THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1902, The News of SEMI-PROFESSIONALS TlftlS AFTERNOON If tho Weather Man Be Good the s Sernnton Team Will Be on Duffy's Held No Foot Ball Game of the Indians, Today, ns Expected Oth er Sporting News. Tho Hovrrnl thousand huso hall cranks hi Curbonditle nro hoping and praying thnt todny will hi- u repetition of yesterday hi the weather. The fust nenil-profesftloiini team of Serunton will ho on Unffy'M Hold thin afternoon, mid If tho tiny Im pleasant, perhaps the lnrgpst crowd of tin season will turn out to sen tliu rump. Tho coming of the Sornntoii tpiiiu to Cnrbondule hits boon nntlclpntoil for weeks, mid there in tho keenest Interest In the mooting of the two teams. All that seems nec essary now for a ureal nfternoon of ball ift the kindness of nature In bc Btowlng n pleasant tlay. Kclleher will pltfh for tho Crescents. Tho makf-up oc the team will lie the snino ns in the game with the Taylor Kcds on Thursday, with the exception thnt McAndrcw and Kelleher change places, the former going Into right Held. Owney Is at home In this Bur den, and when he plays In tho Meld his batting Is always the stronger. Walsh, of Muyfleld, will, as usual, he in centre lipid, With the Seinl-ProfoHsloiml team will come several players who have played In Carbolidnlo a number of times this Hcasnn. Wlrth, eateher; (irlllln. pttch er; France, shortstop; Touhlll, second base; McCue, third base; Culkln, Fcr-rls-niul lladonspacher. In fact all of tho Semi-professional team but tho tlrst baseman, have been here; the only difference Is that they have not all been together on the same team, though as many ns four have. Indians Won't Play Today. It Is a big disappointment to the Carbondalo Indians not to open the foot ball season today, as surely ex pected. A game had been fully ar ranged by Manager .Tones, with Wy oming Seminary nt Kingston, but on Thursday word was received to the effect that the Seminary eleven could not accommodate the Indians. In stead the counter proposition was made to come to Carbondale and play bore. Manager Jones, however, could not see any semblance of a shadow of a pretense of an excuse for the seminary team not keeping the promise so faith fully mado and he rightly would not brook the suggestion for the game here. It will take some extraordinary tall explaining for the Kingston eleven to justify its action. Manager .Tone, when satisfied that the Seminary team would not keep to Jts agreement, endeavored to arrange a game for tomorrow with the Alerts, of Scranton, but this, too. was declared off at the last moment without any apparent reason. It is likely that the first game will now bo played at Ilonesdale on Thurs day next, with the: Ilonesdale team, at the Wayne county fair. Manager Jones Is arranging for the game. About That Scranton Game. Some one connected with tbe Scran ton High school eleven must have been disposed to "kidding" when he gave out to the writers of sports on the Scranton dallies that the High school team from Carbondale bad four of the Carbondale Indians In the line-up at Scranton on Wednesday. One paper said the "Mighty Hansen" was one. and all had the name or McLaln In the llne-up, -while the truthful fact is that Mac was faithfully at bis post with the Scranton Railway company while the game was on. Hansen, "the mighty Hanson," was likewise attending to his business In this city. The Hansen who played was Joe Hansen, only a sub stitute player on tho Indians. Not a member of the Indians played with the Carbondale High school, and if any one of the keen young men of the Scranton High school cares to earn a now ball for his eleven ho can do so by coming to Carbondale and picking out these alleged "four ringers" In the Indians' line-up. This is no attempt to excuse (lie de feat of the Carbondale High school; that Is none of our concern, but Mali nger Jones doesn't care to have his eleven misrepresented. Accident to Michael Casey. News received in tills city a few Says ago announced that Michael Casey, sou of Edward Casey, super visor of Carbondale township, suffered TWIK ARMOR. Proper Food Defends Against Disease There Is an assayer and chemist In ifoslta, Colo,, Mr. C, Wulsten, who ovs by actual every day deiuonstra- tlmt sclentlllo food will niuko a young again. Ho says; She question of proper food which assimilate and protect the system m loss ami waste of brain and Tusiclc, becomes a serious one when man advances to my ago of pust (IS. 1 ntn j continually under a brulu and muscle strain which for tho last us years wore upon mo seriously. My digestion lie. pame Impaired and my whole system .weak. I saw flrape-Nuts in a grocery store, ,and bought it box. 1 tested it In my laboratory and found It correct accord ing to your declaration of Its snhstnii. ces in proportion with the phosphates . ! Intact. - I r i I made it my principal food and gain ed in niio year lS-pounds In weight, and hud tho pleasure of seeing my in dlges'tlon leave mu entirely, After a jyear'and a half of Its use, I feel i'o years younger and tun as strong and Bupplo as I never was before during the last decade. I ulmply have found the truo armor which Is defending my body against disease and withering uge, I find It of advantage In field woils fcnd when prospecting In the moun tains. When I go out upon geodetic fcxpedttlons I take a quantity of drape SNu'ts "along with mo. This abolishes fcumbersome baggage and food cooking Utensils. A little sugar, a can of con densed milk, my Grape-Nuts, and I jhave my food In a closely condensed form, not weighing over 4 pounds to larry and I never get hungry, Con centrated re-agents are the most ef fective in all chemical operations, and Drape-Nuts are the re-agents that keep Jhe body's laboratory (tho stomach) In rrfevi working order. Your product perfect," Catbondale, tho loss of three fingers while em ployed at one of the lumber camps In the southwestern part of tho state. Mr. I'nsey left hero with a ntnnher of men shortly after tho sotting In of tho coal strike. There will be much regret among his friends on hearing of his misfortune. A DRAMATIC TREAT. "Under Southern Skies" Appreciated by a Large Audience. Malinger Parker, of William Brady's, production of "t'nder Southern Skies," received u pleasant surprise Inst night at the Grand when he looked over the audience as the curtain nrosp and ob served nearly every seat taken. This surprise was shared by nearly every one, and It was variously commented on as evidence that Carhondnle must not be suffering so severely fiom tho strike. Those who made up the large audi ence were tepald In it splendid dram atic treat. This beautiful and touch ing story enacted under southern skies was warmly appreciated and tho piece will be welcomed If It should return to Cnrbondnle. The company Is about tho same as appeared last year, supporting Ornee George us the star, The changes made in the story by making Miss (ieorge's part less conspicuous lire ipilie acceptable. a new feature this year are four colored singers and dancers, two male and two female, which made a big hit. Their singing and dancing greatly brighten th" piece. As the rule with nil of Brady's productions, "t'n der Southern Skies" Is rplenilldly staged. THE TALE OF A GYPSY. Camp of Wanderers Come to Grief in Carbondale .and Make a Hurried Farewell Such Presto Change Artists Not Accommodated Here. A c.unp of gypsiei came Cirbnudnle way H few days ago, making head quarters at No. 1 settlement, near White's crossing. They were truly a motley band, unclean In person and un kempt In i lathing Home of them lloat ed into town Thursday and yesterday, arousing rcsnitniHiit utmost to ungtr by their uucle.tnliness and their dross, which In sonic Instant es was Just short of leiul; In s'lori, they appeared to be tit subjects for new Sanitary Policeman Michael Gallagher to move against as his first ca "p. Well, any how, they're not In town now. They were sent on their way yesterday by Constable Michael Moran, who thereby earns pub lic thanks. Yesterday the enterprising women of the band practiced their sophistry on some of the Innocents or the town, hence their expulsion. The games was thus: "Slgnor, cross your palm with fifty cents and t will reveal your life secrets," the pseudo fortune teller would say. Sometimes the hand would be crossed, then the coin did the dis appearing act. "Slguor," another would say, "give the coin good luck by putting it in your sweet mouth, then cross your hand, and the future Is yours to see." Once again, would the coin take Ayjiigs into tho greasy purse of the gypsy lass. All Is not well that does not end well. A good thing is no good when It is plays out, and one of the gypsies went up against the good thing once too often. This particular good tiling got sore when ills money parted company nail became the pioperty of the dark skinned maiden. Money's too valuable thought he, with the strike on and the end not In sight, so he hastened after Constable Moran and to him related bis tale of loss. Like an ollieer, good and true, this constable with set teeth and a business look went on the trail of the coln-sedueing young maiden. She and three others were coralled and timid a series of lamentations and walls returned the price to the justice-de manding young man. Then with a gentle, fatherly look and a strong wink, Constable Moran hinted to the gypsies that Oraftville was not located here; maybe it could be located across the Mooslcs or further down the valley, but It was nae here. This hint was as gooil as a knockout blow of Young Corbet t's and soon theieafler three gypsy maids were speeding to their camp to make their farewell to Carbon dale. Moral: Don't make u mistake when you're looking for Oraftville and get off at Carbondale. CANNON BALL TIME. Fast .Run to Scranton by Engineer Bob Copeland on D. & H. Itallroaders In Carbondale are dis cussing the record established by Kn gineer Hob Copeland on his run lo Scranton early Thursday morning, and everywhere genial Hob Is being com plimented on his achievement. It was tho special train to take the Pugllano-t'iissesse wedding party to Scranton that made the cannon ball dash, It was l.L'O Thursday morning when tlu train left the city station. The connecting train left Scranton at 1.10 on tlie l.uckuwunnu. "I can make It with safety," smiled Hob, with enough determination to make the smile significant. Then he pulled open tho throttle mid Knglno :ir,l sailed on down the valley. The seventy passen gers that made merry In the two coaches soon realized that the engine was doing something extra In speed making, and when Archbald was left behind the train was thundering along "t, perhaps, a iSS-mlle-un-hour clip I'liicpn iiunutes were cuoppeti on wncil the fourteen miles to I'lifvldenie hail ............. . .. .... ... . been made. When Scranton was reached, watches showed that the seventeen miles had been covered In eighteen minutes, a record-maker. Two minutes worn left In which to niuko the Lackawanna, express, On the return Hip, the seventeen miles up the valley were made In twenty minutes. Through out tho run there was no noticeable Jarring or jolting; ono knew tho train was Hying, but the splendid roadbed combined to niuko the Journey a rare experience. MR. DAVIS' RESIGNATION, Tribune's Exclusive Announcement Was a Big Surprise May Recon sider. The exclusive announcement hi The Tribune yesterday that President John Dayls, of select council, intended to re sign from council created a surprise akin to a sensation. Perhaps but a few of his closest friends knew of bis in tention until they read of It In The Trl- bune. It was the toplo of conversation of yesterday. Now that It Is generally known that Mr. Davis has resolved to give lip his seat, his friends are urging him to re consider and remain. What will come from this pci suasion will be awaited with Interest. It Is possible that Common Council man W. U Hunter wilt nlso resign, as he Is contemplating moving from the Sixth to the First word. A. 0. TIFFANY INJURED. Met with Accident Whllo in the Quaker City. A. U. Tiffany, tho contractor, conic homo from Philadelphia on a late Dela ware and Hudson train last night, un der the care of Dr. John Nlles, tho vic tim of an accident while visiting In the Quaker City. The telegram apprising tho Tiffany family of the happening was exceeding ly meagre. It simply stated thnt he had fallen and was suffering from some frnctures. However, there Is no appre hension as to his condition. Mr. Tiffany was In Philadelphia on a pleasure trip with Dr. John Kilos, when the mishap befell him. This circum stance was somewhat compensating, for, besides not being alone, ho had the care of a physician on the long Journey. Mr. Tiri'any was visiting the Pittsburg Plate Glass company's plant when the accident occurred. He fell down stairs and then through tin opening Intended for an elevator shaft. Ills head was painfully lacerated, his shoulder was i sprained and he suffered from a frne I lure near the hip. He reached home on ! the KMO Delaware and Hudson train, and was conveyed to his homo in the ambulance. ANARCHY IN THE SCHOOLS. Editor of The Tribune Sir; In today's Issue I see thnt an other disgraceful scene has been en acted In Public School No. a by the pupils leaving the school bncaue same pupils attended whose fathers were at work. If th(ie children had their just desserts, they would get n good, sound i spanking from their parents, and if they do not do It, It would be well for tho school board to take u day off and spank them thoroughly. I wumler If their parents realize that such behavior Is nothing better than what Ihe anarchists do. Hy allow ing or encouraging such conduct we are training right heie in our public school future anarchists. Jt Is a most fortunate circumstance thnt the Sheridan cavalry came along Just then and frightened them away, no telling to what length they would have u one. Let it?, as parents, train up our chil dren to realize that America is a free country, and every man has a right to work if he chooses, but not a right to hinder another from doing as he wishes to. Mrs, J. K. Burr. Carbondale, Oct. .!. 1&02. Adolph Proatzsch Injured. Adolph Pioatzseh, of Blrkett street, employed as night watchman at -the Kmplre Silk mill, met with a very pain ful accident while returning home from work yesterday morning. He was struck by n street car and was dragged a great distance before the car was stopped. He was taken to Dr. Thomp son's private hospital, Scranton, where his wounds werp dressed. He re tlirned home yesterday evening. Broke His Arm. John Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Kelley, of Dirkett street, met with a distressing accident yesterday morn ing, while playing ball at tho Central building school ygrounds. He was trying- to catch a ball and fell down off the wall, breaking his arm. Dr. J. A. Kelley dressed tho Injured member. Young Kelley Is comfortnble under the circumstances, but will bo deprived of the use of his arm for several weeks. Returned Home. Itoderlck CJillls returned home yester day from Albany, where he was em ployed as timekeeper for the Burke Bros. Suffering from Typhoid Eever. Jnmes Norton was admitted to Dr. Wheeler's hospital, where be is suffer ing with tin attack of typhoid fever. THE PASSING THRONG. Jnhu Collins, of K.illbrook street, leaves today for Philadelphia. Thomas Gallagher, of Clifford, Is visiting friends on Kallbrook street. Miss Nora O'Xell, of Hrouklyn street, loft yesterday for Xew York city, where she will take up work as a stenograph er. Miss O'.Vell Is a graduate of the class of '02 of St. Uose academy, of tills city. She was conspicuous In her social set and leaves behind a wide circle of sincere friends who, while deeply regretful of her departure, are united In their wishes for her success. Mrs. V. Uuir has returned from a. visit of several weeks with relatives In (itlllfnrd, X. Y. Misses Isnbelle and Barbara Hud glns, have returned after a week's visit with friends In Sehenectndy, X. Y, Miss Pamella Kvuns and Miss Alma Vadium, of Carbondale, are visitors at the home of Mrs. Charlotte Pettlgrew, of Delaware street. Olypluint Itecnrd, .Mrs, ,1. !:. IluiT left yesterday for a visit with friends at Washington, X. J, Mrs, W. D. Williams Is in Middle town, Ohio, where she went to attend the wedding of a relative. Itev. Y. C. Smith Is conllncd to the home of his daughter, Mrs. It, D. Stuart, on Canaan street by an attack of Illness, Miss Sadie Burke, of Plko street, who has been visiting In Plttstou for the past mouth has returned Jipme, aecnm panled by her cousin, Miss Sarah Bnrl'p, James Williamson, of Oneouta, X. Y Is spending a few days In this city, Miss Katie Fudden and her sister Miss Margaret Fudden, of Scranton, were entertained at the home of J, W, Williams mi Park street, Wednesday, William Morrison returned homo yes terday from Kent, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Klrkpatrirk have returned to their home In Atlantic City after a two week's visit with Mr, and Mrs. Kdward Cannon, of South Main street. Jisssrp. A quiet wedding took place In St. Jnmes' church, Wednesday evening, when Thomas Sweeney and Miss Ella Dablll were united In matrimony, After numerous congratulations thpy enjoyed ii short drive. They have not as yet decided where they will reside. A warrant for the arrest of Mr. Mar- &X& y2?B?tlr.IciHedy H Hm-H"rH Among Many Ask lor Hunter Whiskeyl and the best will bs given you. i 4- t li GrattWes -t- and Ai ways Satisfies 4- Solit nt nil Hrntolnx rify ami In Jnhliei'f. Wit. I.AX.UIAN SI). v. I'lltllliulr. Ml. J"f-M--t"-t--M"M----H- shall, of the Storrlck Creek hotel, was sworn out before Justice of tho P:ice I.oftus, lu&t evening. He will be given a hearing this morning. tjrgnmzer carney, or An hha Pi. gave a short adoross at Ihe Ml. Jetsup local's meetings last evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Curran and rivi Thomas, of West Scranton, are visit ing fr!nda In town. Attorney Murphy, of .Scranton, was a caller In town last evening. OLYPHANT. The funeral of Sarah, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tay lor, of Dunmore street, will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment will be made in Union ceme tery. Mrs. M. K. Harnden spent yesterday with Hyde Park relatives. Oeoi'Ke Benton, of Carbondale, was a caller In town yesterday. Itev. Fred AVatklns. of Wyoming, will occupy the pulpit In tho Presbyterian church tomorrow morning and evening. Regular Episcopal services will be held In St. George's mission, on Scott street, tomorrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. Rev. Rogers Israel, D. D., of Scranton, will have charge. A. A". Bower, of Scranton, will con duct the services in tbe Congregational church tomorrow evening at 6 o'clock. Services will be held at the usual hour in the Blakely Baptist church to morrow morning and evening. Holy communion will be celebrated at the morning service. Rev. David Spencer, D. D pastor. Lackawanna street was cleaned yes terday by a force of men under the direction of Street Commissioner Mc Andrew. Misses Rhoda Taylor and Elizabeth Orchard, of Carbondale, visited Miss Jennie Voyle, of Luckawanna street, yesterdny. Edward McDonnell, of Delawate street, has moved Into tho Swepney block on Lackawanna street. J. A. Waring, of Atliertoa & Sutton's cash store, has returned from a busi ness trip to New York. Misses Carrie Coons, of Jermyn. and Ida White, of Archbald, were visitors In town yesterday, Charles Haltlnger, of Jersey City, Is visiting friends In tills place. JEBMYX M AY F fELP. John K. Lougliney, of the Side, has begun u suit against the Ontario and Western railroad for Jl.ftOn Tor damage done his pioperty during the heavy Hood lasi spring. Beginning tomorrow (lie Sunday school of Sacred Heart church, which has been closed for several .months, will reopen. The annual meeting of the Jermyn Cemetery association for the election or trustees will be held la Enterprise hall, Friday evening, October 17, Samuel Baker, of fleiidliuni, visited his brother, Philip Baker, of .Main street, this week. Mrs. Dr. King, of Scranton. Is visit ing her parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. D. Fuller. It. M. Maxwell and daughter, Miss Mangle, left this morning on a vl?lt lo Xcw York city, Mrs, Sameul Pior and children have returned homo after a week's visit with hpr mother, Mrs. i.'nyle, at Car bondale. Mrs. Robert Merrick and children, of Scranton, uro visiting Jermyn friends, Miss Lizzie Mci'loskey 1ms returnnl from n visit to Miss Sullio Thomiis, of Kingston. DALTON. A union temperance service will lip held In the Baptist church on Sunday evening. Rev. F, J, Caterer, of the Six Principle Baptist church, will preach the sermon. Postmaster F. M, Tiffany has moved the postofllce from Us old location Into the front of his store, Charles and Marvin Purely, who have been visiting, respectively, at Lake Ariel and In Xew York state, have ar rived honip. Work has been In progress this week preparing the tracks and establishing tho electric block system through tills pluco on the Lackawanna railroad. Owing to tho wet weather of the past few days, many of the farmers report their buckwheat crop ruined from the grain sprouting In the shock, A new Slx-Prlnclple Baptist minister Is expected to arrive hi thlsjilnco In a few days from, England, to assist Rev. Caterer In his work. George O. Yocum nnd wife have left this place for a winter's sojourn In Europe. Mis. W, H, linger Is conmied to her homo with Illness this week. Thla (lgnktare Ii on ever; box of tho genoflU Laxative Rromnnuinine Tablets : thL.cMr a cola lu one day, JraJKKXXSOSKXXCtfXXK umnouy & Wallace Scranlon's Shopping Center I The Annual October 0 BBook Sale Is On Si We offer 30.000 of our lamous 12 mo. G. It Top Books at our I'll usual price, each YL' The Book is well known it neods no introduction to our public. Everybody knows that Connolly &. Wallace Sell Books cheaper than any other store on earth. TI12 great quantities we provide for our cus tomers make it passible for all to get a good selection. The many thousands we sell give proof that our book sales are appreciated. The list this year consists of 306 selected titles, as follows: Ml O 0 3 JfV SI 0,0 a 0,10 Si Si 0 1 Adam IJedo. Hy fienrgc Kllnt. 1 Admirable l.aily Illddy Fane, The. By Frank linrictt. .J Aesop s Tables. I Alexander the (Treat. By Abbott. Jacob ," All Aboaiil. (Seipiel to " Club.") I5y Oliver Optic 0 All Along the Illver. Hy .Miss M. B. ITradrton. 7 AllWorlh Ahhy. By .Mis. K. D. K. N. Soulhworth. S Alene. Hy Marlon iliM'liind. !i Andersju s Fairy 'I'alw. 10 Andicp de Taveiney. liy Alexan der Duma.'. . 11 Apill'u Lmly. Hy "Tho Duchess." k! Arabian Night's Hntprtainiucut. 1.1 Ardnth. hy Mnrlc Cadli. 1) Artist's l.ov.- The. Hy j'.'.is. B. V. K. S. Soiit'aworth. 1.1 At Ileal, at Rah-'. Hy Florence Mariyiit. Pi. Aunt Diana. Ilv Rosa X. Care v. IT Antocint op Hie llrei'lifiiMt TnliiP. liy Oilver V.Vndi.H llolui's. IS Aveill. V,y Ibvn Xonchette Carry. 1!) n.'iii'ara lle'illicole's Trial. By Rosa Xoi'rhPlte Carey. M Day Path, liy .1. (1. Holland. :l Hello of Lynn. Tho. By Charlotte M. BraeniP. ' H.-rlde Ihe Ilonnle Url'-r Bush. By Ian Mnclaren. " Beulnh. By Augustus .1. Evans. "4 Beyond fie i Ilv. By A. dmiiu Doyle. Si Bhicl: lj",-M't.v. By Anna Sev.-ell. til Blade Rock. By Bnlph Connor, -i Blltl!flalc Romance, Th". By Na thaniel Hawthorne. 2S Boat Club. The. By Oliver Op'.lc. " Bnndir.ati. The. IJv Hall Caine. ::0 Bonnie Prince Charlie. By (!. A, ileim. JS it oft tin an an. o fin Htf in s ti,tf o 0 tfa. M0 0W M0 K0 0XX Her H0 c 01S. . 0 O.0 Q 0 CI Born Cooortte, A. B JJnrhi'M'." "Th :? Hny Kniivlit. Tho. Hv f IK Bra -rat of the Brave. A. llenl.v L!v t!. A Henty. C'l Bridal live, The. Hv Mrs. Ii. 15. Ii. X. Southworth. .".I Bible of l.lcwHIvi!. Tlv. By Mrs. Ii. D. ,Ti. X. Saiithworth. ."ii Broken Links. By Mra. Alexander. "7 Bryaiu's Pnems. iiS By Pike and Dyke. By Ci. A. Henty. ffl Cup. Bavlev's Heir. Bv :o By Phe-r I'll ck. By a. A. llenl.v. fi. A Henty II Cast Co hy the Sou. By Sir Sam uel V. B.ikcr. !:' Catlwhie de Mullet. By Honor? de ItulKiK'. B Clmrl"n O'.Mullry. By Charles Lover, U Chevoller de Jlnbon Itouwe, The. By Alexander Daman. I.", Children rf the Abb-y, The. By riPRinn Jlnrlii Roche. Hi Child's lllrtoiv of lins'land. A. By Charles nicbons. 47 CiionniiH. The. By Ilonore " Balzac. 4S C,iiPt-t. The. By Mir. K. D. Ii. N. Qoiillivnrth. 4H ClUme of Hold, The. By Bmlle Oabori.ui. ."0 Cloister ami the Hearth, The. By Chillies Reiulp. .11 Coiisc(iieiices. Hy lift'rton Cir.ile. .:' Comet of Horsr. By !. A. Ib-aly. ."io Coimti'i-.-i de Cliiirny. By Alexan der Duma.'. HI Count of Monlc ('"Isto. The. By Ah xnnder Iiuna,. .V, Consbi Hetty. By llnniire tie zac. ,"'i I'miitln Atiindc. By Mary J. Holmes.. ." Cninford. By Mis. Cask"!!. 5S Ciulse of the Cachalot, By Frank T. Bnllcn. W Curse nf Cllflon. The. By Mr?. B. r. F. N. h'oulhworth. ill Dark Ppci". The. By Mra. May Aanes Fl,ubi5. lil David Cciriper'lP'd. By Charles l)lc':nns. IK Decmslir, The By Hall Cibi. ill Dprrlayr, Tlie. By .1. Fer.linoro Cooprr. lit DIiiiui of the Crmsmvaj-s. By llcoi'ir S'eredllh. ii", Db'iniileil Dai'shfr. The. By Mr.-i. Si-aMl'i'ih. ft! Bono' ni. By l"ila I. veil, ii Dora Dine. By .Marv .1. llohr.e-. i.S Doin "horne. l,y Clmilotte .'.'. Hraeire. o aw i . 'C i lid I pti I ur 1 rfh law a I WP i m I 0 i turn 0U, 0. ! BW . l i itu 10 D'-rpi'i T.If H Ik Mirvl. 'The DC"he "." By Chailotl? Tn p-rlipiy 111". 71 Diike'w seret. M. Urcem'.'. l'v Tile 7:' Bnnl I By lira. Henry Wood. 7.! I'llriihclh ar.d -v Ccrmnn C'ai- deil. 71 Knici;.on' I'j..ii's. iin.l P'COIld P"'le-". 7.', KiT-iip'' Ornhrnr, Tli. By .Mary .!.". 7,1 Fn.aitNl'.W'oiiii'n's l.ove-l.ell.-.isi, All, I 77 1 MIUT. Vy Brer, N. Cii'"y. 7S Biifck" Cniiu'et. Hy Ifonore d Bulili 70 l-nrlni! tbe T'liiff. Bv JalpB Verne. .'H Fair J-v.ts.m, A. By H. I.. Pn'le'.i'i SI Fair P'nv. Ily Alia. Ii. D, B. N. Koiithvo'lb, !! Parimr Holt's Dauahter. By t rai lea i.iirvice, Sii Fill -H Mmibiaro The. Hy AP.v. Ii. I. Ii. X Soulbwoilh. Rl rami bViiet. The. Hy Airy, B. D. Ii. X. Poal hv.-oith. c, .'ii No. ii.i. By Bnill" Cibo'lau. Ml Pinal Hrikimlnir, A. Hy i. A. Ilenly. f Firm of il'i-iiipstniu'. The. liy A. Coniin Dovle. SS Fbsl Violin. The. By Jesolo l'olh- PIKlll. fil I'lal-lron for n Partlilux A. By .Mrs. J. II. F.whiK. !i l'or Nnnip and Fame. By (!. A. Ileuty. ill Forlimo Seeker, The. Bv .Mis, li. Ii. I). B. X. 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