The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 03, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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fWns Escorted to tho Grounds by n
Section of tho Sixth Battery of
light Artillery of New York Be
sieged by Autograph Hunters He
Enjoyed the Races and Watched
tho Horses with Keen Interest.
Summary of tho Different Events.
Bnlloon Ascension.
From it Stuff Correspondent.
Binghnnilnn, X. V Oct. , a. Today
Was one filled Willi Interest at Stow
Park, where the HIiiRhiimtnti Indus
trial Exposition was held. Flnt In Im
portance was the visit nf Hear Ad
miral Schley and his felicitous speech
from tho balcony of the grandstand.
Then there were throe good horse races,
n balloon ascension and parachute
drop, which had a sensational climax,
and the unusually pood vaudeville
Blioiv on the open-air stage.
Fully 25,000 persons were at today's
meeting, this attendance eclipsing any
record hitherto made In the twelve
years of the association,
It was Intended to atari the first race
nt 1.30 tills afternoon, and the Held was
brought out and scored several times
frultlps.'dy when word was received
thnt the distinguished guest was about
to enter the grounds. The order was
then given to blanket tho horses, and
hi a minute or so Die big gates were
thrown open and the advance guard, a
section nf the Sixth battery, Light Ar
tillery. ow York Volunteers", daubed
In. l'he battery went half way round
the course at a gallop, wheeled Into the
middle of the lawn and prepared for
a noisy welcome.
Hardly had the boys In blue got Into
position when the Rates were again
opened and nailer's bund Hied down
the home-stretch filling tho air with
melodious strains of "Maryland, My
Maryland," and after them came tho
gallant son of Maryland In a barouche
drawn by four white horses. Follow
ing him came two other carriages,
filled with member? of his party, while
the salute of thirteen guns tilled the
ilr with noise and smoke.
In the first carriage, besides tho ad
miral, w;is Lieutenant Commander
Sears, of the cruiser Brooklyn, who was
with Schley off Santiago: D. W. Cooke,
general passenger agent of the Erie
railroad, who had arranged the details
for the journey, and G. Tracy Rogers,
president of the Hinghainton Street
' In the second carriage was tho Lieu
tenant commander's father, C. W.
Sears, Mrs. C. V. Scars, Miss Eleanor
Sears, and Mrs. James II. Scars. In
the third carriage were Miss Jennie
O'Nell, Mrs. Andrews and Mr?. White.
The admiral got a rousing welcome
from the immense throng on the
' grandstand anil In front of it, who
completely flllPd tho homestretch. Af
ter a rest of about twenty minutes
Admiral Schley was introduced to the
audience, by O. Tracy Rogers, of the
Jilnghamton Hallway company. .The
admiral, who was attired in a long,
gray overcoat, over a' black' frock, and
wore a tall hat. spoke about five min
utes In a patriotic vein, and comment
ed upon the coincidence that his first
long cruise was under an eminent ofil
cer from rslnghnmton. Commodore W.
W. JIcKean, and In his last cruise ho
was associated with a naval officer
from Blnghamton, James Hamilton
Scars. Ho paid the Parlor City some
happy compliments.
Lieutenant Commander Sears was
Beware of Ointments lor Catarrh
that Contains flercury.
ns mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell ami completely dciango the
whole system when entering- It through
tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should
never bu used except on proscriptions
11 om reputable phyiilclaiiH. as the dam
ago they will do Is ten fold to tho good
.i,w can jH:,Muiy uciive irom them
Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured bv
F. J. Cheney " Co., Toledo. O., contains
no mercury, and Is tahen inteinnllv. not
ing directly upon tho blood and mucous
Mil-faces of tho system. In buying Hall's
fntnvt'li I'lipi ln unrn -mi irl lm nnn..
line. It lr taken Internally and matlo in
Wolorto, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tea
ftlmonlnls free.
Sold by druggists. Price. 75c. per bottle.
Hall's Family Tills are tho best.
Wo sell Good
Shoes for both
sexes on Easy
317 Lackawanna
Credit Clothes
Don't worry about Cash; you want Fall Clothing, most everybody does. Then
why not come where Credit is King ? Where your promise to pay is as good as the
.Cold Cash. We are complete head to foot outfitters for
Men, Women and Children.
and our prices will
Buying Clothing on Easy Payments is helpful in many
You get the garment you want, when you want it most.
24 stores, and a factory
Not thd Reason.
It Is not because Pyramid Pile Cute
If, so cxpniinlvo that many people de
cline to give It n trial, but because they
find It too great a tax on their credulity
to belluvc that tho published letters
beai lug testimony to Hie merit of this
remedy arc genuine and bona fide; es
pecially to those who have realized tho
.miTcrlng Incident to plica Is It Incred
ible that any one who has been afflicted
twenty-live nnd thirty years with tho
worst form of protruding and bleeding
piles should bu cured by the applica
tion of a simple remedy, when their
physician has assured them that tho
only relief Is In a surgical operation.
Thla Is rightfully viewed with dread by
all those mulcted, as It means nt the
least a great, shock to the nervous sys
tem, with more than a possibility of
utter collapse and death; In the major
ity of cases, too, their Is a return of
tho complaint, owing to the fact that
the cause Is not removed.
The proprietors t of Pyramid Pile
Cure agree to forfeit one thousand dol
lars to anyone who will show n single
published testimonial to be not genuine
and unsolicited; this latter feature Is
most gratifying, Inasmuch as these let
ters are written solely out of gratitude,
and with the hope thofc those who are
afflicted as tho writers have been may
learn that relief Is at hand, nt a com
paratively trilling expense. Pyramid
Pile Cure is for sale by druggists at
fifty cents a package, or will be mailed
by the makers to any address upon re
ceipt of price.
Mr. Win. Llchtcnwnltcr, head of the
largest printing' house In Canton, Ohio,
says: "It Is with tho utmost pleasure
and satisfaction that I can say I be
lieve I am cured of protruding and
bleeding piles, after suffering more
than twcnty-flvo years. I have been In
bed for two weeks at a time. I have
not suffered In the least foi over a year,
and 1 used only three fifty-cent boxes
of Pyramid Pile Cure. 1 advise every
person suffering with this distressing
and painful complaint to give tills rem
edy a trial. I have every confidence in
it." Write tho Pyramid Drug Co.,
Marshall, Mich., for their book on the
causes and cure of piles.
loudly called for, and In response spoke
tiTiout two minutes.
Then the races were started and tho
admiral leaned back In his chair to
enjoy himself, lit a cigar and watched
the trotters go around the track with
a keen relish. But he was not allowed
to enjoy himself long. Autograph
hunters, Introductions nnd finally hand
shakers disturbed his sporting Ideas,
and finally he had to shake hands with
several hundred admirers, which kept
him bus until the time for him to
leave the grounds, nt 4. SO.
The races were all good ones, and
although each was won In straight
heats there was plenty of excitement
and close finishes. In the first race
there were ten starters, and Edwin C.
had the first heat cinched by a half
length when lie broke ten feet from
the wire, and Jeffrey Wilkes got the
heat by a nose. This startling begin
ning got eveiybndy Interested. The
crowd was so big that they swarmed
all over the track, and the police had
their hands exceedingly full in keeping
the course in condition to conduct the
The balloon ascension took place
about half past three, and tho aeronaut
kept In the air until the huge gas bag
was nearly a mile up. Hy that time it
was away over on the other side of th'e
city, and Prof, Phelps, who was on
the parachute could hardly be dis
cerned when he cut loose. An hour af
terward the report was current
throughout Blnghamton that he had
landed In the river and boon drowned.
This report could not be verified. Man
ager Clarke said that It was not so,
tijnt tho daring sky pilot had landed
on tlie roof of a house near the centre
of the city. But the crowd believed
tho rumor and went home' satisfied
that they had seen an actual balloon
The three races were a considerable
trouble to get started, partly qn ac
count of the large fields hi two in
stances and largely because of the un
ruly crowds who persisted In getting
so close to the edge of the race course
that It was a wonder that the horses
did not step on their toes.
Starter Harry W. Brunell, nf Coblo
sklll, Jv, Y., presided over tho speed
events. lie proved extremely satisfac
tory in this trying place, and although
First Floor
the Family
I JitaDI e credit
compare favorably with any cash store in the
Ladies' Department
Ladles' Tailor-Made Suits, Eton and Monte Carlo
Jackets, Silk and Cloth Skirts, Silk, Satin and Flannel
Waists, Silk and Cloth Petticoats. Girls' Suits and Coats,
Misses' Suits, Dainty Millinery,
-Men's Department
Men's Fine Suits, Men's Working Suits, Men's Fall
and Winter Overcoats, Shoes, Hats, Odd Trousers for
dress or work, Boys' Suits, Knee Pants, Overcoats, Chil
dren's two and three-piece Suits In all styles.
Men's Suits and Overcoats
Ready-Made and
Made to fleasure.
at Rochester, N. Y keep prices
he contended with a number 4of dim
cullies, demonstrated his ability to
cope with them. Ills starts were good
ones In" every Instance: and ho deserves
commendation for the manner In which
he got the field of ten nway In tho
first raco when the course was swarm
lug with people and the nlr was blue
with powder smoke from the salute to
Admiral (Schley. Summaries of the
Jeffrey Wilkes, b. p., A. J. Con-
noil, Owego, N. V. (UobblnM,).... 1 1 1
11. O. A.i br. g., C. V. Shattuck,
llnlnbrldgo, N. Y, fSlmttmilO,,,, 4 2 2
Edwin 0 br. g Will 11. Ash,
Hlnghnmtnii (Ash) .,... 2 7 7
Gadabout; b. m., It. 11, Demurest,
Goshen, N. Y. (Demurest) 3 a 3
Mutid P., eh. m., C. .1. Peekham,
Syracuse, N. Y, (IVekhuin) 5 4 5
Fred N., b. g., 1'. 1). McGregor,
Cortland, N. Y. (McGregor) 7 (! I
Jessamine, br. in,, J1. E. Horton,
ninglinmtnti, "S.JT, (Lyman) 0 5 9
Vllbigo Belle, b.., It. V. Smith,
Elmlr'u. N. Y (Smith) 8 9 0
Maxey. b. g,, F. I, Lott, Montrose,
Pa. (Lott) 0 8 S
Lady K b. m., E. C. Downs,
Blnglmmtnn (Downs) 10 10 10
Tlme-2.24, 2.25. 2.241J.
2.1," class, trotting nnd pnelng; purse,
Burnlmni, b. g., H. H. Demurest,
Goshen, N. Y. (Demarest) 1 1 1
Karl W b. g., O. 13. We.itcott.
Mllford, N. Y. (Wcsteott) 2 2 3
f'ynthla E.. ch. m Fred Cook,
Norwich, N. Y. (Cook) 3 3 2
Gilbert II.. br. g., G. II. Holmes,
Apulachtn, N. Y. (Holmes) 4 4 4
Tlmc-2.1S',j. 2.17, 2.19U.
2.33 class, trotting and pacing: purse,
Victor Hal, ch. g Ed. Sheeny,
Moravia, N. Y. (Peckhum) 1 1 1
Georgia H., b. m., Thomas Cur
man, Moravia, X. Y. (Morris).... 3 3 2
Anna Redmond, ch. m 10. 12. Si
mons, Sydney, N. Y. (Sinum.-t)... 2 5 3
Dr. Webster, eh. g., P. D. McGre
gor, Cortland, N. Y. (McGregor). 4 2 5
El Haflg. ch. s., G. A, Gregory,
Sidney, N. Y. (Gregory) 5 4 4
Tlme-2.2!U, 2.30-M. 2.2SU.
Tomorrow Miss Ellen Stone, tho ran
somed missionary, will be tho prime
attraction. There will be two balloon
ascensions and three races.
E. L. Hatfield.
"The Messenger Boy."
"The Messenger Boy," which has had
long and successful runs In most of tho
large cities of tho country, was presented
at the Lyceum last night. It Is a nuMcal
comedy of the brand that has been made
famous by the Gaiety theater of London,
and on its Initial presentation In this city
last night was seen by u large audience.
The title role, which was in James T.
Powers' possession when the comedy was
first presented In this country, was In the
bands of Frank Deslion last night. Mr.
Deslion was one of the comedians who
last season made so much fun In the "Bob
White" com;ian..
"The M" .senger Boy" is In two acts
and three, scenes, the first scene In Lon
don, the second at Brlndlsl, and the en
tire second act at Cairn. The company
last night was n large one and the mem
bers worked like Trojans to make the
comedy "go." Several of the numbeis
won encore after encore.
What the Dixie Is Doing.
I'p to this time, Seranton lias never
had vaudeville presented In an up-to-date
manner, and nt reasonable prices. The.
advent of the Dixie theater has given to
the public otthls city the same oppor
tunity that Now York, Philadelphia and
Boton have. High class vuudevllle Is be
ing enjoyed in Seranton. twice dally, and
the best and most expensive acts on the
stage are being presented with the same
care and detail as in the big cities. The
Dixie theater Is centrally located. Is com
fortably seated, well ventilated nnd ab
solutely safe from fire.
The management lias done everything in
its power to give to this city a theater
of which Seranton may bo proud, nnd at
the same time giving the people so many
happy and restful hours from business
and homo cares. "Where Laughter
Reigns" Is a good watchword. You can
run Into the theater for a half hour. 'It
will servo as a tonic to your system.
The." twentieth century Mystery Phroso
will be at Dixie's next week, and every
one Is asking "Is it alive"?
City Sports at tho Star.
Phil Sheridan's Dig City Sports Bur
Icsquo company opened a three days' en
gagement at the Star yesterday, giving
two of the best performances seen at tho
house this season. The musical furco
comedy, "A Mistake in Society." is given
as the opening burlettn, and during tho
presentation a number of new musical
selections are rendered by a strong cho
rus. The olio Includes several clever per
formers, among them being Hazel Burt,
vocalist; Bceson, Ferguson and Bcesou,
Our Easy Pay
ment system Is
strictly confiden
tial, and no se
curity is required
Open Evenings.
the city.
ways, when prices are fair
H ' 1
ill I
Is like Playing with a loaded
Gun. ,If you have Kid
ney Trouble attend
to it at once.
It Is easy to toll whether your Kidneys
or blaikler aro diseased. Take n bottle or
floss tumbler nnd 111 I It with urine. If
there Is n sediment a powdor-llkc sub
Etaitce nftcrstandhiR a day and flight, it
It is palo or discolored, ropy or stringy,
there Is something wrong with tho Kid
neys. Other Btire signs of disease arc a
deslro to urlnato often, pain In tho back,
or if your uritio stains linen.
There Is no question that Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is tho best
and surest medlclno In tho world for dis
eases of tho Kidneys, Liver, Bladder ond
Blood, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Chronic
Constipation, and the sicknesses peculiar
to women. It quickly relieves and cures
Inability to hold urine and tho necessity
of getting tip a number of times during
the night, and puts nn end to tho scalding
pain when passing urine.
The Rev. Henry P. Miller, pastor Bap
tist Church, Spartanburg, S. C, writes:
"For years I suffered with Kidney,
liver and heart troubles, swimming
In the head, dull headache and numb- .
ness of tho limbs. Physicians pre
scribed for me and I took different
medicines, but none of them did mo
any good. But Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy cured mo
in about two weeks." ,
It is for sale by all druggists in the
How BO Cent Size and the regular
$1 .00 size bottles less than a cent a dose.
Sample bottle inough fov trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N. Y,
Dr. David Kwmdy'i Worm Syrup, most effective
medicine of tbs kind known. 85c. Druggists.
slnKera anil dancers: Ronzettn and La
Rue, comedy acrobats; Dryden and Les
lie, comedy sketch arllsts; Short and Kd
wnrds, a clever musical team, and tho
Everett trio of acrobats.
The roncluilhiR burlchiiuc la on "Fun at
Brighton," In which a number nf pretty
costumes are shown on shapely nlrls. Two
performances will lie kIvcii today and
two tomorrow. Tho house, will be closed
on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, re
opening on Thursday, Oct. i, with Barnes'
"Balnty Puree."
At the Academy.
The Irene Myers Stock company will
piescnt "The Tide of Life" at the Acad
emy of Music tnnlsht. ' This afternoon,
"The Stowaway."
"Arizona" Tonight.
Augustus Thomas' powerful ploy. "Ari
zona," Is a inot elaborate spectacular
production of one of tho best of all
American military drama". Tho scenle
invistltiire of "Arizona" is particularly
nooil. It Is considered tho most perfect
play ever written by Augustus Thomas.
It will bo presented at the Lyceum to
night. "Under Southern Skies."
William A. Brady's production of "ln
tler Southern Skies," the coining of which
to tho Lyceum Saturday afternoon and
evenlntr l being awaited with expectant
interest. Is by Lottie Blair Parker, who
wrote "Way Down Kant." The plan of
"I'nder Southern Skies" is unusual, but
not unreasonable. The company and pro
duction is said to be excellent nnd a
thoroughly enjoyable performance may bo
loked for.
"In Old Kentucky."
"In Old Kentucky" will have Its annual
presentation at tho Lyceum Monday
night. What play on the boards today Is
looked forward to with keener anticipa
tion by theater-goers or greeted with
more enthusiastic audiences everywhere'.'
"In Old Kentucky" can keep on coming
for many more scaons, and It will never
wear nut Its welcome. This year a brand
new scenic pVoductlon Is promised and a
stronger cast than the piece has ever had.
Seats on sale this morning.
"The Span of Life."
The famous athletes, the Donazettns,
who aro a strong feature and mainly re
sponsible for the lasting popularity of
that sterling meln-drama, "The Span of
Life," aro not only the most skillful and
daring acrobats of the present time, but
nre all good actors nnd quiet gentlemen.
They will be seen In this teason's pro
duction, which will he given nt tho Acad
emy of Music for three days, commencing
Monday, and they will add to tho past
sensation of tho scene by the addition of
s-'omo new acrobatic feats never before at
tempted on any stage.
National League.
At Hoston-lllst game- It.H.K.
Now VorU.,11 0001000UOOOOO-111 1
Boston 00 00 I 0 00 0 0 000 1 2 11 0
Fourteen Innings.
Batteries Taylor and Bowerninn; Pit
tluger and Moran. Umpire Irwlii. '
Second ganio postponed on account of
At Philadelphia- R.H.K.
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 0-0 2 3
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 x 4 7 1
Batferles Uonovan and Bitter; White
and Douln. Umpires Kmsllo nnd La
tham. At Pittsburg- R.H.K.
Cincinnati 1 o o l l o o 3 o- n is :i
Pittsburg 0 3 10 000001 0 2
Batteries Phillips and Bergen; Leever
nnd Zlmnier and Smith, Umpire O'Dny.
At St. Louis St. Louis-Chicago: rain.
Spcclnl services In commemoration of
tho Jewish new year -were held In the
Water street syiiifgoguo yesterday, nnd
will bo continued today and tomorrow.
Mrs. Mcnlmau nnd Miss Gertrude
Sprague, of .Sciantou, vUItcd Captain
Merriroun, at Camp Wyckoff, yesterday.
Mls lMlth Kvaim spent yesterday with
West Seranton relatives,
Mrs, W. C. Allen ant) children, nf Car
bondale, were tho guests of Miss May
McNicol, of Jones street, yesterday,
MM Sarah O'Connor, of West Seranton,
visited friends In town yesterday,
Many from hero attended tho Howard
riwycr wedding at South Scrniitou, on
Wednesday. Mrs. Dwyer was formerly
Miss Nora Howard, of this place,
Mrs. Albert Klesllng and Mrs, William
Jones, of Providence, wero the guests of
Mrs. F, W, Simpson, of BluUcly, yester
day, Mlfs I.ytlla Lloyd, of Hyde Park, Is
visiting Mr, and Mrs. T. V, Lloyd, of
Hell street,
Miss Miller, of Lancaster, Is tho guest
of Mr, anil Mrs. U. J, Lynch, of Delaware
Mrs. D. w. Harris returned homo from
WIIkes-Burro yesterday, accompanied by
her nunt, Mr. Mursuret Williamson,
Mrs. David P. Heesc, of Providence, vjs.
Ited relatives nt this place, yesterday.
See the Cut Sinn,
Effective and attractive half-tones
and line cuts for curd, advertising or
any other purpose, can be secured at
The Tflbune olllce. AVe do work that
U unexcelled, do It promptly and at
lowest rates. A trial order will con
vince you.
Only Half a Cent a Word.
For Snle.
ItonSHUOr.n good for sale, Including
parlor sulto. and other articles. In
ipilro at homo Of Mrs. Fred Uchlllig, 181 i
Wnyn'o avenue.
FOtt SALH CI1KAP-Black Morgan
horse, stylish and handsome; line
driver and aaddler. Also tjnod rubber
tired runabout. Preston Brown, U"0
Providence road.
PKltFlCCTLY MATC1IKD Diamond car
lings, balls of lire, I carats, J290. Boun
tiful diamond ring, over 2',S cnrntB, ?IM.
Diamond ring, fine white stone, 1 carat,
tKi. Address X, P. O. Box 03.
FOB SALK-An entire rig consisting of
llve-ycar-nid blade pacing horse, rub
ber tired top' wagon, harness, blan
kets, whips, etc.. will lid sold cheap for
want of use. W. D. Sweet, 1211 Short nve.
FOB SALK-About 20 feet of desk coun
ter, surmounted with glass front nnd
two openings, lower portion nicely pan
elled, with drawers and nhelves under
neath. May bo aeon nt tho ofnee of Tho
Heal Estate.
FARM FOR SALK-Any ono wishing to
buy an excellent fnrm ran secure a
great bargain by calling on or addressing
M. 'At. Kvans, Consumers' Ice Co., city.
FOB SALK Elegant sites for homos In
upper Green Bldgo; cholco neighbor
hood; most deslrablo locality for homo
In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvloe,
1730 Sanderson avenue.
For Bent.
FOR RENT Furnished house to small
family; modern, pleasant ana cicsir.
able. 711 Qulncy avenue.
Furnished Boom for Bent.
FURNISHED room for rent; meals if de
sired. 12:J0 Mulberry street.
Boom for Bent.
FOR RENT Two front rooms: ono furn
ished; ono unfurnished; all conveni
ence:); for gentlemen only. Inquire lull
Capouso avenue.
FRONT ROOM for rent; desirable, 421
Adams avenue.
Furnished Booms Wanted.
WANTED Four or nve furnished rooms
for light housekeeping, with bath pre
ferred, Desire location In northern part
of Seranton, not too far from city. Ad
dress G. A. J Tribune ofllcc.
Wanted To Bent.
WANTED Furnished house with six or
eight rooms for the winter; must bo
in good locality and centrally located.
Will give lcl'erence. Address C. B. It.,
Board and Booms.
VERY DESIRABLE suite, of rooms with
first class tablo board, can bo obtatnsu
at 333 Jefferson avenuo.
IMPOUNDED At MS Green Ridge street,
one. spotted heifer, white and yellow.
If not called for will bo sold according
to law, Oct. ). at 10 a. m. W. E. Hen
ricksou, pouudmastcr.
launders shirts at Sc. each and collars
and cuffs at l'.jc. each.
Situations Wanted.
uged man to assist In office work or
billing clerk. Address S. V. Al S03
Brcck cuiivt.
A SEAMSTRESS wishes sewing by the
day. Address M. E. 11., Tribune office.
SITI'A'nnW W A VTH11A( lli-llt linimn-
work In small family. Address A. M.,
o3U Von storcli avenue.
or upstairs girl, city or country. Ad
dress, Miss M. II., 1323 Von Storcli nve.
IN BE: Petition to free tho Ridge Turn
plko Company's road from tolls and
toll gates.
Notlco ia hereby given thnt an appli
cation will bo made to tho Court of (Quar
ter Sessions of Lackawanna cuunt on
Monday, tho 0th day of October, IDiiJ, at
ll o'clock a. in.. In nccordnucu with tho
provisions of nn Act of Assembly of tho
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ap
proved Juno 2, 1887, nnd tho supplements
thereto, for the appointment of a Jury of
view, consisting of flvo reputable citizens
of said county, to view and condemn, tho
Rldgo Turnpike Company's road, a road
located wholly In Lackawanna county,
extending from Sanderson avenuo In ilio
city of Seranton, to Main street, In tho
botough of Dickson City, aim lo inaku
the snmo free from tolls anil toll gates,
and to assess tho damages to which tho
owners or owners thereof may bo en
titled therefor Tho same being n road
upon which tolls aro now charged the
traveling public by virtue of an Act of
"Assembly. T. P. DUFFY,
Attorney for Petitioners.
SEALEDPRO'POSALS will bo opened hi
the ofllco of the City Recorder by thu
Director of tho Department of I'ubllu
Works, at 3 o'clock p. in. on Monday, Oc
tober 13, JWJ, for furnishing and for fur
nishing and erecting street signs ami
posts at tho Intersection of thu several
streets within tho city of Seranton.
' Each bidder shall encloso with his pro
posal, cash or certllled bheck In tho sum
of ono hundred (Jlfw.OO) dollars as a guar
antee to execute a contract. If awarded
tho same, within twenty (2(il days from
tho date of awaid. I it case the bidder lo
whom the contract shall have been
awarded refuses or neglects to execute
a contract within tho said twenty (20)
days, thu enclosure accompanying his
proposal shall be forfeited to tho uso of
tho city of Scruntou.
Each proposal shall bo accompanied
with a sample.
Uldileis will bo furnished with proposal
blanks at the Bureau of Engineering ami
no others will ho accepted,
All proposals shall bo filed with thu
City Controller, at his ofllco In tho City
Hall, Seranton, Pa., not later than 2.20
o'clock p. m, on Monday, Oct. 13, iswj,
Thu city icsurves tho right to reject any
or all bids.
JOHN K. ROCHE. Director,
Department of Public Works.
Seranton, 1M., October 1, jinx.'.
SEALED PROPOSALS will bo opened In
tho ofllco of tho City Recorder, by tho
Director of tho Department of Public
Works, at I! o'clock p. in., on Monday,
October "ith, 190.', for tho construction of
a uystem of sowers In tho Nineteenth
district, with tho necessary fixtures and
appliances according to plans and sped
llcatious on lllo in tho Bureau of Engi
neering. Each bidder shall encloso wth
his proposal, cash or certified' check In
tho sum of fifteen hundred 1,600) dollars
as a guarantee to execute a contract if
awarded thu sumo. In casu tho bidder
to whom tho contract shall have been
awarded, ictuses or neglects lo executo
u contract for tho work la accordance
with tho plans and speclllcntiniiH therefor
within ten (10) d.iys from tho dato nf the
award, tho enclosure accompanying his shall bu forfeited to thu uso of
the city of Seranton,
Bidders will be furnished with proposal
blanks at tho Bureau of Engineering and
no others will ho accepted.
All proposals khall hu filed with the
City Controller, at his ofllco la tho City
Hull, Scruuton, Pa., not laler than '2.30
o'clock p. m., oo Monday, October Cth,
The city reserves the right to reject any
or ull bids.
JOHN E. ROCHE. Director,
Department of Public Works.
Scraiiton, Pa,, September 30th, IWJ.
No Order
Accepted for Less
Thiui 10 Cents.
Branch WANT 0ffic33,
Wnnt Advertlaements Will Bo
Becelved nt Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
berry Btrcet and W'olwtcr avo.
GU8TAV P1U11EL, GM Adama
West Side
GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South
Main avenue.
South Seranton
FRED L. TERPPE, 7:0 Cedar
avenue. ,
North Seranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North
Main avenuo nnd Market
Green Bidge
son avenue,
F. J. JOHNS, 920 Green Rldgo
C. LORENZ. corner Washington
avenuo and Marlon street.
1017 Irving
Help Wanted.
A ANTED At once, experienced stenog
. rapher and typewriter. C. S. Wool
worth. WANTED Agents to sell tea and cor
fco to consumers. Positions perma
nent. Grand Union Tea Co.. 311 Lacka
wanna avenue.
Help Wanted Male.
WANTED General foreman In machine
shop employing 100 men on general
machinery. For a hustling up-to-dato
man, competent to get out work at mini
mum cost, good salary will bu paid. Ad
dress Tribune ofllcu "A."
WANTED A thoroughly experienced
shoe salesman and manager; nlso a
thoroughly shoo saleswoman. Apply Mycr
Davldow, 307 Luckawannn avcaue.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
New system. Eight weeks completes.
Wnges Saturdays. Positions guaranteed.
No strikes. No trusts. Catalogues mailed
free. Molers' Barber School, New York
AN EXCELLENT opportunity to learn
Life Insurance soliciting: llrst class,
old lino company; not Industrial; our sys
tem of aiding new agents insures profit
while learning. Answer box JL, Tribune.
WANTED 23 rugged laborers nt once, to
work in stono quarry near Buffalo.
Apply A. D. Blucklnton, lli9 Franklin avo.
Help Wanted Female.
AVANTED Good girl for general house
work; competent girl preferred. S14
Myrtle street.
WANTED Experienced colored gorl for
general housework in small family.
Sleep home. C IT Monroe avenue.
WANTED Woman to do family wash
ing. Monday wash day. On premises.
Apply 303 Wheeler avenuo.
WANTED Experienced lady shoo cleric.
State salary expected. Address, Clerk,
Trlbuno office.
Agents Wanted.
GENERAL agent wanted to handle ono
of tho best Investments on the market.
A good man should make $.",0 to 475 week
ly. Inducement!! are tho best; guaran
teed position. No capital needed. Wis
cousin Oil Company, Iron Block, .Mil
waukee, Wis,
LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic
General Agent for this county. No
books, Insurance, or canvassing. Ao
quatntnneo with merchants and manu
facturers necessary. Remanent. Bond.
State age, experience, refei dices first let
ter. Address. Sulto 572, No, 1001 Chestnut
St., Philadelphia.
Certified Public Accountant.
Traders' Bank Building, Old 'phone 1MJI.
Rcitl Estatu EKchango BUlg., 120 Wash
ington avenue.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
ucll building,
72t! GON
building, Spruco streot, Seranton.
Fire Insurance.
BCll LAGER & CO,. 101 Council Building.
Patent Attorneys.
Tho only licensed and etpilpped patent
solicitor in The city. No cliurgo for In
formation on patentability; over ton
years' experience
Rcploglc & Co., Mcars Illtlx.
Hotels and Restaurants.
iTl E ELK CAFiri23NFK'rFlf.Nl
llu avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. KIEGLER, Proprietor.
schanto"n1Toube. near d L. & Y.
Passenger depot. Conducted 011 thu Eu
ropeun plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor.
a. 11. "imiaa's cleans prut vaults
nnd cess pools: 110 odor; only improvtil
pumps used. A. B. Bliggs. proprietor.
Lravo oulcrs 1100 Noith Muin avenuo.
or Elcke's drug store, coiner Adams and
Mulberry. Both telephones.
Wire Screens,
nve., Seranton, infra, ot Wro Screens.
plies, envelopes, paper bugs, twine.
Warehouse, 130 Washington avenuo.
bu had 111 Seranton ut tho news stand
of Rclsmun Bros., 400 Spruce and 501
Linden; M. Norton. 322 Lnekawann
avc; I. S. Schutzer, 211 Spruce btrcet
fiie; oppnn mmi
Only Half a Cent a Worl.
Business Opportunity.
out delay. Wrlto for our special mar
ket loiter. Frco on application. 8. M.
Hlblmrd & Co., members N. Y. Consoli
dated nnd toclt Exchange 44 and 4J
Broadway, Now York. Established ISO I.
Long Dlstnnco 'Phono 23SS Broad.
Money to Loan.
Quick, sti night loans or Building and
Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on
N. V. Walker. 314-313 Connoll bulldlntt.
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western.
m . In Effect Juno 1, 1C02.
Trains leave Seranton for Now York
At l..i0. 3.20, U.03, 7.50 nnd 10.10 n. m.S 12.40,.
3.40, 3.3u p. m. For Now York and Phlla-I
delphla-7.G0, 10.10 a. m and 13.40 nnd 3.33v
P. 111. For Gouhlsboro At 0,10 p. m. For
Biirfnlo-1.13, 0.22 and 9.00 n. m.: 1.55, 6.50
and 11.10 p. in, For Blnghumton, Elmlra
and way ntatlons-10.23 a. m 1.03 p. m.
1 or Oswego, Syracuso and Utlca 1,13 and
C.22 0. m.; 1.53 p, m. Oswego. Syracuso
and Utlca train nt 0.22 n. m. daily, except
Sunday. For Mootrosc-D.OO a. m.; 1,03
and fl.W) p. m. Nicholson accommodation
4.00 nnd 0.15 i). m.
Bloomsburg Division For Northumber
land, nt 0.35 and 10.10 a. m.S 1.55 and 6.10
p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.; 3.40
and 9 03 p m.
Sunday Tr.i!ns-For Now York, 1.50, S.20,
B-Oo. 10.10 a. m.: 3.40 nnd 3.33 n. m. For
Buffalo-l.l.- nnd 0.22 a. m.; 1.55, U.50 and
11,10 p. m. For Klmlra and way stations
10.2,, a. n. For Blnghamton and way sta
tions, 9.00 n. m. Bloomsburg Division
Leave Seranton.' 10.1,0 a. m. ond 6.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
Ill Effect Juno 13, 1902.
Trains Leave Seranton
For Philadelphia and Now York via D.
Si It. It. R at nt 7.41, through Parlor Car
and Day Coach Cnrbondalo to Now York
and 9.47 n. 111.. with L. V. Coach Carbon
dnlo to Philadelphia, and 2.1S, 4.33 (Blade
Diamond Express), nnd 11.43 p. m. Sun
days, D. &. 11. n. R 1.58, 9.17 p. m,
For Whit? Haven, Huzleton and princi
pal points In tho coal regions, via D: &
II. R. R., 7.11, 2.1S and 4.35 p. m. For
Pottsvllle, 7.41 n. m.
For Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Har
rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta
tions, via D. & II. B. R., 7.41,, 9.47 a. m.;
2.18, 4 33 (Black Diamond Express), 11.49 p.
m. Sundays, D. & 11. R. R., 9.3S a. m.;
1.5S. 0.17 p. m.
For Tunkhnnnoek. Tnwnndn, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva r.nd principal Intermediate
stntlons via D., L. & W. R. It,, 0.33 n. m.
nnd 1.55 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester. Buffalo, Niag
ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via
D. & H. R. R.. 12.0;! p. m.: 3.2S (Black
Diamond Express). 10.11. 11.40 p. m. Sun
days. D. &. II. R. R 12.03. 0.17 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
Valley Parlor cars on all trains between
Wilkes-Barro and New York. Philadel
phia, Buffalo nnd Susnension Bridge.
ROLLIN IT. WILBUR. Gen. Supt., 20
Cortland street. Now York.
CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt, 28
Cortland street. New York.
A. W. NONEMACHER, Dlv. Pass. Agt..
South Bethlehem. Pa. .
For tickets nnd Pullman reservations
apply to city ticket oulce, 09 Tubllo
Square, Wllkes-Barre, Pa.
Central Bailroad of New Jersey.
Corrected to September 16, 1002.
Stations In New York, foot Liberty
street and South Ferry, N. R.
Trains leavo Seranton for New York,
Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allen
town. Maueh Chunk, White Haven, Ash
ley, Wllkcs-Barre and Plttston nt 7.30 n.
in.. 1 p. m. and I p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p.-m.
Quaker City Express leaves Seranton
7.30 n. m through solid vestibule train
with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phila
delphia with only one change of cars for
Baltimore and Washington, D. C and all
principal pcints south nnd west.
For Avoca, Plttston nnd Wllkes-Barre,
1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc.,
7.30 n. m, nnd 1 p. m.
For Rending, Lebanon and Tlarrlsburg
via Allentown at 7.30 n. m 1 p. m. and 4
p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m.
For Tnmnn,un and Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.:.
1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m.
For rates nnd tickets apply to agsnt at
W. G. BESSLER. Gen. Manager.
C. M. BURT. Gen, Pass. Agt.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
Schedule In Effect Juno 10, 1902.
Tialns leave Seranton 0.3S a. m., week
dnvs. through vestibule train from
Wilkes-Iinrrc. Pullman buffet parlor car
and conches to Philadelphia, via. Potts
vllle; stops at principal Intermediate sta
tions. Also connects for Sunbury, Har
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and the West.
9.17 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury. Hnr
rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore Wash
ington and Pittsburg nnd tho.West.
1.12 p. m.. week days, (Sundays. l.S p.
ni.). for Sunbury. Hnrrlsburg, Philadel
phia; Baltimore. Washington nod Pitts
burg nnd tho West..
3 "S p. m., week days, through vestlbnli
train from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buff6t
parlor car and conches to Philadelphia via
Pottsvllle. ' Stops at principal intermedt
nlo stations.
1.35 11. m.. week days, for Hnzloton, Sun
bury. Ilarrlsburg, Philadelphia aod Pltts-
bm'S" J. B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr.
J. B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Delaware and Hudson.
in Effect Juno 111, VJ02,
Trains for Curbondulu leavo Seranton nt
o 11 7::i. s.:ifl. 10.13 0. m.; 12.03, 1.12. 2.11.
::':.i',; 5.29. o.-5. s.21, 9.13, 10.01 p.. m.; 12.1S,
Wr'lln'nesdnlo 0. It, 10.13 a, m.; 2.11 and
l" "0 ill.
For Wllkes-Barre-O.n'!. 7.41. Ml. 0.47.
in ran in.: iL'.ai, 1.42. 2.1s, 3.2s, 4.33. c.10.
7 is 10.11. 11.49 p. 111.
For L. V. R. R. Polnts-7.11. 9.47 a. m.
l1! 135 and 11.19 p. in.
"For Pennsylvania R. .R. PoInts-8.33
9 17 a. in.; 1.1-, ;.." nun ! p. in.
'For Albany nnd ull points north 7.38 a.l
m. nnd l. n. "
111. hum .,..,,.,. n'niiva
For Cnrbnndnlo-S.r.n, il.3.1 n. m.: 2.11.
n -., r -., ...,1 .1 17 IV 111.
U... .,..,- lll, ' " "' . ,rt . -
For WilKcs-narre vm u. m.; i..iu, i..
3.2!. 0.J and 9.17 11. 111.
For ' llmny nnd points north 3.uf! p. m.
For llonesdnle-8 50 a. m.; 11,31 and 353
P'w!'L. PRYOR. D. P, A.'Serantrm, Pa.
Erie Bailroad Wyoming Division;.
Ill Effect September 15, 1902.. -Trnlnn
leave Seranton for Now Yoik,
Newburgh and Intcrmedlato pointy ajao
lor Ilnwlev and local stations at 7.20a.
' "i" "r " I lo i usVla 1 u ' and White Mills nt 'p5
'''Trains nrrlvo at Seranton at 10.CS a. ni.
nnd 9.13 11. in.
Now York, Ontario and Woatern."
Time table In effect Sunday. Sept. 23, 1X2,
Leavo Leavo Arrlvq
Trains, Seranton, Cnrbondalo. Cadosja.
v0i 10.30a, m. 11.111 it. m. l.ojJP. m.
N'o 7 ...'... 0.10 p. m.Ar.Cnrboudale 0.40 p.m
u- ' SOUTH BOUND.' ';
Leavo Leavo Arrlva
Trains. Cadnsla. Carboudtilo, Scrnntan.
No. a il.5nn, m. 7.2311,-rti.
No 2 . . . . . . -M3 ! "' p. m, 1.45 p! ni.
Leavo Leavo Arrlva
Trains. Seranton. Cnrbondalo, Cadosla,
No. 0 8.31a, m, 9.10 a. in, 10.43 nm,
No, 5 7.C0P- iii.Ar.CarbondaloT.4Jrm
Leavo Leavo Arrlva
Trains. Cadosla. Corbondula. Seranton.
No. il ...... U.5Uii, in. 7.23a. m,
No. 10 4.30 p.m. il.tklp. 111. 0.43 p.m,
Tialns Nos. 1 on week days, nnd 9 on
Sundays canncet for New York city, Mid
dlutowu, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Os
wego uud all points west.
Train No. 0, with "Quaker City Cx.
press" at Seranton. via e. R. R. of N.'VI.,
for Philadelphia. Atlantic City, Baltimore,
Washington uud Pennsylvania stato
Seo tlme-tablo and consult ticket agent?
for connections with other lines,
J. C. ANDEHSON.0..iVA.. Now York.
J.E. WELSH. T. I.-A.,-8craiilon.'Pa;