i . rVT-Tl . ' y- '" 1 r- ff T " THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SAT CJRDAV, OCTOBER 4, 1902, 8 f '" WEST jCRANT0N Batch of Aldermanic Cases Red Men Visit Moosic Other Happenings of Gen eral Interest. John DnvlnpUcy niieitrei1 before AN clrrnuiit Krilow ypsitcnhij' und swore out ii warrant for the uncut of Will iam Kutlt'lt, on the chiiiKO of iissiitilt ntiil buttery. The prosci'titor clnlmod -t tin t the ilorciiiliint entered his home mill nbuseil his wife, anil when ho at tempted to put Ixiitli'lt out tho defend ant Ki-abbrd hlni by the throat and choked hlni and otherwise hurt hlni. The rase wan settled by Kutlelt paying the coats. Just after leitvliift the alderman's olllcn Diivlnskey met Joseph .Mucosal, who asked what the trouble was. Dii vlnskey Mild It was a family trouble, and none of his business. This precipi tated a llRht, as the result of which JJuvlnskey was arrested and compelled to pay the costs In the c.'ie. Before Alderman Noonc. William P. Joyce, of T1S West I.ncka waniur avenue, appealed before Alder man Noone yesterday and swore nut u warrant for the an est of Charles II. TMaJnr, or Lackawanna avenue, on the charge of securhiR- Roods under false pretenses. The defendant was placed under arrest and given hcnrlng last (.veiling. The prosecutor tesillled that the de fendant had secured Roods from time to lime by various representations, and when the hill amounted to $."i3.(Sl he re fused to pay. .Major agreed lo Rive ii .ludRineut nolo to cover the entire claim, tsiul so the case was settled. Joseph Jlerrlty, of V Kinmet street, was the defendant in an .'isnult and battery case before Alderman N'oone. Iferrlty Is about S years old, n small, InnoccM-loiilcltiR yoiinsster. and scorned quite contented In the oflice of the al denmn. tTllon, the mother of .voiuir Joseph i'aiuic-k. appeared and tchtltied that I'hile lier son and tlenliy were coinhiR lioine from school, I lenity set upon her 'on and after cutting; Ills face, hands mil breast, pushed hlni In u mwi piiildle. The alderman paroled the younpster. Cousins .it War. Jauies ci'Donncll, of yj.j Scrnnton flrcet, appealed befoip Alderman H. Ui'vlrt. and swoio out a warrant for the arrest of his cousin. Amies jc I.aURlilin of the same address on the chai-RC of assault and battery. Constable Timothy Jones wived the warrant and ,ii the hcailiiR the defend ant was t pprosented by Attorney J. IClllot I toss. After the evidence was submitted the alrlcrman decided that FREE! FRg Five stamps givsn nway with each bottle of Dufom-'s French Tar G. W. JENKINS. E FREE! -ia di j t i ijf iir $ doid l iS 4 idA ki b at Miuraay s Bargain Off Are generous this weak, aud present most ;-.' every seasonable requirement that the most g exacting shopper can demand. JS! &4 I In Cloaks and Suits I r-i U)l i"' 1,i,1-cla-S!' Suits i;c renctijins, Broadcloths. !s! j Clieviols, Liainiiu-s and other fashionable fabrics, made with 2" jjs loose blouse, a tight lilting- jacket, new slot seam, seven-gore Sri 2 .skirls, colors and black and various stvlcs as to details. A i C? strictly high-class, man tailored Suit oil Satur- ' Hi 2 dy $15.00 gj Ladies' strictly up-to-date Jackets in Silk .Moires, Chev- 3 lots, liroadcloihs. etc., blouses or tight-fitting si vies. Verv & baudsomely gom-ii up, and an cxceptionailv 'a-, ' ; fS good bargain on Saturday at ' '. $7.50 ?& Ladies' Flannel Waists in a varietv of colors, prettilv trimmed with black buttons, line tucks, etc. A waist ' '. ?2 worth $.lTi for QRr S5 G A and Underwear l!o-,' Heavy 1'lcoce-lincd B to :u. Shirts and Drawers each r a- i Misses' J'all Weight Fine Ribbed Kent Cotton jjg l mierwcar, blurts or ests. liNtra large .sizes, each S Ladies' Vine l'leece-lined 5 cream shades. The ."lie. kind . ... , , , I,,, , Men's Furnishings j Men's Xew Stiff Front Shirts for Fall wear. All the Sri r new features. Separate cuffs, of course. A , tZ: '2i fine quality for $ QQ & ! T.l ..if it . r. ,. ... ruin-nose tor uenuemeii ; nam or lancv siv ns. 10! 5 , weight lor present season, itf-cent tpialities for only , , , , , , ( g, Fall st vies in Collars; wings, high bands, Turn 2 ms' etc Two lor Cuffs, both round and square cornered in new yt fall shapes, the pair 'm .T,,erc's " window full of 3 Weight Underwear (hat ought & Tl. ...... I .... l... "c . i.i.,K n .i Kuuu iciisoii win, Dee tue (iispiav and vou II rec- & ognizc it at a glance. ' ' is: 1 Globe Karebotis?. 1 no case had been made nnd so dls charscd tho dcfendnnl. Harvest Home and Bally. Tho followliiR Interesting proRrainnio will bo rendered by the .Sherman Ave nue Mission .Sunday afternoon at the mission house, and Sunday evening at tho Plymouth CoimreRiitlonnl church: Opening chorus, "A Sour of l'ralse," Choir Invocation. Responsive Hcilpttii'c lendliiR. Chorus. "Look I'p, (Jo l-'orlh" Choir Welcome address Kredellck licynou Duet, "We Rally In Thy Name," Surah Dowse anil liillth Woodyatt tixeielse, "Tlie Seasons," Maria Rpynon, Catherine Roberts, Mar- Riiret Roberts and Muilel Davles. Quartette, "Hasten Away," Alice Phillips, Lizzie Murchniit, Wlllluin Phillip. John Phillips. Quarterly rcpon" oy'the secretary, John : Jone.4 Solo, "To Hie Cod of llarvesl," Minnie (Jleason Kxeivlse. "Tluiliks," Kthel Hopkins. Ilaltle Taylor, May Phil lips, Bella Davles. Kllzn Yarnall. Coin cJleasoii. Jennie Dowse, tOillth Jones, Sadie SliiKer. Chorus. "The Cloud and Kilo" Choir Recitation, "TlianksRivhiR," Jennie Ki-micu Duet. "Ilink. Hark. Loud the Call," Hlodwcn Oitlllths, Nora Davles. Chorus. "Loyalty" Choir Hxerelsp, "The Group of Stiilc." Mai la Jones, Annie Davie, May Pnwse, MarRiiret Davles, Maude Thomas. Chorus, "Onward Clulstlaii Sulilluis," Choir Offeilns. Choi us, "Rose and Lily" Choir Kxpiclse. "Utile Sheaf Romeis," Ariics Heme, TCsther Davles, Jennie D.i- les, Kthel Tiuvlei. Closing chorus, "Am 1 a Soldier of tin; Cross?" Choir Mlzpah neneilicliou. Tho sIiirIiir will be In charge of Pro fessor Richard Phillips, with a choir of over 100 trained voices, and Miss Rachel Jones will have charge of the recita tions. A commit tee of lifteen under the direction of John Phillips are decorat ing the rooms for the rally in a manner becoming lo the harvest time. Simpson Church Notes. The programme Is out for the T3p uorth League convention to bp held in tills church, Oct. 14-1.". A rare treat Is in sloie for all who attend. Notwithstanding the church is "torn uii" for extensive repairs, the regular services will be held tomorrow. Dr. Chaffee of Cat bondale, will preach in the evening. Rally day in the Sunday school, Oct. 1.. The programme committee art working to make It what it undoubted ly will be a, great success. St. Leo's Drum Corps, The members of St. Leo's Haltalion have gotten together and organized n drum corps. The matter has been lipid under advisement for some months past enngs I'nderwear: sizcs .! 25c Ii T a, Saturday !?ibbed Underwear; at 30: ji 39c gl 15c t 25c ; Winler S iiorinln &i high-class l-'all and to interest most ., .. , ' I---IM-. - and It was finally decided that the battalion boasted rnough musicians, to make tip the milch wanted corps. The elected officers are as follows! President, r'rnnk Mctlnlo; secretary. Joseph McDonough; treasurer, Thomas Hart! teacher of the lifer-". Jimies Degnnl, and teacher of cliumiucrM, Mlehnol Flaherty. The members of the corps are! John Fecuey, tlert Moran, William Riddel, Frank Moran, Frank Marl, James i:dmuiids, William .Saul, Michael Tlgue, John McAndrcw, Hugh O'Uoyle, Thomas Hughes, Harry Motmlnger, Leo McAloon, Waller Doinl, and Joseph McDonough. Plensnnt Surprise. Miss Fsther, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MncArthur, was tendered a sur prise parly at the parental Iioiup. Unities and other pleasures were en joyed until a late hour when the hos tess served refreshments. .Several of those present favored with vocal and Instrumental selections during the cvcnlm:. In attendance were: Misses Mahle Liiiir, Venna Gray. Alice- Williams, Margaret Jones, LIkhIo DiivK Margaret Kay, Ksthcr MaoArthur, Nellie Mac Arthur. Leah Hughes, Klsle Whyatt, Lllllo Yentzeh, Mary Mortise, Carrie Lowry. Ilattle 10111s, Lizzie Hatrls and tloston Chlffer, Kdwnrd Mattern, David J. Reed, Daniel Lynch, Richard Williams, William House and Walter Chefl'er, Farewell Reception. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davles, of North Main- avenue, tendered a fare well reception to Mrs. A. L. Shatter, who left for her home In Philadelphia yesterday. A great variety of musical selections were enjoyed nnd at a late hour Mrs. Davis served a light lunch. In attendance wore: Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Davis. Mrs. Charles Herald. Mrs. Isaac Kvans, Mrs, A. L. Shaffer, Misses C'oilnno Davis, Rue Thomas, Maud I va ns nnd Margaet Davis. Red Men at Moosic. A delegation of local Red Men at toiuled a pow wow at P.tttler's hall, moosic, Thursday evening, where the chiefs elected last moon werp raised up by Deputy Grand Sachen Chailes Plck ler. The district deputy, accompanied by his chiefs, visited Raid Eagle tribe last evening, when they were royally en tertained. Next Tuesday they will visit Avium, and Thursday evening go to Duninorp. ,Tho party included Deputy C.iand Sachem Charles Plckler, Past Sachems John W. Rlchaids, Thomas I). Jones, and David C. Williams and Great Re presentative John T. Howe. Misused His Wife. Mrs. Kate (.'.rover, of tifi Dix court, appeared hofore Alderman Kellow yes terday and swore out a wniranl for tho an est of her husband, on the. ehaiRe of threateninfr to kill her, and also eliai'KiiiK him with abuse. Grover has been In the habit of alius Iiik his wile, and wlien she made ob jection to that kind of tieatinent ho kindly Nolunteered to 1:111 her. lie was pi. iced under ?C00 bail. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Itev. James ReaniiiKer, pastor of the Kmbury MethodNt church will deliver a sermon to the Knight of Malta, Sun day ceninK. Ills text will be "Knight hood Kxemnlllled." Tho Finch ManufaeturiliK company has exhausted Us hard coal supply and are now uslnsr soft coal in its cupola. Rev. It. O. MeDenuott, D. D.. will deliver an address at the pastor' and laymen's convention of the Wyoming district, which will bo held in the MeViodlst Kpiscopal church In West a Hon on Monday and Tuesday. Uev. nnd Mrs. S. P. Mathews will leave for St. l.ouls on Tuesday niorn Incr. The Seranton-Wilkes-Iiarre Pastoral association will meet at the home of Iiev. K. F. Itltler, .1.1D Webster avenue, Monday, Oct. fi at !l.20 a. in. Plymouth Congregational church, Jackson street. Itev. A. V. Drown will pieoch at 10.H0 a. in. The .Sunday school will hold Dally day exercises at 1L' o'clock. At .l."i p. m. the Sherman avenue mission school will hold rally day exorcises; at 7 o'clock p. in. the Sherman avenue school will repeat their rally day programme. Beginning with next Sunday the Sunday evening ser vice will begin at 7 o'clock. Xext Sun day, Itev, T. A. Humphrey will preach his lirst seimon as pastor of the church. Mr. and Mis. William Fowler, daugh ters Helen and Florence and sons Wil liam, jr. and f'haiies. attended the Fowler family reunion lu Providence last evenlni;, The choir of the First llaptlst church have been rehearsing with great cait the beautiful anthem, "Thy Will Me Done," which will be sung at the Sab bath morning .service. Mrs, Lillian Osborne will sing the obligate solo, -Mis. Arjii Davis and chlldien, .Mar garet and Paul, of lioekwuy, X. J are the gnosis of Wc-I Side friends, Mis. Julias Watkius and son James, left yesterday morning foi their home In Youngstown, afltr a most enjoyable visit with Mr. and Mr', Henjainln Ciilfntiis Alfred Kern, of 1LT. Wnshburii utrect, received word yesterday of the death of his sister, Mrs. Sarah Argle, which occurred at Kast Siroudsburg, Thins clay morning, after n short Illness, The funeral will lie held from Ihe late home Monday afternoon at '2 o'clock with interment In Siroudsburg cemetery. .Mrs. T. M. Jackson, of New York clly, Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Itlehard K. Jones, of Heddoe court. Mrs. Jones Just recovered from a Ions and serious Illness. Take Throop or I'arboudnle car for boldlers' camp at Olyphaut, Tho kliidu-gniien class lu timigt- ot Ml-a Hitchcock, widen beloiv lids ear was located on cTurdner iiwiuie, has in-pn moved to tin- Jacolia Imlldliig on Dickson avenue Tla- room will nicoiniiioilalo aliinii lli'lceii scholars inoio than aic now enrolled. Parents Inning children lu Iweea four ai.d a half and ,-lx years of age that llicy wuiild like lo have ad ailtled io tin. school should hcu Mh,.s llltchrock at cmi-e. .Mrs. c. K. Iload. of Oranse, ,. J, is bpeinlliig a lew dajs with (liven HUUo fl lends. Mrs. Thomas llalie. of Prey ton, 1m vis iting her molhei, .Mis. L. D Wall, of CapouM avenue. Mis. Joseph ridluu and chlldien and Miss (iraeo Uriggs, of Oca con nil cut, havo leiiuued from a iivo weeks." slay at Pltls burg. For Kent -One-half of double house lx rooms, 721 Delaware street, handle, T J, Suowili'ii, ma Siinsel avenue. lleorge (lllisou, Jr., lo- .eaia coniiceled wtlh (he Ciieou Hideo l.uinlicr ciimp.uo. ban aticpted a position jvlth the liuiTalo Llnio Stout- company, und (( fur thm clly snnio days ago. Mis. Olbson and d.iughier win go to lluffalo early next week. SOUTHSGRANTON OFFICERS FOR THE STAR SOCIAL CLUB ELECTED. After tho Election There Was a So cial Session Presided Over by Jacob Knestner Surprise Tendered to Miss Maty Young at the Home of Her Farents on Brook Street. A, E. Uodisli, of Hnllstcad,Charg:d with Larceny of a Horso Blanket. Short Notes. A well-attended monthly meeting of the .Stur Social club was held at Mlrtz hall, i!IJ Plttston nvenue, last evening, when olllccrs for the ensuing year wcie elected, us follows: President, Matthew Diiinal; Vice-president. Charles Roth! PItKSIOlINT MATTIIKW DAMAL, financial secretary, Jacob Mlrta: re cording secretary, Matthew Miller; treasurer, Peter Phillips: trustees, Will iam Kosar, Charles F. Kcllerman and George Mlrtz. At the conclusion of the business meeting n social session was held, Jacob Kae.stacr acting as chairman. Serenaded by Erionds. A pleasant surprise party was ten dered to Miss Mary Young at the homo of her parents, on Brook street, Thurs day evening. (lames of various kinds wore indulged in until 11 o'clock, when refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Annie Wills, Mary Miller, Justlna Klein, Mag gie Young. Anna Kline. Lily Wilson, Susie Lewis, Maggie Martin, Lottie Nye, Carrie Von Hergen, Maggie Itcls bach, and Messrs. Arthur Miller, Klmer Thompson. William AYeslpfalil, Peter Losslng, Walter Hopkins, Albeit Hld linginier, John CJebhardt, John 'Acs, Jacob Kaiser, James ('allien, Charles Heeney and Amos Klblicb. Aldermanic Doings. A. K Hodlsh, of llallstead, was ar raigned yesterday for laiceny, tho charge being preferred by W. J. Scott, of Birch stieet. Dodisli was formerly part owner of the, Speed way. A horse blanket belonging to Scott disappeared, and witnesses weie ready to testify they had seen It at Hodlsh 's home in llallstead. He was held for com t in $:!00 ball. A search warrant was issued by Al derman Lentes yesterday, anil August Mehren, John Maid and Frank Lopatka were arrested for the larceny of an 13 flat bass horn, belonging to the King gold band. Mnht and Mehren put In an appearance, but Lopatka is at Oly phaut with the Thirteenth regiment. The Instrument was found at the home of Lopatka. A settlement of the case Is pending. Jacob Schults! was given a hearing at the Instance of Mrs. Minnie Wolf, for assault aud battery, threats, and at tempt to kill. Schultz has annoyed tho prosecutrix for some time and his con duct had become Intolerable, hence his arrest. Alderman Lentes held Schultz for court lu $:00 bail, in default of which he was sent to the county jail. NUBS OF NEWS. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is gnat anteed lo cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay." For -sale by all dealers. Mrs. Anna K. Klehl, of HO Alder street, celebrated her sixty-ninth birth day yesterday and a reception in her honor was held during the afternoon. Itev. and Mrs. W. A. Nordt was among the callers, aud the Hickory Street Presbyterian church Ladies' Aid so ciety, of which Mrs. Kiehl has been a member for many years, called In a body to tender their icgards aud con gratulations, St, Aloy.-dus' Total Abstinence and Bencilclnl society has elected oilicers for the ensuing term, as follows: Piesl dent, Hubert Coyne: vice pre.ildent, Thomas Barrett; James Arthurs, re coidlng secretary; John A, Murphy, corresponding secretary; Patrick La- velle, (Inauclal secretary; Joseph Mur phy, treasurer; William Moore, ser geant at arms; Josoph Kelly, librarian; Michael Smith, steward, The South fc'ldo haul: will be open for bushies-i ceiy Satin da evening from 7.::a lo s ai o'clock. The educational rally aud fall open ing of the Young Women's Christian association will be held October 10, ut the Young Women's Christian ussoela tloa rooms, at which time students can em oil for membership. The following classes will he opened: Fdiicatlonal, iiiitlnnetje, spelling, grammar, liter ature: prm tleal classes lu cooking and dressmaking; Bible classes, gymnasium nnd club woik; Junior woik, sewing und Bible. Any further liiforiniitlou win bo gladly given at the rooms, 10SI Cedar avenue, from ! u, m. to !i p. m., where students can leglstcr. The Pansy club will icopon Saturday aftein'oon, after a vacation of one mouth. All girls fioiu 13 to 11 are Invited to attend, Mrs. Lena Kraft will lead the gospel meet ing Sunday afternoon nt 3.4ft o'clock-. All women and girls are cordially In vited to attend, 1FREE ELEGTRIO MU OFFER witu Triifiaur1 Vi V-iST'S rrtEE wrARiHo v7v?wv J 'RIAL Ujouruitu bam. nofurnUU Itiojrrtiutiir ontlrit?) ItluUliilUI 4LTLimriM) UDKkNT tUllHU LltllMl any rcaiter of Ibis paper. Nj uopt luauianr ttrjlga cutiipoiiUtf atratt. COSTS ALMOST NOTHINQ""" wltU most Oil other treavmotitg. iurfboailojbrrc!ff trie belli, iimcrnininUlfrtll. (HUUU ItKfornon !bB 00 cIlirU- Out; turo euro (or til tf-n90 tiLritei, rUartr ml disorder For romplcte wraled con Q'lt'iitlal cutuloirnt'. cut tliiy ad. out anil mall to uj, SCARS, HOEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO, Mil' dWJi'W' U maiWMdC(X & J uJ Sri""1 lo .Ml mmmtuiiiiiyfmuvw , 10 DIE A HEARTBROKEN MOTHER HEAR3 HER tAUGHTER'StOOM. Tragedy in a Pennsylvania Town Hnpplly Averted The Mother's Story Now Published for tho Eh'st Tlmcj. Life's prospects should bo brightest for the American girl at lifteen. .Shu feels the chiirin of the budding graces of Womanhood and the world dally presents new attractions as tho awk ward days of her girlhood are left be hind.. Can anything bo mote tingle than a girl at this age coullned lo a bed suffering with no hope for the fu ture but that death may end her suf ferings'.' All too often the bout and hoartbroUoli mother hears from the doctor's lips the sentence that the child upon whom she has lavished years of tender cine cannot live lo brighten lur life. Mrs. Ellen Lloyd, of No, :!0U Academy street, Plymouth, Pa,, Is a mother who has heard these fateful winds but lu whose case the tlucat ened tragedy was averted. To a re porter recently she said: "That my daughter Lavlnla Is alive and well today is due entirely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When she was In her sixth year she had a severe at tack of scarlet fever which left her In a dreadful state of health. She was thin and pallid aud was tortured with violent headaches aud backache. It al most broke my heart lo see her suffer so. "She would lie on the bed with no strength or ambition to move or even speak. She could not cat a thing. Hot bowels used to swell up and the back of her head would get so hot that I thought her brain would be alfected. "Two of our best doctors treated her but both said she would never be cured; that she would either die of Brlght's disease or her trouble would turn Into quick consumption. "She had been suffering this way for about eight years and constantly grow ing worse when, upon the recominendn tlon of a friend, 1 had her stop all other medicines and lake Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. These pills saved her life. She began to Improve with the taking of the Hrst box and In a short time was perfectly well. Since then she has never been in bed from sickness, nor has she lost a day's work." Results fully as wonderful as the above have been accomplished time and time again by the marvelous agen cy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They have been proven to be an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, after-effects of the grip, nervous headache, palpitation of tho heart, pale and sallow complexions and all forms of weakness either in-male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Pale People are sold by all dealers or will be .sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box or six boxes for two dollars nnd a half (they arc never old in bulk or by tho hundred) by ad dressing Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, X. Y. Avoid Imitations; substitutes never cured anybody. yoirm SCR ANTON." Muster John Fiayne, him of Mr. and Mis. Hugh Frayne, was tendered a pleas ant surpilse at his home on Summit ave nue by a number of his li lends last even ing. The greater part of the evening was taken up with the usual party diversions which were Indiilllcd In until a season able hour when relieshments wero served by Mrs. Frayne, Among those present were: Misses Kdlth Thomas, Paulino and rtnehel Owens, Maud Thom as, llossle Williams, Sadie 13d winds, Gret ta Lewis, Kmlly Thomas, Sadie Row lands, Minnie and Ous Cohen, and Messrs. George Powell, Itohert Pierce, John I'layuc, Thomas Martin, Thomas Lewis, Thomas lilrtlcy, Thomas Morris, tSwrett John, Fianl: Jones, Harry Slmms, Hash Thomas, Sampel Gilbert, Stanley Davis and Joseph Cohen. The Xorth Sciauton (Jon club belli their iintuial meet in a '.aeant lot near Bailies' hotel on the Boulevard load last evening Tho following were the m-oic.-: It j hie, -! bllils; Slckler, 17 birds; TrniiRcr, II bh dr. Colt in. lu birds; Shoup, 11 bhds; Curtis, & bluls. The follow In? Young Women's Cluls tian association classes will open at tho staled hours: Junior sewing school, S.iJ. inday, Oct. I, 2 lo ll.lia p. in. Bible class, servlie, Sunday, :!.:iu p. in. Bible class, Tuesday, I p. ill. Dress making class, Tuesday 7.::i p. in, Teacheis, Mis. Du Peck and JIN- (.'. F. Ciossaiaa. Sun beam club. Monday, I p. m. Class in coim-iMitlou and eorifspoudence, .Miss Helen Chirk, teacher. The hoar tor gymnasium and ccoklug classes will In: announced later. The paving of that section of Court street between Providence mail and Court stieet Is completed u'lnl v.as opened to the public yesieiday morning. The llpwnrlli I -ague of the Couit StleH Methodist Kp'scopal church will conduct their Hilly day services lomoiiow in the. the Sunday school mom of the chmch at the usual leacpie hour. Ill place of thu customary senium lu the church par lor., Iiev. (1. C. Lyman will nicacli a tally day sei moil. Mis, Dietrich, of Kingston, and Mis. (S. W. Davis, of West Market stieet, were Olyphaut callers yesterday. A special meeting of the I. C. K. club will bo held this evening in their loo.ns on Providence load. Importum business must I in transacted, so ihe pieseuce if every member Is riipii'Sled. Mis. Ilaiiiel Kuapp and .Mis. Xcttl'i La M mi I. of Durvea. have been visiting at tho home of their cousin, .Mis. Ilailiet Mead, of Paiker .slice I, 'Tim North Fnd Defendeis defeated tils Olyphanl lbnwns in u oue-sliUd game at llu- Aiiditoilum last evening. The home team played excellent ball and siaceeded hi laptiiilug the laurels by the suae of Hi to :'. The newly orgaulz-'il Piovldeme Itepub llcan club met lu llasgerl.v's hall lust evening and lulllated sKleeu members. Judge Vnsbiug was admitted as a mem ber nnd iiinile a brief addles.- urging III" uieinbei.c to continue with their support towaid tho parly. John Vou lleigeu was elected president; George Walson, trea -uier: John Xeciiin. secreiary, ami Sll.n Itiibla-joii. John Gillespie aud John Vou Bergen, trustees. A campaign commit I cp of llvo was elected. Tin- society was ingnnlzcd about a month n-.-o and has ahcady a nic-nil ershlp of eighty. CAPTAIN HARRY MAY RESIGNS. William T, Sproats Appointed to Command tho Hooks. Hurry l- .May, i-nptulii of Hook and Ladder company. No. , has teudeied his iCHlKiiiillou In Director of Public Satety Wormser, the Hiiine to ko Into effect this inornlUB ut b o'clock. It ii. lllideistood that he hail bcuned a inoie lucrative position. An order was Issued yesterday after noon by Director Woi-mser appointing William T. Spioats, driver of Kiigiuo company Xo. J, to tho captaincy niado vacant by Mr. Muy'a resignation. Hunk .Man Henry illabcniaii, of Kiiglue com pany No. 3, hay been appointed to till throats' place Choice Pickings yLs For Saturday Useful Items Splendidly Chosen For Saturday Shoppers. Saturday at the Notion" Counter Best Spool Silk, 2 for Cc Good Corbet Clnsp, each Do Clover Spool Cotton, 3 for. . . 5c Assorted Sizes Safety Phis, 1 dozen on card Gc Mercerized Fancy Frilled Gar ter Web, nil colors, ynrd.12 l-2c Fancy Silk Fiillcd Garter Web 25c quality, a yard 10c 24 yards of best Twilled Tape for 0c Saturday at the Handkerchief Counter Women's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 1-4, 1-2 and 1 inch hem. A 1 2)2 c value for oC Men's Japonette Handkerchiefs; 1 Inch hem, colored and . plain border, at 4C Children's School Handkerchiefs, CDlored border. A large quantity to select from. 1 Inch hem, plain centci, each 5C Saturday at the Ribbon Counter 3 1-2 inch All Silk Taffeta Ribbon, all Colors, 12 l-2c kind, Saturday, a yard 9c 3 1-2 inch All Silk LIbeity Satin, also 4 Inch All Silk Satin Taffeta, 25c kind, Saturday ' . . 10c 5 inch All Silk Liberty Satin, 32c value, Saturday 25c 4 inch All Silk Tnffeta, all For day in and day out wear. WOMEN'S Lace and Button Shoes, extra heavy extension soles, military heel, patent tips, Dongola Kid, To c can up this line, value ,, . $2.50, Saturday.'. ... &2.0U A Splendid Shoe for SI. 29 Women's Kid Shoe, medium weight soles, tips, button or lace, all sizes and widths, a pair. . . . Saturday in the Men's Furnishing Dept Convenient right inside the Entrance on Wyoming Avenue. Fifty dozen Laundered Shirts for men and boys. Sizes for boys, 12 to 14; for men, 14 to 17. Made from percale, fancy stripes, fast colors, one pair of cuffs, all sizes., Made to retail at . 60c. Our price 5()C Hen's 50c Imperial Ties Our name on every Te, which AMUSEMENTS. IME1W ARMORY,SCRANTON,Pa SONG RECITAL II Y Leading Serrano TUESDAY EVENING, PRICES, 75c if) $2.50. Dlasnam now Sigief WUKC:-UawC ii. r. Viaifc a WIUK Oiuic, vai Academy of Music M, Itels, l-es.aec nml Mnnnsrv. A. J. Duffy, Business Manager Week K? 5ept. 29. Halluces diillv oiniiuoiirliic Tilosilay IRENE MYERS, aS'd unit BIG STOCK COMPANY SATl'lUMV AlATI.VKi: , "The Power of Wealth." SATI'IHIAY NIlillT. "My Lady Nell." lMU'OM .Miilllli'O I" I1111I 11) tvilti. NlKllt. in. Ill .mil JO I1H- i:.T ATTHAlTION, Tliroo I wye, Stiiillllt? .Mnililay. Oct. ii. TUB SIMA' OF LIFE. Dixie's Theatre, 1IUNKY F.WtNSWOftTIt DIXIE. l.ojihcu mul Miinaner vki:k uithi:i'T :: Dolan and Lenharr, lu Coim-ily. W'lllsllliiK Tom lirnwn. Honlon Itl'ouUH, J-'iviI lliuil, .MiikIcIiiii: Hiiymi'iul .St Knikami', .Musicians, mul Murphy and Nichols EIGHT GREAT ACTS. Two iioi'fiiniiiiiiri'a ilall.v, i.so anil S 13. l'llli'H l.-i, 'Si, Hi mul Ml Special iniilliicc iillcca. B2"l'iiictlm cats hlup nt tlio ilooi'. STAR THEATRE AM', a. IIKWUNOTON, JUmiiBer, Tliiii!-iln . I-'iiilny ami S.umclns, DlTUHWIt :. ,t ami 1 4'CITY SPORTS " MATlNlIi: IJVnitV DAY. OBlTrAKV. JlltS. V. II CilIAItllAltT. wlfo of At Imiu-y W. II. llwii'li.ut. illcil i'.tci'ilny iniii'iiliiS at tin" family ic.ililcmv 1111 Alim nw avenue, al'li'i- an lllneis of I'mir inontliii. 'i'lii' ili.ul woniaii w.ih wlilcly known In llu1' i'Mv mi'l It-'' ilcatli will lo iuimiiihmI liy a uiiinliiT nf I'llciulh lu v.'liuni she I1.11I Ik'I'iiiiio imlcaivil l) Iuiik iu.iiiHlnt,'imc.slil. Blic It'll a iiik'. n til 01! life hi' i' iiinlillli'iui ami iloaliiH nil ecu U'lini; aliiiiit licr hiimo ami Ik'I' ilillilivn. Sim Is biii'xivcil liy licr Jiii-j.iiul mul lliu lolliiwlng clillilu'ii: J.imi'H ., IJIulii Y., Lillian ami Mury It., all uf llil.s illy. Tim fuiii'ial will IiiUii iilitcu nil Miiiulay ufUTiiuun at ".UJ o'clyil; fiuni thu icsl- Sprint; Hooks and Eyes, 2 doz. for 2c Wood. Ciblnots, containing 100 Assorted Hair Pins, each 8c Aluminum Hair Pins, assorted shapes and sizes, per doz. . . 10c Khby, Beard & Co.'s Import ed Hair Pins, 2 packages for 5c colors, including black and white, 19c kind, Satur day 12 l-2c 3 1-2 inch All Silk Satin Taf feta Ribbon, 19c kind, Sat urday 15c 4 inch All Silk Liberty Satin Ribbon, also 5 inch All Silk Satin Tnffeta, nil colors, 29c kind, Saturday 22c Three good 'numbers. WOMEN'S A Fine Kid Shoe, medium soles, patent tips and plain and lace styles. Usually weight button priced Our price 4) 1 $1.50 patent $1.29 Men's Soft Bosom Fancy Mad ras Shirts, also plain linen co'lor. Many stripes, in wide and narrow, all sizes, one pair of cuffs. This Shirt item is a number you don't vant to pass. A $1 value Q priced at o9C Saturday for 25c is a guarantee of our 50c quality. AMUSEMENTS. Metropolitan Op:ra Co., OC T d, 1902, AX S.3C open at Powell's Music Store, Scranton : Marx Long's uy.iua. uimu.1 . v- tvi.wi.1,.. . "." LycetBHT! Theatre, M. Itcls, l,osseo mul .Ainniigcr. A. J. r)iiffBiiMncs Jlunaser. Saturday, ;:Iasl1!?,'---' Oct. 4. WILLIAM A. BRADY'S Pioiliicllon of lliu L'nliiic American Play M UNDER SOUTHERN SKIES ly l.OTJ'li: III.AIU I'AHKi:ii. Aiitli.il' of "'a. Down JiiMt' mul ' UsjIiIm O' llOllll'" I'li't-entcil us for lluci- 1110111111 at tlm Tlii-iitor lltpulillc. New YiH'., anil with me.il Micce.-H at the fir.inil npeia lliiuse, I'lili'iiso, iipil the Waliiui Street Theater, I'lillailelplil.i. I'l'lees Matl.iee. 'Si ami " e nts Night, L1", .vi. "." cents mul $1 n 1. Seats on sale. Montlny Night, Oct, Q. Jacoli Mtfs .M.iHUlllcenl Xew Pioiluetlon of the i'eiennlal tiin . ., The Original Pickaninny Urnss Hand Kentucky Tin: nur:AT iiuiisi, nsrif An lhllllel Xt w I'loilllellon Mils Si.ifon. Pilcei.-LV.. :.(i. ".-. ami j mi Keats 011 Milo h'llilu.v ut 'J a m, Wcdnestlny Night, October 8, "A Xolalile livoiit S. MILLER KENT, PicM'iilliiK Xat llooilwiii it YIIli the OilKlnal New Y111K Kulcker. ImiUei' Thc.iliT I'l'oiliictiim Pi Ice's-;'.". .V, i.'e ailrt 51 IK Scats on sale Moiiila.i at I) a in deuce with Intel meat hi the Kuresi HIi: ccmclci. TUNERALS. 'I' I lit fl 111 li I ill ill t llit hi!.. M u U miiinl " ! .ill tl MMt Hill JIIIIl'l I IIowvlls win tul'i- pliu-u ('mm her Utli uldiiuv tm Way in hw'iiup Ihls a ill lit inn nt 'J I'li Slui'vli'M'j n 111 l... .,..! 11,1 at the Mcuioil.il li.inllsi i-l i ! hv ll VV, !'. D.ivIm. Intel ment will do iimUil inc wuunutiui btrcct temetej-y. Tlie Oowboy AND THE nT" - 1 flll c,yt,e LdUjf I Pitch