The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 03, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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9S5tH "''' W1X','HTrl''''MW ' ''V,TW,,, '
-"H WJHWjf? !, ni-JlTtB"r,J"f "" . fjMJ'nl.Tf
Jawjrr yVyt
tC'encluHi'd from I'nge 3 1
following dny they drove an unknown
man out of Arehbald. Sevcrnl at
tempts were ituiilo tu arrest tlicm, Vut
tlioy were not found until tho soldiers
went after them.
At the heating yesterday nil live were
ldcntllled by How ells nnd each of the
defendnnta were held In $G00 hull each
for their appeal mice nt coin t.
The soldlots who lit ought the pi holl
ers down f i oin the Illdgc wcro piovldod
with dinner at the Pino Hiook colliery.
Joseph Vluronesky, Hcnnle Lutswin
sco, .John Stcslng and Jack Wiogono
hkVi four men now' on stilke, were nr
lested at Throop on Monday bv Con
stable Gcoigo Dunlin, of Alderman
KcIIow'h court, and Constable Nichols,
of Throop, on the chat go of assaulting
William Tur, a non-union woikman.
Tur Is said to Hc nenr Tlttston, and
appeared befoie Alderman Kellow and
swoie to the evidence on which the
men were arrested. At the healing last
night the alderman held the accused
under $200 ball each for couit.
Michael Bullnowskl, of Luzerne bor
ough, had Anthony Shukiitls nrr.ilgned
before Alderman Pollock, at AVIIkes
Jhirrc, yesterday, on the charge of as
sault. The prosecutoi alleged that
Bhukutls met him last Sunday and as
saulted him with steel knuckles be
cause lie refused to quit work. He
was held In $500 ball.
Tho Sheiltlan troop, guided by Major
Whitney, Captain Muiphy nnd Lieu
tenant Bourke, of the Thirteenth, made
n tour of tho alloy ns far as Carbon
dale, yesterday, to acquaint themselves
with the tenltoy.
Two corporals of Company I, of
Easton, were reduced to the ranks, es
terdny, for running tho guard line, and
a. private of Company A, nnd another
of Company G, were fined $3 each for
Out of 584 enlisted men In the Thir
teenth, only twent -eight aie now nb-i-ent
without leae. There have been
hnlf a dozen enlistments since the regi
ment went into camp.
An outcropping of coal has been un
covered on Biomley avenue, near
Schlager boulcvaul in West Park, and
ycsteiday morning tons of it was mined
and carried away by residents of all
the region round. Alieady a big open
ing has been made ncioss part of the
street and the whole sidewalk.
The Thlid battalion of the Eighth
regiment, compiising Companies II, B,
K and E, In command of Lieutenant
Colonel Hutchinson.was sent eaily es
terday morning to the IXcter collleiy
near West Plttstun, at the lequcst of
Sheriff Jacobs.
The one bundled nnd foi ty men em
ployed at the Exetei have been sui
lounded for davs past on theli
way to aJid fiom the mine by a laige
uovvdof stilkeis Tin eats and intimi
dations vveic Indulged In, and the sher
iff feared that esteida the glowing
animositv tow aid the non-union men
would develop Into an open attack.
The piescnce of the soldiers bad a
dampening effect on the crowd which
put In an appeal .nice in the moinlng,
and It boon dispeised
The battalion was again sent to the
lollleiy l.iht evening, when the mine
shut down foi the d.iv, but thcie
wasn't even the sign of a eiowd to
deal with
Company D, of the Eighth regiment,
under command of Captain Fisher,
which was sent on "Wednesday night to
the Sibley colliciy at Austin Heights,
on a lequisillon from Sheiiff Sch.idl,
leturned to camp at 5 o'clock yestct
rlay morning, after having had a tiling
The Sibley mine has not been oper
ated since the beginning of the stiiko
nnd Is gunided by only a few men. A
persistent rumor was in ciiculntlon on
Wednesday that an attack would be
made on the colliery, and Superintend
ent Robertson, becoming nlaimed,
asked for a company of troops, be
cause of the Isolated location wf the
place. Company D arnived at the col
liery about 9 o'clock and remained on
Kunrd all night, the members having
no sleep until they got back to camp
5 esterday. ft
Brigadier Geneial John P. S. Gobln,
commanding the troops now in the
Held, will arrive at the Eighth iegl
n.ent headquai teis about noon today,
on a tour of Inspection. He will be ac
companied by several of the mcmbeis
of his personal staff nnd will pioceed
to Olyphant this afternoon to Inspect
the Thirteenth regiment's camp. Col
onel Hoffman expects that the Tlilul
battalion of tho Eighth will accompany
tho geneial to camp. It Is piobable
tliat u review will be conducted on his
Colonel Hoffman has decided to be
moie btilct lleieaftcr regarding the ad
mission of vlsltois to the camu. The
rules weie relaxed Umlng the eaily
part or tuo week and the officer of the
guard was pcimltted to admit all poi
sons, except loieigneis. at his disci c-
The Proper Tieatment for a Sprained
Ah a rule a man will feel well satis
fled If he can hobble mound on clutches
two or Unco weeks after Kpinlulug his
ankle, nnd It is usually two or thiee
months before ho has fully recoveied.
This Is an unnecessaiy loss of time,
for In many cases in which Chambci
laln's Pain Balm has been piomptly
and freely upplled, a complete cm o has
been effected In less than one week's
time, and In some cases within thiee
days. For sale by all druggists.
gri,l nmmw&gim
Special Friday Price,
Truly a sensational figure to attach to such
a meritorious offering. In either Mahogany
or Flemish finish, with scroll-turned posts
and heavy under-panels, the eolldlty and
daintiness of its Oriental design compels admiration,
tlon. This privilege was nbuspd, how
ever, nnd Colonel Hoffman has Issued
an order that no one bo admitted to
tho camp, except upon his personal
The-crowds of ttnllaus which congre
gated about the enmp the first dny or
two after Its establishment nrc .no
longer to be seen, ami things hnvo set
tled down to a peaceful basis. A num
ber of the soldiers are planning to run
a dance In Old Forge tonight, pi ov til
ing they can secure the permission of
the colonel, and the fact that a num
ber of the young people of both Old
Forgo and Duryc'n Jutve promised to
attend the affair Is an Indication of the
attitude of the people tovvnrihv the
soldlcis. 9
Company and battalion drills are
being conducted dully on the field to
the east of the camp-ground and the
men aie receiving u training that
should enable them to tnko a place In
the front lank of the glial d, Hath
houses with shower attachments, for
use after the tiring exciclso of drilling,
are being elected by a special detail.
The health of the leglment Is tiuly
romiukublo. With five bundled men In
camp, only one case of sickness was
reported ycsteidny and that was one
of the officers who was suffering from
a slight cold.
It Is believed Hint the Eighth regi
ment numbeis nmong Its mcmbeis
mote vcteinns of the Civil war than
any other leglment In the state. Thcie
mo thiee men In the regiment who
fought for the defense of the Union
foity ago and who me now
seivlng their commonwealth In the up
holding of law and older. There me
only two other veterans of tho vvhr in
the whole bilgade and live otheis In
the other two brigades.
Colonel T. F. Hoffman saved with
the Tenth Minnesota regiment duiing
the war and Is a prominent membei of
the Giand Aimy of the Republic. Cap
tain Jacob Britz, of Company K, of
Mahdnoy City, Is the second grizzled
wnrilor who seived his country In Its
hour of need, nnd Captain Eberle, the
chaplain, Is the third.
Tewksbury-DeLong Marriage License
Is Surrendered.
At 2 o'clock ycsteiday afternoon, the
hour set for the hearing In the
Injunction cae. Attorney Henry Haul
ing was piesent, repiesenting Mr. and
Mis. Dewitt Tewksbuty, and sunen
deied up the m.inlage license which
caused the injunction piocecdlngs. His
motion to dissolve tho Injunction v .is
then allowed.
Attorneys W. W. Lathi ope and B r., who appealed foi Mi. De
Long, had the f.ut noted of lccoid that
the injunction was dissolved for the
te.ison Mi. Tewksbuiy and Mls now mauled, and then said
they would puisue the mattei no
fin ther.
Theie has never been an adjudica
tion, in this state, of the question as to
whethci or not it is neccssuv to have
the consent of both patents to secuie
a valid manldge license
Cnder this heading short letters of In
terest will he published when accom
panied, for publication, bi the writer a
name. 'I ho Tribune does not assume re
sponsibility for opinions here e:.pios3ed
Mr. Vaughn to Mr. Davies.
Editor of The Tillniuc
fali: Please allow iiichiice to ask Ebcn
P Davies a few questions, and also give
some light on hK cunning w.i of putting
m ittcrs to suit himself.
riist What wis vonr object. Mr. Da
vid In getting inv name to endotse our
Inll unm.iblo and unliuthful letter, which
stated that 13 pet cent, of the church
knew nothing of tho case when one of the
committee nncle a statement In the
church the Siuulav night before it was
called in comf
Second You failed to mention whit
moved ou to wilte the nitlole of the nth
of September, and this, what ou read to
me, was the statement nude b Mr J.
T. Wlltlnmn, and I sulci to nu that jou
had opportunlt to call mo to the stand,
ns was subpoenaed and was pre ent,
nnd on said It was Honrv P. Davies,
jour brotlnt Hint was giievecl at tho ms.
stntement and called our attention to
the matter. I told mi whatever evidence
1 had given In the matter I would verlfv.
Was that a suflldenl consent to make mo
tho author of this letter of the llth of
Septcmbei '
Third You ald ou weio soirv I had
made it nciesirv for vou to clear vour
elf of the leflectlon inst on vou You are
not snn to displease even jour most
faithful friends Hint stood b vou as
peacemakers with all their cndeavnis to
get both parties to a brotheil under
standing I'ouith I want to ask vou, nnd all who
know mo and know what put I took In
this case. wa It not the peacemaker role?
If so. vvhv did ou not go Into pilot un
dersigned In vour name, of which ou aie,
so fond of posing before the public.' No,
ou are the same tvpe of squirmer now
ns vou appeared in the role all tho way
l'lfth Mi. Davies, jou mentioned In
vour lettei of the 1t of October that I
was addressed bv soiuo one that mv name
appeared In The 'Itlbuno .vestcichiv, to
which I replied, "Yes, i am not going to
take a back scat foi any of them when I
know that I am i-pe.ilclng the tuith," but
b tho end of tho week it seems that
souio pressme bud been brought to henr
on me. Now. Mr. Davies, whatever do
ou mean by this piossuieV I want vou,
nnd all others concerned In tho mnttci,
to know that theie Is no pressure but the
tuith will swa mo, and don't jou think
that join father's children mo all over
the world. Knowing now what ou nte,
I am done with jou in this win Id until
jou apologize tor jour wrong dnuo to me,
and 1 will remain so, Oood-hje. Ebon,
-D. AY. Vaughn.
127 South Onilleld avenue, Scrunton, Pa ,
Oct, :!
Hnving given both sides two hearings
In this matter, the columns of 'J ho
Trlbuno aiq now closed. Edltoi
Take Tluoop or Caibondalo car for
boldieis' camp nt Oljphnnt.
Jul Friday.
jSHifliiSiflHc i
UtJhzL Ifta jOM t?si mgt
Wi "? $, w$w $M
d 4m-'Zj la 1 . W ft! Wmi
' y worn Y Jm im A m 1 wLtmmsJ
LlDDlE. j
can be beautiful, have ruddy cheeks and round form who
suffers from disorders of the feminine organs. The "Prescription" gives vigor and
vitality to the organs of womanhood and builds up the whole system.
The offer of medical advice made by Dr. Pierce is a genuine offer made by a
physician whose experience and success in the treatment and cure of womanly
diseases has placed him in the front rank of physicians who successfully treat the
diseases peculiar to women.
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. :
Gentlemen I owe my excellent health to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and gladly do I give
you full credit of the same. Two years ago I had serious trouble at stated periods, and doctored
for this many months without getting any better. I had hot flushes, headache, nervousness and
sleeplessness, but a few bottles of your medicine cured me. Whenever I have felt worn-out or
badly during the last year, a few doses of "Favorite Prescription" was all I needed to make mc
well. I have no other medJicine in the house and do not need any. This "Favorite Prescription "
is my "entire medicine chest," and it keeps me in perfect health. Accept my heartfelt thanks
for this fine remedy. )) SI & 'y y .
Yours very
gEND to Dr. R. V. PIERGE, Buffalo, N. Y., tor a FREE copy of tho "People's
Oominon Sense Medloal Advisor." For paper-covered copy enclose 21 one
cent stamps to cover'malllng only. Oloth-hound, 31 stamps.
Wall Stieet Review.
Now Yoik, Oct .'There was increas
ing tendencj to dullness in the utoc k and the conditions hec.iiau
semi-stagnant at times 'Iheio was an
obvious icadlness b.uked b powcitul io
souiees to suppoit the maiUot at unv in
dication of a bieak In pi lees, such as oc
cmiod tit tho opening, but thcie was an
ecpi illv obvious disposition to keep ad
vances within modunle limits, and not
Induce auv lenewed outbienk ot eten
siw speculation The adoption ot thU
polliv 111 stock maiket opeiatlons bv well
equipped foices seived to loinfoiee tho
admonishing pollcv ot the banks to iu
sliict the speculitho emplovment of
Hinds until nftei the monej outlook has
(lcaicd up e'lilhelj The iIlsIu- to await
the usult oL toinoi low's ecmteienee of
coil opei.itois and mlnci V lepiesentativcs
with Picsldenl Roosevelt was also a le
sti.ilnlng influence on speculation Total
sales tod iv. JJ! .'00 shales The couiso
ot the bond mm kit was halting and it Total sales, pal value, $.1 ".'.' (i0
Now Is declined 'i pci cent on the last
'I ho following quotations aio furnished
The Tilbune bv llalght ." Ticose Co. J14
31" Mens Kulldlng. W D Kunjon, mari
Ofcei Onn Illch Low Cloao
Amal Coppui .,
Am C .v T ....
Anieiiean ice ..
Am lee. I'l ...
Am I.oiomolhe
Am Loco . Pi .
Am S & It Co
Ameiic in Sag u
. U"C2 III", 1,'iH tlV1!
Ill R il '1 .Ai'l
1 1
.1.I.V6 L'7 l-"i'i
iiiif. sii; lip,
Atchison, Pi 101", 10.", lOlij 101M:
Halt ..V- Ohio nwi.
lo'i los iosi4
Hiook It T u"i
Canadian Pacillu ...1.7'.
Chcs. iV. Ohio r.P,
I'l'i i I' j nl'i
US',!. l!7'j PR',
:. riP4 "'- i
JS". ..7i .71
IP. .1 .11
'IJ, Hl'i 1'IJij
umcago .v lion
Chic ,. O Y .
C . AI & St 1 .
.. ,1H
C. R I. .V P
Col Km I . lion .
Col & Southeiu ..
l)i I iV 1 1 ml
Den A. R. G ....
Utn. .v. R O .Pi .
Deliolt Sillthein .
i:ilc, 1st Pr
L'lle I'd Pi
Hoc king Vulltv ..
Illinois Ceutuil .. .
Kan City .V South
I mils , it Nash ....
Mot. St. Rv
Mexican Cent nil ..
Mo K K 'IVx. Pr
Jell ' H -"I -0lfc
Si b."
. 17X
. -nil
. '.'
' l"i
. ti'i
. 'Ill "Il
lulVj 1")1),
. IV j ftVj
IMVi 1'1'J:
t "
.ITI'h 111'.
i i'l'
1 iii
1!7'4 117'. Ilni'j 1 IT
11.' HJ'i 111 U 1IP
.'1,1 1.
-"4 -''j -'n'Si
.10", M ,),
I.IVi ill M
lb. II". 11V4
r'i 1"'H i'is
T.iU 7isn "".'J
llli II i u
Hi'.', lid Hit
10-.V1 HIP i 101
iiii :.7 si'i
.. .1'
.. HI
.. irH
. it1,
.'. t'i'-h
.. S7ii
.. 7si,
.. TO'li
. . 7'i'k
. .KTK
Mo, K K T, Pi..
."Mo P.iclll
X. Y Ceutuil
Nmfolk .v. West ..
Out & West
Penna R II
People's lias . '.,..
Piissod Steel Cm ,
Reading .... '. ...
Rending. 1st I'l ..
Reading. L'd Pi , ,
Republic Fteol . ,,
Itopiiblle Kteol Pi.
bt L .L ban I' ....
St L So. Y
Southeiu Pactlic .,
Southern R R , .
Southern H. It.. Pi'
t t
Tenn, Coil & lion,. ii7'(
'I11MIS At I'lllllC .... iv
I'uioii Paiiiic im,u lui.i;, inr, nwiH
I'liiou i-aeiuc, i'l .. .. ' l 'i' :ii iip,
i . n. i.eainer h'a
P. S Leathet, Pr .. HI
l. S. Ilubliu 1'i
r. s. steel mv,
r S. Steel, Pi IWf,
Wabash Xi
a Hi
Superlative worth is the
dominating feature of our
Friday Salesj
221.223-225.227 Wyoming Avenue.
An Entire Medicine Ghost "
All any woman requires if she
suffers from headache, nervous
ness or sleepfessness, is Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Prescription, it
fust suits her womanly needs.
Treasurer Independent Order Good Templars.
Weak and sick women who are suffering
from womanly diseases are advised to use
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
establishes regularity, dries unhealthy
drains, heals inflammation and iilceratibn
and cures female weakness. If "Favorite
Prescription " does not act as promptly as
desired, weak and sick women are invited
to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All
correspondence is held as strictly private
and sacredly confidential. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. .
The "Favorite Prescription" is a true
temperance medicine, containing neither alcohol nor
narcotics, and is a purely vegetable preparation. No woman
y 502
VYabish.Pi "I -.P8 .TV, r,o
VYestein Pnlon .. .. 'HU Si'i 'iV, Oi
Wheel & L U S'fc .') ;vs -JS',
ls Cential S L'Sli -S llS'a
Totnl sales, ."i47,000 shares.
Monej, S poi cent
YIIGAT Open High Low Close.
December l.08 T0'4 W o'J'i
Deeember -J1?'; -IS'J -17"s lsi
December St'i 318 3P1 31''.
Januaiv Il IS 15 U7 1 17 13 13
Januaiv S77 S io S 7". S 7 j
Januaiy S JO & 12 S 17 S 17
Open. High Lov Close
October S 1.0 Si.". SiO S(,t
December S SO S -0 S71 su
Januaiv S Si. s Si SF0 s SO
May Sbl Soj S3S S "S
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Bar of 100.
STOCKS. Bid Asked.
Lackawanna Dairy Co, Pr.... CO
County Sav. 11 ink & Tuist Co 3u0
l'lrst Nat U ink (Caibondalo). ... 500
Third Uational Bank 330
DImo Dop Aw DIs Bank 300
DconomyL.II &. P. Co 48
riist National Bank 1J00
Lack Ti list te Sato Dop Co . 193
Claik & Snovei Co, Pr :U5
Scianton Savings Bank COO
Traders' National Bank 223
Scianton Bolt A. Nut Co 125
People's Bank 133
Scranton Packing Co 35
bcranlon Pissenger Railway,
fll&t moitgagc, duo 1UJ0 115
People's Street Ralluaj, flist
moitgnge, duo 1918 113
Peoples Stieet Railway, Gen
eial mortgage, duo 19J1 113 ...
Scianton Tine Co , 0 pel cent. 113
L'conomy L. II. i: P. Co 97
N, Jeisev k Pocono Ieo Co 97
Consolidated Yv'nter Supply Co ... 103
Scianton Wholesale Market.
(Collected by II. G. Dale, 27 L.iclca Ave)
Ploui $110
ltuttei Picsh cte.uncij, L'lc; ficbli
daiij, 2Jc.
Cheese lPialJc
llBBs Neaiby, 2J'ic : western, 21c.
'Mm low Beans Pel bushel. .'o3a2 40.
Gteen Peas Pci Lushel, JJ23.
Onions Per bushel, 90c
New Potatoes iwe-. pei bushel.
New Yoik Grain and Broduce Market
New Yoik. Oct L. riom-Mnikct fali
Iv artivo again anil linn at old pilcvs
Wheat Spot steadv : No J led, 74c. Plena,
toi ; No J ted, 71r,rtii7l(ic. f. o b
No 1 noitbeiu Dtihilh, Mo. f 11 b.
nllmt; options oiiciipiI enslni. then e
poi lem ed a shaip lccovoiy, This vmis fol
lowed by 11 second miction and tho mar
ket Hosed about sleadv at a p.ntlal '(.
not dec line. Slav c-losecl 713iC ; Deeember.
7Pfce. Coin Spot llliuci: No .', i.T-e. elo-vatoi-
and 70e. f, o h afloat: No. -' vel
liiu, 70c- ; No . white.. 70c- : options opened
llun, i-iimcI off, hut tinned xtiong and ad
vanced neuily a cent a hiiHhel, then weak
ened again. Imt tallied am! clo-nd tlim
tit '.all' net aihanici, Jauuaij dosid ."i0e;
Mn, 47' : Oetohci, ii')VEe : November,
(i.'c , Deeembel, Mc-, Oats Spot steady,
No 2, JJi'.j stauclaid white, M'c., No 2
white, .Tic,; No. .1 white, Jl'c : tiatk
whltn western. Ila.'ic j U white Mate,
31a17c- ; option maiket was llun and mijio
ac-tlvo until aftei noon when it etsed off
a little with coin October closed Tic,
Doccmbei, Jiiiilii'ci',; closed Wtc, lluttci
Steads; oxtui ilcamet.v, J.'lf.p.; faitoiv,
HilSe : ci camei v, common to ehoht, nti
a.'.'e ; Imilatlou cieameiv, PiaJUc : stato
dairy. UaJl''c: lonovated cieamoiv. lia'i
11IO0 Cheese Finn; new stato lull
unall coloiecl fancy, Uc ; t-niall white,
Uc; In 1 bo coloied, llc ; laign white,
HViC L'ggs Steadv; avoiage bcit. L'-'.i.'lu;
vestorn eaiidlcd, 21a2Jc; ictilgeiated, 19.i
Chicago Grain Market.
Chlcaw, Oct 2. Tiodlng In coin was
one of ttio featuics on the hoiiul
of tuiilo today and iniislileiahlo htieimth
was manifested In both tho gialn and pio
vision pits, December coin closed fyiTto,
hlshci ; December wheat was tc lower,
wbllci oats closed 'ic hlghei. January
in ov IhIiiiih closed f 10111 a hllde low 01 to
lOe. hlghnr, Cash (luotaiious weio as foi
lows: Fiom Stead v: No J spt lug v licit,
7J.i7a'e ; No. J. uSa71e : No. .' t pel, "JSIrI
fiOc.; No. 2 coin, 61o,; No J vcilow, iil'ie.j
No, 2 oatJ. 27l4a-'7'?c.j No 3 whllo, 29iu
3lo.: No. 2 ive, 4SJ4e.i No. 1 ll.ixseeil.
Jl.'J'i'.si No 1 noithwestcin, $1 27ii: mess
pork. (hS3nlli90: shoit libs, 111 10.111 20;
shouiileis. J'J2)n9riO; bhoit clear sides,
$11 &0all 0JVi; wkhlskey, 111.'.
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Oct. J.-Cuttlo-Itecclpts. 8,000,
Including 4 000 western; good steady: oth
eis slow; good to piimo steers, $7 33aS 10;
pool to medium, $4a7: stockcrs and feed
eis. 2 23a3; cows, $1 2'a4 W); hc.ifei.s. $.' JO
u3 23; camicis, 1 23a.' 10; bulls, 2 2SU75;
D Street, S. E , Washington, D. C.
Capital, $200,000
Spn $600,000
Pays 3 interest on
savings accounts whether
large or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 7.30 to S.30.
.HALL sicu.C Tllr
calies, JTi0.i7: led steels, $'"i,
western, SI ""..1". 7"i.
Hogs Recc Ipts teul.iv, I.'Diki, lommiow,
i(i00, lot C oct. .Ill m. u oia,;c. lllc lll'll
ei ; mixed and huteheis $7.l'.ti). t,nnd
to choice 710i"7U. lciugh lieaw
$i.7iMr.; light. $7n7 ol), liulli of --ale-. i7 1"
u7 id
Slipop Itciclpls 17.0W hheep, steaiU;
l.inibH, iieaelv Ootid to choice wethcis
flj'al. fall to eholco miseel, $.'L3a;,"0, na
tive lambs, ?J 30a"i2'i
Buffalo Live Stock Market.
DlHt lilllTiilo. Oct. .' Call leltfce Ipts,
100, stcadv: pilule- stcis, J7u" Ml, --hiiiliu
steels, f "j 7r. . htiti hois' steels J.! 7". 1
Dr0, hellei-. $Ia'i.'.; eows J ,nal i'J, can
neis, $1 Ma.' J": bulls $.' ".'.il .'., ticilois
JJ'iOtl'iO; Htockeis. j.!al; stuck hclteis,
JJ V) 1 1 .'"l. v Pills. $"i '1U.1S 7".
Hogs Iteeelpl, I, Km Iniilv active, .'a
inc. Iilghei . lieaw, $7. I'll" v., mlMd, $7Ji
117.10, YoikPM ?7il7,.0, llglll elo, $ii7.i
I.9-), pigs, ? "i'l Hi Im; loiu'hs, JiiJ'ill. V),
(.tags. fiaj7.'i. KUihseis, JiiMui'ii), dallies,
Ki.lllic'J,. !.'-. m-ie'4 hh 'iaH lSt U'i'i
J7a7 ..0
Sheep anil Lambs- Keeelpts, 2,710; sheep,
Dim; lamhs. 10c hlghei; top lamlis. $ln
r..p0; culls tn guild, U'li". 13; .vcaillugs fl.i
lull; ewes, J.l'.oil; shoup, tup, $J73i
4; culls to nuclei, JJ .'.'.11 i iij
Oil City.
OU Cllj, Oct. 'J Cuellt balances, 1.'.';
cmlltlcatcs, iio'liid, shipments, Oct 1, loo.
'..'1 h.mels, 1 mis. Sept. U), llii.MA b.iuols,
avoiage. bl.ltjJ buicls
The follovvlne Is the make-up of th
Delaware, Lackawanna and NVcstern
board for today:
Kxlras Last 10 p, m Itogets.
l'lisheib 10 p. in, I.iitimci,
Lxtnib Lust I & a. m, Pltgorald; 150
p in., Swaru; UL0 p. m, Moslcr,
Sumnilts b a, m , Nichols.
Puthcis 7 u. m., Wldnei ; S a. m .
Hoici, 11,13 a, m, Mourn; I. SO p,
m, Miiuay, 7.30 p. in., Jluiphj j 9 p. Ill,
V. II. U.irtlioloniuw.
Helpers 1.30 n. in, Magcncrn; 7 a. m,
Ciuft'ncy; 10 11, in, Sccoi; 3.15 p. m, Stan,
O, Y. Smith and ciew will run Ncnlls'
run, Tliiiiiday, l-'rlchiy and S.ituielay,
Oct. 2. U and I.
il. Buck unci crew will ma No. 37,
Thursday Otc. 1 '
Kctclmni unci cicvv will run No. 31, I'rl
day. Oct. 3
(illlens and crew will iuii second No. 51,
I'l May, Saturday mid Sunday, October 3,
i and S
The Friday Hourly Sales STSftfiKH
buy for loss than reriilar nrlcos. Theso Slxfv Mlnuin Sala ru kvi.
day at tho Big Storo Is a Weekly
in an economical sense, rou cant
SALE NO. 1 Begins Promptly at 2 O'clock.
The Basement Sale
3n. Mj. s. quality;
t Sv J10"11
V I J W l)al)cr
fe4 (rT B ' mnblers a bplendul value.
v ' flJ i7..i. :i... n
l &' cr' otm,lcc' lirc'i(l Jjans, wired; lU
0 inch Embossed Travs, Cuspidorcs, Ja
panned and fancy colors ; all
him bow to the public this rnday hour at the small Q
price, each oC
At 10c 50-foot hi aided Clothes Line; an article that Is superior to
many 10c. values; S-iiunrt tluielngpail, ictlnned wash basins, good coland
ei, 3 and 1-qunit lip tinned sauce pans, steel edge dust pans; all AC
good Items and not at every day prices. Uach iu
At li'c Metallic tomato sieves, lS-lncb Japanned Traya, with r
funcy bouleis. lather Item Filday 1Qi'
At 2r.c 6 rolls oC Toilet Paper, weighs 10 ounces, and toilet pa- 'yizp
iici holrlei w 1th iKtuios. Friday one hour buy this combination nt !
f A i en.. A TMn o riii I vn nl yo.l Wnnh Tlnller. with cover: trunrantecd
RteillntT food chopper; heavy Japanned Hour bins, will hold 100 ogc
pounds floui. Filday one hour OyL
Groceries Good Groceries!
Sale of Sugai The best American lino Granulated Sugar at AAr
less than the actual cost. For one hour, 10 pounds for - uu
Sale ot Vlnegni Guaranteed puio. This Is the season for pickling.
You'll need good cider or white vinegar; this kind on sale today, bc
at pei gallon
Sale of Molasses The Kind jou pay 60c. per gallon for. This Is the
old-fashioned New Orleans molashes and at today's price Is an jq.
extiaoidlnaiy bin gain; per gallon yi
Combination Sale! at Inc. Choice of a cake Walter Bauer's genuine
blttei e hocolate, 1-pound package of Buffalo or Gold Dust Powder, a full
'-gallon bottle of the highest test ammonia, 4 -i-pound sacks of table
salt, a bottle of Dead Shot, the bug killer; -pound can of Vienna co
e ou, oi 'Z cans of DKIe milk For one bout choose any of these jc
splendid Items at, each
Sale of Spices Cinnamon, cloves, allspice, ginger, mustard, or black
peppei , giound or whole. For one hour today buy one-half pound
at '
Sale of Tobpcco Claik & Snovei's; the name Is sufficient; It -ac
tolls the value; tho pilcc foi one hour today, per pound wk.
Sale of Salmon Rod Sockeye, packed in one-pound tall cans; worth
moie on the wholesale matket today than the pi ice we ask for it. nr
Feu slt iniiuites today, limit one doen to a c-ustomei, per can.... "
SALE NO. 2 Begins Promptly at 3 O'clock.
eSale of Rainy Day Skirtings
Near Wyoming Avenue Entrance.
1,000 yards of extra heavy, 27-inch
Skirtings. One of the best items from
this department in many a day. Part
Wool Thibet and all wool mixtures
having a rough surface. The regular
price of the-c fabrics is Jiflc, and at that
i-, considered cheap; but to make it interesting and a money
saving event for vou, Friday buy what you want q
for ."". &"C
Sale of Hooks and Hves rjvciy vvoik basket you'll And this useful lit
tle .11 tide if ou line! jouiself out of a good spilng hook and eye; white
01 blaclc. s-Ues 3 or 1. For sixty minutes today jou may buy 2 fi
dozen toi '
Silo of Spool Silk For hand oi machine; out the best spool silk. Comes
In black imlv, lettei s A, 13, C and D. For one hour Filday, not c
less than sl spools, at
w.iio nf nine Calico 23 Inches wide; fast colors: many patterns in
sm.ill ilpsiirn'.. dots, stiines and medium sire floial effects. Friday n
one houi, a j ud
Sale of Women's Hoe A good 120. fast black, seamless hose; a
special hose value that will be to your benefit to buy today at a g
Sale of Ilovs' and Youths' School Shoes 100 pair of school shoes; all
solid leathei. "You'll nnd eveiv size ami nil widths; this shoe will anp
give good teivleo. I'sually sells at $l.-'3 and Sl.fiO. Friday hour "'
Halo of Chlldien's and Misses' Hats A hat that Is veiy becoming and
set Unable. Itollln? Rim. ti Immed vv ith Kibbon band and bov ; plain and
sci. i till lelt in e oleic, led. blue, blown, imv v and castor. Buy this ie.
ic;;iil.iily V.'.c-. lint Filday on the Second Flooi for -.
' Sale Hi Peic.illne The best dress lining; light and llun; black and
gicvs and blown. A l-"c vnlue. Filday. for one hour, buy "-glAg
at pei aid, ten '
S lie nt Metal IleeK on the Foui til Floor Tills bed Is constructed of
Sci pontine eastings and is substantial. Postings aie built of seamless
tubing-. This stvlo bed is leguhiiiy ouh$i25. Today, for CO lO
one houi, buy It at
TALE NO. 3 Begins Promptly at 4 O'clock.
eSale of Wall Paper, on the Third
Floor A choice of 12 patterns; all
pretty designs and border to match;
paper is our regular So. and 10c. double
rolls. Ktiday buy this paper
at, per double roll cDC
Nordcr to match, at, per yard lc
Sale of iMcn's Shirts Made from
Cheviot and Madras: full length; dou
ble seam sewed thioughotil; well made. . splendid working
sdiiit. Near Wvomiug avenue entrance. .Friday, for
one hour OOL
Silo nt million A No. 10 fancy coided Taffeta Itlbbon. New color
combination! that mo veiy pietty, Including plain white. For many uses
Ulbbons play an linpoi taut p.ut. This is a l"o. value. 1 delay buy gc
it ut, per yuiil
Combination Sulo of u Towel, Foap and Wusli Uag-Tlio Towel Is
lilO Inches in slo; culoied bonier and last edge. Tho Wash Hag Is tho
la'nioiis Aetcel. You havo a choice or Fulibank's Glyceiluo Tar Soap or
Faliy Soap. Tho icgular piico for this combination Is I'Oc, Today gfi
buy It Inr
Sale of Cm tain.!, on the Thiid Flooi This Is tlm time of year when
vou tlml iluilng your liousec leaning that this or that bed loom needs a.
new pair of cuttuliis, Those on sale today mo two and ono-hnlf yaids
long, havo u tour-Inch i utile, cluster of Unco giailu.Ued stilpcs. pc
Pilco ut, per pair
Silo of Flannelettes A vailcty of patterns, including many btripes In
dllleient widths. Sultablo tor Wumpcis and Pressing foacjts. Hegular
value Is 10 cents u juiil. Today buy nil you want for, a jc
yuiil " '
Silo of Women's Vests and Pants Uvoiy one full slc;
lleeced; embioiclety neck and down float on vests. A Fall weight gin
incut and heavy enough for Winter wear. Fifty cents Is the
legulur pi loo, Fiiiluy ,. "
Salo of Shams unci Scaifs KmbioicleiPd In blue, pink, vvhltii and red
silk; all designs, tluee-lnch iiilile, with ciubinlilcied scallop, tllvo a 'nf,
veiv dicssy uppeaiuneo to the bedioom, Filday buy them at, each l
Salo nf Hoys' All Wool Knee Punts, on tbo Second Floor Over 600
pahs In this lot. A choice of two veiy pietty eiiuk patterns. All seanm
lapeel; licuvy diuk waist bauds, hip pockets and suspender buttons on
Lugo This Is without a doubt tho best outer lioiu this elepaitment
for wiim time. IJvciy pair Is guaianteed it &0c. nlue. All hires fiom 3
to Ifi ems. Come c.uly enough to he.u thu Hist ling of the bell itn
and then buy all vou want at, pair.....
Advertisers of Facts Only
dooas Long's Sods
Kxrwv Kvv.vv-nrfW A-
event In Scranton of much Importance
pas3 by these bargains. No one can.
:ic. bliclt Taper ; all colors: best
fi-yard lengths; Thin Shell
tuiiiuiers. j nitic ircsn snen
w' brighten up the shelf. The JK
C' Large size Dover Egg Beat-
new goods and will make their