T vrf: Wi " l-i-1? & THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1002. SflfW sxxxxxxxxxxx; lfcH MODERN HARDWARE STORE. Sharpen Your Razor with Razoo, It will sharpen tho dullest razoi contains no emery or grit of nny kind. A cake lasts a lifetime. Price, 15 Cents 8 Foote & Shear Co. J 19 Washington Ave. 8 XXKXXXXXXXXX Scranton Investor No. 0. "Council Building. Vo. S UNITED STATES Ll'MIIEIl CO stock for sale P, s-hnics at the lenniiKiiblv low pi Ice of Jlft per li. lie. lleguliii dividend Just pulil mill ctia opcrteil soon. 1") shaici of Title lii.n. nit oc nml Tui'-t Co clock for sale iwlov nmikct pi Ice kiciiard ji:ni:st comegvs CO. 70 Coimcll Building 'Phono 101'. The flardenbergh School oi MUsic and flrf Offers the exceptional advan tage of Piano and Organ stud with Mr. Sumner Salter, an artist teacher of lecognized standing in the musical world. Register now. 604 Linden st. The Reason Why This Store is so pop ular with Amateur Photographers is be cause it is devoted exclusively to their needs. Supplies for Amateurs is not a side line here, but our sole business. Hornbaker, 211 Washington Ave. Small amount of NEW MEXICO DEVELOPMENT CO.'S STOCK; also i few shares NEW MEXICO RAIL WAY at a leasonable flguie. !. F. HEGARGEL & CO. Stocks, Bonds and Securities, Connell Building. We Ara Always on the Watch Tor new customei.s to please, nml for oppoitiinitioB lo plcajo our old lusiomcis licltcr. Our l.uiiifliv Ih thoi ought v modem nb folntcly tlio Iip steam outtlt In lio had nnd wo in o picpuud to pleusa lliu most ciitlc.il people. I "THE" AUNDRY, SOS and 310 I'enn Avenue. a. R. W. VS. E. c. w. Former Defeated Latter at Bowling Last Night. The Giccn Itidge Wheelmen won tlueo straight games fioni Ihn Eleetiic. city Wheelmen on the lattoi's nllejs last night. The scoies weie us follow si green iudoi: wheelmen Howlson , ns iwi 171 rw hhaanoii .,.,.,,,,.. 1 i;. 113 4!u Hitchcock .....,.!. 170 17t Jul ro Moots .,.,, Ill 1V W- M Tujlor .,., 201 UU 201-iTi" iM) SO.) 817- SIS0 ELECTRIC city wheelmen. McCiacken ........ V00 E7 J3S CH Dcvls ,. 191 1W U5-4W PcPue , JJI 107 IAS- IU Mowan ,., J33 IV) 130- 4sj sttllng lo.' uo los- 1W Sit 7vi 7b.'- 2392 High icorc Taylor, SOI. III5I1 ayciuge-Tajlor, JW 1-10. On Tli Watch f'fi WANT THEIR TIES UNTIED JUDGE E. C. NEWCOMB HAD A BUSY DAY. Heard Testimony In Thhtcen Oases in Which All Vaiiettcs of Domestic Woes Were Set Forth Helen May Bach Descitcd by Her Husband After She Had Come to This Coun try with Her Children to Join Him Biutal Husbands Who Abused Their Wives. Judge H. C. Noweomb put In nil of ycsteidiiy and pint of last night In hearing dlvoieo onsen. Altogether tes timony In thirteen cases was heard. They follow: Viola V. Tripp vs. Almond Tripp. JI11, A'loln V. Tilpp sought a dlvoieo fiom Almond Tilpp on the gionnil of desertion. They weio mauled Jan. 1, ISS'i, at Wavoily, and lived afterwinds In Justus and .Tcrniyn. June 0, 1801, It Is alleged, lie deserted her. One month alter the alleged deser tion the husband brought divorce pio 1 ceilings, alleging unfaithfulness, and naming Joseph Wolfe, one of his fin in hands, as oo-iespondcnt. These pio ecedlngs weie chopped, appaiently, and the wife, two months uftenvard,bt ought divorce pioeeedlng. In the testimony nddlKod hefoie Judge Xr I'omb, Inst evening, It was mado to appear that Tripp's only 1 en son for being Jealous of his w Ifo win that the hlied man nlways got the big gest piece of pie and the laigest dish of beirles. Mi c. Tilpp, her father, Alvarld White, and her Inotlici -in-law, Edward Holgate. testified that the husband tinned his wife out of doois and said he would never lle with her again. Judge Newcomb asked n number of questions of each witness which would tend to the belief that he suspected collusion between the husband and wife to have the court untie an lucoiigeulal mailtnl knot. c. W. Dawson appealed for the llbellant. Delia Kelly vs. John Kelly. Mis. Delia Kellv, who conducts a pastry shop at 107 Spiuee stieet, pre sented evidence to suppoit her conten tion that her husband, John Kelly, now In the county jail for making tin eats on her life. Is a husband whom tho law should help her got I Id of. They weie mairled twenty-seven jours ago at Henlik Centie, Susque hanna lounty, by a Methodist minister. Two years ngo they came to live in Scianton. Their mauled Jife was very unhappy, and for soveinl oais past the husband's conduct was most leprehon slble. He was seldom If ever sober, never conti United to the suppoit of his family and fiequently abused and as saulted his wife. Once he thicateued to shoot her, ,seeial times he stiuelc her, and on innumeiablo occasions called her oppi obi ious names. Her daughter. Mis. Charles Gelbeit: her seivant, Mls Anna Hlggins, and her hi other L C. Welles, conoboiated her stoiy. Jessie Kimball vs. Frank P. Kimball. Jessie Kimball, who Is suing her hus band, Frank P. Kimball, for a dioice, testified that she was mauled to him on July 27, 1S9G, and that they lived Hi si at Cotton and afteiwaids at Chin chilla, at both of which places Kimball conducted hotels. She lived with him. she said, until Fcbiuaiy, 1S9!, when she was toiced to leave him because of his ciuel and bar barous tieatment. He was a eiy haid drinker and contributed veiy little money to her suppoit. When drunk he would fiequently beat and kick her, be sides calling her vile names. On one occasion he lashed her unmercifully with a horsewhip, she said, because she lefused to ghe him money, and it was a common oceurience foi him to knock her down. Hei testimony was conob orated by her mother, Mrs. Nellie Hall, and her sister, Mis. Grace Hunter. Albert C. Coddington vs. Elizabeth Coddington. The llbellant, Albert C. Coddington. testified that he man led his wife at Hath, N. Y., Mai eh 3, 1S!M and went to Cayutnville. N. Y., until 1S96, and soon alter that came to Scianton. In September, 1837, his wife deseited him. nefme that she was In the habit of making tilps without his consent. She sent to him twice for money to lot urn to him nnd he sent It but she did not rome. At another time he got a special delivery letter fiom his wlfo who was then at Elmlta asking him to go to her, lie went at once and when he asked her to return with him she laughed at him. Tho libelant's brother. J. D. Codding ton, testified that Mrs. Coddington told him she would never letum to her hus band, yFied Palmer testified that ho was acquainted with the Coddlngtons when Mis. Coddington left her hus band. Caroline Smith vs. Philip J. Smith. On Dec, 21, 18S5, Miss Caioline Hart man and Philip J. Smith weie mauled by tho pastor of the Hickory Stieet Piesbyteilan chinch In South Scranton and went to live with her patents on PiospecL aonue for a time, and then lented pdi t of tho house of Christ Schruer. About ten yeais ago Smith disappeaied and Mrs. Smith has since had to suppoit heiself and their tlueo children Mis. Maggie Trestor, Mis. Smith's sister, and Clulst Schouer, tiom whom the Smiths lented, testllled to Smith's desertion of his wife. Ilefoio ho left he did not suppoit his family, Chaile.s Neuffer testllled that ho has known Mis. Smith tor some years, and that she has suppoiteil herself since her husband led her, Hemy Scheuer vs. Pauline Scheuer, Tho Seheueis weie mauled May 11, 1S33, and lived together In South Seian ton foi about eleven months. Yesteida's testimony was to the effect that Mis. Scheuer left her hus band and returned to her mother's home about eleven months after they weie 111:11 tied and has not since 1 etui li ed to her husband's home, Helen Mary Bach vs. Michael Bach, Dcseitlou was tho giound on which Helen Maty liach seeks a ill voice from Michael Bach. They were mauled twenty-live eaia ago in Austria and the husband came to this country leav ing his wife In Austria. .Some years later his wife and their chlldien came Iteie and the C!unltcd husband ad wife J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. 604 LINDEN STREET. began housekeeping at Stockton, Iaiz cine county. After six weeks Mis. Hitch said yes teiduy that her husband left her and went living with another woman at Towandn. She followed him thcio and he disappeared fiom Towonda and she has never seen htm since or heaid any thing concerning him. Ohloe H. Schriver vs. Geoige Schrlver Chloe II. Schrlver, who Is seeking for a legal separation ft out her husband, George Sclnlver, testified that she was man led to him on May 110, 1S97, by ltev. W. A. Noidt, pastor or the Hickory Stieet Gcinmn Piesbytotlnti church. At that time she was 'M yeais old, and her husband was 48. They leslded In South Scranton, and up to the time she left him he nbused her shamefully, she said. He frequent)' bent her while Intoxicated. Her testimony was couoboialed by Annie Little, Jacob Schrlver and Mis. Lunei. Seln Ivor's attorney, Joseph Gll loy, asked for a stay ponding tho le luin of his client, who Is now In tho west, and who Is deslious of putting In a defense. V. Selma Williams vs. John Williams. Deseitlon and ci uel treatment were alleged In tho case of Selma Williams against John Williams. They weie man led In Wales twelve yeais ago, by a magistiate, nnd came to this countiy five years later, taking 11 lesldence on Spilng stieet, Noith Scranton. After abusing her almost continually since their coining to this country, he left her In May, 1901, and has not been heaid fiom since. The maiiiage, abuse and desertion weie told of by Mis. Wil liams, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Blanche Koesc; her neighbor, Mis. Kate Corn stock, and her 11-yeni-old son, John. Catharine Coggins vs. John Cogglns. John and Catharine Cogglns weie mairled Oct. 4, 188.1, at Olyphant and for eleven jeais afterwards she drag ged out a hind existence her husband doing little or nothing to suppoit her. Mis. Cogglns was deseited by her husband In ISO.i and since then he has contributed nothing to her support. Mr. I.angati and Mis. More corroborat ed the testimony of Mis. Cogglns con cerning the tieatment she lOceUed from her husband and his desertion of her. Lorin Shotwell vs. Christiana Shot well. The divorce case of Loiin Shotwell against Chilstlna Shotwell came to a sudden termination jesteiday. Shot well lles at Old Foige wheie he was mauled Dec. I, 1100. With his wife he went to llc with his fathei and mother nnd lemained theie until Maich VI, 1901, when his wife left him. As the desertion has not yet con tinued for a pei loci of two years the case was continued until further older of the com t. Annie Brown vs. Morris Biown. Mori is Blown and Annie Hi own were moiiied In Binghnmton. N. Y.. In 1S94 and went to Faetoryvllle to live and fiom there to Claik's Summit. The testimony taken jesteiday show ed that in Mai eli, 1800, Blown deseited his wife and hns since gone to the Philippines where he Is supposed to be now. GRINDSTONE BROKE, WORKMAN KILLED Henry Whth Was Working at Stone and Was Tenibly Injured by a Fiagment of Flying Stone. A frightful accident oceuned nt the Cliff woiks of the Ameilcan l.oconiotUe company shoitly hefoie C o'clock last evening, -which lesulted In the Injuiy and subsequent death of Hemy Wlith, of CJ0 Willow stieet. He was omplojed In the machine shop ns n pipe Jitter, and had asked Charles Moltcr, ji to make way for him at the grindstone to sluupen a chisel. Just as Wlrth sat clown the gilndstone bioko and the pieces were inn led In every dliection. A large piece of stone struck him on the head, hailing him fully thlity feet away, whore he was picked up uncon scious, with deep gashes In his face and hend, One of his eyes wns toin fiom Its socket. Tho Lackawanna hospital ambulance was summoned, and he was taken to tho hospital, wheie the phslclaus learned that his skull had been frac tured by the foice or the blow lie te celved. He died shoitly after 1 caching tho hospital. The gilndstone was opeiated by a belt and was Ti Inches In diameter and about six Inches thick. It bioke In a dozen or 111010 pieces, ono of which al most passed thiough the mof of the shop, It had only been In uso sluco Wed nesday, and must have been defective. None of the woikiucu could explain It otherwise, Wlrth was considered ono of the most popular employes In tho shop, wheie ho had woikcd a number of yeais with seveial of his bintheis, Deceased was 40 cms of ago and Is survived by his wife and four chlldien, I.ucy, Inmnn, Madeline, and llauy. He was a brother of Deputy Register of Deeds William Wlith. His untimely death Is inouined by his mother and the following bintheis and slstcts; Charles, Fied, William, Clulst. George, .Mis, Chailes Hehull and Miss Mary Wlith. Ho was a member of Camp 4.10, Patilotio Older Sons of America and was founeily a member of the Scranton Athletic club, The icmalns weio taken to the family lesldence at 020 Willow stieet last evening by I'nclei taker Hesslnger, but as jet, 110 anangenients have been made for tho (uncial, - Dr, Lindabuty, Surgeon, diseases ot women a specialty, 215 Connell building. Hours: 11 a. 111. to 4 p. in.; 7 to 8.30 p. m. Take Throop or Curbondale car for soldiers' camp nt Olyphant. First-Class Advantages Arc offered by Ihe Conservatory for Piano forte Instruction to Students of all grades, from beginners to prospective professionals, Students can begin now. SOME PECULIAR CASES. They Weio Heard nt Ycstei day's Meeting of Poor Board Repoit of Superintendent Beemer. Tho poor lioaul wns confronted with two peculiar cases at their meeting os lerday, In which a deserted husband figured In one, nnd an abandoned wlfo In the other. John II. Williams, a blind mntf, living at &'i South Main rivonuo, coniplalnoil that Arthur Williams, of Ninth Main inenue, near the city lino, had deserted his wife and two chlldien lust Juno and Is now located In Now Yoik. Four weeks ago tho wlfo of the com plainant deseited her husband and joined the wlfo deseiter In the metiopo ils, wheio they aio now icsldlng. Tho deserted husband's appeal was not for tho leturn of his lecieant wife, but for the boaid to piovldc for the other man's wife and children, Inasmuch ns tho deseited te or her chlldien had not applied for aid, tho board did not feel called upon to take any cognizance of Williams' appeal, and the ease was dismissed. The other case was ono of tho most Inttlcuto the bo.ud has ever dealt with. Mi.s. Mai la Kiismlr and son, Michael, aged 14 yeais, aiihed at Kills Island fiom Oeimany on Wednesday, haUng tianspoi tallon to Philadelphia, wheie her husband and two chlldien 1110 liv ing. In the shuffle which follows tho dop.utuip of einlgtants fiom the Island, Mis. Kusnilr gave her satchel, contain ing her all, to a filend, whom she lost all tince of. Through sonie unknown shltt, the woman and boy "weio sent to Scianton and ai lived heie caily Thuisday 11101 n Ing. They weie found at the Delawaie, Lackawanna and Western station and tinned over to Mis. Duggan. She pie sonted the case to tho boaid, thiough Dhoctor Deckort, and an effort was made by him to locate the lelatlves and secure transpoi tatlon for the lost ones. Superintendent Beemer submitted his lepoit for the month ending- August 31, 1902, as follows: Nunibci ot Inmates in the homo Aug. Number Insane, admitted dining tho mouth C Nunibei sane, admitted dining tho month 7 Total jlu Number Insane clNchaiged dining month 7 Number sane tlischaigcd dining mouth 0 Died dining month, sane fa Died, Ins.iii.j j Numliei icmuinlng Sept. "0 473 Mis. Audi ow llaucht, of Maple stieet, who li.i- a sick husband and soon chlldien, was gi anted tempoiaiy lelief. .Mis. Uose Moian, of Di Inker stieet, Dunnioie, wanted suppoit for a child she had adopted. The boaid was willing to hao the child admitted to St. Patrick's 01 plianage, but the wo man lefused, and tho case was dis missed. Jacob Giuian, of the Seventeenth ward, asked for and lccelvod exoneia tion ,fiom peisonal tax of II cents. Mis. Mniy Jones, of Belloue, was gi anted teinpoiary lellof. Mrs. Bryan Muliov, of North Scian ton, who has a "little boy 19 years old a oar lost November," anil a "little shl 10 jeais old," wanted lellof, but the boaid dismissed the application. FUNERAL OF DR. LACKEY. The funeial set iocs over tho icmalns of the late Dr. IT. II. Lackey weio held nt 1.30 o'clock jesteiday afternoon at his late lesldence, fi.'S Noith Washing ton avenue, wheie a l.uge number of the medical fraternity, together with many friends and 1 datives, assembled. A bilef piayer seivlco was held, ron ductcd by rtev. Itogeis 1st ad, lector of St. Luke's Episcopal chinch. Tho le malns w HI be taken to Windsor, N. Y., this morning, leaving on tho 7.3G Dela waio and Hudson tialu. The pall-beaicis who will accompany the icmalns aie Thomas Giillln, Will Iain P. Boland, Dr. Bentley, Chuiles Lowij-, Sidney Henwood and William McDonald. Intel ment will bo made In Windsor cemeteiy this afternoon. STATION AGENT RETURNS. M. A. Lyman, of Moscow, Now at His Home. The mysteilnus dls.ippenianco of M. A. Ljnian, the Lackawanna lallroatl station agent at Moscow, has been cleared up by his 1 etui 11 home. His coming was Just as mysterious as his depaituie, I Jo seems to be suffering fiom tem poral' abbeiatlciu of tho mind, and Is now under n physician's cam. Lyman has teslgned his position with the tall mad lompaii. BUTTER We handle but 0110 kind of bat tel, and that tho Ganulna Elgin Craamery, 24c DlKct fiom HI.OIN, II.MNOIS, It Is by far tlio most Delicious, Sweetest Jlutler inaile Otliois ad vcitlso it, but liono Keep It That Coffee Again I like to talk about Coffeo bo causo its wot til talking about It's tho best Moclm ami Java blended to tho ijueen'a tanto and would lost ou I'll at incut stoics, hut wo S'il it 3 pnuinM foi "Jlost CNipiislto loffea I ever ill, ml;!" exclaims another delighted ludy. who Is an excellent judb'o of good tnffoe Our 2.'e. tilplo blond Is delicious and equal to any ?0t 01 35c, giado sold at the gmcciy. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. 4U Lackawanna avenuo, 321 Noith Main avenue. 'Phono 7J-2. Piompt dellveiy. New 'phono 123. wmmmmmmmwmmmmmam THREE MORE MOVED UP d6R3EY, KRESOE AND THAYER, HAVE BETTER POSITIONS In Tho Tribune's Educational Con testBurns Passes HI3 Sixth Cen tury, Dorscy His Thlid, and Kiesge His First Many Changes Among tho Leadeis for Special Honor Prize Burns Enteis the Table nnd Takes Thlid Ploco. Standing of Contestants A. J. Kellerman, Scianton.027 Charles Bums, Vnndllng. .008 William T. S. Rodrlguca, Scianton 545 Oscar H. Kipp, Elmhurst.400 Wm. Sherwood, Harford.. 401 Herbei t Thompson, Car- bondalo 440 Fied K. Gunster, Gieen Rldgo 406 Albeit Fteedman, Belle- vuo 380 7. 8. 0. J. A. Hnvenstiite. Mos cow 354 10. Chas. W. Dorsey, Scrantou.302 11. Maxwell Shepherd, Car- bondale 300 12. L. E. Stanton, Scranton. . . 150 13. Harry Madden, Scranton. . 158 14. Hendrick Adams, Chin chilla 125 15. Homer Kiesge, Hyde Park 101 16. M i s s Beatiice Harpur, Thompson 100 17. Frank B. McCieary, Hall- stead 02 18. Miss Jane Mathewson, Factoryvillo 86 19. Lewis Bates, Scranton .... 82 20. Don C. Capwcll,!. Scianton. . 81 21. Fied Kibler, South Scran ton 74 22. William Cooper, Priceburg. 09 23. A. L. Clnrk. Green Grovo . . 50 24. Louis Gere, Biooklyn 49 25. Walter Hallstead, Scian ton 44 26. Miss Edna Coleman, Scranton 43 27. Lee Culver, Springvllle. . . 41 28. Giant M. Decker, Hall- stead 38 29. Miss Mary Yenger, Green Ridge 34 30. Elmer Williams, Elmhurst. 33 31. Aithur J. Thayer, South Scianton 32 32. Hugh Johnston, Forest City 31 33. Eddie Morris, South Scran ton 29 Evcty day bilngs its changes now in The Tilbune's Educational Contest. Yesteiday thiee moio contestants moved one peg higher, while several otheis mateilally Inn eased their scores Chinles W. Doisej-, Homer Kiesge and Aithur J. Thajer each succeeded in parsing the next contestant above, taking tenth, fifteenth and tblity-flrst pi ices, lespeotlvely. No one of the thiee, howevpi, holds his advanced place by moio than tlueo points and may be obliged to ldinquish them today. Chailes Hums passed his sixth ceii tuij' jcsteidaj-. Dm soy his tliiul, and Kiesge his first. The scoio in detail follows: Chailes W. Doisey 22 Chailes Bums 2L A. J. Kelleiman 12 William Slieiwood C Homer Kiesge 3 Aithur J. Thayer 1 J. A. Hnvenstiite 1 The Iculcis for the Hist special honoi piUe aie all changed mound this inclining, the only contestant to ictalii his Toimer position being Mr. Gunster in flist place. Chailes Bums enteis the table and takes thlid place, ill. Dor sey moves up fiom fifth to second, and A. L Clnik, who was In.ulvei tently omitted fiom the table ycstei da', Is in ninth. LEADERS FOR THE SPECIAL HONOR PRIZE PIVC DOLLARS IN COLD to tho contestant scoilng tho l.ugcst number of points hefoie d p. m., Satin tiny, October it. Fied K. Gunster 48 Chaile.s W. Doisey . 33 Chaile.s Burns 25 A. J. Kdlctmau 24 William Shoiwood 19 Mbs Jane Mathewson 12 Lewis Bates 9 William T. S. Bodiiguez 9 A. L. Clai't 9 Hairy Madden 8 Why Modify Milk for Infant feeding (n the uncertain vvajs of the novice when you can have alwajs with you a supply of Ben den's Eagle Htnnd Condensed Milk, a poi fee t cow's milk limn hei els of native bioeds, the peifectlon of Infant food? Uso It for tea and eolfee. Take Tin nop or Caibondale car soldlcis.' camp at 01 pliant, for Wlillo Key Tort OS Cents ami $1.25 York Sfafe Grapes Vaiicy Concords, 1.1c Fanoy Niagara, '2()c Fancy Delaware, 'J.ic Special on Olives 20 Cents, worth tile Boneless Sardines 25 Cents G, Goursen. Jersey I S Feeches Em 1 SEMIS WILL PLAY "OUR PETS." Carbondalo Fans Will Witness n Gdod Team Piny. At lust tlio Cnrbondnlu t'leseents. fn mlllnily known as "Our Pets," have ananged a letuin game vvilh Die Bctnti loit Soinl-piofesslonnls, nml will play on Durfy's Held, Caibondale, this af ternoon. The following playets will repot t nt tho Uelawaie and Hudson stn tlou at 1 o'clock this afternoon: Fran clsv catcher; Oilllln and Hiay, pltch ots; Owens, fhst base: Touhlll, sec ond base: Gallagher, shoi t stop: Mi llugli, thlid base: Miutcnspadiei', left neld: Ferils, tight Held; Culktii, ccii tto field. Manager Wlrth will not bo In tho Kittito on account ot tho death of his In other. Next Friday, Oct. 10, a game will bo played by the Seml-Professlonnls and tho All-Professionals. Such famous players as Jennings, Dunn, O'Neill bi others, Coughlln, Fieonian, Mathew son, Mullaikoy, Dean and otheis will he In the game, SMITH'S LOVE FOR WIDOW NOT SORDID Says He Will Many Mrs. A. J. Ul- mer if Sho Does Not Possess Acci edited Foi tune. The romance of 1'ieil. Smith, the Scianton House waiter, and Mis. A. J. t'lmer, of Huston, as oxduslvdv an nounced In The Tilbune yesteiday, caused quite a tlr among the j'oung man's I datives and fi lends, and tho publication of the story was also a surpilsu to the couple, Mrs. Ulmer lcluined to her home yesteiday, and did not know the stoiy had leaked out until she lead It In a paper on tho train. Upon her anlval at Kaston she sent reassuilng telu giams during the dav to Smith peti tioning him not to heed any stoiles lie might hear about hoi. Smith declared himself to his fi lends nnd Intimated that he Is deeply In love with the woman, and will mairy hei, regaidless of her wealth. He will sever his connection with the Scianton House this evening, and leave for lias ton on Monday. Tho wedding l.s scheduled lo ocelli on Tuesdny at Kaston, and the couple will leturn to Scianton on Wednesday, and later leave for a wedding tilp to Eu rope. The btldo-to-be presented Smith with $300 with which to pin chase his wedding outfit. Ho has been ovot whelmed with congiatulatlons by his acquaintances. A TESTIMONIAL. Scranton Business College. Honesdnle, Pa., Sept. 16, '02. Gentlemen: Monday moining I began woiking for the above mimed people, (T. B. Claik & Co, Cut Glass). Expected the wink would bo voij- heavy, but owing to tho thoiough tialning I leietved at the Scianton Business College, I find the vvoik very easj. Will do all I can lo get students for the S. B. C. ns I can consciontiouslj' lecommond the school for its thoroughness, especially since I Unci T am capable of holding lesponsHile positions even though t am not a gt act uate. Slnceiely joins, Abble C. Elk. The foregoing was unsolicited. Take Dm yea car to see Eighth legl- ment at Duijea. WYOMING SEMINARY. Kingston, Pa. Special woik: Chniactor-building and pipparation for college and business. Cettllicate lccelved by colleges. Co-edu-catlonal. Ample attention given to tho ornamental bi ouches. Supeiior doiml toiles, science hall, chapel, dining loom, gymnasium and athletic Held, A finely equipped picpaiatoiy school. $300 a n-oai ; teim now open. For catalogue, acuiicbs J... Li. spiague, u. u., piesi dent. Next Sunday Is the Day The N. Y.. O. & W. It. B. Co. will inn its annual foliage exclusion to Han cock, N. Y. Tickets, $1. Tin in leaves Scianton at S.30 a. in. Take Tin nop or Caibondale car for solcllet.s' camp at Olj pliant. City and School Taxes 1902. The above tax duplicates are now in my hands for collection. F. S BABKER, City Tieasurcr. Take Dm yea car to see Eighth regi ment at Dm yea. You Can Always 5a ve The middleman's pio 11 1 by pun linsiug our mnbiellas or lini.esols cilice t 1mm the inaiiu lactuiei, Special In dia cninnts Just iiov, In older to dial out our stock picpaiatoiy to iiiuking up mu cin iHlnius lliu Wo aio tho only oncIiihIvo iimbiclla iiiiinu fuctuiei.s in tho illy SCRANTON UMBRELLA MANU FACTURING COMPANY. 311 SI'Itt'CE STltEET. fr A U A A i h J $ J $ asury s ills... eooeo Aie the best in the world. In VARNISHES we cany Parrotts, Mtisury's, Ynlcntiiics and Lawsons 4 Also a full line of Brushes Biltenbender & j 126-128 Franklin Ave. fcYm Pai .j. .j. .j. .. .j. .j. .. .j. .j. .j. .$. .j. $ .j. .j. Ten Dollars for Guesses Who enn namo thn winner In The Tilbiino's Educational Contcit and tell tho number ot points ho or she will imveY rhst Prize S5.00 In Gold. Next Three $1.00 each. Next Two 50 cents eaeln Next Four-y25 cents each TOTAL Ten Prizes, Ton Dollars. Cut out tlio coupon below, nil It In, and send lo "Scianton Tribune, Scran Inn, Pa Uiicsslug Contest." Hattiiday, Oct. 4. I think tlio winner ot Tho Ttlb tine's Educational ConUst will bo No ot points..,, ., Nn ma Adihcss , Cut out this lower coupon only. lSUSSJUM With every puichaco of SI cl over nt Nettle ton's Shoe Store FALL STVIES in Udics' nnd Gents' .Shoes at S2.01), -V i.3l). 83. 0') anil S3.30. ! 134 WASHINGTON AVE Opposite Connell Building. Good Oct. II, I and i! All cms pi's the door. Trans fer fiom I'lovltlciiie. Cut This O ut. WimmuimmiKmsasm3SiirsmxamxS Will be pleased to iccelvo mouej- In .inv amount and into of inteiest thcicon. deposits o pay liberal VVlitle oil tompornry at ia.- ave. nn small, wi nliua limit, necommo' quart el H Wnsli. toiuoivli.it me ly alilo to dnlo our liieiensln - CAl'ITAL AND SURPLUS o.ni; MILLION DOLLARS steadily pulionaga Open an account with us. I.. A. WATRES Piesldcnt 1 L TMIII.Lll'S Thlid Vlce-I'iesldent nnd Tieasurcr ENECl'TlVi: CO.MM1TTEE Abiam Nesljlit, Thomas E. Jones William T. Hallstead. O. S. Johnson iiiom.is II. Watklns L A. Wntes. The Ti lbiino will guarantee to print youi paper book quit Iter than any oth er pili'tlng house In the city. The Standard of C, celfence means a great deal, but It cp'eowCJ the position of In tb3 statlonory world, Tlioy ara tho best and they are the standard of polite society, Whiting's French Organdies In the new Fall tints, Cafe and Chrysanthemum, will bo the papers In use for select correspondence this Fall. Very elegant effects can be produced by stamping or Ilium Inatlng. We have the comolete selection. REYNOLDS BROTHERS Hotel Jeunyn Building. Good B if fepj ill i J J pggs f I ) The Title Guaranty and Trust Co. Lawyers , .'(.y"'v . Mgy WsiifwBsgsaM Whiting's Papers