The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 06, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Spcclnl to tlio Scrnntoii Tribune
Montrose, Oct. o. Mrs. John J. ttynn
find daughter attended the nilllngs
Ocorgc wedding at Tunkhannoek on
Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Bench left Thurs
day noon for New York city to spend
a few days.
The express ofllco hns been removed
from Its former location on Public ave
nue to the storeroom formerly occupied
by J. W. Oakley, nnd 13. I'. 1'oPC ot
the firm of Pope & Stroud, coal dealers,
will receive orders for coal and con
duct his usual business In connection
with the firm, at this place.
A. L. llnwloy, of Taconm, Wash., who
bus been visiting In this place the past
week, started on Saturday on the re
turn trip home.
Miss Elizabeth Palmer was a guest ot
Mrs. H. C. Provost, ot Tunkhannoek,
Inst week.
Mrs. Kstella .lefferles is visiting
friends In the vicinity of Philadelphia.
Miss Marlon Frailer and niece, Mls3
Marlon Fowler, are visiting Susque
hanna relatives.
W, J. Itorton has accepted a very
good position in the. Maccy store, New
York city.
Mrs. W. S. Kdgar.and children, who
have occupied the Sayrc house on Lake
nvcnuo this summer, returned on Wed
nesday to their home In New York.
Miss Grace AVarncr, of Scranton, was
a guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
X. C. Warner, on Cherry street, last
Harry Carey left Thursday evening
for Olyphnnt. where iio ,has enlisted
with Company O, Thirteenth regiment.
Mrs. W. T. Sampson and family on
Thursday returned to Washington, D.
C., after spending the summer in this
place. They express themselves as
greatly pleased with Montrose and it is
probable that they will return hero
next summer. The young men, Ralph
and Harold, have formed many ac
quaintances here who regret their de
parture. K. K. Kcougli lias purchased the bar
ber shop formerly run by Henry Smith
and Is now conducting the business
himself. .Joseph MeHale, ot Scranton,
has accepted a position with Mr.
Frank W. Strouso was In New York
city last week.
Charles D. Beck, of Scranton, is in
this place for a short time on account
of sickness.
E. H. Rogers, one of our town's oldest
residents, is recuperating from a short
Mrs. M. J. Harrington and family
have removed from the Babeoek house,
on Depot street, to the Jewctt house,
formerly occupied by A. F. Kinney and
Corporal IX Oscar Baxter nnd Private
Alonzo B. Cady, who are members ot
Company CI, stationed at Olyphnnt,
were In this place the latter part of the
Stanley Tague, of West Nicholson,
has accepted a position at the electric
light plant. " i
Bruce Tyrrell 'leaves for Toppcnlsh,
Yakima county, Washington. In a few
days to join bis father, L. M. Tyrrell,
who ha,8 charge of a store on an Indian
Mrs. B. E. James lias purchased the
millinery business which has been con
ducted by Miss S. Rose Stebbins, and
her daughter. Miss Anna, will take per
sonal charge. Miss Stebbins will re
main this winter with the new owner.
Many ih this place noticed a bright
glare of light on the western horizon
Thursday evening at about S o'clock,
and inquiry the' following morning elic
ited the Information that it was caused
by the burning of T-ewls Downer's
house, about a mile the other side of
Fairdale. -Mr. Downer resides in Dlng
hamton and Ills son. Claude, has charge
of the farm. The conflagration origin
ated from the explosion of a lamp.
Special to tlio Scranton Tribune.
Hawlcy, Oct. .',. K. T. Ames, of Dun
more, was the guest of relatives hero
last week.
J. S. Welsh and daughter,. Ethel,
are on a trip to Washington, D. C.
John Dean and Mr. Merrltt, of New
ark, N. J., are tlio guests of Alfred
Decker and faintly.
Fred Nell, or New York city, Is the
guest of his mother here.
A new cutting shop will soon bo
starred In the store building of Joseph
Solidity, at the Eddy.
Mrs. James McAndrew Is visiting In
New York city.
Joseph J. Martin nnd Miss Kisle Zim
merman, of Paupack, were married by
Rev. Gottlieb, Wednesday, Oct, 1,
Mrs. Russell Tether, of Now York
city, Is tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
E. Tether.
Misses Volnndo A. JtClllnm and Franc
Tcllett, ot Paupack, were In town on
Special to the Scranton Triliimo.
Hamllnton, Oct. 5. Mrs. Hnttlo Bnr
tree hns sold her residence to -Mrs. Sn
llnda Jones. Mrs. Bortree will occupy
the house recently vacated by Mrs, Ly.
man viiiiauis.
Miss Mary Carwln, of Salem, West
Virginia, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. B.
T. Ilanillii.
Mrs. Kemercr, of Factoryvlllc; Mrs.
Charles Mills, of Iloncsdale, and Mrs.
A. 8. Keycs, of Ariel, have been the
Kuests ot Miss D. P. Hamlin during tho
past week.
The npple crop Is very good in this
locality and prime winter fruit urn
bringing 11 per barrel. C. L. Simons Is
preparing to ship several carloads to
Louisville, Ky,
John Watson, Jr.. was suddenly killed
Tuesday last in Petersburg (.Scranton),
whllo delivering n load of produce, De-
reused was 10 years old. He was n
youngman ot exemplary habits, q kind
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contains flercurv.
' "? S11. "".L''-w " cnS0
whnT v.,, ,..' '""."J. 'J1, ""bo the
H,n..oSnu..;.V.'J 5 "X ."' '?..'' tlimilKll
from rcnuthlilu nlivMi,!i,,o '.' t.h,'l),.l0"s
ago they will do' Is ten' foi(1 to 1 10 good
inil rim nnou i ir ,ln. I.. " w,u houu
Jail's Catarrh cfuro7 manufnet ire I by
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.. "oi nil is
,n0 m,?rcu.riy' nr"J ls t"Iic" Internally net
lng directly upon tho blood ni l S .cJlw
lurfaccs of the system. In buying la"!
Catarrh Curo bo suro you gel tho semi!
ttmonlalsfrce. " " Q"0y y- Tes"
duiu uy u.uKBliils. I'rlco. 73c ner hnttln
Hall's Validly Pills ara the best! '
disposition, and will ho sadly missed by
u largo circle of acquaintances. Ho was
it member of St. John's Episcopal
church. The funeral was held Friday
at 1! p. m. Tlie services were conducted
by ltov. J. K. Broadhcad, of Jcrmyn.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
Tunkhannoek, Oct. i. Hon. E. J.
.Torden and wife entertained the for
mer's mother, Mrs. Anna Jorden, and
sister, Mrs. Nicholas Snovcr, both of
Laeoyvllle, at their homo on Bridge
street on Friday.
Stanley Jennings, of Carbondnlc, for
merly of this place, visited friends in
town on Saturday.
The assault and nattery case against
Bruce Cobb, In which James Stanton
was prosecutor, was amicably settled
by the parties on Saturday, and a nol
pros, will bo entered on tho first day of
court. Tho case was sent up from the
docket of Justice Read, at Faetory
vlllc. Robert Little has resigned his posi
tion as pay clerk in tho United States
navy and will remain at homo for a
District Attorney O. Smith Klnncr
paid a visit to Scranton on Friday.
Ex-Slierlff A. G. Gregory, ot Mcsliop
pen, and Judge F. M. Vaughn, of the
tamo town, were doing business here
on Saturday.
Sheriff John W. Gray sold a number
of pieces of real estate at sheriff's sale
at the court house on Saturday after
noon. C. Berge Little has been appointed
administrator of the estate of his
father, tlio late Clarence A. Little, and
letters weie granted to him on Satur
day by the register of wills.
Attorney Granville J. Clark, of
.WIlkes-Barre, was transacting legal
business here on Saturday.
Professor William Wood and wife, of
Sauthold, Long Island, have been
spending a few days with the In tier's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Winter
mute. Walter Bardwell will soon return to
the University of Missouri, where he is
entered as a medical student.
Work will be commenced today on
the foundation for the new milk sta
tion, which Is about to be built near the
upper ferry.
By Exclusive Wiic frcm The Associated Pros.
Forest City, OCt. f.. Mrs. Jennie
Jones Is home from a visit with Honca
dale friends.
There are 8S1 scholars enrolled in the
Forest City public schools.
Clifford lodge, Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, last week elected the fol
lowing oflicers: Noble grand, F. T. Gel
der; vice grand, F. M. Gardiner: sec
retary, Henry B. Sherwood; representa
tive, Henry Carr.
Benjamin Milton has been appointed
foreman of tho Hillside slope mine at
this place. Mr. Milton has been in
charge" of a company mine at Port
W. II. Reynolds, of Cross Forks, Is
visiting relatives here.
W. S. Hosklns sailed Saturday on tho
steamship Celtic for a three months'
stay in England.
William, tho son of Street Commis
sioner Connolly, dislocated ' an elbow
while playing with some companions
Tuesday, and Is now at Emergency
Miss Winifred Elchonberg, of Ellen
vllle, N. Y Is visiting old school friends
Forest City's schools receive $3,900
from the state this year.
Miss Helen Rivenbcrg, of Greenfield,
Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. H.
Special to tlio Scranton Tribune.
Welsh Hill, Oct. 5. Miss Cora An
thony is spending tho week In South
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. O. C.
Jones is somewhat bettor. There is
now hopes of its recovery.
Miss E. Maude Michael, of South
Gibson, called on friends here Satur
day, previous to her departure for New
York city on Monday, where she will
select her millinery stock for the win
tor. Mrs. W. D. Jones visited In Carbon
dale, Tuesday.
Robert Lewis, of East Lenox, former
ly of this place, recently lost four valu
able cows. The flooring gave way be
neath them, lotting tho cows hang by
their heads from tho stanchions. The
four which were not dehorned, were
unable to loosen themselves nnd were
found dead,
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Hopbottom, Oct. D, Mrs, Charles
Montague, of Dalton, visited at the
homo of I. T. Wilniarth on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J, ll. Tnnner are visit
ing friends in Lestershlre.
Miss Mella Brown has' returned from
New York with a full line of fall and
winter millinery. She will be pleased
to have you rail and Inspect her stock.
Charles Wilmnrlh bus returned to his
home in Owego, after spending tho past
week with his parents here,
Tho Universallst Aid society will meet
with Mrs. M. J. Hartley, AVednesduy,
October S, for tea.
Mr, Chaddock, foreman of the apple
evaporator, Is on tho sick list.
Spcclnl to tho Scranton Trlbuno,
Unlondale, Oct. 5, Miss Bessie Cole
man has returned homeward, after a
sojourn of several months In Wllkes
Barre. Monday Mrs. Joseph Jones and Mrs,
Daniel Reese, of Wayne avenue, Scran
ton, passed through town to visit
friends on Welsh Hill.
Arthur Foster and family are pow
occupying the rear portion of Mrs. Ell
Jab Carpenter's home.
Euoa Rounds is visiting friends In
Ml. '8 Tlllle Welble has returned to
spend some time at her mother's home.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
New Mtlford, Oct. 5. Alonzo Crossley,
of Btarrucca, was a pleasant taller in
town Thursday.
Mrs. Amodh Hi-niiM loft on Fri
day for Mcrldnn, Conn., where 'she will
spend somo tlmo with her daughter, Mrs.
L 11. Moss.
Mrs. It, O. Ilullnrd nnd children, ot
Hntlstend, spent Friday nt tho homo of
S. V, Trumbull,
Mis. William Van Colt, Mrs. D. W.
Shay and Miss Hun McConndl worn
among those that nltended tlio Bingham
ton fair Thursday.
Mrs. Shoemaker Is seriously ill nt tho
home ot her daughter, Mrs. M. 0. Brad
'Under Southern Skies."
At tho Lyceum Saturday "Under South
crn Skies" was presented before largo
audiences nftcrnoou anil evening. It Is a
play In which sunshine and shadow aro
admirably blended by Lottie Ulalr Tark
er, tho talented woman who write It.
A very satisfactory company presented
tho play.
"In Old Kentucky."
The most notable Instance ot enduring
popularity In an American play Is "In
Old Kentucky," which will pay another
visit to tlio Lyceum tonight. Tho play is
now In Its tenth season nnd continues to
nttract crowded houses everywhere
This year the production will bo given
upon a moro elaborate scale than over
In addition to this, an entirely new
scenic outtlt has been prepared by John
It. Young and the niece will bo mounted
moro lavishly than ever before hi Its
history. It ls this big production and
company Intnct that will present the play
here. Tho plckanlny band lias been In
creased largely and many new and novel
features added to tho famous plckanlny
At the Academy Tonight.
That wonderful reullutlc play, "Tlio
Span of Life," which has never tailed to
attract large and enthusiastic audiences
In this city, will be seen nt the Academy
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It Is
moro than a year since "The Span of
Life" has been seen here, and during that
period of time It has been translated and
produced in French, German, Belgian nnd
Russian, and lias also made a successful
tour of Australia.
This Is a record tlint cannot bo claimed
for any other melodrama over written.
There Is no doubt that tills fnvorlto play
will bo greeted by large audiences. Mat
inees Tuesday and Wcdnesduy.
"Human Hearts" at the Academy.
Go to "Humap Hearts" nt the Academy
Thursday, Friday and Saturday it you
need the refreshment Inughtcr brings. Go
If you wish to bo stirred by a dramatic
story of imiisunl force. Go, it you wish
to forget for a tlmo your own care, or to
find nn outlet, for the emotions you sup
press In real life.
The Cowboy nnd the Lady.
When S. Miller Kent, who will appear
hero In "The Cowboy and tlio Lady" at
tho Lyceum Wednesday was reading law
with his uncle, Judgo Stolscnburg, at
New Albany. Ind., ho became stage
struck and ran away to join the Allele
Payne company, receiving J5 per week
and board. In the company was the late
Odell Williams, wlio acted In the dual ca
pacity of actor and stage manager; Wal
ter Bonn, now nn inmate of tho Forrest
Home, was leading man. After several
ups and down (mostly downs) tho com
pany stranded In Fort Wayne, lnd. Tho
husband of the star, evidently wishing
to cure his wife of atase fever, refused
to help out with any more money. When
Mr. Kent Joined the company he was well
supplied with cash and clothing, which
the other members of the company .soon
found out and borrowed. On tho clos
ing of tlio company Kent had just J2,
which was not sufllclent to pay bis faro
home. But he made up ills mind to travel
as far as the money would carry him,
and count ties the rest of the distance.
Not having tho necessary funds to pay
the luxury of a hotel, bo determined to
walk around town that nlsbt and take
tho first train west in the morning.
In bis walk ho passed the lire onghto
house several times, looking In on eaoh
occasion. One of the firemen spoko to
him and Kent was only too glad to pas3
away the tlmo in conversation. The fire
man learned his story and took him in,
giving him a cot to sleep on. In tho
morning ho struck off for the denot nnd
approached a freight conductor to whom
he told his story, offering lilm the $2.
The conductor sent' him up in the yard,
teling him to catch the caboose as It
pulled out, which he did, arriving at bis
homo In Lafayette on tho ind of Jan
uary, the anlvcrsnry of his parents' wed
ding. Mr. Kent has never forgotten his fire
man friends, and when ho plays in Fort
Wayne if ho can find the boys who gave
blm bis night's lodging they will ho his
guests at tho theater. Seats on sale this
At the Dixie.
In presenting to tho Scranton public the
net of Clayton White and Mario Stewart,
tho Dlxlo theater is giving to Its patrons
one of vaudeville's leading comedy fea
tures. Mr. White lias been for years 'the
leading comedian with tho Hoyt and
Froliman companies and Miss Stowart has
made several distinct successes in Lon
don and Paris. Thin act is easily tho best
in its class and the salary period for It
is as much as tho cntlro salary ot somo
of tho companies now on tho road.
A special attraction for this week is
the wonder of tlio age, "Phroso," This
mystery Is puzzling tlio peopln In general
and scientists in particular. No ouo has
yet been nblo to say definitely whether It
Is alive or a wouderfulploco of mechan
ism. Ho It man or automatum It Is won
derful, and It walks, bows and talks in n
manner which is so nearly human nnd
yet so llko a mechnnlcnl doll that no ono
can bo certain as to nn answer to this
"Phroso" will bo at Dixie's this week
and no one thould fall to seo it mid Judga
for himself whether this extraordinary
mystery is nllvo or not. There nro many
other attractions on tho prngrammo
which will bo tho most attractive yet of
fered. Madam Sembrich.
That the richly gltted prima donna,
Madame Sembrich. claims aa her birth
place tho same country that gave to the
world that marvelous composer. Chopin,
and also tho De Reszko brothers, is ouo of
those Incidents that seems to stir a real
Interest in her personality; at any rato,
In this land. Sho comes, too, of a musical
family. Her father, who taught sue
cessfully pluno and organ, violin and
clarionet, was his daughter's earliest In
structor, first upon tho piano, then on the
At tho ago of eight years she mado her
appearance with him, as a violinist, upon
the concert stngo tu her own land, AVhen
eleven years old, sho was sent to Loin
berg to contluiio her study of tho pluno
with Professor WHhelm Stengel now her
husband, and a professor nt the ' Con
servatory In Dresden, A year lator ho
transferred her to tho caro of the famous
Epstein, In Vienna.
It was at tlio ago of fourteen, while
studying under Epstein, that the discovery
was mado of tho youthful plnnlsto's pos
session for a wonderful voice, Then she
devoted herself, by tho ndvlco of friends,
to Its cultivation, llrst in Vienna, then In.
Milan, aa a pupil of tlio eldor Lumpcrtl,
From that day to this alio has never ro.
linqulshed or neglected her musical study,
See the Cut Man.
Effective nnd attractive half-tones
and lino cuts for card, advertising or
any other purpose, can be secured at
The Tribune olllce: We do work that
Is unexcelled, do it promptly and at
lowest rates, a trial order will con
vince you.
From the Experience oi Scran
ton People,
We arc fortunate Indeed to bo nblo
to profit by, the experience ot our
neighbors. Tho public uttcrnnccs of
Scranlon residents on tho following
subject will interest nnd bcnollt thous
ands ot our readers. Read this state
ment, "fla omphalic nnd convincing.
No better proof can be had.
Mr. Thomas Dalley, a miner, of 121
Fllmore nvonuo, says: "No ono knows
how much I suffered.! I could not lift
anything. My back hurt every time I
stooped and often It seemed to break In
two. I read of a person who lives
around hero having been cured by tak
ing Doan's Kidney Pills, so I got tboni
at Matthews Bros,' drug store. The
first box helped mo ho much I con
tinued the treatment until I had taken
six boxes In nil. They fixed mo up all
right nnd did mo an immense amount
of good, so that I recommend them to
all whom I hear complaining of back
ache or other kidney troubles."
For sale by all dealers; price 50 cents,.
Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.',
sole agents for the U. S.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no substitute.
Mrs. George Tregcllas ls spending a
few days at Green Ridge.
Mrs. A. F. Doud and Mrs. George
Doud, of West Scranlon, attended tho
meeting of the Ladles' Missionary so
cieyt of tho Presbyterian church Fri
day afternoon.
Mrs. C. S. Snyder ls visiting friends
at Blakely.
Don't forget tho lecture at tho Metho
dist church Monday evening, by the
Rev. Dr. Whalen, of Carbondale; sub
ject, "Labor's Worst Enemy." Admis
sion free. A free-will offering will be
taken. .
D. W. Williams & Son, Individual
coal operators of Peckvilie, are willing
to make all concessions asked by tho
United Mine Workers of America. In
addition they will give each and every
one of the men who will work ono
month, a barrel of flour. They are
ready to go to work when a sufllolent
number of men can be procured to
work the mine.
National League.
At St. Louis (llrst game) R.H.E.
St. Louis 1 0010002 0 4 10 5
Chicago ....' 0 003 03 0 3 21113 2
Batteries Hackett and 'Weaver; Hardy
and Kllng. Umpire Urown.
Second game (live inning!,, darkness)
St. Louis 3 0 0 0 0 a 1) 2
Chicago 2 2 0 0 2 U 0 1
Batteries Wicker anil Weaver; Will
iams and Kilns. Umpire Brown. At
tendance, 1.S0O.
No other league games scheduled.
The following is the make-up of thtt
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
board for today:
Extras East 1.30 p. m Larklu; G.C0 p.
m., Singer with Blshing's crew.
Summits S a. m Frouufclker.
Pushers 7 a. m., Wldncr; 8 a. m.,
llout-er! 11,43 a. m., Mnran; 1.30 p.
m., Murray: 7.30 p. m Murphy; 0 p. m.,
W. If. Bartholomew.
Helpers 1,30 a. m., Coslur; 7. a. m
Qaft'ney; 10 a. m., Secor; 3.15 p. m,, Stan
ton, NOTICE.
G. W. Smith Willi V. IS. Wilmnt's crew
will mil No. 53. Monday, October li.
Russel with II. Smith's crew will run
No. 61, Monday, October 0'.
FOR THE LITTLE ONES, Cut out tho pictures appearing on this page each
day, draw a pencil mark around tho bidden object, save them until Saturday,
then send thorn or tako them to Tho Trlbuno ofllco In an envelope nddresed to
"Puzzlo Department." Enclose In tho envelope your name, ago and address. Tha
boys and girls who correctly mark the six pictures appearing during tho week,
and whoso answers nro first received, will havo their names published In Tho
Trlbuno Monday morning.
Last Week's Puzzle Solvers.
1. Margaret Louise Evans, Taylor, Pa,..
2. Margaret Dale. 129 West Market street
3. Charles I funster. Jr., SI5 Cedar aveuuu
4. Stanley Tubbs, Taylor Pa
Two girls are watching these
Solutions for Last
Monday, Sept, 20-Ono Is in the foil a go
of the big tree, ,the other back of tho wo
man's hand.
Tuesday. Sept. 30. Ono is under feet of
the dog at tho loft, another to tho right
of tho other's, dog's face.
Wednesday, Oct. 1-One Indian Is in
front of the man's fuce; the other in back
of his shoulder-
Only Half a Cnt a Wori
For Sale.
FOR 8ALE-I'bynlclan's chair and lioliso-
1101(1 goous, AuarcHS ,ui ijmncy inc.
llOPSt-HtOLD good for sale. Including
parlor suite and other articles. In
quire nt homo ot Mrs. Fred Gchling. 181 1
Wayne nvenue.
lings, balls of lire. 4 carats, flW. Beau
tiful diamond ring, over 2'j carats, 190.
Diamond ring, lino white stone, 1 carat,
$S3. Address X, P. O. Box 93.
FOR SALE-Abotlt 20 foot of desk coun
ter, surmounted with glass front and
two openings, lower portion nicely pan
elled, with drawers and iiholvcs under
neath. Mny bo seen nt tho office of The
Heal Estate,
FOR SALE-Gi-ont bni'cnill. four lots Oil
Jefferson iiveniie, Green Ridge, for
Jl.fiOO 'each; cash to quick buyer; MxiSl
feet. Address C. P. Jadwln, 513 Mcars
FOR SALE Twelve room single dwell
ing: hard wood finish on lot GOxlSl,
Wyoming avenue, Green Ridge; part
cash, balance on mortgage. Address C.
P. Jadwln, 513 McarS building.
WILL TRADE-lt you have somo well
located lots In the city 1 will trade a
lino double bouse on Jefferson avenue for
same, rents for $13 per month. Address
C. P. Jadwln.
FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In
upper Grocn Rldgo; cholco neighbor
hood; most desirable locality for homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. JIarvlne,
173G Sanderson avenue.
For Bent.
$1S For Rent Ten-room bouse; excellent
neighborhood; all modern Improve
ments, on avenue. Apply to It. P. Ham
ilton, 42li Spruco street.
FOR RENT New bouse, corner Linden
and Colfax; all conveniences. Inquire
S05 Marlon stiect.
Furnished Boom for Bent.
FURNISHED room for rent; meals If de
sired. 1230 Mulberry street.
Boom for Bent.
FINE ROOM for rent Three newly fur
nished front rooms, heat, gas and
bath. 300 block, Washington avenue. Ad
dress X, Tribune ofllce.
FOR RUNT Two front rooms: ono furn
ished; one unfurnished; all conveni
ences; for gentlemen only. Inquire 1511
Capouso avenue.
FRONT ROOM for rent;- desirable, 424
Adams avenue.
Business Opportunity.
out delay. Write for our special mar
ket letter. Free on application. S. M.
lllbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated and Stock Exchange, 41 and 4'3
Broadway. New York. Established 1S6I.
Long Distance 'Phone 23S3 Broad.
LOST Package from carriage Friday
morning containing India silk in sim
ilar wrapping paper. Return to Mrs.
Waylnnd, 5J1 Cluy avenue und receive re
ward. SEALED PROPOSALS will be opened In
the ofllco of tho City Recorder by thu
Director of the Department of Public
Works, at :i o'clock p. in. on Monday, Oc
tober 1:1, 1802, for furnishing and for fur
nishing and erecting street signs and
posts at the Intersection of tho several
streets within the city of Scranton.
Each bidder shall enclose with his pro
posal, cash or ccrtlllcd check In the sum
of ono hundred ($100.00) dollars as a guar
antee to executo a contract. If awarded
tho same, within twenty (2U days from
the date of award. In case the bidder to
whom tho contract shall have been
awarded refuses or neglects to execute
a contract within the said twenty (20)
days, the enclosure accompanying his
proposal shall be forfeited to tho uso of
the city of Scranton.
Each proposal shall bo accompanied
with a sample.
Bidders will he furnished with proposal
blanks at tho Bureau of Engineering and
no others will be accepted.
All proposals shall bo filed with the
City Controller, at his ofllce In tho City
Hall, Scranton, Pa,, not later than 2.30
o'clock p. m. on Monday, Oct. 13, 1902.
Tho city reserves tlio right to reject any
or all bids.
JOHN E. ROCHE. Director,
Department of Publlo AVorks.
Scranton, Pa,, October 1, 1902.
Golden nnd crew will run No. C(! Mon
day, October (!.
The conductors and their crews In flow
pool cast will lay oft threo round trips,
commencing with their llrst turn out,
alter tho 11.30 p. in. extra east Monday,
October 0. Notice will bo given when
they are to take their runs again.
.. r.
... 0
... K
.. 13
riders. Where are they?
Week's Puzzles.
Thursday, Oct. 2-Tio daughter Is be
low tho tourist's right foot; tho farmer
under tourist's arm.
Friday, Oct. 3-One Is hi drapery of her
skirt, tho other in ho curtain abovu her
Saturday, Oct. 4-lIoald .above tho
back of prostrate man; bis lleutcnunt ls
ubovo tho horsQ'a right foreleg
No Order
Accepted Tor Less
Than to Cents.
Branch WANT Oftim
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Received nt Any of the Follow
ing' Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT SC11ULTJ5. corner Mul
berry street nnd Webster nvc.
OUSTAV P1CHEL, 050 Adams
West Sldo-
OEO. W. JENKINS. 101 South
Main avenue.
South Scranton
FRED L. TERPPE, 720 Ccdnr
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Mfiln avenue and Market
Green Ridge ,
son avenue.
, F. J. JOHNS, 920 Green Rldgo
C. LORENiC. corner Washington
avenue and Marlon street.
W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving
Help Wanted.
WANTED At once, experienced stenog
rapher and typewriter. C. S. Wool
worth, WANTED Agents to sell tea and cof
fee to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co.. 311 Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Double entry bookkeeper; ono
who Is not afraid of work, good placo
for right man. Address with references,
box 334, Scranton, Pa.
WANTED General foreman In machlno
shop employing liJO men on general
machinery. For a hustling up-to-date
man, competent to get out work at mini
mum cost, good salnry will bo paid. Ad
dress Tribune ofllco "A."
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
New system. Eight weeks completes.
Wages Saturdays. Positions guaranteed.
No strikes. No trusts. Catalogues mailed
free. Molers' Barber School, New York
WANTED 25 rugged laborers at once, to
work lit stone quarry near Buffalo.
Apply A. P. Blncklnton, 109 Franklin avo.
Help Wanted Femnle.
WANTED Woman to do family wash
ing. Monday wash day. On promises.
Apply 309 Wheeler avenue.
WANTED Experienced lady shoo clerk.
State salary expected. Address, Clerk,
Tribune ofllce.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent for tills county. No
books, Insurance, or canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants and manu
facturers necessary. Permanent. Bond.
State age, experience, references first Jot
ter. Address. Suite 572, No. 1001 Chestnut
St.. Philadelphia.
Situation:; Wanted.
with child four years old wants house
keeping with somo rcHpcutablo person.
Address Mrs. Smith, Trlbuno olllce.
work in small family. Address A. M.,
133G Von Starch avenue.
Honey to Lean.
Qulck, stialght loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker, 314-313 Connell building.
Board and Rooms.
VERY DESIRABLE suite ot rooms with
llrst class table board, can bo obtained
at 233 Jefferson avenue.
launders shirts at Sc. each and collars
and cuffs nt lV4c. each.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building. Old 'phone IStil.
Real Estnto Exchangu Bldg., 120 Wash
ington avenue,
Civil And Mining Engineers.
ucll building.
building, Spruco street, Scranton.
Fire Insurance.
SCIILAGER & CO., 101 Council Building,
Patent Attorneys.
p at e n ts imsws&r
Tho only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor In the city. No charge for in
formation on patentability; over ton
years' experience
Rcplojrlc&Co., Mcars HUljr.
Hotels and Restaurants.
THE ELK CAFE. 12j" A N iTJ:Tf rTnk".
Iln avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. .lEULKIt. Proprietor.
Passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu. 1
ropcun pian. vieior ivocn, proprietor.
ATiTnRiGas cleans privy vaults
and eois pools; no odor; only Improved
pumps used, A, B, Briggs, proprietor.
Leave outers 1100 North Main avenue,
or Eleko's drug store, corner Adams aim
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens.
ave., Scranton, mfrs. ot Wire Hcieens,
dies, envelopes, paper nags, twine,
lYurciiuueu, iw HBiuuBum uvvuue.
be bad in Scranton at thu news stand
ot Rulsmaii Bros., 400 Spruco and sol
Linden; M. Norton. 322 Lackawanna
avc; I. S. SchuUer, 211 Spruce street.
r h
IE5. Re
Only Half a Csnt a Wori.
TO THE owner or reputed owners ol
property bounding or abutting on botli
sides ot Meridian street, from the Third
district main sower to tlio alley lending
across the D.. L. ft W, R, R. tracks from
Meridian to Seventh Btrcot, In tho Fifth
ward, city of Scranton, Pa.
Take notice that under the direction of
Councils assessments will bo mado for
tho construction of a lateral sower In said
Meridian street, between the points nbovo
named, on Friday, tho 10th day of Octo
ber, A. D 1902, at 10 o'clock In the fore
noon nt tho Department of Publlo
Works, Buipiiu or Engineering, City Hall,
Scranton, Pa nt which tlmo anil placo
you may appear. and bo heard It you so
JOHN E. ROCHE. Director.
. Department of Publlo Works.
Scrnulon, Pa., Oct. a, 1902.
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western.
. In Effect Juno 1, 1C02.
Trains lcavo Scranton for Now York
At 1.30, 3.20, 0.05. 7,60 and 10.10 a. in.: 13.40,
3.40. n.3o p. m. For Now York and Phlla-delphla-7.00.
10.10 a. m., nnd 12,10 nnd 3.33
p. m. For Gouldsboro At 0.10 p. m. For
Burtulo-1.15, U.22 and 9.00 n. m.; 1.53, 6.50
and 11.10 p. m. For Blnghnmton. Elmlra
and way atatlons-10.23 a. m.. 1.03 p. m.
J or Oswego, Syracuso nnd Utlca-1.15 and
0.22 n. m.j 1.53 p. m. Oswego, Syracusa
and Utlca irnln nt 0.22 n. m. dally, except
biiiidny. For Montrose 9.00 a. m.; -1.03
and 6.50 p. ni. Nicholson accommodation
1.00 and 0.15 p. m.
Rloomsburg Division For Northumber
land, nt 0.33 nnd 10.10 n. m.: 1.53 nnd 6.10
p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40
and 9 03 p m.
Sunday Tra'.ns-For Now York, 1.30, 3.20,
0.0.,. 30.10 a. m.; 3.40 and 3.33 p. m. For
Buffalo l.lli nnd G.22 n. m.; 1.55, 6.50 and
31.10 p. m. For Elmlra and way stations
10.2.1 a. m. For Blnghnmton and way sta
tions, 9.00 n. m. Bloomsburg Division
Leave Scranton, 10.10 a. m. and 6.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Effect Juno 15, 1!XW.
Trains Leave Scranton
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
6 II. R. R., nt nt 7.41, through Pnrlor Car
and Day Coach Carbondalo to Now York
and 9.17 a. in., with L. V. Coach Carbon
dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.18, 4.33 (Black
Diamond Express), nnd 11.49 p. m. Sun
days, D. & H. R. n., i.ns, 9.17 p. m.
For Whits Haven, Hnzlcton and princi
pal points In tho coal regions, via D. &
It. R. R 7.41. 2.1S and 4.33 p. m. For
Pottsvllle, 7.41 n. m.
For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, I-Iar-rlsbnrg
and principal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. & II. r. R 7.41, 9.17 it. m.;
2.18, 4 33 (Black Diamond Express). 11.49 p.
m. Sundays, D. & II. R. R 9.3S a. m.;
1.B8, 9.17 p. m.
For Tunkhannoek, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva nnd principal Intermediate
stations via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.33 a. m.
and 1.53 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via
D. & II. R. R., 12.03 p. m.: 3.23 (Black
Diamond Express). 10.41. 11.49 p. m. Sun
days. D. Si II. R. It.. 12.03. 9.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh
Valley Parlor cars on all trains between
WIlkes-Barre and New York. Philadel
phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 20
Cortland street. Now York.
CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., 28
Cortland street, New York.
A. W. NONE.MACHER, DlV. PaS3. Ast.
South Bethlehem. Pa.
For tickets nnd Pullman reservations
apply to city ticket ofTlcc, 69 Publlo
Square, Wilke-s-Barrc. Pa.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Co'rrectod to September 10, 1902.
Stations In Now York, foot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. R.
Trains leavo Scranton for New York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mauch Chunk, Whlto Haven, Ash
ley, AVIlkes-Barro and Plttston nt 7.30 a.
m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
Quaker City Express leaves Scranton
7.3U n. m through solid vestibule train
with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phila
delphia with only ono change of cars for
Baltimore nnd Washington, D. C, and all
principal pclnts south and west.
For Avnea, Plttston nnd WIlkes-Barre,
lp. m. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p m.
For Long Branch. Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.30 n. m, and 1 p. m.
For Rending, Lebanon nnd Hnrrlsburs
via Allentown at 7.30 n. m., 1 p. m. and i
p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.:
1 p. m. nnd I p. m.
For rates and tickets apply to ngent at
W. O. BESSLER. Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Schnlulo In Effect Juno 10, 1902.
Trains leavo Scranton 6.3S n. m week
davs, through vestibule train from
Wilkcs-Barre) Pullman buffet parlor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, .via Potts
vllle; stops at principal Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury. Hnr
rlsburg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the West.
0.17 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury. Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and Pittsburg and tho West.
1.12 p. m.. week days, (Sundays. 1.38 p.
m.), for Sunbury, Ilnrrisburg, Phllndel.
nliln, Baltimore. Washington and Pitts
burg nnd tho West.
3 "S p. m., week dnys, through vestibule,
train from WIlkes-Barre. Pullman buffet
parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle. Stops at principal Intermedi
ate stations.
4.33 p. m week days, for ITnzloton. Sun
bury, Ilnrrisburg, Philadelphia and Pitts-
b"1B' J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J. B. AVOOD. Gen. I'nss. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect Juno 10, 1902.
Trains for Carbondalo leavo Scranton at
filt 7.30. S.30, 10.13 a. in.; 12 03, 1.12, 2.11,
:M. 5.29; 0.23, S.21, 9.13. 10.04 p. m.; 12.18,
"For'Uo'nesdulo-fi.ii, 10,13 n. m,; 2.U and
r. nn
For Wllkes-Barre-6.3S. 7.41. 8.11. 9.47.
10 Ma. 111.: 12.0.1, 1.42. 2.18, 3.28, 4.35, 6.10,
7 IS. 10.11, 11.49 p. III.
For L. V. R. R. Polnts-7.41. 9.47 a. m.
2.1S, 4.35 and 11.49 p. ill.
For Pennsylvania R. R. Points 0.31
9.17 n. in.; 1.42. 3.28 and 4.33 p. m.
For Albany and all points north 7.38 a,
m. nnd 3.50 i. m.
For Cnrbondaln s.50, 11.33 a. m.; 2.11,
3.50, 5.52 and 1117 p. 111. "
For WIlkes-Barre 9.3S a. m.; 12.03, 135.
3.2S, 0.32 and 9.17 n. m. "
Far Albany and points north 3.50 p.Ttn.
For Honcsdnlo-8.30 a. m.: 11.3.1 and.-gjl
Pw!' L. PRYOR, D. P, A., Scrantop, ,ga.
Erie Railroad Wyoming Divisions'
111 Effect September 13, 1902.. tT
Trains, leavo Serantnit for New York,
Nowbnrgh anil InlernuMllato points, alfo
lor llawley and local stations at 7,20 a.
m and 1 25 p. m.
For Houesdalo and Whlto Mills at A.35
li. m. "
Trains nrrlvo at Scranton at 10.33 a.'jn.
and 9.13 p, nb
New "Xovlc, Ontario and Westerti.
Tlmo table In effect Sunday. Sept. 23, 1902.
I .cava Leave Arrive
No. 1 .
No. 7 .
Scranton, Carbondalo. Cadnsla.
,,,.10.:'.0a. in. II. 10a. m. 1.00 p.'jji.
...., ni.Ar.Carboudalo 6.16 pmi
l.eavo Leave AITivo
Trains, Cadosla. Carbondale. Scrnntoii.
No 0 '" li.Ma. m. 7,23a, m.
Nn 2 2.13 p. ill. 4.00 p. Ill, 4.45 p..m.
l.cavo Leavo Anion
gcranioii. unriuiiinie. i aansja.
,, 8.30 a.'m. 9.10 n, m. 10.43 an.
No. 3 ,
7.00 i. m,Ar.c:ai hoiulalo 7,43 n;jn
Leavo Leavo Arrlvij
Cadosla. Carbondalo, Scranton.
0.50 a. m. 7.2.i a. ni.
No, 0 .
Nn. 1(1
4.30 P- 111. 0W p. PI. li.43 p. ii.
Trains Nus. I on week days, nnd 9 on
Sundays canned for Now York city. Mid-
ilU-lQH b, aiiiiu, miruii'ii. uncuia, us
wego anil all point: west,
Train No. 0. with , ''Quaker City Ex.
press'' at Scrahtpn. via C, It, R. of N. J.,
for Philadclph!a,"Alantlc City, Baltimore.
Washington nnd Pennsylvania stato
Seo tlmo-tnblo and consult ticket agent
for connections with other lines.
J. C. ANDERSON. G. P. A-. New York
J. E. WKLSH, T. T. A.. Scranton. Pa,-