The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 04, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Jpeclnl to (lie Scinnton Tilbune.
Mnnltoe, Oct, 'J 1)1' .1. P Butter
field, of Htiutli Monti oc, was it pioiti
Inent cxlilliltot hi thr tlai lout fair on
Tuesday, 111- line held of Aveshhes nl-
unv uImiiImit I'linlltrll iiietillUlllS to IP-
v jy him fin the tumble' of getting them
ic Picsb.vtrilnn pntsonuge pi cents
My fine appeal ancp In Its new toat
te following fi'otu tlil pint weie
ilnghunilon this week: C. M. Haw-
Joint Horlon. John H. Mlinpot. Ml.
Jhf Mi, II. V Ft Ink anil John Mnhon.
Lntgr nunntltle of polling hip being
Ipppd dully to thp city inatkets, thi
gh piltp of meat ct eating tbe de
At the Hat fowl fair on Tuesday M.
U Smith was uwaided Out pti'itiliini
on Ti. C. Luke's hofo tin- class being
best all aiound mail liot-e. The see
ond ptcitiltint wn uiplliipd by Aithur
T,. Hniilngloii, al-o of this plait'. TIip
same picmltiin wpip u winded to the
PHinp patties at Hip Montrose full.
Prof. E. Hut ton cat' an excellent cn
tcrtnlntticnt In slclght-uf-htind and ven
triloquism at Village hall. Tuesday
evening, to .1 full -sized nttdlptnr.
Albeit Hnwlcy t etui tied fmm To
wnndn Wcdncsda.v evening, after sit
ing hi" bt other. Charles, fot a incut
time. Up expects to iPttiin to his home
In Taconin, Wash., on Friday.
Mis. W. J. Mnxey Is tonvnlPclng
iapldl and all danger Is consldeied
Da st.
Geoige A. Danovv attendpd the Har
foid fall. Tuesday.
The Mohtiose IMrIi school expects to
play the Sayie HIrIi school foot hall
team on S.'um1u . Oct. 25.
Glenn tluy, a pionilnent voting elee
tilelun of Sdionectud.v, Is honip for a
couple of weeks, as the 'guest of his
patents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Guy. at the
Monti ose house.
Mr. and Mi. Wllliain Heck and son,
Waid, have been visiting In Rlnghnni
1011 this week.
Ohatles F AVatious Injuied his foot
Monda.v afternoon, by a bov falllnR
upon It, and has been foiced to walk
with 11 cane for thp past few das
The Gun club their room In con
dition fm occupancy, their billiard
table haIHR been placed In position
this week, and othci thluRs done to
Increase thplr comfoit and amuspnipnt.
Daniel G. St.nk. of Wnverly. X. Y
nrilvcd In town Tuesday ppiiIiir. to
anango for the lomovnl of his house
hold Roods to AWi-veily. wheie he te-c-cntly
took up his icidence
James Moirls, lr.. shipped his Roods
In nliiRli.iinton on Monda.v. wheie he.
with his r.tniilv.vvlll In the futuic; make
lll'll bona
Kbcn Flumeifelt ictuiuc-d Sunday to
Seianton. aftei vIslthiR In this pHoc.
find at the honip of his uncle, F. K.
Cobb, at Diuiiaven, N. Y.
Sreclal (o til" Seianton Tilbune.
HalMcari, Oct. 2 Michael Hayes Is
moving his. f.tinlls to Buffalo this week.
Ph.nleh Stales and family will occupy
hls residence, on Pino street.
Joseph Giuulin and family aie moving
to Seranton this week.
Ihnc-t Head, who letcntl.v seemed a
pevJIIoii in Buffalo but who has been
I home lit te 101 about a week, cm
1 of ill health, left foi Buffalo
Fkiteiiic King has, lettlined to
Fillies at lilngh. union. X Y., after
Tiding her Mic.ition with hei mother,
i1i)s K. K. KiiiR.
The Wliltcd leunion will be held Sat-
(11 llay at the home ot Whltod
Mr. and Mis. Jaincs Snovei aie
spending a few dujs with lclatives at
FSinghainton, X. Y. Thej will nNo at
tend the tail .
C R Bliss Is miivlng from Pine stiect
to William .stiect, Into ('. ('. Hitnnicms
lioiibe, which Is vacated by W. F. Slm
1 ell. who Is moving Into his own house
on Pine sued
Mis. .la no Kiuin and Mis. Sarah
TWKpi and .-on ,11 e visiting at the
dome of Mi a. 10. Albiighl, of Blngham
ton. X. V.
MNs Cuilo Stephens, of litcjit Bend,
occupied Miss Gertiude Head's position
In the poMniThe, Tuesday, I'aiollup Suininei ton. who has
been spending hr v.icatiou vvitli her
mother In this place, has returned to
HIiiRhuinton, X V.
Levi Hanker leaves Satunl.iy even
ing lot Washington, V V,, ,to attend
thp Oi.ind A liny of the llcpubllc ic
unlon. BROOKLYN.
Special to the Scinnton Tilbmip
Bionkl.vil, Ott. 2.-1 S TewKslauy Is
spending a shoit time with his nephew
In Rnftalo.
Mi and Mrs, W. I, Kent aic visit
ing their daughter, Mis. 12. Klllolt, nt
Coudei spoil, Pa.
Mr, and Mrs, G, Davis spent a few
dnji at the honip of A. II. Ocip rp
tciilly. Mi, and Mis. G. W. Wcscott t'litcr
talnecl Hull sister las.t week,
Several tainllies fiom at
tPiidcd the Mai lot d fair, nnd many of
the Brookln exhililtois wen on the
piciuluin lists
The V. P. C. U. cum ration at Foster
next Satin day and Sunday will piob
ably call ninny of the nung people to
that place.
William Blown and Mss Melln
111 own visited thud sister, Mis, W, It.
Bleillng, last Sunday,
Mis. W, 1,. Slcillng, who was quite
hfiloiiBly hint by a fall last Thuisday,
Is inipinvliig
Mis, (', Poller Is spending a few days
with her sister, Mis. J, D. King,
Mr. and Mis. A, O, Sleillng aie in
Asthma Can Bt Cured
The statement of Mr. I. F. Human. 0
E. Adams S.-Clucajjo, proves that the
worst case of Asthma in the world are
not only relieved, but are readily cured
by Dr. Schiffmann's Asthma Cure, He
says: "Asthma kept me in terrible; mis
cry for ten years until I used jour
Asthma Cure. After the first trial I was
a changed man. I went to sleep thdt
night and awpke next day ninth relieved
and I have gotten entirely over the Asth-
ma. It is now nine years since I was
cured." .
Sold by all druggists at 50c and Si.oo.'
Sendsc stamp topr.R.Schiffmann, Box
804 bt. Paul, Mimi., for a free trial
Uliigliamlon, N Y.i this week and ex
pect to attLiid the fair
Mi. and Ml?. Hdwuid Uiooks and
Mr (liny, or Hliighuintnu, N, Y,, vveie
guests nt Ihu home of O M. Doluway
Wcuden AIIpii, of South Mnntiose,
was In town Monday vIslthiR his friend,
0 II. 'lViry. He had with dim a tiilnl
atuie silo of his own consttuctlon,
which he exhibited nt the fair.
Sprelnl to the Seranton Tilbune.
'I'unkhaniiock. Oct. x Mi. and Mis.
Wilbur E. laid 1110 spending two or
Ihiee vpks visiting fi lends In the
vitlnlty or Watklns, X, V.
Mis, Kdwnid U Chaffpc, vvlio has
been vlslilng lelallves at Savie and
Towanda, iPturned hotne on Tuescfay.
.Mis. tleniy T. .Metcalf and daughter,
Marlon, visited ft lends at Wllkes-Bane
on Wednesday.
David Melhauser has moved Into th
Jlniilct Wheelock house, leccntly oc
cupied by Tim ton Ithlnebolt and family,
on Putnam stiect.
Mis. Asa S. Kepler and Mis, Hllen
tiinughton weie shopping nt Wllkes
Bai ic on Tuesday.
Mis. John Gaiman and family, of
Xantlcoko, who have been occupying
the Cnivsr residence on Second stiect
duilng the summer months, icturned
to their home on Monday.
A delegation of ladles fmm the local
cbaplei ol the Daughteis of the devo
lution will attend the cciemtinles of
uiivellinv of (he monument mat king
the location of Sullivan's fot t at Ath
ens today
t'la.vtou H Fasspit, of Foikslnn, was
doing business In town on Thuisdny.
Miss Maiy MltcliPli, of Wllkcs-Baue,
and .Miss i:ilv.ibcth Stat k. of West
Plttston, attended the Geoige-Bllllngs
veddlng Vedncsdnv pvpiiIiir.
Miss Gince Dunlap, who has been at
Not folk. Vn dining the past sumnipr,
1 etui tied home on Wednesday.
V.-,.i Ueublcr left Wednesday for
Philadelphia, wheie he will enter the
llnlveisit) of Pennsylvania as a stu
dent. He will study veteilnaiy medl
c inc.
('Intern c George, of Sayie, and Miss
Nellie Hillings daughter of Mr. and
Mis. it. k. Billings, vveie united In mar
llage at (lie home of thp bilde'11 patents
on Tioga stieet. Wednesday e cu
ing nt S o'clock bv P.ev. It. H. Wilbur,
of tile Methodist chinch.
Kyi mi Bhikes-lec, of Nicholson, has
been sponding a few days with his
family at this place.
Hoince Bakr and John Vangoidcn,
of Meshoppen, diovo ovpi heie on
Thursday ftom the foi mei place.
The Johns family will give a musical
and llleraiy entei taintnent .it the Bap
tist r lunch on Monday evening next.
Mrs. Saiali Slatei Kasson Biook, vvlio
has been visiting fi lends at this place,
1 clumcd home on Wednesday.
Special to the Scinnton Tilhune
Haifoid. Oct. 2 Mis. Delbeit Lewis
and son Glen, of Scinnton, vv'eie the
guests, of Mr. and Mis, F. It. Tilfany
Miss i:11 Sophia. . ol Susquehanna,
spent cl.ij s ih hei aunt, Miss
Mis. Phlluia Powers, of South Gib
son, visited her biothei, V. C. Peck,
Mi. and Mis. 10, ('. Peck aie attend
ing the Binghamton fair.
Ilcv. C. W. Hawkins attended the
Congi cgalloual association at Coining,
N. Y Tuesday and Wednesday.
W. B. Hammond went to Atlantic
ritv to accompany his wife home, who
has spent seveial weeks there fot her
lica 1 1I1.
Mi. and Mis. W K. Bclchei, of South
Gibson, weie gupsis of Mr. and Mis.
Chailes Fellon, Septembei 30
.Ml. and Mis. a. I-. Dolvvay and D.
M. Fanar hip visiting In Hlnilia, N. Y.
The funeial cif C.vius Johnsicni was
held In the Cougiegatlonal church on
Wednesday motnlng at II o'clock P.ev.
It W. Ives or New Mllfoul, outdated.
The soi v ices at the giavc weio con
ducted by the Maholiit lodge, of which
he was a meiiibei. Ml. Johnston leaves
two sops, Di. Johnston, of Haiford,
and Ileniy. ot New Yoik.
1 'lai k Tilfany and daughtei , of Schen
ectady, we ip calling on it lends in this
place on Thuisday.
Mi, and Mis, Hairy Adams, of Fae
loiyvllle, woie the guesis 01 Mi. and
Mis, "Noi man Adams, Satin da.v.
Miss Anna Qulnlau spent Thuisday
and Fildity with her inothei, iptuining
to her school In I.athiop, Sattuday.
Mr. and Mis. Hugh Andrews, of
Gieen P.idge, spent Sunday with Mr.
Audicw.s' patents.
Special to the Sciaiilon Tillnuie,
Honesdale, Oct, :!, "A Si.stei's Taive"
iclll In, llio nt li ni'Hoti ul thr, mint r.
... .... ....,.v
house, Satuiday evening, October 4. A
ineloiiiaina, interiueietl uy illses Cook
and Clinton, supiioitcd b an excellent
louip.iu.v, with inasnlfleetit sceneiy.
The Dennis O Dour tioupe, which
gave an entei talniucut In the opeia
house, Wednesday night, disbanded In
Honesdale, Thuisday morning, Theie
weie fifteen nconle in the 1
Their ictelits would not meet expenses,
me louug I'eopies ocieiy 01 ciuis
tlali Bndeavni' of I lip Pifshvtni lu
church has cmniileted airangeuients for
their annual entei taluiiiPiit touise The
111 st number will be civ en Nnvenihpr "4.
Howaid Xoithup, of Claik's Gieen,
was a business visitor In Honesdale on
Tliuisilay nnd Filday
A teini of the Wajno 1 utility court
will ('(iniineneu on Monday next,
The ladles of Captain James Ham'
elide 111 o aiiaiiglng to hold a itimniaRe
sale the latter pail of Oclober,
It Is a novel sight, when a t,tr of the
black diamonds (so pieclous these
dus) Is placed on the coal pockets, to
see 0110 Im lull oil wagons of every de
scil'itlnn walling for a tin 11 to get half
a Inn, the allowance to each while It
lasts. Many go away empty.
At the Wane iount fait, postponed
lo Octobet 7, N and 9, theic will be fast
running and tiottlng laces, blcjtle,
foot and satk laces; a stand display
of iiieiehaudlse nnd mnehlneiv, iiaradc
of decot.ited faun wagons and lloats.
The giildlvss wonder will jiot, without
ildei 01 di hei. and theie will be ninm-
other attiactlons. In case of stoun.
pootpoucmeiu will be made to next fair
The ban el factory of the McKenna
Bros, pieseuts a Decile of much ncthltv.
The demand foi apple ban tit, Is so
b'teat thut b) woiklne nlshls und tuinr
lug out nine hunched baucls dally they
cannot, supply the demand, Teams ftom
the fm in districts stand In waiting for
the bauds, which aie taken dlioct
fiom the hands of the workmen. The
npplo ciop Is huge and h a souiie of
much revenue ror Wayne tounty far
mei s.
Special to the Sci nnloii Tilbune
Wyaluslng, Oct. 2. At the Piesby
teilan cliuich, Wednesday motnlng,
October 1, was solemnised the mini Inge
of Miss Jennie Belle Stottini, the
.voungesl daughtpi of Mis, Fiances
Slocuin. nnd Finnels II. Paiks, ot West
Meld, Mass, Owing to lecent deaths In
the family of both, II. W. Hlncs, of
Pasadena, undo of the biltlc, and rt.
W. Paiks, the father of the groom,
only the. Immediate family witnessed
the ceiPinony. The bildp was gowned
In while silk mull over taffeta, ti Immcd
with late old point lace, nnd wore a
vpII nnd oinngc blossoms. Her only
ornament was a diamond necklace, the
Rift of the Rroom. Her only sister,
Bessie Slocuin, was maid of honor, and
woie a gown ot while Pails muslin,
with n white picture hat, and can led
a shower bouquet of ellow loses, The
hi Ide was rIvpii away by her uncle, f
H. Illnes, ot Scinnton. The ceiemony
was peifotmcd by llcv. D. Ciort, of
Angelica, N, Y who had peifotnied a
like teiemonv for the patents of both
hi Ide and groom. Mi, and Mis. Paiks,
nfler a wedding bienkfnst at the home
of the In Ide, Oiehnrd cottage, depai ted
on tialn Xo. 8 for a lour of the south
ern cities, nfter which they will be at
home at fio Court stieet, Westfleld,
Mass, Among the 1 datives fiom out
of town who witnessed the eeiemony
weie. Mr, and Mis. J. J.,. Polen nnd
daughter Lydln, of West Plttston; Mrs.
TJ. W. Paiks, of Westtleld, Mass.; Miss
Minn Hlnes, of Wllkes-Butic; Mr. L.
B. Hlnes, of Scinnton.
See the Cut Man.
Effective nnd attiactUe half-tones
and line cuts for caid, adveitlslng or
any othci put pose, tan be seemed at
The Tilbune office. We do woik that
is unexcelled, do It pinmptly and at
lowest rates. A tilul order will con
vince you.
fBASl BALL."")
National League.
At Moslem ( game)- TUI.K.
New Yoik 0 0 0 it 11 (111 11 (i-(1 i 0
Bnslon 0 0 b 0 0 (1 0 0 I, 7 1
Battel ics-Miller and Bnblnson: AVillls
and Kitlrldge. t'niphe Irwin
Sec ond game It U.K.
New V01K. n n lU 0 11 0 0 n 1' li J
Boston (I 11 I) 1 11 0.; 0 I S 1
Battel i(s Cumin and Bowennau! Pilt
liigci anil .M01. 111 I'nipiie liulu
At Philadelphia n.U,U.
niookijn .' 11 I j 11 a n 11 11 7 J.' I
Philadelphia 0 (I 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0- 0 7 1
Battel iesGniv in and Itluci , Ibci,?,
Dugglebv and Dooln. Uinplies -Umslic
and Latham.
At St Louis Cliicago-St. I.ouls. no
game: lain.
At Piltslaiig H U.K.
Cincinnati 1 u 11 11 (l 0 0 0 u 1 1 1 2
PiKsliiiiR (I J 0 1) ". 11 0 0 o fl I
Battel I'" Vickcis and t'piU; Chesbio
and Zlmtnei. I'mphe O'Da.v.
TO THE ownei 01 icputcd ovvncis of
piopcilv bounding or aluittlng on both
sides of Moiidian stieet. fiom the Tliild
dlstiict main sewei lo the alley leading
acio-s the 11, 1. ,t W. It. It li.uks fiom
Mcildliiu to Seventh stieet, in the Fifth
waid, (itv of Sdiinton. Pa
Take notice that unilei the tlhcttlnn of
t'onntlls assessments will be made for
the 1 onsliiiclion of a latcial sewer in said
Meildlnn stnel. between the points above
named, on Fildav, Hie Jilt h da.v ot Oclo
liti, A. 1), J'lO.', at 10 o'dock in tile foiu
110011 at the Dcpaitnient of Public
Woiks, Huieau of Kiigiiieciiyg, Cltv Hall,
Seianton, Pa. at which time and placo
vou maj appear and be heaiel if ou so
JOHN E ROCHE. Director,
Dopailment of Public Works.
Scinnton, Pa., Oct. I, IM.'.
Finposlng an amendment to section ton
of aiticle one of the Constitution, so
that a dischaige of a jiu for failuio
lo ngice 01 other necessaiy cause shall
not woik an aciiuitlal.
Section 1 Be It lesolved b.v tho Senate
and llouso of Rciucsentallves of tlni
Commonwealth of Pennsvlvanl.i in Gen
eial Assembly met, That the following
be pinposed as an amendment to the Con
stitution, thnt Is to say, that section ten
of a 1 tide one, which leads as follows;
"No peisou sli -til. foi any Intllctalilo of
fense, be pioceeded tiMilnst ciimlnallv
by infoi million, eccpt In cases ailsing In
the land 01 naval foics, or In the mllitin,
when in actual service, in tlmn of war
01 public dniigei, or by leave of the couit
for oppiesslon or nilsdemeanoi In ofiiro
No pet son shall, foi the sime offense, bn
twice pul In Jeopaidv of Ilfo or limb, nor
shall 111 ditto piopeitj be taken or Hpplled
lo public use, without authotlty of law
and without Just eompensatlnn blng llrst
made in .seemed," be amended bo as to
lead as lollows;
Xo pi 1 sou shall, foi any Indldnblc of
luise, be pi oceedeel against eiimlmell by
lufoiniullon, ecepl In cai-es ailsing In Ihu
Inud ni naval foues. or In tho nillllln,
when In actual "eivlce in time of war or
public dniigei, 01 bv lenvr of tho couit
for Olinifsslou or nilsilemeanor In ntlli e
Xo pcii-oii sliall. foe the snnifj offeuso
twUe nut In Jcnpnidy of llfn or limb, but
a dlschaigo of the Juiv foi failure to
agice, or olhoi necessai rause, shall
not woik an aenulttal Nor shall pilvaln
piopeilv be taken or nppllcd to publlo
use, without niithoilty of law and with
out Just eompensatlnn la lag llrst nifido or
A tiuu ropy of the Joint Resolution
Secretaij of tho Commonwealth
Tin; LU.MMiJKWl'iAiVi 11 Ul'' PENN
Pioposlng an amendment in the C'oastltU'
linn of the Commonwealth
Section 1 Ha II 1 coded bv tho Senile
nnd House of Remesenlativcs of Ihe
Commonwealth of Pennsvlvauia in Gen
eral Assembly met That Ihe following
Is pinposed as an amendment 10 the Con.
Hlltutlnn of Die Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania In aidudance with tho pinvj,
sloas of the eighteenth aithlo thereof;
Add at tho end of section seven article
tluee. Ihe following wonU, "I'uless be,
foie It shall be Intioduced hi tho General
Assemblv, sudi pioposed special or local
law shall have been Hist submitted to a
pnpulai vote, at a genciul or special pIpo.
tlnji in the locality or localities Id be af
fected by its opetatloa, under in older
ot tho couit of common pleas of (he le
spectlve coiiun after healing aid nppll.
cation uianted, and t.hnll havebeen ap
pioved by a miioiliy nf thevoteia al
Mich election. Piovldcd. Th.t no such
election shall he he-Id until (he decree of
lourt nuthoililng Ihe aine shall have
been adveitlsed for at least thhty (J5)
ilaja la the locality 01 Icr.Ullles affected,
In such maimer as the omit may dliect
A true enpv nt the Joint l!ialiillon.
v w fi is 1 1 :sr.
fiecielaiy of tho Commonwealth.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
Tor Sale,
KOIl HAIill Ph.vslc Inn's chair and liniise
luilii goods. Acleliesrt 701 tjuincy ae.
HO I 'fjT: I IO 1,1 ) good foTTa le. IncliidhTg
parlor suite and other in tides. In
(liilip nt llnnic ot Mis Krcd Gchllnc, 1SH
Wajno avenue.
VKUVtloriA' MATCHBD Ulnmond .ear
lings, halls of tit e. t caiats, KM. Beau
tiful diamond ting, over 2iA caiats, 1190
Blamnnil ring, fine whltf stone, 1 carat,
WS Addtoss X, P, O, Box SI.
toil SAl.n-About :o feet of desk coun
ter, sin mounted with glass front nnd
two openings, lowor portion nicely pan
elled, with drawers and shelves under
neath. May he seen at the office of Tito
Beat Estate.
FOB SALE Elegant sites for homes In
tipper Green Rldgc; choice neighbor
hood; most desirable locality for home
In I.nckn wanna county. J. A. Marvin.
1736 Sanderson avenue.
For Bent.
I'OB RENT New house, corner Linden
nnd Colfax ; nil conveniences. Inquire
SOS Mailon street.
FOR RENT Pat nlshed house to small
family; modem, pleasant nnd desir
able. 711 Quliicy avenue
Furnished Boom far Bent.
FURNISHED loom foi ren(; meals If de
shed, liio Mulberry sdcet.
Boom for Bent.
l'Or. RENT Two fiont 100ms; one furn
ished; one unfurnished: all conveni
ences; for gentlemen on. Infinite 1541
f'apouse avenue.
PRONT ROOM for rent; desirable, 4J4
Adams avenue.
Furnished Booms Wanted.
WANTED Four or five fin nlshnd rooms
for light housekeeping, with hath pie
fened. Deslie location in noithern pait
of Bcianton, not too fai fiom city. Ad
diess U. A. J.. Tilbune office.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED Fill nlshed house with six or
light rooms for the winter; must he
In good localhv and ceutinlly located,
Will give lefeience. Address C. B. R,
l.OSr Package fiom canlagc Pilday
11101 iilng containing India, silk In -dm-ilai
mapping papei. Retain lo Mis.
Wu land,-oil Clay avenue and ictclve ic
waid. Impounded.
IMPOUNDED At i,r. Gtcen Ridc stiect,
one spotted hclfei. white nnd jcllow.
If not called foi will be sold accoidlug
lo law. Ocl. I, at M a. m. W. K. Hen
licksou, pouudmastci.
Situations Wanted.
SrnATION.WANTBD-A j onus woman
with child foul yea is old wants house
keeping with some lcspectable person.
Addicss Mis Smith, Tribune office.
aged man to assist in olAcc. woik or
billing dcik. Addicss S V. M, i03
Bicck couit.
SITI'ATION WANTED-At light housc
woik in small family Addicss A. M,
lloi Von Stoich avenue.
SEALEd'pROPOSa'lS w nfcTopeiied in
the olllcc of the City Recouler bv the
Diicctoi of tlie Department of Public
Woiks, at 3 o'clock p. m. on Mondaj, Oc
tobci U, 100.', foi fuinlsliing and for fur
nishing and electing stieet signs and
posts nt tho Inteisectlon of the several
stieets within the city of Seianton.
Each bidder shall cneloe with his pto
posal, cash or ceitlllccl check In the sum
of one bundled (MOU 00) dollais as a guai
antee to execute a continct. If nwauled
the same, within twentj (J01 da.vs fiom
thy date of awaid. In ,ixe the hidder to
whom the continct shall have been
aw aided lefnses 01 neglects to execute,
a eontiact within the said twenty (JO)
das, the ciitlosiuc accompanlng his
pioposal shall be foi felted to Hie nsu of
the city 01 Seianton.
Each proposal shall he accompanied
with a sample.
Blddcts will bo furnished with pioposal
blanks at the Bui can of Englnceiing and
no othci s will be accepted
All pioposals sli ill be filed with the
City Conttollei, at his ofllce in 'Ihe City
Hall, Seianton, Pa., not Intel than .'JO
o'clock p. m. on Monda.v, Oct. II. 100.',
The city leseives the light to lejett any
or all bids.
JOHN E ROCHE. Dliettor,
Dcpaitnient of Public Woiks,
Scraiiloa, ra , ticioner 1, iwu
SEALED PROPOSALS will be opened In
tno oincri 01 iu ciiy iiccoiiier, n ine
Diieetor of tho Department of Publlo
Work", nt .1 o'clo(k p in., on Monday.
October bih, lwu, for the tonsil action of
a svstem of seweis in tho Nineteenth
list 1 let. with the necessaiy IKtures ami
appliances aicnidlng to plans and speci
fications on llio In the Buicau of Engi
ueeiiug. Eaeli bidder shall enclose with
his proposal, cash or rcitlfled check in
the sum of tlfteen hundied l,5oni dollars
ns a guaiaiitce to execute a contiae t If
awaided the sanio. In caso thu bidder
to whom the contract shall havo been
nwaided, refuses 01 neglects lo epcute
a eontiact for the woik in nccoidanco
with tho plans and specifications therefor
within ten (101 das fiom the dnto of the
aw.nd, tho PiulosutP aceninpau.vliig his
pioposal sliall be foi felled to the use ot
the city ot Seianton
Rlddeis will be furnished with pioposal
blanks at the Bun an of Euglnepilng nnd
no otheis will be nrceiued.
All moposals shall be lliPd with tho
Cilv Controllei ul his oftlcp in tho Cltv
Hall, gicranton, Pa, not latet thin 2'iO
o'cIock p in , on Monday, October (all,
10O J
The cltv leseives the light to 1 eject any
or all bids
JOHN E ROCHE, Director,
Dppaitment nf Public Works
Seianton, P,i September .iOtli, lOO.'
NOTICE Is heicby given tint an nppll
(ation will bu made to the Governor
of tho State of Pennsylvania on Tuesdnv,
llio 28th day ol Octobei, J9n. by Y ,
Kler, Eber W Worthlngtou, F. A Peek,
Dalhvs L I'Ukesaiul A P Kluei. under
the Ad ol Assembly appinvcd tho 2?lh
day of Aiull, IS7I. entitled "An Act to pio
vide for tho iiiccipoiation and icgulatlon
ot eerlaln toipoiatlons." and (ho sovetal
supplements theielo,, for the charier of
an Intended (oipnrntlon to bo called
"Klrei Mill and Elevator Company," (he
di.uarlei and puipnse nf whldi li, the
ninnufadurlng of 1I0111, feed, meal and
other products fiom giala, ami selling tho
same, and foi that purpose) to have and
enjoy all the lights, bonelld and pilv.
Ilegea of Hip tald Act of Assembly and Its
supplements. rj, 4 F1CKES,
IN RE: Tiimsfer of license. No sir,.
Mai eb session, 100J
Notice Is given that the Couit of Quai
ter SpssIoiis bus gtanted a uile to show
caue why the hotel license of Michael
Ruslnnlk, In building of Anasta Koath.
on "A" stieet, Thlid ward, boiough of
.lemon, county of Lackawanna, shall not
Up..'r.'in3frred. I" building of Michael
ONell on "A" slieot. Thhd want of
said bprniiBli of Jumyn. Retumahle the
Hth of Octobei, lio.' .
Attorney for Petitioner.1.
No Order
Accepted for Less.'
Than 10 Cents.
Branch WANT Officer
Want Advertisements Will Bo
Bccelved nt Any of the Follow
ing Stug Stoics Until 10 F. Hi.
Central City
beit.v slicet and Webster ave.
West Side
GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenue.
South Seranton
FRED L. TERITE, 7:0 Ccdarj
Noith Seranton
GEO W. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenue and Market
Green Bidge
son avenue.
F. J JOHNS, K0 Giccn Rldgo
C. LORENX. coiner Washington
avenue and Marlon street.
1017 Irving
J. G. BONE ti SON.
Help Wanted.
vw ss ss v vs js SKfrs 'S
HOME WOnK-5ffl monthly cop.vlng let
ters: either w, Scud two stamps lor
paitlculais. Hide's Supply Co., W31 Hal
sted St.. Chicago.
WANTED At once, experienced stenog
lapher and tjpcwiitci. C S. Wool
woi th.
WANTED Agents to sell tea and cof
fee lo consume s. Positions pcima
nent. Giand Union Tea Co. 311 Lacka
wanna avenue
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED Gcnc1.1I fot cman in machine
shop employing ino men on general
ninchinciv. For a hustling up-to-date
man. competent to get out work at mini
mum cost, good sabii will be paid. Ad
dress Tribune ofllce "A."
WANTED A thoroughly experienced
shoe salesman and managei ,al-o a
thoiritlghly shoe" saleswoman. Apply Mjcr
Davldon, 307 Lackawanna avenue.
WANTED Men to leant barbel trade.
New "jsinn Elghi weeks complete".
Wages Saluidavs Positions guaiantecd.
No strikes Xo ti tisls Catalogues mailed
fiee. Holds' Baibti School. New Yoik
WANTED J nigged labencis at once, to
work In stone riuaiiv near Buffalo.
Apply A. D Blacklnton, 100 1'ianklln avc.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED Lady in each tountv lo man
age business. Old house Salaiv ?1S
wcekl.v. .Money advanced foi expenses.
Enclose self-addu sscd stniuppel enve
lope. Mnn.igci, J.'.' Caxton building, Chi
cago. WANTED Good girl feu general housc
woik: competent girl picfcncd. SH
Mj 1 tie stieet.
WANTED Woman to do family wash
ing. Monday wash da. On promises.
Apply .,03 Whcelci avenue.
WANTED Expel Icnccd ladv sboe cleik.
State "alaiy expected. Address, Clerk,
Tribune of fie o.
Agents Wanted.
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent foi this county. No
books, insuiance, 01 canvassing. Ac
quaintance with merchants and manu
facturers necessaiy. Permanent. Bond,
btato age, experience, itferonccs llrst let
tei. Address, Suite 57J. No. 1001 Chestnut
St . Philadelphia.
Board and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with
first class tabic boaid, can be obtained
at C3J Jefferson avenue.
Certified Public Accountant.
Tiadcrs' Bank Building. Old 'phono 1504.
Real Estato Exthungo Bldg., IX Wash
ington avenue.
Civil and Mining Engineeis.
ncll building.
biilldtng, Spiueo stieet, Seianton
File Insurance.
SCHLAGEB ,t CO Ml Conndf inTildlng"
Tatent Attomeys.
The only licensed and equipped patent
solicitor in the tit Xo diaigo for In
foimntlon 011 patentability, over ton
years' cxpeiicncu
KcplOKlc & Co.. Men r n Bid jr.
Hotels and Bestam ants.
Hit avenue Itutcs icaonablo,
P. .IIHILEB, Pioprlelor
Passenger depot Coudiu ted 011 tho En.
lopean plan Victor Koch, Pioprletoi,
and cess pools; no odoi ; only luipinvfd
pumps used A. H Biiggs, piopriutoi
Leave oideis 1100 Not Ih Main avcntiu.
01 Eicke's ding store, coiner Adams and
Mulberry Both telephones
Who Soieens.
avc, Scianlou, mfis 01 Who Sciecus
piles, envelopes papei bugs twine
Wai chouse L0 Washington avenue.
he had In Seianton at the news stand
of Relsmau Bios, 40ej Spiucu and 5i)
Linden; M Notion. ;:.'2 Lackawanna
ave.; 1. 8. Bchuuci, .'11 Spiuce stieet.
Onljr Half a Cjnt a WorJ.
Business Opportunity.
out delay. Wrllo for our npetlal mar
he.L 'd1?""' Frco on application. 8. M.
Jllbbarct Co. membeis N. Y. Consoll
dated nnd Stock Etchnnge. 44 nnd 4J
Bioadway, Now Yoik, Eslnbllshcd 1881.
Long DlBtanco 'Phono C1SS Broad,
Money to Loan.
Qulclf, Bti night loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to 6 per cent. Cnll on
N. V. -Walker. 3H-ai3 Connell building.
, Financial Statement.
Hanlsbuig, Pa,, Oct. 1, 1'tOJ
Statement of amount in the Stale
Ticnsttiy at the close ot business on Sept.
.,0, 1002, exclusive ol inonciH appropriated
to the Sinking Fund
Farmcis' and Mechanic s' Na
tional Bank, Philadelphia.. $ 2,19J,r,.' 12
Allegheny National Bank,
Plttsbnig "lVi.9 ,U
Commonwcaltli Tiust Coni
panv, Hanlshiiig MX..0JJ II
Quakei Cltv National Bank,
Philadelphia M0.2V5 02
Freehold Bank, Plttsbuig 3."0,i,2.' 12
Athens National Bank. Athens 20,000 00
American Trust Company.
Anchor Savings Bank, Pltts
buig Allegheny Tiust Company, Al
legheny Biaddock Trust Companj,
Betks County Tiust Company,
mono (0
D.sUOO 00
.75,000 00
ZH 000 00
4" 000 0c)
10.000 00
Bank of Wavnesboio.Waynes
boio Citizens' Bank, Geltvsburg....
Columbia National Jlank, Pltts
buig Colonial Tiust Company, Pltts
buig Chester National Bank, Ches
ter Citizens' Xallonal Bank,
City Savings Fund and Trust
Company, Lancasitet
Coin Exchange Xatlonal Bank,
Citizens' National Bank, l.a
trobc Columbia Trust Company, Co
lumbia Cleai field Tiust Company,
Commercial Bank, Hanlsbuig
Commonwealth Real Estate &
Trust Company. Plttsbuig...
City Deposit Bank. Plttsbuig..
Dollar Savings Fund & Tiust
Company, Allegheny
Dauphin Deposit Bank, Har
lisbutg Hnlerpiise National Bank, Al
legheny Exchange National Bank,
Faimeis' National Bank,
LilltS! ?.
T'arnieis' National Bank. Som
eiiel Farmers' National Bank, West
Farmcis' Deposit National
Bank, Plttsbuig
Fulton National Bank, Lan
caster Fianklln Tiust Company,
L'-M.OnO 110
10,000 00
25.000 W
30,000 00
75,000 (V)
;-,,non 00
M.iXlO 00
7",,0ei0 0)
2", 000 00
."(I.OlV) l!
1W.0OO W
50,0i l
100 ono 00
32.000 00
00.000 00
10.000 00
12,(Wl 00
20,U'Jfl 00
1S4.000 00
25,000 00
3H.000 0i)
2."I,M'( 01
2'i.fle.W 00
liOOO 00
2,000 00
fiO 0i1 01
lO.fino 00
25 000 00
50 00.1 00
45 000 00
21.000 00
25,000 00
S0.O00 00
50,000 00
50,000 00
2",,000 00
150,000 00
400,000 11O
2i,000 00
50,000 00
10.000 00
15,000 00
20,V) 00
25.000 00
20,lio0 00
no 1)00 00
l.'o.orio mo
200,000 00
25.IJOO 00
40,ono 00
10,000 00
1 ranuuu
Firt Xallonal Bank, Hanls
buig Fust National Bank, Bangoi..
Flist .National Bank. Lebanon
Fiist National BanU. Somerset
Fiist National Bank, Union
town Fiist National Bink. Oakdale
First National Bank. Donori..
I'll st National Bank. Wlll
lamsnoit First National Bank. Beaver..
I'list National Bank, Ebens
buig Fust Xatlonal Bank. Mailetta
Fedctal Xatlonal Bank, Pitls
biug Geiman National Bank, Alle
gheny Germnn Nntional Bank, ritts
burg Guarantv Safe Deposit and
Trust Company. Butler
Ilairlsburg National Bank,
Ha 1 rlsburg
Harrlslnng Tiust Company,
Honesdale National Bank,
1 lonesdale
Kestono Bank. Plttsbuig
Kane Trust and Savings Com
pany, Kane
Lancastei Trust Compan.v,
Lincoln National Bank, Pitts
burg Mnshaniion National Bank,
Monongahela. Tiust Company,
Mercantile Tiust Company,
Mechanics' Bank, Hanlsbuig
Meithanls' K. Manufacturers'
National Bank. Pittsburg....
Moichants' National Bank,
National Bank of Get man
town, Philadelphia
National Bank of Coatesvllle.
National Bank of Jciscy
Shoic. Jeisij Slime
Xaz.11 etli National Bank. Naz
aieth Noith Ameilcan Savings Coni
paio, Plttsbuig
NovPisinU Bank, Reading .. ..
Nnrfliein Tiust and Savings
Company. Linrnster
Oil City Tiust Company, Oil
People's National Bank, Grovo
Philadelphia National Bank.
PiudiMitlnl Tiust Companj,
Plttsbuig Tiust Company,
Peiinsvlvunla Tiust Compan.v,
Rldgn Avenue) Bank, Philadel
phia See one! Natloinl Bnul. Pltts
buig r
Second National Bank, Alio,
Sixth National Bank, Philadel
phia Soiithwark National Bank,
50,0(10 00
15 000 00
250 000 00
25 000 ih)
25 000 fD
25 0O0 Of)
111,000 m)
150,000 00
50 000 00
30,000 00
20,000 (0
ino.noo 0i)
30,000 0i)
100,000 00
10,000 00
50,000 00
20,000 00
45 Oflel Oil
20,0ii0 ID
40,0ft) f)
15,000 00
23,Oi ) 1 10
30,000 00
25,0iVI 00
Standing: Stone National Bank,
Title GUdianlee and Tiust
Company. Washington., ..
Union National Bank, Mlucis
Villi! Union Tiust Company, Pitts
burg Union National Bank, Maha
no.v City , .... , .
Union Deposit and Tiust 'om
pau.v, Wayncsbuig . ...
I'lilon Tiusl Company, Lan
e aster . ,
Washington Tiust Company,
Washington .,
Wcsimiiredaiid Savings ami
Tiust Company. Grcensbiiig
Win 1 en Tiust Company, Wat
ion ,.,.,,
Advances lo mcmlieis and ecu
plo.ves of the LeglslatuiP
Advances In duplexes unci of
Ih cis of tho Stuto Govern
ment 701 30
4. 10$ 10
Total amount In Gcneial
rutin .
Sialo of Peuus.vlvanla
lung, ss
J10.7Nl.a5ri .-.1
Cll of Hauls.
Peisonally npixaiPd liefma mo j
nuKieiiucign. auiiiior gcneial, Fiank G
Hauls, State TiCHSiuei. who being duly
swnin aeemdhig to law altli that tho
fmcgolug btalcnieut Is Imp and enueet
to Uie best of his knowledgo and belief
Svvoin and subscribed beioio me this
1st day of Oclober. 1002
State Ticasuier
Auditor Geneial
Published in puisumee of the movl
slouf. of Section S. Ad of Muv i), 1S74, en
titled "An Act supplemental)- to the sev
eral acts relating 10 the State Tieasuicr
and the Commissioners of the Siiiktn:
Fund "
, Auditor Gcneial.
Haiilsbuib', Pa., Oct. 1, 1902.
V...W ,)v.
IN'?li::i.i.,':,,t!!,r sivAnn Phillips,, latbfjrt.,
tho Cltv of Scinnton, County of LacftV
avvanuH, deceased. ?
Lottera nf ndmlnlsliadnu uflou Hie,'
nbpye haiuecl eslntijthavlug hcenifgiiffilpd
to the niidcrfilgncdf all p,'isonf lmhiK
claims or dnminds against, the same will '
prcseiil them for pavmcnl, nnd all those
Indebted theicto will make Immediate!
pajnicnt to
Munlclp ti Building.
THOH. U. WELLS, 8UUMl0"' V&' -
Attoincy for Estate
JN 1 tl.,!! ',slnlcoT Aiiiiii It. ItlchmomL
.. i...!l of, ,,,c "r Hciitnton, Penn
sjlvnnln, deceased
Letlcis of adinliilstiatloii upon tho
nbovp cslnle having been ginntrd to tho
underflpncd, all peisnus having claims op
demnniU against .tho nld eslnln sio
heiehy tiolliled tci piesent them for pnv-
iiipiiI, and those Indebted to snld estato
Will ninko im.vmenl to
1012 MeniB Building.
s-- A r.. j-...
niu MODEL LAUNDRY. Dunmore.
Inundeis skills at 8c. each nnd collars
and cuffs nt ltfc. each.
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western.
, In Eflcct Juno I, lloi
Jialns leave Seianton loi Now York
, ..'i.'1 -0' Gp;5' "-W nnd 10 10 a m.: 12 40.
1 i.'i'V" !'. "'. r' Ncw 1",k nd Philadelphia-.,
o. 10 to a m , and 12.40 and 131
P, .15' 1 "or. Gouldsboio-At cl f 0 p. m For
'blffalo-1 15, c 22 mid le 00 n m ; 1.55. 0 51
nnd 11,10 p ir For Binghamton. Elmlin.
and way stations-dor; a. nl . 105 p. m.
For Oswego, Syintuse and Utlca-l 15 anrl
S", ?,.,'" 1 "' 1' m Oswego, Syincusa
and Utlca train nt 0 22 n, m dally, except
Sunday. Foi Monti ose-0 00 a m , 1,01
and b o0 11 ni. Nicholson accommodation
4 00 nnd fi ir, p m
Bloomsbuig Dlvlslon-For Nortliumhei
land, nt B.Ki nnd in 10 n. 111.: 155 and fill
J? .m, a-'' or fd mouth, nt 8.10 a. m.: 3 41
and 9 Oa p ni.
Sunclav Tra'ns-For New ork. 150. S20.
ii?-',010.n- '"' ",n "id 3 35 p, m. For
"bnalo, and 022 n m : 1.55, b30 ami
11.10 p. m. Pot Elmlra and wa.v stations
i, ""!! for Blnghamlon and way sta
tions, noo n. m. Bloomsbuig Division
Lcavo Seianton. 10 10 a m. and 6 10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In ERecl .In no l.i. I!i0
. . T.alns Leave Seianton
lor Phlladelphln unci Now Yoik via D.
r. Tt. R . at at 7 II, thiough Pallor Car
ancl Diy Coach 'at bonelnle to New Yoils
and 0 4, a. m, with L V. Coach Carbon
dale to Philadelphia, nnd 2.1S, 4 J5 (Black;
Diamond Epies). and 11.10 p ni. Sun
da vs. D. ,v tl. R R 1 w 0.17 p m.
i' or Whit" Haven, llnzioton and pilnct
pnl points In tlie coal legions via D &
'.."i.P1 7-41' -ls nnd 43. p. m For
Pottsvllle. 7 II a. m
F'or Bethlehem, Elision, Lending, llar
ilsbuig and pilnclpal intermediate sta
tions da p &. u. B R. 7 II. 0 17 a m ;
21S, 43, (Black Diamond Epies), 11.4!) p.
m Suiidajs. D. & H. R. R. OSS a. m.:
I..", fl 17 p m.
For Tiinkhinnnck. Tnwnnda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva and pilnclpal Intel medlatj
stations via D, L & W. R R.. 6 33 a. m.
and 1 55 p. 111.
For Geneva. Roche" tor. Buffalo, Nlag'
nia Palls, Chicago and all points wosti.
D ,fc H. R. R, 12 01 p m: 3 2S (BlarW
Diamond Epiess), 10 41. 11 11 p ni. San
(lavs. D. K. H. R. R . 12 03, 0.17 p m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping 01 Lehigh:
valley Pailoi cars on all trains hetwen
Wilkes-Ran 0 and Ncw Yoik. Philadel
phia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
ROLLIN If WILBUR. Gen. Sttpt , 23
Cortland stieet. New York
CHARLES S LEE. Gen. Pass Agt., 23
Cortland stieet, New York.
A W. NONEMACHF.R. Div. Pass As.
South Bethlehem, Pa
For tickets and Pullman leservatlonsj
apply to city ticket office, 03 Publlo
Square, Wllkes-Bane, Pa
Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
Collected to September 16, 1002.
Stations in New Yoik, toot Liberty
street and South Fell, N. R
Trains leave Seianton for Ncw Yoik,
Philadelphia, Kaston, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Mauch Chunk, AVblte Haven, Ash
ley, Wilkes-Baire and Pittston at 7.30 a.
m , 1 p m snd 4 p m Sunday, 2 10 p ni.
Cjuaiter City Epitss leaves Seianton
7 TO a m. tin ouch solid vestibule train
with Pullman Buffet Parlor Cai for Phili
dplnhla with o.ilv 0110 chango of cars for
Baltlnioie and Washington, D C, and all
principal pclnts south and west
Tor Avocn, Plttston and Wilkes-Barre,
t P m. und 4 p m. Sunday, 2 10 p m.
For Long Branch. Ocean Grove, etc,
7.".o a. in. and I p 111
For Reading, Lebanon and Hatrisbura
via Allentown at 7 JO a. m , 1 p m. and 4
p in. Sunday. 110 p m
For Tamauua and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.;
lpm nnd t p m
For lates and tickets apply to agent al
W O BESSLER, Gen Manager-
C, M BURT. Gen Pass Agt
- f
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule In Effect June 10, 1902.
Trains leave Seianton b 3S a. ni , week:
dnvs, thiough vestibule train fiom
Wllkes-Bane Pullman buffet pat lor car
and coaches to Philadelphia, la Potts
vllle; stops at principal Intel mediate sta
tions Also connects for Suubury. Ilai
ilsburg, Philadelphia, Baltlmoie, Wash
ington and tor Plttsbuig and tho West
0 47 n m . week days, foi Suubury. Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltlmoie, Wash
ington and Flushing and the West
1 42 p m, week il.iv, (Sundays 1 55 p.
m.), for Sunbuty. Hnrrisburg Philadel
phia, Baltlmoie, Washington and Pltts
buig and the West
3 2S p in , week dajs, through vestihula
tialn fiom Pullman buffat
pailnr car and coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle Stops at pilnclpal intermedl
nte stations
4 35 p m , week dnvs, tor llnzioton, Sun
biu.v, Hanisbuig, Phlladelphln and Pitts.,
l"E" J B. TTI'TCHINSON, Gen Mgr.
J B WOODGcn Pass Agt
Delnwnie and Hudson.
la Effci t June 10, 100J
Tinlns foi L'aihondalo lcavo Seianton it
hit, "W, s.M, 10 11 a m. 12 a, 112. 2 11.
3 5i.; 5.0! 0 2.5, SJ, .115. 10 01 p m ; 12.1S.
For llonchdale li II, lo I.I a. m : 211 and
5 21 p 111
I'm- Wilkes-BailP -USS 7 11 x II. 0 17.
10 M a m : Um, 1 12. 2 IS. .125 135. 810.
7 4s, 10 II, 11.11 p. in
For L. V. R B Poluts-7 41, 0 17 a. m.
2 I1. 1.15 and II II P m
For PPiinsvlvnnln R B Polnts-6 31
0.17 a. 111 , 1 I.'. 'i.'-'S and I 35 p m
For Albany and nil points north 7 36 a.
m. and 3 50 P m
Mi .-ii.a 1 III iLxr
For C.ii'bondalc S50, ItJ.; a. m; 2.11.
3 50 .5 52 and 51 17 P 111 J,-f
Foi will.o.Birio-i".S n m; 120.1, 153,
3 2s, h32 and 0 17 p m
'nr vibinv and nolnts notlhr-3r,(! n m..
For llonesdale-S 50 a in ; 11 33 nnd X10
P V L PBYOR, D P A , Seranton, Pi;
Eile Baihoad Wyomingr DivicionJ,
u Effect September 15, 1KW '
Tialna lcavo Seiaulou foi New Yoi.
Ncvvbillgh and Intciniedlnln poinis nisei
foi Huwley nnd local stations aV7 20,i7
in and 1 33 p in '
Foi Honeselalft an' I White Mills at 1J3
Tialns aulvn at Scianlou at 10 3? a. tttT
and 0 r, p ni x.
, .
New Yotk, Ontario and Western..'
Time table In eflecl Suuchiv. Sept. 2J, 1902.
Lcavo Leave Aulii
Tinlns Scianlou. Caibondale CadnslT,
No 1 loioa 111 II 10 a 111 LOOP w
Nu 7 t in p 111 Ai C.nboiidiiloi; lijpjn
Lcavo Lcavo Airlyft,
Tialns, Ciidoaia Caibnndalo Scraphgir
No ii . il'o a in 7 25 a i.
No 2 .... 2 lull in UWp.111 ll'iii rtir
Lcavo Le,,io .Aull
No !) ,
No o .
2, ,1 . 1 lilt, I, "'il 1 Imllii.t l.t Pn.lnul..
.v. .. ,. ..... v., ..".... ,v . ,,,.uo,'i
anion Caiboudale1 Cnilosio,
1) a 111 iMil.i. ni I0 45n iCT
1 p 111 Ai C.iiliundalw 7 43 p in
Jl'TH UOl'ND $C,
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Lcavo Lcavo Anli-n
No. t,
Cudosla Caiboudalo Sciantoik
'! SO a m 7 25 a iu
J'l P 111 b ej I) 111 b 45 n. m.
No 10
Tialns Nos 1 oil week davs. nnd n nn
Sundujs canned loi New Yoilc cltv, Mid
cllctowii. Walton. Noivvlch, Oneida, Oa
wego and all polnla west
Tialu.No b, with "Quakei City EJc
piess'i at Seianton via C R R. of v Ji
foiiPWladelphliUAllantlQ City, Baltlmor;
Wa?hhtoii and Poapsy v aula fBtati
pohsO . y i, 1 '
See iiimM.tbltf mid evmsulf ticket" agent?
for connections with other lines
J C ANDERSON. G. P, A , Now Toil;.
J. E. WELSH, T. P. A.,'Scraiiton).Pit