion are Itev. Kdgav II. Hrown,
J). D., of Albany: Mrs. O. H. Hetlle,
and Miss Winifred Drown, of Oneonta;
Miss Belle Hrown. Mrs. Minn H. Bluck
ninn, of Norwich: Miss Ullluu Moore,
of Wilkes-Banc: Itev. James A. Taylor,
jr., D. D of Binghumton, and Rev.
Samuel F. Tpbam. IX D., of Drew
Theological seminary.
Reception to Pastor.
Itev. David Jones, pastor of the First
Welsh Congregational church, has re
turned from an extended trip through
"Wales. The members of Ills church
will tender him a reception In tlio
church parlors on Thursday evening.
An elaborate programme has been pre
pared and a most enjoyable time is
Daniel Kvans will be chairman of the
evening. Addresses will be made by
James Davles. Daniel James, D. 15.
Thomas, S. n Jones, and papers on
Five stamps given nway 'with
each bottle of Dufouv's French Tar
Before the Alderman,
Fred Post, the Chestnut street dray
man, was arrested by Constable Geo.
Donlln, yesterday, on a warrant swore
out by one of his employes, Boy Day,
on the charge of assault and battery.
He was taken before Alderman Kellow
for a hearing, iind Day claimed that
Post jumped on his dray and assaulted
him. He offered In evidence u badly
damaged face. The hearing was post
poned until today.
Annie Zensclioek, of !i38 Fmniet
street. appeared before Alderman
Noono yesterday and swore out a war
rant for the arrest of Mike Wellnock,
a fellow countryman, on the charge of
assault and battery and attempted
criminal a'ssuull, which took place
where they both board, on Sunday
evening, After talking the question
over they decided to proceed at once
and get married, and so Annie with
drew the charge, and the ease was
settled by Mike paying costs.
Funeral of Miss Durkin.
The funeral of the late Miss Mary
Durkin, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Nicholas Durkin, of the Boulevard,
Bound Woods park, who passed away
on Thursday, at the age of L'- years,
was held from St. Patrick's church yes
terday morning at !l o'clock.
Bev. J. J. Dunn celebrated a solemn
high mass of requiem, assisted by Bev.
P. K. Lavello and Bev. M. U Loftus.
At tlie conclusion of the services the
funeral cortege moved to the Cathe
dral cemetery, where Interment was
made. The pallbearers were: John
Cassldy. K. Durkin. II. Bainey. J. Mc
Dermott, M. Graham and O. Flaherty.
Last Sad Tribute.
Funeral services of the late Herman
O. Trager, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
F. Trager. of 1010 Price street, who died
at the West Side hospital on Saturday
morning from typhoid fever, were held
yesterday afternoon from St. Mark's
Ijiitherau church, Itev. A. Ij. liamer
A short service of prayer was held
at the late home, after which, for the
last time, the friends were permitted
to look upon the face that had become
so dear to them in life. Itev. A. I,,
liamer. at the church, delivered a
touching eulogy on the. untimely deatli
of so promising a son and friend, and
offered the consolation given In the
word of God,
The church choir softly and sweetly
sang the favorite hymns of the de
ceased. The casket was banked with
flowers, there being a pillow from Camp
17.S, Patriotic Order Sons of America,
and a large number of casket bouquets
and set pieces from friends. Camp
ITS attended in li body, and at the
The Only ttemody iu the World,
Except n Surgical Operation,
that Will Certainly Cuiv
Any Form of Piles.
The study of physicians, the experi
ments of chemists, the loudly adver
tised pretensions of quacks, have been
for years expended In one dlreotlon; to
find a pile euro that would cure.
The results have been a number of
harmless and In most cases useless
ointments, suppositories and even In
ternal remedies, which the public have
Weighed In the balance of experience
and found wanting; nearly all of them
gave some relief, but nothing approach
ing a radical cure resulted front these
The remedy required Is one which
will Immediately stop the pain so se
vere In many cases of piles, and then
by contracting the small blood vessels
(capillaries) to their normal size, pro
duces u radical cure by reducing and
finally abscrblng the tumors and heal
ing the Inilnined, raw mucous surfaces.
t'ntll a few years ago, no such rem
edy had been produced, but at that
time a suppository was placed upon
the market, which has since proven
Itself to be the long-sought permanent
cure for this common nnd distressing
trouble; it has raplriby become famous
throughout the 1'nlted States and
Canada, and Is now sold by all drug
gists under the name of Pyramid Pile
It Is now the best known, because Its
merit and safety have advertised It
wherever used. It has been advertised
by word or mouth, from one sufferer to
another: people who have tried every
thing else, even submitting to painful
and dangerous 'surgical operations
without avail, have finally found that
plies can be cured without pain and
without expense practically, as the
Pyramid Pile Cure Is sold for the nomi
nal price of ."0 cents and $1 per package.
The Pyramid Instantly stops all pain
anil at the amo time contains no co
caine, morphine or narcotics: the acids
and healing properties contained In the
remedy speedily remove, cause a health
ful, natural contraction and absorption
of tlie tumors: It will cure any form of
rectal trouble except cancer and ad
vanced fistula, which, by the way.
nearly always result from neglecting
proper and timely treatment for piles.
A book on cause and cure of piles
sent free by addressing Pyramid Drug
Co., Marshall, Mich.
Services Were Held at the Family
Residence 020 Willow Street by
Rev. William A. Nordt Large
Number of Beautiful Floral Offer
ingsRemains of Mrs. Fenne Will
Bo Taken to Blakeslcy, Monroe
County, Today for Interment Ser
vices Conducted Last Night at tho
conclusion of the church services, the
cortege moved to tlie Washburn street
cemetery, where Interment was -made.
The pallbearers were: Charles Mills,
William Wagoner, Walter Humphreys.
John Reynolds, Frank Miller and
George Pfeiffer.
1 Satisfactory
ifor Gentlemen 1
r$ By all odds the strongest feature iu Our Men's j
iS Furnishing Department. All sizes in every number J5!
HS including stouts aud slims, for all heights. Buy JT:
fS your underwear here,
will promise to fit vou 5?
3J as perfectly as though the garments had been made jjjj
r to your owu measure. "
-2S fiw
Fine, Pure Natural Underwear, full silk trim and positively
unsiirinKauie. run
comfort to the wea
you cannot buy
rsaiurai unaerwear, lull siik trim and positively :
Full fashioned garments that insure absolute SL:
wearer. You may pay more, but !
better. Our price $ 1 .75 :
-j& Men's Buff Camel Hair Underwear, made right here in this &
city. Pure wool and will wash and wear as well ji
X as anything made $1.50 :
Natural All Wool Underwear, combining great warmth
with unsurpassed wearing qualities. Double breasted shirts
that button from the shoulder down. Drawers &
have double seats, etc. The garment: $1.25
Men's Natural All Wool Underwear, in a nice, well finish- S'
ed, medium weight, that will wash and wear ad- .
mirably. Price $1.00 S
j$ Men's Light Weight Pure Wool Underwear, double stitch- .
ed seams, beautilully finished and just the thing , S'
for between seasons. Only $ 1 .00 iS":
3 Men's Heavy Ribbed All Wool Underwear, designed for &
g severe weather and hard service. Nothing can Z S'.
surpass it at the price $1.00 51
3 part Wool Underwear, fcommnnlv mii ah cl-
Wool,) several styles and well finished. For hard &
wear, this number is matchless 75c
Heavy Wool Fleeced Underwear and Mixed Wool
anu motion unuenvear in various styles, at ... ,
50c g
All the above have our guarantee as to quality and perfect :
faction in service. r SSI
satisfaction in service,
The nfllclnl hoard nf the Simpson :Uctho
illst KpNcopal church will meet on Wed
nesday even la?.
The marriage of Miss Minnie T.a Ttin
of Hawthorne street, lo P.. 11. Wheeler,
of .Irrmyn, will lake place this morning.
An Interesting prociummc in. been pre-
parril fur liie rally diiy exercises, which
will lie held next Sunday at the Simpson
Methodist Kpiseopal church.
St. I.eo's battalion will conduct an
oyster upprr in Ht. David's hall on
Father Mnthew day.
The liertlia KaMnnte Foreign Mission
ary organization of the Washburn Street
Presbyterian church will meet Tuesday
evening at the home of Miss Uzzlo Wade,
Delaware street, Green nidge. Kaeh
member h asked to bring a friend. Thro
going tire requested to meet at the cor
ner of Main street, from 7 to 7.15 p. m.
After four years of efficient work. Prof.
C. 13. Derman has resigned his position
as chorister of tho Washburn Street
Presbyterian church, to accept one with
the South Side fierman Presbyterian
Hcverly Chase, of Chemical company.
.No. 2 and Robert Williams, of Kngine
company No. !, left yesterday for Buf
falo. Max Illume, the North Main avence
baker, Is in New York city on business
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Darling, of
Chestnut street, are attending the Crancl
Army of the Republic encampment fit
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams and
daughter, or Lafayette street, are m
Miss Kmniet K. Kills, of Lafayette
slreet, is attending tlie Grand Army of
the Hepubllc encampment at Washing
ton. The Junior Kpworth League of the
Slmp-on Methodist church has elected
and installed the following officers for the
ensuing year: President and superintend
ent, Miss Margaret Crawford: llrst vico
president. Mis Florence Crawford; sec
ond vice president, .Miss Rachel Davis;
third vice president, Arthur Phillips;
fourth vice president. Pearl Jeffreys; sec
retary, Normle Jones; treasurer, Claude
Phillips; pianist, Miss Carrie Karr; assls
taut, Illanche Evans.
W. If. Freeman, of South Main avenue,
left last night for Galveston, Texa?, wheio
lie will Investigate tho affairs of tho
Northern Security Oil company, In the
interests of local stockholders.
Miss F.volyn Apsar, of the Postal Tele
graph company, will leave this afternoon
for an extended visit with Miss Harriet
Kdwards, of Wtlkes-llarre,
Thomas Mini, of South Decker's court,
has gone to 1'ltca, N. V where ho has
accepted a position,
Tho Hot-Air Rowling club are looking
for trouble In the shape of a ehnlleitgii
from any good team for a game on
Becker's alleys.
John Moffatt, of Kmmet street, who
as severely injured In tho Lackawanra
yards recently, by being struck by a
locomotive, Is home from the hospital.
Rev. nnd Mrs. S, F. Mathews leave, via
the Delaware and Hudson at 1.23 this nf
ternoon at Ht. Louis, Mo,
Mrs. Arthur Spencer, of North .Main
avenue, Is qulto III,
Mrs, ,1. !;. Kern, of Washburn street, Is
One of the largest funerals ever seen
on this side took place yesterday, when
the remains of Henry Wlrth, who was
killed by a bursting grindstone last
Friday, was laid nt rest. There was
an Immense throng of sorrowing friends
and fellow workmen, and tho high
esteem In which the deceased was held
showed strikingly by the fact that
nearly every workman tit the American
Locomotive Works quit at noon, to fol
low their beloved comrade to his last
resting pluce.
Services took place at '.',30 p, m. In
the family residence, t',20 Willow street,
and tin Impressive sermon on the manly
finalities, nnd Integrity of the deceased
was delivered by Itev. William A.
Nordt, of tlte Hickory street Presby
terian church. A party sang several
selections at the house and cemetery.
They rendered "Nearer My God to
Thee." at the residence nnd "Christian's
CSood Night," at the grave. The party
was composed of fellow workmen nnd
members of the .Tunger Mnennerchor
as follows: William Kvanp. John
Slugg, John Kvans, David Davis. Jacob
Sehunk, William Zlesmor, William
Berglmuser, Gustnv Kepert, Jacob
Kmlck, and John Williams.
The massive casket was surrounded
with beautiful flowers, which were
borne to the cemetery by August Guen
ter, Abraham Weichel, ITeury Dlesing,
Adolpli Ilammen, August Getz, William
Uurschell, Kdwnrd Werthelmer, and
Harry Andrus.
The pall-bearers were Walter Nape,
Fred Heusnpr, August Weymclsr,
Charles Maurer, Charles Dlckman and
Jacob Baltus. Interment was made in
the Plttston avenue cemetery. In ad
dition to the Cliff work's employes and
hundreds of friends, Camp 4"0, Patriotic
Order Sons of America, of which the
deceased was a member, attended In it
body and marched to the cemetery,
headed by the Camp 4,10 Drum corps.
Among the floral pieces were a mas
sive locomotive Injector, sent by the
Cliff work's employes: an anchor, by
Ills Aylfe and children: pillow, by
brothers and sisters-in-law; a casket
boutiuet, by Mrs. Dooley; casket bou
quet, by Hccorder of Deeds and Mrs.
Kmll Ronn: casket bouquet. Mr. and
Mrs. rSusliiv Gttenter: casket bouquet,
Mrs. Ackerman and girls; casket bou
quet, John Wcstpfahl and sons; casket
bouquet, Martha Nordt and Anna
Faust, wreath, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Funeral Services for Mrs. Fenne.
Special services were held lat even
ing for the late Mrs. Fenne. at 02S
Cedar avenue. Friends aud relatives
gathered around the bier at S o'clock,
find services for the dead were con
ducted by Row Mr. Ritter, of the
Adams avenue German M, F.. church.
The remains will be taken to Rlakes
ley, Monroe county, this morning nt S
o'clock, and the funeral will take place
tomorrow afternoon at 2 p. m.
H Oysterettes H
ucst of her duughtei, Mrs.
ii, .; '. " i.,A vl, ... . ,,,.,,:a
fey California Clarets
NP' Hold such a firm position in the
Q- ttix' scale cf excellence that wor s of
A we-ittendrd meeting nnd rehearsal
of the Choral anion took place In the
Hickory Street parish house last evening.
T.iilgo Man t no was brought before A'
dernuui Lentes lust evening, at the In
stance of Jacob Lemondo. on the charge
of defrauding a board bill. The case was
The Scran ton Siiengerrimde will meet
for rehearsal thli evening In Athletic hall.
After practice, the members will con
vene u repular monthly session.
The Metropolitan chili will conduct a
sof'lal and dance at Cutlery's hall, near
the city line, this evening.
Tlie .lunger Mnennerchor will meet to-
night for rehearsal.
Dr. Schley's Lung Healing is
guaranteed to care all coughs, "No cure,
no pay." For sale by all dealers.
Comet lodge, Knights of Pythias, meet
tonight In Ilartman's hall, on Plttston
The weekly euchre party and social will
he iu ehargo of .Miss O'Royle, at St.
John's hall, on Thursday evening.
A meeting of the Ladle' Catholic
Benevolent association will take place to
night in Pharmacy hall.
Owing to the nbsenco nf Borough Clerk
Olligan and tlie Inability of the council
men to open tho safe, there, was no
council meeting last evening. They will
try It again tomorrow night.
Communion service will ho observed In
tho Presbyterian church next Sunday
morning. Pieparatory lecturo will bu
held ns usual on Wednesday evening,
M. J, Jlealoy and daughters, Angtdu and
Iteglna, are In New York city, where they
will meet Rev. Father MoAudrew and
his slater, Miss Mary McAndrow, on their
return from Ihiropo.
Miss Lucy Ileal, of Chinch street, has
returned to her duties at Greenfield. ,
Miss Ma bio Kvuns, of Pitttston, Is thn
guest of her sister, Mrs. It, N. Davis, of
Ulakely street.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dalrymplo spent
Sunday with Curlioudulo friends.
Airs. Albert Savage, of Wyalusliig, Is
visiting at the homo of Jolm Cordy, on
Blukely street.
Globe Warehotis?.!
ene of the Best tenia o pViyblclans aiiJ
jnirses In th8 1'nlted States, and as bee 3
used sUty yeurs with never-falllng "Vid
Se4n by '"I n8 or mothers for t eir chft
r?n. Daring the process of teethlnir ill
Value Is Incalculable It relieves the chll
from pain, emeu diarrhoea. Srlplng 'In tls
towels, and w nd-colle. By 1-1 vln health
to the child It rests the .not he?," Price
The Bible clnsx of the Young Women's
Christian association will open Tuesday
at I p. m.; teacher. Rev. G. L. Ahlcli.
Kverybody Is welcome. Sewing ulnss,
Tuesday, 7,:t0 p. it). ; teachers, Mrs. W. A,
Peck and Mrs. C. F. Crosmau, All young
women are Invltfd lo become members of
tho association at $t per year and Join the
sewing class without additional expense.
Girls under 10 years, fifty cents. F.very
girl brings her own material and learns
lo make her own garments.
All member's of the North Unci Gleo
club nro requested to meet at tho rooms
this eveulnsr.
A regular meeting nf the A. P. S. so
ciety will be held in their rooms on Provl
deneo road this evening, After tho meet
ing a social will bo held In tho club's
Tho Kpworth League of the Court
Street Methodist Kplscopal church con
ducted their autumn rally day services
in their rooms Sunday evening. The pas
tor, Rev. G, C, Lyman, preached nil rip
prnprlnte rally day sermon,
Miss Bessie Grlflln. of Mary street, who
has been spending the past few days Willi
lilUKlmtntoii. friends, returned home yes.
Thn Amity Social club ran it successful
social In tho Auditorium last evenlnfr.
The music was furnished by Lawrence's
orchestra. Almost 200 couples were In at
tendance. A, F. Carroll, of North Main avenue,
fell headlong to tho lloor. while descend
ing a flight of stairs at his home Sunday
uvenlng, He escapeil with a slight bruise
on Hie forehead,
O, W. Peek, medical student In Phila
delphia, Is the guest of his brother. Dr.
W. A. Peck, of North Main avenue.
Masters Joint Kvans, of North Main
avenue, who has been III for the past
week, Is recovering.
M. M. Collin?, of North Main avenue, Is
Oeorge Powell, of I,loyd street, Is able
to bo about after a week's Illness,
Xanlel Thomas, of William street, li ill
vyllh typhoid foyer,
William Shoemaker, of Summit avenue.
Is able lo be about after uu Illness of
three weeks.
Sergeant Charles Rose, of Company I).,
wus a Green Rldgo visitor yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Henry Whit, of Ciw
pouse uventie. are at Washington.
Mrs. C. II. Soper left yesterday for
Dover, N. J., where she will spend some
time as the
Frank Cox.
Alderman and Jits. A. C. ' 'ley. of
New York street, are at Lake Klng-dey.
A good teamster or grocery clerk want
ed nt 1110 Cnpouse avenue.
MRS. MARY A. BISlll.VG. wife of Da
vid S. Bl.shlng. died at Mt. Peeono yts
terday. aged :, year--. She Is survived' I v
icr husband and tlie follmvlni? lilt,li-.
Jerome II. and Horace, ,,r Scrnnton;
KHzn. Lizzie and Frank, of Mt. Peeono,
and Nettle, of New Yolk, all of whom
were sit ho. bedside at llin tlnm f l.o,-
demise. Funeral tomorrow, Oct. .S. frrm
her kite home.
Effort May Be Made by Council to
Ccmpel Approval of Bills.
It was learned yesterday that at the
next meeting of common council an
effort will be made to secure the
parsage of a resolution calling upon
City Controller Costello to furnish
council with the opinion of Attorney
M, J. Martin on which he bases his re
fusal to approve of certain bills con
tracted by the director of public works.
Should the controller fail to submit
this opinion or should the councilmen
fail to be Impressed with the intcrprc
t.ition of tlie law contained therein n
further effort will be made to secure !
the passage of a resolution directing J
me city solicitor to apply to court for
a mandamus compelling the controller
to approve tho bills nnd countersign
warrants for the several amounts.
It was learned yesterday that City
Controller Larkln of Pittsburg, has re
cently held up bills contracted by the
department or public works of truu
city, basing his refusal on the same
point which Controller Costello has
raised. The Pittsburg controller Is a
member of the fusion party and It Is
charged that his taking of this stand
is only one of a number of things which
lie Is doing solely for the purpose of
harassing nnd annoying tlie "Ripper"
administration of the "Smoky City."
City Controller Costello. conducts his
nfllce on 'the model shown by Controller
Larkln. They are iu constant communication.
Hold such a firm position in the
scale cf excellence that wor s of
praise are unnecessary in mentioning
the better .grades, of which we are the
largest buyers in this section of the
For family use we suggest:
Case quarts. Case pints.
St. Julian, 2 Star 4.25 5.25
St. Estephe, 2 Stir. . .4.25 5.25
St. fcmelnn, 3 Star. ..4 75 5.75
Chateau la Rose, 4 Sta 7.0J S.00
Quart bottle.
Tint bottle.
O'd 'Phone
2i6 Lackawanna AvcScramtoni
New 'Phone
dJ3 fij
Leading Soprano Metropolitan Cp:ra Co.,
TUEZ3DAV EVKISlirMG, OCT". id1, 1902, AT S.30
PRICES. 75c to $2. SO. Diagram now open at Powell's Music Store, Scrantoa : Marx Long's
Store, Wilkes-Earre ! H. F. Clark's Drug Store, Carbondale. Orders for scats received by mail or 'phone. ,
One of tho Becent "Innovations" of
the Erie.
To have your boots blackened while
crossing the ferry saves time, and is
otherwise convenient: but while rend
ing a paper, or talkliiK with a friend to
be Importuned with loud and raucous
cries of 'Hhlne, FhlneV" Is a nuisance
to which passengers on lOrle ferry
boats have long leeu subject. I'liiler
the new policy of Improvement of the
service which reaches to the smallest
details the question arose which was
the greater the convenience, or tlie
nuisance; and It was almost decided
that the bootblack would bavo to go;
when some one made a suggestion and
presto the convenience Is retained, tho
nuisance abated.
Sow eneli kuiglit of tbo brush on tho
Krle boats wears conspicuously on Ills
cap the words:
"Roys are not allowed to solicit
nnd walks about with appealing eyes,
as silent ns a graven Image, Itesult:
Ho is wholly unobjectionable, ami gets
rather more business than lie did be
fore, D., L. & W. BOARD POB TODAY.
raie belt ra
rilEE WEAillNO Wfflfn:
7,1,1 l.L,..n l,.m.. . rupntr.h (hit irvniifne nnil nnlr
ittiutinkKU itn immii ri kium vim iiiiv, to
any reader of ihid paper. & won, &i!,nnrft crjlu,
oo.iipoilUjouucriintw. COSTS Al!STH3TlllllOBl,"J
with inntt ell iHliorrioatmeutr. urtoilimnlliilhrri'liT.
trio brlli, nv,llRiic.'sai. It.iurJI.Mfa!!. tjt'ltKtl llr.fc naoro
lliao 00 ollmriils. 0'ilr bjrr turl, lor all rrrtous t!eni.r,
iri.iilnt-Nc4 ami disorder. Tor coinplt'to ftvulrd -uiw
llitciillnl cut ileum., rut tills nil. mit nml mall to us.
Lyceum Theatre,
M. rteis, Lessen and Manager
A, J, Duffy, Business Manager,
Wednesdny Night, October
"A Notable Uveal."
Presenting Xut Goodwin's
The following is the make-up of th
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today;
Kxtias Kast in p. m l.a liarro,
I'lhers-H1 p. m., I.atlmer. '
K.stras Kast 3,::o a, m., Devine"; p.
ill.. MoMer; tl.r.O p. in., Fitzgerald,
rtuinmlts-S a, in., furring.
Pushers 7 a, m,, Wlduer; S a. in.,
llouser; IMS a. m Mornu; 1.30 p.
in., Murray; 7,.'W p. ni., .Murphy; ti p. m.,
V. 11. Jiai'lhnlnmew.
Helpers l.::ti a, iu t'olar; 7. a. m.,
llafrney; Hi a; m., Secor; 3.15 p. m Stan,
Tl,e conductors and their crews In slow
pool east will lay off ihreo ruuud trips,
commencing Willi their lr,t turn out af
ter the 11, "0 p, m. extra east, Monday,
October ii Notice will be given whtu
liny aie lo lake their runs again.
P. Oilllgau uml ciew will run tho S a.
in. t'Xtin cast, Tuesday, Oct. 7.
Alel.u. iu and crew will run li.lJ p. m,
cm ru east, Tuesday, Oct. 7.
Mcl.ano and eiuw will run 3.15 p. m,
extra east, Tuesday, Oct. 7,
Klugsley, Wall and Curmody aud their
cruws will go on No. SO, Tuesday, Oct, 7.
and learn the -Morris and Kssex division.
Lncknwnnna Knilroad Niagara, Falls
Excursion, Sept. 25, and Oct. 25.
Special excursion tickets will be sold
for all trains going on the. above dates,
good for return within live (f.) days
from and including ditto of sale, Fare
for the round trip, 53.00 for adults mid
Sii.oO for children between tho ages of
live (3) and twelve (IJ) years.
Game Laws Explained.
The Southern Unllway has just Is
sued for tho season of lUOU-Oll u beauti
fully Illustrated book, entitled, "Hunt
ing and Fishing In thn South," which
In descriptive of tho best localities In
the South lor various kinds of game
nnd tisli, and outlines the game laws of
Virginia, North Carolina, .South Caro
lina, Kentucky, Ueorgla, Alabama,
Tennessee and Mississippi.
Copies of tho book can h,i obtained
from Chillies 1,. Uuplcius, District Pus
Hunger Agent, Southern railway, No.
17, god for leturn not later Ihan Octu-
Dlscontlnunnce of Passenger Trains
On Lackawanna Railroad,
Kfl'eotlve Oct. lith, train .No, 31 artiv
Ing tfor.intou from ihe cast 10,30 a. in.
and train No. 2S east-bound, leaving
Kcr.iuton S.ilO p. in. will be annulled be
tween Washington and .Siraiitou.
infective Sunday. Oct. 13th. the .Sun
duy service of trains No. 37 and So.
3S will be iiuuulleil, the former west
bound leaving Serunton tt.i'O u. in., the
latter east-bound, arriving Scranton
S.10 p, in.
infective Oct. (itlt, the following sta
tions will be regular stops for train
No. 15. which leaves Scrtinton at :UU
p. m. dully: Washington, Oxford Fur
nace, Urldgevllle. Mununku Chunk,
Delaware, Portland, Water (lap,
Stroudsburg, Tobyhannu, Gouldsboro,
The Cowboy
With the Original New York Knlcker
hoeUer Theater Production,
Prices -"'. W. 7.1e. and $1.00.
Seats on sale.
Academy of Music
M. Ilcla. Lessee nnd Manager.
A. J. Duffy, Huslness Manager
3 Mights Oct. 6.
Matinees TiicmI.iv and Wednesdny
Tho Thrilling Sensational Melodrama
Tho World's Most FainoiiH 'Acrobats!
Till.' Dll.NAHrJTTAH, loimlng tlio Hill
man linage.
Pilees Mallnco, 13 and L'oe. Night,
:;,, ::;, and fiUc.
Three Nights, Sinning Thursday, Oct, I
Matinees Friday and Satuiday.
Dixie's Theatn
j.csscu iiim .uunugur,
wi:i:iv'o"f oct u,
Eitflit qreut Acts.
Two performances dally, 2.K) and 8.1S
Pilees I.",, 3.',, Ki and Mo. "
HpccKti matinee puces.
fr"Trartloil cats stop at tbo door.
Moscow, Klmhurst.
will be a llag stop.
I'ocnno Sumil
See tho Cut Man.
Kftectlve nml attractive lialf-tJ
and lino cuts lor card, advertlsinl
any other purpose, can be securi
The Tribune olllec. AVe do wprlJ
is unexcelled, do It promptly ui
lowest rates. A trial order will
vlnee you.