llgpgn I c2 THE SCRAjNTOiV TlUBlkNE-iUOflDAl', OCTOBER 0, 1J)02. U S i. TiTtliTitll li The News of IN THE PUBLIC EYE. Some few -months Intel:, when the news cuino from Hunbury that the Knights of 1'ythltis lmil voted Curbnn dnle iih the choice for next year's suite convention, the l'ythlnus nt home, and other citizens who took tin Interest In tile project, exclaimed as of one mind, "That's what Harry Masters paid he would do." This Incident la cited tin an example of how Common Councilman W. H. Masters, chairman of that body, works to achieve n luii'iiose when ho sets out. The light was conducted under cir cumstances, dlscouraglmr to most men, V. II MASTKIiS. Chairman uf Common Council ami a rtominciil Knlslits of Pythias. but "flurry," mk Mr. Masteis' Intimate friends call him. Is m.itle nf sterner 'stuff, and plte hlnjr In he won out for f'nrbondnlo by a vote of about (! to 1 'ngiilnft the hottest competitor, the city nf Rradlncr, whne workers had a oer tincd check nf several thousand dollars from the city's board of trade to help finch the claim for the convention. Mr. Masters had no big checks, but be got the convention for his home, and ne::t August Curbondulc will have the big Rest convention, in the Knights of Pythias gathering, in its fifty years as a city. The stlek-to-lllveness that Mr. Mas ters showed on this occasion Is char acteristic of him in all ills relations. A . fighter from way back when he believes he is light, lie hammers nwny fear lessly and tirelessly until lie wins. This is what lie does in council, wheie his constituents' needs arc being partleu laily cared for, and if there's any doubt of this ask a taxpayer of the Fifth ward whn takes the interest in doings of council that .ill citizens should. Though Mr. Matters has been in Car bondale scarcely more than a dozen ycais, he has hewed out a place for himself that puts him among the most conspicuous in the eye and the favor of the public. Recognized tills year as the Republican leader in common council, he was elected chairman with out even a suggestion of opposition. The same enviable standing that ho has in this body is true of the other organizations In which he Is a forceful influence. In Carbondale lodge of the Knights of Pythias he has been sec retary for eleven terms, and can retain the office, it is safe to say, so lone as It Is bis pleasure. This, however. Is the lesser of the honors he enjoys among Pythian". At the last state convention he was appointed deputy .grand chancellor, which he is filling with characteristic fidelity and grace. His acquaintance In the circle of Knights of Pythias winds Its way round the big Keystone state. Mr. Masters' social side Is the pleas nntest and wherever his personality shows itself, there you will llnd Harry's friends. AMONG THE SICK. Condition of Several Typhoid rever Patients. Common Councilman Robert S. Whit field and Mrs. Whitfield nro vvnnlnil s 3p$ s s s sv ""i over the seveio sickness of their only child, Marilla, aged 7 years. The little one Is sulfering from typhoid fever, nnd yesterday her condition was dangerous. Iier temperature has l cached as high as 104 degrees. Trained Nurse Miss Jenkins Is caring for the patient. The Misses I'atheilno and Bridget Kennedy, of South Mala street, who were taken with typhoid fever, just as the family was ready to depait for Scrantou to take up their residence there, nro making favorable progress. There are hopeful and encouraging In dications each day, and their complete recovery Is looked for. Miss Mamo Snannon, of Washington street, continues to grow weaker, and thero Is little hope of her recovery, Walter, son of Dr. W. W. Fletcher, who was dangerously HI of bronchitis, Is improving most encouragingly, and i.Is recovery seems assured, This will be good tidings to the friends of the family and the Interesting child. Firemen Were Some "Shucks," W. II. Kennedy's tlreinen met and de feated B. F. Stoutmaer'H shop bunds In a game ot' base bull Saturday afternoon at Alumni park, Jy, a .scoto of 10 to 5. There was sport galore dining tho game. J Holy Namo Reception, Tho semi-annual reception of the j Holy Namej.8qciety.or St. Rose chunk was hold last evening. About a lutlf J hour previous to the tlmo appointed for the reception, the society nssemitled J In the basement of St. Rose hall and J mai'Ctled to the church In it body. "Rev- eral appropriate hymns were sung by ,5 tho members of tho society, after which Rev. Father "O'Donneii, of Olyphant, t preuehed nn eloquent sermon, This so J tiety Is one of the fruits of the recent "imssicm; and under the direction of tho tfil 4U n n AfterOver-InduIgence get "your stomach and liver .into .nrpper condition.by us ' frig fHis renowneel old family '-,d'reme"dy -Beecham's Pills, JlfEMtiHhtie-IntoietiOcatiijaSe v J Carbondale. Very itev. Father T. 1 Corfoy, V. G, has Brown In numbers and In the In fluence of the spiritual work of the congregation. GONE ARCHBALD WAY. Unwelcome Gypsies Hustle Out of City on the Sabbath. To our dearly beloved brethren In Archbald we give notice that the mot ley band of gypsies which came this way, after n profitable stay In Hones dale dear old Honcsdale innde a fly ing trip through Cnrbondalo yesterday In the direction of the borough of pot hole fame. Some one said the cross your - hand - with - u - quarter artists learned of the money that Arehbald Inns came Into possession of In that great ball game or recent fame, In which the Brothers Plttston were some peaches, ond they are bent on raking off some of the pile. Maybe this Is why the gypsies hustled through Carbon dub' yesterday with smiling faces that rellected pleasant antlclpal'Ions. It was a curious procession, the half dozen wagons of those "gypsies" that came down Halcm avenue and onto Main street about It o'clock yesterday forenoon. The band came from Cape Horn, near No. !, which was chosen as n camp on Thursday, after climbing the Mnoslcs from Honcsdale, the dear old place. The move was made at the rcfiuest of the ofllcers of the law. And It was a lively move, for these snme plctuicsnue gypsies acquired a most wholesome lespect and fear of the law In Carbondnle, which will stand tliein In good stead when they may be In well, say Archbnld. From the time Column street was reached until the city line at the southern end of town was reached, the horses were kept on the run. Their business air Indicated that they appreciated that there would lie something doing If they paileyed here. The first of the procession was a cov ered wagon, decorated thus: "People's Grocery." The next read. "Neopolittm Ice Cream Mocks;" then "Medicated Malt Cough Drops:" "Joanno Longo, Fruiterer," and the last the most ap propriate of all: "Market Wagon; All Kinds of fireen floods." The whole out fit looked as If it might have been purchased at a sale of unclaimed ex press packages. From the rear of the wagons peeped the grimy and ill-vis-nged countenances of the gypsy folks. They are gone, with the hope that they will forget the way back. IN NEW YOEK CITY. M. J. Hornn, Weil-Known Carbon dalian, Well Located His Succes sor. M. J. Hor.m, of the West Side, one of the bent-known young men of the town, who went to New York city a few weeks ago, has accepted a posi tion there and will remain. Mr. Hornn is well located. He Is window dresser for Saranoff, the hatter, at Broadway and Twenty-ninth street, men who are much sought for in New York city. Ho has ability In this line, which was amply demonstrated and ap preciated by ("arbondallans during his lung employment In Singer's park cloth ing house. Mr. Koran's departuip from this city will be keenly regretted among the numerous friends, who re gard him highly. He was president of the Clerk's union and active In the Father Mathew society and the Colum bia Hose company. Domlnick Larkin, of this city, recent ly with the Collins clothing house, of Scranlon, is Mr. Koran's successor. His wide acquaintance and his efficiency make him a valuable man. SATURDAY NIGHT'S EIRE. Burning Outhouse Near No. 1 Calls Out Columbias. An outhouse located beyond No. 1 breaker of the Delaware and Hudson caught aliie about 10.30 Saturday night. Someone, fearing a disastrous blaze, turned In an alarm from Box OS. The Columbias responded, but when the box was reached, after a long run, no one was In sight and there was no sign of fire. This gave rise to the be lief that the alarm was false. The shed, however, was probably destroyed be fore the company reached the box. The box is located fully a half-mHe beyond the city line, and even a dwelling might be destroyed, and one has been burned to the ground, before a fire company could cover the distance and lay a line of hose. In this connection It might be mentioned that there is wretched lire protection In this vicinity, one hydrant doing service for the entire district, it is woefully Inadequate. WEEK OF THE DRAMA. Kathciine Bobei' to Open at the Grand Tonight. The Katherlne Hober company will give a week of opera to Carboiidalliins this week, and a good week If tho or ganization repeats here the satisfac tory work It has been doing on the road since the seas-ou opened. Press notices galore, all highly complimentary, pre cede the company. Coupled with this Is the repertoire that the company an nounces. Such ambitious pioductlous as "Madaino Sans dene," "Lady of Qual ity," "Dr. Bill," are among the attrac tions to bo offered this week. Any com pany that-attempts to essay such plays and is so successful as tho Katherlne Itobor company, that company must be u capublo one. The opening bill will bo ".Madame hans fiene," This Is Sardou's great play and was played In this section a few seasons ago by Kntherlne Kidder and her company, The company tallies abundant seeneiy with which to htuge the different productions. OF INTEREST TO HUNTERS. Nu question III game protection la more linpoitnnt than that of the sea sons during which birds and animals shall bo protected, yet thero Is pons In which fattitn laws bhovv a greater iIIt vcrslty or ace more subject to change, In Pennsylvania tho open season for game Is as follows; Deer, elk, Nov, 1 to Dec. I. Squirrels, black, gray or fox, Oct, 15 to Dec, 15, Hare, rabbit, Nov. I to Dec, 15. Quail, partridges, grouse, Imported pheasants, wild turkey, Oct. 15 to Dec. 15. Woodcock, Oct, 15 to Dec, ID. Upland or grass plover, July 13 tu Jan. 1, Hall, reedblrd, Sept. 1 to Dec. 1. Webfooted wild fowls, ducks, etc., Sept. 1 to May I. Qut two deer can be killed In one season by one person, and then only during the month of November, Pen- alty, $100. Deer mUBt not ba killed or captured In the witters of the stitte, nnd the r'unnlng of doer with dogs Is pro hibited. Penalty, $100. It Is Unlawful for 'any person to kill In any one day more than ten pheas ants, or more than fifteen nuall or more than ten woodcock, or more than two wild turkeys,-" Penalty, $50. Pheasants, wild turkey, nuall and woodcock can be killed from Oct. 15th to the 15th ot December, Inclusive. Penally, $20 for each bird, except that woodcock can be killed during the month ot July. All manner of trapping of game Is prohib ited, except that qtinll can bo trapped from Jan. 1 to Feb. 15 for the purpose of keeping them nllve during the win ter, nnd all qunll so tnkeir must bo re leased in the same neighborhood as soon ns the weather will permit in the spring. Prosecutions enn bo brought by tiny person. One-holf of penalties go to the Informer. All prosecutions must be brought within one year from the time of the offense. The purchase or sale of pheasants, qunll, woodcock, wild tur key and deer is prohibited. Penalty, $2.. All other game of the state can be sold within the stnte, except wild pigeons. A non-resident gunner, except he own real estate here, must pay a license of $10 to hunt In Pennsylvania, At a Wedding. Joseph A. Burke, of this city, acted na an usher at the wedding of Miss Frances Isabella, Mellon to Francis J. McAndrew, which took place In Scran ton Saturday morning. Among those who attended the wedding from this place were the Misses Llbble and Brid get O'Boyle, Mary J. and Elizabeth Burke and Mny L. Mofflt. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Next Sunday will be "Old Folks" day at the Borcan Baptist church. Rev, Dr. Whalen will deliver a sermon ap propriate to the occasion at the morn ing services. All elderly people are especially Invited to be present. Car riages will be sent for any who find themselves unable to reach tho church on foot. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. A. Tingley, of Carbondale, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Carpenter at the Jay house this week. Mr. Tlngley Is engaged in the drug business In Carbondale and his many Susquehanna county friends are glad to know that he Is prosperous. New Mllford Advertiser. Court has changed the polling place In tho First district of the Second ward of Carbondale, from the present loca tion to the coiner of Seventh avenue and Terrace street. Mrs. John Maze, of Canaan street, left Saturday evening on the Erie for Cleveland, Ohio, as delegate to the Ladies' Auxiliary to Brotherhoood of Trainmen convention. Francis Smith has returned from a couple of months' visit to his former home, Bristol, England. His trip was enjoyable and beneficial. Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Pattanto, of Electric alley, are mourning the death of a flfteen-months'-old daughter, who died Saturday morning. Burial was made in St. Rose cemetery. Dundaff young men have organized a foot ball team, and they are anxious to play teams under 135 pounds average weight. Miss Joyce and Mrs. Brennan, of Plttston, have returned home after a few days' visit with Mrs. A. L. Gurney. The Loyal Legion will meet In Watt's hall, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. JEBMYN-MAYFIELD. At the last regular meeting of the borough council the following bills wcie ordered paid: Labor roll, $11.15; David Sullivan, ?1..-i0. The electric light com pany's bill was laid over and the com pany's representative requested to be uiresent at the next regular meeting to explain reason lor tne poor ngnt ser vice given. The Consolidated Water company's bill for JCO.0 was referred to the committee on light and water, as the charges were considered exces sive. The salary of Chief of Police He- Glnley and six months' salary and making out duplicate, amounting to $35, was ordered paid to Secretary Jones. Borough Attorney Battenberg forwarded tho release of tho Galla gher damage suit, which was plnced on file. A communication was also read from the attorney regarding the pro ceedings against Archbald borough to put the wild-cat in repair and asking council to have their witnesses on hand on Wednesday, when It Is ex pected tho case will be culled. Council men Avery and Wheejer were appoint ed to secure the witnesses. A motion was adopted that all property-holders having sidewalks out of repair be noti fied to repair them at once or they will be responsible for any damage resulting therefrom. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Par ry, of West Mayfleld, Is HI of convul sions. Mrs. II, A. Wlllman and daughter, Mrs. C. A. Battenberg, of South Main street, hnvo returned home from Oceun Grove, where thoy have been spending the past fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Potter have moved from Scrantou Into the Nichol son property, on Second street, Joel Morcom, of Fourth street, Is laid up with an attack of inllucuza, Misses Grace and Gertie Vail and Mr. and Mrs. George Pondered wit nessed the production of "Under South ern Skies" at tho Scranton Lyceum Saturday afternoon. .Miss Beatrice Dawe, of West Mny (li'ld, Is til. George Pendred, Jr., of Vintondalo, Columbia county, was summoned hero Saturday by tho illness of ono of his children. The Illness of Miss Kntle Champion, FOOD FOR A YEAR, Meats 300 lbs, Milk. . . , , ,, , , ,240 qts, IJutter , . , , 1 00 lbs, 1-BSS ........... 27 doz, Vegetables Soo lbs, This represents a fait ration fot one man for one year, Hut some people eat and eat and yet grow thinner. This means a defective digestion and unsuitable food. To the notice of such persons we pre sent Scott's Emulsion, famous for its tissue building.- Your physician can tell you how it does it. We'll tend you a little to try II rou UW. SCOIT & JJOWNE, , PutUtKct, New Votk. Would Not Jnstire Him. Insurance Companies would not insure the Rev.' J. W. Yeisley because he had Kidney Trouble. Mr. Ycliley was much discouraged till a friend recommended Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite kemedy and it cured him. Mr. Yeisley writes : "My kidneys and liver were In bad condition unci I was nnxious for relief. I had tried many remedies without success. I bought a bottle of 'Favor ite Remedy,' which effectively proved its merit. The best proof that it has completely cured me is my recent ac ceptance by four different life insur ance companies." Tho Rev. Mr. Yeisley Is tho pastor o the First Reformed Church of St. Paris, Ohio, and is as well tho editor of the St. Paris Dispatch. There is no question that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the best and surest medicine In the world for dis eases of the kidneys, Hver, bladder and blood, rheumatism, dyspepslaand chronic constipation, as well as tho weaknesses peculiar to women. It quickly relieves and cures inability to hold urine and tho necessity of getting up a number of times during the night and puts an end to that scalding pain when passing urine. It is for sale by all druggists in tho NOW SO Oont Slzo and the regular $1.00 size bottles less than a cent a dose. Sam fit bottle enough for trial, fret by mail. Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y. Dr. I)&Tld Kfnntlj'H Magic Ere fiilrr for all ttieasci or Inflammations of tbc Eye. 23c. of AVest Maylield, has developed Into typhoid fever. OLYPHANT. The funeral of Sarah, the little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, of Dunmore street, was held yesterday afternoon at U o'clock. The services were conducted nt the house by Rev. Japies Iley, pastor of tho Primitive Methodist church, and were largely attended by friends of the family. In terment was made In Union cemetery. Bauer's Thirteenth Regiment band gave an open air concert on the ve randa of the Mabon house on Saturday evening. A large gathering of people enjoyed the excellent programme ren dered. Dr. W. L. Van Busklrk spent yester day at his home in Taylor. Andrew Patten, jr., of 'Carbondale, visited relatives nt this place, yester day. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hull and daugh ter, Josephine, has returned home, af ter spending two weeks at Maplewood. Mrs. Anthony Jones, of Kingston, Is visiting in town. Mrs. John Sweeney, of Green Ridge, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sweeney, of Lackawanna street. J. Bossa McCormaek Is spending a few days with his parents in Blakely. Edward Gallagher and John Ed wards spent last evening with Carbon dale friends. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money If it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. TAYLOR. The school board held its regular meeting on Friday evening. The teach ers and janitresses were paid for the month of September. W. H. Thomas, our young townsman, received the ap pointment of musical director of the borough schools. During the meeting Miss Mackenzie, a teacher at the Pyne school, sent In her lesignatlon. A com munication was received from Colonel E. 11 Ripple concerning a donation of sixty volumes of United States history, wnlcli the board accepted. The following ofllcers were Installed on Saturday evening by the Taylor lodge, No. 6S, Independent Order of Odd Fellows: Noble grandr Thomas Owens; vice-grand, Gomer Williams; treasurer, John P. Griffiths. District Deputy J. E. Harris and staff, of Scranton, per formed the ceremonies. Acacia lodge, No. 579, Free and Ac cepted Masons, will meet this evening in Jlecse s hall. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gomer Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Jones, Mrs. Talllo Jones, Mrs. Walter James, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jones and Mrs. Samuel Powell attended the funeral of a rela tive at Edwardsvllle on Saturday. D. T. Deyeo, a socialistic speaker, of New Jersey, delivered an address on Main street Saturduy evening. The Taylor Iteifs challenge the AVest Side Browns to a game on the Taylor grounds, Wednesday afternoon, and any first-class team for Saturday on the home grounds. G. K. Davis, man ager. The quoit match between Daniel O'Brien nnd Richard Williams will take place this afternoon at Nayjor's hotel, Emblem division, No. 57, Sons of Temperance, will meet this evening In regular session. Prof, and Mrs. M. J. Lloyd nnd chll dien, of Prlceburg, spent the Sabbath with relatives In town. Mrs, James Powell and daughter, Melissa, and brother, John Nelger, are spending a few days at Lower lake, near Blngluunton, N, Y. Mrs. T. J. Powell and Mis. John nidgeway spent tho Subbuth with rela tives In Wllkes-Biirre, Messrs. David Jenkins and David Williams, of Jenny n, were callers 011 the former's brother, J, T. Jenkins, of iwuin sueei, yesterday. A (urge number of our townspeople visiieo mo Higiun regiment camp, at Duryea, yesterday, Degrco of Pocohontas council, No. 51, will Instnl newly elected ofllcers this evening. All members ure requested to bo present, DUNMORE, The stockholders of tho Fidelity De posit and Dlbcount bank of Dunnioro, met In Miisonlo halt Friday afternoon and elected illrectois for tho ensuing ye.ir, Tho following wore elected: P, J, lloian, F. E. Swiu tu, Dan Powell, Dr, A, II. Bernstein. l)r, F, W Winters, Jubn E. Swift P. D. Mauley, John druey, Henry lieyca, It. C. Wills, '"ho illrectois organ. Izcd by electing the following officers; President, P. J. Ilorun; vice president, F, E. Bwurtz; secretury, Dan Powell, Tho mutter of locution has not been de cided, but It is likely to ba ilelinltcly settled at tho next meeting of tho mem bers. It is thought affairs will be In shape to begin business about January 1. Mrs. Marvin Tutlilll, of Third street, is vising friends In Georgetown. Mis. William Young una family havo Jp0000 Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping Center The Book Sale still goes on. They are going out at the rate of 2,000 a day. Women's Golf Vests On a cold day, for instauce uudei' a fall jacket what could ba more snug? Iu red, navy and green, double breasted and fastened with brass buttons, plain knitted back, $1.75, worth $2, 2. Only a Tooth Brush j But tooth brushes worth 20c, 25c jKi and 30c each, for 10c each. That's why W they are creating such a stir. 5,000 of 5 them to sell at this price: 1 A New Departure Men's Smoking Jackets, House Coats and Gowns,, 5 Luxurious Lounging Robes J The material is wool, in dark plain colors and mixtures the inside is plaid J of various color combinations. The garments are fgced with the plaid to match V cloth, and the pockets and collar are of ihe same plaid fiuished with fine silk cord j and made in the best prssible mauner. 5 Smoking Jackets and House Coats $5.00 each, worth in any Clothing or j Men's Exclusive Store $10.00. V Lounging Robes and Gowns $7.50, worth $r.2.r;o. 5? Bath Robes of all wool stripes, $5.00, worth $7. Jo. I Connolly & Wallace I 123-1 25-12M29 Washington Ave. leturncd to their home In Uiifflewood, N. J., after a stay of several weeks in town vlsitlns: Mis. Young'H puicnts, Jlr. and Mrs. William Webber, on Drinker street. Deputy Factory Inspector J. T. Fish ic cently appointed fiom Ducks county, is the guest of Deputy Factoiy inspector IS, W. Uishop. The school bonid met In regular session Satin day night .with all members present. Supeilnteudent lloban p'esented his llrst monthly report which s-howed the 111 st month of school to have ben a very suc cessful one. He made special mention of the steady improvement In discipline. Tho total enrollment shows 1.2.19 males, 1,212 females, with an nvciase attendance of 0.', per cent. A number of tho schools havo enough coal on hand to last for bev eral months while otheis arc neaily out, but the bomd anticipates no dlillculty m finding plenty of coal for all the build ings at any time It Is needed. Holiness for n raise of $."' per month were received from Miss Kv.i Montgomery and Miss Margaret Kelly. The boaul went Into a. committee of tho whole to consider tho question of salailes for tho comlnir year and reported that they would bo the same as last year with tho exception of Miss Mary Mcl.ane, Alio Is advanced $.',, rais ing her salary to $." per mouth, tho amount she received for many yeais. Tho ?uT,,00n bond Issue lecontly awarded to F. C. Fuller it Co., has not been ac cepted by that llrm for porno leasou which the bomd cannot understand. The matter has been refcued to Attorney T. .1. Dussan, but ho inado no report on the matter on Saturday night. Itcv. A. F. Chaffee, of tho Carboiid.ilo Methodist Kplsijopal church, preached an eloquent and instructive ormon In tho Metioillst Kplsnnp.il church yesterday morning. In the ovenlng Ilov. II. O, Mc Deimott, of the Simpson Methodist Epis copal church, occupied tho pulpit and de livered a forceful and convincing sermon which was thoionghly onioyed by tho largo number picsent. Itcv, timiles II. Newiiig preached both morning and own ing In tho C'nibondalo Methodist Dpiseo pal church. Tho Tillumo has tbeen nsved to deny on tho nuthoilty of Chief of Police llealy the statements appealing In print in re gards to the piescni'o of u detail of thu Sheridan tioop In town on Fildny. As yet no soldier or sr Idlers have been in this town In their ofllclal capacity. v Tho council will meet In lobular session tonight at the Imrouuh building. Letters lomalnhig unclaimed dining tho week ending Oct. I, l!W. l'oisons culling for these letters will pleafo say adver tised: Mr. .1. 1.. Doyeis (transient), Jas, Callahan, Mr. 1'ldelo Cicso IN. 222), John Fox, Miss Nina Faux, II. Di inker nlieetj Mr. Dan Jordan, fi2l S. Ulakctv stict; Mr. John Knyte, Mrs, John Nulling, 213 AVuuen sticot, tolegiam; Mrs. Htuzon Klc.slty, Itrtzlna Salvatoro (U). Thought Governor Was "Stringing" Him, Dining u discussion of the manners ot the :-oiis of distingushed Amciiciius, thu other evening, tin instiiictor In ono of the private inllltaiy academies along tho Hudson ilvcr told this story; "Tho faculty of our school wcic de lighted when (lovernor I'rttne, of M.iss.i chusettH sent his son to us, nnd wo all grew very fond of him, for bo waa u bright ami oxtiemely modest youth. In fact his modesty was so maiked tliut wu often talked iibmu It unions ourselves, Ono day thero came to thu school a pal ly of distinguished vlsltms, and tho in In clpal called up u number of tho brightest boys In order to question them. Among theso was young Crane. "Robert, who is tho governor of Mas sachusetts?' Inuulicd he, turning to the boy suddenly. "Tho youth thought for a time and then answered; '1 am mite I don't know.' "'You ceitulnly don't mean to tell mo you do not know who tho governor of your own slato Is?' replied tho astonished man. 'Think a moment longer.' " 'I urn sorry, sir, hut 1 really don't know,' unsucied tho boy "Why, liobert, your futher Is the gover nor of Massachusetts," exclaimed the bo wildeied pi liulii.il. " 'Yes, ho told mo that himself once,' nnswcied tho boy iu tho bumo quiet man. nor, 'but I never believed It. I thought bo waa only btilhglng me."1 New YoiU Times. Wo ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS Travel Well When You Travel. It's an art to tiavel; did you ever think of It-in that light, and there is as much difference in roads as there is difference In houses. A well kept sta tion, polite and obliging employes, a train which shines Inside and out, aisles carpeted, a piofuslon of light, an agreeable order of architecture In tho design of the car, a powerful loco motive able to make nnd keep on time, a road-bed of heavy iron and rock bal lasted too and a running schedule fast enough to suit you, all this In addition to a picturesque country to travel through, and you havo pretty near a model road. Such arc tho conditions of the Now Jersey Central, which road operates tho famous hourly service be tween New York and Philadelphia, with a train every hour and on the hour in both dhections, To Baltimore, "Washington and the west, the New Jersey Central operates the Itnyal Blue Line, which has the finest day trains In the world. An at tractive pamphlet Is Issued by the gen eral passenger department of the New Jersey Central, New York City Dept. It. B., which sets for the advantages in terestingly, and If you want It, drop a card to the above address. It's free for tho asking. 3Gth Annual Encampment G. A. R., Washington, D. C, Oct. 0-11. For tho above occasion ticket agents of tho Lackawanna railroad will sell special louud trip .tickets to Washing ton nt ono way faro for the round trip; faro from Scranton, $7.75. Tickets will be on sale and good going October 4 to 7 inclusive, and for return until Oc tober II. A further extension of limit leaving Washington up to and includ ing November :s may bo secured by de posit of tickets with joint agent and upon payment of 50 cents, Stop overs will bo allowed at Baltimore, Phila delphia and ono other point en route, but not to exceed Until limit. For fur ther particulars as to stop over and side trips apply to local ticket ngent Luckawauua railroad, $7.75 to Washington, D. C and Re turn via tho Lehigh Valley Rail road October 4, 5, G and 7. On account of the Grand Army Na tional ICncampment to bo held In Washington, L, C, October -n, tho Lehigh Valley Itallroad will sell spe cial tickets at $7.73 for tho round tilp, good going October 4th, .1th, Gth nnd 7th, limited for return passage to Oc tober llth, good on all trains except the Itlnck Uliimond Kxpress, An ex tension ot ipturn limit from Washing ton, to November 3rd, may be obtain ed by deposit of ticket with joint ugeut nt Washington, between Octo ber 7th and llth, mid payment of fco of DO cents, Special tickets will also he sold going via Hariisburg niul Get tysburg, iQtunilng via Philadelphia at rate of $S.S3, Call on Delaware and Hudson or Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further Information. Special Excursion Rates to Portland, Me., and Return, via the Lohlgh Valley Railroad. On account of tho National Woman's Christian Temperance union, special fares have been mudo by the Lehigh Valley railroad. Tickets on .ale via various routes, October 13, 11, 13, 10 und S2S chestnut street, Philadelphia. her 21, with privilege of extension by cispoblt of tickets and an addltlonul , The stream of new things flowing in these days is not to be seen anywhere but here. men's Jackets About a hundred medium weight jackets for women are reduced this morning $5.00' and $10.00 were from $7.50 to $30. The weight is oue that is useful the year 'round intended for Spring and Fall wear, but are good until Christmas. Black, gray aud tan coats, worth from $7.50 to $12 50 are now $5.00. Some finer ones, including a line of silk jackets, wotth from $15.00 to $30.00, are now $ 10.00. payment of 50 cents. Fare from Scran ton, $12.30 or $13.30, according' to routo selected. See ticket agents for particu lars. Special Low Fares to Chicago, 111., and Return via the Lehigh Valley, Kaihoad October 5, 6 and 7. On account of the national encamp ment, Union Veteran Legion, to b'a held in Chicago, III., October 8-11, tHo Lehigh Valley Railroad will sell spe cial tickets, good going October 5th, Gth and 7th, at $18.00 for tho round trip, limited for return passage to Oc tober 10th, good on all trains except tho Black Diamond Express. Consul! ticket agents for further information, National Encampment Union Veter an legion, Chicago, 111., Octo ber 8-11. For the above occasion ticket agents of the Lackawanna railroad will sell special round trip tickets to Chicago at rate or one-way .fare for tho round trip plus $1.00. Tickets will be on sale and good going October 5, 6 and 7, with returniimlt to Oct. 10th. i Game laws Explained, i The Southern Hallway has just is sued for tho season of 1902-03 a beautT" fully illustrated book, entitled, "Hunt ing and Fishing iu tho South," whloli Is descriptive of the best localities In tho South for various kinds of game aud tlsh, anil outlines the game laws ot Virginia, North Carolina, South Caro lina, Kentucky, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee nnd Mississippi. Copies of the book can be obtained from Charles L. Hopkins, District Pas senger Agent, Southern railway, No. 17, god for return not later than Octo- SEPTEMBER. WILD FLOWERS. Fiom Country Life iu America. Hugged and frayed in September's dress, but withal, thero is a beauty peculiarly its own. So would wo fain bo ovor n-deld. The botanist strolling over tho hills and through tho sw.uupa realizes that this is practically the end of tho (lower year. As In the previous mouth, the flowers are very largely composite. Tho goldemods, tho nsters, and the sunflowers lend vivid patches of color to tho prospect, Thero are comparatively few new (lowers to be sought for. However, there are several, the find ing of which wlll be among tho caleu ilur events of tho year. I'orchitnco II Is that In the latter part of the month, your wanderings may lead you to the iPtrcat of tho most beautiful of all the Call blossoms, the fringed gentian. Jts color is of tho heaven's own hue and Its delicate beauty Is so elusive us (o dety the most skilful brush of the ar. 1st, Who can foigot the llrst Intro duction to these floral beauties of tho fall meadows'.' Two other but lews handsome cousins, tho stiff eentlan and the closed gentian, also come thl.s month, Damp places are made beau tlful by tho Jerusalem artichoke, com monly called the wild sunflower, whose blight, cheerful face seems ever smil ing a greeting to the passeiby, An other of September's (lower-folk lobed In bluo or violet Is tho smooth or blue aster found in dry soil nnd open woods. A familiar little friend with whom al most every one Is acquainted, the whit hoath ,is(er, sometimes called white rosemary or farewell summer, Is found In dry soil everywhere. Not far ills slant you mo sure to And the wavji aster or small fleubane, with Its thU? lough, heart-shaped lower leaves. Tl$ yellowof tho witch hazel also gladdens the eye of the loiterer in September woodlands and thickets. t ll ' il