1i)J - yf i ' I 12 THE SCR ANTON, tRIBUNE- SATURDAY,, OCTOBER 4, 1002. r,-rj ..v .HlVAJVlV 9 NO CONTRACTS ARE REQUIRED SOLICITOR WATSON'S INTER PRETATION OF "RIPPER." In tho Opinion Sent to City Control ler Costcllo He Assorts Thnt Con tracts Need Only Be tet When tho City Authorities Deem It Advlsj nblo nnd Declares for the Legality of the Mulligan nnd Spruks' Bills. The Controller, However, Still Re fuses His Approval. The exhaustive opinion which City Solicitor Wntson furnished to City Con troller Coitolln on September 13. advis ing hi in that the claims of Peter Mulli gan and Sptuks Bios, arc legal claims nnd should bo p.ild, and which Con troller Costcllo dlsiegarded In favor of nn opinion lendcied by his ptlvnte at torney, M. ,1. Mm tin, Is a most Intel cit ing document and contains a new In terpietntlon of the contiact section of the "ripper" bill, an Interpretation which Mr. Watson feels confident will stand the test of tho courts. It will be undei stood that Controller Costello refused to approve the claims In question because he believed, and was later advised by his attorney, that it contract should have been entered Into between the city and the poisons furnishing the inateii.il oidered by the dhector of public woiks. In his opinion the city solicitor first cites thnt section of the "ilppei" which gives the dhector of public woiks the dlicctlon, contiol and management of all things pel mining to the public Htieets, and points out that tho ques tion as to whether the materials and labor npcessaiy to keep the stieets In lepalr shall be made the subject of eoti tiaet "seeems to have been avoided." He then quotes the contiact section of the bill, which lends, in pait, as follows: CONTRACT SECTION. "All conti.it ts lclatlng to city affairs s-hull be let to the lowest responsible bidder, aftet leasonable notice. When the contiact exceeds $2J0, such notice shall be by nihertisemcnt; when less than that amount, athoi tlsemciU may be dispensed with. Hery contiact shall be let by the city lecouler and the head of the pioper depattment, etc." "This act as amended," Mi. Waf-on wiltes, "pi ox Ides for the letting of a contiact when the i ity authoiltles deem it advisable, but It does not provide thnt all cltv woik shall be done bv contiact. It leaves us without any legislation, as far as cities of the second clat-s aie concerned, lequliing that all city woik shall be done and materials fui nished undei lonliact. We aie then foiced to Intcipict Section t of Al tide IV of the Act of Mai eh 7, 1901, as above ((noted. Did the legls latuie Intend to put the dhectlou, e on liol and adminlsti.uion of the dep.ut ment.s of stieets and hlghwas In a person without giving him authoilt to piocuie laboi and put chase niateiials to cm try out the purposes of the act.' We think not." Mr. Watson lefns to the thhd-el.i-s, city act of 1SS0, which pi o ides foi con tracts for all city woik "except culi nary lep.iiis of hlghw.tjs," and ex piesses his belief that this act was ie pealed by the "tipper." but that evui II it was not, the dhector of public works would still "have ample .utthoi- ity to eng.igp such laboi, omplo.v suchM means, and piovide such matoilals as would be neiess.try for the ui dimity topaits of the public stieets of the city the money having been fitst appto piiated by the councils to i.uij out said woik." Mr. Watson saj , in con clusion: al'tiiouiTy cu:.n. "It cleat ly -eems to me that tlicte can be no doubting the atithotity of the ellioetor of public woiks to icqttlip the woik specified in tho bills to be done, and to puicii.ise the nee f"-.uy materials for that putpo-.e, and that the bills londeied foi lite set vii es and materials in the tcpalr of stieets should be paid Horn lite pioper appto piI.itlon." It will be scon that the sollcltoi's opinion Is lit effei t that any vvotk to quhed by the city, no matter of what magnitude, could be done without e on tiact, should tho city authoiltles deem It advisable. The i en son whv the matoilals put ihasPil by the illiet-tni- of public woiks weie put chased, as they weio, entlioly ap.ut fiom his authotitj to legally do what was done, was that they weie ic quired at once and that there was no time to ask for bids or enter Into con tracts. Tito lumber purchased fiom Spruks Hi os. was needed for the Im mediate lepali ot laldges and theie was no time to wait for councils to pass it contiact oidluance, a piocess which geiiPially takes two months and some times six. Conti oiler Cosiello said yesterday that ho is not piepaied as ot to give out for publication the opinion f tit . nished him by Attorney Martin. IIo ie-asserted his dotei initiation to lefttse his approval to the bills in question and reiterated his cat nest deslie to havo tho wholo question settled by court. Ho Justltlcs his consultation with Attorney Martin by pieicdem, claim ing that rlty olllclals have liequently consulted ptlvato counsel. It Is expected that suits against tho city for tho amounts uf tho sevcial bills will be bi ought In a few dab. THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New Yotk, Oct. 3,-Thu piltidpnl news hi todaj's stock market turned oat to bo untrue, but the fulsp tepoit was elToe'tlu; In bicnklng the itmiket and tliinwliig It Instiintly into a state of confusion as Rionl its that of lust Monday, The leppit, which was eh ciliated Immcdliilnlv after i! o'clock, wiih thai the cotnptiolli-r or the curiency Imtl declaicd Illegal Horiotitry Shaw's plan to nhnlMi Hip "- per cent, iciervo on government dcpoMlts In na tional banks and Hum put $,ta,om,i out to lellcve the laoiicv nuuket. The news was Unshed through Wall sltpet bv tho ticker service, anil hi a hoit time lirnvv blocks of stoclfr weie offeted fot mln lit inpldlv falling pikes. HI. Paul, which laid been stinngall day, fell !V, Mlssoiul Pacific AH. Heading I, 1'nlon I'm lllc , I, mils Crntial 3'A lialtlmoic ana onio, Clcnernl nieotllc nnd Coloiado Kiiol :i' each aiici other stocks fiom 1 to :i points. The tush to unload wob ovoi whelming for n time, but orders to buy weie given by strong Intotpsts to ptotrct sectnitlcs nnd a rally followed. Near the close an nutlioilspd denial was mcelvcd fiom thu lomptt oiler of the citircncy and the nini ket closed active and stioug. Total sales today, R7:',300 shales. The bond nun ltd was steady, except for the lliiuy In tho last hour of tho maikot. Total scules, ptr value. $l,D0T.rai9. United Hlates bonds weio nil unchanged on the last call. The following quotations aro furnished The Tribune by Halght it Froeso Co , 3H 315 Meais Building. W. D. Runyon, man ager. Opon.Illgh.Lovv.Cloaij Amnl Copper in'U V74 i 'Vi Am. C. & y 37,4 a'tf, ::ii :ti Amorlcnn leo 11 lt'i 11 H'i Am. Ice, Pr 3StA auk 3SVi Jsifc Am. Locomotive .... 31 31 31 313s Am. lAca: Pr 01'. 0IU- 9IW !l6 Am. S. At It. Co 4fiV4 Wt in Amerlcnn Sugar . ...1J",V& l-)i l-'V'i li' Atchlsou !l(la Atchison, Pr 1(ilo Halt. & Ohio 107"i) Brook. It. T ("i Canadian Paclllc ...HT3 Cliex. & Ohio ."J1A Chicago & Alton .... !!71t Chic, iz G. W 31 C, M. & St. P Itl'fc c., it. i .A: p uoi Col. Fuel & lion.... S.I Col. ,t South Del. & II ud Den. & K. R Den. & It. G . Pr . Detroit Southern IJiif Kile. 1st Pr Kile. L'el Pr .17 IPi liT '.Mil V) 1.1 Ilocklns Vnllcv r(i Illinois Cent! ill rP,S Iowa Cent ml Il.'f. Kan. Cltv .t South.. T I.ouls. c Xash l.!U4 Manhattan H7'4 Met. St. Itv 141'4 Mexican Ccntial .... "i.'i Mo, IC. & Tp .W8 Mo , K. .v.- T, Pr .... dJ't Mo. Pnelllc UVS N. V. Centi.il IK Not folk At West .... T.Vi Out. & Weit 3I Peimn. It. R liil's People's (Jus 1043, Piosspd Steel '.ii.... .Vt' Rinding SS tieadtng, 'M pr 7S tnk. lom iosi :, 3SI', m L'OJ'i SijiJ 3JU 177 IVi 1-, ., i iiW, (,SU 'ii,i4 i"i.u,6 4i,. !-' 1 1014 HJ ,14 W i.."4 llli's nx'4 7ii 'k 1iiV, II) ft fiPs ssu 79-k Rppiibllc Steel .'l' nerniblic StPel. Pi ..7s St. I-. & S.111 F 70 71 St. I. So W Sl'i 31'i Soiithein Paellle .... 711!, 7"i'1i Southein R. R 3't'J, 31"s Southern R R, Pi..9hU lafc Tenn. Co.il & lion .. Cm LS't Texas & P.icllic .... I7"s IS'. 1'nlon P.icllic l')"s lni,"a Vnlon Paclllc. Pi.... 01 ni T. S. Leather IP, 1P8 C. S l.eathei. Pi .. Sli, 'ID C S Rubber IS', 11 C S .Steel 40; HP, V S. Steel. Pi 10'S, ))''. AVab.ish '!"i"k '''" Wabasli, Pi -,in, :,l " Westetn t'nio'i l.''i 'Hi. Wheel ,i Ii 1: ;s '.s -IV Wis Cential L'S'a L'h'i L'S CHICAGO GRAIN & PRODl'CD WIIKAT Onen. High Low. Cloxo Deceniber i)'s a)'4 CORN Dpcpmbei 1S"S 41' i OA'IS .... i)'i :'-' SI' 1W4 lU'i Id'j 117 ill !7'i 3n 201 M 3Pi 177 4Vi !J'4 -'IVi S'l4 ir,'i, .'!i 1". inn l.W'J 131, 2i,'A I'll " bl'i 1I-". ."n.Vi 7T,i m4 nn', 101 .71-a ss 7n i '4 7s TS'j LM- 7.1T8 3SU !i,'S iiirl t7 inji. !H'." H'4" 1 11 M-; M'k :ii, in, 1! I'U", lot itiri i.p4 lIT'i r2 37'A 31 lOJ 'JOJii Si.U 3J", 177 r-n m .".'IT l,S'4 r' Ti IV 11,'i ::- 1 'IK. 1 )7'. itou :a r,:y. RVh 1',7'i To Home Furnishers Our low prices brins the comforts and necessities of home within the easy reach of all. No matter what you may need in the way of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves or Household Goods you'll be sure to find it here and at far lower prices than elsewhere. "vi'V" sv-.-M7'ra iSSETSEiei-viV. &uii . r. iii M Mill I " QT5 ..1.. 1'i'- .. 4?tN sS?v T ...i Carp et Department Quick Selling Carpet and Rug Prices. Standard Ingrains Beautiful patterns, ftr ". vnlnp. nnlv Ot large selection of Center Stand Solid. oak, size of top 24 inches square, a $2,00 value, Special price .... 98c a 40c value, only Brussels Carpets A patterns, the 6oc kind, only Velvet Carpets Choice, rich colors, handsome fall patterns, made to retail at 1.25 per yard, only Room Sfze Rugs We will have on sale week an excellent Brussels Rug, 9 ftxiojft Variety of patterns. $18.00 the proper price. This week for one in size. $12.75 Parlor Suites.. Here is a 5-Piece Parlor Suite we con sider worth $28.00. You will say so alter seeing it. Mahogany finished frame, silk damask, upholstered. Special price for com plete Suite, S9.75 December .... PORIC. Jamtniv- l.ARD Jnmiaiv RIP.S- Inmiary NEW 11 "i sso b'l't ltS 31 'S 1.-. ." S'JO YORK COTTON. Open t-lish. Low OctobPr M,J S i Detember S 7"i S 8.' Tannaiv ss: sss JIa K C,l SbS Close. S "iS S hj K 7-' S SI S 77 S S7 S " S. i,'i WAYNE COUNTY FAIR, Will Be Held Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 7, 8 and 0. Undaunted by tho iIIscoui.ibIiik weather, which caused n postponement of the Wayne county fair, the, promo tcrh have made nirannnmenta ta hold the cat nival next TucHduy, Wednesday and Tliuisday, October 7. S and 9. The pioRiammo will incliulo tiotthiK nnd lunnlntr laces, bicycle and foot races, sack and obstacle xaces, catchlnu n Breased.plff, clIinbliiB the Kieiibed pole, and exhibits of faim mncliltipry In operation. Tho auldeless Wonder w tint nKalnst. time, Numerous ad ditional attiactlons will be presented. The Pjoper Treatment for a Sprained Ankle, s a rule a man will feel well salls llrd If he can hobble around on crutches tvvn or three weeks after spraining his ankle, and It Is usuully two or three months before he has fully recovered. ,Thjs (s an unnecessary loss of time, yjfyn In many cases In which Chamber ' Jain's I'aln Halm Jias been promptly am fieely applied, a complete euro has laptu eft'ectcd In less than one week's time, and fu tome cases within three duys. For sale by ull druggists, 503 Scranton Boaid of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Tar of 100. STOCKS. Bld.AsKed. LncKnwanna uairy v.0, tr.... uo Coimtv Sav. Bank & Trost Co 3u0 Klist Nat. Dank (Cmbonuale). ... Tbbd rational Bank TiJO Dime Dep & Dh. Bank 300 Ktonomy L , II. & P. Co Flist National Bank uoo Lack. Ti list A: S ifo Dep. Co . 195 Claik A: Snover Co. Pr IJ3 Scranton S.iIngs Bank fion Tradeis National Bank '22Z Sci.inton Bolt & Nut Co 12i People's Bank 135 BONDS. Sciantoa Packing Co Sciantoii IW'-sengei Railway, Hist moitgogo, due 1.'0 115 People's Street Railway, fitst moitgage, due 191S 115 People's Slteet Rullwiiv, Gen et al moitgagc, duo 10J1 115 Scranton Tiac Co, 0 pet cent. 115 Kconomy L , II. & P. Co N. Jei.sev & Poeono Ice Co Consolidated Water Supply Co ... n',4 a ? 10i; 1 y?V 'I'i K'M 7S W n 1 WmMmm 1 wfSsxsSmC I Cash I or W 1 Credit Vs 13 m Special Interest We wish to announce that we have succeeded in securing the agency for the Bride Ranges and Heaters. There are many, reasons why we are pleased to be in a position to offer this line. Chief among these is the fact that the Bride Stoves and Ranges are the most perfectly constructed ones on the market. So sure are we of this fact that every one is backed by an absolute guarantee. Some Reasons Why the Eride Ganges and Stoves Are the Best Large fire box, large flues; every part of the oven Is surrounded by hot air, excepting the oven door: sectional top; no warping; improved duplex grates, which can be removed for repairs without disturbing any other part of the fire box; ventilated oven and extra large cooking top. On October 14, 15 and 1 6 we will have a special exhibit of these goods under the supervision of Mr. Miller, representing the manufacturers. Mr. Miller is an expert on all things pertaining to stoves, and will gladly give any desired information. During the exhibition days we will give, entirely free of charge, a model nickel-plated rance, worth $45.00. Watch our advertisements for particulars. In the meantime the stoves are here. Let us acquaint you with their merits. Remember Date of Special Display. You flay Be the One To Get the Free Range. llP) flllllll 4gpg& Stove Buyers 35 97 07 105 Scranton Wholesale Mniket. (Cortecled by II. G. Dale, 27 Laeka. Ave) Fiom tUO Battel Kiesli cieamciy, 21e.; fic.li daily, S.'c. Cheec 11'fcnIV. IJggs Ne.u by, JJ1:C.; vvustitn, L'le. Kffgs Nt.uliy, iiV.c. vv ostein, "le ; iiin dlecl, .'.'ft; easo count, "le. , Mai iov Heani Per bnsliol, J.'.""aJ.10. Mm low Ueuns Per bntdiel, f .' 65 Onions Per bnliol, 90c. New Potatoes l,nc, per bnsli-1. Philadelphia Grain and Provision. Philadelphia. Oit. 3 Wheat Finn; eon. tiact giaile, October, "Ji4ii"JV4o. Coin Film; No. J eIlow on Hack, lUe. Oatn Film, ',. Iilglicr; No, i white i lipped, . c nuttci Finn, pi hits lc higher; etin western cieainei), '.'ic; do nraibv pilnts, J.1c. IlKgs Dull: ftesli neiuby, 2i',-u, loss off; do. western. 2le.; do. do bouIIi westetn, '-'In.'.'c; ilo, do, Houthein, 'AM.'Ie, Cheee I'll ai ; New Yotic full ci earns, inline Hitmll, t'.'aU,ic,; do. do, fair to i?nod, ll'all'ic; 'to. do, piimo latKe, Ul&aMV. ; do, do. fair to kooi), do,, lOall'e. Ho lined BiiRius Dull iiiid ,'i jiolntw lovvei; eiovvn A, rkl; ciiIioh, 490; povvdcicd, 473; I'Mta tine miinulatcd, 4T": htiiiidaul gian ul.iteil and ei.stai A, Io"i; confeetloaeis' A. 4V); No. 1, lfi;Nos. '.' and .1, 4 la; No I. 4."ii No .1, 4-'U; No, ii, 11,1: No 7, 110; No K, 4iri; No. , 4H0; No 10, 3M; No II, :i90; No. l.',:!S.'i; No, 1J. ;is.0; Nos. 11 and i:. 17.1; No, li, a70, Cotton 1-liie, hlKhcr; middliliK iii IniHlR, JS9I Talliivv-Fiini and ie, IiIkIi ei ; i Ity inltnn In tleucs, dViaii'4e.; conntrj do lianels, RVnie.; do. dink do , .''.SalV ; i alien, ii'jiiOlic, ,ivo Ponltiw Pull and lovvei; fowls HallHe.; old toosteis 9,i9Wc ; spiIiik chkliens. lOallHe.; apilntj duiKs. lie; (iiikcvs, ii).il j Kocse, 1 Diei-sed Poiiltty I'luh.uiBtd; fowls choleo west ern, UV;c; do, Huiitheia nnd sontliwtst era, L'Hialle; do. fair to Rood, lWal.'c.; loiihtliiK clili kens, ne.ttbv I.iikc, li.e.; do small and medium, italic.; westetn ilo , laiijo, Halle; do small and medium, WVa iiUc. Heielpts Fiom, 1,4m Imiiels mid .!, U.v;,om pounds in backs; wheat. 7,ono lmdi. clsj coin, ri.L'Oti busliels; oats. '.'7,000 lins. eli, Shlpinents Wheat, toon busliels. coin, l.'oo bualtels; oats, Sl.ooo.lmuiiuls, New York Grain and Produce Market Now Yotk, Oct, .1 Fiom I'll m and na tive, with top guides held hlKhei, Wheat Spot tlrni; No. V etl, il'iu. elevator; No. U led. 7.1a7j,,1e. t. o. b. aollat; No. 1 noitli. em Duliith, bOlie. f, o. b. aollat. AVhoat' was acuvo ana linn all (lay. Tlio closo was llrm at "io. net advance. May rlosed 7ii'ae.; December, 7lJSc. Corn Spot liim; No. 'i, 70c. clovator and 70c. t. a b. alloat; No. ! jellow, 70c; No. 2 white, 70Hc. Corn advanred sharply today o,i a largo trade and closed vet y Arm at n i Hc. not advance Junaary closed Hkl.j May, 4SVa; October, CTc; Novcmlier, (UVic; December, B5',ic, Oats-Kpot Dim: Nn . 33l,ie.: standaid white. 3i,Un Nn. 2 .white, AlMe.t No. 3 white, 3oH'o.; tmek wpjilArii ;t7iifl7tin irunl wltlln ut..n 'ir.i 37Uc; opllona active and stityigor west tm email receipts, unfuvoiublg weather itrwmmmmuim mutLJMtmmtmnmmmmKzmmmmummcmmKxmwKMammimafnnmtmwmnmmwummKtxmKammmmmsmmmmmfmmiinm w irRfHir 122 LACKAWANNA AVENUE jmfflasmmmHmivnRmimisiiBa m!WPBm!WBiMJli&&Bxwwmmvlmi and the coin advance. October closed liiiVsC ; Dccembtt closed ""l.c Muttii Steadv: ctia cieunciv, '--l,ic.; do. tae toi. liulSe ; ciiamei.v, lomon to choice, Kx.a.'.'e.; Imitation eieiimeiy, 1i,al'ic.; statu dali. U.iJI'.c; icnovated. liii-alie Cheese Steadv new stato lull eieam. small coloicd iancv. 1.'c; small while, l.'c; Hrrs Dull; aveiapri' best, J.'alc.; westetn candled, I'la'JJc; tefilhciated, 19a'.'lc. Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Oct. .! Coin tod.iv was again the ab-oibliiK featiuc on the boa id of tiade, and Willi genciall.v untavoiablu wcathci pi Ices for that eeieal weio stiong and hlghci, December closing lc over last night's cIom Uecvmber wheat close d lioin ijiil(ic, to "e. higliei Cash iiuo tatlons weie as lollovvs: Fiom .Modei atclv active and steadv; No. 2 .sptiug wheat, 7.!a7.!".e.; No. .1, ii'Uilc: No, J u-d, l,st4aii'l',c.; No. .' com, iiliail'sc : No. L' jel low. iiji'i.: No. 2 oatf. -3c.; No :i while, ;.nu iv.e ; No " i.c, lc.; No. 1 lias need, $l.:'7; No. 1 noi thwt stem. l .'s; mess peak, tlii '10,117: -dioit libs, Xll.'JOall.lli; shoiildeis. i'.i 'jla'i.W; simit clear hide:), $11 .10 ill, 1.7'..; whl-dtev, $1.:'.'. lingo coloitd, ll'.c ; l.ugo wlilte, U'.c. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, Oct 3,-r'attlc UecelpH, n.000, Inidndliig -i" vvcstein.s; slow; good to piinie stceis, $7,.10a8.ii; poor to medium, $J 7.1aii,71; slockeis and Jeedei.s, S.'Jal'Mj cows, $1 IMal.to: lieileis, $.',.'1a.1 M; tau ncts, JUIai.lo; bulls, f.'al.W; calve,-. f.l.i7; Tcmis led bteci.s, SlalTiO; wehleta stceis, $.1 ra1.7."i Hogs Heielpts today. l.'.OCM; toinoiiow, S.Hxl; loll iv or, a,SUI; innstlv 10c, hlgllol , iniMd and butelieis. $7,.Ma 7,7.1; good to choleo heavy. 7.loi7M; imigli heavyi $'!W n7..H; light, $7.tfa7.i.O; bulk ol halts, 7.'.Mi 7 10. Sheep Itecelpts, 7,00.); sheep slicing; lambs, irmlilc blglier; good lo choleo vvetheis, f.!J1.il; fair to elude o niKed, $.'.W aJ50; natlvo lambs, J.I r.n.i-.,iii. Buffalo Live Stock Market. i:.iHt iiiinaio, Oct. a-caitio-iteieipts. Km; demand steadv : veals, iceeipts, 17: 111 in, tops, $s5oab".1; coiimion to good, V Mas Hogs Itecclpls, r liui; active; Yoikeis, $7 .'1a7,:i1; light do, ?nMia7i I'lgs. JuiiUii'O; iougis, $i, .'1 id i.o; stags, Jla'i, giasseis, r.oal; dailies, J7 loa lo Hheeti and l.ambs-ltccelpts, ii,WWj sheep Him; l.iinlis, stiong. H.i'Joc lilghct; top lambs, J1iAi170; culls to good, tl.ilaim; eatllngs, Slal.M); ewes, $! ."j)jiI; slieep, top inl.Mcl, 5J7Jal; culls to good, $.'11 ! 'J3. East Liberty Live Stock. Hast l.ibcity, Oct. a- Cilllo-Stcailv ; cholto, Jij.so.i7; pilau', $ii.iii good, Jl7."a r. rji Hogs llluln'i: 111 lino heavies, ji .13.1" 71; lacdlums, J7.11a7 lo; heavy Yoikeis. fi.-'o.t 7'io; light do, iiK-i7.ll; pigs, ?tilOai.W; bldps, $.'al; loughs, ?ui7. SiieePT-Steacb j best vvetheis, $t,10a")71j culls and common, JirJU.'; choleo lambs, JJSJaO.Wj veal nilvis. $7.ab. Oil City, Oil City, Oct a.-Cicdlt balanced. 15.'. cettiritates. no bid; shipments, October -, S.1.9&S liatrels; avi'iugc. 91,105 bauds; inns, October I, Vi.in bauds. Hmfi4Mi FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 s&ra $600,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 8.30. Li 1 fin 1111 'sa Lager Olanufticturcrs of took 2 4 Z 'J $? 'I i 4 ! ! 'J' J $ l' I4 'J "I t 'J ! I Urcvvrv. tC IQ Old 'Phone, 2,?3i, New 'Phous, 'J35 Spencer Trask & Co. BANKERS 2r & 29 Pine Street, New York Members New York Stock Exchange. UOODY.McIiELLAJUUO. BANKERS, No 7 DrouihMiy, New VorK City. MLStlll.nS M.W YOltK SIOCK KXCIi VN'nll SIOCKS.UONOSnndlNVUSTAlENrS ORDERS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENT OR ON MARGIN mmwuamammmmmaBm OifS 6 Oetlt wlUbrlnsSou our booklet "Tho Ono Way" GUlDff lull particular nuw I make earn a rtpuur munlbljr income ll Luut nL u( AMt:itIl'AN KINAMi: A. MUltldAnC 0. ll'j vvuu tJircei, .-er lore. Fm flnp WppS( (lnlv Jfl lllv " vvn Irlllj In order to introduce our 2.00 Hat, we are offering for one week only, this hat at We guarantee this hat to be the equal of any $2.50 hat in Scranton. The latest shapes in both Derby and Soft Hats. 0 flU? fH 9 J ! j-. W . fJMMfLLJiMMi, f&A 4 1 2 Spruce St, 309 Lackawanna Ave. The Color In Every Hat We Sell Is Guaranteed. Headquarters , for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunstorfiFoFsylli L. 253-327 Peim Avciiub. IHHNilSBKttHaHHHBRK A Shoe For Service... This is one of our new medium priced Shoes that is exceptionally well made from mnterial that will withstand the hard service which this season of the year forces upon Footwear. This is the ind of a Shoe we like to advertise, the kind we like to show, and the kind you can wear if you buy Here, BOX CA1.F. Indies'... $2,00, $2.50, S3.00 Misses' $1.25, $2.50 Children's 75c, SI. 00 VICl KID OR RNAA1EL,. U lies' ,,,,$2.00, $2.50, S3.00 Our Special School Shoe for the Boy sells at ..$1.00 LEWIS, RUDDY, DAV1ES i MUBPHY. 330 Lackawanna Avenue, Nxt Door to new First National Bank Building.