"W 'sapw "asfavgjFni r c THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1902. furw- jTnrnv ' "jtm.' "W.R'X'M " j. r WEST J&RANT0N Reorganization of the West Side Repub lican ClubOther Matters of Gen eral Interest. The special meeting lo consider the iidvlsablllty of rcni'Kimlxltiff the West Bide Cehtinl Ilciuibtlcnii club, and to bear the report ot the committee up pointed to draft the constitution nnd by-laws, was held In the rooms last evening, and was attended by a larse representation of the membership. It was the sense of the meeting that the club be reorganized on much broad er lines than has heretofore charac terized l, and the plan and scope ot re-organization was fully discussed and decided upon, but will come up for limit adoption at the regular meeting to be held tomorrow evening, when every member. Is expected to be pres ent to vote on the proposition. The numo will be the West Side Kc jubllcnn club, of Hamilton, Pa., and ivlll have for its object the organizing, iidvocatingand maintaining of the prin ciples) of Republicanism, to elevate and purify national, state, county and mu nicipal politics, to direct and Interest in politics those who hitherto have been Indifferent to their political du ties, and to encourage attendance at primary electftps that honest and cap able men may be nominated. To guard and defend the purity of the ballot box', to promote the cause of good government In the city of Kcianton and the county of Lackawan na, to provide a .suitable place for the entei talnment of the representatives of the party when visiting the city, and lo do and perform such work as may unserve the best interests of the Re publican parly. The members must be qualified voi d's. Republicans of good standing, who shall at all times adhoio to and sup port Republican principles and candi dates. The club will not act as an or ganization in the Interest of any can didate for nomination for any office. The regular party nominees, however, may be endorsed by the club, by a ma jority vote of the members. The club will consider It its duly from time to time, to iccommcnd from lis membership, suitable and compet ent persons for public appointments. The enlarged membership will In clude the lepresentntive party workers In every election district in West vSc-ranton, and In order lo enroll them before the beginning of liiO."!, the initia tion fee w III be placed at ."0 cents for the balance of October, November and Deecmbei . Ofliccih for the now oig.inizatlon will be nominated in December, and in or der to give all new members an op portunity to participate in the election, they should enroll at once. Applica FREE! FREE! FREE! Five stamps given away with each bottle of Dufour's Trench Tar G. W. JENKINS. 1 The Show of Follows in rapid succession the successful 1 Special Dress Goods Display IT you're a womiirt and know anything about Scran- 5T ton, you know the Silk Department at the Globe Ware- 51 house. An opening there mians something. It means that you will have a leisurely opportunity of looking : over the largest and finest stock of Silks in Pennsylvania. 5i It me.uu that everything proper will ba there to greet you. It means that you will be there if you tire a woman of rashion, for all that the old world and the new world have that is worth seeing will be offered for your inspection in this show. I French 1 Moire Antiques iS The silks your mothcis were jjj so fond of aie back again' with !c twentieth century charms added 5j to them. Moire Velours I and Moire Ren 1 naissance Silks.. Ate, also leaders In the new season's weaves, the quaint wavy patterns of the former nid the bold richness of the lat ter, cannot fall to lippiess you as beliif? admirably adapted for two distinct types of -womanhood that usually find It hard to get just the rlsiu thing, Hluclt and colors, of eoui&e. US us - UB u ; Crystal Glaze j jJIIKSbiiij 'is "3 Aro a distinct novelty of this J5 season's production. Its deli 3 cate textuio and rich, soft, lus 3 trous finish aro simply superb. All the leading colors and black. 3 3 Globe Warehoiis?.! tions should be made In writing to W, Claylord Thomas, president; Frank U. Ileese, secretary; W. II. Hughes, treifs iii er, or any uctlvc member of the club. It Is expected the membership will bo Increased scveinl hundred and that the club will become a power In city and county politics. Already n number of party workers have signified their In tendon of joining the club, nnd several applications will be considered at the regular meeting tomonow evening. The Last Tribute. The funeral services of Mrs. Sarah Morris, widow of the late William Mor ris, of 144 South Kverctt avenue, who passed to her reward Sunday after noon, aged 54 years, after an Illness of nine weeks, were hold from the house Wednesday afternoon. Rev. D. P. Jones of the Tabernacle Congrega tional church, had charge of the ser vices, and made a few remarks suit able to the occasion. Mrs. Morris win a member of the Plymouth Congrega tional church, and the choir of the Sherman avenue mission rendered sev eral of the favorite hymns of the de ceased. At the close of the services the friends passed the open casket and looked for the last time upon the face that had grown so dear to them. The funeral cortege moved to the Washburn street cemetery, where Interment was made. The pall-bearers were John Phillips. William Deacon. Edwayd Da vis, John Neat, Thomas Davis and Henry Jones. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Raid Ragle tribe, No. 102, Improved Order of Red Men, will meet at their wigwam tonight at 7.30 o'clock. Deputy Gieat Sachem Charlo Plchler will i.ilxe up their chiefs, agisted by Past Sachems John W. Richards and David C. Wil liams. Great Representative John T. Howe will give a report of the ptocecd Ings or the great council, United States. All brother are lcquested to attend. Mr. Madden and daughters, of South Hdc Park avenue, aie making an ex tended Aislt in Chicago. Fote home time past, men have been engaged in relaying, in part, the lirlcl: pavement on North Hyde Park avenue, When the men tarUd to work, they found n larger part of the htreet In voro condition than was shown on the sut- face. Ml--. Andrew Pilor, of Wllkcs-Barre, who has been the guest of Mrs. William' Wheeler, of Iaizcrne street, has returned home. His. W. Rowland Davles. of South Slain .iveano, has rotm-ncd home, after a pleasant lslt at Fnetorj vlllc. Kdward I Ivans, of North Hydo Talk avenue, is 111. Miss Vea Jones, contralto soloist, will sing nt the Sunday evening service of the First R.iptl-U church. The library at the Sherman Atomic mis sion will open for the first time on Sun day. Librarians Ilernc and Hopkins have placed everything in readiness fur the dis tribution of honks Miss Mary Dm kin died at the home of Silks s: that fashion says is right and rmure Brilliants Have a beautiful, soft, water like ripple In the weave that gives them a new daintiness nil their own. P ' Resides the above we show all the staple silks, as well as the popular favorites, without which i no silk stock would be consid ered complete. Colors and black In all. or. New Payone Velvets Are a little harder to finish than the Panne Velvets so much In vogue last year. The finish sets It off bo that It will brush peifectly either way; conse quently It does not muss up or spot with the rain readily, Widths of Velvets 19, 27 and 32 Inches. All the popular sha dings and makes on view this week. i wmmwm- her parents, Mr, nnd Mrs. Nicholas Dur klh, Boulevard, Round Woods, on Octo ber a, Sho Is survived by her parents, sister, Miss Sarah, and brothers, Joseph, James and John, of this city, nnd Thom as, of St. Charles college, Baltimore. Funeral announcement later. Master Reuben Squires, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bqulers, of South Kdwnids court, whllo playing with some boys at recess nt No. 32 school yesterday, fell and broke his arm. tie was removed to his home and Dr. Reach called, who set the In jured tnomboi'. Mrs, J, Martin, Aif Sea Cliff, N, Y. Mrs. II, r. Maitln, of Utccn Rldce. nnd Mrs. A. M. Dcrshlmer, of Snath Mala avenue, have lelliraed home from a pleasant visit with Mr. X. W. Uershlmer. of Dalton. The opening meeting of the winter sos rton of the I.adles'Mlss'lonary auxiliary of the Plymouth Congregational chmch will ho held Monday evening In the chmch parlors. William F.vans, Mrs, Henry Austin and son, Karl, are the glicds of Reese D. Jones and fatally, of 1127 Rock street. A regular meeting of Washington camp, No, 17s, Patriotic Order Sons of America, was held hist evening. Much business of Importance was tranaeted nnd several candidates were taken Into the older. A social session and smoker were alio held. Miss Anna Fl.win, of Fifth street, has returned homo from a visit at Nyack, N, y. Mr. and Mrs. David Kdwaid, of Swet land street, are visiting at Youngstown, Ohio. lMwnid Davis, of Jackson street, Is homo from Allentown. The Misses Florence A, Fowler, of Jack son street, and Ruth K. Reddoe, of South Main avenue, will leave t'ndtiy for on ex tended visit with Caibondale friends. Byron Sloat, of Shetland street, n id Frank Sloat, of North Lincoln nvenuc, are at Lake Ariel. .Miss laicy Fuut Is qulle seilnusly 111 at her home on Chestnut street. Thomas Timlin has returned to his home In Klmha, after an extended visit with Ids pai cuts, on North Lincoln ave nue. Miss Martha Ricblem and Finest Hlek, of Cnrbondnlo, have spent the past week as the gnesm of Mr. and Mm. Weber, of Noith Gnrlleld avenue. William Dlehl, of South Hyde Paik ave nue. Is slightly indisposed. Miss Grace Williams, of Simbnry, is the guest of Chestnut street fi lends. The West Side police have been receiv ing complaints about boys who have been throwing "tones nt houses in Rellevuo. A special meeting of St. Patrick's La dles' Catholic Benevolent union. No. C02, was held In St. Leo's looms last evening. Leo Rons, of North .Main avenue, Is home from New Yoik city. Mis, 11. M. Francis entei tallied tne Ladles' Auxiliary of the Simpson Metho dist ICplscopal chinch at her home on North Bromley aienue last evening. Peter Schiller, of Dlvl-iou street, has left for Cleveland. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, of the Sloan patch, yesterday caused the ar rest of Mr. and Mrs. John Hartcl, their neighbors, the former on a charge of dis orderly conduct, and the latter as being a common scold and making threats. Hartcl paid t lie co.its In his case, and his wife was held in $100 ball. SOUTH SCRANTON. A vciy pietty wcdditiK took place es- teiday momim? in St. Alniy's church on River sticot, when Joseph Schneider, jr., and Mi.ss Kate Scbloss were united In mnriiagc at ' o'clock, after a nuptial mass. The coicmony was pci formed by Hew Prior L'bilst, who also olllcl.itod at tin1 ma.ss. Edwanl Spoilt cr was bcht man and Miss Lena Klos. who like the bildo, was charmingly attired In while, was Inldesmald. After the wcddniff the biid.il paity enjoyed a diive aiound the clly until noon vh6n bicakf.ist was served at the home of the Kioom's parents. A re ception also took place last evening at TX Hooch street, when the newly wedded couple wcio MMcn.tdod by fi lends and rc icived imij useful presents. Supper was served in the p.ulois and a dance fol lowed until midnight for which imMc was furnished by Klw,ud Hoffman. Mr. and Mis. Schneider will commence- house keeping at 7-1) IJceeb hticet, St. John's hall on Stone avenue was ciowded to the doors last evenins by young people eager to take p.nt In the progresdie undue social which was post poned fiom last week. Last night's so cial was under the supervision of Mi.ss Mary Real don, nnd able assistance was lendcied bv a committee of fi lends as follows: Ml.sses Nell McGlnuls, Mary Rafter, Nell Real don, Kato Rafter. Sa die Nealis. Kate Reaidon and Belinda Byron. At 0 o'clock every tablo was oc cupied and the play continued for suit able prizes until 11 o'clock. Walter Thompson, who was man led a week ago, gave a party to his Immediate fi lends at Rest's hotel last evening and a pleasant evening was thoioughly en joyed. Supper was seied at 9 o'clock and was pai taken of by about thirty life long fi lends who weie treated to all the delicacies of the .season. The balance of the evening until midnight was spent in a "feast of leasun and a (low of soul." John Robllng leeched minor oiders In St. Peter's cathedral yesteiday. Saturday lie will be ordained. John Westpfahl and William Publ. Civil war veteians, will leave Monday morning for Washington. D. t, wbeie they will take pint in the National Grand Army ot the Republic convention nnd celebia tlon. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Ralsam is guaianteed to cute all coughs. "No cine, no pay." For sale by all dealers. A boy named McAvny, residing witli his pai eats at 11.1 Plttslon avenue, while, at play In the gi minds at No 13 school, fell and dNIoeated his left elbow. The spialn was icuuted by l)i J. J, Walsh, A meeting of the Hickory Stieet Pies bytPilnn church Voting People's society was held in the paiisli house, last even ing. (lenetal Oinnt commnudery, Knights of Malta, will meet in Hailman's hall this evening, ,V icgular monthly meeting of the Sci.iuton Athletic club was held In the, society's hcadfitaiteis on Aldor street last ovenlng. Tlio debate nt Phainiacy hall, which was lo tako place last evening between members of the Yoims Men's Institute, was postponed until next wee!;. The Star Social club will meet and elect ofllceis this evening. The South Side haul' will bo open for business ovoiy Saturday evening from 7,"J0 to $.) o'clojl;, NORTH SCR ANTON. T . Loveless, of Gicen Rhlgo street, had Slis. Knto Goibla analgneil bofoiu Alderman Myeis last ovenlng on tho charge of dlouleiy conduct. Loveless claims that .Mis, Got bin has been auno Ing him for sonut time past and Wcdues. ciay evening us ho was on hla way homo she slapped hint and called him vllo names. The nldorman lined her J." and costs. She w.ih unable to pay her duo and was lommltted to jail for thirty days. A delelghtful iccoptlon was tcndeieil Mr, and Mis. Wllllum S.iudeis, at tlio home of their patents, Mr. and Mis, M, K. Sandeis, of ('lunch nvenuo, Wednes day evening, The occasion was In honor of .Mr and Mrs, Sanders' recent wed ding. Miss Hertha Sandeis cnterlnlucd tlie guests until a seasooablo hour, when lefieshments Weip sutved. Those present were: Mr. and Mis. John R. Richards, Mr. and Mis, Chillies Hopewell, Mr. and Mm, J, X), Keator. Mr. and Mis. G, 1), Kowlor, Mr and Mis. William Sandeis. Mr, and Mis. M. 13. Sandeis, MUses Her- AIT OLD AWO WEIL-TRIED BEMEDT. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTITmn nvnim for children teething, is tho prescription ol bne of tho best femula physicians and JU,oca III II used sixty purees in tho United States, and has boeS , i. jbub Him (luver-tuiung suoi tees by millions of mothers for their chlU drcn. During the process of teething iti Valuo Is Incalculable. It rolloves the child from pain, cures diarrhoea, grlnlng In ih towels, and wlnd-collc. By Ktvlnc health la the child It lests tho mother. Price twfintvflv cents battla. ONLY $ 1 0 FOR A COMPLETE CURE The Request Is Granted Hundreds of Seriously Sick Ask for a Lower Rate All Persons Applying Now Will Be Treated for $10 Until Cured, Hedicines Included This does Not Hean $10 a Month, but $10 for a Complete Cure All Persons Accepted Under Positive Guarantee to Cure or Money Refunded This Offer Hay Be Withdrawn at Any Time It Is Important to Call at Once The Great Quaker Physi clan's Work for Humanity, One of the Brighest Epochs in Medical History. It 1ms always been the cardinal princi ple of the Cheat Quaker l'lijslclan's llfo to do the Rtcatcst' amount of good to tho greatest number of people, lie has tcal lacd that dating the past few months many people In Soranlon have been suf fering liom Itminelal depression owing to the existing labor conditions. Hun ilieds of people have asked to be tientcd nt a l educed rate, They Itavo stated that their llnanclal condition was such that it would be Impossible for them to pay tho oidlnary fee charged by physicians. uoctor Rvcrs' ofllces aio crowded to their utmost capacity, tils practice In mis clly Is tho largest ever accorded to any physician In tho history ot medicine. Hundreds of hopelessly sick have been testored to perfect health and his name Is a household woid throughout the stnto of Pennsylvania. It would be manifestly nniust to treat a few at a i educed rate and chnrgo others a higher in Ice, In or der to glvo nil an oppoilunlty to be cured at n nominal pi lee. lie will treat nil per sons applying at his offices on the follow ing conditions: All persons applying for treatment at once, no matter what the trouble may be, will bo Heated for tho nomlnnl sum of MO until cured, medicines Included. This does not mean $10 00 n month, but $10.00 "" u complete and radical cure. Ho furtheimore agrees that If the pa tient Is not completely cured In a sped- ' ued length of time, to return the money , paid without any quibbling or evasion, in . other wot ds. It will not cost the patient one cent unless a cure Is effected. Doctor Byera wishes to emphasizes ' the fact that this offer may bo with- I drawn at any time, nnd in order to get the benefit of it, it is important I to call at once. His tjractice is so ! large that it will be impossible for him to continue this offer indefinitely. If you call now you will receive the most careful and scientific X-Hay ex amination known to science, free of charge, and you will be treated until cured at the nominal sum of $10.00, medicines included. If you are not cured your money will be cheerfully returned to you. Call at once, as this offer may be withdrawn at any time. BI-OHEMIC TREATMENT. The different tissues of the body are made up of minute cells, and when these cells become disarranged, disease is tho result. JJy supplying tho proper imm inent to tho cells, perfect health can bo obtained. All diseases, no inntter how chronic, can be cured by biinglng the cells back to their notmal condition. The tieatment used by Doctor Hyers Is not allopathic or homeopathic. It is a treat ment based upon nu exact science and cures with the certainty of a lixed law. FREE X-RAY EXAMINATION Dr. B-yora never accepts a caso unless he knows to a certainty tho cause of the tiouble, and this can only be determined by a scientific X-Hay examination. His X-Ruy outfit Is the most elaborate and complete In this country. Uy his special Fluoioscopic attachment ho is able to examine all parts of tho body and find out to nn absolute certainty the cause of the patient's affliction. Come and bo ex amined; it is absolutely free. Ho will not chnrgo you one cent. Come and Unci out what your double is and he will achiso ou In tcfpieuce to a cure. It is all free, lie asks no compensation. tha Sandeis, Heitha Davis, May Joseph, Mess-is. Kmrjs Joseph, Gus Uynon and Kdgar Sandeis. Mis. Klecta Sagundorf, of New York city, who has been the guest of Mrs. Kd waid Gilflln. of Mary street, for the past two months, has icturticd home. Tho North End Defenders will liavo the Olyphant basket ball team as their opponents at the Auditoiium this evening. Mis. Dletiick, of Kingston, is the guest of West Maiket stteet fi lends. Mr. and Mis. William J. Evans, of Wayne avenue, left yesterday to nttetpi the funeial of Mrs. Lewis' uncle, John Lewis, of Tamaqua, Pa. Miss Margaret Call, of Dunmoie, and Miss May Moran, of New York city, spent last evening with Miss Anna Roche, ot West Maiket stieet. GREEN RIDGE. Miss Edna Harper, of Sandeison ave nue, lias leturned fiom a thiee months' stay In Iowa, The Woman's Home and Foreign MIs slonaiy society of tlio Gieen Ridge Pres byterian chinch will hold their regular monthly meeting at the lesidence of Mrs. M. K. Kujs, Sanderson avenue and Del aware street, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tho following Is a programme of tlio af ternoon's wotk: Opening sei vices; busi ness flems; hymn; paper on Mormans, by Miss Pooie; solo, Miss Reynolds; paper, subject, "Pctsl.i," Mis. W. D. Kennedy; solo, Mrs. Ilutton; piayer. Mis. Win Bci gen; hymn: social half hour. The smoker which followed tho instal lation ceiemonles of Gteen Ridgo lodge, Independent Older of Odd Fellows, last evening, was an extremely pleasant af fair, lionois even between cigars and clay pipes. Light lofivshmeuts were served and impiomptu speeches made by mom bets and guests. The committee In charge consisted of Rlchaid Davis, C. P. Jones and L. W. Low Is, Mr. nnd Mis. It, P. Reynolds, of New Yoik stieet, entertained the members of tlio Oieen Illdgo Checker club at their home Inst oen!ng. A cow belonging to Adam and Mary Voneskl has been making a p.istmo of somo of their nclghbois' float lawns and leaving them much tlio woiso for her ftollc. As a tesiilt Jasper Fautz and William Snyder, of Olyphant toad brought suit for tiespass against Mr. nnd Mrs. Voneskl befoie Alderman Raylay yesterday. They wcro awarded damages. An exciting giimo of foot ball wns played between tho seholais of St. Paul's school and thoso of No, ?8 In Sanderson's paik yesteiday afternoon, which lesulted In a victory for No, US, Scorn 10 to 0. Tho i went heavy rains have played havoc with tho stieets of this section, es pecially In not thorn Gieen Hldge, wheio the wnter fiom the steep hill has toin deep gutters In tho toad beds and In many places lendcied them unsafe for travel. DUNMOKE. The scholars la the High school will deuilo the last forty minutes of this uf. tornoon's session to the renriethiR of the followliiK proKramme: History, "Amprl can Songs and Their History," Uesslo M, Powell; sons, "Star Spangled Ranner," school; pantomime, Anna R, McCann: song, "Itnttlo Hymn of the Republic," class; lecltatlou, "Maryland," Maigarot Rryden; duet, "Tenting on the Old Camp aiound," Uessle Murphy and Bertha fill, len; recitatloo, "Tho nine and tho Gray," Clulr Cm tin; 'solo, "Ren Holt," Rertha Cullen; recitation, "Woodman Spate That Tree," F.dwaid Rozclle; song, "Home, Sweet Home," class. The public gener ally Is Invited, At tho homo of tho bride on Smith street. Miss GracQ Kngle and Dayton V. 1, of Church street, weie last evening united In marriage by Rev, Chartei H. New lag, of the Methodist Mplscopal church. Only the members of tho fnni. Hies of tho contracting pai ties wero pies, eat. Mrs. Kills Is ono or the botough's falret daughters, and her many charms of manner have endeared her to u largo circle of friends. Mr. Kills was a giadu. ato In tho cuss of 1902 from Syiacibo university, and Is now employed lu tho engineering department of the Kilo Rail road company A ""'"''er " this, place will avail themselves of the opportunity ufforded HE WAS PARALYZED Mr, John Jenkins, Dunmore, Fa., sns: "Seven years ago I fell down nn elevator shaft and liijuteil my spine, and as a result mv legs became completely paralyzed. No one can appteclale the ter rlble condition I was in except those who have gone thrnuuh tin- same oideal. Krom a Btinng, vlgoious man I hail been transformed Into a helpless cilpple. 1 could only walk by lite aid of clutches, and only then with tlio greatest dlflleully. Having road about the almost mliaeiilous emeu that were being perfotmed dully by t3r. RyeiH I eoneluded, ns a last tcsoit to tty his treatment, I began to Imptove al most immediately and thli Impioveinent has been so rapid and mv present con dition so satisfactory that I teel It a dittv to inunklnd to make n public statement of what the grent Quaker Physician bin done for me, Surely a doctor that Is able to do such wondets must be possessed of mote than human power, t shall never cease sounding Doctor llyuts' praise whet over I may be." : ', it TT7 - i a. ' i ,vfi 1 IV i. : " v ,-.- v;- "- . ' v ' , ' akM' 'j..jAmmxyaaMm"r7Tr: ' in:-r-.... ,.?-," ' immmMm ,T" flaEMBBlEf" ''''. k . , ' DOCTOR BYEPiS' RECORD Doctor Byers was born of Quaker parentage nnd received his early edu cation under the influence of that re ligious denomination. He graduated with honor from the Jefferson Medical College of Philadel phia, 1872. Matriculate of the Philadelphia Col lege of Pharmacy. Pull course attendance Pennsyl vania Hospital for Acute and Sur gical Diseases. by the Krie ralhond, and go to New York on Thursday next, when the fuio from Maplewood li.it. been lixed at JJ.00, good for three days. Howard Piotlieroe, of West Di Inker street, is among the fieshmcn class at the t'nlversity ot Pennsylvania. Miss Rebecca Kane, of North Blakely street, returned homo yesterday, from a visit with fi lends in Philadelphia. William Cronin. of East Drinker stieet, left esteuhiy for Blueliold, W. Va., where he has accepted a position with the Norfolk and Western lallroad. Miss Mary Gallagher is ill at her homo on Web-ter avenue. Mis. William Cot tell and Miss Glace Marshall, of Phony street, urc visiting friends in New York. OBITUARY. MRS. SAM PEL HOWELL, wife "f Samuel Howell, of Wayne avenue, died suddenly Monday af tot noon after a lin gering Illness. The deceased was -U eais of age and was bom in Giamoiguushlic, South Wales. Sho came to Sctanton twelve years ago and has te.sided here ever since. Mis Howell was a good and highly esteemed Christian woman and for many years she has been an active mem ber of the Memorial Baptist chinch. She Is survived by her husband, mothei, two sisters and three bietheis, all of whom aie lesldents of tills city. Tlio funeral will bo held liom her late homo Satur day afternoon at i'M. Services will ue held In tlio Meiuotial Baptist chinch by the pastor. Rev. W. F. Davis, Iutci incut will bo made in tlio Wnshbuia stieet cemetery. JIRS. HANNAH BOWHN. formerly Miss Hannah Dals, of Mooslc, wile of Robeit Bowen, of Watklns Glen, died Thursday morning at 3 o'clock. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at - o'clock. Sei vlces at the Piimitivo MothodUt chmch. MARY A. DPRK1N. daughter of Nleh olas Durkln. of Boulevard avenue, West Scranton, died yesteiday afternoon. FUNERALS. Tho fuui'ial of the Into "Mis. David W. Smith, of Ninth Main avenue, will ho at tended this afternoon nt " o'lIocIc at tlu family home. Rev, Dr. Guild, of the Providence Prosbyteilnn chinch otlleiat ed, nslsted by Row O. A. Cure, of tho Providence Methodist chinch, BROOK HELD FOR TRIAL. Hearing Before United States Com missioner Taylor Yesteiday. James firock, of South Scranton, who was arrested a week ago for maklns counterfeit moulds whllo in the county jail, was given a hearing yesteiday before United States fomnilssloner Taylor, and In default of $1,0C0 ball was to-committed to jail to await trial, Warden Miles McAndrew, of tho county Jail; Detective Ilobert Pelter and Secret Service Agent M, I Grlllin wcte the witnesses examined at the bearing. Their testimony was substan tially Hip Kitino as printed In The Til bune at the time of HrocU's nuest, It was to the effect that Hrock oh tallied mptul and plaster nf p.irls In tho county jail, and that ho lent ued to make the moulds while confined In tho Eastern penitentiary, Take Thrnop or f'arhondjle car for soldiers' camp at Olyphant, MARIE BEACH BURIED, Actress Who Committed Suicide Laid at Rest. After walling feeverul days to hear fiom relatives or friends of Mario Heaeh, tho act i ess who ended her llfo last Sunday by chinking embolic acid, Funeral Director ,t'uslck yesieiday In terred tho remains lu the Cambtla cemetery. It seems that bowc ouo lu Richmond, Vu., held a pollc,yu tho womau'K life, unci u man named Muicus Munay hud Ll(NG TROUBLE Mr. John Welsh, Oarbondnlc, Va., says: "My double slatted some time ago. I had a severe cough, which annoyed mo greatly, I lost llesh inpldly and became gicntly emaciated. My appetite was poor, and food did not seem to nourish mc. In fact, I hud all those symptoms that nto charactoilstlc of a consumptive. I tiled doctor after doctor without tellef, I was forlorn and hopeless, and eoneluded I was destined to (III a consumptive's giave. Having heard so ttimh about the won deiful elites being perfotmed by Doctor Ryeis I went to his office and started ti eminent. Today, stiangc as it tuny seem, my cough 1ms left me, 1 lmv gained llesh, and the pallor of my cheeks has been teplaced by the rosy tint of health. I am a cured man, and I give all the praise to the gieat Quaker Physician, whose superb skill has transformed m Into a new being. His power over disease is mi Inborn quality wlilrh fw tinsns " irfn.' " -' K i ? ;;,, ; - ; . : :-l tt ' ; '! 1?&S.? ... f :. .v :. y ' : : ' mv;&.w Pull course attendance Blockley Hospital for Skin and Chronic Dis eases. Late of Eye and Ear Clinics Will's Hospital, Philadelphia. Late of Prof. J. Soils Cohen's Clin ics Diseases of the Throat. Late Examining Physician Knights Templar and Masonic Mutual Aid Association of Cincinnati, O. Late Examining Physician Mutual Reserve Pund Life Association of New York. AMlEJNTS Academy of Music M. Rels, I-esseo and Manager. A. J. Duffy, Ruslness Manager. Wee! CUirtlrtrt Sept. 29. ' Mnndnv Matinees dailv commencing Tuesday IRENE MYERS, AND unit BIG STOCK COMPANY FRIDAY MATINKi:, "The Stowaway." FRIDAY NIGHT, "The Tide of Life." Pi Ices Matinee. 10 and i0 cents, Night. 10, 20 and JO cents. Ni:XT ATTRACTION, Tin oe D.ijs, Starting Monday, Oct. i Till SPAN OF LIFE. Dixie's Theatre, HENRY FARNSWORTH DIXID, l.osseo and Manager. wuiiK of"si:pt . Dolan and Lenharr, la Comedy. AVhlstllng Tom Ihown. Ronton & Riooks, Fied lluid, Magician; Raymond ic Kuikamp, Musicians, and Murphy and Nichols EIGHT GREAT ACTS. Two pel fcirmanees dally, i',30 nnd 8.13. Pi Ices 13, S3, u3 and 30u. Special inatluoq pi Ices, CVTiactlou cais btop at tho door. STAR THEATRE M.V. G, HARRINGTON, Manager, Thursday, Filday and Saturday, orTOiimit i, i and I CITY SPORTS" MATINK11 IJVr.HV DAY. it M asked that tlio body bo held pending an Investigation. Satisfactory arranse meats wcio made for tho burial ox peases, and the interment was then made, m Yesterday's Maniage Licenses. Simon Roudorvlcsi Sciauton Rosa Sivctuwuick Scranton Leonard Plillllpluo , ..IHumiuio Maria l.otigl Dunmoie Guscppl TiuvKttllii .......I'ltt.tua Huia Fuiuiuusa ,,,....;...,.Plttston HE SUFFERS NO MORE, Irvln Gearhart, 2006 Smith Place, corner Jadwln street, a well-known car penter and citizen, says: "I don't know how t can express In words sufficient lit also for Doctor Dyers' treatment. I hail been troubled a year with pains that often kept mo Irom work. Last August I waa laid up three weeks nnd nearly all of January and tho wholo of February. Tho pains seemed lo coino through tho small of my back down Into tho loft giolu. At times tlioy wcro so sevcio I could neither lie or sit down, I wbb also troubled greatly with my head. Dr. Hyets' treatment bus cured mo of all these distressing conditions." KIDNEY DISEASE CURED. Mr. Fred Hentschler, 351 Elm St.: "Kor a number of yeais I had been ailing with what the doctors called kidney trou ble. There woio pains ncross tho 'smal' of my back which would at times extend mound In front down towaicl tho groin, My appetite was poor, I grew weak, nerv ous nnd could not sleep tho night through. I tieated with doctors here, In New York and elsewhere, but they did not euro me. It was in the early part ot May that T began with Doctor Byets' treatment: 1 Improved right along until I was completely cured. I never felt bet ter In my llfo than I do now." RHEUMATISM. Mr. Conrad Heilig, 115 Ash St., Scranton, says: "f had been troubled with Rheumatism for over six years, In fact, my condition was so bad that I wna unable to move around without assist ance. When I sat down It was Impossi ble for mo to get up alone. The pain wn3 something terrlllc; no one will over bo able to appreciate tho torture that T en dured, fl tiled various doctors only to get temporary relief. Finally after hearing so much about the wonderful cures being performed by Dr. livers' treatment I concluded to get to his office and placo myholf under bis care. Today I am a living example of this man's superb skill, I can walk around Ilkd other people, and, in fact, I nm a new 1unn In every Dar. tlctilor. Ood bless the gieat Quaker Doo tor for what he has done for mc." BRONCHIAL TROUBLE. Mr. William Snowden, Farewell, Wayne Co,, Pa., says: "I had boon troubled for over thteo years -with a se vere cough. I lost over thirty-five pounds In weight; 1 had no appetite, and was unable to sleep. In fact, my condi tion became so alarming that I had al most given up hopes of a cure. Doctors were unable to do mo uny good, f con cluded to try Dr. Bveis' treatment, nnd T commenced lo gain In strength and weight almost Immediately. Now I sleep well; my cough does not disturb me as In the past, and every one icmarks about the wonderful Improvement that I have made. ( shall never censo sounding the Great Quaker's piai3cs for what he has done for me." DOCTOR CHURCHMAN BYERS, Chief Consulting Physician of the Bl- Chemlc Tieatment. I'KRMANRNT OFFICES, (Entire Second Floor.) 412 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa Oftleo Hours, !) a. m. to 12; 1 p. m. to 4. Kvenings. 7 to 8 Dally. Sunday, 10 a. m. to 1'2 in. For the Strength of Woman to surmount the difficulties of social or worKaday life ANHEUSER-BUSCH'S zfuifun& THABO MASK. is Nature's greatest assistant, Its use wards off depression and illness and promotes digestion and health. All druggists sell It. Prepared only by Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. Ttretilers of the famous Budweiser, MIchelob, Black cS Tan, Faust, Pale-Laser, Anheuscr Standard, Export Pale and Exquisite. AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre, M. Rels, Lessee and Manager. A. J, Duffy. Business Manager Friday Night, Oct. 3. Kirk La Shelle Presents Tho Great London and New York Succesf Arizona, Augustus Thomas' Powerful Play. New York Pioductlun nnd Cast. Tha Dramatlo llvont of the Season "The play of n soneratlon," N V, World, Pllces--J3e., Wjc, 73c 51 00, Seats on sale. Saturday, Zm."' Oct- 4 WILLIAM A. BRADY'S Production of tlio I'tilcpio AmoricanPlay "UNDER SOUTHERN SKIES" Ry LOTTIH IILAIR PARKIJit. Author nf "Way Down Rust" and "Llshls O' Home " Piesented ns for llueu inunths at tho Theater Republic, Now Yoik, and with gioat success at tho Grand Opeia Ilouso, Chicago, and tho Walnut Stieet Theater. Philadelphia. Piicos-Matluee, S3 nnd DO cents. Night, ;.-,, 30, "3 cents and Jl.uO. ' Seats on sale. Monday Night, Oct. 0. Jacob Lit I'd Maenllleent Now Pi eduction of tho Perennial Success, I The Original Pickaninny Brass Band Kentucky ' Till! (jRKAT IIORS13 RACR An Ilnllicly New Ptiiductioii this Season. Piircs ::, ro, 7"o and $i.ih), Scats on sale Filday at U a m Michael Suevdkk Aim liienniu , Dayton Kills (ituca M, l.'mrlo Fnuik J. ilcAudicwH Fiances J, Mellon .... ..Scrantot: ..Scranton .DannioM ..Dunmurt ..Scrantoi ..Scrautoc d - j.i 4 J Jt l luS&fc